Laura - Chapter 302


Laura had long been aware that she was a total fool for bangs.  She didn't know exactly why, but seeing an attractive black woman with bangs could make her knees weaken and her pulse race.  Maybe it's the fetching innocence of it, she speculated.  The 'little girl' quality, the ingénue air.  Of course, many grown women had bangs, and Laura fell just as hard for them, even when it was clear they had no innocence left at all.

So it wasn't surprising to her when she fell in a big, awkward, clumsy crash for Tonya Jackson the very first time she saw her at work.  By this time Makeeda had returned from her New York engagement, and they had spent three idyllic weeks together before she was off to Toronto for another gig.  They had not found time yet to squeeze in the 'marriage' they had planned, but Laura had moved into the little old house on Magee Street in Berkeley, where Makeeda lived.  Laura was blissfully serene.  She had never been so happy.  She was so happy, even in Makeeda's absence, that she almost collapsed briefly with guilt when she realized how physically overpowering her sudden desire for this new Tonya was, when she first saw her.

Tonya was a grown woman, but just barely.  She could not be older than twenty.  For a long time Laura had stopped fooling around with girls at work, thinking it too dangerous, but this was one she could hardly take her eyes off.  Rhonda noticed her looking.

"Mmmmm, your singer wouldn't like it if she could see the way you're staring at that little tart," she whispered to Laura as they were walking to a meeting together.

Laura grimaced playfully.  "How do you know she's a little tart?"

"That tight little body she's so proud of.  You can see it in her eyes."


"Tonya Jackson.  First week.  Not expecting to commit adultery with middle-aged lesbian."

"Middle-aged!"  Laura poked her in the ribs.  She realized that she and Rhonda were actually chummier now than they had ever been, now that the Stevie business was behind them and they were not competing for the same women. 

Still, it hurt to be called middle-aged.  I'm thirty, she thought.  That isn't even old.  I'm like ten years older than Tonya.  I could be her sister. 

"If you intend to fool around," Rhonda continued, "please do it away from here.  I'd hate to have to tell that woman with the spectacular body who pretends to love you what you've been up to while she's off charming the world with her voice."

Laura quickly contained herself and put on a hard mask of indifference.  "It never crossed my mind," she said.  "I have taken a vow.  I wouldn't cheat on her.  Never."

Rhonda didn't answer.  Her eyes told Laura she knew Laura was full of it.  But they also showed a deep understanding of Laura's feelings.  After all, the girl, Tonya, with her heart-piercing bangs and sassy smile, was incredibly fetching.  Her shoulder-length hair was chestnut-colored and red-gold where it swished around her neck but her bangs were black.  She wore a thick white plastic clip over the top of her hair, from ear to ear.  Laura's heart was pinched. 

"I love your bangs," she couldn't help blurting out to Tonya, two days later as they passed in the hall.  "They're gorgeous.  So . . . just perfect . . . on you."  They make my pussy flutter and ooze, her eyes said, but she hoped not so blatantly that Tonya would see it.  "I'm sorry . . . I'm Laura Robbins.  I didn't mean to startle you.  I work here."

"I know," Tonya said calmly.  "I've seen you around."

That, Laura gulped, certainly curtailed the conversation before it got started.  Does she mean she's seen me staring?  "Well . . ." she stammered self-consciously, "welcome aboard.  Hope you like it here."

Tonya grinned, as if she knew a secret.  But she said nothing.  Now that Laura was face to face with her, she realized how attractive the girl really was.  She had a very pretty face, with sensual lips and sparkling black eyes, even white teeth.  She wore a subtle mauve eye shadow that was very effective in highlighting her complexion, which was not really black, not dark like Carmela's, for example, but more a deep tawny brown or rich caramel.  Laura had to catch herself since she was falling into the girl's shiny black eyes, even though Tonya did not appear to be especially deep.

"I do," Tonya smiled.  "Really do."

"Good.  Maybe we can have lunch one of these times.  I can tell you who to watch out for."  Laura gave her a conspiratorial wink.

Tonya broke into a smile.  Laura pressed her brief advantage.

"Maybe today?" she said.  "You want to go to lunch today?"

"I guess maybe I wouldn't mind," Tonya said.  "What time?"

"Why don't I meet you over there by the elevator at noon.  Who's your supervisor?"

"Bill Needham."

"Does he let you go at noon?"

Tonya nodded.  She hugged the file folders she was carrying against her very nice jutting young breasts.  "I'll be there."

Laura could hardly keep from jumping for joy right there in the corridor.  In her office, she closed the door momentarily and raised both arms high in the air in a gesture of victory.  But seconds later she was overcome by guilt.  Makeeda.  God, if she could only see me.  I'm letting her down so horribly.

This put her in a blue funk for the rest of the morning, but she was not about to forego her lunch with Tonya and met her promptly at the elevator at noon.  They went to a dark little restaurant in a back alley between Market and Mission streets that Laura knew of, a trendy but intimate little place where people went mostly to indulge forbidden rendezvous like this one.  Tonya was impressed, looking around her wide-eyed.

"Never been to a place like this.  Sort of dark and mysterious."

"Lunch is on me," Laura said.  "I can expense it."

"You aren't supposed to do that, are you?"  Tonya's dark eyes sparkled with mischief and excitement.

"No," Laura winked.  "But you're special."

They chatted idly.  Laura eventually tried to work the conversation around to boyfriends, or girlfriends, as the case might be.  Tonya shook her head.  She had a totally captivating way of talking about personal matters like this: a little dip of her head forward, a palm out with stretched wide fingers, suppressed laugher, a playful smirk.

"Had one," she giggled softly.  "I was at this party with him . . . and I sort of . . . blew it, if you know what I mean."

"No.  I don't know what you mean," Laura said, smiling.  "Tell me about it.  Unless it's too embarrassing."

"It is, a little.  S-E-X, you know?"

"Goodness, you go to much more exciting parties than I do."

Tonya chewed her food, as if contemplating whether to tell Laura or not.  Laura wondered if she would.  Obviously this secret was something very personal.  How bold would this enchanting girl become with an almost total stranger, and one who worked where she did?

"They may not be more exciting, but maybe they have a little more . . . you know . . . the 'f' word?"

"Fucking?" Laura blurted out, but softly, in order to gain Tonya's confidence.  You can be blunt with me, darling, said her smile.

Tonya laughed, a quick guffaw that almost made her spew out a little food.  She quickly covered her mouth with her hand, her eyes tearing up with mirth.  "Oooohhh, you said the word!" she laughed. 

Laura nodded.  "I did, didn't I.  Sorry."

Tonya ran one finger across her very sensual lips, checking for food particles.  "I like to drink, you know?" she said finally.  "I'm a drinker.  I shouldn't, but I do.  So, I was a little drunk.  I knew this one guy a little bit.  He took me into this bedroom, and about five of his buddies came in there too.  I guess I was . . . letting them do me, you know?  When my boyfriend came in."

"Uh oh," Laura said.

She smiled, but in reality she was totally flabbergasted and appalled.  This lovely young girl, this cute thing with her delicious bangs and her gorgeous, curvy little body had actually let five or six guys screw her at the same time?  At a party while she was a little drunk?  It beggared the imagination.  It took Laura aback so that she hardly knew what to say and merely nodded, swallowing, smiling, hoping Tonya would go on.

Tonya did, after a few seconds of appearing to wonder if she should stop there.  "He caught me.  It was . . . nasty.  He was mad," she said, chewing a wad of French bread.

"I can imagine," Laura said, trying not to betray any feeling or judgment.  "Did they really . . . all have you at once?"

A light went on behind Tonya's sparkling black eyes.  She held up her palm again, fingers spread, and tilted her head solemnly forward.  "They . . . did . . . not . . . put . . . it . . . in . . . my . . . rectum," said emphatically, now shaking her head.  "No sir, they did not."  She gave Laura a devilish smile.  "Only in the mouth and in the pussy."

"Oh.  I see," Laura gulped, trying to act as if this were not unusual, even without the 'rectum' part.  "They just took their turns, right?"

At this point the waitress came to fill their water glasses and inquire if they needed anything else, and they could not resume the conversation for a few moments.  When she left, Laura leaned forward and whispered.

"Did you come?   I mean, excuse me for asking, but it just seems so . . . unusual . . . and kind of exciting.  Did you come while they were doing it?"

Tonya smiled a sexy, mysterious smile.  "Once," she said.  "I was too drunk to come any more than that.  But there was one guy I really always liked.  I wanted to do it with him anyway.  I came when he was in me.  Maybe the other ones got me ready for it, but when he slid it in, blewwweee!  Wow!  I popped.  It was good.  Unfortunately, that's about when my boyfriend—now my ex-boyfriend, of course—walked in."

"That must have been an unpleasant moment," Laura said.

Tonya nodded.  "I thought it was gonna be the end.  He had a gun . . . but it was in his car.  They talked to him, calmed him down."  Laura could see from Tonya's expression that it had thrilled her then, and indeed thrilled her now, to be the object of all this potential mayhem and the focus of this sexual extravaganza.  "I just went and locked myself in the bathroom."

"Was that the end of it?  I mean, did he leave you alone after that?"

Tonya nodded.  "He didn't dare go after them either because there were so many of them.  Last I heard he was hanging out with the sister of that dude I said I liked, the one who made me come.  Guess he's trying to get his revenge that way."

Laura realized she must have looked vaguely ashen since she was still trying to get over the shock of this fascinating narrative.  She knew that Tonya was looking at her with a mixture of concern and amusement. 

"I guess that story's really a little extreme, isn't it," she said softly.  "Maybe I shouldn't have told you.  I don't know why I did.  I barely know you.  Hope you don't think I'm a whore.  I didn't mean it to happen.  It just . . . happened, you know?  I don't drink that much any more."

"I certainly don't think you're a whore.  I think you're . . . really attractive."

"I know," Tonya flirted.  "You like my bangs."

This was the first time she had frankly flirted with Laura.  "I can see why all those guys would've . . . wanted you," Laura said.

Tonya leaned close, across the table, whispering.  "Like you do?  Don't you want me?  Aren't you a lesbian?"

Laura, who had grown more comfortable admitting it when confronted like this, smiled calmly.  "It is so obvious?  I mean, I didn't make a pass or anything."

"You're a woman," Tonya said, sensibly.  "You know when people want you, don't you?"

"Yes,  I guess I do."

"Don't worry about it.  It's no big deal.  I've had lesbians come on to me before.  Two of them.  One was fat, but the other one was pretty.  She was black.  I didn't want to do it, though.  The thought of going down on another girl makes me gag.  Not so much her going down on me, just me going down on her.  Know what I mean?"

Laura smiled ironically.  "I guess I don't."

Tonya laughed, realizing what she had said.  "I guess you wouldn't.  You know, if it's any comfort, I don't think I'd feel that way about you.  But you're gorgeous.  Like a supermodel or something."

Laura brushed the compliment aside.  She decided, since Tonya had left an opening, just to rush headlong into it.  "So . . . whether you would mind or not . . . how about the other.  You wouldn't mind having it done to you.  How about it?"  She smiled her most winning smile.  "I would be happy to oblige."

"I bet you would," Tonya broke out in a grin.  For a second she looked nervous, but only for a second.  She was pretty self-assured for a twenty year old, Laura reflected.  "But I think I'll pass.  Girl sex just never seemed too appealing to me.  Hope you'll understand," she said sweetly.

"Of course I do," Laura smiled.  In fact, her heart plunged, but she tried not to let it show.  "To each his own.  Or her own.  Just let me know if you ever change your mind."

"I will."  Tonya let a little flicker of flirtation reappear in her eyes.  "I will certainly tell you first."

Laura made a playful little gasp, as if she were now no longer holding her breath.  "Well . . . now that we've got that out of the way, we can enjoy our lunch."

Tonya giggled.  "I'm having the lobster tail, since you're buying," she flirted again.

It was hard for Laura to get through the rest of the lunch, since to her mind Tonya did not play exactly fair.  She had rejected Laura's offer and yet apparently saw no contradiction in flirting almost constantly through the rest of the hour.  Of course, Laura reasoned, it's hard to ignore the fact that the person sitting across from you would like to rip your clothes off and fuck your brains loose on the very table you're eating at.  That can give you a charge.

Back in the office, they parted with a friendly but meaningful smile, and Laura spent the rest of the day trying to forget about what had happened.  Things had really changed between them now, and it was hard to look at Tonya, even from a distance, without recalling the girl's saucy smile and flirtatious conversation.  It was also, of course, very hard to look at her hard, curvy young body and her delicious bangs and her smooth, deep caramel skin without shivering all over from suppressed lust.  I want that girl, Laura thought over and over.  But I have to forget about it.

Not being able to have Tonya nudged her in the direction of feeling very virtuous that she was being loyal to Makeeda, whom she talked to every evening on the phone before Makeeda went on stage at her gig in Toronto.  It was great not to have to feel guilty.  She went home from work, fed Mingus the cat, cooked herself a small dinner, had a glass of wine, and watched TV alone.  No adulterous longings.  No complicated emotional blackmail or baggage.  Nobody to make demands on her love or loyalty but the beautiful woman who was temporarily away, singing for strangers every night.

She and Tonya did not even exchange more than a few casual words of greeting for nearly seven weeks, during which time Makeeda had returned from Toronto and headed back for a repeat appearance in Tokyo.  During the interval, they had actually tried to get married, as they had vowed to do, at San Francisco City Hall, only to find that meddlesome judges and politicians had—only temporarily, one hoped—overruled the practice of same-sex marriages.  Laura and Makeeda instead celebrated a private little ceremony where they exchanged rings and pledges, and promised that one day their union would be honored by the state.

Then Makeeda was off to Japan.  As if she had some sixth sense about Laura's availability, it was the day after Makeeda's departure that Tonya chose to reintroduce herself into Laura's life.  She peeked around Laura's office door while Laura was deep in a report she owed her boss that afternoon.

"Hi," Tonya said brightly, smiling a huge, beaming smile.  "Still like my bangs?  You haven't said a word to me in weeks."

Laura looked up from her computer, dazzled by the smile, and by the girl.  Her pussy began throbbing as it had the day she had taken Tonya to lunch.  But she wasn't going to give this girl such an easy victory.  Tonya knew Laura was hungry for her, and so Laura played it cool, looking up from her computer with a faint grin of annoyance.

"I love your bangs, darling, as much as ever, but I still have to hold down this job."

"Oh.  Sorry.  I must be interrupting.  Didn't mean to intrude."  Tonya was contrite, trying to get away without causing Laura more irritation.

"Come in," Laura said, softening, now that her point had been made.  "Really, come in.  I can always spare a few minutes for such a beautiful woman."

She knew Tonya thrived on flattery, and it wasn't hard to give it.  Tonya came into Laura's small office and sat in the one chair next to Laura's desk.  "I wanted to take you to lunch," she said softly, flirting a little, as she seemed incapable of not doing.  No wonder five or six guys fucked her one time at a party, Laura thought.  She probably drove them to it by incorrigible flirting.  "To pay you back for the time you took me," Tonya added.

"I told you I expensed that," Laura said.  "You were a 'client.'  You don't owe me a thing."

"I . . . wanted to anyway," Tonya said, looking down at her fingers. 

Mmmmm, Laura thought, suddenly warming up.  But she realized lunch was out.  There was no way she could deviate from this present task.  "I . . . can't."  She let Tonya see her genuine reluctance.  "I have to get this report in by three or they'll can my pretty ass."

Tonya's eyebrows went up at Laura's expression.  "Wow, I hope they don't do that."

"Me too," Laura winked.  "I need it.  Look, how about after work, we go get a drink, or go for a walk, or something."

Tonya made a precise ingénue face, the kind she must have known would pinch Laura's heart, and make Laura's pussy palpitate.  The fetching bangs made it even worse for Laura.  "Oh, I shouldn't drink, do you think?" she played her faux innocence to the hilt.  "Remember what happened to me at that party."

Who could ever forget it? Laura wondered.  Are you suggesting that if we have a drink together, you'll let me do the equivalent of six guys fucking you?  Laura let this question resonate from her hard gaze, but she disbelieved in telepathy enough to know Tonya would not see it.  Still, it was clear Tonya wanted to turn the corner, at least.  She was not content to leave their friendship where they had left it after the lunch.

"I've got it," Laura said.  "I'll just give you a ride home.  Then we can talk.  Where do you live?"

"I live in El Cerrito, near the Albany border."

"Good, I live in Berkeley.  I'll drop you off."

Now Tonya flirted shamelessly.  She was wearing a skirt with a fairly high hem, above her knees, and she crossed her legs suggestively, watching Laura look at them.  Laura, exercising her self-discipline to the fullest, had not really looked hard at Tonya's legs, ever.  Some days Tonya wore pants to work, and the days when she wore skirts Laura would studiously keep her eyes level, not daring to look down at the girl's legs.  It was somehow as if she knew that once she did, she would be lost; or even farther lost than she already was.  This time there was no escape.

They were, like the rest of Tonya, perfectly shaped.  They were a rich, deep caramel color, and smooth, and glossy, and impossibly desirable as they slid together.  Tonya clearly enjoyed people looking at her legs.  "Mmmmm, you like something maybe even better than my bangs," she said under her breath, looking meaningfully at Laura.

It was the most blatant invitation Laura had had in months.  It was like Tonya was saying: Okay, I've changed my mind, I'm ready to let you fuck me now.

"Meet me here at five," Laura said in a clipped, emotionless manner, unwilling to let Tonya take control entirely of the situation.  I mean, I may want you, darling, but I still have a little self-respect.

Tonya, taken aback at Laura's brusque manner, stopped smiling and nodded solemnly.  "Okay.  I'll be here.  Bye."

At about five-thirty they were in Laura's white Camaro, halfway across the Bay Bridge on the lower deck, when Tonya, who had been curiously quiet and not her usual saucy self so far, turned to Laura.  "Why don't we just go to your place in Berkeley," she said softly.  "You know, I've been thinking.  I think I'd like to try it."

Laura tried not to blush, this time with excitement rather than shame or guilt.  She gripped the wheel and smiled briefly at Tonya.  "I'm glad you would.  But I have to disappoint you.  I live with another woman.  She's out of town . . . but I promised her I would never . . . you know, fool around . . . in our place when she's gone."

Tonya absorbed this silently.  She looked out the side window, but you couldn't see much but other cars on the lower deck of the bridge.  Then she looked back at Laura, nodding seriously.  "That's a good rule, I think.  We can go to my place.  I still live at home, but my mother is in Las Vegas with her sister.  I just talked to her this afternoon.  They won't be back until Friday."

"And your father?" Laura asked, trying to remain calm.

"He lives in Fort Lee, New Jersey."

Laura tried not to wiggle her butt with glee.  As it was, she had to press her thighs tightly together.  Oh frabjous day!  Callooh!  Callay!  "Oh—kay," Laura swallowed.  "Just point me the right way."

"You take the Gilman Street exit.  You know where that is, don't you?"

Laura nodded.

They were driving by IKEA before Tonya spoke again.  "You know, I might as well be honest.  I was hoping you might have one of those strap-on things, like lesbians use.  Don't they?  Like, I dig being fucked, you know?  I never came from having my pussy licked.  I just don't think I can do it that way.  I like being fucked."

Laura swallowed again, gripping the wheel more tightly again.  "You know . . ." she said softly, in fact barely audibly, "we could stop by my place and pick it up.  I mean, at least that's not against the rules."

A gusher of uncontrollable laughter bubbled up from Tonya's throat.  "No, I guess it isn't.  Why don't you."

This time, though Laura was still driving, their eyes met and locked for the briefest instant, but long enough for there to be a clear, unmistakably sexual current pass between them, really the first time it had been so blatant.  So you like to be fucked, eh? Laura's eyes said.  Yes, I do, and I want to be fucked by you, Tonya's dark, murky eyes flashed back.

Thank god she had the usual insane traffic to keep her attention fixed, Laura thought.  She popped quickly by the Berkeley house, fed Mingus speedily, and retrieved her strap-on dildo from the drawer, putting it into a Safeway plastic shopping bag.  She left the Double Penetrator behind, smiling as she remembered Tonya's very specific statement that they guys at the party had not, repeat not, put it in her 'rectum'.  I guess we won't go there, then, my dear, she thought as she locked up the house, put the Safeway bag in the trunk of her car, and climbed back behind the wheel.

"You got it?" Tonya asked.

Laura nodded.  "Sorry to take so long.  I had to feed the cat."

Tonya merely smiled and said nothing.  She gave Laura directions on how to get to her house without returning to the freeway, since they were so close.  In fact, this little detail made Laura slightly nervous.  It was one thing to cheat on Makeeda in her, Laura's, old condo, as she had with Carmela.  Or with Amber in her highrise San Francisco aerie.  Or down in Burlingame, at Deshona's house in the woods.  But Tonya, it turned out, lived almost within walking distance of the Magee Street house.  It would be a lengthy walk, true, but still . . .

It wasn't very far away.  If she and Makeeda ever went for a walk, they might come across Tonya on the street.  Of course, they never did go for a walk.  Too busy swimming, sleeping, and fucking.  I guess I'm worrying over nothing, Laura realized, as they pulled up in front of Tonya's modest Albany bungalow.  Tonya grinned meaningfully at Laura before popping out of the passenger side and waiting while Laura retrieved the Safeway bag from the trunk of her car.

Inside the house, she threw Laura another meaningful glance and tilted her head toward the hallway.  "Follow me."

Laura put a hand on her arm.  "Wait." 

She looked around and hemmed and hawed a little.  Tonya was so matter-of-fact, as always.  Her attitude seemed to be:  Well, we're going to fuck, let's get on with it.  That seemed exactly the frame of mind that had always troubled, as well as excited, Laura about the party gangbang story.  Laura liked a little sitting and talking and kissing first.  True, she had occasionally succumbed to frantic passion the moment the door was closed, but frantic passion seemed the farthest thing from Tonya's mind.  She was almost clinical about it. 

"Let's sit down here a few minutes," she said, pointing to the sofa, a large, deep brown, leather one that looked marvelously soft and comfortable.

Tonya smiled flirtatiously.  "Okay.  You want to talk?"

Laura smiled.  "And maybe kiss.  I like to kiss.  Do you?  I've been thinking for weeks of what it would be like to kiss you."

Tonya tilted her head to the side and let her tongue dance briefly outside her lips, an enchanting little gesture that mingled with her head-tilt to make Laura's heart flutter.  The girl could be so faux ingénue that Laura could barely stand it.  "I like it . . . with the right person," Tonya said softly, following Laura to the sofa and sitting down next to her, close.

Laura extended one long forefinger and touched Tonya's very sensual lips with her fingertip.  "You, my darling, are a mystery," she half-whispered.  "You seem so fresh and innocent, and yet inside you are a femme fatale."

"What's that?"

  "A fatal woman.  A woman who can make others crash and burn.  A woman who makes men and other women like me pulse and ooze and tingle for the chance to touch you."

Tonya smiled broadly.  "You want to know why we're here?  It's exactly because of that, because you say things like that.  You are the one who's the mystery, Laura.  I never met anyone like you.  Not just because you're a lesbian, but just anyone like you, anyone who talks like that.  You make me quiver inside when you talk like that."

"Oh good," Laura said, bringing her face closer to Tonya's, removing her fingertip from the girl's desirable mouth, thrilled to be on the verge of kissing her for the first time.  "Then give me those sugar lips," she whispered, her eyelids suddenly heavy.

Tonya seemed to get into it, too.  She discarded her clinical, matter-of-fact manner and uptilted her beautiful mouth to Laura, who quickly pressed her own into it.  It turned out that Tonya not only knew how to kiss but was very talented at it.  Her full lips curved into Laura's, and her tongue slithered out quickly to meet Laura's, curling and coiling around it. 

Laura kissed her patiently.  She was determined not to rush things, to let the tempo slowly build, and she could not restrain herself from raising the fingers of one hand to Tonya's forehead, touching her bangs, brushing them from side to side, finally leaning up to kiss the smooth brown skin above her eyebrows where Laura's fingertips had parted the hair.  "Your bangs make my pussy flutter," she whispered to Tonya.

"You're weird," Tonya giggled softly.  "Do you mean it?  Really?"

"Yes."  Laura attacked Tonya's mouth again with her own, this time kissing her more heatedly, and wetly.  She stabbed her tongue into it.  "Yes, I mean it."

"Maybe you're oversexed," Tonya teased her, but still flattered and aroused by Laura's passion.  "Mmmm . . . anngghh . . . mmmm . . . oh!  You really do . . . like to . . . mmm . . . kiss, don't you.  God, nobody ever kissed me like this."

Laura was now close to devouring Tonya's mouth.  She could not control her hunger.  She kissed Tonya's smooth brown neck, and her jaw, and her chin, and her ear, stabbing her tongue deep into it and breathing, feeling Tonya's body clench at the feel of Laura's warm breath going into her ear.  She got one hand under Tonya's sweater and for the first time felt the smooth, warm, firm muscles of Tonya's back, her fingers sliding up to the girl's bra strap.

"I think I'm ready to go back there now," Laura panted to her, nipping her earlobe, trying not to suck her smooth neck and leave a mark.

"God, I've been ready for hours," Tonya panted too.  "You know, I was even ready at work.  Once I made up my mind I wanted to do this with you," she confessed, "I got all hot and bothered every time I looked at you."

Now it was Laura's turn.  "Really?"

She followed Tonya down the short hallway to Tonya's bedroom, snatching up the Safeway bag containing the strap-on dildo, which she had earlier deposited on the dining room table. Hot and bothered, eh?  They went into Tonya's bedroom, where there was merely a twin bed, piled with stuffed bunnies, camels, bears, and giraffes.  Somehow it suddenly struck Laura as perfectly appropriate that Tonya would have been the stuffed bunny type, while growing up.  She might have found it cloying and phony but instead allowed herself to be charmed by it.

"That's a small bed," she said to Tonya, pointing at it, implying that they were going to need a bigger playing field for the Olympics of fucking they were about to perform.

For a moment both of them regarded the bed, as if assessing it worthiness.  "Guess you're right," Tonya said.  "I did it on it once before, with a boyfriend, but it was over so fast it didn't really matter how big the bed was.  He came all over my leg, before he could even get it into my pussy, before I could even get a condom on his thing.  And we were so afraid my mama would come home and catch us that we just cleaned it up and acted like nothing happened."

"What about her bed?" Laura asked.  "I mean, do you feel comfortable doing it there?  Otherwise, we can go back to the sofa."

Tonya tilted her head in the way that tugged at Laura's heart, and made a wry smile.  "I guess I've got about three days to clean it up," she said pertly.  "And you ain't gonna squirt jizz all over the place, either.  Shouldn't be a problem."

She led Laura further down the hallway to the larger rear bedroom, her mother's.  It was a little more intimidating because this was definitely a middle aged woman's bedroom.  No stuffed bunnies.  A matching bed and huge dresser, Thomasville.  While this was not the furniture Laura would choose for her own bedroom, she realized that Tonya's mother wanted to be considered a woman of taste and substance.  I wonder what she would think of her darling daughter, cute bangs and all, getting ready to be strap-on dildo fucked in her fancy Thomasville bed by a horny middle-aged lesbian, as that odious Rhonda put it, Laura thought.

She smiled at Tonya.  "This should do it."

Tonya suddenly appeared nervous, now that they were really going through with it.  Wasn't it marvelous, Laura reflected, how a lovely young girl like this could get a little tipsy at a party and let six guys fuck her at the same time, or at least taking turns, and yet when she was alone with Laura in her mother's bedroom she suddenly was overcome by butterflies.  Laura threw the Safeway bag containing the strap-on onto the bed and turned to Tonya, holding out her arms and smiling.

"Come to me, my angel, and give me those sugar lips again," she murmured softly.  "Laura is going to take you to heaven."

Tonya tilted her head again, sticking her tongue out sassily, and came into Laura's arms, offering her mouth.  This time when they kissed they were standing up, and embracing, and Laura could feel more of the girl's hard body pressing against her.  She didn't think Tonya worked out athletically, there was certainly no evidence of it, and yet she had wonderfully firm flesh, hard little breasts pushing into Laura's, a round, out-jutting bottom that Laura dug her fingers into.  Again she got one hand under Tonya's sweater, onto the warm, firm flesh of her back, but this time she pulled the sweater up from the bottom.  Tonya helped.  Together they lifted it over her bra, then over her head.

Tonya swished her hair back into place, which made her bangs feather over her forehead.  She was quite aware how desirable she was, and, it turned out as Laura watched, she was almost boldly proud of her delectable body.  Laura stood back a little, both paralyzed by lust and flabbergasted by this girl's moxie, as Tonya admired herself in the huge mirror over her mother's dresser while she disrobed. 

She did indeed have a lot to admire.  Her bare skin was the hue of dark gold, and as she saw every inch come into view Laura yearned to touch it.  "You, my dear, are very beautiful."

"You think so?" Tonya asked coyly, looking across her shoulder at her profile.  She pivoted to view herself from another angle in the mirror, still wearing her white bra and panties. 

"Yes . . . I think so," Laura swallowed. 

"Which do you like best, my ass or my boobs?"

Laura, who had been admiring but not daring to touch such beauty so far, now moved closer and ran her fingertips along Tonya's gleaming golden shoulder.  "Honey, I love the whole package."

Tonya raised both hands to her breasts and squeezed the perfect grapefruit-shaped balls through her bra cups.  "I think I like these the best."  She made a charming moue at Laura.  "Don't you?"

Laura was tired of being teased.  She drew Tonya to her and embraced her again, this time in a more agitated manner.  She sucked her neck and nibbled her earlobe.  "Owwww," Tonya yelped softly, pulling back.  "Your clothes hurt against my skin.  Take them off."

Laura was out of her clothes in ten seconds.  Tonya could hardly decide whether to look at Laura's body or her own in the mirror.  But finally she could not take her eyes off Laura's flesh, or Laura's underwear.  Laura quickly pulled down the thick, quilted bedspread, exposing the sheets.  She brushed the Safeway bag containing the strap-on to the side.

"Aren't you going to put it on?" Tonya asked.

"In a minute," Laura said, half-enchanted and half-annoyed by Tonya's boundless vanity and quirky delays.  "Come here."  She climbed up onto the bed, holding out her arms.

Tonya was not finished with her little striptease, which, Laura marveled, seemed to be aimed as much at herself as at her captivated spectator.  She reached behind her to unfasten her bra, but her eyes were on Laura's, to see if Laura was looking, looking with the rapt fascination she seemed to expect and require.  Laura was.  She couldn't take her eyes off the girl's body.

It was firm, compact, tight, chiseled, the kind of body, Laura realized, that would've made a bodybuilding expert like Brandi Pearson livid with envy, for Tonya had as a gift of nature the kind of sculptured flesh that others had to work months and years to attain.  And she wasn't muscular in any way, as Brandi, for example, was.  Her chiseled abs and hard thighs and perfect round breasts were completely natural, merely the result of great genes.  Laura was mesmerized.  Boy, those guys at the party must've got more than they bargained for when she took off her clothes, she thought.  I'll bet they didn't think they would be getting this.  God, what a gorgeous little dark golden masterpiece.

"I won't come there until you take yours off too," Tonya pouted playfully, sticking her tongue out again.

It was a deliberate and self-conscious technique she had, this sticking her tongue out sexily, and she had quickly grasped the effect it had on Laura.  And so she did it over and over again.  Each time Laura could feel a happy little stab of flame inside her pussy.  She consumed Tonya's body with her eyes while hastily slipping off her own bra and panties, a sexy black lace ensemble that she knew made her own body even more alluring.  Tonya was watching intently too.

"Okay, we're both naked now," Laura purred, holding out her arms for Tonya.  "You can't avoid me any longer."

"Laura, you are pretty damned beautiful yourself," Tonya grinned, approaching the bed.

Laura was all over her the moment she climbed onto the mattress.  She kissed Tonya ravenously, much more aggressively than she had done up to now.  Her hands raced over the girl's marvelous smooth warm flesh. 

"Oh god, you really want to get to it, don't you," Tonya gasped, giggling softly with surprise. 

"Tonya . . . you are very beautiful," Laura panted, filling her hands with Tonya's springy young breasts.  "I knew I wanted you . . . but now I want you double."

"Oh!" Tonya half-exclaimed, as if caught by a mad rapist and not knowing what to do.  "You do?  Wow, this feels good!"

Laura was kissing her neck, her shoulders, her collarbones.  Her mouth slid down to one of Tonya's large nipples and she licked it hungrily.  They were like Sara's nipples, different colored in different light, now dark burnt umber, and swollen, the centers jutting, the areolas stippling and puffed.  Laura sucked Tonya's nipple, now wet with her own saliva, deep into her mouth.  She felt Tonya's body tense up, and heard a faint whimper.

"Oh . . . did I do it too hard?" she asked, letting the wet, bulbous nipple slide out of her mouth.

Tonya shook her head.  "Oh no.  Oh god it feels good."

Laura sucked it again, then the other one, switching back and forth, sucking gently, then harder, until Tonya was writhing and panting rapidly.  Her breasts were indeed marvelous, but there was no way Laura, as orally obsessed as she was, could keep her mouth off the rest of Tonya's young, hard body.  Her stomach and abs and ribcage and belly and the smooth shallow groove that ran the length of her torso from her breastbone to her navel were enough to occupy Laura for another hour, it seemed.  She ran her tongue over the dips and cambers and firm muscles of Tonya's delicious body, then kissed it, then sucked it, while Tonya watched this adoration with mute fascination, merely panting and stroking Laura's hair while Laura worshipped her naked body.

Laura knew no one, no man, had ever lavished such sexual attention on this marvelous flesh, and Tonya finally confirmed it.

"Laura . . . you really like my body, don't you . . ." she finally gasped, now twisting and quivering a little as Laura's caresses began to arouse her dramatically.  "Nobody ever . . . did so much to me.  You know?  Like, kissed me all over.  Like you're doing.  God, it feels good."

"It only shows what fools they are," Laura murmured to her, sliding her hands up again to Tonya's perfect breasts and twisting the girl's gleaming, swelling nipples.

"Are you going to fuck me with the strap-on?"

"You just lie back and let me take care of everything, my darling," Laura purred. 

She surmised that she was committed by now to fucking Tonya with the strap-on, which would be okay, but first she wanted to taste the girl's incredible body entirely, and that meant her sweet pussy too.  She slid between Tonya's parting thighs, covering both dark golden columns of flesh with hot kisses, drawing closer each time with her lips to the oozing, slightly open seam of Tonya's young pussy but not yet touching it. 

But she knew that Tonya knew where she was going.  The closer Laura got to this frothing, oozing treasure, so redolent now of thick musky fuck-hunger, the more she realized that she was thoroughly challenged.  Nobody every made you come before by sucking your sweet pussy, my darling?  That's because you have only had a bunch of feckless, selfish, horny boys pawing this delicious body.  But now you have a true connoisseur of scrumptious black pussy to worship this masterpiece, and I think I will take you so far to heaven that you will never want to come back.

She suddenly got the idea of going for Tonya's g-spot, which she knew she should always try for but sometimes in heat of the moment forgot.  Oh god, will that ever blow her mind, if I can give her one of those g-spot killers, she thought. 

Finally, after several minutes of skillful teasing, she was there.  She rubbed her chin playfully in the curly patch of hair above Tonya's slightly puckering slit.  Tonya's pussy was extremely beautiful, a long, thin slit, completely black even though most of Tonya was dark gold in color.  A wet glimmer of pink showed between the barely parted lips, which Laura was almost too enchanted to touch with the tip of her tongue. 

"Oh honey, you have such a beautiful pussy . . ." she breathed to Tonya.  "Are you going to let me kiss it?"

"Unhhh!  Oh!  God, yes Laura . . . please.  Ohhhh . . . you're making me feel . . . wonderful!"

Now Laura insinuated the tip of her tongue between Tonya's long, thin, black cunt lips, into the wet pink, and then pushed her tongue in further, parting them. 

"Oh . . . shit . . ." Tonya gasped softly, her eyes rolling up briefly.

Her body clenched a little, and her thighs scissored Laura's head slightly, until Laura gently pushed them open again with her hands.  She herself was nearly in ninth heaven, tasting Tonya's oily, tangy cunt nectars, pushing her tongue in further, then withdrawing it slowly, tongue-fucking the tight, wet furrow.  But this was only the preliminaries.  She knew exactly how to please a pussy that had never been properly made love to, and she devoted all her attention to the task over the next several minutes, not hurrying, taking her time to explore and tease, until finally Tonya was panting and flexing and twisting crazily in the rumpled sheet, gasping, looking down at Laura's head between her thighs.

"Oh god, Laura . . . oh god, Laura!  You're . . . so . . . different.  Unhhhh!  Oh god, you're making me want to come so bad!  Nobody ever did this to my pussy.  Unhhhh!"

"Mmmm, this is such a beautiful pussy, I want to eat it forever," Laura purred to her.  "I don't want you to come because then I'll have to stop eating your delicious pussy."

"Ohhnnnnn!" Tonya moaned, writhing, panting, looking wildly desirable to Laura, who in spite of herself accelerated the tempo a little, now probing Tonya's wet pussy with two fingers, reversing them to rub the inner front wall of Tonya's pussy, searching for the g-spot.

At the same time she began seriously to tongue and suck Tonya's firm little clit, spreading her pussy lips apart with her thumbs so that it emerged from its hood, lashing it with her tongue and hearing Tonya whimper and groan. 

"Unhhhhh!  Ahnnnnn!"

"Oh my darling, I think you are going to come . . ." Laura murmured, as if surprised, though she figured there was no way Tonya couldn't climax, given what she herself was doing to the girl's beautiful, inflamed pussy.

"Oh yes . . . oh yes!  Unh . . . unh!  I am!  Oh . . . unghhh . . . I am!  It feels so good!"

"Are you close?"

"Oh yes!  Unhhhh!"

It was a silly question, because Laura knew the girl was only seconds away from a climax, g-spot or no g-spot.  Nevertheless, she did not give up trying to find it.  Then, without much warning, Tonya's orgasm took them both by surprise.  Laura thought it was still fifteen or twenty seconds away.  Tonya was so delirious with surging sexual pleasure that she had totally surrendered her body to Laura's caresses and its own rhythms as it peaked toward a sharp convulsion.  But suddenly, Laura realized, she must have touched the secret bundle of nerves inside Tonya's beautiful, tight little pussy, for Tonya instantly seized up, as if electrocuted, and her whimpering was choked off as her young body shuddered mightily.

"Ummnnppgghhhh!" she grunted helplessly, and Laura looked up to see her wincing under the impact of a ferocious body cramp, the kind of killer orgasm you got only rarely.

It was so stupendous that Tonya could not make a sound.  Instead, her lovely hard young body quaked and shuddered uncontrollably as truly shattering convulsions gripped her.  Her entire pelvis rose up off the mattress, juddering wildly in midair, as Laura struggled to hold on, her lips still pressed to the girl's spasming pussy, her fingers still embedded in it and rubbing the secret spot vigorously.

"Mmmnnggggniiiieee!" Tonya finally wailed, but in a distant, soft whinny more than a scream.

Then she fell silent again as fresh spasms wrenched her.  Her muscular body clenched, then quivered deeply, her heels digging into the mattress, her hips churning as she pushed her pussy into Laura's face.  Then another clotted cry escaped from her throat.

"Anngghhhh!  Ohnnngg!  Ummmmmm!  Oh . . . shit . . . Laura!"

She was now beginning to regain her senses after the pummeling of this ferocious orgasm.  Her body was no longer squirming and writhing.  Her breath was harsh and rapid, but it did permit her to speak, and to moan, both of which she did immediately.

"Ohhnnnn!  Oh shit Laura . . . ohhnnnnn!" she moaned as the rapid undulations of her beautiful young body began to dissipate.  She stretched out, smiling down at Laura as Laura slowly extricated her fingers from Tonya's tight, greasy pussy.  "Why didn't you warn me it was going to be like that?" she asked softly, almost dreamily.

"You told me you never come that way," Laura smiled sheepishly.  She was aware that her lips were still shiny with Tonya's sweet pussy juice.  "How did I know you were going to go off like an h-bomb?"

Tonya smiled.  "Liar.  You knew you could make me come that way.  You did that on purpose."  She sat up and reached for Laura, pulling her close, mashing their breasts together.  "I'm so glad you did!"

Laura kissed her, and if Tonya was disturbed by the taste of her own cunt nectars on Laura's lips, she did not show it.  For Laura the kiss was incendiary.  Oh god, I want to fuck this lovely girl! she thought.  I want her to fuck me until I come just as hard as she did. 

And yet she couldn't help remembering how Tonya had said that the thought of going down on another girl made her gag.  But she knew from the fervor of her kiss, the urgency she was communicating to Tonya through it, that Tonya could not mistake her own need for release.

"Mmmmm . . . mmmmm . . ." Tonya hummed while kissing her, letting her hands flitter over Laura's taut flesh.  "Somebody I know is horny," she murmured.  "I know this feeling.  I get all tense like this when I'm horny."  She embraced Laura and pulled her down on the mattress, rolling on top of her.  "I know you want me to make you come too.  Only trouble is, I've never done it before.  I mean, guys . . . they just come on their own.  Know what I mean?  They stick their thing in your pussy . . . or your mouth . . . and a few seconds later they're spurting.  I don't have to do anything."  She gave Laura a droll grin, one of her cute, head-tilted grins.  "Just be my cute self.  That's enough to make them come."

"You're telling me," Laura said, deadpan.

Tonya grew more serious.  "Do you think I could make you come without licking you . . . down there?"

Laura made a face.  "I know.  You said it would make you gag."

Now Tonya looked sheepish.  "I guess . . . I could try it.  Maybe it wouldn't."

"Just lie on your back like this," Laura said, rolling sideways and easing Tonya over so that they reversed positions, Tonya on her back, Laura straddling her waist.  Oh god, I can come in an instant by rubbing my pussy on this beautiful stomach, she thought.  "You're going to do that same thing for me you do for those guys.  Just be your cute self."  She reached down playfully and swished Tonya's fetching bangs with her fingers.

Tonya was like Makeeda, and a few others Laura had known, in that she had hard, rippling abdominals even though she did not have to work out to get them.  They were a gift of nature, and as Laura began to rub her wet, throbbing pussy against them, she realized, a delicious gift to her.  I am going to come so quick, she thought, realizing that she was beginning to pant and gasp already.

"What . . . what are you doing?" Tonya asked curiously, looking down at Laura's oozing crotch sliding over her stomach muscles.  It even left a shiny patch of wetness on the dark, rippled flesh.

"Unnhhh . . ." Laura groaned, already nearly delirious with sexual arousal as she felt the silky hard muscles ripple against the exposed wet inner flesh of her pussy.   "I am . . . going to . . . unngghhh!  I'm going to come.  Just help me . . . that's it . . . just . . . oh . . . unhhhh . . . oh god Tonya you are so beautiful . . . yes . . . just like this . . . unhhhh!"

"Oh Laura, you really are."

"Yes.  Ungghhh!  Oh!"

"I can't believe it.  I never . . . realized . . . you could . . ."

"Unhh!  Unhh!" Laura panted more rapidly, now churning and bucking gently and grinding her wet cunt lips down into Tonya's stomach, which was now slicker than ever with her, Laura's, copious warm fluids.  "Oh yes.  Oh yes!"

Tonya was speechless.  Her hands rested on Laura's clenching thighs.  She could not tear her eyes from Laura's contorted face.  She watched.  Laura concentrated, grinding her crotch down into the beautiful hard flesh of Tonya's midriff.

"Unhh!  Ohnnn!"  And then it was there.  One second it was not there, and the next a sharp leap of flame flared up in a hot spurt inside Laura's pussy, and suddenly she was wrenched by hot spasms of coming.  "Auunngghhhh!" she cried out, pitched forward physically by a jolt.  "Oh!  Aunngghhhhh!"

Her hands landed on the sheet on both sides of Tonya's head, above her shoulders, and, steadying herself there, Laura whinnied and gyrated her crotch down into Tonya's body as the sweet, piercing spasms of sexual release ripped through her flesh.

"Ohhhhhnnnn!  Oh . . . ohhnnnnnnn!" she moaned, her gyrations slowly moderating as the most intense spasms passed. 

This went on for a full two minutes, until finally Laura's thighs unclenched and her movements came to a halt, though her breath was still ragged, her eyes blurred by the aftermath of a delicious, gripping climax.  Tonya stared up at her in wonder.

"I never knew you could come that way," she said, her voice soft and awestruck.  "I mean, anybody.  I never knew anybody could come that way.  It makes sense, of course.  You were pretty horny.  And you just needed some . . . rubbing, I guess."  She looked down at the shiny wetness Laura's pussy had spread over her stomach muscles.  Her face broke into a broad grin.  "I guess my tummy is even sexier than I thought, right?"

Laura had regained her breath by now.  "Right," she laughed softly, a little hoarsely, still feeling a bit groggy from the mild aftershocks.  "It certainly did the job for me."  She climbed slowly off Tonya's body.  "Maybe we should get a towel."

Tonya nodded, sitting up.  "Aren't you even going to kiss me, after I made you come like that?"

"Of course I am, my darling."  Laura embraced her and kissed her warmly, thrilling to the feeling of Tonya's firm naked breasts pressing against hers. 

"You're still going to fuck me with the strap-on, aren't you?" Tonya asked, artlessly, but so charming and faux innocent that Laura could barely restrain herself from grabbing the thing and doing it immediately. 

"I wouldn't miss it for the world," she breathed into the girl's delicious, sweaty, dark golden neck.  "Go get a towel."

"I will," Tonya said, jumping off the bed.  "It felt good at first, but now it's feeling a little clammy."  She looked down at her magnificent stomach, still shiny with Laura's juices.

She returned from her mother's bathroom with a huge bath towel.  She let Laura wipe away the wetness, and then watched while Laura tenderly and lovingly kissed the hard muscles that had just taken her pussy to heaven. 

"You know," Tonya said lazily, bemusedly, "I was telling the truth.  No one ever, I don't know, touched my body . . . or worshipped it . . . the way you do."

"I guess you should hang out more with the girls," Laura winked at her.  "Whoever thought that men could appreciate the true beauty of your body was crazy."

They kissed and nuzzled and cuddled for a while.  Laura spent more time fluffing Tonya's bangs with her fingertips, and kissing the smooth, gleaming forehead they usually concealed.  Since they were such a turn on for her, she felt she could hardly waste the opportunity. 

"Why do you like them so much?" Tonya asked, her eyes wide with curiosity.

"Heaven only knows, darling," Laura purred.  "They make my pussy throb."


"Really.  I would sometimes look at you at work, when you didn't know I was watching, and focus on your bangs and feel my little clittie tingle."

"You're joking," Tonya scoffed.

"Not a bit.  I wanted you from the moment I saw you.  I just thought you might not be an easy nut to crack.  You looked so . . . 'hetero,' if you know what I mean."

"I am hetero," Tonya said firmly, with her fetching little head tilt, followed by her sassy stuck out tongue.  "And you better not forget it.  I'm just doing this with you, just you.  Nobody else.  The thought of doing it with another girl still—"

"Makes you gag.  I know," Laura interjected, dryly, with a raised eyebrow.  "Well, I guess I'm lucky, then.  I'm the only female who will ever be able to taste the joys of this sweet young body."

Tonya softened.  "Right now, if you want to know the truth, I don't want anybody else but you.  Any guy.  Any girl.  Just you.  I don't even want to think about anybody else.  I just want you to do me with that thing."  She pointed down to the Safeway bag at the end of the bed.

Laura embraced her and kissed her bare, gleaming, golden shoulders.  "Mmmm, are you ready?"

"I am so ready.  I told you I'm hetero.  I really like to be fucked."

"Even by a girl?"

Tonya stroked Laura's cheek, then her neck, then ran her fingertips over Laura's lips.  "Especially by a girl . . . if it's you," she murmured, her eyes suddenly throbbing with sex.

Laura smiled lazily, knowing that for the present she had this delicious girl in her power.  She wanted to comply with this sexually electrifying request, and yet she was in no hurry to get there.  "I hope you'll let me enjoy these again for a few minutes first," she murmured, holding Tonya's very firm naked breasts in both hands and dropping her mouth to them.  "You have marvelous breasts, my darling.  I love your thick candy nipples."

Tonya watched Laura's lips on them.  "I love the way you . . . play with them.  The way you suck them.  Unhhhhh!  You do it hard!"

"Sometimes hard . . . sometimes gently . . . like this," Laura purred softly to her, now giving her the full 'breast adoration' treatment, which meant cradling the exquisite firm globes in each hand and administering a thorough, patient, sometimes passionate and sometimes tender sucking of each swelling caramel nipple until it was pointing and stiff and rubbery with arousal, wet and shiny with her warm spittle.

After a few minutes of this, Tonya was twisting and whimpering softly again.  "Ohhnnnnn . . . I think we better get on with it.  I'm getting so wet for you."

Laura let one hand slide down the girl's beautiful hard body to her crotch, testing the waters, finding that Tonya was telling the truth.  Her sweet pussy was all warm and soupy and blossoming, ready for an invasion.  She loved it so much that she was almost irresistibly tempted to press her own sopping wet furrow into it and trib the darling girl to heaven, but she knew, as Tonya had insisted repeatedly, that Tonya wanted 'to be fucked,' and would brook no alternatives.

Quickly Laura disengaged herself and slid off the bed to fasten the strap-on in place.  Tonya watched intently.  "God, look at those ridges," she exclaimed softly.  "I'll bet it feels different than a real cock."

Now Laura was ready and climbed back onto the bed.  "You want to find out?" she grinned, holding the dildo with the fingers of one hand to keep it steady.

Tonya did not speak but rolled onto her back and spread her thighs.  The ripples and cambers of her hard stomach nearly made Laura swoon with surging lust all over again, and the red-gold glinting of her hair falling around her neck and shoulders only supercharged the effect.  This is the view those lucky boys get just before they plow her pretty little trench, Laura realized, looking down at Tonya's magnificent naked body lying there to receive the hard, jutting projectile that protruded from her groin.  She smiled and caressed the hard yet silky flesh of Tonya's marvelous midriff with the fingers of her free hand.

They were both panting so heavily that the sound filled Tonya's mother's small bedroom, but neither one said a word as Laura knee-walked herself between Tonya's spread thighs and carefully guided the head of the strap-on dildo into the inflamed, squinchy groove of Tonya's splayed pussy, into the runny hot-pink wetness.  She held the base of it with her fingers and slowly pushed until it slid in deep.

"Unnhhhhh!" Tonya gasped softly, her eyes going briefly glassy and rolling up as the sensations of being penetrated by it overcame her.  "Oh god yes . . . all the way . . . unhhhh!  Oh shit!"

Laura did slide it slowly all the way in, then waited, hovering, watching as Tonya absorbed the full range of sensations that came from being completely crammed by it for the first time. 

"Oh god . . . it's so deep!  So long!" Tonya gasped, her eyelids fluttering almost spastically, her mouth contorted in a mixed expression of deep pleasure and unfamiliar pain.  "It's . . . god, it's longer than any guy's cock I ever had.  It goes in so deep!"

Laura, who had been fucked by this very strap-on herself countless times, knew it was not longer than many long cocks, but she held her tongue.  Any girl who had been fucked at a party by five or six guys at the same time, in sequence, and probably black guys at that, had to have had the experience of some fairly large pricks plunging into this sweet, tight honey doughnut of hers.  Maybe it was the ridges, or even the hard plastic rigidity of the thing, that had given her this impression.  At any rate, Laura held still for the longest time, caressing Tonya's smooth golden cheek with her fingertips, and murmuring to her, until Tonya was ready to go on.

"Mmmmm, yes, it goes in deep," she murmured softly, now kissing her face, her lips.  "Deep and deep and . . . deeper . . . to fuck you to heaven, my angel."

"Ahhnnnnnn!" Tonya half-groaned, her head tossing to and fro, her back arching, though Laura was not thrusting hard, really not thrusting at all, merely sliding the long ridged prong slowly in and out of her tight, clinging pussy. 

"Oh . . . you like it . . . don't you . . ." Laura cooed softly to her, kissing her ear, her forehead, brushing the fatal bangs aside to reach the smooth dark skin with her lips. 

Fucking her slowly and patiently this way gave her the opportunity to brush her own naked upper body lightly against Tonya's and to savor each place the girl's smooth, warm skin touched her own, to feel the swelling mounds of Tonya's firm, almost hard, young breasts, to feel the rivets of Tonya's thick, hard nipples slide against her own breasts and her ribcage when she came up a little, pushing the dildo deeper into Tonya's pussy, which was now apparently adjusting to the full length of the strap-on.

"Unhhhh!" Tonya gasped.  "Oh!  Unhhh!"

And Laura found herself truly appreciating how Tonya really did, as she had said over and over, like to be fucked.  Those lucky guys, she again thought, as she gazed down at the girl's lovely face all furrowed and torn by sublime sexual pleasure as Tonya undulated, amazingly alluring and desirable, under Laura's increasingly vigorous thrusting.  Loving to be fucked was perhaps an understatement, as Tonya seemed really to get into this, and now began to grunt softly and gyrate her pelvis, as if to tempt Laura to plunge the dildo faster and harder into her, even though at first she had been a little shocked or pained by it.

"Ohhhnnnggggg!  Ohnnnnnn . . . so goooooood . . . so gooooood . . ." she moaned to Laura.  "Do it faster . . . unghh!  Yes, like that!  Faster!"  Her eyelids fluttered open, and her dark, glistening eyes caught Laura's with a sharp insistence.  "You can do it hard!  Yes!  Do it harder!  Yes!  Unghh!  Anngghhh!"

Laura did pick up the pace a little, though she was so hypnotized by the slow, sensual rhythm of their fucking that she hardly wanted to alter it even a notch.  She realized that Tonya had slipped one arm between their bodies, reaching down with one hand to her crotch and rubbing her clit as they fucked, a gesture Laura was familiar with in others from time to time, a way certain girls had of getting themselves off faster, or more certainly.  With Laura herself it was never necessary, but she thoroughly believed in helping yourself get there in whatever way you liked, and she realized Tonya would be getting there more quickly now.

They were panting and pumping more violently than ever now, their bodies colliding, their hot flesh rubbing urgently, and their muscles clenching. 

"Ohhhnnmmmgggg!" Tonya cried out, and her body gave a little jackknife under Laura, though Laura knew it was not her fully fledged orgasm yet, just a little happy spasm preceding it.  "Ungghhhh!"

But it couldn't be far off.  They were, she knew, both getting really carried away, really consumed by the raging sexual heat they had generated.  Their bodies plunged and collided, and their whimpering grew quickly into keening and loud moaning.  Tonya was frantically rubbing her own clit while her hips gyrated up into Laura's sharp thrusts, while Laura was holding the base of the dildo with the fingers of one hand to make sure it didn't slip, grunting softly each time she buried it in the girl's lovely tight cunt.

Finally, when she knew Tonya couldn't hold out much longer, that she was going to come in only seconds, Laura almost scooped her body up with her free arm, looping it around Tonya's neck and embracing her, crushing her own body into Tonya's beautiful writhing flesh, and fucking her with sharp, quick rabbit jabs, bringing her to the pinnacle.  At the same time she devoured the girl's sweaty neck and shoulders and ear and cheek and gasping mouth, sucking her flesh and lips, piercing her pussy with the strap-on, feeling Tonya's body leap and spasm violently this time as the first jolt struck her.

In contrast to the first time she had come, this time a loud shriek was almost ripped from Tonya's lungs as the first supernova of coming wrenched her body.  

"Anngghhmmnnggiiieee!" she cried out, her breath instantly cut off as huge, wracking spasms gripped her lovely flesh.  "Ungggh!  Ungghh!"

Laura immediately eased up and held her quivering body as wave after wave of orgasmic shock shattered her.  The strength of Tonya's climax surprised even her, since she knew how hard the girl had come the first time and was always skeptical that anyone could equal that.  It may have been just as excruciating, but it certainly lasted longer.  She didn't know how much time passed, but it seemed ten minutes or so before Tonya's breathing began to return to normal, and her body stopped shuddering.

"Oh god, don't move . . ." Tonya gasped, pathetically, reminding Laura of how Carmela had similarly implored her only days ago, wanting to savor each waning sensation of an impossibly beautiful climax before terminating it.

"I will never move, my darling," Laura whispered to her, kissing her now-damp bangs, the wonderful bangs that had made her so irresistible to Laura in the first place.

Tonya was so blasted by her huge orgasm that she apparently didn't even realize Laura was kissing her like this for the longest time.  Then her eyelids fluttered open, and she gave Laura one of her patented ingénue smiles.  "I think you made me come twice," she confessed.  "No," she shook her head as Laura pulled herself up slightly, preparing to separate their two sweaty bodies, "I don't mean the one before and then this one.  I mean, this one was really two."  She grimaced slightly as Laura pulled the strap-on dildo out of her body.  "God, I never came so hard, ever."

Laura smiled indulgently.  "I'm so glad."

Tonya stretched out languidly like a cat, letting Laura take in the full thrilling length of her magnificent young dark-golden body as Laura extricated herself from the strap-on harness.  Tonya might have climaxed fiercely only moments ago, but Laura had not, and the joy of fucking Tonya and watching her come like this, in fact holding her tight and kissing her while she came like this, coupled with this view of her stretching naked body, was enough to refresh Laura's lust quickly and urgently.  She set the wet dildo and straps aside and climbed back onto the bed to embrace her.

"Come here, my darling, and kiss me hard.  I think I will come if you only touch me with this fantastic body."

But Tonya, now recovered from her wrenching orgasm, wanted to play coy and tease Laura.  She played at pushing Laura away with both hands, but not seriously.  "Don't touch me, you horny girl," she laughed, sticking out her tongue sassily again in the way that pinched Laura's heart.  "You only want to take your pleasure.  You're as bad as a man, wanting my pretty black pussy."

Laura growled back at her playfully too.  "Grrrrrr!  You're right, I want your pussy.  I want your whole body."

She pounced.  They tussled, and Laura rolled Tonya onto her back.  She kissed her ravenously, driving her tongue deep into Tonya's mouth, her hands sliding down to the girl's fine round ass and squeezing it passionately.  They were loving and laughing at the same time so hard that in a few seconds neither one of them could breathe and they had to stop.  They pulled slightly apart.  Tears of laughter streamed down Tonya's cheeks.

"I never met anybody like you," she laughed.  She put up her hand with the spread fingers in front of her face, the same hand she had used when telling Laura that the guys had not put their cocks in her 'rectum,' another one of her fetching gestures.  "Anybody.  You are so much fun.  Nobody ever made me come that way and laugh so hard afterward."

She gasped as if trying to regain her breath from laughing.  Laura was laughing too, but there was a hard sexual edge to her mirth because she still craved Tonya's wonderful body in the worst way.

"Hold on . . ." she laughed softly, pulling Tonya's body against her, stretching out lengthwise with her.  "Hold on for a few minutes, okay?  Let's calm down.  I want you, but I want to just lie here for a few minutes and cuddle and kiss, okay?  You're a lot of fun too, you know."  She swept the bangs away from Tonya's dark brown forehead and kissed it lovingly.  "And you're beautiful when you're coming."

Tonya turned soft and pliant, kissing Laura slowly and tenderly, a side of her nature that Laura had not seen yet.  "You know," she finally said to Laura, solemnly.  "I think I might be able to get over . . . you know, that part I . . . when I said I might . . . you know, gag?  I think I might be able to do it without gagging now."

"Oh?" Laura smiled.

Tonya nodded.  "Something about you, I guess.  Something makes me just . . . want to do it.  And I know I won't.  Gag, I mean."

Laura merely smiled and kissed her deeply and gave her a long hug.  "I'm sure you won't," she purred.





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