Laura - Chapter 300



After her night with Deshona there were three days left until Makeeda's return.  Laura made a pact with herself that she would remain totally chaste during those three days, in order to get her mind and her body clear to receive back into her arms this wonderful woman who loved her.  It was not easy, especially since both Shelley and Allisha phoned her and came close to begging for a tryst, especially Allisha, whose reserve had evaporated completely and who was eager for as much fucking with Laura as the two of them could squeeze in.

But Laura made excuses and remained firm.  No dalliances.  No fucking with others.  I love Makeeda and I'm dying to see her. 

But when Makeeda returned, she was depressed and exhausted.  Laura picked her up at the airport, but she was in a very bad mood and very uncommunicative.  She sulked and stared silently out the car window.  Laura held her tongue.  Maybe as soon as Makeeda got into familiar surroundings her mood would improve.  They drove to the 'little old house on Magee Street in Berkeley' where Makeeda lived, and where Laura had been feeding the cat and watering the plants in her absence.

"God, finally home," Makeeda said wearily, putting her suitcase on the floor directly inside the front door.

"You're depressed," Laura said.  "Maybe this'll cheer you up.  I'll open a bottle of wine."

Makeeda smiled a tired smile in her direction.  "Come here and jam your tongue down my throat," she said.  "I know you were dying to do it in the airport."  She held out her arms to Laura, smiling wearily.

Laura came into her arms immediately.  She was not about to refuse her chances.  "I've been afraid to open my mouth.  You're so . . . withdrawn."

"Not because of you, my darling.  I thought of you every minute we were apart.  I'm just tired, that's all.  Give me a Laura kiss.  Make my heart flutter."

But their kiss was not the smoldering prelude to an incendiary session in bed.  Instead, it was long: exploratory, comforting, and deeply loving by turns.  Nothing in it suggested that they should strip and devour one another on the spot.  Laura was briefly surprised by this, since they had been apart for ten days and physically craved each other with unmistakable hunger.  But they were letting it come naturally, and flow slowly back into them, as if a quick, hot fuck would somehow be an insult to the depth of their feeling.

"Are you going to tell me how it went?" she inquired when they finally were sitting at Makeeda's small kitchen table and drinking their wine.

Makeeda looked glum.  "I'm so depressed about it.  Sometimes I think I was awful.  Other times I think maybe I wasn't so bad.  I listened to it so many times I couldn't tell any more."

"I guess that must be normal."  Laura reached across the table to take her hand and caress it.  "I know how good you are.  What did the other musicians think?"

Makeeda almost blushed, though she was a deep mahogany color that made actual blushing impossible.  "Oh, they all say I'm great.  What else are they supposed to say?"

Laura felt deep sexual stirrings.  Was it this self-effacing humility and glumness of Makeeda's that was fanning her physical desire? 

Makeeda yawned.  "I am so fucking tired . . . if you'll pardon my French.  I think this wine is making it worse.  Just making me drowsier than ever."

"Maybe you need some sleep in your own bed."

Makeeda smiled warmly, but with no hint of sexual invitation.  "I think you're right."  But then her expression turned anxious.  "You're staying, aren't you?  I think I'll sleep better than ever if you're sleeping beside me."

Laura leaned across the table and brushed Makeeda's fantastic sensual lips with her own.  "I feel flattered to be asked.  I didn't want to go home.  I've missed you so badly."

This was a gentle lie which Laura permitted herself.  She had been enthusiastically screwing with Shelley and Allisha and Deshona, but that didn't mean she had not missed Makeeda deeply.  She felt a little guilty for having let her body betray her deepest love.

She took a brief shower, and by the time she got to the bed Makeeda was sound asleep, wearing a loose, cream-colored, ragged teddy she often wore; the fact that it was a little tattered seemed to comfort her, and Laura had seen it often.  She loved it for the way it draped itself over this woman's spectacular body.  Makeeda was perfection itself, and Laura had never ceased marveling over the way she treated her body as if it were ordinary, whereas people were stumbling and tripping over their feet as she passed, tangle-footed by her superlative physical beauty.

Surely that can't hurt her, Laura thought, gazing down at this sleeping angelic creature.  Being a singer with a killer body has got to get you a few extra steps.  Of course, she probably hates it that people are dazzled by her body and don't pay enough attention to her voice and her talent. 

Laura was so in love that she didn't even pause to consider the fact that they were going to sleep—Makeeda was of course already sunk in a deep slumber—without having sex.  She put on her own shortie nightgown and slipped beneath the sheet next to Makeeda, inhaling her sweet, familiar body scent, gazing again at her incredible gleaming dark shoulder, at the perfect curve of her throat, at the bulge of one large black nipple visible under the thin fabric of her teddy.  She felt sexual desire but it was overwhelmed by deeper emotions.  She lay on her back next to Makeeda for a long time before drifting off herself.

Her dreams were aimless and vaporous, uninspiring and vague, but over time they somehow became thick with heat and a sort of pervasive, pulsing lust that permeated her body and her brain, making her flesh flex and quiver and strain, until she realized, drifting awake, that it was not a dream at all, that Makeeda's hard, beautiful body was pressing against hers, and that Makeeda's hands were aggressively taking her, rubbing and grasping her, invading her.

"Uhhhh!" she gasped aloud, surprised herself to hear the sharp intake of her breath.

Makeeda said nothing.  She had pulled up Laura's nightgown and was kissing Laura's body hungrily, kneading her breasts, tweaking and pulling her nipples.  Laura was twisting and panting, and she began to caress Makeeda in return, running her fingers down Makeeda's sleek back, under her flimsy teddy, feeling the smooth muscles moving under her fingertips.  Still, neither one spoke a word.  Laura could hear Makeeda's breathing accelerate too, though she was not panting as heavily as Laura was.

After a few minutes of this they were tearing more deliberately at each other, sucking and biting each other more frantically, pulling at each other's garments, trying to get naked.  They had in their hot struggle thrown off the sheet and blanket, and the dappled moonlight that leaked through the bedroom blinds bathed their coiling bodies.  Laura, who had awoke as if from a dream, slowly opened her eyes wider to take in the erotic thrill of Makeeda's splendid almost-naked body swarming over her.

She heard a rip and felt the sharp bite of cloth against her skin as her own nightgown tore and separated from her body.  "Unngghhh!" she groaned softly as Makeeda's mouth closed over one of her nipples and sucked it almost maniacally.

Makeeda did not moan but made wet slurping and sucking noises.  Her hands squeezed Laura's breasts, and she devoured Laura's excited, throbbing nipples so heatedly that Laura began to whimper.  She could hardly believe they were both swept up in such a fierce, focused passion.  Her own hands were ripping off Makeeda's ragged teddy before she could stop them.  They pressed their warm, smooth bodies together hungrily.  Laura sucked Makeeda's neck and dropped her hands to the hard moons of her ass, digging her fingers into the round flesh.

"Ummnnggghh!" she finally heard Makeeda moan softly.

They grasped and clutched each other as if fighting, and yet it was a sweet struggle, each one trying to consume and swallow the other, their mouths everywhere, their hands bold and searching.  One moment Laura was on her back, with Makeeda swarming hungrily over her, and the next she had pushed Makeeda onto her side and was sliding down her hard, flexing body, slipping between her thighs.  Makeeda did not want to yield, and yet she was helpless to stop Laura from immediately pressing her lips to her frothy, swollen, open quim, and slithering her tongue up inside of it.

"Unhhhhhhh!" she groaned sharply.

And yet this was far from the conclusion, and both of them knew it.  Makeeda never came as quickly as Laura often did, and though Laura devoured her wet, swollen pussy in a wanton frenzy, she was determined to have her way too and after a couple of minutes maneuvered Laura onto her back to return the favor.  She slipped down between Laura's thighs and spread Laura's pussy wide open with her fingers, stabbing her tongue directly into the fiery exposed pit.

"Anngghhh!" Laura groaned, her pelvis jerking off the mattress almost uncontrollably as she felt fresh sexual fires spurt through her straining body.  "Oh!"

"Mmmmmm!" Makeeda hummed, communicating to Laura her own pleasure at having caused this reaction.

"Oh!  Oh!"   Laura was shuddering and writhing, her panting furious and labored.  Makeeda knew the signs.  She knew Laura would come quickly, and this time she was determined to prevent it.  She slid up Laura's body and coiled together with her almost violently, kissing her mouth almost savagely and digging her fingers into Laura's quivering flesh.  "Unhhhh! Oh!  Mmmnngggg!" Laura gasped, her mouth covered by Makeeda's fierce, hungry kisses.

While kissing her roughly and voraciously, Makeeda dropped one hand to Laura's crotch, just to keep rubbing Laura's aroused pussy until she was ready to return to it, but not rubbing it hard enough to make Laura come prematurely.  Her tongue went into Laura's ear, and her hot breath, and her meaningless murmuring.

"Mmmnnnggg . . . ahhhmmmnnggg . . . uummnngg!"

"Oh!  Oh!" Laura gasped, her body out of control, surging and twisting under Makeeda's, her thighs closing uncontrollably on Makeeda's busy hand.

Somehow there was a silent pact between them that they would not speak during this hot whirlwind of hungry fucking, and by the time Makeeda again slid down Laura's body to finally make her come, Laura was nearly unable to speak anyway.  She was whimpering and whinnying softly, caressing Makeeda's hair, wanting to cry out how much she loved her but unable to focus on anything but the raging sexual need in her body.

"Mmmmmm . . ." Makeeda again hummed as she again began kissing and tongue-toying with Laura's oozing, throbbing pussy. 

"Ummnngghh!" Laura groaned.  "Oh!  Unh . . . unh!"

She was so close.  She strained and arched her back, her churning hips rising off the bed.  She clenched.  Makeeda's mouth was glued to her pussy.  Her clit was inside Makeeda's mouth. 

"Mmmmm!" Makeeda hummed, the smile in her voice coming through her hum, her joy at having brought Laura to this point obvious.

"AUUNNNGGHHHH!" Laura suddenly burst out.  Her body clenched, and a huge orgasm began to wrack her flesh.  "Ohhnnmmmggghhhh!  Ungghhh!  Auunngghh!"

The honeyfire ran through her veins, and the rapturous throbbing in her cunt and her belly threatened to go on forever, great wrenching spasms.  She was totally possessed and consumed by this climax, blasted and scorched by it, so that she lost track of how long she lay gasping and panting with Makeeda's face still pressed to her groin.

But slowly she began to revive, and to realize that the rhythm of their mating had not waned, only relaxed, dipping briefly to make way for new heights.  She pulled Makeeda up to her and rolled her onto her back, stroking her marvelous naked body and kissing her flesh everywhere, sucking her large, swelling black nipples and squeezing the incredible hard balls of her lovely breasts.  She held them in her hands and buried her face between them.

Makeeda laughed throatily, but with a low, keening edge of sexual hunger that clearly communicated her need to Laura.  She stroked Laura's hair as Laura had earlier stroked hers, letting her fingertips graze Laura's cheek tenderly, her breath now more ragged and quick. 

"Ohhhhh!" she sighed softly as Laura began to descend, kissing her taut, hard midriff passionately, pushing open Makeeda's already yawning thighs with her hands, sliding down, down.  "Ohhhhhh!"

It was very dark in the room, only a splash of moonlight here and there to reflect off the sleek polished skin of Makeeda's incredible body, and Laura was drawn more by the ripe, musky odor of Makeeda's aroused cunt than by the sight of it which she had celebrated so many times in the past.  Makeeda's pussy was as black as midnight on the outside but fiery dark pink on the inside, and Laura's tongue knew every crease and secret nerve of it.  She quickly had Makeeda clawing the sheets.

"Hhhhhh!  Oh!  Hhhhhh!"

As Makeeda's hard black moons churned up off the sheet, Laura's hands were quick to slip under them, so that when they came down again they settled into her palms.  Now she could squeeze Makeeda's ass while she sucked her flaming, flooding pussy, and she could feel the uncontrollable crescendo of sexual pressure growing in Makeeda's twisting, squirming body as she made love to her pussy with almost unbridled passion.

"Unh!  Unh!  Ohhhhhh!  Ungghhhh!  Oh . . . Laura!"

It was the first time either had spoken the other's name, and Laura was thrilled to realize that her name had been almost ripped from Makeeda's throat, gasped helplessly, as if no other name could possibly replace it, a sharp cry of ineffable need.  She knew Makeeda was going to come any instant, and she lovingly poured on the heat, sucking and slurping Makeeda's burbling, aching pussy until she felt the actual first quaking of her orgasm beginning deep in her writhing flesh.

As usual, Makeeda might moan, gasp, and whimper all the way to her climax, but when she got there—to the first one, at least—she went silent, as if stunned by the shock and beauty of it, as if throttled and choked by the sheer power of the orgasm that crushed her.  Laura had only known one or two others who came in this all-or-nothing way, who succumbed to an ecstasy so deep that it more resembled an epileptic fit than a sexual rapture, however intense.  At this instant she knew Makeeda was about to sink into one of these seizures.

"Unngghmmnnggh!" she gurgled, her body beginning to twitch; then went silent, except for the sound of her labored breathing, as a swarm of spasms began to wrench her.

All Laura could do was hold on to her, clasp her, press her mouth into Makeeda's warm, wet pussy, as if in a tender and passionate kiss, and feel Makeeda's hard thighs leap and flex as each fierce shock of coming clutched her.  Makeeda undulated and surged through a lengthy series of body quakes, finally subsiding into feverish trembling, punctuated by sharp little shocks that shook various parts of her slackening body.  Laura slid up to hold her as Makeeda traveled through the remaining minutes of this stupendous explosion.  She remained in awe of it, as she always did, wondering what it must feel like to come so long and with such shattering force.

Now the room was silent.  Both of them were spent.  Laura was still clinging to Makeeda's limp body, but Makeeda was still making her way back from heaven.  The moment was propitious, and Laura seized it.

"I love you, Cynthia Brickus," she whispered into Makeeda's ear.

Makeeda, groggily surfacing from her sweet ordeal, laughed softly in the dark.  She turned her head, opening her glowing hazel eyes, the color of which Laura could just make out in the sprinkling of moonlight that freckled their faces.  "I love you, Laura," Makeeda whispered back.  She rolled halfway up from the mattress and embraced Laura very hard.  "Don't ever leave me."

"How could you think such a thing?" Laura said, kissing her bare shoulder, then the smooth scooped shallow beneath her collarbone.

"And don't call me that again," Makeeda teased, since she had often told Laura to use her new name, not her given one.

Laura kissed her neck and her cheek.  "I call you that because I love the real you," she murmured.  "The you that exists under the 'Makeeda' everybody knows, and who even more people are going to know now that you've cut that CD.  Now that you're going to be famous.  I love Cynthia and Makeeda both.  Don't take that away from me."

Makeeda smiled and kissed her, a long, emotional kiss.  "I won't.  Nobody loves Cynthia but you."  She looked down at their naked bodies and the torn pieces of her teddy and Laura's nightgown at the edges of the bed.  "You destroyed my favorite teddy, I hope you know."

Laura smiled.  "That raggedy old thing?  Now you won't be able to wear it for anybody else.  It was enough to make a blind person want to rape you.  It gave you a touch of the sexy slattern."

Makeeda laughed and curled up next to her.  "Guess you'll have to keep me warm now."

Laura hugged her tightly.  "I certainly plan to do that.  Here, pull up the covers.  You destroyed my nightie too.  Talk about rape.  Had you been planning that?"

Makeeda shook her head.  "I think I was dreaming.  Suddenly I was making love to Laura.  In my dream, I mean.  Then for real."

"You mean ravishing and raping her," Laura purred, nuzzling Makeeda's beautiful dark neck.  "Then you had another one of your 'I'm dying' orgasms.  They scare me."

Makeeda did not respond for a moment.  "They kinda scare me too," she confessed.  "But you know only you and Diane could make me come that way.  And of course when things turned bad between us, even she couldn't do it.  I can't even do it myself, if I masturbate.  I just have a 'normal' climax.  Nice, but nothing special.  But you . . . I don't know . . . you touch something in me.  I just . . . I can't describe it . . . I just dissolve."

"Here we are," Laura murmured into her neck, "whispering 'sweet nothings' in the dark.  Want to get up and make some French toast and do each other's toenails until we get sleepy again?"

Makeeda shook her head.  "I am sleepy.  Fucking like that exhausted me.  I want to sleep here in your arms.  You'll just have to shut up and try to doze off.  Sorry."

Laura smiled and squeezed her tightly.  It did not take long for them to sleep again. 

It was a Saturday, and they awoke late.  They were in no hurry to rise.  Whereas taste and smell and hearing had predominated during their midnight wrestling, Laura could now let her eyes as well feast on Makeeda's physical perfection, and as usual she could not resist the urge to devour it.  Within minutes after they drifted awake, she had Makeeda panting and twisting.

"Would you please let me go to the bathroom before you make me come?" Makeeda laughed, wriggling away from her, slipping sideways off the bed. 

Laura had to go too.  She went when Makeeda returned.  She brought a bath towel back with her, and Makeeda looked at it as if it were a gun.

"Have we plans?"

"Mmmm," Laura hopped onto the bed, "I have plans to rub oil all over your beautiful body and then slip and slide my way deep inside it."

Makeeda's eyes lit up, and she laughed her patented throaty laugh again.  "I'll never get over you.  In just two seconds you can make me hornier than I've ever been.  You can just make me quiver."  Makeeda drew her down.  She embraced and kissed her fervently.  "Remember when we first saw each other?  In the restaurant?  And we kept looking at each other but trying not to?"

Laura smiled.  "I'll never forget it.  It makes me wet just to remember it."

"It made me wet at the time.  I'll bet you don't believe that.  I kept coming in there, into that room, on the outskirts, just hoping I could see you without you noticing.  I got this . . . throbbing . . . you know . . . down there."

"In your pussy?"

Makeeda nodded.  "I think you're the first person I actually ever felt that way about.  I just . . . wanted you.  Very much.  Right there.  I couldn't stop staring.  I wanted to do this with you."

"Be naked with me?"

Makeeda nodded.  "And fucking like crazy wild animals with you."

"Oh, that makes my blood hot, to hear you say that.  Say it again."

"I want to fuck like crazy wild animals with you," Makeeda said evenly, her hazel eyes glowing as she stared deep into Laura's.

They were clearly, both knew, on the verge of tearing one another apart again, even more heatedly than they had already done in the middle of the night.  But Makeeda suddenly turned pensive.  She caressed Laura's cheek with one fingertip. 

"I made a special song for you on the CD," she murmured, smiling in a kittenish way.  "Actually, the whole CD is for you, but there's one special song.  I told the guys in the band and they teased me mercilessly about it.  But they all seemed to glow and smile when I sang it to you."

"Sing it now," Laura said softly.

Makeeda shook her head.  "Never sing in the morning.  It'll ruin your reputation.  Your voice is nonexistent in the morning."

Laura pouted.  "I know how you feel about singing in the morning.  Just sing a few words softly, so I can hear it.  I'm dying to hear it.  It makes me wetter even than the fact that you want to fuck with me like wild animals."

Makeeda laughed, throwing her head back.  She sat up.  "Breathing," she said, taking a few lungs full.  "I have to breathe."

Laura could not take her eyes off her.  Makeeda was completely naked, gloriously naked, with a body almost unbelievable in its perfection, her sculptured naked breasts heaving slightly as she gathered her concentration, her large black nipples swelling and gleaming.  I'll bet the guys in the band wish they could have seen you sing it like this, Laura thought, luxuriating in the opportunity herself.

Makeeda began very softly, but her control was marvelous, her voice a little hoarse but full and rich.  She stared directly into Laura's eyes, singing solely to her, not even to the room.

I remember you
You're the one who made my dreams come true
A few kisses ago.

I remember you
You're the one who said 'I love you too
I do, didn't you know?'

Laura stared hypnotized at her until the song was complete.  Only then did she realize that a large tear had slid down each of her cheeks.  She felt them both slide off the edge of her chin. 

Makeeda reached out one hand and wiped the tear trails off Laura's cheeks.  "And now . . ." she said murkily, "the 'wild animals' part."

They coiled together, slipping back down to the mattress, and kissed for another ten minutes or so, it seemed to Laura, without speaking a word.  Deshona's right, she thought: I want to dash off to Canada with her and get married.

"Are you going to let me fuck you now or what?" she finally whispered lazily into Makeeda's dark brown ear.

Makeeda stretched like an awakening cat.  "I think you're going to have to save the oil part for later," she said, sensually.  "I don't think I can wait.  I think if you touch my clittie with your tongue, I'm going to come."

"Ooohhh, then I'm going to do it immediately," Laura laughed softly, kissing her way down to Makeeda's incredible breasts.  "After I pause to worship these for a moment."

She explored the firm, up-jutting mounds of exquisitely shaped flesh for what seemed an eternity with her lips, her fingers, her tongue.  She kissed the valley between them, a shadowy, deep valley, with it's own magical scent, and kissed the bulging underside of each breast, licking the crease where it met Makeeda's body.  During all this she did not once touch Makeeda's beautiful, swelling, sensitive nipples, knowing how such sweet amorous delay would soon have her clawing the sheet.

Makeeda watched, looking down at Laura with love as Laura worshipped her naked breasts.  "I can't believe you love them so much," she whispered, caressing Laura's forehead with her fingertips.  "Nobody ever loved them like you do."

Laura gave her a frown of disbelief.  "Liar.  You're just trying to keep me from being jealous."

Makeeda's beguiling hazel eyes were glowing with pleasure.  "Nobody," she repeated in a whisper.  "If you suck them, I might pop."

"You never have before," Laura smiled warmly, letting her tongue slowly swipe across one of Makeeda's glossy, bulging black nipples.

"Ahhhh!" Makeeda grimaced, arching her back a little.

"But maybe you're right," Laura agreed.

Makeeda was panting softly now.  Her hands swept up her body to her breasts, holding them from beneath, as if doing that would help or coax Laura to suck her nipples finally.  "There's . . . always a first time . . ." she panted, biting her lower lip.

Unlike Allisha, who actually could occasionally have mini-orgasms when Laura sucked her nipples hard, Makeeda had only come close a few times, quivering and churning, so desperate for release that she had in effect beseeched Laura to make her come any other way quickly, not content to wait for what was only a conjectural orgasm.  Laura, who could never do it at all that way, was deeply envious of them both.  Her own surprising climaxes came from the suck reflex, as she had demonstrated to Allisha.  She needed a little extra cunt stimulus, but if she were sucking, she might come too.  Sucking makes me come.  I want to suck you, darling.

"Oh . . . I want us to come together," she panted to Makeeda.  "Like we did the first time."

Makeeda, though very aroused physically, could not suppress a throaty laugh.  "There you go again, making me time it."

Laura knew she was right.  They were together, their bodies marvelously synchronized with each other, their blood throbbing in unison.  There would be many times in the future when they would come together, when their orgasms would fuse in a life-altering shared spasm that would weld them tighter than they were even now.  They both knew it.  Why press it?  Why strive for something that would come naturally?

"If I suck these beautiful boobs, I might come myself," Laura confessed softly, beginning to suck one of Makeeda's large, bulging nipples anyway.  "Sucking makes me come."

Makeeda smiled dreamily.  "See?  You may get your wish after all.  You suck me, and we'll both come."

But it was not to be.  Laura did as she promised, giving the most tender and protracted suck-job to Makeeda's splendid swollen black nipples that she had ever yet lavished on them, but after about a minute of it both of them were frantic with fresh, demanding, crackling lust. 

"Oh!  Oh god!" Makeeda whimpered, twisting, unable to hold her own breasts for Laura any more, her hands flittering over Laura's head, her fingertips caressing Laura's cheeks as she watched Laura's loving mouth on her nipples.  "Oh god, Laura . . . I don't think I can wait!"

Laura, holding one bulging wet nipple lightly between her teeth, looked up at her.  "I know I can't."

Makeeda gave her a desperate grin.  "Suck my love bud and make me pop?  You promised.  I dreamed of it all the time I was away."

"I know.  I would never break a promise to you."

Laura quickly slid down between Makeeda's hard, glossy thighs.  Like the rest of her body, Makeeda's pussy was exquisite, and Laura was surprised she had been able to refrain from kissing and tongue-raping it this long.  At this point Makeeda was so aroused that her pussy was a glistening wet feast, her black cunt lips swollen and puckered, the inner sleeve bright pink and juicy and inflamed. 

"Hold on a minute, honey.  Laura's going to take you to heaven," Laura panted, slipping off the bed hurriedly to find her purse, returning quickly with her small bottle of baby oil.

Makeeda waited patiently, watching Laura's movements.  She had requested this of Laura their last time together and knew precisely what was happening.  Both of them knew she was so close to an orgasm that the slightest touch was going to take her over.  Laura wanted it to be supreme, and as she oiled her finger she grinned down at Makeeda, as if to say: Only the best for you, my darling.

In a micro-second she was back in place, licking the wet, glossy outer lips of Makeeda's blossoming cunt while she insinuated her oiled finger between Makeeda's hard buns.  Here it comes, honey, she thought, feeling for Makeeda's pinched-tight anus with the tip of her finger. 

"Oh!  Unh!"  Makeeda gasped, her eyes rolling up, her upper body clenching, her phenomenal abs rippling.  "Oh . . . yes!  Ungghhh!" she groaned, her eyes tearing, as Laura's oiled finger slid into her ass.

Laura knew that from here to the end it would only be seconds.  She was unprepared for Makeeda's teeth-clenched, almost grunted command.

"Do it hard, Laura1  Ungghh!  Do it fast!  Fuck me fast!  Yes!  Ungghh!"

Most of their sex together—the exception was the almost savage heat and rampaging lust that had possessed them in the middle of the night—was slow and sensual, rhythmical, lyrical, and resonant with the mingled heartbeat of their deep love.  None of this frantic, churning, feverish need.  But somehow things had changed, at least for the moment.  Makeeda panted and writhed more urgently for Laura's caress than she ever had up to now.  She rarely if ever used the 'F' word, and here she was beseeching Laura to 'fuck' her, and to do it hard and fast.

This fierce sexual desperation of course gripped Laura with a fever of desire too, and she threw caution to the winds, suddenly raping Makeeda's tender rectum with her oiled finger and slurping and sucking Makeeda's soupy, runny black pussy more passionately, it seemed to her, than she ever had done in the past.  In seconds Makeeda was coming, spilling over, jackknifing and arching off the mattress and whimpering, then roaring, in a way Laura had never heard from her before.

"Unngghh!  Ummnnggg!  Oh!  Oh!  AUUNNGGHHHHH!  Oh!  Oh!  MMMNNGGEEEEE!"

This time she did not have one of her swooning orgasms, the sort that made Laura fear for her life, the kind that seemed more like epileptic seizures than sexual climaxes.  This time she had a whooping, flexing, roaring, leaping off the bed orgasm, the shattering kind that could leave you damp, blasted, and groggy for an hour afterward.  Makeeda shuddered, and her pelvis went crazy with juddering spasms, her ass clenching on Laura's still-embedded finger, her pussy flowing with warm nectar that Laura eagerly licked up.

It really was a stupendous climax, and Laura was nearly as much in awe of it as she was of the other variety.  Fortunately, she herself had had a few like this one and could empathize without envy this time.  After a while, when Makeeda settled back to the mattress and her breathing calmed a little, Laura slowly extracted her finger and wiped it on the sheet.  Then she enfolded Makeeda in her arms, but realized quickly that the sexual frenzy that had gripped them was still gripping her, if not Makeeda.

Rather than encumber the still-recovering Makeeda with the need to get her, Laura, off, she found herself straddling Makeeda's waist and looking down at her lover's hard, rippling abs as she began to move her own wet, splayed pussy over them, feeling the firm muscles slide against the raw, wet flesh of her cunt and her clit, knowing she could bring herself off this way in only seconds because she was already so aroused.  She could feel the hot, glowing ember of a certain orgasm deep in her womb; it was growing, throbbing, swelling, pulsing.

Her hands almost of their own volition found Makeeda's full, firm breasts.  She clutched them, trying not to squeeze too hard but clearly using them for leverage as she slid her pussy back and forth, her head thrown back, her body quickly consumed by a relentless rhythm of fucking that was bringing her closer to coming by the second. 

"Oh!" she gasped softly, feeling the fire flow through her tense body.  "Oh!"

Whether her small moans or Makeeda's natural recovery was responsible for it, Makeeda began to revive and to undulate under Laura's slow thrusts.  Laura's eyes opened long enough to glance down at her, and she saw Makeeda smiling warmly up at her, her hazel eyes swirling and pulsing feverish sensuality.  She ran her hands along Laura's taut thighs, then bucked upward with her midriff, pushing it into Laura's aching cunt, knowing how Laura had long fantasized doing exactly this.

They did not need to speak but were perfectly synchronized in their movements.  Laura could not believe in such a growing frenzy how she could still feel each small, piquant sensation of Makeeda's hard stomach muscles sliding against the wet, sensitized flesh of her splayed and swollen pussy.  She realized that she was now clutching Makeeda's gorgeous breasts a little too hard, digging her fingers into the resilient mounds in her gathering excitement, pumping and gasping more rapidly, her thighs clenching, her own breasts swaying and bobbing, her head again thrown back.  She was closer . . . closer.

"Oh god!"

"Oh honey . . . go for it," Makeeda panted back to her, now helping even more vigorously, pushing her body up into Laura's groin, looking up almost in adoration as Laura hurtled toward an inevitable climax.

"Oh!  Unhh!"


Laura froze.  She didn't want to freeze, but her body took over from her, stiffening momentarily in the grip of a fierce spasm.  And then she was inundated by an orgasm so powerful that it flung her forward onto Makeeda as sharp, rupturing shocks welled up inside her womb. 

"Anngghhh!" she cried out, slumping forward, catching herself with her palms on the mattress so that she would not crush Makeeda entirely with her torso.  "Ummmnngghh!"

An absolutely thrilling orgasm wrenched her body in this position, as if her wet pussy were completely welded to Makeeda's hard stomach and an electrifying sexual current were flowing between their linked bodies at that very point. 

"Ungghhh!  Unnngghhhh!" Laura groaned again and again as each piercing spasm ripped through her.

"Oh yes oh yes oh yes . . ." she could vaguely hear Makeeda chanting to her as she reeled through the rapture of this climax.

Makeeda's arms enveloped her, and she could feel Makeeda's fingers stroking her back.  She arched her back a little, afraid she would smother the poor girl with her own palpitating stomach, so awkwardly positioned were they both by the aftermath of this cataclysm.  Finally, Laura regained enough strength to slowly disengage her body and roll to the side.  Both of them looked down at the shiny wet rippling expanse of Makeeda's midriff, on which Laura had just rubbed herself to paradise.

Makeeda grinned.  Laura looked at her and they both giggled.  "I am more versatile than I thought," Makeeda said, smiling.  "Or you are."

"God, I've wanted to do that since I first saw your stomach," Laura confessed, abashed at the violence of her orgasm.  It had been even more shattering than she had expected.

"You know," Makeeda purred after they wiped away the mess and cuddled together, warm in the afterglow of their sharp passion, "they're marrying people over at San Francisco City Hall these days."  She gazed deeply into Laura's eyes.  "What do you think?"

Laura was flabbergasted and couldn't speak, silenced not only by her orgasm but by this overwhelming idea.

"I mean," Makeeda went on, haltingly, a bit shy, "I know they probably won't hold up in court.  The marriages, I mean.  But who cares about that?  It's us, right.  We're the ones who count.  We could get rings . . ."

Here was the girl who, for the longest time, had enforced a silent rule against either of them admitting their love for one another.  Now she wanted to get married?  Laura blushed and beamed.  She couldn't help thinking of Deshona: 'The way you are, you'll be wanting to run off to Canada and get married to her.'

"You want to marry me?  Is this a proposal?"

Makeeda smiled openly, honestly.  "I guess it is."

"You can't propose to me.  I want to propose to you."  Laura pouted playfully.

Now Makeeda blushed, though her skin was too dark for Laura to see the actual redness.  "Go ahead."

Instead, Laura embraced her and hugged her so tightly they both nearly suffocated.  They kissed ravenously.

"Whoa . . . whoa . . . hold on," Makeeda laughed, finally breaking free since both of them knew they would be fucking again in seconds if they didn't pull apart.  "Yes or no?"

"Oh god yes I'll marry you," Laura said in a rush.  "Oh god yes of course oh god yes."

They cuddled and were silent for a long time, just absorbing this moment and its implications, and glowing with the promise of actually bringing it off.  Their naked bodies were stuck together by the thin film of sweat both had worked up while making love so energetically.

"You know," Makeeda mused softly, in a calm, faraway voice, "it really doesn't make any sense for you to live over there and me to live here.  If we're going to be . . . what is it . . . wife and wife?"

They both giggled again.  "Lover and lover," Laura murmured, breathing in her ear. 

She had thought of the issue before.  When Makeeda was gone, she spent a lot of time running over to Berkeley, watering Makeeda's plants, feeding her cat, just smelling her essence and missing her deeply.  Why not just move in with her?  It would be so much easier.

"If you're asking me to move in with you, I accept," she murmured into Makeeda's ear, before slithering her tongue into it.

Makeeda nearly jumped out of her skin before dissolving into laughter.  "I am inviting you," she said.  "And Mingus wants you too."  Mingus was the cat, with whom Laura had indeed developed a good relationship.

"I hope he doesn't want me the way you want me," Laura teased.

Makeeda shook her head, still laughing.  "He only likes the way you scratch him behind the ears, and the way you open the food bag.  I want all of you.  Have you heard that song?

I love the look of you, the lure of you,
I'd like to make a tour of you . . . ,

she sang softly.  I'm practicing it.  I'm going to add it to my act.  Just so I can stand there in front of scores of people at a club and sing about wanting to make a tour of Laura.  They'll never know, and it'll give me such a thrill that stuff will be running down my leg."

This made them laugh so hard that they both had to wipe away tears. 

"I only have one request," Makeeda said, turning serious.  "I know I'm kind of monogamous.  Like I told you.  It's really sort of natural for me.  I'm so busy singing, learning, practicing, working, et cetera, that I really don't have time for anyone but you."

Laura listened to her intently, figuring that this was something, or the prelude to something, she had to say.

"But I've been thinking this over.  While we were apart.  I know you're not a saint.  You like sex."  She smiled.  "You're very good at it.  I know you have friends . . . from the past."  They both looked away briefly, nervously, as if this were not comfortable territory.  "And . . . I don't begrudge you them.  Or . . . maybe you meet somebody.  If I'm away . . ."  She interrupted herself.  "Oh, and I am going to be away again."  Her face fell a little.  "My agent has got me a club gig in New York."  She glowed.  "God, if you can make it there, you can make it anywhere, right?  Trite but true."

Laura nodded, and grinned right along with her.

"Anyway, I don't want you to think you have to be . . . you know, locked up in a chastity belt while I'm gone.  As long as she doesn't steal your heart from me, I can overlook almost anything.  The only thing I ask is that you don't do it here.  Where we live.  Together.  In this bed.  With Mingus watching."

She was already laughing a little by the time she got to the last sentence, and Laura could not help joining her.  Nevertheless, she did not know how to respond.  Agreeing would seem to imply that she was certainly going to do it, and that readiness seemed embarrassing to admit.  Not agreeing would be hypocritical, and Makeeda would know it.   To cover her confusion, she embraced Makeeda and pulled her back down on the mattress.

"I love you," she murmured in Makeeda's ear.  "I'm going to marry you.  Nothing is ever going to come between us.  Except maybe my big strap-on, which I'm bringing with me when I move in."

Makeeda laughed.  "Oh my god, have you got one of those?  Why didn't you show me before?"

"I was afraid.  I thought you would think I was too kinky."

Makeeda suppressed further laughing, though her eyes were shiny with mirth.  She leaned over the side of the bed and fished under it with her hand, coming up with a long, thick, cream colored strap-on dildo, dangling a black harness. 

Laura gulped theatrically and smiled.  "God, I think I know what we're going to be doing after breakfast."

"Sure you want to wait," Makeeda smirked.  "On second thought, maybe I'll make you wait until we get married."

Just these words, and all they implied, melted them both.  They came together in an endless, sensual kiss.  "In that case," Laura murmured to her when their lips finally came apart, "we better run over there now and get it done."

"It's Saturday, did you forget?"

Laura looked glum, then perked up again.  "You wouldn't make me wait till Monday, would you?"

Makeeda laughed and shook her head.  "Let's make French toast, like you suggested last night.  Then we'll come back here and—" she glanced down at the strap-on dildo at the end of the bed, with a salaciously raised eyebrow and a grin—"test drive junior."

"Mmmm," Laura nuzzled her neck and let her hands rise to Makeeda's marvelous naked breasts.  "Promise?  You sure we can't reverse the order?  You kinky devil, Cynthia."

Makeeda smiled indulgently and kissed her, pulling her again down into the sheets.  "Wife and wife," she murmured.  "Think you can handle it?"

Laura could not stop smiling.  "I believe I can.  I really believe I can."



The End


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