Laura's car was in the shop and a
friend who was headed up to the university after work agreed to drop her off on
the way at the organic market that was about a three blocks' walk from her
house. Her bag, filled with cabbages and
spinach and oranges, was getting a little heavy even after the first block, so
she leaned against a tree to pause for a moment and while resting noticed a
young girl, probably eighteen or so, washing a car across the street about
thirty yards ahead.
The car was in the driveway. The girl was standing on a small stool and
scrubbing the roof with a sponge. She
was very black and wore Daisy Dukes and a candy cane striped thin sleeveless
top. Her marvelous young black thighs
gleamed and flexed as she leaned over the car, her beautiful ass swaying for
all to see.
The moment she saw her Laura
wondered why a crowd hadn't gathered. She
forgave herself for silently observing that the girl, while surely interested
in getting the car clean, was even more concerned to show off this beautiful
body of hers to all who might want to enjoy its display. And I am certainly one of those, Laura
thought, unable to take her eyes off the spectacle.
She moved one tree closer and
stopped again. She had not yet seen the
girl from the front and waited patiently to do so. Meanwhile, there was a thrilling spectacle of
glossy black thigh flesh and shapely calves flexing in the sun as the girl
leaned far over the roof of the car, even kicking one foot in the air and
balancing on one foot on the stool in order to reach the furthest parts. She was short,
perhaps five one, Laura guessed, and built on a small frame with short arms
too, and so certain parts of the car, a large American sedan, were hard to
When the girl did climb off the
stool and turn, Laura did see her from the front and felt a happy little
flutter everywhere in her body. The girl
was very pretty, with a high, gleaming forehead, no doubt filmed with a little
sweat following these exertions, and small breasts that jutted against the
cloth of her striped top. As Laura had
anticipated, the girl's eyes swiftly swept across the entire neighborhood to
see if anyone was watching, though without appearing to pay too close attention
in case anyone was. It was a skilled
glance, clearly well-practiced, and Laura wondered if she often washed the car
this way, putting on her marvelous little show.
On the spur of the moment Laura
decided to cross the street. She had no
expectations but could not resist the impulse to let the girl know that at
least one admirer, though of the same sex, was definitely appreciating the
view. After all, she reasoned, maybe she
doesn't care who's looking as long as someone is.
The girl did not notice her at
first and continued with the car, now scrubbing the trunk lid, standing on the
ground this time. But as Laura drew
closer, something she definitely noticed was the two
large bumps on each of the girl's breasts sliding around under the fabric of
her top, big bulbous nipples that had been hard to see from a further
distance. This, of course, only ramped
up her interest. The darling was not
only wearing Daisy Dukes and waving her ass at the neighborhood,
she was not wearing a bra either over those delectable little doves.
At this point she spotted Laura,
who was in any case not trying to hide. "Hi,"
she smiled, a smile like the sun popping through the clouds, one to brighten
your sad old heart.
Laura almost hated resorting to
this hoary old saying, and yet she had to say something. "How would it be if I brought mine by here
for you to wash when you're finished with that one?" she said, feeling like a
dork, but moving closer.
When she had been a teenager
herself, this was the kind of thing dorky or creepy old neighbors, always male,
would say to her. But the girl did not
stop beaming. She tilted her head to the
side in a very fetching, innocent gesture.
"Sorry. I'm only doing this out
of duty. My sister lets me live here if
I wash her car for her now and then."
Laura smiled back and reached into
her grocery bag. "I'll give you an
orange," she joked, a bribe.
"Is that one of those organic
oranges from the market up the street?
God, don't those taste great?
Like, when you eat one you realize why people started eating oranges in
the first place."
The girl shut off the hose nozzle
and dropped it at her feet, approaching Laura, who now felt that she really had
to give her the orange in her outstretched hand. So she did.
"They do taste great," she
She caught herself looking at the
protruding bulbs of the girl's nipples, and the girl caught her too. Laura quickly looked up and swallowed. The girl seemed to be putting two and two
"You want to help, or you want to
watch?" she asked Laura.
Laura tried not to blush. "I was having a good time watching," she
Again the girl cocked her head to
the side, grinning, her teeth very white and even, her skin very black and
alluring to Laura, who wanted to touch it, to caress it, to lick off the thin
film of sweat that made it shine.
"I can see you were," the girl
said. "I'm Ashley." She extended her hand.
Laura took it. "I'm Laura.
I . . . live . . . just up the street.
A few blocks." She nodded in the
right direction.
"Are you a lesbian?" Ashley asked her,
shockingly bold. "I mean, because if you
are, you don't look like one."
"Oh? How are they supposed to look?"
Ashley crinkled her adorable
nose. "Like Elvis, I guess. At least all the ones who've come on to me
looked like Elvis."
Laura could not suppress a little
laugh. "Sorry to disappoint you."
"Anyway, you're married." She pointed to the gold ring on Laura's
Laura nodded. "Right. Didn't come on to you,
"I get it. You're married, but you always fantasied
about doing it with a chick. A hot
neighborhood sista with a ghetto booty."
Laura smiled mysteriously and said
"Me too," Ashley went on, now
shockingly frank. "I mean, I always
wanted to have a lesbian experience.
Just didn't want to do it with Elvis, know what I mean?"
Laura nodded. "I never wanted to do it with Elvis."
Ashley nodded toward the
house. "Come on inside and we'll eat the
oranges over the sink so we can wash off our sticky fingers."
Laura followed her into the house
like an obedient dog. I hope my tongue
isn't hanging out, she thought. She had
a hard time keeping her eyes off the 'ghetto booty,' which was indeed a
miracle, high and hard and round and swelling.
The glossy black backs of Ashley's young thighs were also hard to
In the kitchen Ashley handed her a
paring knife. "You can peel it with your
fingers, if you want. But the knife's
Laura grinned at her. "How do you know I'm not a serial
murderer? Do you just invite everyone in
here for an orange who happens to like your ghetto booty? Anyway, this isn't a ghetto."
Ashley smirked saucily, getting
another paring knife for herself.
"Silly. A
ghetto booty is a generic, like a Bronx cheer, or a Fu Manchu moustache,
or a Hapsburg lip."
"Or Daisy Dukes?"
Ashley's smirk turned into a very
beguiling grin. She turned sideways and
gave a salacious bump and grind with her delectable bottom. "Exactly." She beckoned Laura over to the sink and began
peeling her own orange. "Are you a serial murderer? Or did you have something other than murder
in mind?"
Gosh, it was one thrill after
another, talking to this girl! Laura reflected.
You couldn't predict what was coming next. "Tell me about your sister," she said,
peeling her own orange slowly. "She owns
the house, I gather."
Ashley was chewing on an orange
wedge and had to swallow it before replying.
"You don't have to worry that she'll pop in on us, if that's what you're
thinking. She's in Winnipeg
visiting her college friend."
Laura smiled. "Brother-in-law?"
"Divorced," Ashley shrugged, but
with a meaningful glance. The glance
said: nobody is going to catch us, Laura.
Take your best shot. "So . . . if
you are a serial murderer, I guess I'm done for." She said this with an airy, resigned sort of
attitude, charmingly theatrical.
Laura, nervous, came close to
choking on an orange wedge herself but managed to get control after a few
coughs. Ashley handed her a glass of ice
"I've got some iced tea in the
fridge, if you'd rather."
"No, no. I'm okay."
"So . . ." They returned to the sink and
continued peeling and cutting and eating.
"Your turn.
Tell me about the wedding ring.
Won't your husband be, like, jealous of you, hanging out with me and
eating an orange? And flirting?"
"We're not flirting," Laura said,
sternly, but not too sternly, grinning at the end, unable to stop herself.
"I don't know about you, but I'm flirting," Ashley said.
"You are not. You're teasing. God, this orange is really good. You're right.
I knew they were good, but this is heaven," Laura said, finishing hers
and licking the juice off her fingers.
"Wash your hands. Here's a towel." Ashley handed her a dish towel.
Laura ran a forefinger across the girl's
shapely black hand as she took the towel. She let her eyes smolder a little, letting
Ashley take the hint. I could eat you
alive, darling. Ghetto
booty and all.
Again Ashley pointed to the
ring. "Isn't this the edge of adultery?"
"I don't know. You tell me."
"I don't like triangles. I like people who are free. Less trouble that way."
"I'm not married to a man," Laura
said flatly. "A
A smile of pleased understanding
curved Ashley's enchanting mouth. "Women
are worse. They cut you. They want to kill you."
"Are you speaking from experience?"
Ashley grinned mischievously. "Want to see my scars?"
Laura nodded slowly. "I do.
I want to see everything I can see."
Ashley turned and walked to the
other side of the kitchen, knowing Laura's eyes would be fastened on the Daisy
Dukes and their contents. She beckoned
with her head. "Come with me."
Laura followed as before, tingling
with anticipation. Ashley led her into
one of the back bedrooms. She turned and
faced Laura, the same mischievous little smirk on her face. "Okay, I'm ready for my lesbian experience."
"Don't you think you ought to lock
the front door? In case somebody wants
to come in?"
Ashley made a cute moue. She was adorable, though difficult. "If you insist. I've been living here for about two years and
nobody's ever come in."
Laura caressed her smooth black
cheek with the knuckle of one hand.
"What if your 'lesbian experience' makes you scream and shriek and
groan? Won't the neighbors want to
rescue you?"
Ashley now made big eyes at
her. "Are you really going to make me scream? I can't wait."
Laura couldn't either. To hell with locking the
front door. She finally encircled
the girl in her arms and drew her closer.
"Only if you get next to me here and let me have that delicious mouth."
Ashley smiled up at her. She was short and had to look up at
Laura. "You like to kiss too? How romantic.
I think I may like this. And you
don't look a bit like Elvis. You're
Laura kissed her luscious, sensual
mouth, at first slowly, tentatively, then more aggressively. Ashley's tongue quickly met her own. Soon they were tongue-stabbing and
"Some people think Elvis was
beautiful," Laura panted into her even white teeth.
"Not me,"
Ashley panted back. "You're making my
heart race."
"You're making my pussy wet."
These words seemed to electrify
Ashley. Laura could feel her taut little
body tense up in her hungry embrace. She
ran her fingers all over Ashley's exposed black skin, and her lips up and down
Ashley's smooth black neck, tasting a little of the thin sheen of sweat she had
earlier seen there. Her hands found the
ghetto booty and squeezed it with hot relish through the Daisy Dukes.
"I think you're making mine wet
too," Ashley panted softly. "This is my
bed. We can do it here."
"It's kind of small," Laura said,
glancing down at the twin bed. "Is there
a bigger one?"
"Why, are we going to wrestle?"
Ashley asked, again smirking mischievously.
"Yes," Laura breathed into her
ear. "I'm going to pin you. Make you cry uncle."
Ashley giggled softly and pulled
Laura toward the door, then down the short hallway to the second bedroom. "My sister's," she said, drawing Laura
inside, where there was a decent queen-sized bed. "At least we won't leave cum tracks all over
it, like I once did with a boyfriend."
Laura nipped her earlobe. "You mean you did it with him in here and you
wanted to have us do it on that little bed?"
"Ouch!" Ashley giggled, touching
her earlobe and slipping away. "I didn't
want to have to wash her sheets twice again."
Laura followed her, grabbing her
again next to the bed. "Darling Ashley,
they are going to be soaking by the time we're through." She again embraced the enchanting little
thing and kissed her ravenously, this time sliding her hands up under the thin,
candy-cane patterned top, running her palms all over Ashley's firm warm
"Here, help me pull down the
covers," Ashley said, slipping away again.
"Bad enough we're going to dirty the sheets."
Laura helped her pull them down,
exposing the bottom sheet. Then she
grabbed Ashley again, kissing her rapaciously and pulling up the candy cane top
to get her hands on the girl's marvelous, round, springy little breasts. Ashley's nipples were big, bulbous puffies,
and Laura cupped them in her palms, eager to get her mouth on them. She kissed Ashley's neck again.
"Here . . . let's get this
off. Let's get everything off."
"I find that helps," Ashley
cracked, giving Laura a sardonic grin.
Laura helped Ashley pull the top
over her head, then kissed her way down Ashley's
shoulder and her chest to one beautiful small breast, which she cradled in her
palm. Ashley's nipple was not only big
and bulbous but black as coal, with a thick stubby center, and Laura licked and
then sucked it hungrily. She managed to
suck about half of Ashley's small breast into her mouth.
"Whoa!" Ashley laughed, looking
down at her breast disappearing into Laura's mouth. "Hold on, girl. You tryin' to get
the whole thing in there?"
Laura let her shiny wet nipple go
for a second and smiled up at her. "You
bet I am."
Ashley grinned. "Go for it, then. Shit, that feels so
Laura still cradled Ashley's breast
in one palm while trying to swallow it, but with her other hand she was
diddling the top button of the Daisy Dukes, trying to open it. Once open, she knew, the rest was just a
zipper. Ashley would be naked in
seconds, and Laura would be all over her delicious, darling body.
In the midst of this she realized
that Ashley was helping her. She brushed
Laura's fingers aside and unfastened the button herself, then unzipped her
cutoffs. "Aren't you supposed to get
naked too?" she panted, sliding them down her hard black thighs.
"Watch me," Laura panted back, now
holding Ashley's small, perfect breast in both hands and raking her erect wet
nipple with her teeth.
Unfortunately, though, it took her
a little longer to disrobe than Ashley had taken, since Laura was still in her
formal work clothes, which were expensive and had to be removed more
carefully. Ashley smirked at her but
said nothing while she slipped out of them.
"Ready?" she beamed when Laura was
finished. "Wow, Laura, you have a
beautiful body."
"Nothing to yours, my darling,"
Laura purred, pulling her down on the exposed sheet and running her hands all
over Ashley's smooth, black nakedness, feel the blood leap up and roar inside
her body.
This was perhaps almost as good as
the moment of true orgasm: mashing your own hot flesh for the first time
against the naked body of the girl you had just been so feverishly desiring for
the past hour, hungering for her every pore, dying to touch her bare skin, to
fill your mouth with her vibrant flesh, as Laura was doing right now. She loved hearing Ashley mewl and whimper, as
if this was more than she had bargained for too.
"Unhhhh! Oh!" Ashley gasped as Laura swarmed all over
her delicious young body. "Oh . . . oh Laura . . . yessssss! Mmmmmm!
Oh . . . oh god that feels good!"
Laura was all over her, licking,
sucking, nibbling, kneading, probing. She had only tasted one of Ashley's perfect
little breasts and large, bulbous, black, puffy nipples, and now she tried to
ingest the other one, siphoning it like a mad woman, feeling Ashley's whole
body respond under her, and bringing crazed whimpering from deep in her chest.
"Unhhh! Oh god, Laura . . . you're . . . worse than a
man! I didn't know it would be like
"Worse than a
man?" Laura laughed softly. "Or
"God. Way better!" Ashley laughed back. "You really like to suck. Most of them just squeeze or lick. I like to be sucked."
"You found the right girl, honey,"
Laura said, immediately feasting again on this delectable dark mound, drawing
Ashley's stiffening, shiny black nipple deep into her mouth and sucking it hard,
feeling it grow spongy and thick against her tongue.
"Oh shit, you're going to make me
come! I come fast. No kidding."
Ashley panted more rapidly.
"Darling, you just go right ahead,"
Laura purred, dropping one hand between Ashley's hard, sleek,
black thighs, the thighs she had
lusted after so hungrily out on the sidewalk while watching her wash the car.
If Ashley was going to come
quickly, then so be it. She had had
those who took a while, those who needed relaxation and concentration, and a
few like herself who simply boiled over like a pot on the stove, as Sara had
recently put it. It was hard to tell
which kind Ashley would be, but already she was writhing and whimpering and
twisting, as if an orgasm could not be far off.
By golly, honey, you're not going
to come before I get a taste of this little black pussy I was yearning for so
much out there on the street, Laura thought, diving lower.
"Oh god . . . oh fuck oh god . . ."
Ashley panted, feeling Laura kiss her heaving flat belly and the insides of her
sleek, gorgeous thighs.
"Just relax, honey," Laura
cautioned her. "I want your sweet black
Ashley giggled. "You and about a thousand
"Right," Laura murmured, nestling
between her spread thighs and parting the glossy, wiry hairs of her bush to
reveal more clearly the hot red seam of wet flesh. "Me and a thousand guys. Only they don't know how to love it the way I
She proceeded to make love to
Ashley's oozing pussy with all the skill she had accumulated through the years,
even though there was not time for her to display much of it. Ashley was very aroused, now whimpering and
twisting wildly, making it hard to keep one's hungry mouth on her inflamed
slit. Her pussy was small and tight and
very red inside, framed by thickish black cunt lips, her clit a bright little
marble at the top, which Laura tongue-swiped eagerly, bringing choking little
shudders of joy from Ashley's lips.
"Unh! Ohhnnnggg!
"Oh, you have a pretty one, darling
. . ." Laura cooed to her, tongue-fucking her, then fingering her with two
fingers while she kissed her nubby little clit.
She realized, as Ashley was
twisting and mewling and clenching, that she could probably get a whopper of a
g-spot orgasm out of this girl, if only she would try. And if only things lasted
long enough for her to actually find the spot. Ashley had said she came quickly, and indeed
it certainly looked like she was telling the truth. The way her taut little naked body surged and
quivered under Laura's caresses seemed to betoken a very brief build-up to the
supreme moment.
"Ohhh, don't come for Mama yet,"
she cooed to the girl, meanwhile probing the inside front wall of Ashley's
tight, squishy young pussy for the secret trigger, and licking and sucking her
cunt lips and her clit. "Mama wants to
eat and eat and suck and suck your beautiful little pussy."
"Oh! Oh!" was all that Ashley could
respond, thrashing and churning in the rumpled sheets, her face contorted with
the fierce pleasures Laura was arousing in her taut body.
Laura knew she would probably feel
a little twitch or hitch in Ashley's clenching flesh if she touched the magic
button, and sure enough, when her fingertips passed over a spongy little wet
area she felt Ashley tense, and gurgle.
Oh honey, that's it! she hummed to herself, immediately fastening her lips on
Ashley's swollen clit and rubbing the inside wall of her pussy
frantically. It took only a couple of
seconds for Ashley to tense up in a sharp seizure, to wheeze and wail, and then
to just about explode in a firestorm of orgasmic spasms.
"Anngghhieeemmnnggiiieee!" she
cried out, her delicious dark body leaping and surging off the bed in a
cataclysm of coming, arching and shuddering, twitching and clenching fiercely. "Unngggunnnggguunnggg! Ahhnnggiieee!"
It was not only quick,
it was also very deep and intense, though it did not last long. It wrenched and throttled her, then released
her just as quickly as it had arrived, letting her fall back to the mattress,
panting and gasping and gurgling in the aftermath.
"Oh shit! Oh shit!" she gasped, breathless, her eyelids
fluttering, her eyes themselves throbbing and dilating as she gazed up at Laura
in wonderment. "Did you really do that to
me?" she panted softly.
Laura had not moved. Her fingers were still embedded in Ashley's
wet, pulsing cunt, and her lips were just an inch or so from the girl's clit,
which she had sucked into throbbing ecstasies.
Instead of answering, she resumed her caresses aggressively, figuring
that if the girl could come that easily and quickly, there were probably more
spasms where those had come from. Often
a woman reached an orgasmic plateau from which she could continue to come for
several minutes, if helped along.
And Laura was a good helper. In seconds she had Ashley whimpering and
twisting again, though half in shock from disbelief. The surprise showed in her face, but she was
not about to call off this thrilling bout of fucking. She began to gyrate her pelvis into Laura's
probing hand and sucking mouth, and in a few seconds more she was coming again,
this time not the sharp, explosive seizures she had had earlier but instead
long, slow, wrenching shocks that traveled through her body from one end to the
other, leaving her quivering and moaning and gasping for breath.
"Ohhhnnnnnn . . . annnggghhhhhhh! Oh Laura ahhhnnnnnnnn! Umnnnunnnhhhh!"
She was such a beautiful young
thing while coming, while locked in the raptures of her multiple ecstasies,
that Laura could only take so much. She
felt the urge to come herself growing so strongly in her that she now swarmed
up and all over Ashley's delicious black shuddering flesh, sucking her bulbous,
shiny black nipples again and clamping one sleek hard thigh in her own thighs,
pushing her wet, gaping, hungry pussy into the hard flesh, rubbing and gasping
and gurgling herself, maniacally horny and voracious, unable to wait for an
orgasm to accompany this amazing eruption of bliss that Ashley was going
"Aungghh! Unnmmgghh!
Auggnnhh!" she grunted, climaxing herself in sharp, thrilling jolts that
shook her body violently.
Ashley, still overcome herself by
her second wave of orgasms, only belatedly realized that Laura was coming too,
slumped forward on her naked body and twitching and groaning in a scalding,
jolting surfeit of bliss. Her arms came
up to clutch Laura, and Laura could feel the sweet caress of her fingertips on
the backs of her shoulders as the dying spasms of her climax faded.
They lay that way, not speaking,
simply panting softly and regaining their even breathing, for several
minutes. Finally, Laura rolled gently to
the side. Ashley was smiling, as if a
lolling happily in a warm bath.
"Mmmmmmm!" she hummed, giving vent
to her contentment and deep pleasure.
Laura laughed softly, tenderly
caressing Ashley's stunning naked body with one fingertip. "I take that to mean your 'lesbian
experience' was satisfactory?"
Ashley grinned even more
broadly. "You made me come twice."
Laura just smiled.
"I like to fuck," Ashley continued,
"but I never came like that. Ever."
"Oh, you probably did. You're just forgetting."
"No. Really." Ashley grew solemn. "Really. It was like an earthquake."
Laura embraced her and pushed her
own naked body again into Ashley's.
"Here, kiss me and rub this fantastic body against me and tell me how you
loved it."
"I did. I . . . just came forever. Can we do it again?"
"Oh yes," Laura grinned. "Again and again."
"Let me get us some towels. You . . . eewwww!"
Ashley grimaced, touching her thigh.
"You sort of . . . let go all over me.
I'm . . . wet. My thigh is all
"I'm sorry," Laura laughed
softly. "I didn't mean to. I just couldn't help myself. You are so sexy. I just . . . had to come quickly."
Ashley tilted her head fetchingly,
smiling with coquettish charm. "I have
that effect on people, it seems. You
think this is bad," she pointed to her shiny, black, beautifully shaped thigh,
all wet with Laura's pussy juices. "I
once did two guys at the same time, and they got a kick out of squirting jizz
all over me. You should've seen it. God, drenched? I looked like a cum
painting or something. It was all over
"Two guys at once," Laura
marveled. "You are a very bold girl."
Ashley pursed her lips. "Not so much.
They were brothers. Cute, too. I couldn't
help myself. I told you I like to fuck."
Laura couldn't help remembering
Tonya, who of course had accomplished even more, taking on five or six guys at
once during a party. But the thought of
two guys sandwiching this darling Ashley and spurting all over her naked body
was undeniably erotic. She watched with
delight as Ashley hopped off the bed, her lovely little breasts bouncing, her
coal-black nipples gleaming, her 'ghetto booty' swaying, and darted down the
short hallway to the linen closet for some towels.
When she returned with an armful,
she and Laura wiped up and stretched out again, embracing easily, kissing
warmly, but not yet hungrily. "So,"
Laura prompted her, "tell me about yourself, Ashley. Wherever did you learn about the Hapsburg
lip? Are you a student up the hill at
the University?"
Ashley grinned and nodded. "But I'm in chemical engineering. I just learned about the Hapsburg lip in a
freshman history course. The math's
getting a little steep for me, though. Thinking of switching to sociology."
Laura could not keep her hands off
the girl's marvelous naked breasts, which she kept caressing as they talked,
massaging Ashley's thick, bulbous black nipples with her fingers. "And you just spend your leisure time washing
the car in your Daisy Dukes, trying to snag whatever prey you can by waving
your pretty ghetto booty at them?"
Ashley smirked. "Worked, didn't it?"
"Is that how you got the brothers,
"Oh no," Ashley said. "I met them in the history class. Hapsburg lip, remember? Let's stop talking about all this and get
back to it. I think I want more than one
lesbian experience. You are hot, Laura."
"But isn't it a little dangerous?"
Laura pressed her. "I mean, not everyone
is a sweet, mild-mannered lesbian like me.
There are rapists. Murderers. You know."
Ashley shrugged. "I can take care of myself. I don't have to invite them in."
Laura could not keep her mouth off
Ashley's naked breasts for long. "I just
love to suck," she murmured. "And you
have such beautiful ones."
Ashley let her suck. She lay on her side and watched her plump
black nipples disappearing into Laura's mouth, first one, then
the other. "Oh shit, you do that good! It makes my pussy tingle and get all wet."
"Mmmmm, mine too!" Laura grinned.
"Don't you guys have those strap-on
things that you can use for fucking?" Ashley asked, now beginning to pant
"Well," Laura paused, "I don't just
happen to carry one around with me in my handbag." She made a face. "If you want to wait while I run home and get
one . . ."
"Oh god, no. You're making me so horny."
Laura returned to sucking. Ashley's black, saliva-wet nipples were
thick, shiny black plums but tasted even better, chewy and pulpy. Soon she was twisting and gurgling.
"You'll tell me if I'm doing it too
hard, right?" Laura prompted her softly.
"You can . . . never . . . do it
too hard . . . for me . . ." Ashley panted, holding her small breast in both
hands as if to make sure that it didn't slip out of Laura's mouth. A minute more elapsed while she writhed and
mewled happily. "You know . . ." she
panted. "I imagined that lesbians put
their pussies together. Know what I
mean? Just like guys
and girls do."
Laura slid up and kissed her smooth
neck, then her mouth. "That can be arranged,
my darling," Laura murmured softly.
"Would you like to do that?"
Ashley nodded, before her eyes
rolled up again in a sweet surfeit of bliss as Laura continued to suck her
delicious wet nipples and squeeze her small, firm breasts. "Unnnnunnn . . . oh shit, Laura,
that feel so good! Suck harder!"
Laura did, because she could never
get enough. Anyway, this girl has such a
lovely, delectable little body. I just
want to devour every inch of her! she thought. Ashley, my sweet, I'm going to take this
lovely little body to heaven again. Right now.
And she quite imperceptibly began
to turn up the heat even further, swarming all over Ashley, pressing her own
naked breasts into the girl's smooth dark flesh, siphoning up Ashley's breasts,
sucking big chunks of them into her mouth now, her hands racing over Ashley's
squirming body, then darting between her thighs, to check the warm wetness
there, which she immediately verified.
She's ready for the next step, Laura thought. Oh honey . . . I can't wait to feel your
pussy against mine!
Ashley was already on her back,
with Laura swarming over her, and so it was no difficulty to maneuver their
groins together. Laura slid one leg
under one of Ashley's and sat up vertically, reaching down to brush aside their
moist crotch hairs and facilitate a more intimate union. Ashley had a thick bush, Laura's not so
thick, and so a few seconds' fluffing with her fingers exposed both of their
wet cunts. Laura slid forward, pushing
them together.
"Oh . . . oh shit!" Ashley gasped,
slightly arching her back as the sweet sensation of Laura's warm, soupy pussy
pushing against hers filled her body.
Laura, equally thrilled, didn't
move for a few seconds, letting both of them enjoy the pure pleasure of this intimate
contact. Ashley's pussy was also warm
and slippery and gooey against hers, and the look on the girl's face was
priceless, a half-swoon of delicious ecstasy.
"You like that?" she murmured,
holding Ashley's hot, throbbing eyes with her own.
Unable to speak, Ashley nodded,
biting her full lower lip. She responded
in kind as Laura began gently to undulate her hips and
rock their touching groins together in rhythm.
"Are . . . we going to come this way?" she finally asked in a hushed,
clotted voice.
"We might," Laura smiled. "Do you feel it?"
Ashley shook her head. "Not yet."
She paused, and her dark eyes went all swirly. "I like it, though."
"Just do this . . . with me . . ."
Laura panted softly, swirling her pelvis and guiding Ashley slowly into a good,
even rhythm of fucking, a little more vigorous than they had been doing
previously. They continued this way for
a few minutes. "How does that feel?" she
inquired softly.
Ashley gulped, as if at first
unable to speak. Then she smiled. "God . . . it's great. But I don't think I can come this way. I need it fast and hard."
"That too can be arranged," Laura
smiled back at her.
Almost immediately she picked up
the pace. She knew that even being
fucked harder and faster this way might not bring Ashley to her climax, since
some women never could make it all the way by this method; but it was surely
worth a try, before turning to another avenue.
Laura, already perpendicular to the supine Ashley, bent forward even
more over her and began to grind and pump her wet pussy into Ashley's with
fierce, churning abandon.
In truth, this was not difficult
for her since she was beginning to be consumed by a hot, crackling hunger for
the girl's lovely young body that exceeded even the sharp desire she had felt
for her before they had done it the first time.
Something about fucking Ashley just seemed to get better and better, and
she threw herself into it now, having almost been invited to do so by the
enchanting young thing, with a wanton sexual fire she had earlier restrained.
"Unh . . . unh!"
Ashley began grunting softly, squirming under her as Laura began a passionate
love assault.
She pumped her hard while running
her hands over Ashley's delectable small breasts, squeezing them, pinching
Ashley's deeply black, thick, bulbous nipples, leaning down at intervals to
savagely kiss her mouth and suck her lips, and bite her smooth black neck,
churning, pumping, churning, grinding.
All the while Ashley was whimpering and writhing under her, pumping
back, as much as she could, to meet Laura's sharp thrusts.
"Oh! Unhhh!
Unngghhh! Oh . . . shit . . .
Laura . . ." she gasped, her eyes opening wide with sexual shock and flashing
"Ashley . . . you're beautiful . .
." Laura panted to her, pumping wildly.
"Ashley . . . I love to . . . fuck you . . ."
"Unh! Ungghhhh!
Ohnnggg! Yes!"
Again they did not speak for hot
seconds, their silence punctuated by their harsh breathing and wild squirming,
as well as Ashley's low moans and Laura's grunting passion. Then, Laura broke through.
"Are you going to come?"
"I . . . I don't know," Ashley
Laura smiled. "I do."
In a fluid motion, she briefly
disengaged their crotches, first leaning forward and crushing Ashley's
squirming body under her, mashing their breast together and devouring her face
with hungry kisses, then her neck, her shoulders, her nipples. But very soon she was sliding down Ashley's
body to her pussy, sliding three fingers into her wet, goopey slot, fucking her
hard with her hand while also licking and sucking her clit, a hot, unbridled
frenzy of lust that quickly had Ashley whooping and arcing and quivering with
incipient sexual spasms.
"Ahhiieee! Oh god!
Unggghh! Aiieeee!"
Ashley squealed and thrashed under Laura's attack, whooping and gasping. "Ooohhhhh! Oh!"
Hearing her moan and whimper and
seeing her twist and writhe only turned Laura into a redoubled hot whirlwind of
maniacal lust. She was all over Ashley,
pumping her frantically, hand-fucking her, nipping her inner thighs, sliding up
to suck her stiff black nipples, descending again to suck her clit, until
Ashley began to shake and shudder and rise up stiffly off the bed in a fierce
spasm of sexual release.
"Auunggghhhh!" she roared, her
sweet, sassy little voice suddenly shattered and throttled by a violent uprush
of crippling ecstasy. "Auunngghhhh! Oh!
Oh! Mnnnggeeee!"
Her delicious small body flipped,
then rose up again, flipped again, before she fell squirming and groaning back
to the sheet, her flesh still quivering from the aftershocks of a shocking and
powerful orgasm.
"Ohhhhh! Ohhhhh!"
Laura smiled but did not move. Let her feel it. Let her feel all of it, she told
herself. Let it play itself
out. She came hard that time. Almost harder than the first time.
After a minute or so had passed,
Ashley blinked. Her breathing was
quickly returning to normal. She raised
her head briefly off the mattress before letting it plop back. "You know," she said hoarsely, "some guys
have fucked me hard. But nobody ever did
it like that." She
turner her head to squint at Laura.
"Why did you do that?"
Laura's face fell in mock
dismay. "You didn't like it."
Ashley quickly beamed. "God, I think it turned me into a lesbian
forever!" She gulped and paused to
consider it. "Now I'll have to give in
to all those girls who look like Elvis.
Do you think they do it as hard as you do it?"
"I wouldn't know," Laura purred,
kissing her gleaming black shoulder. "But
I'll be happy to give you an encore, whenever you like."
"You mean whenever your wife isn't
looking?" Ashley prodded impishly.
Laura nodded. She glanced at the clock radio on the
bedstand. "But now . . . I've got to be
going. I've got to get home and feed the
poor cats, who've been starving while you and I take our little perverted
But Ashley would not let her
go. She grabbed Laura and pushed her
naked body into Laura's, kissing her.
"Not until I get another little come out of you," she murmured, kissing Laura's
neck, squeezing her breasts. "I like
this. And you didn't get to come when I
did, just then."
A soft grin of assent spread across
Laura's face. "I guess I could stay a
little longer. What did you have in
"I never thought I'd say this,"
Ashley grinned, "but I think now that I'm a lesbian I feel like licking your
pretty pink pussy until you come. Can
you come that way?"
"Oh yes," Laura smiled. "I can."
"Good," Ashley gently pushed her
onto her back and helped to ease Laura's thighs open with one hand. She began kissing her way down Laura's
body. "You just lie back and let me
practice on you until I get it perfect."
"You're already just about
perfect," Laura sighed to her as she stretched out and prepared to quickly die
of pleasure.