Laura - Chapter 298
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Makeeda returned from "God, Laura, they loved me," she said to Laura, appearing not to believe it. "I've spent all this time, years really, trying to reach this moment, and now . . . I find it very hard to believe it's real." "It's real," Laura smiled, sharing in her happiness. "I told you it would happen. Oh ye of little faith." Makeeda smiled too, but her eyes glinted with a hard determination Laura recognized. "Faith had nothing to do with it," she said, with a kind of toughness Laura admired and tried to emulate. "Hard work. That's what had to do with it." "I know. Come here and let me love you. Come here and make me let you forget for a few minutes everything but how much I love you." Makeeda melted. In seconds she was naked in Laura's arms, panting and sighing as Laura kissed her body and lovingly invaded it. "Oh, I love you . . . I love you so much!" Laura could not keep herself from exclaiming. "I know, Laura . . . I know . . . anngghhhh! Oh god, I know. I love you too. More than life . . . more even than this joy. Every minute I was down there I was thinking of you. Unhhhh! Oh shit, yes, right there! God, you're going to make me come so quick! Unhhh!" And she did come quickly. Laura plunged her into a wrenching, squealing orgasm in less than another minute. Even without a long buildup or preparation, Makeeda had one of her deep, trancelike climaxes, swooning and reeling and sinking so low that Laura could only hold her quivering body and hope she would soon reach the end of it, before her heart stopped. When the hurricane passed, Makeeda stirred and held Laura tightly and kissed her with deep, almost tragic emotion. "Oh god, don't ever leave me," she said in a hushed, barely audible voice. "I have no plans to leave you," Laura said calmly, kissing her back with equal intensity. "I have to go away again. I'm always afraid when I go away that you'll meet someone else." Laura tried not to blush with shame. She had met someone else. It had nothing to do with her deep love for Makeeda, but she had spent some nights in Shelley's arms and bed, rutting like a horny female goat. It was hard not to feel guilty about that, given what Makeeda had just said. "I love only you," Laura soothed her. "I love only you. I love you to the end of time. Please believe me." Makeeda pulled back and looked deep into her eyes. "I do believe you," she whispered. "Where are you going?" "To Laura shook her head. "You brought it. You worked for it. It would've come whether I happened along or not." "Don't say that," Makeeda murmured solemnly, touching Laura's cheek. "I believe you brought me everything. I believe you made everything possible. I'm so sorry I tried to turn you away. I love you, Laura." "You better tell me more about this CD business before I drag you back to the mat, my darling. You have the power to set me aflame, you know." Suddenly Makeeda's mood changed, and she was very dismissive. "Oh, it probably doesn't mean anything," she sniffed, putting on a brave face. "It's just CDs to put by the door when people come and see you. In case they want to buy one for a souvenir. Nobody makes any money off it these days. Anyway, everybody's ripping off the songs over the Internet. They don't pay for anything any more." "They do when they come to see you." "God, they came in droves, Laura. You've never seen so many people. The club had to rent extra chairs and tables. It was almost a fire hazard." "Mmmm, you're the fire hazard for me," Laura growled softly, pulling her down again on the sheet. "I can't get enough of this fantastic, perfect body." Makeeda grew kittenish, knowing the sexual power she had over Laura. "You just want me for my body," she teased. Laura was busily kissing her body everywhere, unable to block a fresh wave of feverish lust. "Your beautiful body is a path to your soul that I love, my darling," she panted. "And I am going to fuck your body and give your soul an orgasm." Makeeda dissolved in happy, throaty giggles, embracing Laura and growing more aggressive sexually herself, apparently unwilling to give Laura another chance at her before she repaid her previous debt. "Me first," she murmured, kissing Laura deeply, emotionally. "Me first. Lie back. You get to have a soul orgasm first." Makeeda would be gone in But Shelley was too tempting. She too knew what it was like to have a lover far away. With Shelley Laura had a deeply satisfying sexual relationship that did not threaten her feelings for Makeeda, and it was hard to renounce. She expected it to keep her well occupied until Makeeda returned, not counting on a ravishing young girl she began to see nearly every day on the metro on her way to work. At first, true to her vows, she tried to ignore the girl, who looked to be about eighteen or nineteen and was utterly gorgeous, so much so that Laura could not understand why everyone else on the rail car wasn't staring at her as much as Laura wanted to do but with difficulty refrained from doing. She had long hair, as long as Laura's, that was tastefully streaked dark honey gold. She had dark flashing eyes and smooth dark brown skin and a fantastically small waist, which accentuated the rest of her slender figure, her delicious bottom, her small breasts, her long thin legs. She was very self-composed, dressed neatly and conservatively, and kept to herself, sitting almost primly in a window seat, and reading a small book. She was effortlessly beautiful and did nothing to call attention to herself, which only made her more desirable to Laura. The metro light rail car had a line of single seats along one side, where the girl usually sat, having got on long before Laura and thus having her pick. But one morning the single seats were full, and she was sitting on the other side, next to the window in one of the double seats. The seat next to her was, miraculously Laura thought, empty. Laura mustered up the courage to sit in it. "Hi," she said, brightly but softly, a friendly greeting but not so intrusive as to require anything but a smile in return. Which was exactly what she got. The girl turned from her book and gave Laura a pleasantly blank smile, not even showing her teeth, her black eyes opaque and guarded, as most people's were on public transportation. Laura didn't blame her a bit. This stranger, being overly friendly. No conversations, please, the girl's eyes said. But Laura realized that her own choices were limited. This was the first, and maybe the last, time a seat was available next to the girl. Makeeda would be out of town for another nine days or so. Laura knew she would not feel able to make contact with this girl if Makeeda were home. She could not let this moment pass. "I love your hair," she said softly, after a decent interval. "I keep looking at it every morning. It's so . . . unusual." By this she meant that most black women did not have such long or soft or flowing hair, and not this rich brown color either. She knew that the girl understood exactly what she was saying, but now she could not help but feel self-conscious, as if she had strayed over the line and said something mildly racist or at least too familiar. But instead of growing more remote, the girl smiled more widely at her, this time showing her even white teeth. "Thank you." "Is that . . . the natural color?" She shook her head. Her thick, beautiful hair moved. "My Mom's a beautician. She does it for me." Laura smiled. The girl went back to her book. Laura didn't know how to resume. Anything she said now would seem too
forward. She waited, nervous, pretending
to read her newspaper, hoping something would happen to allow her to speak
again. Finally they reached the "Oh . . . this is your stop, isn't it," Laura said, quickly clutching her own bag and paper, standing. "I . . . have to get off here too today," she improvised. "I have to stop by Merrill's on my way to work to pick up something." The girl smiled tightly, as if to say, I hope you aren't going to harass me any further with your pleasantries. They emerged onto the sidewalk walking next to each other, but the girl suddenly veered left. "Oh . . ." Laura half-groaned disconsolately, unable to keep her disappointment from showing. "I was hoping . . . we could talk." She hardly believed she had said this and began blushing almost the instant the girl turned, a few paces away, to face her again. The girl was smiling sardonically. "Forgive me for being blunt," she said, "but are you a lesbian?" Laura bit her lower lip and shuffled her feet a little. "Is it so obvious?" She expected the girl to snarl and stalk off, but instead she smiled more warmly and came back. "Not really," she said softly. "I'm . . . kind of flattered." Laura looked at her intently, waiting for some further affirmation. "Oh . . . I'm not one myself," the girl hastened to add, still smiling. "I . . . did once, though. I mean . . ." She stalled, uncertain how to continue, clearly as confused as Laura was and troubled by her hint of a confession, which appeared to have slipped out unintentionally. "You 'did' once?" Laura murmured softly, smiling back. "Oh, my best girl friend and I . . . a long time ago. She sort of . . . how do they say it, jumped my bones?" The obvious question was: And did you like it? Laura decided not to be obvious. "Can I buy you a cup of coffee? It's only seven-thirty." She checked her watch. "I'm already late," the girl shook her head. "I'm supposed to be there at seven-thirty." God, here we are standing on "Lunch, then." "Got plans," the girl smirked, clearly enjoying Laura's anxiety. Laura smiled indulgently. Okay, darling, I'll do anything for you, if that's what you want. I'll humiliate myself to the max. You are so gorgeous. "Dinner?" "Maybe we could hook up after work." She was friendly but noncommittal. "I'm living back at home though, for a while. Has to be somewhere else." "I have a place," Laura said evenly. "I mean, I live alone." The girl gave her a sweetly salacious grin. She was even bolder and more intriguing than Laura had realized. "How nice." She flirted with Laura, tossing her hair, the rich mahogany mane of hair that had first attracted her. "Meet you here at five?" Laura nodded. "I'll be here." She smiled at the lovely creature, so fresh, candid, and unpredictable. She watched her again walking away in the other direction. "Don't be late," she called after her. "I might panic." The girl looked over her shoulder and laughed. "I'll be here." Laura was all aflutter as she walked away herself, in the opposite direction. Hook up, she was thinking. Isn't that the phrase the kids use nowadays? She said hook up. She seems so receptive, after at first being so aloof. I can't figure her out. But she's so . . . adorable. So sassy and gorgeous. God, I'm wet. At The girl did not show up until ten minutes after five. "Hi," she said brightly, strolling up slowly and catching Laura from behind. "Sorry I'm late." She smiled, a relaxed, happy smile. "I . . . don't even know your name," Laura blurted out nervously. "Oh . . . I'm sorry. Hi. Glad you could make it." "My name is Allisha," the girl extended her hand, still smiling. "With two 'ells'. Allisha Bannister. Actually, Bannister is my married name, but I'm getting a divorce. That's why I'm back living at home with Mom and Daddy. They live in Forest Knolls. Know where that is?" "It's on the hill up above my condo," Laura smiled back, shaking Allisha's (with two ells) shapely dark hand. "That's why we see each other on the metro all the time." "Actually," Allisha leaned slightly forward, as if to share a secret, "I never noticed you until this morning. I keep pretty much to myself. No eye contact. Never know what nasty person might be wanting to meet you." "I hope that doesn't apply to me," Laura laughed, tossing her own hair a little, flirting. Allisha shook her head. "You don't look like a rapist creep to me." "Thanks for that, anyway. I'm Laura Robbins." "Well, Laura Robbins. Are we going to your place?" "I would love it if you would," Laura said awkwardly. She wanted to add, I promise not to attack you, but suddenly wondered if maybe Allisha did not want to be seduced, if that were the word. Maybe this business about her divorce made her more agreeable to a sexual adventure. A few minutes later they were standing side by side on the metro train, holding the overhead straps, swaying and trying not to jostle each other as the car lurched. Laura had never ceased to wonder why there were always a few seats in the morning but never a one in the afternoon. "You don't look old enough to have been married and divorced already," Laura murmured to her. "I'm nineteen. I was only married for eight months. He's an unbelievable shit. Doesn't say much for my judgment. He did my girl friend." She made a long, sardonic face. "Needless to say, she and I don't see each other any more. He even tried to do my mother. He's lucky he got divorced instead of dead." Laura swallowed. "Well . . . at least maybe now you can learn your lessons and move on." A dorky platitude, but it was the best she could offer. Allisha grinned very broadly at this. "Maybe you have some lessons to teach me, eh, Laura?" Laura blushed slightly. This was a very revealing conversation to be having in a packed commuter rail car, where dozens of other people were crammed up against them. She smiled tightly at Allisha to tell her to save it for later. "Tell me about your job. Where do you work?" In another twenty minutes they reached the Forest Hill Station, and walked to Laura's car, a couple of blocks away. In another five minutes they were inside Laura's place, and the atmosphere suddenly became more tense as both of them maneuvered, unsure how to begin. "Glass of wine?" Laura suggested. Allisha had a sassy, intriguing little smirk that she used both to flirt and to parry unwelcome remarks, which Laura had noticed several times and now began to relish. She gave it to Laura now. "I guess so. Sounds okay." "If you'd rather have something else . . ." "Wine's fine." She looked around Laura's condo bemusedly. "You live here by yourself?" "Yes." Allisha gave her the smirk again, as if to say: liar! She found several music books stacked on the coffee table. "You a musician?" Laura shook her head, pouring a glass of wine for each of them. She had forgotten the books were there. "They belong to a . . . friend. She's a singer." Now Allisha's eyes reflected her understanding of something more complex going on. "You cheating on her with me?" Laura blushed. She truly did feel like she was cheating, so it was hard to behave otherwise. "She's out of town," she said, bringing Allisha's glass of wine to her. "Cutting a record. A CD. I . . . guess I am, in a way. I couldn't resist meeting you. You're very beautiful, Allisha. I suppose you know that." Allisha nodded matter-of-factly. "I have two sisters," she squint-smiled. "The bright one, the funny one, the pretty one. I'm the pretty one." Laura clinked her glass against Allisha's and they both took a sip. "You seem pretty smart, and funny enough to me, too." "Not really funny like my sister Ty. Short for Tyreta. She could be a stand-up comic." "I'm not really . . . cheating on her," Laura returned to the issue. "I mean, she doesn't know. I couldn't resist you." She could see an almost instantaneous change in Allisha's eyes, as if this very solemn compliment made Laura irresistible to her too. "You are pretty beautiful yourself, Laura. I mean . . . hard to resist, too." "Gosh, we're a mutual admiration society." She set her half-full wine glass down on the glass coffee table, next to the music books. She indicated with her head for Allisha to set hers down too. "I'm sorry, I've been wanting to do this for days. Weeks, maybe." She took Allisha's face in both hands and slowly pressed her lips into the girl's amazingly sensual mouth. Some girls—Shelley, for instance—would have kissed back, hungrily, aggressively, immediately. But Allisha merely let herself be kissed at first. Her sensual lips were soft and yielding but did not move against Laura's. Nor did they open. Finally, Laura pulled back a little. "Am I doing something wrong?" Allisha broke into a warm smile. "You're doing everything just right," she breathed, now pushing her mouth into Laura's and starting to kiss back ardently. Laura could feel her blood leap through her body, and her pussy almost gush with juice. In seconds she and Allisha were devouring each other's mouth, their tongues coiling feverishly, their teeth clanking. Laura ran her hands up Allisha's back to her shoulders, embracing her, digging her fingers into the girl's lean flesh through her blouse. Allisha had a beautiful long neck, and Laura slid her mouth down to it. "I've wanted to do this for weeks," she breathed, running her lips down the smooth dark column. "I sat in seats behind you and looked at your beautiful neck . . . whenever this gorgeous hair slid to the side. And I wanted to kiss it and suck it like this." "Uhhh . . . uhnnnn!" Allisha panted, very excited by Laura's mouth on her neck. "I never knew you . . . unhhhh . . . wanted to . . . or I would've . . . unhhhh! I would've let you before. Unhhhh! Oh yes!" "I love kissing you," Laura panted too. "Let's sit down here and kiss some more. We don't have to rush." Allisha smiled, as if pleasantly surprised. "I thought we were really going to go for it there for a moment," she confessed as they sat down side by side on the white sofa. "You got me sort of hot." "Me too." Laura opened her arms and drew the lovely girl into them. "I love to kiss you too much to hurry things." "Mmmmm, kissing is good," Allisha purred. "I like it too. I never really get to do it enough. The only time I ever kissed this much was that time I told you about." Laura was kissing her face all over passionately. "You mean with your girl friend? When she jumped your bones?" "Yup. I guess we kissed a lot at first because neither one of us had ever done it before. You know, with another girl. We weren't quite sure if we should go on." "But you did." "God, yes. Oh, that feels good." "Tell me about it. I love to hear about first times. Did you come?" Allisha smiled slyly. "That's the point, isn't it? Yeah, we both came. After a while." "Tell me about it." Allisha grew momentarily very serious. "You know, I will tell you about it. Later. But right now I think we ought to go into your bedroom and . . . you know, do what we came here to do. I'm getting pretty wet down there." "Me too," Laura grinned. "One last kiss." "Okay." This time they kissed like there was no tomorrow. Laura didn't know if she had kissed anyone this passionately, or been kissed back, since her first time with Makeeda. Her heart fluttered, and her pussy throbbed. Allisha had a long, sinuous tongue which nearly slithered all the way down Laura's throat. Laura even came up gasping for air, which made Allisha giggle. "Did I make you gag? It's my specialty. I've got a real long tongue. I can tickle your tonsils." She mashed her beautiful lips into Laura's. "I can stick it up your pussy too. Want to feel it?" "Oh god, do I ever," Laura panted, pulling her up off the sofa with one arm, then down the hallway towards her bedroom. Their clothes flew off. Laura liked slow disrobing, and helping each other, but she also realized that this hot, urgent need, so hot that you could hardly control your breathing or the shaking of your hands as you tore off your own clothes and watched your new lover doing the same, was rare and phenomenally exciting. She hadn't really been in this kind of frenzy since the old days with Yvette, or Jane, when they were both so fiercely hungry for fucking that they risked ripping everything in their frantic haste. Allisha wore a gauzy bronze wrap on top that unwound off her slender body very quickly. Under it she wore a plain black bra, which also came off quickly, revealing small, 32 C, adorable breasts with large dark brownish/purplish areolas. Laura could never get over the marvelous array of different colors of black girls' nipples. Allisha saw her looking and grinned with salacious narcissism, even cupping the small twin globes in both hands, raising them one by one to her mouth, snaking out her long tongue to lick each nipple suggestively while she gazed meaningfully at Laura from under her heavy eyelids. "Bet you want to do this," she laughed softly. Here was a girl who knew well her own charms, Laura reflected, quickly tearing off the rest of her own clothes and underwear. She pulled the naked Allisha down with her on the bed. "I want to do everything," she murmured in reply, sucking the girl's gorgeous neck again and filling her hands with Allisha's marvelous breasts. "Tell me you want to fuck me," Allisha breathed, squirming as Laura sucked her neck and squeezed her beautiful naked breasts. "I can see it in your eyes, but god it gets me hot when you say it." "I . . . want . . . to . . . fuck . . . you . . . my darling Allisha," Laura murmured into her ear, following the words with her tongue. "I want to make you come unbelievably." "You're sure doing it. I'm halfway there already." "Oh no . . . oh no," Laura cautioned, slowing down. "This isn't going to be fast. I want you slow and completely." Allisha giggled. "What's that mean? 'Completely'?" "It means I want to eat you alive," Laura growled softly. "Every delicious inch of you. God, you are beautiful, darling. I don't know if you know how beautiful you really are." Allisha stopped giggling and grew solemn and sexy. "You're beautiful too," she whispered, touching Laura's lips with one fingertip. "I had lesbians hit on me before. I didn't tell you. They were kind of . . . whatdoyoucallit . . . butch? I was waiting for one like you to do it." "All I can say is I feel sorry for the other ones," Laura purred, dropping her mouth to Allisha's exquisite naked breasts. Laura was a connoisseur of breasts, but these were off the chart. Scrumptious little round breasts, so firm, oddly colored dark nipples that made her mouth water. I must be careful not to suck them too hard or I'll hurt her, she cautioned herself. I just want to swallow them, and maul them with love. She restrained herself, but not too much. She held Allisha's breasts in her hands and let the tip of her tongue dance over the girl's large nipples, stabbing the thick, protruding centers and slowly licking the smooth surrounding areolas, feeling the tiny bumps rise up against her tongue. Allisha squirmed and panted, looking down at Laura's tongue on her nipples. "You better do more than that," she panted, writhing her body to push her breasts harder against Laura's lips. "Mmmmm, like this?" Laura teased, opening her lips and taking one entire large nipple inside, sucking it tenderly at first, then more sharply. "Unhhh! Oh yes! Just like that!" Laura had to take care here that they both didn't go up in flames. Having Allisha's sensitive nipple inside her mouth for the first time seemed almost enough to ignite both of them into a raging bonfire. Allisha stiffened and moaned, and Laura could feel the hot, rippling fires of lust shoot through her whole body. She slackened her lips a little and stroked Allisha's thick, throbbing nipple with her tongue instead of sucking it. "Careful . . . careful . . ." she murmured, releasing and licking it with passionate love. "Now the other one." "Oh god, I'm going to come if you keep doing that!" Allisha confessed in a hushed, stunned tone of voice. Laura smiled up at her. "Then I'm going to stop. I don't want you to come yet. Are they really that sensitive?" Allisha nodded. "When my girlfriend and I did it . . . that time I told you about? I came when she sucked them. It shocked me. Just a little sharp jolt, but it was really an orgasm. Both of us were so surprised. It just happened. I felt that way a minute ago, when you were sucking me. Like I might do it again." This was a fine dilemma for Laura. It was so exciting to hear that she was tempted to go for it right then. If I just suck her wildly, right now, she might come. God, that would be so hot. But I don't want her to come yet. I want to feast on her beauty. I want to devour her lovely gash, which I can smell heating and wetting up for me right now. She cradled Allisha's other perfect little breast in her hands. "I'm going to suck this one too. I can't restrain myself." She smiled. "If you come, go for it, honey. Otherwise, I'm going to lick your lovely pussy until you die of coming." Allisha bit her lower lip and said nothing. Her dark eyes were swirling with excited sexual waves. Laura was more careful with this exquisite second nipple, laving it tenderly with her tongue, but unable finally to resist taking it into her mouth. The hell with licking, she thought; I want to devour this beautiful breast. She sucked it gently, and Allisha cooed and quivered. "Oh god, that feels so good." "Are you going to come?" "Not yet. I . . . think. Oh god, I might if you do that harder." Laura resisted the temptation. She spent another minute worshipping Allisha's lovely breast, sucking and tonguing it gently, but then moved lower, realizing as she kissed her way down the girl's long, hard stomach that Allisha needed no further preparation. She was almost insane with need already, writhing and whimpering, deliciously supple and yielding. For the first time, now that Allisha was lying on her back, Laura noticed a wide, elongated stain of darker skin under her right breast, which was concealed by the perfect round globe when she was sitting up. It was about the size of one of her large nipples, but more ovoid in shape. Laura as usual was captivated by these small flaws or pigmentation errors and spent some time kissing it. "You found my splat," Allisha giggled self-consciously, watching Laura's lips move caressingly over the darker skin. "I love your 'splat,'" Laura teased her. "God, you are so beautiful. Even your birthmark is beautiful." "You think so?" Allisha asked coyly. "You don't think it's hideous?" "I think it's the opposite of hideous," Laura said, kissing the birthmark feverishly now, and stroking the rest of Allisha's wonderful body aggressively with both hands. "It is too gorgeous. It is the little flaw that makes you perfect." Allisha didn't, like some girls, make a lot of noise. Her moaning was soft and sporadic, her whimpering intermittent, and occasionally a helpless little squeak would escape her throat as Laura's tongue and lips began to approach the puckered black flower of her beautifully shaped pussy. Laura was in no hurry, enjoying these signs of arousal, and skillfully kissing all the smooth dark brown skin of Allisha's belly and hard thin thighs and spreading the hair of her thatch gently away so that she could suck the part where each thigh met her groin. "Unhhh! Anggghhh!" This finally got a groan out of Allisha, whose long supple body stiffened a little with fresh excitement. "Mmmm, you like that," Laura purred. "Ohhhh . . . I like everything. Laura . . . you do it so good." Laura barely heard her since she was inhaling deeply, letting her head fill with the thick musk emitted by the girl's ripe, shiny, tumescent pussy, which was inflamed within and already puckering for her approach. I am going to make this beautiful pussy sing, she thought, first kissing the thin, wet outer lips lightly, spreading the black filaments of hair away with her fingers, feeling Allisha's body tense up with excitement and anticipation. Darling, you have never had anyone make love to your gorgeous black pussy the way Laura is about to do, she thought. Get ready to fly to heaven. Now she let the tip of her tongue slip inside. It was warm and squinchy wet and coppery tasting. She pushed her tongue in further. Allisha was panting but made no other noise. Her hips and lower body were motionless, as if she were holding herself steady to receive everything Laura had to offer her. She had a long protective hood over her clit, which Laura pulled back with her fingertips, exposing the taut little bead. Then she withdrew her tongue slowly from Allisha's cunt and pulled it up along the girl's clit. This time Allisha could not keep a tiny, clotted yelp from escaping her throat. "Nnnuunnhhhh!" Her hips juddered a little, and she gasped sharply. But just as quickly, she fell silent again, twisting and panting again, but not moaning. Laura worked slowly. She was not to be deprived of her pleasure, which was extreme at this moment, her lips slathered with fragrant pussy juices, her tongue busy invading the secret creases and stroking the hidden nerves of Allisha's glistening, streaming furrow. "I love your pussy," she murmured softly after a while, knowing how these simple words could inflame a sweet victim of her hungry passions. "Oh!" Allisha whimpered in response, unable to say anything else. Laura let her eyes drift up to the girl's face, a really beautiful face, she realized again, now contorted by intense pleasure. Allisha's brow was furrowed, her mouth curled in a cry of agonizing pleasure that never escaped. She looked at Laura, her eyes filling with desperation before rolling up. "Oh!" she gasped again, this time in a smaller, more distant voice. "Does that feel good?" Laura half-teased, now slipping two fingers into Allisha's pussy at the same time that she licked it. "Oh god yes!" Laura had had an inspiration. She was going for Allisha's g-spot. She marveled that she often forgot this, in her huge passion and urgency. She recalled how Kim, long ago now, had once told her that she went for a girl's g-spot every time. She certainly had found Laura's immediately, and caused many crushing, often multiple orgasms that way. Laura had done it too, but in her haste to make her lover come she often overlooked this avenue. Of course, some girls appeared not to have one either, but that was no excuse not to try finding it. Now, however, she was determined. Allisha was becoming more beautiful by the second, now writhing and whimpering softly as Laura fucked her with the two fingers, palm up so that she could rub the forward inner wall of Allisha's cunt with her two fingertips. She did not know if Allisha knew what she was up to, but the girl for a moment lifted her head off the mattress, looking down at Laura again, a worried, almost frightened expression crossing her face, as if some premonition told her that a horrific and convulsive orgasm unlike any she had felt before was about to clutch her. Maybe she's never had one of these g-spot climaxes before, Laura thought, smiling up at her. Just hold on, darling. This one'll blow you apart. But it didn't come quickly. Just as well for me, Laura thought, because I could keep doing this forever. She fell into a slow rhythm. Her fingers slid in and out of Allisha's tight but warm and soupy pussy, probing and searching, but also just fucking her steadily in a patient, deliberate rhythm, while her tongue danced around the girl's swelling clit, stroking it, stabbing it, bringing her along. Allisha, though she had not mentioned it, appeared to be one of those girls who did not come easily, or quickly. It took her a while to build up to the inevitable moment. She fell into a gentle rhythm of rising and falling currents, her soft panting accelerating for a time, and her body tensing, clenching a little, even being overtaken by false mini-shudders, as if a climax were trying to escape, then slowly falling back into a trough, her breath slackening again, her muscles relaxing, her pelvis only dipping and undulating slowly instead of churning and bucking. Through it all she was fairly silent, the only sounds being her faster or slower breathing. This, and only this, was a little unnerving to Laura, who loved hearing acoustical confirmation of her impact, who took moans and whimpers as cues to her success and guides to further exploration. She was busily tonguing and sucking Allisha's beautiful pussy, and slowly fucking her with two fingers at the same time, never having abandoned her slow, careful search for the little knot of nerves inside the wall of Allisha's cunt that would suddenly take the girl into a whole new dimension of sexual rapture. A few times Laura thought she had touched it. Allisha at these instants would jerk, and her breathing would come like a gunshot. Laura would wait an infinitesimal moment to see if it was true, but then Allisha would fall back to the bed, mewling softly, and resume her even breathing and gentle churning. But Laura allowed none of this to disturb her. She knew Allisha was going to come, and Allisha apparently knew it too, for never did she seem desperate or anguished about the length of time she was taking. She knew she had a beautiful body and that Laura was enjoying it to the fullest. "Oh honey . . . you are so beautiful . . ." Laura purred to her, letting her free hand slide up Allisha's undulating body to one of her scrumptious breasts, which she squeezed fervently, rolling and gently pinching Allisha's large, erect nipple between her thumb and forefinger. "I want you to come. I want you to come so hard." "Unhhhh!" Allisha gasped, the first sound she had made in several long minutes. "Oh . . . oh Laura . . . oh . . . I think you're going to . . . get your wish!" "Oh, is it close, honey?" "Yes. Unhhhh! Oh . . . yes . . . it's close." This made Laura quicken the pace. She began probing and frigging her faster, and now lashed Allisha's swollen clit with her tongue and sucked it feverishly. She had not found the g-spot, but it would have to wait. Maybe there wasn't one. In any case, Allisha was going to come any second now, and there was no way anything would prevent it. Yes, honey, yes . . . honey! Yes! Do it! Now! Do it! Allisha's body gave an odd twitch, and her flexing thighs closed spastically for a brief moment on Laura's head before parting again. Then her whole pelvis rose off the mattress and began swirling and shuddering visibly. Still she made no noise other than her harsh, rapid breathing, but her entire lower body seemed to be wrenched by uncontrollable spasms. Oh god, she's coming! Laura thought. Not screaming but still coming. She didn't move but still held the squirming girl's clit between her lips. Her greasy fingers were still embedded in Allisha's clenching pussy, and she was still rubbing the front wall, trying . . . trying. "Unhhh!" Allisha finally yelped in a tiny, choked off voice. "Oh yes, honey!" Laura encouraged her. Realizing that this was only the beginning, that the rest of the orgasm was only waiting to burst through, Laura began sucking and probing more frantically. Finally a sharp convulsion shook Allisha, and a deep groan escaped her lungs. "Annnggghhhh!" Now there was no mistaking it. She was coming fiercely, and Laura devoured her, wanting to make it the best. And surprisingly, in the midst of her orgasm Allisha's straining body suddenly gave another sharp twitch, and Laura knew without a doubt that she had touched the spot. In the middle of her orgasm, Allisha was suddenly overwhelmed by an even deeper, more crushing one that seemed to well up from inside the first one. "Unnngghmmmiiieeee!" she yelped, her face frozen in an ecstatic rapture that was ripping through her whole writhing body. "Oh!" Laura rubbed. She rubbed and sucked, realizing that Allisha's first orgasm, triggered by Laura stimulating her clit, had somehow given birth to this second one, which had resulted from Laura touching her g-spot. "Mmmmmmggggg . . . oh GOD!" Allisha cried out, as even another wave of orgasmic shock wrenched her, the third and final one. Through it all Laura never let up, though now that Allisha had come three times, the last two such overpowering orgasms that one might wonder why she hadn't passed out, she stopped actually sucking the girl's clit, fearing it had become over-sensitive, and merely held it gently between her lips. She also finally stopped rubbing the magic spot. They remained this way in a sort of suspended animation, while Allisha traveled slowly through the pleasurable fog of her multiple orgasms, and after a time her body began to recover, and she began to stir, her breathing having returned to normal. Laura carefully released her clit from her lips and began to withdraw her fingers, but Allisha giggled and closed her thighs on Laura's hand. "Leave them there," she said, grinning down at Laura with a face that betrayed the devastating ecstasy she had just been through. "I like it." Laura smiled at her. "I can imagine you do." "I never came like that," Allisha confessed. "I mean more than once. You . . . touched something. I just went off." She grinned mischievously and shimmied her hips slightly, so that Laura's well-lubricated fingers slipped around inside the tight wet sleeve of her cunt. "You better be careful or it might happen again," Laura teased her. "God, I hope so," Allisha laughed. "Never knew I could come like that. Is that the famous g-spot?" Laura grinned. "I guess it is. Sure felt like it." "Gee!" Allisha laughed satirically. "Gee, if it is I'd like more of that. I can just say 'Gee gee gee!' and come come come. Wow, it really just about killed me." Laura, whose two fingers were still embedded in Allisha's marvelous tight pussy, looked at her questioningly. "You want me to try for another one?" Allisha shook her head slowly, becoming serious. "You can take them out now. I don't think I could survive another one like that just yet. We'll wait." She twisted her body around and sat up as Laura wiped her fingers on the edge of the sheet. "Do you have one?" "I think so. I used to have a girlfriend who went for the money every time." "And don't tell me. She hit it nearly every time, too. It must have been exhausting." A slow, warm grin of remembrance spread across Laura's face as she recalled the eccentric and scorching female panther, Kim. "It was . . . very memorable," she murmured. Now Allisha grew warm and attentive and affectionate herself, rubbing up against Laura and kissing her shoulder, raising one hand to Laura's naked breasts and fondling them excitedly. "Do you think I could find it? Yours? And make you come like that?" Laura smiled and leaned forward, finding Allisha's wildly sensual mouth with her own and kissing it aggressively. "I don't see why we couldn't give it a spin," she panted. "You've got me pretty hot already. Watching you come like that made me throb. Want to try it?" Allisha beamed. "I sure do. Here, lay back and let your new girlfriend show you what she's been saving up for only you." Allisha, though she may have only done it once, was no stranger to girl-girl love, and had few inhibitions. She apparently considered herself something of a sexual artiste, and Laura in only seconds was nearly climbing the walls. Allisha swallowed her nipples, Allisha tongue-buzzed her clit until she was moaning and twisting like a tornado. Allisha, Laura was quickly reminded, had a very long tongue, and Laura thought she might squeal uncontrollably as she felt it snake up into her flowing pussy. For a second it almost felt like Allisha was trying to find her g-spot with her tongue instead of her fingers. Laura quivered and heard herself whinnying uncontrollably. By the time Allisha tried to find her g-spot with her fingertips instead of her tongue, Laura was almost past caring if she succeeded. All she wanted to do was come, and come immediately. She squirmed and whimpered, pulling her own nipples with her fingers and churning her hips frantically. "Oh! Oh!" "Mmmm, Laura, I think you're getting there," Allisha smiled up at her. "You're not waiting for me." "Ahnnn!" "Ooohh, maybe that's it!" Allisha exclaimed, feeling Laura's body twitch. "Oh yes! Ungghhh!" Allisha poured on the heat, rubbing the inside of Laura's pussy vigorously, then lip-sucking her clit until Laura was exploding in sharp sunbursts of glorious coming. "Annngghhhmmnnggiiieeee!" she cried out, her body wrenched and wracked by piercing spasms of ecstasy. Unlike Allisha, Laura was an extravagant moaner when in the throes of a thrilling climax. She gulped and screamed and followed her scream with long, whinnying groans as her body flipped and surged off the mattress, shuddering and shaking in a series of hammering blows, until she swore she had come at least twice and possibly three times. The orgasms seemed to blend together until it was impossible to break them into segments; it had felt like one continuous convulsion, punctuated by brief lulls. She was barely able to breathe as the crushing climax subsided; then her breath slowly returned. "Oh god, honey, you are a miracle," she gasped to Allisha, who was now sliding up to embrace her and kiss her cheek. "One good turn deserves another," she whispered, smiling. "You come good. You scream. Hope your neighbors can't hear." Laura giggled softly. "I bought this place specifically to make sure nobody could hear. I tested it first." "You're very clever," Allisha said, kissing her. "Your friend the singer. She must have a strong voice. You sure nobody can hear her?" "If they can, I hope they enjoy it. She has a beautiful voice." "She scream like you?" Laura laughed and shook her head. "She screams much better." "Wish I could hear her, then. I don't scream. I guess you noticed." Laura nodded. "It doesn't matter. Some people scream, some don't. You're quite beautiful whether you scream or not." "I think I screamed more than I ever have, though, when you touched that place in me. Shoot, it really got me." She shivered again simply from thinking of it, then laughed a small embarrassed laugh. "I'm gonna have to see if I can find that myself. Why wait around for someone to find it, right? And you'll be in here singing and screaming with your friend. I won't be able to depend on you." "No, but you can depend on me now," Laura purred, rolling Allisha onto her back and then swarming over her delicious lean body. "I got a question," Allisha said, looking up her, briefly preventing Laura from devouring her body again. "Shoot," Laura said. "Do you have one of those strap-ons like they show lesbians using in the pictures?" Laura played coy. "I might. Why do you ask?" "I'll tell you why." Allisha made a droll, infectious smile. "Because the way I come best, outside of that way you just showed me which I never did before now, is in cowgirl position. You know that? With me on top? And a cock in me that I can grind into and pump. I come hard that way." She looked suddenly demure, as if this were a much too salacious conversation for them to be having, even though they had fucked frantically only moments ago. "We could try it." Laura nodded in agreement. "We could indeed. Come with me." Together they bounced off the bed like two little girls at play and Laura led her over to the walk-in closet. She took her secret box down from the top shelf and took out the strap-on dildoes and the harness, taking care not let Allisha see the rest of the contents. No sense in alarming you, my dear, Laura thought. Handcuffs and gags are not on our agenda; at least not yet. Allisha's eyes and mouth widened with awe as she took the toys one by one and examined them. She quickly handed the Double Penetrator back to Laura. "I think I'm still too much of an amateur for this one," she cracked softly. "Don't do the back door yet. Though I've been offered." She looked meaningfully at Laura. "I can see why," Laura smiled at her. "You have a beautiful one." Allisha looked at her without speaking, a stare that was also full of meaning; such as, I'll bet you'd like to offer too, Laura; or, maybe I'll let you if you're nice. "Thank you," she said. She ran her finger up and down the pronounced, almost sharp ridges on the shaft of the regular dildo. "These must feel . . . weird?" Laura's eyelids drooped sexily. "Want to find out?" Allisha's dark eyes throbbed. She dropped the strap-on dildo right there on the closet floor and came together with Laura for a scorching, hungry kiss. "You sure know how to get me hot," she breathed against Laura's cheek. "Come here with me," Laura said, snatching a bathrobe for each of them off the hangers while they were still in the closet. "Not yet. Let's take a few minutes rest. You were going to tell me about your first time, remember?" Allisha reluctantly began slipping into the rayon bathrobe Laura handed her, but seeing Laura's eyes caressing her naked body once again, she stopped and made a sly smile. "Sure you don't want me to tell you later?" "I'm sure," Laura said firmly. "Come with me. Into the living room. Less tempting with no bed in there." Allisha followed her. Laura got a chilled bottle of wine from the refrigerator, opened it, and poured them each a glass. They sat on the large white sofa. Allisha sipped her wine and grinned at Laura wryly. "You can do it on a sofa too," she said. "I have lots of times." "Me too," Laura admitted. She had fucked some of the most beautiful women in her life on this very sofa. "In fact, that's where my girl friend and I first did it, since you're so interested." "I am," Laura said freshly, taking a deep breath of anticipation. "Tell me all about it. Every detail." "We were fifteen. Her mama was out of town with her boyfriend and I was staying over with her. We drank her mama's brandy. We were laying on the sofa watching TV. Some romantic movie where these two people were kissing. She leaned over and kissed me. God, we both got so hot. We started kissing real seriously. Tongues and everything. Next thing I knew she was sucking my nipples." "Lucky girl," Laura breathed, growing very excited by this narrative. "Then what?" "You know . . . everything," Allisha said, succinctly. "Tell me about it. Did she go down on you?" "I'm trying to remember. We were both a little drunk, you know." Laura scooted closer, setting her wine glass down on the coffee table. "What did she do after she sucked your nipples?" "She sucked them for a long time," Allisha remembered, almost dreamily. "Like you. It made me so wet. Then we had to take a few minutes to get our clothes off. She had just pulled up my shirt. So we stopped and took everything off." "You must've known you were going to go all the way then, right?" "Guess we did. I don't think we even thought about it. Just wanted to get naked." "What did you feel when you saw her naked?" "I'd seen her naked before that, and it never really had any effect on me. But this time I got all tingly and hot. She was you know what they call 'thick'." "Full-figured? Fleshy?" Allisha nodded. "And she had big boobs, about twice as big as mine. The guys thought she was the bomb. So I spent a little while sucking her nipples. Hers were huge. Big black knobs. I really got into it. You would've loved them. They stood up like thumbs when you got them wet and excited." I'll bet I would, Laura thought, nodding, listening intently, encouraging her to go on. "Then we . . . just a minute, I'm still trying to remember. Then we hugged and kissed some more. By this time we were both so wet we were about to slide off the sofa." Allisha stopped. She appeared to be thinking, recalling, but then a warm, sexy smile spread across her beautiful face. Laura could not resist caressing her cheek with one finger. "Are you remembering it in detail?" she whispered. Allisha nodded. "I'm ready to try out that strap-on now." Laura inched even closer. She let her lips brush Allisha's miraculously sexual mouth. "Just tell me who came first," she breathed. "You can skip the rest." Allisha's black eyes were glassy and swimming with sexual undercurrents. "She came first," she whispered back. "I always come last. Takes me a little while. With some guys I don't even come at all. It's all over before I get to even breathing hard." "Luckily we don't have to worry about that here," Laura breathed, sliding both hands under the flimsy robe she had given Allisha to wear. She lightly pinched Allisha's thick nipples. In this light, she noticed, they were a dark umber hue, and she quickly dropped her head and got one deep inside her mouth. "Did you make her come by licking her clit?" she asked as she sucked Allisha's plump nipple. "Hhhhh! Hhhh!" Allisha gasped, looking down at Laura devouring her swollen nipples. She shook her head. "No . . . I just . . . frigged her with my hand. She came quick. And loud. Like you. Unhhhh! Oh god yes, do it a little hard . . . like that! Unhhh! Yes! God, no one has ever sucked my nipples like that since her." "And how did she make you come?" Laura asked, squeezing Allisha's hard little breasts in both hands and lashing her rubbery nipples with her tongue now. "Just by doing . . . what you're doing!" Allisha whimpered. "Remember? I told you? I came without warning. Just like . . . I'm almost gonna do now! Unhhhh!" Laura wondered if she really would come. She felt very selfish at the moment. Of course giving Allisha one of those minor, squeaky orgasms this way would be momentarily thrilling. But she wanted more, and she knew Allisha did too. "Okay, honey, come with me," she panted, pulling Allisha up off the sofa and toward the bedroom. "I think it's time. Let's strike while the iron is hot." Allisha stumbled after her, as if in a trance from the sharp sexual stimulation Laura had already been giving her. In the bedroom, Laura tore her own robe off, then Allisha's, which was already almost off anyway. From years of practice, she had mastered the skill of slipping into the strap-on dildo harness pretty quickly. In under thirty seconds she was on her back, holding the wonderfully obscene stalk straight up with one hand and beckoning the awed and aroused Allisha with the other. "Come to Mama, darling," she purred teasingly to the lovely girl. Then she remembered Allisha's earlier request. "Mama wants to fuck you hard." A sly, sexy smiled pursed Allisha's incredibly desirable mouth as she spread her thin thighs to straddle Laura's. She held the end of the dildo with two fingers, looking down, and together they lodged it between her wet, swollen, black pussy lips and slid it slowly in. Laura watched Allisha's face as she descended onto the strap-on dildo and wondered if she had ever seen such pure bliss as the thick, ridged pole slid up into her body. No way you'll ever woo this darling completely away from cock, she thought, watching Allisha's eyes roll up and her head loll back. This position, Laura was reminded, was great for two reasons. Being on top, Allisha was in control, as she had earlier pointed out. She could pump and grind and gyrate in ways that specifically aroused her, and she could control the pace. Laura, on the other hand was in a perfect position to enjoy watching Allisha's approaching ecstasy. The girl was heart-pinchingly lovely as she settled into a firm, even rhythm immediately, swirling her hips in a tight forward-backward motion, her beautiful small breasts swaying as she moved, her head thrown back. Her thick, stiffish but long hair was disheveled and tangled around her naked shoulders, sometimes falling forward to obscure her gorgeous breasts. Laura reached up and pushed it away, cupping them in her palms, twisting Allisha's marvelous thick burnt umber, reddish brown nipples. Allisha was lost in a trance of slow, sensual, rhythmic fucking, letting the perpendicular dildo slide up and down inside her pussy as she moved forward and backward over Laura, shimmying a little from time to time, making barely a noise, her breathing rapid but even. Her eyes were closed, but the pure pleasure contorting her face was thrilling for Laura to watch. She herself could not actually come by having her nipples sucked, as Allisha apparently could, but she had known herself to climax—if her pussy was being stimulated at the same time—by sucking her lover's beautiful nipples. Something in the suck reflex triggered her orgasm, which often came on in a furious rush. She was getting that stimulation now, from the base of the strap-on dildo moving against her pubic bone, from the motion of her clitoral hood over her aroused clit, watching the rapture spread across Allisha's face as she concentrated her way toward a wrenching climax, as her gorgeous young naked breasts swayed above Laura, so tempting, so alluring. "Honey . . . lean down a little . . . I want to suck you . . ." she murmured softly to Allisha, not disrupting their gentle, insistent rhythm, but coaxing her, letting her hands drift around to Allisha's back, pulling her gently down. It was very arousing and sexually hypnotic to watch her, but the pleasure had to be much greater for Allisha since she apparently did not even hear Laura but kept rocking and panting and grimacing intensely. Still, she let her body be pulled down. Laura pushed aside the wad of thick hair that fell in her face and pulled Allisha's torso up slightly so that she could get her mouth around one luscious, dangling breast. She drew Allisha's large nipple deep into her mouth. "Unnhhh . . . . ohhhmmmeee!" she heard a tiny squeal escape Allisha's lips for the first time. "Oh! Yes!" "Honey . . ." Laura panted, letting the wet, shiny, dark nipple slide out of her mouth momentarily, "I'm going to come too. Just . . . keep it going . . . yes . . . like that . . . you're so beautiful . . . you're making me come too . . . I just love fucking with you . . ." "Ohhhhhh!" Allisha moaned, her body jerking from a small, passing spasm that made her push her wet breast harder into Laura's face. "Yes, suck it . . . yes! Suck it! It's making me come!" Laura was happy and eager to oblige. Knowing they were probably headed for the final ecstatic crash in only seconds, she gripped the dildo harder with one hand, anchoring it, steadying it, while with the other she guided Allisha's breast back into her mouth. Then she slid her arm around the small of Allisha's back to pull her even closer. They rocked and whinnied softly, the bed moving under them as their pace increased. This was heaven. There was no feeling on the planet that equaled it, this gentle rocking and probing, this rough, ragged panting and soft grunting, this sensation of hot honey throbbing through your veins, this feeling that the warm, flexing flesh of a beautiful girl was merging and shuddering with your own flesh in rhythm, on the verge of a convulsive paroxysm of total melting together. Nothing mattered but the harmony of their merged, writhing, pumping bodies as they hurtled for the finish line. Oh god, I think it's here for her! Laura suddenly thought, picking up on a sharp, instantaneous quiver in Allisha's surging body, feeling her thighs leap and clench instinctively. "Ohhhh!" Allisha half-yelped, a quick confirmation that Laura was right. Up until now Laura had been merely a stationary accomplice, holding the dildo steady for Allisha as she fucked herself on it, caressing her body, sucking her nipples, but not actively thrusting. But now the excitement was too much for her. She pulled Allisha's writhing body hard into her own and up-jabbed the dildo deep into her spasming cunt. At the same time she quickly released Allisha's hard wet nipple from her mouth and slid her face over to the other breast, sucking that nipple now in deep. Sucking it hard, she began fucking Allisha hard too, up-jabbing fiercely and forcing Allisha's pussy down onto her up-thrusting groin with the arm she had wrapped around her hips. "Aiiyyeee!" Allisha yelped, thrashing and shuddering as the full orgasm finally began to rip through her, and pumping hard now herself. She fell forward even more onto Laura, mashing her breast into Laura's face, and her pelvis jerked wildly. Even though she made less noise than many girls, she began to keen uncontrollably. "Unneeee . . . . uuummnnggeee . . . oh!" Then the crushing force of her orgasm became so severe that it robbed her of breath for a few seconds, and she merely twitched and quivered on top of Laura, who was by now in the initial spasms of her own convulsive climax. Sucking Allisha's nipple hard had had the effect she predicted, and she too began to whimper and flex and undulate as a less powerful but surpassingly sweet and glowing orgasm began to permeate her body. "Ohhh! Ohhnnnnnnnnnn!" she moaned loudly, feeling Allisha's wet nipple slide from her lips as her mouth went uncontrollably slack and the waves of honeyfire poured through her veins and clenching muscles. "Oh god . . . yes . . . honey, hold me! Unhhh!" Such requests were lost on Allisha, though, who was slumped and gasping and lost in some deep ecstasy of her own on top of Laura's throbbing body. Laura's orgasm, certainly less severe, seemed to wane before Allisha's released her quivering flesh, and so she simply cooed to the girl and stroked her long, silky back and kissed her cheek and mystically melted into her warm, palpitating inner bliss, and waited. After a time Allisha stirred. She squinted at Laura. "We're going to have to do this again, Laura," she grinned in a half-stupefied way, speaking very softly. "I mean, I know you're involved. The singer. Lucky her. But I don't know if I can live without this." "You may have to," Laura said, kissing her nose affectionately. "I'm trying to reform. To be more faithful. She is. I'm trying to be the same for her." "How do you know she is?" Allisha smiled, finally disentangling her body from Laura's. They were both stuck together by a thin film of sweat and had to pull apart reluctantly. "She tells you she is. You tell her you are. Meanwhile, you're taking me to heaven, like this. How's it going to hurt her?" Laura grinned ruefully. "You may have a point. I can tell you this," she pulled Allisha back down against her, though they were now embracing on their sides, the wet strap-on dildo sagging between them and making Allisha keep her pelvis at a safe distance from Laura's. "If I am going to cheat, it'll have to be with you. Allisha with two ells. You are a masterpiece. I hope you can stay a while." "You mean you don't want me to go home?" Allisha beamed. "Most guys want to go play video games or golf after they fuck you. I mean me. I thought maybe it was me. Like I don't have a good personality or something. Kind of tough on a poor girl's self-image, if you know what I mean." "I have to confess," Laura kissed her bare, dark brown shoulder. She extricated herself from the strap-on harness and wet dildo as gracefully as she could. "You have a great personality, but it's your body I want again." Allisha positively twinkled. "Mmmmm, you got it whenever you want it." "Let's have a bite to eat and then see if we can get each other interested again." Allisha pretended to pout. "You don't want me right now? I thought you liked my body." She held her naked breasts in both hands and offered them to Laura, brushing her thumbs over her thick, mouthwatering nipples, pouting with devastating allure. Oh you delicious young girls! Laura thought, smiling. Insatiable. "You remind me of me," she said to Allisha. "But frankly I need a few minutes rest. I'm not as young as you are, my darling." They slipped off the bed and found the robes they had so eagerly shed only minutes earlier. Allisha crinkled her nose at Laura in a devilish grin. "Just what I like," she teased. "A seasoned, mature lover, who can teach me things." Laura grabbed her, now a little more violently than before. "Are you suggesting that I'm old?" Allisha now kissed her and drove her long, sexy tongue nearly down Laura's throat. "Just old enough," she said, both of them breathless after she finally pulled it back out. "Just old enough." |
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