Flying barely above the treetops, two stunningly beautiful blondes race eastward along the Ohio River Valley at close to five hundred miles an hour. The leader wears a blue, red and yellow costume emblazoned with a red and yellow *S* on her breast and on her cape. Her *wingman* wears a long-sleeved white leotard, red belt, blue elbow-length gloves and blue *pirate* boots. She has a red cape but unlike her mate's, this one does not have a letter on it. Cai Trin and Shay-ron are both aliens blessed with powers and abilities far beyond those of normal humans. Question is: are they powerful enough to cleanse a planet which has been infested with scum from the planet Aria? Between them, the two women carry a dumpster-sized box loaded with Shay-ron's possessions, both those brought from Shay-ron's home world of Velor and those acquired here on Earth.
Cai Trin is a Velorian Planetary Protector also from Velor, but from a Velor located in another time/space dimension. She's a bio-engineered being with incredible strength and near-total invulnerability. Shay-ron, however, is a *normal* Velorian with less than half the strength and invulnerabilty of Suprema (the name Cai Trin uses when in her Protector costume). Also, as an *observer*, Shay-ron lacks the combat skills of Cai Trin. She would have to be lucky to walk away from a battle with an Arion Prime, very lucky.
"I can fly faster than this," Shay-ron shouts at Cai Trin/Suprema.
"I'm sure you can," Suprema replies, looking back at her companion, "but if we start breaking sound barriers, people will notice us and ask questions. And if we fly any higher, I rather suspect those things orbiting just outside the atmosphere will warn the Arions of our presence." Suprema smiles warmly at her comrade and faces forward again, her super vision scanning ahead for trouble.
"What things?" Shay-ron replies, briefly looking upward.
"Last night, while we took that last dip in the hot tub," Suprema replies, suddenly flushing at the thought of what else was done in the tub, "I looked upward and was going to scan for signs of Velor. I noticed something off to one side - when I looked closer, I saw this metal object thing orbiting the planet like some man-made satellite. After a few minutes, I saw several more of these things - some hovering overhead, some moving around the planet. I don't know what they do but I'm sure they're not up there for our good."
"Mmhn," Shay-ron replies, "I imagine you're right, Cai - uh Suprema. I've never heard any of the local media mention such things, so I doubt if many humans are even aware that they are being watched from space. But do you think they can track us from space, too?"
"I'm more than a little certain," Suprema replies. "When that Arion ship attacked me last week - well, that's happened before. I think they followed me a few weeks ago when I went to an island to stop a volcano. Shortly after I arrived there, a shipload of Arions arrived and attacked me, as if they knew I was there. They must have a way to spot me when I fly and another way to coordinate ships to attack me. Maybe they have a base in the Arctic region. The cold certainly wouldn't bother them. Anyway, if we keep our wits about us, maybe we can get to New Danzig safely. At this speed, we'll be over the city about three hours after sunset."
"I'm going to miss Colorado," Shay-ron sighs, "and my best friend there, a human named John."
"He can't keep up with us," Suprema replies, "and he'd be just another liability for us. He's safe back there where it's nice and quiet. Besides, you said he had that computer thing to keep himself amused."
"Yes," Shay-ron replies, "we've had these computers for a few years now and the Japanese are even starting to link them together by the phone lines. John was going to set up what he calls an 'electronic bulletin board' system so a bunch of people can swap messages with each other. And read his stories."
"Messages and stories about what?" Suprema asks, looking at her friend.
"What he calls fan fiction," Shay-ron laughs, "about super powered women from a distant planet!"
"NO!" Suprema gasps, "if the Arions . . . "
"Relax," Shay-ron giggles, "no one would believe him or his stories to be more than just fiction. I told him some tales and made up some others for him to use on his board."
"Well, I certainly hope people think he's nuts! I doubt that he would like a late night visit from the German secret police!"
Shortly before midnight the pair of Velorians slowly alights on a roof on the Upper West Side in the Irish ghetto of New Danzig. They slowly lower the huge box to the roof, checking to ensure that it won't crash through the old timbers of the roof. The wood groans and sags but does not buckle as the women slowly loosen their grips on the container.
"This was the last place I saw my friends," Suprema tells Shay-ron. "Keep an eye out while I look around for them!"
Suprema slowly opens a door on the roof and descends stairs toward the apartments inside the old tenement. She had scanned the building before entering and saw no Arions inside (recognizable by the dense structure of their bodies) but she also didn't see her friends, the Conroys. Maybe the couple currently in the apartment - the same apartment in which she recovered from orgone poisoning a few weeks earlier - would have some information about the Conroys.
Suprema lightly taps on the apartment door and again scans the apartment, looking for signs of a trap. She finds none and finishes just as a young man opens the door. He's slightly overweight and with dirty red hair and a bad case of acne he's clearly not an Arion. He's momentarily speechless, struck dumb by the view of the stunningly beautiful blonde in a skin-tight costume right outside his door. She smiles at the man and winks at him before asking, "Uh, hi! I'm looking for Kevin and Moira Conroy. Do you know them, do you know how I might get in touch with them?"
"Uh, uh, mmn, ah, Supreme, you're Supreme something-or-other, aren't you?" the man gushes, his eyes hungrily exploring the young woman's spectacular body. "Yeah, I know Kevin. He left a message for you."
"That's Suprema, not Supreme," the heroine corrects the young man, looking expectantly at him for the message. "What's the message?" she finally asks, anxious to get back to the roof and Shay-ron.
"Oh, yeah, right," the man stammers, breaking the death-lock his eyes have on her breasts. "Kevin said to give you this bundle he left. Said you'd, ah, see right through it? Doesn't make sense to me but there it is." The stranger hands a bundle wrapped in brown paper to the heroine. After taking one last look/leer at the goddess in the hallway, the man slowly closes the door.
"What the . . .?" Suprema asks herself as she looks down at the bundle in her hand. While she walks back toward the stairs which lead to the roof, she notices that the bundle contains the old cloth coat she's worn before. There's also an old dark blue and faded yellow print dress she's used before as well. As Suprema climbs the stairs to the roof, she opens the bundle and unfolds the coat and dress.
"I wonder what he meant, *I'd see right through* . . . OF COURSE!" the Girl of Steel says. "With my super vision, I can easily see through these things!" Suprema scans the two garments as she climbs towards the roof. In a heartbeat, she sees a small slip of paper sewn into the dress' hem. Written on the strip of paper is: "3343". Just as confusion about the contents of the slip of paper begins to overtake her, Suprema spots a second sheet of paper sewn into the hem on one cuff of the coat. This slip of paper shows the phrase "Dietrich 7".
"Are these map coordinates or what?" she wonders as she steps onto the roof. As she walks toward her new friend Shay-ron, Suprema's mind tries to decipher the odd messages left by the Conroys. Suddenly Suprema senses that Shay-ron is on full alert, looking intently to the south. The Protector rushes to Shay-ron's side and uses her own super vision to scan to the south.
"What are we looking at?" Suprema asks Shay-ron.
"I just saw those two flying blondes," Shay-ron replies. "They were about three miles to the south of us - over that area that's now burning so fiercely. I think they used their tachyon vision to start the fires there."
"Great Rao!" Suprema gasps as her super vision scans the burning buildings to the south. "That's a hospital they've set on fire! Let's go see if we can help save some lives!"
"Hold it!" Shay-ron urges, grabbing Suprema's arm as the heroine prepares to leap into the air. "Take a good look, Cai, er, Suprema," she cautions, pointing at the fire. "Most of those men fighting the fires are Arions - mostly Betas, but Arions none the less. God, they're brazen. Not even hiding on this planet!"
Suprema quickly scans the fire fighters, then their equipment. "Rao!" she gasps, "see those hoses they're holding, connected to those trucks? There's some kind of gold liquid . . . I know! That's like the stuff they used to trap me shortly after I got to this accursed city. They sprayed it on me and there was some kind of glue or something in it - took almost forever to get it off me and my costume!"
"Well, they were too slow to get those other Velorians, or whoever they are," Shay-ron observes. "Maybe the Arions think you'll show up to put out the fires, then they can hose you down and capture you."
"I think you're right, Shay-ron. But what I don't understand," Suprema asks, "is why those other two set the fires. Are you sure they set the fires and weren't there trying to put them out. Maybe that's what happened and when the Arions arrived, the two saw the trap and flew off . . ."
"I don't know, Suprema," Shay-ron replies, placing one blue-gloved hand on Suprema's arm. Shay-ron slowly turns the other woman around until they're facing each other. The two women are so close to each other that their breasts almost touch - their boots do touch. Placing her other hand on Suprema's other arm, Shay-ron says sadly, "I'd like to think that, too, but when I saw them, I was certain I saw them using their heat vision to start fires. For all intents and purposes, this looks like Velorians attacking a hospital and Arions arriving to stop the Velorians and save the hospital, maybe even capture the Velorians in the act of burning humans. Look, some of their vehicles are pumping ordinary water on the fire and they ARE getting the patients out of the hospital."
The two Velorians turn as one to watch the fire scene for a few minutes more. When the Arions (and humans) fighting the fire manage to get it under control and have evacuated most of the people from the hospital, the two blondes turn away from the edge of the roof and walk back to Shay-ron's box.
"I'd like you to stay here for a while," Suprema finally says to her companion, "while I see what I can learn about this cryptic message Kevin left to me." Suprema steps into the dress and pulls the coat on. After tying her long shiny yellow hair into a pair of short pig tails, she turns to Shay-ron.
"Any ideas what those messages mean?" Suprema asks Shay-ron after showing her how to read the messages hidden in the clothing.
"Well, they have to be some way for you to either contact them, or find something that you can use," Shay-ron reasons. "Is it a street and room number, map location? I've only lived in the Japanese area for a year - the word and numbers mean nothing to me based on what I saw there."
"I don't know what these mean, either," the Protector replies. "I'm going to talk to some humans, see if they have any ideas. Say, since this roof is higher than its neighbors, why don't you stay up here and keep out of sight. I'll return for you later, Shay-ron, I promise. And we'll also have to think up some names for you, too. What will we call you in your costume and what human name shall we give you? We'll need them when we finally contact my friends and the ARA."
"Well, my friend John called me Sharon - Sharon Best, because I was the *best* thing to come into his life" Shay-ron replies. "And when we were alone, well, he said I was the most powerful woman on the planet - little did he know! I was his own *Power Woman*, he said - at least that's what he called me when I was in uniform."
"Well, Power Woman and Sharon Best it is, then," Suprema says with a smile. Turning, she walks back toward the rooftop door to descend back into the tenement.
"May I come in for a minute?" the stunning blond woman asks the young man blocking the doorway into the apartment. "I'd like to talk with you for a few minutes," she concludes, smiling at the man.
"Yeah, uh, yeah, I guess so," the man stammers, still awed by the woman's beauty. Obviously this is the same woman he gave the bundle to less than an hour ago. Pigtails, a ratty coat and ankle-length dress can't completely hide her identity from him, especially with the lovely blond hair atop her head. "Come on in," he says, opening the door wider and stepping aside to make room for the woman.
The two cross to a sofa along the wall - not the one that was trashed by Suprema in the throes of orgone poisoning a short time ago, but a *new* ratty old sofa. They join the man's female companion/wife? She's a plain woman, thin, haggard face, stringy black hair. As the two seat themselves on the sofa, Kathryn notices that they had been watching a television show. She looks at it briefly before turning to talk to the couple.
A commercial pitchman on the t.v. touts a local attorney's office as THE place to start when you need expert legal help on your side. "Just call us anytime at Manstein 5-4321!" he concludes. "Put Keller in YOUR corner! Pick up your phone and call us today at Manstein 5-4321!"
Kathryn has an epiphany - suddenly realizing that the t.v. has unwittingly shown her the answer to her dilemma. Thinking quickly, she asks the couple, "Do you know if it is possible to use a phone to call someone with a number like Dietrich 7 something or other?" she asks, trying to reveal as little as possible of what she's thinking.
"Yeah, sure," the man replies a second later. "I think that's the phone exchange for this part of the city, in fact."
"Do you have a phone?," she asks. The man shakes his head and shrugs his shoulders in the almost universal symbol of *nope, sorry*. "Well, thanks anyway for your help," Kathryn says, suddenly rising to her feet. "I won't bother you any more, I promise."
As she heads toward the door, the man leaps to his feet and follows her, managing to grab the door as she opens it. "You might check down the street. About a block from here is Wittenburg Street. There might be a public phone there. And c-come back anytime - ANY time, uh, Miss, if I can do anything for you," he says, blushing a little at his thoughts about the woman. The fabric over his groin tents slightly, telegraphing his intentions to the blonde even as he speaks.
"No, I don't believe I'll be back," Kathryn says, smiling at the man and patting him on his shoulder. "But thanks again for your help!"
The disguised heroine descends to the street level entrance to the apartment block and goes outside. No humans are in sight this late, due to the Germans' curfew. With fierce determination, disguised as the human called Kathryn Fairchild, the Velorian heads up the street. An exploring hand finds and pulls a dull brown scarf from one pocket on the coat and it quickly wraps around the lovely blond tresses, hiding most of them from sight as the woman heads toward a small group of stores a block away.
"I need to find a phone," Kathryn muses as she walks the cold dark street. "Maybe I can find one somewhere up there by all the lights, as that man suggested." The sidewalk is clear of snow but there are patches of ice on the sidewalk, there are still fairly large lumps of snow beside the sidewalk and the gutters are full of slush and cold water. Only one of every three street lights works on this residential street, making the walk treacherous for most normal humans.
Kathryn reaches the intersection of the residential street with a Wittenburg Street and scans the area for any people or phones. Due to the curfew, the shops are closed and no one can be seen walking the streets. There also appear to be no public phones along the thoroughfare - well, there is one but it has been trashed and vandalized. "Maybe looking for a phone at this time isn't such a good idea," she decides, given the absence of people and all the shops being closed. She stands near the curb, considering whether to return to the rooftop and Power Woman or continue along Wittenburg Street to another batch of shops two blocks away.
Suddenly, a German kubelwagen careers around the corner and roars toward along Wittenburg. The driver must have seen her because the brakes begin squealing and the command car fishtails and slithers to a halt near the woman, its right front tire bumping hard against the curb a mere foot from Kathryn. A small cascade of water flows from the ditch to splash on the woman's legs and lower body. Two soldiers in the back seat rise slightly off the seat and point weapons at the curfew violator. The man in the front passenger seat whips out a pistol which he also aims at the young woman. "Was machts du hier?" the Unteroffizier barks. "Now is the curfew! You are not to be outside, woman. Come here!" he continues, waving the Luger threateningly at Kathryn.
A deadly silence descends on the small street scene. The only noises are a popping and a hiss from the kubelwagen's idling engine. "Well, this really stinks," Kathryn thinks to herself. Slowly, acting as if afraid of the men's firepower, she hesitantly moves toward the jeep-like vehicle. Just before she reaches the curb by the vehicle, one of the men in the back leaps out to the sidewalk and the officer steps out as well. The two men are both taller and stockier than the woman and they encircle her menacingly. The private pokes her in the back with the muzzle of a machine pistol, shoving her closer to the Unteroffizier.
"You must show your papers to me," the man barks at Kathryn, holding one hand toward her, palm up, the pistol in his other hand pointed at her breast. "NOW! Schnelle! Hurry up."
Suddenly Kathryn notices that the man still in the back seat of the kubelwagen is trying to use the radio. "Can't let this go on any longer," she decides. As she grabs the Luger with one hand, she swings her other arm backward and downward to hit the private's privates. He doubles over and drops the Schmeiser machine pistol and the Unteroffizier's eyes widen as the slight young woman's other hand easily bends the pistol's barrel downward. He still has the *deer in headlights* look on his face as the disguised heroine steps forward and lightly taps his chin with one of her small fingers, snapping his head back and knocking him unconscious.
Continuing forward after downing the first two Germans, Kathryn leaps into the air, over the side of the open-topped command car and lands on her feet on the back seat. Before the startled Feldwebel can react, the tip of her red boot hits the radio receiver and the small gray box is ripped from its restraining clamps and launched into the air. The unit flies down the street several hundred feet and bounces several times, still intact but probably useless. The poor private sitting so close to the disguised heroine, still holding the microphone and the remnant of the coiled cord, looks incredulously up at the woman. "Was ist loes?" he asks, dumbfounded.
The driver, also a bit dazed by the woman's powerful attack, suddenly sparks back to life and into action. He releases the clutch and guns the engine, causing the small car to lurch forward. The violent motion causes Kathryn to overbalance and fall over the back seat of the car, to land on her head on the wet, icy street. As she rolls back to her feet, the kubelwagen races down the street. The back-seat private recovers enough to pull out a rifle and fire one wild shot at the strange woman standing in the middle of the street. The bullet hits a wall several yards to her left as she assumes her *power stance* - feet spread apart, hands on hips, shoulders back, chin and chest thrust forward. "Don't leave so soon!" she taunts the departing Germans, aware that they probably can't hear her at this distance and wouldn't return even if they did hear her.
Kathryn considers going after the command car, then rejects the idea. "I won't kill those men," she reasons, "so whether I chase them and knock them out or not, eventually those two and the two here would be able to tell their superiors that a blond woman beat them up. Well, since I don't think I'll find a public phone tonight, I think I might as well go back to that apartment building and see how Power Woman is doing."
The two super women spend the next few hours sitting atop the tenement building, talking about the lives they left on their homeworlds. Cai Trin learns more about the story that the Old Ones, a powerful race that bio-engineered the Velorians, has imposed for the last 300 or so years a quarantine that allows only one female (not a Protector) to leave the planet at a time. No one on Velor knows with certainty why they have been imprisoned on their homeworld - the Old Ones were too cryptic when the sentence was imposed on them. Rumors from other space-travelling visitors to Velor, though, have suggested that a Velorian warship was responsible for the near-annihilation of the Kintzi race, a race allied closely with the Arions, but no Velorian in his/her right mind believes such trash.
Shortly after sunrise, Kathryn Fairchild rises from the snowy surface of the roof and brushes dirt and snow off her dull coat. "I'm going to see if I can find a phone," she tells Power Woman. "Please wait here, again, while I see if I can find a phone and my friends," Kathryn says as she turns toward the rooftop door.
"They're back!" Power Woman suddenly gasps, pointing off to the east as she rises to her feet. "The two flying blondes!"
Kathryn immediately spins on her heel and uses her super vision to look in the direction shown by Power Woman. Sure enough, not three miles away, two blondes, a male and a female, dressed in green bodysuits, black boots and gloves, are flying northward over the city. Kathryn quickly shucks off her coat and steps out of the old dress, revealing her Suprema persona. Without a second's hesitation, she asks Power Woman to remain on the roof and then leaps into the air toward the flying couple. As Power Woman stands at the edge of the roof, watching her new compatriot accelerate toward the blondes, she uses her super vision to track the flyers.
Mere seconds pass before Suprema pulls up behind the flying pair and matches their speed. "Hi!" she says, smiling at them. "Can we go someplace to get acquainted?" As she talks, she marvels at the physiques of the pair. The man is over six feet tall and has truly spectacular musculature. The woman looks like a body builder, her muscles barely contained by the spandex-like fabric of her costume, her body at least two inches longer than Suprema's.
"Well, well, well," the man says, smiling at Suprema, "what do we have here? A little golden bird, sister, come to join us?"
"She certainly is little, Hem-ra," the woman smirks, "maybe she can't keep up with us? Let's see!" With that, the two flex their calf muscles and shoot away from Suprema, quickly accelerating beyond the speed of sound. The shock wave crashes across the rooftops of New Danzig as the two ascend and roar away from the blue-clad heroine.
"What the . . .?" she asks herself as the pair disappear into the distance. Suprema immediately flexes her powerful leg muscles and shoots after the duo. Again, just a few heartbeats later she overtakes the pair - all are now travelling high in the atmosphere at almost 5,000 miles per hour, racing toward the frozen Arctic.
"Slow down," Suprema yells over the roar of air past their speeding bodies. "I just want to talk with you for a minute."
The man turns his head and looks back at Suprema. "Okay, let's go down there," the man says, immediately banking toward the frozen tundra of northern Canada. In seconds the three land on the permafrost. The sun is still below the horizon at this far northern latitude and a cold wind roars from the west, blowing snow around the trio and limiting normal visibility to just yards.
"My name is Cai - Cai Trin," Suprema begins, "I'm from a planet called Velor - not the Velor of this time and space but from another . . ."
The heroine is unable to finish her sentence because the man leaps at her and wraps his hands around her thin throat and drives her backward and down onto the ground. At the same time, the woman leaps forward and grabs Suprema's ankles and pins them to the dirt. Before the stunned heroine can react, Hem-ra scrambles onto her torso and uses his knees to pin her biceps to the ground. He leans forward and cups the back of her head with one hand and then, with eye-blurring speed, begins to hammer the girl's face with a massive fist. At the same time his sister Shay-ra rises and spreads Suprema's legs. Shay-ra then viciously kicks Suprema between her legs, kicks her groin with blows that would melt steel. By firmly holding Suprema's ankles, the heroine must lie there under Hem-ra and absorb the terrible punishment. Sounds of metal hitting metal resound across the desolate landscape.
"AAAIIIEEEE! Ss-stop!" Suprema screams piteously as incredible pain tears at her groin and face. Despite her near-total invulnerability these two Valkyries have considerable power and their incredible blows, falling on the woman so fast as being almost continuous, begin to wear down even the ability of her super body to resist the effects. In seconds her eyes glaze from the massive pounding on her face and genitals.
"Puh-puh ungh STOP - please stop!" Suprema moans as her super body shudders from the powerful assault. Hem-ra has shifted his attack from her face to her neck - as one hand holds the back of her head, entwining his fingers in her long blond hair, his other hand, flattened like a straight-edge, rams fingertips into the heroine's lovely throat in an attempt to crush her windpipe. Meanwhile, Shay-ra has moved closer to Suprema and now has each of the woman's knees securely held. The heel of one of Shay-ra's knee-high boots drives up and down on Suprema's pudenda, landing punishing blows on the woman's sex mound. As a change-up, she sometimes drives the toe of her knee-high boot into Suprema's ass, shoving the blue fabric of her costume into her crack.
"H-how much . . . can this . . . cow take?" Hem-ra pants, pausing a moment to catch his breath. Not much more - Suprema is drifting closer toward blessed unconsciousness from the savage beating she's getting. Hem-ra rises off the stunned woman and grasps the fabric of her costume just below the neckline. As he rises, he pulls the woman up with him. Shay-ra releases Suprema's legs and steps around behind the Velorian. Shay-ra grabs Suprema's elbows and pulls her arms behind her, cruelly pressing the elbows together. The Valkyrie then wraps one arm around Suprema's two arms and locks them together. Shay-ra's other hand grabs a handful of the heroine's blond tresses and pulls her head back, back, back until it seems like it might snap off. Finally, the Valkyrie wraps one leg around one of Suprema's to pin the woman even further. Suprema moans throatily at the pressure on her tortured body.
Recovered from the savage beating he inflicted on the Planetary Protector, Hem-ra steps closer to the woman and slips one hand behind her back to hold her in place. He then punches her just below the breastbone and drives his hand inside her body, moving it slowly toward her still-beating heart. Suprema cries out as the incredible pain wracks her super body. The sound of steel being twisted beyond its limits fills the air around the trio. Suprema can feel the man's hand digging into her body, driving toward her heart! If he grabs it and squeezes long enough, her mighty heart will stop beating and she'll die!
"MMMnnnnhh, nnnooo! Puh-please . . . stop AAARRRRGGHH!" Suprema cries weakly as she totters toward unconsciousness from the Hellish punishment she's been taking. If only she could have a few moments to recover, she could easily overpower these two, one at a time. She struggles to free herself from Shay-ra's powerful grip but is unable to break free, even though her strength should be greater than the Valkyrie's. Suprema has just been too savagely beaten - she needs time to recover, time she won't get if Hem-ra can crush the life out of her beating heart!
"I've got it!" Hem-ra shouts over Suprema's loud screams, "I've got her heart! Now, Velorian BITCH! Now you pay for the crimes of your ancestors!" Slowly, Suprema's struggles lessen and her eyes roll back as the heroine slips into unconsciousness. Her body is too badly weakened to resist, especially with Hem-ra cruelly crushing her valiant heart.
"Don't kill her!" Shay-ra hisses at her brother, "Duk-em wants her alive."
"I'm just getting her ready to take to him on the moon," he replies, "shut up and hold her still - she's almost unconscious!"
Suddenly a sound like steel smashing steel shatters the air and Hem-ra and a white blur fly away from Suprema and Shay-ra. As Shay-ra uses her own super vision to look for her brother, she spots him miles away, tumbling end over end across the frozen Arctic tundra. As Shay-ra begins to look around to find out what took out her brother, she suddenly screams in pain as a powerful force hits her in her kidneys. She and Suprema shoot forward, landing with the heroine's body face-down on the snow. The two slide across the snow, Shay-ra still holding the heroine's arms in a death grip. Suprema's head is no longer held by the Valkyrie though, and the stricken heroine's face falls forward and acts like a snow plow blade. As the two women stop sliding across the ground, a powerful force slams into the Valkyrie's back and further punishes her kidneys. Shay-ra screams and releases Suprema, her hands scrambling to find and ease the pain in her back. She sprawls across the Velorian's back, writhing in agony from the pain. More blows rain down on her back, hammering her, pushing her toward unconsciousness as her body is squeezed between the steel-hard body below and the steel-hard fists hammering from above.
The dazed Shay-ra suddenly feels her ankles being grabbed from behind. Before she can rise off the nearly-unconscious Suprema, Shay-ra is yanked off the woman and spun through the air in a circle. Faster and faster the woman spins, and all she can see of her adversary is a pair of blue *pirate* boots, knee-high but with the tops turned down a few inches. She's too dazed from the sudden beating to react.
Shay-ra suddenly finds herself flying through the air, spinning like a boomerang and rocketing out of control into the face of the blowing snow. Still pained from the savage blow to the small of her back, she is unable to regain control of her flight and just tumbles along.
"Great Rao, what did they DO to you!?" Power Woman asks the fallen heroine after turning her over onto her back. Suprema can only look weakly at her friend kneeling at her side, unable to even thank her for her help until her heart returns to its normal rhythm. Power Woman immediately reaches down and lifts the stricken Velorian off the ground, cradling her almost like a baby. "I think we should get out of here before those two recover and come back!" Power Woman says, rising. "And I think those two blondes are not going to help us much against the Arions!"
Power Woman takes two steps and begins to leap into the air when she too is struck from behind. Hem-ra has returned and is raring for battle. He flies into Power Woman from behind and grabs her thighs and continues forward with Power Woman draped over his back. Suprema goes flying as Power Woman releases her friend. Hem-ra suddenly stops his flight and Power Woman snaps forward, hammering herself face-down into the tundra. Hem-ra gives the woman no respite - he immediately drops onto her back and clenches his fists together, then rams them onto the woman's back between her shoulder blades.
"AAAhhh! Nooo!" Power Woman cries as the incredible pain stabs through her back. "AAAOOOWWW!" she roars and Hem-ra shifts the focus of his attack to the small of her back, hammering her there with powerful blurs delivered at eye-blurring speed, like a pair of pistons.
"Who the devil are you!?" he asks the blonde beneath him. "Duk-em said there was one Velorian, not two!" Hem-ra rises slightly and rolls Power Woman onto her back. The woman looks up at him with partially-closed eyes. Dirt and snow and strands of hair mask most of her face from the man. The front of her costume is dirty and wet from the battle - and two little mounds rise from the center of her breasts. It's been a long time since she's been with a man strong enough to be *with* her - she's somewhat aroused by his power even though he's beaten her to the ground!
"Talk to me, witch!" Hem-ra roars, grabbing the soft fabric above Power Woman's breasts and pulling her partially upright. "Who are you!?"
"Muh-my n-name's Shay-ron, Power Woman," she replies thickly, trying desperately to regain control of the situation. She can almost match the man in strength but is clearly his inferior in combat. Power Woman smiles weakly at the man and puts one blue-gloved hand on his thigh; the other rests briefly on his other thigh before sliding up toward the man's groin where the tips of her fingers briefly and gently touch the tented fabric between his legs. When she touches his manhood, the Valkyrie looks down at her hand and his features soften.
"I've heard you Velorian bitches were all sluts, bred to be whores for the old gods," he snarls at the woman. "First chance you get, you want a powerful man to do you, eh? Well we have time for that, I suppose. You two Protectors are obviously no match for a Valkyrie! Then we can go see the Arions, eh?" Hem-ra reaches down one hand envelops one of Power Woman's breasts. With no finesse or skill he squeezes the lovely mound as hard as he can, causing the woman to shudder from the sensation. He pulls his hand back a little and pinches one of her blood-engorged nipples between thumb and forefinger. Grinning wolfishly, he squeezes that nubbin until the girl yelps in pain, one of her hands going to wrap around his hand and maybe ease her pain.
"Wh-what's a Valkyrie?" Power Woman asks the man, batting her eyebrows and hoping to lull him. She manages to get the man to release her nipple and now playfully entwines her fingers in his. Out of the corner of her eye she can see Suprema starting to rise, pulling herself to her hands and knees. Like any Protector, her bio-engineered super body is quickly recovering from Hem-ra's beating. "I've heard of many space-faring races, but never the Valkyrie."
"We're the same race you scum tried to destroy 300 years ago, bitch!" Hem-ra snaps at the Velorian. Before he can rage against her and Velor though, a slight moan also slips from his lips as her glove presses against the bulge in his spandex-like bodysuit, presses and then envelopes his tool in her powerful hand. His next moan is louder as she wraps her hand around his member, now much more aroused and severely tenting the fabric of his costume some eight inches outward. With pressure which could melt the hardest metal, Power Woman's blue-gloved hand continues to apply pressure to the Valkyrie's penis. At the same time, she bends it upward slightly and then pushes it back toward his body, her fist compressing the hard shaft against his scrotum. "MMMnnnnh!" Hem-ra moans and shudders from the woman's expert hand work.
Power Woman strokes the man's huge tool faster and faster, slamming it harder and harder against his balls, delivering pleasure throughout his body. Hem-ra's eyes glisten as waves of pleasure float up from his groin. "Yeah, get me started, bitch, and I'll bring us both home," he says through tightly-clenched teeth. His free hand begins to pull down the top of his body suit - his other hand frees itself from Power Woman's tight grip and aids in the removal of his costume.
"This is gonna be so good, Velorian bitch!" he says in his smooth way of seduction (probably learned from Arion Primes). He rises off Power Woman and stands over her, one leg beside each of her hips. Power Woman, her hands no longer on his body, drop to her backside as she props her stunning body on her elbows. One hand languidly draws circles around one of her nipples as she looks up at the male Valkyrie. She runs her tongue across her lips, causing them to glisten even in the dark of the far frozen north.
Hem-ra slides his bodysuit down to his thighs and moves so both of his legs are now between her creamy white thighs. He squats down and roughly shoves aside the thin strip of white fabric between her legs, covering her vagina. His aroused member is at least twelve inches long and several inches wide at the base. It's huge - so huge that even Power Woman gasps at its sight - can she handle it? Thoughts of pleasure and pain flash through her mind and she's unsure whether she wants to continue, despite the time it gives her friend to recover. She realizes she has no choice.
Power Woman rises enough to reach the man and again grasp his tool. He grunts and lets her guide him into her body. His head rocks backward from the powerful scent of wildflowers and honey rising from between her legs. Her pheromones seem to arouse him more, making his tool swell to an even more massive size. He smiles victoriously at the sight of wetness on Power Woman's soft white thighs. Yes, she wants him, he decides. The stupid cow can't resist a real man like a Valkyrie!
"What the frak are you doing!" a voice suddenly roars from the side. Before Hem-ra can turn his head, his cheek is slapped and his head snaps to one side. When he turns back, he can see Shay-ra standing above him, her eyes glaring like ice-blue lasers at her brother. "This . . . this BITCH hurt me! She's with the Velorian - she may even be another Velorian. And you stop to FUCK her! What are you thinking about? As if I even have to ask!"
"Shut up, sister," Hem-ra says, trying to focus on penetrating Power Woman as he brushes off his sibling. "I'm *taming* her, haw haw haw!"
"Give it to me!" Power Woman says, pulling on Hem-ra's cock, pulling it closer to her nether lips. "Ignore her!" As the tip of his tool touches her lips, she moans in anticipation. Again she pulls him closer to her.
"Stop this!" Shay-ra yells, cuffing her brother's head again. "We must get both of these cunts . . ."
Shay-ra's tirade ends abruptly when a blue blur smashes into her side and the two women roar off into the distance. Hem-ra tries to focus on his sister - obviously attacked by the other Velorian, when the first few inches of his tool suddenly are enveloped by the soft, warm and tight love channel of the woman below him. "MMnnhh," he moans, "you're tight! Feels good!"
"You - you're too large," Power Woman says. Her hands slip behind the man and clasp his buttocks tightly. Her legs also wrap the man's body. She pulls him toward her, driving him further into her body. "MMNnnnnnhhhhAAAAAAA!" she gasps as his huge tool slides into her, lubricated by her juices. "T-ttooo larrge!" she moans as he bores into her nether region. Despite the pain, she knows she must continue. She can't defeat him in combat and Suprema needs time to take out the woman. Together, the two Velorians can then defeat the Valkyrie male!
"NNNAAAIIII!" Power Woman screams as she pulls/he pushes his penis deep into her, his full length and width cruelly spreading her love canal, abrading it despite her love juices and his pre-cum. Slowly, then with greater speed, the Valkyrie begins to piston the woman, in and out, each time slamming hard against the space around her vagina and crushing his own scrotum in the bargain. Sounds of metal rubbing against metal, as well as Power Woman's cries of pain/pleasure shatter the landscape. Both *combatants* moan and gasp as their eye-blurring, violent sex causes them to melt the Canadian permafrost beneath their bodies.
Hem-ra arches upright, eyes closed, ready to cum into Power Woman, when suddenly he feels two hands wrap around the back of his neck. He opens his eyes to see a huge red and yellow *S* insignia, surrounded by a bright blue field looming before his face. He can also clearly see that the fabric is stretched out by two large breasts and two thumb-sized nipples. Before he can react, his face is slammed against the *S*, into the valley between the two mounds flanking the insignia. Tighter and tigher his head is pressed into the valley. The mounds, which initially seem so soft, now feel like the hardest metal, crushing against his face. His hands grab Suprema's body, one hand on a thigh, the other grabbing her side, as he tries to free himself from her tight grip by pushing her away.
Even as Hem-ra loses interest in Power Woman, she continues to thrash below him, until she lets out an ear-piercing scream as an orgasm roars through her super body. Still sliding on and off his shaft, she's literally hovering inches above the ground, horizontal, and using her flying power to stay off the ground. Her legs and hands pull her body back and forth on Hem-ra's penis. A second, more powerful orgasm rips through Power Woman and this time she collapses onto her back below the man, still impaled by his incredible tool.
"Mmphnh," Hem-ra mutters, trying to pull his face away from Suprema's chest. The pain on the back of his skull is incredible. His head feels like it's in a vice and is being slowly crushed. In fact, it IS being slowly crushed between Suprema's two small hands and her two large breasts! Suddenly, abruptly, Suprema smashes her hands against his ears, her palms cupped to drive air into his ear canals. There is a sound like the mother of all lightning strikes as her hands hit his ears. Hem-ra screams in pain, screams like an animal, as his ears explode from the overpressure. He rocks backward, hands rising to cover his ears, and slowly leans backward, still held tightly by Power Woman's legs wrapped around his waist.
Suprema reaches down and unwraps Power Woman's legs from around Hem-ra. "You're having too much fun, girl friend," she says, smiling at the heroine at her feet. Power Woman has a smile of pleasure on her lips and her eyes are half-closed as her body trembles from the receding orgasm. "Come on," Suprema says, pulling Power Woman to her feet by her cape, "let's get out of here!"
Leaving Shay-ra unconscious and Hem-ra on his knees in agony from his damaged ears, the two Velorians leap into the air - Suprema virtually dragging Power Woman (one hand around Power Woman's waist) as they head south back toward New Danzig. In seconds, they've reached a speed of several thousand miles an hour and race through the early morning sky. "Are . . . are we going too unh too fast?" Power Woman manages to say as she regains a bit of her composure and rearranges her costume back to its normal position on her body.
"So, with us again, are we?" Suprema asks, chiding her friend. "Was he any good?"
"H-had to keep him away from you, didn't I," Power Woman says, smiling at her friend. "And aren't we going too fast? Won't the Arions spot us?"
"I don't care, Power Woman, I just want to get away from those two and back to the city. We'll slow down in a bit if it looks like we lost them, then see about finding the Conroys. And we need to get you a disguise! Those two are a new threat here. We need to think about how we're going to handle them! We should be out of their sight while we do that."
"Disguise? Uh, the box I brought? Remember? Big thing, size of a Dempsey Dumpster? Metal? It has my clothes in it, Suprema."
"Yes, but will they look out of place among the people of New Danzig? You've seen the awful stuff I have to wear! Dull flat colors and nothing that shows curves! Do you understand? We can't bring attention to ourselves."
"Well I understand now that we're going shopping when we get to New Danzig. Who's buying?"
"Shut up, *Velorian cow*!" Suprema says, laughing at her friend.
A few moments later, the two super women again land on the roof of the old tenement. A quick look with their super vision shows no sign of the two green-clad Valkyrie. Suprema dons the dress and coat lying on the roof while Power Woman rummages through the box. She finally pulls out a pair of one-size-too-small blue jeans and a brown leather jacket and a baseball cap (with the logo for the Hatsuharu Hornets). "Just say I just came in from the west coast!" she says to Suprema by way of explaining her choice of clothing. Suprema shakes her head slowly - some disguise!
After sealing the box, the two women move down into the tenement and to the street. "Let's see if we can find a phone," Suprema says as the two women lock arms together and head down the street.
"A SECOND PROTECTOR! IMPOSSIBLE!" Hem-ra roars from the head of the table in his ship's conference room. Around him are the chief officers of the Arion Expeditionary Force and the two Valkyries. Both have recovered from the beatings they got at the hands of the two Velorians. Shay-ra has tactfully said nothing about her brother's . . . indiscretions with the new Velorian.
"We had the first one almost ready to bring here, My Lord," Hem-ra says, "when the second one, she calls herself *Power Woman* arrived. We only managed to subdue the first Protector by overwhelming her with our strength. When the Power Woman distracted us from the blue-clad one, she had time to recover and join her partner. Together they were too powerful for the two of us."
"This changes everything," Duk-em says, rubbing his chin with his hand. "This Power Woman must the one who rescued the first Protector - what does she call herself again? Of course, *Suprema* - such conceit! Last week, when the gunship dropped her in the desert and she was rescued - it MUST have been that other woman's work. Who else could overpower two Primes?
"I want all divisions working overtime," Duk-em continues, gazing severely at the assembled Primes and Betas. "We must devise some way to find and neutralize these two before they undo all we have accomplished here. Two Protectors! I am CURSED!
"Come with me Mar-vel," he ends, turning toward the stunning raven-haired beauty who is an Arion Prime, his second-in-command, and his sex partner. "I need to relieve some stress."
Groaning inwardly, knowing she's in for some truly savage fucking, the woman rises and takes Duk-em's hand. The pair leaves the conference room and everyone there breathes a sigh of relief. Duk-em didn't kill anyone or banish someone to a lousy job. It was a successful meeting! Now, each Arion thinks, I've got to score some points with him by finding a way to bring those Velorian bitches to ground!
Feedback is always welcome.