Laura - Chapter 285



Deshona called while Sara was staying over. Fortunately, Sara was asleep in Laura's bed. She did not wake up when the phone rang since Laura usually kept the ringer turned off on her bedroom phone. She and Sara had been soul-fucking for about two hours, and both were satiated and exhausted.

Laura had been watching her sleep when the phone rang in the living room. Watching Sara sleep was an ethereal pleasure for her. Sometimes she would lie beside her, head propped up by her crooked elbow and palm, and watch her as if time had come to a stop and only this sweet, intimate moment would last for eternity. Sara was angelic when she slept, and Laura did not even feel the urge to fuck her. She only wanted to adore her in silence.

Carefully, not to awaken her, she slipped off the bed, pulled on her bathrobe, and answered the phone in the living room.

"I had to call you since you'll never call me, now that you're involved," Deshona said, sounding a little querulous but also vaguely plaintive.

"Deshona! God, how great to hear your voice!" But Laura was whispering, even though overjoyed.

"What's the matter, is she there?" Deshona had instinctively lowered her own voice, though she was on the other end of the line.

"Yes," Laura responded after a pause. "But she's asleep."

Deshona laughed softly. "Are you wearing that poor girl out, Laura? I know how you can be when you're in love."

This was an uncomfortable moment for Laura, though part of her also thrilled at Deshona's teasing. Before Sara, and before a seemingly inevitable string of contretemps and disappointments, she had been seriously 'in love' with Deshona. One of her numerous deep infatuations. It was a little unfair now of Deshona to act as if Laura alone had been so emotionally involved, since she herself had been equally smitten. But something in her icy reserve and her bizarre commitment to her ex-husband Charles, with whom she fought continuously and who had run off with a blonde once already, had prevented Deshona from being able to completely bond with Laura in their relationship.

She sensed Laura's embarrassment. "Sorry. I didn't mean that."

"Did too," Laura pouted playfully. "God, I love hearing your voice."

"Come down and see me, Laura. I mean when you get the chance. I don't want to disrupt your little endless honeymoon. I just need to see you."

"Next week?"

"Fine. I'm home all week, but I'll be in and out. Give me a call first."

Laura could not get free until Thursday, and when she did Deshona was suddenly gone out of town on a business emergency and would not be back until the following week. She left a voice mail message.

"Laura, I have to go to Baltimore for three days. I'm sorry. I really am. God, I was burning up, thinking about seeing you. I have something I want to show you." There was a pause, and Laura thought she could hear accelerated breathing. Her own breath was certainly accelerating. "It's been so long," Deshona said, softly. "I really miss you." Another pause. "I'll be back on Sunday. I think you said you spend the weekends with your new amour toujours, right? Lucky her. But I'll be too tired then anyway. Try and call me Monday, if you can." A final pause. "Not to be maudlin about it or anything . . . but I . . . miss you."

This was the most touching phone message Laura had ever received from her. It not only touched her heart, it also made her wet. Since Deshona was far too discreet to send such a message via Laura's work email, this one had been sent to her home one, but she was checking it at work. It caused an acutely embarrassing and arousing moment for her since she was due in a meeting in five minutes and realized that the crotch of her panties was soaked.

It was, in fact, a minor inconvenience, but stopping by the restroom on the way to the meeting gave her chance to consider the hold Deshona still had not only on her affections but her lust. And the worst thing was that she would have days and days to mull it over without being able to see her. The best thing was that she could keep it in the back of her mind as an event of supreme excitement that awaited her. She realized that by the time they saw each other the sexual tension would be cranked to the breaking point.

She was right. She had half a personal day coming to her at work and took it off on Monday afternoon, having called Deshona that morning. Driving down to Burlingame, she had to distract herself by listening to talk radio on the way so that she would not dwell on the incendiary sex they would surely have. And when Deshona greeted her at the door of her lovely, expensive house secluded in the woods, it was a strange flux of emotions that overtook Laura.

Oh god, she's like a gorgeous stranger, and also the woman of my dreams, the one before Sara! she suddenly thought. For Deshona looked strangely fresh and new and unknown to her while at the same time familiar. Sometimes you saw an old friend as if she were a complete stranger, and this could flummox you if you weren't careful. Deshona appeared to be feeling somewhat the same, and they looked at each other oddly for a few moments.

"Laura. God, it's good to see you. Come in." She opened the door wide for Laura, and Molly, Deshona's dog, recognizing her, came running forward, barking in a restrained, polite fashion that only Deshona's dog would do. "Didn't you bring a suitcase or anything?"

"I'll get it later," Laura said, reaching down to pet Molly. "It's in the trunk." She stood up. Deshona seemed paralyzed and was still holding the door open even though Laura had stepped inside. "Close the door," Laura prompted, "so I can kiss you."

Deshona's eyebrow twitched up, her habitual cold, skeptical, and yet affectionate grin tugging at her sensual lips. "Nobody lives within a quarter mile of here. You afraid the jack rabbits might get ideas?"

Laura recalled the last time they had stood here like this, waiting for Deshona's gorgeous niece Taneesha to drive off to the mall in Deshona's Mercedes so they could be alone. The second Taneesha had cleared the driveway they had closed the door and begun eating each other alive, falling to the floor right there in the entryway and fucking in a frenzy like two she cats in heat, their ripped off clothes scattered around them.

Laura looked deep into Deshona's eyes and saw that she remembered it too.

"Never mind," Deshona said, calmly, still grinning a little. "We don't have to rush things. We've got plenty of time."

"I still want to kiss you," Laura said. "You look so . . . different. So familiar . . . and yet so different."

"It's my hair," Deshona said, patting it lightly with one hand. "You like?"

Her hair was indeed different, a shade darker, much blacker and shinier than before, and not so dense with tight curls. Maybe that's it, Laura realized. Why she looks different. Hair can have such an effect. God, she's even more beautiful than ever.

"I forgot how beautiful you are, I guess," Laura said softly.

Deshona smiled at her salaciously. "Only here five seconds and already you're trying to flatter me into bed."

"Let me kiss you," Laura insisted. "After all, I've been dreaming of it since last week."

"Me too," Deshona smiled. "But not here by the door. I can see you remember last time. So do I. That little cunt Taneesha."

"It's not her fault," Laura teased her, following her into the house, with Molly tagging along behind them. "We were . . . too hungry for each other. We didn't hear her come back."

They were in a long corridor that led into the back of the house, where the master bedroom was. Deshona turned to face Laura and placed both wrists on Laura's shoulders.

"I guess if I can't kiss you I'm going to pop, too," she confessed. "I feel this big burning, swelling bubble of emotion for you here in my chest, you know?"

She pointed to her large, luscious, round breasts. She was wearing a loose brown sweater that draped around the jutting globes, accentuating their perfect round shape, which Laura knew was not caused by any bra, even though she was wearing one, but was their natural curve.

Laura nodded. "I know, because I'm feeling it too," she whispered.

"Only kissing, though," Deshona whispered back, her eyelids growing heavy as their mouths came close. "Nothing else just yet. We can take our time. I want to talk. I want to show you something."

"Give me those sugar lips," Laura murmured, moving her mouth close until it pressed into the sensual masterpiece of Deshona's mouth.

The emotional experience of kissing Deshona was rivaled perhaps only by kissing Sara. Laura loved to kiss and was often moved by it, but with these two her heart really took wing and she could feel her spirit soaring and leaping, her blood gushing happily through her veins, a kernel of bliss throbbing in the pit of her stomach, and the insides of her aching pussy beginning to melt. Her lips curved slowly and expressively into Deshona's, and her tongue tried to slip into Deshona's mouth, only to be met by Deshona's pushing back into hers. They kissed without touching, only their mouths and tongues engaged, communicating through their lips all the sweet longing and tender need they felt for each other after this lengthy separation.

Finally, Laura could not keep from touching her and raised her fingers to Deshona's smooth cheek, caressing it tenderly. Then she slowly dropped her hand to Deshona's breasts, lightly squeezing one of the out-thrusting mounds through her sweater while letting her lips slide across Deshona's cheek to her neck, then moving them up to her ear.

"You're handling the merchandise," Deshona warned her softly.

"Mmmm, I like melons," Laura purred, breathing into her ear. "These feel especially ripe . . . and round." She squeezed one again. "I like to taste them. I like to take them in my mouth and . . . suck the sweetness out of them."

A mild but noticeable shudder gripped Deshona's body as she giggled inwardly at Laura's words. She pulled back a little. "Hold it, Romeo, I told you we've got time. Don't rush it. Come in here and talk to me."

She pulled Laura into the master bedroom where she and Laura had fucked so many times, where last time Laura had spanked and fisted her. There are memories aplenty in here, Laura thought, looking around. She noticed that she saw no signs of Charles and made a mental note to ask about him when the proper moment arrived.

"Here, sit on the bed," Deshona patted the mattress. "I've got something to show you."

She went into the walk-in closet and rummaged around under a pile of clothes and shoes, emerging with a box, about the size of a shoe box. Her lips pursed in a bizarre, cat-that-swallowed-the-canary smile, she returned to where Laura was sitting with it, opening the lid. Inside was a huge brown cock. It was a dildo, of course, but the biggest one Laura had ever seen. Under it she could see the coiled straps of a harness, apparently meant to anchor this monster.

Moreover, it was a little creepy seeing it lying there in the box like that because it also looked more like a real penis than any dildo she had ever seen. Not that I'm an expert, she thought, but that looks real. And huge.

"It's nine inches long and two inches around," Deshona said softly, interrupting Laura's reflections. "It's called The Emperor."

"I wonder why," Laura said sarcastically, reaching out to run one finger along the hard shaft, feeling all the realistic bumps and ridges and veins under her fingertip.

"I guess because it rules," Deshona cracked with a smirk, suddenly growing nervous and grabbing the box back, covering it up again. "Though I wouldn't know since I haven't used it yet." She placed the box beside them on the mattress.

Figuring that Deshona wanted to talk about this thing, as well as probably use it, Laura drew her out. "Where did you get it?"

"That's what I wanted to tell you," Deshona broke into a broad smile. "It's the funniest story."

Laura patted the mattress next to her. Sit here, my pet, and let me gaze into your beautiful eyes and think how I'm going to fuck your darling brains out with the Emperor while you tell me how you acquired it. "Tell me."

Deshona was for once charmingly ill at ease and fluttery with embarrassment. "You know, I planned and planned how I was going to tell you this," she said, sitting down beside Laura, "but now I forget everything I planned to say."

This charming shyness was even more sexually arousing to Laura than the sight of the huge strap-on dildo. She scooted a little closer. "Go ahead, tell me."

Deshona made a shy, bashful face at her, like a small child who had done something unforgivable. "During the past two months when we haven't seen each other, I spent six weeks in Baltimore, working on this consulting project they hired me for. This huge nationwide transportation firm. That's why I had to go back there last week, for some followup. A quick emergency."

Laura smiled patiently, looking at the marvelous woman's beautiful, flawless brown skin, her glittering black eyes, her sensual mouth she wanted to crush with further kisses, her even white teeth, her pink tongue dancing behind them, her shapely neck, her delicious throat.

"While I was there I . . . well, I met this woman."

She stopped, as if she couldn't go on. Laura had never seen her this nervous. She looked like she would blush if she weren't a nice rich mocha brown color. I would blush, if I felt like she's feeling, Laura realized. I wonder what it is.

"You know, after you and your friend's sister—"

"Dee Dee," Laura interjected softly.

"Yes . . . Dee Dee." Deshona looked down and twisted her fingers, as if she would blush again. "After we . . . did it together . . . god, I got just kind of burning up with need, like I'd felt before with you but always been able to control. Or usually, anyway." She batted her eyelashes coyly at Laura. "And here I was back there, tired, lonely, sitting in my hotel room knocking back vodka tonics until I passed out each night. And this woman who worked in the company sort of, you know, came on to me, and we ended up having this really hot affair for about a month, until I had to leave."

Laura had no idea what this had to do with the dildo. She was very interested also in her own reactions. She felt a little instant hot jealousy at having to share this marvelous woman with anyone else, male or female, as she had often felt about Charles in the past, or when she had suspected Rhonda was trying to make a move on Deshona. But she also felt strangely happy that Deshona had found another female sexual partner, and that it clearly had been rewarding enough for her to continue it for a month and also to tell Laura about it.

"And I suppose you renewed it while you were back there last week?"

Deshona nodded. "Did we ever. She's is the hottest person I've ever met except you."

Laura smiled. "Thanks for the compliment."

Deshona took a deep breath, as if relieved. I guess she feared I'd explode into a fiery passion of rage at her betrayal, Laura thought.

"So anyway, to be quick about it, while I was there—the first time, I mean—I managed to get up to New York one weekend. I remembered your strap-on that we used with Dee Dee. I really wanted to get one to use with this woman."

"Her name?" Laura asked, inquisitively.

Deshona frowned a little. "You don't need to know her name."

"Oh. Sorry. Go on."

"Well, I was in this cab on Eighth Avenue when we passed one of those places. I had this Egyptian cab driver who barely spoke English but kept ogling me through the rearview mirror. And I made up my mind on the spot. I had him stop and offered him fifty bucks if he would go into this shop and buy me the biggest strap-on they had in the place. Not just any large one. Extra large. A whopper."

Laura laughed, wildly amused. "It must've been hard to ask him."

"Actually, it wasn't, you know?" Deshona was laughing too. "I mean it was actually more embarrassing for him since he was a Muslim and didn't approve, but he couldn't really turn down the fifty bucks. Anyway, I think he thought I was wacko in the first place. So, long story short, he did it, but they didn't have any large ones. But they also owned a shop down closer to SoHo, and so he drove me there and bought it, and I gave him the fifty bucks. And he looked at me like I was utterly crazy, which I guess maybe I was because I took it back with me to Baltimore and never mentioned it once to my friend. I was too embarrassed."

"But you're not embarrassed to show it to me."

"Well, I am a little bit. But not as much. You don't think I'm crazy, do you? You know, Charles is big like that. In fact, I think he's even a little bigger. And you know how I like to get fucked from behind. I thought—"

"My dear, you are getting me pretty wet and excited," Laura said evenly. "Maybe we better just close the door so we don't frighten Molly and get on with it."

Deshona looked deep into Laura's eyes. "You're not upset about the . . . other woman?"

This was a moment of decision for Laura. In truth, she wasn't very upset, but she knew she could use this moment to fan the flames of their passion, if she so chose.

Without warning, she grabbed Deshona and wrestled her down onto her back on the mattress. She kissed her aggressively and ran both hands down Deshona's body to her splendid curvy little ass, squeezing her cheeks through the stirrup pants she was wearing.

"I'm furious, you little black bitch," she said, with just a trace of menace. "I have half a mind to beat your pretty little black ass for being so treacherous with me."

She was smiling when she said this, and Deshona smiled back oddly, as if the idea somehow appealed to her. "You wouldn't dare," she said, softly, and with a straight face.

This electrified both of them since it was the same thing she had said to Laura before the previous spanking. Laura wanted to do it, and she suddenly knew Deshona wanted her to, but it meant getting naked first, and she didn't especially want to go through even a pretended struggle trying to get Deshona's pants off so she could spank her. And so she quickly softened and changed her tactics.

"You're right . . . maybe I wouldn't," she said, kissing Deshona's smooth brown neck, then sucking it a little.

"If you give me a hickey, I'll spank you," Deshona gasped, wriggling away.

"Mmmm, sounds like we're going to have a lot of fun," Laura said, pulling up the bottom of Deshona's sweater. "Here, take this off. Take everything off. I'm tired of waiting."

Deshona smiled, silently, and pulled her loose brown sweater up over her head. Under it she was wearing a lacy pink half bra that cupped her scrumptious, bountiful breasts from underneath and was cut low under the round tops. It was breathtaking. Usually Laura did not go for pink, but the color against Deshona's rich brown skin was wildly erotic. She couldn't take her eyes off it.

"Why are you wearing that when you're just hanging around the house and no one cares?"

Deshona pursed her lips again, but this time sexily, tauntingly. "I care. I wore it because I knew you'd go wild over it. I bought it just so I could wear it when I next saw you. Like this. You aren't going to deny me my little pleasures, are you? I also knew you'd love taking it off me."

"You got that right," Laura said, scooting even closer, reaching out with her fingers to unclasp the bra.

"Ah ah ah," Deshona held up her hand. "It's a two way street. You too. First."

They played the game of getting naked. It was a game they had played many times, and they knew how to draw it out and tease one another mercilessly, while not appearing to notice how aroused each one was becoming. Finally, they sat across from each other on Deshona's bed in their underwear. Deshona was wearing a pink lacy thong that matched her half bra. Laura had worn some of her sexiest black underwear, knowing they would end up like this.

She realized that Deshona was nearly naked now, wildly alluring, her ass now only concealed, or really not concealed at all, by the flimsy thong. She reverted to her earlier threatening manner.

"I'm really angry with you for cheating on me," she said, with a straight face. "You let some other woman fuck you. I could kill you for that."

Deshona quickly changed gears too. Laura could see it in her eyes, which registered the fact that they were back on the original track. Her dark eyes flickered with amusement and sexual interest.

"If you're going to be nasty, maybe you'd better leave."

"Maybe you'd better take your punishment," Laura glowered back.

Deshona's upper lip curled, and her eyes flashed. "I suppose you're going to make me."

Laura reached over and clasped her wrist with one hand. "I am," she said, baring her teeth now, forcing Deshona down onto the mattress, and getting her other hand on the thong. "Off it comes."

Deshona squirmed as if trying to get free, but neither of them really took her resistance seriously.

"Let me go, Laura. You shouldn't be doing this. I want you to stop."

She looked back over her shoulder as Laura pulled the gauzy thong down her marvelously shaped brown legs. Just looking at Deshona's naked body was enough to make Laura's blood sizzle.

"Okay. That's enough. Stop it!" Deshona gasped, wriggling harder now to get away, but also smiling back at Laura, as if she knew resistance was futile.

But by now she knew there was no escape. Laura had the thong off and was running one hand hungrily all over Deshona's exquisite naked ass. Without warning, she raised it and smacked the flat of her palm sharply into Deshona's swelling brown cheeks. She hit Deshona's beautiful ass hard on both round, firm buns and could feel the sting.

The sharpness of her slap surprised both of them.

"Annghiiee!" Deshona cried out, her eyes watering, her face torn by a quick grimace of pain, then disbelief as she looked back at Laura.

This time she tried a little harder to escape, whimpering and trying to scoot to the side, but Laura held her wrist firmly and slapped her ass again quickly, another hard, stinging slap.

"Owwwnnnnn!" Deshona howled, clenching her teeth.

Though face down on the bed, she still had her sexy pink bra on, and somehow this made her more desirable than ever. Though Laura wanted to see her breasts while she spanked her, and clutch them, and squeeze them, she also was phenomenally aroused by the sight of Deshona's delicious brown body twisting, her large round breasts still half-imprisoned in the dainty little bra. The smooth long muscles rippled in her incredible brown back.

And Deshona's beautiful bare ass was a masterpiece that made Laura want to fling herself on it and kiss and suck and probe it passionately, even though she was now in the process of skillfully smacking it into furies of sexual excitement for them both. Deshona did not have a fantastic bubble butt like Jane's or Dee Dee's, since she was petite and small-boned. Only her breasts were large. But her ass was still a paragon: small, swelling moons, out-jutting above the small of her back, perfectly shaped, dark brown.

"Oh god, you have a beautiful ass . . . you naughty little bitch," Laura panted to her, again smacking both delectable moons with the flat of her hand, bringing fresh howls of reaction from Deshona.

"Ayyii . . . ayyii . . . ayiii!"

Nevertheless, you couldn't really say they were howls of pain. Instead, they were born of a guttural, sexual frenzy that intermingled pain with ferocious physical need, a need that made Deshona gyrate her ass back and up into each fierce smack of Laura's hand.

"Unnhhhh . . . unnngghhh!" Deshona grunted maniacally into the sheet, her cheeks now slick with tears.

Laura stopped briefly to run her hand all over the delicious moons, now darker than ever since Deshona wasn't black like Dee Dee, for instance, not really coal black, and her skin could darken further through the influx of blood that Laura's hard spanking was causing. She could feel the hard smooth ripple of Deshona's ass muscles as she clenched them in anticipation of more heated punishment.

"Oh god . . . Laura . . . please!" she gasped, devastated by this passionate attack and yet making not the slightest effort now to escape Laura's hand.

Laura remembered how she had plead with her this way the first time, and how it had been impossible to determine whether her pleas were for Laura to stop or to continue. And yet they both knew she wanted Laura to keep it going. Both of them were quivering with a fiery, crackling lust from this, and some kind of incredible climax was only minutes away.

"You were bad!" Laura snarled. "You were bad!"

Whack! Whack!

"Owwnnggh . . . aayyiiii . . . aayyiii!"

Whack! Whack! Whack!

"Oh god . . . oh GODDDD that feels good! Ungghhh! Auunnggggg!" Deshona groaned, again looking around at Laura fiendishly pummeling her ass, her lovely face wet with tears and contorted in an expression of piercing sexual need.

Finally, while rubbing her inflamed ass between slaps, Laura gave in and freed the clasp of Deshona's bra with one hand, hastily peeling the thing off her shoulders, free Deshona's magnificent breasts, so that now when she rolled to the side they appeared in all their glory, large round beautiful dark brown balls, her brown nipples rigid and erect, thrusting up high from the flat surrounding coronas of her areolas. Laura wanted to devour them but was already too busy.

Deshona at this point rolled over onto her back, spreading her thighs, showing Laura the shiny, glistening, gaping red slit of her wildly inflamed pussy, a beautiful pussy, one of the most beautiful Laura had ever seen, a sculptured black-lipped shell of marvelously fragrant and runny cunt flesh.

"Oh god, Laura . . . " she gasped, shaking. "I'm going to come! Oh god . . . spank my pussy too. With your hand. Do it quick! Ohhnnggggg . . . oh please . . . pleeeease!"

All Laura's thoughts seemed to take place now in a split second. She remembered how Karen and she had whipped each other's pussies, not with their hands but with an actual whip, though a small one. The orgasms had been excruciating, and the pain afterward too. She had put all that behind her and was always reluctant to resurrect it. And yet, it was only her hand. She knew Deshona wanted it, needed it.

"Ohnnggg god, Laura, please!"

Deshona ran her fingers frenetically down to her crotch, pulling the firm, glossy brown flesh of her inner thighs desperately, as if to ease the fearful tension of her need, imploring Laura with her pulsing black eyes. Laura didn't know if Deshona read the indecision in her eyes, but she quickly realized the moment would vanish if it were not grabbed immediately.

Without delay, she spread her hand again and began to slap Deshona's wet, splayed pussy hard and fast with it, knowing from her own experience that a few sharp blows would probably be enough to make Deshona explode. It was an entirely new experience for her to feel the squinchy warm wetness and pussy hair of Deshona's blossoming cunt against her palm as she spanked her greasy, puckering furrow, and it somehow sent hot thrills coursing through her own flesh.

But that was nothing compared to what it did to Deshona. She went briefly delirious, writhing, whimpering, moaning, crazier with need than Laura had ever seen her, maniacally pumping her pussy up into Laura's flailing hand, closer . . . closer . . . closer . . .

Her luscious brown body shook and strained, and her large round breasts rolled as she arched her back and quivered. Laura slapped her pussy again, loving but vicious slaps, feeling her hand come away wet, seeing Deshona's gash seem to flower and throb and contract in spasms before her eyes.

"Unnngghmmniiieee!" Deshona squealed, squirming, her thighs jerking, trying not close on Laura's hand. "Annggyyiiee! Annggyyiiee!"

Laura had only struck her five or six times, but that was all it took. Finally, Deshona could not stop her thighs from clamping shut on Laura's last blow, holding Laura's hand tightly and gyrating her pelvis maniacally for a few seconds until she suddenly came.

"Oh god now! Yes! Auuunngggmmnniiieeeee!" she cried out, entrapping Laura's hand between her thighs and riding it vigorously, pumping, groaning, digging her elbows back into the mattress for leverage and wrenching her body in response to each crushing spasm of her climax. "Unnnnaahhhhggg!"

Laura could feel the warm fluid Deshona expelled bathing her palm and fingers as she left her hand were it was, pressed flat against Deshona's gushing pussy and held tightly between the firm sleek muscles of Deshona's clamped shut thighs. There was no point in trying to remove it anyway since Deshona had it tightly imprisoned there. Laura had no distaste for the sweet cunt juices that were flowing over her fingers and in fact looked forward to tasting them. She waited patiently for the waning jolts of Deshona's orgasm to play out.

Finally, after this lengthy seizure of coming, Deshona's thighs relaxed, and her whole body went slack, though she was still breathing hard, her smooth brown belly moving up and down. She blinked and looked wanly up at Laura, who was running one tongue along her forefinger, wet with Deshona's pussy nectar, and smiling at her.

"Mmmm, you taste good," she murmured.

Deshona tried to make a wisecrack but at first could not get her voice to work. She cleared her throat and coughed softly. "Good thing you like it, there's always so much coming out," she cracked. "Eeuuwww, let me get a towel."

"No . . . stay there. I'll get one. You stay there. You had a killer of an orgasm, darling, and I want you to lie there and get better so you can have another one soon."

Deshona smiled back, a blasted, bleary-eyed smile. ""There's some in the bathroom, over there. Towels, I mean."

"I can find them."

Laura returned with an armful of towels and they mopped up together, then put a dry towel down over the wet spot. She kissed Deshona's cheek.

"Sorry if I hit you too hard," she purred playfully. "You were such a bad little girl . . . I really got into it."

Deshona flirted. "My butt is a little hot, but you didn't hit my pussy long enough for me to do anything but . . . die of happiness."

Laura shivered in a sort of empathetic excitement and giggled softly.

"How come I'm naked and you're still in your underwear?" Deshona asked softly, pulling Laura down against her and quickly unfastening Laura's sexy black bra, sliding the straps down Laura's shoulders and kissing every place on Laura's skin where they passed.

"Mmmm, you've really turned into a kinky little devil, haven't you," Laura purred, watching Deshona kiss her arms and shoulders. "Making me spank your beautiful little pussy like that. What's got into you?"

"God, I don't even know myself," Deshona smiled, embarrassed. "I couldn't believe what I was saying."

"I love it when you get out of control like that," Laura laughed softly, quivering as Deshona's lips on her skin sent hot shivers through her aroused body.

Now Deshona's lips were moving closer to Laura's naked breasts, and Laura was starting to squirm and pant a little. She watched as Deshona's incredibly sensual lips approached one of her sensitive, swollen nipples.

Deshona looked up at her, holding Laura's breast in the fingers of both hands, her eyes murky and pleasantly threatening. "It's your turn to go out of control." She brushed her thumb across Laura's nipple, sending a happy little squirt of fire through Laura's breast. "I should spank your pussy too, but I've been dreaming of this for two months. I want to kiss every part of this wonderful smooth body."

She began to lick Laura's throbbing nipple sensually, and Laura's eyes rolled up in her head as Deshona finally took the aching bud into her warm, wet mouth. She let her head settle into the mattress and simply luxuriated in the wonderful feeling of Deshona's tongue sliding over her wet nipple and Deshona's lips cleverly and passionately sucking it.

Her fingers fluffed the tight black curls of Deshona's hair tenderly, and she found herself disbelieving in such bliss. Something about the depth and length and passion of their relationship made them now totally relaxed together, very in tune with each other's body, and they could tease and toy with each other at will without either misjudging the other's reaction. Deshona obviously meant her statement that she had dreamed of doing this, and for the next several minutes she indeed kissed Laura's naked body nearly everywhere.

"How could you dream of doing this when you were making it with your lover in Baltimore," Laura asked her drowsily, dreamily, almost idly, since she was sunk in the deep pleasure of being adroitly and patiently made love to.

Deshona looked up at her, amused, and let Laura's shiny wet nipple slide out of her mouth for a moment. "Not when I was with her, silly," she murmured in a husky low voice. "But whenever I wasn't. I used to take a bath in my hotel room and make believe you were there with me." Her eyes turned more serious and hot, full of sexual reminiscence. "God, I really had some super orgasms those nights. Before I got too drunk to come. Splashing water all over the floor. Biting a washcloth so I wouldn't scream too loud and get the housekeeping girls knocking on the door. I was lonely for you. I didn't believe I felt that way about you."

Laura was becoming pretty aroused, not only from the sensations caused by Deshona's phenomenal lips on her nipples but also by her words. Imagining her masturbating in the bath was a real turn on. All women were beautiful when they were coming, but Deshona was especially so, and Laura had witnessed the violent throes of her climax only minutes ago.

"You're getting me pretty excited, darling," she murmured to Deshona, her eyelids heavy. "I thought you were going to fuck me with The Empress."

"You mean The Emperor," Deshona smiled.

Laura shook her head. "I'm going to call it The Empress."

"Well . . ." Deshona hesitated. "I actually intended for you to fuck me with The Empress. I'll be happy to do it if you want it. But I've been dreaming of licking your sweet pink pussy until you scream. Ain't no housekeeping girls to stop us in this hotel, darlin'."

Deshona, as she spoke, was kissing her way down Laura's heaving belly to her thatch, which she pushed her nose into, inhaling deeply. Laura was already about to pop. She couldn't believe how phenomenally hot their sex always was, and that it should continue that way was a miracle. She realized that in spite of the deep, and continuing, love she had for Sara, she still had very profound feelings for this complex and beautiful woman, and that Deshona also had them for her.

Laura tended to neglect the fact that others probably had sexual reveries about her that were as intense and elaborate she the ones she often had about them, and hearing Deshona talk about it somehow bathed her in a warm, sensual luminescence of surrender. You can love my body in whatever way you choose, you darling complicated angel, she thought, letting her thighs yawn open as Deshona slipped lower.

"I would love to have you do it," she murmured, looking down, gathering nearly as much delight from watching Deshona's lips, Deshona's tongue and clever fingers, on her throbbing wet pussy as she got from feeling the first contact. "Ahhhhhhh!" she gasped with deep pleasure as the tip of Deshona's tongue tickled her clit. "Oh god!"

"You are wet, Laura," Deshona murmured, licking the oozing, glistening inner flesh of Laura's pussy with slow, sensual skill. "You are going to come fast. You always come so fast, I never get to enjoy this long enough."

By now Laura was undulating her pelvis into Deshona's face, her fingers spastically clawing the sheet. Deshona was right. Only a few seconds of this would bring her to heaven.

"Oh yes . . . oh yes!" she whimpered, writhing now, raising one hand to her breasts, pulling her nipples. "Oh yes! Unnhhhhh!"

Then suddenly Deshona had stopped and slid up Laura's body to face her, embracing Laura heatedly, kissing her mouth. "I know I can do this," she panted to Laura, "because you don't mind the taste of your pussy like I do mine. Slow down, Laura. Life is short. I'm not going to let you come yet. You have to draw it out so I can enjoy and remember each little minute. Then, next time I'm away from you like I was in Baltimore, I can remember this moment when I'm splashing water all over my hotel bathroom."

Laura had to laugh a little at this. "If you don't get back down there and finish me off, I'm going to spank you again," she warned, panting even more heavily herself.

Deshona's characteristic skeptical eyebrow arched up. "You better be careful what you offer," she said. "I might take you up on it."

Laura grabbed her head in both hands and crushed her mouth against Deshona's so hard that their teeth clanked momentarily. Her fingers held Deshona's head through her hair like an iron vise. "You are so mean," she panted into Deshona's open mouth. "You're killing me. Please!"

"Oh . . . all right," Deshona smiled, feigning reluctance. "But you certainly know how to spoil a girl's fun." She winked, again sliding south. "Only kidding."

Again, since she had been serious, she began slowly and patiently loving Laura's throbbing pussy with her tongue and her lips, introducing her fingers only when Laura was about to shatter from the built up tension. Laura had taught her well by doing this to her often in the past, and now she was repaying the compliment, seriously trying to postpone Laura's orgasm as long as she could.

"You don't want to come yet . . . no . . . not yet . . ." she purred softly to Laura as she worked, her voice half joking and yet serious, as if she could by hypnotic suggestion keep Laura from the pinnacle until she wanted it to happen. "You want Deshona to enjoy your beautiful pussy forever . . . and forever . . . and tongue it like this . . ."

"Annggmmuunn!" Laura groaned.

"And suck it like this . . ."

"Ooogghhmmee!" Laura squealed softly, her hips quivering and shimmying wildly.

"And . . . and . . . fuck it like this . . ." Deshona panted, fucking Laura's pussy vigorously now with two fingers.

"Anngghhh! Oh shit! Oh god, yes . . . I . . . I'm sorry, honey . . . I—"

The breath was totally smashed out of Laura's lungs. It was like being hit in the solar plexus. She couldn't breathe, and then was swallowed up by billowing clouds of sexual rapture that bloomed through her quivering flesh. It wasn't a wrenching, wracking explosion but instead a blooming, throbbing universe of pleasure that overwhelmed her, and since she had no breath she could barely caw as the waves poured over her.

"Unnnuunnnnnn!" she finally managed to groan, barely knowing where she was, feeling her whole being momentarily subsumed in this hot, radiant cloud of intense sexually incandescent ecstasy.

It must have been the quietest orgasm she had ever had, she realized, as her breath began to return and whooshed out of her in great, sodden gasps, followed by crushed whimpers that suddenly emerged from her lungs.

"Oh! Mmmnnggg! Ohhhh!"

But this was at the end, after the major thermonuclear flame of her orgasm had died away, leaving behind it the throbbing red embers of afterglow. Deshona slithered up to face her, a frown furrowing her beautifully smooth brown forehead. She had Laura's cunt nectars smearing her lips and looked goofy and terrific and heart-pinchingly lovely to Laura.

"Was it good? You didn't cry out. You didn't scream or moan. You just sort of whimpered."

Laura had barely regained enough breath to speak. "It was . . . total heaven," she gasped, hoarsely, even though it was true she had not screamed. Her voice was still only half there.

"Are you sure?"

Laura blinked. She propped her body up on her elbows. "Are you calling me a liar? Didn't you feel my tummy contracting? God, I thought I was giving birth or something."

Deshona broke into a relieved smile. "I always want it to be the best ever for you," she said quietly. "You've done so much for me . . . I just . . ."

Laura leaned forward and kissed her slowly and lovingly. "You don't have to explain anything to me. I feel like coming each time you stick your tongue in my mouth."

"Oooohhh," Deshona beamed, "like this?"

"Ummmmm, yes, like that."

It was a total transformation from the ice cube Deshona could often be, and Laura was completely melted by it. They cooed and kissed, lying on their sides, for a while, with Laura slyly pumping her for information. As usual, Laura was insatiably curious about her lover's sex life away from her. She realized that she was not at all jealous of the woman in Baltimore, and yet when it had, perhaps misleadingly, appeared that Deshona might be yielding to the advances Rhonda had made in the past, Laura could breathe fire.

"Are you going to tell me about her, or are you going to be selfish?" Laura teased her softly, caressing her phenomenal, smooth, shapely back with her fingertips.

Deshona shrugged. "Not much to tell. She's married. Works in their shipping division, the same one I was hired to reorganize. We got to know each other sort of the way you and I did. You know, working together on the same project. Her husband, whom she appears to detest, was in Brussels on business. Apparently she doesn't do other women often, but she couldn't resist me." She gave Laura a little grin of self-satisfaction.

Laura smiled back. "Also like me. I could never resist you."

"Lordy, girl, we fucked. Nobody ever fucked me that much except you."

"Even the odious Charles?" Laura said, making a sour face. "By the way, where is the arrogant prick these days?"

Deshona's face suddenly got hard, though not hostile. She seemed more weary than angry or jealous, less troubled about it than Laura had ever seen her in the past. "You knew we were already divorced. Now it's completely over," she said, decisively. "He went back to the blonde. I changed the locks. Over is over."

"Good riddance."

Laura couldn't help thinking of The Empress. Deshona might be happy to be rid of the prick, but maybe not The Prick.

"Tell me more about the woman. What's her name?"

Deshona smiled and nuzzled Laura's neck. "What's it with you, always wanting to know her name? Her name is none of your business."

"Okay . . . I'm going to call her Madge. No, maybe Mildred. It helps me to have a fantasy about what happened. So, here they are, Mildred and Deshona, getting naked, rolling around in Mildred and Mildred's husband's bed. Mildred says to Deshona—"

Deshona, gurgling with laughter, tickled Laura hard under each arm. "Will you cut that out!"

Laura laughed and tickled her back. "You're so secretive. What did she say, 'Let's go home to my place and make it?' And you just jumped at the chance? Gosh, you were a much tougher nut to crack for me, remember? It took me months to get you in the sack."

This squirming together and laughing and tickling had heated them both up again. Deshona's face suddenly grew serious.

"I know it did," she admitted softly. "You opened up a whole new universe for me, Laura. Without you . . . well, I never would've given her the chance. You know that."

Laura smiled warmly and kissed her, pushing her body harder into Deshona's, feeling their naked breasts mash together, a sensation that always drove them both wild. She could feel the hard little rivets of Deshona's nipples boring into her skin.

"Did you ever give Rhonda the chance?" she murmured, against Deshona's smooth brown cheek, simultaneously hating herself for this weakness.

Deshona was very sharp and got the point immediately. She pulled back a little but not enough to pull their naked breasts apart. "So . . . you're not jealous of Mildred [her eyebrow went up here], but you are jealous of Reardon."

"Very," Laura nodded, contritely.

Deshona pondered answering for a moment, seemingly wondering how far she should go in teasing Laura, then suddenly changed the subject by scooting up a little so that her naked breasts were in Laura's face.

"Here . . . you've been neglecting these," she said softly, "and they're feeling very sorry for themselves. They want a Laura workout."

Laura had always found Deshona's breasts enchanting, not so much because they were a little large for such a small, fine-boned woman as because they were preternaturally round and firm, almost hard, with springy dark brown nipples surrounded by flat, jagged-edged areolas, so unusual, so mouth-tempting. Her breasts were also so taut that it was difficult to get her entire nipple and areola into your mouth, though Laura always had a wonderful time trying, and ultimately succeeding.

She held both marvelous firm balls in her hands and began to lick Deshona's nipples with slow, sensual fire. "You're changing the subject," she murmured, but didn't stop.

"Ohhh!" Deshona whimpered as Laura playfully took one of her nipples between her bared teeth, pretending to bite it but not really doing it.

She rolled onto her back, pulling Deshona over on top of her, so that Deshona's marvelous naked breasts were dangling above her face. Deshona helped by planting her palms on either side of Laura's head and lifting her body a little so she could swish the hard round balls directly over Laura's mouth.

"Now you're going to get it," Laura warned, smiling up at her.

Deshona gnawed her full lower lip, her black eyes swirling with sexual excitement. "I hope so," she panted.

Laura held the beautiful globes in her hands and ran her mouth all over them, squeezing with her fingers to feel their phenomenal resilience. I'll bet 'the blonde' doesn't have boobs like these, she thought, as she felt the stubby centers of Deshona's erect nipples slide under her wet tongue. Nobody does. And I am going to swallow them and eat this delicious woman alive.

From the moment she started sucking them, Deshona began to moan and gasp with feverish lust. Laura swirled her tongue over the jutting nipples and then sucked each one, gently at first, then with increasing insistence, then even sharply.

"Unhhh! Ohnnnn! Unhhh!" Deshona moaned, pushing her round breast into Laura's mouth. "Oh yes!"

"Mmmm, you like that," Laura smiled up at her.

"God, yes! It's been so long! Nobody does it hard like you."

"Mmmm, even your new lover?"

"I . . . unnhhhh! Oh god, Laura! Unhhhh! I . . . couldn't tell her. I was too shy."

Laura suddenly stopped sucking and tonguing Deshona's breasts. Two can play that game, she thought, sliding up herself. "You know," she said, "I could be fucking you with The Empress while I'm doing this."

Deshona was so aroused after these few minutes that she would probably have agreed to anything. She nodded quickly. "Get it. It's down there."

The box was still at the end of the bed. Laura was into the harness, adjusting the monster into position, before thirty seconds had elapsed. The thick brown shaft might have been nine inches long, but it seemed like more. In her fingers it felt ripply and stiff and almost alive. She looked up to see Deshona watching it shoot out from Laura's groin like a huge rocket poised to blast off.

Laura smiled at her and stroked the huge hard cock as if it were actually an appendage of her own body. "Come here, my pet, and let me continue where I left off," she purred. "What do you think?"

She lay down on her back again, with the stalk pointing straight up from her crotch, holding it with her fingers, beckoning Deshona with her murky eyes.

"I think I'm going to get what I've been dreaming of," Deshona smirked, knee-walking to Laura and climbing on.

Laura held the dildo steady for her with her fingers and looked at Deshona's face as she slowly guided it into her wet slit and then lowered herself onto it. The breath caught in Deshona's throat, and she grimaced as the huge shaft filled her tight pussy. Laura couldn't believe she hadn't tried it at least once. I know I would have, she thought. But Deshona's shocked and paralyzed face seemed to suggest she was feeling it for the first time. And yet, maybe each time was this way, Laura reflected. It was pretty big.

"Oh god, it's wonderful," Deshona gasped, her face finally breaking into a half-smile as, Laura realized, her body was completely penetrated by it. Laura could feel Deshona's silky crotch hair against her fingers and knew the dildo was completely inside of her. "Ohhhhnnnn shit . . . that feels good . . ." Deshona half-moaned.

Now that the thing was completely inside her pussy, Laura could let go of it. She reached up with both hands and pulled Deshona down to her. "Come here and give me more of those sweet boobs," she murmured, again filling her hands with the warm, round balls as Deshona leaned down. "I'm going to fuck you and suck you to heaven."

Deshona could only gasp and whimper again as Laura began sucking her nipples hungrily, much more voraciously than before. But they both had the advantage of having come already, a little earlier. They were excited but not wound too tight. Deshona was fiercely aroused but in no danger of popping again too quickly. She always claimed to be slow at getting there, with others at least, though with Laura she seemed never to have trouble arriving at a climax. But Laura was determined that this would last, that this would be no hasty finish.

Oh, this is going to go on . . . and on . . . and on, she thought. I am going to get my fill of you, my darling.

And she was as good as her word. She held Deshona's scrumptious naked breasts in both hands like precious goblets, licking Deshona's wet, excited brown nipples while slowly beginning to gyrate her hips upward in a sensual rhythm that allowed the thick dildo to slide in and out of Deshona's tight pussy, but only a little, an inch or so out, then back in. Deshona quickly fell into the rhythm too, not moving too fast, completely in synchronization with Laura's need to draw it out, to start slow, to let this simmering fire build and broil to a conflagration.

After a few minutes of this she began to suck Deshona's nipples again, opening her mouth wide to get the entire areola inside, flicking the thick, springy center nub wildly with the tip of her tongue, bringing tight little uncontrollable whimpers from deep in Deshona's throat.

"Ohhhhnnnn god . . . Laura, you are driving me crazy!" Deshona gurgled in a half-desperate sigh after Laura had sucked both nipples this way for a couple of minutes, and was now beginning to suck them even harder.

They were wrinkled and erect and shiny with her warm saliva, darker than before from the engorged blood she had drawn into them, pointing and stiff between her lips.

"Bite them . . ." Deshona panted. "Bite them a little . . . please. Not too hard. Ohhhh! Just a little . . . yes! Ungghh! Oh yes!"

"Mmmmm, we're turning a little kinky these days, aren't we," Laura purred to her, lashing Deshona's wet, erect nipples passionately with her tongue. "Are you sure?"

Deshona was moving her groin more rapidly, more urgently, now too, pumping gently but insistently against Laura's crotch and the thick stalk rising out of it and embedded deep in her body.

"Yes!" she panted, throwing her head back, more and more aroused by what they were both doing. "Do it. Not too hard."

"You mean like this?"

Laura bared her teeth, knowing the sight of her nipple between them would make the electrical charge even more acute for Deshona. She let the edges of them sink ever so slightly into the taut, stippled, dark brown areola of Deshona's springy left nipple, then snarled playfully and wagged her head to and fro like a dog with a bone. Deshona nearly went crazy. Even though Laura was not really biting her nipple hard, she whinnied and gasped semi-hysterically, her body shuddering as she rocked back and forth on Laura to make the dildo go deeper.

"Annngghhmmnneee . . . oh yes! Oh Laura . . . oh yes! Oh god! Unnnnhhhh!"

"Easy, baby, easy . . ." Laura cautioned her, releasing her nipple temporarily. "We have a long way to go here. We don't want to get there too fast."

"Oh god, do it again!"

Deshona's black eyes were streaked and throbbing with sexual fire. Still holding herself up with one hand planted on the mattress beside Laura's head, she grabbed her breast with her other hand, the same breast Laura had been playfully yet hungrily tormenting, and pushed her wet nipple against Laura's mouth. Obligingly, Laura opened her mouth and took it inside, closing her lips and sucking it hard, then again letting Deshona feel the edges of her teeth in the sensitive skin of her erect areola.

"Unhhhh!" Deshona groaned, still holding her breast in her hand, jamming it so hard into Laura's face that the round hard flesh pushed into Laura's nose, making it difficult for her to breathe.

Oh shit, she really is going to come if I don't slow it down, Laura realized. This stuff really gets her going. Laura had a choice. Either keep fucking her this way and biting her nipples until she simply exploded like an ammo dump—which Laura realized from the telltale signs was due to happen momentarily since Deshona was becoming so overwrought—or somehow change the pace and get back down to the slow, smoldering buildup they had started with.

Meanwhile, Deshona was growing more frenzied by the second. She pulled her nipple out of Laura's mouth and frantically switched hands, grabbing her other breast and pushing it into Laura's lips.

"Now the other one!" she panted wildly. "Bite it, Laura. Yes! Oooohhnnnngggg! Yessss!"

Laura did as she was asked. She could hardly refuse, and anyway she loved doing it, devouring these hard brown balls, perfect spheres, with their stubby, projecting nipples. But, almost unconsciously, she dropped her hands to Deshona's hips, trying to slow down her feverish pumping. She sucked and lightly bit Deshona's taut, throbbing nipple but simultaneously tried to slow her down, to pull her away from the edge. Soon she was gently sucking instead of ravaging her breast, and Deshona was calming down too, only a little, but enough to hold off an imminent climax.

"Unnhhhh . . . ohhnnnnn!" Deshona moaned, throwing her head back, riding the strap-on dildo more slowly now, letting Laura thrust it into her in long, delicious strokes, then pull it way out before sliding it in deep again.

Laura stopped sucking her nipples for a few moments, knowing you could only take so much of that, especially the way she had been doing it. At first it was wildly stimulating, but if she kept it up Deshona's nipples would begin to be raw and painful. Better to give them a rest, though it was hard. Now that Deshona was slowing down, pumping less hard, she could bring her hands up again, and she held the marvelous warm balls in her fingers and press her face deep into Deshona's cleavage.

"Ohhhhh, I love fucking you," she murmured, kissing her chest and nuzzling the full round globes, gently tweaking Deshona's damp nipples with her thumbs and forefingers.

"Not as much as I love you doing it," Deshona panted roughly, looking down at her with murky, sex-stricken eyes, her face contorted from the fierce sexual need she was feeling.

They continued this way for several more minutes. It was marvelous, Laura thought, how you could settle into this slow, rocking rhythm, keep it up for a long time, and not get bored. Their bodies were completely in tune, and all they wanted to do was feel the sensation of their skins rubbing together, their fingers touching each other's flesh, the long fat shaft sliding in and out of Deshona's pussy. They could hear each other panting, Deshona whimpering and gurgling, the mattress breathing a little each time they surged forward or backward. It was a moment of sweet and total communication, patient and deep, their bodies linked in the most intimate of ways, their tongues coiling slowly together as they kissed and fucked.

Finally, Deshona panted softly against Laura's lips. "I want you to do me while I'm on my stomach," she said. "You know how I love it."

Laura did know. Deshona frequently had shattering orgasms that way, ones that left her stunned, Laura amazed, and the sheet under them soaked. They were a lot like the g-spot orgasms Laura had given her on occasion, perhaps, Laura reasoned, because the strap-on dildo somehow pressed against the same bundle of nerves inside her pussy from that angle, blessing her with these horrific, rupturing explosions. The only thing Laura could dislike about it was the connection to the odious Charles, who apparently had also given her these climaxes in the same way, and, Laura guessed, had exerted his magical hold over her partly because of it.

"I would love to," she whispered back, thinking, I can fuck you better than that doofus Charles, honey.

They paused. Laura noticed that Deshona was almost groggy, sleepwalking, or rather, sleep crawling, in a deep trance of lust, as the dildo came out and they maneuvered their bodies into position. Deshona lay on her stomach, face down, resting her cheek on her laced together fingers, as Laura crouched behind her beautiful, uptilted little ass. Laura, unable to escape the sight of the huge, obscene dildo, wet with Deshona's cunt juices, bobbing and swaying and jutting out from her groin, nevertheless could not take her eyes off Deshona's sweet little ass, the one she had been smacking into blazing sexual pleasure only minutes earlier. She caressed it with her fingers, briefly imagining how hot it would be to slip this monstrous stalk up into her tight little rosebud.

"I love your ass," she murmured, leaning down, yawing the wet dildo to the side with the fingers of one hand, and running her lips all over Deshona's smooth, round, brown buns. "I love spanking it . . . and kissing it . . . and—"

This brought Deshona up momentarily from her trance. She looked back over her shoulder at Laura. "You keep your mind and your hands off my ass," she panted, her black eyes still streaked with the hot delirium of her sexual need. "It's my pussy I want you to be fucking, girl. Haven't you done enough to my ass already?"

Laura smiled. Of course it was very unreasonable to be thinking of anything else, she knew. Deshona liked a little anal play now and then, fingers and tongues only, which Laura had had to force on her in the first place, mostly by cunning and surprise. Even then she had professed to be scandalized by it, and yet she had had gargantuan orgasms. But the thought of taking The Empress up your booty was, Laura realized, a little daunting.

"Mmmm, good thing I love your sweet pussy too," Laura murmured, again introducing the swollen, bulging head of the huge dildo into the wet, puckered, fiery salmon-red groove of Deshona's splayed cunt.

"Aanngghhhhh!" Deshona groaned as the full length of it slid again into her body, Laura taking infinite care to let her feel each inch as it penetrated her. "Oh god!"

And Laura was quickly able to forsake her unseemly interest in Deshona's beautiful ass since the girl had one of the most gorgeous naked backs she had ever seen. She had long relished rubbing, stroking, kissing Deshona's back, which she could especially enjoy when she was fucking her from this angle. Immediately, she began to massage the sleek, firm flesh above Deshona's shoulder blades, digging her fingers sensually into the dips under the wings, then running them down the deep spinal groove, leaning forward to kiss the nape of Deshona's neck, raising Deshona's hair with one hand and sucking the flesh right under the hairline.

"Ohhhhnnnnn!" Deshona shivered, her entire body quaking happily under Laura.

Now, still holding the dildo with one hand as she thrust it slowly in and out of Deshona's tight, clinging pussy, she began running the fingers of her other hand all over the delectable curves and cambers of Deshona's sexy brown back. Others had longer, more sinuous backs, but none were more beautiful than this one. Deshona was a small woman but had a narrow waist, which gave even more contour to the endlessly bewitching shape of her naked back, and Laura caressed and kissed every inch of it while slowly fucking her, now getting them back into the slow, simmering rhythm they had been using earlier.

Having spent most of her time recently, apart from Sara, fucking two hot and nearly insatiable teenagers, Laura especially relished this deep, sensual connection with a mature, experienced woman who was skilled and patient, and knew her own needs as well as Laura's. They could caress and sweetly torment each other to their limits and beyond, and both were at the same time tuned in to an electrical undercurrent of emotion mixed with sexual desire that enveloped them in a unique and stirring dance of slow, serious fucking.

"I don't want it to be over . . . I want to fuck you forever . . ." she whispered into Deshona's enchanting dark brown ear, leaning forward over her back, and sliding The Empress in as deep as it would go.

"Unnnhhhhh . . . unhhhhhh . . ." Deshona groaned in sweet sexual delirium. "Oh yes!"

Now that The Empress was lodged deeply in Deshona's cunt, Laura could ride it harder and rougher without fear of it slipping out. She gripped Deshona's smooth shoulders and began to rear up, gently at first, then more vigorously, thrusting the hard shaft deep into Deshona's writhing body with each forward plunge. Now they were no longer flowing in their original smooth, smoldering rhythm. Everything had jumped up a notch. Laura could feel Deshona's body under her straining and flexing. Deshona was moaning constantly, and yelping softly when The Empress rammed into her pussy too deeply.

"Aawwonngg! Ohnnggg! Aawwonnggg!" she cried out, wincing, and yet swirling her ass back into Laura, as if wanting it deeper.

Oh yeah . . . now you're going to come . . . now you're going to come, honey. Laura's going to take you through the roof now, Laura thought, feeling her own body come alive at her awareness of the approaching climax. Forgive me for thinking this, but ole Charlie could never give you what I'm going to give you.

"Unnhhh . . . unnhhh!" Deshona grunted, more rapidly, more urgently now, suddenly approaching the precipice, her lovely body writhing and squirming under Laura's vigorous thrusts.

Laura had again grasped the base of the strap-on dildo with one hand, knowing that things were about to turn violent. She had been in this position before when Deshona came and knew what to expect. At the same time, she suddenly had an inspiration, a way to ensure that this orgasm was going to top any this delicious woman had ever had in this position, with either Charles or Laura. Or the woman in Baltimore, Laura realized as an afterthought.

It required a total linkage of her body with Deshona's, an acute and hypersensitive awareness of the girl's state, of her nearness to the end, of the frantic need of her flexing muscles and palpitating warm flesh. Laura needed to know the precise micro second when Deshona was going to come, the instant at which coming was inevitable. And she was so closely attuned already to the vibrant undulations of Deshona's marvelous naked body that she knew she would sense it. She knew she would light up with recognition herself when the moment occurred, which could only be seconds from now.

"Uunnnnhhuuunnhhhh!" Deshona groaned, her head tossing back and forth on the sheet, her ass uptilted to Laura's increasingly sharp thrusting.

Laura stabbed the dildo deep into her pussy, knowing how it sprayed fiery sparks of pain and unbelievable pleasure through Deshona's body as the huge shaft sank deep into her clinging pussy and rammed against her cervix.

"Aoouunggghh! Oh Laura . . . uhhh . . . uhhhh . . ."

Deshona's clotted, tortured voice keened upward. Laura could feel the muscles of her back and her buttocks clenching slightly. She knew it was here. Oh god, honey, it's here! She felt Deshona's clenching body buckle, then begin to spring back reflexively, just as she reached forward with her free hand to grab a fistful of her thick black curls. At the same second, she lunged forward again, plunging the fat, hard dildo deep into Deshona's exploding pussy, bringing shrieks of rapture from her as her whole body went into wild convulsions in the grip of a shattering orgasm.

"Aauuooonnnnnhhhggggwww!" she howled, but then stopped as Laura yanked back on her hair so hard that for a moment her voice was totally throttled and crushed.

She was being speared in the pussy by The Empress, and Laura was fiercely yanking back on her hair, bowing her lovely back and stretching her throat, all in the same moment, which sent her into a raving delirium of coming, a torrent of spasms that seemed to keep rolling in rapid shockwaves through her convulsing, clenching flesh.

"OOWWWNNGGGHMMMNNIIIEEEEEE!" she cried out a horrible, murderous shrieks that somehow also vibrated with a rich overtone of almost unbearable ecstasy. "Anngghhhnnmmmiieee! Oh! Ohnngg! Anngghhhnnmmmiieee! Oh Laura! Oh . . . oh . . . Laura! Unngghhhmmnngggiieeee! Oh shit!"

Laura did not know how long it went on. She knew Deshona had no idea. The crushing convulsions of her orgasm did not die away suddenly but merely subsided into lesser shocks, spaced more widely apart, until she finally slumped back, face down, to the sheet. Laura gently released her hair from her fist as Deshona fell forward, panting, gasping for breath, whimpering helplessly. Oh god, I hope I didn't hurt her! she thought. She had rarely seen anyone so obliterated by an orgasm, even a multiple one like this one.

"Ohhhhhh . . . don't take it out!" Deshona gasped, looking back over her shoulder, her eyes bleary and streaked with red, her mouth slack, her breath still labored. "Don't move!"

"I won't," Laura purred, leaning over her to lick her naked shoulder, to lick the thin film of sweat there. "I won't ever move. I'm in you for good."

Even though she was half-destroyed by her orgasm, Deshona could muster an involuntary, choked laugh at this. "You're a wild rapist," she accused Laura. "God . . . it was heaven."

"You just lie there and get your breath back," Laura cautioned tenderly, stroking her upper back, slipping her fingers under Deshona's hair to caress the nape of her neck where she had sucked it just before this nuclear explosion had occurred.

Of course, Laura had not climaxed at the same moment, and Deshona was more desirable than ever to her, lying there wasted and half-destroyed by her epic orgasm, still gasping, barely able to speak. Laura wanted to keep fucking her. She wanted to fuck her again, and make her come even harder.

But even the slightest move by her made the huge dildo move inside Deshona's body and drew a soft whimper from her. Laura knew that she was swollen and throbbing from this thrilling fuck and couldn't go on for a while. She supported her body gingerly with her arms on either side of Deshona's and waited patiently for a sign that Deshona's body was recovering.

Finally, Deshona stirred and looked back over her shoulder at Laura. "Okay, try to take it out now . . . but go slowly."

"What makes you think I want to take it out?" Laura teased her gently, still kissing her naked back. "I might want to go another round with you . . . that one was so exciting."

Still, she did start withdrawing The Empress from the tight sleeve of Deshona's clinging pussy. Deshona winced a little, though not necessarily in pain, as it came out. They both looked at the bobbing, wet, obscene, massive substitute cock as it hung from Laura's groin, still pointing at Deshona's ravished cunt.

"Well . . ." Laura asked softly, "did it live up to your expectations?"

But Deshona was running her fingers through her hair to her scalp, massaging it tentatively, frowning a little. "Never mind that thing. Whatever gave you the idea you could do that to my hair?"

At first Laura thought she was being a little cross, but then she saw a flicker of sexual meaning in Deshona's black eyes. Laura played the part assigned to her.

"I'm what you said," she glared playfully back. "Mad rapist. I couldn't help it. Anyway, you nearly had one of those orgasms that puts you in the hospital."

"Tell me about it. Even Charles in his most vicious moments never fucked me that hard. Or pulled my hair either."

Laura turned conciliatory, concerned. "Does it hurt?" She furrowed her brow, even reached out one hand, as if to soothe the pain.

"Let's just say there's no one like you, Laura," Deshona grinned, half ruefully. She fluffed her hair and rubbed an especially sore spot of her scalp with two fingers. "God, I don't think I ever came like that with anybody."

"Not even Baltimore?" Laura taunted her playfully. "Whose name you won't tell me?"

A helpless grin tugged at one corner of Deshona's sensual lips. "Oh, all right. Her name is Jill. Satisfied?"

"Is Jill white or black?"

Deshona's eyebrow went up. "Why do you want to know? Why does it matter to you?"

Laura shrugged. "Doesn't, I guess."

"Are we being competitive, Laura?" Deshona now rolled over onto her side and pointed to the wet strap-on dildo, making a face. "Aren't you going to take that thing off?"

Laura made a face back at her and slipped out of the harness, aware that Deshona's eyes were all over her body. When she had it completely off, Deshona reached up and pulled her down against her own body, mashing their naked breasts together and kissing Laura heatedly, running her hands down to Laura's ass and squeezing her buns.

"Now it's my turn," she murmured into Laura's neck.

"Are you going to rape me?" Laura inquired in a small, shy voice. "Are you going to spank my pussy too?"

"Why, do you want me to?"

Laura thought it over. Oh god, yes! she realized. It wasn't like the episodes with Karen. It was short and sweet and fiercely exciting, and she knew she would come in seconds. She stretched out in Deshona's arms, pushing her body sensually against the lovely woman's.

She nuzzled Deshona's neck and kissed her breasts, tongue-swiping the jutting brown bullet nipples that so enchanted her. "I guess I was very bad to pull your hair like that," she purred. "Maybe you want to punish me."

Deshona grinned. "You know what I think. I think you want to get us so exhausted in the first two hours that we won't be able to lift a finger for the next twenty-four." She pinched Laura's ass, just to show she was serious.


"Now come over here and throw on a robe and come with me into the kitchen so I can make us each a sandwich. All this hot screwing really works up an appetite in me, don't know about you. Come on, now, we can spend all afternoon in this bed if we want to."


Deshona softened. She had been half way off the bed on her mission to get bathrobes for them both out of the closet when Laura pulled her back, and she allowed herself to be pulled. They kissed now in a wholly different way than they had kissed before, a more deeply emotional kiss that was, among other things, a promise of sexual delights to come later, as well as a seal on the long-lasting and continuing bond of feeling between them. The kiss lasted a long time. Finally they pulled apart, but not far apart.

I guess I still love her, in a way, Laura thought. As if picking up in some extra sensory way on Laura's thought waves, Deshona smiled back at her.

"I guess I still love you, in a way," she whispered to Laura. Then she raised her eyebrow again, ironically. "Though now I'm pretty fond of Jill, too." She slapped Laura's bare ass playfully, scooting away. "Now c'mon, let's go get something to eat."





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