Laura - Chapter 293



At the end of the week, Laura almost hated to go home. It wasn't so much because of Ada and Marie, though she would have died for another night with each of them. But their partners would be returning, if they had not already returned, making things much more complicated for both of them.

Her fear of returning was due to her certainty that she would now come face to face again with Makeeda, and whatever was causing this vague anxiety and dread would finally be made plain. Makeeda had somehow mysteriously changed between the time she had left Laura the song on her voice mail and her return from her club engagement in L.A. Laura had been happily in love, and then had been plunged into the deepest misery and pain by Makeeda's evasive ambivalence.

She still did not know what was going on, and she flew home full of trepidation at the thought that she would now find out. It did not, somehow, help that there was a message from Makeeda on her voice mail, though ordinarily she would have died with happiness to discover one.

"Laura. It's me. Call me when you get in. You have to call before Sunday morning, 7 a.m. After that . . . too late. Call me."

It was a very brusque and emotionless message, just the kind Laura dreaded, and it made her heart fall even farther. Furthermore, this warning that she must call before Sunday morning or it would be 'too late' filled her with alarm. What could that mean? Too late? Was it over between them? How could it be over when they had barely started? She knew Makeeda felt about her the same way that . . .

Or did she? Oh god. Laura was afraid even to pick up the phone.

She had a drink to calm herself, and paced her condo from front to back many times. God, I love her! she realized. How can she be so cold? How can I call her without breaking into tears? But she realized she had to get it over with. After fifteen minutes of pacing, she steeled herself for the worst and went to the phone, standing instead of sitting so she would at least feel agile and ready to dodge the hardest blow.

She realized halfway through dialing that she would probably have to leave a message too, since it was already Saturday evening and Makeeda would be at work. But to her surprise, Makeeda answered.

"Oh hi, Laura. I'm glad you could call before tomorrow morning." So cold.

"I thought you might be at work. I . . . missed you."

Makeeda let that go by. "How was Dallas?"

"Oh . . . just work work work. I . . . thought about you the entire time."

"You didn't call." Makeeda's voice was not accusatory, only factual. "You said you were going to call."

"I . . . didn't know if you wanted me to call. You've been so . . . distant."

"Sorry. A lot on my mind. Look, we can't get together because my agent got me this three-week engagement in Tokyo." Her sterile voice suddenly brightened. "Can you believe that? Oh god, I'm so excited. The Japanese are very big on jazz, you know. They hired me to sing in this great club in Tokyo. For three weeks! Oh god, I thought I might have heart failure when she called and told me. They're paying for my flight, my hotel, everything. I have to leave early tomorrow morning. That's why I said to call before then."

"I'm so happy for you," Laura said. She truly was. It meant she wouldn't see Makeeda for three more weeks, but that might not be all bad since she had sensed that their meeting would be somehow unpleasant, if not a calamity, for her.

Makeeda's tone changed. She became genuinely solicitous, and her voice softened. "I know you are, Laura. I believe you," she said, much warmer now. "Thank you for being happy for me."

A hint of the feeling Laura knew Makeeda had had for her in the beginning came through in her voice. This brightened Laura a little. "I hate not seeing you. You know it doesn't have anything to do with sex." Laura was blunt. "I love you. I can't stand not seeing you."

As usual, this confession made Makeeda uncomfortable. She paused. Laura could hear her breathing nervously on the other end of the line. "Tell you what," she finally said. "I'll call you from Tokyo. I'm not sure of the time difference but I'll figure it out and call you when you're home."

"Don't be like me, okay?" Laura teased her. "Don't say you're going to call if you're not."

"I'll be busy, you know. Singing . . . rehearsing. All that. I'll try to remember."

Laura noticed that her 'I love you' confession had simply been swept away and buried by this talk of Makeeda calling from Tokyo. "I'll die if I don't get to see you soon," Laura said, plaintively.

"Laura, don't make it harder," Makeeda snapped, though softly, not nastily.

Laura swallowed. She realized that her pulse was beating wildly in her neck, and that she was flushed and even sweating a little. She was glad Makeeda could not see her in this state. "I won't," she said, also softly. "Please call me when you get back."

"I'll call you while I'm over there. Look . . . don't be upset, okay? Really. Don't be upset."

"Okay," Laura sniffled. She wanted to say something deeply moving and penetrating before they hung up but could think of nothing. She could not say 'I love you' again. "Have a good flight, okay?"

"Twelve hours. How can that be good?" Makeeda gave a phony laugh, realizing too that this was a painful moment in a painful conversation. "I'll try. See you when I get back."

"Yes," Laura said, hanging up. Feeling empty and unloved.

But she told herself again to be strong. Be strong. No whining. If she doesn't love you, you'll survive. She told you how important her career is to her. You know her relationship with Diane fell apart over it. You know that. And you really are so thrilled for her that she got this Tokyo job. Aren't you? Don't be selfish, now. You can hold her and kiss her when she gets back.

"I hope," Laura said glumly, aloud. She had another drink.

The next day, as if to make matters worse, though it was no fault of hers, Sara called. In her haste to pack for Dallas and her maelstrom of emotions over Makeeda, Laura had completely forgotten to tell Sara she was leaving town. She wondered in the back of her mind whether her lapse was intentionally unintentional, as if she were getting back at Sara for her nurse by not telling her.

But the sound of her voice, independent of Laura's emotional turmoil over Makeeda or her veiled hostility to Sara's current flare for her odious nurse, suddenly plunged Laura back into the warm, cozy, and almost volcanically sexy feelings she had long enjoyed with Sara. We've had such good times! A warm, throbbing glow filled Laura's body. We've had such great, sweet, emotional fucking. It feels so bad to lose it all.

Sara may have felt the same way. "I was worried about you," she said, her voice full of concern. "I . . . miss seeing you."

Laura came up with an elaborate apology, most of it true, about her trip to Dallas. "I miss you too."

And she did. She missed Sara palpably, with a heavy longing in her chest, and a warm ache in her pussy. She did not see any contradiction in this to her feelings for Makeeda, which were more intense and urgent, but no less genuine. She could not stop loving Sara instantaneously, simply because Sara was now sharing her body with someone else. Sunday had always been their special day together, and they were probably still feeling the pull of it.

"Why don't you come over?" Sara suggested. Even though her voice, uttering this invitation, suddenly sounded a little odd and stagy to Laura, she clearly meant it. "Come on over here and spend some time with me."

"I guess I could," Laura said softly. "I'm pretty tired, but it would be great to see you."

Sara brightened. "Good! I'll put on a pot of tea. See you in a few minutes."

But Laura took her time. She moved as if she were walking under tons of sea water, at the bottom of the ocean, moving in slow motion, her mind and body filled with conflicting feelings and thoughts. It was hard being in love with two women at the same time, women so different, one who seemed on the verge of completely rejecting her, so peremptory and distant, while the other had been openly sleeping with someone else, sort of daring Laura to feel bad about it. It was hard even to negotiate these complicated emotions. She moved as if in a daze, driving an hour later to Sara's apartment and having, when she got there, the curious sensation of being dropped down from the sky here in Ocean View without the memory of driving there herself.

"Well, look who has finally arrived," Sara said as she opened the door, crossing her eyes and making one of her hysterically funny faces. "I guess I'll have to heat up the tea. I expected you an hour ago."

"Sorry," Laura mumbled. "Couldn't get it in gear. Maybe it's jet lag."

"From Dallas?" Sara cracked. "That's like walking down to Walgreen's and back."

Laura followed her up the stairs and into her apartment. There, sitting on the sofa in Sara's small living room, the same sofa on which Laura had sat a hundred times, was a tall, lovely, and very dark—much darker than Sara—woman wearing blue jeans and a pink tank top, with an easy, languid smile that seemed both friendly and laced with mysterious, potent sensuality. Laura instantly concluded that this must be Sara's nurse, her new fuck-buddy, and that Sara had purposely not mentioned that she would be here for fear it would keep Laura away.

Sara could see Laura's consternation, though Laura was trying to hide it. "Laura, this is Sheena Patterson. Sheena . . . Laura. Sheena's the nurse I told you about at work."

Laura smiled uncomfortably. "So I figured." She went in measured steps across the room and took Sheena's shapely, warm, black hand. "So pleased to meet you, Sheena."

She knew Sara would expect her to be jealous, and touchy, and overly sensitive about this meeting, and so she did her best to be the opposite. You're not catching me in your little sly traps, Sara Paige, she thought. Why would you invite me over when she's here?

Nevertheless, she felt mighty uneasy. Two things nettled her. One, she could not help feeling that they had cooked this up together. Why don't you come over and spend some time with me, Sara had said on the phone. But they had planned this; not, Laura conceded, just to see her discomfort, but really to draw her into an event, a sexual encounter, that would at once soothe Laura's fears about betrayal and also make them feel better about so radically changing Laura's and Sara's past relationship. Laura had never realized Sara could be so devious, and yet there were often hidden parts of a person's character that rarely appeared until forced out by necessity. Look at Marie, for example, she reasoned.

Two, Sheena Patterson, Sara's nurse, was the kind of woman Laura would have hungered for no matter where she saw her. Not only did she have that lazy, molten smile and alluring, I'll-bet-you-want-to-fuck-me eyes. She was also very black and smooth, with long, well-shaped arms and shoulders, completely visible due to the thin straps of her tank top, and full, swelling breasts under it. Long and slender with full breasts, very black. A combination Laura was exceptionally vulnerable to. Of course, Sara knew nothing of this since Laura had been careful not to let her eyes stray. Sara knew little about her previous girlfriends, and when the actual temptation to stray seriously had finally come, it had been Makeeda who totally captured Laura's heart. Makeeda, who looked very little like this stunning Sheena, the nurse.

All these reflections happened in the space of less than a minute, and since Laura appeared vaguely abstracted anyway—the jet lag excuse she had given to Sara—neither Sara nor Sheena seemed puzzled by her silence. Sheena smiled again and moved a little to the side on the small sofa, as if to offer her a seat there, and Laura felt too embarrassed not to take it.

"Be right back with tea for all," Sara announced, heading for her small kitchen, which was just around the corner.

"Make it Calistoga for me, Sara," Sheena called after her. "I'm tea'd out." She smiled, very friendly, at Laura. "Sara is a tea nut," she half-whispered, leaning toward Laura. "Tea for everything."

"I know," Laura smiled back.

"Oops, I'm sorry," Sheena said, genuinely abashed at having brought up something that clearly everyone hoped would remain unspoken; that is, Sara's and Laura's prior relationship. "Of course you do." She placed the four long, tapered, black fingers of one hand on Laura's bare arm, an intimate gesture that Laura found curiously arousing. "I guess . . . you've had lots of . . . tea," she half-giggled in a low, throaty voice.

"I've had my fair share," Laura said, with a tight smile.

She was wondering if she ought not to stand up and leave right now. This was not going to work. She felt like she was being used, somehow. Not by Sheena, but by Sara. And she had not yet even contemplated the weird feelings she would have if it indeed did come to a sexual threesome. Much as in the abstract she would love to fuck with them both, she also knew the turbulence of her emotions would make true pleasure impossible.

Just at this uncomfortable moment, Sara reappeared with a small tray containing full tea cups for her and Laura and a bottle of Calistoga water with a glass for Sheena.

She sat down in the chair across from the sofa and they sipped for a few minutes without speaking. Laura was amazingly uneasy. What was expected of her? Am I supposed to simply get up and go into the bedroom? It's all so transparent.

On the other hand, she was sitting close enough to Sheena to inhale the fresh, healthy scent of her lovely long body, which made it impossible for Laura to ignore the invitation that was being subtly extended. No wonder Sara was vulnerable to this woman, she thought. The way Sara had described it, Sheena had definitely been the aggressor, flirting with Sara in the halls, trying to get a date. And Sheena was so attractive and had such alluring sensuality about her that it was a wonder Sara had resisted as long as she had.

"So . . . how's work?" Laura finally said, lamely. She knew the very awkwardness of this question would make it clear how uncomfortable she felt, and perhaps make them equally uncomfortable.

Sara pursed her lips and made a funny face. For some reason Laura did not now find her faces as funny as she had in the past, apparently because she felt Sara had got her here by deception and guile.

"Work is work," Sara said in a clipped voice. Then she smiled, smiling first at Laura, then at Sheena. "Sheena works for a plastic surgeon down the hall from me. She's the one with the stories. Nose jobs. Boob jobs. Ear jobs. You want to tell her some of your stories, Sheena?"

Sheena shook her head. "Too boring."

Well . . . fine, Laura thought. Maybe when I finish my tea it will be time to go. You two have a wonderful time together, okay? Just hop in that bed and fuck your little ears off, and don't mind me. I have a good Jane Austen book at home I'm going to start reading.

"Maybe you won't mind if I tell her one," Sara said.

Sheena grinned and stood up. It was hard to gauge from her sitting position, but Laura believed Sheena might be an inch or two taller than she was. She could not resist a brief peak at the girl's bottom, which was not spectacular, not Jane's for example, but was still nicely rounded and firm in her blue jeans. Sheena frowned at Sara and headed for the bathroom.

"Make it a short one," she said, "so I won't have to hear it."

Sara made a sour face in her direction, but Sheena didn't see it, being already around the corner. Sara looked at Laura.

"Why are you being so cold and prim and withdrawn?" she said to Laura under her breath. "You aren't like that. Be nice. I told her all about you."

"Did you tell her what we used to mean to each other?" Laura said, regretting it the second the words popped out of her mouth.

Sara looked chagrined and guilty. She could not help it, Laura realized. She might have told herself reason after reason justifying her actions, and yet when it came down to it she still felt a little guilty. "I think we still mean a lot to each other," she said evenly. "I thought maybe if you met her you'd see why I . . . you know, did what I did."

"She's very lovely," Laura said, meaning it. "I'm simply trying to adjust. Things are not quite the same between us. I think you know that."

Sara nodded and bowed her head a little. "I know. But they could still be very good." She paused and looked bashful and shy, like she must have looked as a fetching young school girl. "She and I are thinking of going to Jamaica on a vacation. We thought you might like to come along."

There were a thousand ways Laura could respond to this, and she seemed to rifle through them all before she could trust herself to speak. Then, before she could utter a word, Sara's amazing pillowy lips were on hers, Sara's tongue was slipping through her teeth, Sara's hand was on her breasts through her clothes.

"Don't be this way, Laura," Sara murmured as she kissed her. "I know you're hurt. I know you're feeling a little rejection. But it isn't true. It's the same thing you were feeling when I was seeing Lina, when she came to visit. Remember? It doesn't mean I don't love you. I know you have other girls. I'm not blind and stupid. You still love me. Why can't we be a little more . . . open with each other? Sheena is very open and accepting. She wanted to meet you. She wants us all to be friends."

Laura had a hundred conflicting feelings while this was happening. She resented Sara for making plans with Sheena that formerly she would have made with Laura. Why aren't we inviting her to go along on a vacation with us? she wanted to ask her. She was uncomfortable with Sara bringing up her, Laura's, other lovers, something Laura had always taken great care to hide. She felt resentful somehow that the two of them wanted to make her, obviously, their own little ice cream sandwich.

There was also the matter of her feelings for Makeeda, which she preferred not to dwell on at the moment. It made her kind of a hypocrite, she realized, to be spitefully baiting Sara about infidelities when she herself was all torn up with love for another woman.

On the other hand, Sara's ineffably soft lips on hers had the effect they always had, making her pussy flood and her blood race and her heart melt. I can't resist this woman, she thought. I never could. And Sara knew Laura was succumbing, yielding. She began sliding her hands under Laura's top as she was kissing her, pulling it up, fiddling behind Laura's back with the clasp of her bra.

"You want it," she breathed in Laura's ear. "You want it with us. I know you do. We will be so good together."

Her fingers came up to Sara's cheek. For the moment she had completely forgotten that Sheena was in the other room. The old, familiar, warm surge of potent emotion that always accompanied her sexual encounters with Sara had taken over.

"Sara . . . it's been so long . . ." Laura breathed, feeling her body come alive under Sara's fingers, knowing her anger and confusion could not prevail for long.

"I has been too long," Sara murmured back, now unfastening Laura's bra and bringing her hand back around to Laura's naked breasts, just as Sheena walked back into the room.

Both of them saw her, but Laura pretended not to notice, closing her eyes, while Sara quickly dropped her mouth to one of Laura's nipples and began to tease and suck it.

"Ohhhh!" Laura sighed, stretching on the sofa.

She felt the cushion next to her give as Sheena sat down next to them. Without a word, she joined Sara in helping lift Laura's top over her head, then removing her bra completely. Now Laura was naked from the waist up, and for the first time in many long months—she could not really remember how long it had been, but it seemed like an eternity—both of her naked breasts were being squeezed and sucked at the same time by two different gorgeous women. It was almost enough to make her come on the spot without any further aid.

Her eyes fluttered open long enough to watch their sensual lips on her wet nipples. Her fingers flittered through their hair, stroked their arms and shoulders. Sara was wearing a shirt, but Sheena's shoulders were bared by her tank top, and Laura felt a hot little flame spurt up in her pussy as she stroked the woman's beautiful smooth black skin.

"Ohhh!" she sighed softly again, twisting as the sensations in her breasts grew more intense.

She felt lips grazing her cheek and again opened her eyes to see Sheena's sensual mouth approaching hers. Their eyes caught only briefly before Sheena's mouth pressed down on hers, but it was long enough for Laura to let her know that whatever her earlier attitude had been, she was now completely theirs and looking forward to a hot ride. She let her mouth fall open immediately and responded hungrily to Sheena's kiss.

This emboldened Sara, who quickly began to unzip Laura pants, while still sucking and tonguing her nipples passionately. She had her hand under Laura's panties almost immediately, two of her fingers sliding down to Laura's crotch and pushing into the squinchy wet soup of Laura's pussy quickly.

"Unh!" Laura gasped, feeling a hot squirt of sexual urgency suddenly shoot through her.

Sheena kissed her hard, stabbing her tongue deep into Laura's mouth. Sara was busily pulling Laura's pants down her legs, and her panties too. She slid off the sofa onto the floor, while Sheena's mouth traveled down Laura's neck to her breasts, which she began to stroke and suck even more heatedly than Sara had. They both seemed to feel that drawing Laura deeply into the sexual triangle as quickly as possible would ensure that Laura did not change her mind, though that was the farthest thing from Laura's intention. All she wanted was for this to continue.

"Unhhhh!" she gasped again as she felt Sara's incredible mouth on her throbbing pussy. "Oh! Unhhhh!"

And yet it was very uncomfortable here, awkwardly draped across Sara's small sofa while the two of them caressed and kissed her body. She took Sheena's head between her hands and pulled her up face to face. Sheena smiled.

"I want to go in on the bed," Laura panted.

"Of course," Sheena smiled again.

Sara, who heard Laura too, looked up from between Laura's thighs. Together she and Sheena stood up and pulled Laura to her feet, walking her between them to Sara's small bedroom. Understanding the excitement of the moment, they both had half their clothes off before they even reached the bed. Laura, who had been dying to get her hands again on Sara's body after so long a delay, nevertheless could not keep her eyes off Sheena. She was lean and sleek and dark like a lithe cat, her black skin gleaming, her breasts full and beautifully shaped, her large nipples black as coal.

Laura knew she would get her chance at those delicious nipples soon, as well as Sara's large dark cupcake nipples that always made her blood race and her mouth water, but for now she was theirs, and she lay down on the bed between them, with Sara behind her and Sheena in front. Sheena was kissing her mouth again, while fondling her breasts, and Sara was nipping and sucking her bare shoulders and squeezing her ass cheeks and pressing those amazing naked breasts into Laura's back.

"Laura . . . you're very beautiful . . ." Sheena panted to her as they kissed, twisting Laura's still-damp nipples in her fingers. "I'm . . . so glad I got to meet you."

"I'm glad you did too," Laura panted back, her eyes rolling up briefly as Sheena again dropped her mouth to her breasts.

Behind her Sara had moved slowly down, knowing from experience how Laura loved to feel those full, beautiful breasts pressing against the flesh of her back as Sara dragged them across it. Sheena was again sucking and pinching Laura's nipples passionately, while Sara had kissed her way down to Laura's ass, which she was now nipping and sucking as she had earlier been doing to the backs of Laura's shoulders. Both of them seemed to be avoiding her pussy, which by now as throbbing and pulsing and oozing with fuck-hunger. She knew they were doing it just to get her into this state, but she felt like screaming to them: It worked! I'm ready. Fuck me, please! Do it now!

Sheena slipped lower, abandoning Laura's breasts for the rest of her body, kissing Laura's midriff and her flat, smooth belly. Laura's thighs yawned open to receive her long, svelte body as she slid down, knowing that what she craved was finally arriving. At the same time, Sara slid up to Laura's face, kissing her, looking down at her adoringly as if to let Laura know that her pleasure was the only thing that mattered at the moment, that she was deeply thrilled to be able to make love to Laura like this with Sheena's help.

She scooted even higher in order to dangle her magnificent naked breasts in Laura's face, knowing how Laura worshipped them and how sometimes she, Laura, could come while sucking them and having her pussy stimulated at the same time. And that was just what began to happen now as Sheena had reached her destination and begun skillfully and tenderly exploring the aching, blossoming folds of Laura's open pussy.

"Ahhnnnnnn!" Laura sighed, looking up into the swaying, amazingly beautiful globes of Sara's breasts dangling above her mouth.

Sara gently teased her by letting the bulging, dark, huge bulb of one delicious nipple brush Laura's lips as she groaned from the pleasure of what Sheena was beginning to do to her cunt. Laura chased it with her lips, then her tongue, but Sara giggled and kept it just out of reach.

"How badly do you want it?" she murmured to Laura, smiling, her dark eyes now pulsing with hot sex too as she got more aroused by the situation, and Laura's clear excitement.

"Ohhnn! Ungghh!" Laura groaned as Sheena's tongue lashed her exposed clit and then stabbed deep into the sopping wet furrow of her pussy. "Oh god . . . this is how bad I want it," she gasped, letting both hands sweep and up and capture Sara's swaying globe, then feeding Sara's bulging dark nipple into her mouth hungrily.

Sara's playful giggle turned into a hot moan in midstream. "Ohhnnmmmmm . . . oh Laura!"

Laura sucked the big soft bulb heatedly, but even her passion was interrupted by the flashes of sharp pleasure Sheena was arousing in her frothing pussy by her mouth, and now her fingers too.

"Unhhhh! Ungghhhh! Oh! Oh!"

Her body flexed and tensed up, and a sharp quiver shook her flesh. But she still held Sara's large wet nipple in her mouth and again began to suck and gnaw it hungrily.

"Careful . . ." she heard Sara say to Sheena. "Laura comes fast."

Oh, you are so right, and you know me so well, Laura thought, feeling her whole body surge with the foreknowledge of a huge climax that was only a few more seconds away. Her body was alive and straining with need, her pussy pulsing wildly from Sheena's increasingly passionate love assault, which now included her fingers probing Laura's tight, greasy sleeve, as well as her tongue working Laura's clit frantically, and her thick sensual lips sucking it quickly from time to time.

But she realized that Sara was also getting very aroused from the fierce sucking and squeezing Laura was giving her dangling breasts. No longer was she smiling and teasing Laura with them. Instead, she was panting seriously, and even gasping, and pushing her firm globes into Laura's face, biting her lower lip, whimpering a little when Laura sucked especially hard. Even though Laura was feverish with hot fuck-hunger herself, and closer and closer to a ripping climax as Sheena turned up the heat on her throbbing pussy, she still had enough control to release Sara's wet, hardening nipple from her mouth and quickly fasten on the other one, pulling Sara's other firm breast over to her lips again with both hands.

"Unnnhhh!" Sara groaned as Laura sucked the marvelous soft dark bulb deep into her mouth. "Oh god, Laura!"

But things were unraveling too fast for Laura to keep it up. Sheena clearly knew what she was doing. She knew Laura was going to come, and very soon too, and she poured on the passion to make it happen. There was no way Laura could prolong this sweet pleasure, or keep her body from hurtling into the abyss of a killing orgasm. It arrived with little further warning. She felt her body seize up, her flesh everywhere stiffening and clenching, her breath paralyzed in the depth of her lungs. Even though all this sexual trauma she could still feel Sheena's tongue stabbing into her pussy, and Sheena's phenomenal lips on her clit.

Sara's large, slippery, wet nipple slipped out of her mouth as a choked and gargled cry sought to escape, unsuccessfully. And then Laura was coming in hot furies, her body convulsing and flipping uncontrollably as both Sara and Sheena tried to hold her and help her get the most out of this excruciating orgasm. She whimpered and whinnied but could not cry out, so stunned and breathless was she made by the fierce shocks.

But then it finally released her. "Auunnggghhhhh!" she almost roared. "Unh! Unh! Auunnggghhhh! Mmnnngggeeee!"

Then her cries dissolved into low, fevered moans as the hot, wrenching spasms began softly to die away. Nevertheless, they did not die away at once but very slowly, so that she lay between them, Sara and Sheena, who had moved up to embrace her as the orgasm began to fade, and simply quivered and moaned for a full minute until her body began to regain its normal feeling. She blinked, trying to clear away the glaze from her eyes, and looked up at them, leaning forward to kiss Sara's bare shoulder, then pulling Sheena's face down to hers with one hand behind her neck, kissing her wide, sensual mouth with heated gratitude and lust.

"You are pretty good at that," she breathed to Sheena.

Sheena lingered, kissing Laura back, in no hurry to move. Apparently, Laura realized, both Sheena and Sara had agreed that getting Laura to accept Sheena would be the hard part, and that if they could pass that hurdle, everything else was possible.

"That was only my three-star special," Sheena murmured in a low, husky, sexy voice, her black eyes glinting with humor and newly minted affection. "Next time you get the five-star extravaganza."

Laura could feel the strength in her arms coming back. For a moment her whole body had seemed to go limp, at the end of her orgasm, and she had a fleeting wish that she could just lie there, pinned between these two lovely naked black women, forever. No worries, no Makeeda, no work, nothing but bliss.

But now her own physical hunger for these two delicious women was literally pouring back into her body. She struggled up onto her elbows, eliciting Sara's aid to roll Sheena onto her back, where they both swarmed over her lithe, dark, naked body. She and Sara suddenly came face to face over Sheena's breasts and paused there to kiss voraciously. Laura sucked Sara's large, pillowy lips, and Sara tried to devour her mouth so heatedly that their teeth were clanking.

Sheena was content to watch them for a minute or so, but then she pulled both of them down to her, turning her face from side to side to kiss them. While she was kissing Sara, Laura dropped her mouth to the girl's beautifully-shaped and very black shoulder, then let her lips slide lower to Sheena's breasts. They were not large and only seemed so because the rest of her body was so long and slender, but they were perfectly proportioned to her figure, with thick, swelling black nipples that Laura began immediately to kiss tenderly, then devour more hungrily.

Sara soon joined her, and now Sheena had the pleasure Laura had experienced earlier of having both breasts sucked at the same time by two different lovers. Whereas it had driven Laura up the wall with frantic lust, Sheena seemed to react differently, floating lazily into a dreamland of feathery pleasure, her body undulating slowly and soft, sensual sighs escaping from her lips as she submitted to their passionate sucking and more and more feverish caresses.

"Annhhhhh!" she sighed, her eyes fluttering shut, her fingertips brushing their shoulders.

Sara grinned over at Laura. "She loves this. You can do it for hours."

Laura grinned back at her. "You do it. I think I have a date with her pussy. If it's okay with you."

Sara made a screwy, crosseyed face, pursing her delectable lips. "Be my guest. She won't come as fast as you, though."

Laura winked at her. "Wanna bet?"

She lingered on the way over Sheena's taut black stomach and smooth, velvety lower belly, but in seconds she had reached the long, parting red blossom of the girl's black-edged pussy, which was flooding inside with glistening fuck juice. It was one of those long, sinuous-lipped cunts of her dreams, a heavenly wet gash of dark pink paradise, and Laura pushed her mouth into it immediately, slithering her tongue into the juicy interior, which was warm, almost hot, a frothing wet raw mass of inflamed flesh.

"Unhhhh . . . unhhhh!" Sheena whimpered, now slowly gyrating her pelvis to push her cunt more aggressively into Laura's face.

For about two minutes Laura very patiently and skillfully explored this glistening, oozing feast with her lips, her tongue, her fingertips, licking and probing Sheena's excited slit, spreading open the small glossy hood at the top to reveal the little seed of her clit, then caressing it lovingly with the tip of her tongue. Nobody loves a beautiful warm wet black pussy like I do, she thought, and I know how to make it sing.

Imperceptibly Sheena began to grow more and more aroused. Sara was still dining in a slow, leisurely, sensual fashion on her wet black nipples, while Laura was making a patient, deliberate feast of her gaping, black-lipped, pussy, so hot and deeply pink inside. Sheena, though she appeared, as Sara had warned, slow to boil, was unable to ignore the delights they were bringing to her lovely long body.

She moaned and twisted, reaching down to Laura's head, her fingers fluttering in Laura's hair, around Laura's ears, as she undulated her hips. "Ohhhhhnnnn god yes!" she gasped as Laura continued to pepper her sensitive little clit with kisses and tongue swipes. "Unhhhh! Unhhh!"

Sara grinned down at Laura as if to acknowledge that Laura had been right. Between them they had driven Sheena to the brink well before Sara had thought she would arrive there. They both looked up at Sheena's face, which was contorted into a sharp grimace of excruciating sexual pleasure, as if she were already being wrenched by the fierce, sweet spasms of bliss that were still seconds away.

Sara and Laura still had a sweet, strong sexual connection that allowed them to communicate almost supernaturally, without speaking, and both knew that the moment was near, and that in concert they could bring it off together. Sara again lowered her lips to Sheena's beautiful wet black nipples, while Laura slid one long forefinger between the girl's firm buns. As she had done with Makeeda (Oh god! she thought, don't let me think of her!), she had no intention of anal invasion but simply found Sheena's tight little asshole with the tip of her finger and massaged it aggressively while again sucking the girl's gorgeous streaming red pussy.

This was about all it took to tip Sheena over the edge. Her body clenched, and her knees jerked up. A fierce jolt struck her. Only a distant, pinched off mewling came from deep in her chest. Her flesh shook, and then strained and shuddered as she began to come in long, rolling waves.

"Auunnnggguuuunnnnn!" she groaned loudly, her ecstatic moans filling the small bedroom, her violent jerks making the bed shake. "Ohhnnnnggggg! Aunngghhh!"

Laura and Sara continued what they were doing throughout the sharp convulsions of her orgasm, Laura's mouth glued to her spasming pussy while Sara's mouth was still lovingly fastened to one of Sheena's nipples. Sheena came and came until the sharpest spasms finally released her flexing body, and left in their wake only soft, intermittent, shuddering jolts that soon faded into slow undulations. Still, it was minutes before she fully recovered from this thrilling, shattering climax.

But somehow the smoldering reconnection Laura and Sara had forged while helping her there drew them together almost forcibly. Laura could feel the powerful sexual magnetism they shared drawing her to Sara's body even before Sheena had finished gasping and whimpering. Sara seemed to feel it too and quickly slid together with Laura beside Sheena's still-recovering body, embracing Laura as Laura enclosed her in her arms, kissing her back hungrily.

"Oh god, I've dreamed of this every night," Laura panted to her, nipping her full, sensual lips, running her hands feverishly all over Sara's warm, opulent flesh.

"Me too," Sara panted back. "Oh, Laura I've missed this so much."

Laura kissed and sucked her neck, running her hands up to Sara's magnificent breasts, lightly twisting and pinching Sara's incredibly large, soft, thick and dark nipples in her thumbs and fingers. The old hot lust she had always felt for Sara, even before they had slept together, came roaring back into her body. She bit Sara's earlobe and squeezed her full breasts harder.

"Ohhnnnn!" Sara moaned, her eyes rolling up, her fingers grazing Laura's shoulders as Laura rolled her onto her back.

Laura was all over her. Sometimes she was a gentle, patient lover, sometimes a fiendishly skilled one, sometimes a scorching tornado of passion, and this time it was the latter. She devoured Sara with her hands and mouth, sucking and squeezing her sweet flesh, dropping her mouth to Sara's incredible nipples, big puffy chocolate cupcakes, licking them hungrily. Sara knew how much Laura adored her nipples, and she smiled sexily, looking down at Laura's lips on them, holding her own breasts in her hands, feeding them to Laura, who now began to suck them with sharp, concentrated passion.

"Unh! Oh!" Sara gasped, her brow furrowing momentarily as Laura sucked her nipples perhaps too hard in her heated frenzy of passion.

"Sorry," Laura gasped, releasing one of Sara's nipples from her mouth long enough to apologize.

Sara grinned. "Don't be sorry," she panted. "Do it again."

"Are you sure?"

Sara nodded, her eyes rolling up again. "You're going to make me come."

"I sure am," Laura grinned back.

"Me too," she heard a soft, husky voice and turned her head to see Sheena now joining them, sliding up on Sara's other side and grasping one of Sara's breasts with her slender, very black hand.

She smiled at Laura, who smiled back. This, Laura realized, but only in the back of her mind, in some distant region that was barely connected to the warm sensual touch of flesh, was a critical moment for her: the sharing of Sara's body with another, something she had never contemplated or even imagined could happen until now. And yet it seemed to occur so naturally, so effortlessly, that she could not now understand why she had formerly seemed so hostile to it. It was clear from the start that Sheena worshipped Sara's naked body the same way Laura did, and all selfishness seemed to flow away from Laura as together they began to stroke and kiss Sara's flesh lovingly. Sheena's presence made Laura back off a little from her previous heated frenzy of passion, but soon she noticed she had boiled over again and was sucking and stroking Sara's flesh hungrily.

Sara twisted and moaned under their hands, looking down at their busy, aggressive lips on her hardening nipples. "Ohhhh! Unnnhhhhhh! Oh!"

Laura was pleased and surprised to discover that almost the same unspoken connection existed between her and Sheena that she had earlier shared with Sara, as if they both knew Sara's body, her needs, her capacities, her most sensitive spots, and easily melted together in their love of it so that they could bring Sara to an orgasm by simply acting in harmony. They were all over her together, sucking and squeezing her magnificent breasts, kneading her firm, fleshy ass, their fingers taking turns in her plump, warm, buttery pussy. Sara was overwhelmed, gasping and churning, whimpering and even yelping occasionally as Sheena and Laura relentlessly devoured her body.

"Unnnn . . . oh! Ohnnnn! Oh shit . . . oh guys . . . you're too rough . . . annngghhh! Yes! Ohhhhh yes!"

After a few minutes of this she was almost delirious with fuck-need, writhing and groaning between their swarming bodies, her thighs parted, her hands trying to force them down to her pussy, urging them to bring her sweet relief. Laura teased her, sucking her earlobe, pinching her large, swollen nipples, still damp with hers and Sheena's saliva.

"Do you want us to fuck you, darling? Do you want us to make you come and die of coming? Do you? Can Sheena and I fuck you until you scream?"

Laura didn't know what had come over her. Though she often talked dirty to other lovers, knowing how it especially aroused some of them and made them come not only faster but much harder, she had never talked this way to Sara. Their sex had frequently been sizzling hot, but never had it detoured into the mildly kinky and rougher regions it was approaching now. And Sara seemed to be responding to it too, gasping and moaning and kissing Laura back heatedly, then kissing Sheena the same way.

While they were sharing Sara's mouth, her luscious, pillowy lips that Laura had felt raptures about throughout their relationship, it seemed the most natural thing in the world for Laura and Sheena also to kiss, right above Sara's face, their tongues intermingling in a way that made all three of them hotter than ever, Sara from watching them, and Laura and Sheena from a sexual connection both knew would have happened between them even if Sara had never been in the picture. I would have fucked this girl senseless if I'd ever met her on my own, Laura realized, panting rapidly as Sheena's long, wet tongue entered her mouth.

"Let's take her to heaven," Laura panted softly to Sheena as their mouths came apart.

Sheena gave her the same languid, sexy smile she had given Laura when Laura had first walked into the room. "I think that's a terrific idea," she said huskily.

Together they slid down Sara's squirming body, Sheena in front, Laura in back. In seconds Sheena was licking Sara's flowing quim skillfully, while Laura was parting Sara's substantial ass cheeks to run her tongue up and down the crack between them. And Sara was going wild. She wanted to come desperately and pumped with her hips to push her pussy hard into Sheena's hungry mouth, squealing as she felt Laura's tongue invading her ass crack.

"Ummnnnneeee! Oh! Oh!"

In truth, only once had she invaded Sara's ass with her finger, though it had resulted, she knew Sara remembered, in a scorching, crushing orgasm. Sara had complained idly at times about men wanting to shove their cocks up your ass, which she had never allowed, and Laura had thus been very reluctant even to try it. Then one time in the heat of fucking Laura had massaged her rectum with the tip of her finger, which Sara had confessed made her pussy all tingly and squishy. She had begged Laura to keep it up, and Laura had consented, breaking out the baby oil and giving Sara a ride that had culminated in a fierce and shocking climax.

She found herself wondering if she could make it to her purse, where the small bottle of baby oil she always carried with her was, and back here before Sheena brought the very sexually tense Sara to an orgasm. She decided to risk it.

"Don't let her come yet," she murmured to Sheena as she slid off the bed. "I'll be right back."

Sheena simply smiled and returned to her wonderful work.

It took Laura only a few seconds to find her purse and grab the small bottle, and she was back on the bed in a flash. Sara, still moaning and writhing as Sheena licked and sucked her pussy, probably didn't even know Laura had disappeared for a few seconds. Laura had one forefinger greased and slid it between Sara's ample buns before Sara knew what was happening. She snapped the bottle shut and pushed it down toward the end of the bed. Sara's body stiffened a little and she let out a tiny, surprised squeak as she felt Laura's finger.


She looked back over her shoulder at Laura, who was kissing and sucking and even biting her firm round ass cheeks while insinuating her finger deeper into Sara's crack. But she could not stay in that position for long because both Sheena and Laura began, mainly because their own arousal was heightening by the second, to turn up the heat. Sara's head fell back to the mattress, and she grimaced and moaned again in a sweet seizure of sexual pleasure.

"Ahhhhhnnnnnnn! Oh . . . shit! Unngghhhhh!"

Laura knew how Sara reacted when she was approaching a climax, and Sheena did too. They could both tell that she was close now, closer than ever, her breath rapid and harsh, her moans more desperate, her body straining and undulating more violently between them. Sheena now had two fingers in Sara's flowing, inflamed pussy and was sucking more and more insistently on her clit, while Laura's finger was now sliding up into Sara's tight asshole, easily lubricated by the baby oil, going in deep, making Sara stiffen and whimper.

Laura wondered how she had even held out this long. God, I would be coming in torrents by now, she thought. She twisted her greased forefingers inside of Sara's tight rectum and felt Sara shudder slightly, felt her round buns clench, heard a faint upward peal in her whimpering.

"Oh yes! Unnhhh! Oh yes!" Sara whimpered, writhing now even more violently, and bucking her pelvis too up into Sheena's mouth and Laura's hand.

That she was going to come was unmistakable to them both. Knowing Sara's orgasm was only seconds away, they went for it hungrily. Laura was already fucking Sara's ass pretty vigorously with her finger, and now she began really biting her firm round buns, knowing from experience how the sensation of having your ass bitten could really juice up your sexual excitement. She was not mistaken, and Sara began to moan and squirm wildly once she felt Laura's teeth sinking into the flesh of her large moons.

At the same time, Sheena had begun fucking Sara's pussy more aggressively too, working her fingers into Sara's oozing slit not more roughly but much more rapidly, fucking her fast and wildly with them while still sucking Sara's throbbing clit. All this frenzy quickly became too much for Sara, who clenched and then came in a terrific eruption.

"Ahnn! Ahnn! OOUUNNGGHHMMNNNGGGG!" she suddenly exploded, her body ripped apart by horrific interior sexual fireworks. "Oh! Oh! Auunnnggghhhhh!" she groaned, shattered again by succeeding shocks of a crushing orgasm.

It was such a violent and long-lasting orgasm that both Laura and Sheena could only hold on and wait for it to finish. Laura knew she had seen Sara come this hard, at least a few times, but it certainly was a rarity. She realized, letting her mind wander outside of herself and her own self-centered, petty concerns for a moment, that this had been Sara's fantasy, to be sandwich-fucked by these two women who meant everything to her at present, that it would make her come like never before. And she had apparently been right. She was so hammered by her ferocious orgasm that it took her nearly forever to recover.

Finally, she blinked and stretched enough for Laura and Sheena to disengage from her lovely, exhausted body. Apparently, they both had the same idea at once, for they slid up and pinned Sara between them, kissing her everywhere and passionately. Sara came groggily back to life, smiling and sighing, turning her head to enjoy their kisses and reciprocate them with her soft, wondrously pillowy lips. While kissing her Laura and Sheena managed to let their lips come together again too for a few thirsty gulps.

Sara watched them patiently, almost lovingly. "You two guys are a team," she sighed softly. "You can do me together any time you feel like it. God, I thought I was going to melt."

Laura kissed her again, but in fact she felt like she was going to melt herself. Now that the preliminaries were out of the way, now that they all had climaxed and enjoyed the novel pleasures of fucking together in a threesome for the first time, she was again feeling the physical hunger for Sheena's long, lean, black body that she had known earlier she would have felt simply passing her on the street. Kissing her like this over Sara's spent body only made it worse. She wanted her, she could feel her own horniness growing again by the second, and she felt from Sheena's tongue-stabbing kiss that Sheena wanted it too.

Moreover, she knew that Sara probably wanted them to hunger for each other like this, since it would make things so much easier for her in the future. Sara confirmed this by cleverly scooting out of the way so that they could kiss more fully, more heatedly. Laura uncoiled herself immediately against Sheena's naked body, devouring her mouth and letting her hands roam down the girl's silky back to her beautiful ass, squeezing and stroking the firm round buns.

Sheena was equally hot, raising her hands to Laura's small breasts, lightly pinching Laura's nipples, sucking her neck. "I want to taste your pussy," she panted into Laura's neck. "I want to drink it and suck it."

Laura was delighted and aroused to find that Sheena was like herself and loved to talk dirty, whereas Sara rarely succumbed to this temptation. "I want to fuck your beautiful ass while I suck your clit," Laura breathed back, into her lovely black ear, feeling an involuntary shiver pass through Sheena's body as she heard the words.

Oops, Laura thought, concealing a devilish little smirk. I think Sara may find out here that these two girls are a little more kinky than she expected.

By their spoken words they had heated up the moment considerably, and now the sexual sizzle began to appear physically as they pushed their naked bodies together and writhed and sucked and tongued each other frantically. Sheena appeared to like the sixty-nine position, which was not one of Laura's favorites since in her experience one partner always succumbed to the sexual ministrations of the other, and what started out mutually satisfying and exciting quickly became one-sided. She would rather have her partner simply fuck her, all out, instead of pretending they were both going to come this way.

But Sheena—typical for a nurse, Laura thought wryly, telling you what to do, giving you directions—seemed to insist on it by twisting her body so that she was head to toe with Laura, and their faces were between each other's thighs. There, without warning, she went to town on Laura's aroused, festering pussy, sucking Laura's cunt lips wildly and invading Laura's quim with both tongue and fingers. Suddenly realizing that she liked where she was too, her face nestled between this hot woman's silky black thighs, her mouth just inches from Sheena's delicious long pussy, all wet and deep red inside, squinchy with juice, Laura groaned and quivered.

"Ohhhnnnnnnn! Oh shit . . . that feels so good!" she gasped, letting Sheena know that her hungry, forceful caresses were hitting the mark.

She, too, quickly pressed her mouth into Sheena's glistening slit and began devouring it passionately. In seconds both of them were snuffling and grunting softly and panting as they licked and sucked each other voraciously. Their initial orgasms had taken away the sharpest edge of their need so that now they could feast without fear that either one would prematurely end this delirious pleasure. Maybe I should try sixty-nine more often, Laura reflected, if it's going to be as hot as this. God, this woman has a beautiful pussy. No wonder Sara couldn't resist her.

Sheena seemed to feel the same way about Laura's, and she made love to it in such a frenzy that in a few minutes Laura's fears about this sexual position all came true. She herself could not go on. She was being eaten alive, and her pussy was throbbing and juicing and aching and pulsing so wildly that she could not hold up her end of the bargain and let her head simply fall back to the mattress, yielding her body to Sheena's determined hunger. Oh, I'm going to come, and I don't care, it's so sweet . . . so intense . . . oh god, yes, right there!

"Unhhhh! Oh god . . . oh god, yes, honey . . . like that! Ungghhhh! Oh . . . oh shit . . . you're going to make me come!"

Evidently the sight of Laura being devoured by her new lover Sheena was enough to ignite Sara all over again, for she quickly joined them, swarming over Laura and Sheena at the same time while Sheena brought Laura's writhing body closer and closer to a sharp climax. Knowing how Laura cherished her gorgeous breasts, she dangled them in Laura's face, brushing Laura's lips with her large, soft, dark nipples, even holding the swaying globes with one hand, now one, now the other, to brush them against Laura's cheek and mouth.

Laura could not resist this. Having Sheena's hungry mouth on her pussy and Sara's incredible nipples brushing her lips was nearly enough to make her come on the spot. She ran her fingers along Sheena's sleek naked back as she drew her hands up to Sara's dangling globes, then cradled one in both palms and sucked Sara's bulging nipple deep into her mouth. Oh god, I'm going to come, I'm going to die of pleasure! she thought deliriously, feeling her thighs close almost reflexively on Sheena's head as her hips bucked upward spastically.

"Unnnhh . . . ummmmhhhh!" she groaned, sucking Sara's nipple hard and thrusting her quivering pelvis into the air, feeling Sheena's thick, sensual lips on her clit, feeling her whole straining body flare with sexual fire.

For some reason, sucking Sara's nipple always made her come. At some barely predictable instant, her mouth engorged with the woman's incredible plump silky nipple, the floodgates would open, and she would be coming in a scalding, wrenching paroxysm. It was no different this time. No sooner had she sucked Sara's nipple deep into her mouth than the rockets began to go off deep in her womb, bursting so violently that she was forced to open her mouth and let the delectable wet bulb escape.

"Auunngghhhh!" she roared, her body flexing and straining into a bow, then collapsing back to the mattress in sharp convulsions. "Ohhnnnngggg! Auunngghhhh!"

Laura came in a fierce delirium of hot spasms, completely shattered by this orgasm in a way she had not been by the first, her body raked and throttled by huge explosions of rapture as Sheena's lips never released her clit. Only when Laura seemed unable to take any more did she let it go. Laura was devastated, a whimpering, helpless rag of flesh, limp and sweating and still panting helplessly.

Sara and Sheena caressed her and cooed to her for a few moments, but clearly, as had happened to her, they were recharged by the spectacle of her orgasm and soon were coiling together again, this time with Sheena on her back and Sara the aggressor. And now Laura had the chance she had not had since arriving of watching Sara, once her deepest love, actually fucking with another woman, without Laura's participation, though the piquancy of it was ameliorated somewhat by the fact that Sara was really on top this time, and Sheena on the receiving end.

Still, it was an arresting sight, one she had never expected to witness, and it made her heart race with sensations totally different from the sexual explosion she had just experienced. There was a trace of hot jealousy, but mostly she was surprised to find that she felt happy for Sara to have found another woman, especially this long, seductive, lithe and experienced nurse, to share her physical passions with. She watched for a while with clinical interest as Sara kissed Sheena and every delicious part of Sheena's long, black, naked body, so much blacker than Sara's. The contrast of their bodies reminded Laura of what her own body coiled with Sara's must look like, and she was stirred not so much sexually as esthetically. Even though her orgasm had satisfied her sexual need for the present, she found herself wanting to join them again.

"May I join you?" she whispered to Sara, sidling closer.

Sara looked up and gave Laura the most shocking, crazy-funny, cross-eyed smile she had given her in months. "Duh, cuckoo brain," she breathed, turned again to nearly swallow one of Sheena's hard, black, shiny wet nipples. "Why do you think I got you over here?"

Laura smiled back. "Mmmmm, I guess this was it."

She joined in with alacrity and both of them began to devour Sheena's long, lithe body as if they had done this a thousand times together instead of only once, a few minutes earlier. In about a minute they had her whimpering and twisting and gasping. In another two or three Sheena was clenching and gurgling and groaning through a piercing, shattering orgasm much more powerful than her first one, and Laura and Sara were smiling at each other and licking the girl's copious cunt juices from their lips and fingers.

All in all, an enjoyable afternoon, Laura thought, as she drove home after another hour or so of lying around drowsily in bed with them, then fucking once more for a dazzling finish to a sexual episode none would forget soon. What a woman. Sheena. And don't forget Sara. How odd that I would feel this way when I was so bitter at first about losing her. And so resentful of Sheena.

The afterglow of their heated fucking was impossible to ignore, and her pussy sang and throbbed so much she was half-tempted to turn the car around and go back for more. And yet her heart was still pulled toward Makeeda, and her absence, and the big empty hole she felt in her entire being having not seen Makeeda since their first and only night together. Am I nuts to pin so much on only one night? she wondered. It was a question that could not be answered. Not yet, anyway.

But Sara and Sheena had at least made it recede in her mind, and for the present at least it seemed less pressing than before.




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