True to her word, Laura set out to
find Frankie a new apartment in the city, since Frankie had to be out of her Fremont
house in two weeks. From a fellow
worker, she got the name of a rental agency and made an appointment to see two
apartments on her lunch hour. Frankie was tied up in court all day and needed
Laura to do the initial checking out.
She was on her way to meet the
rental agent when she passed by Walgreen's and couldn't resist the temptation
to go inside and flirt for a few moments with Gail.
Or rather, she thought as she
entered the store, just smile at her and drink in her
cute loveliness. Flirting was too
obvious. Gail gave no indication of
being interested in girls, and Laura didn't want to embarrass either one of
She found her in the rear, stocking
shelves of pain relievers, wearing a white smock like a pharmacist, which made
her skin look darker than it really was.
She was not light-complexioned but also not dark-dark like Frankie, or
Dawn, or Dee Dee. She did not notice
Laura, who had to tap her on the shoulder.
"You look like a doctor . . . in
your white coat," Laura said softly.
Gail spun around and broke into a
smile. "Oh god, you surprised me! Hi, Lana. Lana?"
"Laura. Sorry. Forgot."
"Are they turning you into a
"Only a pharmacist's
assistant. It means, if I work out, that
they can send me to different stores when they need one there." She gave Laura a painfully cute squint. "Job security."
"Can't beat that. I was just passing by. Thought I'd pop in for a
quick hello."
Gail lowered her voice and looked
around uncomfortably. "I can't talk to
you unless I'm helping you find something."
"Oh." Laura acted chastened. "Then . . . help me find some Q-tips. I really need Q-tips. Are they near the cotton balls?"
Gail broke into the cutest, most
devastating smile yet. "I think so. Now . . . let's see if I can remember where those are. Follow me."
The white smock covered Gail's
delicious little rump, so that Laura was not tempted to leer at it while
following her down the aisle. Around one corner, down another aisle. Then Gail turned and presented Laura with a
package of Q-tips.
"Oh gosh," Laura grinned, "is there
anything smaller? I don't think I need five
hundred Q-tips."
Gail looked on the shelf. Meanwhile, Laura luxuriated in scrutinizing
her billowy blonde curls and her smooth dark brown neck and cheek and sensual
lips. Yum. I could kiss you everywhere, Gail. You are a lot more than cute.
"Here." Gail gave her a smaller package and took the
first one back. "Only
twenty-five in that one." She
"Why don't I cruise by here when
you get off and take you out for a drinkee?" Laura asked, feeling very silly
and awkward, especially for having used the word 'drinkee,' which was
definitely not part of her usual vocabulary.
"Or coffee, if you like."
Gail gave her a funny look. Laura realized that she was not accustomed to
being asked out for a 'drinkee' by another woman. But the pause was very brief. "I have a yoga class after work," she
said. "And I don't drink. But some other time would be okay."
"Don't drink that, either."
"Goodness. What do
you drink?"
"Green tea. Full of anti-oxidants."
"Oh . . . right." No wonder you are such a healthy-looking,
glowing young creature. I love you
"Well then. Yoga, eh?"
Gail nodded. "Tomorrow's good, though."
Laura had to be jarred by this out
of her reverie. She was picturing in her
mind Gail in some kind of tight leotard doing a yoga contortion that made her
lovely young body strain and twist into infinitely
desirable shapes. "Oh. Tomorrow. Shit, I have a dinner meeting tomorrow, right
after work. Excuse my French."
Gail laughed softly. "You're going to get me fired, if we keep
this up."
She glanced at Laura's hand holding
the Q-tips, and for the first time seemed to see Laura's gold ring. Her whole face changed, but she said nothing.
"Well . . ." Laura stalled, "maybe
some other time soon. We'll find a place
that serves green tea."
"You're married, aren't you."
"Yes." Laura blushed, unaccountably.
Gail seemed almost relieved. "Let's make it Friday. I get off at six. What about you?"
Laura nodded. "Six it is.
We'll just get an ice cream or something. Like before."
Back on the street, on her way to
the rental agency, Laura couldn't help feeling fluttery butterflies of
happiness and sexual anticipation stirring throughout her brain and body. Even though there was no reason to hope. There wasn't the slightest indication that
Gail was even likely to tilt in a sexual way toward her. I shouldn't be getting these thoughts, she
realized. I'm always jumping the gun
like this.
At the agency, a tall, slender,
very attractive black woman in glasses with stylish dark red plastic frames
introduced herself. "I'm Paula
Cooper. Ms. Bell said you would be
coming. I guess she's involved in a trial
or something."
Laura nodded and smiled and grasped
her beautiful hand, holding it longer than necessary. Did she see a flicker behind those lenses, a
sort of transitory electrical scrim from those dark brown eyes? Oh, Laura, cut it! she
told herself. You have an overactive
libido! Still focused
on the darling Gail. You think
every lovely woman is your prey! Down,
"She's an attorney," Laura
stumbled, repeating what Paula Cooper clearly already knew. "Tied up in court all day."
"Well, we have a couple of places
she might be interested in. Want to ride
with me?"
"I walked here." Laura smiled.
I want you to like me. God,
you're pretty. "Guess I'll have to."
The first apartment was on Russian
Hill, the neighborhood where Laura had lived when first Jane and Kendra had
lived in the apartment above hers, and then Shontay's parents had moved in
after Kendra had fled with her underage daughter from the predatory lesbian
Laura (even though she tore off a piece with Laura herself whenever possible,
on the sly). It brought back memories,
mostly good ones, mostly sexual ones. While reliving them in pastiche, she was able
to avoid devouring Paula Cooper with her eyes, since the woman grew more
alluring to her by the minute.
Paula was dressed for business,
though not as conservatively as Laura and her co-workers, or indeed Francine
herself, usually dressed. She wore a
loose silvery blouse and a dark skirt that was cut slightly above the knee, so
that when she sat, as in driving her older green Mercedes, the skirt rode up on
her delicious firm very black thighs, making Laura salivate with the urge to
caress and even lick them. She did not
appear to have a substantial or out-thrusting bosom; never a high priority with
Laura anyway. Some scrumptious little
breasts could lie under those flattish little folds of fabric, as she
knew. But Paula, being tall and slender,
had a black swan's neck of the type that usually made Laura's pulse
vibrate. I love to kiss a beautiful neck
like yours, Paula, she thought, over and over, mantra-like, to herself as they
rode up to Russian Hill and parked, only a few blocks from where Laura's old
apartment was located.
The apartment for rent was on the
third floor of a similar building. Paula
escorted her through the vacant rooms, their feet ringing on the bare floors,
their voices echoing, even though they were speaking softly.
"I used to live in a building like
this one . . . about three blocks over toward Van Ness," she explained to
Paula. They were peering out one
window. "Had a better
view, though."
Paula smiled tightly, all
business. She seemed to have no idea
that Laura was dying to kiss her and unclothe her and ravish her, right here on
the cold floor between the echoing walls. Lust knows no good manners, Laura
thought. But I hope I'm not being
"Do you think she would like this
place?" Paula asked.
"I don't see why not. I think she might have to get it carpeted,
though. It sort of
rings when you walk."
"That's easily done. I can even recommend a company that does
it. Maybe even get the landlord to pay
for it."
"I love your glasses," Laura said,
an abrupt change of the subject.
But she was tired of not getting to
the point. Do you like girls or not? she wanted to ask.
I'm having a hard time telling.
Sometimes you look at me as if . . .
But I may only be imagining
it. Still, at this remark she could see
the renewed little scriggles of electricity in Paula's marvelous dark brown
"Thank you."
I want to kiss you. No—better not say that. Way too bold.
Laura realized she was staring.
But of course Paula was staring back.
Here they were in this empty, echoing apartment, staring at each other
with . . . what? Lust? Certainly is that on my end, Laura
thought. She saw Paula looking at her
lips. Why don't we just give in to it,
darling? she wondered.
There's no bed here; nothing. We
can't fuck. We might as well just admit
that we wish we could.
Paula was the one who broke the
spell. She raised her clip board and
gestured at the view. "Do you think
she'll like looking out at the next building like that? You know, the second apartment is in the
Golden Gateway. Better view. Want to see it?"
Laura smiled warmly at her. "I can't wait." It means I get to look at you a while longer.
Now the air between them was
sexually charged. It hadn't taken much:
only that innocuous conversation in the empty apartment, echoing off the bare
walls, and simmering in the background with their sexual tensions and
evasions. Paula, back in the driver's
seat of her Mercedes, seemed to let her already short skirt ride up a little
higher on her delicious, glossy black thigh, and Laura had trouble not pouncing
on it. I'll bet you do this to all your
clients, she thought. Making them hunger
for you like this. You gorgeous black
Laura had decided that she needed
no further signals. This was definitely
the green light. But Paula Cooper was
still reserved, painfully professional, and aloof. She hugged her clipboard tight against her
barely protruding breasts and pursed her lips and pointed out the features of
the new place in a monotone. Maybe I scared
her by my hot staring, Laura thought.
I'd better tone it down a little.
Pay more attention to business.
After all, I'm here for Frankie.
I'm really not helping her out much by trying to rape Paula Cooper with
my eyes.
In the living room of the apartment,
also bare and echoing, they looked at the view together. "See, you can almost see the Campanile in Berkeley
from here," Paula said, pointing across the Bay. "I can actually see it from my place. I live about a block from here, over on Jackson."
"Oh. You live near here?"
They were standing very close,
closer than they had been yet. Laura
could smell her; all good. Paula smelt
fresh and healthy and gave off the faintest wisp of an enchanting perfume.
"You smell good," Laura murmured to
'Thank you." Paula smiled nervously. "It's that Paris Hilton perfume. Somebody gave me a bottle."
"My . . .
Ooohhh, a dead giveaway, Lara
thought. 'Partner' was a code word, even
more than wife. But she had seen Paula
earlier looking at her wedding ring.
They were checking each other out, both of them, looking for the
"She knows what smells good on
you," Laura smirked a little, moving away, toward other rooms. There were two bedrooms. Paula followed her into one. Laura turned and almost pinned her against
one wall. "You are too gorgeous, Paula,"
she breathed. "I can't keep from staring
at you."
Paula giggled softly,
fetchingly. She seemed one second so
bold, the next second so shy. "We're
supposed to be looking at the apartment for Ms. Bell. Is she your . . . special friend?"
Laura smiled noncommittally. "We work in the same building."
"Ms. Bell is very beautiful."
"She is, isn't she." Laura boldly raised two fingers to Paula's
smooth black cheek. "So are you."
Again Paula giggled, and shook her
head. "Not me."
"Oh, yes."
"Don't you think we should discuss
the business we're here for?" Paula held
the clipboard in front of her chest like a shield.
Oh god, Laura thought, I'm scaring her again.
I've got to back off. She took a
step back, but not too far. "I think she
will love this one. She could even walk
to work. If she
doesn't mind five or six blocks.
Good for the legs. You know, a
friend of mine from Paris says all
the girls over there have spectacular legs because they walk everywhere." She glanced down. "Sort of like yours. Do you
walk everywhere?"
"I . . . work out. A little."
"It shows."
"Thank you. It seems I'm always saying 'thank you' to
Laura realized that what she had
seen as seductiveness earlier in Paula Cooper was not that at all. Instead it was a kind of shy allure that
always was devastating to Laura, a kind of sweetness that brought out the inner
leopard in her; made her want to pounce.
She took the step forward again,
the one she had just taken back. Now she
was nearly pinning Paula against the wall of the empty bedroom again. Instead of saying anything, she simply pushed
her mouth into the woman's delicious lips and kissed her forcefully and passionately,
stabbing her tongue into Paula's mouth as soon as Paula parted her lips. It took a few seconds for Paula to start
kissing her back, but she did.
Oh shit, I want to fuck her right
here on the floor! Laura thought, heart pounding, as their mouths finally came
apart. "Sorry about that," she smiled
apologetically. "I . . . guess I
couldn't help myself. I really wanted to
kiss you."
Paula grinned back shyly. "Don't apologize. Me too."
"I want to take your glasses off
and do it again."
Slowly, very deliberately, Paula
removed her glasses. Her dark brown eyes
burned into Laura's. "Go ahead."
This time they kissed like two cats
in heat, if cats only kissed. Paula had
to stop Laura from devouring her mouth long enough to secure her glasses somewhere
to keep them safe. "Let me set these
over here," she panted, half lurching over to the window ledge and folding the
glasses so they would rest on it.
Laura pulled her back and embraced
her this time, pushing her back against the wall and ravenously drinking her
mouth. Now Paula kissed back with equal
ardor, not having to worry about her glasses.
Laura kissed her long black neck.
She had been hungering after it for at least an hour. She sucked Paula's earlobe.
"Ooooohhh god . . . you're giving
me the shivers!" Paula panted, but didn't pull away, just wriggled a little in
Laura's fierce embrace.
"I want you," Laura breathed into
her ear.
"I know. Me too," Paula panted softly. "We can't do it here. No . . . nothing. No bed . . . no furniture."
Laura already had a hand on one
small breast, squeezing it through all the fabric of Paula's blouse and
bra. "Don't you live near here?"
"Yes." Paula squinted and appeared to be trying to
sort things out. "I don't like doing it
there. But she's in Guatemala. On some junket. She works for the Chamber of Commerce." She smoothed her clothes out with one hand
after escaping from Laura's tight embrace.
"I suppose . . ."
Laura grabbed her again and kissed
her, a scorcher. "Please."
"Yes. I think we . . . have to."
"Yes, we do."
"Don't want to forget these," Paula
said, retrieving her glasses from the window sill. "Let's go.
It's about a block and a half."
How they got to her car and drove
to Paula's apartment, Laura could never remember. They were both so nervous and so horny for
each other that it was hard to notice anything else. But when they finally got there, and Paula
closed and locked the door behind them, they looked at each other as if they
were conspirators in a great crime and had to tread softly or the Anti-Adultery
Army would arrive any second to arrest them.
The physical heat they had generated so easily in the empty apartment a
block and a half away had dissipated, and now they were simply devoured by
anxiety again.
Paula especially—no doubt because
it was her apartment, Laura realized—seemed distraught and reluctant to
continue. "I hate doing this . . . when
she's not here," she confessed to Laura.
Laura took this as an appeal and
approached her and embraced her, kissing her affectionately now on her smooth
black cheek instead of raping her mouth, as she had done earlier. "I know exactly how you feel," she
murmured. "I do. I feel the same way. But nobody but us will ever know."
"Have you . . . ever done this . .
. when your, you know, wife," she pointed down at the gold ring on Laura's
finger, "was away?"
"Once I did," Laura said, kissing
her neck again, realizing that it was so beautiful that she could almost get an
orgasm from that alone. "I felt guilty
for about three weeks afterward."
"I'm feeling that right now."
Laura kissed her mouth again, a
romantic, lingering, sweet kiss. "I want
you. You want me. Don't think about anything else."
"Yes." Paula looked embarrassed, guilty, but willing
too, all in the same expression. She
took her glasses off again and placed them on the glass coffee table. "Come with me."
Laura followed her to her
bedroom. She wanted to say to
Paula: Look, there's a kind of joy and
freedom that comes from having no emotional attachment, right? I mean, we like each other but are not
exactly going to change our lives over this brief hot moment in bed. Right? Give in to it. It's purely physical, but do you really want
to pass it by?
Paula seemed to sense what she was
feeling. She closed the door to the
bedroom. "I want you to know I've never
done this before," she said, bashfully, as Laura drew her closer with one hand
on her arm. "I mean . . . with a total
"We're not strangers," Laura
smiled. "We just about kissed each other
to heaven in that apartment."
"I know." Paula beamed.
"You're making me blush."
"I'm going to do more than that,"
Laura breathed into her ear again, embracing her and kissing her hungrily. "I'm going to make you whimper. I'm going to make you beg."
"We better hurry. I have to be back at the agency in about an
hour. Don't you have to get back to
Laura sucked Paula's full lower
lip. "One thing I hate is having to hurry when I'm making love to a beautiful
"There you go with that 'beautiful'
stuff again. I'm a plain Jane next to
Ms. Francine Bell, your friend."
Laura was already unbuttoning the
front of Paula's blouse. "You, my dear,
are nuts if you think you aren't every bit as stunning as that."
"Well, if you think so, maybe I'll
have to get used to it."
One thing about Paula Cooper was
distinctive indeed: she was very tall.
Frankie was as tall as Laura, but Paula was a good head taller than
either of them. Tall and long; long
legs, long torso. Yum, Laura thought as
she kissed her glossy black collarbones, and her smooth upper chest, everything
that came into view as she undid each button.
Paula was wearing a red bra. Alarms went off in Laura's brain and
body. Why red underwear should have such
an effect on her she didn't know, but it definitely sent the pounding of her
blood up a notch. "Oh
god what a beautiful bra."
"You think so?" Paula was now coy, though still a little shy.
"You wore it just in case somebody
like me wandered by, right?"
"You never know." She smiled.
"Though, as I said, I haven't ever done this."
"Feeling a little risqué today?"
"To tell the truth, I've been so
horny all morning, I hardly can stand it.
I don't know why."
By this time, Laura nearly had
Paula's blouse off, and was kissing her gleaming black skin everywhere. "Probably something you ate," she murmured,
reaching behind Paula to unclasp her red bra.
"Or didn't eat."
"You know, I've got a pair of
handcuffs in the drawer," Paula breathed, almost as an afterthought, as if she were
commenting on the weather.
Laura tried not to show her shock
and surprise. "You've got to be
kidding," she finally gasped softly, sliding Paula's unfastened bra down her
arms and flinging it away, kissing her shoulder, then her smooth throat.
Paula nodded. "Not kidding."
"You want me to handcuff you?"
"God, I die just thinking of it,"
Paula confessed.
"You don't even know me."
Paula shook her head. "I know you."
Maybe you do, Laura grinned. Maybe you do.
Meanwhile, she was cupping and squeezing Paula's very small breasts,
nice swellings with lovely, soft, very black nipples and areolas. "God, I love these. These are so beautiful."
"Let me get the handcuffs."
"You, my love, are a kink and a
Paula smirked over her shoulder at
Laura as she went to the drawer. She had
a ravishing long black back. Laura
wanted to maul it with kisses. Paula
returned with the handcuffs dangling provocatively from one extended
forefinger, still smirking, again with her peculiar mixture of coquettishness
and embarrassment.
Laura grabbed them and flung them
onto the bed. "Here . . . get this stuff
off. Quick." She tore out of her own blouse and bra.
Both of them now raced to undress, then press their naked flesh together. "Oh shit, I'm so excited . . . and so horny,"
Paula panted softly against Laura's neck as they fell together onto the
bedspread, not bothering to pull it down, taking care not to land on the
handcuffs. "I think I may . . . not take
long," she giggled. "If you handcuff me,
I'll come in two seconds."
"Where is the key? You forgot it."
"Same drawer."
Somehow in these few seconds
Paula's lovely dark brown eyes had become two pulsing embers of sex, boring
into Laura's, beckoning, beseeching, letting Laura know how much she wanted to
be fucked. "Sure you don't want to wait
until later for that?" Laura asked.
Paula shook her head,
vigorously. "Now. Please.
We have to hurry, remember?"
Laura scooted off the bed and
darted to the drawer where Paula had kept the handcuffs. She found two keys,
both on the same ring, and returned with them to the bed, placing them in plain
sight next to the clock radio on the bedside table.
"Put your hands behind you, you
naughty girl," she smiled at the delicious naked woman stretched out beside her.
"Ooohhh, you are just as much fun
as I thought you'd be," Paula murmured, rolling onto her side and presenting
her wrists behind her back, just above her curved sacrum and her lovely,
swelling black ass.
Honey, I want to eat you alive,
Laura thought. Who knew lunch was going
to be so much fun? She snapped the cuffs
in place and felt Paula's long, svelte body quiver slightly as the rush of
sexual excitement gripped her. To follow
it up, and to give in to an irresistible urge, she leaned down and kissed the
swelling dark buns of Paula's terrific ass, then caressed and squeezed them
with her hands, making Paula pant and squirm a little.
"God, you have a beautiful ass,
Paula," she breathed, kissing the globes of her ass even more, running one
devilish finger up and down the deep dark crack between them.
"Unnhhhh . . . unnnhhh . . . bite
it," Paula suddenly blurted out, but softly, looking back over her
shoulder. "Bite it . . . yes!"
Laura sank her teeth into one dark
round moon.
"Oh! Oh . . . oh shit!"
"Yes! Bite the other one."
Honey, we may never get farther
than this, if you let me give in to my true hungers, Laura thought, beginning
to bite her smooth, bulging black ass everywhere she could, also pinching and
groping it aggressively, while Paula moaned and squirmed in wild sexual arousal
under her mouth and hands.
While doing this, Laura got a whiff
of Paula's aroused pussy, which was clearly oozing and throbbing and blossoming
by now, emitting a heady fragrance of unmistakable lust. Paula was squirming and whimpering softly.
"Ohhhhhh! Ohhhhhh yesssss!"
But Laura wanted those lovely tiny
breasts too, and those large soft black areolas, wanted them in her mouth. She was an oral maniac, and she wanted
them. She wanted them in her mouth from
the moment she had seen them. She was a
breast fiend and could not rest without tasting them. She kissed her way up Paula's naked body,
turning her onto her side, until her mouth reached her breasts. Her eyes caught Paula's, who watched in
fascination as Laura did not even bother to lick her bulbous black nipple
before sucking it deep into her mouth.
Paula groaned, throwing her head back.
"Yes! Bite it too!"
What is it with these wonderful
girls? Laura wondered. Handcuffs and biting on the first date? In fact, her mouth was so full of Paula's
flesh that she really couldn't bite it without letting some back out. But it was gooey wet with her warm saliva and
slipped back out easily, until only the round pulpy bulb of Paula's wet nipple
remained between her lips. She knew Paula
didn't mean for her really to 'bite' it, not a vicious bite, only a thrilling
light little nip that would send hot zinging arrows of pleasure through her
breast and the rest of her body. Laura
often craved that herself, and was not opposed to delivering it to others, when
they wanted it.
She did it, biting first with her
lips, then a little touch of her teeth clamping at the end, sinking into the
silky soft areola. The effect on Paula
was electrifying. She jumped, and
"Nnnnggaiiii!" she cried out, but
not very loudly. She was, Laura
realized, used to fucking in this apartment and knew precisely how much (a real
estate expert, after all!) the sound would carry. "Ohhnnggg . . . shit . . . yes! Oh god, Laura, if you do that again I'm going
to come!" she panted.
Laura smiled at her, now sucking
this delectable, hardening nipple more passionately. "I'm . . . going to do it to the other one,"
she gasped, slurping and sucking thirstily.
At the same time, she slid one hand
down to Paula's crotch, separating the wet filaments of hair from Paula's
swollen, greasy cunt lips with her fingers, then rubbing her clit in rapid
swirls while moving her mouth to Paula's other lovely breast and semi-inhaling
the bulbous black nipple.
"Unngghh . . . anngghh . . . oh god
oh shit . . . Laura . . . oh!" Paula whimpered, writhing and gasping,
surprising Laura and herself, apparently, by quickly rising to a fierce pitch
of arousal in almost a split second.
"Mmmnnnggg . . .
mmnnngggg!" Laura hummed happily, sucking Paula's big, mouth-filling
nipple and areola hungrily, then nipping it again as
she let it slowly slide from her mouth, as she had nipped the first one. She also rubbed Paula's flooding warm pussy even
more vigorously.
Paula yelped and twitched again. "Ungghh!"
But this time Laura's nip seemed to
have ignited the tinder of her swelling orgasm, and she suddenly came without
"Annngghiiieeee!" she exploded in
violent thrashing, a sharp convulsion, accompanied by soft but insistent
wailing and shrieking. "Mmmnnggeeee1 Oh! Mnnggeeee!
Oh god!"
Laura held her sharply shuddering
body, as surprised as Paula apparently was by this quick climax. Wow, she comes even faster than I do
sometimes, she thought. She just . . .
went up in flames.
Paula was still gasping, though her
thrashing and spasming had quickly subsided.
This was not an overwhelming storm of an orgasm, but more like a quick,
surgical lightning strike, that left her stunned and panting and
glassy-eyed. She shook her head
slightly, astonished, looking into Laura's eyes. "I . . . I've never . . . come like that. I mean, so fast." She shook her head again in disbelief. "I mean . . . fast, but not that fast."
Laughing, Laura kissed her
aggressively. "I'm so envious. Now let's go for another, bigger one."
"Oh no . . . oh no," Paula laughed
too, wriggling her naked body against Laura's, who could feel Paula's damp,
still-hard nipples brushing her own.
"You have to come too. If I did,
you have to."
"Honey, you're hardly in a position
to do anything about it for me."
"Take the handcuffs off and let me
fuck you," Paula breathed into Laura's neck, almost the sexiest invitation
Laura had ever received. "I think you
need it."
"Oh darling, you are right about
that." Laura reached for the keys and
had the cuffs off Paula's wrists in seconds.
They clanked as she put them and the keys back on the bedside table.
And Paula, who had earlier been
almost demure in her shyness, the embarrassed
coquette, turned into a female tiger before Laura's eyes. Maybe her quick orgasm had broken the ice (or
something, Laura thought excitedly) because she suddenly swarmed over Laura's
body like a sexual whirlwind. Laura had
no choice but to submit, though she realized she wouldn't have resisted
anyway. Paula nearly swallowed her
nipples, one at a time, pulping and squeezing her breasts almost viciously as
she sucked.
"Unhhhh . . . oh oh yes . . .
ohhnnnnn!" Laura gasped, writhing under her long silky body, feeling Paula's
hand in her crotch, probing her flooding pussy.
Oh shit, I'm going to come pretty fast, too! she
Paula kissed her mouth
savagely. Laura kissed back, squeezing
her thighs shut on Paula's hand, just as two of Paula's long fingers slid up
into her very wet channel. Laura could
feel the bed rock underneath her, and she realized it was because she was
pumping and squirming violently, with Paula squirming just as violently on top
of her.
"I thought you were . . . going to
. . . fuck me . . ." she panted into Paula's shiny black ear. "I need to be fucked."
"Yes . . . you do," Paula smiled,
quickly sliding down Laura's body.
She removed her fingers from
Laura's pussy long enough to maul it passionately with her mouth, sucking and
tonguing Laura's swollen vulva while she ran one forefinger, already greased
with Laura's cunt juices, up and down the crack of Laura's ass. She had a long tongue, and Laura could feel
it wriggling all the way up into her pussy.
"Oh . . . oh!" she cried out,
feeling her body leap with flame.
From this point on she had no idea
how long it took to get to the end, but several moments later she spilled over
in a hot, gushing torrent of coming, whooping and digging her heels into the
mattress and hammering it with her elbows and pushing her throbbing cunt into
Paula's mouth as fierce shocks ripped through her body, then were quickly gone
as soon as they had arrived.
"Mmmnngngggiiieee!" she wailed,
softly too, as if mimicking the soft, ecstatic cries that had emanated from
Paula's throat only minutes earlier, wrenching cries of sexual release, but
moderated to fit the venue, as if each of them instinctively knew how much the
walls would hold. "Anngghhhh! Oh!
Oh! Unnnmmmgghhh! Oh god, yes!
Paula Paula. Oh . . . you are
wonderful!" she gasped, looking down her own still-heaving naked body at
Paula's face between her thighs, her lips still fastened to Laura's aching
Paula grinned with pride as she
slowly pulled away and sat up, her thick, sensual lips shiny with Laura's love
juice. She licked them ostentatiously,
making sure Laura saw her. "You taste
good," she whispered.
Laura stretched languorously,
feeling Paula's eyes on her body. It was
nice to be desired. She let her eyes
drift over Paula's delicious black nakedness the same way. "I don't know how we can both go back to
work," she said, drowsily.
Paula stretched out next to her and
they kissed lovingly for a few moments, luxuriating in the feel of their warm
bodies rubbing, enjoying the after-sex smell of each other. "I don't know about you, but I'll get fired
if I'm not back in about half an hour.
That's just time to shower your smell off me and skedaddle."
Laura sniffed her forearm. "I don't know," she mused, "I think I might
just want to smell you all day on me."
"You better not," Paula warned
playfully. "Somebody be
thinking you popped in bed with a nigga girl, if you're not careful."
"They'd be envying me, if they
could see you now," Laura said, letting her eyes devour Paula's naked flesh.
"Don't be tempting me, now," Paula
teased. "I'm in the shower first, you
"Wish I could join you. I love fucking in the shower."
Paula beamed. "That's the sweetest thing you've ever said
to me. Let's do a rain check, okay?"
Reluctantly, Laura agreed. In fifteen more minutes, they were both
freshly showered and dressed, standing by the door of Paula's apartment before
she opened it. Laura kissed her wildly
sensual mouth and cupped one of her small breasts through her clothes, giving
it a gently squeeze. "Next time . . .
fucking our brains out in the shower," she murmured against Paula's silky black
"Don't do that, you're making me
wet all over again," Paula playfully pushed her away and opened the door. "So," she said as she locked it again behind
them. "Your friend Ms. Bell will take
the apartment? The
second one?"
"I guess she'll have to see it
first herself. But I think so."
Paula looked suddenly glum. "You and she will be . . . you know, doing it
together there, instead of you doing it with me."
Laura looked around, seeing no one,
and kissed her on the nose. "Your
'partner' will be back from Guatemala,"
she reminded her. "Don't worry. We'll find a way."
Paula broke into a happy
smile. "We better."