As she had warned Laura she would
probably do, Allisha had managed to involve herself in two separate lesbian
relationships, since, as she had told Laura, 'you're already taken.' In the past, Laura would have experienced
some serious heart pangs over this, since she irrationally wanted her darlings
exclusively for herself, even though she would never ignore Makeeda for even
one of them, as she (and they) well knew. But now, over the years, she had grown: they
had lives too, and she would not begrudge them a rich and varied sex
agenda. She could only sulk and stew
True, she had her hands full
juggling Nyomi, and Bonnie, and Frankie, all while Makeeda was out of town;
with occasional dalliances in the arms of Deshona, or recently Dee Dee, Arthell
and Shelley. That ought to be enough to
hold anyone, she thought. Even an insatiable lover of sweet black pussy like me.
But it was not. She still could not resist dropping into
Walgreen's now and then to flirt with Gail.
Of course, it was 'flirting' only to Laura, not to Gail. Who could say what Gail thought of it, why
this thirtyish married woman Laura (three more times Laura had had to correct
her from 'Lana' to 'Laura'; that's the
kind of impression I've made on her, she thought in waspish asperity) was
always hanging around her with her tongue metaphorically out. Their Friday 'date' to meet and share some
green tea or ice cream had fallen through when Gail's boyfriend, who was in
college at UCLA, suddenly appeared in town.
This really wilted Laura's flower.
Her boyfriend, for Christ's
sake! Why are you keeping this up,
And then there was Allisha, who
began haunting her dreams. She had not
seen the girl for months. Maybe that was
why Allisha began to show up in Technicolor, but always fully clothed, in one
dream after another. They were not even
sexual dreams. Allisha was just sitting
in a chair to the side while something else, a dreamscape, was going on. Or waiting at a bus stop. Or a face in the crowd.
Or walking down a path
in the park. Laura
watching. Laura
marveling at the honey-gold streaks in her hair. Of course when Laura woke up from the dream,
it all became sexual in an instant. The
mere wisp of a memory of this beautiful girl was enough to make her wet, make
her pulse race. She could feel the blood
pumping in her throat.
She phoned her several times but
always got her voice mail. "Leave a
message." Okay. I will.
"This is your love slave,
Laura. Calling to ask you why you've
been persecuting me in my dreams lately with your incredible beauty. Call me."
"Okay, this is your love slave
Laura, again. I know I've done you wrong
by not calling, but I can't get you out of my mind. Call me.
"Believe me,
I hate to grovel, darling. It's your
love slave again. I need you to chain me
to the bed and punish me with kisses. And more. Please."
This was getting silly. Laura actually did feel like she was
groveling. I've got to stop it. It's not dignified. It'll turn her off instead of on.
But it did not turn Allisha off,
though it was another week before she called back. "Hello, is this my love slave Laura?"
"You bitch. My honey's back in town. What took you so long?"
Allisha was aloof. She was very good at being aloof. When Laura had first met her, on the Muni
Metro, it had seemed that the Sanctified Goddess of Aloof was her standard face
to the world. "Excuse me, love slave,
but I have honeys too, you know. I have
two now. One, they are hella jealous,
and two, they take up a lot of my time . . . just, you know, doing me to heaven
every day. I didn't have time to call
you back until now."
"Oooohhhh god, you're make my blood thump," Laura laughed into the phone. "God, you are hot."
"That's what my honeys say, too,"
Allisha flirted. She lowered her voice
to a conspiratorial whisper. "But they
can't find my Gee! spot, like you. Gee!"
"I'd like to be finding it with my
tongue right now," Laura whispered back.
There was silence at the other end
of the line. Or the
air, since they were talking on cell phones. Gosh, people could be eavesdropping on us,
Laura realized. Aren't cell phone
conversations insecure? She could hear
Allisha breathing and giggling softly on the other end. "No kidding, Laura. Nobody has ever been able to find it but
"Give me another chance. What are you doing right now?" Laura was again on the BART train, on her way
"I thought you wouldn't fool around
when your honey is home."
"You're right." Laura's shoulders slumped. "I won't."
"Doesn't matter," Allisha said
brightly. "I can't anyway. I've got my period. And I'm driving to a job interview."
"A job interview? It's six
o'clock in the evening."
"It's at a restaurant in Sausalito."
Laura knew what it was like to have
an affair with a restaurant employee.
Makeeda had been the hostess at La Rondine when they had first met. I hardly ever saw her, she thought glumly. And
when I did see her, she was too exhausted for fucking. Or anything!
"A restaurant!"
She let her disappointment show in her voice.
"Got to work somewhere," Allisha
said calmly. "I have experience as a
cook. You never hung around long enough
to find out anything about me. Just
wanted my body, I guess. Like all the
others." Allisha was not above the intentional
It was hard to tell over the phone
whether she meant this or not. She was
very bright and very sharp-witted, and so it seemed unlikely that she thought
Laura underestimated her. "You know
that's a lie," Laura said gently. "I did
not know you cooked, though. Not food, anyway."
Allisha laughed. "Laura, I missed you. Not only the Gee! spot
stuff, but everything else too. I can't
keep this up. I've got to hang up. It's illegal to talk and drive now, you
know. And I'm going onto the Golden
Gate Bridge. Have to concentrate. Do you know how many fatal crashes there are
on this bridge? Call me again when your
honey leaves town. We'll have a little
"I'm dying to see you," Laura
murmured to her one last time before she hung up.
In fact, sweet as thoughts of
Allisha certainly were, Makeeda was home, and the usual effect that had on them
both was to blot out everything else but their renewed intimacies and sexual
fervor. Allisha now stayed out of her
dreams for a few weeks, since Laura was usually too tired after exuberant,
often emotionally draining, fucking with Makeeda to
dream anyway. Finally Makeeda was off
again to appear in clubs in Seattle,
Minneapolis, and Atlanta. Laura took a couple days to recover, but then
found herself one evening after work driving Gail home
from her yoga class.
"I'm so glad you could do this,"
Gail said, about the tenth time she had thanked Laura.
"No problem. I had to work a little late anyway." It was only seven
o'clock. "It's nice to see
There wasn't much of Gail to see,
however. The fantasies Laura had
indulged at one time about seeing her in a tight-fitting leotard were
crushed. Gail wore simple sweatpants and
a loose basketball jersey with a big crimson number '43' on the back.
"Who is forty-three?" Laura asked
her as she got into the car.
Gail shrugged. "I haven't the faintest. Some dopey basketball player, I guess."
"I thought maybe you were a fan."
"Not me. Jason is a Lakers fan. But I don't think this is a Lakers jersey. Wrong color. Look, I'm so glad you could pick me up. The car I usually borrow from Prentice, one
of my roommates, broke down. I think he
said water pump or something. Anyway,
you're a life saver."
And you haven't yet guessed I'm
trying to get into your pants, you cutie? Laura wondered. But maybe not. After all, she had made no obvious
moves. I just thought she could see it
in my eyes, that's all. That I'm eating her alive
with them every second.
Gail lived in the Mission
with two other roommates in a three-bedroom flat. Even though there were three bedrooms, Gail
slept on a futon in the living room.
"That's Prentice's room," she pointed.
"That's Emily's room. And that,"
she pointed at the last door down the hallway, "is The Casbah."
"The what?" Neither of Gail's roommates was there, so
Laura felt free to express her shock and amusement.
"The Casbah. Prentice calls it that. He's gay.
He brings his boyfriends up here.
That room is for . . . you know . . . doing it. Only Emily doesn't use it much. Her boyfriend has an apartment and she mostly
stays over there. Especially
for sex. Prentice brings his guys
up here. I just leave. Or put in my earplugs."
Laura wanted to ask her, What about
Do you use The Casbah? You and this
guy Jason, for example?
Gail could see the question in her
eyes. Can't see I want to fuck her, but
can clearly see I think someone else is doing it, Laura reflected acidly. "I've used it a couple of times," Gail
said. "I'm too inhibited, if someone is
here. I can't even come when I get all
nervous like that. Prentice doesn't even
mind. Groaning. Shouting. It's a little uncomfortable. There's a coffee shop with wifi down the
street. I just take my laptop and go
down there."
She smiled sweetly at Laura, as if
leavening all this sexual talk with a dollop of her incomparable elfish
innocence would make things more relaxed.
It made Laura want her more than ever.
"Let's go in there," she said
suddenly to Gail, almost surprising even herself. "Nobody's here. Not for sex.
Let's just go in there and kiss.
I'm dying to kiss you. I've
always been dying to kiss you. Let's
kiss in The Casbah."
Gail broke into soft laughter. "You are
a lesbian, aren't you.
I kind of thought you were."
Laura could not resist reaching out
to caress her cheek with the backs of her knuckles, very tenderly. "Is that so bad?"
Gail continued laughing. "It isn't bad at all. I'm just . . . not one. You know.
I guess you figured that out before now."
"I sort of guessed." Laura realized she was threatening a delayed
blush. She had not been embarrassed at
all about popping the 'kiss' suggestion, but now a huge wave of chagrin was
about to wash over her. She lowered her
voice, even though there was no one there but the two of them, making it soft
and smoky. "Let's do it out here,
then. The kiss. Only take a moment. Just do it as a favor to me. I love those lips."
She ran the tip of her forefinger
lightly over Gail's very sensual mouth.
Gail's dark brown eyes grew soft and glowing. Laura believed she was considering it;
weighing the good and bad. She wants to,
Laura thought. She wants to give in.
Gail tilted her head to the side
and crinkled her nose. "Okay. But in there," she nodded back over her
shoulder. "In the
Casbah. If anyone came in and saw
us kissing, I'd never hear the end of it.
They already tease me, about being too cute and sweet. I don't need that."
Laura followed her down the hallway
to the last room, wondering all the while how it would be different if the two
of them emerged from The Casbah to find Emily or Prentice there. They would surely think she and Gail had been
doing more than kissing.
The Casbah was lit by two
heavily-shaded lamps, so that the atmosphere was soft and shadowy and
intimate. There was a mattress and box
spring on the floor; no bed frame. But
the sheets appeared clean. God, it's a
gymnasium purely for fucking, Laura thought, feeling the insides of her pussy
flutter. Gail shut the door behind them.
"How do they know not to come in?"
Laura asked her.
"Oh. I forgot."
Gail opened the door She took a red silk
necktie, already tied in a loop, from a hook next to the frame and hung it on
the outside doorknob. "You're supposed
to hang the tie there. Then they know to
stay out. I never go in The Casbah very
much, as I said. So, I forget."
Again she closed the door behind
them. Now, don't push things, Laura,
Laura reminded herself. Go easy on this sweetie. She doesn't know how much she wants it
yet. Just humoring me.
Again she caressed Gail's smooth
dark cheek with her fingertips. Gail was
pliant and soft, looking up at her. She
was about a head shorter than Laura, so that Laura had to bend down a little to
reach her lips. Their mouths came
together tentatively. Laura did not know
how far to push it, this kiss, and Gail seemed very passive and submissive, as
if she were leaving it entirely in Laura's hands.
"Mmmmmm," Laura realized she was
humming deep in her throat as she curved her own mouth into Gail's, trying to
get Gail to open hers. She did manage to
slip the tip of her tongue between Gail's lips.
And she also realized her arms had encircled the girl, pulling her
closer. Her fingers were lightly digging
into Gail's back through her basketball jersey, enough to feel with her
fingertips the strap of Gail's bra.. "Mmmmm."
Then Gail pulled back, pulled
away. Even though dark and lovely, never
more so than now in the shadows of The Casbah, her scent a marvel of her
yoga-induced sweat mingled with faint traces of her usual healthy bloom, she
seemed flushed. She seemed
embarrassed. "Isn't that enough?"
Mmmmm, you darling, that's never enough, Laura wanted to say. "I guess it is if you say so," she replied
Gail smiled her pixie smile. "Okay, one more. Just a little one. No sticking your tongue in."
"I thought you might like that." Gail shook her head. Laura shrugged, resigned. "Okay.
Your rules."
Gail closed her eyes and presented
her lips. So cute. She really was devastating, Laura reflected. Who could ever resist her? Slowly, she pressed her own mouth into them,
this time giving Gail the full measure of her most sensual, seductive, romantic
kiss, hoping to kindle a fire that she knew was latent, that needed only the
right spark to flare up in an exciting little burst. Once that happened . . .
This time Gail
kissed back, though only in the vaguest, most tentative way, moving her lips
against Laura's, not trying to stop things in the middle. Laura had to exert all her self-control not
to succumb to her acute physical desire.
At moments like these, a fierce wave of sharp sexual need would undulate
through her body and mind, and she would often grope and squeeze and whimper
and suck and knead and moan softly as the woman in her arms grew warmer and
more receptive. Neither of them realized
that she had slipped one hand up under Gail's basketball jersey onto her warm,
sweat-sticky back, until Gail pulled away, out of the kiss, panting
slightly. Her eyes were glassy as she
looked up at Laura, her face so close.
"You're touching my back," she
said, but not accusatorily, just stating a fact.
"Sorry," Laura said. But she left the hand where it was. "I didn't realize it."
"I think this has gone too far."
Laura's heart sank. "Sorry," she said again, now slowly removing
her hand. She pecked Gail on the
forehead. "I guess you can't blame me
for wanting you."
Gail shook her head and beamed at
Laura. "I don't blame you for
anything. I like people wanting to fuck
me. Lots of them do, you know. You should see the way they follow me around
Walgreens. Mostly men,
of course. Some d—"
Laura was gazing at her mouth, the
sensual mouth she had just been kissing and trying not to devour
rapaciously. Somehow Laura's focus on
her mouth brought Gail up short.
She laughed uncomfortably. "I was going to say 'dykes.' They . . . follow me too."
"I suppose you include me in that
"Actually . . .
no. I never put two and two
together until just tonight."
Laura took a few deep breaths. I sure guess we're wasting our time here in
The Casbah, she thought. Maybe we should
just clear out and leave it for Prentice and his gang of horny guys. "One more little kiss," she murmured to
Gail. "I promise not to touch you. But it'll . . . give me something to dream
Gail tilted her head to the side
and smiled curiously at Laura. "You
really are a romantic, aren't you. I like that.
You're different. Guess that's
why I always liked you."
She let Laura kiss her a final
time, but Laura's hopes were still dashed.
Instead of warming up and participating, Gail merely submitted, as if
waiting for it to be over, for Laura's little lust storm to pass. This attitude on her part, of course, made it
pass quickly. Laura realized the
futility of the moment and wound up the kiss quickly. "There," she said, pulling back. "Thank you . . . for indulging me."
"My pleasure," Gail said brightly,
opening the door, removing the necktie from the doorknob and hanging it back on
its hook. "Look, nobody here. I guess we could've done it right there in
the front room."
Laura grabbed her hand and pulled
her closer in the darkened hallway. "I
would do it with you anywhere," she breathed, letting her lips brush Gail's
smooth cheek, feeling that she could lose nothing by being bold.
"I know you would," Gail breathed
back. "And don't think I'm not
tempted. But somehow it just . . . gives
me the cobbeywobbles for now, you know?
I just can't make up my mind. So
don't push me, okay? Just give me a
little time."
"A little," Laura winked. "But I warn you, I may die of longing."
"No, you won't. You should join my yoga class. It'll take your mind off sex."
"I know," Laura smiled. "I'll hurt so much all the time that I won't
be able to think of anything but aspirin."
At the door Gail took the
initiative for once and kissed Laura. It
was, however, a quick, sisterly kiss.
"There. That'll have to hold you
for a while."
"I'm pining," Laura teased. "I'm melting and wilting and languishing."
"If you're good, maybe next time a
real kiss."
"When's 'next time'?"
"Don't push it, okay?"
Driving home, Laura gnashed her
teeth. But only a little, since really
gnashing them would end her up in the dentist's office, facing Sara, and
doubling her dilemmas. Why do I fall for
these damned coquettes? she asked herself, avoiding
thoughts of Sara by returning to those of Gail.
Give me some time. It gives me the cobbeywobbles! Damn, I'm horny. I want to devour that little cutie. She is so adorable, and so sexy. And she smells so good, even when she's all
sweaty from her grueling yoga class. And
I think she enjoys tormenting me, too.
These musings were interrupted by a
karma stroke. Her phone rang. She usually didn't answer it while driving
any more, but her frustrations motivated her to grab it.
"Hi, Laura. It's time."
Oh god, I'm living right after
all! Or she wouldn't have called at this
perfect moment. Laura pulled over to the
curb on Howard Street, not
the most savory of neighborhoods; but she was too agitated to drive. "Oh god, I'm so glad it's you! I've been thinking about you."
You have not, you liar! she thought. You've
been thinking of Gail. But no one could
get her mind off Gail like Allisha.
"Aren't you going to come over? I'm ready.
I'm sitting here with my hand rubbing my you-know-what,
just wondering why nobody can find my Gee! spot but
"Where would that be?" Laura asked.
"Where you're sitting, I mean."
"Actually, I'm house
sitting again for my folks. The house in
Forest Knolls, remember?"
"I could never forget it. Refresh my memory on the street and number."
Allisha gave her quick
directions. "And, you know, if it's not
too much trouble . . . remember that double dick strap-on thing you showed
me? A long time ago? One of my honeys has been getting me into
that stuff . . . and I think I might be able to handle it. Do you have it with you?"
"By golly, it's in the trunk,"
Laura broke into a broad grin.
Allisha exploded with
laughter. "I guess it's going to be in my trunk soon, right?"
"As soon as I can get there, my
love," Laura murmured, almost kissing the phone, she was so excited.
It took her only ten minutes to get
to Forest Knolls, up on the west side of Twin Peaks. Allisha greeted her at the door with a sexy
smirk. "Oh god," she said with mock
surprise, "it's the woman who led me down the garden path to lesbian sex and
changed my life forever." She threw open
the door. "Come inside, so the neighbors
can't see, and hug me like you want to fuck me to the moon and back."
Laura grabbed Allisha, who was busy
shutting and locking the door behind her.
"And I do," she gasped, kissing her ravenously, the way she had wanted
to kiss Gail just twenty minutes ago but had been inhibited from trying.
But Allisha was no Gail. Two women could not be more unalike; Gail,
the community college student and pharmacy clerk at Walgreens, Allisha, though
only twenty-one or so, the experienced divorcée, the aloof beauty who toyed
with her admirers before submitting to raucous, exuberant sex. Allisha, even though she now made jokes about
it, had not been difficult to persuade, having had a few bi-curious lesbian
episodes as an adolescent. She and Laura
had made the bells ring on more than one occasion, right in this very
house. And right now, in Laura's eager
arms, she was ravishing. She had a kind
of beauty that made people's heads whip around when she passed them on the
street, and of course her body was a miracle of curves and sleek dark brown
skin and enchanting honey-gold hair, long hair that hung to her shoulders, hair
that many of Laura's other black girlfriends would kill for.
Allisha was giggling softly all the
time that Laura was kissing her like a deranged romantic rapist, pushing her
back against the wall, groping her delectable breasts through her clothes, only
a flimsy pale yellow shirt, but still in the way of Laura's squeezing
fingers. "Owww . . . owwww . . ." she
laughed playfully, trying to squirm away.
"You're hurting my mouth and my titties, you maniac."
"I thought you wanted me to fuck
you to the moon."
"I do," Allisha laughed. She pointed to the small valise Laura carried
in one hand. "Is that it? The thing? The thing I'm half wanting and half scared
shitless of?"
Laura smirked, waving the small bag
in front of her face. "This, my dear, is
the key to paradise."
"Oh god, I can't wait. Did you want to sit and talk first? I know you love kissing. We have some catching up to do. But I just want—"
"I know what you want." Laura kissed her again, this time more
gently. "Talking can wait. I think we're both about to pop."
"I know I am," Allisha said with
finality, grabbing Laura's hand and pulling her toward the bedrooms.
Laura realized that she was so
primed for hot, fast sex after her frustrating moments with the darling Gail in
The Casbah that she too could barely contain her eagerness. Allisha pulled her past her own bedroom to
the master bedroom, as she had done on Laura's past visits, complaining that
her bed was too small. Laura flung the
small valise onto the big bed and took Allisha in her arms.
"You aren't going to deny me one
kiss, are you? What's the matter, aren't
those two honey pies you keep bragging about just fucking your ears off night
and day?" I know I would be, she wanted
to add, but was afraid of where that conversation might lead.
They kissed hungrily before Allisha
had a chance to answer. During the kiss
Laura unbuttoned Allisha's shirt and so followed up the kiss with feverish oral
explorations of her delicious upper body, now naked and smooth and dark and
silky under her traveling lips. Allisha
knew how Laura loved her breasts, and so she cradled them in both palms,
looking down as Laura sucked first one, then the other with heated
passion. Allisha had big, round, dark
caramel-colored nipples, and Laura throbbed with happiness having them inside
her mouth, feeling them tighten and thicken, and feeling the rest of Allisha's
body quiver.
"Oh shit . . . that feels good!"
God, I love the topless-in-jeans
look, Laura thought as Allisha pulled away briefly to yank down the bedspread
and blankets, exposing the sheets. She
could still see the traces of her own saliva shining in silvery streaks on the
dark brown skin of Allisha's naked breasts.
Allisha returned to her arms, smiling, a little coy, then soft and
"They fuck me and fuck me, if you
want to know. They are rivals, and each
one tries to outdo the other one.
Sometimes I have to take a week off.
They wear me out. I think
secretly they hate each other, but they fuck me together and the three of us
just go up in smoke."
"Mmmmm, I'm so jealous," Laura
growled, sucking her long dark brown neck.
Allisha laughed, twisting
away. "Don't give me a hickey! I have a job now. Everybody will be teasing. Also, Doris and Angie will kill me for
fucking someone else."
While saying this, she was also
undressing Laura, as fast as she could.
Laura helped. Soon the only
clothing still on either one was Allisha's tight blue jeans. She started to unzip them, but Laura paused her with one hand on her wrist.
"I wish I had a picture of you just
like this. Life-size. Just jeans. Enchanting breasts. Aloof, beautiful smile. 'You want a masterpiece? Get a load of this!' I am so glad I met you."
Allisha nearly melted from her
aloof, enchanting pose, with her wonderful breasts in profile as Laura drank in
the beauty of her body. "Laura . . . you
are so sweet. The things you say. They make me just run with juice. I don't think we'll even need any lubrication."
"What a romantic thing to say,"
Laura scoffed as she reached for her small valise while Allisha slid the tight
jeans down her long, thin legs.
"It's the truth. I'm like the Mississippi River. I'm going to slip-slide off the bed."
"No, you're not," Laura said as she
fastened the harness and the Double Penetrator in place. "I'm going to hold on tight to you."
Allisha's eyes grew wide as she
looked at it. "Are you sure I can handle
"Guess we'll find out," Laura
winked. "You want to ride, you perverted
little cowgirl?"
Allisha smiled. "You know I love to ride."
"As long as you dangle these
beauties in my face," Laura said, happily fondling the shapely naked globes of
Allisha's marvelous breasts, "you can ride off into the sunset, my love."
Silently, they moved into positions
they knew from experience with each other would pay off. Allisha did not usually come fast, nor did
she apologize for it, but she loved to settle into a gently rocking cowgirl motion,
straddling Laura's hips and suspending her gorgeous breasts over Laura's face, throwing
her head back, stimulated toward her future cataclysm by Laura's sucking. Laura, for her part, could feel the urge to
come growing each second while she sucked Allisha's beautiful nipples, and
rocked in gentle motion too, feeling the base of the dildo pushing against her
pubic bone, arousing her to the point that she could almost come too when
Allisha did. After that, only a few
swipes of the tongue or crunches of the thigh were enough to send her into a
wild, wrenching orgasm.
The only difference this time was
the Double Penetrator, the thin, long prong on the bottom of the dildo that
would go into her asshole, the first time she and Laura had attempted it. But apparently Allisha's new lovers had initiated
her, and so she showed no apprehension as she waited while Laura swabbed the
prong with a little oil, then gnawed her lower lip with concentration as the
tip of it slid between her delicious round buns.
"Oh!" she yelped softly, but not in
pain, just a signification that contact, then tentative penetration, had been
made. "Oh! Yes!
Slow! Slow!"
Laura had done this so often with
others that she was now expert at managing this stage of it. She could see the head of the thicker dildo,
the front one, entering Allisha's beautiful, puckered, black-lipped cunt, and
with her fingers guiding it, could feel the back prong slowly pushing its way
into her tighter asshole behind it, helped by the tip of Laura's forefinger.
Allisha was perfectly silent for a
moment, though her moving breasts showed that her breath was coming
faster. "Unhhhhh!" she finally moaned
softly, wincing slightly, but with more pleasure than pain, as the two long
shafts slowly but steadily entered her body.
"Oh . . . yes!"
Her eyes fluttered open and caught
Laura's. She smiled. Laura smiled back.
"They're in," Allisha gasped. Her eyes rolled up briefly. "Oh, Laura."
"Take it slow, honey," Laura
cautioned her softly, knowing that the body could accommodate, could adjust,
could accept these invaders if given the chance.
But already Allisha was gently
swirling her hips, then moving up and down a few inches, relishing the feel of
the two shafts sliding in and out of her body.
"Oh god . . . I . . . don't think it's going to take me very long!"
I hope it takes you long enough for
me to get my fill of these, Laura thought, scooping up Allisha's gorgeous
dangling breasts in her hands and flicking her nipples with her tongue, a mere prelude to trying to swallow them both,
which she was about to undertake. "I
want to suck you . . ."she murmured. "I
want to suck and suck you."
"Yes," Allisha laughed happily,
pushing her swinging, naked breasts into Laura's face. "I love you to suck them. But it'll make me come, you know."
"I know," Laura chucked
softly. "Maybe me
Now they fell into a smooth,
gentle, rocking rhythm, Allisha slowly letting the shafts ride up into her,
then lifting herself a little to let them out, then back down, then up, while
Laura busily and more and more passionately sucked her marvelous dark caramel
nipples. She remembered, now that they
were in the thick of it, that Allisha loved these trance-like fucks: just this
gentle rocking, almost silent, no sound but Laura's smacking, sucking wet mouth
noises and the soft whoosh of Allisha's breathing as her panting
accelerated. They rocked and gently
pumped in perfect unison, and Laura devoured Allisha's beautiful big nipples,
but not voraciously, not wildly enough to induce a keening frenzy, just enough
to slowly raise the simmer to a boil, which took a long, lovely time.
Allisha did not come fast and did
not care. The journey was every bit as
good as the destination, for her, and she was a vision of rapt sensuality as
she moved slowly back and forth, up and down, on top of Laura, throwing her
head back and pushing her breasts into Laura's face, wincing with pleasure as
Laura began to suck her wet nipples more hungrily.
"Ohhhnnnnn . . . yessssss!" she
gasped in a low, guttural voice, after a long interval. "Yes . . . yes! Suck harder!"
Laura was happy to oblige. By now, from Laura's lavish attentions,
Allisha's nipples were shiny and wet and thick and protruding love knobs, and
Laura commenced trying to swallow them.
She held one breast in both hands and sucked hard, harder, even harder,
until Allisha started shaking and whimpering deep in her throat. Then, figuring she had gone too far, Laura
let the love-tortured nipple slide out of her mouth. Allisha's beautiful face was distorted with
sweet sexual agony, but she quickly looked down at Laura and said, "The other
one! Yes! Oh!"
She mashed her other breast against
Laura's open mouth, groaning with pleasure as Laura now sucked her other nipple
deep inside, giving it the same treatment.
"Oh! Oh!
By now the gentle rocking rhythm
was replaced by a more feverish churning.
She's getting there . . . getting there . . . Laura thought, helping all
the way, now thrusting up into Allisha's downward hip swirls, and sucking and
teeth-massaging her bulging nipples more heatedly than ever. Getting there . . . getting there . . .
"Oh!" Allisha yelped softly. "Oh . . . deep . . . so
deep! That back one goes in
deep!" she gasped to Laura, suddenly lucid after long minutes of sweet sexual
"Yes, honey . . . yes," Laura
murmured to her kissing her shoulder, her neck, pulling her down to get to her
lips, wanting to soul-kiss her mouth desperately, she was so beautiful in this
instant. It was the heart of sex for
Laura to consume her lover at this moment, and Allisha was ripe for the
plucking, hovering as she was now on the edge of a thrilling explosion. Laura pulled her head down and mashed her
mouth into Allisha's, who kissed her back but began to come almost immediately
"Mnnnngggeeee! Oh!
Mnnnggeeee! Anngghh! OOHHNNGGMMYYIIIEE!" she suddenly roared,
writhing on top of Laura and screaming into Laura's neck.
Laura held her. After the first scream she did not scream any
more but subsided into bodily waves and squeals that quickly modulated into
soft but continuous whimpering. Her
lovely young body undulated against Laura, who realized that it was only making
her hornier and hornier, feeling this delicious hard silken flesh rubbing
against her own. Their naked breasts
mashed together, Allisha's still damp with Laura's own saliva. Her body quivered and took tiny jumps as the
aftershocks of a shattering orgasm rolled through her body. Laura had no idea how long they were glued
together like this.
Then, after a while, Allisha
stopped quivering, and panting. "Oh
shit," she whispered into Laura's ear.
"You always make me come so hard.
I feel like my insides are shredded or something. I can still feel it in the pit of my
Laura smiled up at her and tenderly
pushed away a strand of damp hair from Allisha's shiny forehead. "I'm happy for you . . . but I'm starting to
get a cramp. You may be petite, but
you're still making it hard for me to breathe."
Allisha laughed. "Sorry."
"Hold still . . . easy . . . now .
. . easy . . . that's it," Laura said as they extracted the two prongs from
Allisha's body, and she rolled sideways off Laura.
Allisha stared at the Double
Penetrator, jutting obscenely up from Laura's groin, greasy and slick. "You know," she said, giggling softly, "a guy's goes down after something like that. Even two guys' go down. I mean, I wouldn't know, never having had two
guys at once. But that one's only ready
for more."
Laura gazed at her pointedly, still
The idea dawned slowly on
Allisha. "Mmmmm, I see what's next."
"You genius," Laura teased,
stretching out, slipping the straps off her hips and handing the monster to
Allisha. "Be gentle."
Allisha broke into a broad
grin. "Ha. As if you ever liked it
gentle." She fastened the Double
Penetrator in place on her own body, then snuggled
closer to Laura.
"Oh, but I do," Laura purred to
her, kissing her romantically. "I like
it every way with you. Are you going to
fuck me in every way possible? Slow . .
. then fast? Sweet . .
. then hard?"
Allisha was busy kissing Laura's
neck. "I'm going to give it my best,"
she breathed. "You deserve it."
"Oh honey, you're making me so wet
and horny."
Allisha said nothing but continued
kissing Laura's body, kissing and sucking her breasts lovingly, rubbing Laura's
extremely wet pussy with the fingers of one hand, kissing Laura's neck again,
her mouth, her shoulders, her nipples again, sucking them harder. As Laura's body began slow undulations,
almost as if it were totally out of her control and merely responding to the
delicious pressure of Allisha's own body rubbing against her, Allisha dropped
her hand lower and began gently to open the pinched-tight aperture of Laura's
anus with the tip of her forefinger.
"Oh . . . yes!" Laura gasped
softly, anticipating the coming entry of the Double Penetrator, which could not
be far off.
It had been literally months since
she had felt it, strangely enough. She
frequently used it with those who craved it, Dee Dee having been the most
recent. But usually with them the event
itself was so wildly exciting, and the orgasm so explosive, that by the time
her lover had climaxed Laura herself was aroused to such a hair-trigger state
that the slightest caress, almost, was enough to make her come. That was nearly the case now, and yet this
time she was determined not to be deprived of her pleasure. And Allisha seemed to sense this and was
quite willing to deliver it.
What an angel! How could I know you would be so sweet, when
I merely spotted you reading on the Muni, and refusing eye contact? Looking so beautiful and aloof?
"Oh god, honey, you are so good to
me," she panted to Allisha, parting her thighs even farther, pulling Allisha
closer on top of her, trying to hurry her, eager to get things going. "I want you to fuck me hard."
"Yes," Allisha smiled, bemusedly,
busy with the business of introducing each shaft into its proper place. "Hold still for a second. That's it."
Laura groaned as she felt the stalks begin sliding into her ass and pussy.
The sensation, so long missed, was
electrifying. Her body almost froze
before relaxing, a conscious effort, to allow easier penetration. "You want some oil on it?" Allisha asked
solicitously, though the shafts were already greased with her own secretions.
"Just a little on the bottom one,"
Laura consented, nodding. "Might help."
In a flash Allisha had snatched the
small bottle of baby oil off the bedside table and squirted a stream of it onto
the lower shaft,
dripping quantities on the sheet.
Laura made a face.
"Don't worry, I'll wash everything
later. Here, put this under us so we
don't get too oily." She grabbed a towel
from the three she had thoughtfully placed on the decorative bench at the end
of the bed. Quickly, she spread it out
under Laura's ass. Then, it was back to
re-inserting the Double Demon into Laura's body.
Laura groaned again as the shafts entered her.
"Oh shit that is good!"
Immediately she began to churn her
hips in a gentle rhythm very much like the one Allisha had adopted earlier. "Ummmm," Allisha smiled down at her,
cooperating in the rhythm herself. "You
are in a big hurry."
"Yes. God . . . I want you to fuck me hard."
"You already said that. I'm not deaf."
"I want to suck you and have you
ram me," Laura panted, quickly accelerating her pumping and swirling hips. "Give me one of those beautiful boobs."
Since Allisha was on top, Laura had
the same pleasure as earlier in having her lovely breasts dangling in her face,
and she took full advantage of it, scooping up one delicious globe in two hands
and stuffing Allisha's thick dark caramel nipple into her mouth. At the same time she began to buck and churn
wildly under Allisha, as if encouraging her to start thrusting, to thrust
"Unhh! Mnnggg!
Yes! Do it . . . hard! Yes!"
But Allisha was silent; and not to
be hurried. She threw her head back,
enjoying Laura's hungry mouth on her breast, but unwilling to move any
faster. Instead, she settled into the
same gentle, rocking motion they had used earlier, when she herself was on the
receiving end. As much as Laura wanted
to gallop toward a quick and fierce finish, Allisha was intent on slowing it
down, and after a few desperate lurches Laura was obliged to slow down herself
and submit.
"Okay . . ." she gasped, "have it your way."
Allisha smiled down at her, her
sexiest smile, and kissed her mouth, drawing it reluctantly for a few seconds away
from her wet nipples. "You don't want to
spoil it, do you?"
"I want you to ram me.:
"I know," Allisha chuckled
softly. "I will. I promise.
But first . . . a little slow fucking, okay?"
Laura gave her an imploring look,
but could offer no more. Her body was
alive with slow fire. Allisha had always
known how to fuck, but Laura found herself wondering, in the troughs of the
swelling sexual waves that were beginning to engulf her, if these two new
lovers—Angie and Doris, hadn't she called them?—had not given her confidence
and ingenuity she had not possessed before.
She was in perfect control and fucking Laura the way she, Allisha,
wanted to do it, brooking no objections.
And now she began to pick up the
pace. "Oh, you want it hard now, don't
you," she panted to Laura, beginning to stab the two shafts into Laura's body
at a faster, and more vigorous, rate.
"You want to come. You want
little Allisha, your love toy, to make you come hard. Don't you."
"Oh god, yes! Ungghhh!
Yes! That's it, yes! Anngghh!"
From here on in it was just a
jouncing, slamming collision of their two tense bodies. Allisha knew she had drawn it out about as
long as possible, that Laura was about to climax no matter what, and so she had
better get on with it. She held the
demon in place with one hand and looped the other arm around in back of Laura's
neck, giving her great thrusting leverage for the final seconds. And they arrived quickly.
"Ungh!" she grunted.
"Yes!" Laura gasped, seeing stars.
"Oh Jesus! Auunngghhhh!" Laura
cried out.
Allisha laughed and slammed her
again, knowing just what was required to put Laura over the top. "Ungghh!
"Oh shit! Oh Jesus!
AUUNNGGHHHH!" Laura roared, her body suddenly
flipping and surging out of control, up into Allisha's fierce thrusts. "Annngghnnnieee!"
The sweet, hot coming was as
intense as anything she had ever experienced, pulsating through her throbbing
asshole and pussy and filling her body with molten honey. She soared, she squealed, she groaned, then collapsed back to the mattress, whimpering, leaking
tears at the corners of her eyes, but also laughing and gurgling in the
aftermath of this stupendous release.
Allisha just held her and waited for it to subside.
It seemed to take days. Laura blinked. She felt the stunning dizziness receding,
felt her body returning to its normal state, released from the excruciating
spasms of pleasure her climax had brought.
"You . . . are a . . . miracle.
Where . . . did you ever learn to fuck like that?"
Allisha almost blushed. She gently withdrew the wet stalks from
Laura's body, and slipped out of the straps.
Wet and icky!"
She held it, hilariously, dangling from her thumb and forefinger as if
it were alive and dangerous, or worse.
"Put it on this towel," Laura said,
quickly scooting off the one Allisha had spread under them to catch the oil.
"You know," Allisha said, almost
bashfully, although she was stark naked and bewitchingly beautiful, "you're
going to think I learned it from Angie and Doris, but I really learned it from
you. From the way you fuck me. I guess I did good,
eh?" She beamed.
"I guess you did," Laura grinned,
reaching out for her. "Come and kiss me,
you ravishing creature. I'm so lucky to
have met you."
They kissed long and deep, mashing
their naked breasts happily together, and Laura pulled her down again, hugging
her tightly.
After a long period of sweet
cuddling, Allisha raised her head and with a very straight face said, "Does
this mean you're going to find my Gee! spot
again? Gee!"
Laura laughed and kissed her. "I don't think I have to 'find' it. I think I know where it is already."
"You know, even Angie and Doris
can't find my Gee! spot. Only you. Gee!"
Laura pushed her onto her back and
swarmed over her.
"No hickeys . . .
no hickeys!" Allisha giggled, squirming free. "I told you, no hickeys."
"I hope your neighbors have their
earplugs in," Laura murmured to her.
"Gee, I do too!" Allisha said, swallowing her giggles as Laura began kissing her way down
her lovely lean body, the inevitable descent.
"I am going to make you scream,
darling," she murmured.
"Gee . . ." Allisha breathed, still
taking a stab at being funny, but a half-hearted one, since she was now
beginning to undulate again, and pant excitedly.