Laura - Chapter 323




"Get your eyes off my ass, you dirty thing!" Nyomi cracked with a huge, saucy grin at Laura, all teeth and flashing grey eyes.  "I can see you looking."

"It's a beautiful ass," Laura smiled.  "So, sue me."

"It's a big ass.  That's all."

"It's perfectly proportioned to your incredible body."

Nyomi flirted now, turning very seductive.  Her grey eyes filled with sexual meaning.  "Oh, now it's my incredible body.  You're worse than a man, Laura.  I'm just meat to you."

Being in public as they were, it was really impossible for Laura to do what she wanted to do  She wanted to grab Nyomi and tear off her clothes and devour her naked body, as she had done so many times already without ever slaking the need.  And Nyomi knew it.  In fact, she had clearly gone through life having people, mostly men of course, look at her this way. 

They were at her cubicle in the Mayor's Office, City Hall, Laura dawdling outside, waiting for her, Nyomi gathering papers together, straightening her desk, grabbing her coat.  It was the end of the work day, and the large room of cubicles was mostly vacant, but there were a few people still there, enough to keep them from being more than sotto voce about their relationship.

They were meeting for dinner, though Laura, speaking for herself, did not know how they would get through dinner without wholesale sex breaking out right there in the restaurant for all to see.  Just a glimpse of Nyomi was enough to light raging fires in her pussy.  That was what Nyomi was responding to, jocularly of course, right now.

"Did you bring it?" she whispered to Laura as they finally exited her cubicle, leaning close, conspiratorial.

Laura grinned tightly.  "In the car.  Why, can't wait?"

"Watch it," Nyomi whispered.  "You're going to make me blush.  Then everyone will know we're fucking."

            Laura looked around.  "There's hardly anyone here."

"The walls have ears."  Nyomi's beautiful grey eyes widened dramatically.  "No kidding.  Be cool.  Keep your distance.  Part of my job security is that everybody wants to fuck me but nobody gets to.  So, they're all wondering."

They walked together down the marble stairs, keeping their distance.  Outside on the steps of City Hall, Nyomi said, "Except you."

Laura looked at her, puzzled.  "You lost me."

"Nobody gets to fuck me except you."

"Oooohhh goodie!" Laura could not help laughing out loud.

Her car was parked in the subterranean Civic Center garage.  Nyomi's mother had borrowed hers, and since Alana was staying there, Nyomi gladly obliged and had arranged for Laura to pick her up.  They got into Laura's car, but before starting it up, Laura turned to her.

"I don't know about you, but I'm hungry for something other than food."

Nyomi grinned sexily, her white teeth flashing.  "You lecher.  Take me home quick and fuck my ears off with your big fake dick."

It being about six o'clock in the evening, driving to the Marina took longer than either one of them was prepared to tolerate.  It wasn't far, but the traffic was dense and pressurized.

"You can park in my garage," Nyomi said, when they arrived.  "I'll go inside and open it for you.  I left my garage door opener thingee in my car."

Laura suddenly felt even more intimate than usual, as if she were part of the family, coming into the house through the darkened garage, into the kitchen.  Nyomi was waiting for her.  "You forgot the package."

"Ooops!"  Laura went back into the garage and got her small valise out of the trunk. 

"That's better," Nyomi grinned, looking almost lustfully at the valise, then taking it from Laura and handing her a glass of wine.  She set the valise on the kitchen table and then lifted her own glass to Laura's, clinking them.  "To hours of hot lesbian fucking and screaming, with no little girls to eavesdrop.  God, I'm glad I met you!"

Laura laughed out loud.  "I'm glad I met you, too."

They sipped their wine but could no longer control their impulses, now that they were alone and no one could see them.  Carefully, each placed her wine glass next to the valise on the kitchen table, and they effortlessly came into each other's arms.

"If you don't kiss me I'm going to die of longing," Laura whispered against her smooth dark brown cheek.

"You are lethal, Laura," Nyomi whispered back, brushing noses with her.  "When you showed up at the office, and I saw you across the room looking for my cubicle, I got wet."

"No kidding," Laura smiled.  "Because I sure was.  The moment I saw you I was afraid it might trickle down my leg."

Now they kissed, slowly, sensually, creatively.  They were unwilling to hurry.  They sucked each other's tongue and lips.  Laura ran the tip of her own tongue under Nyomi's upper lip, making her giggle and knock her knees together. 

"Oh, you make me so horny," she panted.  Her grey eyes pulsed with hot sex.  "Come in the bedroom and fuck me.  I can't wait."

As they went down the hallway, past Alana's empty bedroom, Laura peeked inside.  "Won't be the same without her," she grinned. 

"It certainly won't," Nyomi cracked, looking back over her shoulder, more acid in her voice than there was in Laura's.  "The little shit, getting in the way of Mommy's sex life!"

"You don't mean that," Laura said, touching her shoulder as they entered Nyomi's larger bedroom, turning her, taking Nyomi in her arms once again, kissing her neck, her peerless throat, her earlobe.  "We both love Alana."

Nyomi nibbled Laura's lower lip.  "I love her better when she's not here.  I mean, when you're here.  Then we can let it all out."

"Mmmmm," Laura purred, beginning to undress her by unbuttoning the buttons that ran down the back of Nyomi's pale green blouse.  "You sound like you want to let more out than usual."

Nyomi acted coy.  "So much so I'm almost afraid to tell you."

Laura sucked her smooth brown shoulder as it came into view.  "No need to be afraid of telling Mama anything," she purred.  "Mama wants you to come unbelievably and will do anything to make that possible."

She sensed that Nyomi wanted to explore new ground but was reluctant to come right out with it, preferring to skirt the edges.  That was okay.  Laura would not push it.  She would let it unfold gradually.  Anyway, she was getting far too much pleasure from undressing this gorgeous woman to let anything else interfere.

Like Laura, Nyomi had a taste for fancy underwear, and Laura was enchanted by her lacey black bra and her matching panties.  "You, my dear, are a wet dream come to life," she murmured, kissing every wonderful part of Nyomi's body she could reach with her lips.

"You sure are good for a woman's ego," Nyomi softly giggled back, watching Laura's lips explore her smooth dark brown skin.

"You know everybody wants to do this," Laura smiled.  "It's just that I'm the lucky one.  Mmmmm, and you smell so good, too."

As on their first encounter, Laura was again captivated by the marvelous odor of Nyomi's body at the end of the day, when whatever perfume she had applied in the morning had mixed and mingled with her natural body scent to form this sweet and, to Laura, erotic smell that seemed to fill her nostrils and her head with hints of devastating and potently emotional sex.  It was amazing.

"You must be smelling my pussy," Nyomi confessed, almost bashfully.  "I think it's welling up like a butter churn."

"Ooohhh honey, just what I want!" Laura laughed.  "I love butter."  She batted her eyelashes.  "Especially your butter."

She started to pull down Nyomi's sexy, lacey black panties.  "Not so fast," Nyomi said, pulling Laura upright, face to face with her.  "You too.  Clothes off.  Fast.  Nyomi is going wild for you."

Laura rarely performed, usually being too eager for her lover's body to take the time, but now she was in the mood and did a clever little striptease for Nyomi, revealing the better parts of her body slowly, smirking sexily like a pole dancer, thrusting her hips, holding her bra to her breasts with one hand while it was already unfastened.  Nyomi watched, fascinated. 

"You are so gorgeous.  You are one beautiful white girl, Laura.  The fellas must be shooting themselves right and left when they find out you'd rather be fucking with me."

"Anybody would rather be fucking you," Laura teased her.  "Even the 'fellas.'"

"After they get to know me, they head for the hills," Nyomi said, almost wistfully.  "You're the only one who's tough enough to stick around."

Laura gave a playful snarl, finally dropped her bra and grabbed Nyomi, whose magnificent full firm breasts were already naked.  She mashed her own breasts into Nyomi's and kissed her savagely.

"Mmmm . . . nnnggggg!" Nyomi growled through the kiss, her hands flying over Laura's naked back, grabbing her ass, sliding up to her breasts.  "Fuck me with your hard dick," she panted.  "Right now.  Hurry."

"What is it you were afraid to tell me?" Laura queried softly, her savage kiss now turning gentle and deeply affectionate.

"Fuck me first and ask me later," Nyomi said, a wild fire spurting up in her striking grey eyes.  "I'm dying for it.  I'm dying for Laura."

Together they unzipped the small valise Laura had brought.  Nyomi held it and Laura unzipped it.  She had not thought to arrange things in advance, and so the fearsome Double Penetrator fell out along with the normal sized strap-on dildo and harness that Nyomi had asked Laura to bring, when they shook it to spill the contents onto the mattress.  Nyomi's eyes widened.  She picked up the DP and ran her finger along each appendage.

"Holy shit.  You are worse than I thought, girl," she said in awe to Laura, her face reflecting her shock and admiration.  "I'll bet I know what this does."

Laura wondered whether to push it, to broach the possibilities.  After all, Nyomi to hear her tell it was wildly horny.  But instead she picked up the harness and began to fasten the normal dildo into place.  If Nyomi wanted the other, she would push it herself.

Instead, Nyomi put the DP back into the valise.  But she did pat it significantly with her hand, as if to say, There, just wait, I'll be back.

"You scare me," she whispered to Laura as Laura drew her down on the bed, the strap-on dildo now jutting from her groin.

"No I don't," Laura purred.  "There isn't a thing about me that's scary."

"You want to fuck me with that thing.  That's why you brought it."

Laura pursed her lips, half-exasperated.  "Merely an oversight."

"Want in on a secret?  Just looking at it made me even double horny."

Laura kissed her body ravenously, waiting for her to go on.  Nyomi was not shy.  If she wanted it, she would say so.  Laura busied herself kissing and sucking the woman's magnificent large breasts, mouth-mauling her big dark brown nipples, squeezing the firm globes with her fingers while she sucked.  Soon Nyomi was cooing and gurgling and stroking Laura's hair while her body came alive.  Excited little bumps appeared all over her large, wet areolas.

"Oh shit, you really know how to suck . . ." she gasped softly, pushing her breast insistently into Laura's face.  "Do the other one.  Yes!  Do it harder."

Laura would never refuse.  Sucking beautiful breasts like these was paradise to her, and she could do it forever, passionately, ingeniously, sweetly, savagely, above all hungrily.  She gave Nyomi's big, saliva-wet nipples a going over.  She sucked them ardently and hard.

"Unnnn . . . mmnnggg . . . oh!" Nyomi gasped, even beating the mattress with her elbows at one point.  "Shit, girl, you're going to make me come before we even get started!"

"Oh, we are started," Laura smiled up at her.  "I'm going to suck the black orchid just as hard as this."

"Oh no you're not!" Nyomi panted, pulling Laura up by the shoulders to face her.  "You can suck it later.  I want this."

She reached down and stroked the hard dildo with the fingers of one hand. 

"You want to be rammed?" Laura asked softly, using language Nyomi had used in the past to describe her desires.

"Yes!  By you.  Pretend you broke in here and found me naked, like this, needing to be fucked."

"Oh, a fantasy!" Laura smiled.  "I am an evil rapist.  An evil lesbian rapist."

"Oh god, even better," Nyomi smiled and half-gulped, her face lit with a half-satirical smile.  "Devour me.  I dream of it."

Laura snarled playfully.  "Lie back, you bitch."  She pushed Nyomi's thighs open roughly.  "I'm going to have my way with you.  I'm going to fuck your black pussy."

"Oh dear . . . oh dear . . ." Nyomi tried to play along, but she was clearly too aroused to keep it up.  Behind her smile was a teeming, frothing storm cloud of sex need.  "Are you going to fuck me?"

"I am going to nail your beautiful black ass right to the mattress," Laura snarled again, squatting between the woman's gorgeous, sleek, parted thighs and lodging the slightly bulbous head of the dildo in the now-blossoming, wet, dark pink groove of Nyomi's splendid pussy, between the floppy black cunt lips, glistening with cunt dew.

"Unnnggggghhh!" Nyomi groaned as Laura slid it home.  "Oh god!"

.Laura smiled and quickly settled into a slow, slowly rocking, motion, sliding the dildo in deep but not pumping or jabbing, even though she knew Nyomi wanted it harder and faster.   After all, we have to start somewhere, darling, she thought.  And I intend to get the maximum pleasure out of this, you gorgeous thing, you.  I am going to fuck you to heaven, and I am going to take my time.

Nyomi was indeed so wet that the hard dildo slid in and out of her clinging pussy easily, and Laura did not even have to hold it yet to keep it steady.  That would come later.  For now she could run both hands all over Nyomi's amazing body, which she did in a high pitch of lust.  She squeezed her full round breasts and stroked her shoulders, her back, her thighs, her waist, even her long, taut midriff, then dropped her mouth again to one large nipple, holding Nyomi's large breast steady with one hand while she sucked it hungrily.

"Ohhhh!  Ummnnnggg!" Nyomi gasped and panted, twisting, bucking her hips now, trying to get Laura to accelerate the pace.

Her grey eyes, swirling with red flashes of sex need, caught Laura's.  Laura kissed her sensual mouth savagely.  In the middle of the kiss Nyomi began pumping frantically.  She broke off the kiss, panting and mewling.

"Fuck me harder, Laura!  Fuck me fast.  Fuck me harder!  I'm going to come.  Please!"

Laura held her face in both hands and kissed her hard again.  "Oh, you don't want it to be over too quickly, do you?" she teased Nyomi, still fucking her with a slow, relentless motion, determined not to be rushed.

"Yes!  I need it!  Please!"

Laura found it harder and harder not to be caught up in her frothing, frenzied passion.  After all, Nyomi was impossibly gorgeous, and in this desperate condition she was even more desirable than usual.  She had a touch of the imperiousness about her that Laura always associated with Deshona, and seeing her like this, completely reduced to a helpless slave of her throbbing lust, completely in Laura's thrall, completely vulnerable to Laura's sexual control, was a turn-on of major proportions.   Moreover, Alana wasn't there, for a change, and Nyomi was letting the full flood of her hunger show.

Laura leaned close and began pumping her harder, whispering into the marvelous shiny dark whorl of her left ear.  "I've got a secret for you.  I need it too."  Then she stabbed her wet tongue deep into Nyomi's ear.

"Unh!  Unh!" Nyomi grunted softly as she felt the dildo begin to spear her harder.  "Yes!"

"I'm going to fuck you so hard," Laura panted, now picking up the pace even faster.

"Unh!  Unh!  Unh!  Oh . . . Laura!  Ungghhh!"

And now Laura let her have it full bore.  She sucked her neck and squeezed one of her breasts with her free hand, dropping the other one to their crotches and gripping the base of the dildo with her fingers to keep it steady; because she knew it was going to be a wild ride from here on in. 

She now began thrusting and spearing Nyomi's impaled pussy so hard that her lunges rode Nyomi's ass up off the mattress.  Laura slammed the shaft into her, again and again, spearing her, stabbing her, hearing the wild squeals that erupted from deep in Nyomi's throat as she finally received the hammering she had begged for.

"Aiieee . . . aiieeee!  Mnnngghiieee!  Oh . . . oh Laura . . . oh . . . anngghhh!"

"Anggh!  Anggh!  Anggh!" Laura grunted as she ripped the dildo into Nyomi's beautiful, tight pussy, lunging into her, sucking her neck again, her damp shoulder, inhaling and exulting in the woman's spicy, sexy scent, frenching her ear again, but never relenting in her hard, pounding thrusts.

"Mnngghiiieee . . . . oh!  Ungghh!  Ohnggg!" Nyomi gasped and sputtered, churning and pumping back as much as she was able, squirming in the rumpled sheets and squealing as a clearly inevitable orgasm began to engulf her.

"Oh honey . . . oh honey . . ." Laura panted to her, now encircling her neck with one arm while still steadying the dildo with her other hand, crushing Nyomi to her and impaling her on the stabbing strap-on.

Both of Nyomi's arms suddenly flew up to clasp Laura too behind her neck, which gave her added leverage to jam her pelvis down hard on the thrusting stalk.  And she exploded in a cacophony of squealing.

"Annnggiieeeee!  Annnggiieeeee!  Oh . . . Jesus!  Annnggiieeeee!  Oh shit!  Ohhnnggggggg!  Oh Jesus!"

Her long, opulent body went into violent convulsions, forcing Laura to hold on tightly, though it was barely necessary since Nyomi herself had her in an iron grip, her arms still locked around Laura's neck as she rode out the most intense, shattering moments of her climax. 

"Oh Jesus . . . oh shit . . . oh Jesus . . ." she muttered incoherently, over and over, as the spasms slowly released her clenching body, and her breathing calmed a little.

Laura let the rhythm of their fucking play itself out naturally, easing up, relaxing her grip, slowing her hip undulations, until they were both stopped, and nothing could be heard but the dissipating sighs of Nyomi's breathing as she regained her senses.  But still she had not relaxed her fierce embrace, and her arms were still locked around Laura's neck.

"If you don't let me go . . . I'm going to have to call 911," Laura whispered to her finally. 

"Oh," Nyomi blinked, as if suddenly awakening.  She loosened her arms and let them fall back to the mattress.  "Sorry."

"No need to be sorry," Laura smiled, pulling out the wet dildo and slipping out of the harness.  "If I came that hard, I might black out for a second too."

"I think I really did," Nyomi gasped, half in awe.  "I came so hard.  It was like being struck by lightning."

Laura made a long, mocking face.  "Come now, have you ever been struck by lightning?"

Nyomi beamed and sat up, her large, round, naked breasts jiggling enchantingly.  "I just was," she beamed.

Laura leaned close and kissed her, a long, sensual kiss, cupping the same phenomenal breasts in both hands.  "Mmmm, I could use a little lightning myself," she murmured.

"Want me to fuck you the same way?" Nyomi asked, enjoying their kiss so much that she seemed barely able to break it off to ask the question.

"Any way you want will be fine," Laura murmured back dreamily.

Nyomi suddenly perked up.  "Let's do it in the shower!  I'm all sweaty, I want to get clean and dirty at the same time.  Ever do it in the shower?"

"It's not all it's cracked up to be," Laura smiled wryly.  "You have to be able to come standing up."

"Is that a problem for you?" Nyomi grinned.  "My second husband preferred fucking in the shower.  Shoot, girl, I can come anywhere if you fuck me hard enough.  He used to make me scream so loud we were both deaf for fifteen minutes afterward."

"Sounds pretty hot," Laura rolled her eyes.

Nyomi took her hand and pulled her off the bed toward the bathroom.  "Not half as hot as what I'm going to do to you after you get all wet and soapy.  C'mon, chicken.  I know my Laura.  She could come standing on her hands in a crowd."

Laura couldn't help giggling at this, since it was probably true.  She let Nyomi pull her into the bathroom, the same one where she had once cowered silently eavesdropping after Alana had discovered her and Nyomi fucking.  Nyomi had a glassed-in shower stall with fancy gold plated faucets, reminding Laura of Ada's sybaritic spa of a bathroom, where she and Ada had nearly eaten each other alive in the shower.  This would have to be good to top that one, though Nyomi was so much less inhibited than Ada had been that all prospects were looking up.

They kissed ravenously while the water was getting hot, embracing and nearly fucking again right there until wisps of steam began to float out of the half-opened shower stall door into the bathroom, wreathing their naked bodies as they panted and rubbed together. 

"Want to get wet?" Nyomi winked.

"I am so wet already . . . what can it hurt?" Laura winked back.

Nyomi stepped into the shower stall and drew Laura in after her.  She snapped shut the door, with a loud clank, and grabbed Laura again as the warm water streamed over them.  Nyomi wet was even more desirable than Nyomi dry, if that were possible, Laura thought, running her hands all over the sensational woman's wet dark flesh.  Forever unable to keep her mouth off Nyomi's large, dark nipples, she had one of the wet, thick bulbs between her lips before Nyomi could even commence whatever dark lustful plan she had herself for Laura.

"Unhh!  Unhhh . . . ohhhh!" she whimpered, looking down at Laura trying to swallow her nipple.

"Oh god, you are so beautiful!" Laura panted, releasing the taut, delicious wet nipple long enough to gasp this aloud, licking up the rivulets of water that streamed down Nyomi's large breasts.

The water made Nyomi's body shiny and slick, and Laura licked the water off her flesh thirstily.  Her own hair was quickly plastered to her scalp and hung down in long, wet ropes to her shoulders, while Nyomi's, denser and more wiry, still puffed out in billows from her head, glinting with tiny jewels of water droplets. 

"No fair!" Nyomi giggled.  "You know it's my turn."

Being big and strong, she quickly forced Laura against one glass wall and began to kiss and caress her wet body hungrily, dropping her own mouth to Laura's nipples now, siphoning them up with her hungry mouth, licking the water off Laura's shoulders, toying with the wet ropes of her hair.  Laura remembered how Ada had affectionately called her a drowned rat, her little drowned white rat, when proceeding to fuck Laura into shrieking ecstasies in the shower.  And yet the thought of Ada disappeared in a flash as Nyomi began to consume her like the fuck-demon she had become as Laura and she had grown more and more comfortable with one another.

It was definitely not slow and sensual.  She really means it; she's going to make me come, and quickly, Laura thought, yielding happily to this frenzied assault.  The hot water hammered into her flesh, stinging the parts that Nyomi was not sucking or squeezing.

"Oh . . . oh darling . . . ahhnnnngggg!" she gasped and panted, trying not to swoon, leaning back against the wall of the shower stall as Nyomi's clever mouth explored her body.

"I need a towel!" Nyomi suddenly murmured, breaking off her frenzied attack on Laura's wet, throbbing body to open the shower stall door again, lean outside, and grab a hand towel from the basin countertop.  "There."  She closed the door again with a metallic snap and folded the hand towel, quickly stooping and kneeling on it.

Laura, having done this before herself, understood perfectly.  She smiled down at Nyomi and obliging parted her wet, shiny thighs, then let out a low, soft moan as she felt both Nyomi's fingers and her tongue touch her aching, oozing pussy at the same time.


For some reason the hot shower water seemed to soar in volume and quantity at exactly this instant.  In her mind Laura knew nothing had changed, but everything had.  The water roared in her ears and bit into her flesh, and Nyomi slid two fingers up into the clenching sleeve of her cunt, and Nyomi's full, sensual lips enclosed her throbbing clit and began to suck, and Laura went happily mad with a crackling, steaming surge of lust.

Her wet body sagged against the glass wall of the shower stall, but she bent her knees enough to maintain a little leverage by pushing her ass back against the glass, and then she pushed her pelvis forward, gyrating a little, pushing her pussy into Nyomi's mouth and fingers, knowing that  she might lose balance if she had to do this for long but that it wouldn't be necessary since she was going to come in about ten to twenty seconds.

"Oh!  Oh!"

Nyomi, very excited by Laura's gasping and whimpering and undulating, began fucking Laura harder with her two fingers, jabbing them rapidly up into Laura's cunt.  And she sucked Laura's clit in short, sharp sucks, in rhythm with her fucking fingers.

"Oh!  Ungghh!  Oh!" Laura gasped, shaking, pumping, feeling the needles of hot water bite into her skin.

Her eyes fluttered open long enough to see Nyomi crouched below her, her black hair still bejeweled with silvery water droplets, her wet, naked back sleek and shiny and dark brown and shapely and . . .

"Oh god!   Oh shit!  Yes!" she gasped.

"Oh honey . . . oh honey!" Nyomi responded, briefly glancing up at her and smiling, her beautiful face contorted as if in sympathy or parallel need with Laura's arriving climax.

Laura grabbed her head with both hands.  She didn't mean to be so violent, but the situation had really got out of control.  She grabbed Nyomi's head and ground her throbbing pussy into Nyomi's mouth.  The hot steam coiled around their two wet bodies like sinuous snakes, licking them, wreathing them.

"Unngggh . . . unngghhh . . ."

"Yes . . . Laura . . . do it for me . . ."

The rush of the water was louder than ever.  It seemed Laura could barely hear Nyomi chanting to her, coaxing her, bringing her on.  Oh god yes now! she suddenly thought, her orgasm flashing through her brain before it even gripped her body.  An instant later it engulfed her, making everything else disappear for a millisecond in a blinding blast of crippling pleasure.

"AWWOONGGG!" she roared, her roars then bleeding almost instantaneously into sharp squeals as her body shook and sagged back against the glass.  "Mnnggeeee!  Oh!  Mmnnggghhheeee!"

Laura's shrieks reverberated off the walls of the bathroom and shower stall.  Nyomi literally held her up, as she continued to come, shuddering in fierce, jolting spasms.  She pushed against Laura's groin with her face, and her shoulders pinned Laura's flexing thighs to the glass wall.  Laura gasped and gurgled and screamed again, holding herself up precariously with her hands gripping Nyomi's head, as the last sharp spasm gripped her body.

"Anngghhhmmnneeeee!  Oh!  Oh!  Oh yes!  Ohhhh!"

And then it was suddenly over, replaced by the hot sting of the shower water against her skin, though she could still feel the slow pulsing and throbbing in her pussy and her womb as Nyomi slid her fingers out and gave her aching clit one last, loving kiss.  Still holding Laura's sagging, wet body, she rose up from the floor and embraced her, kissing Laura with warm, friendly sensuality, pinning her back against the wet glass.

"There," she murmured against Laura's cheek.  "We're even.  You came like I used to do.  I don't think either one of us will be able to hear for ten minutes."

Laura was still speechless.  All she could do was gaze adoringly into Nyomi's grey eyes.  "I luff you to the ends of the earth," she murmured back, using their secret word.

Nyomi kissed her wet jaw, her dripping earlobe, squeezing Laura's wet breasts tenderly, twirling one of the wet, ropey strands of Laura's hair around her forefinger.   "Don't get all sentimental on me," she warned softly, "or I'm going to want an instant replay.  Fucking you makes me hotter even than being fucked by you."

"That's the way it's supposed to be, isn't it," Laura smiled dreamily.

Nyomi smiled back and nodded.  "But now you're going to scrub my back.  It isn't every day I get someone in here to scrub my back.  Alana hates doing it.  She says it gets her all soapy and ooky."

"God, I love being soapy and ooky with you," Laura confessed.

For the next several minutes they gave each other a sensual soap massage, which turned out to be almost as much a sexual event as their prior fucking had been.  Laura could feel her lust meter rising again as her hands slid over Nyomi's soap-slippery body, and she intuited that Nyomi was feeling the same.

"We are bad for each other, girl," Nyomi finally whispered when they finally took time out to kiss.  "We like to fuck each other too much."

"How can here ever be too much?  I'm just worried that the hot water will run out."

"It will," Nyomi acknowledged ruefully.  "Any second now.  We have to move back to the bed."

They got out and toweled each other off with loving care, then returned to the bed.  "By the way, I think I got your little fuck bunny a job in the Redevelopment Agency," Nyomi said.

Laura pursed her lips.  "Please don't use that demeaning expression," she said.  "She is not my little 'fuck bunny.'"

Nyomi made a long, satirical oval with her mouth.  "Ohhhh.  Really!  You never fucked her, I suppose."

Laura, predictably, blushed hot.  "I . . ."

"Oh shit, Laura, quit being a little Goody Two Shoes.  You fucked her silly.  You know it and I know it.  Nobody could resist that ass, anyway.  Certainly not you, you lech."

By this time she was grinning uncontrollably.  Laura realized there was little to fear from admitting it, and so she relaxed.  She drew Nyomi to her and kissed her again and ran her hands all over Nyomi's incredible statuesque body, still a little damp from the shower.  She kissed her neck and her breasts and began sucking one big dark brown nipple again.

"Before you know it, you'll be trying to fuck her too," she murmured.

"Moi?" Nyomi gasped theatrically.  "Never!  I only want to fuck the delicious Laura.  I keep having fantasies that the hated singer's plane goes down over the Pacific on one of her jaunts to Japan."

In their travels, Laura's hands had found Nyomi's hard, muscular thighs, thick and strong, and a pang went through her as she realized how they reminded her of Brandi's incredible thighs.  Nyomi's were not grotesque, rippling masterpieces of muscle like Brandi's, but their obvious strength still made her pussy flutter with excitement.

"So . . . tell me what it's like to fuck the shy, darling Bonnie," Nyomi said, pulling Laura's head up from her breasts.  "If you keep sucking me like that, you're going to have to fuck me again."  She tugged the still-damp, ropey strands of Laura's hair playfully.

Laura smiled.  "I think I can manage."

"Tell me," Nyomi said with mock sternness.  "Bet she's nothing like me.  She's so . . . I don't know, sweet.  Shy.  Soft-spoken."

"Simple," Laura added.  "Not dull, or slow.  Just a sweet, simple girl."

"So unlike me.  I'm a lot of things, but I ain't simple."

"No, you're not."

"What's it like to fuck a simple girl?  Does she just lie there and let you do everything to her?  Or once you scratch the surface does she become a little sexual terrorist, panting and growling and biting and scratching?"

Laura smiled, almost smugly.  "Don't you wish you knew?"

"If you don't tell me, I'll pinch yo' white ass," Nyomi grinned, sliding one hand down Laura's naked back to her ass.

"Oh, now you're making physical threats?"

Nyomi nuzzled her neck and stroked her ass.  "I can do worse than pinching."

"I know you can," Laura purred, caressing one hard thigh with the fingertips of one hand.  "That's why you're not simple.  You are a deep, dark chaos of mixed motives and dangerous weapons."

"Mmmm, you think so?"  Nyomi's striking grey eyes glinted with mirth, and a little pride too.

"Like this one," Laura murmured, still caressing Nyomi's thigh, not even daring to imagine how it would feel crunching into her pussy, which was now pulsing at the mere wisp of a thought. 

Nyomi looked down at her hard, dark brown, very shapely thigh, at Laura's paler fingers caressing it.  "You mean my thigh?"

Laura nodded solemnly.  "I once had an affair with a weight lifter," she said, almost in a whisper.  "She was a champion."

Nyomi frowned with distaste.  "Don't they all sort of look like Mike Tyson?"

Laura smiled and nodded, knowing what Nyomi meant.  "Not this one.  She was too gorgeous."

"Don't tell me," Nyomi said, deadpan.  "She fucked you with her thigh.  You saw stars and traveled to a parallel universe.  And you want me to do it too."

"She used to sit in a chair and let me straddle one of her incredible thighs.  Then she would grab my hips and rub me back and forth on the muscle, all the time flexing it and cramming her thigh up into my pussy until I . . ."

Laura had to stop.  She could feel the hot blood pounding in her neck.  Her breath was short.

Nyomi was looking deep into her eyes and could see the embers and sparks of momentary sexual dementia there.  "You don't have to go on," she said in a hushed voice.  "I can see what it did for you.  God, I'm envious."

Laura smiled with an elfish twist.  "Do it for me and I'll do it for you."

She knew her own thighs, though certainly sleek and shapely enough, were not in the same category with Brandi's, or even Nyomi's.  But maybe they would do.

Nyomi actually swallowed, almost a gulp, as if the mere idea were nearly too intense to bear.  "We have to go into the living room," she said in the same hushed voice.

There were no chairs in Nyomi's bedroom.  Laura could feel her own pulse racing and surging.  She realized that her cunt had got very wet while they were talking.  Whatever sexual demons had been exorcised in the shower were now rearing their ugly/beautiful heads again.

"How could I refuse?" she said softly, sliding off the bed after Nyomi and following her down the hallway.

She could not help thinking, as they passed Alana's darkened bedroom, how lucky they were again that Alana was not there tonight.  This could never happen if she were here.  And oh god, I think I might have a cardiac arrest just anticipating it!

The vision of Nyomi's statuesque naked body preceding her down the half-darkened hallway didn't help.  Nyomi had a long, flawless back and a substantial, curvaceous rear end, which Laura suddenly felt a hot craving to sink her fingers into.  I want to fuck her.  I want to fuck her first, Brandi-style.  After all, she just did me in the shower.  It's her turn.

Nyomi had a dark cherry wood Queen Anne style dining room set, with six straight backed chairs.  Laura's eyes instantly went to them as they both surveyed the furniture.  She walked over to the dining area and pulled one chair out from the table.

"You don't want to use an easy chair?" Nyomi asked.

Laura shook her head.  "This is much better.  Solid.  Straight.  Anchored to the floor.  Not too pillowy and soft.  You can really get your leverage in a chair like this."

Nyomi made a long, droll face.  "The voice of experience speaks."

Laura sat down in it before Nyomi could.  She held her arms up and outstretched.  "Lucky you.  You get to go first."

Now Nyomi nearly blushed, despite her dark brown complexion.  She was so fetching, standing there with her magnificent breasts jutting out above her long, flat midriff, with her almost innocent expression.  Laura wanted to grab her and devour her.  "I don't think I've ever done something so perverted," Nyomi murmured, her grey eyes growing murky.

But Laura could easily see that she was totally enthralled by the thought already.  "Come to Mama," she murmured back, beckoning with her fingers.  "Mama's thigh wants to kiss the black orchid."

She suddenly realized that this could work out well since she could lead by example, showing Nyomi just how to do it, how she herself wanted it when it came to be her turn.  Next.  How Brandi had sucked and passionately bitten her breasts while sliding her pussy back and forth on the massive thigh, thus bringing Laura to screeching paroxysms of coming.  How Brandi had crunched her thigh upward into Laura's pussy, bringing on crippling spasms of ecstasy.  This would be a teaching moment, too.

Slowly, almost reluctantly, though not really, Nyomi approached Laura with a tiny smirk of sexual excitement pursing her full lips.  She straddled Laura's thighs with her own, slightly squatting, so that the wavy, protruding lips of her beautiful black pussy were only inches away from Laura's thigh muscle.

"Like this?" she said in a whisper.

"Like that," Laura nodded, also whispering, as if to speak would be to violate this solemn moment.

She ran her hands over the smooth, faintly rippled muscles of Nyomi's gorgeous midriff, letting them rise to her full breasts, cupping them and squeezing them gently.  Slowly, Nyomi lowered her groin onto Laura's thigh.  She sucked her lower lip between her teeth as her pussy lips met the skin of Laura's thigh.  Her head lolled back, and her eyes closed.

Laura made the necessary adjustments with the fingers of one hand.  She wanted Nyomi's pussy lips to be completely open so that she could feel the hot, wet meat of her beautiful cunt directly pressing against her skin.  This took only a second, and Nyomi, realizing what Laura was doing, helped by lifting herself a little for an instant.  Then, they were mated, and Laura could feel the slippery warm wetness of Nyomi's spread vagina pressing into the flesh of her thigh.

"Oh shit . . . I'm going to come already . . ." Nyomi panted, dropping her face into Laura's neck.

"No," Laura cautioned softly.  "Not yet.  Wait.  It's going to get better."

"God, it can hardly be any better than this."

"Yes . . . it can . . ." Laura murmured to her, beginning to move both of their bodies in a slow rhythm, flexing her own thigh and also holding Nyomi's hips, as Brandi had always held hers, and moving Nyomi's cunt back and forth across the rigid muscle.

"Oh shit.  Unhhhhh!  Mmmnnuuummnn!" Nyomi grunted softly.

  The upright, straight-backed chair gave Laura lots of leverage, which was why she had picked it, and now she could dig her heels into the hard floor, pushing her ass down into the seat, and really jam her thigh up into Nyomi's groin.  She did this repeatedly, bringing soft, semi-hysterical whimpers from Nyomi.

"Unnnunnmmeee!  Unnnunnmmeee!  Oh shit . . . Laura," she panted, twisting her head from side to side, shimmying her full breasts into Laura's hands, gnawing her lower lip.  "Oh shit . . . it's so good!  You can do it harder."

In fact, Laura wondered whether she could do it any harder than she was already doing it, but once Nyomi got wound up, she liked it harder and harder.  Laura tried to deliver.  She reared up with her thigh, ramming it up into Nyomi's pussy, and the chair rocked, then hammered into the floor as it came back down.

"Oops!  Too hard!" Laura laughed softly, clutching the sagging Nyomi so that she wouldn't fall.

"Do it again!  Oh god . . . you're going to make me come!"

"I hope so," Laura grinned, feeling a hot surge of sexual arousal herself as they began squirming and rocking together more violently.  "Are you close?"

"God, yes!"

Since Nyomi was straining and flexing and pumping back, her own thigh between Laura's occasionally grazed Laura's aroused pussy too, and Laura was definitely not immune to the sparks of sexual fire this sent through her.  She knew she wouldn't come yet, but it wouldn't take much more to ignite an orgasm in her.  Meanwhile, when she had clasped Nyomi to keep her from slipping to the side as the chair rocked on the floor, she had released her large, gorgeous round breasts, which now jounced and squashed against her flesh as she upfucked Nyomi roughly with her thigh, bringing her closer and closer.

Never able to keep her mouth off these scrumptious round balls for long, she quickly sucked one of Nyomi's large dark nipples into her mouth and began passion-gnawing it with feverish hunger. 

"Oh!  Oh!" Nyomi cried out, throwing her head back, jamming her flooding cunt down onto Laura's thigh muscle.  "Unnnunnmmeee!  Oh . . . oh shit!"  She pushed her whole upper body into Laura's face, mashing her breast into Laura's mouth and yelping as Laura sucked and bit her swollen nipple.  "Oh god!  Ohhhhh godddddd!  Unnnnnhhh!"

"Oh yes, baby, oh yes, honey . . ." Laura panted to her, knowing Nyomi was just milliseconds away from a fierce explosion.

"Anngghhnniieeee!" Nyomi cried out in a fierce shriek, her large, strong body suddenly twitching and jerking, then slumping forward onto Laura, her hands clinging to Laura's shoulders as the rumblings of an earthquake climax rolled through her twisting flesh.

Laura held her tightly, feeling the quakes in her own body, and smiling at the ragged breathing and squeaks escaping Nyomi's constricted throat.  She kissed Nyomi's neck and felt Nyomi's large, wet nipple, which she had just been sucking, pressing into her own breast.  She patted Nyomi's hair, still damp from their shower.

They sat that way, with Nyomi still perched on Laura's wet thigh, without speaking for nearly a minute.  Then Nyomi, her breath returning, perked up and gingerly eased her body off Laura.  Her face was a miracle of stirring sexual aftermath.  She seemed dazed, still a little weak-kneed and wobbly after the lightning strike of her orgasm.

"Another first for me," she croaked in a soft, hoarse voice.  "I thought I knew all about fucking.  Until now."

Laura smiled, rose from the chair, and guided Nyomi to the sofa, easing her gently down.  "You stay here and recover for a minute while I fetch a towel."

"Grab one from the bathroom next to Alana's room," Nyomi called after her.

Laura returned in a few seconds with a large Winnie the Pooh bath towel, wiping her thigh and then offering it to Nyomi.  She sat on the sofa next to her.  The last few moments had made her very horny again, and she never could keep her hands off Nyomi's marvelous naked body anyway.  She began stroking and caressing it everywhere.

"Hold on, girl," Nyomi giggled softly.  "I just busted my nut, so to speak.  You're next in line, not me.  I want to prove that I'm as good as that muscle bound chickie you made it with."

Laura winked at her.  "In your dreams," she breathed, knowing how it would incite Nyomi. 

In fact, she felt a little like getting sexually obliterated and knew Nyomi, a big, strapping girl, sort of like Dawn in that respect, was strong enough to give it to her.  She might not be the muscular phenomenon that Brandi Pearson was, but she had plenty of power in this shapely, statuesque body, plenty of hard strength in these thick, well-chiseled thighs.  Laura's fingers caressed them as if they were wildly alluring and dangerous.

Nyomi looked down at Laura's fingers on one sleek black thigh. She grinned.  "You want to feel that against your pretty little wet pink pussy?"

Laura snarled at her playfully, kissing her cheek, her mouth, her neck.  "I want to be destroyed by you," she murmured.  "Think you can do it?"

Nyomi growled back just as playfully.  "Honey, you better not let the genie out of the bottle.  She may just change your world."

She pulled Laura down into the sofa cushions and swarmed over her, really taking charge in a way she had never yet done, engulfing and dominating Laura, who could do nothing but surrender.  Sometimes surrender was the best option.  She gave her body to Nyomi and lay back to take the consequences.

They were not long in arriving.  The idea of going back to the dining set chair, which stood solitary and abandoned where they had left it on the outskirts of the dining room, quickly vanished as Nyomi made it clear that she was going to consume Laura right here on the sofa. 

"Mmmmm . . . ohhnnnnn, you're good!" Laura moaned as Nyomi's mouth found her breasts, and Nyomi's hands pushed open her thighs, and one of Nyomi's own hard thighs began to move smoothly up and down in her crotch.

Laura grabbed Nyomi's head in both hands and mashed her mouth into Nyomi's, so hard that their teeth clanked together.  "I want you to fuck me harder than you've ever fucked anybody," she hissed softly. 

"That won't be a problem," Nyomi grinned wickedly.  "I've never fucked anybody but you.  I've always been the fuckee, before this."

"Now you're on top," Laura murmured to her, clamping her thighs around Nyomi's and egging her on.  "Do it.  Do it hard."

"I don't want to hurt you."

"I'll come before you hurt me," Laura promised.

Again Nyomi grinned.  "I'll bet you will."

She drew the hard, smooth muscle of her thigh up against Laura's festering, aching pussy.  Laura was primed.  There was no need to manually open up her pussy lips because she was blossoming like a hungry flower already, hungry to be sweetly violated.  The feel of Nyomi's smooth, very hard muscle against her oozing slit was nearly enough to make her pass out.

"Oh god . . . it's good . . . it's good . . . do it hard!" she panted, feeling her heart race and the blood jump throughout her yielding body.

She had begun this, many minutes ago in the bedroom, by having happy thoughts and memories of Brandi and her Olympian thigh, but somehow the piquancy of the moment wiped away all those thoughts and memories in favor of the sharp, piercing sensations that were beginning to fill her body as Nyomi began to pump her seriously.  There is always a secret part of someone that you never discover until it surprises you with a force you never anticipated, Laura thought; and this was the time to discover Nyomi's.  Her taut, well-conditioned body, which she toned several times a week in a gym near the Mayor's Office where she worked, was probably the strongest Laura had encountered since Brandi's and Kendra's bodies, and Nyomi was unleashing the full strength of it right now on Laura's hot, hungry flesh.

"Awwonngg!" Laura shuddered as Nyomi's large, hard thigh crunched into the flaming furrow of her pussy.  "Oh god!  Ungghhh!"

She clenched her teeth and groaned as thrust after thrust lifted her body slightly off the sofa cushions, then let it settle back down to receive the next punishing, surging thrust.  On top of fucking Laura with her hard thigh, Nyomi was also devouring her with her mouth and trying to squeeze her to death with her hands.  She was literally all over Laura, sucking her neck, biting her ear, inhaling her nipples, encircling her waist, biting her shoulder, pumping, surging, embracing her roughly, and hammering her thigh up into Laura's groin, exactly as Laura had requested.

This was no gentle, loving rape.  Though it may have started that way, it quickly became an overheated, full-scale fuck-assault.  Laura had asked Nyomi to 'destroy' her, and Nyomi was delivering the full measure of her unleashed lesbian passion, devouring Laura, ramming her, sucking her flesh, her nipples, her neck, sucking her so hard that Laura feared she would leave marks, and yet not so hard that Laura wanted her to stop.

"Ungghh!  Ungghhh!  Ohnnggg!  Ummnngghh!" Laura grunted as Nyomi's powerful thigh lifted her squirming ass up off the cushion again and again.  "Oh Jesus, yes!" she panted.  "Do it harder!"

And, unbelievably, Nyomi did.  Neither one of them actually believed she could do it any harder, and yet the next crunching thrust of her thigh into Laura's throbbing pussy was a fierce piledriver.  Laura, who had thought she was maybe seconds away from a crushing orgasm, began to come immediately in jolting, rupturing, crippling spasms of shrieking ecstasy.

"Mnnngggiiieeeee!" she cried out, squealing and screeching as fiery lightning strikes pierced her flexing body.  "AUUNNGGGHHHH!" she heard herself roaring.  "Oh!  Oh!"  She closed her own thighs tightly on Nyomi's plunging thigh and rode it wildly, grunting and gasping as fresh waves of this scorching orgasm ripped through her.

"That's it, baby . . ." Nyomi panted into her ear, still fucking her hard with short, rocking, ramming thrusts of her thigh.  "You come hot and hard for Mama.  Unghh!  Unghh!"

"Oh!  Oh!  Mmmnnggiieee!" Laura shrieked as another squirt of sexual fire leaped through her writhing body.  "Oh shit . . . oh shit oh god!"

And then they both seemed to collapse together, in the same instant.  All motion ceased, except their heaving, gasping lungs, as they tried to gulp down enough air to stay conscious.  Laura was still on her back under Nyomi, but surprisingly Nyomi's weight did not seem onerous, and she ran her fingertips along the sleek smooth muscles of Nyomi's back while waiting for both of them to revive.  Nyomi lifted her head, a slow grin spreading over her beautiful face.

"Okay . . . the verdict," she said softly, her grey eyes dancing with happy sparkles.  "How did I compare with the champ?"

Laura, who had got what she wanted and felt completely, happily destroyed by this tempestuous fuck, merely smiled with heavenly contentment.  "Ladies and gentlemen . . ." she murmured satirically, "the new world champion of lesbian thigh-fucking."  She was still a little breathless and had to stop there.  "If you dare to move, I will string you up by the nipples and flay your beautiful bottom with a burning stick.  Here . . . kiss me.  I luff you madly."

She pulled Nyomi's face down to hers and kissed her passionately.  They squirmed happily together, enjoying the touch of their naked bodies, and kissed again, a longer kiss this time, with plenty of mingling tongues. 

"I think we might have to make this a regular part of our repertoire," Nyomi murmured against her cheek, flexing her thigh muscle just enough for Laura to feel it tensing against her pussy.  "It definitely beats watching TV or reading the newspaper."

"I should say so," Laura agreed, kissing her nose.  "I don't know if I can survive more than one of those a week, though."

"Tell me about it," Nyomi said, finally lifting her body off Laura's.

"And we definitely have to restrain ourselves when Alana is asleep in the other room."

Nyomi nodded and sighed ruefully.  "That means it'll be as rare as a poor Republican.  My mother is beginning to make noises about me dumping her over there too often so we can screw our ears off.  She ain't too happy about you being a chick, either.  Says God don't like it."

Laura made a sad face and pulled her back down, luxuriating in the feel of their naked breasts mashing together.  "We'll just have to make up for it when we have the chance, my darling," she breathed into the shiny dark brown whorl of Nyomi's beautiful ear.

Nyomi's grin was wry and devilish.  "Next time I think I'm ready for that double thingee of yours.  The one that goes in both holes.  My god, I nearly wet my panties when I saw it."

Laura squeezed her.  "Control yourself, girl," she soothed Nyomi.  "Alana will really have to be absent when we use that."

Nyomi made a funny face this time.  She scratched her head, as if thinking hard.  "Maybe I can find a summer camp . . ."

Laura retrieved the Winnie the Pooh towel and wiped up a little with it, then offered it to Nyomi.  "Summer, eh?" she smiled.  "There won't be anything left when she gets home but two puddles reeking of sex."

Nyomi sniffed the towel.  "We better not let her smell this.  Smells like two horny raccoons been menstruating into it."

"Yecchhh!" Laura said, making a face.  She grabbed Nyomi and wrestled her down into the sofa cushions, tickling and playfully pinching her, an activity that soon had them panting again.

"Can't we slow down for at least a few minutes?" Nyomi asked, surfacing for air.

"No," Laura shook her head.  "Whatever made you think I could stop wanting you?"

"At least let us go back on the bed where it's more comfortable."

"I'm all yours," Laura promised, following her back down the darkened hallway to the bedroom.








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