Laura - Chapter 283



Almost too exhausted after her bout with Dee Dee even to contemplate a weekend with Sara, Laura nevertheless allowed herself to surrender to Sara's considerable charms and spent a very happy two days, without once recalling her paroxysms of pleasure in the bed of Sara's younger sister. Actually, the Widow Harper's bed, she reminded herself with a grin. And half-sister, she again corrected herself on Monday as she recalled the prologue to her weekend, unwilling to concede that she had in any way completely betrayed Sara's trust. Actually, sleeping with Sara, with whom she shared a sweet, patient, undemanding love, was in a way a relief after the way she and Dee Dee had flogged each other's fatigued bodies into one last orgasm, then another last one, then yet another, until neither could come another time.

Most of the next week passed without incident, which puzzled Laura a little when she realized that Joy had not been ringing her doorbell right and left, trying to snare an invitation to an evening of exuberant sex. Helping Joy climax fully, the way she was truly capable of doing, had had the unfortunate side effect of turning her into a little slut for love. She pestered Laura more than ever. And yet, she had not been seen for days now. For the first few days this was fine with Laura, who felt too tired to think of it, but by Wednesday evening she was beginning to miss the little tease. She even found herself looking out her front window and down the block to Joy's condo, absently wondering if she were home, if she, Laura, should toddle down there and ring Joy's bell for a change.

It was then that she saw a young girl with raven-black hair, whose skin was also much darker than Joy's rich caramel, and who was shorter than Joy too, climbing the steps with Joy's dog Java on a leash behind her, and unlocking the door. Oh god, Laura thought, I'll bet I know who that is!

For a few moments she was torn between running down there and knocking on the door, or inventing some pretext to go out to her car, as if she were retrieving something she had forgotten. She couldn't just stand here and let Carmela get away. She couldn't see very much of the girl in the twilight, and so far away, especially since Carmela had quickly disappeared into Joy's condo and shut the door behind her and the dog. But what she could see told her that Carmela was if anything even more fetching than Joy.

God, do you realize that you sound like some perverted lecher? Standing here behind the curtain, spying on this nubile young thing down the street? Why don't you just march down there and knock and say you thought Joy was home?

She realized that she was moving toward the door before she had even consciously made up her mind to follow through on this plan. Her keys, which she always dropped on a small table by the door, were already in her hand. She was down the street and rapping on Joy's door before she could change her mind.

An absolutely ravishing young girl answered it, the same girl she had watched going in with the dog. Her black eyes sparkled. She had a wide, sensual mouth and a smile that was both saucy and friendly at the same time, a smile that quickly became more knowing as she looked at Laura.

"Oh god, you must be Carmela," Laura blurted out, feeling herself blush a little at the same time.

She realized that this embarrassment came from having lusted for Carmela as she was standing back behind the curtain in her own living room, spying on her, but that right now it simply appeared to be the effects of a quite charming surprise.

Carmela beamed even more now. "And you must be Laura! Joy's friend."

Laura smiled. "No, you're Joy's friend. I'm Joy's neighbor."


They both laughed. When Carmela laughed she tilted her head back slightly, revealing to Laura the smooth dark skin of her throat and her flawless neck. She was indeed gasp-lovely, Laura realized. One second they were laughing, the next they were staring at each other, uncomfortable, wondering what to say next, both of them a little nervous.

"Is . . . is she here?" Laura asked innocently, though she knew Joy was not there or she would have seen her long ago.

Carmela shook her head. "Joy's dad made her go down and spend a few days with her mother in San Jose. She had to get special permission from school and everything. I think he had to fly out of the country and didn't want her here alone while he was gone. I've been feeding and walking Java while she's away."

This stopped Laura cold. She didn't know how to continue. Could she just say, Why don't you come down to my place and we'll get to know each other better? Carmela seemed to sense her confusion and opened the screen door slightly. Laura stepped back. Carmela slipped out through the gap, still holding the screen door open.

"I was just leaving . . . but I forgot to scoop up the poop," Carmela grinned. "Maybe you can stay here and watch him while I run down with this scooper and get it."

Laura glanced down and saw a brown paper bag and small plastic shovel in one of Carmela's hands. She had not noticed it until now.

"I'd be happy to," Laura said. "Where is it?"

"Down in that little grassy area behind the visitor parking spaces," Carmela smiled brightly. "I'll only be a sec."

Laura watched her as she descended the steps and walked down the street. Carmela had a thicker, more conventionally curvaceous body than Joy, whose incredibly long slender waist was fairly rare, and whose bottom was not nearly so round and swelling as Carmela's. The tight jeans she wore with their low, hip-hugging waistline, made watching her ass sway as she walked a sweet torment to Laura.

She realized that she was doing the same thing right now that she had been doing moments ago in the privacy of her own condo: staring at Carmela with undisguised hunger. Only now she was doing it in broad daylight—really twilight, thank god—where any of the neighbors could glimpse her. Quickly, she turned her gaze away from the girl and went inside.

Carmela returned in under two minutes, clutching the paper bag and holding it out from her body as if it were radioactive. "This is the part I don't like," she said, making a face. "I like Java . . . but I don't like this."

"I can't say I blame you."

"Wait a minute . . . let me get rid of this stuff."

Carmela went to the back door to dispose of the waste. She smiled at Laura ambiguously as she returned, realizing that there was some unspoken business between them. Laura realized there was no way Carmela could not know Joy had slept with Laura. Joy wasn't the secretive type.

"I wish I could stay and talk," Carmela said, "but my Mom is expecting me. Up the hill, you know, where I live?" She nodded in the direction of Twin Peaks. "In fact, I even borrowed my brother's car, and I have to get it back to him. If I don't get right back up there, they might get worried."

"I understand," Laura smiled at her, walking out as Carmela held open the door.

She waited on the steps while Carmela locked up. The more she looked at Carmela's face, into her sparkling, shiny black eyes, the more she wanted to grab her, to seize her, and kiss her ravenously. There was something about Carmela that made you want to do that instantly. She was not like Joy, flirting and making sassy, suggestive conversation. Carmela was straightforward and gorgeous and healthy and sexy and young and clean and enchantingly black and beautiful, and Laura wanted her suddenly and desperately. She was filled with sorrow that Carmela had to rush off.

"I wish you could stay, too," she said quietly. "Joy told me about you. She . . . really likes you."

Now Carmela gave her a devilish, wicked little glance from the side. "She really likes you too," she said. "A lot."

"Oh well," Laura sighed. "Maybe tomorrow."

Carmela broke into a sudden and friendly grin. "Of course. Tomorrow. Well, I've got to skiddaddle. Sorry. See you then. If you hear Java barking, give me a call."

"I don't have your number."

"Oh god, you're right. 267-4371. Can you remember that? Go in and write it down." She waved to Laura as she walked to Joy's driveway and got into the sporty dark blue Pontiac that was parked there. Her brother's car. She started it up and waved again to Laura as she drove off.

Laura sighed and returned to her condo, glumly locking the door behind her, trying to be philosophical. I guess I expected her to be more interested, she thought. After what Joy must've told her. Do you suppose she didn't tell her? I mean tell her everything?

She soon tired of stewing this way in her own juices and went to take a shower. She was wearing only her pink terrycloth bathrobe and had a towel wrapped turban-style around her head when her doorbell rang.

"Oh shit. Who can that be?" she thought, turning off the shower, which she had just turned on.

She knew it couldn't be Joy, who would be the usual culprit. She went to the door and peeped through the security hole. It was Carmela. She was smiling directly up into the spy hole that Laura was peeping through, her lovely face all grotesque and distorted by the small lens. She raised one hand and waved it at Laura, who quickly unlocked and opened the door.

"You're back."

"I know," Carmela laughed. "I'm sorry, I guess I should have called."

Laura opened the door wider, in invitation for her to enter. "You don't have my number either," she smiled.

Carmela popped inside quickly. "I know," Carmela chuckled, skipping right over the implications. "Gosh, you were taking a bath. Maybe I better leave."

"A shower," Laura corrected. "It's okay, I hadn't got in yet."

She wanted to add: Maybe you'd like to strip and join me, darling. But she controlled the urge. She didn't really know Carmela at all, except through whatever Joy had said about her, and didn't want to scandalize her too quickly.

"My Mom was already gone," Carmela said in explanation. "And my brother Andrew was leaving with a buddy of his. He said I could borrow his car tonight. So . . . well, I thought . . . you know . . ."

Laura smiled. You are mine, darling. "I know," she said, bemused.

"Look, I can leave, if I'm intruding," Carmela said quickly. "I don't want you to think I . . ."

"Don't be silly. I'm glad you came. Can I get you a coke or something?"

Carmela shook her head. Her shiny, raven-black hair was shoulder-length and swished around her neck. In addition to the tight, low-waist jeans she wore a loose velour gold top that made her dark smooth skin look especially rich and chocolate-creamy.

So . . . here we are, Laura thought, puzzled. How was she to proceed? Carmela had refused a coke. Laura had been about to get in the shower. They were stuck here, unable to move forward, staring uncomfortably at each other, knowing what the agenda was but puzzled about how to advance it.

"I should go," Carmela finally said, very nervous.

"Oh no," Laura said quickly. "Here . . . sit down. I want to talk to you."

Carmela smiled and sat where Laura had been patting her hand, on the white sofa, the one on which Laura had pleasured so many of her darlings. Laura sat across from her in an easy chair. She saw Carmela's eyes dart to her bare, tawny thighs where the skirts of the bathrobe fell open, then dart back to her face, as if embarrassed to be looking.

"Why?" She saw Laura's confusion. "Why? Do you want to talk to me?"

Laura pulled the bathrobe closed slowly, looking at Carmela's eyes, wanting the girl to see that she had seen Carmela looking. She smiled at her.

"You're Joy's friend. You're beautiful. I thought maybe we should know each other better."

Laura wondered whether she should have stuck in the 'beautiful' part. It was true, of course, but she wondered if she were being a little too forward. She didn't want to scare Carmela away, which it appeared she had almost done already. Carmela picked it up quickly.

"Beautiful?" She sparkled. "Do you really think so?"

She tilted her head almost imperceptibly but enough to make her raven-black hair shimmer and the light lick her delicious dark brown skin. She had the most even and sparkling white teeth Laura thought she had seen in ages. The curve of her young breasts under her velour top was also alluring as she twisted nervously in pleasure over Laura's compliments.

"I do."

"I wish I was as beautiful as you. Joy told me you were. I thought she might be exaggerating. But she wasn't."

"Gosh, we're a regular mutual admiration society, aren't we," Laura deadpanned.

"You know, I don't like coke, but I would take a cigarette, if you have one. I'm not supposed to smoke, but once in a while I really like one."

"I'm sorry, I don't smoke. But I haven't eaten yet. Maybe you'd like to stay for dinner."

Carmela shook her head, squirming a little. "I'm not hungry."

God, I am, Laura thought. I would die to take you in my arms, you sweetie. I want to kiss you all over your body.

"I'd better go so you can take your shower," Carmela said, starting to get up.

"Please don't," Laura said, rising herself before Carmela could stand up. "I don't want you to go. Please. Can I sit here?"

She sat down on the white sofa too, not too close to Carmela, but not at the other end either.

"Are you sure you want me to stay? I interrupted your shower. And you haven't even had your dinner."

Laura brushed aside these objections. "I can eat any time." Now she let her eyes glow and pulse a little to reveal to Carmela how she was feeling, trying to coax Carmela to give in and feel the same way. She knew Carmela had not come back down the hill merely to indulge in some coy conversation. "Your cheek is so smooth," Laura said softly. "May I touch it?"

Carmela's black eyes sparkled. She seemed thrilled to be the center of Laura's attention this way. "Sure. If you want to."

"I want to," Laura breathed, feeling her eyelids grow heavier.

Carmela positively twinkled. It was as if no one had ever praised her this way, and she couldn't get enough. Laura was fascinated by the thought that this girl was not like Joy at all, not brash and sassy and seductive in her sweet, pushy teenager way. From what Joy had told her about how the two of them had wound up in bed, Laura had assumed that Carmela had been the aggressor. Carmela had put her arm around Joy to comfort her, and they had ended up kissing, then fucking.

Now Laura wondered if Joy had been telling her the truth. Carmela was almost shy, and tickled to her very core by being the center of Laura's obviously sexual attentions. Laura scooted over closer to her on the sofa. Gracefully, she lifted one hand and ran the backs of her knuckles gently across one of Carmela's black cheeks. Carmela almost froze, not stiff or frightened but very immobile, as if stunned as well as excited by this tender caress.

Laura, her eyes smoking now, ran the knuckle of her forefinger lightly across Carmela's sensual lips. Carmela looked down at Laura's knuckle on her mouth, then up into Laura's eyes again. Slowly, she raised one hand to Laura's and coiled her slender black fingers around it, holding Laura's knuckle steady and then moving her lips against it, all the while never letting her eyes leave Laura's.

The erotic undercurrents in the room were suddenly almost too much to bear. Laura could almost hear her own hot blood hammering through her body as she tried to remain calm, and she could feel Carmela's warm breath accelerating against her finger. She realized that the turban towel in which she had wrapped her hair was coming loose and about to fall precipitously either between them or around her shoulders. With her free hand she groped for it, unwilling to tear her eyes from Carmela's, which were now murky and questioning.

But Carmela knew what she was doing, had probably seen it coming loose first, and she smiled and reached up for it too. The heavy towel fell onto their arms, and as they tried to brush it to the side, where it would fall against the back of the sofa, their faces came even closer together. Laura's knuckle dropped from Carmela's lips, and as her head came back around from watching the towel fall her mouth brushed Carmela's.

Almost immediately they were kissing, their mouths moving together, opening eagerly, their tongues coiling and slithering, wet and hungry. There were no romantic preliminaries. However, Laura did not touch Carmela as they kissed, except to raise her fingertips once more to the girl's amazingly soft cheek.

They paused in their kiss long enough for Laura to look into her shiny black eyes again. "Can you stay for a while?" she whispered.

"I think so . . ." Carmela whispered back, her sensual lips parted, her pink tongue showing. "I think I like this."

Laura moved even closer now, enveloping the girl in her arms and digging her fingers through the gold velour into the firm resilient flesh of Carmela's back. She kissed her more hungrily than ever this time, driving her tongue deeply into Carmela's open mouth and feeling Carmela respond by stabbing back with her own, and clutching Laura's flesh too through her bathrobe.

"Mmmm, I like it too," Laura purred, now caressing the same amazingly smooth cheek she had been touching earlier with her fingertips with her lips, moving them down and in to Carmela's smooth black neck.

"Oooohhh!" Carmela erupted in shivers and peals of laughter and gasps. "God, that tickles and feels so good!"

Laura made sure it was not going to tickle this time by sucking the flesh of her neck sharply instead, not hard enough to leave a mark, but enough to make Carmela's shivers turn quickly to strong undulations, and her squeals turn to low, sensual moans.

"Ahhnnnnn! Ohnnnn! Oh god . . . oh god, Laura, that feels so good!"

Laura's lips reached her ear, and she took the whole thing into her warm, wet mouth, slithering her tongue into the center. Carmela whimpered and twisted in her arms, mewling and panting more rapidly. Laura now had her hands under the velour top, and her own bathrobe was coming open too. She was almost chewing Carmela's wet ear passionately, and Carmela was twisting and going wild.

"Unh! Oh! Unhhhh! Oh god . . . Laura . . ."

"Yes . . . honey," Laura breathed into her ear, nipping the shapely lobe as she lowered her mouth again to Carmela's neck. "Do you want me to stop?"

"Oh, no," Carmela panted, twisting in Laura's embrace. "Oh god, it's making me so hot."

Laura kissed her neck and her throat, moving her hands up Carmela's warm, smooth back underneath her top, kneading the flesh under her shoulderblades. She kissed her jaw, her cheek, her mouth again, a sharp, searing, demanding kiss. Laura was almost afraid of her own quick hunger for this girl and how suddenly it had consumed her and flowed out onto Carmela's lovely, twisting body.

"I want you . . . I want you . . ." she panted almost deliriously into Carmela's open mouth as she kissed her passionately.

"Oh god, Laura . . . I want you too!" Carmela gasped, now for the first time getting her own hands under the gaping fabric of Laura's bathrobe, cupping Laura's naked breasts with them and squeezing.

"Come with me into the bedroom. It's more comfortable in there."

"Yes," Carmela said, obediently, rising from the sofa as Laura gave her a hand up.

They held hands, Carmela trailing close behind, as they went down the short hallway to Laura's bedroom. There Laura drew her over to the bed. She was taller than Carmela, who looked up to her, her black eyes glistening, her mouth parted to reveal her fantastic even white teeth and the tip of her pink tongue. She looked both expectant and somehow shy, as if overwhelmed by this sudden physical desire Laura was displaying.

"It makes me so horny when you look at me that way," Carmela smiled, speaking softly.

"What way?"

"The way you're looking at me right now. God, it makes me wet."

"Mmmm, we might have to do something about that," Laura smiled and murmured.

Knowing that Carmela was captivated—as she was, too—by the exciting sexual magic of this moment, Laura slowly removed her bathrobe, letting Carmela's eyes slide down over her naked body. Ordinarily she was not such an exhibitionist, but lately, especially with Brad and with Amber, who both seemed bewitched by her body in a way that made Laura reawaken to her sheer physical appeal, she had become more aware of her ability to inspire urgent lust herself. And she could now see it in Carmela's shiny black eyes.

This darling girl wants to fuck me as much as I want to fuck her, she realized.

Instead of speaking, Carmela reached out and ran her slender black fingers along Laura's collarbone to her shoulder, then back to her throat and down between her naked breasts.

"You are so beautiful," she said softly. "Joy told me you were . . . but I didn't think you were this beautiful."

Laura took Carmela's wrist in her own fingers and moved the girl's hand sideways to one of her breasts, placing Carmela's palm firmly on top of it. At the same time she slid her other hand up under Carmela's soft velour top, this time in front, letting it come to rest on one of Carmela's warm, springy little globes. She squeezed.

"Let's take everything off," she whispered.

Carmela nodded and helped Laura, who was already naked, undress her. She raised her arms, and Laura pulled the gold velour top over her head. Carmela, of course, was a masterpiece, her flesh young and gleaming and black and firm, and Laura wanted to fall on and devour her naked upper body immediately but purposely summoned her self-control long enough to help Carmela slip out of her jeans and panties. Oh god, the rest of her is gorgeous too! she realized. Honey, you must be to die for in your little cheerleader's outfit.

Unlike her friend Joy, whose body was wildly desirable but unconventionally shaped—very long in the waist, long, very thin legs, high uptilted round breasts, modestly curved bottom—Carmela was beautifully proportioned. She was a few inches shorter than either Laura or Joy, but her legs were beautifully formed, her thighs full and hard, her calves gracefully curved. Her breasts were not as unusually round as Joy's but instead more gourd-shaped, very firm, and perfectly proportioned to the rest of her body, not too small, not too big, with large puffy nipples the color of light molasses. And she had a much fleshier and more out-curved ass than Joy's. It was not the equal of Dee Dee's—few were—but it was nonetheless delectable, and Laura could not take her eyes off it.

Carmela saw her looking and smiled in a pleased, self-satisfied way. "You like?" She turned it even further toward Laura so that Laura could take it in fully.

"Joy didn't tell me you were this beautiful either," Laura said softly. "I guess she wanted to keep us a secret from each other."

Carmela bubbled over with uncontrollable laughter at this. "I guess we'll show her, right?" she laughed.

Her marvelous firm breasts swayed and jiggled slightly as she laughed, a sight that made a sharp, hot arrow of lust shoot through Laura's body. Come here, my darling, and let Laura kiss you everywhere all over your body, Laura let her eyes telegraph to Carmela, holding out her hand, beckoning her toward the bed.

Together they stretched out on it, facing each other. Laura ran her fingertips along the delicious curve of Carmela's hip up to her waist. Then she let her hand slide into the small of Carmela's back and pulled her closer, close enough so that their breasts brushed and their nipples touched. Both of them looked down, and Carmela even took one of her breasts in her hand and guided her nipple into Laura's, just so they could feel the sweet sensation.

"God . . . I love that," she murmured, very faintly.

"Mmmm, I love this even more," Laura purred, nuzzling her smooth black shoulder and kissing all the warm smooth flesh between it and her neck. "And this," she breathed, kissing her throat, then her flawless upper chest. "And this . . ." she continued, moving her lips down to the upper slopes of Carmela's breasts.

By now her mouth was so close that it took only a small motion for Carmela to lift her breast just a little, and for Laura to open her lips and take the girl's round, puffy nipple inside. For some reason Laura felt marvelously warm and relaxed with Carmela, in no way overcome by sharp urgency, instead calm and sublimely at ease, her mouth luxuriating slowly in the pleasure of having Carmela's thick, soft, pulpy nipple inside it.

She didn't even suck it for a minute, instead letting the thick, silky wet bulb just rest there in her mouth, letting her tongue press against it and feel the erectile tissue grow taut and excited. If she moved her tongue back a little, she could feel the harder center nub of Carmela's large nipple pushing up from the surrounding puffed flesh and pressing into it. These sensations filled Laura's body with warm happiness and sexual throbbing, but what they did to Carmela was even more intense.

At first she watched, looking down at her nipple in Laura's mouth, waiting for Laura to suck, then half-swooning as she felt only Laura's tongue moving over her excited bulb. She quivered, then moaned softly.

"Ohhhhhh . . . Laura . . ."

Now Laura began to suck, but only a little, very slowly and gently. I could really get into this, she thought, now sliding her hands up to hold both of Carmela's firm young breasts, brushing aside Carmela's own hand. These are so beautiful. I just want to lie here and kiss and suck them forever.

"Do you like that?" she murmured, already knowing the answer.

"Yes . . ." Carmela gasped, breathing harder now. "You can . . . do it even harder, if you want to."

"Oh, I do . . . but not yet. First I want to explore every inch of these."

She proceeded to do this by licking both of Carmela's exquisite puffy nipples and kissing the springy, hard flesh of each breast, even the valley between them, then running her lips underneath to the bulging bottoms, then back up to one plump nipple, again sucking it into her mouth. Carmela watched every move and gnawed her lower lip when Laura finally sucked her nipple again into her mouth.

"Oh god. Please do it a little harder," she panted softly.

Laura could feel the girl's fingers digging through her hair into her scalp before she even realized that Carmela's hands had touched her head.

"Mmmm, you really do like it, don't you."

"Hhhhh! Hhhhh! Yes! Please . . . harder. A little . . . harder. Yes! Unhhh!"

Nothing like sucking a lovely girl's breasts to turn her into putty in your hands, Laura reflected, smiling, raising the heat level a little by sucking harder and squeezing too. By now Laura was moving back and forth from one shiny, swollen nipple to the other, giving each a long, sweetly passionate suck before returning to the other one, content almost to do this forever, she was getting such warm pleasure from it. Carmela's young, naked breasts were very beautiful, the centers of her nipples now protruding further, growing harder, and she too was enjoying Laura's skillful ministrations, learned through years of making love to other equally beautiful breasts.

I'll bet it's making her really wet, Laura realized, now pinching Carmela's wet, molasses-colored, stiffening nipples in her fingers between sucks, making the girl wince and whimper excitedly. Carmela writhed and squirmed, rolling half onto her back, with Laura half on top, her hands still holding Laura's head, as if she were afraid Laura would stop sucking her nipples, which was making her moan and pant almost hysterically.

"Is it making you wet?" Laura whispered.

"Ooonnuummmgghh! Oh god yes! Ahhnnnn! Oh! God, Laura, you've got me so hot!"

For a moment, Laura left Carmela's wet, excited breasts and slid up her body a little so that she could kiss her again. She kissed her neck, her smooth round shoulders, her cheek, her mouth, hungrily, still holding her breasts in her hands and squeezing them. Carmela's shiny black eyes were pulsing and roiling with hot need.

"Can I lick your pretty pussy?" Laura whispered, nipping her delicious black earlobe.

Carmela nodded, her expression suggesting that she could hardly believe it had taken this long for Laura to get around to it. She nodded again, more rapidly. "Please."

Laura started her descent. Again, she was in no hurry. Carmela had a beautiful, smooth, dark naked body, and Laura wanted to linger over every part of it. This time she avoided Carmela's luscious young breasts, but only momentarily, circling them with her lips, kissing the upper ripples of Carmela's ribs and then the smooth expanse of her midriff in the middle, then sliding her mouth up again between the two gorgeous mounds and cradling them in her palms and again sucking Carmela's nipples, this time sharply, more passionately than before, sucking them almost down her throat.

"Mmmnnnn! Oh! Oh!" Carmela gasped, now twisting so violently in the sheets that Laura was afraid they were getting ahead of themselves.

Maybe she's one of those lucky girls who can come this way, Laura thought, suddenly tempering the passion of her breast-rape, realizing that there was plenty of time to explore that possibility. Tonight she wanted this girl's sweet, wet, warm, black-and-pink pussy. I want to push my face right into it, she thought. I want to stick my tongue up into it so deep that she feels the tip of it tickling the back of her throat.

"Oh honey, you have such a beautiful body," she purred to Carmela as she kissed her way down the girl's taut, heaving stomach to her glistening, curly black patch, then skipped briefly over it and came face to face with Carmela's exquisite little puckered pussy, all creamy and inflamed and gaping for her. "Oh god, and such a beautiful pussy."

"Ohhhh! Oh!" Carmela gasped as Laura began to run the tip of her tongue along the swollen edges of her cunt.

Laura was well aware that she tended to idolize every beautiful vagina she came into contact with, making it, temporarily at least, in her mind the most gorgeous and perfect one she had ever seen or tasted. It was no different with Carmela's, a small, well-shaped, shell-like quim with a fiery red interior. Immediately after licking the edges, Laura slid her tongue directly into the center of it.

"Annngghhh!" Carmela groaned, writhing and straining suddenly, her back arching as she relished this penetration. "Ohhnnnnn god!"

Then she relaxed again and fell back to the mattress. With her thumbs Laura gently pushed up the little hood at the top of Carmela's pussy to expose the swollen, small, bronze-tinted seed of the girl's excited clitoris. Oh, I'm going to lick and suck this beauty, and you're going to go wild, girl, she thought, slowly licking the interior of Carmela's creaming, sweetly tangy pussy but also raising her tongue up a the same time toward its tiny target.

"Oh! Oh! Oh, I'm going to come!" Carmela suddenly gasped.

Before Laura knew what was happening, Carmela's fingers were scrabbling around her bare shoulders and looping under her armpits, pulling Laura up, pulling her away from Carmela's groin. The look in her eyes was desperate.

"Oh Laura . . . do me like you did Joy!" she panted, half hysterical with sex need. "You know . . . with your pussy. Like you did her. We tried it, but it didn't work. We couldn't come. But . . ."

But she knows she can come now, Laura thought, smiling warmly. She knows if I blow in her ear she'll come. She'll come if I even pinch her delectable bottom. Anything will make her come. She knows it.

"Oh honey . . . you can come," Laura reassured her softly. "You can come now . . . here . . . just move this way a little . . . leg up . . . that's it . . ."

In two seconds Laura had slipped one leg under Carmela's and scooted forward on the mattress so that their wet, open cunts were just inches apart. Knowing that the sensation Carmela was looking for was not simple humping and grinding but the actual mating of their hot, squirmy cunt flesh, she reached down with one hand to spread her pussy lips with her fingers.

"Now . . . do what I do, honey . . ." she coached.

She knew it hardly mattered since Carmela's pussy was already aflame, gaping and receptive. But the more exposed, hot, wet flesh they could press together, the more wonderful it would be, she knew, for both of them.

"That's it . . . hold it open . . . just a little . . . that's it . . . oh yesssss . . ."

"Mnnnnhhhh!" Carmela gasped, and her eyes rolled up briefly as they made contact, the hot, squinchy meat of their exposed cunts coming together.

It was indeed an electrifying moment, and Laura could feel her body sag too with thrilling sexual sensations, then grow taut and hungry again, almost immediately. The feeling of Carmela's warm, slippery, raw, wet inner cunt flesh against hers was so sweet and intense that she could hardly bear it and wondered if it had ever felt this good with anybody else.

Carmela was almost delirious, gnawing her lower lip, her black eyes glowing as she obediently gyrated her hips slowly in response to Laura's movements. Her eyes gazed worshipfully at Laura, and she quivered and twisted, her firm breasts lolling and swaying as Laura began to twist back and move her wet pussy against Carmela's. She realized that she too was so aroused that she would also come quickly. Just looking at Carmela's luscious, gleaming, black, naked body while she rubbed her hot pussy against the girl's smoldering wet honey pit was nearly enough to make her come instantly, without delay.

"Mmmnnn! Mnnnnn . . . nnnggeee!" she suddenly heard herself keening and humming, realizing that she was quickly going out of control herself, grinding her cunt into Carmela's more urgently, gasping, feeling Carmela's hot wet pussy sliding against her own and knowing that the climax was near for both of them.

"Oh yes . . . Laura . . . oh yes!" Carmela panted, suddenly gyrating her pelvis more rapidly, her lovely young breasts now swirling in tight circles, her thick dark nipples shiny and swollen, seemingly more bulbous and shiny than before, tempting candy for Laura's mouth. But she could not let them distract her from the finish line, which was near for them both.

"Oh baby . . . yes! Fuck me with your pussy . . . fuck me with your pussy . . ." Laura chanted to her, knowing that hot words often propelled most everyone, certainly her, over the top. "Oh yes . . . fuck me . . . fuck me harder . . . ohhhhhh!"

The last few seconds were a total chaos of wild panting and surging hips as they pumped each other into a furious, cataclysmic explosion of coming. Laura didn't even know when it began, when Carmela began to come, when she herself began to come. First they were thrusting and whimpering and keening and moaning semi-hysterically, then they were both convulsed by killing spasms and gasping and shrieking unbelievably.

Their loud, exuberant, half-tortured, intermingled screaming and whinnying filled Laura's bedroom, so that Laura could not differentiate her own cries from Carmela's as they thrashed about together, their groins gyrating together, their bodies twisting and flexing and throbbing, in the crumpled sheets.

"Auunnnn . . . auunnnnnggghhh!" Laura heard herself moaning in a harsh, guttural way, at first so blasted by her own orgasm that she could do nothing but grunt and pant and die. The hot, scarifying jolts ripped through her shuddering flesh. "Auunnnn . . . auunnnnnggghhh!"

Carmela was similarly overwhelmed but quickly recovered her breath and cried out in sharp ecstasy. "Annnggghhh! Ohhnnmmggnniieee! Unggh! Oh god . . . oh god Laura annngghhhhh!"

They thrashed and groaned for several more seconds before the spasms began to weaken, and their labored breathing grew more even, punctuated by fewer uncontrollable sighs and moans. Carmela's body went slack, and Laura took the opportunity to disentangle their limbs and swarm up over her luscious, shiny black flesh, now glowing with the thin film of sweat that such vigorous fucking had caused. She licked the sweat off Carmela's sweet body, running her tongue along the middle of Carmela's hard stomach up to the valley between her scrumptious breasts, then licking them too, licking her dark nipples hungrily, then licking her way up across her collarbones to her face.

"Oh god, you are heaven to fuck," she whispered to the girl, slithering her tongue immediately into Carmela's mouth, still slack and half-open from her crushing ecstasy.

They kissed for nearly a minute, but not the hungry, feverish kiss they had shared earlier. This kiss was slow and sweet and tender.

Carmela's eyelids fluttered as she seemed finally to come back to life. "God . . . you made me come . . . so hard. When Joy and I tried that, we couldn't come. We had to go back to our usual way." She stared wonderingly up into Laura's eyes, her own black eyes shiny and wide and unbelieving.

Laura kissed her nose. "You made me come too. Just looking at you makes me come."

Carmela's eyes widened even further. "Really?"

"I think you're so lovely," Laura murmured, kissing her nose again, then her mouth again. "I hope you don't have to go home yet."

Carmela smiled and shook her head. "There's nobody home at my house. My dad works nights. I would be scared, actually, to be there alone."

"I have an idea," Laura said. "I was going to take a shower. Why don't you take one with me?" She lowered her voice and her eyelids playfully. "It's so much fun to fuck in the shower, don't you think?"

"God, I've never done it! Are we going to make it again? So soon?"

Laura was captivated. She nuzzled Carmela's lovely damp neck, nipping it, sucking it. "We can do it again right here if you don't want to get wet," she purred.

"I think getting wet sounds like fun," Carmela panted softly. "God, you make me so horny, Laura. Joy and I usually don't do it more than once. Maybe twice . . . sometimes. But with you . . . I just feel like I want to do it a million times!"

Ummm, so do I, darling, Laura mused. If it's anything like that last one, we have a great future together. She slid off the bed, which was a disaster area after their vigorous, athletic fucking, the sheets and mattress pad all rilled and matted and crumpled. That's what you get for making it with a cheerleader, Laura told herself. This girl is strong.

She tugged Carmela after her with one hand. "Come along in here with me. I can't wait to get you all soapy and slippery."

Carmela stood patiently beside Laura while Laura got the shower going.

"You want to cover up your hair so it doesn't get all wet?" Laura asked her as she wound a towel turban-style around her own.

"I . . . guess so," Carmela grinned as Laura handed her a towel.

Laura knew from experience that it probably wouldn't matter. If they fucked as energetically in the shower as they had just done on the bed, the towels would be sopping wet on the floor in minutes.

"Here, I'll help," Laura said, winding the towel around Carmela's shiny black hair.

Carmela placed one hand on Laura's naked body. "God, look at our skin together," she said, in awe. "It's so beautiful. You're not really white, you're more like . . . you know what peach frozen yogurt looks like? You look peach. It look so great against me."

She pressed the palm of her hand into Laura's naked breast, cupping and squeezing it.

"And you don't look black," Laura purred to her, securing one end of the towel in the folds of the wrap. "You look like that rich, expensive chocolate, the really dark kind, that makes you die with pleasure when you put it in your mouth. You know?"

"I love the way we look together. It makes me just . . . want to do it again."

She beamed at Laura, who noticed that the tendrils of steam were already rising out of the shower stall. Laura giggled happily back at her. "Me too. Come in here with me, my sweet, and let me ravish your beautiful wet body."

She stepped into the shower stall and drew Carmela in behind her, then shut the glass door. I believe I'm going to explode with lust for this darling creature, she thought, running her hands all over Carmela's skin as it quickly became wet with the warm, streaming water. They kissed with the warm water drenching them, kissing slowly and passionately.

As they kissed, they ran their fingertips all over each other's wet flesh, but not in an urgent, grasping way but rather very slowly and sensually. Laura was so emotionally swept up in the moment that she actually closed her eyes as they kissed—Carmela, too—and had to remind herself to open them so she could fully enjoy the sight of Carmela's wet black skin, the silvery water beading on it and running off. She began to run her mouth up and down from Carmela's neck to her shoulder and back, licking the warm water up and sucking it down her throat, sucking the silky wet skin and flesh too.

"I want to swallow you the way I'm swallowing this water," she murmured, sucking one whole black ear into her mouth and slithering her tongue deeply into it.

"Oohhnnnn!" Carmela sagged in her arms.

Laura pushed her back a little against the tile wall so that she wouldn't fall. Still frenching Carmela's ear, she pushed her own wet body into the girl's, dropping one hand to Carmela's firm, wonderful young breasts, tweaking her thick nipples with her fingers. The steam filled their lungs, and the crashing water made Carmela's moans even more tortured as they echoed off the walls of the shower stall. God, I really am going to ravish her, I wasn't kidding! Laura realized as she consumed Carmela's wet, shiny black flesh in a hot frenzy, squeezing and licking and sucking it, lowering her mouth again to the girl's marvelous breasts and swollen caramel nipples.

It had been a long time since she had been naked in the shower with a beautiful girl—who was it: Jane, Ada?—and she was nearly overcome by the aesthetic thrill of Carmela's delicious young wet slippery body under her mouth and hands. She wanted to touch and lick and suck every inch of it. She restrained herself from instantly sinking to her knees and pressing her mouth into Carmela's exquisite young pussy because she wanted all of her body, all of it.

She sucked Carmela's wet, large, stiff nipples until Carmela was whimpering and gurgling, then turned her around by the shoulders so that she was facing the wall and Laura could kiss every delectable part of her wet back. She began by slipping her arms under Carmela's, embracing her from behind, pressing her own wet breasts and hard nipples into the shiny wet skin of Carmela's back and cupping Carmela's firm breasts again with her hands, kissing her neck from the back, then running her lips down to Carmela's shoulderblades.

"Ahhnnn!" Carmela moaned, gasping and sighing, sagging again a little, her head falling back against Laura's shoulder.

Already the towel around Carmela's hair was coming loose, but Laura was too busy to readjust it. "I love your body . . ." she whispered to Carmela as explored the firm dark flesh of the girl's wet back, trying to make her clotted, guttural whisper heard above the hot hiss of the shower water. "I just love your beautiful body, Carmela . . ."

She scissored Carmela's thick nipples between her fingers and sucked her wet neck.

"Ohhhhhh god . . . Laura! Ummnnnnggggg!"

By now Laura was sliding down, her mouth descending the beautiful, dark, wet, shiny expanse of Carmela's back, kissing the firm long muscles, nuzzling the girl's spinal shallow. Her hands were sliding down the slippery front of Carmela's body too, from her breasts to her hard stomach and then to her tight little pubic patch, all beaded with water droplets. Laura's mouth reached the firm round moons of Carmela's ass, and she began licking the water off them, and kissing and sucking them hungrily, letting her fingers in front dip below Carmela's pubic mound until they found her oozing, swollen pussy lips.

"Hhhhh!" Carmela gasped, her body jerking forward a little at this welcome intimacy, and her head falling back again. She planted her feet farther apart to give Laura easier access.

Carmela's whole dark body was glistening and shiny with water, and Laura was deliriously hungry for it, kissing and stroking and sucking it, maneuvering two fingers up into the warm, greasy channel of Carmela's flowing pussy, slurping up the water that ran off her hard round buns. The towel around her head had come nearly completely unwrapped by now and was hanging down, one end of it swiping against Laura's forehead as she passionately devoured Carmela's beautiful wet bottom and fingerfucked her juicy warm cunt.

"Ungghh . . . ungghhh!" Carmela grunted, nearly overcome by Laura's sharp sexual attack, slumping back against the shower wall, pressing her cheek against it with her eyes tightly shut, as if she would slide down it to the floor. "Unngghhh . . . ohhhh Laura!"

In the midst of this, with the shower water crashing and hissing all around them and warm rivulets running off their naked bodies, their panting almost as loud as the shower itself, Laura realized that her own towel turban had come loose and was drooping, soaked and heavy, around her shoulders. She desperately wanted to eat Carmela's pussy, so oily and tight and slippery against her probing fingers, and she hurriedly yanked the towel free from her head, then did the same to Carmela's, tossing them into the corner.

"Hold on to my shoulders, honey . . ." she gasped to Carmela, turning her once more so that her back was again to the wall, then falling quickly to her knees. "Hold onto my shoulders so you don't fall."

The shower stall was much too small and cramped for them both to slump to the floor. Laura guided Carmela's hands onto her own shoulders, then bent and pushed her mouth directly up into the girl's inflamed, gaping pussy, slithering her tongue into the warm gooey channel, tasting Carmela's copious cunt nectars and sucking them down her throat. She knew this was going to be quick because Carmela was so aroused and she herself was being so fiercely aggressive, just grabbing and sucking and eating her in hot frenzy of need, grabbing Carmela's taut, slippery buns with her hands and pulling the girl's crotch forcibly into her mouth, both of them aroused even further by the frantic hot rivets of the shower water drilling into their flesh.

"Ohhnn! Ohnnn!" Carmela gasped, her fingers digging into the wet flesh of Laura's shoulders as she undulated her groin up into Laura's mouth.

Usually Laura was at least patient and skillful, no matter how consumed by fierce lust, but at this moment she nearly lost control. Her fingers dug into the round, resilient, wet flesh of Carmela's beautiful ass, and her mouth ravished the girl's small, tart-tasting, flooding cunt, tongue-stabbing the gooey slit and sucking Carmela's clit so ravenously that Carmela began to come before either of them knew she would. Suddenly, without warning, Laura could feel Carmela's body shudder deep within, as if rocked by a tumultuous inner explosion.

"Unnaaunngghhh!" she groaned in a sharp, stricken tone of voice, twitching and falling forward onto Laura's crouched body, as if she were going to collapse. "Unnaaunngghhh! Ohnnnn shit!"

Laura herself was overcome by a wild jumble of feelings. The chaos of hot water and steam and noise and Carmela's sudden whooping and convulsing was fiercely exciting to her, and she could taste Carmela's discharge of extra pussy juice flooding her mouth as the girl came hard. She was also made so wildly horny herself by Carmela's crushing, exuberant orgasm that she wanted desperately to thrust one hand between her own flexing thighs and bring herself off quickly, so that she too could come, climax at the same time as Carmela, mingle their ecstatic cries together.

She was prevented from doing this by Carmela's sagging body, so much heavier now that it was pressing down on her back. In the aftermath of her powerful, sudden orgasm Carmela was sagging and drooping so heavily onto Laura that Laura had to do everything she could to keep them both from sliding to the floor of the shower stall. At the same time, Carmela was apparently still coming, or at least skimming over the abundant aftershocks of her climax. Her dark, shiny, wet body still twitched and jerked, and she gasped and whimpered, slumping over Laura's back, her hard thick nipples rubbing across Laura's wet skin.

"Oh yes . . . honey, oh yes!" Laura panted to her, maneuvering to push Carmela up so she herself could stand up again.

She could still feel and taste Carmela's sweet, tart cunt juices all over her mouth, inside and out. Oh god, what a sweet girl, and what a sweet pussy! she thought. I could've kept eating it like that forever. It was over too fast!

The hot water was still beating against their bodies, and Laura was again sucking it up as it rolled down Carmela's shoulders, and her delicious firm breasts. Laura was still consuming her, running her open mouth all over Carmela's luscious, shiny black body, squeezing her resilient young flesh everywhere, pressing her own body into Carmela's, desperate to come now herself. Oh god . . . oh god . . . I'm so close! She realized. I want it too! Honey, I want to come too!

By now Carmela was reviving a little, coming back to life, and she began running her fingers over Laura's wet body too, pulling Laura's face up to hers and kissing her too.

"God, Laura, it was so good," she said softly, so softly that through the hiss of the shower Laura could barely hear her. "So good . . . I want you to come, too. Here . . . let me make you come."

"Oh yes!" Laura whimpered, almost hysterically. "Yes . . . yes!"

"Here . . . lean back . . . just like you did with me . . ."

Carmela quickly sank to her knees, intelligently pulling over the wad of wet towels from the corner of the shower stall to kneel on. Only at this point did Laura realize that they were both drenched completely, their hair matted in wet tangles and twisted into unusual sopping wet shapes. If anything Carmela looked even more beautiful to her now, her black hair glistening and glued to her head in odd swatches, as she crouched in front of Laura's spreading thighs, looking up at her worshipfully, her pretty dark face beaded with shower droplets, and clearly ready to give Laura's pussy the hot treatment Laura had just given hers.

She lowered her eyes to Laura's crotch and carefully spread away the fluff of Laura's wet pubic hair with her thumbs.

"Oh Laura, you have such a pretty pink pussy!" she exclaimed, looking up again briefly and smiling. "I'll bet it's all ready for my tongue, isn't it."

Laura was already gnawing her lower lip, nearly unable to stand the tension. She nodded. "God, yes!"

"Oh Laura umnngghhnhhummmm . . ." Carmela said, not even stopping as she pushed her lips into Laura's inflamed slit.

"Unhhhh!" Laura grunted softly in shocked pleasure, having anticipated this but somehow never dreaming it would be so intense, this feeling of Carmela's sensual lips against her pussy for the first time.

I've felt this a thousand times, she realized. Why is it so sweet this time? But Carmela ramped up the tension very quickly, and all thoughts left Laura's brain as she surrendered to the almost unbearable pleasure of having her pussy eaten and her body hurtle toward a quick, scorching climax.

Carmela did not dilly dally around. She went after Laura's pulsing pussy like there was no tomorrow, slurping and sucking and stabbing it with her tongue. Laura nearly came unglued. She too slumped forward, as Carmela had done, her body suddenly permeated by sweetly intense sexual throbbing, and had to purposely pull herself more or less upright again, since Carmela was devouring her cunt like a demon.

Laura pressed her palms into the girl's shiny wet shoulders and held on. "Unnnn . . . unnnnn!" she could hear her own half-demented moans above the steady his of the shower water.

Wreaths of steam swirled around her as she gyrated her cunt into Carmela's mouth, breathing the steam deep into her lungs as she began panting even more rapidly, keening, careening toward the finish line. Carmela's tongue seemed to wiggle up deeply into her cunt, the way Amber's had. God, I didn't notice her tongue was that long, Laura thought briefly, before being nearly set on fire by a fresh jolt as Carmela took her clit into her mouth and began tonguing it passionately.

"Oh! Oh god . . . yes! Ungghhhh! Yes!" Laura whimpered, sagging against the tile wall and yet pushing her crotch even more aggressively into Carmela's face as she knew she was only seconds away from erupting in a ferocious climax.

She tried to keep her fingers from clawing Carmela's gleaming wet shoulders. The rivets of shower water were beating against her naked breasts, stimulating her hard nipples at the same time that Carmela was trying to swallow her pussy, and Laura suddenly dissolved in hot coming before she even knew it was upon her. A molten uprushing stream of scalding lava ecstasy shot up from where Carmela's mouth was glued to her throbbing pussy and burst through her body, filling her veins with unbearable pleasure and weakening her muscles, so that she began to slide to the floor, still aching and quivering as the spasms rocked her.

"Auunggghhhh! Ummnnggggnnggeeee! Oh! Oh! Ungghhh!" she cried out, hearing her own screams echo loudly through the shower stall.

Now it was Carmela's turn to prop her up, to keep her from falling, and since she had accomplished her task and brought Laura to a loud, shuddering orgasm, she now stood up, pushing Laura up too, and holding her back against the wall, cooing to her and kissing her neck and shoulders while Laura slowly felt the hot spasms begin to dissipate. It took a while, and she held onto Carmela, panting, feeling the wet springiness of Carmela's sweet young flesh under her fingertips, and feeling the water, now that the sexual sensations were diminishing, which had grown lukewarm and was on the way to quickly becoming tepid.

They had been in the shower stall fucking long enough for the hot water to run out. "God, it's getting cold, isn't it," she shivered, laughing in the aftermath of her thrilling climax, burrowing her face into the Carmela's wet body between her neck and one glistening wet shoulder. "We've been in here a long time."

Carmela was glowing and beaming, her black hair thoroughly soaked and matted against her ears and forehead. She looked to Laura good enough to fuck forever. She only realized again that her own hair was also plastered to her head when Carmela, smiling, showing every inch of her gleaming white teeth, raised one hand to it and smoothed it with her fingers.

"You are drencho," she said, laughing. "God, we are sex maniacs."

Laura laughed and reached over to shut off the water. "We better dry off before we freeze."

But Carmela wouldn't let her leave the stall. She pulled Laura back, embracing her. "Not yet. I want one last feel of our wet bodies together like this." She looked up at Laura dreamily.

They were wet and cold, but as they embraced the heat of their bodies each warmed the other. Laura kissed her very romantically, and Carmela kissed back. Finally, they stepped outside and Laura grabbed fresh towels from the shelf. They dried off each other's body and hair and returned to Laura's bedroom, where Carmela saw the bedside digital clock and gasped.

"Oh shit, if I'm not home when my mother gets back, I'll catch it," she said.

"What time is she getting back?" Laura asked, already pulling her back toward the bed.

But Carmela was pulling in the other direction, towards the pile of her clothes in the chair. "She said by seven-thirty. It's five after seven."

Laura pouted. "I was hoping you could stay. We only got started."

Carmela was already half-dressed, pulling on things in a frantic hurry, and she looked at Laura in mock disbelief. "Started? I usually don't come twice even with Joy. What are you trying to do, kill me?"

"I would never do that," Laura shook her head. "One, I'm a lover, not a killer. Two, I want to do it with you over and over again."

Carmela suddenly grew serious, pulling on her gold velour top and fluffing out her hair with her hands, trying to dry it quickly. She came over to Laura. "Joy might not like it if we get too close. I think she kind of thinks you belong to her."

"There may be only one solution to that," Laura said, bending forward and kissing her shiny black nose. "We'll just have to make sure we belong to each other."

Carmela burst into a broad grin and would have blushed had she not been so black. "Wow, what a good idea! When can we do it?"

Laura shrugged. "How should I know? When is she coming back?"

"Probably this weekend."

Laura walked her to the door, unable to resist running one hand again across Carmela's taut bottom, which swayed a little as she walked. "I'm afraid my weekend is already committed," she said, thinking of Sara. "Maybe some night next week."

"Should I just tell her?" Carmela asked as Laura went down the steps with her to the dark blue Pontiac.

"Why don't you let me? Maybe she'll react better if she hears it from me, so you don't look like you were trying to do anything behind her back."

Carmela sighed and twinkled. "You're right. God, Laura, I thought I wasn't horny any more after that . . . but now you've got me all hot again just thinking of it."

Not wanting to kiss her right out in the open, Laura merely caressed her smooth black cheek with one finger. "Me too. Drive carefully up the hill, okay? Don't want to wreck big brother's car."

She winked at her and watched Carmela get in and drive off. She thought of Joy and Carmela together as she walked back up the steps and went inside, locking the door behind her. God, she's right, she thought. The idea of being in bed with both of them at once had heated her up again too, and she felt suddenly very melancholy that Carmela had had to leave.





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