She awoke in the middle of the
night. Monk and Mingus, the two cats,
were sleeping on the bed with her, and they briefly, drowsily, awakened too,
offering their quiet reassurances.
Makeeda was in Japan
again, appearing at a regional jazz festival followed by two weeks appearing at
a Tokyo club. The Japanese had an insatiable appetite for
jazz, and Makeeda was better known and more popular there than at home.
Laura had awakened in the dark
because in her dreams she suddenly became certain that she did not know
Bonnie's last name. After all this
flirtation, and even their disappointing little dinner in Bonnie's apartment,
even the exchange of phone numbers, they had not told each other their last
names. Laura was sure of it.
Not that it mattered. Even the dream she had had was not a sexual
dream, for some reason. Bonnie was in
it, but only as a member of a crowd, an anonymous crowd, and Laura could not
remember what she, Bonnie, had been doing, if anything. Still, it troubled her very much not to know
Bonnie's last name, and she made it a point on the next day to go to the
sandwich shop in the alley for lunch.
"I realized I don't know your last
name," she said to Bonnie as she was paying for her sandwich.
Bonnie gave her a smile, unexpectedly,
that warmed Laura's heart and streamed from there directly down to the deep
place in her pussy where she harbored her secret sexual longings. And yet, she reminded herself, it was the
smile Bonnie gave everyone, as she deposited the change in their palms, letting
her fingertips linger there momentarily in that sweet, intimate gesture that
Laura had initially thought was just for her until she saw Bonnie doing it with
everybody in line.
Bonnie said, still smiling. "You know,
like the country. Yours is . . .
"Robbins. Did I tell you?"
Bonnie nodded. She leaned close. "Better move on. I gotta get to these folks." With her head she indicated the people behind
Laura in the line.
"Of course. Sorry."
Again, there was no time or
opportunity to go any further. Laura was
glum but resigned. It had been two weeks
since she had given Bonnie her phone number, her work number of course, and yet
Bonnie had not called. Somebody else,
some man, alas, was going to get his hands on that sweet girl's sweet body
before Laura ever would.
She tried not to be upset about
it. In the Office Max parking lot, she
was putting her bag of computer supplies into her trunk when she saw a tall,
statuesque black woman with long black hair just about down to her shoulder
blades struggling with a big box, trying to get it into the back of her
SUV. The SUV was parked only two spaces
over from Laura's car, so she offered to help.
"Could you?" the woman said,
But even through her grimace, she
was so beautiful Laura's heart almost stopped.
She had had, she swore to herself, not even the slightest predatory
impulse behind this offer, but the instant she saw this woman's face, she felt
a physical craving impossible to deny. I
am very susceptible to the beauty of women, she thought. Still, she tried to mask it. There was a small girl in the SUV, about ten,
Laura judged, with pretty pigtails studded by colored beads.
Together Laura and the woman muscled the heavy box into the back of the SUV. It contained an office chair, in pieces,
assembly required. "You'll have to put
this thing together," Laura said, having faced this difficulty herself on more
than one occasion. "Can you do that?"
The woman looked up at her, around
the corner of the box, full face almost for the first time, and Laura was
struck dumb by her dark grey eyes. The
woman was drop-dead gorgeous, and Laura, who was shockingly vulnerable to such
beauty, was nearly paralyzed. "I think I
can get my ex-husband to do it," the woman said, with a wan, exhausted smile,
as if some insufferable sacrifices had to be made in this life.
"You have grey eyes," Laura said in
a halting, befuddled voice, unable to stop herself.
"I know," the woman said, almost
bashfully, as if she were ashamed to admit it, though clearly this happened
often. She wiped away some stray hair
from her forehead with the back of one hand.
Still, her expression looked pained, as if she were saying, If I had
brown eyes, maybe you'd notice me for what I am, not my eyes.
"I've never met a black woman with
grey eyes," Laura said.
"Well . . ." the woman laughed
softly, "you have now." She held out her
hand. "Nyomi Gilbert."
Laura repeated. "Not Nay-omi?"
"Laura Robbins. So nice to meet you. God, your eyes are gorgeous." And so is the rest of you, she wanted to add
but was too polite.
"Thank you." Nyomi looked down, at her shoes. "You know, I won't even shop at IKEA because
of this damn put-it-together-yourself business.
But it was on sale, such a good deal.
An eighty dollar chair for forty-two dollars. How could I not buy it? Especially since mine looks like Hurricane
Katrina digested it."
Laura nodded in commiseration. "I've put together a few." She looked at the picture on the box. "I could probably do it, but it would take me
about three times as long as even the most unhandy man."
"Really?" Nyomi brightened. Her smile was as breathtaking as the rest of
her. She had even white teeth and wore a
kind of muted light bluish eye shadow, very tasteful, that emphasized her
startling grey eyes. "Want to give it a
try? I'll even buy you dinner." She head-gestured toward
the little girl inside the SUV.
"Alana and I were going to have Kentucky Fried Chicken. Excuse me, my daughter." She went over to the back window and rapped
on it. "Wave at Laura," she told Alana,
who promptly broke into a glorious smile and waved.
Laura waved back, smiling brightly
too. Oh god, this is so much like Trina
and her little girl Shawna, she recalled.
Except that this Nyomi looks like a movie star or something. No insult to Trina, but few of us are as
beautiful as this one.
"That way at least I won't have to
call the son of a bitch," Nyomi said, but calmly, without excessive spite. "He always thinks I'm inviting him back to
bed if I need him to fix a faucet or something."
"Can't have that," Laura said. "As a matter of fact, I love Kentucky Fried
"Extra crispy or
"Original for
"Follow me to the KFC," Nyomi grinned. "We live in the Marina. Better stay close or you'll get lost."
Laura did stay close. She knew many parts of the city well, having
lived there for years before fleeing with Makeeda to Berkeley,
but she was not familiar with the far northern portion and of all things did
not want to lose this connection to the shockingly gorgeous Nyomi, even though
nothing might come of it. One never
A half an hour later she was
sitting on the living room carpet of Nyomi's charming row house, surrounded by
the parts of the office chair, pondering the assembly directions. Nyomi was in the kitchen, getting plates and
silverware together, while Alana sat on an easy chair near Laura,
watching. How do I get myself into these
things? Laura wondered. This beautiful woman and her beautiful child. Something about them just draws me here, and
of course Nyomi is to die for. But I
truly know next to nothing about putting together this damned chair. Actually, she had lied about having done it,
though she had watched Makeeda put things together. Makeeda was a whiz with a screwdriver.
She had tried not to focus too
sharply on this woman's physical beauty, though that was nearly
impossible. Nyomi had a luscious
figure. 36-24-38, Laura guessed. And she was as tall as Laura, probably five
eight or nine. Truly,
genuinely, statuesque. A
classical body married to a movie star face.
Why wasn't there a line of men (and women) lining up in the street to
her door? I would be first in line,
Laura thought. And
second, and third.
"Are you lost?" Alana asked
her. She was clearly a sweet girl, and
adorable, but Laura felt pressured by having someone, anyone, looking over her
shoulder, especially when she didn't know what she was doing. She was startled out of her reverie by the
clear indication that Alana knew she was faking it and didn't really know how
to assemble the chair.
"Maybe we should have dinner first,
and then I'll feel up to it."
"I think this part goes with this
part," Alana said, getting down on her knees with Laura.
Laura smiled, examining them. "You're probably right." She was saved by Nyomi calling them to the
Laura ate politely with them and
tried not to flirt. That would be such
bad manners. Nyomi, it turned out, was
an aide to the mayor. That, Laura
guessed, accounted for her fancy digs and chic clothing. Not only beautiful but
bright too. A
fatal combination. Laura was
dazzled. She was also throbbing with
sexual desire for this incredible woman but couldn't allow herself to show it. Anyway, it would be almost obscene to suggest
it with Alana sitting right there.
Alana soon grew bored by adult
conversation and retreated to her room, leaving Laura and Nyomi at the table,
toying idly with the chicken bones.
Nyomi pointedly looked at the gold ring on Laura's finger. "I see you've apparently succeeded where I
Laura merely smiled. I'm not really married,
she wanted to say, figuring that Nyomi would place undue reverence on that
uncomfortable fact. I really want to
fuck you desperately. Please ignore this
ring. Makeeda won't care. She'll never even know. Trust me.
Give yourself to me. Please. Even though you may never
have thought of doing it with a girl.
"How long have you been married?"
Nyomi asked, not leaving it alone, to Laura's great annoyance.
"Just a few
months. How long were you
"Three years, if you can believe
that," Nyomi said wearily.
Alana was about ten, Laura
figured. That would mean Nyomi had been
divorced seven or eight years by now. "And
he still wants to get back in your pants?" Laura quipped, using a slightly racy
expression to bring their conversation closer to the borders of true candor.
Nyomi smiled, again wearily, but
with a definite edge of honesty. "Look,"
she grinned, "you're not exactly a homely woman, know what I mean? Neither am I.
Everybody wants to get in my pants.
Yours too, I would guess."
Laura nodded and grinned back. You can count me in that group, darling, she
added to herself. "But even after seven
years or so—"
"I don't want to talk about him,"
Nyomi cut across her. "Anyway, it's not
seven years. He's not Alana's
father. Tell me about your husband. Newlyweds, eh?"
"I think I should have a go at that
chair," Laura said, pushing her chair back to get up.
Nyomi nodded and followed her into
the living room. Laura tried not to look
at her. At her face. At her body. At her legs. It was hard.
"Okay, you don't want to talk about
it," Nyomi sighed, sitting in an armchair next to Laura, who again got down on
her knees amid the chair parts. "I can
appreciate that. In my business nobody
talks about their private life."
Laura pursed her lips, looking
again at the assembly directions. "It's
not that," she said, feeling suddenly remarkably relaxed and calm. She looked up at Nyomi, looking into those
striking grey eyes. "It's not a . . .
husband. I'm married to a—"
"A woman!"
Nyomi interjected, her beautiful face breaking into a wide, spontaneous smile
of realization. "Oh god, it's a new
world! I have to get used to it!"
Laura smiled back calmly. "I guess it is."
"I just never took you for a
lesbian," Nyomi said, leaning forward in her chair, suddenly very
animated. "You don't . . ."
"I don't look like one." Laura had heard it before.
"Now you're making me feel like a
"I don't mean to," Laura
smiled. "I've heard that before. I'm not butch enough to be a lesbian."
As if she were unable to stop
herself, Nyomi slid down off her armchair and sat on the floor amid the office
chair parts, next to Laura. Her
expression was fresh and lovely and full of life and curiosity. This news had somehow transformed her from a
weary working mother and single parent into a vibrant, engaged, interested
friend. "Tell me about it," she
said. "Tell me about what it's like."
"What what's like?"
"To be you." Then Nyomi looked away, embarrassed. "I'm sorry.
That's like you asking me what it's like to be black, isn't it."
Sitting this close to her on the
floor had aroused all Laura's sensitivities to the highest degree. She had really not been this close to Nyomi,
except when they were wrestling the box into the SUV together in the Office Max
parking lot. Now, even though it was
nearing the end of the day and Nyomi had probably not bathed or perfumed herself
for hours, she smelled exhilaratingly wonderful to Laura, a fresh, natural odor
of raw physical magic mingling with the residue of whatever scent she had
applied that morning before leaving the house.
I might even smell the same way to
her, Laura realized. Except that she's
unlikely to have the same reaction. That
is, hunger to run my tongue all over her naked body. And what a body! She looks like a goddess!
She grew suddenly
uncomfortable. Things had been fairly
relaxed up until now, with Nyomi ignorant of Laura's sexual proclivities, and
Laura resigned to the impossibility of getting her into bed, especially with
Alana present in the other room. But now
things had imperceptibly changed. She
found herself marveling at Nyomi's beautiful skin, so smooth and dark and
kissable. She desperately wanted to lean
forward and brush her lips against Nyomi's cheek, or even the smooth back of
her graceful black hand.
Again she didn't answer Nyomi but
only smiled. But her smile, though calm
and mysterious, clearly had a magnetic power, because Nyomi could not drop the
subject. She was like a little girl
trying to ferret out a secret. She
scooted even closer to Laura on the carpet, crooking her knees and wrapping her
long dark arms around them, as if eager to hear all Laura's most intimate
revelations, though Laura had resolutely refused so far to divulge a single
"I can't help it, I'm just
fascinated," Nyomi said softly. "You're
so beautiful . . . and you . . . sleep with women! It just stupefies me."
"Maybe we shouldn't be talking
about such matters with . . . you know, Alana in the other room?"
"Oh, she'll be going to bed in a
minute. Anyway, she doesn't pay much
"I really should be trying to put
this chair together. I promised you."
"Oh, forget about the chair. I mean, it'll keep. I just want to hear about it, how you go
about it. Tell me one thing."
"What kind of thing?" Laura
grinned, unable to conceal her amusement at Nyomi's guileless enthusiasm.
Nyomi's beautiful face brightened
with her vivacity and excitement over the subject. Her grey eyes widened and glowed—they really
were quite big, as well as a startling color—and she rattled on with almost
relentless curiosity. This, to Laura,
was close to being a good sign. She's
very curious, she thought, reserving judgment.
"Like . . . if Alana weren't here .
. . and you were trying to . . . what would you call it, make a pass at
me? What would we be doing next?"
Laura blushed. This was closer to an invitation than anything
Nyomi had said so far. "I hate to seem
prim," she said softly, "but this seems a little out of line to me. She's just in the next room. She might even be eavesdropping on us right
This observation merely exasperated
Nyomi. She frowned. "Oh well, let me put her to bed." She got to her feet. Laura tried not to look at her breasts, which
were substantial, jutting objects, pushing out against her blouse, especially
as she stood up. "Then we can talk in
more . . . privacy, if that makes you feel better."
"I hope she won't be going to bed
early just because of me," Laura winked.
This broke through Nyomi's peculiar
tension. She smiled, relaxing
again. She shook her head. "Bed's at eight. You can stay?
At least for a little while?"
Laura gave her a grim smile. "With any luck, I should have you sitting in
this chair by then."
She bent herself to the task while
Nyomi adjourned to her daughter's bedroom to get Alana into her pajamas. For Laura it was almost a contest. If I get this chair properly assembled, she
told herself, I might have a chance at this beautiful woman's ripe lesbian
cherry. She seems so . . .
interested. Curious. She doesn't seem bashful at all about asking
the most impertinent questions.
Yea! Ask some more, Nyomi! I just want to tear your clothes off and bury
my face between your black goddess thighs!
She refocused her attention on the
directions and in twenty more minutes or so had the chair almost finished. Nyomi reappeared just as she was adjusting
the vacuum-powered seat lift.
"She wants her new friend Laura to
read her a story," she said, wearily.
Being a single mom was tough, Laura realized. And a mayor's aide. Tough too. This woman was probably exhausted, though her
weariness somehow heightened her sexual appeal. One wanted to rub her back. Oh god, Laura shuddered inwardly,
I'd probably have an orgasm if I could rub her back!
"Not until you sit," she said
proudly, pointing to her handiwork.
Nyomi grinned, with a deep streak
of satire. It was impossible to think,
Laura realized, that they were not already old friends. "I'll be damned, you lesbians really are
handy with tools, aren't you," Nyomi cracked, knowing that Laura would not be
"Not all of us, I'm afraid," Laura
said, hoping the chair would not collapse when Nyomi sat in it. Any more than all you spades can dance, she
wanted to add, also jocularly, but was afraid to.
It did not collapse. Nyomi swiveled around in it and adjusted the
seat upward, since she was so tall.
Those delicious long legs, Laura thought, wanting to stroke them and rub
her cheek against them. Nyomi popped up
out of the chair. "You get the silver
hammer, or whatever they give women who can put things together. Okay . . . story time. You have won a little girl's heart. She's waiting patiently."
Laura joined the adorable Alana,
who was sitting up in bed in her pjs rather impatiently awaiting
this crystalline moment. Laura read Frog and Toad Together to her, a
children's book probably aimed at a slightly younger audience but clearly one
of Alana's favorites, since she knew every word. She was an exquisite child—having a drop-dead
gorgeous mother had not hurt—and Laura could hardly concentrate on the book
because of the urge to squeeze her and pepper her with affectionate maternal
kisses. She almost felt guilty for
wanting to fuck her beautiful Mommy so much.
"I have another frog and toad
book," Alana said when Laura had finished reading.
"Maybe next time, honey," Laura
said, finally giving her a squeeze.
"Auntie Laura's tired. And you
need your beauty rest."
"Are you coming over again?"
"As soon as you
ask me."
"How about
"If your Mom says it's okay."
"Oh, she will," Alana said
brightly. "She likes you. She told me."
This was pleasant knowledge to
Laura. "I like her too. Guess I'll see you then."
She realized her heart was racing
as she tucked in the covers around Alana and shut off the lamp next to her
bed. She found Nyomi in the kitchen,
stacking dishes in the sink. "I turned
the light off."
Nyomi dried her hands on a dish
towel. "I'll kiss her and close the
Well . . . what now? Laura
wondered, feeling curiously uneasy as she waited for Nyomi to return. She likes me.
I like her. She's curious about
what it's like to sleep with other women.
I'm very nervous. I don't know
how to proceed. She probably doesn't
Before she could stir this
troublesome stew any further, Nyomi reappeared, having changed into a fluffy
pink bathrobe. "Hope you don't mind, but
I have to wear that uniform, as I call it, all day, every day. Just like you. Too bad you can't change, but at least I
can. I yearn all day for this moment."
"I know the feeling."
"Want a glass of wine? I never drink anything while Alana is still
awake, but I usually give myself a little treat after she goes down."
"I never turn down a glass of wine
with a beautiful woman," Laura said, trying to seem casual although what she
had said was anything but.
And the point clearly struck Nyomi,
who actually froze for a brief second, like a piece of film or video tape that
had got briefly caught in a sprocket, before moving fluidly again to the
cupboard for wine glasses. She took a
bottle of white wine from the refrigerator and poured each glass half
full. "Are they half full or half
empty?" she joked, corking the wine bottle again.
"Oh, half full, of course," Laura
smiled, returning with her to the living room, trying not to look at her long
bare calves, so dark and shapely and smooth, the muscles flexing as she walked.
They sat across from each other,
Laura in the easy chair where Alana had earlier been perched, Nyomi on the
sofa. "So . . ." Nyomi said, after a
leaden pause. "Here's where we resume
the life stories, I guess. Forgive my
curiosity . . . but . . . did you go out with guys once? Then . . . sort of discover you . . . you
know . . . liked girls better?"
"Sort of like that, I guess," Laura
said, a little embarrassed to be on the grill like this.
Nyomi smiled in a mysterious
way. "So . . . what would we be doing
now, if I were . . . you know, attractive to you."
"You are attractive to me."
"So . . . would you just come right
out and ask me to sleep with you?"
"Oh no," Laura said softly, shaking
her head. "Especially
since you've never done it before."
She stared directly into Nyomi's grey eyes, but Nyomi did not flinch.
"How do you know?" she smiled.
"Just a guess."
Nyomi broke first. She looked away and giggled softly, but not
in a flirtatious way, more at having been caught out in a harmless fib. "You're right. I haven't.." She sipped her wine. "But you wouldn't just walk away, would
you? Without making a
stab at it?"
"I've been known to do that," Laura
said, circumspectly. "Sometimes it's
better to be friends. And sometimes it's
better to be patient."
"You certainly are very patient,"
Nyomi said, almost irritably, as if Laura were too patient. "Wouldn't you try to sit next to me, at
"I might," Laura said. At first she didn't move. Her sense of the dramatic possibilities
encouraged her to stay put for another minute or so before standing up and
moving around the glass coffee table to sit on the sofa next to Nyomi. She set her wine glass down on the table next
to Nyomi's. "How's this?"
Nyomi did not turn her body but
only her head to face Laura. "I'm
shaking inside," she confessed. "Isn't
that silly?"
Laura shook her head slowly. "You are one of the most beautiful women I
have ever seen," she said evenly. "I
shouldn't think you would be afraid of anything. People must willingly put themselves in your
power and fall under your spell."
Nyomi scoffed at this. "Oh, you'd be surprised. I'm mostly terrified every minute of every
day. All this self-assurance you see is
just a façade."
Laura smiled sympathetically. "I know the feeling exactly," she murmured
softly. She brought her face closer to
Nyomi's. "Just let me kiss you once,"
she whispered. "My mouth is aching for
yours." Her eyes fell to Nyomi's full
lips. "I'll bet it will stop your
shaking inside."
"Will it?" Nyomi asked softly, her
grey eyes wider than ever and pulsing as if she were hypnotized by Laura's
words, and this closeness.
No wonder, Laura thought. I certainly am. The closer she got to Nyomi, the more she
could smell that marvelous mixture of her body's natural scent mingled with the
residue of whatever perfume she had put on that morning, which seemed to flow
into Laura's own body through her nostrils and awaken every sleeping sexual
nerve and fan it into a slow, simmering flame.
Giving in completely to this aura and to Nyomi's soft, almost quivering receptiveness, she leaned forward even more, until her lips
brushed Nyomi's, then curved slowly into them.
Nyomi's lovely, sensual mouth
yielded easily to Laura's, and her lips parted after a moment without the
slightest resistance. It was the most
natural and unhurried of kisses, and even when their tongues began twisting and
curling together there was still no urgency, no haste, no clumsy passion or
graceless, fevered need, only a calm, exploratory pressure, and an increasingly
emotional flavor, as if they were long-lost lovers only now realizing who they
were and what they had missed.
The kiss lasted at least a full
minute. Then they stopped as easily and
gracefully as they had started. Nyomi blinked, her face still very close to Laura's.
"This really is a new world, isn't it," she murmured. "I've never been kissed like that by . . .
"Oh, of course you have," Laura
murmured, now brushing her lips against one smooth black cheek.
"Not really," Nyomi murmured
back. "Men only want to fuck you. The kiss is just something they have to get
past. You do it like you want to stay
there for a long time."
"Mmmm," Laura smiled. "I've been found out. I do like to stay there. In fact, I want to kiss you again. Maybe if you turned this way a little it
would be easier. If you keep sitting
like that you'll get a kink in your neck."
Nyomi squirmed self-consciously to
face Laura. "Is this better?"
"Perfect. Now give me those sugar lips."
Nyomi smiled warmly and tilted her
head slightly, as if to offer her mouth to Laura, and Laura took it this time
with increased heat and hunger, though not an unseemly aggression. Their tongues met and coiled more dangerously,
and they were both breathing a little harder when they stopped.
"Is Alana asleep?" Laura asked
"I don't know." Nyomi's enchanting eyes were pulsing and
swirling. "I hope so. She might not understand if she saw us like
"Maybe we should wait a while."
"I don't want to wait. I like it."
"You like kissing?"
"I like kissing you."
She made a charming moue. "I
never thought I'd hear myself saying something like that."
Laura stroked her long black hair,
which fell well below her shoulders. It
was soft and silky. "Where did you get
all this marvelous hair?"
"Same place I got the grey eyes, I
guess. But, as you can see, my skin is
still pretty dark."
Laura smiled and kissed the skin of
her cheek, and her forehead, then her hand and her wrist. "I know.
I love it."
"Have you ever . . . done it . . .
with a black woman?"
"Now and then," Laura nodded.
"Are we better?" Nyomi asked
bluntly, her eyes shiny and her body vibrant from the sexual excitement they
were both experiencing.
"Better than
what?" Laura teased, kissing her again and now slipping one hand under
the lapel of Nyomi's fluffy pink bathrobe, finding one full round breast with
it and cupping the firm, warm globe happily, feeling the center stub of Nyomi's
thick nipple jut against her palm.
"I wish she were staying at her
grandma's," Nyomi breathed against Laura's lips.
"You want to go on?"
"How about your
"I was thinking the same
thing. Can we be quiet enough?"
Laura's eyes sparkled as she tried
to keep from laughing. "You tell
me. Are you a screamer?"
"Sometimes. But usually only when I'm being stabbed and
speared by some damn maniac who thinks he's Superman with a dick." She frowned fetchingly. "Like her father, for example. And about a
dozen guys after him."
"I promise to be gentle," Laura
whispered, brushing her lips against Nyomi's hyper-smooth cheek once more.
"Another thing," Nyomi said,
sitting up, even pulling away from Laura momentarily, so that Laura's hand came
away from her swelling naked breast and slipped back outside of her
bathrobe. "I never have come in my life
from doing what I guess we'll be doing.
You know . . . eating. Isn't that
what lesbians do? I've never come from
it. It never works for me."
Laura smoothed the hair away from
her gleaming forehead with two fingers and kissed her tenderly there. "Well, there's no point in risking it if you
aren't going to come, is there," she said gently. "Maybe we should forget it." She knew before she said it that this would
be rejected.
"I don't want to forget it," Nyomi
said, moving closer again. "Put your
hand back. In fact—" She pulled loose the belt and opened
the robe, exposing both magnificent breasts to Laura, who was already again
clutching one of them.
"Oh, honey, they're beautiful,"
Laura said, quickly filling both hands with these marvelous globes.
Nyomi's breasts were large, as
Laura had known they would be, and very round, with very wide and dark areolas,
almost black in the muted light of the living room. Laura's admiration and lust for them was cut
short, though, when Nyomi suddenly closed the robe again over her hands.
"What am I doing?" she said. "Alana could come in and see me doing
this. I think you're working some kind
of magic on me."
"Then let's go in your bedroom and
I'll work it in there. If you're not
going to come anyway, you won't be screaming."
Laura winked.
Nyomi's tension again vanished
quickly. She laughed. "I might.
Sometimes I yelp."
"I'll make sure you don't yelp."
Nyomi stood up and took Laura's
hand, helping her up too. "Bring your
In her bedroom, down the hall from
Alana's, she closed the door behind them.
"I think she's asleep," Laura said.
"I didn't hear a peep when we went past."
Nyomi nodded. She turned on a small, dim light by the bed
and pulled down the covers to expose the pale yellow sheet. By god, I'll bet her body is breathtaking
against that yellow, Laura thought. I'm
so wet I think I could slide away.
"Come here, my darling," she
murmured to Nyomi as they sat their half-full wine glasses down next to each
other on the bedstand, and Laura took her hand.
She drew her close and with one hand again unfastened the belt of
Nyomi's bathrobe. She kissed her very
romantically, stroking her naked breasts with one hand.
"I think I can make you come
beautifully," she tongued Nyomi's ear, filling it with hot breath. "I think I can make you quiver and moan and
come unbelievably."
"I . . . think you can too," Nyomi
sighed, already quivering in Laura's embrace.
"If anybody can do it, you can. I
have to lie down. My legs are giving
"Help me with this first," Laura
smiled, turning her back to get Nyomi's help with the buttons of her
In under a minute Laura was more
naked than Nyomi, who still had on her fluffy pink bathrobe, though it was
half-open. She looked so amazingly
desirable in it that Laura was almost loath to remove it, and yet she knew what
was underneath had to be a miracle, considering what she had seen so far.
"Off we go," she nibbled Nyomi's earlobe,
sliding the robe off her shoulders and letting it fall at their feet. "And now . . . to bed, my angel," she
purred, pulling her down on the bare sheet.
Nyomi quivered, and giggled
nervously. "Laura . . . I think . . . I am going to come. No matter what you do. I'm so excited."
"Mmmmm, me too. You are so beautiful."
"Quit saying that. I'm no more beautiful than you are. You're the one who looks like a supermodel."
"Please." Laura raised a cautionary finger to Nyomi's
wildly desirable mouth. "Let's leave it
at that. I want you." She began kissing Nyomi's smooth neck and
shoulders, which she had not touched with her lips until now, and was dying to
kiss. "I want your body. I want to taste your beauty . . .
Nyomi, of course, was used to being
adored and desired. She did not
interfere with Laura's enjoyment of her body but instead relaxed and absorbed
every moment, moaning softly as Laura's lips found one of her large dark nipples
and began to worship it in Laura's own ingenious, and soon sharply passionate,
"Oh god, I love your breasts, and
your big beautiful nipples," she panted to Nyomi, devouring them hungrily,
squeezing the full, firm globes with her fingers.
At first Nyomi simply gnawed her lower
lip, watching Laura's mouth and hands on her breasts, but soon she began
panting and mewling softly. "You can
suck them harder, if you like," she whimpered to Laura. "I like to be sucked hard. Nobody usually does it. Afraid they'll hurt me, I guess."
"Will you yelp?" Laura grinned up
at her.
Nyomi laughed softly. "You're right, I might."
Laura kissed her way back up to
Nyomi's enchanting mouth, now squeezing her saliva-wet breasts, pinching her
damp nipples, while again ravishing her lips.
"Then I will suck your nipples hard next time, when we let Alana visit
her grandma."
"Oh god, I think I'll die if you
don't do it this time!"
Laura groped up above their heads
and found a pillow, pulling it down quickly.
"Here, yelp into this."
Then she slowly descended again and
began a patient, devoted feast on these marvelous round springy globes. Laura was capable of a really vigorous mouth-mauling
attack on breasts and nipples as gorgeous as these, and she slowly unleashed
her full measure of worship, until Nyomi was moaning in a long, soft,
continuous stream, looking down at Laura's mouth and her wet black nipples,
occasionally flexing with special intensity when the feeling became too sharp.
"Yelp into the pillow," Laura
grinned, reminding her. "God, I love
these. They are so beautiful."
"Oh god! Yes!
Like that!"
"Like this?"
"Ummnngggg! Aiyyee!
Laura pulled back, softened her
approach, realizing that any more sharp sucking was
going to summon genuine yelps or shrieks.
The last one had almost been loud enough, she feared, to waken anyone
else in the house, and she hoped Alana had not awakened. She tongue-stroked and lip-laved Nyomi's
splendid big dark nipples more gently now, and Nyomi knew what she was doing,
why she had pulled back and dampened her intensity.
"Do it again," she finally
encouraged Laura. "God, it made me want
you to fuck me. Really fuck me."
"It did?" Laura smiled. She sucked one nipple a little harder. "Does that feel good?"
"Oh god, it feels like heaven! Bite it!
Bite me."
"Oh honey . . . oh honey . . .
we're getting into dangerous territory here.
You're liable to awake your little angel down the hall."
"Oh shit . . . I don't care!" Then Nyomi slid away and
sat halfway up, looking especially stunning with her naked breasts and nipples
all shiny and streaked with Laura's warm spittle, her nipples stiff and
mouth-watering to Laura, who could not get enough of them. "Oh god, yes I do! We can't wake her up."
But there was a loud knock on the
door just at that moment. "Mommy!" Alana's muffled voice came through the door. "Mommy!"
"Oh shit!" Nyomi cursed, freezing
Laura froze too. Then they both broke into furious motion,
sliding off the bed, groping for clothes.
Nyomi snatched up her bathrobe while Laura pulled the covers back onto
the bed. Unfortunately, she herself was
still completely naked, and getting back into her clothes would take a few
Alana hammered on the bedroom door.
"In the closet!"
Nyomi whispered. "There's a spare robe
in there. I'll keep her in the hallway."
Laura disappeared into the walk-in
closet and pulled the door half-shut behind her, listening as Nyomi opened the
bedroom door and went into the hallway to comfort her daughter. Since Nyomi pulled the bedroom door half-shut
too, Laura could only hear their muffled voices but not what they were
saying. She found a pale blue chenille
bathrobe and slipped into it. Then she
debated whether to make an appearance or not.
She remembered long ago having been
caught by Trina's daughter Shawna in almost the same situation, though Shawna
had been a few years younger than Alana.
Trina had handled the moment with consummate skill by telling her
daughter that she and Laura were merely 'loving each
other, hon,' which Shawna had appeared to accept with the simple, unreasoning
innocence of childhood. She had gone
back to sleep and Trina and Laura had continued their gloriously hot fucking but
this time with a more elaborate care to 'yelp into the pillow,' as Laura smiled
remembering it.
She didn't know whether that would
work this time. For one thing, Nyomi had
appeared to feel a little guilty at having been caught in flagrante delicto by her child.
She wasn't the laid back, relaxed type who could take a little disruption
smoothly. Her guilt and resentment at
being interrupted might easily be apparent to Alana. Laura was dying to know what they were saying
and carefully emerged from the closet.
She drifted closer to the half-shut door.
"I'm not stupid, Mommy. I know you and Laura are having sex!" Alana
said, almost primly.
Why, you little devil! Laura
thought, smiling. What do you know about
sex? Especially sex
between two women? On the other
hand, she remembered that Nyomi had yelped pretty loudly. She could not hear what Nyomi said in
"How can I sleep when I know you
guys are having sex in there?" Alana asked, refusing to lower her own voice.
"Honey . . . calm down, okay?"
Laura finally heard Nyomi say. "Look,
let's go back to your room. I'll tuck
you in. We can talk about it."
"What about Laura?" Alana
asked. "Is she going to go home? The least you guys could do is have sex when
I'm not here. Anyway, it's weird for
women to have sex. You're supposed to
have sex with George. Or even
Daddy. Not with another girl!"
"Mommy can have sex with whomever
she wants to!" Nyomi said sharply, escorting her daughter back down the hall to
her bedroom.
At this point they apparently went
into Alana's bedroom and shut the door since Laura could hear no more. She sat glumly on the edge of the bed,
waiting. It had been so good. Nyomi was special, and of course
stunning. What a body! And Laura had only begun making love to this
incredibly beautiful and vibrant woman.
Now there was zero chance they would continue. It just couldn't be done. Alana would be lying awake in the dark, just
waiting to hear something. And Nyomi
would never relax, being on edge for fear of being discovered again.
Laura shrugged. C'est la vie.
We'll just have to try it again when she isn't here. She was about to start putting on her clothes
again when Nyomi reappeared. She shut
the bedroom door behind her.
She looked at Laura, who was
holding her underwear in one hand, with a hurt expression. "Don't," she said softly, putting one hand on
Laura's arm. "Please don't."
"I don't think she's going to go
back to sleep," Laura said, with a resigned smile.
"Yes she is." Nyomi was fiercely determined. You are not leaving until we complete this,
her fascinating grey eyes, now glowing with emotional as well as physical need,
were telling Laura.
"Come here," Laura patted a space
on the mattress next to her with her palm.
Nyomi, acting like a troubled
little girl herself, obeyed. Laura put
an arm around her. "I think we have
become good friends," she murmured. She
brushed Nyomi's smooth cheek with her lips.
"What we were . . . about to do . . . we can still do. We may just have to wait for a better time."
She was shocked to see tears in
Nyomi's eyes when Nyomi turned to face her.
She shook her head, and two tears rolled down her dark brown
"We're going to do it now. I'm not going to be deprived of this. I deprive myself of everything. I'm the perfect mother. I'm the perfect Mayor's aide. I'm the perfect
daughter, the perfect friend. I want to
do this with you, Laura! This got me . .
. I don't know, so excited! I haven't
been this excited about anything in years.
Especially sex.
Maybe it's even wrong, I don't know.
I've never wanted to do it with another woman. Until now. But I sure want to do it with you. Tell me you won't leave. We only have to wait a little while. She'll go to sleep. I know she will."
Laura hoped she was right. It was all she could do at this instant to
contain the urge to tear off Nyomi's fluffy pink bathrobe and consume her
beautiful body in a white hot fit of renewed lust. She contented herself by dragging the
enchanting woman back down on the bed again and kissing her voraciously,
sliding one hand inside Nyomi's robe again to squeeze her marvelous round
breasts and rub her large soft nipples until they stiffened.
"I can wait if you can," she
whispered. "But it's hard. I want you bad."
Nyomi stared very seriously and
deeply into Laura's eyes. "And I want
you. But we have to go in the living
room and sit and chat for a while as if everything has returned to normal. I've seen her wake up like this before. She always falls back asleep in an hour or
Laura allowed a pained expression
to cross her features. An hour or so.
"I know," Nyomi said, reflecting
Laura's pain in her own eyes. "But we
can make it. It won't be long."
"Too long," Laura said, as they
both picked up their wine glasses and headed back down the hallway. "Maybe I should change back into my clothes?"
she asked as they reached the living room.
"What if she gets up and sees me?"
Nyomi shook her head. "She won't."
It was wonderful how they reassured
one another, Laura thought. If one is
skittish, the other one soothes her. And vice versa. This
is a marvelous woman. What is she doing
alone? Why aren't people beating down
her door, trying to hang onto her, get her into bed, get
her to marry them? Maybe they are and I
just don't know about them yet.
The trouble was,
they realized as they sat together glumly on the sofa, waiting for proof of
Alana's speedy return to slumberland, that they couldn't keep their hands off
each other. "At least we could kiss a
little, while we're waiting," Nyomi said, scooting closer.
"What if she comes in and sees us?"
Nyomi pouted. "You don't want to kiss me?"
"Oh god, yes! I do!"
Laura kissed her, a long, sensual, simmering kiss.
Their bathrobe ties both became
looser as they embraced. "I can't wait,"
Nyomi whispered against Laura's lips. "I
have to feel your body against me."
"It's only been ten minutes."
"Here," Nyomi opened her
bathrobe. Her fingers scrabbled against
the fabric of Laura's, trying to open it too.
"Open yours. Push your body
against mine."
"Honey," Laura drew gently back.
"Let's check first. Can you check on
Nyomi pouted. "I never thought I'd be so impatient with my
little girl," she confessed with deep chagrin.
She stood up, pulling the belt of her robe tight. Her large breasts pushing against the robe,
and her deep cleavage revealed by the parting lapels, made Laura's throat
catch. "I'll check."
Laura waited, finishing off her
wine, hoping Alana was asleep. Even if
she were, they would still have to be very careful. But Nyomi's eagerness had its inevitable
effect on her. She wants me to take her
to heaven, Laura thought, and I sure am willing. We just have to watch out for the yelps.
When Nyomi reappeared a few minutes
later, she was trying without success to repress a huge, beaming grin. Without speaking, she tilted her head toward
the back bedroom, beckoning Laura to follow.
Laura tiptoed down the hallway, and seconds later they were again
embracing by the bed, with the door firmly shut.
Laura kissed her neck hungrily and
again got her hands under the fluffy pink bathrobe. Nyomi, not unaware of the magnificence of her
body, quickly shed the robe to make it easier for Laura and reached down to
pull the covers off the bed again while Laura was still mouth-mauling her bare
"Hold on, girl . . ." she
panted. "Here, take yours off too."
Laura, with Nyomi's eager help,
slipped out of the chenille robe quickly.
They fell together onto the pale yellow sheet and began kissing like
life would be over in thirty seconds and they had to hurry. Laura raped Nyomi's mouth with her
tongue. She dropped her mouth again to
the woman's incredible breasts.
"Give me the pillow! Nyomi panted
frantically. "I'm going to scream. We'll wake her up again!"
Laura eased up. The realization shot through them both that
neither could bear the thought of being interrupted again by Alana. "We have to be careful," Laura said
redundantly, feeling silly.
Nyomi stopped her words with a
fiercely hot kiss. She pressed the full
length of her body against Laura's, panting against Laura's cheek. "This is the most wonderful thing I've ever
felt! I want it to go on forever."
But Laura, who was also
experiencing the acute pleasure of feeling Nyomi's amazing naked body against
her own, knew that stretching it out 'forever' merely meant more time for Alana
to awaken by accident. We can't make it
last forever, unfortunately, she thought.
This time she slid below Nyomi's
magnificent breasts, though she wanted to stop and feast on them for another
hour or so, and kissed her smooth, flat belly—which remarkably betrayed no sign
or scar of childbirth—sliding between her thighs and pushing them open. "I want your beautiful pussy," she purred to
Nyomi. "Is your pussy as beautiful as
the rest of you? I'll bet it is."
Nyomi giggled softly through her
increasingly rapid panting. "I don't
know. I've never seen it."
"Mmmm, it is beautiful," Laura murmured, reaching the black-lipped honey-pot,
parting Nyomi's large, almost floppy labia with her fingers to expose the wet
pink trench they were concealing.
"I take it back," Nyomi said,
suddenly half-sitting, propped on her elbows, her delicious firm breasts
swirling a little. "I have seen it. In a mirror. My pussy lips are big and ugly. I'm thinking of labia reduction surgery. Did you know they do that kind of thing?"
This was such a bizarre
interruption that Laura couldn't help laughing too. We are making love, my darling. Fucking. I adore you and want to fuck you to
heaven. Whoever cares how big your pussy
lips are?
"If you let anybody touch this
pussy with a knife, I'll kill you myself," Laura growled affectionately,
parting Nyomi's floppy black cunt lips with her fingers and slipping her tongue
right into the warm, glistening slit.
"Oh!" Nyomi gasped, falling back to
the mattress, her marvelous breasts jiggling.
"Remember the pillow," Laura
cautioned, beginning what she guessed would be a short but intense run up to a
delightful climax.
She knew how sexually tight they
were both wound after their earlier little coitus
interruptus, and in spite of Nyomi's protestations to the contrary, Laura
believed she was going to come in minutes, if not seconds. Her lovely undulating body gave every sign of
being on the verge of an unavoidable orgasm, and Laura certainly knew how to
bring it closer. She went right for
Nyomi's clit, not toying with the rest of her delicious pussy first but eager
to bring her off, to get past this first hurdle so that they could settle in
for a longer period of slow, sensuous fucking.
Nyomi half-groaned, half-gargled, her body increasingly beset by twitches and
long flexing undulations, as Laura worked her magic. "Ummnngg. Oh!"
"Ohhh my darling Nyomi, I love your
pussy," Laura murmured to her, slipping two fingers into the warm, tight,
greasy channel and fucking her rhythmically with them while her tongue and lips
tormented Nyomi's swollen little clit. Though
a tall, statuesque woman, she did not have a super-sized clit but only a normal,
pretty little bead, which however was plenty thick and hard under Laura's
tongue. "Are you going to come for
Mama? I think you are. I think you are going to come so hard. Remember the pillow. You are going to come. I think you are going to come pretty quick."
"Unh! Unh!
Oh . . . god! Oh god, I think . .
. you're right! Ungghh! Laura!"
"Yes, my pet. My darling. Let it take you. Mama's here to help."
Nyomi had been twisting her large,
dark nipples with her fingers prior to this, but now her hands drifted down to
Laura's head, and she dug her fingers into Laura's scalp, as if desperate to
bring Laura's mouth even closer to her throbbing pussy. As if that were possible, Laura smiled. I just about have my head in your sweet cunt
already, darling.
"Oh god Laura I really am!" she said
in a rush, her
body suddenly jerking and stretching and quivering even more violently than
before. "I am!"
"The pillow!"
Laura said, trying not to raise her voice.
"Don't forget the pillow!"
Nyomi, her grey eyes flashing with
a hot turmoil of sexual delirium, turned her head to the side just in time,
pushing her mouth into the pillow, as a convulsive cry of ecstasy suddenly
ripped its way out of her throat.
"Aauuoommngggmmmphhh!" she groaned
into the pillow, a little more loudly than Laura had hoped would be the case,
but still muffling her cries adequately, her lovely long voluptuous body
convulsing magnificently as her orgasm wrenched her. Her breasts shook, her sleek, long stomach
heaved, her thighs clenched, and her delectable ass wiggled all over the sheet
as the rapture engulfed her.
Laura held on tight, her two
fingers still embedded in Nyomi's slippery, snug pussy, her lips clinging to
her clit, as the initial shock of Nyomi's orgasm, which had a brief paralytic
effect, quickly flowed into wild bucking and thrashing, accompanied by thin,
high-pitched whinnying noises also made into the pillow. "Mmnneee . . . mnneeee! Oh! Oh
. . . god! Mnneeee!"
These finally trailed off as the
intensity quickly waned, until all that was left of them was first a desperate
panting, then a slower gasping, then a long sigh. Laura stroked her tenderly, letting her
fingertips trail up one of Nyomi's hard, sleek thighs to her breasts, then her
face, following her hand by scooting slowly upwards.
"Oh god, Laura, I don't think I've
come that hard in years!" Nyomi shook her head, bleary-eyed, unable to keep a
broad smile from spreading across her beautiful face.
"Oh . . ." Laura shrugged
modestly. "It's probably more exciting
since it's your first one with . . . you know . . . me."
Nyomi hugged her, hard, mashing her
breasts into Laura's, kissing her passionately.
"You are a miracle."
"I am not a miracle," Laura said
evenly. "You are a miracle. And you
are very beautiful when you come."
"You're going to make me
blush." Nyomi looked bashful. "I'm afraid I may not be very good at
returning the favor. I've never . . .
you know—"
Laura smiled. "Believe it or not, you are not the first
person never to have done this before."
"Have you had a lot of . . .
inexperienced girls?"
"A few. But I wouldn't worry, if I were you. I think it all comes under the heading of
doing what comes naturally."
"I've never . . . licked a pussy
before," Nyomi said, with charming shyness.
"You've rubbed one, though, I bet,"
Laura smiled. "This
one." She brushed the large black
pussy lips that Nyomi appeared to be so ashamed of with her fingertips.
Nyomi nodded. "I even do it now, once in a while," she
confessed. "When Alana's sound
asleep. Like now. So much easier than going through the whole
rigmarole with the guys who want to fuck me."
"And the girls?"
Laura teased her. "Surely I can't be the
"Believe it or not," Nyomi said,
very wide-eyed and candid. "I never had
a woman come on to me before, though there may have been some who wanted
to. But nobody ever came right out with
"Lucky me," Laura said, meaning
it. "You are a treasure."
Nyomi smiled and cuddled up to
Laura, kissing her warmly. "You think I
can make you come so you have to scream into the pillow too?"
Laura nodded. "I think you can."
"Want to try?"
"I'm all yours, my darling."
"It's so cute, the way you call me
those things. Like, it's hard to believe
we only met a few hours ago in the Office Max parking lot. Here I am in bed with you, squealing through
a climax. I never in my wildest dreams .
. ."
Laura was hypnotized, looking into
those hypnotic grey eyes, that beautiful face, filling her hands again with
Nyomi's spectacular breasts. "If you rub
my pussy while I suck one of these beautiful big nipples," Laura told her
solemnly, "I will come. I guarantee
it. I am very oral, and sucking makes me
"Really? Maybe I ought to try it," Nyomi beamed, less
bashfully now. "But I think I want to
give the licking a shot. Okay?"
Nyomi was a little tentative at
first, but it did not take her long to get into the full, cranked up heat of
it, with Laura's panted encouragement, and in another two or three minutes
Laura was yelping and squeaking into the pillow herself, her body writhing and
jerking through a sweet, jolting orgasm with Nyomi's sensual mouth glued to her
throbbing pussy.
"Oh god, I did it!" Nyomi gushed as
Laura slowly recovered from her sweet trauma.
"I mean, you did it, of course.
But I helped."
"Come here and kiss me."
"You don't mind the taste of your
own pussy on my lips?" Nyomi inquired, turning briefly shy once again.
"Not a bit. It can mingle with the taste of yours on
"Oh god, I hope Alana doesn't wake
up," Nyomi confessed in a hushed voice as they cuddled. "I want this to go on forever."
"Forever . . . maybe not," Laura
grinned. "But a few more hours, I don't
see why not. I certainly haven't had
enough yet."
"I could never get enough of
this. I had no idea fucking with a woman
would be so . . . wonderful."
Laura shrugged playfully. "Sometimes it can be nearly as . . . shall I
say, mediocre? as
the other way. Depends
a lot on your partner, as always."
She kissed Nyomi's sensual mouth creatively.
"I'm going to go get us some more wine
. . . and check in on her on the way," Nyomi said, slipping gracefully away
from Laura and pulling on her robe, but not before Laura got a chance fully to
take in this woman's incredible statuesque naked body. "You're looking at me, Laura," Nyomi flirted,
catching Laura in the act. "You're
looking at me like meat. I know that
"I'll bet you do, my darling,"
Laura purred sexily. "Hurry back so I
can resume my feast."
Nyomi was glowing and twinkling
when she returned with the chilled wine bottle wrapped in a kitchen towel. "She is completely zonked out," she whispered
to Laura, filling her wine glass, then her own.
"I think we could even dispense with the pillow."
"Oh, better not," Laura
grinned. "I plan to make you scream."
"God, I'll bet you really could."
"Better get back in this bed before
I tear off that robe."
But Nyomi played coy. She knew the allure of her spectacular naked
body, and also knew Laura's hunger for it, which she could clearly see in
Laura's burning eyes. No mere single
orgasm would slake Laura's thirst for this sleek, marvelous flesh, and this
gorgeous face. Nyomi did a little strip,
tantalizing Laura by toying with the sash of her bathrobe, loosening it,
letting the lapels gape open a little so that most but not all of her
magnificent breasts became visible.
She did a little dance, exposing
her long legs, dipping low so that her splendid breasts swayed forward,
threatening to spill out of the loose lapels, her deep cleavage dark and
inviting. Laura playfully grabbed for
her, and she darted backward, then forward again, closer, watching Laura's eyes
on her partially revealed body. Again,
as she had many times, Laura marveled over how you could hunger so for a body
you had just fucked beautifully only minutes ago, as if it were again entirely
new and its enchanting spell was something never before experienced.
In the midst of all this she
suddenly became aware of Nyomi's eyes on her own naked body. She was quite a piece of eye candy herself,
she knew, and it often gave her unexpected pleasure to see another
woman—especially Makeeda, who was a great practitioner of this—drinking in the
allure of her naked body with undisguised lust and feverish lechery. She wants me the same way, Laura smiled
inwardly. At the same moment she thought
this, Nyomi ventured close enough to her for Laura actually to grab her wrist,
and the next moment she had pulled her back down on the bed and began tearing
off her robe.
"I want you!" she panted to Nyomi,
kissing her long black neck hungrily, filling her hands again with Nyomi's
large breasts. "I can't get enough."
"Mmmmm, well that makes two of us,
because I want you back," Nyomi purred, kissing Laura very salaciously on the
mouth, driving her tongue halfway down Laura's throat. "I want you to fuck me so I can fuck you
Laura giggled throatily, sucking
her earlobe, groping in her wet crotch for the delicious, warm, slippery crease. "What makes you think I have to go first?"
Nyomi bit her lower lip and panted
excitedly. "Because I'm a rank amateur,
and you are an artist. You can make me
come in ways I never expected."
"Oh . . . you think so, do you?"
Laura said, dropping her mouth again to Nyomi's amazingly desirable breasts,
sucking one of her big dark brown nipples deeply into her mouth, sucking it
"Annhhggg . . .
anngghhh!" Nyomi grunted softly.
"Oh shit! Oh shit, that feels
They were squirming and writhing
together, much more passionately than the first time, Laura realized. Now that Nyomi had given in completely to her
desires, she became a demon for love under Laura's caresses, twisting and
moaning and mewling and sucking Laura's shoulder, squeezing Laura's breasts
while Laura tried to swallow hers. And
Laura's desire for her body seemed sharper than ever. She had wanted her the first time, but this
time her hunger seemed redoubled and incredibly more intense than before, and
she swarmed all over Nyomi's firm, silky, dark flesh as if she were a hot
whirlwind of unquenchable passion.
"Oh! Oh! Aiee!" Nyomi yelped softly after a minute of this, real
yelps, as she had earlier warned she might do.
"Quiet," Laura teased, not knowing
whether it was really all right to make more noise than they had before, which
depended entirely, she guessed, on how sound a sleeper Alana was. But Nyomi should know this and had to be
"Unhhhh! Oh! Oh
shit . . . yes!" Nyomi groaned.
Laura had not relented. She was drinking Nyomi's marvelous undulating
body, sucking her large nipples, rubbing her wet pussy. Before she knew it she had two fingers inside
the tight, well-lubricated sleeve and she was rubbing the front wall, looking
for a tiny leap or jerk in Nyomi's body that would tell her she had touched the
secret wellspring of unbelievably intense orgasms. She didn't know if Nyomi had a g-spot, or
even if she should be trying to find it under such delicate circumstances, with
Nyomi's young daughter asleep in the next room (we hope!), but there seemed to be nothing in the world at this
moment that could keep her from trying to unleash a sweet g-spot rape on this
lovely woman she had been so lucky to meet.
"Oh yes oh yes!" Nyomi panted
softly to Laura. "Do the other one!"
She pushed Laura's head over to her
other breast, groaning softly as Laura initiated the same sort of love attack
on her other nipple, drawing it deep into her mouth.
"Oh yes! Oh shit yes!
Unnhhhhh! Mmmnngggghh!"
Laura was still rubbing the inside
wall of Nyomi's pussy while she sucked hungrily at her lovely, jutting
breasts. And now Nyomi was churning her
hips in rhythm with Laura's probing, fucking back and up into Laura's hand.
"Yes! Unnhhhhh . . . yes!"
"Oh honey, your body is so
beautiful," Laura murmured to her, sliding up from Nyomi's saliva-wet breasts
to her mouth again, tearing at it with her own, catching Nyomi's eyes, which
were burning and fiery, their grey hue streaked with sexual lightning.
"Laura . . . I'm close!" Nyomi
gasped, almost surprised by the statement herself. Her eyes showed her feverish need. "I can't believe it! I'm . . . so close!"
"I know," Laura panted, probing,
fingerfucking her sensually.
"I . . . I . . ."
Suddenly Laura felt it, the little
twitch she knew as a signal of an arriving cataclysm. She had felt it enough in others to recognize
it. Oh god, honey, are
you ever going to come! she thought. There was no time for any further reflection.
Nyomi began to climax before she
even knew it was coming. Laura could
feel the internal rumblings of Nyomi's body being telegraphed from her fingers,
still deeply sunk in Nyomi's wet pussy, traveling up her wrist and arm to her
shoulder. Fierce quaking was ripping the
lovely woman's womb apart deep inside.
"Agghacckgghh! Agghacckgghh!" Nyomi
let forth an awkward, hacking sound, finding it difficult to breathe as the
sharp ecstasy began to wrench her body.
Determined to make it the best
ever, and momentarily losing awareness of their precarious situation and the
need to keep quiet, Laura poured on the heat, rubbing Nyomi's sweet pussy
frantically and sucking her large nipple sharply, feeling Nyomi's whole
beautiful body erupt into violent convulsions.
Nyomi cried out in an earsplitting shriek, her body jackknifing wildly under
Laura, her legs flexing, pushing her pelvis up into Laura's hand, her torso
twisting so violently that her breast escaped from Laura's mouth.
She was still coming. She showed no sign of stopping, She shuddered and
clenched and writhed under Laura. Her
long body undulated and twitched, and she groaned through another wrenching
"Auungghhhh! Oh!
Ungghhh! Mnnggeeeee!"
This time her cries were not so
piercing, but Laura feared the damage was already done. The bed was squeaking, and both of them were
breathing loudly, whimpering and moaning together as the maelstrom of Nyomi's
multiple orgasms engulfed them both in a vortex of acute sexual pleasure. Laura had not climaxed, but she could feel
sympathetic vibrations going off in her own body and knew that a mere touch
would ignite her too. Only she was too
fearful of awakening Alana to go any further.
For a few moments she totally lost
track of time, as she knew Nyomi did, sunk in a paradise of sexual oblivion as
she temporarily was, with Laura still holding her, stroking her, while the fluttering
and dying spasms of her string of crushing orgasms slowly dissipated. She was swooning. She did not recover easily from this
shattering experience, and perhaps did not want to recover too fast.
But both of them were suddenly
stunned back to life by a hard hammering on the bedroom door. "Mommy!" Alana's
voice shouted through the door. "Mommy!"
"Oh shit!" Nyomi croaked
softly. Her head lolled over, and she
gave Laura a wan smile. "That can't be
her. Tell me it's not her."
Laura smiled back grimly. "I'm afraid it's her."
"God . . . I came so hard. I still can feel it rumbling."
"Mommy's coming, honey! Hold on!" Nyomi shouted feebly toward the
With almost painful reluctance, she
slowly rolled onto her feet off the edge of the mattress, her delectable round
breasts swooping and swaying so delightfully that Laura was again overcome by
hunger for them and wanted to grab and suck them again. Nyomi's grey eyes glittered happily at Laura
as she saw what Laura was craving, and she groped for her bathrobe.
"Back in the
closet?" Laura offered.
Nyomi now gave her a full smile, a
beatific smile, a smile that said: no matter how they had been interrupted,
that had been the orgasm—actually, orgasms; there had been several—of her life. "How about the bathroom
this time?"
Laura pulled the chenille robe back
on and fled into the adjoining bathroom before Nyomi opened the bedroom
door. She tried not to eavesdrop and
could hear very little anyway, except for their muffled, quarreling voices. Finally, the conversation trailed off as they
returned down the hall toward Alana's bedroom.
Still, Nyomi did not reappear for at least ten minutes.
Finally, she knocked on the
bathroom door. "Okay. Coast is clear."
Laura opened the door, and almost
before she could step out of the small bathroom, Nyomi had taken her in her
arms and was kissing her ravenously. It
was a rhapsodic kiss, and Laura yielded happily to every sweet, hungry nuance
of it.
"I'm afraid you're starting a fire
you can't put out," she whispered against Nyomi's cheek.
"Oh, yes I can."
"Oh, no you can't. We've already woke her up twice. She knows we're fucking in here."
Nyomi stepped back and smoothed
down her mussed up hair, that rich, large mane of shiny black that was almost
as much hair as Laura's. "It's okay,"
she said, half embarrassed, looking to the side. "I admitted it."
Laura grinned. "You did?"
"What else could I do? She's a bright girl, my daughter. You heard her. 'You're having sex in there!' She knew.
What could I say? I asked her if
she liked you. She adores you. I told her Mommy adores you too, and grownups
sometimes express their . . . 'love' that way."
"Clever Mommy."
"Come back to bed," Nyomi
half-pleaded, however showing clearly in her beguiling grey eyes that she knew
Laura would say no.
"I'm afraid I can't come if I know
a little girl is listening in down the hall," Laura said, however with a very
friendly tilt of her head and a crinkled nose smile so that Nyomi would know
she wasn't rejecting her.
Nyomi's beautiful face fell. "I know.
Me either, probably." She
guffawed, though softly. "Didn't stop me
that time, though, did it?"
Laura shook her head. "Look, let's get together when she isn't
here. You said she stays sometimes with
her grandma?"
"Yes. I can arrange it tomorrow, I think. God, we can't wait. I . . . know I have to get you before your
sweetie gets back from Japan."
Laura smiled with deep
affection. This girl really gets it, she
thought. Bombshell
sexy, and sweet at the same time.
How come nobody has locked her in a cage for daily visits? "She won't be back for another ten days," she
said evenly.
Nyomi's whole luscious body sagged
with relief. "Tomorrow. Here. Seven o'clock.
Eat some oysters or something.
Whatever makes you horny. We'll wear each other out." Her eyes sparkled. "I can't wait."
"I can't either," Laura
grinned. She slowly pulled on her
clothes, aware that Nyomi was scrutinizing her body the way she had earlier
scrutinized Nyomi's at every available chance.
At the front door, they kissed.
"I don't need oysters," Laura whispered to her, nipping her delicious
black earlobe. "Just looking at you
makes me want to fuck you all night."
"Mmmm," Nyomi shivered and
laughed. "I don't think I need them
either. See you tomorrow?"