Laura - Chapter 301
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Carmela looked around at the packed and sealed boxes in Laura's living room. "Married?" she said, incredulous. "You can't be getting married. You're a . . . girl. A lesbian. You aren't going to go down there and be in the paper like all those others . . . at City Hall. Are you? I saw them on the news. Wearing wedding dresses and all that. Holding flowers. It seemed so funny to see two fags kissing. Or even two dykes." She smiled nervously, suddenly flustered by her own prejudice. "Excuse me. I didn't mean that." Laura chucked her under the chin with a teasing smile, heart struck as usual by Carmela's mouthful of straight, gleaming white teeth, so dazzling against the deep rich chocolate brown of her face. "You and I kissed," she said softly. "Did that make us dykes?" "I don't think of you and me that way," Carmela pouted. "The woman I'm going to marry is no different from you. Just a little older. I love her very much." "Does that mean you don't love me any more?" Laura took her hand and pulled her close, embracing her among the boxes. "Of course not. What you and I have is just a little different, that's all. You're still . . . what, seventeen?" Carmela nodded, still pretending to be hurt and rejected, which indeed she probably was a little, Laura realized. "How old is she?" Carmela continued to pout. "She's about my age. I don't know . . . thirty?" In truth, Laura was mildly abashed that she did not know exactly how old Makeeda was, as though it made a difference. Carmela broke into one of her broad, infectious smiles. "You two old ladies doing it. I wish I could spy. See you going down on her. Is she beautiful, like you?" The more they bantered like this among the stacks of boxes, the more Laura wanted to grab Carmela and crush her very sensual lips with her own mouth. "Very beautiful," she said softly, caressing Carmela's silky black cheek with her fingertip. "Is she black?" "Not as black as you, my sweet," Laura smiled. "I love your skin. You know that." Carmela's dark eyes sparkled. "I love seeing our skins together . . . like when we're naked." "Want to get naked?" "God, yes! I thought you'd never ask. I thought now that you're going to get married you wouldn't want to do it with me any more. Like it was cheating or something." "It is, a little. Don't you think?" Carmela smirked, knowing now that she had Laura in her power. She had been sitting on Laura's front step when Laura arrived home, as Joy had used to do. They had not seen each other in weeks. "What would you have done if I hadn't showed up?" Laura had asked her. "Or if I showed up with my girlfriend?" Carmela had merely flirted outrageously. "One, I would've gone home, sad. Two, I would've talked you into taking me inside together." Now they were inside together, only the two of them, of course, and Laura
could barely control her lust. I'm not
supposed to be feeling this way, she thought.
Makeeda had only been gone to Carmela smiled ambiguously. "I won't tell her if you don't." "You don't even know her, thank god." They could control the impulse no longer and kissed hungrily. Laura nearly vacuumed her up on the spot with her voracious mouth. Carmela kissed back fiercely. They were both panting softly when the kiss stopped. "She isn't going to walk in on us, is she?" Carmela asked, slightly worried. "She's in Carmela dragged Laura down the hall with one hand to Laura's bedroom. The other one was already packed with boxes. "Don't make me sad about you moving," she said to Laura, quickly pulling her loose sweatshirt up over her head. "I won't see you. I'll be devastated." "We can meet now and then," Laura reassured her. She was transfixed by the site of Carmela's stunning young black body in her white bra. "Let me look at you. No . . . don't take it off yet. I love looking at you in your underwear." "Really?" Carmela beamed. "That's what's so cool about you, Laura. Even Joy just wanted to get it off, so we could do it. And my new girlfriend . . . her name is Stacy . . . she's white . . . she just wants to tear everything off too and hop to it. But not you. You like to enjoy it along the way. And you're always telling me how great my body is." "And your face. Your face is angelic." Laura gave her a droll smile. "Your body ain't bad either." Carmela teased her, turning in profile, running one long black finger down into her cleavage. "You want to see these, don't you?" Laura nodded. "I'm ready. I can't wait any longer." She loved watching a gorgeous woman—in this case, a wildly fetching teenager—remove her own bra. They could be so casual about these scrumptious globes they were about to reveal. These baubles; these unexceptional appendages. It seemed such a throw-away moment to them, whereas to Laura it was almost the pinnacle of revelation: these marvelous naked breasts, so beautiful and so different with each woman, such treasures, kept hidden, and yet revealed with such casual aplomb. She had had Carmela's thick, dark-molasses colored nipples in her mouth plenty of times, and yet, as she watched her reach both arms behind her back to unclasp the bra, it was as if she had never even seen them. She must have been looking with rapt, almost slavish fascination because Carmela suddenly grinned and stooped forward a little, letting her breasts swoop out though still inside the bra cups, letting Laura's hungry eyes feast on the swelling dark tops of her beautiful gourd-shaped breasts. "You look like you want to eat them, Laura," she breathed, her black eyes sparkling with deep delight. "I do," Laura confessed, feeling the pulse beat in her neck. "I want to suck and swallow them. It makes me come." Carmela just smiled. She realized that her breasts had that effect on nearly everyone. "Stacy says I should be a Playmate of the Month. She says my boobs are in the Hall of Fame." "Stacy seems to be a very discriminating connoisseur," Laura deadpanned. "Like me." Laura went closer to her. "Are you going to continue teasing me or get on with it?" Carmela continued to smirk, her fingers still toying with the clasp behind her back. "What's in it for me?" "What's in it for you is that I'll eat you alive, you little minx. Stacy will only be able to fuck you in her dreams the way I'm going to fuck you." Carmela laughed. "Oh, you talk so dirty! I just love it. Nobody every talks that dirty to me." She quickly unfastened the bra now, and it fell limp, then slid down her arms, exposing her marvelous naked breasts. Laura quickly grabbed the limp bra and removed it entirely, then filled her hands with the warm, springy gourds of flesh. Her mouth caught Carmela's in a searing, tongue-stabbing kiss. She pinched Carmela's large, soft nipples lightly, but insistently. "I want to fuck you, my darling," she purred to Carmela. "I want to fuck you and make you quiver and bleat and claw and gurgle and gasp and moan and shriek." Uncontrollable giggling bubbled up from Carmela's throat. She watched Laura's mouth descend to her neck, her bare shoulder, her throat, her smooth dark chocolate chest. "Oh god Laura you make me hot . . ." she gasped. Laura cradled one exquisite breast in her palm and let her tongue snake out to stroke Carmela's dark, swollen nipple, letting the tip of her tongue linger on the thick center stub. Without pulling her tongue back, she slowly let her lips close over the entire bulbous plum, sucking Carmela's nipple deep into her warm, wet mouth. It was all pulpy and chewy and alive against her tongue, and she could feel a delicious spurt of juice in her own pussy caused directly, she knew, by the feel of Carmela's nipple in her mouth. "Ohhhh!" Carmela moaned softly, looking down at her breast in Laura's mouth. "Ohhhh yessssss!" "My darling, I could suck these all day," Laura murmured to her finally, as her mouth moved to Carmela's other breast. Laura pulled her down on the bed on her back so that she could feast on them and hold and squeeze them at the same time. Carmela's dark eyes were swirling and pulsing. She writhed under Laura. "Oh god . . . I forgot how you suck them so good," she panted. "Even Stacy won't suck them so hard. Joy hardly sucked them at all." "Mmmm, you like it hard?" Carmela nodded, gnawing her lower lip. "I like it kind of hard. Unhhhh!" "Mmmmm!" Laura held one of Carmela's exquisite breasts in both hands and squeezed it gently so that her large dark nipple, all wet and shiny with Laura's warm saliva, flared and swelled. She licked it passionately while Carmela watched, then sucked it back inside her mouth, sucking hard. "Oh!" Carmela gasped, writhing even more wildly now. "God, you're making me wet!" "Mmmmm," Laura hummed, sucking and lip-biting her lovely wet nipple as hungrily as possible. "You want Laura to make you come?" "It . . . isn't . . . going to be . . . hard . . ." Carmela panted, writhing and twisting. "Unhhhh! Do the other one?" "My darling," Laura smiled, "how could I refuse you?" She moved her mouth to Carmela's other delectable breast and began sucking the plump, dark nipple voraciously. "Mmmm, I want to eat your beautiful pussy and make you scream." Carmela whimpered. "I want you to fuck me . . . with that . . . thing. Like you did when that guy was here with you and me and Joy. I keep thinking about it. God, it was so good. That thing you keep in the drawer." Laura remembered it. There was no way she would ever forget it. Brad and Laura had sandwich-fucked poor Carmela, Brad in her ass, Laura in her pussy with the strap-on dildo, until all three of them had gone up like an ammo dump, while Joy watched, stretched out naked on the bed next to them. It was not a moment one would be likely to forget. "Mmmm, are you sure?" Laura murmured, her mouth full of silky, thickening, stiffening wet nipple. "I am . . . sooooo sure . . ." Carmela gasped, biting her lower lip. Laura stopped sucking after a moment and sat up. "Come with me and pick out what you want," she said softly. She tugged Carmela with her across the room to the dresser, where together they examined the contents of Laura's secret drawer. "Oh god, you've been holding out on me," Carmela whispered in awe, holding up the Double Penetrator. "I never knew this was in here." "You like that?" "Does it do what I think it does?" Laura smiled and nodded. "It's a sort of all-in-one tool." Carmela, with a devilish look in her eye, ran her finger along the lower appendage. "With this you don't even need an extra person. You can do me, and it'll be just like two people were doing me." "I think that's the idea," Laura purred, pulling her close and kissing her. "Come back to the bed with me, my darling. Both of us want to 'do' you." Carmela giggled softly, such a fetching, sensual little laugh that Laura could hardly repress the urge to drag her down onto the mattress and consume her in a savage burst of lust. But she controlled herself. What was coming would be so thrilling that she could not let herself obliterate it in one moment of selfish hunger. She restrained herself and helped Carmela remove the rest of her clothes. "Have you used it on a lot of girls?" Carmela asked idly as she watched Laura undress and slip into the harness. "A few. A few have used it on me. It has been in a lot of deep, dark, exciting places." "You know, Laura, you'd never know you are such a wild, kinky person to look at you from the outside. You look so . . . I don't know, calm and professional. Underneath you're this wild, horny maniac. Are you going to let me use it on you after you use it on me?" It was such a saucy and thrilling invitation, coming from this naked, deeply black, and marvelously well-formed teenager spread across her bed as she patiently waited for Laura to ravish her, that Laura could not prevent a small, throaty laugh. "I certainly hope you will," she laughed. "I'm looking forward to it. Now lie back and let me lick that beautiful pussy and get it ready for this brutal invader." Now it was Carmela's turn to giggle softly. "And what about my ass? You need to get it ready too, don't you? It's all tight and shut. God, I remember when your friend shoved his hard dick into it. That hurt a little too." "I didn't hear you complaining," Laura teased. "That's because it stopped hurting pretty quick and started to make me, I don't know, like die of coming. Shit, I never came that hard." "Don't you worry, my darling, you will be completely ready in all ways by the time I 'do' you." Pliant and willing and apparently aching to be fucked, Carmela came into Laura's arms and they coiled together, kissing heatedly, rubbing their entire naked bodies together for the first time today. It was a little awkward since the Double Penetrator was an unfamiliar dual appendage that they had to twist away from them to keep from being poked, but Laura, lying on her side to keep from pressing down on it, slowly kissed her way down Carmela's luscious, smooth black body to her groin, sliding between Carmela's yawning thighs, until her lips were just inches from the girl's lovely wet quim. It was a beautiful thing, all coral pink inside, glistening with juice, Carmela's pretty, shiny little clit peeking out at the top. Although it was hard to restrain herself, Laura did not touch the little bead with her tongue, wanting only at this point to bring Carmela's oozing pussy to the proper stage of arousal, though it looked like it was already there. She reached over to the bedstand for the small plastic baby oil bottle, flicked open the cap, and oiled her forefinger quickly. "Now this is going to feel . . . wonderful," she murmured as she slid the oiled finger between Carmela's hard, round buns, easily found the concealed rosebud, and slipped her fingertip inside. "Unhhhh!" Carmela gasped, quickly biting her full lower lip. A faint film of water came to her eyes. "Oh . . . yes!" Then she gave a half-gulp of surprise as Laura's finger slid all the way in. The passage was very tight. Laura rotated her oiled finger, and Carmela whimpered softly. Now Laura allowed her tongue to slither between Carmela's long black cunt lips and into the buttery warm slit between them. Carmela's body gave a small, involuntary twitch. "Unhhhh!" "Oh yes, darling, you are so beautiful . . ." Laura cooed to her, licking the raw inner flesh of Carmela's pussy slowly, gently, not wanting to arouse her too quickly. "I am going to fuck your beautiful pussy and your tight little ass until you come so hard." "Oh! Oh!" Carmela gasped, her hips churning and quivering tentatively, as if she wanted to give in to vigorous thrusting. "You better . . . do it . . . Laura! Quick! I think I'm going to come if you don't do it quick!" "Mmmm, we wouldn't want that, would we," Laura purred, pulling back, sliding up, ready to deliver but not eager to have this exciting moment climax too soon. At that moment she adored Carmela as much as she had ever adored anyone. The girl reminded her of Dawn, so hot to be double penetrated. Most girls were not like that. You had to work up to it, and sometimes you never got there at all. That was fine; there were many ways to screw. But when one wanted it, craved it, pleaded for it, as Dawn and now Carmela did, Laura couldn't ignore an extra little spark of lust awakening in her body. She made up her mind on the spot not to repeat the rough, athletic double fuck she and Brad had given to Carmela the first time, the time that had apparently given Carmela the orgasm of her life. We can get you another one just as good by doing it another way, she thought. Partly, Laura realized, it was out of her hands anyway. Two people fucking you at the same time were bound to differ in approach, in rhythm and vigor, from only one with two prongs. But as she leaned forward and enfolded Carmela's delicious naked black body in her arms, kissing her round gleaming shoulder, then dropping one hand to the monster to guide it into its proper targets, she felt them both melting into a shared, scintillating passion that would not hurry to its finale. Carmela's warm, pliant body almost rose to meet hers, melting into Laura's flesh, then stiffening momentarily as the two shafts began to slide into her body. "Unh!" "Oh yes . . ." Laura murmured. "Easy . . . easy . . ." She took infinite care penetrating the delicious girl since she well knew that after Carmela's body relaxed and grew used to the invaders in a minute or so, the energy on both sides would accelerate. She embraced her, feeling their supple bodies move together, feeling their naked breasts pressing, Carmela's large, stiffening nipples brushing her own, Carmela's fast breath on her cheek. "Ohhh . . . I love your body," Laura cooed to her softly, "you're body is so beautiful. Your skin is so beautiful . . ." She kissed Carmela's neck her and her shoulders again and the smooth skin under her jaw, and then her mouth, ravenously. "Unh . . . unh!" Carmela gasped softly with each slow forward thrust of Laura's. "Oh god, Laura, it feels so good." "I know, honey, I know. You are going to come so hard. Just rock with me now . . . just take it slow . . . that's it . . . yes . . . oh, I want to do this forever . . . just like this . . . just soft and slow and gentle and so beautiful . . ." "Unh! Unh! I don't think I can keep it slow too long," Carmela confessed, her black eyes now swirling and throbbing with sexual heat. "I think I want you to do it a little harder." "You do?" "Yes! Unh! Anngghh! Yes! Like that! Ungghh!" Laura picked up the pace a little. In truth, she was getting very aroused herself. Funny how you just wanted to pound each other when you got whipped up into a frenzy like this. Some girls continued to find anal sex a little uncomfortable even in the heat of it, but not girls like Carmela, whose body apparently adapted easily to the invader and who then craved a hard pumping. In these situations Laura was frequently afraid of herself. She could lose control. She could become obsessed by the need to devour and consume the writhing beautiful girl under her, and even though her moments of fiery passion were usually well received, she couldn't help feeling they were going overboard, even though she couldn't prevent them. Carmela was never more beautiful than now, her lovely face contorted in a grimace of sexual torment, her body undulating and quivering under Laura's thrusts, her mouth half-open, her eyes rolling up, her pelvis gyrating forward to meet each of Laura's plunges. "Unghh! Unghh! Oh god, yes!" On top of everything, the pressure of the strap-on dildo base pushing back against Laura's groin was arousing her too to a fever pitch. She was panting roughly, and suddenly she realized she could hear her own whimpering mingled with Carmela's wild gasps and deep moans. Oh god, I might come too! she realized. I might even come before she does, if she doesn't get there quick. She had to drop her hand now to the Double Penetrator, just to keep it in place, since they were bouncing and struggling so violently together on the bed, pumping, groaning, churning. "Anngghh!" Carmela groaned. "Anngghh!" "Oh yes! Oh yes, honey . . . oh yes!" Laura gasped to her, unable to keep her mouth off Carmela's silky black body either, sucking her shoulder, dropping her lips to one of Carmela's jouncing, perfect breasts and nearly swallowing her bulging black nipple. I am a 'mouth' person, she thought. I have to suck her and lick her and take her whole body into my mouth, if I can, and swallow her and devour her and eat her alive! "Anngghh!" Carmela cried out again, her body twitching and her back arching up a little to push her breast into Laura's face. This went on for longer than Laura could even imagine it would. God, I would've come twenty times by now, she thought. But she knew it was probably not true. Her sense of time was horribly skewed. She realized they had only been fucking for a few minutes at most. Carmela, unlike some, unlike her friend Joy for example, never had any trouble coming. And now she was closer than ever. Impaled on the two prongs that jutted from Laura's groin, and enfolded in Laura's arms as Laura love fucked her to heaven, she was beginning to flex and quiver and strain in the telltale preliminary waves of a fierce climax. "Oh! Unh! Unh! Oh!" Laura knew it. It was unmistakable. It aroused her even more. She clutched the supple girl's quivering body to her and began pumping even harder, faster. The two dildos pierced Carmela's body, and she began pumping back, swirling her pelvis, gargling helplessly deep in her throat as a huge orgasm began to well up inside her squirming flesh. "Ungghh! Oh god . . . so deep!" she gurgled, now beginning to jackknife, her luscious body straining to accommodate the sharp spasms that were beginning to wrack her. "Auungghhh! Oh yes! Aunngghhhh!" Laura gripped her hard, ramming her ass and pussy, sucking her wet black neck, feeling her own body mash into Carmela's writhing flesh as Carmela was jerked and wrenched by the unbearably intense spasms of a killer climax. "Ohhnnnggg . . . ohnnnggggg!" Carmela howled as the first, most thrilling jolts tapered off into longer, less intense waves, her eyes still rolling up each time a fierce shock of pleasure gripped her body. "Oh! Oh god! Oh . . . don't! Don't move, Laura! I'm . . . going to have another one!" And she did. Laura held her tight, no longer plunging the dildos in and out of her body, but clinging to her shoulder, her face buried in Carmela's neck. Carmela shuddered and moaned as a final aftershock wrenched her. "Unhhhh! Oh! Ohhnnnnnggggg! Oh god!" It was heaven for Laura, who held her shuddering body and looked into her face, torn with rapture. I love fucking this way, she realized. I can see her come, I can see her at this beautiful moment, when she is the most beautiful creature on the planet, coming and coming, and I brought her there. I love it, I love it. Neither of them moved for about a minute. Carmela seemed overwhelmed, stunned, having a little difficulty coming back. Though Laura always told herself she was going to make her partner have an orgasm unlike any she had ever had before, she knew it was a whimsical exaggeration, since not every climax could be that life-altering. But some were, and now and then her vow came true. This looked like it might be one of those times. Carmela blinked. Laura's face was still very close to hers since Laura was clinging to her, and couldn't wrench herself away from the marvelous sex-sweaty odor of Carmela's slightly wet body. "Oh god, you're trying to kill me," Carmela laughed softly. "I didn't even come that hard when your friend and you did it to me." "You, my darling, are the most beautiful girl I've ever seen." "No," Carmela clung to her even more fiercely. "Don't pull out yet. I love the feel of you in me . . . even though it's only those . . . things." Laura indulged her for a minute more. They kissed sensually, and Carmela began to undulate her hips again slowly. "Oh no," Laura laughed softly, "you don't get to have another one until you let me have one first. I'm about ready to melt away, I'm so horny." "Poor Laura!" Carmela said as they disentangled their sweaty bodies. "I'm so selfish. I forgot all about you." Laura slid out of the strap-on harness. Carmela looked at the long wet shafts that had been sunk in her body, and that had brought her to such ecstasy. Laura knew she was thinking about how to use them on Laura, to return the favor. But Laura tossed them into a chair across from the bed. "Later," she said. "For now, if you just kiss my pussy, I will die of happiness." "Mmmmmm, I think that can be arranged," Carmela grinned, gently pushing Laura onto her back and sliding down her body. She must've been learning things with her new friend Stacy, Laura reflected, because Carmela was somehow more aggressive than Laura remembered her being. She was not prepared for the way Carmela devoured her inflamed and aching pussy. The girl's tongue and fingers were everywhere, and her lips too, and Laura found herself gasping and whimpering and gyrating frantically, digging her fingers so hard into her thighs that she could feel her nails biting into the flesh. "Unh! Ohnngg! Oh god, honey . . . ungghh! Oh yes . . . oh yes!" Carmela had been a sweet and considerate lover before, but now she was a hot tornado, probing Laura's wet, throbbing pussy with two fingers while tongue-lashing Laura's clit and then sucking it persistently, until Laura was suddenly overwhelmed by sharp spasms of coming. "Unh! Nuunnn! Ommnggghh! Aunngghiiieeee!" Laura cried out, inundated by the quick, excruciating jolts of a huge orgasm. It wrenched her body almost painfully, but the first two jolts were the fiercest, and then she fell back to the mattress in a happy swoon, giggling uncontrollably as the sharp release and the waning wavelets shocked her into laughter. Carmela was laughing softly too as she looked up at Laura, her head still between Laura's thighs. "You okay?" she asked Laura. "I guess I am," Laura panted, still laughing softly, feeling the uncontrollable gales rise up from her stomach. "God . . . you made me come so fast." "You always come fast." "Not that fast. Shoot, I think that was a record." Carmela scooted up to face her, and they embraced happily. "It's so much fun to fuck with you, Laura. I'm so jealous of the woman you're going to marry. Why couldn't it be me?" "You're only seventeen, my pet," Laura reminded her. "As I think I told you before. You have a whole life in front of you. What about Stacy? It sounds like she is enchanted with you." Carmela made a self-satisfied moue. "She is. I'd hate to break her heart. She'd be jealous even to know I was in bed with you now." "Then there's no reason she has to know." "What about your . . . what do you call her, your fiancée? Wouldn't she be jealous?" "Yes. A little. But as long as I don't lose my heart to you, she'll forgive me. She knows I can't resist a little seductress like you." "I didn't seduce you," Carmela retorted. "Did too. You and Joy seduced me together. You wore your little cheerleader outfits knowing I would fall hook line and sinker for your gorgeous bodies." Carmela smiled devilishly. "I guess that worked, didn't it." Laura stroked Carmela's bare bottom and raised one hand to her marvelous naked breasts. "Mmmmm, you're making me hot again. You just made me come like blazes, but I'm hot again, just feeling your body against me." "Maybe we should do something about it." Carmela's black eyes twinkled. "I love feeling our bodies together like this. And looking at our skins together. You're so . . . creamy. I'm so black. It's like a chocolate sundae." Laura licked her smooth black shoulder. "Except it tastes even better." She slid one hand down into Carmela's crotch. "I love the taste of your sweet pussy," she murmured softly to Carmela as her fingers toyed with the girl's oozing cunt lips, parting them, slipping inside the snug, soupy wet sleeve. Carmela was panting and squirming a little. "Oh god . . . Stacy or Joy never got me as hot as you do!" she gasped. "I think I could come again. I never do with them. Only once. I can't come twice. With you I think I could come a hundred times." "Mmmmm, I'm so glad to have that effect on you, my darling," Laura purred. "Maybe a hundred is too many to shoot for . . . but I bet we can manage at least one or two more." Carmela was squirming and panting. Her smooth, luscious black body was more desirable than Laura could imagine. She kissed and licked and sucked every inch of flesh her mouth could reach. Her fingers slid in and out of the warm, greasy sleeve of Carmela's tight pussy. "If I suck your pretty little clit, will you come?" Laura teased her, breathing into Carmela's marvelous black ear, then following her words with her tongue. "Unh! Unh! Oh yes!" Carmela panted, undulating her hips suggestively. "Oh yes . . . I will! Oh Laura! Unh!" But Laura wanted to tease and torment her. Carmela had already had a climax to rival any she had ever experienced in Laura's presence, which probably meant the best of her short lifetime. Laura wanted the next one to equal it, or at least come close. The only way she could do this was to delay the pinnacle as long as she could, and she was an expert at this. Still finger-fucking her gently, Laura kissed the girl's sensual mouth with ingenious passion, snaking her tongue into it, licking the wet flesh under Carmela's full upper lip, then the lower one. She could feel the thick little berry of Carmela's engorged clit between her forefinger and middle finger. She rubbed it hard, and rapidly, but only for a few seconds, feeling Carmela's body respond, feeling her gyrate her hips and pant faster. "Unh! Oh!" "I want to lick your pussy," Laura panted back to her. "Oh yes!" "I want to fuck your pussy with my tongue." "Oh . . . unhh . . . oh god yes Laura yes!" Laura was sucking and tonguing her beautiful, swollen, gleaming, molasses-colored nipples, but she realized things were getting out of hand. Carmela was churning and gasping and gurgling and thrashing around wildly, as if she were going to come any second, surprising them both. Neither of them had thought she would get here so quickly. That meant that Laura would get no chance to fuck the girl's beautiful pussy with her tongue, as she was promising to do, if she didn't hurry to it right away. Quickly, she slid down Carmela's smooth, undulating black body between her yawning thighs, removing her fingers from the warm, gooey furrow of the girl's inflamed pussy, and slipping her tongue deep into it immediately. "Unnnrrrngggg!" Carmela groaned, arching her back a little, her thighs clenching. "Oh yes!" But Laura was an expert at eating pussy, and paradoxically, though Carmela had briefly been about to come, she now seemed to fall back into a slow simmer, as if she too were determined not to climax until she had enjoyed the full extent of Laura's considerable skills. Laura loved Carmela's beautiful wet pussy: glossy black lips unfolding to reveal a bright pink cauldron of shiny juice, Carmela's clit already engorged and pushing out from its thick black hood. Sometimes in past, with Joy there, once also with Brad, she felt she never got the time to focus exclusively on this exquisite quim, and now she made up for that by lavishing her most polished skills on it. Carmela sighed, in heaven as Laura's tongue worked its magic, slithering into the wet crease, then sliding out again across the firm, erect little berry of her clitoris. "Unh! Unh!" she gasped. "Hold on . . ." Laura murmured to her. "I don't want you to come yet. Not yet, my darling. Not until I say okay. Laura wants to feast. What a beautiful pussy you have. I want to suck and swallow it." "Oh Laura . . . please!" But Laura, temporarily at least, ignored her need to come. Carmela was simply too beautiful, her delicious, sleek black body writhing there in the rumpled white sheets, her sexual whimpering coming from deep in her lungs as she gyrated her pelvis up into Laura's face, she was simply far too gorgeous for Laura to end it prematurely. I would love to fuck you forever, my darling, she thought. I love Makeeda, but she is not here; you and I are here, and we are going to get the most of it. For the next two or three minutes—a wonderful eternity of pleasure in Laura's mind—she licked Carmela's sweet, buttery young pussy, not even using her fingers except to pull back the girl's swollen cunt lips now and then to expose the inner glistening treasure, letting her tongue explore every distinct taste of Carmela's intimate fluids and the tangy raw flesh inside her oozing trench. It must have seemed like an eternity to Carmela too, for she soon began bucking and trembling and straining and gasping in frenzied desperation. "Oh god! Oh god, I'm going to come! Oh god, Laura, please . . . unh! Unh! I'm going to come! Let me come! Help me come! Unh! Oh god!" "Yes, honey, you are, you are," Laura panted to her. "I know you can't hold it back. I know it's almost here. Give it to Laura now . . . give it to me now. That's it . . . that's it . . . yes . . . yes . . ." "Unh! Ohnnggg! Ungh! Oh god!" Carmela was whimpering and writhing, the light dancing over her gleaming black flesh as she strained and churned her way toward a dazzling finish. Now Laura slipped two fingers back into the girl's juice pit, just a little penetration to bring her closer, closer. And she positively assaulted Carmela's little erect clit with her tongue and lips. Carmela gasped and her body seized up suddenly. "Unnmmggh!" This time instead of groaning or crying out, she simply mewled and shuddered through a seemingly endless climax, with Laura's lips glued to her throbbing clit and Laura's fingers embedded in her spasming slit. Laura loved hearing her partner moan uncontrollably, but this orgasm was so intense that she knew Carmela was being scorched deep by a supreme pleasure that did not need to scream its presence. Carmela quivered and bucked a little, her beautiful face locked in a trance of rapture so deep that it literally took a few minutes after the fiercest shocks for her to surface. "Ohhnnnn . . . ohhhnnnnn!" she finally sighed, her eyelids fluttering open as the most intense waves passed. Her eyes were glazed. "Oh shit . . . I died. Oh Laura." Now that the solemn intensity of this overwhelming climax was past, Laura permitted herself to smile. She removed her fingers from Carmela's sweet, tight pussy and slid up to kiss her. "Then I'm glad you are resurrected, because I have future plans for you. I couldn't live without this marvelous body of yours." Carmela pouted, but only playfully. "If you're getting married . . . how can I ever do this with you again?" "Oh, we'll find a way," Laura reassured her. "Maybe I'll just have to introduce you to her. Why should I get to have all the fun? Excuse me, I mean me and Stacy." "Stacy would kill me if she knew," Carmela said, something she had also said earlier. "She's a little possessive." She paused for a brief reflection, sitting up, her marvelous naked breasts swaying. "You know, maybe we shouldn't. I mean, your friend might say she isn't jealous but might really be. That would just cause trouble. Maybe we should just keep sneaking around." Carmela's black eyes flashed with mischief. Laura dragged her back down into the tangled sheets. "I think I would like it if you do the same to me," she murmured into the girl's smooth, slightly sweaty black neck. "How about it?" Carmela pushed those same scrumptious naked breasts into Laura's, knowing how it excited them both, especially to feel their nipples brushing and mashing together. "Mmmm, I think I am going to taste some pink pussy now and make somebody scream." "Oh god, I think you are . . ." Laura gasped. |
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