Laura - Chapter 306



"Guess what I found today?" Makeeda said with a mysterious smile, as she carefully sliced a cucumber for the salad she and Laura were making together.

"Can't imagine," Laura said absently.  She was tearing lettuce leaves into a wooden bowl.

"I was looking for an old music book of mine.  I have a bunch of them stored out in the garage."  She looked up meaningfully at Laura, who at first did not get the point.  Then she did get the point and blushed hotly, looking briefly away.  Makeeda grinned.  "You don't have to blush.  It's not that bad."

Laura mumbled something, not knowing what to say.  "I . . . I—"

Makeeda grinned broadly at her, holding the knife poised above the cucumber for another slice.  "You what?"

"I . . . don't know what to say."

"Frankly," Makeeda continued grinning, enjoying Laura's discomfort in an intimate, friendly way, returning to her slicing, "it made me kind of hot.  Looking at those things of yours."

Laura swallowed and turned away, making herself busy by washing some new lettuce leaves in the sink, frowning with dismay at her foolishness.

"I'm sorry you had to see those.  I should've got rid of them."

"Oh no," Makeeda laughed.  "I'm glad you didn't.  I told you . . . it made me hot.  You know, all shivery and juicy.  You should go get the box and bring it in.  Why should it be out there.  Where nobody can . . . you know, enjoy its contents?"

Laura dried her hands on a towel.  "I guess we should have a talk about this."

"By all means," Makeeda kept smiling.  She dumped her cucumber slices into the wooden salad bowl on top of Laura's torn lettuce leaves.  "Just kiss me first.  To show me you love me and that whatever we're going to talk about has no effect on our love for each other."  She held out her arms.  "Or our lust either."

Laura relaxed and came into her arms.  They had a long kiss.  No tongues or sex, simply a deeply affectionate and emotional kiss.  It left Laura, at least, feeling heavenly, and from the look in Makeeda's eyes, she seemed to feel the same.

"You have a deep, dark, secret past," Makeeda whispered, with mock solemnity, into Laura's ear.  "Come tell me all about it."

They returned to the kitchen table, where they had been drinking wine together before deciding to make the salad.  "Nothing to tell," Laura said softly.  "I knew this girl.  She was my first, actually."

She told Makeeda a little about Karen.  As Laura knew she herself would be in similar circumstances, Makeeda was fascinated about how Laura and Karen had come to be lovers, especially since neither had ever had a woman before that, and insisted on hearing the whole story, every detail. 

"My my," she said finally, when Laura paused.  "She was really a masochist, wasn't she.  And you too, from the looks of things."  She raised one eyebrow playfully.

"Not like she was," Laura said calmly.  "I didn't crave it.  But I could get off on it."

Makeeda leaned across the kitchen table intently.  "You mean you could come when she handcuffed and whipped you.  You came hard."

Laura nodded.

"And fast?"

"I always come fast, you know that.  Too fast.  Like a goddamned guy, for heaven's sake."

Makeeda smiled warmly, almost flirtatiously.  "You're not like any guy I ever knew."  But she brushed aside Laura's little disclaimers.  "Could I come that way?  I've never done that, but I have a pretty high pain threshold.  God, the minute I saw those fur-lined handcuffs, I got wet.  Know what I mean?"

Laura pursed her lips, exasperated.  "I told you I gave that up.  You don't want to get into that.  It's twisted.  Sick.  Perverted."

"I know . . . I know," Makeeda smiled, nodding.  "Sick.  Wow, it makes me hot.  You know, I had a girlfriend once who tried to get me into that.  I wouldn't do it.  I'm kind of a prude.  I was raised by prudes.  You're kind of prudish too.  I think that's part of what draws us together, makes it so exciting.  Something we're not supposed to do.  I think doing it with you would just—"

Laura, shaking her head, interrupted  her.  "Look, darling.  Anyone who comes like you do, like you might just expire from the thrill of it, doesn't need ropes and whips to heighten the experience." 

Makeeda shivered visibly, uncontrollably, then laughed, throwing her head back.  "God, just thinking of it gives me a little twinge."

"Get past it, honey," Laura warned.  She reached across the table and stroked the back of Makeeda's hand lovingly.  "There's no way I'm touching this beautiful, perfect body with a whip.  No way."

Makeeda smiled glumly.  "Not even if I want it?  Just to see what it feels like?"

"Not even," Laura shook her head firmly.

Makeeda appeared to grow resigned, though reluctantly.  She pondered this adamant refusal for a few moments.  "Then how about the furry handcuffs?  At least we can try those."

Laura glared at her.

Makeeda continued smiling brightly, ignoring Laura's implacable glare.  "Why don't you go get the box and bring it in here, since we're talking about it?"


Makeeda looked wounded, then querulous.  "I'll get it."  She rose from the table.

Laura said nothing and did not try to stop her.  In moments she returned from the garage with Laura's secret box.  In her absence Laura, who realized she herself was not unsophisticated psychologically, found herself wondering if by some bizarre motive she had left it there on purpose, hoping Makeeda would discover it.  But that couldn't be true.  She hadn't really wanted this topic to surface.

Makeeda sat down again opposite her at the table and began searching, fascinated, through the box.  "The only thing I'm surprised isn't here is a strap-on," she said, matter-of-factly.

"It's in the car," Laura replied, almost casually.

Makeeda looked up at her, the smile now vanishing from her face.  "You've been holding out on me."  They she broke into a grin again.

It was true that in their months together they had never once used a toy.  Laura had felt they never needed one, and she could bet Makeeda felt the same.  Come to think of it, she had rarely if ever used one with Sara either.  Something to do with deep love, she reasoned.  Mouths and fingers and intense emotion were enough.  And yet she knew that was absurd, and that they would get around to other varieties of fucking eventually.

"You know," Makeeda said, speaking evenly, as if she had to explain herself instead of the other way around, "Diane was against them.  That's why I don't have one.  She was . . . well, she had her ways.  She was anti-penetration, if you know what I mean.  She claimed it wasn't necessary."

Laura scowled.  "It sounds like it was more than your career that got in the way of you guys' relationship."

Makeeda nodded.  "Right again.  But with you . . ."  She breathed an exaggerated sigh of relief.  "I guess I feel that anything is possible."

"Anything but using the stuff in that box," Laura said, with finality.

"Oh, you're so damned stubborn!" Makeeda groaned.  "Go out to your car and get the strap-on and bring it in here.  As long as we're discussing this, we should put all our cards on the table."  She smiled sweetly to coax Laura.

After an exaggerated period of seeming to contemplate it, Laura rose slowly from the table and went outside to her car.  She returned with the little valise she kept in her trunk, placing it on the table beside the box.  When she did not seem eager to open it, Makeeda reached over and opened it herself.  She took out the contents and spread them on the table: the black straps of the harness, the small dildo, the larger ridged dildo, and the Double Penetrator, the small bottle of baby oil.  Her magical hazel eyes seemed to grow wider as she touched each one.

"Oh god, are we going to have fun," she said under her breath.

Laura had not yet sat back down in her chair and was still standing beside Makeeda's.  Makeeda stood up and took her hand, as if to prevent her from moving.  Laura's lips brushed her phenomenally smooth dark brown cheek.  "Strap-ons, yes," she whispered, already under the hot, throbbing sexual spell of Makeeda's sharply rising desire.  "Ropes and whips, no."

"I think we're going to have to put the salad on hold," Makeeda murmured back, her eyelids heavy with sex, her breath coming more rapidly.  "How about the furry handcuffs?"

Laura, hypnotized by her love and hunger for this woman, shook her head.


Laura caught Makeeda's mouth with her own and gave her a searing kiss.  She raped Makeeda's mouth with her tongue.  When they came apart, they were both panting.

"It's very dangerous.  I'm only going to say this one more time.  You can get to like it too much."

Makeeda pouted.  She was glum.  She reached down into the box and picked up the fur-lined handcuffs.  The key was taped to one of them.  "I'll bring them along, just in case you change your mind." 

She was so pixie-cute and forthright about it that Laura could not help smiling.  This was a side of Makeeda she had never seen.  She put the strap-on apparatus back into the valise and took it with her, following Makeeda into the bedroom, which was so small that Laura's huge California king-sized bed barely gave one enough room to maneuver around the edges of it.

"Maybe I should sing 'Prisoner of Love' or 'Beat me Daddy, Eight to the Bar' to you first, and get you in the mood," Makeeda cracked. 

Laura frowned, and Makeeda's face instantly fell.  "I'm sorry.  That's wasn't funny, was it."

Laura giggled.  "Actually, it was pretty funny.  How about 'Guilty'?  Or 'Anything Goes'?"

Makeeda, slipping off her shirt casually—which Laura could never get over, as if what was under the shirt was not the most extraordinary and beautiful body anyone could ever hope to see or touch—brightened, as she always did when her career came up, even tangentially.  "Actually, I've been thinking of adding 'Anything Goes' to my repertoire, you know?  It's really a good tune and you can do a lot with it rhythmically.  I was working on it with a piano player while I was up in Seattle."

"As long as that's all you were working on together," Laura glowered playfully at her, now removing her own clothes too.

Makeeda's striking hazel eyes took on a mysterious cast.  She was now naked from the waist up, having worn no bra under her shirt, and she shimmied her breasts playfully at Laura, knowing how it reduced Laura instantaneously to helpless adoration and quivering desire.  Her thick, protruding black nipples seemed to Laura to shimmer in the evening dimness of their bedroom.

"What if I told you I did something shameful while I was up there?" she drawled to Laura.  "Like let someone else touch these."  She cupped her naked breasts in her hands, cradling them from below, watching Laura's eyes, brushing her large black nipples with her thumbs.  "Would that make you upset enough to . . . spank me?"  She reached down to the bed and picked up the handcuffs, dangling them temptingly in Laura's face.  "Or use these?"

Laura scowled.  "You don't play fair."

Makeeda moved to the bureau, where she found a long, narrow black hair-tie made of silk or rayon that she frequently used to knot up her hair in back.  It was two or more feet long.  With a seductive smile at Laura, she began looping it around one of her magnificent naked breasts, pulling it tight.  Her perfect breast swelled a little.

"What if I let her do this to me?" Makeeda asked, teasingly.  "You know," she went on calmly, as if she were merely narrating things about her trip, her stay in Seattle, nothing special, her voice colorless and even, "I used to live up there.  I don't think I ever told you."

"No," Laura said, her voice scratchy, her throat dry, her eyes fastened on how Makeeda was tying her own naked breast up in the loops made by the hair-tie.

"I did.  I lived there for a couple of years in my early twenties.  I went to the University of Washington.  So . . . the girl I'm telling you about?  She's an old friend."

So it was true, Laura thought, disconsolately.  Makeeda had seen an old girlfriend while in Seattle.  But Laura could hardly feel bad about that.  She hadn't exactly been sitting home alone herself, reading Jane Austen.  And they had agreed that old friends were understandable, nothing to get jealous over.

"She tied up your breasts?" Laura asked, her disbelief almost palpable in the room.

"Well . . . no," Makeeda smirked, more flirtatiously now.  "But she could have.  If I let her.  Like I'd let you."  She held out one end of the hair-tie to Laura.  Only one of her breasts was currently entrapped in a black loop of cloth, loosely, so incredibly beautiful that Laura could not take her eyes from it.  "I'll let you do the other one."

Laura drew closer.  Her eyes drifted up from Makeeda's naked breast to her face.  "You are the devil," she whispered.  "If I believed in the devil, you would be it.  You're trying to tempt me."

Makeeda chewed sensually on her full lower lip.  "It appears to be working."  She let a very suggestive but barely visible grin tug the corners of her thrilling mouth.  Then she held out the end of the black hair-tie to Laura, who took it in her fingers.

Laura swallowed.  "The trick . . . is to make it not too tight," she murmured, looping it around Makeeda's other jutting, perfect breast.  "Just tight enough . . . but not too tight."

"I knew there would be a trick to it," Makeeda said in a dark, smoky voice, half satire, half ungovernable sexual excitement.  Her flickering light hazel eyes caught Laura's.  "And I knew you would know it."

"I love you," Laura said solemnly, interrupting the flow, the sizzling flavor of perversity that was throbbing in the background.  "I love you too much to hurt you."

Makeeda smirked.  "It doesn't hurt yet.  I guess you can go on."

"I just want you to know I love you and you're making me do this."

"I love you too, Laura," Makeeda breathed, then grinned.  "Now cut the shit and get on with it.  I feel like a river's flowing down there."

Laura smiled.  As long as we're going to do this, we might as well do it right, she was thinking.  She had been drawn into it reluctantly, but there was no denying that the sight of Makeeda's naked breast encircled by this black loop of rayon spiked alive hot flares of sexual arousal deep in her pussy.  She reached out and took the other end of the hair-tie as well, which Makeeda had tucked under the loop, to keep it in place.

"First, we fasten this in place," she said softly, knotting the first loop, making sure it was just tight enough to make Makeeda's firm globe swell, and her shiny black nipple balloon up slightly, but not so tight that the blood was shut off, or the nerves deadened.

Makeeda's breasts were maybe the most classically beautiful Laura had ever seen.  She knew no one was physically perfect, and rarely ever cared about perfection, since bodies had a unique appeal, each one, and even physical flaws were sometimes enchanting; the keloid on Shelley's chest above her breasts, or Shaniqua's left nipple, bigger than the right one, or the 'splat' birthmark under Allisha's breast, for some examples.  But Makeeda's body was like a beautifully imagined statue, its proportions exquisite, her dark brown skin flawless, her breasts sculpted to a precise embodiment of what perfect breasts should be, and Laura was often caught between the urge simply to scrutinize and adore them or the need, fiercely oral as she was, to devour and consume them.

She could feel that powerful dilemma right now as she looped the cloth around Makeeda's other breast and drew it tight, but not too tight.  Makeeda was looking down, watching every move.

"And now a few more times around each one," Laura murmured, feeling the pulse hammer in her throat as she made more loops around each breast. 

She was running out of cloth and knew that if she had used rope instead, the longer rope in her box, she would be able to do this even better; but she immediately banished that thought and knotted the scarf between Makeeda's now beautifully bound breasts.

"Now you've got them trapped and they can't get away," Makeeda said.  She looked deep into Laura's eyes.  "You can do whatever you want with them."

Makeeda knew how Laura felt about her breasts, indeed about her whole body, and was not above using her physical allure to get her way.  Now she teased Laura.  She drew back her shoulders a little, which made her swollen, entrapped breasts push forward.  Her large, flaring black nipples gleamed, the thick centers protruding excitedly.

"Did you whip her nipples . . . with that little whip in the box . . . when they were trapped like this?" she asked Laura in a soft, almost distant voice.

Slowly, without taking her eyes off Makeeda's gorgeous breasts, Laura nodded.

"Would you do it to mine a few times?  Just so I can see what it's like?"

Laura shook her head, raising her eyes to Makeeda's.  "You know I won't."

She could see Makeeda calculating, weighing things, figuring out how far she could push Laura.  Laura knew she was perfectly capable of saying—as she had done when she had gone outside to get the box herself after Laura would not do it—'Okay, I'll go get the whip and do it myself, so I can see what it feels like.'  To prevent this, Laura moved closer, and took Makeeda's luscious, lightly strangled breasts in both hands. 

"What makes you so kinky all of a sudden?" she murmured, her lips close to Makeeda's, tempting her to a sensual kiss, feeling her hard, jutting nipples push into her palms.

"I never had anybody I could trust before now," Makeeda whispered back.  "I just want to see what it feels like.  I've always . . . fantasized about a little . . . you know, rough stuff.  Hair pulling.  Spanking.  Pinching.  Biting."


A nervous grin tugged at one corner of Makeeda's mouth.  "You know, not enough to really hurt.  More like you do when you get aroused and you sort of . . . bite me.  It sends a squirt of fire through me.  I figure the other stuff might do that too."

Laura was trying to ignore all this and brought her mouth closer to Makeeda's.  She slipped her tongue out and slithered it between Makeeda's thick, impossibly desirable lips.  At the same time the thumb and forefinger of each hand closed on Makeeda's protruding nipples, twisting them gently, almost tenderly, as they kissed.  Slowly, almost imperceptibly, she increased the pressure, until she was pinching both thick nipples fairly hard, so hard that their mouths came apart.  Makeeda was panting softly, and her eyes watering.

"Oh god," she gasped, "yes . . . like that!"

Laura released Makeeda's nipples from her fingers.  She sucked Makeeda's lower lip with fierce sensuality.  "You must know I'm not going any farther than that."

Makeeda reached down to the mattress to retrieve the fur-lined handcuffs.  "Are you sure you don't want to use these on me . . . and then suck and bite them until I . . . beg you to stop?"  Her eyes flashed and dared Laura.

"God, you don't make it easy on a person, do you," Laura breathed, brushing Makeeda's amazingly smooth dark brown cheek with her lips, again letting her fingers toy with the girl's jutting nipples, which were very aroused now, hard and erect.

"Why should I make it easy?" Makeeda drawled sexily.  "I want you to do me rough.  I want to get you so excited that you do me rough.  Nobody ever did me rough before.  It'll be a first.  I want you to be the one.  I'm yours.  I'm all yours."  She shimmied her shoulders again so that her entrapped, swollen breasts moved against Laura's breasts, making sure that Laura's sexual excitement was almost too intense to bear.  "These are all yours."

"I don't want to hurt you."

"It doesn't hurt," Makeeda said sharply, then softened again.  "It makes me wet and horny."

"God, me too," Laura admitted, sucking her dark, smooth neck, squeezing the hard globes now with both hands.  "Don't you want me to fuck you?  Maybe with the strap-on?"

"Yes, but not yet," Makeeda panted.  She took Laura's face with one hand and raised it to hers so that she could look directly into Laura's eyes.  "I want you to do me with that double doodad.  But first I want you to put these on me and . . . you know, do something rough."

"You are the devil," Laura giggled, irresistibly drawn to the magic of this woman's body and her needs.

Still reluctant but unable to refuse, she took the handcuffs from Makeeda's outstretched hand.  Carefully, she peeled off the key which was taped to them and placed it on the dresser top. 

"Put your hands behind you, you naughty thing," she smiled at Makeeda, knowing that a mere spark now would send them both into flames.

Makeeda, knowing now that it was going to happen, at least some of it, bit her lower lip, her light hazel eyes flaring with erotic excitement, and obeyed Laura, putting both wrists together behind her back, just at her sacrum, above the miracle of her gorgeous naked ass.  God, I just want to fuck her so badly, Laura thought, feeling her hands shake as she snapped both handcuffs into place.  I don't care about any of this, just her, just her beautiful body and her beautiful soul.  I want to fuck her and consume her utterly, right here, right now.

As if she could feel these thoughts swirling and throbbing throughout the room, Makeeda looked back over her shoulder at Laura, her eyes fiery with sex and a hunger for Laura as strong as Laura's for her.  With her hands cuffed behind her back, pulling back her shoulders a little, her magnificent loosely-throttled breasts jutted forward more than normal, making them fantastically alluring.  She looked down at them.

"Aren't you going to do something to these?" she teased Laura softly.  "You've got them trapped . . . and at your mercy."

"Oh god, you really are the devil!" Laura cried, suddenly dragging her down on the bed, pressing her own naked body everywhere into Makeeda's, as if their flesh had never met until this instant and the urge to press her body everywhere against Makeeda's was a need she could no longer restrain.  "I love you . . . I want you!" she panted.

Makeeda was panting so heavily she that she momentarily at least could not answer Laura.  She writhed and pushed her entrapped breasts into Laura's body.

Laura's hands were all over her, followed by her hungry mouth.  At the same time, in their urgent struggle, knowing that Makeeda wanted it, wanted to be dominated and treated roughly, Laura grabbed a handful of her hair and yanked her head back, at the same time mauling Makeeda's taut, bulging breasts with her free hand and her mouth, sucking her swollen, black, protruding nipples, letting the sensitive areolas feel the hint of her teeth.

"Unhhhh . . . hhhhhhh!" Makeeda gasped, panting and squirming, twisting under Laura's mouth, mewling at little as Laura continued to pull her hair, yanking her head back again.  "Oh!  Owwchhhhh!  Ungghhh!"

"Oh, I love your body!" Laura gasped, unable to bottle up her fierce desire.  "God, you are so beautiful."

"You bitch!" Makeeda swore at her, glowering now, struggling back up to a sitting position.  "You're holding back.  Don't hold back!  Do it harder!  Rougher!  I told you I want it rough!"



Laura realized as they were glaring at each other and shouting that they were also only a micro millimeter away from both bursting into laughter as well.  But neither one wanted to go in that direction.  Even though it seemed to be the hardest thing she had ever done, Laura raised one hand and slapped Makeeda across the cheek, a stinging slap.

"Shut up!" she cried.

Makeeda blinked, then shook her head as if to shake away the shock.  "Get that whip from the box and whip them," she glared at Laura.  "I want to feel it."

"Do you want me to slap you again?"

For a moment Makeeda continued to glower at Laura without speaking.  Then she looked down at her swollen, bulging, beautiful breasts, both encircled in coils of tight cloth.  She purposely pulled her shoulders back further so that her breasts surged forward.  "Slap them."

Laura knew she could do it.  She had slapped Shaniqua's friend Marie's breasts, spanking them hard, when Marie had begged her to do it in similar circumstances.  But this was far different.  She could not bring herself to overstep the line she had drawn.  Again she grabbed Makeeda and pulled her down on the mattress, squirming against her, sucking her strangled breasts and biting her swollen nipples, harder now, but not enough to bring cries of pain.

But her assault was heated enough to raise Makeeda's sheer physical need another notch, and now she was writhing and mewling and gasping under Laura's hands and mouth and urgent, squirming body.  "Slap them, Laura . . ." she panted.  "Slap them. Or whip them.  God, I'm so horny . . . so excited!  I think you could make me come any way at all."

"I'm going to spank you, if you don't shut up," Laura warned, panting uncontrollably herself.


But while Makeeda was squirming, delirious with sexual need, under her, Laura was fishing for the strap-on with one hand.  This was not the most ideal time for putting it on; all this struggling and tumult between them on the bed  made it difficult.  But she managed to slip into the harness and tighten it.  Then she fastened the Double Penetrator into place.  She was pushing Makeeda down onto her back before Makeeda even realized that they were that close.

Since her wrists were handcuffed behind her back, it was impossible for her to lie flat on her back, and she had to lie half on her side.  Laura was swabbing the lower prong with baby oil when Makeeda looked down at her shiny wet fingers.

"I'll never forgive you for not spanking or whipping me, Laura," she said evenly, though her panting immediately resumed after she spoke.

"Yes you will," Laura panted back, working quickly. 

She snapped the lid back on the baby oil bottle and flung it aside, crouching between Makeeda's spread thighs before Makeeda could object, or close them.  But by now Makeeda was not resisting, or apparently angry any more.  She was instead pliant and yielding, wincing slightly and then smiling almost beatifically as Laura's oiled forefinger slid up into her rectum to prepare it for the next invader.


Laura bent close, removing her finger, preparing to slide the dual prongs home.  "I'm going to fuck you and love you to heaven, oh I love you I love you!" she panted softly to Makeeda, kissing her mouth, searing it with her own, stabbing her tongue deep into it, biting Makeeda's full lips in a frenzy of passion.  She could not help remembering, even at such a deeply intimate moment with Makeeda, her 'wife,' her heart, her destiny, how Sara at a similar point, if Laura should utter such a mawkish but genuine outburst, would retort 'Don't adore me, Laura, just fuck me.' 

A swift glance into Makeeda's startling light hazel eyes showed her that Makeeda was instead truly susceptible to Laura's passion, that Laura's love melted her at least somewhat in the way Laura hoped, and that her sheer physical need at this moment was not so keen as to completely overpower her own deep reciprocal love for Laura.  "I know you do," she whispered hoarsely back to Laura, gazing at her in exasperation mixed with deep affection.  "And I love you back.  Now fuck me hard . . . don't be gentle.  You promised."

In fact, Laura realized that she had promised no such thing.  But she also knew that they had got to this little point of no return while avoiding the worst hazards that Laura had taken great pains to veer around, and now there was not much need to hold back.  A little rough fucking was everybody's wish now and then, and there was no harm in it when you loved each other as deeply as she and Makeeda did.  You could do it especially well, also, with the Double Penetrator, though you did have to be careful that the dual pronged monster did not slip out in the middle of wild, vigorous thrusting.

Makeeda's pussy was so wet, and her rectum now so well-greased by Laura's finger, that the two shafts of the strap-on slid into her body almost effortlessly.  Her face froze briefly as the sensation of being penetrated by both rods gripped her stiffening body, but when she relaxed, a smile of sweet bliss transfixed her face. 

"Oh god."

"How does it feel?" Laura asked, stupidly, she quickly realized, since she already knew how it felt.

"Do it hard," Makeeda said, ignoring her question, her hazel eyes glinting with sex sparks.  "I'm going to come fast.  I can feel it."

Now Laura teased her, slowly beginning her inward and outward thrusting.  "What if I don't want you to come fast?"

Makeeda's eyes beseeched her, and she could never refuse them.  "Please, Laura.  Just do it.  I want it."

Laura had already accelerated the rhythm.  Both of them were panting more rapidly now, and they had trouble speaking.  Laura leaned down to press the entire length of her body against Makeeda's, giving her a heavenly sensation she always sought when they were fucking, a completeness, a feeling that every possible inch of her own skin was glued to every inch of Makeeda's, so that she could feel every little ripple of muscle and flesh, which sent waves of happy sexual fire through her already throbbing blood.

"Fuck me hard . . . please . . ." Makeeda panted again into her ear.

Laura did manage to run one arm up under Makeeda's twisted back so that she could again grab a shank of her hair.  She lowered her mouth to Makeeda's strangled breasts and again began assaulting the girl's swollen black nipples with her lips and teeth, biting and sucking them savagely, hearing the happy moans from deep in Makeeda's throat that signified a pleasure she had been yearning and begging for, a pain mixed with pleasure that, Laura knew, only fanned the spurting flames in her pussy and her ass as Laura plunged the two shafts deeper and more sharply into her body.

"Awwonnggg!  Unnngghh!  Ohnngggg!  Oh yes . . . Laura . . . yes!  Awwonngg!"

With her wrists handcuffed together behind her back, her entire upper body was distorted and cramped, and even writhing and squirming were difficult. 

"You better gag me, I'm going to scream!" she panted almost desperately to Laura.  "The neighbors.  They'll think something bad is happening."

Laura was fucking her pretty fast and had trouble talking through her panting too.  But she could not suppress a grin.  "Our neighbors?  With their yapping dogs and boom boom music blaring?  I don't think so, my darling."

"Unnnggghhmmmphhh!" Makeeda grunted as an especially hard thrust impaled her tense, flexing body.  "Ohhnnnnnngggg god!  Yes!  Do it like that again!"

Makeeda, Laura knew, might moan and whimper when she was getting truly, fiercely aroused like this, but when it came to her actual orgasm she rarely made a sound, especially when in the grip of one of her grand mal seizure climaxes, as Laura thought of them.  Then, like Jonelle before her, who also came that way, she would simply sink into a silent, quivering, twitching mass of spasming flesh.  The only sound she emitted sometimes was a soft, faint mewling as wave after wave of orgasmic shock poured through her shuddering body. 

And so Laura knew she was not asking to be gagged in order to spare the neighbors.  Instead, even at this extremity she was trying to push Laura over the line, to get Laura to make one last concession: the gag.  If not the whip, at least the gag.  But Laura smiled and knew she had the upper hand.  Makeeda was already so close to an orgasm that it would take very little to get her there.

"Unnnggghhmmmphhh! Oh god, yes!  Yes!  Ungghhh!"

Laura jabbed her hips forward, spearing Makeeda mercilessly, as she knew Makeeda wanted her to do.  Even though she was already pumping rapidly, she began fucking her even faster, and yanking her hair too, and again savaging her beautiful, saliva-wet, swollen black nipples with her mouth, knowing that Makeeda was only seconds from the ripping explosion she sought.

"Unghhh!  Ungghhh!"  Makeeda twisted and whimpered, her eyes glazed, not even seeing Laura now, fiery with need, pulsing with frantic sexual craving.

And then Laura sensed that it was here.  She didn't know how she knew it, but she was certain.  Even before Makeeda's body stiffened, and the breath momentarily froze within her body, Laura knew it was going to happen, knew it well enough to yank Makeeda's hair roughly, pulling her head back, arching her torso a little so that her cloth-bound breasts surged into Laura's face just before a strangled cry of ecstasy was throttled on its way out of her throat.

And then, as if to contradict everything Laura knew about her, she unleashed a low moaning orgasm unlike anything she had ever experienced before, at least in Laura's presence. 

"Ohhhnnnnnnnn!  Ohhnnnnnnnn!  Ohhnnnnnnnnn!" Makeeda moaned in a low, guttural tone, as her utterly gorgeous but contorted body strained and arched and shuddered violently, wracked by cataclysmic shocks of killing pleasure.

It was not like one of her seizure-orgasms.  Instead, she kept lowing and moaning and flexing, a slow, undulating, continuous flow of coming that seemed to Laura to last for a sweet eternity.  How can anyone come so hard and so long? she wondered, holding her dear Makeeda tenderly and brushing her lips against her cheek until it was over.

"Oh god, I do love you," she murmured as she felt Makeeda's muscles finally slacken and her breathing slow down.

Makeeda turned her face to Laura and opened her eyes, looking dazed and happy.  An hour seemed to have passed, while she came and recovered from coming.  "Nobody ever made me come the way you do," she whispered, her face wide with wonder.  "That was an entirely new one for me."

"I'm so glad."  Laura did not know what else to say.  She was very moved by Makeeda's solemnity.  "Do you want me to take it out?"

"Leave it in for a moment, okay?  I like having you this close.  Even though it's not really you, it feels like it's you inside me."

"It is me.  I'm filling up those . . . things . . . with my soul.  My soul is inside your pussy."

"And my ass," Makeeda grinned.  "I think that's one of the reasons I came that way.  That thing is a miracle."

They embraced and kissed, with both shafts still embedded in Makeeda's body, for another minute or two before slowly disentangling.  Laura slipped out of the harness and found the key to the handcuffs on the dresser top.  She freed Makeeda's wrists, then untied the loops of cloth from around her breasts, getting so aroused while doing so that she had to restrain the urge to pull Makeeda back down on the mattress and ravish her again.

"That was more exciting than I thought it was going to be," Makeeda said, rubbing one wrist with her finger, examining the temporary marks the cloth had left under her breasts.  "You were a witch, pulling my hair like that.  I think that made me have about two or three orgasms rolled into one."

Oh no, Laura thought.  She could feel it building.  She could feel Makeeda giving in to the very things she had feared.  It's so intense that way.  I never came that way before.  So hard.  So long.  We have to do it again.  We have to go further.  Those were the very things Laura had wanted to avoid. 

Makeeda could read Laura's thoughts in her eyes.  In fact, she had become very good at telling what Laura was thinking before Laura dared to speak it.  "Don't worry, Miss Higher Morality, I'm not going to make you do anything against your strict moral code."  She grinned, quite clearly full of love for Laura.  "I adore you for being even more prudish than I am.  We don't have to worry about crossing the line with Mother Laura around."

On the contrary, Laura thought, thankful she didn't utter her thoughts out loud; we have to worry about it a lot.  That's what makes me so nervous.  Now that they were again unencumbered by apparatus of one sort or another, Laura took the naked Makeeda into her arms and dragged her back down onto the sheet.  "Mmmmm, you're neglecting your duty," she purred.  "I believe you are supposed to return the favor.  I believe you are supposed to fuck me until I scream."

Makeeda kissed her and pushed her naked body into Laura's the way Laura had earlier pushed her own into Makeeda's, eager to feel every exposed inch of their flesh touching.  "I don't want to let you go, ever," Makeeda whispered to her as she began to kiss Laura's body everywhere, and stroke it, and rub it, and suck it.  "I don't want to leave.  I don't want you to leave.  I want to stay like this forever . . . just touching and kissing."

"And . . . what else?" Laura teased, already feeling her blood race and her cunt moisten and her nipples throb.  "What else?"

"Oh . . . this.  And . . . this . . ."


"And maybe this . . ."

"Unhhh!  Oh!"

Laura too frequently came fast in such a situation, after having lavished her sexual attentions on her lover and bringing her to a shattering climax.  This thrilling activity aroused her, Laura, to the breaking point, where only a few caresses were enough to bring her to a clenching explosion.  Makeeda knew this well, and this time seemed determined to draw it out.  She carefully played Laura's writhing body like a rare violin, stroking it tenderly, then more urgently, then backing off in a soft diminuendo, then applying some sweet sexual accents in just the right places.

In five minutes Laura was literally dying to come.  She had done this to others, to Makeeda herself several times, but rarely had it done to her.  Now she heard herself begging, pleading.  She saw Makeeda gently, affectionately laughing, she felt Makeeda's expert tongue on her pussy, inside her pussy, curling around her distended, throbbing clit.  She felt Makeeda's fingers on her nipples, or caressing the tight little ring of her anus.  She felt Makeeda's phenomenal lips on the hollow behind her knee, or brushing her sacrum.

"Oh god . . . oh god honey now!" she gasped to Makeeda.  "I can't take any more!  You're killing me!  Please!"

"Mmmm, I think I should tie you up," Makeeda murmured.  "You wiggle too much."

"Next time!" Laura gasped desperately, her hips churning and undulating wildly.  "I need it now!  Please!  Now!"

"Oh?  You need . . . this?"


"And . . . this?"

"Unh!  Yes!  Unhhhgg!"

"Oh Laura, I believe you're going to—"

"ANNGGHMMNNGGHHIIEEEE!" Laura cried out, much louder than Makeeda had moaned while she was coming.

A horrifically strong orgasm suddenly rose up inside her body and seized her, squeezing a kind of sweet though nearly unbearable pleasure out of each throbbing nerve as she arched and shuddered helplessly on the mattress in Makeeda's tight embrace.  A minute later she was still panting and gurgling, gasping and nearly sobbing from the excruciating release of tension.  Makeeda knew it and coaxed her down gently, again brushing Laura's cheek with her lips, and tenderly massaging her nipples with her fingertips.

"There there, girl," she whispered.  "You nearly blew a gasket.  I'm so glad to know I can make you do that too."

Laura, now calmer, but glowing with the after-warmth, kissed her passionately.  "I think I want another," she murmured against Makeeda's full, sensual lips.  "How about you?"

"How can you come again after that?" Makeeda asked, with fake horror.  "You are going to wear me out, darling."

"Just what I want to do.  You'll be too tired to fly off to your next engagement.  You'll just have to lie here and let me perpetually you know what."

"But you have to work too, now and then," Makeeda smiled.

"Oh shit," Laura said, a quick realization cutting sharply across her warm afterglow.  She sat up, frozen with shock and anxiety.  "I've got a reception!  What time is it?"  She glanced wildly over at the digital clock on the bedstand.  6:43.  "Oh shit, it starts at seven-thirty."

Makeeda calmly watched her.  "You didn't tell me about it," she teased Laura gently, knowing Laura was in purple frenzy.  "How do I know you aren't dashing off to meet one of your lovers for a quickee repeat."

Laura was already into her skirt and pulling on her bra.  "One, I forgot about it, obviously," she said with a sour smirk.  "Two, if I were going to have a quickee repeat, it would be with the queen of my heart, who is right here."

Makeeda watched her dress with calm amusement.  "I'll save some of the salad for you."  Mingus, who always kept his distance when they were making love, now hopped up on the bed, and Makeeda held him in her lap and began to stroke him while Laura hastily put on her makeup.  "Well, Mingus, another Sunday night alone," she sighed theatrically. 

Laura looked over at her with genuine pain.  Makeeda was still, of course, completely naked, with a contented, loudly purring orange cat in her lap, looking so delicious that Laura could feel a hot little pulse rearing up deep inside her pussy, which she had thought might not happen again for hours after that fierce explosion of coming she had just experienced, only minutes ago.  She wanted to stay; she did not want to go to this reception, even though she was obligated by her job.  She wanted to stay.

She walked over to Makeeda and bent down to kiss her, stroking her unbelievably beautiful naked breasts in the process.  "Did anyone ever tell you that you have the most beautiful body ever made?" she whispered.

Makeeda smiled a devilish smile.  "In fact, a few people have.  I only want to hear it from you, though."

Laura stood back up and prepared to leave, grabbing her handbag and stuffing some things into it.

Behind her, still cradling the loudly purring Mingus in her lap, Makeeda began to sing in her strong, pure voice, but softly.

"Give me a kiss before you leave me,
And my imagination will feed my hungry heart . . ."

Laura turned to look at her, stunned and paralyzed momentarily by the sound.  Makeeda's voice could stir her to the very pit of her being. 

"Give me one thing before we part,
A kiss to build a dream on."

It was hard not to cry in moments like this, her feelings were so strong.  But she sucked back her potential tears.  For one thing, though deeply emotional, Makeeda was not sentimental at all and would have frowned on Laura beginning to blubber at this moment.  Instead, Laura went across to the bed and again gave her a deep soul kiss, this time not touching her naked body, as if she wanted the full emotional fervor of her kiss to beam through strong and clear without any physical sensations to flaw or filter it.

"There . . . how's that one?" she murmured, stepping back.

Makeeda nodded silently.  "It'll have to do."  She smirked, her earlier pixieish grin coming back.  "You know that stuff about Seattle?  I was lying.  I never lived up there.  I don't have a friend there either.  It was just a fib.  Nobody touched me.  I just want to goad you into . . . you know."

"I do know.  You are the devil.  I hope you know I'm going to make you pay."

"Oh goody," Makeeda said, giving an exaggerated but fake shiver.  "I hope so."

Laura was out the bedroom door, but before she had taken her coat from the hall closet, she heard Makeeda singing again.  She peeped back around the corner.  Makeeda had not moved; nor had Mingus, who was purring as loud as ever.

"Give me your lips for just a moment,
And my imagination will make that moment live . . ."

Makeeda sang, looking at Laura with sweet longing in her arresting hazel eyes.

"Oh god, I'm never going to get out of here," Laura smiled, crossing the room again to the bed and kissing Makeeda, this time more urgently, more aggressively, grabbing her naked body, letting Makeeda know how much she wanted her.

"Go," Makeeda pushed her away.  "Go.  Go to your reception.  One of us has to make a normal living.  Go.  Drive carefully.  I'm going to sit here and dream about kissing you."

God, maybe she is a little sentimental after all, Laura thought, smiling back.  "I'll wake you up when I get home."

"I hope you do," Makeeda grinned.





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