Laura - Chapter 291



Thirty-six hours with Arthell left Laura limp, tingling with afterglow, and very tired. She dropped the girl at her home in San Lorenzo late Saturday afternoon and spent the rest of the weekend sleeping and dreaming about Makeeda's return. She was awakened by a phone call from Makeeda around 6 p.m. Sunday.

"Laura, I'm back." Makeeda sounded a little tired, crisp, and abrupt, not the way Laura had expected her to sound.

"God, I'm go glad," she said drowsily into the receiver, still a little groggy from sleep, but letting her true concern and longing for Makeeda into her soft voice.

"Yes," Makeeda said, as if distracted. "Look, Laura, we have to talk."

"I got your message. Your song."

There was a painful silence. Makeeda did not respond. There was something wrong. Laura began to feel alarm verging on panic in her chest.

"Yes," Makeeda said, almost inaudibly. "We have to talk, Laura."

Laura hated this. 'We have to talk' was something people said when there was bad news. Otherwise, she would be saying 'when can we get together'.

"I can come to your place," Laura suggested.

"No . . . no," Makeeda said abruptly. "I have to work tonight. I've been away three days. They can only put up with so much."

"Maybe when you get off work," Laura offered.

"Midnight? Won't you be asleep? Work tomorrow, right?"

"I've been sleeping all afternoon. I can make it."

"Fine." Makeeda did not seem at all like the warm person Laura knew her to be. She was short and brusque. "Meet me at the restaurant. Actually, you can come a little early. Things are usually winding up by eleven."


"Don't say it, Laura. I . . . I'm sorry, I don't mean to be short," Makeeda apologized. "But . . . don't say it, okay?"


Laura was very alarmed by this conversation. Makeeda was so different. Her brusque manner had cut Laura right to the quick. What could have happened? she wondered. But her worries became moot suddenly when Rhonda called about an hour later to tell her she had to fly to Dallas to troubleshoot an emergency there. Her company had often sent Laura there to troubleshoot problems, and she was needed again. Her plane ticket had already been reserved and the flight would leave at 11 p.m. She would be there up to a week.

By this time it was only possible to reach Makeeda at work, and she was so busy there that Laura had to leave a message. Can't make it. Flying to Dallas. I love you. Those last three were the words Makeeda did not want her to say. And of course, she did not say them, having left her message with a busboy or parking valet or bartender, she didn't know which. She could not say that part but only feel it, now however with a sorrowful and painful foreboding.

Five minutes later she did leave a more personal message on Makeeda's answering machine. "I don't know what's wrong," she said softly. "Something must be wrong. You seem so distant. I . . . won't say it. The words you don't want to hear. But I feel it. I feel about you the way I felt the other night . . . when we were together. I am dying to see you again. Not for the other . . . you know, the bed stuff . . . just to see you. To look into those fantastic eyes. To hear your voice. I . . . I . . ." She began to break down a little and had to cover the phone and take a couple of deep breaths to go on. "Okay, not to be maudlin," she sniffed. "I am being sent to Dallas to solve a problem. I will be gone probably a week. I will try to call you when I think you'll be awake. I suppose we should talk about this in person, though. Well, guess I better stop rambling on. Bye."

She cried a little after hanging up but hated herself for it. It hurt not to tell Makeeda she loved her. It hurt not to let it pour out, gush out. It was like having a bad head cold you could not clear in any way. You have to be strong, kiddo, she told herself. Strong. She's strong. You can hear it in her voice. You have to be strong, too.

It was hard to be strong, but going to Dallas at least gave her an opportunity to throw herself full throttle into her work and try to forget about her anxieties. In the back of her mind she also knew that she could call Ada and would see Shaniqua Branch, the gorgeous young girl she had tried unsuccessfully to get a job for in San Francisco. It had been months since she had seen either of them, and at least she could look forward to soothing herself in their arms. Or could she?

She found out the first day that Shaniqua had gone for the week to North Carolina, where she was going to be maid of honor in a wedding. And Ada did not return her calls. Ada's assistant was curt and uninformative, but then Laura knew that of course she would not know who Laura was or why Ada might want to speak with her. Things were not working out well. Meanwhile, her pain over Makeeda's attitude had a way of seeping into her whole being hour after hour until by the end of each day she was almost desolate with dread.

Finally, Ada called her about seven p.m., while Laura was still working, trying to drive Makeeda's voice out of her brain. She instantly realized, when she heard Ada's voice, that Ada had not expected her to be there and had planned to leave a message.

"Oh. Laura. You're there." A small, nervous titter. "I thought I'd just leave a message on my way out."

"You begged me to call you the next time I got back to Dallas," Laura said, softly but pointedly.

"Um. That's right, I did."

"You don't sound very happy about it, though."

"Don't be silly. Look, things are a little more complicated now. That's all. I'm just leaving. Want to grab a bite with me?"

Or a bite of you? Laura thought, smiling. I sure would. "Yes. Same place we met last time? That steak house?"

"Oh, let's try something else. Dallas has more than steak, you know."

They met at an intimate Italian restaurant Ada knew and were soon going through the usual discomfort, where Ada was concerned, of renewing their previously very intimate friendship. Ada was shy, inhibited, embarrassed by sex and especially by her own strong sexual feelings for Laura. She had grown up in a strictly religious environment, and apart from Laura had been to bed with only two others, both men who had mistreated or neglected her. She was not easily unlocked.

Even so, she seemed even more guarded than usual. She was quite lovely as always in a sharply tailored black business suit that concealed but could not entirely obscure her statuesque body. Her hair, no longer swirled up behind her head in the style that made Laura yearn to pull the pins and let it fall, was shorter, and tighter around her ears. She wore deep red lipstick that made her wide, sensual mouth a picture of promise for Laura, an incredibly desirable cynosure of all her attention, so that she could barely let herself look at it without feeling prickly excitement in her pussy.

At least this is getting me to think less about Makeeda, she thought. On the other hand, for all Laura's slavish attention and rapt fascination with Ada's stories of work and travel, she did not sense that they were any closer to a physical reunion. Ada seemed to be very adept at keeping the subject at arm's length. Laura, resting her chin on her interlaced fingers, gazed enraptured into Ada's shiny black eyes, nodding occasionally.

"Tell me about the woman who wanted to fuck you," she finally said softly. "Remember? The one you told me about? Whatever happened between you?"

Ada, who did not drink wine and was taking a sip of ice water as Laura spoke, nearly choked. Water spluttered out of her mouth and she placed the glass back on the table, half-laughing and half-coughing, holding her fingers fanned out against her mouth, her eyes watering too. Laura smiled, not very surprised by Ada's reaction, only sorry she hadn't noticed first Ada lifting the glass to her mouth. She picked up a napkin and began mopping up the water Ada had spilled as well as expectorated.

"Sorry," she said, meekly.

Ada finally regained her composure, wiping her chin with her own napkin. "Do you realize the last time I heard that word it was also coming out of your mouth?" she grinned. "Laura the truck driver. You are so nasty. I could go my whole life without hearing that word again, if it weren't for you."

"Quit changing the subject," Laura smiled. "Anyway, you know you love it when I talk dirty. It makes you let go. It makes you shed all those fears of yours. It makes you hot."

Ada grew serious and raised a stern eyebrow at Laura. "You presume too much, Laura. I may not be the woman you think I am. Any more."

Now Laura raised her own eyebrow, but a little skeptically. "Really."

Ada, though she was a strong, determined woman who had risen in her profession and had been Laura's boss when she had still worked for Laura's company, who had immense dignity and self-possession, nevertheless flinched under Laura's direct gaze and looked away. Laura reached across the table and put her hand on one of Ada's.

"I'm not that much of a bitch," she whispered. "You can tell me when you get around to it."

Ada turned her face back smiling, but her voice began keening upward as she spoke, resonating with hints of its truly grotesque timbre when she became excited or aroused. She had a grating, nasal twang that Laura, perhaps irrationally, associated with Texas, and it could make the fur stand up on the back of your neck.

"I don't think you're a bitch, Laura. I'll tell you now. We hit it off." Ada suddenly softened. Her eyes became much less hard and glittery, and her voice stopped keening upward. "We hit it off great. So great, in fact, that she moved in with me about a month ago." Ada paused for effect. Laura smiled, bemused. "I'm sorry you can't meet her, though, because she's in Albuquerque at a high school reunion." She leaned across the table, speaking conspiratorially to Laura, even speaking behind her hand. "Can you believe it? Would you ever go to one of those things?"

Laura shook her head. "Not me," she whispered back. "Too painful. What's her name?"

Ada straightened up and grew serious again. "I don't think you need to know that."

Laura shrugged. "You're right. Is she good in bed?"


Laura smirked. "Only asking. You don't have to get angry."

Ada fought back a smile. "As usual, your manners are in the gutter with the rest of your mind."

Laura toyed with the remainder of her meal. "If she isn't in town, maybe we could play around a little. She doesn't have to know."

Ada was too dark to blush, but she did anyway. She looked away again, then back at Laura. "You want me to cheat on her, right?"

"Are you two married?"

Ada shook her head as if she were talking to a small child who understood nothing. "Laura, you were the one who persuaded me to . . . you know, make myself a little more available to her. Remember? A long time ago, when I told you she seemed like she was interested in me? Now you want me to betray her when she's out of town?"

Laura might gently scoff at Ada's scruples, but she knew exactly how Ada felt. She had always tried her best not to think of Sara when enjoying other women, and was somehow comforted in a way, one side of the coin, to think of Sara and her nurse when she was snuffling and groaning with passion in the arms of another. The other side of the coin was her constant wish that the nurse would be accidentally crushed by a city bus. But this, she knew, was not really Laura, only a brief lapse. Life was so complicated. She wanted to love Sara, or even Makeeda now, or both of them, and still enjoy the rest.

Probably Ada did too. She could see the wavering in Ada's dark, beautiful eyes, in the loss of resolution visible in her large, sensual mouth. Laura had literally raped that mouth. She could not help contemplating doing it again, which she was doing right now, and Ada knew it.

"You can stop looking at me that way," she said to Laura quietly, her eyes however flickering with amusement.

"What way?"

"You know what way. You are so much trouble. I knew it the moment you called. You are a pistol, Laura. So dangerous. So . . . so"

"Hot?" Laura interrupted her, with a smile. "I was hoping you were going to say hot."

Ada grinned and blushed again. "You are kind of hot," she said, shyly, looking down. "You sure were the first one to get me hot."

"Remember when we used to play tennis?"

Ada blushed seriously this time. "Don't remind me," she grinned, hiding her face like a virgin.

"Remember when we"

"Laura . . . stop!" Ada put up her hand. She was laughing but clearly wanted Laura to stop. They both took deep breaths, smirking a little at each other. "Why don't you tell me about your love life, instead? I'm sure it's much more exciting than mine."

"What's that crack supposed to mean?" Laura grinned at her, shaking her mane of hair, trying to seem overwhelmingly attractive to Ada now that she had awakened memories of their scorching sexual moments in the past.

Ada shook her head, unable to answer. "Nothing," she confessed. "I'm just trying to get you off the subject."

"Do you really want to get off it? Really?"

Ada gulped and looked down. Sexual desire, sheer naked lust and physical craving, had always been a hard thing for her to confess, because of her upbringing.

"How long has she been gone?"

"Oh . . . she just left this morning. For three days."

Laura perked up. Three days. Even the Formidable Fortress Ada could fall in three days. "Okay," she said to Ada, glumly. "I guess I can take a little rejection. I'll just go back to my hotel room and . . . mope."

Ada burst into a grin. "You are the most manipulative person I have ever known. Don't think I haven't thought about all those little things you did to wiggle your way into my life."

"You mean into your . . . you know," Laura grinned back, pointing with her finger downward toward Ada's crotch, though it was concealed under the table they were sitting at.

"Yes, that's exactly what I mean."

"I'm trying again."

"I know you are."

"Question is . . ." Laura lowered her eyelashes suggestively, "am I succeeding."

Ada squirmed in her seat. "Somehow I think you might be," she said, vaguely.

Laura was suddenly hit by a sharp rush of fierce lust herself. She had been percolating during dinner, but well in control. She knew Ada. She knew Ada had strong scruples, and also strong affection for Laura. She knew Ada was involved with someone else, and Laura had no idea how dinner would turn out. But she had hoped. Now that she saw Ada squirming like this, the lust gusher simply opened up and flooded her body.

She reached across the table and covered one of Ada's beautiful smooth dark hands with her own. "You want to come to my hotel room? Maybe you'll be more comfortable not being where you are with her."

Ada's dark eyes suddenly had the lost, stricken expression in them that sometimes had appeared in the old days, when Laura would catch her unexpectedly looking out the window of her office, as if life had no meaning. Maybe this expression was a stand-in, Laura reflected, for all those time she actually did feel at a loss, not knowing what to do next.

"No," Ada said quietly. "We can go to my place. More private there."

Laura nodded. They barely spoke from that time forward until Ada let them into her highrise apartment. Laura had been there before, when she and Ada had again fucked riotously in the shower, which had been their preferred first time, ever since their very first time. Somehow the shower always brought out their wildest frenzies of lust, especially since Ada swore to this day that their first time had surprised her. She had only been intending a little friendly after-tennis back scrubbing, she said. Laura, though gratified and pleasantly surprised herself, tended to believe her.

Ada still had the keys and her open purse in her hand, having just fastened the dead bolt lock, when Laura grabbed her and kissed her, hungrily ravishing that large, sensual mouth, which she had been wild to do all evening. Ada seemed surprised, but in almost seconds the keys and the handbag clattered to the floor at their feet. She clutched Laura hard and kissed back feverishly, sliding her thick tongue into Laura's mouth.

"Oh god, Laura, it's so good to feel you against me!" she gasped into Laura's cheek. "I didn't know I would feel this way. It's been a while for us."

"I know," Laura panted softly back. "You feel so smooth . . . and smell so good. Let me kiss you here . . . and here . . ."

She kissed Ada's smooth black neck, then her ear, nipping her earlobe. Ada shivered. "Ooooohhhh, you know how to make the chills come," she quivered, pulling back slightly to look in Laura's eyes. "No matter how much I love Louise, nobody could make me throb and gush like you can."

"Louise?" Laura smiled. "That's her name? She's a very lucky woman."

"She wouldn't think so if she could see me now," Ada said, embarrassed.

Laura tried to hurry her over this patch. "Want to take a shower?" she said, insinuatingly. "We always have a lot of fun in the shower?"

"Don't I know it," Ada admitted.

"Come on. Let me wash you off and . . . you know what else."

Ada broke into a broad grin. "Every time we do that I nearly drown," she protested. "I nearly fall and break my leg . . . or strain my back. Why don't we just start off like normal in the bed this time, and then later take a shower together. I . . . suddenly have this great craving to feel you against me. All over me."

"Mmmmm," Laura smiled, kissing her cheek, "I have the same craving."

Ada got a couple bottles of water out of the refrigerator and took them, with Laura following, to the bedroom. On the way they passed a second bedroom, which, Laura reasoned, must be Louise's now, since it had a sweet, alluring odor coming out of it that had not been present the last time she had visited. She wanted to picture them both in bed together, just for the titillation of it, but had no idea what Louise looked like, if she were white or black, a large women like Ada herself or small and petite, or perhaps even shaped like Laura.

"I'm so curious about Louise," she murmured to Ada, knowing it was risky. Ada was very private and locked down. "How did you meet her?"

"She works for a client of ours," Ada said as she placed one water bottle on each bedstand. "We were both the main liaisons for our companies. We got to know each other, like each other. Things just happened." She turned to Laura and winked across the bed at her. "Especially after you told me I ought to loosen up a little bit and let her light shine upon me, so to speak."

"And her light shone upon you, and you went up in flames," Laura teased her gently.

"Something like that," Ada blushed.

"Is she white or black?"

"You're awfully personal with your questions, you know," Ada said, glowering playfully at her.

"Sorry. I'm a fool for knowledge. I love knowing. I love thinking of you two together."

"She's actually Mexican, I think. Her real name is Luisa. She changed it to Louise, I guess to seem more mainstream. There's a lot of Mexicans down here, and still some prejudice, as I guess you know. Against both of us, really."

Laura nodded. Now she could see Luisa, in her mind, a flashing dark-eyed Mexican beauty with a flaming red mouth and voluptuous brown body, all coiled and intertwined with Ada's also voluptuous and magnificently statuesque black body, both of them gasping and sucking and panting and groaning. It was the kind of mental picture that quickly sent her over the edge.

She walked around the bed to the other side, where Ada was standing. "Can you forget her for just one night?" she asked, putting her arms on Ada's shoulders and bringing her mouth within inches of hers.

Ada let herself be kissed. She let Laura begin undressing her, and even threw her head back a little when Laura's lips slid down to her throat. "I guess . . . I can," she panted softly.

It was a wonderful thing to see this magnificent body come into view as the conservative worsted black pinstripe of Ada's suit jacket came off first, then her ivory blouse, then her belt, then the skirt of her suit. She wore a white slip and under it a violet bra, holding in those ripe melons that Laura so desired to consume. Ada was dark, not as dark as Dee Dee or Dawn, but much darker than Sara or Makeeda, and Laura had always felt a special thrill rubbing her cheek against Ada's smooth dark skin. As she helped Ada take off her slip, she found herself remembering the woman's huge, succulent black puffy nipples, the bulging, protruding black plums she had not been able to keep her eyes off when Ada had dashed around the tennis court in her Venus Williams tennis costume. Nobody else, male or female, had been able to stop watching either. You had to hand it to Ada. She might be a little repressed from her strict fundamentalist Protestant upbringing, but she secretly k new her physical allure and could show it off when she chose, though with subtlety.

She saw Laura's eyes on her cleavage. "You aren't going to touch me until you take your stuff off too," she said, stubbornly.

"Well . . ." Laura flirted, playing the coquette. "Aren't you going to help me? I helped you."

Ada blushed again. She blushes more than I do, Laura marveled. Only you can't see the red, just the shame. She's so cute. I think Louise has been very good for her.

Ada smirked at her, as if Laura were always coercing her into doing things that were contrary to her nature. "Okay, turn around."

Laura turned her back to Ada and lifted her hair with one hand so that Ada could get to the buttons up the back of her shirt. Ada began unbuttoning them slowly, letting her fingertips caress Laura's skin as it came more and more into view.

"You have such beautiful skin," she murmured absently. "Louise does too. I can't get over it. I love to touch it."

Laura smiled and held her hair up even higher, almost purring as she felt Ada's sensual lips on the nape of her neck. "If you don't hurry," she finally panted softly, "I'm going to have such wet panties that I'll have to borrow a pair of yours to get home in."

"Don't worry," Ada breathed into her ear. "Yours'll have time to dry out. You aren't going anywhere."

"Oh Ada . . . you are so different . . ." Laura sighed softly. "I think Louise has been so good for you."

"Maybe," Ada admitted, continuing to unbutton Laura's shirt, tugging it out of Laura's shirt, taking it completely off, kissing Laura's near-naked back lovingly along the way. "But you are the one who started it all. I learned to do this from you . . . not her. Oh Laura . . . you are more beautiful than ever. I love your skin . . . your back. What a beautiful bra. Where do you find these things?"

Laura's bra was a lacy, peach-colored masterpiece of sexual temptation, cut low, especially in the middle, making it look like she had a deeper valley than she actually did. Ada quickly had it unfastened. Then she reached behind her own back and unfastened her own bra, letting both bras slip away so that she could press her large naked breasts into Laura's naked back. Her soft, bulbous, protruding nipples were so large that Laura could easily feel them pushing into her flesh, feel the nubby centers rubbing her sensitive skin. She could also feel fresh warm juice flowing into her cunt from the sexual excitement, which seemed to jump up a notch for both of them at this touch.

Ada kissed Laura's neck, and her arms encircled Laura from behind, her hands now gripping Laura small, firm breasts, her fingers twisting Laura's excited nipples. "I think we're going to have to get completely naked," she panted softly to Laura. "I forgot how excited you get me. I really am gushing down there."

"Me too," Laura admitted. "You bring out the best in me," she grinned over her shoulder.

They hurriedly help one another out of the rest of their clothes. Ada had probably the most full-figured, voluptuous body of any woman Laura had ever had since Karen, though the two of them could otherwise have not been more different. It was truly a feast for love, and Laura was all over Ada's flesh immediately with her hands and her mouth, pulling Ada down onto the bed and embracing her and sucking her shoulder, squeezing her full round bottom.

Often overwhelmed by Laura's passion in the past, Ada had learned to enjoy being the object of this sensual attack. She laughed softly as Laura swarmed over her naked body.

"Laura . . . you act like a starving girl . . . like you haven't had any love for weeks," she gasped.

"Nothing like this," Laura panted. "I'm so envious of Louise . . . getting to make love to this beautiful body all the time."

Ada smiled gratefully, pulling Laura up to kiss her. "I'm so glad you like it," she said in a solemn tone. "You always make it feel so good. Even with Louise . . . I somehow never come the way I do with you, Laura."

"Mmmm, music to my ears," Laura grinned. "I love to make you come." Her hands swept up Ada's body to her full, large breasts, squeezing them and twisting Ada's thick, protruding nipples. "Remember when you came just from my sucking one of these?"

"How could I ever forget?" Ada brushed away a loose strand of hair from Laura's forehead.

"Want to try for it again?"

Ada smiled, a slow, bemused, sexy smile. "Right now I think I would come no matter where you touched me."

"May I kiss you first? Again? I love kissing you. Your lips are so . . . expressive."

"You may kiss me as long as you like," Ada breathed, embracing Laura so that their naked breasts mashed together. "Sometimes I dream about kissing you. I wake up and realize I have been kissing Laura. The woman who introduced me to all this. The woman who changed my life."

"Oh, don't making me start feeling responsible now," Laura grinned, kissing her wide, sensual mouth, at first tenderly, then more aggressively, pushing her naked breasts into Ada's.

She sucked Ada's smooth neck again, and brushed her lips across Ada's silky cheek. "Do you want me to talk dirty to you?" She twisted one of Ada's bulging nipples gently with her fingers. "Do you want me to tell you how I'm going to fuck you and make you scream?"

Ada giggled. "One thing is for sure. There's no one as nasty as you in the universe."

"May I suck your nipples?"

"I think I would die if you didn't."

"May I suck them hard enough to make you come?"

Ada was one of the few women Laura had known who actually could climax from having her nipples sucked. To the surprise of both of them, she had done it a couple of times, with Laura's help. But Laura knew that even having this gift, she wouldn't necessarily be able to do it every time. It was worth checking to see if she felt she was presently vulnerable to that particular sweet possibility.

Ada's black eyes were swirling and pulsing. Her expression told Laura that such sexual arousal, even with Louise, was rare. She was malleable and supple in Laura's hands, her flesh ready to do Laura's bidding, her body already swelling and throbbing to Laura's touch.

"I think I might . . . " she whispered, as Laura kissed her way down Ada's beautiful glowing black skin toward her magnificent breasts.

She held both of Ada's large breasts in her hands and ran her lips all over them, purposely avoiding the large, gleaming black bulbs of Ada's puffy nipples, wanting her to anticipate, watching Ada look down at her lips and tongue exploring the firm, round dark globes. Extending her wet tongue, she looked up into Ada's eyes and let the tip of it come very close to one bulging, swollen black bulb, all shiny like black satin, the wide areola speckled with tiny bumps, the stubby center pushing up proudly.

"Is this the one?" she teased, inching her tongue closer. "Is this the beautiful nipple that holds the fuse? Should we find out?"

Ada was panting and grimacing a little from the sexual excitement, her brow furrowed, her wide mouth torn open, her breath labored. "Oh god, Laura . . . you are evil," she smiled through her grimace.

Laura giggled softly. "Do you know how gorgeous your breasts are? God, those girls in the magazines have nothing on you. Your body is a masterpiece."

Ada smiled sensually, lazily. "That's what Louise says too."

"It's a masterpiece," Laura murmured softly, resuming her kisses, encircling Ada's bulging nipple with her lips, moving closer to it. "And I am going to worship it."

And I'm going to hear that Voice, she said to herself. Ada had a voice that could make whales, dolphins, and dogs go mad, a high, keening, twangy peal that sounded like the airhorn of an eighteen wheeler when she got anxious or excited, or when she was approaching or having an orgasm. It was so surprising that you could hardly get over it. Ada was such a sweet, gentle, repressed and polite woman, and yet without warning her voice could pour out of her lungs with the painful power of a moaning demon, enough force to melt steel and shatter plate glass.

As her lips finally closed over the swollen, satiny bulb of Ada's protruding black nipple and sucked it inside her mouth, she heard the rising swell of this force of nature for the first time in many months. It seemed to well up slowly from deep inside Ada's body, like a faraway horn moving closer, pealing upward, gathering force, surging out from her lungs up through her throat until it issued from her mouth in a moan that would flay the skin from the oranges in the kitchen basket.

"Ohhnnnnnn!" it started slowly, almost quietly, but then her awesome lung power began to kick in.

At first Laura hardly noticed. Her mouth was happily full of pulpy, stiffening, bulging black nipple, and she was tonguing and sucking it with hungry passion, cradling Ada's large, firm breast in both hands and sucking thirstily. She was not to be denied this wonderful feast and was determined to enjoy every second of it. But Ada's voice kept rising.

"Anngghhhh . . . oohhmmmmnnngggg . . . AHHHHHNNNNGGG!"

Oh god, she really is going to come from this, Laura suddenly thought. Ada had done it before. She could do it again. It was simply shocking that it all happened so fast. She glanced up to see Ada grimacing and tossing her head in an almost frantic but very sweet and intense seizure of pleasure.

Maybe I should just back off for a few seconds, she thought. God, I don't want her to come so fast. I want to suck and squeeze these beauties for a long time first.

"Oh Ada . . . oh Ada . . . you're going to come," she almost complained, softly.

"Yes! Oh . . . yes!" Ada gasped, her eyes reddened and bleary and they caught Laura's. "Yes!"

"You can't come yet," Laura pouted. "I want more. I want it to go on longer."

Ada grinned, even through her sweet sexual torment. "Oh . . . Laura!"

Stubbornly, Laura pulled back. She kissed other parts of Ada's magnificent, statuesque body, kissing her smooth stomach, her ribcage up one side, her shoulder, her neck, her smooth dark cheek. She speculated that it was the excitement of the moment, of seeing Laura again, of being naked together in bed after such a long absence, feeling their warm, smooth naked bodies sliding together, that was fueling Ada's abrupt sexual arousal. On the one hand, Laura wanted to exploit it, to make Ada come that fast in a flurry of wild sexual sunbursts, but on the other hand she felt it was cheating them both of the long, slow buildup they deserved.

All the while she was kissing Ada's body, her fingers never left Ada's nipples, which she was twisting and lightly pinching, feeling them harden and come alive, feeling Ada writhe and squirm under her. Her lips slid further up Ada's cheek to her ear, which she frenched heatedly.

"Do you want me to suck your nipples again until you come?" she whispered.

"Oh! Oh . . . yes!" Ada panted, her hips now churning too, involuntarily, as if some internal switch had been thrown that made her body erupt in fucking motions, whether she wanted to or not.

"Oh honey, I know you can't wait," Laura murmured to her, licking her gleaming black ear. "I know you want it. I know you want to come."

"Ohhhhhh yesssssss!" Ada gasped.

Laura loved it more when Ada was gasping and panting than when the airhorn blast was issuing from her formidable lungs. Ada's voice had the power to make Laura cringe and shudder even as she swelled with feelings of pride and lechery at the uncontrollable sexual urgency she was arousing in her. And that was certainly happening now. Ada was squirming and writhing even more vigorously, her breath coming in more rapid bursts, her fingers spastically clutching at Laura's bare arms, her pelvis quaking and grinding.

"Unnhhh . . . unhhh . . ." she groaned, her eyes reddened and throbbing as she looked down at Laura's mouth on her wet breasts.

She was so close that Laura knew there was nothing else to be gained but her own selfish ego-satisfaction by prolonging it further. This volcano is about ready to blow, she realized. Steeling herself to endure the piercing howls that were about to roar from Ada's throat, she concentrated on one beautiful, bulging, black, swollen, shiny wet nipple and sucked it deep into her mouth. She sucked it hard and rhythmically, at the same time dropping one hand between Ada's thighs and gingerly rubbing Ada's large nubby clit with two fingertips, feeling the copious streams of Ada's warm cunt nectars bathing her fingers.

And, miracle of miracles, Ada erupted in an orgasm so fierce and cataclysmic that not a sound but short, choked off, clotted wheezings and sputterings emerged from her mouth. Laura was so totally immersed herself in the bliss of sucking Ada's large, bulging, pulpy, throbbing nipple that at first she barely noticed that Ada was coming hard but not howling. Ada's body shook and clenched, and her heels dug sharply into the mattress. Her shuddering pelvis rose in the air. Laura had a hard time keeping her fingers in place on Ada's large, jutting grape of a clit.

"Hhhhnnnuunnhhhh! Mmmnnffffggrrrhhhh!"

Ada was clutched by a fierce, crushing spasm. She whinnied deep in her chest.

"Annnggghhh! Mnnggeee . . . mnnggiieee . . ."

Laura held on tight, still sucking, sucking even harder now. Again a buckling blow struck Ada, who jerked and then rose briefly off the mattress, collapsing back suddenly in a spastic fit of convulsions. And now a scorching, deafening cry escaped from her lips.


Laura held on more desperately. Ada, a big and strong woman, surged again briefly off the bed, her howls again reduced to chuffing and squeaking, as another wavelet of orgasms passed through her flesh. This time her thighs clamped shut on Laura's hand, and her whole lower body shuddered in a fierce quake so deep and so prolonged that Laura worried it would not stop.

By now Laura had released Ada's wet nipple from her mouth, fearing too much of a good thing, having never seen Ada come so hard. And Ada too seemed to slack off at this point, still quivering and moaning, but no longer wracked by sharp spasms. Her thighs, however, kept shuddering wildly. Laura's hand was still clamped between them, and she could feel each sharp tremor and wondered if Ada were going to come again. Her answer came in seconds when another clotted groan was half-strangled deep in Ada's throat, she grimaced in ecstasy, then suddenly her body buckled one last time under the force of a final shock.

"Unngghhhhhh! Oh! Auunnggghhhh!" she cried out, coming one last time, while Laura held her, kissing her neck this time, her cheek, and lustfully watching Ada's wonderful large breasts shake and jiggle as the final pleasure quake shook her sleek black flesh.

Both of them seemed stunned by this string of orgasms and took a little while to recover. Ada, of course, had more to recover from and took longer. Laura was shocked not only by the force and length of Ada's climaxes, but also by her own fierce sexual arousal, now that Ada's need was clearly satisfied. Ada was always very desirable to her, but somehow now as she lay supine and panting and exhausted from a sweet ordeal of intense coming, she was an absolute incitement to rape. Laura wanted to consume her violently, until she herself simply exploded in hot, jolting bursts of orgasms, as many as Ada had had, however many that might be, long streaks of them obliterating her in starbursts of excruciating pleasure.

But this urge was counterbalanced by the tenderness she felt for Ada as she watched her emerge from this thrilling moment. Ada blinked and tried to focus. Her panting had now subsided into rapid but untroubled breathing. Her eyes were glazed. She looked up at Laura.

"I've never come like that in my life, Laura," she finally said, almost in a whisper. "Not even with you."

Laura cuddled up next to her, fondling Ada's magnificent breasts and tonguing her ear. "Oh, of course you have. I even remember when you did with me."

She did not remember it, of course, but was willing to fudge a little to make Ada believe that their sex was always special. Luisa may fuck you good, honey, but nothing beats Laura, she thought wickedly. Oh shit, I'm so bad to be thinking that. I'm so happy she found Louise. I should not be so competitive. Definitely not.

Ada grinned wryly. "Maybe your memory is better than mine."

Laura nodded. "Maybe it is."

"Aren't you going to kiss me?" Ada inquired innocently. "After that? After you made me come like that? The least you can do is kiss me."

Laura rolled over on top of her, playfully, again caressing and squeezing Ada's wonderful naked breasts before running her hands down the rest of her voluptuous body. She nuzzled Ada's neck.

"I'll kiss you," she said. "Give me those pillow lips . . . give me that beautiful tongue. But I'm warning you, if I kiss you I'm liable to go wild. I want you to do it all to me. Watching you come made me hornier than a tick. I need it."

Ada laughed softly. "There you go again! I love the way you talk, Laura. God, you are so nasty and wonderful. You don't hold anything back."

"Quit talking and suck," Laura gasped with laughter herself, inching her body up so that her small breasts dangled in Ada's face. She swished them across Ada's mouth, already feeling her nipples ache and tingle at the feel of Ada's lips grazing them. "Suck. I need it, honey. I need you to fuck me fast."

This was the part of sex that Ada had always had the most trouble with. She could allow herself to be ravished by Laura, but sometimes in returning the favor she would lose control and really give in to her most basic urges, which in turn frightened her. It had been after one such loss of control that she had abruptly resigned from her job as Laura's boss, left the company, returned to Dallas, and apparently vowed never to see Laura again. On the other hand, now with advent of Louise into her life, maybe she had changed a little, loosened up a little, and Laura intended, affectionately of course, to see if it were true.

She held one of her own breasts in her hand and pushed her excited nipple against Ada's lips. "Suck it . . . ssssssuck it, Ada . . . please!" she sighed.

Ada grinned up at her. Without a word, she opened her mouth and took Laura's nipple inside.

"Ungghh!" Laura half-grunted, gripped more than she had expected to be by the sudden sensations of sexual need. Her cunt suddenly flood with fresh juice, and her whole body came alive. "Unnggghhh . . . oh yes!"

She looked down at Ada's large lips enclosing her nipple, sucking it slowly. It was one of the most erotic sights she had ever seen, made even more so by Ada's black eyes drifting up to meet hers, then holding them locked in a mesmerizing trance as she sucked Laura's throbbing nipple even harder. Oh god, I'm going to come before she ever touches my pussy! Laura thought wildly.

But she was not about to terminate this hypnotic trance. Instead, she let herself sink deeply into it, throwing her head back, pushing her breast into Ada's face, letting her fingers slip through Ada's thick hair to her scalp and caressing it while the bliss poured through her tense body.

"Oh yes! Ohhhh Ada!" she gasped, her body flooded with sweet sexual longings.

Strangely enough, in the middle of this intensely intimate moment her thoughts somehow flashed to Makeeda, a troubling but not wholly unwelcome transposition, as if it were Makeeda's mouth that was fastened onto her breast, Makeeda's amazingly sensual lips sucking and milking her aching nipple, Makeeda's spirit transmitting itself to her nerves through the overpowering intimacy of this moment, not Ada's. She knew it was terrible to be thinking of another, but she could not help it, and suddenly they both swirled together in her consciousness, first one, then the other, until Ada took matters into her own hands, and mouth, and returned Laura forcibly to the actual moment.

She released Laura's nipple and quickly guided the other one into her mouth, holding Laura's other breast now in the fingers of both hands and squeezing as she sucked.

"Unhhh! Unhhhh!" Laura groaned, clenching her teeth.

There was no way she could think of Makeeda now, since Ada was ramping up the heat level, her mouth hungrier and more urgent by the second as she felt Laura's body beginning to squirm on top of her, and felt the tension in Laura's muscles as an inevitable orgasm began to build quickly in her flesh.

Laura rarely took long to come, at least the first time, and she was even wondering in the back of her mind why it had taken her this long, so overwrought and tense with sexual pressure was she feeling at the moment. Still half-lying on top of Ada's large, voluptuous body, she realized that in this position a little missionary tribbing might bring her off in only a few seconds. Though it was usually not her preferred position, since you really couldn't get your cunts together that way, unless you stopped doing what she and Ada were doing right now, and orgasm was much less likely, she knew that she was so lathered up at this second that the merest touch of Ada's groin or thigh to her pussy would probably make her go up in flames.

Miraculously, Ada seemed to have a moment of clairvoyance and divine what Laura was thinking, for she smoothly and strongly rose up from the mattress, holding Laura and gently guiding her onto her back, then slid one thick black thigh between Laura's thighs and, from a sitting position, expertly lowered her own wet pussy onto Laura's gaping, juicy slit. Laura loved being fucked like this and was completely amazed by Ada's smooth expertise. God, it's got to be Louise! she thought, dazed and throbbing and overwhelmed by the sweetly intense sensations that flooded her body as she felt the wet, warm, slippery meat of Ada's cunt pressing into hers. Louise taught her how to do this. Oh god, thank you, Louise!

"Unnhhhh!" she half-grunted, looking up into Ada's adoring eyes.

Ada might be on top, and ready to fuck Laura to heaven, but she had never lost her adoration. "You like it this way?" she panted to Laura, swirling her hips so that her wet pussy lips slithered against Laura's, making Laura's eyes roll up.

"Oh god . . . it feels so good, honey . . . unhhhh! Oh yes . . . oh yes, do it some more . . . just like that . . . ohhhh Ada, god, it feels so good!"

Ada's eyes never left Laura's. It was the new Ada. She was so intent on fucking Laura and bringing her to an orgasm that nothing could interfere with her attention. She was completely focused, and her wet pussy moving against Laura's soon had Laura in a hot sweat of urgency. Ada, no longer being able to kiss Laura or suck her nipples in this position, still held and squeezed one of Laura's breasts in one hand as she swirled and pumped her groin into Laura's. And Laura, though overcome by swelling sexual palpitations, reached up with one hand to cup one of Ada's large globes too.

"Unnhhhh!" she gasped. "Ohhnnnnn! Unnhhhhhh! Oh Ada! Unhhhh!"

"Can you . . . come this way?" Ada panted to Laura, though she might have known from their past encounters that Laura could come in almost any way.

Breathe on me and give me a hot look and I'll come, Laura thought.

"Oh yes! Oh god yes!" Laura panted desperately, now grinding her own hips and pushing her wet pussy up even harder into Ada's. "Oh god, I'm almost coming already! Do it a little harder . . . yes! Yes! Harder! Ungghh! Yes! Ungghh! Oh! Oh!"

As Ada pumped her pelvis a little harder, grinding her cunt down more roughly into Laura's as Laura requested, both of their bodies began to flex and strain and sweat, their breath very labored now, their eyes fiery with sexual intensity. They both knew that they were locked in now, that Laura was going to come in seconds, and that it would be no soft, feathery climax but a fierce stunner. The fine thin sheen of sweat that coated Ada's voluptuous black body, making it shine and glow, aroused Laura so much, on top of the wild sexual stimulation she was already receiving, that again she wondered why she hadn't erupted in hot coming by now.

But she really didn't have long to wonder. Now that Ada was grinding more roughly, she also managed to pick up the pace, thrusting harder, faster. Laura was thrusting back, but suddenly could not even move as she felt a jolt of white heat paralyze her straining flesh.

Oh shit, she thought. "Aunnnggghhhh!"

Ada realized it too. She knew Laura was coming and twisted her body enough to reach down with both hands to Laura, still fucking her vigorously but also touching Laura's shoulders and watching her face to see the ecstasy that was now distorting it.

After her first brief groan, Laura could not even make a sound. Her body was filled with throbbing fire, her muscles and nerves clenching spastically and twitching violently as spasm after spasm wrenched her.

"Aunnnggghhhh!" she managed another explosive groan, then sank again into a shuddering rapture, her body ripped apart by beautiful sunbursts of sexual bliss. "Ohnnnnnnnn! Ohnnnnnnn!" she finally began to sigh as the intensity of her sweet torment began to wane after the last sharp seizure.

Ada was still holding Laura's shoulders and pressing her own wet pussy into Laura's, but no longer moving, just watching Laura come, finally smiling a little as Laura's orgasm slowly died away. After a few minutes, she pulled her pussy away from Laura's and lay down next to her, kissing Laura's arm and letting one hand drift up to fondle Laura's breasts while Laura recovered.

"I guess we haven't lost it, have we," she whispered to Laura.

Laura gazed over at her dreamily, her body still aching with the sweet, faint aftershocks of her beautiful orgasm. "I wish you were still my boss," she smiled at Ada. "We would have such a good time. We could do this all the time. Tell everybody we have a meeting with a client. Then go somewhere and fuck like bunnies."

Ada feigned being cross. "That's just the trouble, I think. You only have one thing on the brain, Laura." She let her eyes drift playfully down Laura's naked body toward her crotch. "Only trouble is, your brain is in the wrong place."

Laura pinched her thigh. "How dare you say something like that to me?" she teased, also feigning anger.

Ada embraced her and kissed her. "The truth is," she murmured to Laura, "you're exactly right. It's why I had to leave and come back here. If I were still your boss, there's no way we wouldn't be doing this all the time."

Laura licked the sweat off Ada's shiny black shoulder. "I think we're all sweaty and should take a shower," she said, with a bright smile.

There was no way, she knew, they could or would want to avoid a shower together. Their first sexual encounter had been in the shower and they had done it in the shower together nearly every time they had met since then.

Ada's eyes flickered with amusement. "You never get enough, do you."

"Not of this marvelous body," Laura said, running her fingertip all over Ada's wonderful sleek, but now a little sticky, naked flesh. "And I can't resist it at all when there's water running all over it."

Ada broke into soft laughter. "Come to think of it, I can't resist yours either when we're in the shower. Somehow it just makes me . . . you know"

"Want to fuck me and fuck me?" Laura teased, knowing how The Word scandalized Ada.

Ada frowned. "How did you guess. There you go again with that filthy language."

Laura pulled her close and licked her neck and jaw, before nibbling her large lower lip. "Let's go into the shower where you can fuck me and fuck me," she breathed.

Now Ada laughed more nervously, but also excitedly. They had both climaxed not many minutes earlier, but Laura realized that the sexual hunger was not slaked, and they were both pretty aroused by the thought of the shower, where they had had some wild moments in the past.

Ada's eyes fell bashfully, then rose up to Laura's again, now glimmering with fresh sexual heat. "Okay," she said, with a half-embarrassed smirk, as if she were too shy to admit how much she wanted it, how she too could still be horny even after what they had just done. "I guess I'll let you twist my arm."

The shower was heaven to Laura. It was steamy and hot, and the hot water poured over both of their naked bodies as they groped and kissed each other hungrily. The silvery rivulets streamed off Ada's black skin and beaded up on her shoulders and neck and breasts, and Laura licked them up as fast as they formed. She had to keep Ada from grabbing for the soap, guiding her hand back to the soap ledge and making her re-deposit it there.

"I want to lick the water off your body first," she panted to her.

Ada's large, swollen black nipples, always enchanting to her, became even more desirable as the water dripped from them, and Laura's mouth and tongue were nearly uncontrollable as she lifted first one large, firm breast in her palm, then the other, devouring the protruding buds and sucking the water from them, swallowing it greedily.

"Oh god, I love your body," she panted, barely able to hear herself over the hot hiss of the shower water beating down on them.

"Easy, girl . . . easy," Ada giggled, but also gasped as Laura devoured her large black nipples. "Oh god . . . you got me going again, girl. My legs are quivering."

"Just hold onto me," Laura panted to her. "I won't let you fall."

She pushed Ada back against the wet tiled wall and mashed her own wet body into her, kissing her ravenously, much more aggressively now than she had earlier on the bed, sucking her lips, digging her fingers into the hard moons of Ada's ample wet bottom. At first Ada was submissive and vulnerable, letting Laura rub against her and clutch her ass sharply, but somehow Laura's very actions, coupled with the swirling steam and hard, riveting hot water striking their flesh, aroused her to match Laura's aggressive caresses with her own. Soon Laura could feel Ada's fingers biting into her ass too, and Ada's mouth sharply sucking her neck, slurping the water off Laura's body too.

"Oh god, yesssss!" Laura hissed, feeling the long strands of her wet hair coil around her neck and shoulders, watching the sparkly diamonds of water that collected in the webby swirls of Ada's wet hair as they groped and sucked each other hungrily. "I want your pussy," she murmured in Ada's ear, frenching it passionately, nibbling Ada's wet earlobe, squeezing Ada's full breasts with both hands. "Just hold onto my shoulders, darling. I'm getting my feast. I want that beautiful pussy."

"You . . . better get a towel for your knees," Ada panted to her as they finished a scorching kiss.

She had remembered what Laura had forgotten in her frantic urge to get her mouth on Ada's wet pussy. After doing this a few times, they had both realized that getting a towel wet on the floor the shower was vastly preferable to coming away with scarred and painful knees.

"Right," Laura grinned at her, opening the glass door just a crack so that she could reach out and snatch a bath towel.

She folded it thick and put it on the floor at Ada's feet. Then, with a suggestive smirk at Ada, she began kissing her way down the woman's magnificent, voluptuous, wet, black body, now all shiny with water. Again, she licked up each rivulet flowing over the woman's gorgeous wet black flesh.

"Prepare, my darling, to be eaten alive," she warned.

Ada smiled and spread her thighs a little more, to make it easier for Laura. Then she leaned back against the wall and braced herself for the sweet attack she knew was coming. Meanwhile, the hot water beat down on them both relentlessly, and the steam rose in dense swirls around their wet bodies. Laura sank to her knees on the saturated towel and spread the dewy black bush away with her fingers to reveal the thick, meaty, open trench of Ada's aroused pussy.

Ada did not have a sweet, puckered little slit. Hers was a fat succulent feast of a pussy, the lips black as midnight, the glistening interior fiery and hot pink and runny with juice. She also had a clit to rival Randi's in enormity, a big fleshy knob at the top of her large vagina, currently thick and swollen but, Laura knew from past experience, not yet as erect as it could become, especially at the last moment, when Ada was ready to pop.

Laura knew she could make it that erect, if she chose, but presently she wanted to lick every inch of this gorgeous wet pussy which she had not touched for months.

"Mmnnnnggg . . . mmmnngggg!" Ada whimpered softly as Laura began to make love to her pussy, pulling the shiny wet black lips open and burrowing her tongue deep into the raw pink flesh inside, pushing it in as deep as it would go up Ada's tight channel.

Ada's sleek, wet thighs quaked and flexed, and she leaned down a little to place her hands on Laura's shoulders, as Laura had suggested, and as they had done in the past. It was not the easiest of positions for fucking, Laura knew, but for them it had been one of the hottest. On the other hand, she knew neither of them could maintain it for long. Ada was going to come without a problem, Laura knew. She could tell from the way her clit was already swollen, and from the way she was moaning, from the sound of a fire engine that was beginning to flow from her throat. It would only take a little more coaxing to get her there, and it would be selfish to wait any longer.

Hearing Ada's moaning and whimpering intermingled with the sharp hiss of the shower water beating down on them aroused Laura to a frenzy of passion. Even the way Ada was bent forward over her, holding on, which made her large, full, water-slick breasts sway out right above Laura's head, was impossibly arousing to Laura, who wanted to interrupt what she was doing in order to devour them yet again. The best she could do was reach up with one hand and cup and squeeze them, twisting one of Ada's wet, bulging black nipples in her fingers as she let her tongue slide across the hardening nub of Ada's large clit.

"Unhhhh! Unhhh! Oh . . . Laura! Aawwwoonnngggggg!" The loud peal of Ada's stupendous voice began to unwind out of her quivering body and filled the shower stall and bathroom with deafening grandeur.

It was at the same time horrific and fiercely exciting to Laura, who knew she was touching the right nerve, igniting the right fuse, and quickly bringing Ada to the brink of a wrenching climax. But it was ear-splitting, enough to make you grimace in pain. There was only so much of it Laura could take. Her own lungs filled with hot steam every time she inhaled, and she wondered how anyone could have such superhuman lung strength that these piercing wails could come out of her body.

And yet the raw sexual connection between them was winding tighter by the second. Ada's fingers were digging into Laura's shoulders, and her pelvis was swirling forward and down into Laura's devouring mouth. Her whoops and groans were punctuated by sharp, helpless gasps. Laura's mouth was smeared with the thick, warm honey that was flooding Ada's cunt, and she sucked and licked the juicy fat feast more hungrily and passionately than ever, holding open Ada's swollen wet pussy lips with her thumbs and stabbing her tongue into the glistening center, knowing she could make Ada come quickly.

"Annnggghh! Auungghh! Oh Laura! Oh Laura!" Ada groaned, pumping her hips frantically forward into Laura's face, her body tense and clenched with urgent need. "Unngghhh! Oh . . . yes! Awwwooonnnnggggg!"

They were drenched. Laura could feel her hair matted against her skull like a wet, stringy helmet. She could feel the water in her eyes and hammering in hot nails against her back. Glancing up, she could see it pouring off Ada's dark, swaying breasts just above her head, these splendid bouncing gourds, and flowing in glistening rivers down her smooth, heaving stomach. It was wildly erotic, and she could feel the raw physical squirt of her own sexual desire gush through her body. She wanted to consume Ada's wet, voluptuous, shiny body in a sexual heat so intense that both of them would melt down on the spot into nothing but exhausted, twitching nerves, blasted and scorched by a sexual climax to end them all.

Ada was going completely out of control, squirming and whimpering and keening, leaning more awkwardly onto Laura now that the sexual pressure in her body was about to erupt. They had had some pretty exciting sexual moments in the shower, but Laura wondered if it had ever been this wild and sudden and loud and feverish. The wet warm flesh of Ada's pussy in her mouth seemed like the purest heaven, and she thought she could even feel Ada's large clit pulsing and swelling against her tongue as she sucked it, bringing Ada closer and closer to a shattering explosion.

At the same time she realized, as she had realized other times when they had done this, that coming while standing up was not the easiest thing in the world to do. She had done it herself and knew it was a little dangerous, if you were truly getting close to the edge, as Ada was doing. She weighed more than Laura, and it was hard for Laura to support her, to prop her up, and to suck her delicious pussy at the same time. If she let her slide down the wall to the floor, Laura could continue the job with her hand, but it would mean giving up this wonderful wet feast. Still, Ada was about to come. There was no mistaking it.

Laura eased up a little and let her sag, and Ada fairly effortlessly slid down the slick tiled wall to the floor of the shower stall. Laura was all over her in a split second, as if she knew she couldn't let Ada miss a beat in the passionate rhythm they had already established, as if Ada's climax were the only thing in life that mattered to her at this moment, and she was totally devoted to bringing it off. All of which was true.

She had two fingers inside Ada's slippery wet pussy in a second, and was violently rubbing the tops of them against Ada's thick, rubbery clit at the same time, while she dropped her mouth to the shiny, dripping, orgasm nipples, knowing that sucking them would help Ada come. She needn't have bothered, though, since Ada began to come almost immediately after her ass touched the wet floor of the shower stall. A huge, unmistakable quaking began in her lower body, and a harsh groan like a chain saw ripping through a tree trunk began to issue from her throat.

It was earsplitting and, Laura feared, threatened to shatter the glass cage of the shower stall itself. Though that was hardly likely, she tried to cover Ada's mouth with her own as Ada shrieked, feeling Ada's body shudder and strain as a crushing orgasm consumed her.

"AAUUNNNGGMMNNGGIIIEEEE" she began, but Laura's mouth quickly covered hers, and Laura sucked up the sound as if into her own lungs, so that Ada was soon lowing and gurgling, her body clenching and surging up into Laura's wet flesh, her pelvis grinding and gyrating off the floor as she came into Laura's thrusting hand. "Unngghmmmnnppphhggnnn!" she grunted, squeezing Laura's hand between her large, wet thighs. "Ungghhh! Oh god! Oh . . . Laura . . .ungghhh!"

Meanwhile, the loud hiss of the shower water and the swirling steam enveloped their striving bodies, crouched together on the floor, Laura panting, trying to hold Ada while Ada suffered through the excruciating last moments of a killing orgasm, Ada whimpering and whinnying helplessly, still in the grip of it. The hot water beat into their skin. Laura again licked it off Ada's shiny black shoulders, her fingers still embedded in the throbbing slit of Ada's meaty cunt.

"Oh Ada, you came so hard," she murmured to her, raising her voice a little to make it heard over the deafening shower water. "You came so good."

Ada broke into a grin and laughed a little, softly. "I did. God, I surely did."

Slowly, almost reluctantly, Laura removed her fingers from Ada's greasy pussy and theatrically licked them clean while Ada watched, always fascinated by Laura's descent into the truly basic. "I love the taste of your pussy," Laura flirted with her.

But the water was too noisy and relentless for them to spend much time in saucy badinage. Ada raised an eyebrow. "While you're enjoying the taste," she made an unpleasant face, "we're running up my water bill. Why don't we go back to the bed where I can enjoy the taste of your"

"My wet wet . . . wet pussy?" Laura smirked. "My pussy is very wet. And not with water, either. It wants to feel Ada's tongue. It wants to feel Ada sucking it. Look."

She sat back a little on the saturated towel, aware of the hot water still streaming down her own shiny wet body, and spread her thighs, running the forefinger of each hand down into her crotch and gently pulling open her cunt lips so that Ada could see the inflamed seam.

"See?" She glanced up to see Ada staring, her black eyes wide and mesmerized, her sensual mouth half-open. She gave Ada a half-smile, one that said, as blatantly as Laura could make it say: I want you to fuck me, Ada. I want you to do everything to me.

Ada reached up behind herself with one hand and shut off the faucet. The water stopped immediately, and the shower stall fell silent. Remnants of wispy steam swirled around them. Smiling, Ada reached out and caressed the wet ropes of Laura's hair, which were glued to her skull, her neck, her shoulders.

"My little wet rat," she laughed affectionately, a name she had given Laura once in the shower, after another scorching encounter like this one. "Let me dry you off and take you to bed."

These words nearly melted Laura. They helped each other to their feet, unable to resist a final wet embrace and a wet, sizzling kiss. Then they stepped outside and Ada dried off Laura's body very sensually with a huge fluffy pink towel. Laura returned the favor, unable to keep herself from kissing Ada's body again, even chasing Ada's bulging, succulent black nipples with her mouth, so that Ada had to pull back, laughing.

"Now cut that out, you little wet rat," she laughed, stepping back, playfully swatting Laura's head away from her large, swaying breasts with one hand. "Can't you ever get enough?"

Laura shook her head. "Not me."

"You come with me." Ada grabbed her wrist and pulled her out of the bathroom, toward the bed. "I'm going to have to teach you a lesson."

"Ooohhh, are you going to spank me?" Laura feigned fear but knew that Ada could never do any such thing. She was probably the most inhibited woman Laura had ever known, and simply getting her to do this at all was a miracle. Getting her to be a little kinky was impossible.

"No . . ." Ada smiled. "I'm going to . . . eat you alive, as you like to say."

"Oh god," Laura laughed excitedly, "I can hardly wait."

She did not have to wait, either. Ada drew her to the bed, pushed her onto her back, and swarmed over Laura's supine body as she never had before. The new Ada. Laura was overwhelmed. Already red hot from the experience in the shower, she simply lay back and surrendered her vibrant, quivering flesh to Ada, who consumed it with a heated passion Laura had never felt from her before.

She sucked Laura's neck and squeezed Laura's breasts almost roughly, kissed Laura almost savagely, then slid down to suck and tongue Laura's nipples so expertly and fiercely that Laura's body stiffened and rose off the bed. She whimpered and flexed, caught by surprise and surging sexual frenzy.

"Oh god, yes, Ada . . . oh, bite it!" she gasped. "Oh . . . bite it . . . just a little. Unhhhh! Yes!"

Ada was reluctant really to bite Laura's nipple, but she did let her teeth sink into the swollen areola just a little. It was enough to make Laura go happily crazy. She felt a hot squirt of sexual fire shoot from her breast, the one in Ada's hungry mouth, to her oozing pussy. Her hand fluttered up to her breast, and she pushed it sharply against Ada's mouth.

"Do it harder," she panted, squirming wildly under Ada. "Yes!"

Laura had never been one of those who, like Ada, could sometimes come just from having her nipple sucked. She usually needed a little more help; not much, but a little. This time, though, she felt like she might do it. Her body writhed and ran with fire, undulating urgently, her panting almost hysterical and out of control. Ada too realized that this was something new and seemed to be struggling to keep up with Laura's growing frenzy.

She dropped one hand to Laura's crotch, letting two fingers slither in between Laura's slippery, gaping cunt lips, and the second Laura felt the tops of Ada's fingers grazing her clit she began to come. It all happened so fast that there was no way to tell if it was Ada's mouth or her fingers that set off the explosion. Anyway, it didn't matter.

"Auungghhh!" Laura cried out, her body leaping off the bed in a sharp convulsion.

And then the surging hot lava of a fierce orgasm began to shoot through her body, pouring through her veins, singeing each nerve of her spasming flesh. Ada grasped her and held her, but there was little she could do other than let Laura come and be ready to caress her when she finished. Laura had no idea how long this took. Just as the orgasm had surprised her by its suddenness, it also bewildered her by its nature and could have been minutes long or only seconds. Her body felt wounded and destroyed afterward, but pleasantly, as if crushed by unbelievable pleasure.

Ada nuzzled her cheek. "Are you finished?" she cooed tentatively, her fingers still touching Laura's wet pussy.

"If you move your hand, I'll kill you," Laura smiled up at her.

Ada smiled back. "I wouldn't. I'm afraid you might bite it off with those thighs."

They both looked down at Ada's dark brown hand tightly clamped between Laura's pale thighs, which were clenched tightly shut. Laura had not even realized she was still imprisoning Ada's hand this way. She relaxed them.

Ada smirked sexily. "Is it okay to move it?"

"I might come again," Laura half-panted, joking but serious.

Ada removed her hand slowly and wiped it on the edge of the sheet. "I must say, you do have a quick fuse. Neither Louise or I can go off as quickly as you do."

"Lucky you," Laura playfully pouted. "You get to make it last longer."

Ada almost blushed. "We do have a pretty good bed time," she admitted. "I think I owe it all to you."

"Nonsense. I just gave you permission. You did the rest yourself. Anyway, I think Louise may have taught you more than I ever did."

They rested and nuzzled and whispered and dozed. Around midnight they both seemed rejuvenated sexually and indulged in another bout of heated fucking, followed by enraptured sleep. In the morning Laura wanted more but Ada had a breakfast meeting with the vice president of her company and had to leave quickly. She dropped Laura at her hotel, and they made arrangements to meet again that night. Laura realized, as she rode the elevator up to her room, that she had thought of Makeeda only once during the entire evening, and that Ada had quickly banished even that moment from her mind. As soon as she recalled this, though, it was difficult to hold back the anxiety and foreboding.




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