Laura - Chapter 297
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Makeeda had a love-practice she quickly introduced to Laura, who had tried it spontaneously on occasion in the past but never dwelt on at any length before with other lovers. If they lay stretched out in opposite directions on the bed, one face down, the other face up, they could scoot forward until the one on top's breasts dangled in the face of the one on the bottom, whose own breasts were directly under the other's mouth. This way they could leisurely caress and tongue and suck each other, which Makeeda preferred to do while calmly discussing the day's events or future plans. "You know," she murmured to Laura, dangling her own breasts in Laura's face while teasing one of Laura's nipples exquisitely at the same time with the tip of her tongue, "I've got a little good news/bad news. Which do you want first?" Laura, though her nipple was tingling and throbbing under Makeeda's clever tongue, could not keep her eyes off the delicious, perfect dark globes that were swaying only inches above her lips. She extended her own tongue and felt one of Makeeda's thick, scrumptious black nipples graze it as she playfully moved her naked breasts over Laura's face. "I want the good new first," Laura breathed, feeling her pulse accelerate. "I always want the good news." "Mmmmm," Makeeda
smiled. "You remember that club in "How could I forget," Laura murmured, now raising both hands to cup the swaying globes of Makeeda's very firm, perfectly shaped breasts. "My agent called. They want me back. Next week. For ten days." "Oh god . . . are you sure that isn't the bad news?" Laura half-whined. "I mean, good for you . . . but I can't stand being apart from you!" Makeeda frowned, though behind the frown Laura could see how delighted she was at having been asked back to the club. "That's the bad news," she confessed. Her face was suddenly seized by a grimace of sexual pleasure. "God, if you don't suck one of those this instant I'm going to scream." Laura smiled. She moved both hands to one beautiful dangling breast and fed the large bulb of Makeeda's black nipple into her mouth, closing her lips on it and sucking it with pure love and fierce desire. "I am going to make you sorry you're leaving me," she gasped and mumbled, still sucking Makeeda's wet, stiffening nipple and talking at the same time. "Ahhnnnnn!" Makeeda gasped, throwing her head back, overcome momentarily by a sharp spurt of pleasure. With her head still thrown back, she giggled throatily. "You're not making me sorry. You're making me want to come." The next few minutes were a rollercoaster ride of voracious fucking and sweet loving intermingled in a tender struggle neither was willing to see end. And indeed the news of Makeeda's imminent departure for ten days seemed to make both of them more desperate than ever to merge their bodies. They spent a night of fatiguing love so that in the morning, when Laura had to arise and go to work, both could barely move. But it was a sublime, glowing exhaustion. Even so, Makeeda was only gone to She immediately came over to Laura, holding a sample spray bottle of perfume, and said, "Smell this and see what you think." Her smile was both friendly and bold, showing rows of even, gleaming white teeth. She sprayed a little perfume on the inside of her wrist and held it up for Laura to sniff. Without even intending to for her part, Laura felt their eyes make a deep connection, an electrical one, right there in the middle of the busy department store. Electricity crackled between them. Oh god, she's . . . she's . . . There was no mistaking the girl's
bold stare. It instantly reminded Laura
of the female panther Kim, who had once picked her up in the She sniffed the girl's thin dark brown wrist. "Mmmmm. Smells enchanting to me. What is it?" "Ysatis," the girl smirked sexily at her. "Think it'll do the trick?" Laura felt her eyelids growing heavy with sexual innuendo, almost in spite of her determination not to flirt. "Depends on what the trick is, I guess." "I'm Shelley Collins." She turned her wrist sideways to present her hand to Laura. Laura took it and felt the electricity flow again between their locked eyes. "Laura Robbins. Pleased to meet you." "Come here often? I've never seen you." Laura smiled calmly. "That must mean you come here often." Shelley smiled, this time a very relaxed, friendly, unambiguous smile. "Almost every day. My favorite place. I'm a model for the store." "That's where I've seen you before. In the Macy's ads." Actually Laura had only a vague recollection of seeing Shelley in the ads, which she usually ignored. But there was something very model-like about her, very self-possessed and comfortable with self-display, and Laura thought it not unlikely that she had seen her but simply not stored Shelley's image away in her memory. No, she revised her opinion. Not possible. If I had seen this divine creature, I never would have forgotten her. Shelley swished her braids sexily, enjoying the way Laura was fascinated by them. "Actually, I do other modeling too. It's just that in the Bay Area the Macy's ads are the ones people have usually seen." She grinned. "It's strange . . . feeling like everyone has seen you in your underwear." "I'll bet you look great in your underwear," Laura said, feeling suddenly very bold herself. Shelley put the spray bottle down on the counter. "I already have tons of Ysatis. I only used it as a way of meeting you." A stark confession. Laura blushed. Then, barely missing a beat, she said, "It must take forever and a day to put your hair into those zillions of braids." Shelley gave her a half-smile. "It does. I only do it about twice a year. It takes days. Hurts too. Want to touch them?" Laura said nothing. She was looking at Shelley's mouth. Shelley's lips were thick and sensual. Laura already wanted to rape them with her own mouth. "Everybody usually wants to touch them," Shelley said softly, her eyes now recognizing Laura's focus on her lips. "I want to touch them," Laura whispered. "We shouldn't do it here," Shelley said sensibly. "Don't want to give the other shoppers ideas. They'll all be thinking they can touch my braids." "Right," Laura winked at her. "We can go to my place. My roommate's out of town. Do you have anything pressing? A date or anything?" "I do now," Laura smiled. "You have a car?" Laura shook her head. "Lately I've been taking the Metro to work. I just walked down here for a few minutes before hopping it home." "Good, we can take mine. It's parked in the Shelley had a shiny red BMW sports
car that she drove like Amber drove her Mercedes, with zip and panache. In five minutes they were in the underground
garage of a huge sparkling glass apartment building across from Her apartment was not Amber's high-priced aerie, but it wasn't pedestrian either. There was evidence of another resident, though. Something indefinite but suggestive. Shelley saw Laura looking around, as if she were expecting someone to appear. "My roommate is in "Poor thing," Laura said. "I'm definitely not as good as "Now that we're alone, though," she said to Laura with a droll, alluring smile, flinging her long-strapped handbag into a nearby chair, "you can feel my braids." Laura, setting her own purse down next to Shelley's in the same chair, accepted the invitation. "I should warn you," she said softly to Shelley as she approached, "that I sometimes go briefly out of control when I touch the hair of a woman as beautiful as you." She felt her eyelids droop heavily and sexily as she let her gaze heat up and throb. Shelley acted surprised. "You think I'm beautiful? You're the one who looks like the model. I mean, I'm okay, I'm not an ugly little African troll or anything. But I'm an underwear model. They're supposed to look at my body, not so much my face. Which is, I'm afraid, pretty ordinary. But yours . . . gosh, when I saw you there in Macy's I thought you were Stephanie Seymour for a minute. You look like her. You are the beautiful one. You're gorgeous." Laura simply ignored this. It had been a long time since anyone had compared her to Stephanie Seymour, which she had chalked up to Stephanie now being older—like me, oh god!—and out of the business. She twirled several of Shelley's long, thin braids in her fingers. She was close enough to smell the scent of her, Ysatis, as she now knew, and to feel Shelley's warm breath on her cheek. "Perhaps you are more beautiful than you think," she whispered. She ran the back of one finger along the girl's jaw up to her earlobe. "I know if I saw you in your underwear I would never forget it." "God, you're making me hot," Shelley confessed, also in a whisper, her dark eyes flashing. Laura's eyes fell to her mouth. "I want your lips." Shelley gave her a half-smile. "Whatever you want, Laura," she breathed. "That's why I brought you here. There was something in your smile I couldn't resist." Laura leaned closer and let her lips brush Shelley's thick, sensual miracles. Without even kissing her yet, she let her tongue slide out and slipped it between Shelley's large lips. Shelley's white, even teeth were slightly parted, and the tip of Laura's tongue slid right through the small gap. It touched Shelley's wet, pink tongue, and both of them shivered. The next instant they were kissing hungrily, and embracing too. Laura's fingers bit into Shelley's back. Shelley's hands came up to Laura's face. She drilled her tongue deep into Laura's mouth, and sucked Laura's lips feverishly. Laura could feel her pussy throb and melt almost immediately. "I'm dying to fuck with you," Shelley breathed against her cheek. "I felt it the moment I saw you. Ever feel that way? Like, you see someone across the store . . . and you know you have to fuck with them or you'll die?" "I felt it the instant I saw you," Laura whispered, now sucking Shelley's lips back. She dug her fingers into Shelley's hard, round ass through her skirt. "It's the first time I ever felt it, really. I mean so strong I had to act on it. God, we're going to hurt each other," Shelley giggled, now pulling Laura by one hand toward the rooms at the back of the large apartment. "Only in a good way," Laura laughed softly as she followed her, hurrying to keep from being tugged off balance. Up until now she had been so preoccupied with the strange excitement of being picked up like this that Laura had not noticed what a terrific, high, swelling rump Shelley had. Now that she was following her to the bedroom, watching it sway enticingly, she could not take her eyes off it. Shelley, though not conventionally full-figured, had definitely a more opulent body than the average model. She was lean and taut, but her breasts and bottom were larger than Laura's. Also, Laura could not help
observing the other bedroom that they passed on their way to Shelley's. The door was open, and an alluring scent
emanated from the room, one different from Shelley's but intriguing
nonetheless. She suddenly imagined the
other model who lived here, the one who was currently in "What's her name?" she asked Shelley as they entered her bedroom. "The one in Paris . . . your roommate." Shelley grinned slightly. "Margaret. Why, does it make it more exciting for you if you know the name of the girl whose girl you're screwing?" Caught, Laura blushed. "A little, I guess. Margaret is very lucky to have you." Shelley flirted. "You don't even know that yet." She batted her eyelashes in an exaggerated way at Laura. "I might be a total dud in bed. Then you'll have to pretend you like me." "Oh, I doubt that," Laura said, embracing her again, now burying her face in Shelley's long, delicious black neck. Shelley was wearing a dark green blouse that buttoned up the front, and Laura's fingers had the top three buttons unfastened in seconds. Her lips slid down Shelley's long, smooth neck to her throat, then to the skin of her upper chest. "I want to see you in your underwear," she whispered. "To see if I remember." Shelley mewled softly in a kittenish way that Laura realized was second nature to her. She was used to being desired. "Teenagers whack off while looking at my pictures in the newspaper," she grinned, pulling Laura's face up by her chin so that she could kiss her again heatedly. It was a wet, hungry kiss. "They pretend they're fucking me. Isn't that pathetic? You get to fuck me for real." "Ummm, and I can't wait," Laura smiled, unbuttoning the rest of the green blouse and seeing Shelley's pale violet bra come into view. "You are a masterpiece." "You say the sweetest things. Come on, take off yours too." She helped Laura begin to undress. This moment, while both were still half-clothed but simmering with sexual urgency, seeing one another's body for the first time, watching the smooth, delicious flesh slowly come into view, was for both of them, Laura realized, filled with the most exquisite magic, full of sensual mystery and controlled but almost frantic compulsion. You almost didn't want to go any further, so potent was the feeling of sweet anticipation. And yet the feeling of Shelley's smooth, bare, dark brown skin against her own made Laura's pussy flood with warm juices and grow all squishy and tingly. Shelley had a shiny circular keloid scar about the size of a quarter a few inches down from her throat and a little to the left on her smooth upper chest, a fascinating flaw, raised and glossy and infinitely alluring. Laura realized that some might find that it marred her singular beauty, but she herself found it the crowning touch, a magnet to her lips, a gorgeous idiosyncrasy that made Shelley more attractive than ever. She ran her fingertip over it. "I want to kiss it." Hearing this, Shelley's eyelids grew heavy. She smiled in a much more deeply sexual way to Laura than she had ever smiled yet. It was a 'you can fuck me till kingdom come' sort of smile that Laura had seen on only a few occasions from others. "Go ahead." But before kissing the keloid, Laura slowly extended her tongue, running the tip it of all over the raised, glossy patch of skin, all the while looking up into Shelley's eyes the same way she would have done if she were eating her pussy or sucking her nipples, letting her eyes show the depth of her desire. Shelley looked back with a fierce concentration, and she slowly bit her full lower lip a little as Laura's lips now found the scar and began to kiss it creatively. "You're a kinky devil, aren't you Laura," Shelley purred, looking into Laura's eyes, then down at Laura's lips moving over her shiny scar. "Mmmmm, kinkier than you'd ever dream," Laura purred back. She let her lips slide lower, down Shelley's smooth, flawless chest to the cleavage between her breasts, accentuated by the tight cups of her bra. The pale violet fabric was embossed with arabesques, and the space between the cups dipped deep. It was wildly alluring, and Laura's lips descended to the clasp at the bottom. Then, instead of unfastening it, wanting to prolong the sweet agony for both of them and infinitely enjoying this tender delay, she ascended again to the upper slopes of Shelley's full, dark brown breasts, kissing the firm flesh above each cup while still gazing up into Shelley's increasingly fiery dark eyes. "May I?" she finally whispered, her fingers toying with the clasp between the cups. Shelley, half-hypnotized by Laura's slow, skillful caresses and kisses, nodded without smiling. "You're different, Laura," she said softly. "You're . . . not in a hurry." Laura smiled and undid the clasp. She pulled the cups away, exposing Shelley's enchanting naked breasts. They were full, beautifully-shaped globes with jutting dark brown nipples and wide, stippled areolas, already excited from Laura's controlled passion. "Oh Shelley," Laura said calmly, "they're so beautiful." She cradled Shelley's marvelous breasts in her palms. "Macy's would sell even more of these bras if they let people see what they're protecting." Shelley giggled throatily. "You're so sweet. They can't sell my breasts. They belong to me." She swished them a little by moving her body to and fro. Her breasts moved in Laura's hands. "And now to you." Laura swirled her tongue around one bulging dark brown nipple, then sucked it slowly and sensually into her mouth. Her eyes never left Shelley's. She tongued and sucked Shelley's nipple and watched the pleasure saturate the girl's face, watching Shelley's mouth tighten a little, and her dark eyes flash, then roll briefly up. Laura released Shelley's other breast and now clutched the one she was sucking loosely in both hands, swirling her tongue rapidly over the stiffening bud, feeling the tiny bumps that sprang up on Shelley's thick areola, feeling the saliva overflow her lips until a big string of it ran from her chin to Shelley's wet nipple. "Oh . . . god . . ." Shelley gasped, almost inaudibly, looking down at Laura's lips on her breast. "Oh god that feels . . . good." "Sorry to be so messy," Laura apologized softly. "I got carried away." Shelley took Laura's face in both hands and pulled her up until they were face to face. "I like messy. I think we should get the rest of these clothes off and then get real messy. I want you to suck me like that until we have to get new sheets because the others are so wet." "Mmmm, you know how to get a girl hot, don't you," Laura murmured, quickly stripping off the rest of her clothes while Shelley did the same. Usually she was very concerned about her work clothes, taking care not to fling them carelessly aside for fear they would be ruined. But at this moment both of them were so hungry for each other that their clothing literally went flying in all directions. In only seconds they were completely naked and embracing, coiling and writhing heatedly together on Shelley's double bed. For several minutes all they did was kiss hungrily and run their hands all over each other. Shelley was not a passive lover but nearly as aggressive as Laura, kneading Laura's ass and thighs and back with her fingers, searching for Laura's aching nipples with her mouth, sucking thirstily, then groaning with excitement as Laura's mouth again found hers. They twisted and squirmed excitedly together, kissing and stroking each other's flesh, taking turns at each other's breasts, then kissing again even more frantically. Laura knew that they were in an explosive condition, the hot, initial, urgent excitement of pressing their eager flesh together, and that whoever got to the other's pussy first would be the one to light the match. They had to get beyond the conflagration stage for true epic sex to occur, and she was eager to make it happen herself, eager to see Shelley completely pliant and vulnerable to her caresses, eager to hear her gasp and whimper and cry out in sharp, unavoidable rapture. She loved the girl's silky young body and devoured it with singular passion, squeezing Shelley's full breasts as she quickly slid downward between the girl's yawning thighs. "I want your pussy . . ." she panted, kissing Shelley's smooth brown stomach, her fingers pushing apart Shelley's hard young thighs. "I want your pussy . . ." She knew how saying this would heat up almost anybody to the boiling point, and she was not wrong. Shelley went wild, whimpering, twisting, her thighs yawning open to accept Laura's descending body, her fingers flittering in Laura's hair. "Please . . . Laura . . . please." The lower she slid, the more she could smell the ripe, thick, erotic odors of Shelley's sweet pussy, very aroused now, inflamed, oozing and puckering for her. Her head filled with the thick aroma, Laura slid even lower until her lips were only inches from it, a beautiful festering slot of pleasure, all wet and pink and goopey inside, edged by long, thin, black cunt lips, the first thing she touched with the tip of her tongue. She ran it up and down Shelley's vulva. Shelley's breathing seemed suspended as she strained to feel each minute sensation of Laura's tongue tip sliding up and down her swollen pussy lips. She couldn't keep her hands away from her crotch. They slid down her thighs and with her fingers she pulled her pussy open wider for Laura. Now the hot, glistening, dark pink pit was gaping and inviting, and Laura could not keep her tongue from dipping deeply into it. "Oh! Unhh!" Shelley finally gasped, unable to stop the pleasure from escaping. "Darling Shelley, you have such a beautiful pussy," Laura purred, licking the interior wetness and slurping down the flowing juices. "I am going to suck your beautiful pussy so much that you die of coming. Would you like that?" "Oh . . . god . . . yes! Unhhhh!" From this moment on they subsided into a slower, and quieter, rhythm, as if the urgency that had led them here could now be suspended for a while so that both of them could take full pleasure in this act. Laura loved eating a sweet, beautiful, black pussy like Shelley's, and Shelley clearly loved being on the receiving end. She gently caressed Laura's forehead and Laura's hair, looking down adoringly at Laura's tongue and lips and fingers so busily and sensually pleasuring her oozing cunt, making no noise now except for an occasional soft gasp, or a sharp intake of breath when Laura's tongue touched an especially sensitive nerve. Laura lost track of time. Even though she wanted Shelley to climax, and knew she would come soon enough, she wanted more to extend this reverent worship of the girl's gorgeous wet quim. She licked every inch of it. She burrowed her tongue into the slimy warm slit, and then spread open Shelley's clitoral hood with her thumbs to expose the little oval pinkish bead of her clit. This she licked in long, tender swipes, unwilling to over-arouse Shelley, or to bring her to the snapping point too quickly. Oh no . . . oh no, Laura thought, you come when Mama says you come. Not a moment sooner. "Unhhhh! Oh . . . god!" Shelley gasped at one point. "You like?" Laura grinned up at her, astonished at the beauty of her naked body, the swelling globes of her lovely breasts, the swollen buds of her deep dark caramel nipples, the smooth dip of her belly. Shelley's dark eyes were throbbing, her face contorted with sweet agonies of sexual pleasure. "You are going to make me come, you naughty thing," she smiled down at Laura. "You are really good at that." Laura returned to her happy labors, now giving Shelley's clitoris a rest for a while, her tongue visiting other areas of her festering and increasingly aroused pussy. "Do you want to come this way?" Laura asked her softly. "I mean, I'm awfully inclined to fuck you with my pussy. I want to push mine into this gorgeous masterpiece." By now Shelley was panting so rapidly that she could barely answer. Her hips were churning, her breasts rolling and jiggling on her chest, her face grimacing from sexual tension. "I . . . don't know if there's time . . . to switch . . ." she panted, now running her hands up her body to her nipples and tweaking them with her fingers. "I'm so close." "Only takes a sec, my darling," Laura purred, also aroused by the increasingly frantic writhing Shelley was doing, unable to resist reaching up with one hand to grasp a swirling dark brown breast, scissoring Shelley's thick, swollen nipple with her fingers.. "I come hardest this way," Shelley gasped. "Let's do the other later. Okay? Unhhhh!" Laura smiled up at her, now closing in for the kill. She knew she could make Shelley come now in only seconds, and being given the green light only whetted her appetite. "Whatever you want, my pet," she breathed softly. Shelley was quivering and panting heavily. Laura loved to see a girl in this state, especially if she had brought her there, especially if she held the keys to paradise right there in her own lips and tongue. Oh Shelley, you are a very lovely girl, she thought. I'm so glad you made friends with me . . . so I can give you this pleasure. "Oh! Unhhh! Oh . . . yes! Anngghhh!" You are going to come so hard. So beautifully, Laura thought. "Uummmnngghh! Anngghh! Oh yes! Oh yes!" By now Shelley was out of control. She squirmed and stretched, her fingers flittering around the swollen dark nipples of her rolling breasts, her hips churning and pumping into Laura's face, her breath quick and rough. Laura pushed her mouth even more aggressively into the girl's streaming pussy, sucking Shelley's cunt lips, sucking her clit, now harder, now more passionately, knowing it would take her over the edge. She was almost deceived for a brief instant, because Shelley began to come soundlessly, only emitting a few strangled squeaks from deep in her chest as her lovely young body stiffened. Still holding the girl's clit between her lips, Laura let her eyes drift up Shelley's delicious writhing naked body to her face, where she could now see definite confirmation that Shelley was coming violently. Her face was contorted in seizure of excruciating pleasure. "Ungghhh! Oh!" she suddenly found her voice again. "Annngghiiieee! Auunggghhhh!" It was a thrilling, quick sunburst of an orgasm, its most extreme convulsion over in just seconds, followed by a long, slow descent during which Shelley moaned and clenched for several minutes while Laura gently kissed her way back up the girl's undulating body until they were face to face. "Mmmm, you come good," Laura nuzzled her cheek and neck, now that Shelley's breathing had almost returned to normal. Shelley's eyes were still wide and slightly glassy. "Anybody would come good with that kind of help," she sighed softly. "You are better than I could have dreamed." Laura smiled and kissed her. "I still want to feel my pussy against yours." "Can you come that way?" "My darling, I can go to heaven that way. In fact, the way I feel this instant, I could go to heaven in about ten seconds that way." "I'm still a little sensitive there . . . a little raw, I guess," Shelley confessed, almost shyly. "Mind if we wait a few minutes? I usually get this way. Just a little raw to the touch. I could lick you, though, if you don't want to wait." Laura grinned and rolled onto her back, parting her thighs suggestively. "I'm yours. I have to warn you it'll be quick." "Mmmm, I would like it to be long," Shelley purred, stretching out beside her and cradling one of Laura's breasts in her palm, lowering her sensual lips to it. "I love the way you suck me," she murmured. "I'm going to suck you the same way." Laura was going to say something, perhaps something clever, but Shelley's thick, sensual lips on her nipple, toying with it, then sucking it into her warm, wet mouth, took her breath away. The feeling was so intense that she swore she could feel fresh nectars gushing into her already wet pussy. "Oh god, it feels so good," she whimpered softly to Shelley, stroking her long thin braids with one hand. "You are so gorgeous. God, I'm glad I met you." For the first time her mind flitted
to Makeeda, though she really felt, she realized, no
guilt. She was glad she had met Makeeda
too, Makeeda was her world, her joy, her fate, but Makeeda was in "Mmmm, glad I met you too, Laura," she purred, squeezing both of Laura's small breasts and licking and sucking Laura's nipples hungrily, pinching them when they were wet, tugging the rubbery, sensitive centers playfully with her teeth. She smiled up at Laura. "Margaret would be so furious. She always thinks I'm going to flirt with another white girl and wind up like this. She's the jealous type. Doesn't want me to have any fun except with her." By now Laura was squirming and panting, barely able to concentrate on anything but her need to come. Shelley's fingers were toying with her wet, throbbing pussy, but she was apparently unwilling to take Laura's hint. "Do you make her wait this long too?" she panted to Shelley, her face clearly imploring the girl to get on with it. Shelley made a fetching moue of the sort she probably often made for the camera. "Sometimes I do . . . when I'm teasing her," she winked. "But I can see you don't want to wait." "Unhhh!" Laura gasped uncontrollably. "No . . . I don't." Shelley said nothing but grinned and slid lower, now sliding down between Laura's spreading thighs. For the next minute or so neither one said a thing. There was no longer any need for words. The instant she felt Shelley's tongue on her pussy Laura felt she was going to come. It would take nothing more. And in fact she was right, though it took a little longer. In thirty seconds she was keening and whimpering, her pelvis churning in a controlled though nearly desperate rhythm, as the waves of her approaching orgasm began to gather, then spill. "Oh . . . now . . . yes Shelley . . . yes . . . oh now . . . unhhhh! Unhhhgggghh! Oh dear oh yes . . . unngghhhh! Anngghmmnnnggggeeeee!" Suddenly she was coming and the hot, jolting waves that poured through her body quickly receded into feathery quivering. Shelley's mouth was still on her pussy, lovingly stroking and gently sucking it, and Laura was moaning and undulating and dissolving into the most heavenly climax she could recall having in days. Though it was only a few minutes, it seemed hours later that she groggily lifted her head from the mattress and smiled down at the girl. "I want you to know it was worth the wait," she croaked softly. Shelley slid up and kissed her. "I guess I'm not a dud after all, eh?" "I'm so glad Margaret is sharing you with me, however reluctantly." Shelley had a joint stashed away that they shared. "You hungry?" she asked Laura. "I'm starved. Weed makes me ravenous." "I'm only hungry for your body, my darling," Laura murmured, pulling her close, sucking her lovely dark brown neck. Shelley bounced up. Her body was indeed ravishing, and Laura could not keep staring. She had been telling the truth: the marijuana had ratcheted up her lust again, and she fiercely craved Shelley's sleek dark flesh. But Shelley was having none of it. "I've got a bag of potato chips in the kitchen. Sorry," she flirted, dancing naked out of the bedroom, "got to eat something. I'll bring them back. Want a beer or a soda?" "I want you!" Laura shouted after her. In two minutes Shelley returned with the bag of potato chips and two opened bottles of beer. Her marvelous naked breasts bobbed and swayed as she walked, and Laura peeked at them hungrily through the green, sweating bottles she held in front of her. She smirked at Laura and set the bottles down on the bedstand. No sooner had she stood them there than Laura grabbed her and pulled her aggressively back down on the bed, rolling her onto her back and sliding up on top of her, sucking her shoulder, squeezing her breasts, nipping her delicious black earlobe. "Aiiyyeee!" Shelley squealed, giggling and squirming free, though still partially entangled with Laura. "You beast! Let me go! I'm hungry, I have to eat!" Laura pinned her to the sheet, holding her wrists. "Not until I fuck you again, my sweet," she panted, grinning. "You are too desirable. I can't get enough of you. I need your beautiful pussy, I need to suck it and fuck it and push my pussy into it." "Oh god, you are so hot!" Shelley gasped. "I can't believe it. That anybody could be so hot." Laura was wasting no time. The effect of the marijuana was to make everything seem as if it were happening in slow motion, or under water. Their motions were smooth and flowing, and it seemed that their bodies were already vibrating in some mysterious unison, their nerves already connected and thrumming with anticipation. Laura had slipped one leg under one of Shelley's before the girl even knew what she was doing, and their groins came together almost fluidly, sliding and slipping against each other, a tangled mass of warm wet hair and oily cunt lips mashing together. "Unhh! Unhh!" Shelley grunted softly, her eyes rolling up briefly as their wet cunts pressed together. "Ohhhhh!" Laura sighed, feeling her own body sag, then fill with strong, renewed, even fiery hunger for Shelley's sleek flesh. "Oh yes. Anngghh!" Almost immediately they both fell silent, except for the labored chuffing of their breath, both immersed in the deep concentration of their merged bodies, and moving in the exaggerated fluidity of their mutual marijuana-induced trance. For Laura sex often suspended normal time, and the addition of the grass they had smoked seemed to obliterate it completely so that they moved in a timeless rhythm of smoldering sensuality and rhapsodic fucking, undulating and gyrating together slowly, harmoniously, feeling their bodies merge in a throbbing heat. They were completely synchronized in their motions, and the long, protracted sequence of their fucking seemed broken into stages, though Laura could never tell when one stage began and another ended. In one stage they were languorous and relaxed, pumping together softly and relentlessly; in another they were almost hysterically urgent, thrusting and whinnying and grinding each other roughly; in yet another they swarmed over each other, changing positions, one rising on top, then the other, one scissoring her legs frantically, the other pumping hard in a missionary position. They kissed and fondled each other both tenderly and more aggressively throughout this puzzling, endless sequence, and when Laura finally began to feel the stirrings of an inevitable climax sing through her body, she instantly knew that Shelley was feeling the same thing. They did not need to tell each other, though they did. "I . . . I'm going to come, honey," Laura panted to Shelley, propping herself up on her elbows to make swirling her pussy against Shelley's easier. Shelley managed a brief grin, though her face was torn with nearly unbearable sexual pleasure. "Me . . . too," she gasped. It was the last thing they said to each other before a crushing orgasm engulfed them. Laura had forgotten how fiercely intense an orgasm could be when you had been smoking weed. This one began like a paralytic seizure. The inside of her body, her womb, her pussy, clenched so hard that it almost felt like a sharp muscle spasm she occasionally got in her calf while playing tennis, a white-hot wrenching jolt so intense and piercing that she cried out, or thought she did, in pain. She heard Shelley yelp too at nearly the same instant, which told her that she was being equally tortured by this fierce orgasm. "Aiiyyenngghh!" Shelley cried out, but just as quickly subsided back into gasping and panting. Laura did not hear her own sharp scream, but was too devastated by this fierce clenching of her body to worry about it. The white-hot pain that was also pleasure seemed to take forever to release her. It went on and on. She revived enough to grasp Shelley, who was shuddering and grimacing through her own version of this sweet torture, and they adjusted their bodies enough to embrace each other as the incredible spasms began to weaken. "Oh god . . . I haven't come so hard in ages," Laura confessed finally, hearing her voice as if someone else was speaking, aware suddenly that tears were leaking from the corners of her eyes. She laughed. "There must be something in that evil weed you gave us." Shelley smiled abstractedly, also still trying to surface from the crushing, overpowering climax. "I knew it was good," she said softly. "I used it once when I was masturbating. Nearly killed me. Just like this one. In fact, it was after doing that that I felt, when I saw you in Macys, I had to do it with you. Shoot, sex has to be awfully good to be better than this." Pretty fully recovered by now, Laura grinned and kissed her tenderly on the nose. "Better not let Margaret hear you say that." Shelley made the same moue with her
lips that she had made earlier. "What
she doesn't know won't hurt her. Shoot,
she's probably fucking some beautiful black model over in This made Laura think of
Makeeda. Was she doing the same, down in
"You miss her," she said to Shelley. "Admit it." Shelley grew momentarily pensive. "I do. Yes. But if she weren't gone, I wouldn't have met you. Tell me about your . . . special friend. You can't tell me you don't have one. I can see it in your eyes. You even love her. I can tell. Same way I feel about Margaret. I'd die without her." Laura told her a little about Makeeda and their relationship. They ate potato chips and drank the bottles of beer Shelley had brought, though the beer was a little warm having sat on the bedstand while the intense fucking had taken place. Then they coiled together and kissed and napped briefly before awakening to resume, this time fucking slowly and tenderly, as if afraid to reach the end, fearing that the climax would be a repeat of the earlier one that had nearly destroyed them both. Instead, it was a more normal one for each of them, Laura coming first, a long, sighing, feathery orgasm, and Shelley second, a happy, giggling, exuberant one. "I don't want you to go home," she said to Laura, when they kissed and cuddled afterward. "I want you to stay here." "My darling, I won't be able to work tomorrow if I don't get some rest. I'm getting to be an old lady. Three orgasms a day is about all I can handle." "We don't have to do it again . . . until morning, if you like," Shelley smiled, coaxing her. "We can rest. I just like you . . . like having you around." "I like you too, but I have to go home." Shelley pouted. "We can see each other again? Before Margaret and . . . what did you say her name was, Makira . . . ?" "Makeeda." "Before she gets back?" Laura smiled. She wanted to. It just set her feelings into a turmoil. She had not felt guilty about this earlier, but so much mention of Makeeda's name made her shudder to think of losing her, should she find out about Shelley and be hurt by it. "Yes . . . we can," she said, calmly. She gave Shelley a business card. "Call me at work. She should be back by next Wednesday, though." Shelley's face fell. "Margaret won't be back until May. What am I going to do without you both?" Laura kissed her warmly. "You are going to be just fine." She began slowly to gather up her clothes and put them on. "Tomorrow night?" Shelley asked plaintively at the door. Laura grinned at her again. How could she resist? "Yes. Tomorrow night." "Oh goody, I can't wait." |
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