Laura - Chapter 296




Three weeks of lovers' paradise ensued for Laura and Makeeda. They were rarely apart, except for work. This, of course, was a strain on them both since Laura worked during the day and Makeeda during the evening. The lack of sleep began to tell on Laura after a while since all their lovemaking had to occur late at night, after Makeeda's restaurant closed.

Rhonda even stopped her at work, in the hall. "You look like shit," she said, diplomatically as ever. "You must have some new pretty little thing keeping you awake at nights."

Laura was still acutely aware of how ridiculous Rhonda had seemed when she had fallen so deeply in love with Stevie Archer, the ex-Playmate. She herself was determined not to appear to be completely deprived of her senses by sappy romantic mania (even though she actually was), and so she acted very reserved and aloof.

"Not me. I've just taken up swimming. It's wearing me out a little, since I'm not used to it."

"Swimming?" Rhonda raised a skeptical eyebrow. "When do you go?"

"After work. Sometimes early in the morning. The municipal pools open at six."

This part, at least, was true. She had begun to swim almost daily, though only on Makeeda's middle-of-the-week off days with her, since their schedules did not permit otherwise. Not at six, though, when Makeeda was still asleep, angelically enfolded in Laura's protective arms. Laura had thought of going at six but had not got around to it yet. She could not tear herself away from the sleeping Makeeda and often spent nearly an hour simply watching her sleep before arising to go to work. But work, insatiable nightly fucking with Makeeda, and daily swimming taken together was enough to wear her out, and it showed.

"You better tell her I said to ease up on you for a while," Rhonda cracked. "We need you here, fully alert. Anyway, you're going to Detroit for the big car show. We have a round of meetings already scheduled for you."

"We don't have anything to do with the automotive business," Laura started to object.

"We do now. Come to my office at ten. I run it down for you and tell you what's up. Then go home and pack. You should be there tomorrow." She raised her eyebrow again. "I'm sorry it'll interfere with your 'swimming' for a few days."

Laura was crestfallen. Even hours away from Makeeda were now painful, and the thought of days apart made her physically ill. I've really got it bad, don't I, she thought. Makeeda, when Laura told her, was equally unhappy, so glum in fact that Laura was almost secretly thrilled inside since she realized it was confirmation of Makeeda's love, which Makeeda had earlier been trying to conceal for so long.

"You'll miss me?" she asked coyly, hating herself a little for manipulating Makeeda this way.

But Makeeda was so genuinely artless and simple in her pain that Laura quickly repented. "I will pine away without you," Makeeda said softly. "I will. I feel more for you every day."

"Me too," Laura said, half-contritely. "I feel more for you. I will call you every night."

"I work every night," Makeeda reminded her with a wry smile.

"I'll call you when you get off."

"When I get off it's two a.m. in Detroit."

But Laura embraced her and breathed in her ear. "No, when you get off it's because I've been kissing and rubbing and fucking you and loving you."

Makeeda grinned and purred back, "I take it back. You call me when I get home and do all of that."

She would be gone only four days, but as she packed Laura already felt a hot ache in her chest. Still, even her love for Makeeda couldn't keep her from remembering that Dee Dee now lived in Michigan. I wonder how far Ann Arbor is from Detroit, she thought idly, as if it were just a casual whim. A quick check showed her that it was only about thirty miles. Shoot, I could get there in half an hour.

This thought plunged her into even worse guilt. Somehow it seemed that contemplating a night of hot fucking with Dee Dee was dishonoring the depth and life-altering nature of her love for Makeeda. Nobody would ever know but Laura and Dee Dee, but Laura knew herself. She would stew and fret and blush and lash herself inwardly over this. Makeeda was, as she had told Laura, monogamous. She was, apparently, perfectly content to pursue her career and love Laura only. Laura, on the other hand, had an overactive libido and was very vulnerable to the beauty of certain women.

Also, Dee Dee was an old friend. She fell into that category. Certainly one could make allowances when it came to old friends. She remembered what Sara had told her when referring to her old friend, Evangelina, of whom Laura had been so jealous at the time. You couldn't simply pretend old friends did not exist. Laura had experienced some exquisite sexual moments with dear, thoroughly wanton Demetra, the little minx, and couldn't forget them just because she had now given her heart to another.

And yet, how would she feel to know that in her absence Makeeda was hopping back into bed with, say, Diane? Makeeda's own old friend. Her ex-lover, with whom she had shared a life for over four years. The only one, to hear her tell it, who had ever been able to make her have those deep-trance kind of orgasms. Laura instinctively knew that this would be worse than simply succumbing to a casual temptation. Having a brief fling was not the same as sleeping again with a long-time intimate partner. It would tear me apart, she though. That was probably why she had been so jealous of Sara and Evangelina.

With all this in mind to make her decision even thornier, she made a quick compromise. She threw into her suitcase the Double Penetrator, the handcuffs (with key), and the blindfold, knowing these were all things that Dee Dee relished. But she refused to call ahead, to tell Dee Dee she was coming, to ask if there might be time for a rendezvous. This she would leave to chance in the hope that if something did happen, she would then feel it was a spontaneous event she had not planned and could not prevent.

This disingenuous little self-deception accomplished next to nothing. For her first two days in Detroit she was totally consumed by work, meetings, conferences, interviews, and dinners and cocktail parties that left her bashed and exhausted at night, barely able to stay awake long enough to phone Makeeda, as promised. But on the third day her responsibilities began to dissipate somewhat, and Dee Dee drifted back into her mind. She realized that nothing spontaneous would happen, of course, since Dee Dee had no idea she was in Detroit, only thirty or so miles away.

She gave in and called her. Dee Dee was not home. Laura left her hotel phone number and room number and waited impatiently. Now that she had crossed the Rubicon, she began to get herself heated up thinking of the times they had fucked in the past, even the time she and Deshona had shared Dee Dee, between the moments when Dee Dee was preoccupied in running over to her stash to get another 'bump'. But these memories made her hot. Why doesn't she call? I could be there before dinner, Laura thought.

It was seven-thirty before Dee Dee returned her call.

"God, it's about time," Laura could not forbear snapping at her.

"Sorry," Dee Dee said. "Just got in. What are you doing in Detroit?"

Laura explained. "So . . . I've been sitting here thinking of you for the past few hours."

"Really?" Dee Dee sounded pleased. "Sara told me about you guys splitting. She said you were taking it kind of hard."

Laura took a moment to digest this news. "Oh," she said airily, "I'm surviving, I guess."

"You know," Dee Dee said, lowering her voice, "we really can't do anything here. I have two roommates. Sara set me up with them that way purposely so they could watch me and report back to her if I start backsliding. Know what I mean?"

"God, that must really crimp your sex life."

"Not all that much," Dee Dee smirked into the phone. "I just don't have it here."

"Do you have a car?"

"I can borrow one. One of my roommates, Steven, loans me his. He's hoping he can eventually get into my pussy that way, but it complicates matters so much when you're all living together, don't you think?"

"Oh yes. I definitely think so," Laura played along. "Wouldn't want that. So . . . can you drive here and stay overnight in my hotel room?"

"Not overnight. Steven needs his car in the morning to go to work."

"Why don't you have him drop you off, and then I can drive you back in the morning."

Dee Dee pondered this. "I can see if he will. He's taking a nap right now. I'll have to wake him up. He probably won't like the idea of a sixty-mile round trip to drop me off for a hot lesbian tryst."

"Tell him it's your mother you're meeting. Everybody understands demanding mothers."

Dee Dee laughed. "It might work. I'll try it. I'll call you right back."

Laura tried not to think about Makeeda during this brief wait. Now that a 'hot lesbian tryst' with Dee Dee seemed a likelihood, she felt guiltier than ever. Also, the time when she usually called Makeeda would be, if Dee Dee made it there, the time when she and Dee Dee would be completely submerged in the happy throes of scorching hot fucking. Laura would miss making the call, Makeeda would miss receiving it, and Laura would be totally flummoxed by the necessity of lying about why she had not made it.

On the other hand, she could already feel her pussy getting wet, even though there was still no certainty of a meeting. She sat impatiently by the phone, waiting for Dee Dee to call back. When she did ten minutes later, it was to tell Laura she was on the way.

Laura had a quick brainstorm and, after rehearsing it a few times, left a message for Makeeda on her answering machine saying that she, Laura, had to attend a banquet, full of boring speeches, and would not be able to phone at the usual time. "I love you," she could not help whispering at the end of the message, with a fervent gasp. "I love you till end of the world, Makeeda," she whispered again, hoping only after she hung up that her emotion did not betray her guilt, that Makeeda would not read between the lines and find Laura overly passionate in the attempt to cover her coming transgression.

Dee Dee arrived about a half an hour later, carrying a dark blue back pack with her instead of a suitcase. Even though Laura had not been emotionally attached to her, certainly not in the way she had been attached to her sister Sara, she felt a hot, jolting influx of real joy and passion flood her body all the way to her fingertips as she let her in. Dee Dee looked even more scrumptious to her than she ever had before.

"Oh god, how good to see you!" Laura gushed, pulling her into the hotel room. "God, I missed you."

Dee Dee smiled sardonically. "I missed you too, Laura."

She tossed her back pack on a chair and removed her heavy coat. Her even white teeth gleamed against the coal black skin of her face. Dee Dee was very black, certainly among the two or three blackest women Laura had ever had, and her smooth, flawless black skin was a huge turn-on for Laura. She wanted to touch it, to touch Dee Dee's cheek, and also to rip off the girl's clothes and run her lips all over Dee Dee's naked body.

"You did not," Laura scoffed. "You're living with your 'roommates,' and you have your professors and your dissertation to keep you busy." Laura alluded in a way she knew Dee Dee would catch to Dee Dee's sexual affair with her professor 'Ruta' back in Berkeley.

Dee Dee raised one eyebrow scornfully. "Actually, my relationship with my 'roommates,' as you put it, is as pure as the driven snow. My only sex since I got here has been with a librarian I met while roaming the stacks. She and I are trying to rewrite the Kama Sutra together. She's as horny as you are." She saw Laura's face. "Are you jealous?"

"Of course not," Laura snapped, turning away so that Dee Dee could not see her face.

In fact, for some inexplicable reason she was always more jealous of Dee Dee's lesbian lovers than she could possibly be of some insensitive brute of a man plunging his cock into her exquisite black body. Dee Dee had an honest craving for 'dick,' as she called it, but lesbian fucking made her soar, and Laura unreasonably wanted to be the only one who could launch her.

Dee Dee came over to her. "You are too," she said softly, putting one hand on Laura's shoulder. "I'm so touched. You really don't like anybody but you to fuck me, do you."

Laura turned back to her, composing her face. "Of course not. One, how could I control what you do? Two, you're a very attractive woman. People want you. Why shouldn't they?"

"Do you want me?" Dee Dee smiled. "Do you want to do hot nasty things with me?"

Laura broke down and smiled. She giggled softly, drawing an invisible small circle on Dee Dee's impossibly, divinely smooth black cheek with her fingertip. "God, do I! I've hardly been able to sit still since we got off the phone."

Dee Dee's eyes went wide in a faux innocent reaction. "Tell me what you want to do to me," she said in a hushed voice. "Nobody talks to me as dirty as you do. I love it when you tell me what you're going to do."

"Mmmm," Laura grimaced theatrically, purring in her most exaggerated Dracula accent, and bending her bared teeth to Dee Dee's beautiful, very black neck, "I am going to duhrink your bloooood, my sweet. Rrraarrgghh!"

Dee Dee laughed but also gasped a little as Laura did actually sink her teeth lightly into the smooth black flesh of her neck. Laura sucked. Dee Dee bit her lower lip. Her neck was shiny with Laura's warm spittle.

"Unhhhh! Oh . . . god . . . you mean it!"

"I alvays mean it," Laura said with a maniacal leer, momentarily lifting her face from Dee Dee's scrumptious neck. She raised her hands to Dee Dee' small, perfect breasts, squeezing the hard balls through the fabric of her sweatshirt. "And I am going to suck these pretty boobies until they hurt, my pet, my angel. I am going to suck them until you moan and beg me to fuck you. Rrraarrgghh!" she roared again.

Dee Dee was almost overcome with laughter, but she managed to wriggle out of Laura's grasp and move back a few steps. "Down, monster. Down. You fiend. Don't touch me."

She was laughing so hard that she had to stop speaking for a moment. She held her hands up as Laura advanced. Then, as Laura came nearer, she opened her arms and Laura came into them and they were suddenly kissing ravenously. Dee Dee's tongue was stabbing almost down Laura's throat. They were both panting and mewling softly, their hands racing.

"Oh shit," Dee Dee panted softly, "did you bring any of those things I like? You know, the nasty stuff? The Double Thingee? I haven't had any really nasty sex since I last saw you. That stuff I told you about the librarian is only partly true. She's a little inhibited. I'm still trying to loosen her up."

Laura smiled secretively and went to her suitcase. She tossed the Double Penetrator onto the bed, followed by the handcuffs and the ball gag. Lastly, she threw the blindfold in with the rest. In the past she and Dee Dee had used an old scarf but since then Laura had acquired a genuine blindfold, figuring it couldn't hurt having it around, in case she ever met a Dee Dee clone, or revisited the lovely, wanton Dee Dee herself. All this had happened before Makeeda, and to be truthful it now made Laura feel slightly ashamed.

But there was little time for shame as Dee Dee gleefully approached the bed and fondled the Double Penetrator. She ran one long black finger up and down the larger rubber penis, feeling the lifelike ridges. The larger one was slightly upcurved and meant to go into your pussy, as you fucked missionary style, but Laura remembered how Dee Dee often wanted to be taken from behind, so that the larger appendage accordingly went into her ass instead. She would scream and shudder as it entered her, shaking her head and growling in a sexual frenzy that Laura had seen rarely in others.

"Satisfied?" she asked.

Dee Dee's black eyes were actually dilated and swimming with sexual promise as she looked back up at Laura. "Not yet," she whispered in an excited, clotted voice, as if she could hardly believe the thrills that awaited her. "But I will be in twenty minutes."

She turned and glided back into Laura's arms. Laura again sucked her delicious black neck and then kissed her heatedly. "Do you want to go for the nasty stuff first or just lie together and bill and coo for a little while? We have all night."

Dee Dee grinned, almost bashfully, a very big surprise for Laura, who was used to seeing her as one of the most brazen and salacious young women she had ever met. Dee Dee looked toward the implements on the bed. "I think you know the answer to that. Let's save the sweet stuff for later."

With that, she stepped back a little, out of Laura's embrace, and pulled her sweatshirt up over her head, flinging it dramatically across the room. She wore, as she almost always did, a starkly white simple bra. Laura reasoned that sexy underwear was fine, but if you had skin like Dee Dee's, almost blue-black in its soft sheen, and flawless, then the sharp, blinding white of her bra made her half-nakedness sexier than ever. She was indeed a vision, standing there in her jeans and her bra.

Dee Dee was already unzipping the jeans, looking at Laura as if Laura were very much a deplorable slow poke, her eyes pulsing and shiny. Laura hurriedly went over to the lights by the bed and dimmed them both. When she turned back, Dee Dee was slipping the pants off her feet. Oh god, she is so gorgeous! she thought, watching the way Dee Dee's deeply black skin, more of it visible now than before, gleamed in the soft light.

Dee Dee looked up at her. Laura was half-paralyzed not only by physical lust, which was growing very strong, but a kind of esthetic hypnosis, a trance induced by the breathtaking loveliness of this young, complicated woman. Somehow, she felt, now that Sara was more on the periphery of their relationship than before, she could see Dee Dee in a new way, not only as fiercely desirable but also as a lovely, very sweet, vulnerable darling under her sometimes brusque exterior.

"Shit, Laura," Dee Dee cracked, standing by the side of the bed. "Get over here and get busy, okay?"

She even reached down and picked up the handcuffs while Laura was crossing the room. Laura took them from her and again dropped them on the bed. "I am going to kiss your beautiful body all over first," she murmured, embracing Dee Dee again and running her hands all over the girl's resilient warm flesh as she kissed her. "I can't believe how I seem to have missed you."

"I think you should kiss my beautiful body later and put this on instead," Dee Dee grinned, reaching down and picking up the Double Penetrator. "I've only been able to dream of the orgasms you gave me with this monster since then. I want you to hurt me. I want to feel like I've really been fucked by you. Now that Sara's out of the picture, you can give me what I want without feeling guilty about it."

Laura frowned. "Let's leave Sara out of it, okay?"

Dee Dee pursed her lips insolently. "What's the matter, are we still nursing our feelings of rejection? Did she make my poor Laura feel bad?"

Dee Dee stroked Laura's hair theatrically, then her cheek, then let her fingers fall to the buttons of Laura's shirt. While Laura was trying to figure out how to respond, she began unbuttoning the buttons slowly, her lips curving in a taunting but very sexual smile.

"Oh Dee Dee . . . " Laura gasped in small, faraway voice, whether out of exasperation or sensual arousal neither she nor Dee Dee could tell.

Dee Dee was now very aggressive. Having unbuttoned Laura's shirt, she was kissing Laura's neck and throat while she removed it, then unclasping Laura's bra, kissing Laura's collarbones.

"Do you think we can get on with it now?" she teased Laura, cupping Laura's naked breasts in her palms. "Maybe you want to go first, is that it? You want Dee Dee to give you a little loving? You want me to suck that pretty pink pussy until you scream?"

Laura did want it. She also wanted to devour Dee Dee on the spot, to swarm all over her and drag her down onto the bed and fuck her mercilessly, without the handcuffs, the Double Penetrator, any of the extras. "I'm . . . ready," she panted into Dee Dee's ear. "Ready to give you what you want."

Dee Dee purred audibly, stepping back and quickly shedding her panties and her bra, now completely, devastatingly naked. "I knew you'd see it my way."

While she was almost paralyzed by hot lust, watching Dee Dee remove her underwear, Laura had also the presence of mind to strip off her own pants and panties, so that now they were both naked. While Dee Dee was stretching out on her back on the bed, Laura was quickly slipping into the dildo harness and snapping the Double Penetrator in place. She looked down at Dee Dee, who held up her wrists.

To Laura's delight, she wasn't insisting on having it from the rear this time. A little face-to-face fucking was really in order, she thought. This was more than their raw, hungry, guilty sex of the past, where both were trying to forget that Sara was lurking in the background, to Dee Dee a competitor, to Laura a betrayed lover; worse still, sister of the one she was enthusiastically fucking. Now it was Laura and Dee Dee only, and Laura wanted to look at her while they fucked, wanted to kiss her and talk to her and watch the intense pleasure claw her beautiful face.

Again Dee Dee fished around on the mattress with one hand and found the handcuffs, holding them up for Laura, who could not take her eyes off the girl's enchanting, deeply black and gleaming naked body. But then Laura glanced up at the headboard, which was just that, a wide, solid board; no place to anchor the handcuffs.

"I don't think there's anyplace we can fasten them here," she said to Dee Dee, scooting up to explore the headboard more closely. Drat! she thought, you'll have to let me fuck you like an ordinary lover instead of a dominatrix, you sweet devious little pervert.

Dee Dee smiled salaciously. "It's easy. I've done it before. There's probably an iron in the closet. Most hotels have one in every room nowadays. You just use the cord. Tie it in a knot down there," she pointed to the place where the headboard joined the steel frame. "Then loop the handcuffs through it."

Laura felt herself blushing with sexual heat and shame. She tried to pretend not being aghast at this news. "You've done it before?"

Somehow she had thought up to now that Dee Dee only shared these happy little moments of thrilling perversity with her alone. How silly of me to forget what a sexual adventurer this darling creature is, she thought. Sara told me. Why didn't I listen to Sara? In fact, I think Sara might not have realized the extent of it.

Dee Dee's sharp grin positively crackled. "Jealous?"

Laura gulped. "I guess I am . . . a little."

"That's one of the things I love about you, Laura," Dee Dee said, leaving the bed momentarily, returning with the iron from the closet. She proceeded to tie the cord around the bedframe, as she had described. Laura watched and devoured Dee Dee's lean, supple, naked body with her eyes, unable to keep herself from swallowing Dee Dee's marvelous small, firm, swaying breasts with them as Dee Dee patiently and skillfully knotted the cord. "I can actually make you jealous," Dee Dee grinned back over her shoulder at Laura. "Everybody else just wants to fuck me, but you want me to be your special love slave. Right?"

Laura gulped again. "Am I so transparent?"

"Yes," Dee Dee smiled, pulling on the knot to make sure it was tight. Now that the cord was firmly in place, she turned and spread herself out again on her back, with her wrists up by the corner of the bed where the electrical cord from the iron was secured to the frame. Her eyes drifted down the mattress again to the handcuffs. "I'm waiting," she said softly, her black eyes again throbbing with more intense sexual invitations than ever.

Quickly, feeling a little bizarre and weird with the double-pronged dildo bobbing awkwardly from her crotch, in fact grabbing it with one hand to make it stop wavering so clumsily, Laura slipped off the bed to her suitcase and fetched the small bottle of baby oil she had packed. In seconds she was back, her eyes riveted by the alluring spectacle of Dee Dee's scrumptious lean naked body stretched out under her, gleaming with a fine black sheen against the stark white of the sheet, her thick coal-black nipples shiny and swollen, her incredible hard abs rippling and clenching. She grinned with kittenish sensuality and spread her thighs a little wider for Laura, showing Laura the inflamed, glistening seam of her deeply pink inner pussy sleeve and the wet black lips surrounding it.

Laura could feel her own blood pounding. She scooted forward between Dee Dee's yawning thighs and fastened one cuff to one of Dee Dee's wrists, then looped the chain through the iron cord, preparing the snap the other cuff into place on Dee Dee's other wrist. This necessarily brought her own small, swaying breasts into the vicinity of Dee Dee's mouth, and Dee Dee wasted no time in slurping Laura's excited coral-tinted nipples, chasing them, sucking one sharply.

"Unhhhh!" Laura gasped, paralyzed for a moment by the sharp pleasure of her nipple in Dee Dee's warm, wet mouth. "God . . . if you don't stop that I won't be able to get this done . . ." she gasped to Dee Dee.

"Sorry," Dee Dee grinned and panted up at her, releasing her breast, letting Laura finish snapping the second cuff into place.

Now Dee Dee's wrists were handcuffed to the bed frame, her arms raised above her head, placing her delicious body in a slightly contorted, unnatural position—with her ribs showing a little, her breasts raised a little higher on her chest, her stomach sunken, her skin and muscles pulled taut—a position that for some reason always juiced up Laura's lust to a further extreme. Dee Dee thus stretched out and immobilized and helpless was a wildly, fiercely desirable woman to her, and she could barely control her hunger.

Quickly, she snatched up the ball gag and fastened it into place before Dee Dee could demand the blindfold too. Dee Dee, for some reason, liked to be blindfolded, but Laura hated it. She wanted to look into Dee Dee's eyes, she wanted to see the fire there, and the helplessness, and the melting, molten hot slag of fierce sex overflowing. She wanted to see the pleading, the begging, the flying sparks of uncontrollable passion.

Dee Dee seemed to have forgotten the blindfold too. She was getting very overcome by the sheer sexual excitement of the situation, writhing and watching Laura swab the lower prong with baby oil, and stretching her thighs even wider apart, anticipating the coming penetration. She made a guttural, lowing sound as she waited.

"Unnnmmggmmmmggnnnnggg," she groaned softly.

This sound drove Laura almost crazy with lust. She already wanted Dee Dee fiercely, and this lowing, groaning sound somehow got under her skin and made her want to eat the girl alive. God, maybe I missed you more than I thought, Demetra, she found herself thinking as she snapped the lid back on the baby oil bottle and tossed it to the end of the bed. Dee Dee's throbbing eyes locked with hers. She nodded jerkily, almost commanding Laura with her eyes to hurry up.

Laura smiled down at her slyly. "Oh, you want it now, do you? Maybe I should just withhold it for a few more minutes, just to watch you squirm." She ran her hands over Dee Dee's wildly desirable, very black naked body, squeezing her small, perfect breasts, pinching and tweaking Dee Dee's thick, shiny black nipples. "I want to suck these. I'm going to suck these. You'll just have to wait for Mr. Double Dick."

"Unnhhggmmm!" Dee Dee grunted incoherently.

Laura did actually lower her face to Dee Dee's scrumptious breasts and, guiding one with her hand, closed her mouth over one swollen black nipple, sucking deep and hard. Dee Dee yelped.


Laura sucked and Dee Dee whimpered. Laura moved to Dee Dee's other gorgeous, swollen nipple and sucked it too. Dee Dee whimpered more hysterically.


But by now Laura realized that the greased lower prong of the Double Penetrator was grazing Dee Dee's naked thighs and rubbing against the sheet too. Her hunger for Dee Dee's gorgeous little breasts was causing her to deviate from her main intention and making a small mess too. She realized that Dee Dee would be staying the night; there would be plenty more opportunities to devour these firm black beauties.

Also, Dee Dee was squirming and moaning more wildly by the second. This was a hotel room, after all. They couldn't just indulge every sexual whim to the max. Oh god, yes, I'm going to fuck you now, honey! she thought, releasing Dee Dee's wet, shiny, puffy and swollen black nipple from her lips.

Dee Dee now looked up at her imploringly, then down her body as she saw Laura finally guiding the two shafts forward into her groin. In one skillful motion Laura skimmed some of the baby oil from the lower appendage onto her forefinger and wriggled it up into Dee Dee's rectum to prepare the way.

"Unnggmm!" Dee Dee groaned softly, her eyes watering a little as she felt the penetration.

"Here it comes, baby, hold on . . ." Laura panted to her, easing the poles slowly into Dee Dee's writhing body.

"Unnggmm!" Dee Dee grunted again, her eyes rolling up as the two poles slid into her cunt and her ass.

From experience Laura knew you couldn't speed up this process, and accordingly she pushed gently forward with her hips, feeling the top prong slide easily into Dee Dee's pussy while the lower one inched in with more difficulty. Throughout it all she kept her eyes on Dee Dee's, watching the throbbing sexual trance grow there, watching Dee Dee's dark eyes flare and flash as the penetration progressed.

Finally, the Double Penetrator was sunk in Dee Dee's quivering young body as far as it would go. But before she could even pull it back out, Laura was struck again by the sweet emotion of changed circumstance that seemed to flow through their linked bodies like an electrical current. She remembered in a flash how they had fucked heatedly and even perversely, like this, several times before they had even kissed, both of them roiled and stricken by how easily they were betraying Sara. but neither one able to stop.

But now she wanted to kiss Dee Dee, kiss her hungrily, kiss her emotionally, before they even began pumping and plunging one another toward the ultimate cataclysm. It was a deeply emotional moment and yet far different from the deep emotions she had been sharing with Makeeda now for the past weeks. These feelings arose from the complex nature of her past relationship with Dee Dee, as well as the present one, where they were now freer to fuck without guilt, and thus to scorch each other to the very core. Makeeda was special, Laura recognized, but Dee Dee was different.

She's a lot like me, Laura thought, bending down to kiss her cheek, her shoulders, her deeply black neck, her collar bones. She can't control this hunger, and she knows we're both the kind of slut that Sara could never be. Or probably Makeeda either. We need each other for this.

Laura began to fuck Dee Dee now with the monster, pulling it out slowly, pushing it back in, just as slowly, then leaning down again to kiss her cheek, her shiny black shoulders, squeezing Dee Dee's marvelous naked breasts with one hand while holding the monster with the other, twisting her nipples. There was no need to hurry. They knew they could commence fucking in a red frenzy from the very start, but it was better this way, slow and solemn and almost excruciatingly sensual.

Dee Dee's eyes locked with Laura's. Dee Dee knew. This was different; as hot as ever, but different, a more intimate connection, something that Sara now had nothing to do with. She moaned, though her moans were muffled and throttled into snuffling grunts by the gag, each time Laura slid the two long shafts into her body. But soon she began to fall into Laura's rhythm, grinding her pelvis sensually up into Laura's forward thrusts, letting herself be fucked but also fucking back in the same gentle, swirling upward motion, then digging her heels into the mattress and starting to pump with more force as Laura also picked up the pace.

Time had disappeared. Laura no longer knew how long they had been slowly fucking like this. She knew that having both shafts penetrating you at once was different from feeling only one siding in and out of your pussy, and she could see the extra, sharp sensations reflected in Dee Dee's eyes, which was another reason for not using the blindfold. I want to see you, she thought. I want to see you when I fuck you. I want to see you when I ram you like this.

"Unnggmmppggg!" Dee Dee groaned, her eyes rolling up.

Laura couldn't resist releasing her hand from the double-pronged dildo, which was now sunk deeply in Dee Dee's body anyway, and leaning forward to consume more of Dee Dee's alluring, silky naked flesh. She ran her hands feverishly over the girl's smooth, hard black stomach and breasts and arms and shoulders, leaning low to kiss her neck, then to drop her mouth once more to Dee Dee's delectable firm breasts, assaulting Dee Dee's swollen jet-black nipples hungrily, now moving the monster, though gingerly so as not to let it go awry, in and out of her again.

"Unnnmmgg! Umnnngghh!" Dee Dee grunted into the gag, her luscious body writhing under Laura's passionate onslaught.

The handcuffs, since they were not looped around any metal, made a dull clinking and thumping sound as they yanked the electrical cord that was secured to the bedframe. Dee Dee was twisting and now surging violently off the mattress as Laura fucked her harder and faster, and now rose up again into a more powerful crouch, gaining more leverage to ram her again and deliver the more vicious and thorough pumping that Dee Dee craved and expected.

Dee Dee's legs were not tied to anything, and so she was free to wrap them around Laura's thrusting hips, which she did energetically, gyrating her pelvis frantically, whimpering as Laura probed her harder and faster.

"Unmmgg! Ummppmmggg! Unmmgg!"

Laura knew Dee Dee was going to come any second. No one could take this frantic and incendiary kind of sexual assault without spilling over uncontrollably. All pretense of slow, simmering buildup had vanished. Their bodies were colliding, coiling and jamming together, Laura slamming her, impaling Dee Dee's flexing, striving body on the two rigid prongs, feeling Dee Dee's smooth, clenching flesh shudder and quiver as the full force of her climax began to arrive.

When it did, she wondered how the entire hotel under and over them did not shake and quake and rock the way the bed was shaking under their struggling bodies. Dee Dee shuddered and groaned, and a fierce grimace froze her face.

"Mmmmnnggggnnnrrrieeeee!" she wailed, her throttled cries muffled by the ball gag in her mouth. The first cry was a kind of scream, but it was followed by a short, howling roar as her sleek body buckled under the force of a shattering orgasm. "Auuoounnggg!"

Laura held onto her. There was nothing else she could do. Dee Dee's body flipped and surged, and Laura held on tight, trying to keep the shafts from slipping out as the rolling, rocking orgasm ran its course. Finally, Dee Dee's muscles went slack, and she fell back to the mattress, her flesh still palpitating and quivering under Laura's sensitive fingers, her breath labored and strangled. The first thing Laura did when the spasms died away enough for her to move her hands up Dee Dee's body was to unfasten the gag at the buckle behind Dee Dee's head. It fell away, and Dee Dee gulped huge mouthfuls of air.

Laura slipped the dildos out of her and rolled to the side to make breathing easier, holding the wet monster awkwardly in one hand as she watched Dee Dee fill her lungs with air. "Are you okay?"

Dee Dee shot her a blasted, stunned, devastated look. But then she grinned in a goofy way that half-reminded Laura of Sara. There was usually little resemblance between them, but this time was different. "What do you think?" Dee Dee grinned.

Quickly, Laura struggled out of the strap-on harness. She took the entire apparatus across the room to the bathroom and left it in the sink to clean up later. When she returned to the bed, Dee Dee was breathing more evenly.

"You gon' take these handcuffs off me, you bitch," her eyes glinted with fierce mirth at Laura, "or you planning to bop me again first?"

Laura was a little embarrassed at not having released her right away, but she also couldn't take her eyes off Dee Dee's lean black body all stretched out before her like this. So vulnerable. So beautiful and sleek and gleaming. Laura had not climaxed herself, though the pressure of the dildo base against her pubic bone had certainly aroused her to the breaking point. Seeing Dee Dee like this simply cranked up her sexual hunger to a fever pitch.

"I just might, if you're not careful," she said to Dee Dee, and Dee Dee could see that she meant it.

Dee Dee turned kittenish, flirting and twisting her body, knowing how Laura craved it. "If you unlock these and let me go, I might give you something that will make you feel real good," she teased softly, batting her eyelashes at Laura.

Laura briefly thought of just straddling Dee Dee's incredible hard stomach, pushing her wet pussy into it, and sliding back and forth rapidly until she came, which she knew would take only a few seconds. And yet, even that would be so much better if Dee Dee's arms were free, her hands free to clutch Laura's thighs, her body mobile enough to jam her stomach up into Laura's throbbing cunt.

Quickly, she found the key on the bedstand and unlocked the handcuffs. Dee Dee looked at her solemnly, rubbing her wrists. Then she reached up with both hands and took Laura's, pulling her down. They kissed in a heated frenzy, and Dee Dee ran her hands aggressively all over Laura's naked body. One hand immediately dropped to Laura's crotch and found the sopping wet warm gooey mess there.

"Ooohhhhh . . . you ready, girl," her eyes twinkled. Dee Dee never talked 'ghetto' at all, but she had suddenly become very relaxed and intimate with Laura. "I think a little muff diving may be in order. Dee Dee been learning. Dee Dee been learning how to make a woman scream."

Laura laughed softly through her panting. "You better not make me scream. The hotel staff will hear. They'll call the police."

Dee Dee pouted playfully. "Uh oh, then I'll have to do two cops too. We could have a little orgy. You ever done a cop before? I did once. He was going to bust me too, but not after I gave him a little taste of the kitty. He was a rough fucker too. Shit, I thought he was going to nail my ass to the bed."

"Dee Dee . . ." Laura panted, smiling uncomfortably. "You're breaking the mood."

"Sorry." Dee Dee frowned contritely. "How's this?"

She began to devour Laura's body in quick order. Sex with Dee Dee was always hot. It was the main reason, apart from her very real physical allure, that Laura kept coming back, even endangering her relationship with Sara. Now that Sara was no longer in the picture, it seemed to become scorching.

Dee Dee quickly turned into a hot whirlwind. She pushed Laura down onto her back and attacked her with hungry passion, sucking Laura's nipples, squeezing Laura's breasts, rubbing her thigh up and down in Laura's crotch. Laura, who was very close to coming already, could do nothing but surrender.

But she soon realized that Dee Dee was not going to let her come too quickly. Laura had introduced the girl to lesbian love, and Dee Dee had been a good student ever since, also apparently picking up new skills along the way from the other women Laura was so wistfully jealous of. When Laura's body seized up and twitched from the sexual excitement of feeling Dee Dee's sleek, hard black thigh pressing into the wet, throbbing soup of her aroused pussy, Dee Dee immediately sensed it and pulled back. She slid down Laura's body, kissing Laura's heaving belly, then her inner thighs.

"Oh, you ain't coming yet, darlin'," she grinned up at Laura. "I know you want to come. Dee Dee got plans."

"Unhhhh!" Laura gasped as she felt Dee Dee's fingers sliding into her warm, buttery pussy. "Unhh! Oh . . . yes! Ungghhh! Oh Dee Dee!"

The feeling of Dee Dee's tongue on her clit was almost enough to tip her over the edge, but Dee Dee knew in advance that it would be and therefore pulled back again. By now Laura was convulsed by frantic need. Her legs twitched and flexed, her hips squirmed, her hands flittered over her breasts, her fingers grabbing her nipples, twisting them hard. Her breath was wild and scratchy.

"Oh please, Dee Dee . . ." she half-laughed, half-begged, looking down at Dee Dee's face between her thighs. "Please . . . do it."

Dee Dee grinned up at her mischievously. "Do it? You want me to do it?"

Laura nodded wildly. "Oh god, yes!"

She bit her lower lip and her eyes watered involuntarily as she felt Dee Dee's entire hand suddenly sliding into her pussy, fingers, knuckles and all. She knew she and Dee Dee had never fisted, and the thought had never even crossed her mind to look at the girl's hands, to gauge their size, as she knew Amber, or Brenda, would quickly have done. But this instant she could feel that Dee Dee's hand was quite small and perfect for the task, realizing all this in a flash before her body simply drove her mind to the wall and flooded with inflammatory sexual sensations.

"Auunngghh!" she cried out, her vision blurred with tears as she looked down to see Dee Dee's coal black wrist protruding from her own cunt.

Her body began to shake. She was going to come. It wouldn't take much more than this, and Dee Dee realized it too. "Oh Laura, you're going to come now," she said under her breath, as if transfixed also by the certain imminence of this arriving climax.

But Laura still had enough presence of mind to gyrate her pelvis violently down into Dee Dee's hand. She was going to explode in seconds, but she wanted at least a few short, vigorous thrusts, which she knew would make the end result even more breathtaking and crushing.

"Unngghh! Ungghh!" she grunted, almost hysterically, feeling a spontaneous wave of wrenching pleasure engulf her striving body.

And Dee Dee, who never flinched from rough sex, responded in kind, thrusting her hand into Laura's body, watching in awe as Laura began to come after only a few thrusts. Her stiffening body literally rose off the mattress, her pelvis juddering wildly in the air, with Dee Dee's hand still embedded deep in her spasming pussy.

"AUUNNGGHHH!" Laura cried out. The orgasm speared her. There was no other word for it. Her body was jolted and speared and impaled on a fierce rocket of coming that shook her violently. "AUUNNGGHHH!" she groaned again, falling back to the bed, flailing, moaning, twitching as the aftershocks of the initial quake struck her.

Dee Dee held on. She seemed amazed by the power of Laura's climax, but she held on, then slipped her hand out of Laura's pussy as Laura went limp and scooted upward to kiss Laura and hold her, trying to make her stop moaning so loudly.

"Mmmm . . . quiet down now, Laura . . . that's it . . . quiet down a little . . . we don't want them to be knocking on the door, do we? There . . . you're getting better now . . . oh girl, you really had one, god I never saw you have one like that. Are you okay?"

Laura groaned softly and smiled wanly at her. "I don't know."

I better be, though, she thought wryly. I hope I didn't break something. I may be enjoying this, but I'm desperately in love with Makeeda and don't want to have any explaining to do. Oh darling, I forgot to tell you, I sprained my pussy while I was in Detroit. I know it sounds funny, but you'll just have to trust me.

The truth was that she too had been surprised by the sheer power of her orgasm, but now as it waned she began revive.

"Bet Sara never made you come that hard," Dee Dee could not resist saying, kissing Laura's shoulder.

Laura frowned at her. "Can't let it go, can you. You're so competitive, Dee Dee. Sara has nothing to do with this."

But Dee Dee smiled and gloated anyway. "Not any more, she doesn't. Tell me, did she break your little heart? I got a feeling when she told me you guys weren't as close as before that she was fooling around with somebody else."

Laura, still groggy from her stupendous climax, was drifting in her mind and found it so odd that she felt this way. Sara now seemed like something in the distant past. Makeeda was the only thing real in her life, the only thing deep and compelling and constant, the only thing that could fill every cell and pore of her with intense happiness. It was one thing to fuck thrillingly like this with Dee Dee, and yet it was something far different to feel this way she felt about Makeeda. The memory of Sara was something remote and melancholy.

"She has a . . . new friend . . ." she murmured, almost inaudibly. "Nice girl."

Dee Dee grew soft and compassionate. "Oh. Poor Laura. No fun to get shit on, is it. I've been shit on. I know how it feels." She kissed Laura's cheek and rubbed her splendid hard young black body up against Laura's. "Why don't we have a drink and mope together? Bet you could get room service to send up a bottle. We could have a little drinkee and then fuck some more. I don't think I've had enough yet. Hope you haven't either."

Laura grinned and embraced her, mashing their naked breasts together. "How could I ever have enough of you?"

"What you need to do is get a new girl friend too," Dee Dee reasoned calmly. "I can't be it because I'm here in Ann Arbor. But you can't let that nasty bitch Sara get to you like this. You're a wonderful person, Laura. And very hot in bed. Lots of girls would die to be your special one."

Laura smiled secretively. She wanted to boast about Makeeda but also knew that Dee Dee was a loose cannon. You didn't want to tell her too much about your private life. She would be popping off to Sara the next day about how quickly Laura had replaced her. It wasn't seemly.

"I do . . . have a new friend too," was all she would trust herself to say.

Dee Dee was instantly jealous, as she had been of Sara, though perhaps less so since Sara was her sister. "You did have to tell me that, didn't you," she pouted. "I wanted to be your special one. At least for tonight."

"You are my special one for tonight. You're always special to me. Even when I was with Sara, I couldn't stay away from you. You know that."

Dee Dee smirked. She could be so innocently fetching when she was vulnerable and naked like this. Laura did feel the fires stirring again.

Dee Dee looked at the phone. "Get the bottle. I'll help you pay for it."

"I thought you were a struggling graduate student."

"On second thought, I am. You pay for it. You can charge it to your company."

"Then they'll think I'm sitting in my hotel room getting snockered all the time while I'm supposed to be resting up for tomorrow."

Dee Dee looked glum. "I need to have a drink. Let's get dressed and go down to the bar."

Laura considered it, but she was quite aware of the way her refreshed desire for Dee Dee was growing, galloping. I want her again. God, what an alluring creature! So quirky and yet so gorgeous. So self-destructive and so sexy.

She leaned over and kissed Dee Dee's mouth, which quickly became a wet and searching kiss, with both of them running their hands over each other's naked body. "I want you again," she murmured into Dee Dee's smooth black neck. "We can go down to the bar afterward. I haven't even been able to taste that sweet black pussy of yours yet."

Dee Dee giggled softly and wriggled sensually against Laura. "When you put it that way, how can I refuse?

"Mmmm, I want to eat it and slurp it and swallow it," Laura purred to her, sucking Dee Dee's black earlobe and finding her wet, warm pussy with her fingers at the same time. "You are deliciously wet for me already, my darling. I want to run my tongue up in here . . ."

"Unhhhhh!" Dee Dee gasped.

". . . and then draw it slowly out across this . . ."

"Unhh! Oh! Oh shit, Laura, do it! Please!"

She began undulating against Laura, and Laura could hardly bear the hot rush of lust that overcame her. Dee Dee writhing and undulating her hard young very black body against her was a temptation she could not survive. Her fingers bit into the girl's svelte, smooth flesh. She sucked the firm flesh between Dee Dee's neck and shoulder, making her squeal softly, before quickly sliding downward.

"I love your body," Laura panted, sucking her shiny coal black nipples, kneading Dee Dee's incredible ass with her fingers.

And Dee Dee was going appropriately wild from these feverish caresses. She whimpered and held Laura's head in both hands, pushing her breasts into Laura's face, hissing and panting and now writhing more rapidly against Laura.

"Fuck me, Laura . . ." she gasped in a hoarse, out-of-control voice. "Nobody fucks me like you do. Nobody. Ungghhh! Yes! Unghhhh! Do it harder! Suck it . . . sssssuck it! Unhhh! Bite it!"

Laura let Dee Dee feel the hint of her teeth on her nipples, knowing how that would fire a spurt of flame throughout her entire writhing body, but then moved on downward, hungry for every bit of the girl's firm, silky flesh, sliding between Dee Dee's yawning thighs on her way south, already smelling the bewitching redolence of Dee Dee's steamy, aroused pussy. She knew from past experience how exquisitely shaped this girl's beautiful pussy was, and already her mind and body were reeling from the frantic urge to kiss and french it and fuck it until Dee Dee simply exploded.

She kissed the taut, smooth black flesh just above the dark fringe of Dee Dee's pubic patch, then pushed her nose into it, inhaling the fresh odors of Dee Dee's skin mixed with the pungent aroma of her oozing cunt. Then her face slid lower. Her lips grazed the swollen, sinuous black vulva of Dee Dee's pussy, and her tongue slid between them.

"Unh! Oh!" Dee Dee gasped excitedly, looking down, as if she could see Laura's tongue sliding up into her wet pussy.

Laura loved eating a beautiful pussy like this one perhaps more than anything in life, and she settled down to enjoy the feast. She worked slowly, savoring each second, sucking Dee Dee's thick, wavy cuntlips gently, running the tip of her tongue up and down every crease and hollow, and then directly into the wet, glistening pink furrow, then pulling it out again and sliding it across Dee Dee's hard little clit, as she had warned she would do. Dee Dee was lubricating copiously by now, and Laura drank the girl's cunt nectars as if they were life-giving liquid, swallowing and sucking and swallowing more, increasing the heat, sucking and tonguing Dee Dee's pussy now more vigorously, and feeling Dee Dee respond by gurgling and squirming and whimpering.

"Oh! Oh! Unh! Yes, Laura . . . unh! Yes!"

To heighten Dee Dee's pleasure even further, she slipped two fingers up into the greasy wet sleeve of the girl's pussy, rotating them, fucking her slowly with them while beginning to concentrate more fully on Dee Dee's swollen reddish clit with her tongue. And then, hardly knowing she was doing so, it came so easily, she slid the rest of her fingers in too, pushing a little, until her entire small hand slid all the way into Dee Dee's cunt. It had happened before either one of them anticipated it, and it took them both, Dee Dee especially, by surprise.

She gave a small, strangled groan. "Anngghh!" Her eyes watered as she gazed down at Laura.

Laura smiled up at her, feeling the same deep physical connection arise that had arisen only a few minutes earlier when Dee Dee had done the same thing to her.

"Oh . . . Laura . . . yesssssss!" Dee Dee half-moaned, her eyes rolling up, her lovely young body stiffening, then undulating, encouraging Laura to really begin fucking her this way now.

Laura needed no encouragement. She knew Dee Dee was about to come again, that almost nothing would prevent or slow it down now, and so she poured all her skill and her complex affection for the girl into a stirring, crushing finish. Unlike some women who had to be treated more gently, coaxed along to a shattering finish, Dee Dee was like Laura and liked her sex rough and sharp. In seconds Laura's hand was reaming her tight, clinging pussy, and Dee Dee's pelvis was jumping and churning off the mattress, pushing up into each thrust, her cries increasingly desperate and urgent as the inevitable orgasm approached.

"Unngghh! Onngghhh! Oh shit . . . auugghhhh! Unggghh! Yes! Yes!"

Though she was so sexually aroused that she wanted to rub her own pussy, perhaps to come at the same time with Dee Dee, Laura instead reached forward and roughly massaged Dee Dee's exposed clit with her thumb, even bending to suck it a few times, but being forced away by the frantic pumping and twisting of Dee Dee's hips. It did not matter, because a few more seconds after she pulled back, Dee Dee came in shrieking torrents, her sleek hard body jouncing and straining off the bed, her cunt spasming on Laura's hand as huge wrenching shocks gripped her smooth flesh.

"Aunngghhh! Annnggghiiimmmnnneeeeee! Oh! Unghh! Oh! Anngghimmnneee!" she cried out, surging and twisting, pumping, groaning, until finally the fierce jolts began to recede.

"Oh yes, honey, oh yes . . . oh honey honey . . ." Laura murmured to her, holding her, though it was awkward since her hand was still embedded in Dee Dee's throbbing cunt.

Finally, Dee Dee's body stopped undulating and twitching long enough for Laura to gently withdraw her hand, which she wiped casually on the loose sheet. Dee Dee had writhed and struggled so wildly that there were great gobs of loose sheet wrinkled and twisted beneath their bodies. Laura kissed her round shiny black shoulder.

"You, my darling, are a beautiful thing to see. I love watching you come like that. You really go wild."

Dee Dee was still bleary-eyed, still breathless. All she could say seconds later, when she finally regained her breath, was, "I wish you lived here close by so we could do this every day."

Laura smiled but realized she was thinking about the hotel staff. Dee Dee had really screamed when she came, and Laura wondered if they had been overheard. She didn't dare to mention it, though. It would somehow detract from the sheer exultant power of Dee Dee's orgasm, even at this late stage, to complain that it had been too loud.

"If we did it every day," Laura said softly, running one adoring hand over Dee Dee's marvelous naked body, which was now a little wet from perspiration, "we would be dead in a week."

"What a week," Dee Dee croaked mordantly. "I could only wish."

Laura stretched out next to her and indulged herself in a long, searching, affectionate kiss, holding Dee Dee's now-satiated body against hers and feeling her own sexual need grow much more piquant. "Tell you what," she murmured. "You do me one more time, we take a shower, and I'll take you downstairs to the bar for that drink. Only one, though. You have to behave. Then back up here for another quickie before bed. God, I think I could come just from having you look at my pussy. You made me so hot a few minutes ago. You are so beautiful when you come."

"You said that already," Dee Dee cracked, with a sardonic grin. She was already moving against Laura, kissing Laura's naked body. "Just tell me how you want it. You want me just to look at your kitty until you come?"

Laura writhed against her and panted softly, very aroused. "It may take just a little more than that. Just a little."

Dee Dee smiled. "You just hold on, girl. I got just what the doctor ordered."





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