Laura - Chapter 284
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Joy was waiting for Laura, sitting on her steps when she arrived home from work, her long arms folded across her raised knees, her legs bare and brown and sleek (and long, long), reminding Laura of the sweet treasure that was hidden between them. "I can't believe you just waited until I was gone and then dragged Carmela into your bed," she said, glaring into Laura's eyes with bristling hostility, but also a little reckless challenge. Uh oh, Laura thought. Carmela wasn't supposed to tell her. She was supposed to leave that to me. On the other hand, I hadn't the faintest notion how I was going to tell her myself. She smiled down at Joy, unable to suppress the clear sexual warmth that permeated her body merely on seeing her sitting there. "I didn't exactly 'drag' her, you know. Did you ever pause to think she might have wanted to . . . you know . . . ?" Joy made a very fetching moue with her mouth. She looked down at the asphalt of the street, then back up at Laura, squinting, looking like a small child who couldn't make up her mind. "Did you like her better than me?" "Oh, Joy." Laura sat down with her on the steps. "You know how I adore you. It has nothing to do with that. You know, she's very lovely, just like you. I know you know that. You've been to bed with her lots more than I have. You wouldn't want to deprive me of that pleasure, would you?" Joy nodded. "Yes. I would. I want you for me. I don't want her to have any of you." Laura leaned closer and lowered her voice, speaking softly and directly into Joy's marvelous brown ear. "What about all of us having each other? All at once? Now tell me that doesn't sound like fun." Joy turned her face to Laura. A broad smile suddenly spread over it. "Really? Wow, I never thought of that. I guess I . . . would love it. Can we? I'll bet she'll love it too, the bitch." "Why do you call her a bitch?" "Because she tried to steal you from me. And she's so . . . fucking pretty. And she has those nice big titties, and that big ass. I'll bet you did like her more than me and you're just being nice. She comes fast, too. Not like me. All you have to do is say 'Let's do it,' to her and she nearly starts coming. I'll bet you liked that." Laura glanced around them, up and down the small street, at the windows of the surrounding condos, to see if they were being overheard. Joy had raised the level of intimacy, veering from what had been a casual conversation into more lively sexual accusations. "She is no more lovely than you are," Laura said firmly, in a loud whisper. "I love your body. I love making you come." She spoke the last sentence in a much softer whisper. Joy brightened. She smiled refreshingly in her usual coquettish manner. Laura wondered where she had got the idea that Carmela's breasts were large, or her ass. I guess it's all relative, as they say, she thought. Carmela certainly did not have an opulent body, though it was perhaps a little more voluptuous than Joy's lean magnificence. "Really?" "Really." Laura looked around again, conspiratorially. "Why don't you come inside and I'll show you." "I can't," Joy squinted. "My dad's home. In fact, he's making dinner right now. I told him I was getting the mail." She held up her hand, which was full of bills and advertisements. "He'll be wondering where I am. I just saw you driving in the gate and thought I'd wait for you." Laura tried not to appear crestfallen. She had a free evening, and the prospect of rolling around naked in the sheets with this delicious girl was very alluring. "I'll bet you're glad to see him." "I'd rather be with you," Joy said, smiling sexily. "Now that I know you don't like her better." Laura shrugged. "When is he leaving again?" Joy shrugged back. "Don't know. I'll tell you when I find out, though. Promise me you won't do it with her behind my back?" Laura smiled indulgently. "I promise. I'll make her wait until we can all do it together." Joy shivered excitedly, then stood up. "Shit, I don't know if I can wait," she confessed, moving down the steps and into the street, heading toward her place. They waved goodbye and Laura went inside. She had not thought she was especially horny before this little encounter, but now she was aware of a throbbing, swelling pressure in her body, a need for release. She knew that she could lie down on her bed and relieve herself immediately while imagining herself coiled in a hot, writhing mass of black, brown, and pale flesh with Joy and Carmela, but somehow she wanted to save that for their actual reunion. Instead, she got out the video Stevie Archer had made of her and Laura fucking, the one Rhonda had discovered, causing such an unpleasant scene. In fact, Laura didn't know whether Rhonda and Stevie had ever recovered their relationship after it. But the video was wildly hot, with both of them orgasming twice, and Laura watched it often, usually coming herself before it had been running more than two or three minutes. Stevie even reminded her of Joy with her long, lean, light-caramel colored body, her small, high breasts, her saucy little smile. This evening was no different from the others in the sense that she came quickly, exuberantly, and she even fell asleep for about twenty minutes after the sharp and jolting climax. It was remarkable to her how she could come just as hard and fast from watching herself have a climax as she could while watching Stevie have one. Thanks to the video, the rest of her evening was uneventful, restful, and calm. It turned out that Joy's father did not leave on another business trip for ten days. This period of delay was very rough on all three of them, since neither could Joy and Carmela indulge in their hotly anticipated little orgy with Laura nor could they enjoy each other after school, as they were in the habit of doing. And of course Laura, who had Sara to occupy both her emotions and her lust, was nevertheless a little overwrought by having to postpone a sexual encounter that promised to be unbelievably thrilling. During this doleful period, they both called her frequently in the evenings. Joy also accosted her now and then on the street between their houses, but furtively, since the only times she saw Laura were times her father was likely to be home as well. But it was Carmela who became the liveliest pest, though solely over the phone. "I don't see why I can't come down there," she would whine to Laura. "Nobody will know. Even Joy. I can park way down at the other end, in the guest parking places by the gate. She won't know. I can come right now, for an hour. My brother says I can borrow the Pontiac. How about it?" Laura was sorely tempted. She could think of few better ways to spend her evening than by holding this enchanting black teenager in her arms and then sucking her splendid black pussy into wild paroxysms of sexual release. Oh god, would I love to! she thought. She spoke softly but firmly, in measured tones. "Darling, I don't think we should. You know I want to. But it will only make things worse with her if she thinks we're going around behind her back. I'm sure he'll be leaving in a couple of days. Then we can have our little party." "Our little fucking party," Carmela whispered into the phone, half-giggling. "Right." Laura could feel a hot spurt of anticipation fill her own body at the thought of it. "God, I can't wait," she confessed to Carmela, hoping that acknowledging her own impatience would make it easier for Carmela to bear hers. Carmela sulked a little on the other end but finally gave in. "He better leave soon," she threatened, "or I'm gonna die of waiting." "You just take a cold shower, darling, and everything will be all right," Laura purred to her. "It can't be that long. Look on the bright side. Maybe he'll leave tomorrow." And the next day, Laura realized that miracles do happen. She believed Carmela would agree. Joy, who had taken a business card from Laura's mantel, called her at work and said that her father was leaving for St. Louis at three o'clock. He would not be back for three days. Laura had meetings until six but told her she would dash home by six-thirty. Carmela, Joy told her, was still trying to think up some excuse to tell her mother, but was sure to be there. The rest of the day for Laura was an ordeal of suppressing her wild fantasies and sexual urges. By six p.m. she was frantic and seething with need, politely excusing herself from her work colleagues, trying to be rational, trying to drive carefully, trying not to think of the paradise of fucking with these two delicious teenagers that was in store. When she drove into her condo complex, she did not see Carmela's brother's blue Pontiac parked anywhere, and her spirits plummeted. Nevertheless, she parked and hurriedly slipped out of her car and ran up the steps to her door. The fact that they were not waiting for her on the steps further panicked her, but she tried to be calm. She realized as she fumbled with the key that they would not want to draw attention to themselves by waiting on her very doorstep. Of course. They were down at Joy's place. Hurriedly, she left her coat and handbag inside on a chair, clutched her keys, dashed outside again and locked the door behind her. Then she stood up straight and walked very calmly, almost casually, down the block to Joy's condo, as if she were just taking a relaxed evening stroll before dinner. She knocked softly on Joy's door when she reached it. She immediately heard them giggling inside. Joy opened the door a crack and peeped out. She and Carmela could not resist further giggling, their merriment spilling over. "Laura . . . what a surprise," Joy said, trying to keep from smiling. Carmela appeared behind her, peeping over her shoulder, grinning with sheepish glee. "Hiiiiii Laura." For a brief second Laura wondered if she had been made the butt of some stupid adolescent joke. Don't be paranoid, she told herself. "Hi, guys." "Well, aren't you going to come inside?" Joy said ostentatiously, holding the door open wider for her. They were both wearing their cheerleader outfits. Oh god, they planned this, Laura thought, blushing, also tickled to the core with happy lust. "Don't mind if I do," she grinned at them, playing along, quickly slipping inside, afraid that all this playfulness would somehow draw the attention of the neighbors. Joy closed the door behind her. She and Carmela giggled in unison again, and Laura began to detect a small case of nerves behind their pranksterism. They were willing and eager, but they had never done anything like this before and were a little shaky about how to proceed. She decided she would have to help them out. "Did you just come from practice, or were you planning on showing me a little of your routines?" she played along, smiling with amusement. They looked at each other and burst into gales of laughter. "We want to show you something," Carmela laughed, barely able to contain her mirth. "Come here, Joy." She pulled Joy with her over to a clear space about ten feet in front of Laura. After another shared giggle that nearly went out of control, they began to do a little cheerleader routine for Laura, one that involved dipping, whirling, lots of arm waving and knee bending. This too got interrupted at intervals by semi-hysterical giggling, until both merely dissolved in laughter, their hands on each other's shoulders, the laughter burbling up maniacally out of their lungs, their eyes streaming. Java, Joy's German shepherd, was sitting across from them too, her mouth open, her face looking also happily mesmerized by this display. Laura was absolutely consumed by stark, ravening lust as she stood there watching them. She had of course imagined how it would be to have them both together, but this was a paradise far beyond her feeble imaginings. Joy, taller and leaner than Carmela, was also lighter-skinned, her legs long and thin, her breasts high and bouncing under the cloth of her uniform. Her wide, sensual mouth was slightly open in an alluring pout, the gap between her upper teeth making Laura's pussy flutter. Carmela was much darker, shorter, but beautifully formed, her legs perfectly shaped, her body thicker and more curvaceous, her dark skin smooth and gleaming, her breasts moving too under her uniform but not bouncing since they were so firm. Her thick, puffy nipples made bulbous shapes under the yellow cloth that made Laura's mouth water. Paralyzed by sexual desire, Laura watched them bob and dip and sway and flex. The yellow cloth and green piping of their uniforms seemed to accentuate the beauty of their young, athletic bodies, and their wonderfully exposed skin, the one girl so dark and glossy, the other so delectably caramel-colored. Laura wanted to lick their arms and legs and thighs and every other part of them she could see. She was devastated by hot, frantic desire for their bodies. They smiled saucily at Laura, who had fucked them both and yet felt that she was seeing them for the first time. Something about them being together and putting on a performance for her like this made them seem entirely different and wildly fetching to her. "God, you guys are beautiful," she declared, unable to keep it from coming out of her mouth, unable to conceal the fierce physical desire she felt for them both. She held out her arms to them. "Come here, both of you, so I can hug you . . . and kiss you." Carmela acted coy, and Joy took the lead from her. "I don't know, Joy," Carmela said. "Do you think we should? Do you think she might try something?" "She might want to do something nasty," Joy smirked sexily. "Can't let her do that." "Well, you know . . ." Laura smirked back, "if the mountain won't come to Mohammed, then Mohammed will have to come to the mountain." She quickly crossed the few feet separating them and scooped them both up in her arms. She buried her face in Joy's smooth, long, brown neck and let her lips travel up to Joy's earlobe, nipping it hungrily. Then she turned her face to Carmela, catching her mouth and slipping her tongue rapidly between Carmela's parted lips. Meanwhile, her hands crawled rapaciously all over their bodies, feeling their warm, springy young flesh through the cloth of their cheerleader outfits, finding the gaps where the tops overlapped the skirts and slipping her fingers under them to caress each girl's velvety soft skin. While she was kissing Carmela she felt Joy kissing her own neck. "Laura . . . come into the bedroom with us. I can't wait." "Yes," Laura panted, reluctantly tearing her mouth away from Carmela's, who was responding heatedly. Still groping one another, they began to move in the direction of Joy's bedroom but immediately stumbled over Java, who was whining and circling around their legs. "Oh god, she wants to play," Joy said, looking down at the panting, very excited dog. "She wants to be with us. Look at her, she's getting horny too." They all laughed at this but were still unable to stop the excited Java from nearly making them fall. "We can close the door," Carmela said. "She'll just have to stay outside and listen." "It's no use," Joy said, stopping. "If we do that, she'll whine and bark. I know her." "We'll have to go down to my place," Laura said. Both girls went quickly from solemn despair to total relief. Laura explained to them that they would have to go one at a time, a decent intervals. No sense in arousing the curiosity of the neighbors. "I'll go first. Then Carmela, after five minutes or so. Then you, Joy. Another five minutes." Joy pouted and smiled at the same time. "Don't you touch each other until I get there," she warned. Laura leaned over and kissed her before slipping out the door, a long, sensual kiss. She was aware that Carmela was watching the entire kiss with fevered interest. "How could you think we'd start without you," Laura purred to Joy, tracing an affectionate curve along her smooth caramel cheek. Then she slipped out the door and again walked in a slow, dignified way down the street to her own place. She could hardly bear the tension while she waited for Carmela, then for Joy. Carmela didn't make it easier, after she arrived. She immediately pulled the yellow top of her cheerleader outfit over her head and threw it on the sofa across the room. Laura grinned at her, shocked by her boldness, unable to take her eyes off Carmela's scrumptious naked breasts, the dark puffy circles of her nipples soft and bulbous and shiny in the half-light of dusk. "You're going to make her mad," she said. Carmela smirked, her black eyes fiery with a mixture of sexual excitement and disdain. "Let her get mad." She held her breasts in her palms, offering them to Laura. "Don't you want them?" "God . . . yes," Laura swallowed uncomfortably. "But I won't have you two being so competitive. There's . . . plenty for us all, you know. Now, cover up and wait until she gets here." Carmela tilted her head and smirked again, eyes sparkling. "What if I don't?" Laura ignored her and peeped back through the slats of the venetian blinds up the street, where she had been looking before, wondering when Joy would come. Carmela joined her, pushing one young, springy, naked breast into Laura's arm. Laura could feel the soft bulb and stiffer center nub of Carmela's thick nipple brushing against her elbow. The sensation was electrifying. God, it's a good thing I have such self-control, Laura thought, or I'd be raping her this instant. She turned from the window to Carmela, who again cupped her breasts in her hands, lifting them slightly, which was hard since they were so firm and out-thrusting already. She looked down at them, as Laura was doing, and brushed her thumbs over her thick, bulbous nipples, until the telltale tiny bumps sprang up on her wide areolas. "You can have them all to yourself right now . . ." she whispered to Laura. Laura was positively hypnotized by lust. She found herself wishing that Joy were not even coming so that she could fling herself on this delicious half-naked girl in a hot rush of ravening lechery and consume her utterly. She knew she should wait. She knew even touching Carmela would be enough to light the fuse. Carmela knew it too, as her flickering black eyes attested. Fortunately, Joy arrived at that very moment and rapped on Laura's door. Laura quickly let her in. She glowered sharply at Carmela, looking at her naked breasts. This was a puzzling moment for Laura, for she knew Joy must have caressed and kissed those marvelous dark globes countless times and was probably as in love with them as Laura was. "Cunt!" she snarled at Carmela. "Couldn't wait, could you!" "Now now," Laura said, slipping between them, facing Joy. "She didn't mean anything by it. She's just getting ready for us." She smiled suggestively at Joy. "Maybe you and I should give her a little of what she's asking for." She raised one eyebrow. Joy's face burst into a smile. Laura knew it wouldn't take much to get past her initial anger to her essential good nature. "Right. Maybe we should," she said. Laura pursed her lips, trying to ignore the raging fire that had ignited her in her pussy. "This way, girls," she said, beckoning them with a crooked finger toward the bedroom. Behind her Joy and Carmela started giggling again as they followed her. She glanced back over her shoulder to see Joy shedding her top too, then her skirt, Carmela likewise, so that they entered Laura's bedroom wearing only their panties and their shoes. Suddenly, she heard, in a conspiratorial whisper, punctuated by even more giggles, "Let's get her." She turned just as they both attacked her from the rear, pushing her down on the bed and swarming over her. Though she couldn't help laughing and twisting as they tugged at her clothes and groped her body, she was also alarmed. "Girls . . . girls!" she gasped, trying to fight them off. "Try to control yourselves," she laughed, batting their eager hands away. "And get your shoes off my bed!" Whether this admonition struck some kind of deep parental-response chord in them, or they suddenly realized how wild they were being, both of them stopped assaulting her and sat up on either side of her. Laura, bleary-eyed both from struggling and from laughing, propped herself up on her elbows, looking down at her disheveled clothing. "God, this stuff costs a fortune, you little devils," she said. "You almost ripped this silk blouse. Look what you did to my scarf." She slid off the bed and began unbuttoning and unzipping while they watched, not really stunned but certainly chastened by her words. "Sorry," Joy said contritely, reaching down to remove her sneekers. Carmela did the same. "We were in a hurry," she confessed softly. "No more of a hurry than I am," Laura grinned, taking off her blouse, her skirt, her lacy black bra, her half slip, and sliding her panties down her legs. Her small, perfect breasts dipped outward as she bent forward, and she could feel their eyes on her body as she again stood up straight. "Oh Laura, you're so beautiful," Joy said under her breath. "You guys could pull down the bedspread while you're waiting," Laura scolded them playfully. Carmela was in the process of pulling her own white panties down her sleek, shapely black legs, which captured Laura's full attention, so Joy obligingly pulled down the bedcovers, exposing the taut white sheet. Then, being the last one to get completely, naked, she skimmed her gauzy peach thong down her thin, long legs, while Laura and Carmela watched entranced. Oh god, I'm going to die of happiness, Laura thought as she approached the bed and stretched out on it with them on either side of her. They both scooted closer until the flesh of all three bodies was touching. She felt Carmela's warm breath on the backs of her shoulders. "Who goes first?" Carmela inquired softly. "Have you done this before, Laura? What do we do next?" Laura barely heard her question. She was in a kind of paralyzed bliss from the feel of Carmela's naked breasts pushing into her back while Joy's marvelous firm beauties were pressing into her own breasts. "I guess you have to just do what comes naturally," Laura said, beginning to kiss her way slowly down Joy's smooth, caramel-colored, naked body. "Maybe we should both give Joy a little ride first, what do you think?" "Mmmmm, sounds good to me," Carmela said brightly, quickly moving around Laura so that she could get at Joy's undulating body too. Laura already had one of Joy's delectable, swollen brown nipples between her lips, and Carmela quickly followed suit, cradling Joy's other round breast in both hands and sucking her nipple completely inside her mouth. "Ohhhhh!" Joy sighed, grimacing with pleasure, looking down at them both sucking her breasts, a sensation she had probably never felt until now: both at once. "Oh god! Nnnnnnnn!" She began twisting and writhing under them almost immediately, and after nearly a minute of sharing her delicious breasts with Carmela, Laura began to slip south, knowing there was an enchanting, long, beautiful wet pussy awaiting her loving attentions. Carmela quickly took over where Laura had left off, now sucking and squeezing and tonguing both of Joy's stiff wet nipples. Laura slid down between Joy's yawning thighs, spread Joy's inflamed pussy lips even further open with her thumbs, and was just about to sink her tongue into the warm, glistening pink pit when she heard the doorbell ring. Joy did not even react, but both Laura and Carmela heard it and froze. "Oh . . . shit," Laura said, softly. "Do you want to get it?" Carmela asked. Laura shook her head, looking up at her. "Just be real quiet. Maybe they'll go away." Quickly she was sorting through a list of who it could be in her head. She knew it was not Sara since she had driven Sara to the airport the preceding evening. Sara was flying to Ann Arbor for a few days to help Dee Dee get settled there; or, more probably, to make sure everything was on the level, and that Dee Dee was truly back on the straight and narrow. Who else could it be? She had lovers, but none who would drop in unexpectedly. While she and Carmela listened, the doorbell rang again. "Oh, shit," Laura repeated, a little more angrily this time. Carmela looked at her patiently. Even Joy opened her slightly glassy eyes and stared at Laura. Whoever was ringing the doorbell rang it again, this time giving it three long jabs. "They're not going away," Carmela said softly. "Shit," Laura said, for the third time. She slid off the bed and snatched her bathrobe up from the chair next to it. "You stay here. I'll get rid of whoever it is." She went down the hallway in her bare feet, pulling the robe around her naked body, running her fingers through her hair to try flattening it, to make it neater. Who the fuck are you? Why don't you go away? Why couldn't you take no for an answer? You don't know I'm in here. She was pretty cross by the time she reached the door and peered through the little distorting peephole. There was Brad Dickinson, making a goofy grin at her. Oh, double shit, she thought, unfastening the latch, annoyed but unwilling to continue the deception. "Why . . . Brad. What a surprise. Why didn't you call?" He grinned at her and looked sheepish. Laura could see that he had probably had one or two drinks. It was the happy hour, after all. She opened the door a crack wider. It dawned on her that he clearly expected to be invited in. "I . . . just happened to be in the neighborhood," he grinned. "Had a drink with a consultant in Glen Park. Thought it was just a hop down here to see if you were home. Thought we might have dinner. Sorry . . . were you asleep?" Laura patted her hair nervously. "Not . . . exactly. Taking a . . . you know, shower." She knew she didn't sound very convincing, but Brad was a little sappy looking from the drink he had had and didn't seem to notice. "Oh," he said. "I could wait." "Actually . . ." Laura was desperately trying to think up some more excuses, perhaps some more plausible than the last one. She noticed it finally registering on Brad that she was wearing only her bathrobe. This piqued his interest considerably. "I could come in and wait," he repeated, grinning. He lifted one eyebrow rakishly. "I could even use a shower myself." "Oh . . . I . . ." Laura blushed, stammering, confused, and a little sexually excited too. Though she hadn't thought much about it since, she had enjoyed fucking with Brad. The idea of doing it again sent a hot little tingle through her pussy, already pretty aroused from the business with Carmela and Joy in the back bedroom. In the split second it took her to understand this, she realized that Brad was looking past her, over her shoulder. At almost the same instant, she heard the telltale giggling. Her head whipped around just in time to see two naked, dark brown bodies dash back into the shadows of the hallway. When she looked back, Brad was grinning more than ever. "Guess you're busy," he said. "Maybe I should come back later." Laura was totally flummoxed. "Just . . . friends," she stammered. Brad gave her his rakish smile again. "Must be some shower," he said. Suddenly, she heard loud whispers behind her. "Laura! Laura . . . let him in!" Laura blushed even hotter. She didn't know what to do. Usually, she could handle these situations with aplomb, but right now she felt paralyzed, wanting to let him in, wanting him to go away. There must have been a momentary suspension of time, because suddenly she felt both Carmela's and Joy's warm, delicious naked bodies pushing against her. She could feel the warmth of their flesh through the fabric of her bathrobe. "Hi," she heard Carmela's voice, over her shoulder, flirting with Brad. "Are you a friend of Laura's?" Brad suddenly got a little nervous too, shuffling his feet, twisting his fingers. "I guess you could say that." "C'mon, Laura," Joy said in her other ear. "Invite him in." Then to Brad. "We're having a little party. Want to come?" Loaded words, Laura realized. The three of them, all except her, suddenly burst out in laughter at the double entendre. Brad looked at Laura. Clearly his eyes were asking her permission. He would love to do it but wouldn't push it if Laura was reluctant. Oh, what the hell, she thought. If he wants to jeopardize his political career by having a fuck party with me and two scrumptious little black teenagers, then so be it. I'm not responsible for him. He's a grown man. (Also pretty energetic in the sack, if memory serves, she thought. My ass still winces a little when I think of how he reamed it.) She smiled, opening the door wider. "Care to join us?" In the few seconds it took Brad to pass the threshold, and for Laura to close and lock the door behind him, the girls had vanished back into the bedroom. "Where'd they go?" he said, amused, looking around in amazement. "I think they must be preparing a surprise for you," Laura murmured knowingly. He grinned at her sheepishly, then encircled her waist with one arm, drawing her closer. "I couldn't be any more surprised than I already am," he said softly, kissing her cheek, then her mouth, sliding one hand between the lapels of her robe and clutching her naked breast with it. "We better hurry or they'll get jealous," Laura purred against his cheek. "Come with me." He followed her down the hallway into the bedroom. The sight that greeted them was wildly erotic. Joy and Carmela, knowing they would be discovered like this by Brad and Laura, were coiled sexily together on Laura's bed, kissing heatedly, each girl groping with her hand in the other's wet, inflamed crotch. They were writhing and panting in a way that Laura knew had at first been theatrical but soon had become very urgent and natural. Brad, who was wearing a dark suit, began loosening his tie and slipping out of his jacket as they watched the two panting girls suck and kneading each other's splendid, glossy dark flesh. "God, these two are gorgeous," he said under his breath to Laura. "Where'd you find them?" "Oh, just hanging around the neighborhood," Laura smiled at him, slipping out of her robe too, dropping it to the floor, then moving away from him to rejoin the two girls on the bed. "Come play with us when you're ready," she flirted, letting him know that Carmela wasn't the only one who could flirt. By now on the bed Carmela again had the upper hand, with Joy supine underneath her, sighing and squirming as Carmela caressed and kissed her long, naked body. "Don't you love how long she is?" she smiled at Laura as Laura joined her and cupped and squeezed Joy's luscious small round breasts. "When I first saw her, I couldn't believe anybody had a waist this long." Carmela was already descending, kissing her way hungrily down Joy's long, taut stomach toward the treasure Laura had been about ready to devour when Brad had begun ringing the doorbell. "Ohhh! Oh yes!" Joy gasped, twisting and arching her back now, her eyelids fluttering uncontrollably, looking more wildly desirable than ever to Laura, who nearly forgot about Brad until she felt the bed sag as he climbed onto it beside them. At first she had been a little envious of Carmela now getting to feast on that puckered red gash of pussy, so long and enfolded by such sinuous black lips, that she herself had earlier been ready to invade with her tongue, but the moment Brad arrived the whole dynamic on the bed changed. Carmela noticed his arrival too and adroitly posed her body so that her breathtaking naked ass was uptilted halfway into his face, the wet, swollen seam of her own blossoming pussy clearly visible below the dark, swelling moons of her delicious rump. Brad ran his hand over the firm moons, almost in awe of Carmela's beautiful naked body, while Laura smiled at him and then returned her attention to Joy's rubbery wet nipples, which she was sucking and tonguing into a nearly unbearable ecstasy for the girl. "Oh! Unhhh! Ohhnnnn!" Joy was going wild by now, so clearly approaching an orgasm that the three others could hardly avoid being swept up in the excitement. Laura glanced down at Brad's thick cock, stiff and engorged and jumping and purplish, and she knew he was dying to plunge it into one of the three tight wet slits here on the bed. She reached down and squeezed it with one hand, smiling at him as he grimaced with pleasure. "Unngghh!" he grunted, unable to restrain himself. But he knew as well as she did that the vortex of this sexual event was now Joy, who was whooping softly and undulating rapidly, driven to wild extremes of pleasure by Carmela's industrious cunt licking. Oh god, we have to make her come big, Laura thought. Not one of those little squeakers she sometimes has, but a big one, a whopper. She knew Carmela was thinking the same thing because of the way she was heatedly devouring Joy's beautiful, shiny, wet pussy, slurping and sucking it, stabbing it deeply with her tongue, then sliding two fingers up into the buttery, gaping pink slit and frigging Joy hard with them while she sucked Joy's clit maniacally. "Ahhhh! Ungghh!" Joy cried out, wincing and shimmying her hips and pelvis into the air, thrusting back into Carmela's loving assault. Now Laura had both of Joy's round, high breasts in her hands, and she squeezed them just enough to make Joy's dark caramel nipples, all stiffened now, swollen and nubby and wet and pointing, stand up high. She pinched them with her fingers and sucked first one, then the other, sharply into her mouth, hearing Joy squeal and feeling her body shudder as Joy responded to the hot arrows of pleasure shooting through her tender young breasts. "Aiiiieeee! Mmnngeee! Oh! Oh!" Carmela smiled and glanced briefly up at Laura, their eyes connecting just long enough for them to share the certainty that Joy was about to go up like an ammo dump. Neither one of them was paying any attention to Brad at the moment since Joy's long, lean, velvety brown body was writhing and twisting under them, and Joy was pumping her pussy into Carmela's hand and mouth and keening frantically. "Unh! Unh! Unh! Ounngghh shit ohhnnggg unh ungghh!" she panted, feverishly, churning, bucking. Since Laura was closest to her face, and also knew how hot words had worked for Joy the past, she began to murmur to her. "Oh honey . . . you have such a beautiful body . . . Carmela and I love fucking you so much . . . are you going to come? Are you close? Are you almost there? Do you want me to suck your nipples again . . . like this . . . and like this?" "Aooowwwnnnggg!" Joy cried out, pumping even more vigorously. She didn't have a hard time coming (not as quickly as Carmela, but she could make it), but she did have trouble reaching the big one, and Laura knew that they had almost brought her there. A brief glance to the side let her see that Brad was merely crouching there on his knees, holding his big, throbbing rod in one hand and staring in disbelief at the phenomenally hot action taking place before his eyes. He too seemed to know that Joy was about to come and was paralyzed by fascination. Suddenly Joy's lean, flexing body seemed to levitate directly up off the bed. She fell back with a sharp thud, and suddenly she was ripped apart by a fierce, throttling orgasm. "Auungghhh! Ohhhh . . . woowwwoowwoowooowwwooooonnngggg!" she howled, her body clenched by several sharp seizures, a climax more wrenching than Laura had ever seen her have. "Ahhnnngggg . . . ahhnnngggg! Ungghh! Oh!" Both Laura and Carmela had to hold on tightly to her shuddering flesh in order not to be flung aside. As Laura often did at this moment, she wanted to cover Joy's spasming flesh with her own and keep fucking the darling girl until she erupted again in a fresh series of orgasms, but with the bed so crowded this was impossible. Carmela smiled up at her as Joy's undulations began to subside, her lips and chin and cheeks all shiny with Joy's pussy juices, her black eyes sparkling with the delight of having made Joy come this hard. Together they stroked and soothed Joy until she came down completely from her wild ride. Now Brad, who had been reduced to a spectator of this scorching moment, was unable to keep his hands off either Laura's or Carmela's naked bodies. He grabbed them both, not so much pulling them away from Joy as intermingling his body with their, clutching Carmela's firm, bobbing breasts, sucking Laura's neck, gasping as Laura's hands ran down his body to his crotch and grasped and stroked his throbbing prick. "Mmmmm," she purred, "I think Mr. Penis needs a little attention." She found that she got a great kick out of using Kendra's nickname for her, Kendra's, favorite part of the male body, and she quickly slid down to it, cradling it and Brad's balls in both hands and staring fascinated at its raw, surging, jumping, purplish power. Carmela slid down too, but Laura could sense her hesitation, as if she had never really done this before, or seen an erect cock this close. Probably hasn't, the dear thing, Laura thought, if she spends all her time diddling with Joy. She's probably never been fucked by a man. Or had one of these in her mouth. She smiled up at Brad. "Want a little suckee?" He was already too overwrought to grin back. Instead, he grimaced and nodded. "I don't know if it'll last, though," he panted. "It's pretty . . ." "Ready to explode?" Laura teased, running her fingers lightly around the bulbous head of his twitching cock. "Did watching pretty little Joy come make him excited?" Brad groaned softly. "Excited isn't the word for it," he grunted. "Unhh! Careful! Just be careful, Laura! It's going to shoot." Laura drew back her hand. "Oh, not yet," she cautioned. "He can't shoot yet. I want a taste. I'll bet Carmela wants a little taste, too." She looked over at the beautiful, mesmerized girl, who could not take her eyes off Brad's thick, throbbing penis. "You probably didn't meet Carmela formally," she said to Brad. "Brad, this is Carmela. Carmela, Brad. Carmela, would you like to share this big throbbing thing with me?" Laura bent her face down and licked Brad's swollen, twitching cock from the edge of his balls all the way up to the ballooning head of it, swirling her tongue around the flaring bulb at the top, then licking her way back down to his balls again. Brad's breath whistled past his clenched teeth as he inhaled. His pelvis even quivered, so intense were the sensations Laura's tongue inspired in his hard shaft. "Oh god!" he grunted again. "Hold it . . . hold it . . ." Laura murmured to him. "Save it for a few seconds more, please. We want everyone to get a chance, don't we?" She smiled up at Carmela. "Come here, darling, and have a little of this candy stick." Carmela looked reluctant. "I never . . ." "It won't hurt you," Laura teased her. "Look, do like I do." Carefully, really afraid now that he would indeed spurt before either she or Carmela could torment him some more, she opened her lips and took the huge head of his cock inside her mouth, swirling her tongue slowly around the velvety bulb, not sucking hard, not really even sucking, just holding his cock gently in her mouth while he and Carmela watched. "Unhnhh! Ohhh!" Brad groaned. His whole body seemed like a knotted piece of gristle, just dying to explode. Laura ran her tongue under the flaring head of his prick to the stiff shaft, licking the bulging veins, then the pronounced crease where the head of his cock swelled out from the stalk, then the head itself again. Finally, she pulled back a little, still holding his wet, throbbing cock in her fingers, and turned to Carmela. "Just go easy on him, okay? He's about ready to pop." Carmela smiled nervously. She looked into Brad's eyes, and Laura could see a connection happening, the kind of sexual spark that some people just automatically had. "Does he want me to?" she asked, almost shyly, her black eyes glistening. Brad managed a grin. "Silly question," he half-croaked. "Honey, he's dying to have you do it," Laura murmured, pulling back further now, giving Carmela full access to his fat, wet, jumping prick. "Just be careful or we'll get splattered." Of course Laura knew they were going to get splattered anyway. Somehow it simply gave her charge to say it. She watched while Carmela gingerly approached Brad's erect, pulsing cock, still shiny and wet with Laura's spittle. And as she watched Carmela take his jumping, rock hard member in her long, tapering black fingers and lower her half-open mouth closer to it, she also became aware of Joy stirring beside her, moving closer to them. "What are they doing?" she asked, , her eyes wide, peeping over Laura's shoulder. Her body, especially her young, springy breasts, pushed into Laura's naked back while she did this, which immediately electrified Laura, who wanted to drag her back to the mattress and fuck her insanely, no matter what Brad and Carmela were 'doing.' But that was quickly getting too hot to ignore. Carmela had by now taken the head of Brad's cock into her mouth and was gently sucking it. Brad seemed nearly in agony, his body tense and coiled, his muscles rippling as he tried to hold back his orgasm until the last second. Laura knew the feeling. He wanted it to last. Carmela was beautiful, and she was doing a beautiful, slow, sensual job on his throbbing meat, curling her long tongue around it, peppering the stiff shaft with hot little kisses. Laura felt Joy pushing against her, then gently moving Laura out of the way. "I want to do that too," she whispered, as if to Laura but in reality to no one in particular, scooting down to join Carmela, who looked over at her and smiled. "Want some?" Carmela asked. Joy nodded. Graciously, Carmela scooted a little to the side and let Joy take his wet cock into her fingers. Laura didn't know whether Joy had ever done this either, but she didn't waste any time sucking Brad's stiff, jumping, reddish ramrod. She took it into her mouth and began almost to gnaw it vigorously. Laura immediately realized she should have told Joy to go easy too, as she had told Carmela, but it was too late. "Arrnngghh!" Brad growled, his body jerking and clenching, his face grimacing as if in pain. "Uhnnggg!" His loud cries, it seemed, startled Joy enough for her to let his cock slip momentarily out of her mouth, and this fortuitously happened just as the hot, creamy rockets of his jism began spurting out of it. "Auunggnngghh!" Brad groaned, his hips lunging up, his cock jerking and squirting madly, flinging thick dollops of cum everywhere. The first wild jets landed on Joy's cheek and one of Carmela's luscious dark breasts, running thickly down to her large nipple. Miraculously, another huge spurt shot out and hit Joy's forearm, followed by another series of smaller emissions that coated her fingers with creamy slime. "Oh! Ahhhh! Oh god . . . look!" Joy and Carmela both gasped and giggled as they watched his squirting cock, wincing and dodging as the white gobs of cum flew through the air at them. It was all over in seconds. Brad lay stunned and panting, propped on his elbows, looking at the mess he had made, half-grinning with supreme sexual satisfaction, while Joy and Carmela were both still fascinated by his wilting prick and caressing it with their wet fingers. "Eeuuwww, he made a real mess, Laura," Carmela smiled at her, twinkling as if this was the first cock in history ever to go off like that. "God, I didn't know they would shoot like that," Joy said, in awe. "Like a fucking firehose or something." She patted Brad's cock. "You got it all over me. Look at my hands." Laura, who usually kept towels nearby, realized that she had forgotten to replenish them. She hopped off the bed and dashed to the linen closet, returning quickly to the bed and dragging Carmela down with her even as the poor girl was wiping Brad's semen off her breast. "Ohhhh . . . Laura . . . wait a minute . . ." Carmela said, but Laura was not to be denied and already had her hands and mouth all over the girl's delicious black body, sucking her flesh, her smooth black bottom, her thighs, her stomach, working her way up to Carmela's breasts, which Carmela had now cleaned off. "Ohhhhh . . . oh yes! Oh . . . Laura!" Laura knew that Brad would not be ready for more romping for several minutes, at least, and that Joy had already had a stupendous climax of her own. Only she and Carmela had not come yet, and she was determined to remedy that immediately. She was consuming Carmela's lovely young naked body with a heated frenzy she was sure she had not unleashed on her before. She bunched Carmela's lovely, firm young breasts in her hands and sucked her nipples hungrily. "Ahhnnn! Oh . . . Laura . . . not so hard!" Carmela whimpered, twisting under Laura, panting rapidly. Laura realized she might be getting out of control. "Oh honey, I'm sorry," she panted. "Did I do it too hard?" Carmela's black eyes were throbbing and swirling with fiery sex need. She glowered at Laura, who was momentarily afraid she had offended or hurt the girl deeply. Then Carmela shook her head. "God, no," she gasped. "Do it again!" "Ohhhh . . . I want to fuck you and make you come," Laura panted to her, sliding down Carmela's undulating body, unable to stop herself, feeling a great urgency to press her mouth passionately into the girl's charming little black pussy. It was a delicious, puckering, red mouth nestled between Carmela's yawning black thighs, a juicy little feast which Laura began to devour immediately, luxuriating in the tangy wet flesh. "Oh Laura . . . oh Laura!" Carmela whooped, grinding her pelvis, bucking her wet pussy up into Laura's hungry mouth. "Oh Laura . . . I'm going to come . . . yes . . . I'm so close . . . so close . . ." Neither of them were paying the slightest attention to the other two on the bed, which allowed Laura to be momentarily shocked when she suddenly felt Joy's mouth pressing into her own pussy. Joy had slipped down behind Laura, who was stretched out between Carmela's legs, and was now burrowing her own tongue up into Laura's soupy slit. Quickly, Laura pulled her knees up a little and raised her ass to give the girl easier access. "Unhhhhh!" she gasped, looking briefly back over her shoulder. "Oh god, Joy . . . yes! Yessssss! Unhhhh!" She swirled her hips slowly, pushing her pussy back into Joy's eager mouth the same way Carmela was pushing her pussy into Laura's. From the corner of her eye she could again glimpse Brad sitting there beside them, dumb struck with fascination at watching the three of them devour each other. His cock, though it had ejaculated only a minute or so earlier, was already again on the rise. She didn't have much time to pay attention to him, though, since Carmela began to come almost immediately, only seconds after Joy's mouth pushed into Laura's throbbing quim. "Anngghh!" Carmela cried out, her flesh suddenly stiffening, her body stretching, her thighs leaping spastically. "Ungghhh! Oh! Oh!" "Yes, baby . . . do it!" Laura almost commanded her, well aware that whatever she said now was pointless since Carmela was erupting in a ferocious orgasm anyway. "Auunngghhh! Ooggnnnhhmmmnngggeeeee!" Carmela screamed, her beautiful body flipping and clenching as she came in successive sharp spasms. "Ohhnnnnnnn!" Laura, of course, had stopped sucking her pussy the moment she began to come, but Joy had not stopped her own assault on Laura's aching furrow, and as Carmela slowly drifted down from her pinnacle of ecstasy, gasping and moaning softly, Laura was quickly ascending the mountain herself. "Oh god . . . oh shit!" she heard herself saying. "Oh god! Unhhhhh! Oh Joy!" She pushed her face into the sheet between Carmela's thighs, her head still engorged with the sweet, thick, musky odors of Carmela's spasming pussy, and uptilted her crotch even more to Joy's mouth. The feeling of Joy's tongue darting in and out of her pulsing, buttery slit, then stabbing her exposed clit, was enough to make Laura climb the walls. She knew she was going to come as quickly as Carmela just had. She was concentrating on the sheer pleasure of Joy's tongue stabbing her pussy when she felt them manipulating and maneuvering her body, felt Brad's strong hands on her hips, and looked over to see him opening the drawer of her bedstand, obviously hoping to find something there. Joy had slipped under Laura and was now lying on her back, with her mouth still in Laura's crotch. Brad saw her looking at him as he took the small bottle of baby oil from the drawer. He smiled. "What do you think?" he asked, being gracious enough to enlist her assent. "Unnmmgggmmm!" Laura groaned, her mouth half pushed into the sheet, still tingling and rotating her hips as Joy sucked her wet pussy. She nodded vigorously, turning her head a little more. "Yes!" she gasped. "Quick!" He unsnapped the cap of the bottle and began slathering shiny oil all over his cock, which was miraculously at completely attention again, thick and pulsing, again purplish with engorged blood. The oil dripped off onto the sheet while he was hastily lubricating his twitching ramrod, and Laura was surprised to realize she didn't even care. Usually very fastidious and clean, she was now so delirious with sexual need that they could have been sunk in a pit of slime and she would still want him to get on with it. "Ohhhhh . . . please!" she heard herself whimpering, now not wanting to come too fast, knowing what was going to happen in a second, and yet being driven to excruciating limits by Joy's busy mouth on her pussy. Brad, having fucked Laura before, knew the signs. He knew she was on the verge of an absolutely devastating orgasm, and he had to hurry if he were to be there at the finish line. Before snapping the cap shut on the bottle, he greased his fingers too, and suddenly Laura felt two of them slipping, prying, invading her rectum, preparing it for the greater invasion. "Unh! Unh! Oh Jesus!" she gasped, suddenly feeling tears leap to her eyes. God, hurry! she thought. She could feel the flesh and muscles of her arms and legs quivering. For a moment the pain was too intense to permit her to come, but she knew that would pass, and in seconds the pain would quickly turn into an added stimulus, making postponement impossible. She felt his fingers leave her body, and almost immediately they were replaced by the fierce, thick, rock hard stalk of his greased prick sliding into her asshole. "Unnnnngghhh!" Laura winced, groaning in soft, half-demented gurgle, feeling her body rage with pain and unbearable sexual excitement. She didn't know why, since she had felt Brad's thick, fiercely hard cock in her ass before, but this time her whole body felt completely stuffed and engorged by it, as if the tight, greased channel of her ass were way too small for it, as if this hard rod were forcing open her deepest secret parts, making them swell and throb and threaten to burst. "Oh shit!" she gasped into the sheet, feeling the tears slide down her cheeks. At the same moment, Joy was not only sucking and tonguing her pussy but now pushing her finger into it, enjoying Laura's sexual abandon, swept up in the fierce excitement as Brad now began to fuck Laura's ass, having allowed sufficient time for her to adjust to the invasion of his iron spike of a cock. Laura was lost. She was completely at their mercy, whimpering and squealing as Brad reamed her, gasping in the midst of her squeals as she felt Joy suck her clit hard. "Anngghh! Unmmmggh!" she grunted as Joy fingerfucked her, then stopped long enough to suck her clit hard again. Then, "Awwoonnggg!" as Brad's stiff prick jabbed deep into her ass. "Awwoonnggg! Ungghh!" she cried out as he did it again. She could take only a little more of this until she was suddenly coming in a fiery burst of meteoric, rocketing spasms that seemed to tear her poor, sexually tortured body apart. She didn't even know when it began, but her shuddering body was suffused by a hot, glowing radiance, and then wracked by ferocious jolts so powerful that she feared for a second she would black out. The breath was totally stomped out of her lungs, and she pushed her face into the sheet, cawing and shaking, then clenching as a new spasm of coming gripped her. "AUUNNGGGHH!" a loud groan finally escaped from her constricted throat. "Annggrriiuuhh! Annggrriiuuhh!" she grunted each time Brad ripped his cock into her ass. But as soon as he realized she was coming hard, he stopped plunging it into her and simply held steady while she came and came. She only realized when she slumped back down into Joy's supine, sinuous naked body under her, gasping and still twitching involuntarily, her cheeks wet with tears, that Brad had not been able to come himself again so soon, but had been happy to hammer her to paradise. And now, even as she realized it, she could feel him slipping his cock back out of her ass, and pushing her aside, rolling her sideways off Joy. Laura was stunned and destroyed by her orgasm. Having been the last one of the four of them to come, she had suffered a buildup of sexual tension that had ultimately pulverized her, when her time arrived. She lay glassy-eyed and slack-mouthed beside Joy as Brad enterprisingly crawled between the girl's thin thighs and guided his cock with one hand into her long, inflamed pussy. "Ohhhnnnnnn!" Joy moaned, her eyes rolling up, as the fat stalk slid up into her body. Her eyes rolled back in her head, and her fingertips fluttered around Brad's shoulders as he hovered over her and began to slide his wet, stiff cock in and out of her clinging black pussy. The sight was mesmerizing to Laura, who could barely move and yet was transfixed by the spectacle of Joy being fucked by Brad. She didn't know if Joy had ever been fucked by a man before, and the expression on Joy's face was indescribably intense. She could see that Carmela, who had now revived herself, was feeling the same. As Laura watched, Carmela slid over closer to them and began kissing and caressing Joy's face while Brad continued to fuck her slowly. In only a few seconds, the rhythm had completely changed, going from the feverish gasping and screwing of a few moments earlier to this slow, sensual fuck-dance, this almost tender sliding and gentle grinding and soft panting. Both of them had come explosively earlier, and now they were able to blend their bodies in an unhurried, intensely rhythmic fucking that exerted a hypnotic power even over Laura and Carmela, who could not take their eyes off them. Carmela was whispering to Joy, something so low that Laura could not even hear it. She scooted closer and heard Carmela, who was now also squeezing Joy's breasts with one hand, saying, "Is it good, Joy? Is it good to feel his thick hard cock in you? Do you like it? Is he going to make you come? Is he going to fuck you hard?" Somehow the words were impossibly erotic to Laura, as was the sight of Brad's pale, muscular body moving against Joy's delicious dark caramel flesh, his hard, wet, glistening prick sliding in and out of her tightly clasping black cunt lips, his hands clutching her ass, her long waist, her arms, his mouth sucking her shoulders, her neck, while Carmela squeezed her breasts and tweaked her shiny dark nipples. Laura knew herself how pleasurable it was to fuck Joy, and she almost envied him the delightful experience, smelling the hot, thick, sexual odors rising off their slowly surging bodies, realizing that she was heating up again quickly herself. Watching his white body and her dark one merging together was fiercely erotic. There was hardly any room for another hand or mouth on Joy's body, but she could get her hands on Carmela's, and so she scooted around behind the girl on the bed, and clasped her from the rear, pushing her own naked breasts into Carmela's smooth warm back and hungrily nipping the black flesh between her neck and shoulder. "Mmmm, I want to fuck you," she murmured, hearing herself say it almost as if someone else were uttering these soft, guttural words. Carmela looked back over her shoulder, and Laura caught her mouth with a glancing, though savagely hot, kiss. "Unh! Unh! Unh!" Joy began to grunt softly as Brad started fucking her a little faster, and a little more roughly. The bed was beginning to quake and groan again. Laura encircled Carmela from behind with her arms, cupping Carmela's firm, gourd-shaped breasts and twisting her large, thick black nipples in her fingers. "I want to fuck you," she breathed again, sucking the girl's smooth neck. "Now." Carmela giggled huskily and turned to face her. "Too bad you don't have a dick," she joked. "I could use one of those right about now." She nodded toward Brad hard, pulsing, wet rod that was sliding in and out of Joy's tight pussy. Laura grinned at her. "Oh, but I do." Even though she didn't want to leave the bed for any reason, she quickly slipped away to her secret drawer and returned with her strap-on dildo, the long one with the convex ridges down the shaft. Carmela's eyes widened as she saw it. "Oh my god." She burst into her light-of-the-universe smile, her teeth almost blinding white. "You've got to be kidding. Is that for real?" "You bet it is, my darling," Laura grinned, slipping quickly into the harness and holding the ripply long shaft with one hand. "Lie back and I'll show you how 'real' it is." Obediently, still smiling, Carmela lay back and spread her thighs for Laura. She knew how tantalizing her naked body was and ran her hands over it slowly, watching Laura's eyes on her, watching Laura's eyes lick her dark skin, her sleek, smooth flesh. She ran her hands down to her inner thighs, letting her fingers graze her inflamed and greasy cunt lips, pulling the skin at the sides so that they parted to reveal the puckering red seam Laura had earlier devoured and was now going to fuck. God, you are so beautiful! Laura thought as she moved forward, between Carmela's yawning thighs, guiding the long, hard stalk with her hand toward the girl's festering wet honey pit. Carmela looked up at her almost wonderingly, with startled amazement that she was actually doing this, that Laura was about to fuck her with a strap-on dildo, as if never in her dreams had she imagined anything so exciting. She looked down to her crotch as Laura lodged the bulbous head of the fake cock in the groove formed by her swollen cunt lips. Then her eyes rose and caught Laura's as Laura slid it slowly into her, still holding it with one hand. Carmela bit her lower lip. She grimaced a little, then moaned, feeling it ride in deep. "Aunnnnnnnhhhhhhh! Oh . . . Laura! God, it's so hard!" "Does that feel good?" "Ohhhh . . . yessssss!" But meanwhile, next to them on the bed things were heating up fast. The mattress was bouncing more violently than ever as Brad drilled Joy's pussy relentlessly, and now much more rapidly, holding her slim hips in his hands and stabbing his cock into her. Joy was going wild with sexual arousal, pumping and whimpering and twisting wildly under his sharp thrusts. "Ummnnggg . . . ohhnnmmgggg . . . ungghhh . . . ohhhhnnmmmeeee!" she keened, clawing his back and shoulders, thrusting her pelvis up to meet each thrust, now even wrapping her long legs around his jabbing hips and wincing as Brad's cock sank even deeper into her body. "Awwwonnnnggg!" Laura for some reason had wanted to fuck Carmela in a slow, simmering rhythm, a patient, intimate union of their two undulating bodies, but this frantic gasping and surging next to them seemed to envelope them too with urgent lust, and Carmela's deep, sonorous moans didn't help, making Laura realize how much intense pleasure the girl was getting out of her slow, long thrusts and withdrawals. Without really realizing it, she began to quicken the pace too, pushing the dildo deeper into Carmela's pussy, leaning forward so that their naked breasts brushed, kissing and sucking the girl's lovely smooth black neck and shoulder. "Unh! Unh . . . oh . . . unh!" Carmela gasped as the rhythm accelerated. But they could scarcely concentrate on each other because it quickly became clear that Joy was coming, that Brad had jab-fucked her into a shrieking, arm-flailing climax. "Aiiieeeeeee! Unngghgiaaiiieeeee!" she suddenly cried out, long, sinuous body flexing and shuddering under his plunging prick, her arms leaping out to the sides and hammering back into the mattress, her pelvis leaping spastically into the air as she came in an overheated fury. "Oh! Ungghh! Aiiiieeeeeeeee!" Even though Laura and Carmela were sunk into their own fucking rhythm, this disoriented them both for a few seconds, and they paused long enough to glance over at Joy, and Brad chuffing and half-smiling on top of her, until the most savage spasms had passed. Laura momentarily realized that Brad was not coming himself, not yet, and made a mental note of it before returning to her delicious labors. "Now you're going to come, honey," she panted in a whisper to Carmela, resuming her patient thrusting with the long dildo. "You're going to come too, it's your turn." "Oh, Laura." "Yes, honey . . . yes . . . oh, I love to fuck you," Laura purred to her. Evidently Brad wanted to get in on this hot moment too, however, having just fucked Joy into a flailing, screeching climax. She lay wasted and half-destroyed under him, and he withdrew his bobbing, greasy prick from her slit and crawled over to where Laura and Carmela were hypnotically fucking. They both barely noticed him, but he wasn't about to be ignored. He tapped Laura on the back. "Let me have some of that too?" he asked. "She's gorgeous." Carmela's eyelashes fluttered open and she looked over at him curiously, as if contemplating how he could possibly join in at this point. Of course, Laura reflected, the girl was already so overwrought with sexual need that anything would seem an intrusion to her. She herself looked down at his wet, throbbing prick, all dark with engorged blood, the veins rippling along the sides of the thick shaft, and thought it was indeed a magnificent weapon that would be a welcome addition to any fuck party. She slowed her thrusting momentarily and looked down at Carmela. "What do you think? Want to make it three?" Carmela's eyes were murky with unasked questions and smoldering sexual emotions. She didn't seem entirely capable of answering the question. But, after a considerable pause, she nodded. "Want you too," she panted to Laura. "Oh, I'm not leaving," Laura grinned. "I can't let you go. I'm stuck to you. I'm stuck in you." Carmela smiled dreamily. She let them maneuver her body so that Brad could press up against her back. Now they were all lying on their sides, with Carmela sandwiched between them. It quickly became clear to Laura what Brad had in mind, though she doubted it had yet dawned on Carmela. She kept fucking her, more gently now, caressing her face, kissing her mouth. "Do you want him in you too?" Again dreamily, Carmela nodded. "Like you? Like he did you?" "You sure you want that?" Carmela again appeared to think it over for a moment, then nodded. "Yes." Brad, looking at Laura over Carmela's shoulder, grinned. Gosh, Laura thought, if he wants to jeopardize his political career by fucking some delicious little black cheerleader in the ass, who am I to object? Sounds pretty exciting to me. Especially if she's willing. This was what surprised her most. She wondered if Carmela had seen the obviously exquisite pleasure Laura had got from her earlier ass-reaming and perhaps missed the physical distress that accompanied it, at least in the beginning. Again she asked her. "Are you sure? It might hurt a little at the start." But Carmela was not in the mood for reasoning. She nodded, almost eagerly. "I'm sure." Why, you darling little slut, Laura thought. A girl after my own heart. You dearly love fucking, in whatever form, don't you. She noticed that while she and Carmela had been going through this interview, Brad had returned to the drawer and snatched up the bottle of baby oil. "Ahhhhhh!" Carmela winced and moaned, looking over her shoulder where Brad was quickly prepping her tight little asshole with his oiled fingers. "Here . . . honey, let's make it easier on all of us," Laura panted to her, rolling onto her own back and bringing Carmela over on top of her, holding the strap-on dildo in place with one hand. By now Brad had widened Carmela's rear orifice a little and was busily re-oiling his own fierce, throbbing cock, which somehow looked bigger than ever to Laura now that she knew where it was going to be lodged. It really wasn't a huge salami like Marshall's or Eric's, but it was thick, hard as iron, with a fierce ballooning head at the tip. It looked especially formidable in its greased and jumping state, and Laura found her own asshole was wincing involuntarily at the memory of having absorbed the entire shaft only half an hour earlier. "Oh honey," she grabbed Carmela's beautiful face in both hands, pulling it down, "kiss me while he puts it in. It's going to hurt a little at first." "Unnnhhmmmggg!" Carmela whimpered, opening her sensual mouth to Laura's, coiling tongues with her as Brad made the first penetration. "Oowwwnnggghhh!" she howled, tearing her mouth from Laura's, as the head of his hard prick slipped into her ass. Tears came to her eyes, and she grimaced horribly. Laura still held her smooth cheeks in both hands. She pulled Carmela's face down again and crushed her own lips into Carmela's, frenching her violently, trying to distract her. "Ooohhhhhnnnnn!" Carmela moaned, grimacing again as Brad slid his cock deep into her asshole, tearing her face away from Laura's again. "Hold it . . . hold it . . ." Laura murmured to her. "It'll be okay in a minute . . . promise . . . just a few more seconds." She knew Brad was wildly aroused by Carmela's beauty, and by having just fucked Joy into such a terrific orgasm, but she had been fucked by him herself and knew he wasn't barbaric or sadistic. He would give Carmela time to adjust, and neither of them needed to hammer her in order for all of them to come, which Laura knew was imminent. Just the back pressure of the strap-on dildo against her pubic bone was making her wildly excited. She might not come exactly when they did, but it would take little help afterward for her to explode too. Carmela was now impaled and skewered on the dildo and Brad's stiff cock, sandwiched between Laura and Brad, moaning and quivering and mewling as they began slowly to fuck in and out of her body, moving in a concerted rhythm, taking it easy on her, letting her adjust, but then, when she began whimpering less, picking up the pace. Laura held the dildo steady with one hand while she thrust her hips upward, encircling Carmela's hard body with her other arm and pulling the girl down into her, getting an added thrill by the feeling of Carmela's smooth, warm flesh undulating against her, and Carmela's large, stiff nipples rasping against her own. Remarkably enough, for all Carmela's initial moaning and whimpering, and Laura's soothing words, and Brad's labored panting and soft grunting as he slid his greased cock down into Carmela's tight asshole, for the next couple of minutes the room fell strangely silent as they fucked slowly, rhythmically, in quiet concentration, as if each one was totally focused on the acute sensations that filled his or her excited bodies. Even the bed no longer creaked or quaked. Glancing over, Laura saw Joy stretched out beside them, with one hand between her thighs, watching the three of them fuck, mesmerized, her dark eyes wide and fascinated. Laura could hear Carmela's panting above everything else, partly because Carmela was face to face with her, and her body was pressed down hard against Laura's. She looked up into her face but Carmela's eyes were tightly shut as she swirled her pelvis back into Brad's downward thrusts and Laura's upward ones, though Laura was for the most part only holding steady, not really thrusting hard, figuring that the mere feeling of the long dildo shaft running across her clit as Brad fucked her ass would be enough stimulation to send the lovely girl to heaven in only another minute or so. And she was right about that. Carmela started moaning and gasping almost immediately. "Oh god! Unnhhhhh . . . oh god!" she gasped, her head turning from side to side, but now looking more like she was in an excruciating rapture of sexual pleasure instead of the pain Laura had initially seen in her face. "Oh god, yes, honey, you're going to come aren't you," Laura panted back, now beginning to rock her hips and thrust a little harder herself as she knew the moment was arriving. Brad, though he had been fairly gentle with Carmela up to now, was clearly getting hyper excited too and was plunging his hard cock down into her ass more vigorously by the second. Laura knew he had not come since spurting all of his jizz into the air at the very start, whether because he wasn't ready or because he had been saving it for now. But she knew he wouldn't be able to hold it much longer. His face was red, the tension was clearly visible in his features, and he was beginning to ram Carmela as he had earlier rammed Laura only moments before she came herself. "Unngghh! Arrrgggnnhh!" he grunted, fucking her hard, making Carmela yelp. "Oh! Ahhnngghiiee! Ohnngg!" "Oh yes, honey, hold on, you're going to come," Laura panted to her, feeling the three of them hurtle toward the inevitable cataclysm. Now the bed was violently shaking again, and Brad was ramming down into Carmela's ass mercilessly. "Oowwmmggg . . . owwwwaiiieeee!" she yelped, her cheeks now slick with tears, her eyes beseeching Laura. "Oh god . . . too hard! Ungghhh! Ouucchhh! Too deep! Oh . . . Laura! Ungghhh!" Suddenly, Brad came. His body clenched fiercely, and he speared Carmela's ass even harder for the last two or three thrusts, then cried out in a savage male groan as his cock erupted inside her tight rectum. "Auunngghhh! Arrnngghhh!" he roared, gripping Carmela's body almost hard enough to break it. Mercifully, Laura realized, his orgasm and sharp spearing seemed to be exactly all that was needed to trip Carmela's trigger too, and she followed him in only two seconds. "Owwnngghgh . . . oh Laura . . . AUUNGGMMNGGNIIIEEEE! Oh! Oh! Mnnnggnniieeeeee!" she wailed, thrashing around spastically on top of Laura, her body wracked by a ferocious anal orgasm that Laura kept going by her own now-vigorous thrusting of the strap-on dildo into Carmela's spasming pussy. Laura kept fucking her, and Carmela kept coming, though not as intensely, while Brad slumped forward, caught himself with his palms on the mattress, panting furiously, then held his body steady so that Carmela could finish her sweet ordeal. Meanwhile, the added thrusting Laura was supplying was stimulating her own wet, aching pussy under the base of the strap-on dildo. She knew she was going to come, was desperate to come, but didn't know how it would happen. Her hands were still fluttering over Carmela's smooth, flexing back, embracing her, caressing her as Carmela skimmed through the last, exquisite but dying spasms of her orgasm. It seemed forever to her before Brad's cock was expelled from Carmela's ass by her last, waning twinges and he rolled off her, half-collapsing beside them, still panting hard. Then, slowly, groggily, Carmela slid to the side too, helping Laura remove the long, wet dildo from her pussy, looking dazed and crushed by this overwhelming experience. She appeared too stunned to speak, and Laura was too overwhelmed by crackling, urgent sexual need to notice anyway. Almost without thinking, she slipped out of the hip harness and stretched out on the bed, half-hoping that someone, anyone, would touch her, kiss her, grope her, fuck her, bring her the sweet release she desperately needed right now. From out of nowhere Joy was suddenly swarming all over her body, kissing her shoulders, her neck, rubbing her young breasts against Laura's. "Oh Laura," she smiled, purring, "you want me to do you?" "God, yes, honey!" Laura gasped. "Can I do you with this?" Joy smiled devilishly, holding up the wet strap-on dildo that Laura had only moments ago been jabbing up into Carmela's climaxing pussy. Even though she was wildly overcome by sexual need, Laura couldn't help grinning. She nodded. "Of course. Can you get it on?" "I think so. I watched you." It was pretty easy, Laura knew, and in seconds Joy was poised between Laura's spread thighs, looking down at Laura's aching, wet, blossoming pussy, holding the glistening dildo in the fingers of one hand, and smiling down at Laura as if Christmas was about to arrive. To make it even more exciting for them both, Laura ran her hands down to her crotch and sensually massaged the flesh of her inner thighs on either side of her inflamed slit, pulling the swollen lips open even further, letting Joy see the shiny pink inner depths, all gurgling and swimming with warm buttery cunt juices. "Fuck me, honey," she said huskily, looking dreamily up into Joy's eyes. "Fuck me with your big hard cock." Joy laughed so spontaneously at this that her high, young breasts jiggled sexily, and Laura was overcome by a hotter lust even than before. "Please . . . " she beseeched Joy, dying for it. "Please. Kiss me and fuck me, honey." Joy chewed her lower lip and became very serious as she guided the bobbing stalk toward Laura's gaping furrow. "I've never done this before," she said very softly, under her breath, concentrating. It's not rocket science, darling, Laura wanted to tell her. Put it in me and fuck me. You can do that. Joy could do it. She lodged the head of the dildo in the wet, aching channel of Laura's pulsing cunt and slowly pushed it home. All the time her eyes were on the dildo disappearing into Laura's tight slit, while all the time Laura's eyes were on Joy's face, until she felt herself nearly swooning with pleasure as the hard stalk filled her tight sleeve. She could feel Joy's taut, slender thighs pressing against the inner flesh of her own thighs, even feel the base of the strap-on pushing against her cunt lips. Oh god, it's heaven! she thought as Joy, obeying directions, leaned down to kiss her too. Impulsively, Laura grabbed her head in both hands and crushed Joy's mouth down against her own, gyrating her hips rapidly so that the shaft of the dildo fucked in and out of her crammed pussy. She stabbed her tongue up into Joy's mouth, whimpering and twisting. "Hold it with one hand . . ." she gasped to Joy. "Hold on to it with one hand, honey . . . so it won't slip out." "Okay," Joy panted, appearing almost terrorized by Laura's frantic desire and the wild way she was pumping. "Are you . . . going to come? I mean, quick?" Laura nodded violently. "Oh god, yes! Fuck me hard and fast. Please, Joy. Do it now. Fast, hard as you can. Hold on so it doesn't slip out." Joy began grinding her hips, at first slowly, then more rapidly and energetically. With one hand she held the dildo in place, and with her other she squeezed Laura's breasts enthusiastically. "Unhhh . . . unhhhh! Yes . . ." Laura panted to her, grinding back, feeling the long stalk slide in and out of her pussy, feeling the wonderful convex ridges on the shaft ripple along her sensitive secret wet flesh. "Ohnnggg . . . do it harder, honey!" "Oh. Like this?" Now Joy pumped her even harder, and Laura again pulled her head down close, again crushing her own lips into Joy's. "Fuck me, honey . . . fuck me, honey . . ." she gasped, thrilling to the feel of Joy's long, slender, caramel body pressed everywhere against her own as the billowing waves of her climax approached. "Oh Laura . . ." Joy panted, feeling their teeth clank and glance together, pulling back a little and ramming Laura even harder now with the dildo. "Oh Laura . . . you're so beautiful . . . unhhhgggg!" "Auunggghh!" Laura cried out, hanging on the edge now of a ferocious orgasm. "Yes . . . yes . . . yes! Ungghh! Ungghhh!" "Oh Laura!" Then there was the split second of silence Laura always recognized, the brief moment when time was suspended before the obliterating, crushing, galvanic explosion. Then the dam gave way. "Auunnngghh! Owwwnnggghhhiiinnmmmmeeeee!" she wailed, flipping and surging off the bed into Joy's body, feeling her pussy impaled on the hard shaft, feeling it penetrated even further into her because of her wild thrashing and vigorous pumping. "Unngghh . . . uhnnngggghhh . . . oh! Aunnggiinmmmnneeee!" she screamed, coming again, or was it just a following spasm from the first excruciating convulsion. "Ahhh . . . ahhh . . . ohhhh!" She didn't think either Joy or Carmela had ever seen her come this hard, and possible not Brad either. The orgasm seemed to rip her inside out, and Joy, who held on tight for fear of disappointing Laura, seemed almost shocked as Laura finally blinked and released her from the death's grip she had been exerting on the poor girl. "Are you okay?" she whispered into Laura's ear. This triggered an almost hysterical fit of laughing from Laura, caused she knew by the release of so much tension. The laughter came suddenly, unexpectedly, bubbling out of her. She was still throbbing from her climax but laughing hysterically at the same time, gasping for breath, tears filling her eyes. "Oh god, yes! I am so okay you wouldn't believe how okay I am," she grinned, pulling Joy down again and this time kissing her not as roughly as before, but more emotionally. "You fucked me so good . . . god, I came so hard." "That thing is fun," Joy smiled, looking down at their bodies still linked by the ripply wet shaft. "Should I take it out?" "No, leave it in a minute. I love to feel you here against me like this. I love to feel you in me. Don't move." "Hell, I ain't moving," Joy giggled, joining in the merriment. "Shit, I almost got off myself just doing that to you." They both became aware suddenly, almost at the same instant, that they were indulging in this intimate banter as if they were alone on the bed, but that actually Carmela and Brad were watching them with undisguised fascination. Laura looked over at them and made a face. "You guys must be jealous." Brad smiled, but Carmela was more aggressive, laughing with them and piling on. She slid over on the sheet and pressed her warm body against both Laura and Joy, throwing one arm over Joy's back. "Me next," she laughed. "I get to do it to her next, Joy." Joy turned her head and they kissed in the friendly, intimate but casual way of longtime lovers. "You should be doing me instead," Joy said softly. "I got all hot and bothered when Laura was going off like that." Gosh, we are an insatiable little group, aren't we? Laura thought, twisting and nudging Joy off her body now that their little moment of intimacy had passed. Joy got the message and slowly extracted the dildo from Laura's pussy, rolling off to the side, next to Carmela. Clearly, she had been telling the truth about being aroused since she quickly slid her legs out of the harness and handed the strap-on to Carmela. Brad left the bed to get a cigarette, which he smoked while sitting in the easy chair across from the bed. The two girls spent the next twenty minutes fucking with Laura's strap-on, and miraculously by the time they were groaning and orgasming again, Brad's prick was again standing a full mast. He joined Laura on the bed next to the two girls, where they fucked in a slow, simmering, smoldering rhythm for about five or more minutes until both finally came in a slow-blooming but painfully intense climax. A glance at the bedside clock radio told Laura that they had been doing this only about an hour and a half, and yet she herself, at least, felt completely exhausted and annihilated. Brad looked like he felt that way too, and anyway she realized that he was probably tapped out by now. Even the girls looked slack and tired, moving slowly, talking drowsily. Being the hostess, as it were, she couldn't exactly hop up and tell everyone to leave, but right now the thing she craved most was a hot bath, all alone, by herself. Just me. I am fucked out. It was fun, but here's your hat, what's your hurry, guys. Still, the general fatigue seemed to permeate them all. Brad sighed and extinguished his cigarette in an ashtray Laura kept by the bedside for those who smoked, though she didn't herself. They always seemed to want a cigarette after a sexual climax. He stood and began pulling on his pants. "I've got a breakfast meeting with IBM," he said. "About a new computer system for the city. Got to run. Sorry." Laura pulled on her bathrobe, patting him affectionately on the shoulder. "I don't think you have anything to be sorry for," she smiled. "Right, girls?" Joy and Carmela, still coiled lazily together on the bed, giggled softly. The long, ridged, wet dildo still jutted obscenely from Carmela's crotch. In truth, both of them looked so delicious to Laura that she wondered if her desire for a solitary bath were not capable of being postponed. She followed Brad to the front door to let him out, and when she returned found both girl's again pulling on their cheerleader outfits. God, you both know how to make me want to rape you, don't you, she thought. "I've got homework," Carmela said, now no longer the sexy little fuck slut she had earlier been but simply a teenager who was behind schedule. "Me too," Joy said. She did a mock curtsey for Laura, plucking out the small skirt of her yellow outfit with the fingers of both hands. "You and your friend were nasty to keep us away from doing our homework." Laura kissed her. "There's more than one kind of homework." Carmela, now dressed too, approached them from the side and forced herself into the embrace. "We know the kind of homework you like, Laura," she teased, offering her mouth. At this rate we'll be back on that bed in seconds, Laura realized as she French kissed Carmela too. But Carmela and Joy, feeling the same thing, pulled away gently. "We were telling the truth. We do have homework. We've got to go." Laura feigned being glum. "I know. I'm so glad you could stay for the party, though." She accompanied them to the door too. Before they slipped outside, Carmela turned to her again. "You know, your friend was nice." She raised one eyebrow comically. "In fact, he really gave my little booty an experience I never knew was possible. But I kind of miss just you and me and Joy together, you know?" Laura did know. She had felt a twinge of the same loss a few times already during the evening. "Me too," Joy quickly seconded Carmela. "I wanted to do you both with the dick thing. Wow, that was hot. Can we do it again, Laura?" Laura smiled and nodded. "We sure can. Just give me a few days to recover, okay?" They both looked at each other and burst out laughing. Then they descended Laura's steps in the dusk and walked slowly down the street toward Joy's condo, glancing frequently back and Laura and waving.
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