Laura - Chapter 305



There was still a week left before Makeeda was due to return from the Northwest, and though Laura had exhausted herself fucking with Jamilah, after a few days she began musing on Tonya and the tryst she had been eager to arrange for the two of them with her friend Ty.  Tonya had clearly been thinking of it too.  She approached Laura after work on the Monday following Laura's Friday night at the Radisson with the delicious Jamilah.

"How's your sweetie?" Tonya asked boldly.  "She gone out on the road again yet?"

Laura smiled slyly.  "As a matter of fact, she is.  What did you have in mind?"

Tonya smirked and ran out her tongue, her sassy and sexy gesture she knew drove Laura wild.  This was the girl who had posed in front of the mirror, admiring her naked body and asking Laura which parts she thought were best, moments before allowing Laura to fuck her for the first time.  She was not a shy, blushing flower. 

"Had in mind a little what we did . . . with her in the middle," she flirted.  "You'd like her.  She don't have much up here," Tonya pointed to her own breasts, "but she's great looking and smoking sexy.  Dark.  She's way darker than me."

"Have you two done it?" Laura asked boldly, since Tonya herself was so bold.

Tonya shook her head.  "Funny, isn't it.  After I told her about us, I figured we might get it on, but she didn't want to.  She wants you and me to do her together the first time.  That's what she said."

"Gosh, you make it sound impossible to refuse," Laura smiled.  "When can I meet her?"

Tonya's face lit up at the prospect of quick realization of her most recent fantasies.  "Maybe tonight.  You free?"

"I'm your girl," Laura said, feeling a little guilty repeating a phrase she had used with Jamilah, as if it were a betrayal of that sweet little darling.

"Let me call her."

Tonya whipped out her cell phone and called Ty on the spot.  She and Laura were standing close to a bus stop on Market Street, and pedestrians and cars were passing in droves in both directions.  It was very noisy.  Laura purposely looked up the block so that it wouldn't appear she was eavesdropping while Tonya set up this exciting little sexual tryst.

"How about seven-thirty?" she asked Laura, still holding her phone to her ear.

Laura nodded.  "Where?"

"Ty lives at home too, but her parents are in Chicago on a trip.  She lives in Lafayette."

Laura nodded again.  God, a hot little fuck party in the suburbs, she thought, feeling her pulse accelerate. 

"Control yourself, girl," Tonya finally joked, snapping closed her phone and dropping it back into her purse.  "It's only five-fifteen.  Look, I'll give you directions to her house, but we have to drive out there separately 'cause I promised to take my mama to her sister's house this evening.  Her car is in the shop.  Her sister lives in Richmond.  So I'll come out to Ty's after I drop her off."

"Maybe I should come half an hour later," Laura said.   "Since I don't even know her."

Tonya looked at Laura as if she were crazy.  "You gonna let that stop you?  You didn't even know me either."  She made a sexy face and slithered out her tongue.  "And look how we hit it off.  You just tell her you're Laura.  And if I have to let myself in when I get there, well I know how to do that."

Laura could feel herself getting wet right there, standing on the thronged Market Street sidewalk in front of her building.  She was amazed.  All the hot sex she had had in her life, all the beautiful lovers, all the wrenching orgasms in the arms of the most gorgeous girls in the world, and even a few under the pile-driving thrusts of some heroic males, and yet she could still overflow with sexual heat and fluids at the mere hint of going to bed in a few hours with Tonya and her friend.  She wondered if Tonya were feeling the same way.  Suddenly, Tonya winked at her, ran out her tongue again lubriciously, fluffed her fetching bangs with the fingers of one hand, and Laura knew that she was.

She leaned close to Laura and whispered.  "You getting excited?  Me too!  Ty better watch out.  We gon' wear her out, girl."

But 'wearing Ty out' was not really in Laura's mind as she approached the doorstep of the girl's house that evening.  It had not been hard to find, and she did, she acknowledged to herself, have butterflies over what lay ahead, but more than anything she was nervous and shy as she rang the doorbell.  After all, they had never met.  Tonya had told each about the other; that was all.  Maybe this girl thinks I'm some sort of butch lesbian lecher, she thought, swallowing and licking her lips quickly to make them less dry.

When Ty answered the door, all Laura's fears seemed to dissolve.  She was very lovely, much darker than Tonya, as Tonya had said, and slender, with long, relaxed hair falling to her shoulders and a sly, almost lazy smile that immediately put Laura at ease.

"You're Laura?  You look even more beautiful than Tonya said.  Won't you come in?"

"I guess turnabout is fair play," Laura murmured as she entered the house and Ty shut and locked the door behind her.  "She didn't tell me you were so stunning either."

Ty laughed softly.  She had a beautiful African face, with a high forehead and thick, very sensual lips.  Laura wanted to mash her own lips against them immediately.  She could never understand why thick lips had once been a stigma since she wanted to crush them with hot kisses herself.  It was so odd that whites hated blacks and yet wanted to be tan themselves, and loved Angelina Jolie for her thick lips but despised them on such a ravishing creature as this Ty.

Ty wore tight blue jeans and a white midriff blouse, the kind of blouse that revealed more of her smooth black skin than Laura ever wanted to risk seeing so soon, since it immediately inflamed her lust.  She was not coal black like Jamilah or Carmela or Dee Dee but still very dark, much darker than the golden Tonya, and the skin of her lower back and taut stomach was so smooth and flawless that Laura wanted to press her lips to it in the worst way.  It was all she could do not to stare.

Ty had a slim, almost boyish figure, with not much in the way of hips or breasts, and an ass that was beautiful and shapely without being a hard, high bubble butt of the sort that made Laura's insides quiver.  That, at least, she thought, was a small relief.  If the girl had jutting breasts and a curvy high butt, Laura would have felt her lust engine revving into high gear, but now it was only idling and rumbling a little internally.  This girl's charms were more than physical, she could see.  Ty was gorgeous and had a sly smile that told you she knew it; she knew every small manifestation of her physical charm and didn't need the obvious T & A to get your heat up.

But Laura tried nevertheless to control hers.  "Ty is such an unusual name," she said, following Ty into the living room.  "I have a friend whose sister is named Tyreeta.  Ty for short.  Is that your name too?"

Ty shook her head and gave Laura another of her sly smiles.  "Tyshell," she said.  She spelled it for Laura. 

"What a beautiful name."

"Thank you."  Another sly smile, mingled with an 'Are you going to fuck me?' innuendo from her dark brown eyes.  "I should offer you something to drink."

"Oh . . . water is fine.  Tea.  Whatever you've got."

"I was thinking of  something stronger."  For the first time Laura began to sense that Ty was nervous too.  The sly, knowing smile could only hide so much.  "I've got a little bad news.  Tonya called.  Her aunt had a little stroke, and they had to take her to the hospital.  She's there with her mother, in the Emergency Room, at Alta Bates, I think.  She doesn't know if she's going to make it."

Laura smiled and swallowed.  Well, I guess that means we're on our own, darling, she thought.  No Tonya to grease the wheels.  I can tell, however, that you don't want to call it off any more than I do.  "You're right," she smiled warmly, trying to put Ty at ease, "I guess that does call for something a little stronger."

"She said she might make it if she could," Ty added.

"I'm sure she did," Laura continued smiling.  "Wine?  Vodka?  Whatever you want."

"Actually, I was thinking of smoking some weed," Ty said, getting up from her chair, turning artlessly in such a way that Laura could have a great look at all her exposed midriff and back.  Laura was sure she knew what she was doing.  "Unless that would make you . . . uncomfortable."

God, I must look like I'm fifty or something! Laura thought.  "Oh no.  Doesn't bother me.  I do it now and then myself, but I prefer wine."

"I've got wine," Ty smiled, the same sly one now mixed with sexual allure.  "My Daddy is wine freak.  Come here with me and I'll show you."

Laura followed her down a hallway to a specially built room, a sort of wine chamber or above-ground cellar which was lined with racks of bottles, and kept temperature controlled.  Ty took a bottle from the rack, wiped it carefully with a cloth, and held it up for Laura to read the label. 

"Daddy gets very pissy if you don't treat his wine like it was some fucking royal highness," Ty said sassily. 

"I can see why," Laura said softly.  She didn't know a lot about wine but knew this bottle was not cheap.

Ty, as if to taunt her absent father, tossed it almost carelessly from one hand to another.  "His hobby.  He is an absolute nut about wine."  She lifted one eyebrow to Laura.  "Want it?  Want this one?  If you don't, just look around and take your pick."

"Won't he know if we drink one of his expensive bottles?"

"Sure.  He has a catalog.  He spends hours on his laptop, doing his wine catalog."  She shrugged.  "Some people collect porn.  Whatever turns you on, I guess."  She handed Laura a very high tech corkscrew.  "Know how to use one of these?"

"Not exactly."

Ty took the bottle, pursing her ravishing thick lips, feigning cute exasperation, and quickly cut the foil with a foil cutter, then popped out the cork, using the high tech device, with one graceful motion.  "Come on," she beckoned Laura to follow her.  "We'll use his expensive wine glasses too.  Might as well do it right."

Moments later they were sitting at a massive oak dining table drinking French Bordeaux from large, very expensive crystal stemware.  "What about your weed?" Laura asked, bending forward as if to get closer to this marvelous girl.

Ty had a sly little shrug to go with her sly smile.  She leaned her lissome body toward Laura too.  "I can wait.  It's so uncivilized to do it right now.  We are so elegant sitting here drinking my father's wine.  It's making me tingle a little.  How about you?"

"Yup," Laura said, licking her lips.  "I've never tasted such good, or expensive, wine.  I'll have to send your father a thank you note."

"Maybe you'd rather thank his daughter instead," Ty flirted lazily.  "After all, I'm the one who purloined this bottle for you."

Purloined, Laura thought.  This girl is educated as well as beautiful.  "I would like to thank her," she purred softly, following Ty's lead.  "I would like to do more than thank her."

Ty merely smiled.  Her dark eyes pulsed with sexual invitation.  Neither of them had thought about Tonya for a long time.

Laura sat up a little, straighter, having been on the verge of falling into the girl's enchanting smile.  "So . . . tell me how you and Tonya became friends.  You seem so different."

"We went to high school together.  Acalanes.  She lived out here then.  She only moved back closer to the bay after her mother got divorced.  You're right, she's a little wilder than I am.  I mean, more 'liberated,' shall we say?  Did she tell you about doing all those guys at that party?"

Laura smiled and nodded.  She was beginning to wonder it Tonya regaled everyone with that shocking and salacious story.  "True?" she asked Ty.

"Oh yes, it's true," Ty made a faux horrified face.  She put a hand to her throat, and Laura got to admire its shape, as well as her long, tapering, dark fingers.  "I was there too.  I had to rescue her from that mob of studs.  It's certainly more than I could dare.  One at a time is certainly enough for me."

"Really," Laura said softly.  "One guy?"

"I've never done it with anybody but a guy," Ty said, staring directly into Laura's eyes.

Laura was hypnotized.  She heard herself speaking but knew she had little control over the words coming out of her mouth.  "I'm surprised you never wanted to do it with Tonya.  She's got that . . . incredible body."

"I know.  I guess I'm . . . nothing special when compared with her," Ty said, almost inaudibly, with genuine though not tortured self-deprecation.

"You are very special," Laura said, through her hypnotic trance.  "Very.  I want to kiss your fantastic mouth."

Ty smiled slyly and put down her wine goblet, smiling again her sly, alluring smile.  Who could resist it? Laura wondered.  "If you want some of this . . . you better just take some of this, while you've got the chance," Ty whispered, her black eyes murky and suggestive.

"Oh god, I do," Laura gasped hoarsely, setting down her glass too.

They moved in slow-motion, it seemed, as if walking under water.  Ty slid fluidly out of her chair and Laura glided out of hers.  One step brought them together.  Laura raised her hands to Ty's face.

"You are very beautiful, Tyshell," she whispered.

Sly smile.  "You think so?"

"I do."  Laura pressed her mouth down into the voluptuous lips.  Ty's mouth immediately opened to her.  It was warm and wet and alive.

"If Tonya comes, she'll find us like this," Ty murmured.

"Oh, good!  Let her find us.  How's she going to get in if the door is locked?"

"She knows where the secret key is."

Laura smiled and kissed her more aggressively, running both hands up Ty's jeans to her very nice ass and squeezing it. 

"Will you show me what to do?" Ty asked, almost shyly, with no trace this time of her sly smile.

"I will show you everything," Laura breathed.

"This way," Ty pulled her away from the table, toward the back of the house.  "Let's use my parents' bed.  Much bigger.  They won't be home for a week.  Plenty of time to launder everything."

Laura was having trouble not grabbing her and fucking her right there in the hallway, before they got to the bedroom.  "Good idea," she swallowed, trying to mind her manners.

"Well, here it is," Ty said, entering the master bedroom and stopping by the huge California King bed, like Laura's, which she had persuaded Makeeda to adopt when she had moved into the house they now shared.  "That should be enough room, I guess," she half-giggled, a little nervous.

"More than enough," Laura almost gurgled with excitement.  She drew Ty to her again, kissing her smooth black neck, running her fingertips up to the skin left exposed by Ty's midriff blouse.  "You have such beautiful skin I want to touch it everywhere."

"Guess you can do that if you want," Ty murmured into Laura's lips, snaking her tongue into Laura's mouth.  "You gonna teach me how to girl fuck?  Like you taught Tonya?"

"I sure am," Laura purred.  "How does this thing come off?  I want to kiss your body."

Ty's sly, lazy smile now spread across her face again.  "You're worse than a guy.  Just want to fuck a girl, don't you."  She unfastened a few snaps and elbowed her way out of the cute, abbreviated blouse, until she was standing there only in her jeans and a black bra.

Laura bit her earlobe lightly.  "You know everybody wants to fuck you," she breathed into Ty's ear.  "You're completely gorgeous.  I'm sure even Tonya wants to fuck you and always has.  She just needed me along for an excuse."

Ty looked around the room playfully.  "I don't see her.  Guess you'll have to play your part and hers too."

"And don't think I'm not up to it, darling," Laura purred, embracing her again and now kissing her with scorching passion while she unclasped the black bra with her fingers behind Ty's back.

"How about you too?" Ty asked softly.  "Don't you get naked too?"

Laura grinned.  "I almost forgot," she said, immediately beginning quickly to peal off her things.  "Too eager to get my hands on your beautiful body."

She had unfastened Ty's black bra before starting to undress herself, and it fell limply from the girl's gleaming, perfectly round shoulders, though still concealing her small breasts.  Ty saw Laura looking and played shy ingénue for her, holding the bra up against her breasts demurely with one hand. 

"Mine aren't as big as Tonya's," she said softly, as though she were compelled to confess it though it didn't matter at all to her. 

"Tonya's aren't very big either," Laura said, flinging her own bra to the side, exposing her own delectable small breasts and looking down at them. "Mine aren't either."

Ty smiled lazily and now dropped her own bra.  "Mine are smaller than either of yours," she murmured, looking down at her enchanting little swellings, as Laura was.

They were indeed very small breasts, more swellings than globes, but Ty's nipples were large and dark, surrounded by small, puffy areolas, jutting jewels on each mound.  They were enchanting, and Laura quickly moved to cover and squeeze them with her hands.

She kissed Ty's smooth jaw, and her cheek, and caught her voluptuous lips hungrily.  "Everything I can't get into my mouth is wasted," she murmured, quickly kissing her way down Ty's flawless chest to one small breast and sucking most of it into her mouth.

"Oh!" Ty yelped softly, and Laura felt her fingers digging into her scalp.  "Oh!"

She released Ty's breast from her lips, smiling up at her.  "See?"

"God, that felt good."

"Here, take these off," Laura panted, unzipping Ty's jeans and pulling them down her slim hips.  "You're driving me wild."

Ty helped; then, naked, watched as Laura slipped out of the rest of her clothes.  "God, that felt good," she repeated.  "You know, nobody ever sucks me because they're so small, I guess.  God, I love it when you do that."

"Mmmmm," Laura grinned, pulling down the bedspread and blankets to expose the sheets, then pulling the delightfully naked Ty down onto them with her.  "Then let's do a lot more of it.  I love sucking them."

And for the next several minutes she gave Ty's wonderful little mini-breasts the loving they had never apparently received up to now.  In sequence, she sucked each one almost completely into her mouth, squeezing the base with her fingers at the same time, and strangling Ty's thick nipple deep in her throat, pinching it with her tongue and vacuuming it with her glottis until Ty was beating the mattress with her elbows and whinnying deep in her chest.

"Mmmnnngggeeee . . . mmmnnngggeeee!"

Finally, Laura realized that she might be overdoing it and relented, releasing Ty's second shiny, saliva-wet breast, and raising her head, kissing the girl's enchanting face.  "I'm sorry if that's too hard."

"Are you kidding?" Ty gasped, panting, her eyes swirling.  "I almost came, I think.  Shit, that felt good."

Laura knew it was a rare woman indeed who could come merely from this, but she was willing to give it a shot.  After all, if Ty had not had an orgasm in a week or so, she might have enough sexual tension built up in this dreamy, lissome body to erupt, if properly stimulated.  Her black eyes were certainly glassy as she gazed submissively into Laura's.  They said, Fuck me, Laura.  You're overwhelming me.  I'm going to come if you give me the slightest chance.

Laura smiled and began pinching and licking Ty's excited, erect black nipples again.  "Did you really?"

Ty nodded.  "I started feeling that . . . you know . . . that little tingle you get when you're going to come, you know, like deep in your pussy?"

Without speaking, Laura simply began siphoning up Ty's pretty little breasts again with her mouth, at the same time sliding one hand down the girl's taut, heaving belly, between her squirming thighs, dipping two fingers into the wet, warm, soupy furrow of her tight pussy, and rubbing her clit slowly and sensually as she sucked.  Why waste opportunities? she thought.  Why postpone Ty's orgasm just so that she, Laura, could have her fill of feasting on the girl's marvelous lean body?  If there was one orgasm arriving this quickly, there would be several others after it.

"Oh!" Ty cried out softly, beginning to writhe again.  "Mnneeeee!"

"Honey, if you're going to come," Laura cooed to her, "you might as well just give in to it."

"Oh god!  Unhhhhh!"

"Yes . . . yes . . ."

"Unhhhh! Mnnneeee!"

Laura was sucking harder now, and her fingers were swirling Ty's hard little clit roughly around in a tight circle.  Ty's hips were jerking, her stomach clenching, her thighs leaping in spastic twitches. 

"Oh yes . . . oh yes . . ." Laura purred to her, sucking the girl's hard, thick, rubbery nipples one after the other deep into her throat.

"Oh god!  AUUNNGGHH!" Ty suddenly shouted, her body making a wild, nearly airborne twitch. 

Then she made only a distant wheezing as a sharp, violent orgasm began to wrack her. 

"Aunngghh!" she shouted again, but not as loudly this time, her beautiful face torn by a grimace of deep ecstasy.

She gave one fierce shudder, and then it was over as quickly as it had come.  Her body relaxed, and her eyelids fluttered open.  She was still panting softly.  Laura was tenderly licking the nipple she had just been trying to swallow.  Her two fingers were still lightly pressed against Ty's wet clitoris, and the moist filaments of her crotch hair.

She scooted up a little and kissed the stunned girl.  Ty blinked, her breath now returning to normal.

"I think I've only come that fast once or twice before in my whole life," she said softly, unable to keep the sly, lazy smile from returning to her face.

"Then congratulations.  I'm so glad I could help."

Ty smiled so hard she could hardly speak for a few minutes.  This was not her habitually sly smile but a broad grin that naturally followed a great, unexpected orgasm.  Laura knew that smile, having had it herself several times. 

"Well . . . now that we've got that out of the way, maybe you can show me something else," Ty finally said.  "I feel so lucky having you all to myself this way.  At first I thought sharing you with Tonya would be an easy way for me to get initiated, know what I mean?  With you both.  But after that . . ." her eyes rolled up happily as she very clearly indicated the thrill of her climax, "I think I'm glad I've got you all to myself."

Laura embraced her and pushed her entire naked body into Ty's for the first time, feeling the girl's deliciously slender body everywhere pressing against her flesh.  She snaked her tongue into Ty's ear.  "Mmmmm, she may never show up at all," she murmured.  "And then we can fuck like this together all night."

Ty shivered, then giggled softly, kissing Laura back more aggressively, and slithering her own long tongue into Laura's ear too, which also made Laura shiver.  "I hope her car breaks down," she breathed.  "I want you to do me and do me."

"Mmmm," Laura nuzzled her delectable long black neck, now a little dewy with sweat from her exertions.   "You are a hungry little devil, aren't you."

Instead of replying, Ty gave her a meaningful look and then began to kiss Laura's shoulders, her throat, the top slopes of her breasts.  She filled her hands with them and looked again up at Laura as her tongue found one of Laura's nipples.

"I think I could do this too," she whispered, sucking Laura's nipple gently, then more voraciously.

Laura felt the breath clot up in her throat.  "I . . . believe you can . . . unhhh!"

The next several minutes were a deep rapture for Laura.  Ty seemed to need no coaching.  Though she had never apparently done this before, she was naturally gifted with the talent required to bring Laura's willing body to the edge of a sweet sexual climax almost as quickly as Laura had done with hers. 

And there was nothing tentative about her approach.  She seemed to enjoy devouring Laura's naked body just as much as Laura had enjoyed devouring hers.  "I want boobs like yours," she murmured to Laura.  "I always wanted boobs like yours."

"If you don't shut up and help me come, I'm going to swat your pretty black ass," Laura murmured back.

Ty grinned, looking up from the feast she was making of Laura's wet nipples.  "Ooohhh, that almost sounds like fun.  When I was a little girl, I sometimes got a little sex shock in my pussy from being spanked."

Laura raised an eyebrow at her.  "Down, girl.  If we get kinky, it'll have to be some other time.  Do you want Tonya walking in on us while I'm blistering your ass and you're begging me to do you?"

Ty laughed throatily and shook her head.  She slid further down Laura's squirming body.  "No . . . I want her to see me like this, making you come . . . and be jealous."

And she proceeded in the next few minutes to carry this out.  Without the slightest hesitation, she spread Laura's wet, throbbing pussy open with her fingers and made love to it aggressively, sucking Laura's clit and squeezing her ass so passionately that a sharp climax leaped up in Laura's body before she was even ready for it, having wanted to lie there and enjoy being fucked by this beautiful girl for a long time before allowing it to terminate. 

But in about a minute and a half she was thrashing and gurgling and gasping, then whinnying and moaning as a sweet, undulating orgasm swept through her body.  As she lay there panting and bleary-eyed, relishing the tingle of her flesh and the waning ache of her pussy, she marveled at the easy confidence Ty had shown.  After all, I know I can come pretty quickly, she thought, especially when such a delicious woman is eating me, but this was wonderful.

"You are wonderful," she said, marveling out loud, sweeping back with her fingers a shank of black hair that had fallen over one of Ty's eyes.  "Wonderful."  She pulled Ty's face down to hers.  "Kiss me.  I don't want her to come now myself."

With that, she pushed her mouth into Ty's wide, voluptuous mouth, and in seconds they were kissing hungrily again, rubbing their naked breasts together, clearly recharging the heat that was making them crave more.  When they briefly stopped kissing, Ty was panting harder almost than Laura, and her black eyes were throbbing.

"I didn't know this could be so hot," she confessed.  "Tonya told me . . . but I guess I didn't believe her.  You really do things to me, Laura."

"I'm going to do a lot more," Laura murmured, rolling her onto her back, biting her long neck, then her shoulders.  "You have such a beautiful body.  I want to kiss it everywhere."

She kissed Ty's shoulders and small breasts and took the rest of the scenic route on her way to the girl's pussy, which up to now she had caressed with her fingers but never directly kissed.  We'll take care of that, she thought, nuzzling Ty's charming little navel and licking her flat abdominal muscles, then kissing the insides of her hard, sleek,  dark brown thighs, which now brought low, passionate moans from Ty's throat. 

Ty had a copious black bush of hair in her crotch, which Laura spread with her fingers to reveal a beautifully shaped long blossoming pussy, with an already protruding pink bud of a clitoris at the top, swollen and hard.  The black labia were extra-large, almost floppy, and Laura licked them eagerly, spreading them too with her fingertips to reveal the glistening pink trench inside, which she slithered her tongue into immediately.

"Unhhhhh!" Ty groaned, arching her back a little, which made her whole lean body go briefly taut in a way that juiced Laura's lust up to a fever pitch.

"Oh honey, you have such a beautiful pussy," Laura murmured.  "I love this adorable pussy.  I'm going to eat this juicy flower until you pop."

And now, for the first time, she noticed Ty's keening little moans, which swept up at the end.  "Ohhh!  Ohhh!" she would moan, her voice starting low at her normal alto pitch, then quickly keening up at the end.  "Ohhh!  Ohhh!  Oh Laura!  Ohhhh!"

Somehow these helpless little upward-keening moans really turned up the spigot on Laura's lust, filling her with extra hot desire for the delicious squirming girl, and she began sucking and devouring Ty's streaming, inflamed pussy even more heatedly.  As usual, she had begun by wanting to slow things down, to let them both stretch out for a long, agonizingly sweet session of patient love-making until Ty was wound so taut by Laura's clever stimulation of her scrumptious cunt flower that she could no longer prevent a shattering orgasm from wrenching her tense flesh. 

But this increased influx of lust on Laura's part, matched of course by an equally intense arousal in Ty, resulted in an unexpected hot whirlwind of tumultuous fucking.  In seconds Ty was moaning her little up-keening moans continuously, while thrashing and writhing about under Laura's loving assault, while Laura herself was giving the girl the full-bore passion onslaught, sucking her large cuntlips and stabbing her tongue up into Ty's tight, wet channel, sucking her clit and plunging two fingers up into the fiery wet cauldron of her pussy, bringing her closer, closer . . .

Until Ty suddenly exploded again without warning.  One second she was keening and twisting, and the next she was arching and shuddering.

"Ohhnnnggggg!  Aunnngghhh!"

"Yes!" Laura panted to her, her own face covered with sweet cunt slime.  "Yes!"

"Ohhhhh!" Ty moaned, another cute little up-keening moan.  "Ungghhhhh!"

Her long, lean body clenched, and her pelvis shuddered visibly.  Then she fell back to the mattress.

"Oh shit!" she gasped, suddenly laughing a little at the release of tension.  "Oh shit, you did it!"

"No, you did it," Laura smiled to her, still kissing her lovely, swollen, wet, pussy.

"Oh god, that felt good," Ty panted, still trying to recover her breath.

"Well, I can see you guys didn't wait around for me," Tonya suddenly surprised them.  Her voice was querulous but also laced with fake dramatics.

Both Laura's and Ty's heads whipped around to the door of the bedroom, where Tonya stood, nonchalantly removing her own clothing piece by piece as they watched.  She knew she had a nearly perfect and very desirable body, and so she took her time and posed provocatively for them.

"We . . . couldn't wait," Laura grinned at her.  "You knew we wouldn't be able to wait."

Tonya fluffed her bangs with her fingers and stuck out her tongue salaciously.  She unfastened her bra and let her perfect dark golden breasts come into view.  "I waited four or five years to do it with Ty," she pouted.  "Seems like you could've waited a few more minutes.  But no.  Laura has to have her black pussy, right?"

From the corner of her eye, Laura could see the sly, lazy smile spread across Ty's beautiful face.  "Are you complaining . . ." Ty asked Tonya softly, "or joining?"

Laura looked more closely at her, out of curiosity, and saw that she was examining Tonya's gorgeous nearly naked body with acute sexual hunger.  Being friends for years meant that she had often seen it and probably desired it, if only subconsciously, but never seen Tonya totally naked, as now.  Tonya slipped out of her panties finally, kicking them free from her ankles, and walked toward them.  Her firm breasts swayed, and her dark, swollen, caramel nipples gleamed.

She really did have a breathtaking body, Laura reflected, taking it all in again herself as if for the first time.  She extended one hand when Tonya drew closer to the edge of the bed, taking the girl's hand and pulling her onto the mattress.

"Please join us," she murmured, immediately kissing Tonya's bare shoulder.

Tonya's eyelids were suddenly heavy, her body supple and compliant, as she realized she was about to do some catchup, and that both Ty and Laura were going to drown her in the warm bath of lust they had been busily cooking up in her absence.  Laura, being a breast fanatic, could not keep her lips or her fingers off Tonya's marvelous little golden globes, but even though she was very hungrily sucking and squeezing them, she couldn't help but notice that above her head the two friends were kissing with a heated fervor that could only confirm how long they had wanted to do this. 

Moreover, Ty seemed to be naturally proficient at lesbian love, and she was groping Tonya's delicious naked body skillfully with her hands at the same time. 

"Oh!" Tonya gasped, writhing under them, her dark eyes swirling with happy sexual excitement.  "You guys are so fast!  Shit, you're getting me hot."

"Mmmmm, isn't that the point?" Ty asked dreamily, in her low, smoky, sensual voice, sort of a black Lauren Bacall, Laura realized, now that she heard Ty murmuring without looking at her at the same time.  "Do you want me to stop?  I've been waiting four years for this too."

Tonya gasped and moaned a few more times, especially since Laura was passionately sucking her large dark caramel nipples, but then she panted to Ty, "Did you always want to fuck me?"  Of course Tonya would ask this, Laura smiled, since she believed deep down that everyone wanted to fuck her.  Probably right about that one, I would guess, she thought, returning to her delightful task.

Ty stopped the words by slithering her long tongue almost completely down Tonya's throat, and again they kissed and squirmed wildly, now whimpering, mewling, undulating.  "I think . . . maybe I did," Ty smiled slyly, surfacing for air.  "I don't know whether I knew it until now, but I think I did."

"Oh god, yes!" Tonya gasped as Laura slipped up, still holding both saliva-wet breasts in her hands, and kissed her and Ty both hungrily on the mouth, lingering over Ty's fantastic voluptuous lips.

Tonya's eyes rolled up.  She surrendered her lovely body to them completely, and Ty and Laura were not about to refuse the gift.  They began together to slowly bring Tonya up to a shattering climax, kissing and stroking her naked body, kissing each other too in passing, kneading Tonya's firm bronze flesh, sucking it, lightly biting it here and there, until Tonya was twisting and groaning constantly.

Laura, kissing her way down the fantastic ripples of Tonya's taut midriff, was quickly on her way to the girl's marvelous, fragrant pussy, redolent with the sweet perfume of sexual need, when she realized that Ty, who was so instantaneously good at this without even any practice, might want it too.  After all, she thought, I've had Tonya's delicious little pussy, but she never has.  Maybe I should give way to her.

Their eyes met, their faces hovering briefly just above Tonya's twisting hips.  "Be my guest," Laura whispered to her, letting her eyes drift down to the puckered wet feast between Tonya's yawning dark golden thighs.  "She's dying to feel your tongue there, I know."

The sly smile on Ty's beautiful face modulated into one of sweet, eager lust, and she squirmed around between Tonya's thighs, bringing her mouth up to the girl's oozing, blossoming pussy.  And then she proceeded without hesitation to do to it what she had done to Laura's only twenty minutes earlier, as if eating pussy was something she had been preparing to do her whole life.  Fascinated, Laura watched as Ty began to lick Tonya's swollen cunt, then to tongue-stroke and suck her protruding clit, then to fuck her a little at the same time with two fingers, until Tonya was quickly almost out of control with need, writhing and panting and whimpering frantically.

"Oh!  Oh!  Unhhhhh!  Oh god!"

Her churning and panting and squirming made the rest of her hard, flexing body irresistible to Laura, who could not keep her mouth off the girl's swirling naked breasts, or her hand off Tonya's rippling stomach muscles, and she was quickly just as absorbed in sucking and caressing the rest of Tonya as Ty was in sucking her glistening wet pussy.  Together they had brought Tonya to the critical peak in only minutes.

"God, she's going to come fast, isn't she," Ty murmured, looking up at Laura.

"Unhh!  Unhhh!" Tonya gasped, her eyes rolling up, her hips churning frantically.

"Looks that way," Laura murmured back, sucking one of Tonya's beautiful plump caramel nipples deep into her mouth.

"Unh!  Unh!  Oh!"

"Oh . . . Tonya . . . are you going to come?" Ty panted to her friend, still hungrily slurping her wet pussy, fucking it more rapidly with her fingers.  Laura was fascinated by the way Tonya's well-shaped pussy lips clung to Ty's wet fingers as they emerged from it.

As if Ty needed any more positive signs.  Tonya was out of control, flexing and gasping almost hysterically, churning her cunt up into Ty's loving assault.  "Oh yes!" she gasped.  "Oh yes!"

"Come for Ty . . . come for Ty . . ." Ty murmured softly to her in a hypnotic sort of chant.  "Come for me . . . come for me now . . . come in my mouth, Tonya."

"Oh!  Oh!" Tonya cried out, almost piteously, as if it were hard for her to come, and yet Laura knew how easy it was, how close it was.

She remembered how she had once told Tonya that just looking at the girl's lovely, swishing bangs made her little clit tingle; and now, watching Tonya's face intently, seeing the sexual contortions of her pretty features, seeing the enchanting curtain of her bangs veiling her high forehead, seeing the rest of her delicious young body flexing and straining as Ty brought her closer and closer to a climax, Laura could feel the tingle reawakening, and in fact quickly growing into a hot throbbing need.  She also remembered how she had given Tonya a thrilling g-spot orgasm the first time.  Tonya had a g-spot for sure, and she wondered if Ty would maybe happen onto it by chance.

But before she could pursue these reflections any further, Tonya was suddenly coming.  Her body twitched, and bowed up, and then shuddered visibly.  She cried out sharply.

"Auunngghhh!  Oh god, yes!  Mmmnnuunnggggg!"

Ty held on.  Her mouth was glued to Tonya's pussy, and her fingers were plunging, but although Tonya came hard, it was no g-spot extravaganza as Laura remembered.  Still, it seemed to be an emotionally as well as physically thrilling climax for both of them.  Ty was beaming, still licking Tonya's pussy while Tonya gasped and panted for breath, looking down her body in awed gratitude at her friend.  Laura lay beside them, taking it all in, lightly stroking Tonya's wildly desirable body with her fingertips. 

She remembered how Tonya 'liked to be fucked,' as she had put it, and had specifically requested that Laura fuck her with the strap-on dildo.  Laura had it outside in her car and wondered if she should have brought it in with her, although having met Ty alone for the first time, she had not thought it polite to show up with a valise of sex toys.  Nevertheless, her thoughts were turning to it now.  The first time, Tonya had nearly exploded with sharp, devastating orgasms, having a double climax without warning.  It had been a very exciting moment for them both, and worth repeating.

On the other hand, to be sandwich-fucked by these two delicious black girls was beginning to seem like heaven on earth to Laura.  She wanted it, and she believed it wouldn't be hard to persuade them to do it.  Ty had taken effortlessly to girl-girl fucking, while Tonya, though she had strenuously protested her 'hetero' status to Laura again and again while Laura was fucking her silly in a variety of ways, was clearly becoming more and more willing, not to say eager.

Laura scooted over closer to them, so that she could press the full length of her naked body into Tonya's and at the same time grasp Ty with one arm, pulling her face closer, kissing her voluptuous mouth, which was still smeared and tangy with Tonya's cunt juices.  "I want to be fucked by you," she whispered to them.  "I want you to do everything to me.  I want you to fuck me together."

Tonya, though still recovering from her own orgasm of seconds ago, chortled softly.  "You hear what she wants?" she asked Ty, smiling.  "I think Laura wants us to do her at the same time.  How we gon' do that?"

"Don't be so ghetto, girl," Ty sneered at her playfully, caressing Tonya's cheeks and then fluffing her breathtaking bangs with her fingertips.  Laura's heart and pussy both fluttered in unison.  "You know what we're going to do."

Tonya grinned and shook her head.  "Only one of our heads will fit down there," she nodded at Laura's crotch, which she was now making available to them by opening her thighs widely, rubbing the hot, oozing red flower with her fingers suggestively. 

"Simple," Ty said.  "We'll take turns.  I did her once, like when you walked in on us.  Your turn.  You do her a while, then turn her over to me."

Tonya smiled her sassy grin and stuck out her tongue in her devastatingly sexy way.  "Girl, if I do her she gon' come.  Is that 'ghetto' enough for you?  I learned how Laura comes first time I did it with her.  She comes fast.  Don't take a whole lot of licking to make Laura come."

Hearing these two ravishing girls talk and dispute about how they were going to fuck her and who was getting first crack at it got Laura so aroused that she could hardly keep from interjecting herself into their conversation.  But she did so softly, almost gently, undulating against them, murmuring.

"Excuse me . . . but neither one of you is getting the point," she murmured. 

She half-knew that Tonya would not get it anyway.  She had been the one who had pointedly told Laura, when describing how she had let six guys fuck her at a party, that they had not, repeat NOT, 'put it in my rectum.'  That was apparently so off-limits for her that it would not even enter the universe of her thoughts, except as a horrible notion immediately to be exiled to the dusty dungeons of the impossible. 

As for Ty, she seemed sexually adventuresome and had certainly taken to this experience with few qualms, it appeared.  And yet it was impossible to know whether anal sex held the same disgust for her as it seemed to hold for her friend.  On the whole, Laura imagined that it wouldn't, so she pressed forward.

"I want you both at the same time.  Mash me.  Make me a sandwich.  One here . . . and one here."  She looked directly at Ty as she pointed to her own ass. 

Then, as if to underline her point, she slipped off the bed and went across the room to her handbag, which was lying on a chair.  She took out her small bottle of baby oil and held it up, smiling, still looking predominantly at Ty.  Tonya was already making a face to signify that she could hardly believe her ears.

"You're kidding, Laura," she said, with barely audible awe.

But Ty smiled.  "She's not kidding."

Laura promptly handed the small bottle to her willing accomplice.  She smiled, as conspiratorially as possible. 

"I better get some towels," Ty said, slipping off the bed herself.  "Sounds like it might get a little messy in here.  Mom will be home in a few days."

Laura watched her slim, naked black body—she was much darker than the golden Tonya—with undisguised hunger as Ty popped down the hallway to the linen closet, then back into the room and to the bed, her small breasts moving sexily.  Laura helped her spread large bath towels down between them while Tonya watched.  But when Laura glanced up at her, Tonya was again all sass and sex, sticking her tongue out alluringly, especially at Laura, then shimmying her delectable young breasts, as if she were just luxuriating in having these masterpieces jutting from her body.

"Come here, Laura," she said, taking Laura's hand and pulling her down face to face on the spread towels.  "I get the front.  Let Ty have the back.  She evidently don't mind shoving her fingers up your pretty little white ass, but I like to feel our titties kissing while we kiss too."

"Mmmm, just mash me," Laura breathed to her, and to Ty, looking back over her shoulder.  "Mash me.  Don't hold anything back."

It was only seconds until the girls began to do just that.  Tonya meant what she had said about kissing, and she and Laura kissed sensually, pushing their naked breasts together, for about a minute before Laura began to feel Ty's fingers parting her moons.  Ty, unlike her friend, wasted no time in getting to the point.  Tonya wanted to kiss, to suck, to coo and joke and delay, but Ty was straightforward, just as she had been when eating Laura's pussy for the first time.  She was getting down to business. 

Laura almost regretted it.  She wanted to feel her body pinned between them, mashed, as she had put it, clamped and crushed and pumped between them.  And then, as suddenly as she had begun to regret it, she began to get her wish.  As if Ty had heard her thoughts, she slid up Laura's back and pushed forward.  Laura could feel her small naked breasts and hard nubby nipples pushing into her flesh below her shoulder blades, and suddenly Ty's long, wet tongue was slithering into the crease behind one of her ears.

"You want me to fuck your pretty ass with my finger, Laura?" Ty whispered.  "Is that what you want?"

"God . . . yes!" Laura gasped into Tonya's moving lips.  She was becoming frightfully aroused by these two.  "Yes . . . yes!"

"I love being fucked in the ass," Ty murmured, still wriggling her naked body into Laura's.  "I don't think Tonya likes it, but I like it.  And you like it too."


"You guys are both sick," Tonya breathed, now kissing Laura's neck hungrily.  "Sticking things up your booties.  That's sick.  Just give me a straight old fuck.  You are going to fuck me later, aren't you Laura?  With that thing?  You brought it, didn't you?"

All the while she was asking these questions, she was kissing Laura feverishly and squeezing her breasts, pinching her nipples, sometimes so hard Laura was on the verge of crying out.

"Yes . . ." Laura panted, almost unable to hold a civil conversation at this point.  "I brought it."

"You are going to fuck me with it?  And then let me fuck her with it?"

"Yes.  Ohhhhh!"

"Mmmm, does that feel good.  I just love sucking these beautiful white titties.  Never knew I could like something so much."

From that instant on Laura could remember nothing but a whirling, swarming tornado of thrilling sexual sensations engulfing her body from nearly every angle.  Behind her Ty had slid down her back again, and she felt the girl's invading hands between her clenching buns, felt Ty's long greased finger sliding up into her ass, making her whole body almost leap and shudder with a piercing spasm.  Tonya was not to be outdone by her friend and had slid down too, parting Laura's thighs, immediately beginning to eat Laura's throbbing pussy with a voracious hunger Laura barely thought her capable of. 

She parted Laura's pussy lips with her fingers and licked the whole inflamed slit from bottom to top, stopping at Laura's erect clit to sweetly torment it with her tongue before sliding two fingers into Laura's streaming hot trench.

"Mmmmm, I'm gonna fuck you so good, Laura," she panted, while Laura by now was twisting and whimpering wildly, feeling Ty pick up the tempo too in the rear, and insert a second finger into Laura's impaled rectum.

"Oh!  Oh yes!  Ungghhhh!" Laura gasped and grunted, writhing between these two wonderful girls, surrendering her body to them completely, knowing they would bring her to heaven in just a few more seconds, considering the way they were going.

They were really fucking her.  They weren't gentle, though she knew that the way she was writhing and whimpering and mewling and moaning probably juiced up their lust for her to new heights.  At any rate, she couldn't have wished for a more heated, urgent, and vigorous fucking.

"Ungghhh!  Ungghhhh!" she gagged, gyrating her hips, pushing her pussy into Tonya's face, her body flexing and then stiffening briefly each time Ty's two fingers speared her ass, sending a flying shower of sexual sparks through her whole lower body.

She knew she was going to come in only seconds, and she also knew that the thing that would really put her over the top was to have Ty pull her hair.  So frantic was she with sexual need that she could barely manage to figure out how to ask them, and yet she knew that Ty would do it whereas Tonya probably would not, and therefore she was lucky Ty was in back.  Still writhing and panting, she looked down over her hip at Ty, briefly catching her eye.

"Ty . . ." she panted roughly, her breath jagged and harsh.  "Pull my hair.  Please.  Pull it hard."

Ty looked at her, puzzled.

"When I come.  Please.  Pull it hard."

"Are you sure?"

Laura nodded, before her eyes rolled up again in her head as new, fierce waves of sexual need washed over her squirming body.  "Yes!  Ungghhh!  Oh!  God, yes!  Unh unh unh!"

It was coming . . . it was coming!  She could feel it boiling up inside her womb, deep in her body, in her ass, which was being plundered lovingly but very passionately by Ty, while Tonya's mouth on her pussy was a devouring demon. 

"Oh!  Oh!"

"Yes, Laura.  Yes, Laura," Tonya repeated over and over again as she fucked Laura's slippery wet pussy with her two fingers and sucked Laura's clit insistently. 

"Oh god!" Laura cried out.  "Auummnnnggg!  Unghhhh!"

At this moment, she felt Ty's fingers grazing her scalp as the girl grabbed a fistful of her hair.  Laura had a lot of it, and in this split second she found herself recalling Shontay, and how she had always exclaimed 'All that hair!' though Shontay had never done this.  Ty had a fistful of it, and she yanked back Laura's head with a sharp jolt, just as streaming rivers of fire began to pump through Laura's flexing body.

"Auunnngghhh!  Mmmnngggg!  Oh!  Aiiieeeee!" Laura screamed, giving full vent to the spouting furies of a shattering orgasm, which only dipped momentarily to be engulfed by a second one, as both girls continued fucking her, even as she was coming, with relentless passion.  "Unghh!  Ungghh!  Aaiiieeeeee!" she screamed again as Ty yanked her head back again, the hot daggers tearing at her scalp but somehow fanning the flames in her spasming pussy and her plundered asshole, making her come even harder the second time.

Finally the fury was spent and she lay gasping and mewling between their bodies, Ty still clutching a huge shank of her hair, Tonya grinning up at her with slick lips, coated with Laura's cunt slime. 

"Holy shit, Laura," she grinned, "you are one kinky white girl.  You had a double whopper there.  I didn't know you could do that.  Doesn't it hurt?"

She watched as Ty gently released her fistful of Laura's hair and patted it tenderly back into place.  "Laura don't mind a little hurt if it makes her come twice like that, do you Laura.  God, I think I'm going to try that myself."

Tonya tsk tsk'd, persisting in her role as a scandalized maiden, too pure and simple for such doings.  "You two.  Fucking in the booty and then pulling hair like two wildcats.  I think a simple girl like me is really out of place."

Laura was only slowly coming to her senses.  She enjoyed their soft, murmuring banter but it only half-registered in her consciousness.  Her two orgasms had been stupendous, and in truth her scalp did hurt a little, still throbbing from the hair pulling.  But she was still pressed between the warm, naked bodies of these wonderful girls and was not about to move and bring this marvelous experience to a premature conclusion.

Finally, however, Tonya forced it.  She would be the one to force it, Laura realized.  Tonya was a little spoiled, as well as gorgeous, and was used to being pampered and obeyed.  If she allowed a guy to fuck her—or even six of them, Laura thought ruefully—he or they continued until she said stop.  The same applied here.  She had arranged it, and she now expected to be serviced in whichever way she pleased.

She peeled her body away from Laura's and nudged her with a loosely clasped fist.  "Go out to your car and get that thing, girl," she said in a low voice.  "I want to use it."

"That thing?" Ty said, mildly amused, also pulling her body away from Laura's finally.

Laura felt momentarily abandoned.  It had been so sweet being pinned between them. 

"Laura fucked hell out of me with her strap-on," Tonya smirked, enjoying her precedence.  "I asked her to.  And she did it.  She's got a big one.  It's in her car, right Laura?"

Laura nodded slowly, abstractedly, as if she were being queried from another room.  As she watched, Ty knee-walked on the mattress closer to Tonya, around Laura's body, approaching her friend, reaching out and caressing Tonya's cheek.  Again her low, sultry, Lauren Bacall voice breathed forth, and she smiled in her slow, sly way.

"And are you going to fuck me with it?  Is that your plan?"

At this moment, Laura realized, she herself might as well have been gone.  Or invisible.  She knew there was an undercurrent of lust between these two, and now she saw it emerge full scale.  While Ty touched Tonya's face, Tonya's hands rose up to Ty's small, naked breasts and enclosed them, and then they were kissing in the most achingly sensual way, while Laura watched.

It was a kiss that went on for a long time, and though Laura had just come explosively two times in a row, she could feel sexual fires stirring again in her body while she watched them.  They really got into it.  Their hands were everywhere, and since both were naked, they were soon groping and panting and whimpering softly.

"I love your bangs," Ty panted.  "I've always wanted to do this."  She fluffed Tonya's bangs aside with her fingers and planted feverish kisses on Tonya's forehead.  Laura held her own breath in sympathy, feeling a little flutter in her pussy; she knew how Ty must feel about Tonya's bangs, which made her own heart palpitate.

Meanwhile, Tonya's fingers were pinching and twisting Ty's jutting black nipples.  She glanced over at Laura, her black eyes throbbing and pulsing.  "You better . . . go out and get that thing, Laura," she almost commanded, giving Laura a little sassy tongue out of the mouth as punctuation.

"Right," Laura smiled, popping up and hurriedly throwing on her clothes. 

It was hard to tear herself away from this sweet, and increasingly hot, performance, but she knew she'd better.  If she brought in the strap-on, things were likely to get even hotter.  Nevertheless, right now it was so sweet, watching these two longtime friends giving in to a lust that had obviously been repressed for years.

She was dressed and out to her car in a flash, all the while wondering in what position she would find them when she returned.  With that in mind, she almost tiptoed down the hallway toward the bedroom, hoping not to make them self-conscious, then peeped around the edge of the door.  Ty was on her back and Tonya—the same Tonya who had told Laura once that the thought of licking another woman's pussy made her gag—was busily, even hungrily, doing exactly that to Ty's.  It was such an erotic tableau that Laura was paralyzed at its beauty.

She lingered, watching them, as long as she could before Tonya spotted her out of the corner of her eye.  She laughed softly and looked up from Ty's splayed crotch, purposely revealing her thick, sensual lips all smeared with Ty's cunt juices. 

"Guess I got used to it, eh?" she laughed, acknowledging the expression on Laura's face.  "Ty's tastes really good.  Just as good as yours."

Laura nodded to signify that she could agree entirely with the first part of that statement, at least.

"You bring it?"

Laura held up the strap-on dildo and its harness, which dangled from her fist.  Ty's eyes widened.  But instead of abruptly terminating her current activity, she showed a tact and sexual knowingness Laura had not expected by sliding up Ty's beautiful lean body, kissing it along the way, until they were face to face.  Laura approached the bed, watching their eyes locked together.

"You want me to do it to you?" Tonya whispered to Ty.

Ty nodded, at first without speaking, nodding slowly, solemnly.  Then she replied, also in a whisper.  "I've wanted to for a long time."

This barely audible admission seemed to seal the magic of the moment.  Moving as if in slow motion, Tonya slid to the side of the bed, letting Laura maneuver her into the harness, secure it, and make sure that the dildo was firmly and securely attached.  Tonya looked down at it in amused disbelief, as Laura remembered she had also looked at it when they were first alone together and she was preparing, after Laura had given her a blistering fuck with it, to return the favor for the first time.  The thick, ridged pole stood almost straight out from her crotch.

"I gotta big dick," she said, cracking a grin at Laura and then glancing significantly over at Ty, who also was smiling in her lazy, sly way, looking at the ridged monster. 

Her thighs imperceptibly parted a little more as she looked at Tonya, as if subtly inviting her to bring it to her.  "You do," she murmured, her eyelids heavy.  "Come over here and give it to me."

Laura moved to the side to give them plenty of room.  Though she already again craved to fuck them both, separately or together, she was quite willing now merely to observe what promised to be a sexually as well as emotionally stirring encounter. 

It fulfilled every expectation.  From the way they had interacted so far, Laura assumed they wanted to fall on each other in a feverish fuck frenzy, but in fact the opposite happened.  Instead of pushing Ty onto her back and falling on her, Tonya paused for a long, searching, sensual kiss.  For several minutes they stood on their knees on the mattress, kissing, at first without even touching except for their mouths and tongues, then caressing each other's body with their fingertips.  It was one of the most romantic kisses Laura had ever witnessed, a sure testimony to the depth of their friendship the tender fire of their long-suppressed sexual attraction.

Tonya's thick dark-caramel nipples brushed Ty's jutting black nubs, and they paused in their kiss to look down at their delectable naked breasts brushing.  Ty could not resist lowering her mouth to one of Tonya's breasts and snaking her long tongue around Tonya's swollen nipple.  Tonya's eyes rolled up.  Laura felt a gush of warm fuck juice flooding her cunt. 

"Do you want to know how long I've wanted to do this?" Ty whispered, looking meaningfully up at Tonya while still holding and licking the girl's perfect breast.

Her lips parted, panting softly, Tonya shook her head. 

"Since I first saw you naked that time when we were fifteen.  At the swim party, when we were changing."

Tonya was panting harder.  "They were smaller then."

Ty nodded slowly.  "But just as beautiful.  I wanted to do this."

She opened her mouth and slowly sucked Tonya's entire bulbous nipple into it.  Laura thought she herself was going to have a brief, happy, sympathetic orgasm just from watching them as their passion heated up before her eyes.  For Ty sucked Tonya's firm, perfectly shaped breast gently at first, but as it became clear how much Tonya was enjoying it, Ty let more of her lust surface, and soon she was sucking harder, and squeezing the firm globe with her fingers. 

This went on for quite a while.  Ty was obviously smitten—as who wouldn't be? Laura reflected—with Tonya's jutting young breasts, which were larger and more conventionally perfect than her own, though no more mouthwatering.  She sucked and tongued Tonya's large caramel nipples until they were stiff and wet, and Tonya was actually mewling softly, looking down at Ty's lips on her breasts, running her frantic fingers through Ty's long, straight hair. 

"You heating me up, girl," she panted in a low, urgent voice.  "I ain't gonna be able to fuck you if you keep it up.  I'm going to need it myself."

At this they both giggled softly and kissed again.  Without speaking, Ty languidly unfolded her long body, lying flat on her back and spreading her thighs for Tonya, smiling up at her with that marvelous sly and lazy smile, running the forefinger of each hand along the swollen edges of her gaping, red, wet pussy. 

"I need it more," she whispered to Tonya. "I need you.  I need you to do me . . . the way you've always wanted to."

Now it was Tonya's turn to smile.  "You knew?"

Again Ty said nothing but reached up with her arms for Tonya, offering herself and her body.  Laura was mesmerized.  She loved watching their hands on each other.  The contrast between her own creamy skin with that of her darker lovers always fascinated and erotically supercharged her, but now she was electrified by the same phenomenon in a different guise.  Both naked girls were dark, but Ty was very dark while Tonya's complexion was, of course, as Laura always thought of it, like burnished gold.  Ty's slender, black fingers on this glowing golden skin aroused Laura mysteriously, and Tonya's hands on Ty's smooth black flesh made the fuck juices ooze and burble in her pussy.

She wanted to be a part of this and yet did not want to break the solemn connection that linked these two in the smoky, pulsing current of their sexual need.   They were kissing again.  They seemed not to be able to get enough of slow, sensual kissing, and squeezing and caressing each other's breasts.  Tonya was now hovering over the supine Ty, the strap-on dildo bobbing obscenely, almost hungrily, between Ty's thighs, the bulging head of it only inches from her swollen, puckered cunt lips.  But they were kissing again, and in no hurry.

Laura watched, feeling her own pulse race. 

"Give it to me," she heard Ty finally whisper, gazing up with glazed, sexually pulsing eyes into Tonya's face.

She said it so softly that Laura barely heard it; but then she heard it again.

"Give it to me," in that low, lazy, husky voice.

Looking down, Tonya grasped the ridged brown shaft of the dildo with her thumb and forefinger and guided the head of it into the wet, splayed groove of Ty's open pussy.  Then she raised her eyes to Ty's again as she slowly pushed it in.  Laura watched the entire seven or eight inches disappear into Ty's body, then watched the look of sublime pleasure pass over Ty's face as she felt it penetrate her.

She gave a long, low groan.  "Ahhhnnnnnn!"

And now, instead of slowly and sensually kissing, they eased into a slow and sensual rhythm of fucking, as if they had done this a thousand times and perfected each small motion and undulation to the point where their mutual pleasure was at its height.  They fucked as if in a trance, and Laura watched from the side as if she herself were swept up in the same trance, resonating, thrumming in time with their panting and slow, synchronized thrusting and rocking.

They were fucking missionary style, and their bodies were very close, pressed together tightly, Tonya clutching Ty's dark shoulders and burrowing with her mouth in Ty's long black neck, pushing the cock deep into her body with every thrust.  Ty's long legs were in the air, flexed at the knees, yawing slightly outward each time Tonya's pelvis plunged deeper into her groin.  Her wet, black pussy lips, as Laura had noted earlier, were larger than normal, and Laura was fascinated and aroused by the way they clung to the dildo shaft as Tonya withdrew it for another thrust, like the lips of a hungry mouth that could not bear to let go.

"Unh!  Unh! Oh!  Unh!" she gasped softly, wincing with sweet pleasure as she felt her body crammed full of the ridged monster, gazing up lovingly into Tonya's face.  "Oh yes!"

To Laura it seemed as if they were in perfect harmony, as if their long friendship had been pointing to this moment, when their bodies were linked in this rhythmic longing, this simmering, seething connection, which was clearly building toward a shattering climax for Ty, accompanied by a great spasm of giving for Tonya, who clearly loved fucking her friend and bringing her this close to an exquisite ecstasy. 

"You gon' come, girl?" she panted to Ty, picking up the pace, now fucking Ty more rapidly, with short, quick rabbit jabs, withdrawing the shaft so little that there was no danger of it going out of control.  "Tell me when you gon' come.  Tell me, Ty.  I love you, Ty."

"Unh!  Unh!  Oh!"

"Tell me, Ty."

"Oh . . . god . . . now," Ty gasped, losing control herself, tossing her head, churning her hips frantically.  "Do it faster!  Unh!  Unh!"

Tonya could hardly do it any faster, but she did, clasping Ty's shoulders from behind tightly with her hands and spearing the girl's sweet pussy rapidly with the dildo, stabbing it in deep, mashing her own breasts into Ty's and fucking her sharply.  They were fucking furiously, wildly, panting crazily, whimpering.  Laura realized that she had dropped one hand to her own crotch at some point in the last few minutes and was vigorously rubbing her own clit as she watched, feeling the warm gooeyness of her own juices smearing her fingertips.

She felt somehow that she had only been the instrument to bring them together, which of course bothered her not at all.  They had both loved fucking with her, and yet their ultimate destination had been this, this frantic, heated, thrilling union they were now experiencing, and Laura experiencing it too, next to them, watching, rubbing herself, ready to come almost at the same instant Ty would come.

And then the telltale upward swoop of Ty's keening, just as she had keened when Laura had fucked her, just as she was approaching her climax. 

"Ohhh!  Ohhhhhhhhh!"  Upward, keening, her moans closer together, her body churning, flexing, her beautiful dark flesh straining, her hips gyrating wildly.  "Ohhhhh!  Ohhhhhhhhh!"

Tonya crushed the poor girl's body under hers, burying the cock in Ty's pussy, then simply holding on tight as Ty's body erupted in clenching spasms of hot coming.

"Annnghhiieeee!" Ty suddenly wailed.  "Ohhnnnmmgggg!  Ungghh!  Ahhnnggiieee!"

Her lean, flexing dark body unleashed a truly stupendous orgasm, and the mere sight of her having it was enough to send Laura over the top again herself.  She felt the hard, sympathetic jolts of her own orgasm rip through her belly, felt her fingers grow even wetter, felt the throbbing of a sweet, excruciating climax in her pussy.  But Ty was still coming, her long legs now locked around Tonya's hips, though Tonya was no longer thrusting.  But Ty was.  She was milking the last ounce of shuddering pleasure out of this wrenching climax, her face paralyzed in a mask of sublime sexual bliss as she quivered and moaned softly through the end of it.

All three of them were stunned by the force of this moment and could not speak for a while.  Finally, Tonya stirred, lifted herself on her arms, and kissed Ty's cheek.  Ty turned her face to her and kissed her mouth.  She smiled over at Laura.

"Laura, tell us where we can buy one of these things," she said in her smoky, Lauren Bacall voice. 

Laura pouted playfully.  "I don't think I will.  Then you'll still have to invite me."

This made them both laugh.  Tonya stuck out her tongue in her patented, salacious way.  "Come on over here," she said.  "You next?  My dick is only just getting warmed up."

She and Ty finally disentangled their delicious young bodies while Laura watched.  "Mmmm, I don't think so," Ty said, grasping the dildo, even though it was still wet with her own cunt nectars.  She kissed Tonya again.  "I think Laura will just have to wait until I get my turn."

Laura grinned at them.  She showed them where her hand had been while Ty was groaning through her climax.  "Don't you two mind me," she said, with a sparkle in her eye.  "I think I'll keep until round three.  Watching you two would make anybody come."

"In that case," Tonya said, slipping out of the strap-on harness, handing the entire apparatus to Ty and letting her tongue loll from the side of her mouth even more salaciously than before, "I guess you and me have got a date."





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