Laura - Chapter 294
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With Makeeda in Japan, enjoying the intoxicating, exciting new ascendance of her career, Laura was curiously restless. She had enjoyed her Sunday afternoon of fucking with Sara and Sheena, and had ever since been accommodating her feelings to the fresh tilt her relationship with Sara had suddenly taken. In the background, though, there was still the deep longing for the girl who was singing her heart out in Tokyo, pouring out the emotion Laura craved over those nodding, smiling Japanese jazz fans. The following Saturday she went to the wedding of a girl who worked in her office. The reception was held on the top floor of one of the downtown hotels, and there, though Laura tried very hard to prevent it, she could not keep her eyes from straying to one of the bridesmaids, whom she had also been unable to stop staring at during the wedding itself. The only black girl in the wedding party, or actually even present at the whole wedding, this girl, though not conventionally pretty, was to Laura perfectly stunning in her lemon yellow, scoop-necked bridesmaid's dress, so dark and lovely, with a perfect smooth chest and perfect bone structure, as well as an infectious, easily-summoned smile accentuating her even white teeth. Since there was hardly any way Laura would ever get to take her to bed, she had to content herself with looking, hungering, and doing her best not to let it be seen by anyone present, least of all the girl, in whom Laura could not detect the slightest hint of sexual leaning one way or the other. The most she knew was that the girl had not come to the wedding with an escort. Her partner among the groom's men was a white jock type, who seemed totally oblivious to the girl's considerable charms and indeed was constantly clinging to his own blonde girlfriend. The pretty black girl was left on her own much of the time at the reception and occasionally asked to dance only out of duty, it seemed, by other male members of the wedding party. Laura ached to ask the girl to dance herself but did not dare, though she did get close to it when the bride led a bunch of tipsy guests, including Laura and the bridesmaid, on a snaking conga line through the party room. Laura, a little woozy from champagne, had managed to squeeze into the line directly behind the charming black girl, and when the dance finally petered out several minutes later and all participants dissolved in laughter, she found herself, as she had planned, face to face with the darling thing. "I'm Laura," she introduced herself, wiping the brief tears of laughter from her eyes, holding out her hand. "I don't think we've met." "Jamilah Franklin," the girl said, shaking Laura's hand, still giggling happily from the aftermath of the conga line merriment. "Pleased to meet you." "I think I had too much champagne," Laura confessed. "I have to sit down somewhere for a minute." "Me too," Jamilah laughed. "Over here. I think I'll collapse if I don't sit somewhere." The reception by now was dissolving more into happy chaos than before, chiefly on account of the flow of champagne, and no one really noticed Laura and Jamilah sitting together in the back of the room at a dimly lit table. They talked quietly and became genuine friends in just a few minutes. When Laura mentioned that she didn't dare drive home yet in this condition, and ideally needed a short nap first, she was really half-joking, but Jamilah immediately came up with a suggestion. "You should just come downstairs to my room and sleep it off first." When Laura looked puzzled, she went on. "We're staying here in the hotel overnight. Everyone in the wedding party. They didn't want us driving home after the reception, wanted us to have a good time, and also they've got some wedding breakfast to-do planned for the morning. They paid for everybody to stay, isn't that about the best thing you ever heard? So I have a room downstairs. Fourteenth floor. Why don't I take you down there, and you can just take a little nap and sober up. In fact," she grinned, "I think I could use one myself. I never drink champagne. It makes me all gurgly and unbalanced. We could hold onto each other on the way down, just to make sure neither one of us falls." I'll bet you don't know how good that sounds to me right now, you lovely darling, Laura thought, trying not to leer at the enchanting Jamilah, or look too closely at the smooth black skin of her chest, or the small hint of cleavage above her scoop neck bright yellow dress. I could hold onto you forever. Instead, she smiled politely. "I think that sounds like a perfectly fine idea," she said. "I wouldn't want to make you leave the party early, though. Maybe you could just show me down there, let me pass out, and come back up here for more fun." Jamilah leaned closer to Laura, across the small cocktail table, and whispered intimately. Laura could hardly bear the intensity of her sudden desire, feeling the girl so close, inhaling her fresh, girlish fragrance, looking in fascination at the smooth black skin of her neck, which she so longed to kiss. "If you want to know the truth," Jamilah whispered, "I've about had it. Mostly they won't dance with me," she said, a little wistfully, Laura thought, as if there were a small but real racist component to the refusal of the men present to dance with her, something that made her feel rejected and lonely, but something she was used to and could live with. "And I'm a little woozy too . . . just like you." She beamed at Laura. "We can just watch TV for a few minutes and then pass out together." What a divine thought, Laura felt but did not say. I would love to pass out with you. "I think I'll have to accept your invitation," she said softly, warmly, looking directly into Jamilah's black eyes to let her know that she herself was not like the stupid men here. I would dance with you any time, any place, she let her eyes say, but not so blatantly that Jamilah would see it and panic. They guided each other to the elevator, then down to the fourteenth floor. Jamilah had a little trouble with the card key, and Laura helped her. Once inside, Laura had to exert tons of self-control not to make a pass at the lovely girl. The champagne made her far less inhibited than usual, and she really wanted to grab Jamilah and kiss her ravenously. She sat on the end of one bed, since the room had two, and kicked off her shoes, acting a little drunker than she actually was, whimsical and full of pixie mischief that was a simple prelude to passing out. "I swear, I could just sink back and drop into a coma right here," she laughed, falling backward onto the mattress. Jamilah smiled at her from across the room, where she was depositing her small clutch back on the table. "Go right ahead. Nobody to disturb you. You can sleep there the whole night, if you feel like it." Laura smiled. Funny how everything seemed like a double entendre in a situation like this. I will keep my hands to myself and respect the wishes of this fetching, darling girl, she repeated over and over to herself as she slowly drifted off into a sweet champagne stupor. She had no idea how long she slept: an hour, or half the night. Slowly she drifted back to consciousness, smelling cigarette smoke, hearing the soft, mindless drone of the TV. It took a few seconds to get her cloudy eyes to focus, and there was a dull headache in the back of her skull making it difficult too. Finally, squinting, she turned her head to see Jamilah sitting cross-legged, lotus-style, on the other bed, smoking and watching the TV, which was turned down very low. She was wearing a thin white shorty nightgown with tiny bluebells all over it and spaghetti straps that allowed large swaths of her delicious smooth black skin to be visible. Obviously she doesn't know what a slut is dozing on the other bed here next to her, Laura reflected, feeling her drowsy, half-befuddled mind begin to clear. And how I want to run my hands all over her nakedness. She is so lovely like this, not knowing I'm watching her. Admiring her. Wanting her. But somehow the mysterious reflex that told someone you were looking at her suddenly kicked in, and Jamilah turned her head to face Laura. She smiled. "You finally wake up?" Laura smiled back. "How long have I been asleep?" Jamilah crinkled her nose playfully and put out her cigarette in the glass ashtray that sat on the bedspread by her pretty round knee. "Only about an hour. Did you know you snore?" She made a teasing face at Laura. "I do not!" Laura frowned, propping herself up on her elbows. Jamilah smirked playfully. "Suit yourself. Guess I was imagining that growly noise that was coming from your nose." Laura, feeling more sprightly and revived by the second, seized the opportunity. She sat up and slid off the bed, quickly joining Jamilah on the other one, lightly pinching her shapely brown arm. "I do not snore," she laughed. "Take it back." Jamilah frowned. "Won't. It's true." Laura pinched her again, but not very hard. "I'll give you ten seconds to take it back." "Or what?" Jamilah laughed, black eyes twinkling. She scooted back a little from Laura on the bedspread, and her young breasts swayed under the cloth of her nightie. Laura could see the large dark circles of her nipples through the thin white cloth, even though it was sprinkled with the bluebell pattern. Jamilah had large, deeply black nipples. Laura reached out again and touched Jamilah's bare shoulder, but this time her fingers gave it a caress instead of a pinch. Both of them could feel the change flash through their bodies. Jamilah looked down at Laura's fingertips on her shoulder. She grinned. "Better be careful or someone'll think you're a lesbian," she said, with a half-grin. Without missing a beat, Laura said boldly, though softly, "I am a lesbian. Does that bother you?" Jamilah was briefly taken aback and froze slightly, her face betraying a mild confusion Laura had not seen there before. On the other hand, she knew Laura was no real threat and realized that they had got along very well together up to now. She smiled. "No. Never had one try to get me, though." "I'm not 'trying to get you,'" Laura said softly, withdrawing her hand. "You are very attractive, though. I guess you know that." Jamilah smiled winningly, showing a lot of her even white teeth and her ebullient personality. "To some guys," she confessed. "Never knew I was to some girls too." "You are to this girl. I wish I could kiss you where I just touched you with my fingers." Jamilah shrugged and giggled softly, nervously. "Do you think that would make me a lesbian? If I let you?" Laura shook her head. "No, I don't think so. But if you'd rather not . . ." Jamilah seemed to ponder it. "What if I like it?" Now it was Laura's turn to shrug. "Nobody will know but us. I can keep a secret. Can you?" Jamilah's black eyes went briefly out of focus, as if some rapid calculation was going on in the back of her head that made strict attention impossible for the moment. Then she focused again. "I guess I can," she said quietly. "Want to try it?" Laura nodded, holding Jamilah's eyes with hers. God, do I ever want to try it, she thought. Jamilah was not really beautiful. Her eyes were set a little too widely apart, and her nose was too flat. But at this moment, yielding to Laura, solemn with sexual promise and wonder, she was almost exquisitely lovely, luminous with the sense of mystery that pervaded the room, the mystery of new sexual adventure, and at the same time soft and glowing with easy sensuality and warmth for Laura. Laura raised the same hand that had been caressing Jamilah's bare shoulder and touched the girl's smooth black cheek with one fingertip. She was tempted to move her finger over to Jamilah's wide, sensual mouth and ask to kiss it first but decided to stick to the plan. Slowly she leaned forward and brushed Jamilah's shoulder with her lips. "You have such beautiful skin," she whispered, moving her lips all over Jamilah's perfect round shoulder. Jamilah swallowed, looking down at Laura's lips on her body. "Thank you," she said in a small voice. The TV was still droning softly in the background. After a few seconds, Laura let her lips follow Jamilah's perfectly straight collarbone toward her smooth neck, jumping over the spaghetti strap of her wispy little nightgown, then kissing the flesh of her shoulder until her lips were exploring the girl's throat, working their way upward. "You have a divine neck," she whispered to Jamilah, feeling her own cunt suddenly flood with juice as she realized that fucking this darling girl was probably possible now. This time Jamilah took a little longer to reply but was as polite as before. "Thank . . . you," she murmured, tilting her head slightly to the side to make it easier for Laura's lips to crawl up and down her marvelous smooth neck. Laura's lips found the edge of her jaw, then her ear, which she made love to carefully and thoroughly, breathing into it, finally slithering her tongue into it. "I want to kiss you," she breathed. "You are so lovely. May I kiss you, Jamilah?" Jamilah was breathing harder now, and she seemed afraid that things were progressing too quickly. "I thought you were just going to kiss my shoulder," she smiled, pulling back a little from Laura. "I was," Laura confessed. "But you are so desirable. You're neck is so beautiful." Jamilah beamed. "You really think so?" She was perhaps not accustomed to being so pointedly praised, especially by men who were hungrily focused only on her breasts and her pussy. "I really do," Laura said. "I want to kiss it and kiss it. And I want to kiss your mouth." Again she moved her face closer to Jamilah's. "Are you going to let me kiss you?" "I don't know," Jamilah said frankly. "This is feeling pretty good. I'm kind of afraid we might really get into it if I let you do that." Laura grinned. "And you don't want to really get into it, right?" Jamilah looked embarrassed, as if she had been caught out. "Actually, I'm beginning to feel more and more like I do." "Tell you what," Laura proposed. "Let me kiss you once. Then, if it feels too good, we can stop." Jamilah made a funny face. "That sounds so weird. Like, if it feels too good we stop. Seems like if it feels too good, we should do more of it." Laura felt her own eyelids lowering, she was so overcome by sexual desire for this sweet girl. "Maybe we should just go with the flow, as they say." Again Jamilah looked faintly embarrassed. "You know, if we ended up doing it . . . I don't think I would know what to do. I never even imagined being in this situation before." Laura grinned warmly at her. "I guess if one of us knows, that's enough." She now leaned forward and caught Jamilah's mouth with her own before the girl could come up with any more delaying tactics. Jamilah was slightly surprised but did not pull back. She let herself be kissed. She did not really kiss Laura back at first, simply letting Laura slowly rub her lips over hers, but in a few moments she responded, kissing Laura back slowly, curving her mouth so that their lips could fit more intimately together. Laura was patient. She realized that Jamilah was now hers but had to be taken slowly, patiently, to the paradise that awaited her. Laura did not press forward quickly and was content to let their emotions intermingle first through their sweet kiss, until it slowly became warmer and more insistent, and Jamilah's lips began to part. Soon Jamilah's teeth parted enough for the tip of Laura's tongue to slip between them, though not all the way into Jamilah's mouth. All this time Laura had not touched her, but now she began to caress Jamilah's bare shoulders again with her fingertips, then her lovely long neck. She pushed her tongue more vigorously forward, until it slipped into Jamilah's warm, wet mouth. Jamilah met Laura's tongue tentatively with her own, caressing it gently, then touching Laura's cheek with her own fingertips as their kiss grew even more intimate. Laura sucked Jamilah's sensual lips and kissed her smooth forehead. "You are such a good kisser," she breathed, lowering her mouth again to Jamilah's for a more passionate assault. "So are you," Jamilah smiled before Laura's mouth caught hers again. This time, as often happened with the second kiss, they were both more uninhibited. Laura kissed her hungrily. Jamilah responded by opening her mouth wider, and even thrusting her tongue into Laura's. Laura pushed her gently down onto her back on the bed. She kissed her neck now and sucked it too, then moved her lips over to Jamilah's other shoulder. Jamilah was panting softly and even mewling softly in a faraway voice. Laura slid one hand down the flimsy nightie to the hem, then slid it back up underneath the fabric, running it along the smooth ripples of Jamilah's ribcage until the backs of her knuckles grazed the bulging, firm underside of one of the girl's breasts. Though it was impossible for her not to have noticed, Jamilah kept kissing Laura as if nothing had happened. This being the case, Laura moved her hand on up and cupped the perfect little round ball in her palm. After a little more hungry kissing and squeezing, she made a suggestion, in a low, whispery voice. "Why don't we take this off? I want to kiss the rest of your beautiful body." Jamilah's eyes looked drowsy and swirly and very sexually aroused. She was no longer offering any resistance. "Aren't you going to take yours off too?" she asked, in an almost childish voice, letting her fingers trail across the sleeve of Laura's dress. "Yes . . . I am," Laura smiled, immediately beginning to unzip and pull off her clothes. "Why don't we just get naked and get under the covers?" Jamilah, an amused smile crossing her lips, watched Laura undress. "I think I'd rather just lie here on top of the covers. I'm kind of . . . liking this, you know." Laura was down to her underwear, black and lacy, and Jamilah was staring. "I'm kind of liking it too," Laura said back with a sexy, pouty moue. "What great underwear." "Thank you." Laura turned her back and held up her mane of hair. "Please unfasten." Jamilah obliged, unhooking Laura's bra and skimming the straps off Laura's shoulders with both hands. "Have you ever done it with a black girl before?" she asked, while Laura's back was still to her. Laura dropped her hair and turned back to face her, discarding her limp bra at the same time. "A few," she breathed, eyelids heavy, her hands coming up again to Jamilah's nightgown and lifting it from the hem upward. "None as gorgeous as you, though." This was technically true since no woman was ever as gorgeous to Laura as the one she was currently making love to. And Jamilah was at this moment devastatingly lovely, soft and sexy and yielding, her young lean body amazingly black and smooth and velvety under Laura's fingertips. "You just saying that," Jamilah smiled lazily as she helped Laura lift the bluebell-sprinkled nightie up over her head. Laura glanced down and realized that she had not really been lying. Jamilah had a beautiful naked body. Some might find her a little skinny, or too bony, but not Laura, who positively relished the lean look and was totally captivated by Jamilah's perfect little breasts, so well-proportioned to her torso, beautiful little round balls with large, blacker than black nipples. Her mouth was already watering. She cradled them in her palms while kissing Jamilah again, an aching slow kiss, full of sensual tongue and emotion. While she kissed her, she rubbed her thumbs slowly back and forth across Jamilah's large black nipples, feeling the softer skin of her wide areolas tighten and the thick nubs in the centers grow harder. Finally, she dropped her mouth to one and sucked Jamilah's nipple into her mouth. It was the most heavenly moment for both of them. Laura could swear she felt a gush of fresh warm juice into her pussy at the second Jamilah's large nipple slid between her lips, and Jamilah herself gave a soft little cry, as if what she had been anticipating had finally happened, and it had been even better than she had expected. "Oh!" Without releasing Jamilah's nipple from her lips, Laura raised her eyes. Jamilah's face was twisted in a smile of intense pleasure. Laura sucked her wet nipple hard enough to make Jamilah's mouth twist even more sharply, and her brow furrow. "Ohhh!" "You like that?" she inquired softly, licking the shiny black bulb. "Oh . . . yes!" "Do you want me to do it to the other one?" This time her eyes caught Jamilah's, whose eyes now seemed to reflect for the first time her knowledge that she was going to be treated to a sexual experience unlike any she had yet experienced. "Yes," she nodded. "Oh! God, Laura, you make it feel so good!" "You have such beautiful big nipples," Laura panted, now sucking and licking them more passionately, pinching one damp one in her thumb and forefinger while she sucked the other, going back and forth between Jamilah's lovely breasts rapidly. "Oh . . . oh," Jamilah gasped softly. "It's making my pussy so wet." Laura smiled up at her. As if you had to tell me, darling. Mine's pretty sloppy too about now. She let her mouth depart from Jamilah's scrumptious wet black nipples long enough to rise up and kiss her mouth again savagely. "Mmmm, all wet with sweet fuck juice for me to lick?" she murmured to the panting girl. Jamilah kissed her back hungrily, then smiled as Laura drew back. "I never knew it could be this hot. I mean with a girl." "May I lick your pussy?" Laura asked, half-laughing, as Jamilah did too, over how polite this request sounded. "You better," Jamilah laughed. "If you don't, I'm going to have to make myself come with my hand." "Oh," Laura teased, sliding again slowly down Jamilah's lovely, writhing body, "are we that close to coming? I don't think Laura will like that because Laura loves to lick a pretty wet pussy just about forever." She looked up and winked at Jamilah, who was about to burst from sweet sexual anticipation. "I don't think we can let you come for a few more minutes at least." She could hardly prevent herself from lingering anyway over the girl's hard, rippling abdominal muscles. Like Jane, Jamilah had a beautiful, hard, rippling midriff, not because she worked out but merely because she was young, had been born with it, and had not yet aged enough for it to deteriorate. Her stomach muscles were hard and velvety at the same time, and Laura kissed and stroked them hungrily, letting one hand drop between Jamilah's yawning thighs at the same time, letting her fingers toy with the greasy, parted lips of Jamilah's now-inflamed pussy. "Oh! Oh!" Jamilah gasped, twisting more energetically than before. "Oh Laura!" "Calm down, honey," Laura soothed her in a low, patient voice. "You're going to get there. I just want to enjoy your fantastic body first. Okay?" "Yes . . . unhhhh! Yes! Oh!" She realized that Jamilah was a good subject. Her body was very sensitive and responded eagerly to Laura's kisses and caresses. Laura did not know if she usually came fast or not, but occasionally women let you know if they came slowly, or with difficulty, and Jamilah had not mentioned it. From the way she was panting and moaning and squirming, Laura figured she would not have any trouble eliciting quick and crushing climaxes from this lovely young body. Her only problem would be to keep them from erupting too quickly. And the more she kissed and stroked Jamilah's heavenly young flesh, the more it seemed to be a problem. This girl is going to come in seconds, if I'm not careful, she thought, teasing Jamilah's nubby navel with the tip of her tongue. She's going to spoil all my fun. What a delicious smooth, hard young body. I want to fuck her forever. Still, she knew that if they got past this moment, Jamilah would be hers. A night of slow, glorious fucking awaited them, and she only had to bring Jamilah to the paradise she was so clearly yearning for to make the delicious girl her love slave for the next few hours. It was only when she finally slid lower and came upon Jamilah's exquisite pussy that these thoughts went out the window. Oh my god, I don't want this ever to end, Laura thought. What a beautiful pussy! Jamilah's blossoming cunt was too perfect for belief, beautifully shaped, sexily puckered and wet and dark pink inside, and when Laura pulled the labia open even further with her fingers, she exposed a large wet expanse of raw flesh, larger than normal it seemed, a hot glistening wet patch of cunt meat that she suddenly felt a fierce urge to press her own flooding pussy against. I can't let her come until I've felt this, she thought, suddenly twisting her own body so that she could bring their crotches together. Jamilah was totally submissive, gazing up at Laura with throbbing eyes, her body pliant and obediently as Laura positioned their legs, slipping one of hers under one of Jamilah's and scooting forward until her own hot, oozing cunt pushed into the girl's gaping wet slit, which she held open with two fingers. She held her own open too with another two fingers and felt briefly like a surgeon making sure to bring about a precise connection of their hot, squirmy, wet flesh. When it did happen, both of them felt a stream of sweet sexual electricity flow between their bodies. "Unhhh! Oh!" Jamilah gasped as their pussies pressed together. Laura felt her own body sag momentarily in the wild flux of emotion and sharp physical pleasure that flooded her flesh as she felt Jamilah's hot pussy sliding against hers. "Unhhh! Oh god . . .yes!" she too gasped, her head falling back, her body limp with sexual bliss but then quickly filling again with fierce sexual urgency. Sometimes it was hard actually to come this way, but this time Laura didn't care one way or another. She wanted to fuck Jamilah like this for an hour before making her come. And Jamilah seemed to have no objections to it. She was sunk in a groggy sexual trance, her face transfixed by a sexual pleasure so intense that it was hard to know if she was even focusing on Laura's face as Laura began to grind slowly and push their wet pussies together in a rhythmic undulation that made a slow sensual pulsation radiate through both of their bodies. "Do you like it . . . honey?" Laura asked her softly after a minute of it. "Oh . . . yes . . . oh god, yes . . . Laura . . . I love it!" Jamilah panted. "I never knew it . . . could be . . . this way . . . ohhnnnnnn!" "Hold on, honey. Don't come yet." I'm so selfish, Laura thought. After all, what does it matter if she comes? I can make her come again. And what about me? I feel like I'm going to come myself, except I'm doing everything I can to postpone it. This is the purest heaven, and I want it to go on and on. Patiently, she gyrated her pussy slowly into Jamilah's, feeling their slippery, sensitive wet pussy flesh glide together, watching Jamilah's facial contortions, and her lovely young breasts and deeply black nipples sway and swirl as her body moved in response to Laura's gentle thrusts. Laura could still fuck her while leaning forward, and so she got her hands on them both, content just to squeeze them and watch the pleasure make Jamilah grimace. "Oh god, I think it's going to make me come . . ." Jamilah finally half-sighed, her eyes suddenly catching Laura's, showing a hint of panic and expectation, as if she had known that an orgasm would finally arrive but was still surprised to realize it. But Laura again had other plans. "Not yet," she whispered, panting more vigorously now herself, and surprising herself by the way she suddenly swarmed over Jamilah's lovely naked body like a sexual tornado. In a fit of sharp passion, she disengaged their groins and squirmed forward, embracing Jamilah roughly, sucking her smooth black neck and squeezing her lovely young breasts, ravishing her large black nipples again, feeling Jamilah undulate and whimper under her, thrilled by this fresh hot onslaught of sexual hunger. Laura was a demon, stroking and sucking and kissing the girl's wonderful lean body and sliding down again between Jamilah's quivering thighs, wanting desperately to bury her lips in the girl's frothing slit. "Unhhhhh! Oh . . . oh Laura . . . yes! Unhhhh! Oh god, yes!" Jamilah gasped, writhing now wildly under Laura's feverish caresses. "Oh yes . . . unnggghhh!" She groaned as Laura's mouth finally found her beautiful pussy. And Laura was not gentle. The time for gentleness had passed, and both were tense and frantic for release. Laura tongued and sucked and fingered Jamilah's beautiful black-lipped pussy in a kind of frenzy she knew the girl had never experienced before, sucking her clit, sucking the entire little hood that covered it too, sucking the whole upper portion of Jamilah's flowing pussy into her mouth and lashing Jamilah's swollen clit with her tongue. Go ahead, honey, you can come now! she thought, wildly sucking Jamilah's flooding cunt, and squeezing Jamilah's delicious hard little ass cheeks with her hands. Jamilah needed no prompting. Laura had already brought her body to the summit, and this swarming sexual assault merely put her over the top. She keened and whimpered and panted and squirmed, finally clenching and groaning and coming in sharp, jolting convulsions. "Annnggghhhaaauunnnggghhh!" she cried out, so loudly that Laura suddenly remembered, in the midst of this sharp climax, that they were in a hotel room, where passersby in the hall would hear their sexual cries. "Ohhnnnggghhhh!" Jamilah groaned loudly again, her body flipping and surging off the mattress as shock after orgasmic shock ripped through her silky flesh. "Ohhnnggg . . . oh god . . . oh shit!" "Yes . . . honey . . . yes, yes, do it, go for it . . ." Laura cooed to her, at the same time running her hand over Jamilah's mouth in case another huge groan should escape. But Jamilah was finished, not with her orgasm, which continued to wrench and shake her body, but with her loud cries at least. She now only moaned and quivered as the aftershocks gripped her. For another minute she gasped and panted through the aftermath, her body slowly relaxing, her breath returning to normal. Laura slid up slowly and embraced her, kissing her smooth black cheek, cradling one marvelous breast in her hand and brushing Jamilah's wide black areola with her thumb. Jamilah blinked. "Hope they didn't hear me upstairs at the reception," she grinned, croaking softly. "They would only be envious," Laura smiled. "In fact, I'm envious myself." In a smooth, fluid motion, she lifted herself up and straddled Jamilah's waist, reaching down to her crotch with one hand at the same time and spreading her cunt lips again with two fingers, then pressing all of her wet inner pussy meat into Jamilah's hard abdominals. "Oh godddddd, that feels good!" she sighed, rubbing her pussy back and forth on the silky, ripply heaven of Jamilah's stomach muscles. Jamilah looked up into Laura's eyes as if this were both the weirdest and most exciting thing she had ever seen. But she was quickly participating herself, realizing from Laura's grunting frenzy how close Laura was to a fierce orgasm. Laura was nearly out of control, riding Jamilah's supine body roughly, grinding her pussy into the girl's stomach, while Jamilah responded by squirming her body up into Laura's crazy thrusts, holding Laura's clenching thighs with her hands and meeting each one of Laura's gyrations with one of her own. "Unh! Unh! Unh! Oh god! Unhhhhh!" Laura grunted, tossing her head back, then leaning forward in the sweet delirium that preceded her climax, reaching down to clutch both of Jamilah's luscious little breasts in her hands, now jabbing and bucking maniacally into the girl's hard flesh. It only took about thirty seconds of this for her to explode in one of the most wrenching, rupturing orgasms she had had in weeks. It seemed to rip up through her body from the exact spot where her greasy cunt meat was welded to Jamilah's now-slippery stomach, shaking her and making her muscles stiffen and relax in a sharp rhythm of shocking pleasure. She fell forward helplessly so that her breasts temporarily mashed into Jamilah's face, then let forth a loud cry as Jamilah's lips found one of her throbbing nipples and sucked hard, bringing another fierce jolt of orgasmic rapture to her aching pussy. "Auunngggghhhhnnmmm!" she groaned loudly, laughing slightly as she again realized that they were making unconscionable noise here and might be overheard. She buried her face in the sheet next to Jamilah's head and let another muffled scream erupt. "Mmmmnngggnniieennngggg! Oh! Oh!" Her breast slipped from Jamilah's mouth as she writhed, but Jamilah held tight, her fingertips tenderly stroking Laura's back as Laura's wild orgasm finally waned. She did not let go until Laura's breath returned nearly to normal, and she began to stir. "I'm afraid I made your tummy pretty wet," she apologized to Jamilah as she slowly climbed off. And indeed Jamilah's midriff was pretty wet, shiny and rippling and so inviting that Laura almost felt like a repeat performance. She smiled up at Laura, still a little stunned and awed by what had happened. "That's all right," she said in a hushed voice. "If you can come like that, you can use my tummy any time. I never knew anybody could come like that. Rubbing, like that. Makes sense, though." "Here, let me get you a towel." Laura hopped off the bed and returned from the bathroom in seconds with towels. She handed one to Jamilah. "You better do it yourself. If I look at your stomach again, all gooey like that, I might be tempted to take another ride." This was terribly funny to Jamilah, who erupted in soft, infectious laughter. "Laura, you are something else. I never met anyone like you. I've known a few guys who liked my titties . . . and my booty . . . but nobody ever wanted to fuck my stomach." She gasped and finally wept with laughter, wiping the happy tears from the corners of her eyes. They coiled together and kissed, now more tenderly, less urgently, than before. "I think we better be more careful next time," Laura murmured in her ear. "The way we were both screaming, those people upstairs at the reception are going to want to come down here and join the fun." Jamilah smiled, showing her rows of even white teeth. "Next time? You mean we ain't finished?" To Laura she looked like she couldn't believe it, but also thought it was a terrific idea. Laura kissed her mouth hungrily. "Let's give ourselves a few minutes to rest, okay? But I'm not going anywhere until you kick me out." Jamilah's eyes sparkled. "Well, I ain't kicking. Guess you have to stay here and turn me into a lesbian all night." "Believe me, honey, it will be my pleasure," Laura said, running her hands all over the girl's delicious naked body. They did take a short break, though, since Jamilah wanted to smoke a cigarette. "I can't help it," she explained to Laura. "I always have a smoke after I have an orgasm." Her eyelids grew heavy as she puffed. "I never had one like that before, though. I want you to know you made me come harder than I ever did, even when I do myself, which is rare." "Mmmm," Laura kissed her, tasting tobacco smoke on her lips and tongue. "I'm going to make you come even harder than that. I'm going to make you wish you were a lesbian, not just a visitor to paradise." Jamilah giggled and looked shy and embarrassed, like the small fetching child she had clearly been just years earlier. "I think I might like it enough to stay," she squinted at Laura bashfully, squashing out her cigarette in the glass ashtray, then carefully moving it to the bedstand. Laura pulled her back down on the bed and kissed her joyously, hugging her hard, pushing their naked bodies together fervently. "I can't keep my hands off you, you sexy thing," she breathed, again sucking Jamilah's lovely black neck and shoulders, squeezing her breasts, dropping her lips to them. "Thought you said we were going to rest," Jamilah said softly as Laura lips again closed over one of her large, beautiful, coal-black nipples. "How could I rest when I could be sucking these?" Laura smiled up at her. "Do you know what gorgeous breasts you have?" "They're okay, I guess. Sure feels good the way you do that. You suck hard, you know that? Unhhh! See what I mean? Oh!" "Too hard?" Laura looked up, faintly alarmed. Jamilah smiled and shook her head. "Shit, I love it. Makes my titties feel like they're gonna explode." "Well, we can't have that, can we," Laura panted, sliding up to kiss her mouth savagely again. "They're too beautiful to explode. I guess I'll have to explore the rest of this marvelous body and leave them alone for a little while." She maneuvered Jamilah onto her stomach and began to rub her back, giving her the expert Laura massage that soon involved kissing and rubbing her own naked breasts against Jamilah's beautiful warm flesh. "Ohhhhh Laura . . . that feels so wonderful," Jamilah purred drowsily. "You're fingers are magic. If you keep it up, I might fall asleep." "Mmmmm, I have my doubts," Laura murmured, moving lower, kissing the small of Jamilah's back while kneading the girl's firm round buns with her fingers. "You have an absolutely beautiful ass to go along with the rest of your beautiful body." Jamilah looked back over her shoulder and smiled a cute crinkly-nosed smile at Laura. "I was wondering when you'd get around to it," she breathed proudly. "Some people think my booty is my best feature." "They wouldn't get any quarrel from me," Laura murmured, kissing the smooth black cheeks with slow, sensual passion. Jamilah enjoyed it for a few minutes, and Laura knew precisely how to make her enjoy it. She was enjoying it immensely herself. And the thick musky odor of Jamilah's reawakened pussy was beginning to drift up to her nostrils, letting her know that more sweet fucking was only minutes away. "Some guys want to fuck me in my ass," Jamilah panted softly, now beginning to squirm. "I think they get that from watching too many porno flicks, don't you? You wouldn't do that to me, would you? I mean, lesbians don't do that, do they? Like, with their fingers or something?" "Did you ever let them?" Laura inquired, letting her lips descend into the shadowy moist crack between Jamilah's delicious round cheeks. "Are you kidding!" Jamilah frowned, looking back over her shoulder again, though this time it was harder to see Laura, who had slid down lower. "Push that big hard thing up my ass? That's gotta hurt. I tell them in no uncertain terms that they can forget about that shit." Laura continued as if this little outburst were perfect normal. "I wouldn't do anything you didn't want," she reassured the delicious girl. "I know a girl, though, who says anal sex is rad. She loves getting it there." "Really?" Jamilah lifted her head entirely up off the mattress and looked back, incredulous. "I can't believe it. She white or black?" "Actually, she's black, but I don't think that has anything to do with it. Some girls just like it and others don't. It's like Coke or Pepsi." Jamilah frowned. "Coke and Pepsi don't hurt." "Anal sex doesn't hurt either, if you do it right." Jamilah pondered this while Laura nipped the round smooth bottoms of her gorgeous buttocks. "So . . . how do you give it to her there if you don't have a cock?" Laura smiled at her. "I do have one. I just didn't bring it with me. Didn't seem like a wedding was actually the occasion . . ." "You mean you really use one of those things like they show in the dirty pictures? Those fake ones that you strap on to your crotch?" "I have been known to use one from time to time," Laura said, tiring of this conversation and slipping two fingers down under Jamilah's jutting ass cheeks and into her warm wet pussy in order to distract her. "Unhhhh!" Jamilah gasped, her eyes going briefly glassy, and her head flopping back down onto the mattress. "Oh GOD, that feels good!" Laura did not reply but spent the next several minutes slowly fucking Jamilah's increasingly wet and tight little pussy with two fingers while continuing to kiss, suck, and gently bite her lovely round buns. Jamilah twisted and whinnied softly, her smooth buttocks clenching each time Laura gingerly sank her teeth into the firm dark flesh. "Ooohh, you like that, don't you," Laura purred. "Oh shit, Laura, I never knew anybody who could make me want it so bad. You evil, girl." Jamilah giggled, but it was a taut, tense, pent-up sexual giggle. "Oh, I'm even worse than you think," Laura smiled, parting Jamilah's hard ass cheeks with the fingers of one hand enough for her to wriggle her tongue down to Jamilah's pretty little dark rosebud. She only touched it with the tip of her tongue, but Jamilah shrieked and jackknifed, abruptly throwing Laura to the side. Jamilah giggled apologetically this time, and turned to Laura, half-sitting up. "I told you not to do that," she said with a broad grin. Laura gave her an innocent look. "I only touched it. Just to remind you how sensitive it is." Jamilah frowned playfully. "It ain't 'rad' to me. You better just cut it out." Laura made a long face. "Sorry. I promise not to do it again." "You sure?" Jamilah's black eyes were positively sparkling. She seemed to be enjoying this so much that Laura found herself wondering if the girl really didn't want it to happen again. "I promise I will not touch your pretty little asshole again with my tongue. How's that?" "Or your finger?" Laura nodded. "Promise." Jamilah melted. She came into Laura's outstretched arms eagerly, letting herself be kissed, then kissed more heatedly. Laura's hands were all over her breasts, then the rest of her body. Jamilah's eyes glazed over, and her breath came fast. "Can we do that pussy pussy thing again for a few minutes? Feeling your pussy against mine like that was the most beautiful thing I ever felt. It made me . . . I don't know . . . it made me feel like I was just going to dissolve. And then come." "We can do whatever you want, darling," Laura purred, again unable to resist a brief visit to Jamilah's stunning large black nipples. "I can't get enough of these." Jamilah grimaced with pleasure. "They're going to get sore if you keep sucking them that hard." "Mmmmm," Laura grinned up at her, holding one wet black bulb lightly between her teeth, "something to remember me by tomorrow." Jamilah held Laura's head in both hands and pushed her breast into Laura's mouth. "Don't think I'm ever going to forget this." Laura sucked and Jamilah whimpered happily for another minute. Laura then maneuvered her own body so that she could do a little more scissors trib with Jamilah. This time there was less urgency, less fresh wonder on Jamilah's part, and more intention to simply enjoy it and milk every last sexual sensation out of this peculiar practice. That being the case, Laura was determined to help her enjoy it totally. This time they began slowly, and Jamilah was a full participant, her eyes pulsing as they held Laura's, her hips undulating rhythmically in a smoldering fuck motion. Laura turned onto her side so that she could mash her wet cunt even better into Jamilah's, and held Jamilah's long leg close to her body, stroking Jamilah's smooth black calf and kissing her shin, feeling the slow, sensual shivers pass through Jamilah's lovely young body as the sexual fever began to rise. Laura loved it but could not stay in this position too long. She knew she might never have more than this one night with the delicious Jamilah and could not resist the urge to consume the girl completely. In only seconds they were whimpering and grinding energetically, their pelvises undulating in unison, their wet cunt lips and sopping crotch hairs sliding and crunching together, their pulses racing wildly. Jamilah especially seemed to let her true voracious lusts out this time, pumping back vigorously into each of Laura's swirling thrusts, groaning and mewling and letting her hands race over every part of Laura's body that she could reach. "Oh Laura . . . " "Yes . . . honey . . . yes . . ." Laura sighed back, twisting her own body to fit even closer to this girl's sweet, supple, smooth, vibrant flesh, turning and leaning, sucking her black neck, squeezing Jamilah's firm young breasts as they twisted and slid together, coiling and surging, and scissoring her groin, jamming her own wet pussy into the girl's squinchy warm cunt meat. "Oh . . . Laura . . . unhhhhhhhh! Oh!" Laura could feel every little dip and rise, every little wavelet and surprising undulation in Jamilah's fresh sexual response, every slightest indication that she was either closer or not yet close enough to an ultimate meltdown. Jamilah twisted and coiled under her, finally lying back and gazing up at Laura as Laura herself rose to a perpendicular angle over her and began to slowly grind-fuck Jamilah's pussy in deliberate swirling hip motions. "Jamilah . . . you are . . . so beautiful . . ." she panted softly, gazing into Jamilah's pulsing black eyes, almost whispering it, but knowing Jamilah could hear her, though the girl was long gone in a sweet trance of sexual delirium. Though clit-sucking orgasms like the one she had delivered the first time were usually more powerful and certainly more reliable than trib-induced ones, Laura sensed that this time Jamilah was going to come merely from this sweet, relentless undulation, and she kept up the pressure accordingly. She could even feel the telltale stirrings in her own body, the knowledge that nothing but this intense connection was required for both of them to reach the top. "Oh honey . . . oh honey!" she began to pant, pumping more desperately now, knowing she was about to come, and Jamilah too. "Yes . . . yes!" Jamilah panted, her mouth slack, her eyes unfocused, her breathing very rapid. Her small, firm breasts swirled as she pumped back into Laura's grinding thrusts, the large black circles of her nipples swirling too until Laura's fingers covered them, scissoring and tweaking them as she accelerated the pace. "Unhh! Unhh!" she heard herself panting as she fucked Jamilah, squeezing the girl's lovely naked breasts with her fingers, twisting Jamilah's damp, thick nipples, her own soft grunts mingling with Jamilah's gasps and tight little whimpers. "Mnneee . . . mnneee . . ." "Oh honey . . . are you going to come?" "Mnnneee . . . oh . . . oh Laura . . . yes . . . oh yes . . ." "Oh . . . me too!" Laura reached down between their sopping wet groins one last time. All the grinding and pumping made it truly impossible to glue the wet, slippery flesh of their inner cunts together for very long, and she spread her own lips, then Jamilah's, so that they could again feel the most intimate contact of all as a prelude to their certain orgasms. The feel of Jamilah's hot, wet meat pressing against hers sent a shiver of piercing pleasure through Laura's body. She could see the sparks ignite in Jamilah's black eyes too as the sensations roiled through her flesh. "Oh . . . come with me now, honey . . . come with me now . . ." Laura panted to her, gyrating more rapidly and roughly now, hearing the end of the bed hammer sporadically against the wall as she pumped harder and harder. It was mortifying to think they were making this noise, and yet the hot urgency in their striving bodies was so fierce that Laura could not stop the rhythm. And Jamilah met her each step of the way, gnawing her full lower lip, her eyes on fire as she pushed her groin roughly up into each of Laura's thrusts. Their undulations became sharper, more desperate. "Unnhhh . . . unhhhh!" Jamilah grunted softly. "Auungghh!" Laura groaned. "Oh yes! Oh yes, honey!" "Mnnnggeee! Oh!" Oh, we're going to come together! Laura thought, with a wild inner whoop of exultation. But it was too good to be true. She realized it as she suddenly began to come herself and realized in a split second that Jamilah was still seconds behind her. The orgasm that overtook Laura was unlike any she had had for weeks, a glowing, swelling, radiant ember that grew in intensity inside her womb until all her flesh was paralyzed by the agonizing pleasure. It was so intense that she had to stop moving and was only vaguely aware of Jamilah's continued gasping and thrusting as she too hurtled for the finish line. And then she felt Jamilah shudder, and heard her cry out, a more unguarded cry than before. "Ohhnnggg! Mnnggeeeeee!" Jamilah wailed, her lovely supple black body suddenly flipping and surging off the bed, still scissoring Laura's groin and pumping furiously as an overwhelming climax shook her. Somehow Jamilah's cries released Laura's own and she heard herself groaning and whinnying as the last clenching force of her own orgasm faded. "Unnnhhhh . . . ohnnnnn! Oh god . . . honey . . . here, hold me . . . let me hold you," she gasped to Jamilah, twisting her body to embrace the still shuddering girl, now sliding against her and kissing her bare round shoulder as Jamilah continued to come. Finally, Jamilah's breathing slowed, and she blinked. For a few moments her body was calm, but then she had aftershocks. Her eyes rolled up, and her flesh shuddered noticeably. "Unhhhhh!" Laura smiled and held her, feeling a few tiny aftershocks herself. "Wow, that was so intense," she whispered into Jamilah's marvelous shiny black ear. Jamilah let out a small, half-embarrassed giggle. "I only came like that, I mean that hard, once. It was when I thought I was in love with this guy. He was a turd, really. But I just came like that because my feeling for him was so deep." She smiled innocently at Laura. "Not that you and I could ever be that way," she explained. "You just did it 'cause you knew what to do. To make me come that way, I mean." "I think you did it yourself," Laura reassured her. Jamilah crinkled her nose at Laura. "I think I'm going to have to find a pussy to push mine against, if I can't have yours." "Who says you can't have mine?" Laura teased, tickling her tenderly. "If you can put up with my snoring, no telling what we might accomplish together before morning." Jamilah grinned. It was as if it had not occurred to her before now that Laura would spend the night, that they were not finished. She leaned forward and kissed Laura's cheek with her thick, sensual lips. "Tell you what. If you do that to me again, you can spend every night with me."
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