Laura - Chapter 304
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"I have a small confession to make," Makeeda sighed drowsily, rolling over to embrace Laura loosely and nuzzle her neck. They were both naked and relaxed, having a little earlier completed their sweet reunion fuck, during which Makeeda had succumbed to one of her orgasms that resembled a grand mal seizure, a deep swoon from which Laura was always afraid she would never return. But she had returned, and they had cuddled and cooed and slept and awakened, and now she was drowsily and sensually nuzzling Laura in deep happiness. "Oh? A confession," Laura said, making a droll smile. "What can that be? You forgot to dedicate one of your songs to me? You forgot to go swimming one day?" Makeeda shook her head. "I was unfaithful to you one night while I was there. I was tired . . . and lonely. Missing you very much. This French woman kept coming on to me. I . . . I just let her. It seemed easiest just to give in. She really wanted me. It made me feel better. I even thought of you when I was coming. And no, I didn't have one of those 'I'm dying' orgasms, as you like to call them, the kind I just had. But I thought of you." "You don't have to say that," Laura scoffed. "I don't expect you to think of me." "But I did. Anyway, I'm sorry if it hurts you. But I felt like I had to tell you." She smiled, a little sadly. "It didn't mean anything. I missed you so much." Laura was silent for a few moments, as if to honor the solemnity of this small confession. No one had ever confessed to her before like this. Nothing important enough to warrant it, I guess, she thought. Or maybe I never had such a deep bond before. "Since you mention it," she said softly, "I guess I have to confess too." Laura realized she herself had more to confess, but she quickly sorted it out. Sara was completely off limits. Tonya seemed too adventuresome on her part, but Carmela was safe. "I was unfaithful to you too. When I was moving . . . this girl who lived over there nearby, she . . . oh you know. She was like a friend from before I met you. She was sad. I was lonely for you." Makeeda smiled, appearing almost relieved that Laura too had some peccadilloes to balance her own. She winked and pursed her lips. "Don't tell me you thought of me when you came. I won't believe you." Laura laughed. "Actually, I tried very hard not to because it would make me feel guilty." "Is she pretty, this girl?" Laura pictured Carmela in her mind. Oh god, darling, Carmela is impossibly gorgeous, if you only knew! "More like cute, I'd say," she said. "Black?" "Why do you ask?" Laura blushed. "Only because the woman you were with in the restaurant was black. I'm black. Just figured you might lean in that direction." "She is very black," Laura said, evenly. "As well as being of African-American origin," she added pointlessly, a little nervously, then felt foolish. I'm glad I didn't say she's seventeen! "Mmm, you like that dark meat, eh?" Makeeda said, grabbing her harder now and nuzzling her neck again. "I guess I better marry you twice and chain you to the bed next time I go away just so the sistas don't kidnap you. Once they go to bed with Laura they'll never be able to let her go. I know I can't." More important news than her minor
indiscretion was the fact that Makeeda did not this time have to rush off to
another far flung engagement. Her agent
had got her a small gig at Yoshi's in
There were, of course, a few disappointed parties, but not Laura. Tonya came up to her at work with a proposal. "Told my friend Ty a little about what we were doing, and she wants to meet you," Tonya said, giving Laura a significant look, a look that said the fires would flare up hot for all three of them if this could be arranged. Laura could indeed feel a little stirring deep in her belly at the thought, but she was so serenely happy now that Makeeda had returned that she had no trouble turning Tonya down. "My angel is back in town. She's here for a while. I can't—and wouldn't—possibly do anything while she's here." Tonya nodded and smiled sweetly. "I think that is so right. I really admire you for that, Laura. She's a lucky chick." Laura couldn't help looking at Tonya and remembering the wildly hot fucking they had done, and the way Tonya had taken to it so quickly. She wondered what Ty would be like. She recalled that Allisha had mentioned a sister named Ty, short for Tyreeta. Could it be the same girl? What a bizarre coincidence, if true. Oh well. She would find out eventually. "Why don't we touch base on it in about six weeks or so," she told Tonya. Tonya's face fell. "Six weeks!" Laura shrugged. "She's going to be here for a while. I love her desperately. Be happy for me." Tonya's shoulders relaxed. She flirted, tilted her head, and stuck out her tongue in the way she knew made Laura's heart flutter. "I am. That's so romantic." She swished her delicious bangs with the fingers of one hand, knowing how it would make a little flame spurt up in Laura's pussy. "I'll keep checking back." The weeks passed, and Allisha also called. "I haven't seen you! I'm dying to see you, Laura!" This was the Allisha who had seemed so aloof on the metro. Laura could not help smiling bemusedly as she recalled how distant and guarded Allisha had been at first, and how she had turned into a sizzling little tramp in the sack after Laura had seduced her. She explained her situation, and remarkably enough Allisha too was very understanding. These girls adored Laura but were also very respectful, even solemnly and soberly respectful, of her close bond with Makeeda, so much so that Laura was pleased and astonished. Maybe they crave something like that for themselves so much that they can't help be awed by it in another, she reasoned. Whatever the cause, they backed off and let her enjoy her time together with her 'wife.' She and Makeeda had a wonderful few weeks together. Laura even took a week off to spend with her in Reno, where during the daytime they hiked in the mountains, and in the evenings Makeeda entertained the fans at the jazz club and, later, Laura in their hotel bed. It was bliss, no matter how you cut it. But it did have to end finally, and Makeeda was off to Seattle, then Vancouver, for two weeks. The day before she left Laura got a call at work from, of all people, Jamilah, the bridesmaid she had met at the wedding of an office friend about six months earlier. "Remember me?" Jamilah said shyly at the other end of the line, as though she was used to being forgotten. Laura had two pictures in her mind of Jamilah. One, in her bridesmaid's dress, bright yellow with a scoop neck, her beautiful, smooth, sleek black skin wonderfully exposed and contrasted with the bright-colored fabric, the yellow flowers in her shiny black hair making her look like some fresh African queen of the May. Two, sitting nearly naked on the bed next to where Laura was napping, in her flimsy little nightie with small bluebells all over it, even more of her delicious black skin now exposed, puffing on a cigarette and watching TV, the large circles of her deeply black nipples showing a little through the fabric of her nightgown. "How could I ever forget you?" Laura breathed into the receiver. "Why haven't you called me before?" She remembered that she had given the girl a business card but neglected to get Jamilah's phone number, a serious oversight now that she remembered how lovely, though shy, the girl was. "Oh . . ." Jamilah sounded especially shy and distant. "Didn't want to . . . bother you." Then she tittered softly a little. "And I was wondering if I was really a . . . you know . . ." "A lesbian," Laura whispered into the phone, smiling. "Yup." "What did you decide?" "I'm calling, ain't I?" "I'm dying to see you," Laura said, very honestly. "I'm tied up until tomorrow night. When can I see you?" "I work at PG&E, down on Laura jumped at the opportunity. In fact, she wanted to eat Jamilah herself for lunch but felt a little twinge of guilt for that impulse since her current idyll with Makeeda was only now running out of time, and they really had immersed themselves in an orgy of love for weeks, not to say exhausting sex. I should be taking a hiatus, she thought. Not chomping at the bit for some fresh delicious sex with this darling girl on the phone. "Fine," she said decisively, "let's do it. Let's meet day after tomorrow for lunch. You have a favorite place?" They met at a little bistro Laura knew about close to Jamilah's office, since Jamilah usually brought her lunch and didn't know of a suitable restaurant. The stark difference between this lunch and her lunch with Tonya before their little tryst was remarkable to Laura. For one thing, Jamilah was not conventionally pretty like Tonya. She had a delicious lean body and beautiful very dark skin, but her face was a little odd due, Laura now remembered, to her too widely spaced eyes and her slight overbite and flat nose. When you first glanced at her, you might think: Oh, this poor little homely thing, how does she get along? And yet it was a very expressive face, full of infectious gaiety and fetching shyness, and seconds after you looked into Jamilah's deep black eyes you no longer thought her homely. For another, she was about as different from the brash and flirtatious Tonya as it was possible to be. In ten minutes Tonya had been telling Laura about how she had let five or six guys fuck her at a party, whereas Jamilah was so reticent Laura had to work to get her even to speak. Of course there was a deep difference, from the very start. She and Jamilah had actually shared a bed, a night of sweet sex, whereas Tonya had been standoffish and not at all receptive at first. And they were here because Jamilah apparently wanted to spend another night in bed with Laura. "You look . . . so damned lovely," Laura exclaimed, catching herself before saying 'gorgeous' or 'beautiful' since to Jamilah, who knew she wasn't either of those, it would sound like fatuous and conniving flattery. Jamilah grinned. "You too. Forgot how beautiful you look. Like some model or something." "You know we only work about six blocks away from each other. Why did we wait this long to have lunch?" Jamilah looked down at her fingers. "Me. I was afraid to. I still had your number. Just didn't call it. Too scared." "Why would you be scared of me?" Laura reached across the small table and cupped Jamilah's folded hands in her own. I slid my tongue up into your pussy, you sweet darling, her eyes said to Jamilah. You have nothing to fear from me but maybe an ecstasy too deep to bear. "You're not any more, are you?" Jamilah shook her head, apparently embarrassed to have revealed her fear. "No. That's why I called." She smiled. "Keep thinking about that night . . . in the hotel room." "I think about it all the time too," Laura said warmly, even though she had not thought of it much at all. That didn't mean that when she did think of it the thoughts weren't sexually arousing. Jamilah, though a complete novice at girl-girl sex, had been beautiful in bed. Jamilah looked down at their hands and ran a finger over Laura's gold wedding band. "You . . . married? I mean, I know lesbians been getting married lately. I don't know whether it counts, but it's kinda sweet." Laura smiled, almost proudly. "I am. I really am." Though technically, at least, she and Makeeda were not yet married, only bonded by these exchanged rings. "I'm very much in love with her. But she has to travel a lot. She's a singer. She's away a lot of the time." "Does that mean we can't—?" Laura shook her head. She grinned and again reached across the table to cup Jamilah's folded hands in her own. "It only means we can't . . . you know . . . be together . . . at my house." Jamilah burst into a nervous grin of her own. "We can't at mine either. I live at home. My Mama and my Daddy will have a fit. And they never go nowhere." Laura pursed her lips, making a dramatic show of the act of thinking. "I guess we'll just have to come up with something." Jamilah waited, patiently, expectantly, as if Genius were cogitating on the other side of the table. "How about if I rent us a room in a hotel?" Laura said. "It'll be like before. Just us. Alone." Now Jamilah, relieved, relaxed her shoulders and smiled. A great weight seemed to be lifted from her, and for the first time Laura realized how important this meeting was to her, and perhaps how difficult it had been for her to take this step. "Isn't that kind of expensive?" she asked. Laura shrugged. "If we went out to dinner and dancing in the city, it would cost just as much. Where do you live?" " "Good. I live in Jamilah almost blushed, but she was very black, and it didn't show. Everything was moving very fast. She seemed to be going over it all in her mind. ""How about Friday? I mean . . . don't have to get up and go to work the next day, right?" "Right. Good idea. I'll make the reservation and check in. Then I'll call you and you can just park and come up. Do you have a car?" Jamilah nodded. She looked down at her fingers, shy, almost embarrassed. After all, they were making arrangements to spend the night in glorious lesbian fucking, and the thought of it was nearly too much for her. "You know, I have one request," Laura said, bursting on ahead, as if to overcome all Jamilah's shyness and nerves. "Can you bring that little nightgown with the bluebells all over it? You know, the one you were wearing that . . . first night we were . . . together.?" Jamilah looked up slowly. "You remember that old thing?" "If you could have seen the way you looked in it, you'd remember it too." A huge smile spread across Jamilah's face. "I can bring it." "Good." She leaned across the table and whispered. "Just the memory of you in it makes me wet." Jamilah tittered nervously, and Laura pulled back. Had she gone too far? "Really?" Jamilah asked softly. Laura nodded. "Really. Bring it." "I will." Laura didn't know how Jamilah experienced the wait until Friday night, but she herself could hardly bear it. In fact, she tried everything she could think of not to dwell on it. She reserved a room for them at the Radisson Berkeley Marina and phoned Jamilah to let her know. "Just come on straight from work," she told her. "They have a nice restaurant. We can eat something first . . . or later." The conversation was ripe with unspoken meaning. Honey, I am going to eat you alive, Laura's voice almost throbbed, though she was doing her best to speak evenly and without excess emotion. Jamilah was equally excited. "I'll probably be too nervous to eat," she confessed to Laura. "See you there about six or so," Laura said cheerfully. Jamilah arrived at six-thirty, carrying a little overnight bag and looking both skittish, nervous, and wildly desirable to Laura. For one thing, she was marvelously and deeply black, which was always a huge sexual turn-on for Laura. The lighter-skinned girls had their charms too; take Tonya, with her deep burnt gold skin and red-gold hair. But the darkest girls still had the power to make Laura's pussy thrum and tingle and throb. For another, Jamilah's sheer nervousness gave her an air of vulnerability that melted Laura completely. She experienced a weird combination of feelings, wanting to embrace and shelter the darling thing and at the same time tear her clothes off and run her mouth all over that magnificently dark naked body. "Hi," Jamilah said shyly at the door, as Laura opened it. She seemed almost reluctant to come inside. Laura held the door open wider. "I'm not going to bite you," she smiled. Oops. Maybe I am going to bite you, she thought. But not hard. She grinned to put Jamilah at ease. It did seem a bit like the spider inviting the fly inside. You dirty old lady, Laura! Jamilah came in and looked immediately at the king-size bed. She did not even put down her overnight bag while she was looking. Laura could almost hear her thinking. That's where we'll be; on that bed. That's where we'll be fucking in a few minutes. That's where we'll be naked. I guess I'm a lesbian after all because I sure do want to do it. She looked over at Laura, who gently took the overnight bag from her hand, almost prying her fingers loose, and sat it down on the easy chair beside the bed. "Come here and let me have that marvelous mouth," Laura murmured, pulling her close. "I wanted to kiss you all during our lunch the other day." "Really?" Jamilah's expression revealed that this was still a fairy tale to her and she could scarcely believe it was really happening. "Absolutely," Laura breathed, immediately putting her lips on Jamilah's smooth black neck, kissing it from her earlobe down to her throat, then back up the other side. Jamilah giggled and shivered. "You're giving me goosebumps," she laughed. "Oh good," Laura whispered. She sucked Jamilah's neck, but not hard enough to leave a mark. "I want to do this everywhere on your beautiful body." Jamilah quivered and breathed a little faster. "That feels . . . good." "You have a marvelous neck." "Did you lock the door?" "Yes. Look." Jamilah looked back over her shoulder to see if the safety catch was fastened. Relieved, she turned her face back to Laura. "Don't want anybody . . . to get in. I heard people get robbed. Killed." "Mmmm," Laura hummed, kissing her wonderful smooth black neck again, nibbling her earlobe. "They also get eaten alive by hungry women like me." Jamilah giggled softly again, clearly delighting in all this physical attention. "You are hungry," she said, as if not knowing what to make of it. But she tilted her head to one side to make more of her delicious neck available to Laura's lips. "Maybe we should get something to eat first." "Mmmm, I know what I want to eat," Laura murmured, letting her hands sweep down the girl's back to her splendid, jutting bottom, digging her fingers into the firm moons through Jamilah's skirt. Finally her lips found Jamilah's very sensual mouth and they kissed. It was a slow, romantic kiss. They were still standing by the chair where Laura had deposited Jamilah's overnight bag. She continued to clutch Jamilah's marvelous bottom in both hands, now coiling her tongue slowly around Jamilah's, kissing her patiently and warmly, not too aggressively yet, but with simple, uncomplicated passion. "I love kissing you," she breathed against Jamilah's mouth. "I could kiss you all day." "Ain't much left of the day," Jamilah smiled. "You'll have to do it all night." "Is that an invitation?" Jamilah smiled even more broadly. "Guess it is. I like it." "I like it too." Laura kissed her again, embracing her even more tightly, feeling both of their bodies grow more tense and eager. "I don't think I can wait," she murmured against Jamilah's smooth black cheek. "Me neither. I been fantasizing about this for about a month. Even more. Took me a little while to work up the courage to call you." Laura nuzzled her under one perfect, shiny, jet black ear. "Mmmm, you keep saying that . . . like I was a monster or something." Jamilah shook her head and grew solemn. "This is kind of a big deal to me. Going to bed with a girl. I mean, the first time . . . it just happened, you know? We were there . . . we got jiggy. It was fun." "Fun is hardly the word for it," Laura deadpanned. "You fucked my brains loose, you little sex demon." She nipped Jamilah's chin, then her cheek, then pinched one of the hard round moons of her ass through her clothes. Jamilah jumped back, laughing. "Did not. You were the demon. You . . . got me when I was half-naked and vulnerable. You . . . seduced me." "Speaking of half-naked," Laura flirted blatantly with her. "Did you bring that little nightie that would make the world want to devour you if they could only see you in it?" Jamilah, delighted to be so desired, looked down at her overnight bag. "It's in there." "Why don't you go in the bathroom and put it on, then come out here and do the Dance of the Seven Veils for me." Jamilah beamed and couldn't speak. "Laura, you are so much fun. Guess that's why I'm here. I never knew a guy that was so much fun." She gave Laura a very coquettish smile. "Plus, nobody ever made me come the way you did." Laura picked up the overnight bag and handed it to her. "Hurry up, now," she murmured, feeling her eyelids grow heavy with sex. "I can only take so much of this stalling. I'm burning up for you." Jamilah smiled sexily and disappeared into the bathroom, shutting the door. The more I see you, the more I want you . . . Laura hummed to herself while she waited. Somehow this feeling, just grows and grows . . . And grows, and grows, and grows, she smiled, pulling down the bedcovers, beginning to unfasten her own blouse buttons. If I were a guy, I would have this gigantic swollen, throbbing, bursting cock right about now, just thinking of her in there. While she waited she found herself recalling what a beautiful pussy Jamilah had. Of course every lover had a beautiful one, from Sara's plump, pudgy little beauty to Jane's sinuous and parabola-shaped masterpiece to her own darling Makeeda's black sculptured orchid of paradise. But Jamilah's, Laura now remembered, was as exquisitely shaped as any she had ever seen, or tasted. She sat on the edge of the bed, having reveries of its long black petals unfolding to reveal a wide magenta expanse of wet inner flesh, its beautifully shaped hood coming to a point at the top over the round pinkish bead of a tasty and exposed little clit. The whole thing was a feast in which Laura could indulge for hours, and she almost licked her lips in anticipation. It was a full five minutes before Jamilah opened the door and peeped out. "Ready?" "Honey, if you wait another second I'm going to melt into a little puddle," Laura said, grinning. "Please bring your delicious self out here." Jamilah shut off the bathroom light and stepped slowly back into the room, now wearing only the little shortie nightgown, its thin white fabric sprinkled everywhere with tiny bluebells. It concealed just enough of her lean, sleek black body to make her wildly alluring to Laura. The stringy shoulder straps left so much of Jamilah's gleaming black skin visible that Laura could not tear her eyes from it. And the hem fell only halfway down her thighs, leaving most of her thin but shapely legs bare. She was a vision. Most enchanting, as Laura had remembered, was the way her large, deeply black nipples showed faintly through the cloth, the thick centers jutting up under it. Jamilah's small but perfect breasts swayed a little, though not much, being so firm, as she walked slowly toward Laura, her eyes on Laura's face to gauge Laura's reaction. "God, if you aren't a masterpiece," Laura said under her breath, unable to take her eyes off any part of Jamilah. Jamilah smiled pertly. "Why do you think so? You know, Laura, nobody ever thought I was as pretty as you do, my whole life. Nobody. Why do you think so?" Laura took her hands and pulled her close. "Because I have eyes, my darling." "You just like my pretty little body," Jamilah said, squint-smiling. "Go ahead, admit it. I got a pretty body, I know that." "You sure do," Laura murmured, bending to kiss one round, black, gleaming shoulder. "But you've got a lot more than that." She raised her fingers to Jamilah's face, caressing it tenderly. "Much more. You're sweet and lovely. You are such an angel to be with me here, knowing how I want you." Jamilah smiled and giggled again. "You ain't the only one who wants." Laura had already shed her blouse but still wore her bra and skirt. Jamilah looked down and placed her dark, shapely hand on Laura's arm, then her shoulder. Then with the fingers of both hands she unfastened the clasp between Laura's bra cups. The bra fell loose, exposing Laura's naked breasts. Laura looked down and watched as Jamilah closed both hands over them, squeezing gently. "Kiss me, honey," Laura whispered, feeling overcome with tenderness and lust in equal measure. "Don't hurry. Take this slow. It feels so good, we don't want it to go too fast." Jamilah smiled and nodded. "I know." She pulled Jamilah down onto the sheet, at the same time hurriedly unfastening her own skirt and kicking it free, shedding the limp bra straps from her arms. She was now wearing only her panties, and Jamilah the thin shift with the bluebells all over it. They embraced and kissed, a long, aching, sweet, romantic kiss. Jamilah's hands were all over Laura's nearly naked body, slipping underneath her panties to cup the moons of her ass, since Jamilah had very long arms and could easily reach them. "Take this off," she murmured against Laura's cheek, pushing Laura's panties down her thighs with her hands. "Want to be naked with you. In my fantasies we're always naked and rubbing like this. I got to take off this nightie too." She wriggled one shoulder, trying to make the strap fall off. "No," Laura breathed, "you let me take it off. I asked you to wear it. Now I get to take it off, like the first time. I have fantasies too, you know." Now they were silent for a long time as Laura kissed every exposed inch she could reach with her lips of Jamilah's smooth black skin, slowly working the thin, short nightie off her body, first the shoulder straps, then the whole thing, sliding it down, exposing Jamilah's wonderful small perfect breasts. She cupped them in her hands from below, brushing Jamilah's deeply black and large nipples with her thumbs. She looked up at Jamilah, locking their eyes together, but said nothing, though both could hear their rapid breathing. Laura remembered as if for the first time how oral she herself was, how she wanted to put her mouth on every part of Jamilah's delectable body, how she wanted to lick it and suck it and chew it, even, and bite it and swallow it. I want to consume you, darling, I want it all, I want all of your delicious black body inside my mouth. And she lost no time doing it. Jamilah submitted to Laura's passion as if she had no other choice, giving her body freely as Laura cupped her small breasts in her hands and began devouring the large black circles of her nipples. "Hhhh . . . hhhhhh!" she panted, looking down at Laura sucking them. "Oh god . . . you suck so hard!" "Mmmmm, sorry," Laura smiled up at her. "Sometimes I get carried away." "No . . . don't stop," Jamilah gasped softly. "I like it. God, I like it. Unhhhhh! Yes. You can suck hard." "Here, let's get the rest of this thing off," Laura said, pulling the flimsy nightie all the way down Jamilah's long thin legs and tossing it across the room. She kicked her own panties free as well. Now they were totally naked and there was nothing to inhibit Laura's frenzy of lust but Jamilah's willingness to yield to it, which she did readily. "Did I ever tell you these are perfect?" Laura murmured, lightly pinching one thick black wet nipple between her thumb and forefinger before attempting to sensually swallow it again. "You have the most perfect pretty little breasts. And I love your big black beautiful nipples." Jamilah, though very aroused by what Laura was doing, smiled almost coyly. "I told you I know I have a pretty body," she said. "You even made yourself come by rubbing on my stomach last time, remember?" "Oh god, I'll never forget that," Laura said, glancing down at the smooth rippling black muscles of Jamilah's midriff, recalling the surprisingly violent orgasm she had had while sliding her pussy over them. "God, I'm going to have to do it again." Jamilah frowned playfully. "But not first, okay? I want to do that thing where we put our pussies together. That's what I keep thinking about." She paused, unable to continue because of the acute pleasure Laura was arousing in her stiffening wet nipples. "Oh . . . god that feels good! You're making me so wet, Laura." For the next several minutes there were no words, only increasingly urgent caresses as Laura tried to achieve her objective of pressing her hungry lips to every inch of Jamilah's smooth black body, though avoiding her exquisite pussy, since both of them knew that the hotel room would burst into flame the moment she touched it with her mouth. The sweet delay they were practicing increased the sexual tension in their bodies to the point where they knew that the moment their pussies touched it would be a headlong dash to the finish line. And though they both wanted it desperately, they both also seemed intent to prolong it to the last possible moment, as if to squeeze the ultimate pleasure out of it when it did arrive. "Oh god . . ." Jamilah finally gasped after several minutes of writhing and panting as Laura devoured her naked body. "You're . . . gonna make me come, Laura . . . even if you don't get to my pussy. Ungghhhhh!" Her hips squirmed and juddered a little in the air, and Laura wondered if she were not telling the truth. "Oh, I'm going to get to it all right," Laura panted, smiling, maneuvering both of their bodies since Jamilah was writhing and squirming almost out of control. Laura pushed Jamilah's thighs wide open and settled between them with one leg overlapping one of Jamilah's thighs. Even though she adored the girl and had no desire to alarm her or assault her over-passionately, she knew this was going to be nothing like the sweet, solemn, almost sacred slow tribbing she and Sara had done only days ago, when they had lain together barely moving for long minutes, it seemed, while their bodies rose in harmony to a barely endurable shared climax. No, this was going to be hard and fast and even a little rough, because both she and Jamilah were caught in the sharp intensity of their mutual need, their bodies tense and straining and colliding in a frenzy of sexual hunger. Their bodies were perpendicular, with Jamilah flat on her back and Laura erect over her, ready to fuck her, and both of them, into a scorching, screeching orgasm. "Oh yes . . . oh yes!" Jamilah gasped, looking up at her. Then she looked down her body at Laura's groin coming ever closer to her own, watching Laura reach down to spread her inflamed cunt lips open. She did the same with her own slender, black fingers, and Laura could see the hot, glistening inner pink of Jamilah's beautifully shaped black pussy. She quickly lowered her pussy onto Jamilah's, feeling sweet sexual fire pour through her body as the wet meat of their exposed cunts came together. "Oh!" Laura actually did not know who uttered this sharp little cry, whether it was her or Jamilah; it escaped into the room, startling them both, but quickly obscured by their mingled moans as the physical sensations welled up in their yearning bodies and nearly overcame them. Jamailah was looking up into Laura's eyes. "Ahhhnnnnnnn!" she moaned, her own eyes rolling briefly up, then down again quickly to regain their locked focus on Laura's face. "Oh god!" She smiled. "I dreamed of this." Laura could not restrain herself. Much as she wanted this to be a slow, simmering, romantic love-making, a sweet reunion of sorts, recalling the exciting night they had spent together in Jamilah's hotel room after the wedding reception, she was quickly overcome by the most basic, fierce lust for the delicious naked girl. The fact that they were going to spend the night together here and perhaps should move slowly at first, saving something for later, had no effect on Laura, and she began to believe it didn't have any effect on Jamilah either. Almost immediately they began to fuck in a heated, sensual frenzy, gyrating their hips rapidly, panting and mewling. Laura, still perpendicular to the supine Jamilah, nevertheless could not keep her hands off Jamilah's enchanting young breasts. Something about the pitch-black wide circles of Jamilah's nipples seemed a magnet to her lips, making her want to suck and swallow them, and even though they were grinding their groins together more and more frantically, she had to bend down to lick them and take one into her mouth. "Unnhhh!" Jamilah gasped excitedly, watching Laura suction up her nipple. "God . . . you really like titties, don't you." "I . . . love yours," Laura panted back to her. Suddenly a very obvious awe and deep love flooded Jamilah's dark eyes. "Laura . . ." she said, almost astonished, as if unable to believe what she was going to say, "you're gonna make me come." "Oh honey, are you close?" Laura panted, sitting back up for better leverage, feeling the spark of an imminent orgasm herself deep in her aching pussy. Jamilah nodded sharply. "Yes!" From that second on neither one could utter a word. They were hurtling together toward the explosion, pumping and groaning and straining, pushing their cunts together almost violently. The bed was rocking and squeaking. It was amazing, the urgency of their bodies sliding together. Minutes ago they had just entered this hotel room, Laura realized, a little diffident at meeting again for the first time after months apart, having shared only one night together, by total accident, at the wedding. And look at them now, grinding their pussies together wildly, panting and whimpering, stroking each other's naked flesh, their eyes locked, their bodies on the verge of a shared orgasm. "Oh yes! Oh yes!" Laura gasped, now leaning forward, placing her hands on the mattress on either side of Jamila's head, fucking her now intensely, more intensely than ever, fucking the sweet, lovely girl hard with her own pussy, rolling Jamilah's pelvis up off the bed with each hard thrust, feeling the wet and hair-fringed flesh of Jamilah's splayed pussy open against her own, as if to receive this fierce surge of lust. "Unh! Unh! Ohnnggghhh! Oh Laura!" "Yes!" "Ungghhh! Oh Laura! Ohnnggggg!" "Now . . . honey, now!" Laura gasped to her, feeling their straining bodies in synch, completely in harmony, ready to burst. "Oh! AWWWONNNNGGGG!" Jamilah suddenly cried out, her lean body jackknifing under Laura's as the first paroxysm of a sharp climax ripped her. Laura was coming too, at almost the same instant, though it was more like a zillion gallons of water bursting over the top of the dam than a rocket shot like Jamilah's. "Annnggghhhmmnnggiieee!" she half-shrieked, half-wailed, as the spouting fountains of her own orgasm flooded her entire being. She fell forward onto Jamilah's body, writhing against her, luxuriating in the feel of Jamilah's silky black flesh against her own smooth skin, embracing her and still pumping her though more with her thigh now since their groins were no longer intimately mated. But Laura had to feel Jamilah's young body against hers everywhere. Her fingers bit into the girl's resilient flesh, and she kissed her neck, her cheek, her ear. "Oh god . . . ohhhhhhh god . . ." Jamilah exhaled, still quivering from sweet aftershocks. "Mmmmm . . . oh yes . . ." Laura smiled, her own body tingling and twitching a little as her own orgasm waned. "Oh god, I come so hard with you, darling," she breathed into Jamila's shiny black ear. Jamilah turned her head to the side to meet Laura's eyes, looking dazed and stunned by the force of her own climax. "Me too," she said, a little hoarsely, with a fetching half-smile. "It was better than I remembered. I don't remember coming that hard before." "Maybe we're getting better at it," Laura smiled, slowly lifting herself and rolling off Jamilah's body. She rolled to the side and pulled Jamilah against her, dropping her hands to the girl's tight little bottom and squeezing both firm moons. "Now that we've got that out of the way, we can relax and just take our time." Jamilah chewed her full lower lip as if embarrassed, but then stretched lazily. "It was a little fast, wasn't it. Guess I was hornier than I thought." Laura kissed her, at first a little affectionate kiss, but it quickly grew into a long, sensual one. "I guess you were," she whispered into Jamilah's moving lips. "You want to go down to the restaurant and have something to eat. Or have them send up room service?" Jamilah crinkled her broad, flat nose playfully. Her black eyes sparkled. "Don't think I want to stop doing this yet." Laura gently pinched her wonderful ass. "Oooohhh, you lovely horny little devil," she teased. "You just wanted to get me alone like this so you could fuck me all night." Again Jamilah looked embarrassed, as if it were not okay to confess being so horny. But then she smiled. "You talk nasty," she grinned. "I love it." Since there was no hurry, they cuddled and kissed some more. Laura was determined, now that their initial lust had been partially slaked, not to rush it any more. She enjoyed holding the naked and very winsome Jamilah in her arms like this, knowing what was coming but not over-eager to get to it. By this time tomorrow morning, my darling, we are both going to be orgasmed out. I guarantee it. I cannot resist you. Before very long she was unable to keep her voracious mouth off the girl's delicious flesh, and she found herself maneuvering Jamilah onto her stomach so that she could have full access to her wonderful sinuous dark back and her gorgeous up-jutting little ass. "Mmmm, you don't know how beautiful you really are," she purred, nuzzling Jamilah under the shoulderblades, giving her long, sensual kisses on the nape of her neck. Jamilah smiled drowsily and let Laura do her work. Laura's fingers were massaging her smooth, warm back skillfully, and Laura's lips were exploring every inch of it, especially the long shallow groove down the center, which she kissed her way up and down for long minutes, letting her lips linger here and there, even licking Jamilah's smooth, dark, sensitive skin, even nipping her shoulderblades gently. "I love your back," she whispered. "Is it okay for me to love your back?" Jamilah giggled softly. "Nobody ever loved my back before. You go right ahead. It feels so good." "You have an absolutely gorgeous back." Laura kissed her way back down this masterpiece." "You gon' fuck it . . . like you did my stomach?" Jamilah smiled, looking back over her shoulder. Laura winked at her. "I might just. Better be careful, giving me ideas." Her hands were on Jamilah's beautiful ass, and Jamilah knew it. Her eyes caught Laura's, and she rolled halfway onto her side in order to capture Laura's attention more completely. "Remember when you told me you had that friend who said anal sex was rad? You said she liked it all the time?" Laura smiled warmly. She did indeed remember how Jamilah had been semi-horrified at the thought. "I remember." "I have this friend Francine," Jamilah continued. "She the same way. I didn't know it at the time. She hadn't told me nothing. But later she did. I didn't tell her anything about us. She just told me her boyfriend started doing her in the ass and she had these orgasms like she was going to explode or something. She calls them booty gasms." Jamilah's face grew solemn and serious. "Is that what it's like?" Laura nuzzled her cheek, then her neck, unable to keep her hands from swooping up Jamilah's half-turned body to her dangling breasts, cupping and gently squeezing them. "That is exactly what it's like," she murmured. "At least it is for those who like it. I think there are those who don't like it. For them I guess it's just an ordeal. Maybe they do it because the other person likes it. And I guess everybody can't have them. Those ass gasms." "What about you?" Jamilah asked bluntly. "You ever had a booty gasm?" "My dear, I have had about a hundred." Jamilah was silent for a moment, as if not daring to speak. "You think I could have one? I mean, it doesn't hurt or anything, does it?" "Sometimes it does, for a little bit. While you're getting used to it. Some girls don't seem to feel it, though. It's easy for them." "Which kind are you?" Laura grimaced playfully. "Hurts me a little, at first. But I just grit my teeth. Usually it's worth it." "Usually?" "Well . . . those really huge cocks? Sometimes I'd rather pass. They can hurt." Jamilah smiled. "You making me hot, girl." Then she frowned. "I don't think I'd want one of those either. Up my booty, I mean. Don't you have something smaller?" "Me?" Laura put her fingertips on her bare chest, as if she were scandalized. "Why my darling, I don't have a cock." "Don't you have one of those fake ones? Isn't that . . ." she paused, searching for a word. "Standard equipment? For lesbians?" Jamilah grinned, embarrassed, and nodded. Laura leaned down and kissed her, very romantically, twisting their bodies so that they could embrace face to face. She stroked Jamiliah's naked back with her fingers, then Jamilah's pretty round ass. "Actually, I do have one," she confessed. "In the car. I didn't bring it up because I thought you might be frightened if I did. I even have a smallish one, if you want to try it. Want me to go downstairs to the car and get it?" Jamilah did not speak but her eyes grew wide. She was clearly contemplating it, wondering if she should back down now, or if she could later. "Guess you could. Long as it don't hurt." "I would never hurt you, my sweet," Laura promised solemnly, kissing her again. "We can make love just as beautifully without it, as we just proved." Jamilah crinkled her nose. "You know . . . I never really 'made love' before. I just 'had sex.' Know what I mean? This is kind of like making love. I mean, with you. I like it." "I like it too." "I think I might like to have one of those booty gasms, though. If they as good as Francine says they are. I mean, who could I better have it with than you, right?" Laura kissed her right on the tip of her nose. "I'm your girl." She started to pull away, but Jamilah held her tight. It was so moving to Laura, to be held so tightly by this charming naked girl. "It'll only take me a minute to get it," she whispered. "Don't want you to leave yet," Jamilah breathed. "This is too nice. Maybe we should just do it again and wait till later for that." "Mmmm," Laura purred dreamily, running her lips along Jamilah's bare black shoulder. "As I said, I'm your girl." They took their time and embraced and kissed and eventually fucked again, this time in a slow, sensual, impossibly sweet dance of exquisite pleasure. Jamilah was growing more confident of her own skills, and her lips on Laura's pussy brought Laura finally to a climax so severe and shattering that she had great difficulty not screaming loudly enough to be heard outside in the hallways. She was eager to repay the favor again but so devastated by the crushing spasms that it was minutes before she could speak. "Oh god, you made me come so hard," she finally gasped, softly and hoarsely, covering Jamilah's face with kisses. "How did you do that?" Jamilah had come first—Laura could never allow herself to be second in line when it came to sucking that lovely hot pink cunt meat—and so could grin demurely. "Guess you inspired me, Laura, you devil," she teased. "I'm getting pretty good at it, right?" "Good isn't the word. You are an artist. Let me kiss that unbelievable mouth." They dozed in each other's arms and when Laura finally peeped at the bedside clock, she saw that it was only approaching eight. "Want to eat?" Jamilah came drowsily to life. "Does it mean we have to get dressed?" "You mean you don't want to get dressed, you naked little Jezebel?" Laura teased, pinching her delicious bare black bottom. Jamilah giggled and slipped away. "I don't. I want to eat naked, sitting right here." "I could call for room service," Laura suggested. "I can go down to the car and get . . . you know what . . . while we're waiting for them to bring the food." "If you get here with it first," Jamilah twinkled, "I might lose all interest in eating." This girl, Laura was starting to believe, was a marvelous little fuck bunny. Nothing could dissuade her from wanting the pussy. She's like me, Laura thought. Can't get enough, apparently. "Then maybe I should go get it first. We can eat later." A slow grin spread across Jamilah's face. "Will I come harder than I just did? 'Cause I came pretty hard. When you suck me down there, I just go crazy." Laura kissed the tip of her shiny black nose. "No guarantees," she murmured. "Maybe you will, maybe you won't. You just have to give it a try and see." Their kisses were quickly becoming more sensual, and both knew that fire sprang up when they touched each other's bare flesh. Jamilah pushed her away. "Go get it." Laura dressed hurriedly and went down to her car. She got the small overnight case out of her trunk and quickly returned to their room. Jamilah was in the bathroom, humming and happy as a lark. She emerged to find Laura half-undressed again, with the contents of the overnight case spread out on the second bed. Jamilah was still naked and breathtaking. Laura, even though she had only been gone a few minutes, wanted to tear off the rest of her clothes and smother the delicious naked girl with passion, forgetting about the strap-on and everything else but consuming Jamilah's smooth black flesh. Instead, she disciplined her urges with a strength that amazed her and watched as Jamilah crossed the room and examined the apparatus. "Is this the small one?" she asked, picking up the smallest dildo and running one long black forefinger down it's length. "Duh," Laura said. It was clearly the smallest one. "Looks pretty big to me," Jamilah said softly, without smiling. "You sure it will fit?" Laura was filling her eyes for the umpteenth time with Jamilah's darling, perfect little naked breasts, the large round deeply black nipples making her mouth water. It had been only minutes since she had been filling her hands with them and sucking them thirstily, and yet this view of them again, as Jamilah stood holding the strap-on dildo in her fingers just in front of them, made a hot little pulse fire up deep in Laura's pussy. "Maybe it will fit, and maybe it won't," Laura purred, approaching her, taking Jamilah in her arms, kissing her bare black shoulders. "I keep telling you . . . there's nothing you can do but give it a try. If you still want to. Me, I'd be happy just to jump all over you again as is." Jamilah laughed softly and looked down at Laura's lips on her body. "Nobody ever kissed me all over the way you do," she laughed. "Mmmmm, you have the smoothest skin I have ever touched, you know that?" Laura murmured, brushing her lips across the supernaturally soft black skin of Jamilah's chest. "You probably say that to every girl." Laura shook her head. "Not true. You have marvelous skin." "Guess we better give it a try," Jamilah said, holding up the six-inch shaft. "Else I'll never know if I can have one of those ass orgasms or not." Laura smirked at her and took the dildo out of her hand. "Come with me, my darling, and let Dr. Laura experiment on your lovely young body." Jamilah made a face. " "Oooohhh, you're right," Laura laughed. "Not her. The Ayatollah, I call her. Makes me sorry I have the same name. Let's go back a minute. Come with me, my darling and let Dr. Assgasm have a little go at your lovely bottom." Jamilah squinted and giggled. "You better not hurt it," she warned. "I still don't really think it don't hurt." "If it hurts, we'll stop," Laura promised her. She fished in her handbag for her little bottle of baby oil, then slipped into the strap-on harness while Jamilah watched, as if a particularly fiendish torture were about to be inflicted on her. Laura couldn't help feeling this was all wrong as they stretched out together on the bed, Laura gently positioning Jamilah on her side so that they could do a 'spoon' approach to the fateful penetration. It was all so clinical and cold. There was little passion involved, and yet she and Jamilah had nearly burned one another to a crisp with fierce passion only half an hour earlier. Laura wanted her to be sensually aroused, receptive, even eager for it, but she knew Jamilah was frightened as well as curious, certainly not sexually hungry at the moment, not for this act at least, just intent on doing what her friend had evidently advised. "You have to relax, darling," Laura murmured to her, kissing her bare black shoulders and the nape of her neck. "Otherwise, it will hurt. We don't want that." She felt Jamilah's body grow temporarily slack against hers. "Like this?" "Exactly. Like that. Now . . . I'm just going to oil you up a little, to make it more comfortable. Okay?" "Okay," Jamilah replied in a tiny voice. Laura felt like a criminal as she oiled her forefinger and slid it between Jamilah's delectable round buns. "Ooohh!" "I'm not even there yet, darling." "Sorry. Unhhh . . . oh! That . . . feels kind of weird but good." "Mmmm, see what I mean?" Jamilah smiled nervously, looking back over her shoulder. "Maybe I'm gonna like this after all." Laura decided not to rush things. If she liked this, why not take advantage of that? She twisted her finger, embedded in Jamilah's tight little rectum, and slid it in and out in a slow, sensual motion. Jamilah panted and swirled her ass back into Laura's hand. Laura could feel the girl's body slowly loosening, heating up, welcoming a more vigorous approach. She increased the speed of her moving hand, softly biting Jamilah's shoulders, pushing her own naked breasts into Jamilah's sinuous back, getting very aroused herself now, wanting to fuck the darling girl, and fuck her hard. At least we got here, she thought, realizing that they had come a long way already from the cold, clinical beginning. Trying not to disrupt their increasingly agitated rhythm, she slid her finger out and guided the head of the dildo toward the gaping aperture of Jamilah's ass, lodging it there, gently pushing forward. Suddenly, an earsplitting shriek tore itself out of Jamilah's throat. "Annhhnnieeeee!" Her whole body stiffened, then jackknifed forward, but it was not in the throes of unbearably sweet sexual spasms. Instead, she was recoiling from Laura's attempted penetration. "Oh shit oh god stop it! Ahhnniieeee! Stop it stop it!" She looked over her shoulder at Laura, and Laura was surprised to see tears streaking her cheeks. Well, this obviously isn't going to work, she thought, ruefully. "Oh, my darling, I'm so sorry," she reassured Jamilah, reaching out for her. "Oh god, it hurted!" Jamilah cried, suddenly weeping tragically. Laura, who was already slipping out of the harness, scooped the weeping girl up in her arms and embraced her, kissing her wet cheeks. In truth, fucking Jamilah in the ass was the furthest thing from her mind at present since Jamilah's tears just tore at her heart and fanned her lust equally in the same instant, making her want to devour the sweet young thing. She kissed Jamilah ravenously, and Jamilah responded, forgetting her fear of the invader, now that it clearly was not going to happen, and giving in quickly to Laura's overheated lechery. "Oh god, yes . . . yes!" she panted against Laura's neck as Laura swarmed over her lovely lean body. She had never yet experienced the full-bore tender fury of Laura's passion when she was in gear for a loving rape, but she was a willing victim of the whole onslaught now. Laura was all over her. She sucked and lightly, playfully bit Jamilah's large, shiny black nipples wantonly, and squeezed her firm asscheeks hard and sucked her pussy until Jamilah was groaning helplessly and churning her pelvis spastically up off the bed, her hips swirling her midair and her fists hammering the mattress. But, even in the heat of her need, Laura realized that before making the girl come she could deliver one last surprise. After all, Jamilah had liked the finger. Only the thick dildo itself had made her flinch; not the finger. And her little asshole still had to be lubricated somewhat from their adventures just minutes ago. Quickly Laura had her finger between the girl's hard, clenching buns, and she slid it back into Jamilah's rectum before Jamilah even had a hint that it was coming. "Unhhhh!" Jamilah gasped, her eyes suddenly watering as she looked into Laura's. It was a stirring shock of recognition, and for a moment Laura wondered if she were going to scream again and plead for Laura to stop. But then she bit her full lower lip and nodded. She nodded again. "Yes!" she croaked, her eyes rolling up as Laura began slowly to fuck her ass with the finger and to eagerly suck her streaming red pussy, knowing that a horrific climax for Jamilah was only now a few more strokes away. "Unhhh! Unhhh!" Jamilah panted and grunted, writhing now, and gasping frantically. She might get one even now, Laura realized. She might get what she wanted, one of those assgasms. She sure is excited. "Unnhhh! Oh Laura! Anngghh! Oh! Oh!" Jamilah arched and threw her head back, her bowed body quivering and gleaming with a fine sheen in the soft light, her firm breasts shaking a little as she strained and whimpered, her thick black nipples gleaming almost deep purple like swollen plums. Laura had to hold on, but her finger was still embedded deep in the girl's tight rectum, and she now twisted it vigorously, then plunged it in and out, fucking Jamilah more sharply now with it, and sucking her clit hungrily. Jamilah came before she even knew she was about to come. She seemed completely thunderstruck by the swift arrival of her climax. "Anngghh . . . anngghhh!" she gasped, straining, her pelvis shuddering wildly in midair. "Mmnnnggg! Oh!" "Yes, honey, go for it!" Laura panted to her, again filling her mouth with the girl's flooding pussy. "Annghh! Angghhh! OH! OH! AUUNNGGHHMMNNGGIIEEEE!" And this time her convulsions were so violent that she actually did fling Laura to the side. Laura's finger, well-greased, slipped out of Jamilah's ass, and she could feel the smear of warm pussy juice all over her lips grow clammy as her mouth was separated prematurely from Jamilah's undulating body. But Jamilah was in a kind of paradise that could not be marred, and Laura was quickly back in place, inserting her finger, which slid in easily, and then drilling her tongue directly into the soupy, inflamed furrow of the girl's beautiful pussy, fucking and tonguing her passionately enough to bring on another orgasm before Jamilah had quite exhausted the first one. "Ohhnnnggggggg!" she wailed, frantically pumping. "Yes! Yes! Ungghhh!" Oh, you're going to have another one, honey. I know you are! Laura thought, wildly and intently administering to this girl's beautiful, straining body to bring forth another shattering ecstasy, even as powerful as the first. "Oh! AUUNNGGHHMMNNGGIIEEEE!" Jamilah roared, coming again in a fierce, leaping spasm that nearly flung Laura away again. This one looked to Laura—and she knew they could be—almost painful, from the way Jamilah grimaced and shuddered and groaned as the piercing spasms wrenched her delicious flesh. Finally she collapsed, moaning and mewling, still squirming as if to avoid or absorb aftershocks that were nearly as intense as the climax itself. Laura carefully extracted her greased finger and pulled back a little, unwilling to make a quick withdrawal, and yet eager to embrace the still half-swooning girl and soothe her. She managed to scoot up a little and slip her arm behind Jamilah's neck, pulling her closer, kissing her smooth cheek. "Mmmmm, honey, you really did that one right, I think." "Oh shit," Jamilah laughed, squinting, "I really had one of them. One of those booty gasms. God, it hurted too, but not as much as the thing. You made me have one even without the thing. Shit, that was like unbelievable." "Aren't you lucky," Laura smiled at her. "Some people never get to have one of those. You had two." Jamilah was still wide-eyed with awe, still no doubt feeling the deep throbbing palpitations that followed such a devastating pair of orgasms. "They was . . ." she began but stopped in mid-sentence. "They was . . . I don't know how to describe it. Killer. Ripped me up. I never felt anything like that. Ripped me all up. I hate to think what it would've been like if you did get that thing into me. I probably would've died." "Oh no," Laura clucked tenderly. "I wouldn't let that happen. I love fucking with you too much. I wouldn't let you disappear on me." "God, Laura, you are amazing," Jamilah said, her black eyes still wide and shiny. "First you get me into this girl-fucking, so's I don't even want to do it with a guy any more. Only with Laura. Then you give me these booty gasms and make me want more of them." "Oh? You want more of them?" Laura raised one eyebrow, teasing. Jamilah smiled bashfully. "You know what I mean. Not necessarily right now. Shit, you nearly killed me with that last one." "Tell you what," Laura said, sitting up. "Why don't we order some food? I'm starving. We can sit here naked and eat it, just like you want to do. Only you have to cover up for a minute, or else go into the bathroom, when the room service person gets here. Then we can get our energy back and you, my pet . . ." she nuzzled Jamilah sexily under the ear while squeezing one of her marvelous naked breasts, ". . . can give me a booty gasm or two, how's that? I got very envious, seeing you come like that." Jamilah smiled demurely. "Why, I think that sounds like a plan," she said, almost primly, then broke into fetching girlish laughter. She glanced down at the discarded strap-on apparatus at the foot of the bed. "You think you can take that thing up your youknowwhat?" "I think I might," Laura said, with a very salacious wink. |
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