Laura - Chapter 312




Makeeda returned from New York in a happy froth of triumph, still half-disbelieving her success.  "You can't believe how they reacted to me," she told Laura.  "I still can't believe it myself."

"I can believe it," Laura told her.  "I have always believed so much in you.  I think you're the top."

"I know," Makeeda softened, smiling sweetly at Laura.  "Without you . . ."

"Nonsense.  You are a goldmine of talent.  I have nothing to do with it."

Makeeda embraced her.  "Oh, but you do."  She looked briefly pensive.  "I have another confession to make.  So hard to make it at a moment like this.  When I'm loving you so much."

Laura pursed her lips.  She half-knew what was coming.

"I was unfaithful to you again.  You know, there's so much energy there, in that city.  And everybody wants to fuck you.  Literally everybody.  Male and female.  Sometimes just fighting them off makes you so weary."

"So, was it a male or a female?" Laura asked tartly.

Makeeda shrugged.  "I forget.  That's how important it was."

Laura smiled sardonically.  "I think sometimes you forget what you look like.  And why you changed your name from She Who Is Built Like a Brick Shithouse.  Cynthia, darling."

They both could not help laughing at this.  Makeeda had changed her name from Cynthia Brickhouse specifically to divert attention from her superlative body to her singing, and Laura was one of the few who were in on the secret.  Laura was right now caressing that magnificent body fairly aggressively, having been deprived of it for weeks.  Makeeda was still fully clothed, but Laura's fingers knew secrets and were very familiar.

"You want me to tell you about it?" Makeeda asked, helping Laura remove her shirt, then her bra.

Laura shook her head.  "Not unless she, to quote you, 'stole your heart from me too, while she was stealing your pussy.'"

In truth, she did not want to hear about others touching this marvelous flesh.  Ordinarily so curious about each detail of her other lovers' trysts, she could hardly bear to think of another's lips on these swollen, incredibly silky black nipples she was now tonguing and sucking hungrily. 

"Nobody could ever steal your heart from me, Laura," Makeeda panted to her, looking down at Laura's lips on her naked breasts.  "It was just a fling.  Over in a few minutes.  'Thank you, ma'am.  Now, please depart and let me go to sleep.'"

"She must've been sweet, though.  Or you wouldn't have let her . . ."  Laura tried very pointedly not to be jealous.

But a devilish smile crossed Makeeda's face.  "How do you know she was sweet?  She might have been a black latex dominatrix that I got to whip me, since you never will."

Laura grinned and squeezed one of Makeeda's gorgeous breasts a little roughly.  "Just keep it up, you naughty little minx, and you may find out who is the meanest, her or me."

"God, I'd love it if you whipped me now," Makeeda teased, "but I'm too tired.  You wouldn't do it anyway."

"You got that right."

"Then just fuck me and let me fall asleep."




Their reunion, even though Makeeda was tired, turned out as heated and ardent as ever.  Laura had frequently reasoned that these weeks apart were actually good for them since they could hardly keep from tearing one another to pieces sexually on Makeeda's return.  What more could you ask from your committed lover than that she nearly fuck you to death with desperate love each time she returned from a successful club engagement?

On the other hand, Laura thought ruefully, it could get in the way of other exciting adventures too. 

"Somebody named Jane Fallon called you," her assistant said to her one day as Laura was returning from a meeting.  "She seemed to be very upset that you weren't here.  I left her number on your desk."

Laura exerted all her energies not to blush, as she was prone to do on receiving such messages.  This was pretty hard to do, as blushing came naturally to those who were susceptible, like her.  She had not seen Jane in about a year.  They had fucked one another silly in Laura's old condo, before she had even met Makeeda.  Jane had been involved with high school and the SATs and her lesbian friend Maisie, and Laura with work, Sara, then Makeeda.  But Jane, a pistol in every sense though still a teenager, had been one of the hottest girls of Laura's whole life.  Laura could never forget how they had once fucked so hard they had broken her bed.  Or the picnic they had taken on Mt. Tam, when Laura had rubbed sun block all over Jane's marvelous black body and then fucked her exuberantly in the open air.  Sex simply didn't get any better than it had been with Jane, and the mere mention of her name was enough to make the blood leap to Laura's face.

She quickly shut the door to her office to conceal her flummoxed state, then called the number on the notepad, which she vaguely remembered as Jane's (and Kendra's) home number.  Kendra clearly had Caller ID since Jane snapped into the phone before Laura could even let out a peep:

"Shit, it's about time, Laura, you bitch.  You let a whole year go by without calling me.  I guess you just expect me to be hanging on here, your little nigger whore, you're little secret teenager, your little kinky black pussy, right, just hanging around waiting for you to get the urge, right?"

"Jane, how nice to hear your voice," Laura said, calmly.  Calmness and mature adult behavior always drove Jane up the wall.

Paradoxically, and fetchingly, this time, however, she quickly grew contrite.  "I'm sorry.  I take all that back.  You never called me, Laura."  Her voice was plaintive and manipulative.

"I thought you were involved with Maisie."

"I was.  But we graduated.  I guess that was too fucking unimportant for you to remember, right?  Maisie went to UC Santa Barbara.  Mama's making me go to Stanford.  Stanford!  Can you believe that?  What am I gon' do at Stanford with all them white people?"

"Did you get a scholarship?"  Jane, Laura knew, was far brighter than she would ever let on, and Kendra of course had great ambitions for her.  Being hot as a pistol in the sack didn't mean you couldn't have brains. 

"Yeah," Jane said, almost apologetically.  "They got to have their quota of niggers so they can feel good about themselves."

"Could you stop using that word?"

"You never minded before."

"I did," Laura said, a little sharply.  "I just never told you.  It seems to come so naturally to you."

Silence.  Then Jane half-burped into the phone.  "Okay.  If you insist.  Got to watch out for your precious sensibilities."

"I'm sorry I missed your graduation.  I didn't know.  I would've sent a card."  Laura paused, thinking it over.  "On the other hand, your mother may not have liked it if I sent you a card.  She wants to keep you and me as far apart as possible."

"It's okay," Jane pouted.  "I got another girl friend.  I don't need you."

Laura was evidently supposed to feel jealous or disconsolate at this news.  "Lucky her," she said, again calmly.  "I mean it."

Jane turned waspish again.  "Ain't you gon' give me a graduation present?"

"Goodness, you'll never get very far at Stanford talking like that?  How about 'Aren't you going to give me a graduation present, Laura?'"

"Guess I never hung around you long enough to soak up how real white folks talk," Jane continued her act.  "You were always too busy screwing me.  Right?"  She giggled.

Oh god, right! Laura thought, feeling as guilty as ever. 

"Laura?  You still there?"

"I'm here," Laura swallowed. 

"I'm legal now, you know.  I turned eighteen.  You could screw me and not get arrested."  She giggled again.  "Unless I told them about all the times you screwed me when I was only sixteen."

Laura was having a quick, scorching reverie in which she was completely devouring Jane's hard, young, glossy, black body, as she had done on countless occasions.  "Oh god, I've missed you," she heard herself croaking into the phone.

            "Why don't you pick me up and take me back to your place, like we used to do?  I ain't got nothing to do.  I could even take BART over to your office."


Jane, of course, knew nothing about Laura's present life, that Laura had moved, that she was 'married' to Makeeda, that things were not as easy as they had been in the past.  "I . . . can't quite do that," Laura stammered, wondering how to explain it all over the phone.

"Why not?"

"It's complicated."

"I've been known to understand a few things," Jane snapped, insulted.  "They might've let me into Stanford because I'm black, but that don't mean I can't understand things."

"Oh Jane, don't be so silly!  My life has changed a little.  It's not as easy as it used to be."

"You mean you don't want to screw me any more?"

"That day will never come," Laura said.  "But I can't bring you home any more."

"Shit, that don't matter," Jane said blithely.  "Mama's in Las Vegas with Marshall.  I think she trying to get him to marry her there.  Anyway, you can come over here.  How fast can you get here?"

Fortunately for Laura, Makeeda had left a day earlier for Los Angeles and a weekend engagement at a new small club down there, as well as a few more sessions with her vocal coach, flush from her success in New York and with a few more dollars than usual to spend.  Laura was free.  "I can be there by six, I think.  How's that?"

"If you come without bringing all those fun little toys of yours, I won't let you in," Jane said.  "This little black pussy is special.  You got to work to earn it."

Laura laughed.  "I know how special it is."  She could see Jane's beautiful, sculptured pussy in her mind's eye.   "I'm living over near you now."  She knew that Jane and Kendra were now living in El Cerrito but didn't know the address.  "I can stop by and pick them up but it means I'll be twenty or so minutes longer."

"Oh dear," Jane teased her, "what'll I ever do while I'm waiting.  Maybe I'll have to make myself come.  I'll pretend Maisie is fucking me that way she used to, after I taught her the Laura tricks."

She gave Laura the address and told her to park down the street and walk, since Kendra had all the neighbors spying on her.  Consequently, Laura felt surreptitious and almost guilty as she made her way down the sidewalk and up the path to the door of this modest bungalow, carrying her little valise in a businesslike manner, as if she were an insurance or real estate agent, or something similar.  Jane answered the door wearing a loose sweatshirt and jeans.  She looked almost impossibly desirable to Laura, who had fucked her nearly senseless so many times in the past, when she had been, as Jane had reminded her, underage and illegal but irresistible.

She was no less so now, fetching in the extreme with her sassy smile and hard, curvy teenage body and fantastic ass.  Recently Laura had been under severe pressure not to gape lustfully at Bonnie's incredible posterior at every chance she got, and she was reminded of it as she stared at Jane's, encased in tight jeans, a bubble bottom of sublime shape and contour, one that made you yearn and quiver. 

"Laura, you staring like a mad rapist at my booty," Jane quipped, sashaying across the living room of her small house after letting Laura in and locking the door behind her.  "Never mind.  I'm used to it.  Everybody looks at my ass that way.  Maisie said—"

"I know," Laura interrupted.  "Maisie said you have the most perfect ass in creation."

Jane looked at her quizzically.  "How'd you know that?"

"You told me last time."

"That's was almost a year ago."

"I have a good memory.  Maisie was right.  I'll bet she dreams of that beautiful ass of yours every night."

Jane sidled up to her, smiling in her most fetching, kittenish manner.  "How about you?" she asked softly.  "Do you dream of it?  Do you dream of kissing it?  And sucking it?  And you know what else?"

She smelled so good, this close, that Laura could hardly bear it.  Like soap and sex, as if she had just taken a shower but masturbated and came gloriously at the same time so that she emerged radiating cleanliness and ripe fuck-odor.  Also, her hair was corn-rowed from the very brow-line running into braids at the back, which were tied up by a white cloth behind her head, so that her long black neck was completely visible.  Laura had never seen this hair style on her, or braids of any type, and the thrill of seeing her exposed neck made a hot little pulse flare up deep in Laura's pussy, since she could get frightfully aroused over a beautiful neck. 

Jane's body was near-perfection, and her neck was a paragon of beauty, though you didn't often notice how long it was when she was wearing her hair in other ways. 

"You looking at me like a vampire," she breathed softly to Laura, her eyelids growing heavy. 

"You have such a beautiful neck.  I never noticed before."

Jane's black eyes twinkled.  "Too busy fucking my black pussy and my beautiful black ass."

"You have such a filthy mouth," Laura grinned at her.  Jane had no lack of self-esteem, especially when it came to her body.  "I'll bet they kick you right out of Stanford for that."

"Are you kidding?  They'll all be wanting to do what you're doing.  You vampire."

This was all the playful badinage Laura could take.  She took Jane into her arms and kissed her delicious neck creatively.  Jane squirmed and giggled.

"Ooohhhh, Laura, that tickles!"

Laura dropped her lips lower, to the point where Jane's neck met her shoulder, where the smooth black skin disappeared under the yoke of her sweatshirt. 

"Oooohhhh, and that feels good!  Unngghhhh!  Oh . . . that feels good, Laura!  I think you're going to have to fuck me.  Did you bring those things I told you to bring?"

Laura pointed to the little valise, which she had dropped into a chair before grabbing Jane.  Jane smiled slowly as she looked down at it, her lovely young face suffused with a sensual, knowing quality that had always struck Laura as a sign the girl was much older than her years, especially in sexual matters.  Maybe this was why even at sixteen she had been irresistible.  Even though Kendra had done everything to keep them apart after she had discovered that they were fucking—including moving over here across the bay without warning or farewell—here they were again, about to tangle in bed, in Kendra's own house, and bring each other the fierce physical pleasures they had shared from the start.

"How could I ever have ignored this beautiful neck?" Laura asked softly, kissing Jane's neck up and down on both sides, more a rhetorical question than a real one, since she knew she had kissed it ravenously like this in the past too.

"I got news for you, Laura," Jane giggled softly, still squirming a little.  "You have never ignored any inch of this body.  Nobody ever sucked every inch of me like you do."

"It's because I'm so oral, my darling," Laura laughed, now sliding her hands up under Jane's sweatshirt.  "I just want to put my mouth on every part of you, take you inside of it, swallow you."

Jane smiled and pulled the sweatshirt over her head.  The stark white bra against her gleaming black skin made Laura's blood rage.  "I guess you can do it," Jane murmured.  "I like it."

Laura ran her fingertips along one of Jane's dark, gleaming shoulders to her bra strap, then let her forefinger trace the fabric down to one bra cup, then slid it over to Jane's shallow cleavage.  Jane had small, perfect breasts, like Laura's own, small but perfectly proportioned to her body, which was on the petite side.  She also had, Laura knew, beautiful coal-black nipples that made Laura's mouth water, even the thought and memory of them.

"I want these," she whispered to Jane, waggling her forefinger so that it brushed each of Jane's firm young breasts, though they were still enclosed in her bra.

"Mmmm, you want to swallow them?  Like you said?"

Laura nodded.  "I do.  I want to devour them."

Jane flirted.  "When you do it . . . it makes me real wet.  I have to have it, then.  You have to go all the way.  You ready to go all the way?"

"I believe I am," Laura panted, kissing her beautiful shoulder blades, sliding her lips down into the space between Jane's two bra cups, where her forefinger had been.  "I believe I am ready to fuck you until you beg me to stop."

Jane giggled softly.  "Oh, I'm not going to be doing that.  You have to do me with that double fucker of yours, the one that goes in both holes.  I really get off on that one.  I told Maisie about it, and we found one on the web, but I was too afraid to order it because I don't have a credit card and I'd have to use Mama's, and anyway even if she didn't notice the bill she might see it come in the mail or the UPS."

Laura was already reaching behind her with both hands, trying to unclasp her bra, her head filled with the sweet, sexy odors of Jane's fresh young body.  "I want you," she panted.  "I want you now."

Jane started helping Laura out of her clothes too.  "Don't you want to go in the bedroom?" she panted to Laura as Laura's hands tore at her jeans and her panties, trying to reach the warm, vibrant flesh underneath.

"That would be a good idea," Laura panted back to her, grinning.

"Come on.  We gotta use mine.  Can't use Mama's, she'll know.  She's like Columbo or something, always figuring things out."  Laura snatched the valise out of the chair, and Jane pulled her down the hall toward the back of the small house.  "Did I tell you she caught me and Maisie?  I mean, not while we were doing it, but she figured it out."

Jane pulled Laura into her bedroom and shut the door behind them.  "You don't have to do that," Laura teased her, remembering how she herself had always done that back in the days when they both had lived in the same apartment building on Russian Hill in the city.

"Makes me feel better."

They quickly resumed undressing each other.  "What did you do, leave her a clue lying around?"

Jane shook her head.  She pointed to her nose, an adorable, flattish little thing with almost no bridge, but enchanting to Laura, who wanted to kiss it right then, before Jane had a chance to go on.  But she restrained herself.  "She got a nose like a bloodhound.  She always saying 'What's that smell?  Smell like burning tires in here.'  Shit like that.  She smelled sex.  She came in my room, right here, and sniffed, and said 'Somebody's been fucking in here.  My nose don't lie.  Tell me about it, girl.'"

"So you told her."  Laura was hardly as interested in this as she was in Jane's body, which was now almost completely hers.  She peeled Jane's bra away and filled her hands with the girl's marvelous, springy young breasts, running her fingers over Jane's swelling, shiny black nipples.

"Yeah, I told her," Jane smiled, almost ruefully.  "She don't like me liking girls.  She blames you for that, by the way.  But she'd really rather I was snorkeling in some chica's pussy than having a dude porking me and unloading a jizz bomb.  Are you going to swallow my boobs now?"

"I believe I am," Laura smiled.  "Are we going to do it on this little bed?"

She pointed to Jane's twin bed.  She had used them before, plenty of times, these little twins, and yet she preferred a bigger playing field, as it were, one that gave her a lot of room to romp.  She truly intended to have her fill of Jane while she got the chance.  After all, it had been nearly a year since they had seen one another, and it might be another one before they saw each other again, particularly if Jane was going down to Stanford.  She was a pretty alluring little piece and would surely get involved with other hungry sex partners quickly down there.  Stanford might have a cerebral reputation, but who could resist the likes of this magical girl, all sass and sizzle, with a heavenly hard little body?

Laura kissed Jane's naked body and ran her hands all over it, exulting in the girl's silky black flesh.  She pulled her down on the small bed and scooped up Jane's marvelous, perfect little breasts in both hands and devoured them hungrily. 

"Shit . . . Laura!" Jane panted.  "You're getting me so hot.  Look, we have to pull down the covers first.  I don't want them to get all dirty and messed.  Hard enough hiding things from Mama."

"I know," Laura panted too, unable to keep her hands from racing over Jane's smooth warm flesh.  "Quick."

Both of them slid off the bed and together pulled down the bedspread, blanket, and top sheet.  Then Laura wrestled her back onto the mattress, again filling her mouth with one of Jane's bulging, shiny black nipples.  She sucked it passionately, but not too sharply, kneading the firm ball of Jane's lovely breast with her fingers at the same time. 

"God, I have missed your beautiful boobs," she murmured, slurping Jane's nipple, then moving her lips to the other one.

Jane let herself be adored and devoured.  "You're gonna make me come, if you keep that up," she panted, after a moment, looking down at Laura's mouth on her saliva-wet nipples, which were now stiff and jutting.

Laura smiled up at her.  "And you have an objection to that?"

Jane giggled and shook her head.  "But I think I'm going to come before you can put on that thing."

Laura was busily kissing every other part of her luscious body that she could reach, and probing Jane's wet crotch with her hand, parting her greasy cunt lips, slipping two fingers into her delightful honey pot. 

"Unh!" Jane gasped slightly, feeling the penetration.  "Oh shit!  That feels good!"

"Does that mean you're close?" Laura teased her, kissing Jane's hard flat stomach, then the warm firm flesh of her inner thighs.

"Oh god, yes!  Fuck me with your pussy, Laura.  Please.  We can do the other thing after.  I want to feel your pussy.  Been so long!"

"I know.  Too long," Laura murmured to her, twisting her body to slide one leg under one of Jane's so as to bring their groins together.

Jane's black eyes were now shiny and hot and pulsing.  "Want you to fuck me hard and fast.  I can come.  I'm so close."

"Me too," Laura confessed, almost surprised to hear herself saying it.  She usually came easily and quickly, but this hot urgency threatened to overwhelm her. It was as if she had been saving up all her sexual energies for months just for this sweet moment.

Of course, in a sense this was true for both of them.  They had always been combustible, and they had not pressed their hot flesh together like this for at least a year.  No wonder we're so hungry for each other, Laura thought. 

While there were some women (and girls) with whom Laura had tribbed a lot, Jane was not one of them, and as they now pushed their swollen vulva together she briefly wondered why.  Jane had one of the most beautifully shaped pussies Laura had ever seen, a sculptured black-edged seashell, a long fiery wet seam of dark pink, one she relished tonguing and sucking and kissing until Jane was writhing in an agony of intense need.  Maybe this was the reason.  Trib-fucking this beautiful pussy meant she could not come directly in contact with it using her all-important mouth.  My most demanding organ, she thought, amused; even more demanding than my own pussy.  I have to eat you first, swallow you, before I fuck you, I guess.

"Oh shit, Laura, that feels so good," Jane gasped to her as their wet cunt lips met and slid together, the sensations somewhat blurred by their tangled, wet crotch hairs. 

Laura could barely speak herself.  She smiled at Jane.  "I know.  God, I want you!"

"Do it fast . . . like this," Jane panted back, swirling her hips and pumping forward at the same time, increasing the tempo.

Laura remembered that she had said only moments ago that she knew she was going to come this way, that she was very close, that it wouldn't take much.  They were both sitting half-up, leaning toward each other, digging the heels of their hands into the mattress to gain more leverage as they pushed their cunts together.  But Laura quickly pushed Jane down onto her back and rose up over her, determined to be the one in charge here, dropping her hand into their mated crotches for some minor adjustments, confident that she could make this even better.

She spread apart her own pussy lips with two fingers, then pushed forward again, feeling more of her slimy wet inner cunt flesh push into Jane's open pussy.  Both of them could feel the raw, wet, exposed flesh of their cunts kissing now as they gyrated, and this sent them both into a more feverish frenzy.  But Laura was on top now, bending forward over Jane, letting her hands roam over Jane's straining body, squeezing her small, perfect breasts, pulling and twisting her hard black nipples, at the same time grinding her pussy into Jane's, well aware that both of them were about to explode in a beautiful orgasm.

"Oh shit, Laura . . . yes . . . yes!  Ungghhh!  Oh!"

Laura bent forward even further and kissed her.  She savaged Jane's mouth with her own, stabbing her tongue deep into it, their hot, quick breath merging, their teeth clanking a little as they surged together. 

"I love to fuck you . . ." Laura panted hoarsely to her, "I love to fuck you."

"Oh . . . shit . . . Laura . . . I think—"

Laura knew what she was trying to say.  She could feel the quaking deep in Jane's lovely, flexing young body.  Sitting up perpendicular to her, she grasped Jane's silky black thigh in both arms and held on for the ride, feeling her own womb erupt and begin to throb in hot, almost painful jerks as she watched the grimace of wrenching bliss pass over Jane's face as she began to come.

"Auunngghhh!  Onhhhmmnnggg . . . Laura!  Ohhmmnnggg!  Auunngghiieee!"

"Oh yes, honey . . . oh yes honey!" Laura gasped, already coming herself, feeling the roiling waves rise in her body until they were inundating her and lashing great spasms of rapture out of her flesh.  "Unngghhhhmmnniieeee!"

She slumped forward onto Jane's supine body, but had the presence of mind to ease down onto her elbows so that she would not crush the still-climaxing girl, even though she knew she probably weighed little more than Jane did.  But no one wanted to be crushed in the midst of a thrilling climax. 

She heard herself moaning and whimpering loudly as Jane's ecstatic cries died away, and for long seconds she lay there feeling her body twitch and pulse with sweet orgasmic fires, feeling Jane's panting against her cheek, feeling Jane's wet, coarse crotch hairs against her bare thigh.

After nearly a minute, she pulled up and saw Jane beaming.  "God, I guess we really needed that one," she smiled back.

Jane burst out laughing.  "Maybe we ought to wait a whole year each time.  That was hot."

"You, my dear, are the one who is hot," Laura said, slowly disentangling their bodies.  "I think I'll be able to come just by remembering this."

Jane kissed her shoulder, a tender gesture that was very rare with her.  "What's the matter, old lady?  You don't have a hot young thing like me to fuck with you these days?  What happened to you and old Stinky Inky?  Or that other sista with the braids you were bopping?"

There was barely enough room on the small, narrow bed for them to embrace, but they managed it, lying lengthwise and very close.  Laura wasn't complaining.  She liked being this close to Jane, their naked bodies touching nearly everywhere.  She stroked Jane's fantastic hard bubble bottom with her fingertips and filled her in on the developments in her life since they had last lain together like this.

"You're kidding," Jane said softly, wide-eyed.  "Married?  To a sister?  How can you be married?  Ain't that illegal?"

"Maybe it is . . . but we are."

"Then aren't you cheating on her right now?  Ooohhhh Laura, you bad!  Just when I got to be legal, you found another way to break the law."  Jane could barely keep a straight face.  "What would she say if she could see us fucking?"

Laura pursed her lips.  "She probably wouldn't be happy about it, but she would understand.  Old friends are . . . well, old friends."

"What if she were fucking me instead of you?  Would you be 'understanding' too?"

Laura shook her head.  She tried to keep the vision Jane had proposed out of her mind, but it was hard.  Seeing Jane and Makeeda fucking together would both arouse her wildly and make her want to slay them both in a hot fury of possessiveness and jealousy, she knew.  She had tried to get over that but sometimes it reared its ugly head.  "I don't want anyone to have you but me," she confessed.

"Too late for that," Jane shrugged philosophically.  "Other chicks like this hot body.  Dudes too.  You know that."

Laura dug her fingers into the fantastic round resilience of Jane's ass cheeks.  "How could I blame them?"

Again Jane kissed her almost tenderly on Laura's bare shoulder.  "But you're always special.  I did it a few times with that lame brain Keeshon before you, but you were the first girl who ever sucked this little black pussy."

Laura nuzzled her neck, also tenderly, but displaying a little more hunger and aggressiveness.  She was now, after that quick climax, beginning to feel a resurgence of the phenomenal lust Jane's body and personality always inspired in her.  "Mmmm, and I know I won't be the last . . . but I'd sure like to be the next one."

At first Jane took a moment to realize what Laura meant.  Then it dawned on her.  She grinned.  "You know, I was thinking you could do me with that fun double thingee next . . . but if you want to eat a little, I won't stop you.  I think I could come about forty times tonight."

"Well, maybe not forty," Laura teased her.  "How about thirty?"

Jane was apparently already mesmerized by the prospect and merely nodded dreamily.  She parted her thighs for Laura, who wasted no time sliding down Jane's silky black body and slipping between them.  There it was, one of the most exquisite pussies she had ever tasted. 

Laura knew it was a shame to compare.  All vaginas were beautiful in their own way, swollen love blossoms offering their sweet, sometimes tart nectars and heady odors.  But a few were so perfect that they needed to be celebrated even more rhapsodically, and Laura knew she was up to the challenge.  Jane's was one of the latter, a shell-like slit edged by curvy, sinuous black lips, now only glimmering pink inside, barely open after its hard spasming only minutes ago when it been jammed against Laura's own pussy. 

The tip of Laura's tongue slowly found its way inside.  She inserted it part way, until she could feel the warm wet flesh against it, and taste the tangy fluids, then ran it slowly from the bottom of Jane's barely parted slit all the way to the top, even wriggling it suggestively against Jane's little clit, which was still hiding under it's beautifully shaped little black tent. 

"Ahhhhhhh1" Jane exhaled with pure pleasure, her eyes rolling up.  "You're going to make me come, Laura."

"Oh, good," Laura smiled up at her.  "I was hoping you would," she teased.  "I love making you come when I lick your beautiful pussy."

Jane was now panting softly, which made the sleek muscles of her stomach ripple and flex, which in turn made Laura's own pussy flare with fire.  "You know . . . Laura . . ." she panted.  "I only screwed, not counting dudes, you and Maisie, and that stinky Inky when you and I did her together.  And my new friend Taren, I told you about her."

"Not really," Laura paused in her skillful attentions to Jane's lovely, oozing, black pussy and looked up, then continued.

"None of them ever talked to me like you do.  And none of them can make me . . . oh . . . make me come . . . ohhhhh . . . unnhhhh . . . so quick, either!   Ungghhhh!"

It was true.  Jane was getting pretty close, and pretty fast.  And Laura was licking her faster too, and more feverishly, hungrily, parting Jane's swollen black cunt lips with her fingers and slithering her tongue deep into the glistening pink honey pit, then sucking Jane's clit, hood and all, into her mouth and almost munching it, knowing it would drive Jane crazy with need.

"Oh shit . . . oh shit . . . I'm almost . . ." Jane gasped, now writhing, whimpering, her lovely naked young body squirming and gleaming in a way that fiercely enhanced Laura's own lust until she was devouring Jane's wet, shiny pussy almost voraciously, unable to get enough of it into her mouth.

With two fingers she now fucked Jane too, sucking and fucking her, as Jane's pelvis began to leap up off the mattress in wild, swirling jerks and gyrations. 

"Oh god, Laura . . . oh god, you doin' it . . . ungghhhh!  Oh!  Mnnnggggg!"

And still she was not coming yet but only hurtling toward it, keening and pumping and gurgling, her hands racing up to her swirling breasts and pulling her shiny black nipples hard, her eyes, when they fluttered open, streaked with red and fiery with need.  Laura was doing everything possible to bring her to the peak, and yet half of her wanted Jane to remain in this horrible seizure of unsatisfied physical need forever, for much longer anyway, so that she too could enjoy this wild and beautiful moment of sexual tension, just before the damn broke.

But it broke anyway, only seconds after this, with a loud, riveting shriek from Jane, so piercing and unexpected that it electrified both of them. 

"ANNGGHMMNNIIEEE!" she suddenly cried out, her body freezing almost in mid-air for a brief instant, then flipping and jerking awkwardly to the side as a crushing spasm of coming ripped through her.

Though it was a loud and sudden shriek, it was the only sound she made as she collapsed back onto the mattress and began to undulate through a deep and powerful climax.  The only sound was her labored breathing as she writhed her way through this shattering orgasm, so much more powerful, Laura thought, than either of them had expected merely from a little sweet pussy licking.  I don't think either of us thought she was going to come this hard, Laura thought. 

You darling girl.  She inched her way back up Jane's delicious body to her face, now that Jane was slowing down, reaching the fluttery, twitchy end of this physical rapture.  She kissed her cheek, brushing her lips tenderly against the phenomenal smoothness there.  They had shared so many post-coital moments like this one, and Laura suddenly found herself very moved by it.  We are lovers, have been lovers for a long time.  She's only eighteen, and yet we seem to have been doing this forever.

"I adore you, Jane," she whispered softly against Jane's ear, brushing the hair away from it and letting her tongue slip inside, not to arouse her again but merely to lick it tenderly.  "I adore you completely."

Jane laughed groggily, still stunned by the force of her climax.  "You're getting all sappy syrupy on me, Laura.  What'll your wifey say if she hears you say that?"

Laura ignored this question and kissed her more aggressively, this time on her delicious mouth.  "I think I'm ready to do it now," she murmured.  "You know, the twin-headed monster?"

"You gon' wear me out, Laura!  You worse than a guy.  Way worse.  At least he have to wait a while.  Give a poor little girl a rest, okay?  Let my poor pussy settle down before you go filling it up again."

"Mmmm," Laura wriggled her own naked body against Jane's marvelous silky black flesh, "I don't mind waiting if I can . . . just kiss you all over."

Jane beamed.  "I know you love to do that," she grinned.  "Never had nobody kiss every inch of my body but Laura."

"Then they don't know what they're missing."

"Always too eager to get to the pussy," Jane said softly, looking down at Laura's lips on her body. 

"Mmmmm, just like me."  Laura kissed her collar bones, then her smooth upper chest.  "But now that I've had the pussy, I want the rest."

"How can anybody be so horny?" Jane giggled, caressing Laura's forehead with her fingertips.

"It's this marvelous body," Laura murmured, truthfully.  "It drives me insane with desire."  By now she had her hands and her mouth on Jane's pretty little breasts.

Jane watched her mouth-mauling them, then gasped softly as Laura's lips siphoned up one of her bulging, shiny black nipples.  "Oh!  Unhhh!  You do it hard!"

"Mmmm, you know I do it hard.  Want me to stop?"

Jane shook her head.  "I like it hard.  Makes me want to get fucked hard too."

Laura looked up at her, with Jane's nipple still deep in her mouth.  She released it for an instant.  "I think I can accommodate you, if you like."

Again Jane shook her head.  "Suck me some more first.  I never get sucked like I do with you, and I really dig it."

"Mmmm, that makes two of us," Laura grinned, returning to her delightful task.

She sucked, tongued, and otherwise passionately inhaled Jane's shiny, spittle-wet black nipples for another eternity of several minutes, during which both of them became so aroused that it was a miracle, Laura figured, that they were able to hold off from fucking for a while longer.  But now that she had got the chance to kiss Jane's marvelous young naked body all over, she didn't want to stop.

From Jane's breasts she moved down to her hard, rippling stomach.  Oh god, she is so beautiful! she thought, running her lips all over the naturally firm muscles, wanting to rub her own wet pussy against them but again realizing that this would take them prematurely in a direction she was not yet willing to go.  Jane was already squirming and whimpering and panting as if she could not bear the pleasure of Laura's mouth on her flesh.

And yet at the same time she was gripping Laura's head in both hands, frantically pulling Laura's mouth into her body, as if she wanted to be devoured as much as Laura wanted to devour her.  Laura managed gently to maneuver Jane onto her stomach so that she could get at the delicious parts of her writhing body that she had not yet kissed.  She knew from experience that the girl had an absolutely breathtaking back, not even to mention her spectacular ass, and Laura intended to feast on them both.

"Oh Laura . . ." Jane gasped, looking back over her shoulder, her lovely face torn by the intense sexual pleasures Laura was arousing in her body.  "You really know how to fuck.  Nobody know how to fuck like my Laura."

Laura was overcome by the impulse to kiss her, and to mash her own body into Jane's.  She surprised even herself by the sexual hunger she felt for the girl, flinging herself onto Jane's naked back and pressing her breasts into it, encircling Jane's prone body with both arms, filling her hands again with Jane's small, firm breasts, and driving her tongue deep into one of Jane's ears, filling it at the same time with her hot breath.  "I love you and want to fuck you so bad," she panted.

For this little indiscretion she had to forgive herself, since the 'love' she exclaimed to Jane bore little resemblance to the deep, interlocking devotion she felt for Makeeda, and yet it was very real and certainly abiding.  They had been fucking like this for years, long before she had known Makeeda existed, and there was no denying the intensity of the emotion as well as the physical desire they felt for one another.  Laura felt confident that Jane knew exactly what she meant by 'love' and would respond accordingly.

"I think you . . . better do it," Jane panted, face down on the sheet, as Laura kissed her shoulder blades and her sacrum and her swelling, beautiful young ass.  "I'm not kidding, Laura.  I'm . . . ready.  Unhhhh!  Oh god, I'm really ready."

The only mildly unfortunate thing at this moment was that Laura was ready too.  She had come once already when they were tribbing, but all this rubbing against Jane's marvelous body and eating Jane's delicious and beautiful black pussy and watching Jane herself climax in a couple of sublime ecstasies had truly primed Laura's pump again to the point where she felt a desperate craving in her body for what she knew could be a quick and easily procured orgasm of her own.  I can come so quick, if I can just rub my pussy against your wonderful body, my pet, she thought, inching her way down until she could clasp the back of one of Jane's thighs between her own.

"Unh!  Unh!  Oh god . . . honey . . . I'm going to come!" she panted to Jane, rubbing her wet pussy hard against the back of Jane's thigh while pressing her cheek into the smooth flesh of Jane's sinuous back just below her shoulder blades.

But she had not counted on Jane's own passion and her clear intention to give back everything she got from Laura.  Jane wanted to come, but she sensed that Laura's need at this instant was more desperate and urgent even than her own, and she quickly twisted her body around and pushed Laura onto her back, swarming over Laura like a demon of lust, completely intent on bringing Laura to the place where Laura wanted to go, and fast, too.

"Oh yes, Laura, you're going to come, come for me, Laura, come for me now, come for me now . . ." she murmured, kissing Laura's body everywhere and sliding down between Laura's yawning thighs, quickly pressing her mouth to Laura's gaping, throbbing pussy.

This was a side of Jane Laura had seen before, but rarely; a side of her that wanted to please, instead of taking it all for herself; a side that was willing to push her own next orgasm into the middle distance so that she could display her sexual skills and bring Laura to a quick, shattering finish, which both of them knew she could do.

She didn't waste time with gentle licking and kissing.  Instead, she assaulted Laura's aching, throbbing pussy like a demon, sliding two fingers in deep while lashing Laura's swollen clit with her tongue, then sucking it passionately with her wildly sensual lips.  This tactic had the desired effect.  Laura was already so close to an orgasm that it took very little to tip her over the edge.  In literally seconds, she was coming convulsively, her body straining, rising off the bed, shuddering, and guttural cries escaping from her lungs.

"Anngghhmmnnngghiieeee!" she cried out.  "Oh!  Ungghmmnniiieee!  Oh . . . Jane!  Oh god!"

The sweet liquid honeyfire poured through her veins.  Her muscles clenched involuntarily, and she could feel her toes curling, almost to the extent that it caused incipient cramps in her calves.  She flexed her long legs to prevent it, and felt her body slowly relaxing after the waves of her climax began to recede.  But she was still panting heavily.

Jane slid up to face her, beaming, her thick, wonderful lips all shiny with the nectars of Laura's cunt, which she had just ravished so ardently, and successfully.  "Guess you're going to come about thirty times too," she grinned at Laura.

Laura wheezed and sputtered, trying to regain her breath.  She was still bleary-eyed and stunned by the force and quickness of her orgasm.  "I don't think I could . . . ever keep up with you," she panted.

Jane tilted her head and almost twinkled.  "Did I make you come good?"

"Darling, you are a miracle."

Jane pouted.  She shook her head.  "I think you could've got there if I just told you I was going to do it.  You were almost coming before I touched you with my tongue."

"I know," Laura laughed softly, finally beginning to breathe more evenly.  "But it's all because of you and this fantastic body."  She grabbed Jane again and again mashed her own body against the girl's marvelous silky black flesh.  She kissed her and murmured in her ear.  "Are you ready to double your pleasure?"

Jane grinned in her pert, sassy, self-satisfied manner.  "I think I'm just as tight as you were," she confessed.  "You stick those things in me, I'm liable to go off like a lighted fire cracker."

"Mmm, I can't wait to find out," Laura said, searching on the floor beside the small twin bed for the valise, which she had dropped there in her haste to get naked with Jane.

In only a few seconds she was fully arrayed for a thrilling sexual encounter, the two obscene stalks of the Double Penetrator jutting up from her groin.  She and Jane both regarded them with awe and excitement. 

"Shit!" Jane swore softly, under her breath.  "Can't believe I had those things in me once before."

"Believe it, sweetheart," Laura purred, kissing her gleaming black shoulder and fondling her gorgeous little naked breasts, which she already was again craving to have in her mouth.  "You came like the end of time."

"I know," Jane said, wide-eyed.  "And I'm gonna do it again."

"Kiss me first."  Laura melted with their own special love.  "I so love fucking with you.  I hope you will always have a place in your heart for me."

Jane crinkled her nose.  "See what I mean?  Getting all sappy syrupy  on me.  Go ahead, kiss me.  Then fuck me like you were two men."

With this kind of playful insult and provocative invitation, Laura could hardly concentrate on the kiss, which she had hoped would be a romantic prelude to this very profound sexual moment.  She tried to linger, entangling her tongue with Jane's, stroking Jane's hard young body with her fingertips, but Jane was in a hurry.

"Okay . . . enough," she said, cutting it short.  "Now . . . two men.  Remember?  Two horny men, two fucking horny dudes, who can't get enough."

She lay on her back on the bed and spread her thighs, looking up expectantly at Laura.  For her part, Laura was relieved that Jane, unlike Dawn and Dee Dee, would take the Double Penetrator as it was intended to be used, with the small appendage down and the longer, thicker one on top.  She wanted to look in Jane's eyes as she fucked her, wanted to see her face grimacing as each exquisite sexual sensation filled her writhing body, wanted to see the rapture there when she came.

Quickly, she grabbed the small bottle of baby oil she also kept in the valise.  "We have to open the back door a little, don't you think?" she purred to Jane, greasing the forefinger of her right hand.

Jane merely nodded, swallowing, tensing as Laura's finger entered her tight little anus, gnawing her lower lip, poised to receive the rough fucking she had requested from Laura.  "Two . . . men . . ." she said, in a gruff, half-audible voice, now panting a little, her glazed black eyes catching Laura's.

"Yes . . ." Laura indulged her.  "Two men.  I know."  She pulled her finger out, wiping it on the edge of the sheet, and settled between Jane's yawning thighs, guiding the two prongs forward with one hand.  "How about two Lauras?"

Jane shook her head.  "No.  Two dudes.  Two hard, mean dudes.  Please, Laura."

"Oooohhhh, you are a twisted little devil, aren't you," Laura teased her.

In truth, she was a little disturbed by this request.  Jane had always loved hot, even torrid, sex, and lots of it, but she had never until now showed a desire for the rougher side of it.  Laura wondered if Maisie, or even this new Taren, had led her in this direction, or if indeed several years now of fucking experience had simply impelled her to seek more intense sensations, particularly with someone like Laura, whom she knew she could trust.

At any rate, she couldn't reflect further on it at the moment since she was focusing entirely on getting the two stiff appendages that protruded from her own crotch into Jane's body successfully, in order to begin their happy little conflagration. 

"Unhhh!" Jane grunted softly, as the two shafts penetrated her, the top one sliding in easily but the bottom one, going into her ass, sliding in with a little more difficulty due to the tightness of the aperture.  "Oh . . . shit!" she swore, but again softly.

But now they were in, and Laura pushed them in slowly all the way.  She stopped pushing when they were finally sunk completely inside Jane's body.  Jane looked up at her as if paralyzed momentarily, not by pain, or even slight discomfort, but more by rapt fascination at the intensity of the sensations that were possessing her flesh.

"Oh shit," she finally said again, very softly, this time, her eyes rolling up a little.  "Shit, Laura, that feels good.  I forgot how it feels."

Laura, not speaking, began to rock gently forward and back, so that the dildos slid in and out of Jane's ass and pussy slowly.  She did not have to hold or guide the apparatus at this moment because she was not going fast or hard enough to risk their slipping out, and she also wasn't withdrawing them far enough, only a couple of inches.  She might get into really ramming Jane hard in a few minutes, if Jane continued to insist, but she would be just as happy to continue with this gently rocking motion, until Jane came, if it worked out that way.

She was certainly getting her own pleasure this way.  Jane being fucked this way was beautiful, and Laura just wanted to watch her and fuck her forever. 

"Ohhhhh!  Ohhhhh!" Jane moaned, her eyelids fluttering, her head twisting, her eyes flashing. 

Laura filled her hands with Jane's small, lovely breasts, squeezing them, pinching the swollen black nipples, then bending down to kiss her, kissing her cheek, her jaw, her forehead, her shoulder, sliding her mouth down to one perfect breast and sucking Jane's shiny black nipple hungrily.

"Ohhhhnnnn!" Jane moaned again, now beginning to swirl her hips and pump her pelvis up into Laura's rhythmic thrusts.  "Oh . . . shit!  Oh . . . it's good!"

Without really intending to, Laura began to pick up the rhythm too, since Jane was clearly getting more excited, and in seconds they were going at nearly double their initial speed, gyrating and undulating, panting and murmuring to each other.

"Yes . . . yes, Laura . . . like that . . ." Jane gasped, biting her lower lip now and almost glowering up at Laura, as if to dare her to fuck her the way she wanted to be fucked.

"Oh honey . . . oh honey," Laura panted back, feeling a hot tingle again in her own pussy, as if she might come again too, just from the pure pleasure of fucking Jane like this.

Jane suddenly threw her arms around Laura's neck and lunged up off the bed, jamming her pussy and her ass down on the plunging stalks, forcing her groin sharply into Laura's, then yelping and gagging as the shafts sank deep into her body.

"Anngghmmnnieee!  Oh shit!  Unh! Ungghh!"

"Oh honey!"

"Fuck me hard, Laura!  Hard!  Oh shit!  Do it hard.  Unh unh unh!"

Laura grabbed her back.  Until now she had not been pressing the front of her own body against Jane's, but Jane's upward lunge brought them together so forcefully that Laura could encircle her with her own arms and mash her breasts into Jane's, now fucking her more wildly, spearing Jane's pussy and asshole with each forward thrust, hearing tiny yelps of frantic pleasure escape from Jane's lungs.

"Oh yes!  Nnnggeee!  Oh shit, yes!"

So much for a slow, smoldering, simmering fuck, Laura thought.  Jane was going to come any second.  She was gasping and gurgling and pumping and flexing, scratching Laura's back with her fingernails and whimpering in a feverish delirium of raw sexual need.  Her very animal urgency seemed to fan the flames of Laura's already raging sexual fire until she knew she was going to come too.  All this bucking and straining and clawing and thrusting was bringing them both to the pinnacle at nearly the same time.

Laura's fingers bit into Jane's resilient young body, and she ran them down to Jane's fantastic ass, since all the surging and squirming Jane was doing made it easy to slide them down her body between it and the mattress.  Holding the cheeks of Jane's ass in her palms made it even easier for her to spear Jane's cunt and asshole with the two stiff prongs of the Double Penetrator, and it was finally all it took to bring on the final white-hot spasm of killing ecstasy.

She pumped, she pumped, she pumped and ripped them into Jane, as Jane had craved, and Jane was quickly shattered by an enormous orgasm. 

"Unh!  Unh!  Laur—" she gasped, then lapsed into helpless, choked off little squeaks as her body began to clench and quake uncontrollably.  This was followed by an earsplitting shriek that alarmed Laura, who was still hovering on the brink of her own orgasm, with the thought that the neighbors would hear this tumult.  "Mnnggiieeee!" Jane shrieked, her body flipping and writhing in the grip of a crushing climax.  "Mnnggiieeee!  Shit!  Awwonnggg!  Mnnggiieeee!"

She came and came, in the grip of a terrible rapture, so electrifying that Laura herself felt suspended in the interstices of it and unable to come herself until Jane's apex had been reached and she began to descend on the other side, lapsing into choked gasps and moans.  At this point Laura's body felt she could somehow now allow herself to come too, and a shuddering orgasm began to shake her from the toes up to the shoulders.

"Anngggghhhhhh!  Ummnnggggg!" she heard herself groaning, and she collapsed forward onto Jane, but quickly rolled half to the side so as not to squash the still whimpering girl.

Laura's orgasm finished almost as quickly as it had started, but she realized that Jane's was a crusher that would not end without a long, trailing period of sighs and quivering aftershocks, which was just what was happening now.  Jane tried to smile at her and then winced as an especially powerful after-quake gripped her body.

"Unhhhhh!  Oh!  Oh shit . . . Laura . . . they still coming!"

"I know . . . I know, honey, I know."

Laura held her and rolled her onto her side, feeling the spasms finally die away and Jane become calmer, then even serene as she beamed at Laura.  "I don't think you ever fucked me that hard," she murmured in a very soft voice.  "I don't think anybody ever did."

"Do you want me to pull them out?"

"Not yet.  I like the feeling of them in there.  Shit, that was a killer."

"I had one too."

"I know.  We are working down that thirty, girl.  We only got about twenty-five more to go."

"God," Laura giggled, "I think they'll have to take me to the hospital before I even get close.  You youngsters can wear an old lady out."

Jane clenched her teeth as Laura finally withdrew the lovely monster from her body.  Laura unstrapped the harness and place the wet thing at the foot of the bed.

"I better get a towel," Jane said, hopping up, now completely recovered from her devastating orgasm, her lovely girlish naked body somehow glossy and glowing with fresh sexuality and naturalness.  "That thing'll smell, and Mama be coming in here sniffing, like I told you she did once after Maisie and I were fucking in here.  She can smell sex a mile off."

"Surely she doesn't expect you to be chaste," Laura smiled, knowing however that Kendra, who was the farthest thing from chaste herself, probably did.

Jane returned with a huge beach towel and wrapped the Double Penetrator in it.  She crinkled her nose at Laura.  "She don't want me to fuck, but she knows she can't stop me.  She just thinks being black is hard enough, and being a lesbian too makes it harder.  But I know she loves fucking with you, when you guys do it, but she can't give in to it and be honest."

"You know," Laura said sardonically, "that beach towel is going to smell just as much like pussy as the strap-on. How are you going to get rid of that smell?"

"Simple," Jane tilted her head sassily.  "You're going to take it home and wash it, then bring it back to me some time next week when Mama ain't here."  She grinned fetchingly.  "Maybe we can do it again too, if she gone long enough.."

Laura took her hand and pulled her back down on the bed.  You'd think I would have had enough of her, she thought, pressing the entire length of her naked body against Jane's delightful flesh.  But no.  I haven't.  I can never get enough of her.  "I think I want you again already," she whispered into the marvelous whorl of Jane's shiny black ear.

Now Jane grew sensual instead of playful, romantic instead of sassy, a side of her Laura rarely saw but a very welcome one.  They kissed for a long time, coiling tongues lazily, then a little more aggressively.

Laura stayed until midnight.  Even though she and Jane had had a couple of marathon fucks before, ages ago, it seemed, she was not prepared for the way they seemed unable to stop feasting on each other, until by midnight even Jane was willing to call a truce.  "Nobody ever fucked me this much," she admitted in awe to Laura.  "Not even you.  That wife of yours must not be putting out enough if you're this horny, Laura."

"She's in L.A..  Working," Laura added.

Jane laughed.  "And you up here snacking on as much young black pussy as you can find, right?"

"Only yours, my darling, only yours," Laura partially lied. 

"All the same, you gotta go home so I can get some sleep," Jane said. 

At the front door they had another dreamy kiss, their bodies too exhausted to rise even to a farewell caress.  But it was a sweet fatigue.  Holding the Double Penetrator wrapped in the beach towel under one arm, Laura traipsed in the dark down the block and back to her car, but she was unable to keep from smiling the whole time when thinking back on the evening they had shared.





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