Laura - Chapter 311
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Bonnie! Oh god! Laura thought. It had now been over two weeks since she had missed her little afternoon 'date' with Bonnie to walk down Market Street to the new Bloomies and stroll through it together, a kind of sweet, friendly intimacy-in-full-view that Laura hoped would lead to something even more intimate, though it was already fairly clear that Bonnie was not inclined that way. Nevertheless, Laura felt wretched about not having lived up to her end of the deal. As soon as she could break free she dashed down to the sandwich shop in the alley, only to find a new girl working the counter and the register, a neurasthenic looking dishwater blonde with buck teeth and a nasty sneer. To Laura's question about Bonnie she could only say that she knew nothing as it was her first day. Now Laura's heart sank for sure. God, how will I ever find her again? It was so silly, she realized. They barely knew one another, and here Laura was acting like a devastated lover. She immediately knew the blonde thought of her that way. She slunk away, feeling depressed and ashamed of herself for having delayed so long that Bonnie had slipped away. Without ever knowing the happiness I could bring her, she thought. Without ever feeling my lips against her smooth, dark flesh. But then Laura realized that she was pretending Bonnie to be the aggrieved one when actually it was her own selfish, stifled lust that was uppermost in her mind. I deserve it, she thought. She did not return to the sandwich shop until the end of the week, and then not to eat but just to take a glimpse, hoping beyond hope that Bonnie would mysteriously reappear. And even though the blonde was still there, just by chance, before Laura wandered off again, disconsolate and glum, she glimpsed her in the back, behind a swinging door that separated the front of the shop from the rear. Laura wanted to cry out. Bonnie! Oh god, sweet mystery of life I've finally found you! Oh frabjous day! She was wildly, foolishly
excited. She tried to get a grip on her
feelings. Bonnie seemed more gorgeous to
her than usual, though she was, realistically, a fairly ordinary looking girl:
attractive but unremarkable. Laura knew
she was lathering up this image in her mind of Bonnie as the long-lost girl of her
dreams. You foolish thing! she told herself. And
you, married to the sweetest woman who ever lived, off there in But just as she was about to shout, though discreetly, if that were possible, and make a total fool out of herself right there in public, Bonnie saw her too, over the top of the swinging door. Her face lit up with recognition of Laura. Laura waved. Bonnie came out to her, smiling and friendly. She had, as Laura already knew, a sweet nature and seemed not at all miffed by Laura's missing their 'date.' "Hi," she almost twinkled at Laura, her black eyes shiny and happy. "Long time no see. You been gone somewhere, I can tell." "I'm so embarrassed. I missed our . . ." Laura had become accustomed to saying 'date' in her mind, but that was so full of innuendo that she dared not say it aloud and didn't know what to substitute in its place. "Appointment?" Bonnie supplied, without guile or apparent concern. "I just thought you got tied up in something. No big deal." "It's a big deal to me," Laura
confessed. "I feel so bad. I got sent to "You must have a great job," Bonnie beamed. "They just send you off some place like that, without a warning?" Laura nodded. Since Bonnie seemed impressed—there was no
sense in not playing up your assets—she added that the week after that she had
flown to "Well," Bonnie said, after an uncomfortable moment, "I gotta get back to work. No chatting with the customers, remember?" "I do remember. But I like our chats. Why don't we . . . like . . . have a drink after work. Something like that." "Don't drink," Bonnie smiled, crinkling her nose. "Only soda." "They serve soda in bars too," Laura remarked with a wicked smile. "After a day at work, I need something a little stronger." "I guess I could hang around for a while. I could go up to Bloomingdale's and look around, like we were gonna do." "Wish I could get away earlier to join you, but I can't. Why don't I meet you there. Around five-thirty." They agreed to meet at the front entrance, and Laura returned to work, feeling her heart skip and flutter, but knowing there was not a reason in the world to be feeling so exuberant and optimistic. Even though Bonnie was friendly, and very beguiling in her sweet, simple innocence, she still did not register on Laura's sensitivity meter as a likely sexual prospect. Oh well. I will still enjoy being in her company for a while, she resigned herself. She is sweet and lovely, and I will restrain myself and simply wish I could fuck her instead of actually doing it. She met Bonnie at five-thirty and they strolled through Bloomingdale's together, as well as few adjacent stores. "Sure you won't join me for that drink?" Laura prompted. "There's a great bar I know of about two blocks from here." Bonnie smiled and shook her head. "I should be getting home. I never feel too comfortable in a bar." "Even with me?" "I should be getting home." "Let me give you a ride, at least." Bonnie consented. She lived in an apartment by "Do you suppose I could come in for a second? I have to go to the bathroom." Bonnie smiled. "Sure. There's a few visitor's parking spaces around to the left. I'll show you." A few minutes later, when she emerged from the bathroom in Bonnie's small studio apartment (she had run the water and pretended to be going about her business, all the while scheming, her heart fluttering, about how she could now proceed), Bonnie was clattering around in her small kitchen. "Want something to eat? I'm going to cook." Was this an invitation to dinner? Laura wondered. "I don't want to impose." "You ain't imposing. I invited you, didn't I?" I need a drink, Laura thought. The tension is just too great for me. I hate to be the sort who needs a drink, but I might as well be honest. I need one. "I need a drink," she said, almost unconsciously, then instantly grew very ashamed. Bonnie saw her blushing. "You don't have to blush," she giggled. "Lots of people want a drink at the end of the day." She went to the cupboard. "I have an old bottle of vodka that an old boyfriend left over here. What do you think? Will that do?" "Only if you'll join me." Bonnie looked at her as if Laura were, maybe, deaf. "I told you I don't drink." "I'll feel like the only drunk at a party," Laura complained, now for the first time beginning to relax, to enjoy looking at Bonnie, to see again what she had seen the first time, what had attracted her. Moving around calmly in her own kitchen, preparing to cook, Bonnie had the sweet, thrilling naturalness of the girl next door Laura had at first seen her to be. She was darkly lovely in her blue golf shirt, her work 'uniform' which she had not changed, her short, shiny black hair curled in scallops around her beautifully-shaped black ears. She had what some people, Laura supposed, would consider big lips, but they were sensual miracles to Laura, who wanted to kiss them forever. And now and then, when Bonnie turned her back, Laura's gaze would drift down speedily to her amazing, swelling bottom, so perfectly encased in her tight blue jeans. But then she would look up quickly again, before Bonnie caught her. "I don't like the taste," Bonnie said, starting to peel a potato. "You like smothered potatoes? Slum gullion? That's what I call it. Slum gullion. Just potatoes and onions. A little garlic, if you don't mind. Smells, though. Maybe I'll leave it out. And I can chop up some sausage and mix it in. Quick dinner. I do it often." "I will eat whatever you eat. I consider it a privilege to have been asked." Bonnie grinned. "You're kidding. It's just onions and potatoes. Okay, I'll have a little drink with you, if you insist. But only a little. And I have to pour it into some Coke because I can't stand the taste." "Vodka doesn't have much taste." "It does to me." In a few more seconds Laura had her vodka over ice and Bonnie an inch or so poured into a tall glass of Coke. They clinked glasses, and Laura actually felt a happy little twinge deep inside her pussy, even though there had been no indication things would ever go further than this. But at least they had got this far. "To our little stroll through Bloomies," Laura said. "We finally made it." Bonnie nodded and smiled, making a little face when she sipped her Coke, but only, Laura felt, theatrically, as if she were expected after all she had said not to like it. "Got to tell you, though, I don't know whether I'd buy any of that stuff, even if I could afford it. I just don't go nowhere where you have to dress like that. I'm pretty much a jeans and tee shirt kind of girl, if you know what I mean." Laura nodded back. "You look great in them." Suddenly she felt like this was a transparently conniving statement, as if she were flattering Bonnie in order to get to her pussy, which was true, though she didn't want it to seem that way. She was about to blush again until Bonnie abruptly turned away, preoccupied, to the kitchen counter. "I've got to get this stuff going before this vodka you made me drink makes it impossible for me to cook." "Oh, don't be silly," Laura joked, setting her own drink down. "Let me help you." She knew that cooking together was another kind of intimacy, one that was even potentially very deep. When you cooked together, it could be a symbolic fucking together, food being as basic as sex. Bonnie looked up at her and smiled in the most thrilling way, a smile Laura could feel down to her toes, though it had not the slightest intimation of sex in it at all. "You can chop that onion. Don't cut yourself. That knife is sharp. My Daddy taught me how to keep my knives sharp." Laura took her warning seriously and duly chopped the onion expertly before returning to her drink. "Maybe we both ought to get this done before our little drinkie," she said, feeling suddenly ditzy and foolish for talking in near-babytalk, as if she were so giddy and flirtatious here in Bonnie's tiny kitchen that she could not control herself. And she hadn't even had more than a sip of her vodka yet. Bonnie said nothing but continued peeling and chopping potatoes, then frying up the lot of it in a huge skillet. "Hope you getting hungry," she said. "The smell of it alone is enough to make me ravenous," Laura acknowledged. Bonnie turned the heat way down and covered the skillet with a large lid. Then she picked up her tall, vodka-laced Coke. Laura was startled to notice, as if for the first time, that one thing that made Bonnie's face so enchanting was her high cheekbones. Because her face was not gaunt or especially long, you did not notice it at first, but the more you scrutinized it, the more you realized that she had prominent high cheekbones that somehow made her face very striking. "God, I never noticed until now your beautiful high cheekbones," she said as they moved from the tiny kitchen into Bonnie's tiny living room/bedroom combination. "One of my great grandmothers was a full-blooded Choctaw Indian," Bonnie said. "Guess that's where I get it. Hair, too." She fluffed her short, jet black hair with her fingers. "This dense, clumpy mix of Indian and nigger hair." "I think your hair is beautiful," Laura said, sounding almost prim to herself. Tea party conversation. "It frames those cheekbones. Makes you exotic." Bonnie giggled softly. "You think I'm exotic?" Laura looked deep into her eyes. "I don't know. I barely know you." "You better be careful, Laura," Bonnie laughed softly. "I got girlfriends who would think you're a lesbian when you talk like that." Laura didn't say anything. She didn't know whether to simply admit it right now and get it over with, or to continue to skirt around her increasingly strong desires. It was hard to sit here with the enchanting Bonnie and keep denying her growing desire to touch her. To touch her everywhere. She wondered if it showed in her face. After all, Bonnie could be making this casual joke about Laura being a lesbian without even realizing that she was speaking the truth of some deeper-seated understanding. She could be picking up from Laura the deeper vibrations of Laura's physical desire. They were sitting at opposite ends of a large navy blue sofa, which Laura figured must double as Bonnie's bed a night. There was no other bed in sight, and no other room for one to be concealed in. Why don't we just roll this baby out and lie down together on it? she wanted to say to the delicious girl. "But I guess you couldn't be one with that ring you got," Bonnie went on, pointing to the gold band on Laura's finger. Laura held up her hand and twisted it in the light. Both of them looked at the gold ring. "What if I were married . . . to someone else?" Laura said boldly. "You know . . . not a man." "You mean, married to a woman?" Bonnie laughed. "Like those people on the news?" Laura nodded and smiled. Bonnie looked away but didn't flinch. "I got a girlfriend who's a lesbian," she said, in a soft, barely audible voice. "I mean, we're not girlfriends in that way," she looked directly into Laura's eyes as she said this, "but she is one. All of us just sort of accept it. Her friends. She doesn't try to do any of us. At least I don't think so. She never did try to do me, anyway." Bonnie, Laura realized, was nervous. That was why she was rattling on this way. "Maybe you're not her type," Laura said, also softly, not taking her eyes from Bonnie's. You're my type, though, she let her eyes say, made them even pulse this message. You are really my type. You are my type to the nth degree. I want you so much. "Anyway," Bonnie continued nervously, "even if you were . . . like, married to a girl, you'd be cheating on her if you . . . you know, made a pass at me." "Am I making a pass at you?" Bonnie squirmed and looked away. "I . . . don't think so." Laura smiled. "I think your lesbian girlfriend has very poor taste if she hasn't come on to you," she said evenly, without inflection. Bonnie giggled nervously. "Why do you think that?" "Those high cheek bones would get me in a minute," Laura continued smiling. Now there was a painful silence. Things had in only seconds become abundantly clear, and Bonnie appeared to be digesting their implications. Then she hopped off the sofa. "Oh shit, I forgot the potatoes!" Laura was right behind her as she dashed to the little kitchen. Fortunately, the slum gullion was not ruined, only on the verge of being ruined. "Sorry I distracted you," Laura apologized as Bonnie scooped it from the skillet into a serving dish. "I can . . . leave, if you like." Bonnie looked miffed. "I invited you, didn't I?" she said again. "Sit down." They ate in silence. The food was very good. "You are a very good cook, Bonnie. How did you do this with only potatoes and onions?" Bonnie shrugged. "My Mama taught me. Glad you like it." Laura tried hard not to flirt any more. It was pretty clear that flirting would not get her what she wanted, and it only made things more painful to them both. She finished her plate and her vodka, then folded her napkin. "Well, guess I'd better be going. Don't want to interfere with your evening." Bonnie, across the table, looked almost forlorn, as if she didn't want Laura to leave and also did want her to go at the same time. It was as if nothing was settled between them, which was actually a good sign to Laura. Maybe she'll start thinking about her girlfriend the lesbian, and me the lesbian, and how she's sitting home alone here while she could be with either of us. Especially me. Maybe I should leave her my phone number. "You have far to go?" Bonnie asked. Laura shook her head. "I live in "With your . . . wife? Is that what you call her?" Bonnie asked diffidently. Laura smiled, now very relaxed since the pressure was off. They weren't going to fuck, probably ever, so at least she could be calm and friendly. "Actually, I do call her that, in my mind." "Maybe she'll be disappointed that you had dinner here." "She's in They talked in the same desultory fashion for another twenty minutes or so. Then Laura stood up to leave. "You know," she said at the door, "if I promise not to make a pass at you, could you give me your phone number? We don't really have any way to reach one another unless I come down to your shop." Bonnie agreed and they exchanged numbers. She looked wistfully at Laura. "I like you, Laura. I kind of even wish I was that way . . . so we could spend a little more time together." Laura leaned forward and kissed her smooth black forehead. She then tenderly caressed one enchanting high cheek bone with her fingertip. "You just keep thinking that way and call me now and then," she murmured. It was still pretty early when she
got home, and she realized she was as horny as a tick. All that repartee with Bonnie had really
primed her pump, and yet she had no one to crawl into bed with. Because of the time difference with Then she fed the cats and called Allisha, who frequently wanted to see her when Makeeda was in town, when it was therefore impossible. "Hey, watcha doin'," Allisha asked. "Missing you." This always made Allisha happy. Even though among Laura's girlfriends she was possibly at the top of the list when it came to intrinsic beauty, beauty that would be dispassionately recognized by anyone, beauty that turned heads on the street, she often sat home alone by choice, using her aloof exterior, the cool veneer Laura had once had to break through, to warn off potential lovers of both sexes. She did not want to be bothered with them and yet melted with transparent delight and sexual receptiveness when Laura gave her a simple compliment. "I miss you too, Laura. I haven't had an orgasm in two weeks." "Whose fault is that? Not mine." "No. Mine," Allisha admitted. "More fun with you. Can you come over? My parents went to "So that's all I am. Your little sex toy?" "Of course not. We can have five minutes of conversation first, if you need it." Allisha was bright, droll, nasty, and always quick on the draw. "I just need to see you," Laura confessed frankly. Allisha gave her directions to her
parents' house, which was in Forest Knolls, situated on the ridge just above
the condos where Laura had lived before moving in with Makeeda in "I'll be there in half an hour," Laura promised her. "Get control of yourself. Take a cold shower or something." "You don't even want to hear what I have to say to that," Allisha said, making a few smoochy noises into the phone before hanging up. Laura drove there in a white heat, across the bridge, through the city, looking in all mirrors for cops. She had felt herself getting wet simply while talking on the phone to Allisha, and she did not dry out during the drive. Allisha greeted her with a salacious smile and a welcoming embrace. "You should've brought a suitcase," she said when she saw Laura carrying only her little valise. "You could stay the night and go to work from here in the morning." They were still loosely embracing by the door. Laura would not let her go. "If I stayed the night, I wouldn't be able to go to work in the morning. God, you smell good!" she said, nuzzling Allisha's smooth, long neck. Allisha threw and secured the deadbolt lock. She turned back to Laura, smirking sexily. "I taste good too," she flirted. "At least so I've been told by a very experienced taster named Laura." "Mmmm, this Laura," Laura fell easily into the game. "Should I be jealous?" Allisha took her free hand and drew her into the house, past the entryway, down the hall, toward the rear where the bedrooms must be. "You should be very jealous," she said. "Going to bed with Laura is like going to bed with a super-heated tornado. You're lucky to get out of it alive, but you don't care." She paused outside of one bedroom, seeming to ponder its appropriateness, then drew Laura on further down the hall. "Let's fuck in my parents' bed. Mine is too small. They won't know. I'll wash the sheets." Laura could hardly believe that she herself wanted to postpone it, to draw it out; but she did. "Hold on a minute," she murmured. She turned Allisha around to face her. They were still standing in the hallway. "I want to look at you. I haven't seen you for about a month. You just get more beautiful each day. Let me look at you." "You know, you put a lot more stock in physical beauty than you should, Laura," Allisha lectured her with a cute tilt of her head as Laura let her eyes feast on this marvelous girl, whom she had met on the Muni Metro, almost forcing Allisha to pay attention to her. She reached out to touch Allisha's hair, that long, unusual, honey-gold hair that had so captivated her in the beginning, so rare on a black woman. "I think you are more beautiful than you realize." "Just the kind of girl who makes lesbians cream their panties, right?" Allisha smirked. "You know, I met another one. In Starbucks. She tried to pick me up. Real dykey, though, like all those others I met before you. Something about me really appeals to those butch girls. They all want to take me home and fuck me senseless." She squint-smiled fetchingly at Laura. "Only you get to do it, though." "Lucky me." "No. Lucky me. My divorce is final. Some mistakes can be rectified." She smirked sexily. "If you're very nice, you can have your way with me." Now Laura could not keep from kissing her, and passionately too. She pushed her back against the wall of the hallway and kissed her hard, and ran her hands up and down Allisha's slim but curvaceous body, feeling her firm flesh through her clothes. She bit her earlobe and slithered her tongue into her ear. "Better tell the neighbors to put in their earplugs. I'm going to make you scream." Allisha pulled back, grinning. "Mrs. Foster, next door right," she nodded in
that direction, "is about eighty and can barely hear. Mr. & Mrs. Curtis and Jamie, next door
left," she tilted her head back to the other side, "are in Instead of replying, Laura kissed her again, heatedly. Both were panting when they finally came up for air. "Unless, gee!" Allisha teased, pulling her into the master bedroom, her parents' bedroom. "Unless . . . gee, you find that Gee! spot again. Think you can?" She led Laura over to the bed, a big one like Laura's, an extra-long California King. She took the valise from Laura's hand and flung it on the bed. Laura took Allisha in her arms and kissed her long, black swan's neck. "I know I can," she murmured into the smooth dark skin. She got her hands under Allisha's thin sweater and ran them all over the girl's long, smooth, warm back. Allisha was not wearing a bra under her sweater, which Laura had noted from the start, having watched her plump, mouthwatering nipples swelling and sliding under the fabric. Now she slid her hands around to the front and cupped Allisha's marvelous young breasts, good-sized, firm globes for such a slender and petite girl. "I know I can make you yelp and squeal." Allisha threw her head back and gave a throaty laugh. She bent her head forward and slid her own very long tongue into Laura's ear. "I want you to fuck me senseless. I want you to fuck me like you wanted to fuck me the first time when you saw me on the Metro, before we even spoke. I'll bet you wanted to fuck me absolutely to death, to tear me apart. Didn't you." "Mmmm, I did," Laura smiled, shivering slightly at the hot arrows of excitement that darted through her whole body in response to Allisha's long tongue in her ear. "You were a difficult case, though. So aloof. So cold." Allisha nibbled Laura's earlobe. "C'mon now, you now that's what got you so excited. Men have told me that I seem so haughty they want to bring me down. Drag me into the cave by the hair, you know, like a cave man, and screw the holy shit out of me." "Well," Laura murmured, still caressing Allisha's wonderful breasts under her sweater, running her thumbs over the thick, hardening, jutting centers of her large nipples, "I'm not a man, and all I want to do is eat you alive." Again Allisha let forth her throaty laugh. "Just the words I wanted to hear." She lifted the sweater with both hands over her head, shaking her thick, honey-gold hair clear, looking down at Laura's pale hands on her dark body, her naked breasts. "You're going to do more than squeeze those, I hope." "Grrrrr," Laura growled playfully, beginning to tear off her own clothes now, while Allisha slipped quickly out of her jeans. "I'm going to swallow them. I'm going to make a feast of them." "Promises, promises," Allisha grinned, ripping down the bedspread to expose the sheets, then tumbling into the center of the bed and caressing her own naked body sexily for Laura. "Come and get it." "I'm right behind you, my darling," Laura laughed, finally kicking away her panties, so damp in the crotch by now that it was a relief to get them off. Finally naked, she rolled onto the huge bed with Allisha, grabbing for her. They embraced and kissed ravenously, rubbing their hot bodies together, digging their fingers into each other's firm flesh. Laura made good on her promise by sliding her mouth down immediately to Allisha's wonderful breasts, mouth-mauling them, holding them with her hands and sucking Allisha's big dark caramel nipples hungrily. "Mmmm . . . oh! Mmmmm . . . nnnngggg . . . ohhnngggg!" Allisha whimpered, twisting and panting as she looked down at Laura's mouth on her wet breasts and stiff nipples. "God, nobody ever sucked them like you do, Laura. Ohhnngggg! Oh! You do it so hard!" "Too hard?" Laura looked up, aware that sometimes she lost control, sucking and devouring her lover's nipples too savagely. Allisha smiled and winced at the same time. "Not too hard for me," she gasped. "Do it some more. God, it makes my pussy go up in flames." "Mmmmm, mine too," Laura admitted, holding one thick dark nipple lightly in her teeth, waggling her head in a playful threat. "Oh shit!" Allisha gasped, watching her. "Don't bite it. It'll hurt." Laura grinned and released Allisha's nipple. "It might feel good. How do you know?" "You're sick," Allisha grinned. "I know it hurts to get bitten." Laura tenderly attacked her other beautiful breast, tongue-stabbing and sucking Allisha's nipple passionately. "I told you I was going to eat you alive." "God . . . that does feel kind of good," Allisha panted, looking at Laura's teeth now holding her thick, dark nipple. "I think I need you to put on that thing and fuck me. I'm getting very hot." "What about the Gee! spot?" Laura teased her. "It'll have to wait. I need to be fucked." Just these words made Laura's blood leap and sizzle through her veins. They always did, though she heard them rarely. They were always enough to make her shiver and palpitate almost visibly. And I'm just the one who can do it, my pet. "Okay, my little cowgirl," she kissed Allisha, then slid down to the end of the bed where the valise had ended up. "You shall get your wish." Allisha watched intently as Laura quickly slid into the harness and secured the long, ridged dildo in place. Although she was a normal, healthy, lusty young creature herself, abundantly interested in her own sexual needs, she had never used the apparatus on Laura but remained eager from the start to have it deployed on her. "I don't think you need any oil or anything," she murmured to Laura. "I'm as wet as an oil well down there." Laura grinned at her, rolling over and lying on her back, with the large thick dildo standing up from her crotch, holding it vertical with her fingers. "Mmmmm, then I guess you need to get drilled, right?" "God, yes, I do," Allisha confessed, climbing on, straddling Laura's thighs and grasping the strap-on dildo in her own fingers, guiding it toward the gaping, glistening pink trench of her inflamed pussy, which Laura could see was swollen and open and craving to be filled. Watching the long pole disappear into Allisha's descending body was a sublimely erotic experience for Laura, enhanced by Allisha's low, guttural moan as it penetrated her. "Unnhhhhaannggghhhh!" Allisha groaned, her head tilting back, her eyes closing, her face grimacing as she felt the complete length of the stalk probing deep into her pussy. "Oh Jesus, that feels so good!" In truth, she was one of the most beautiful women, esthetically, whom Laura had ever had the privilege to fuck, and Laura was both enraptured and hypnotically entranced by the experience, her eyes riveted on Allisha's lovely face all contorted by her pleasure, and on the girl's marvelous, now-dangling breasts swaying as she slowly began to move up and down on the long shaft embedded in her body. Laura ran her hands up to them and cupped them lovingly, drawing Allisha halfway down to her so that she could again get her mouth on them. "Let me suck you," she murmured, falling into the easy fuck-rhythm with Allisha too, gyrating her hips gently, holding the dildo in place with her fingers since Allisha had put her hands on either side of Laura's head on the mattress in order to lower her body within range of Laura's mouth. "I love to suck you," Laura breathed, guiding one beautiful, dangling breast to her open lips, sucking the thick, large, caramel-colored nipple inside. Allisha said nothing but moaned softly. She was not a woman who came quickly, but she was also, in contrast to many, not a woman who was bothered a lot by it. She would come eventually, she always did, and the lengthy, slow ascent to her climax was a process filled with pure pleasure that she intended to enjoy in each minute detail. Her eyelids fluttered open, and she looked down at her wet, throbbing nipple inside Laura's mouth. "You . . . can suck harder!" she panted to Laura, gently pushing her breast into Laura's face, as if to encourage a more passionate assault. "You're going to make me come." "God, I certainly hope so," Laura replied, smiling, letting Allisha's hardening wet nipple go long enough to speak, but then quickly siphoning it up again with her lips. They fucked this way, slowly, for several minutes, with Laura moving her mouth from one luscious breast to the other and back again, savoring each passing instant of this thrilling experience, feeling her own body perfectly in tune with Allisha as the girl slowly gyrated and pumped her way to paradise. Even though she was marvelously horny herself and in need of a stupendous physical release, she somehow felt it was no trouble to push her own cravings into the background while both of them moved in unison to bring Allisha there first. Allisha panted into her ear. Laura could feel the warm breath almost spraying through her ear into her bloodstream and coursing throughout her sympathetic body. "I'm going to come," Allisha breathed. "Not . . . this minute . . . but soon." "You just go ahead and come whenever you like, my darling," Laura murmured back, adjusting her own body as Allisha sat halfway up again in order to get more leverage and penetration from the dildo. She was now grinding and whimpering more passionately, approaching a fiery finish. And Laura was helping. She actually wanted to have her hands and her mouth on every part of Allisha's delicious naked dark body at every instant but had to settle for running her fingers over the girl's smooth, clenching flesh, along her tightening thighs and up her flexing back, then around again to her bobbing breasts, pinching and twisting her large nipples and watching the increments of gathering passion further tearing her beautiful face as her climax approached ever faster. "Oh! Ohnnnnnn!" Allisha moaned, gnawing her full lower lip unconsciously, swirling her pelvis to make the dildo run in and out of her pussy. Laura was holding it now with the fingers of both hands to keep it steady, and also up-thrusting a little with her hips, undulating in rhythm with Allisha's rocking motion. "Yes . . . yes, honey! Come for mama . . . now. Mama wants you to come hard. Come for me now . . . that's it . . . come for me now . . ." "Oh! Oh! Anngghhh!" "Yes . . . yes!" Allisha grew increasingly agitated. Her thrusts became rapid little jabs, spastic jerks, her hands frantically grasping for Laura's body, her arms, her shoulders, as she pushed her groin down harder into the impaling pole that was embedded in her body. She threw her head back, eyes shut, and grimaced. "Oh god, now, Laura!" She gave a sharp, clotted cry, and slumped forward onto Laura, twitching and quivering throughout the whole length of her supple body as a truly epic orgasm began to wrench her flesh. Allisha, Laura knew, usually made noise, loud moans and exuberant cries, since she truly loved to fuck and enthusiastically enjoyed the culminating moments. But not this time. This time she squeaked and twitched and rumbled through a series of debilitating spasms before even emitting a true sound of ecstasy. Laura held her and fucked her, jabbing upward with her hips, burying the dildo deep into the girl's body each time, feeling Allisha's body clench and leap with fire with every thrust, and finally hearing the birth of a throttled cry of rapture deep in Allisha's lungs as it fought its way out. "Annngghhrrrgggmmmnngghiieeee! Ohnngg! Oh! Oh!" Laura gripped her hard, mashing Allisha's writhing body into hers and up-thrusting wildly, stabbing the dildo deep into her and feeling her come again, rumbling bodyquakes going on deep inside her womb, and agonized cries of excruciating pleasure ripping their way out of her lungs. "Ahhnggggmmnngggiiieeee! Oh! Oh . . . Laura! Ummnngghphhh! Auungghhh!" Laura had no idea how long this went on, but it seemed like forever. Allisha lay on top of her, writhing and coming and jerking, her pelvis churning and undulating, at first in wild spasms, then slower, slower, in slackening wavelets, as the strongest part of her climax waned into softer pulsing and quivering. And still it continued, for it was a very long and intense orgasm, surely the longest Allisha had ever had with Laura, almost the longest anyone had had with Laura, except for her own darling Makeeda's world-shattering epic masterpieces of orgasmic obliteration. Allisha was lying directly on top of Laura, and yet she was petite and slender, weighing very little, and it was not uncomfortable. At this point, Laura, not having come herself yet, was hyper-sensitive to the feel of Allisha's long, naked body pressing everywhere against hers, the delicious curves and smoothness and warm, sleek muscles. She could feel Allisha's moist, slowing breath against her cheek and her ear, and feel Allisha's softening nipples pushing into her own breasts. She didn't want her to move, and when Allisha finally began to stir after a few minutes, Laura almost seized her with her arms, pressing her close, not letting her move. "Don't move," she said softly. "Don't move. I love feeling you like this." Allisha laughed softly and consented. But about thirty seconds later she pulled up again. "I'm getting a cramp." "Oh. Oh . . . yes . . . here, you're probably uncomfortable there," Laura said, shifting, helping her sit up, slowly extracting the long, wet dildo from Allisha's sweet, clinging pussy. "Not really," Allisha smiled apologetically at her. "I was just getting . . . a cramp. God, you made me come like the end of the world." Laura slid out of the harness and pushed the entire apparatus down toward the end of the bed. Now they could stretch out and embrace lengthwise as true lovers. "My specialty," Laura said. "I think I'm very up to returning the favor," Allisha twinkled at her. "If you give me just a few minutes. That really wiped me out." Laura nuzzled her neck and fondled her breasts. "I can wait for a while. Just kissing you almost makes me come." "You're so sweet, Laura. No guy ever said a thing to me like that. You know," Allisha said, between long, increasingly steamy sexual kisses, "I think I'm going to have to start shopping around now for some girlfriends, now that my divorce is final. And you're already taken." "But we can still see each other now and then," Laura said. "Like this." Allisha gave her a satirical frown. "Once a month with Laura is never going to hold me, I'm afraid." Laura shrugged. "I guess you're right. We have to spread the wealth. How could you deprive the world of this beautiful pussy?" "There you go again," Allisha half-giggled and half-growled, tickling Laura in the ribs with one sharp knuckle. "I know who has the beautiful pussy here." She began sliding down Laura's body. "And I think I'm going to have a taste and perform a little worship, if that's okay with you." |
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