Laura - Chapter 286



Amber Grant rolled over and nuzzled Laura's naked back with her nose, encircling Laura's body with both long arms at the same time and cupping each of Laura's breasts in her hands. Laura could feel Amber's own soft, puffy nipples and small, perfect breasts pushing into the skin of her back, a sensation that immediately aroused her all over again.

"Come with me into the living room," Amber murmured, "and we'll sit naked in front of the big windows and watch the city down below and drink champagne."

Laura lifted one of Amber's hands from her breast and pressed her lips into the palm. "How could I resist?" she whispered back. "And then will you fuck me again?"

Amber feigned aloofness. "I might . . . if you're good."

"I thought you said I was always good," Laura joked as they slid off Amber's huge bed and walked naked down the hallway to her spectacular living room.

Laura watched in silence while Amber, still totally naked, opened a bottle of champagne, holding it in a white linen towel in case it bubbled over. The apartment was dark, lit only by the reflected glow of the city lights and the quarter moon. Since they were on the sixteenth floor of The Fontana, no one could see them, and Laura felt deliciously wicked walking around naked in front of the window with a champagne flute in one hand. The moonlight gave their naked bodies a delicious sheen that made the whole moment thrilling and scintillating. They had spent an hour happily screwing, and now were relaxing in the sweet, warm aftermath of a stirring shared orgasm, aware that more was to follow.

Amber rejoined her in the living room and they stood in front of one huge plate glass window, looking out at the sparkling view of the city at night. She raised her champagne flute to Laura in a toast.

"You are good," she said softly, her dark eyes smoking. "If you only knew how good. Sometimes I think it's too bad you're involved, if you know what I mean."

Laura raised her glass to Amber's and clinked it. They each took a sip of champagne. "I thought you had a sweetie pie too, as you put it," Laura smiled.

"I do," Amber said thoughtfully. "In fact, I have two. One in Paris, and one in Chicago. They don't know about each other."

"At least they're far enough apart not to cause any risk. My sweetie pie lives right here, in Ocean View."

"Sit down over here, I've got something to tell you. I've got a little present for you."

"Another one?" Laura laughed, following her to a black leather sofa that was about ten yards long.

She flashed the tennis bracelet Amber had given her earlier, which she always wore when coming here. Amber enjoyed seeing Laura naked wearing only the bracelet. The small blue sapphires sparkled brilliantly in the faint light.

"Different kind of present," Amber said, with a veiled smirk.

She curled her long, sleek, glossy black legs up under her butt. Laura tried not to stare at her scrumptious thick gleaming nipples. She realized that their nakedness and the soft moonlight and the champagne were heating up her blood again, and fast.

"I sponsor this club over at Cal State Hayward for minority women. Euphemism for young black girls who need a hand up. I give them money, through the club. For activities. I meet with them, I introduce them to successful people, I give them a boost and lots of encouragement. Sort of the 'You too can be rich' approach. They all love me and call me Miss Grant, isn't that sweet?"

Laura couldn't tell if she was being cynical or truthful. It was sweet, she thought. "I think it's very sweet. I think it's terrific of you to help them out."

"So." Amber took a deep breath. "My proposal. A lot of these girls want to get into business, after college. Why, I couldn't know. I keep telling them it's just a bunch of boardroom killers and overworked peons. But they want to go into it anyway. So I told a couple of them about you. I said you might be willing to come over to Hayward with me and speak to them. You know, tell them about what you do, how you do it, how you got the job, et cetera. What do you think?"

"Of course I'll do it," Laura smiled. "How could I refuse? But what does that have to do with a present? Are you going to give me one for going?" She flirted, twisting her naked body a little to see if Amber's lust was reawakening, as hers was.

Amber smiled mischievously, then mysteriously. "Sort of. One of the girls is named Arthell Parrish. Pretty thing, in a plain sort of way. Girl next door type. By which I mean, just your type," she said with a long, satirical face.

"How do you know my type?" Laura taunted her back. "Maybe you're my type. And you're definitely not the girl next door."

"I know a lot of things," Amber said, solemnly. "Trust me, she's your type. You'll fall like a rock for her."

"If that's true, why don't you make a pass at her yourself?"

Amber smiled and shook her head. "Not my type. I like white girls like you. You like black girls like Arthell."

"And like you," Laura added.

Amber sighed and stretched in the moonlight, letting it play over her lean, long, naked black body. "So, I'm beginning to feel like a procuress here. Isn't it against the law or something? Maybe I've gone far enough."

"Is she a lesbian? Do you think she is . . . shall we say, approachable?"

"Gosh, I don't even know," Amber said, wide-eyed and again satirical. "I guess you'll just have to find out. I can't do everything for you, you know."

"What if I don't find her attractive?"

"You will." Amber stretched again. The long smooth muscles of her midriff rippled and her perfect breasts jiggled. "Don't you find me attractive? After all, I'm right here, and I'm naked. I'm getting jealous of Arthell already."

Laura sat her champagne flute on the glass-and-chromium table in front of the sofa. Then she took Amber's from her hand and placed it beside her own. She scooted down the sofa so that their naked thighs were touching.

"Don't you think we should fuck on the sofa here, in front of the window?" she purred, caressing Amber's perfectly round black shoulder. "We can pretend there's some guy with a telescope over, say, in that building there." She pointed out to another high rise. "And he's watching these two gorgeous lesbians doing it. And we're the ones. Doesn't it bring out the exhibitionist in you?"

Amber grinned and leaned forward a little, close enough for their naked breasts to brush. "I don't care about the guy with the telescope," she murmured, her eyelids heavy. "I just want more of this."




Laura had never been to California State University at Hayward, but Amber insisted that they take separate cars.

"What if she falls in love with you on the spot?" she said, again with her sharp, satirical grin. "You want to be able to drive her home, don't you?"

"I hardly think that's going to happen," Laura said.

She was nervous. Public speaking made her nervous in the first place, and the thought of doing it in front of an audience of black college girls, a large percentage of whom she would, no doubt, be physically attracted to, made her doubly nervous. On top of that, the girl Amber was trying to set her up with would be there, and Laura would feel constrained and pressured to look gorgeous and be intelligent and witty and poised.

Nevertheless, she sucked it up and mustered her deepest reservoirs of charm, counseling herself that this Arthell would probably be either indifferent or completely hetero, therefore nothing to get so worked up over. Unfortunately, in this case she turned out to be wrong. Arthell's sexual orientation was impossible to discover just from looking at her, but Amber had been right about how Laura herself would feel.

Fortunately, Laura did not meet her personally until after giving her little speech. There was an audience for this of about fifteen college girls, mostly black, some from other minorities, who all seemed to know Amber, and were very attentive to Laura. She did not dare to look very closely at any of them as she stood behind the rostrum, gazing out at their young, expectant faces, fearing that she would focus on one and thereafter be completely flummoxed and speechless. After all, I'm not here to further a seduction, she reminded herself. Whatever Amber might insinuate. I'm here to motivate, and answer questions, and help these lovely girls get on the track to success.

After an introduction by Amber, she gave a little talk on her job, then answered questions. The whole thing took about half an hour. Then they had soda pop or coffee, and cookies. Laura mingled, led by Amber, who introduced her again individually to each girl.

"Where is she?" Laura whispered to her when they were briefly alone, unable to stand the suspense.

Amber looked around, brow furrowed. "I don't know. Maybe she went to the bathroom. She was here earlier. The one in the red jacket."

"I didn't notice," Laura said. "I was too nervous to look."

Amber broke out in an amused grin. "Now don't you go blushing when I introduce you. You're supposed to be a strong, confident business woman. She's the shy college girl. Not you."

"You know, you are sounding a little like a procuress," Laura teased her bluntly. "Maybe you ought to back off a little."

Amber gave her an exaggerated faux innocent smile. "Moi? Certainly not. I am merely a facilitator. Trying to make everybody happy and get a little for myself at the same time." She looked over Laura's shoulder. "Oh, there she is. Come with me. Come along now. Don't blush. Just be cool."

Laura took a few deep breaths and suddenly came face to face with Arthell, who was being dragged in her direction by Amber.

"Arthell Parrish, Laura Robbins," Amber said concisely, handing Arthell's slim brown hand to Laura, who took it and felt a tiny hot thrill race through her body all the way from Arthell's fingers to her tingling pussy.

She struggled not to let either of them see it, see how excited she had suddenly become. Arthell was exactly what Amber had described. Pretty in a plain sort of way, not drop dead gorgeous by any stretch but perhaps even better than gorgeous. She was completely real, normal, sweet, and friendly. She was nearly as tall as Laura and Amber, with long legs concealed in nondescript bulky black pants. Her hair was reddish brown and cut short so that her delicious dark brown ears were visible. She had jet black eyes and a wide mouth, with thick lips of the sort that Laura loved to crush with hungry kisses.

Her nose was probably a little too big for beauty, and yet you didn't notice it at all because her smile was . . . there was no other word for it, Laura thought: sweet. She was surpassingly sweet, open, friendly, and wholesome. Sweet. Laura knew she and Amber sometimes made little jokes about 'sweet,' but this girl was the genuine article. Laura was willing to bet that if you asked any of the other girls in the room what one word best described Arthell, they would all say: sweet.

It was not a quality Laura often found sexy. True, some of her lovers had been sweet, at least from time to time, and of course Sara was a paragon of sweetness masquerading as a tough chick. But none had exuded this simple, pure, and unassuming sweetness the way Arthell did. And Laura's sensual feelings were aroused by other aspects of her, over and above her essential sweetness. For one thing, she had a wonderful lanky yet curvy body, with long legs and full breasts. For another her skin was exquisitely smooth and dark brown, not deep coal black like Dee Dee's or Charise's, but not golden like Joy's either, more a rich deep reddish brown that went beautifully with her hair. Laura wanted to touch it with her fingertips and her lips.

Arthell wore a small silver chain choker around her neck, which called attention especially to her throat and her beautiful straight clavicles. My god, fine bones, Laura reflected. Beautiful bones. She would make a good model were it not for that precious nose I would love to kiss.

All these reflections passed at the speed of light through Laura's mind as she stood there holding Arthell's hand.

"I loved your talk," Arthell was saying, earnestly. "I would so love to have a job like yours some day."

Amber smiled, touching each of their shoulders, almost as if to push them closer together. "You two go ahead and talk. I'll be back."

Laura was lost in Arthell's sweet face. Oh god, I'm going to have to stop thinking about her like that, she realized. She may be sweet, but that's beside the point. She found that Arthell was very easy to talk to, and by the time Amber rejoined them they were discussing, of all things, Sarah Vaughan and Dinah Washington. And Laura was trying not to look again at Arthell's throat, or her beautiful clavicles.

"My father was a jazz musician, so that's the kind of music I grew up with," Arthell said. "Shoot, I've got records of Sarah where he's playing in the band. I even met her once when I was about three, which I hate not being able to remember." She frowned with genuine, though mild, desolation.

"I heard her sing once. With Count Basie. I actually had to go by myself. Couldn't get anyone to go with me. Everybody else made a face. They were crazy for the Rolling Stones or something, I guess." Laura made a face herself. "But I spent my own money and sat right in the front row. Where I could watch her sweat."

"I can't believe you couldn't find anyone to ask you," Arthell said. "You look like a super model or something."

"Listen to you," Laura laughed, poking her shoulder affectionately. "I do not." She shifted the subject away from herself. "You said 'was'. I mean, about your father. I hope he's not—"

"Dead?" Arthell smiled and shook her head. "No. He's alive and kicking. He quit to teach music in the schools. All those smoky bars, and being on the road all the time, it was killing him."

"Well, you two are really getting along together, I see," Amber said meaningfully as she returned. "Good thing, too, since I have to run." She glanced at her spectacularly expensive watch. "Laura, I promised Arthell I would give her a lift home, but I have to meet my financial advisor in the city in thirty minutes. Could I impose on you to give her a ride?"

She gave them both the sweetest, falsest expression, which Laura immediately saw through but Arthell apparently took for genuine.

Laura came very close to blushing since, to her at least, Amber was so transparent about pushing them together. But she realized that Arthell had no notion that it was happening. "I'd be happy to," she smiled. "Do you live far?"

"Not far. I live in San Lorenzo."

Laura looked blank. "As long as you can show me the way, and then show me how to get back to the freeway."

"Of course," Arthell laughed, throwing back her head a little, showing off that gorgeous smooth dark brown neck.

They watched Amber leave. There were still other girls who wanted to talk with Laura, some of whom also looked good enough to eat, so it was half an hour before she was able to escort Arthell to her car. San Lorenzo was a community close to Hayward, and it only took about fifteen minutes to get there. The house Arthell directed Laura to pull up in front of was dark.

"Nobody home," Laura said.

"My parents are in Fresno at a family meeting. My uncle died recently, and they have to divvy up his stuff, I guess. Want to come in? We could listen to some of those Sarah records I told you I have. That is, unless you have to run."

"I don't." Laura couldn't stop her heart from fluttering. "I would be afraid to go into a dark house like that by myself anyway. Safety in numbers."

Arthell laughed. "Just the two of us? We're going to fight off evil rapist murderers? Don't worry, this is a peaceful neighborhood. I come here all the time when it's dark. We know the neighbors, and they keep an eye out for me."

Oh, great! Laura thought. And if we're in the throes of hot fucking, one of them is likely to ring the doorbell, right? But then she castigated herself sharply for even thinking this. Sex was clearly the farthest thing from Arthell's mind. And it should be the farthest thing from mine, Laura thought. She truly is a sweet, friendly girl. Please control your self-indulgent sexual urges, Laura.

She locked the car and followed Arthell into the house. Inside, Arthell immediately shed her light-weight red jacket, the one Amber had alluded to, and threw it on a dining room chair. Under it she wore a loose white blouse that draped alluringly around her very nice upswept breasts. Laura could see the outlines of her bra under the fabric. She was very relaxed and asked Laura if she wanted anything to drink.

Laura, on the other hand, was extremely nervous. She knew this was a chance to make a move, but she was very reluctant to do it, though the more time she spent with Arthell, the more enchanted she became. Just the fresh, healthy scent of her body as they rode together in the car had been enough to set Laura's juices flowing. But somehow making an obvious, even though subtle, sexual advance seemed to her like it would completely ruin whatever chance they had to be close, if Arthell rejected it. She might not have another chance.

She declined anything to drink and waited while Arthell found the records she had mentioned. They spent the next half hour listening to them, which was a thoroughly enjoyable experience unsullied by Laura's ugly sexual urges, as she had begun to think of them. This girl really is a darling sweet thing and doesn't deserve an overbearing lecher like me breathing down her sweet brown neck.

Another hour passed and it began to seem like the visit had been unnecessarily prolonged. True, they enjoyed each other's company, and the music. Laura could gaze at this enchanting creature for hours without getting tired. And yet, she knew she was only staying longer in hopes that the right moment would arrive, that she could touch or caress or otherwise let Arthell know that she wanted more than mere conversation. It never did.

Finally, she resigned herself to it. "God, I've got to go," she said, looking at her watch. "I have to get home to feed my cat or she'll scratch my eyes out."

Where do I come up with these things? she wondered.

"What's her name?" Arthell asked innocently.

"Her name is Rhonda, and she can be a real bitch. I have her on a restricted diet so she won't get any fatter, and she hates me for it."

"I love cats. I can't have one because I'm allergic."

They were already at the door, Laura having collected her handbag and her own jacket. Oh god, I want to kiss you! she realized as they stood there. I want to desperately! Arthell's thick, sensual lips looked like paradise to her.

But she restrained herself, with immense difficulty. Instead, she got a quick inspiration. "Why don't you come over to the city some day when you have a few hours and I'll take you to lunch. I'll show you around the office, and you can get an idea what it's like."

Arthell looked overcome with joy. Her face lit up, her black eyes shining. "Really?"

"Of course, 'really'. When can you come?"

"Oh god, I don't want to impose on you. I can come almost any time. God, I would love that."

"You're not imposing. I want you to come." Boy, do I, she thought. "In fact, you could take BART over and I could drive you back, if you want."

"That would be best because I don't have my own car."

"Fine," Laura said, decisively. "It's settled. How about tomorrow?"

Arthell shook her head. "Can't come tomorrow. Classes. I could come Wednesday, though."

Laura could feel her pussy fluttering at the thought. They quickly made arrangements, and Laura left before the urge to kiss Arthell became too strong to suppress. Just the sight of her waving, sweet and winsome and dark and lovely, from the front porch as Laura drove off was enough to sent squirmy little hot arrows of happiness through her moist pussy.

She drove straight to The Fontana, calling Amber on her cell phone when she was only blocks away.

"Laura . . . why, I thought you'd be panting in the grasp of those long brown arms by now," Amber said, sardonically. "I'm afraid I'm busy right now. Can you call me back?"

"Get rid of her. I'm just so depressed. I need to see you."

"Ohhhhh," Amber clucked, "did pretty Arthell turn you down? Maybe Auntie Amber should teach you a few tricks about seducing sweet young things like her."

"Please let me come up."

"I can't just tell her to leave," Amber said, speaking seriously now under her breath. "She's . . . let's just say an old friend."

"Then she'll understand."

"Maybe you'd like to join us."

The prospect of a threesome for once nauseated Laura. True, she wanted flat-out torrid sex, frenetic fucking of the hottest kind with Amber, to make her forget about Arthell. But only with Amber, not with anyone else.

"I'm not in the mood," she sulked, idling her engine outside on the street, afraid to drive down into the parking garage for fear she would lose cell phone reception.

"You sound in a bad way, girl," Amber said, appearing to give in. "Okay . . . give me twenty minutes. Go buy a magazine or something. Then come up here and let Auntie give you a lesson in love."

Laura grinned and switched off the phone. She hated to disrupt Amber's little rendezvous, and yet she was entirely, almost ego-maniacally, focused on her own needs at this moment. Amber got me into this, she thought. Now, let her get me out.

Thirty minutes later she knocked on Amber's door. Amber took a while to answer it, and when she did she was wearing a fluffy pink bathrobe. She might have been fucking her brains out with her friend only minutes ago, Laura thought, but she was at this moment as ravishing as the first moment Laura had seen her, her silky dark skin wildly alluring in contrast with the fluffy pink fabric of her robe. Amber's dark eyes flickered with amused concern.

"There she is, the rejected one," she said with a long face. "Come on in, angel." She held the door open for Laura, then closed and locked it behind her. "Let me guess. She said 'I'm sorry, but I'm not that way.' Isn't that what they always say?"

"Actually, she didn't get the chance," Laura confessed. "I never . . . even tried to push it. She's so . . . sweet. So genuine, so . . . I don't know . . . nice."

Amber nodded, a hint of scorn forming around the corners of her luscious mouth. "You just couldn't propose anything so ugly and basic as fucking to her, right?"

Laura sighed. "I guess. I got nervous. I want her to like me."

She followed Amber down the entry hallway, past the Georgia O'Keeffe vagina/flower pictures. Again she felt pierced by how fetching Amber was in her pink bathrobe. She was much darker than Arthell, with a willowy, sinuous body that Laura had embraced in fierce rapture many times, and the thought of doing it again right now was very enticing. Even the fact that Amber had been fucking someone else minutes earlier didn't detract from Laura's desire but somehow only made it stronger.

She couldn't detect any odor of sex on her, but that didn't mean anything since Amber had so many varieties of expensive perfume at her disposal that she could easily cover any scent trail. She always smelled ethereal and delicious and faintly sexual, like a carnal angel.

"You want a glass of champagne?" Amber inquired, before continuing on to the bedroom. "Or do you just want to get on with what you couldn't get from her?"

Laura ignored her attitude. "I could use a cup of coffee, if you've got any. Forgive me, but champagne doesn't do it for me every time. I guess it's a handicap from not being born rich." Touché, my darling, you catlike spoiled gorgeous rich girl, I could devour you this instant.

Now Amber grinned broadly. She loved this little game of thrust and parry with Laura. "How do you like it?" she asked, with a droll moue. "Let me guess again. Hot and black. Right?"

Laura reached out with one arm, encircling Amber's neck and drawing her close. She brushed her lips against Amber's. "Skip the coffee," she whispered. "You know what I want. Arthell's darling and sweet, but she's not in this class."

Amber in turn brushed her full lips against Laura's. "Maybe what she needs is to be in this class. With two expert teachers like us."

Laura shook her head. "I don't think she'd go for it, somehow. I didn't sense any . . . you know, positive vibrations."

"You mean, no gaydar oscillations?" Amber grinned even more broadly.


Now Amber kissed her, slowly and methodically. At the end of the kiss, she pulled back slightly. "That doesn't mean anything. She is totally focused on something else. You've got to get her in a place where it's truly a temptation. But I'm sure you know that. You've done it before, right?"

"A few times. Sometimes successfully, sometimes not."

Amber nodded. But she had clearly lost interest in talking about Laura's disappointment. She was kissing Laura's cheek, and her jaw. "You know, I was just about to hop into bed with a very old friend of mine when you called," she purred softly. "It was mean of you to deprive me like that."

"Your 'financial advisor,' right?" Laura said caustically, tilting her head.

Amber did not flinch. "Right," she lied. "She and I were going to roll all over my debentures."

"It was mean. I'm sorry," Laura purred back, smiling, enjoying the kisses immensely, kissing Amber back, kissing her black neck, sliding a hand between the lapels of her fluffy pink bathrobe. "Is there anything I can do to make it up to you?"

"Mmmmm," Amber appeared to ponder the question. She reached down and pulled Laura's hand out of her bathrobe, where Laura had been cupping a small, perfect, warm breast, feeling the heavenly swollen protruding bulb of Amber's soft puffy nipple against her palm. Amber lifted the hand and scrutinized it. "You know, she does something special for me that no one else can do. I won't let them. But it looks like you could fill in."

"Now it's my turn to guess," Laura murmured.

Amber smiled back mysteriously. "But first I'm going to make you forget about sweet little Arthell." She pulled Laura by the same hand toward the bedroom. "Temporarily, at least."

"Did she mind leaving? Your friend?" Laura asked, as they entered the bedroom, still holding hands.

Amber smiled ambiguously back over her shoulder, then shook her head. "I gave her one of my speedy specials, and she was happy enough. That's why I asked you to wait twenty minutes."

She winked at nodded at the bed, which was unmade and rumpled, as if indeed a couple had been quickly and furiously screwing there only moments ago.

"I'm sorry you had to cut it short," Laura said, dryly.

Amber smirked. "That's okay. I know you can give me what I need."

While Laura watched, she untied the sash of her bathrobe and slipped it off her shoulders. Laura was enchanted as always by her naked body, dark and gleaming and devastatingly sexy in the half-light she perpetually had on in her bedroom. Amber smiled at her and motioned with her head for Laura to undress too.

"It helps if we're both . . . this way," she said, pointing to her own nakedness with one finger.

Laura nodded and quickly began to unbutton and unsnap. "Sorry."

While she was undressing, Amber disappeared into her huge walk-in closet, really a wholly separate adjacent room, and returned with the translucent purple strap-on dildo and harness that she had asked Laura to use on her their very first time together. Laura realized that their relationship was about to jump a few notches upward.

They had been doing this for several weeks now without ever having resorted again to the strap-on, or to any other toy or special twist, having found quite enough pleasure so far in merely ordinary but consummately skilled fucking, at which they were both experts. In fact, Laura had occasionally wondered if they would ever get beyond that, or want to. And yet she knew from the way Amber had examined her hand that fisting was going to happen tonight, and as she watched Amber slip into the strap-on harness she knew that she too was going to get a pleasurable workout.

I do believe this gorgeous naked woman means to fuck me, she thought, feeling tiny secret muscles everywhere in her body clench in anticipation. She was naked now and could feel Amber's dark eyes burning into her body. Amber smiled and drew her over to the bed, holding the thick, shiny dildo with one hand so it wouldn't bob too much as she walked.

"I hope you don't mind that I didn't change the sheets," she said in a low, sultry voice. "Actually, I don't ever change the sheets. I have a maid who does that. Rich girls have some privileges."

Laura growled playfully and pulled her down into the rumpled mess left by Amber's previous brief fucking with her old friend. "I don't care about the sheets," she growled, biting Amber's neck and squeezing her small, perfect breasts aggressively. "I just want you to fuck me. Anywhere. On the floor, if you want to."

Amber made a comical face of pure distaste. "On the floor? Please, darling. I'll get rug burns on my pretty knees. They'll be all pink and raw. You like them dark brown, remember?"

"I could devour your knees." Laura tickled her. "In fact, I will devour your pretty knees if you don't fuck me this instant."

Amber rolled Laura onto her back and began kissing and stroking her naked body, licking Laura's flesh as her mouth descended to Laura's breasts. "You are a very demanding sexpot," Amber purred to her. "No wonder that sweet young girl was afraid of you. She probably thought you were going to beg her to fuck you, you nasty thing."

"She . . . didn't have . . . the faintest idea . . ." Laura panted, already aroused by Amber's tongue on her nipples. "Oh, that feels good. Suck them hard, please."

"Mmmm, trying to rush me?"

Laura smiled and ran her fingers through Amber's hair to her scalp, affectionately caressing it. "Not a bit. Take your time. Make me go up in flames."

"See, you're beginning to forget about her already," Amber murmured, now sucking one of Laura's nipples hungrily.

"Unhhhhh!" Laura moaned. "Oh yes. I've forgotten completely. I don't . . . ahhhnnn . . . even know who you're . . . ungghhh . . . talking about! Ohhhh!"

"I love these pretty dark pink nipples," Amber purred, holding both of Laura's breasts in her hands and alternating her sucking lips between Laura's wet, stiffening nipples.

"If you don't get to the serious stuff, I'm going to pop ahead of you," Laura warned, panting more heavily now.

"Patience, honey, patience. I have to get my fill of these beauties. Laura has the most beautiful boobs of all. I tell all my friends."

In spite of being wildly aroused, Laura had to giggle a little at this. "You are such a big liar."

"No, I'm a little liar," Amber slurped, pinching Laura's excited wet nipples between the thumb and forefinger of each hand. "You've heard of white lies. That was just a little black lie. Because it came from me, get it? I don't tell them that, but only so it won't hurt their feelings. You really do have the most gorgeous boobs of all."

"Oh god, right now they feel like their on fire," Laura gasped.

She was writhing and churning her hips, giving Amber every indication that she needed to be fucked, and quickly. Amber knew the signs but was still in no hurry. She sucked and lip-mauled Laura's tender nipples until Laura was whimpering and squirming uncontrollably. Only then did she leave them for a preliminary taste of Laura's festering pussy prior to cramming it full of the shiny purple dildo.

"Ohhhh! Ohhhh!" Laura gasped as she felt Amber's long tongue slither up deep into her oozing cunt. "Oh god!"

Amber said nothing. She was very busy sucking and tonguing Laura's aching pussy, bringing her to the brink. Laura had certainly forgotten about Arthell now and was completely immersed in the pure physical pleasure of being eaten, soon to be fucked, by a very clever and passionate woman who had devoted a lot of time to polishing her skills. Amber was apparently determined to give Laura a most thorough fucking, and completely arousing and toying with Laura's wet, hungry pussy was a part of her plan to deliver a stupendous climax.

Whenever Laura seemed stretched too tightly, as if she were only seconds away from coming, no matter how long they both wanted it to last, Amber would ease up, change positions, kiss Laura's body elsewhere, anything to further the sweet, impossible delay. Since Laura often did this herself with her lovers, she knew exactly what was happening and yet was powerless to stop it. Oh god, if you don't make me come, I'm going to die! she thought wildly. And yet she willingly surrendered her quivering, writhing body to Amber's increasingly urgent caresses, knowing that the final explosion would be shattering.

"Ohhhhh baby . . . oh baby . . . I need it . . . I need it . . ." she whimpered to Amber, beseeching her with her eyes, knowing how fiery they had to be with her sexual need. "Put it in me . . . put it in me now," she begged. "Fuck me with it, please. Please!"

Again Amber said nothing. She smiled in a sort of sinister/sexy way at Laura, as if amused by Laura's frantic need, and finally relented, sliding up between Laura's yawning thighs and grasping the thick purple stalk in one hand, guiding the large bulbous head on the end of it toward the inflamed wet furrow of Laura's pussy. When it reached Laura's greasy, swollen cunt lips, Amber, holding the shaft in the middle, rubbed it up and down in the puckered furrow without pushing it inside.

"Unnnnnn!" Laura gasped, looking down at her crotch, seeing the shiny purple monster that was about to penetrate her body. When the bulbous head brushed against her clit, she could feel tiny hot tremors stream through her pussy. "Ohhnnnn!"

Now Amber spoke, in a low, husky voice. She leaned close to Laura and kissed her briefly. "You want it all?"

Laura nodded. Her eyes burned into Amber's. "Do it like you're afraid to do it with your sweetie pies."

Amber smiled the sinister smile again. "Do you really want me to?"

"God, yes!"

Still smiling, Amber now guided the head of the dildo deeper into Laura's splayed pussy, holding the middle of the shaft with one hand while she pushed it deep into the tight, slippery channel. She did not stop pushing until the whole stalk was sunk to the very base in Laura's body. It wasn't especially thick or long, not at all like The Empress that she and Deshona had gorged themselves on a week ago, but for some reason Laura felt like it filled her whole body.

At first Amber did not thrust with it. She simply left it buried deep in Laura's pussy and leaned forward again, swishing her small breasts against Laura's, licking the flesh of Laura's shoulder, breathing into her ear. Then, as she was tickling Laura's earlobe with the tip of her fantastically long tongue, she began to move her pelvis, slowly letting the shaft slide in and out of Laura's clinging pussy, only a few inches out, then back in deep, fucking Laura so slowly and so softly that Laura almost did not know it had begun until she felt the head of the long dildo push again into her cervix.

"Oh god, it goes deep . . ." she mewled to Amber, fiercely excited, feeling her body roil and quiver with sexual fire.

"Yes . . . deep . . ." Amber whispered, again thrusting the dildo up into Laura's cunt, and biting her earlobe now at the same time as she drove it in even deeper.

"Anngghh!" Laura groaned, her head falling back. "Oh yes! Do it hard!"

"Mmmm, she wants it hard," Amber murmured, as if talking to herself, bemused. "Shall I fuck her harder?"


"Like this?"

For a few moments Amber had not been holding the dildo but merely thrusting it slowly into Laura's pussy, but now she grabbed it again with one hand. Laura, though befogged and groggy with lust herself, could see a flash of fiercer sexual hunger than she usually noticed in Amber's dark, glittering eyes. This was all she felt before suddenly being stabbed to the quick by the long hard dildo as Amber pushed her hips forward in a ferocious thrust.

"Anngghhmmmnnggiiiee!" Laura yelped, feeling a sharp sensation deep in her pussy where the bulbous knob on the end of the dildo rammed into her cervix.

It was not exactly pain, but not exactly pleasure either, just a piercing hot blade cutting through her secret nerves and making her shudder and squeal uncontrollably. They had never really fucked this way. True, Laura had fucked Amber with the strap-on quite vigorously their first time, since Amber had asked for it. But after that their sex had been thrilling and enlivened by stirring sexual virtuosity, but never violent.

Amber leaned low, panting now herself. "Did I hurt you?"

"No . . ." Laura gasped. "No . . . I love it!"

"Are you going to come? You feel like you're going to come . . . to me," Amber panted, now thrusting more evenly, but still deep.

"Yes. Yes, I am," Laura gasped, churning her pelvis, pushing her crammed pussy up into Amber's lunges.

She was very aroused by the sight of Amber's small, perfect, dark breasts swaying above her as Amber leaned forward to fuck her as hard as she wanted to be fucked. She lifted her hands to them and squeezed them, pulling Amber forward and down a little so that she could get one thick, swollen, puffy black nipple into her mouth. Oh god, I'm going to come now for sure! she realized. Being fucked while she was sucking her lover's nipple was pure magic for Laura and could make her explode in seconds.

Amber too became even more aroused by Laura sucking her nipple hungrily and began fucking her harder, and faster, pushing the dildo in deep, ramming it home, grunting softly as she gyrated her hips forward. By now they were in a feverish frenzy on the bed, wriggling and writhing together, Laura's legs locked around Amber's waist as she pumped back furiously, Amber bracing her elbows on the mattress and plunging hard into Laura's flaming cunt. Laura's mouth was fastened to Amber's beautiful thick nipple like a leech, and she was sucking it and lip-chewing it hard.

"Ahhnnn!" Amber groaned, looking down frantically at her small breast half-entrapped in Laura's mouth. "Oh god, honey!"

They both knew Laura was going to come any time now. "Yes . . . yes!" she panted furiously, holding Amber's breast in her fingers and she came up briefly for breath, then pinching her thick wet nipple between her tongue and the roof of her mouth, feeling the fiery beginnings of her own orgasm awaken deep inside her clenching womb.

Amber sensed it too. Even though they were writhing and squirming and struggling wildly together in the crazily rumpled sheets, their bodies were very synchronized and connected, and she could feel Laura's inner twitching and yearning and climactic direction.

"Auunngggmmooouunnnn!" Laura groaned, arching shuddering, suddenly overcome by a long, wrenching, heavenly orgasm that bathed her writhing body in slow spasms of piercing bliss.

Expecting to have a sharp, jolting climax because of the vigorous way Amber was fucking her, she instead had this warm bath of agonizingly slow, paralytic muscle rending that left her gasping and cawing with ecstasy.

"Ohhnnnnnnnggggg . . . unnnnghhhaauunnnggghhh . . . oh oh god oh . . . dear . . . oh god . . . unnnnghhhaauunnnggghhh!" she moaned as another wave overtook and buried her.

Amber had stopped fucking her by now and was merely clinging to Laura, her wet breast finally free of Laura's mouth now that Laura needed to gulp huge breaths as her body was wracked by her staggering orgasm. Amber did not move and let Laura bear down with her pubic bone on the thick dildo that was buried in her pussy, letting Laura grind herself into a few more shuddering aftershocks.

All this went on for a very long time. Like Laura, Amber never wanted it to be over and would cling until the dawn, if necessary, holding tight, kissing Laura's cheek, her forehead, whispering meaningless, half audible things to her, while Laura gently floated back to earth. After an interminable period of small, happy pussy spasms, things began to settle out for Laura, who stirred groggily under Amber's lovely body.

"You really know how to do it to me, my darling," she purred to Amber, caressing her naked back.

Amber grinned and nipped her chin. "Had enough? I bet I could get you there again in two minutes."

"I'll bet you could too," Laura agreed. "I think I might die under the strain." She winced as Amber slowly removed the huge shaft from her clinging pussy. "You really know how to ram that thing, don't you."

"I've had a little practice," Amber said, patting the wet purple dildo with her fingers. "I call him the Purple Pussy Pumper. He's a monster. Insatiable devil. He loves your pussy, I can tell."

Goodness, everyone seems to name their dildos these days, Laura thought, bemused. How utterly cute. "How can you tell?" she asked Amber, watching with fascination as she slipped out of the strap-on harness.

"Mmmm, I have my ways," Amber smirked mysteriously. She put the wet dildo on a towel that was on a chair by the bed. "But enough about me. Did you have a nice little come?"

"A nice big one. It got to me before I was even ready."

"That's my specialty," Amber smirked again. "Get 'em when their guard is down. They'll love you for it."

Laura pulled her down into the messy sheets. "Come here and let me show you how much I love you for it."

"Mmmm, Amber said, rubbing her naked breasts into Laura's while they kissed passionately. "You know what I want you to do, I think."

Laura nodded. "I know."

"Here, this will help," Amber said, leaning across the bed and opening a drawer in the bedstand, removing a tube of lubricating jelly. She held her left breast in one palm as she handed the tube to Laura. "And by the way, abuse the other one for a while, if you get a craving. You nearly sucked this one clear off. It's still sore."

Laura frowned. "Sorry. I got carried away, I guess."

"Anything for my honored guest. But I do use these things on other girls too, you know. They also like them and probably don't want to see a little chewed stump, Laura's legacy."

"You have my deepest apologies," Laura murmured, reaching out for the perfect sculptured upswept dark globe. "Here, let me make up to it."

Amber scowled playfully, flinching back. "Not a chance. You're a titty killer." She smiled teasingly. "A titty lover too, of course." Her eyes rolled up, this time not so playfully, instead rather out of her control. "God, I think sometimes the way you suck them . . . I'm going to come . . . just from that."

"Want to try it?" Laura smiled, beckoning her. "Maybe you can."

Amber softened. She smiled too and came closer again, settling down with Laura into the sheets, which now looked a little like a mountain range recently flung up by underground tectonic forces. Amber batted down the tallest peaks with one hand.

"Maybe we'll have to take an intermission and I can get the maid over here to remake this bed."

"I can do it," Laura said brightly, pulling her close and kissing her dark, smooth neck and shoulders, the flawless black skin of her chest. "I'm not rich. I have to make my own bed, so I have lots of practice."

Amber laughed throatily. "I'll bet you do, after rolling around in it with all those hot sisters you so love to love."

"You mean like this one?"

Laura dropped her mouth to Amber's other breast, the one she had not yet tortured with her passion.

"Oh! Ahhnnnn!" Amber gasped, looking down. "There you go again!"

"Mmmm, but I'm going to be much gentler this time," Laura purred.

At the same time she was sucking Amber's swollen, puffy black nipple, she dropped her hand between the girl's silky thighs and began to stroke Amber's lovely wet pussy with two fingers. Amber's thighs yawned wide, and she stretched out as if to give Laura full access to her lean, supple body.

"Are you going to do me like I asked?" she inquired in a small, girlish voice, much different from her usual brash confident one.

"Mmmm, I guess I can manage that," Laura murmured, laving Amber's beautiful protruding wet nipple with her tongue.

"It's much better if you use the jelly," Amber panted, growing quickly more aroused by Laura's adroit ministrations. "I have a tight little pussy."

Laura smiled up at her. "Why . . . you act like I've never kissed it before. In fact, I have had my fingers and my tongue inside your beautiful black kitty many times, sweetheart, and I plan to have them there again."

Amber didn't say anything. Her black eyes were wide and swirling with hot invitations. Laura held her pulsing eyes with her own as she slid the two fingers that were already playing with Amber's swollen cunt lips up into the greasy warm channel. Amber's eyes rolled up again. A sharp intake of breath whistled past her clenched teeth.

"Hhhhhhh! Oh . . . yes!" Amber gasped.

It was a tight little pussy, tighter than most, Laura realized. Her hand was small, and she had wiggled it into snug, wet pussies just as tight as this one, but she knew that Amber was right, it would be easier with the lubricant. Quickly, she picked up the tube from where she had dropped it earlier. Amber waited patiently, eyes pulsing, breathing rapid, as Laura greased up all the fingers of her hand, then placed the tube and cap on the bedstand next to the lamp.

Again their eyes locked as Laura approached the moment of penetration, sliding again between Amber's thin, yawning thighs, brushing Amber's sensitive pussy lips with the tips of her fingers.

"Honey, I'm going to make you climb the walls," Laura murmured to her, looking down to enjoy the exquisite pleasure of watching her hand invade Amber's lovely oozing quim, so hot pink on the inside, the wavy black lips parting to let in her fingers as she pushed.

Amber watched too, her face frozen in sexual fascination, her lips parted and forming an expectant 'Oh.' Laura's longest three fingers, the middle ones, slid into the buttery, puckering slit, and she instinctively bunched them together, pressing her thumb and little finger into the center of the wedge, until all her fingers disappeared into Amber's yielding pussy up to the second knuckle.

"Oh . . ." Amber gasped, very softly. "Oh." Very seriously. Almost but not quite alarmed. "Oh . . . yes."

"Mmmm, does that feel good?" Laura purred to her. "Do you want the whole thing inside?"

"Oh god, yes!"

Laura loved watching Amber lose control. Usually she was so cool, so calm, so aristocratic and in charge, that seeing all that dignified though sardonic self-possession evaporate and disappear to be quickly replaced by total need, by desperate, I'll-do-anything, raw sexual craving was to Laura a thrilling event. Amber was not aloof and remote, as Deshona had initially been, and certainly not hostile and prickly, as Shontay had been—both of whom Laura had certainly enjoyed reducing to insatiable, helpless physical hunger. Nevertheless, Amber was mildly amused and above it all until moments like this one, gently mocking Laura for her misadventure with Arthell until Laura's sexual caresses became too much for her.

This was something they had not done before with each other, an intimate, very solemn kind of fucking they seemed to have reserved until now, and both were hypnotically transfixed by what was about to occur. Laura's five-finger wedge was already half-inside Amber's tight, wet, warm pussy, but the other half was the tricky, and also wildly erotic, part, the instant when she pushed it all the way inside.

And Amber had been speaking the truth: her pussy was indeed very snug, one of the tightest Laura had ever felt. The lubricating jelly on Laura's fingers was very helpful in easing things along, and it only took a little extra pressure to force her whole fist inside the tight, warm channel.

"Unhhh!" Amber gasped involuntarily. Her eyes went briefly glassy and watery as she looked down at Laura's hand in her pussy. "Oh god . . . move it a little," she gasped again.

Laura smiled. She too was fascinated by the sight of her hand inside Amber's sweet, glossy black cunt, engorging it, making the distended outer lips shine and swell. Amber was so wet that the fine filaments of blonde hair on Laura's wrist were shiny with clinging nectars. Amber's sleek wet pussy lips seemed to enclose her hand like a hungry mouth eager to suck down Laura's whole arm.

Laura twisted her hand, and Amber whimpered. Her black eyes throbbed and swirled and flashed with nearly unbearable sexual excitement. Laura's eyes swept hungrily up and down her sleek black naked body, arrested as always by Amber's enchanting puffy, protruding nipples, swirling a little as her body flexed and twisted in response to Laura's twisting hand.

"God, you are so beautiful," Laura said in a hushed voice, now letting her eyes linger for a few seconds on the fantastic filigree of black and dark red ink that formed the intricate tattoo surrounding Amber's navel. "So . . . beautiful."

She could feel the beginnings of the mystic awe that usually enveloped her—enveloped them both—when she was fist-fucking a beautiful woman, and yet somehow it was different this time. She realized that Amber, for some reason, did not feel it the way she, Laura, did, or that she was resisting it in favor of quick, incendiary, raw fucking. It was almost as if Amber did not have time to waste indulging in a deep, throbbing, emotional/sexual connection but instead wanted a cataclysmic and crushing physical collision and sudden release, and right now.

Laura was used to doing this slowly, carefully, with a simmering build-up, and a piercingly intimate crescendo of shared feeling, a deeply emotional union that resulted, usually, in spectacular orgasms unlike any other, orgasms that left her partner, or herself if she were the recipient, just destroyed and throbbing with emotional and physical aftershocks. And that might be what was going to happen now, but Amber was certainly not waiting around for the emotion to gather steam.

"Unh . . . unh . . . unh!" she panted, slowly, but ever more rapidly, gyrating her hips, pushing her engorged pussy up into Laura's hand, biting her lower lip, her black eyes streaked with fiery red need. "Oh yes . . . oh yes! Laura . . . do it faster . . . yes! Ungghh!"

Laura, though she was biased in favor of the slow, mystical way she loved so much, was flexible enough to give in to Amber's wishes. "Oh honey . . . is it good for you?" she asked, twisting her hand inside Amber's tight pussy, and thrusting a little more vigorously, knowing it was what Amber wanted. "Do you like it?"

Amber's eyes caught Laura's and held them. "Oh god, yes!" She began pumping harder, faster. "Fuck me, Laura . . ." she panted. "Do it . . . fuck me . . . I know you can do it . . . fuck me hard."

"Oh honey . . . I don't want to," Laura purred, leaning forward, running her free hand all over Amber's smooth, flexing body, cupping her small, swirling breasts, scissoring Amber's delectable, coal-black, puffy nipples in her fingers. "I want to do it slow . . . I want it to go on."

Amber grimaced, whether from Laura's reluctance or from the intense sensations Laura couldn't tell. Maybe both. "You owe me, girl," she panted, bucking her hips even more rapidly. "You . . . owe . . . me . . ."

Laura smiled. She was getting caught up in the sheer sexual intensity of the act. She realized that she did owe Amber, not only for introducing her to Arthell, though it was still an uncertain prospect, but also for simply seducing her, Laura, in the first place, bringing her here frequently for steamy, thrilling sex, buying her an expensive bracelet. She owed her for being so straightforward and uncomplicated, so frank and secure about her own needs and Laura's, so discreet and so hot at the same time.

"I know I do," she said huskily. She twisted her hand once again, slowly, feeling the soft but tight spongy wet flesh of Amber's interior pussy walls enclosing it snugly. "I want it to be the best ever for you."

But Amber by now was apparently past being able to reply. Her eyes rolled up. Her body became taut and tense, gleaming black and glossy in the half-light of the bedroom, her thighs clenching as she pumped up into Laura's fist harder and harder. The pale skin of Laura's wrist against the very black and wet lips of Amber's distended pussy was wildly arousing to Laura. She could see the paler swollen knob of Amber's clit pushing out from it's sheltering hood each time her hand pushed back into Amber's clasping cunt.

"Ahnn . . . unnhh . . . unnnnuunnnnn!" Amber grunted softly, her eyes catching Laura's again, drawing Laura in. Fuck me . . . fuck me, said her eyes. Fuck me hard . . . fuck me fast . . . I'm dying.

"Yes . . . honey . . . yes . . ." Laura responded, letting the accelerating tempo draw her in further, picking up the pace herself, now really fucking Amber with her hand rather than simply holding it still while Amber did the work.

"Ohnngngg!" Amber suddenly groaned. "Oh god! Oh shit!"

Oh, she's going to come, Laura realized. She's so close. Even closer than I thought. She's going to come so hard.

Laura couldn't resist bending down and forward, taking a few hungry, passionate swipes with her tongue at the hard, swollen berry of Amber's clit. It felt like a warm, slippery, hard little marble sliding across her tongue, and she closed her lips over it, sucking quickly and sharply.

"Anngghiiiiee!" Amber suddenly shrieked, her body stiffening and shuddering in midair.

Laura let it go, fearing she had sucked it too hard, but already Amber was thrashing and bucking wildly, now whinnying and sliding her hands down to Laura's wrist, clutching it and frantically jamming her crammed pussy into Laura's fist.

"Annggg . . . anngggg . . . anngggg . . ." she grunted, delirious now with need, crazily fucking Laura's hand and rearing up to force her pubic bone down into Laura's wrist, which she held steady with both hands.

They had had some wild sex in the past, but never had Laura seen Amber so frantic and crazy. And she knew the girl was going to come in seconds, or was already coming, since she felt the smooth inner muscles of Amber's pussy contracting around her hand, and could hear from Amber's hysterical wheezing that a sharp cataclysm was about to occur.

"Oh yes, honey, yes, do it, do it . . . yes . . . do it!" she panted, feverish with fresh, throbbing lust herself, now thrusting more than she had been doing up to now with her hand, knowing that Amber craved it and was just a split second away from a fierce climax.

Suddenly a sharp convulsion shook Amber's taut body, an electrifying shock that stopped her wild moaning in mid breath. Laura realized she was already coming hard since her lean, undulating body was shuddering and twisting far more violently than before, but not a sound could escape from her constricted throat. Since by now from all the energetic pumping she had been doing her lovely lean black body was coated with a fine film of sweat, her flesh was shiny and voluptuous in the extreme, driving Laura to new heights of acute desire.

"Aaauunnggghhhh!" a fierce roar of clotted, half-strangled ecstasy finally escaped from Amber's throat.

Then the dam burst. Amber simply exploded with sharp spasms of coming as a huge, crushing orgasm wracked her straining body. She flipped and surged off the mattress, again grinding her spasming cunt down into Laura's hand, gasping and gurgling, then crying out in sharp groans as the excruciating pleasure of her orgasm raked her shuddering flesh.

Laura looped her free arm around Amber's thrusting pelvis, cradling the girl's jumping hips, just to make sure they still stayed linked through the violence of this shattering climax.

"Auunnggghnnmmggiiieeeee!" Amber wailed, her hysterical cries tailing off as the most piercing part of her orgasm began to wane, her body now quivering and flexing instead of shuddering violently. "Ohhhhhhh! Unggghhh! Oh . . . god!"

Laura, afraid to move, lovingly kissed her navel, and then kissed the rippling tattoo, which moved as Amber's stomach muscles moved, still half-convulsed by the dying spasms of her shockingly intense orgasm. She felt marvelous love and desire for Amber, and yet none of the warm, mysterious, deep union she had felt when fisting Deshona, or Mavis, or Randi, or others in the past.

Finally, after a lengthy descent, Amber's movements came to a stop. Even her stomach muscles stopped convulsing. Figuring it was over, Laura started to remove her hand, but Amber quickly clamped her thighs shut on Laura's arm.

"No. Leave it there. God, I love feeling it in there."

Laura smiled up at her. "Not any more than I love it," she murmured.

Amber's black eyes were glazed and grateful. "I think . . . I might come again if you even breathe." Her body gave a sharp little quiver, as if to confirm her words.

"In that case, I'm going to breathe hard . . . and fast."

Amber giggled softly, unclamping her thighs, letting Laura's arm free. "If I come again like that, you'll have to call the coroner. It'll be ugly for you. They'll think you killed me for my money."

"Now that's something I never thought of," Laura said, bemused, slowly withdrawing her hand from Amber's tight, clinging pussy, enjoying the wetness that slathered her fingers. "I'd have to get you to change your will first."

She wiped it on the sheet. Amber, who had been slack and limp from her orgasm, came back to life, sitting up and embracing Laura. "I might just have to do that," she murmured to Laura in a slightly hoarse voice. "You have the smallest, most wonderful hand I ever felt. I think I might lock you up in a cage and make you do that to me every night."

They kissed, a long and deep kiss that lasted for minutes. Laura crinkled her nose and gave Amber a loopy smile. "I sometimes wonder if I might be happy enough just to be your love slave."

"Silly girl," Amber clucked. "If you were my love slave, you'd never get your mouth into that pretty Arthell's sweet black pussy. Now tell me, isn't she everything I said?"

This made Laura feel a little depressed again. She must have visibly sagged because Amber instantly bucked her up and teased her.

"Don't be so down! She'll come around. You have to drench her with that Laura charm. Spend some time with her, you know. Don't make a beeline for the bed. You know how to do that. I know you do."

Laura shrugged and nodded. "She is exactly everything you said," she admitted. "I kind of wish she wasn't."

"Come on, now. You wish she was ugly and fat and ignorant?"

"Of course not. I wish she wasn't so sweet. It makes me feel like a lech."

"You are a lech, darling," Amber poked her in the arm. "Now kiss me and forget about sweet Arthell for a little while, okay? We still have the night ahead of us. I'll go get some champagne and we can, oh gosh, just do more of this until you have to go to work in the morning."

Laura smiled and relaxed. Already she was scheming in her mind, as Amber momentarily left the bedroom to get the champagne she had promised, on the ways she could get Arthell, who naturally suspected nothing as yet, to weaken and finally crumble.





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