Laura - Chapter 290
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The arrival of Makeeda into Laura's life certainly made things more difficult. Since she would not see her for a few days, she would have a chance, at least, to sort out her feelings. But after a few days indeed elapsed, she realized there was no sorting to do. She was so shockingly in love that she could barely breathe. There were a few other complications as well. Joy's father had been transferred to Kansas City, and she was moving immediately. This resulted in hours of tears and defiance and heated fucking with Laura, as if Joy had to cram her last few moments full of frantic sex that in a few days would be lost to her forever. Some of it involved Carmela too, who was equally devastated that Joy would be moving away. The sex, however, was steamy and desperate, and powerful enough to take Laura's mind off Makeeda for a while. Even more disturbing was a call from Sara, who wanted to skip their usual weekend rendezvous. By now Laura's feelings about Sara were so complicated she could hardly understand them at all. She knew she had been a little put off by Sara's expressed desire to sleep with the nurse she had been flirting with. She knew she shouldn't be, given her own semi-promiscuity, but she was. It had hurt. Had that made her more vulnerable to Makeeda's allure? Even worse, the power of the feeling she had for Makeeda seemed to make the feelings she had for Sara pale by comparison. Was that simply because of the newness of it all? That had to be part of it. You got old and comfortable and familiar together, if you were like she and Sara had been for nearly a year. You got lazy and happy. You didn't watch out for what might be lurking around the corner. Nurses. Singers. Sara was vague on the phone. "I just have some things I want to take care of," she said. "Is that okay with you?" She wants to play doctor with that nurse who's after her, Laura thought. But now, she realized, a big part of her didn't care. Let her do it. Let Sara fall into the arms of this lecherous nurse. I hope you two hit it off big, she thought, and not with malice either. Part of her wanted Sara to get as emotionally involved with the nurse as she, Laura, had quickly become with Makeeda. It might make things easier down the road. And yet it made her inexpressibly sad. Not only for herself, but for both of them. They had had so much, such sweet intimacy, which now seemed suddenly a part of the distant past, though it had still permeated their lives fewer than two weeks back. She still felt very strongly about Sara and wanted her very much, and was very jealous of the nurse. But Makeeda had in the space of one night become the sun, and Sara the moon. "Of course it's okay with me," Laura assured her. "I . . . well, I have some things to take care of myself. Why don't we . . . just make it the following weekend instead?" "Thanks, Laura," Sara said softly. "I knew you'd understand. I still love you, you know." "I love you too." And she did, she realized, as she hung up the phone. It was all too confusing. Sara had said 'I love you' to Laura specifically so that Laura would not feel bad that she was fucking her darling brains out with her new nurse this weekend. Laura was not to feel bad. But Laura felt bad anyway. Finally, to stir the confusing mixture, she got a phone call from Arthell. Arthell presented Laura with a whole new special set of problems. She had put up a spirited resistance to Laura's sly advances, but when she had finally yielded they had spent a thrilling evening together in Arthell's bed. As occasionally happened (it had happened initially, for example, with Shontay), Laura's biggest immediate problem was in keeping Arthell from falling in love with her. Now that Makeeda was in her life, it was hard to think there would be any time for Arthell, and yet Laura would feel completely like a worm if she said, after one hot night of fucking: Sorry, darling, I have other fish to fry. You were sweet and pretty and delicious to fuck, but I can't be bothered any more. How would that sound? It was impossible. Arthell was sweetness itself. She adored Laura, and Laura could not and would not simply reject her because something better had come along. Arthell wanted to come to the city. "I could spend the night with you Friday or Saturday, if you're not busy," she said suggestively to Laura on the phone. "My parents are back," she sounded rather disconsolate about it, but quickly perked up again, "so we can't . . . you know, do it the way we did before. I mean, we can't be alone here." Laura thought quickly. Makeeda was out of town, Sara was rubbing her slutty self up against her nurse, Joy was moving, and Carmela was trapped at home by her family. She indeed had the weekend free and wouldn't object to holding Arthell's sweet young dark brown body in her arms and hearing her shout 'Ohhh, fuck!' into her ear every time she came. Her big challenge with Arthell, though, would be to ease her down gently, not to let their weekend of physical pleasure become inflated in Arthell's mind into an enduring and glorious romance. Maybe it was assuming too much to think that Arthell would fall so hard, but something about their previous encounter warned Laura that it was not only possible but likely. Arthell was young, impressionable, enthusiastic, even a little naïve, it seemed. On their one night together Laura had shown her the way to exquisite sex she had never known before that. Who could say what fantasies she had been spinning in the mean time. "Sure, honey," she replied. "How about Friday?" This was a bit of cunning on Laura's part, since she knew on Friday evening, which she usually spent with Sara, she would be unable to keep her mind off the nurse who would be at that moment sliding her tongue up into Sara's beautiful plump black pussy. "Do you want me to drive over and pick you up?" "Why don't I meet you like I did last time, when you took me to your place?" Laura smiled. That's right, the time we went to my place but didn't do it because you were still too skittish and shy and reluctant. And now you want to take me back home to my place and fuck me, right? She quivered all over in the thrill of having made Arthell this forward and ready. "Okay. I'll meet you on the steps." Even though it was only six when they met, Arthell insisted on going directly to Laura's place instead of to dinner. "I'm not hungry. I had a late lunch." Laura smiled and smirked at her affectionately. Not hungry for food, that is, she thought. You're hungry for something. It was nice, in a way, not to have to be pining over Makeeda, or over Sara. The one was down in L.A., pursuing her career, getting some recognition as well as a paycheck. The halo of sweet, throbbing, aching emotion they had shared would linger with both of them until her return. Sara was getting what she had wanted: novelty, fresh attention, scintillating new sex. No one, least of all Laura, could deny that that had its charms. And Laura was getting Arthell, who sat next to her in the car almost vibrant with promise, as if her whole young body wanted to communicate to Laura that they had only scratched the surface of their sexual adventure last time, and that she was eager and willing to learn more. Laura was not immune to the excitement of having this sweet girl again only inches away from her. Arthell, though Amber had described her as 'pretty in a plain sort of way,' was actually not plain at all and had Laura suddenly wondering what this word 'plain' could really mean anyway. She herself had initially thought Makeeda plain, though with an unmistakably sensuous and mysteriously alluring quality that made it irrelevant. It had taken her only about ten seconds of speaking with her to discard that ridiculous notion. Makeeda had a fascinating but unconventionally beautiful kind of face, with sharp, strong features that in many ways did not seem 'African' at all, not the kind of face that Laura usually fell hard for, the Sara face, the Arthell face. Ah, Arthell's face. Laura wanted to look at it while she was driving. She was alone with Arthell and did not have to think about the others and the complicated feelings she had been struggling with. She could risk only a brief glance now and then, but when they finally got inside her condo, she could let her eyes feast on it. "Why are you looking at me that way?" Arthell laughed nervously. "Just so happy to see you again," Laura smiled back. Arthell beamed as though a thousand watt light bulb had switched on inside her head. She turned uncharacteristically aggressive, pushing Laura back against the door, which Laura had just locked, pushing her face into Laura's. "Can we go to bed right now?" Laura smiled calmly. "What's the hurry? We have all night. Let's sit and talk. You can tell me about school. How's it going?" "I don't want to talk." Arthell pushed her face closer to Laura's so that their mouths nearly met. Her lips were thick and wonderful, and Laura wanted to rape them with her own. "I want to do the other. It's all I've been able to think about." Laura raised her hands up to Arthell's face, holding her amazingly soft dark brown cheeks against her palms, and kissed her slowly and thoroughly. "I've been thinking about it a lot myself," she murmured into Arthell's thick lips, though in fact she had thought about it very little, having been in an emotional turmoil over Makeeda and Sara. "Can we?" Arthell repeated her question, her smooth forehead furrowed up in anticipation that seemed difficult for her to control. "How can I refuse? Follow me, my pet." In Laura's bedroom, she drew Arthell against her body once more, kissing her smooth, warm brown neck with slow tenderness. Then she let her lips ascend the beautiful dark column of flesh to Arthell's ear, which she breathed slowly into, following her warm breath with her tongue. Arthell shivered. "Have you missed Laura?" Laura teased her, letting her tongue curl around the backside of Arthell's sensitive ear. "Oh god, yes. Oh fuck, Laura, you're getting me too excited already!" "Well then," Laura purred soothingly, "we'll have to slow down a little, right?" "I don't know if it's possible to slow down," Arthell panted, now kissing Laura's neck and pulling the bottom of Laura's blouse free of her skirt. Laura's eyes drifted down to watch Arthell's long, slender, dark brown fingers trying to undress her. She didn't interfere. Undressing each other was fun. Arthell was wearing a loose purple fleece top that Laura was dying to get her own hands under. She may not have a perfect body, like Makeeda'swho among us has a body like that one? Laura thought with a twinge of ruebut Arthell's was nevertheless a delectable dark brown smooth and lovely body, with full, slightly pendulous breasts that Laura urgently wanted to get her hands and mouth all over. At the moment, though, Arthell was doing a better job of getting her hands on Laura's flesh. She had nearly unbuttoned the blouse in only a few seconds. Her mouth was on Laura's neck, and her fingers slithered up Laura's back to her bra clasp. Laura quickly got busy herself. She slid both hands under Artless purple fleece and moved them up the front to clutch Arthell's full, springy breasts through her bra cups. "Oh god, we're going to rip something if we're not careful," Arthell panted, so excited that she was almost shaking. "I know," Laura laughed softly. "Look, you first." She dropped her own hands and moved slightly back, giving Arthell complete access to her clothing. "Go ahead," she smiled. "I'm all yours." Arthell gave her a saucy smile. Slowly, she resumed, carefully removing Laura's blouse. Laura wore a pale, lacy, lavender bra that Arthell seemed to want to adore for several seconds before deciding to remove it. "Turn around," she commanded softly, which Laura did. "Now hold up your hair . . . like this . . . so I can unfasten it." "My . . . you're kind of bossy," Laura smirked, holding up the rich chestnut flag of her hair so that Arthell could get to the clasp. "I get it from my mother," Arthell confessed, deciding to kiss the bare skin of Laura's back a little before unclasping her bra. "She can be a real cunt at times. I guess I inherited it." Laura laughed again softly. Arthell seemed so sweet and demure on the surface, and it was oddly shocking and disorienting when she came out with these cute obscenities. Her fingers finally freed Laura's bra clasp, and the bra sagged and slid off Laura's shoulders. When she turned around again, she could see Arthell's shiny black eyes throbbing with sexual excitement. Arthell's dark brown hands quickly covered Laura's naked breasts, at first holding them gently in her palms, then squeezing a little. "You'll never believe this," she murmured to Laura, her mouth only inches away from Laura's, "but I dreamed of these beautiful boobs of yours two nights in a row. Can you believe that? In one dream I was doing this . . . holding them like this. In the other one," her eyes turned smoky and murky, "I was doing this." She cradled one of Laura's small globes in her palm and lowered her lips to it. Looking down, Laura watched Arthell's wet, pink tongue emerge from between her even white teeth and swipe across Laura's nipple. Without moving her head, Arthell's eyes rolled up to catch Laura's, as if to check whether Laura was enjoying it. Laura signaled that she was by gnawing her lower lip and letting her own eyes throb back. "Suck it," Laura prompted her softly. Arthell grinned. She moved her hand over from Laura's other breast so that she was holding this one with both hands, cradling it like a precious little ball. "You know, I never sucked a boob until last time with you. You taught me how to suck." Laura was in a sweet, throbbing, sexual daze. "Show me," she murmured, hearing the murky, lust-clotted sound of her voice. Arthell had big lips. There was no way around it. Since Laura was very attracted to her and her face, including her wonderful mouth, she had never really noticed it until now, but at this instant watching her sensitive nipple disappear between them into Arthell's warm, wet mouth was a little moment of heaven she was happy not to have missed. Arthell's big, sensual lips engulfed Laura's nipple and drew it inside, where she again curled her tongue around it, sucking gently. It was almost more bliss than Laura could bear. She ran her fingers into Arthell's reddish-brown hair, touching her scalp, trying to resist the urge to pull Arthell's face hard into her tingling, throbbing breast. Arthell wanted to go slowly, to enjoy sucking Laura's nipple, which she had evidently fantasized about for days and days, while Laura was quickly overcome by more urgent lust. But Laura exerted all her self-control, pulling her hand back a little, caressing Arthell's hair instead, panting softly. "Oh god, honey, that feels so good . . ." she purred. "You can . . . suck it a little harder . . . if you want." Arthell looked up and released Laura's wet, rigid nipple from her lips for a second. "Do you like it harder?" 'God, yes!" Laura gasped, throwing her head back. "Suck it hard! It makes me want you to fuck me." Arthell giggled softly at this, though without releasing Laura's breast from her mouth. Then she had to do it. "I think I'm going to do that," she beamed. "But not yet. I want to suck you and suck you first." Laura, almost overcome by sweet pleasure, smiled down at her. "You go right ahead," she panted. "But please do the other one too. The same way." "Mmmmm . . . like this?" Arthell teased, moving quickly to Laura's other breast, cradling it the same way in her hands and tongue-stroking Laura's thick, swelling, coral nipple. Laura's muscles seized up briefly as sharp, wonderful sensations flashed through her breast and her body. She realized suddenly that they were still both standing in her bedroom, she with her blouse and bra off but her skirt and shoes still on, Arthell still completely clothed. Arthell was as tall as Laura and therefore had to stoop to suck Laura's nipples, which Laura realized would soon get uncomfortable. It was time to put this sweet, agonizing delay behind them. On top of all this, her legs were weakening and her knees shaking a little. Arthell was now really sucking her other nipple, hard, as Laura had requested. It was sending Laura into a delirium of sexual need. Quickly, she pulled Arthell's face up to hers. "Oh god, honey, I've got to have it," she panted. "You're getting me so excited. Let's get out of these . . . clothes and get on the bed." Arthell, whose dark eyes were shiny and swirling too, nodded. She pulled her purple fleece over her head and tossed it to a chair, then reached behind to unfasten her bra while Laura quickly shed her skirt, kicked off her shoes, and skimmed her panties down her thighs. She could hardly believe the visual feast of Arthell's fresh, young, dark brown body coming into view as Arthell peeled off each piece of clothing. She had seen it before, having spent a whole night with her in Arthell's little twin bed, and yet it was almost completely new to her. Arthell was symphony of varying shades of dark brown. The dim light in Laura's bedroom made her skin bewitchingly dark in places and a glowing rich umber in others, highlighting shadows formed by her perfect bone structure, and her full, slightly pendulous breasts. Arthell, who was about the same shade as Makeeda or Sara but with a deep red/bronze cast to her dark brown skin, did not have black nipples as they did but nipples that were yet another shade of dark brown, almost blending with the taut skin of her breasts but not quite, the centers stubby and thick, the areolas wide and easily aroused to show the tiny bumps that were now speckling them. Laura wanted to press her mouth against and run her fingers over every inch of the girl's delicious naked body. With one hand she pulled down the sheets and blankets. With the other she took Arthell's hand, tugging gently, and they stretched out facing one another on the bed. I am going to forget so quickly about Makeeda and Sara, Laura swore softly to herself, looking into the swirling dark pools of Arthell's eyes, letting her own eyes fall again to the girl's voluptuous mouth. "Kiss me and fuck me," she whispered to Arthell. Arthell gave her a kittenish smile. "You mean I get to go first?" "If you don't hurry, you won't," Laura warned, running her hands in passionate, frenzied fashion over Arthell's naked body. They kissed hungrily, heatedly, squirming together. It was much hotter than any kiss so far this evening, and Laura dug her fingers into Arthell's round, smooth bottom, while Arthell's mouth slid down Laura's neck, sucking it eagerly. Oh god, I am so horny, Laura realized. It was, she knew, a mixture of her very genuine desire for Arthell along with her emotional and sexual turmoil over her feelings for both Makeeda and Sara that was driving this. She wasn't thinking of the other twofrom the way Arthell was beginning to devour Laura's naked body, it was nearly impossible to think of anything elseand yet they were hovering in the background, as if waiting, waiting for her to get this delicious college girl out of her system so she could return to worrying about each of them and wondering if she had to make a choice. "Oh! Unhhhh!" Laura panted as Arthell began hungrily sucking her nipples again, also dropping her hand between Laura's thighs and very smoothly slipping two fingers up into Laura's soaking wet pussy. "Ooooohhhh, you're really wet for me, aren't you Laura?" she said brightly. "Oh god, yes, honey!" Laura panted desperately, actually pushing Arthell's shoulders a little with her hands, trying to get her to move lower, trying to get her to replace, or at least accompany, her fingers with her mouth. "Please . . ." Arthell laughed softly, pleased by Laura's desperation. "Mmmmm, you really want me to do it, don't you. Oh, Laura, you have such a pretty white body. Look at the way my hand looks on your stomach. I think we look so hot together, don't you. You're so white, and I'm so brown. Look at my hand." Laura smiled and looked down at Arthell's long, slender, dark brown fingers against her paler skin. "We look great," she panted. She took Arthell's hand in hers and pushed it down into her crotch with the other one, parting her thighs even wider at the same time, gazing with deep affection at the lovely girl. Arthell, with a hot twinkle in her eyes, pursed her lips, as if she were giving in, though Laura could see that she was very eager to get to work. "Now?" Laura asked, a deep, helpless croak of lust. "Oh, all right," Arthell smiled. She slid down between Laura's yawning thighs, removing her fingers from the flooding pit of Laura's throbbing pussy, bringing her luscious thick lips close to it. Laura lay back, ready for a warm bath of heaven. Arthell, as she had discovered last timeArthell's first at girl-girl sexwas an enthusiastic but unskilled lover who simply did everything Laura had done to her in hopes that it would pay off. That was last time. This time she seemed to have accumulated a vast new quantity of techniques, probably from fantasies, and her long pink tongue began toying with Laura's aching pussy in excruciatingly tender caresses. She slithered it up and down Laura's swollen cunt lips, then into the interior, meanwhile brushing Laura's clit with her thumb, stabbing her tongue deep into Laura's honey pit, until Laura, who was rarely slow to come anyway, was digging her elbows into the mattress and arching her back, shimmying her hips, cawing and gurgling excitedly. "Oh god . . . oh god, honey! Unnhhhhh! Anngghh! Oh shit, that feels so good! Ungghhh!" she groaned, shimmying, squirming, her eyes glazed with fierce need as she looked down her undulating body at Arthell's face between her thighs. Arthell drew back momentarily, her thick, beautiful lips smeared with Laura's pussy juice, shiny and smiling, her black eyes glittering with happiness at the pleasure she was giving Laura. "You like it?" "Oh god . . . I love it!" Laura gasped, her eyes rolling up uncontrollably. "Yes . . . ohhhhh yes! If you do that again I'm going to come!" "You mean this?" Arthell seemed to curl her long tongue around Laura's swollen clit, then let it slowly uncurl itself. Laura's body tensed, and she could feel the muscles in her thighs and calves clenching sharply. "Oh! Oh god . . . yes!" "You can't come yet," Arthell purred. "I only just started." Laura smiled tightly through her sweet torment. "Want to bet?" Arthell frowned. "I'm not going to let you. It's no fair." Exasperated and frantic to climax, Laura struggled to prop herself up on her elbows. But before she could speak, Arthell broke into a smile. She reached up with one hand and pushed Laura down again onto her back. "Okay. You win." Laura smiled at her and lay back, groaning softly as Arthell's incredible thick lips pushed into her pussy once again. "You just always come so fast," Arthell complained while she was licking and sucking and fingering Laura's oozing slit. "I don't see how anybody can come so fast. I never do. You just . . . just . . ." "Annggghhhh!" Laura groaned, her body jackknifing helplessly as Arthell's busy tongue hit an exposed nerve, making her flesh run with ripples of fire. "Oh god, honey, do it fast!" she gasped desperately. Arthell realized there was no arguing with inevitability. Even though she had been putting up a token resistance to Laura's urgency, she now grinned up at her and swiftly redoubled her efforts, sliding two long brown fingers deep into Laura's pussy and tormenting Laura's clit with her thick, delicious lips at the same time, sucking and slurping it furiously, until Laura, bucking and whimpering deliriously, was suddenly torn apart by a sharp, violent orgasm. It knocked the breath right out of her. She went from whimpering and mewling to almost total silence, interrupted only by fierce panting and desperate cawing as her body surged and flipped off the mattress, wracked by a devastating spasm of intense pleasure. "Ohhnnmmmnngggg . . . annngghmmnneeee!" she finally wailed as the breath returned to her lungs. The pleasure poured through her. Arthell's mouth seemed glued to her spasming pussy. "Anngghhhh! Oh! Oh!" Slowly, the intense spasms began to wane and die away. Nevertheless, they seemed to take a long time to dissipate. Laura's body unclenched and went slack, her hips still shuddering a little with each dying aftershock. Arthell's lips were still glued to her pussy. But finally she pulled her face back, smiling at Laura and sliding up to face her, her thick lips now shinier than ever with cunt nectars. "Well," she said, a little breathless herself, "you do get there fast, but at least you had a good one." "I had a beautiful one," Laura replied hoarsely. "You are really getting good at that." Arthell tried to blush. "You really think so? You know, I thought about doing you so many times? I had fantasies about it. Next time with Laura, I'm going to make her come so hard. Like this. And maybe like this. I guess it worked." "It worked," Laura smiled. "You want me to wipe this stuff off my mouth? Or do you mind it? I kind of like having your juice all over me. It actually tastes kind of good. I didn't realize it would taste this good." "Give me those marvelous lips," Laura growled playfully, pulling Arthell down against her. She was beginning to revive from the shattering thrill of her sudden orgasm, and the feel of Arthell's naked body against hers was quickly reawakening all the lust she usually felt for the sweet girl. They kissed lengthily, and Laura enjoyed the flavor of her own pussy on Arthell's lips. She ran her hands down to Arthell's full breasts and squeezed them, now wanting to take over, wanting to kiss every part of the girl's sweet naked body. She had waited, she had given Arthell first chance, but now it was her turn. "I want you," she panted to Arthell, kissing her neck, her ear, her shoulders. "Now it's my turn. I want you." Arthell laughed softly, rolling onto her back so that Laura could have full access to her lovely young body. "I'm all yours, Laura," she breathed, her dark eyes pulsing. "I hope I don't come as fast as you did. I want to enjoy all of it." Laura kissed her mouth again, then coaxed her onto her side, then onto her stomach. "I want to rub your back. I want to kiss your ass." This tickled Arthell, whose giggles made her lovely dark brown flesh shake. "Kiss my ass?" She looked back over her shoulder at Laura, giving her a little snarl. "Go ahead, kiss my ass." "Mmmmm, I intend to," Laura purred, straddling the backs of Arthell's thighs and letting her fingers begin to work magic on the girl's long, smooth, dark brown back. Having come first herself, Laura was in no hurry. Arthell had said she wanted it to last, and Laura perfectly agreed. She spent the next ten minutes kissing and caressing the girl's long sinuous back. It was not hard to do. Arthell was long and lean and had a gorgeous back. Laura kissed it, pressed her own naked breasts into it while tonguing Arthell's ear, then kissed her way back down the smooth expanse of dark brown skin and muscle to the swelling moons of Arthell's beautiful ass. It wasn't especially spectacular, like Makeeda's for instance, or of course those of other girls like Dee Dee or Jane, but it was plenty meaty and round and firm, and Laura thoroughly enjoyed running her lips and fingers all over it. Since she had no thought, at least not yet, of trying to initiate Arthell into the 'anal sex is rad' club (to quote Dee Dee), she felt perfectly free to worship these dark brown moons in every way possible short of invasion. She kissed and nipped and pinched them, not sharply but instead with measured passion, sucking chunks of Arthell's firm rump into her mouth, and running her finger up and down in the moist, dark crevice between the firm, resilient buns. Arthell had evidently never experienced anything like this before and was soon squirming and whimpering, looking back over her shoulder, her face contorted with obvious pleasure. At one point, when Arthell was looking back at her, her eyes streaked by the hot red excitement of sexual anticipation, Laura let her fingertip, the one that was sunk in the deep, warm, moist valley between Arthell's firm ass cheeks, just graze the puckered ring of the girl's rectum, which she knew would be sensitive. Arthell's long body jumped slightly, her eyes rolled up briefly, and she made a tiny, helpless cry. "Unhhhee!" she sighed softly. "Oh . . . that feels good . . . funny . . . but good . . ." Oh no, my darling, Laura smiled up at her. You're not getting the anal initiation, not just yet. Laura felt the same thing she had felt a few days earlier with Makeeda. There would be plenty of time for anal games. Fortunately, Arthell would probably not come the way Makeeda had, the swooning, life-threatening type of orgasm that she and Jonelle seemed capable of. Arthell was young, strong, healthy, and she had straightforward shuddering orgasms but not the blackout kind, even when her tight little anus was being stimulated. She seemed to love it, though, and Laura was tempted to go further. "Oh Jesus," Arthell swore, her head dropping back to the bed, as she bucked her ass in slow, suggestive motions back into Laura's mouth and finger. "That really feels good. I never knew that would feel so good." By now Arthell's pussy was a gooey, inflamed, hot pink feast of raw glistening heaven just below her clenching, jouncing round buttocks, and Laura could not keep her mouth or her fingers from descending to it. The aroma alone was enough to restart her own sex engines, even after the explosive orgasm of moments ago. She ran two fingers down into the swollen, slimy, honeyed slit, feeling Arthell react immediately, hearing her begin mewling and panting rapidly. "Unhh! Oh! Oh Laura! Oh Laura! I don't think I can wait after all!" Unfortunately, in this position it was difficult, without a lot of shifting on both parts, for Laura to get her mouth completely on Arthell's festering, swollen pussy, which was what both of them wanted in the worst way. She knew they could make it last, make it go on and on, but both of them were getting in a frenzied lather here, especially Arthell, who was now squirming and pushing her ass up into Laura's face frantically. "Oh yes . . . oh Laura oh yes . . . god, it feels so good . . ." "Here, honey . . . turn like this, yes . . . turn over . . . let me get at that beautiful pussy . . ." "Oh . . . yes." Arthell's eyes were dilated and swimming with urgent sexual need as she rolled over onto her back, yielding her lovely young body completely to Laura, spreading her thighs, her eyes begging to be wholly consumed. Laura was up to the task. She kissed Arthell's silky dark inner thighs, then moved her mouth up to the girl's exquisite dark-brown-lipped quim. Everything about Arthell was a shade of dark brown except for the inner wet sleeve of her now-gaping pussy, which was dark pink and even deep red in places, all runny and shiny with nectar, and Laura slithered her tongue right into it, slurping down the copious juices that the beautiful slit was exuding. Oh god, I love this beautiful pussy, honey, she thought, tonguing and sucking it hungrily. Arthell went wild. Her breasts rolled back and forth as she tossed and writhed under Laura, and Laura realized that she had not even tasted those beauties yet, so eager was she to reach this goal. And yet, she knew Arthell had wanted to draw it out, and she did too, she still did. Without a word, she slid up Arthell's writhing body and grasped both of Arthell's full breasts in her hands. She began to suck them perhaps more aggressively and passionately than she had ever done up to now, knowing that Arthell would probably want it that way since both of them were cranked up to the breaking point, especially Arthell, who was now twisting and groaning with urgency. At the same time, she drew her bare thigh up into Arthell's crotch, rubbing it into Arthell's wet pussy, fucking her gently, then a little more roughly, with her thigh while her mouth tore at the girl's large, stiffening nipples. "Oh! Oh! Oh!" Arthell began to whoop, churning her groin up into Laura's sliding thigh, arching her back to push her breasts more thoroughly into Laura's mouth. "Oh fuck!" Laura, though her mouth was at the moment stuffed full of Arthell's thick, bulging, wet, chewy dark nipple, had to grin. It was when the 'oh fucks' started flowing that Arthell was truly reaching the point of no return. She had been on the point of it already when Laura had slipped up to suck her nipples, and now she was desperately churning and bucking and whimpering almost hysterically. Laura quickly released Arthell's erect nipple from her mouth and slipped down again between the girl's spread thighs, not wanting to be anywhere else when the moment came. "Oh god! Oh fuck!" Arthell gasped, her voice keening up, punctuated by fierce panting. Laura quickly began licking and finger fucking her inflamed cunt again, this time indulging in no delay but going directly for the money. You're going to come, honey. Right now. Go ahead and let it rip. It's a killer. I can tell from the way your lovely body is quaking already. "Ahhnn! Ahnnn! Oh fuck . . . Laura! Ungghhh!" Her delicious, undulating, dark brown body modulated smoothly from squirming to wrenching shocks as her climax arrived. Laura could feel it coming well before the full force of it struck Arthell. She could feel the tremors in Arthell's thighs, and see the palpitations in her smooth brown belly, and hear the sharp, clotted gargling in her throat as the force of a thrilling orgasm fought its way through her supple young body. And then she was coming full throttle, shuddering and arching spastically off the mattress, her heels and elbows digging down into it and her pelvis quaking up into Laura's face. It was a mostly silent orgasm to begin with since the shocks took her breath away, but after a few seconds a long, winding moan tore its way out of her lungs and filled the bedroom, followed by short, punctuating gasps of her favorite word. "Ohnnnnnnnn! Oh god Laura, ohhnnnnnnnn! Unhhh! Fuck! Ohnnnnn . . . oh fuck! Oh god . . . ahhnnnnnnn fuck!" Though Laura and she as yet had not shared an enormous number of orgasms, this was certainly the longest one Laura had ever seen Arthell have. It lasted a long time and appeared to be crushing and intense. When it finally began to tail off, Laura embraced her and kissed her cheek, stroking her body and again dropping her mouth to Arthell's nipples, which she sucked now gently and soothingly, but enough to put a little extra spice into the dissipating spasms of her climax. Arthell shuddered slightly one last time, winced, and came again in a small way. She looked up at Laura worshipfully as her senses gradually returned. "Oh fuck, you just get better and better," she gasped "No, you get better and better," Laura corrected her, made very nervous by Arthell's almost slavish adoration, the very thing she wanted most to avoid. "You're just getting more comfortable with this, and the more relaxed you are, the easier you can come like that." Arthell grinned and shook her head. "I sure hope you're right." They nestled together and cooed and kissed and dozed for a while. Arthell seemed to drift off, and since they had jumped into bed as soon as they had walked in the door, Laura had not yet checked her mail or her messages. She carefully disentangled herself from Arthell's lovely limp body and went into the living room, where she leafed through her mail. When she returned to the bedroom, Arthell was still asleep. Laura sat down in the chair next to the bed and picked up the bedside phone to check her voice mail. There was only one message. It had been left around 3 p.m.. Makeeda sang, in her usual soft but strong, flexible, and vibrant voice: What a day this has beenWhat a rare mood I'm in Why it's almost like being in love. Got a smile on my face For the whole human race And it's almost like being in love. All the music of life seems to be Like a bell that is ringing for me. And from the way that I feel When that bell starts to peal I could swear I was falling I'd swear I was falling It's almost like being in love. At the end there was a furtive, nervous, and charming little giggle. Nothing more. Makeeda hung up. Laura was suffused by a warm, beatific glow, so much so that she did not even notice Arthell sitting up and staring at her, fascinated. "It must be good news," Arthell smiled. Laura realized she herself was beaming sun rays. "Oh." She tried to recover quickly, and not to betray her feelings, which had been soaring and gushing with love for another woman, not the sweet, lovely girl presently in her bed. "Yes, good news . . . I guess. I might . . . uh, get a promotion." "Ooohhh," Arthell exulted. "Higher pay too, right?" "Maybe," Laura said, abstracted, hanging up the phone. She wanted to cherish this moment, to relive every microsecond of it this instant, to listen again to Makeeda's song. She loves me. Correction: she 'almost' loves me. Laura already knew Makeeda well enough to realize that she had selected this song with care. It was very difficult for her to return her attention to the darling Arthell, but as soon as Arthell stretched out sensually, like a long, lean, naked and smooth dark brown cat on her bed, and smiled sly up at her, she was quickly drawn back into the moment. "Can I have more?" she asked coyly of Laura, running her hands up her long waist and smooth dark stomach to her full breasts, pushing them up slightly from underneath with the backs of her long tapered fingers. And now Laura had a reaction exactly opposite to the one she had had seconds earlier. Instead of wanting Arthell to disappear so that she, Laura, could bathe in the glow of Makeeda's call and sweet, meaningful song, she wanted instead to get back on the bed and consume Arthell in a furious conflagration of heated fucking that would blot out all thought of the voice mail message, and the wild, happy, extravagant feelings it had inspired. She didn't really trust either impulse, and so she smiled and left the chair to sit on the edge of the bed. She took Arthell's hand. "You can have as much as you want, sweetheart. But why don't we go have a glass of wine and a bite to eat first? I've been working all day and I'm kind of hungry." Arthell sat up too. "If we go around completely naked like this, I'm not going to get out of the mood," she grinned. "Me either," Laura admitted, going to the closet. "Here . . . wear this." She handed Arthell the shorty terrycloth bathrobe that Deshona had once found in her closet, the morning after the time she had shown up stinking drunk after a fight with Charles. On Laura herself it looked, she thought, fairly ordinary, though perhaps fetching. On Deshona, a small-boned, rather petite woman with however large round breasts, it had been wildly attractive. Her large breasts stretched the lapels wide, and the shadowy crevice between them was irresistible. On Arthell, who was built much differently, long and lean, as tall as Laura, it was still amazingly alluring. For one thing, her breasts, though not as large as Deshona's, were still bigger than Laura's and pushed the lapels open too. For another, her brown skin was a shade darker than Deshona's and looked enchanting against the soft white terrycloth. The short skirt reached down her sleek thin brown thighs to a point barely covering her crotch. Laura could hardly stop looking. She slipped into a more modest bathrobe herself and beckoned Arthell toward the kitchen. It was marvelous, she thought, how you could have scintillating, sensual sex with a woman, exploring all of her lovely naked body, then look at her in a sexy bathrobe and feel as if you had never seen or touched it, so badly did you want to see and touch it again. Since she and Sara usually had dinner out on Friday nights, there was not much to eat here. She purposely looked at Arthell again in the skimpy shorty robe to keep her mind from veering off to Sara and her nurse, since she knew she was capable of torturing herself over it. "That thing looks so great on you," she complimented Arthell. "You have such a great body." Arthell was very flattered and pirouetted for her. "You think so? That guy who wants me to marry him told me I was too skinny." Laura shook her head. "You're beautiful. Look, I don't have much to eat around here. How about a scrambled egg in a bagel? That's what I'm going to have." Arthell declined. "I'm not hungry. Too excited, I guess. You know, for a sheltered little girl like me, this is a big step. I never thought I'd be having sex with another woman. Let alone wanting to keep doing it over and over." Laura smiled at her and poured a glass of wine, starting to pour one for Arthell too before Arthell stopped her. "I don't drink. None for me, thanks." "Sure you don't want just a half a glass?" "I'm sure. I don't need to be any more relaxed. That climax I had made me relaxed enough to go to sleep." She flirted flagrantly with Laura. "That is, until I realized I might be able to have another one." Laura scrambled herself some eggs and toasted a bagel. She could not stop her thoughts from returning to the song Makeeda had left on her voice mail. It made her smile, made her deliriously happy, which she tried to conceal from Arthell. Almost like being in love indeed. I am so completely beyond almost. This is so bizarre, she thought, as she watched Arthell stroll into her living room, looking at the backs of her long, willowy legs. Here I am, mooning over Makeeda, convinced I'm in love with her, though I never intended to be, grieving about Sara letting herself be fuck-mauled by that odious nurse of hers, and unable to take my eyes off this darling, wholesome, sexy Arthell. I am such a jumble of contradictions, I can hardly believe it myself. But Arthell quickly made her forget about all that. She sat down on the white sofa. The sash of the small, abbreviated bathrobe loosened, and the lapels gaped more widely open, revealing more of her luscious dark brown breasts. Laura was still in the kitchen, peering into the living room over the bar that separated the two rooms, but she could still see enough of Arthell's lovely skin to make her pussy throb. You wonderful thing, she thought, you're making me forget about dinner. Instead of eating it, she picked up her glass of wine and went into the living room, sitting down next to Arthell. She sipped her wine, then offered the glass to Arthell. "Just take a sip. You make me feel like the only drunk at a party." Arthell made a disgusted face. "The only time I ever drank wine, I threw up." "Go ahead. That was then, this is now." Obediently, Arthell lifted the wine glass to her large, thick lips, the lips Laura had come to lust for. She drank without letting her eyes stray from Laura's. "There," she licked her lips, handing the glass back to Laura. "That isn't bad. Really." Laura grinned and set the glass on the coffee table. "Now you're making me feel like a corrupter of youth. Making you drink alcohol, when you're a strict teetotaler." Arthell smiled saucily at her. "You're a real corrupter, all right. Making me fuck with you, getting me drunk. Maybe I should have you arrested." "Why, you're above the age of consent, aren't you?" "I'm nineteen," Arthell said. "Old enough to fuck but not old enough to drink." She looked briefly loopy. "God, I think just that sip I took went right to my head. I'm feeling a little . . . I don't know, happy." "Mmmm, I'm happy too," Laura purred, scooting closer and embracing her, running her lips down Arthell's smooth dark brown neck. "I'm happy just to have you here." She quickly got her hands under the flimsy little terrycloth robe. Her lips fell to Arthell's throat, and then she kissed her way along both sides of the girl's perfect chiseled collarbones, pulling the robe off her shoulders. Arthell caressed Laura's forehead and let herself be kissed. "I thought you were going to eat," she panted softly. "I think I'm going to eat you first," Laura murmured. "I don't seem to be able to get enough." "Are we going to do it right here? Don't you want to go into the bed again?" Laura shook her head. "I don't think I can wait." "Boy, me either," Arthell gasped enthusiastically. "I never felt this way with any guy. With you I get all hot and bothered in a hurry." They smooched for a few more minutes, hungry for another round but not willing to rush past this pleasure. Laura held Arthell's naked breasts under the loose bathrobe and kissed her voluptuous mouth with extravagant passion. Arthell whimpered and twisted. She suddenly sat forward, pushing Laura away slightly, looking flushed and excited. "You know, when my parents were away, like dealing with my uncle's death, and when they went to Monterey, I was playing around alone on the web . . . and I found these pictures of lesbians doing it with one of those strap-on things. You wouldn't have one of those, would you?" "Why," Laura smiled, "did it get you excited?" "Gosh, yes. This was after I started seeing you but we hadn't . . . you know, gone all the way yet. I actually had to masturbate once, after looking at them. The girls were white, and I kept picking out the ones that probably looked like you. I mean, when you were naked, of course. Since I didn't know yet." Arthell, you're babbling again, Laura wanted to tell her, but restrained herself. "Actually . . . I do have one of those. Would you like to see it?" Arthell nodded. Laura rose to go to the bedroom and get it, and Arthell started to stand up too. Laura stopped her. "Stay here. I'll be right back." She had suddenly conceived the notion, the picture really, of herself sitting back on the sofa and Arthell straddling her, facing her, while Laura fucked her with the strap-on and had full access to Arthell's lovely breasts with her mouth at the same time. It was a thrilling thought. Arthell sat back down obediently and waited while Laura fetched the strap-on, then returned. She had stopped keeping it in a drawer, where prying eyes could easily come across it, and instead now kept it in a shoe box in the back of her closet. She brought the whole box out to the living room. Only when she sat down again next to Arthell and removed the top of the box did she remember that not only was the regular ridged dildo in it but also the Double Penetrator. Arthell's eyes widened visibly. Laura quickly removed the regular dildo and the harness and slid the top back onto the box. She handed the stalk to Arthell, who ran her fingertip up and down the ridges, looking at it with rapt fascination. "God, how kinky. I'll bet that feels good," she said in a low, seemingly awestruck voice. Laura didn't answer immediately, letting a slight pause occur so that Arthell would hear her own words. "Would you like to try it?" Arthell looked over at her, still holding the first dildo and the harness, her eyes suddenly brazen, as if daring Laura. "Let me see the other one first." With a half grin, Laura slowly removed the top from the box again. Arthell looked down at the Double Penetrator. She reached out her hand and ran the same fingertip up and down the thinner bottom shaft of the DP. "Does that go where I think it goes?" Laura nodded. "It sure does," she said softly. Again Arthell was silent for about a minute as she continued to stroke the monster with her fingertip, moving it to the larger, thicker top shaft. "Does it hurt?" she asked, tentatively. "Oh . . . I don't think I could say that. It might make you, I mean hypothetically, of course, or make me, or anybody, wince a little when it first goes in. After that" "I want to try it," Arthell cut across her. "I mean, if you don't think I'm too weird or, you know, too nasty. I never met anybody like you, Laura, and I know I'll never have a chance to do this again." Laura set the box down on the sofa on her other side and scooted even closer to Arthell, taking the girl in her arms and kissing her warmly. "We can do whatever you want," she breathed into Arthell's dark brown ear. "If I sit here, and put it on, and you squat over me, and hold onto the back of the sofa, then you can ride up and down on it just the way you want to and not risk it going in deeper than you like. How does that sound?" The floodlights went on again inside Arthell's head, and she beamed a mega wattage smile at Laura. "You think of everything. Let me see how you put it on." Laura smiled calmly. "First I have to get a little oil from the bedroom, which will make it so much easier on you. Maybe a towel, too." "Hurry," Arthell called after her. Laura did hurry. She realized her hand was even shaking a little as she snatched the small bottle of baby oil from the bedstand drawer. Excitement. God, my pussy is dripping, too, she realized. What a hot little darling she is. Who would have thought this wholesome sweetie could be such a little slut underneath? Arthell had removed the terrycloth robe by the time Laura returned. She was sitting, completely naked, on the edge of the sofa, waiting expectantly, her naked brown body all glossy and sleek. "I thought you were never going to get back," she half-joked to Laura. "What's the matter, my angel," Laura teased her gently. "Can't wait to be taken to double heaven?" "No . . . I can't," Arthell confessed while she watched Laura shed her bathrobe and slip into the harness straps, then fasten the Double Penetrator into place. "It feels so kinky and exciting. A few weeks ago I never even knew something like this was possible." Laura quickly spread a large beach towel out on the sofa where she would be sitting. As she turned to sit down, both of them could not help being mesmerized by the sight of the double prongs, the top one large and thick, the bottom one thin and curved, wavering and bobbing, jutting up from her groin in all their obscene and suggestive splendor. Arthell was clearly somewhat shocked by the sight. It was one thing to see them lying there in the box, or even holding them in your hand. It was clearly another to see these two shafts rising erect and threatening from Laura's groin, ready to impale her sweet young body in both secret orifices. One hand even went involuntarily to her open mouth, expressing her shock. "Are you sure it doesn't hurt?" she asked Laura again. Laura was swabbing the long, thin shaft with shiny baby oil. She looked up, smiling reassuringly. "Why . . . would you rather skip it?" Arthell took a deep breath. She shook her head. Her dark, glittering eyes were still serious, but her amazing mouth gave Laura a salacious grin. "Not for the world." Laura snapped the lid shut on the baby oil bottle. She wiped it and her fingers on the edge of the beach towel and set the bottle on the floor beside the sofa. Then she held her arms out to Arthell. "Then come here, my darling, and let Laura take you to heaven." Arthell climbed onto the sofa, straddling Laura's thighs with one knee on each side, her lovely young brown breasts swaying inches from Laura's lips, a sweet temptation that Laura could barely ignore though she knew she would get them into her mouth soon enough. She held the two-pronged dildo steady, lodging the head of the big one in the wet crease of Arthell's pussy, then spreading Arthell's tight ass cheeks with her fingers to allow the greased thin one inside. Arthell gazed out into space, as if concentrating on the effort to get the thing into her as well as the sensations that would accompany its entry. She was so wildly desirable at this moment that Laura found herself wanting to ravish her and fuck her brains loose. She controlled that impulse, however, and carefully opened Arthell's tight little anus with one finger. "Unhh!" Arthell panted, her eyes going glassy for a moment. "Oh . . ." she smiled at Laura. "That feels kind of good." Carefully, Laura guided the tip of the long anal shaft into Arthell's rectum. "Easy . . . easy . . ." she cautioned softly, coaching Arthell to lower her body slowly onto the two prongs. "Easy . . ." "Unhhhhnnnuunnnn!" Arthell made soft, mindless sounds, again gazing glassy-eyed out into space as one shaft slid up into her pussy and the other slowly into her ass. "Easy . . ." "Oh!" "Easy . . ." "Oh god, Laura! Is it all the way in yet?" "You may not want it all the way in. Not at first, anyway. Just to the point where you're comfortable. Does it feel okay?" "Oh godddddd yes! Shit . . . oh fuck, it feels so good!" Arthell was in fact not completely penetrated by the fiendish device, but she was already riding herself up and down on it. Laura held it steady with one hand but could not keep her other one from coming up to Arthell's swaying, softly bouncing breasts. She was feeling an electrical charge of horniness again herself. The base of the strap-on dildo pushed down into her pubic bone each time Arthell lowered her body on it, and Laura could feel a corresponding pressure on her clit and feel her own pussy juicing up copiously. Arthell slumped forward against her for a moment, overcome apparently by the intensity of the sexual sensations that were flowing through her body. Her face burrowed into Laura's neck. "Oh god, Laura, I love it when you fuck me!" she panted. "I never knew anything could be so good!" "Here, honey, let me help you back up." "Yes . . . yes . . . ungghhhh! Oh fuck, it goes so deep!" "Don't let it go too deep, honey," Laura panted back to her. "You can control it. Remember, you're on top. Only go down as much as you can stand." Arthell gnawed her large lower lip and winced, but with pleasure, not pain, as she again lowered her body on the shafts. Laura had not yet raised her free hand again to Arthell's swaying breasts, feeling it necessary somehow to rest it on the girl's hip, to guide her gently through this, especially the first part, where Arthell was experiencing all the new, and fiercely intense, sensations of being double penetrated. But Arthell's lovely dark brown breasts were dangling in front of her face, and when Arthell occasionally gasped and flexed, her body suddenly pitching forward a little, they brushed Laura's cheeks and lips. She could not stop herself from kissing them fervently and chasing Arthell's erect nipples with her lips. Arthell, though she was caught up in the hypnotic delirium of being fucked this way, her body slowly but surely accommodating itself to the dual invasion, knew that her naked breasts were swishing in Laura's face and smiled a little through her grimacing and wincing, shimmying them even more, then gasping with intense pleasure as Laura's lips hungrily fastened on one bulging, swollen brown nipple. "Anngghh! Oh yes!" Laura slurped it and sucked it ravenously. Her mouth on Arthell's breasts, sucking hard, even lightly biting, drove Arthell almost crazy. She had in the two or three minutes since they had started grown much more comfortable with the two shafts impaling her body, and by now she was rubbing herself up and down on them in a more and more heated, groaning frenzy. "Unnhhh! Unnnhhhh! Ohhnngg! Fuck! Unggghhh!" Laura, with Arthell's other bulging, stiffening nipple in her mouth now, managed to scoot her butt forward on the sofa, lying back further at the same time, so that her own body was tilted more at a forty-five degree angle than before, permitting Arthell to lean forward and to jam her cunt and her ass down more easily on the rigid dildos, which Laura still held steady with one hand. This new position allowed her to absorb more of Arthell's weight, while Arthell could churn her pelvis and control the depth of penetration much better. She still clung to the back of the sofa with both hands, pushing her wet nipples into Laura's face, but now fucking down on the two shafts sharply only now and then, and more rapidly and less deeply most of the time. "Unh! Unh! Unh!" "Oh yes, baby, oh yes!" Laura panted to her in the brief moments when she let one of Arthell's thick, pulpy wet nipples slip out of her mouth on her way to sucking the other one again. "Oh, Laura! Ohnnnggghhhh . . . . oh fuck!" "Yes, honey, yes . . . you're getting there . . . I can feel it." She knew, of course, that Arthell must feel it too. Her lovely sleek young body was quivering and quaking and flexing almost uncontrollably, and she bounced up and down on the two dildos more energetically than ever. And she was much stronger than Laura had ever thought. She jammed and jabbed herself down on the two rubbery spikes, grunting and whinnying softly when they ripped up into her body. The beauty of the new position was that Laura too could fuck her, whereas before she been merely a stationary object on which Arthell raised and lowered her wildly aroused body. In this position, lying back, her mouth stuffed with Arthell's thick, throbbing nipple, she could finally lower both hands to Arthell's grinding, swirling hips and hold them steady while she lunged upward with her own pelvis, driving the shafts deep into the girl's sweet, flexing body. Arthell slumped forward at Laura's first passionate thrust, again burying her face in Laura's neck and groaning with fierce pleasure. "Awwwonnnggggg! Oh fuck! Ungghhh! Oh Laura . . . god yes! Auungghh!"
"Are you going to come?" Laura panted. "Oh god, yes. Oh shit. Oh god yes do it hard like that . . . like that . . . unh unh unh!" Arthell panted maniacally into Laura's ear, pushing her pelvis down, shuddering sharply each time the two poles penetrated her body to the quick, emitting a tiny squeal that quickly flowed into a loud, low moan of excruciating pleasure. "Oh god . . . so deep! So deep!" she gasped. Laura eased up. She realized it could be pretty deep, though earlier Arthell had seemed to be able to accommodate it. But Arthell did not want her to ease up. She was closer than ever to a screaming, killing climax. They both knew it, and Arthell was not willing to postpone it just to spare herself a little pain. "Don't stop! Ohnnnnnnn . . . don't stop!" she gasped to Laura, mashing her damp breasts again into Laura's face and gyrating her hips wildly so that the two shafts slid rapidly in and out of her body, forcing Laura to grip the base quickly again with one hand to make sure it didn't go askew. "Unggghhhh . . . don't stop!" Arthell panted. "No . . . I won't . . . I won't," Laura panted, her own pussy wildly aroused now too, hungry to be crammed and rammed like Arthell's was. "Unh! . . . Unh! . . . Oh fuck! Unh!" Time went out the window. They might have been fucking for five or fifteen minutes; Laura didn't know. They were now struggling roughly together, squeezing each other's flesh, rubbing together, their bodies damp and slippery with sweat. Laura's breath was ragged, and Arthell was whooping and grunting crazily almost instead of breathing as she writhed down and into Laura, groaning as her cunt and asshole were pierced by the two rigid stalks. Laura didn't know how much longer Arthell could last. She had seemed on the edge of a ferocious orgasm for a long time now. So, when it actually did arrive, there was no surprise on either side. Arthell's body was suddenly ripped apart by excruciating, wrenching spasms that simply welled up inside without further warning and crushed her. She slumped forward again into Laura, gagging and cawing helplessly as thunderbolts of fierce coming wracked her flesh. "Ahhnnnggggrrrnnnggghh! Oh! OH FUCK!" she shouted, true to her favorite expression to the very end, groaning and whinnying and writhing in shock on top of Laura as one after another sweet spasm of coming ripped through her. "Ohhhhhnnnn . . . ohhhh FUCK!" she shouted again, her voice regaining some vigor as the most stupendous spasms weakened into milder shocks. Her body was still shuddering, though, as Laura held her, now wrapping her arms around the girl, embracing her and smiling, feeling the orgasm ripple through her flesh as it waned. She held Arthell for a long time, stroking her damp back, brushing her lips against Arthell's damp cheek. Both of them were wet from sweat, their flesh sticking together. Laura could taste the salt from their skin. The two shafts were still embedded deep in Arthell's body, and she was in no mood to move as she moaned through the final, seemingly endless stages of a rupturing climax. Laura did not mind. She held her, she kissed her, she stroked her. She could feel her own breath now returning to normal, and she knew Arthell was beginning to breathe more easily again too, but she was in no hurry to separate their bodies. True, her own pussy hummed and ached for similar treatment, but that would come. She would get her reward. Right now, this was the reward. Finally, it was Arthell who stirred and made a half-hearted effort to climb off. Laura held her for a moment. "Not yet," she whispered. "Kiss me first." Arthell lifted her head. Her eyes were reddened and blasted looking. She looked like she had been through the wringer. But she was smiling. "How come you never told me it would be that good?" Laura shrugged. "If you can believe it, it's good for some and not for others. How was I to know?" Arthell surrendered her marvelous mouth to Laura, who kissed it searchingly but tenderly. "Okay, now you can get up. Here, I'll hold it steady, and you just rise up." When Arthell was free, she watched with a mixture of fascination and apparent disgust as Laura disengaged herself from the harness. The two shafts were very wet and shiny and as obscene-looking as ever. "Something so ugly making me come so hard," she said softly in awe. Now that the Double Penetrator was removed, she could see Laura's pussy, which was unfolded like a festering flower, all swollen and wet and inflamed. Seeing Arthell staring at it, she looked down too. She ran one finger down into the soupy, gaping wound. "I think it needs you," she whispered to Arthell, her eyes pulsing hotly. "Want me to do the same thing to you?" Arthell smiled, then looked over at the wet monster which Laura had placed at the edge of the large beach towel. Laura nodded slowly. "Later," she half-croaked, suddenly feeling the clotted hunger of her overheated body in her throat. "Just suck me. Just suck my pussy with those beautiful lips. I can come in seconds." Arthell knelt down between Laura's spread thighs. "I'll bet you can," she said softly. And Laura did almost come only an instant after Arthell's magical thick lips fastened onto her throbbing pussy. The only thing that prevented it was her wild gasping and squirming, which persuaded Arthell to pull back quickly, unwilling to let Laura explode too fast. "Oooohhh, you gon' pop, girl," she smiled up at Laura, falling into a little ebonics for the first time since Laura had known her. "I am," Laura panted. "I am. Yes. Unhhh! Oh." Arthell had applied her long pink tongue again, licking a swath up Laura's puckered wet seam from bottom to top, letting the tip of her tongue stop on Laura's exposed and throbbing clit. Laura watched her tonguing it. Arthell's black eyes were glittering with delight and saucy flirtation, and she purposely tickled Laura's clit to watch the sharp sensations of sexual need flow over Laura's face. Laura's body suddenly had a quick, sharp, uncontrollable little seizure, which astonished them both. It meant that her climax was even nearer than either of them had suspected, and Arthell recognized it instantly. "Oh, you gon' come right now, girl," she murmured more softly, letting her large, miraculous lips enfold Laura's pulsing clit one final time. A huge, hot, billowing cloud of intense sexual bliss expanded inside Laura's body in the next few seconds, growing and swelling, bursting and surging through her flesh. She was in an awkward position, tilted down and forward on the sofa, her neck bent uncomfortably against the back of it, and even in the back of her mind she knew it was risking a cramp to really arch her back and shudder the way her body screamed to do. Instead, with Arthell's help, she slid sideways onto her back, and then let go, let her body fully throb to the sweet, piercing, wrenching beauty of it. "Auuunnggghhhh!" she finally cried out, her first sound after feeling it well up inside her. "Ohhnnnnnggggg!" she groaned again, flipping and twisting. Arthell, who had helped her slide onto her back, was not about to surrender her own position and leaned up, still sitting on the floor, but getting her torso between Laura's yawning thighs where she still could suck and lick Laura's pussy while Laura sobbed and groaned through the final stages of her orgasm. Her thick, magical lips did the trick, and Laura surrendered to this heaven willingly, feeling it pour through her for a seeming eternity until finally the shocks began to die out. She gazed groggily down her still-palpitating body at Arthell, who marvelous lips were shiny with Laura's cunt dew. "All I can say," she croaked to Arthell, "is that your skills have grown very rapidly." She grinned gratefully, letting the fingers of one hand caress Arthell's broad, high, shiny forehead. Arthell could not stop beaming. "Do I pass the test?" "You get an A plus and several gold stars. Teacher wants to give you some extra credit work. She wants to teach you the whole encyclopedia of fucking." Arthell tittered happily. "I think I would love to learn that with you, Laura," she said almost solemnly. Even in her blissfully warm afterglow, Laura could wonder at this point if she had not overstepped the boundaries, and caused herself trouble down the line. It was very hard for both of them not to luxuriate in this sweet moment of intimacy, after having shared pretty hot sex for the past hour. Both had come twice. It was unbelievably touching, and yet through it all Laura could not get Makeeda out of her mind, and the way any deeper intimacy with Arthell would cause them bothespecially the darling Arthellpain in the future. Nevertheless, she tried not to think about it. She realized that she had postponed her dinner for this wonderful orgasmic wrestling match on the sofa, and it was probably now cold. They both needed a shower, too. And yet she was a little exhausted. I'm not the woman I used to be, she thought. No more orgasming for hours on end without a little rest in between. "What do you say I make you one of those scrambled egg sandwiches now, and I'll heat up mine. You sort of interfered with my dinner, you know," Laura winked at her. "I thought you'd like this better," Arthell flirted. "You were right. Let's eat a little, then take a shower. We got a little sweaty." "I know," Arthell beamed. "I don't even work up that much sweat when I go running." "Did you want me to take you home, or can you stay the night?" Laura almost did not want to ask this question. Spending a whole night again with Arthell would not only be physically exhausting, as well as wildly pleasurable, but it would also extend their intimacy and make it deeper still. But she didn't feel like she could kick her out after this. "I can stay," Arthell said, almost bashfully. "I just have to call my Mom and let her know I won't be home." Laura smiled. "There's the phone." "I'm going to give her your number, okay?" Arthell swelled up with a precious secret. "You know," she laughed, "she'll think it's so cool that I'm staying over at a woman friend's place in the city. She won't have a clue what we're really doing." Laura winked at her again. "Better just keep her in the dark for a while. She'd never understand." Arthell nodded and laughed again, then went for the phone.
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