
by RW

The stunning young blonde in the blue, red and yellow costume slowly lands atop a three-story tenement on the upper west side of New Danzig, once a great city known as New York, before Nazis and their alien allies conquered half the world.  The woman, Cai-Trin of Velor, a far-off world in another dimension, is known on this Earth as Suprema, an amazing *super girl* from the stars.  Bred to be a Planetary Protector in another time/space dimension, she's become the *most wanted* person in this time/space dimension.  She must move stealithly from point to point lest her powerful alien foes find and destroy her.  Destroy her before she can decide whether to help the humans on this Earth throw off the yoke of oppression engineered by the otherworldly Arions.

And so the young woman, with powers and abilities far beyond those of most beings, has flown across the city in the early dawn's light, hugging the rooftops to avoid detection by Germans or their allies on the streets below.

And so the young woman, her body emitting heat far beyond those of mere mortals, is quickly spotted by a German drone - an unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) circling high above the city, looking for infra-red or heat sources not normal for a city blanketed in snow.

"Mein herr!" the young German soldier five miles away barks at his leutnant.  "Look at this heat source - moving across the city at - Mein GOTT!  Almost 100 kilometers an hour!  Shall I report it to Herr Brucker?"

"Jawohl, Schneider!  At once!" the officer replies, moving to look over the private's shoulder at the feed from one of the UAV's cameras. "See if you can follow it.  Let me know where it stops, hein?"

"Jawohl, Leutnant von Schram!" the soldier says, picking up a phone to call the head of the local secret police or Gestapo.

*  *  *  *  *

"Commander Mar-vel!" Ja-ber shouts as he bursts into the room being used to control the hunt for Suprema.  The man is an Arion *Beta*  who, in his disguise as Jürgen Brucker, is also the local Gestapo chief.  The short alien skids to a halt in the conference room and barks, "the security forces have spotted her!"

"Excellent," the woman replies, rising from her couch.  Mar-vel, second-in-command of Arion forces in the Sol System, is ready for combat with the young Velorian - she's dressed in her *battle uniform*, shiny black knee-high boots, a black LeatherEx © leotard (covering her from crotch to neck-line to wrist) with a yellow lightning slash across her breasts, long black gloves and a short black cape.  The 6 foot 1 inch brunette is stunning - and extremely dangerous to any who cross her.  Her smile at Ja-ber fills the man with some warmth at having pleased the woman.

"Hem-ra, Shay-ra," Mar-vel barks, turning toward the two Valkyries on chairs off to her right, "you will head after the Velorian.  Jabba here can direct you via radio.  Well!  Don't just stand there, fool," she tells the Beta, "get them some radios so you can vector them in toward the Velorian!"

Stunned, virtually rocking back on his heels in shock, Ja-ber can only drop his jaw in shock.  He's performed a valuable mission for the Arion forces today, helping Mar-vel find Suprema, and not only is he yelled at, the damned Bitch-Queen doesn't even have the grace to remember his name!  The Beta, a male with far less power than an Arion Prime such as Mar-vel, turns and quickly flees the command center in search of radios.

Hem-ra and Shay-ra rise to their feet, stretching like two great jungle cats after a good feed.  The two incredibly attractive blondes are actually descendants of Velorians who were captured 300 years ago by Arions.  These so-called Valkyries know nothing of their blood line - they only believe that most of *their kind* were killed by Velorians and so want to aid the Arions in the destruction of Velor.  They've been sent to Sol to help capture a Protector who, somehow, suddenly appeared on this planet.  Dressed in green body-suits and black boots and gloves, the pair look like the brother and sister they are.  Each has almost 75 percent of the power of a Protector such as Suprema - as Suprema WOULD have, that is, if she weren't so weak from constant combat over the last forty-eight hours.

"Vad-em failed to capture the bitch last night," Mar-vel reminds the Valkyries.*   "See that you do better than last time* and bring her back to me."

Hem-ra seethes with rage - Mar-vel can talk to her Arion Betas or the human untermensch like this, but not to a Valkyrie!  He can easily match her in power and combat skill and can fly, while she cannot!

"Come, brother," Shay-ra says, her gloved hand grasping his forearm.  She leads the tall, well-built male from the room as Mar-vel turns back toward one of the other Primes.  She's oblivious to the insults she's given to Ja-ber and the Valkyries.

*  *  *  *  *

"Where is Power Woman?" Suprema quietly asks herself as she looks through the building beneath her, scanning the street below with her super vision.  "She was supposed to be here at dawn.  I wonder why she's late?  I hope she's okay."  Foul weather and almost constant battle over the past two days has seriously weakened the woman from the stars.  Her shoulders are uncharacteristically slack due to the fatigue in her super body.

Suprema turns when the door to the rooftop suddenly flies open.  "Hssst!" Kevin Conroy says, gesturing at the woman.  "Get yerself off the roof, girl, before the Nazis spotcha!"

"I'm far enough from the edge . . ." she begins as she turns and walks slowly toward her human friend.

"No, darlin', look up!" he says, pointing skyward.  Suprema looks upward and her super vision immediately spots a light-blue object moving across the low dirty-white clouds over the city.  The UAV has to fly below the cloud cover to search effectively and at such a low altitude, the aircraft is easy to spot against the darker sky.  "That's a German spy plane, macushla, and sure as today is Wednesday, you've been spotted."

"Moons of Velor!" Suprema hisses.  "We MUST flee before the Arions show up!"  Her lithe, athletic body easily leaps into the air and as she flies past Conroy, she carefully lifts the human by his waist and carries him into the air.

"Where can we go?" she asks as they accelerate away from the tenement building, ignoring the look of fear in the man's eyes.

"Drop <urk> drop into that alley," he gasps, trying to keep down his breakfast as the ground suddenly flies past him, forty feet below.  Suprema quickly dives and gently lands in the slush-filled alley, placing her passenger on the ground beside her.   Conroy totters briefly as he swallows his gorge - he's never flown before and the abrupt and rapid descent left his breakfast in his throat.

"Quickly, lass," he finally says, gulping, "into the sewers!"  She easily lifts the sewer lid and after Conroy slips into the inky blackness, Suprema leaps through the hole, deftly pulling the lid down back into place as she drops into the sewer.  She flies slowly downward to land in the mess at the bottom of the sewer, barely causing a ripple when her shiny red boots touch down.

"What's that?" Conroy asks as he leads the woman down the alley and around a corner.

A delicate-looking white hand touches the Arion firearm tucked into the golden belt around her waist as she looks at the weapon.  "It's an Arion tachyon rifle," she explains.  "I was almost captured last night when an Arion Marine caught me at the power plant.  I didn't want to leave it with him."

"Can we use it?" he asks.  As a member of the underground American Republican Army, a powerful weapon can ALWAYS be used by the rebel forces.

Suprema considers for a moment whether to give the weapon to the human.  Reluctantly, she pulls it out of her waistband and hands it to her companion.  "You must be very careful with this, Kevin," she advises.  "One shot can cut through several inches of hardened steel.  If you spin the selector this way, the effect is spread across a wide area - not as powerful but still more than enough to kill several score of you humans."

"Will it stop one of them Arions?" he asks, looking at the lovely blonde.

"Oh, yes, it will even stop one of them.  It will kill or severely injure one of the Betas and one or two shots will even drop a Prime if you dial the selector this way - all the way," she replies, demonstrating the weapon to the man.  "But you should keep it here on widest dispersion, if you're going to use it on humans.  Just be careful, okay?"  She looks down the tunnel, then turns back toward Conroy.

"Of course," he replies confidently.  Looking more closely at the lovely woman at his side, his eyebrows furrow as he asks, "And what about you, darlin'?  You look a bit ragged.  Didja have problems with that Arion?"  Something about the woman doesn't seem quite right - she seems smaller, more tired than he can remember her appearing.

"Yes, I've had a busy two days, Kevin," she tells him.  "Oh, by the way, is Power Woman with your group?" she asks, suddenly remembering that she was supposed to meet her fellow Velorian.

"No, but one of the lads told me she was here during the night," Conroy replies.  "Some of the lads meet in a service area just ahead.  Maybe we can ask O'Brien if he's seen of her," the Irish rebel replies.  A second later the pair enters a large chamber, raised above the sewer level and somewhat dry.  Several members of O'Brien's cell of the American Republican Army are in the room, seated or leaning against the moss-coated walls.  All of them are startled when the stunning costumed blonde enters.

"What's SHE doin' here?" Tim Feeny asks, pointing a dirty finger at the red-and-yellow *S* on Suprema's chest.

"We're after her friend," Conroy replies, "and look at this grand weapon she gave me!" he says, holding the rifle aloft.

"Er, uh," Ian O'Brien stammers, looking at Suprema, "yer friend went into Selina Kyle's house to rescue some of our lads and didn't come out."*

"WHAT!?" Suprema gasps, a hand raising to shield her left breast.  "WHEN!?  Why did . . .!"

"Let the man speak, darlin'," Conroy says consolingly, placing his right hand on her left shoulder.  She turns her head quickly to look at her friend, her golden tresses flashing in the flickering candlelight of the subterranean room.  She turns back toward O'Brien and his men.

"Josh Kelly and some other boyos were taken *prisoner* by Selina," the cell leader explains.  "If your friend hadna' gone in, Kyle was going to give our lads, even some of our families, to the black shirts.  Power Woman said she couldn't wait for you."

"Why didn't anyone go in with her?" Suprema asks, taking half a step toward O'Brien, her right fist raising slightly at her side.  Kevin Conroy tries to restrain the Velorian but has absolutely no effect on the woman.

Two A.R.A. members step close to the man's back as Josh Kelly and two others enter the room through one of the many doorways.  Seconds then pass like hours as Conroy's biceps are suddenly seized by the men behind him.  When he squawks about that, Suprema begins to turn her head back toward her human friend.  As her torso partially follows her head, Josh and Murph open black valises in their hands, reach inside, and pull out lengths of golden chains.

Before the mighty Velorian Protector can react, Josh and Murph drape the golden chains - necklaces and bracelets made long ago and stolen from museums by Selina Kyle when she was a cat burglar - over Suprema's shoulders.  Jack Riley, another of Josh's men, grabs Suprema's right wrist and slides a huge golden bracelet past her hand and up her arm to her elbow.

"WHUH . . . NooOOOOO!" Suprema gasps as the gold begins to attack her body.  Her head snaps back around to face O'Brien and Kelly, her eyes wide with shock and pain.

Conroy struggles against his captors and screams curses and threats against the men he once called his friends as Suprema gasps and drops to her knees, moaning, sparks arcing between her skin/costume and the gold draping her slender body.  As she falls to her knees, Murph empties the contents of one valise, some thirty gold coins, over the top of the woman's head.  They hit her body and the top of her head and most flash briefly then shoot away from her super body.

The gold has an almost immediate effect on the woman from the stars.  The gold saps - LEACHES her star-fueled energy away from her body.  As Suprema totters on her knees, arms dangling limply at her sides, Josh and Jack continue to cover her neck and arms with golden necklaces and bracelets.  Her head drops to her chest and the room crackles and sizzles with orgone energy as the woman's body is robbed of her super strength and energy.  "Nn-noooo!" she moans as her body shudders.  Suddenly the ache of losing her strength to the gold is joined by a slow arousal and as her libido kicks into hyperdrive, her super body reacting as it was designed to do.

Long ago, Velorian Protectors were designed to be consorts to gods.  Well, not really gods, but very, VERY powerful alien beings.   Protectors were genetically engineered to, among other things, store natural energy in their breasts and to release the energy to the *gods* when suckled.  When sexually-aroused, a mature Protector would generate more of the natural energy, recharging her own body, as it were.  Thus, even as she was being ravaged by one of the old gods and drained of energy, her body would generate more of the energy, like some kind of perpetual motion machine, until either the ravaging stopped or her body shut down from over-stimulation and sexual exhaustion.  Suprema recently lost her virginity to an Arion and this triggered a dramatic change in her body, turning her into one of the *sexually-charged* beings.

Poor Suprema is now powerfully aroused by the near contact with so much gold.  The gold has the insidious effects of both leaching away her energy, just as if one of the *old gods* was suckling one of her breasts, and acting like a powerful sexual stimulant.  And her body is generating more of the super energy from the gold-enhanced arousal, causing a higher level of energy drain.  Like a deadly spiral, Suprema's super body is locked in a cycle of creating and discharging her unearthly energies into the gold on or near her body.  The process seems to rip something from her very soul and she screams like a wounded animal and falls forward onto her belly, her arms splaying out to either side of her head.  Jack Riley dumps more gold coins out of a second valise onto her red cape.  They bounce in the air, then fall back onto her body as tremendous energies flow out of her body into the gold.

Also, as her body ramps up her libido, an orgasm begins to build within her.  At the same time, unique pheromones begin to surge out of her vagina and pass through her indestructible costume, filling the cavernous room with the scent of wild flowers and honey.  Most of the men suddenly become aware of powerful erections forming between their legs.  Another feature of her genetically-enhanced body, the pheromones are designed to spur her god/lover to perform prodigious sexual acts with her (to help her create more of her special kind of energy).  The scent drives almost all beings crazy with desire for her body.

For many long minutes, as Kevin Conroy struggles to free himself and aid his young friend, Suprema lies flat on the cold stone floor of the subterannean room, moaning and whimpering as her body burns itself out, creating energy and pumping it into the gold on her body.  The gold causes Suprema's body to begin climaxing and soon one powerful orgasm after another wracks her luscious body, generating energy that is then quickly sucked away by the gold.  Her skin burns from the energy leaving her body and flowing into the gold.  Fatigue washes through her system as her body tries to make more energy even as her reserves drain into the gold.  The room flashes like a strobe-lit dance hall and her cries become weaker and weaker.  She finally stops writhing on the floor and the electrical display peters out to a few random sparks.  There's a small puddle of juices from her vagina on the floor between her legs and the thin blue fabric covering her sex is deeply stained.  The smell of her pheromones is incredibly thick in the room.

"Turn her over," O'Brien commands, licking his lips.  His loose-fitting slacks are prominently tented by a huge erection.  "Have you got sometin' to tie her?" he asks Kelly, barely able to concentrate on what he's saying.  His nostrils flare as his body sucks in waves of the delicious woman-scent.

"Ah, ev-everyt'ing we got from Selina is on the woman," Kelly replies to his chief, barely able to stand upright from his own erection.  "I t'ink we must use the biggest of the chains to bind her, then take her to Selina."

"Tell me, chief," the hulking Murph asks, leaning over the defeated heroine, "kin we fuck her brains out first?"

"NO, YOU BASTARDS, YOU CAN'T!" Conroy screams at the men who used to be his friends.  "How can you do this . . . treat her like this?"

"Sure 'n she ain't done shit for us, boyo," Tim Feeny says.  Feeny had largely stayed out of the capture of Suprema but his dislike of the young girl finally moves him over to join the others.  That and the prospect of sex with the lovely blonde lying unconscious on the floor.

"Kevin," Ian O'Brien tries to explain calmly, "if we don't give Suprema to Selina, she'll give all our names to the Gestapo.  And the names of our families, as well, lad.  Selina promises to protect us if we cooperate with her.  She promises to HELP us, Kevin!  That's more than this one has ever offered!"

"But leave her alone, lads," O'Brien adds, turning to his men and pointing at Suprema.  "We've done enough to the poor gel."

"At least we kin keep all this fine gold!" Jack Riley says, smiling as he lifts some of the coins off her back.  As he touches each coin, a short spark leaps from her body, through the coin and into his fingers.  He slowly runs his left hand along the woman's inner thigh, just below the hem of her skirt.  As his hand touches her body, she shudders involuntarily from the man's touch.  She's too exhausted, too drained to even protest this affront.

Murph reaches down and grabs her blue-clad right arm.  He lifts it and turns the woman over onto her back, letting her drop and thump against the floor, scattering coins under her back and across the floor.  Several of the men in the room gasp at the sight of the heroine, lying on her back, her hair stringy and wet and scattered across the floor around her head and lying in ropy strands across her face.  Her eyes seem to be sunken in their sockets, her cheeks seem to have receeded into her face.  And her once-majestic 38D breasts are barely visible at all - she might be a skinny long-haired boy from the way she looks, lying on her back!  The sixteen-year-old who's face looked like that of a twenty-year old now looks like that of someone forty or fifty years old.

"My god, what have we done?" O'Brien whispers silently, looking at the stricken girl/woman.

"You've KILLED her, you bastard!" Conroy roars, suddenly finding to strength in his rage to free his arms from the two men holding him.  He grabs the Arion tachyon rifle off the table in front of him and swings it up.  Before anyone can react, Kevin pulls the trigger and a blast of Hellish light roars from the weapon, across the table, toward Kelly and his boys.  The single shot fans outward from the muzzle and cuts through the three men splitting them in half.  The pulse continues on and rips into the wall behind them, atomizing the stones.  O'Brien falls to his right to avoid the weapon's blast but still loses his forearm to part of the shot.

A silence falls over the room as everyone looks at the dead men and the wounded chief.  Suddenly one of the men behind Conroy raises his clenched fists and brings them down onto the man's neck in a crushing blow.  Conroy drops the alien weapon and falls forward, unconscious.

"JAYSUS KE-RISTE!" Feeny gasps.  "What have we done here?"  The shot had the unintended effect of burning off all of Suprema's pheromones which had been floating in the air within the room.  Now the only thing the men smell is the steely/salty scent of blood and ozone from the discharged rifle.  Their erections slowly slacken without her powerful scent choking them.

"Ge-get that bitch <nnhh> ov-over to Kyle," O'Brien commands, barely conscious.  Fortunately for him, the tachyon pulse cauterized the man's arm at his elbow, where it cut through his arm.  As shock hits the rebel, he drops to the ground beside Conroy and passes out.

"You heard the chief," Feeny says, taking command.  "Tie up that boyo, then let's get this one out of our hands.  For good, I'm hopin'!"

*  *  *  *  *

"NNNNOOOOOOO!!  <gack> AAAAIIIIEEEEEE! <cough>" the lovely blonde wails piteously.  Power Woman hangs by her neck from chains in the basement of Selina Kyle's bordello.  Her blue boots dangle two or three inches above the cold concrete floor.  Her elbows, wrists, knees and ankles are bound tightly by gold necklaces, put there by Kelly and his mates when they captured her for Selina Kyle.  Power Woman's red cape lies on the floor behind her and her white leotard has been pulled down past her shoulders to her waist (and the elbows on her arms), exposing her luscious breasts.

"Ohhh, yessss!" the Catwoman hisses at her captive.  "I just love playing with you and your *sister* - I can do whatever I want to you and your lovely body recovers almost at once!"  At this point, the black-clad villainess is wiping spittle off her chin.  She's been biting and suckling Power Woman's breasts, trying to get the woman to lactate.  That's how Selina got her new super powers - but from Suprema, not from Power Woman.  The latter is a Velorian Scribe named Shay-ron - Sharon Best to her friends here on Earth, sent here to monitor Arion actions.  She doesn't have the genetic makeup to transfer her power to humans, as does a Protector.  She's told Selina as much but the villainess refuses to believe the stunning blonde.

Selina remembers that after suckling Suprema's breasts and devouring the golden, honey-flavored juice drawn from them, Selina Kyle's body morphed, incorporating Suprema's *star stuff* in a new DNA mix.  Adopting the name Catwoman, Kyle now has strength and invulnerability comparable to an Arion Beta.  Suckling Power Woman and fingering her crotch area hasn't produced any of the golden elixir.

"Maybe I need to arouse you more, hunh?" Catwoman asks her captive.  Selina is wearing her shiny black PVC catsuit, thigh-high leather boots with stiletto heels, and elbow-length black leather gloves.  A small black mask covers the top half of her face and has two little nubs over each eyes, giving her a cat-like look.  One glove-covered finger on each hand has a razor-sharp talon at the end, perfect for cutting glass or human flesh.  Catwoman slashes her left hand across Power Woman's breasts - the skin doesn't break but a long red line appears on the soft white flesh for a second or two before fading away.

"How about if I do this?" Catwoman asks her prisoner.  Selina slides aside the thin band of white fabric covering Sharon's crotch and one black finger begins to tease the woman's nether lips with wispy-soft caresses.  Selina leans forward and again nuzzles Sharon's breasts and smiles when Power Woman's body shudders from arousal.  Selina examines the moisture now on the tip of her gloved finger, samples it with her tongue, then proceeds to slowly slide the same finger in and out of Sharon's vagina.

"Nnnhh nnnhh mmmmmmm," Power Woman moans as her body betrays her.  Catwoman lifts the heroine off the ground with the one finger inside Sharon's vagina, tromboning along the love canal, teasing her G-spot behind and above her pudenda.  Catwoman's other hand drags languidly across the other woman's belly while her mouth continues to suck and slurp her breasts.  After a few minutes, Shay-ron's body convulses as a powerful orgasm rips through her body.  Eyes closed, she again begs for Catwoman to stop.

"Enough already!" Selina barks at her prisoner.  Catwoman takes a half-step backward and hurls a punch at the white-covered belly of Power Woman.  The punch impacts with the sound of metal crashing into metal and Power Woman yelps and gasps as her body, so recently flooded with pleasure, now bends and bucks from pain.  Again and again Catwoman pummels Power Woman's exposed abs, ribs and breasts and the helpless heroine can only swing and jerk as pain ravages her lithe body.  One powerful blow finally snaps the gold chain around Power Woman's neck and her body flies backward across the room, slamming into a far wall before collasping on the floor.  Only this loss of her prey snaps Catwoman out of her frenzied attack on her captive.

"N-no more . . . please!" Power Woman, barely conscious, begs from her position on the floor against the wall.  As a Scribe, she has no combat training, no experience with combat.  And no tolerance for pain.  "I . . . I can't give you <mmnnhh> you what you want," she says, hoping for a few minutes of rest.  "Only a Protector . . . like Suprema . . ."

"AAarrgghh!!" Selina roars, striding across the cellar floor, "I heard you the first time!  I don't care any more, I just have all this energy and these new powers - I need to DO something with them!"  Catwoman reaches down and grabs Power Woman by her exposed breasts.  Squeezing them tightly, Selina lifts Shay-ron off the floor by her breasts, causing the blonde to cry out in pain.

Catwoman takes the white-clad heroine across the cellar to a table and uses the thick leather straps on it to bind Power Woman to the table - one strap across her thighs, another across her belly, and a third across her neck.  Her arms are pinned under her back, still bound by the gold chains around her elbows and wrists.  Selina moves around the table and begins examining several implements hanging on hooks on the wall when her attention shifts to a pounding noise upstairs, followed by screams.

"Now what!" Catwoman snarls as she heads up the stairs, three at a time, to her kitchen.  She bursts into the kitchen and skids to an abrupt halt at the sight of three black-clad German storm troopers armed with assault rifles, one of her *girls*, and one of her *clients*, a petty bureaucrat known to her as Joachim Kerber.

"Sorry to disturb you like this, Fraulein," the disguised Arion Beta named Ken-ber says, "but we are looking for someone.  Perhaps you recall the lovely red-headed woman dressed as a Nazi officer a few nights ago?"*  Kerber moves closer to the tall mistress and grabs her chin with his gloved hand.

"Yes, of course," Selina replies.  "I'll play along with him for a while," she thinks as she grabs the man's hand and jerks it away from her face.  Her eyes widen slightly when she feels - almost senses that the man is more powerful than he looks.  He was almost able to resist her and she had to use some of her new super strength to finish removing his hand.  "She is no longer here, Meinherr.  She left - went with you, didn't she?"

Kerber is also shocked - this woman is far stronger than a human should be!  She shoved his hand away so easily . . .  His eyes narrow as he says, "Yes, but still you will tell me all you can about that woman, Selina.  We need to check her background."

"I can't help you, Meinherr," Kyle says, taking a half-step away from the man.  A chill flashes through her body - is this man one of those other aliens that Suprema and Power Woman warned her about?  He does seem inordinately strong for such a pudgy little pencil-pusher.  "I must keep confidential the particulars of her, uh, *friend*  who left her with me.  I'm sure he would not . . . <ACK>" Catwoman gasps when Kerber suddenly darts forward and grabs her throat in one beefy hand.

The bully boy lifts the brunette off her kitchen's tile floor as the three SS men watch, eyes wide in shock.  The six-foot tall madam must weigh over 140 pounds but he lifts her like a five ounce kitten.  The grizzled veterans take a half-step back and raise their weapons, aiming at the black-clad woman's torso.  The suddenly-forgotten whore slips free of the grasp of one of the soldiers and flees into another room.  Kerber shakes Catwoman by her neck, shouting, "I don't care about that shit, I need to know where she came from, who her friends are!  We are conducting an investigation!"

As a dominatrix and predator by nature, Catwoman's blood boils at this treatment.  "Get your hand OFF MEEE!" she bellows.  Her left foot flashes forward and her booted toe hits Kerber in his testicles, lifting him (and Selina) off the floor.  Kerber releases the woman and they both fall back to the floor, landing on their knees, with one of the Beta's hands cupped over his aching *package*.  Kerber immediately smashes Kyle's face with the back of his other hand, sending the brunette sprawling onto her back.

One of the SS soldiers decides to help the Gestapo agent - the soldier raises his MP-62 machine pistol and fires a short burst of six 5.6mm slugs at Catwoman's torso, stitching a line of impacts from her navel up to her left breast and hammering her onto her back.  Bits of her PVC catsuit fly off as holes appear where the bullets hit her body but there's no blood!  Unmöglich!

"How can this be?" Kerber says, looking at the Madam and the holes in her costume.  "What are you, woman?"  As he rises off his knees, Catwoman raises her legs and butt off the floor, snaps them and pops up onto her feet.  One hand lashes out at the soldier who shot her and her palm hits his chest, causing the man to <WOOF!> and fly backward out of the kitchen.  Selina's other hand flashes forward, fingers extended, and drives her fingertips deeply into Kerber's neck.  The force of her blow (and the suddenness of her attack) causes the man to move backward, one hand on his throat.  He coughs and gasps for air.

As the two remaining soldaten raise their weapons toward the black-clad hellion, Catwoman spins on one foot, lifts her other leg off the floor and leaps into the air.  Her spike heel catches first one, then the other man on the side of his head, collapsing each man's skull like a melon dropped from the roof of a four-story building.  The men drop to the floor, oozing brains onto the linoleum.

"This is not possible"! Kerber gasps, watching the woman's dazzling display of fighting prowess.  As the last SS man hits the floor, Kyle wheels toward Kerber and drops into a crouch facing the Arion Beta.  "Who ARE you?" Kerber asks.

"Someone you do NOT want to mess with," Catwoman replies with a snarl.  She and Kerber sidle around the kitchen, each looking for an opening in the other's defenses.  Suddenly both twist their heads toward the back door as it opens and Tim Feeny enters, a pair of red boots held by the ankles by each of his hands.

"Selina, darlin', I've got . . ." Feeny manages to say before skidding to a halt on the linoleum just inside the back door.  Behind him one can see the muscular legs and thighs of Suprema.  Feeny drops the woman's legs and reaches for a pistol inside his coat.

At the sight of the Velorian Protector, obviously helpless and unconscious, both Kerber and Catwoman begin to move toward Feeny.  Catwoman regains control of her emotions first and lashes at the Beta with her right elbow, smashing the left side of the man's head with a brutal jab that stops him in his tracks.  Selina spins on her right foot and drives her left elbow into the back of Kerber's head, knocking the man to his hands and knees.  Before Kerber can recover, Kyle makes a vicious clenched fists chop to the back of his neck.  There is a loud, almost metallic <CRACK> as her powerful blow lands and Kerber's head snaps backward awkwardly before the man falls forward onto his face.

Selina turns toward Feeny in time to see him fleeing out the back door, running over Suprema's body, which is lying across the door jamb.  Catwoman squeals with delight at the sight of the comatose Velorian and rushes toward the woman, stooping to grab her by her ankles.  As Catwoman turns and heads back downstairs into her cellar, dragging the superwoman behind her, she fails to see the first SS soldier rise to his feet.  He takes one look into the kitchen and sees the torso of a lovely blonde being dragged across the floor and through a doorway.  Through pain-dazed eyes, he spots the blue tunic and red cape before she disappears.  Then he notices his two comrades, lying on the floor, their skulls crushed.  He finally spots Kerber, also on the floor, with his head lying at an odd angle.   The man makes a quick decision.  This brave soldier isn't totally sure what's happened, but he knows he must get away and report back to headquarters.

*  *  *  *  *

"AOW, AOW, ST-STOP!" Brucker cries as Hem-ra increases pressure on the Beta's shoulder.  Kneeling before the green-clad Valkyrie, Brucker's left arm is raised and Hem-ra holds the Beta's left wrist in one hand as the other presses downward on the Arion's left shoulder.  The Valkyrie's superior strength easily dislocates Brucker's shoulder with a loud, metallic <CRACK> followed by the Beta's piteous screams.

"My sister and I flew over that slum for two hours, little bug, with no sign of the Velorian bitch," Hem-ra says evenly.  "We even went into that filthy hole in the ground, as you directed, but saw nothing of the girl.  Perhaps in future you will think twice before wasting our time, eh?"

"Hem-ra!" Commander Mar-vel barks, entering the operations center in Gestapo Headquarters and spotting the Valkyrie tormenting the Beta.  "Let him go at once!  Jumba, are you all right?"

Ja-ber rises slowly to his feet, grimacing from the terrible pain in his shoulder.  "N-no, my lady, I am not," he says, glaring at the Valkyrie.  Ja-ber sways slightly from the incredible pain that his other hand can't ease with simple massage.  He starts to move toward the door to find some medical help when the stunning brunette grabs his good arm.

"Don't leave us just now, little man," she says.  "What have your humans found out about the Velorians?  You can go to hospital later - we must pursue the women while their scent is still fresh!"

Through pain-glazed eyes, Ja-ber regards his pitiless mistress.  "Damned Primes don't care one bit for us," he finally realizes.  "They use us without a thought about our health or safety, then casually discard us when no longer needed."  Turning to face the black-clad Prime, Ja-ber says, "The Valkyries were a little late in getting after the Velorians.  Our allies got lost over the city by flying too high.  And we <nnh> we couldn't see them with the UAV - they flew above the cloud cover while we were looking for them below the clouds.  And while looking for these two, we lost track of the Protector.  Looked <mmnnh> looked like she and a human went into the sewers."

"I was coming here to tell you that we got a report from one patrol that might mean something when . . ." Ja-ber concludes.

"When I stopped Hem-ra from ripping off your arm," Mar-vel interrupts the little Beta's report.

"Y-yes, my lady," Ja-ber relpies.

"Well, what's the report?"

"One of my men was investigating the women who were on the shuttle - the one the Velorian hijacked a few days ago," Ja-ber explains.*  "We believe that one of those human whores was the Velorian in disguise.  I had Ken-ber go back to the places where he recruited the women to see if he could learn anything."


"One of the humans who went with him returned.  Said that Ken-ber and the other soldiers were killed by a human.  In hand to hand combat."

"WHAT?" Mar-vel and several others in the room gasp.  "A BETA KILLED BY A HUMAN!"  "IMPOSSIBLE!"

Ja-ber takes a half-step back away from Mar-vel as her eyes glare at him.  "I agree, my lady.  I was quite thorough in questioning the human . . ." who is now dead, Ja-ber left unsaid, " . . . and he believed his story, as he told it to me.  A tall BRUNETTE female, in charge of one whore house, killed the Beta."

"BRUNETTE!!?" Mar-vel gasps again. "Then not another Velorian?"  "Or one of the Valkyries," she thought to herself.

"A rogue Arion?" Shay-ra asks, moving to stand beside her brother Hem-ra.

"N-no," Ja-ber stutters, "this woman is a human.  We are sure of this."

"Vad-em, Hem-ra," Mar-vel barks, turning toward the two heavily-muscled males.  Take Len-dak and Mar-dak with you.  Ja-ber, lead these men to the woman's house."  As the man begins to protest, she continues, "Your shoulder is not important now, Jabba, the Velorian is your only concern now.  As well as this strange human.  Get going - NOW!"  To drive home her point, Mar-vel grabs the man's left arm and yanks it hard, propelling him toward the doorway and causing incredible pain to wrack his dislocated shoulder.  Ja-ber whimpers piteously but the three Arion Primes and the male Valkyrie sweep up behind the Beta and literally lift him off the ground as they blow out of the conference center.

As four pairs of boots clatter down the hallway, Ja-ber thinks, "Damned Primes - no plan, no discussion of what we will do when we get there, just go and DO!  No wonder we can't get the Velorian!"

*  *  *  *  *

"We've got to DO something!" a desparate Kevin Conroy says to Father Mike, another member of the ARA.  Conroy has just told the priest about the attack on Suprema by the ARA and how she's been turned over to Selina Kyle, who's apparently also holding Power Woman hostage.

"I'm not sure what we can do, Kevin," the old man says consolingly.  "Ian is our chief and he's made the decision here.  What would you have me do, anyway?"

"Can't you get some of the other lads to help me rescue the gels?" Conroy pleads.  "I don't trust the whore, Father.  Unlike Ian, I don't think she'll help us fight the Nazis.  I think she has other reasons for wanting Suprema and Power Woman."

"I'll need to talk with Ian first, lad,"  Father Mike says.  "Now, now, calm yerself, my son.  I'm sure we can work out something, now."

"I can't wait, Father," Conroy replies indignantly.  Kevin rises to his feet and rushes out of the priest's office.  He breaks into the armory on his way out of the rebel lair to retrieve the Arion rifle.

*  *  *  *  *

"There, that should do for you, little one," Catwoman says after raising the comatose Suprema upward long enough to slip a steel chain around her neck and secure her to a beam in the cellar ceiling.  Selina would have preferred to use more gold but can't tolerate the reaction she feels when near the stuff, now that she has Velorian genes in her body.

Catwoman takes a step back to regard her new toy - the unconscious Velorian Protector hanging by her neck from a thick wooden beam, her boot heels an inch off the cellar floor.  A thick gold chain is around Suprema's wrists and another is around her boot ankles.  A gold choker made by Medieval European craftsmen and stolen from a museum in what used to be called Boston is a snug fit around Suprema's thin white neck.  An inch-wide bracelet made by Ming Dynasty craftsmen around 1700 a.d. is jammed up around her right bicep.  Two huge and ugly earrings are clipped to the little blue tents rising on either side of her chest - woefully-shrunken nipples under her tunic.

"You look different," Kyle mutters, noticing for the first time that Suprema looks like shit.  The once-proud, gravity-defying  mounds on her chest are little more than bumps.  Her face is haggard and drawn and her breathing is so shallow as to be absent.  "Hmm, can't have you dying on me, now, can I?" Catwoman asks herself.  Gritting her teeth, the villainess bats at the nipple-clips like a kitten attacking a cat toy, dislodging them from their tentative hold on Suprema's nipples.  The clips clatter on the floor and Catwoman kicks them off into a corner, an ignominious way to treat antiques which, when she stole them from a German General two years ago were worth 100,000 New Reichs Marks!

"Well, you girls be nice and wait here for me," Catwoman says to the Velorians, "while I clean up the mess upstairs.  Better make sure the doors and windows are locked, too."  Selina again races up the steps, leaving Suprema hanging limply from her neck and Power Woman struggling to burst the thick leather restraints holding her to the metal table.

After reaching her kitchen, Selina pauses and looks at the three bodies on the floor - still quite dead!  "Hmmm," she thinks, "I'm sure I'm forgetting something important.  Well, at least I can get rid of these guys," she decides.  Catwoman bends down and grabs an ankle of each of the two soldiers and heads out the back door into her small back yard.

The villainess picks each dead man up by his ankles, spins in a circle a few times, then releases her hold on the corpse, letting it soar off into the sky to land somewhere a few blocks away.  After disposing of the two humans, Kyle returns to her kitchen and picks up the Beta.  Moments later his body flies off into the distance and away from her bordello.  As Selina heads up the steps into her kitchen, she suddenly stops and gasps, "there were THREE humans, not two!"  Kyle rushes back into her *house* and looks around the kitchen, then into the dining room.  No body!  The man's MP-62 machine pistol is on the floor near the couch, but his body isn't!

"EVERYONE!" she yells upward from the base of the hall stairs a heartbeat later, "EVERYONE TO THE LOUNGE, AT ONCE!"

As the women (and boys) in her house of ill repute shuffle down the steps, she yells for them to "hurry up!"

"All right, children," Kyle begins, noticing but ignoring the questioning glances at the holes in the front of her black PVC catsuit.  "I did something foolish - I killed some Germans . . ."

"WHAT?"  "AW, MAN!"   "NO SHIT!"

"Shush, children!" Kyle hisses.  "I killed some Germans but at least one got away and knows what happened here.  If you don't want to *disappear*, I think you should get yer butts out of here.  Now!  Don't go upstairs for anything except your money, my darlings.  The Gestapo could be here at any moment.  As the members of her staff begin to head back upstairs for clothes and money, Kyle rushes back to her captives in the cellar.

*  *  *  *  *

A huge SdKfz 11 half-track races northward from the Stadthalle or city hall, carrying three Arion Primes, a damaged Beta, and a Valkyrie.  Mar-dak drives the German vehicle with reckless abandon, forcing pedestrians and vehicles off the road.  The bouncing and swerving increases the pain in Ja-ber's dislocated shoulder but, after all, he's only a lowly Beta . . .

"I should take this man and fly ahead," Hem-ra snorts indignantly from a seat in the second row of the 'track.

"Then we wouldn't know where to go, fool," Vad-em snarls.  The Prime, a specially-trained warrior known as a Destroyer, might be the only one here who could fight a Protector and have a chance at winning.  If he knew how weak Suprema was at this instant, Vad-em would let the lowly Beta capture her!  "Mar-vel wants us to hit the place as a group.  No one must escape, and we cannot kill the Velorians or this strange woman in black.  Otherwise, enjoy yourselves!"

"How much farther, Jumbo?" Hem-ra asks the Beta.

*  *  *  *  *

"There!" Catwoman says smugly, admiring her handiwork, "took all my chains and ropes but I think you two are ready for travel!"  Power Woman and Suprema lie on the floor on their sides.  They have been bound together, back to back, their lithe bodies covered with every rope and chain in Kyle's *dungeon*, as well as handcuffs and ball-gags.  Kyle bends and picks up the two Velorians by a particularly stout chain wrapped around their waists.  She lifts a steamer trunk with her left hand - the trunk contains money and valuable object d'art she's stolen over the years - a small fortune.

As Catwoman struggles to manhandle her awkward burden up the stairs - the booty and babes aren't heavy and together they're too wide for the narrow stairway.  Kyle nears the top of the steps when the door suddenly flies open and the lights from the kitchen flood down the steps.

"Wh-what do YOU want?" Kyle asks, looking up at the silhouette blocking the doorway.

"Me friends," Kevin Conroy snarls.  He fires the tachyon rifle, still set on it's maximum dispersion, down the into the dark shadows of the stairway.  He can see most of Catwoman, he can also see that she's carrying his two friends.  The burst is a bit off - it rips apart the wall to Catwoman's left and grazes the shoulder holding the steamer trunk.  She screams in pain as the alien weapon damages her - she had thought herself invulnerable.  The trunk falls from her grasp, followed by the two Velorians.  Selina loses her balance as she tries to grab her captives and wealth and shoulder with one hand, and topples backward to fall down the steps.

Only the whine of the rifle recycling for another shot can be heard in the stairway.  The acrid smell of ozone fills the confined passageway.  Conroy roars his rage at the treatment of his friends and charges down the dark steps after them, holding the rifle ready to shoot again.

At the bottom of the steps, Conroy can see Catwoman writhing on the floor, blood flowing from a vicious wound on her shoulder that, unlike O'Brien's, wasn't cauterized by the gun's beam.  Her catsuit is badly chewed up - her left breast hangs from the shiny material and is black and blue from the shot.  "What . . . <mmnnh> what did . . . you do to me?" Kyle whines up at Conroy.

"If you're smart, Selina, you'll get out of town before sundown," Conroy says melodramatically, waving the rifle muzzle at the woman's face.  "Now, I know you're very strong and I'm sure you think you have cards you can play with the Germans to do harm to us, but I'm hopin' you also realize that we have weapons that can hurt you.  That can KILL you!  And believe me, darlin', if the Nazis or their Arion friends get you, they'll make you their slave - their SEX slave."

Catwoman nods her head at the Irishman.  Everyone has the same thing to say about the aliens - maybe they are bad news. Her old *friend* Brucker certainly surprised her. Maybe she should get out of town. She was never hurt when she was a cat burglar and here, tonight, she's been pretty roughly handled.

Conroy turns and whistles loudly up the steps.  A second later, Father Mike and another man rush down the steps.  "Saints preserve us!" the priest gasps at the sight of the two Velorians and the contents of the cellar.  "What an evil place this is!"

"It'll get a lot more evil, Father," Conroy hisses, "if we don't get out of here right away."

"I can't get these chains unlocked - where are the keys, Selina!"

"Not here, man," she replies, sitting now, and rubbing her shoulder.  "In my room upstairs, over along the wall, I don't know.  Let the two space girls break their own damn chains!"

"Michael, lad," Father Mike asks the other ARA man, "help me get some of these golden baubles off the girls!"

Mike Lonergan stoops to help the priest while Conroy keeps the rifle pointed at Kyle, keeping her on her butt on the cellar floor.

"At least let me take my trunk and get out of here," Catwoman says, cowed by the pain burning her shoulder.

"First we'll get these women out of here, Selina," Kevin replies.  "After we leave, you can go to Hell . . ."

"Language, Kevin!"  the priest says as he struggles to unclasp the golden necklaces and bracelets.

". . . sorry, Father.  You can do whatever you want, Selina, after we've left," Conroy says.  "How are you coming, Michael?"

"Just finishing," Lonergan replies.  Power Woman struggles to her feet with the help of the priest and together they begin to slowly climb the steps out of Kyle's dungeon.  Suprema is still unconscious - Lonergan stoops and lifts the heroine in his arms like a large child and follows Father Mike up the steps.

"We'll be taking these, too," Conroy says, squatting to pick up some of the jewelry.  "Might we worth a bit o' coin.  And I t'ink this might be useful, too,"  he adds, grabbing Power Woman's red cape off the cold stone floor.

"Hssst! Come on, now, Kevin!" Father Mike yells from the top of the stairs.  "We're going out the back door."

"Take my advice, Selina or Catwoman or whoever you want to be," Conroy says, backing up the steps, keeping the rifle aimed at the black-clad woman, "and get out of town - NOW!"

As he reaches the top of the steps, Kevin backs through the door and follows the priest who helps Power Woman.  A white-clad arm is draped over the holy man's shoulder and he's got one arm around her waist, helping the recovering woman move.  And getting very un-priestly sensations from her touch and her scent.

After hearing the back door to her house slam shut, Selina rises rapidly to her feet and immediately falls forward onto her knees and right hand.  "Ooohhh," she moans, shaking her head, "whatever that man had, it's something I sure don't want to see again."  Once again Catwoman rises to her feet, more slowly this time and using the wall for support.  She picks up the heavy steamer trunk and begins to climb the cellar stairs when, once again, the cellar door flies open and glaring yellow light from the kitchen floods the stairway.

"Did you decide you want my trunk, too?" Catwoman says to the man framed in the light.

"What do you know about the Velorian bitches, human?" a bass voice booms at her from the top of the stairs.  Hem-ra slowly descends the steps and casually taps the heavy steamer trunk with two fingers, causing it to fly out of Catwoman's hands, down the steps, to shatter at the foot of the steps.

"Ooohh," Catwoman says to herself and the heavily-muscled man advances toward her, "this can't be good!"


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