Laura - Chapter 280



Laura tried not to let her disappointment and puzzlement over her experience with Joy trouble her too long. There would be time to mend it. Somehow she would think of a way to coax a shattering orgasm out of that lovely, lean, honey-gold body.

Meanwhile, her 'date' with Brad Dickinson was set for the next evening. Though she had blown hot and cold about it, as the hour approached she had been unable to come up with a convincing excuse and grew more resigned. I'm sure we'll have a nice, expensive meal in a great restaurant, she thought. He'll take me home and try to fuck me. I'll let him. What the hell, it might be fun for a change. He's handsome and rich. What have I got to lose?

This devil-may-care attitude was definitely not Laura's usual outlook, but she thought that trying to adopt it for the present might be good practice. Lots of people, apparently, were able to live their lives this way, and maybe it wouldn't hurt her to try it on for size.

He picked her up promptly at six in front of her office building, as he had promised. He was driving a dark blue Miata with the top down and acted very gentlemanly by getting out of the car and coming around to open the door for her. He was dressed in an expensive Armani suit and handed her a small bouquet of red carnations as she got into the car.

"My god, I feel like I'm in a movie or something," Laura said, as he drove off.

Brad grinned over at her. "You're sure beautiful enough to be in one." He swerved to avoid a drunk who was half-sprawled across the edge of an intersection. "Ever think of trying for it? I know some people down in Hollywood. Maybe I could introduce you."

Laura blushed. Fortunately, she knew he was paying attention to the traffic, winding through the narrow streets toward North Beach, and couldn't really see her face suffused with a hot rosy glow. Nevertheless, she held the red carnations to her nose and pretended to sniff them, feeling that would hide her blush, or at least make it less apparent since there was so much red in the same place.

Naturally he had been telling the truth about his standing table at Fleur de Lys, where they were greeted like royalty and fussed over in a way Laura had never experienced before.

"You're a regular here, I take it," Laura smiled, unfolding a thick white linen napkin.

Brad grinned. "Lunch three or four times a week. The perils of a political life."

Laura, who paid little attention to city politics, recalled that his name had been mentioned as a forthcoming mayoral candidate. She formed a little platform under her chin with her interlaced fingers and looked intently deep into his eyes.

"Tell me about it. The political life."

Working in corporate communications for her company made Laura an expert at drawing out other people in order to gauge their concerns, needs, possibilities, and she effortlessly allowed Brad Dickinson to talk about himself and his world for the next two hours. Being a rich young man and a promising politician to boot, he easily took the bait and launched into a narrative of his exploits and the knotty conundrums he faced trying to become mayor of a city where most people were not rich and frequently resented, sometimes violently, those who were.

Fortunately, he also had a sense of humor. When Laura's eyes began to glaze over a little during coffee, he appeared embarrassed.

"But enough about me," he grinned. "I think I would've put most people to sleep by now."

Laura shook her head, smiling. "It was fascinating."

In truth, though, she had only been paying half attention. He was very good-looking and intelligent, and since it had been a long time since she had even considered being with a man, she found herself having vague fantasies about how he behaved in bed. Would he be smooth and confident and suave, kissing her romantically, bringing her along slowly? Or would he be rough and urgent, harsh, strong, and demanding, wanting her to suck his cock, wanting her to take it up the ass?

And would she? Laura realized she was getting a little wet contemplating all this. How odd these stiff courtship rituals were. You spent all this time at an elegant, high-priced, ingeniously cooked meal. Being treated like royalty by restaurant staff. Drinking impossibly expensive wine. Then the guy tried adroitly, if he had a smooth manner, to get you to return to his place with him, or at least to let him come in with you. If he succeeded in either, it might be another hour before he really tried to take your clothes off. During all that time, both of you were playing cat and mouse, wondering who would make the next move.

"So . . . tell me about the bracelet," Brad said, pointing to the silver tennis bracelet that Amber had sent her, which made Laura's pulse flutter a little each time she put it on. "Gift from an admirer?"

"You could say that," Laura murmured, running a fingertip along it, touching a few of the sapphires.

"Would he be jealous to find you were here with me?"

Laura smiled and quit caressing the bracelet. She realized that she had seemed suddenly very touched by it, which was true. She was still touched by Amber's gesture in sending it. But if he wanted to assume it was a man who had given it to her, let him assume. It made the situation even more amusing. On the other hand, maybe he was only trying to make sure he wouldn't be assaulted by a raging, homicidal boyfriend as they left the restaurant.

Laura shook her head. "Not the jealous type."

Brad smiled back, as if satisfied by this answer. "How about coming back to my place with me and playing a little pool? You know how to play pool?"

"I had a boyfriend when I was in college who played it a lot. I mostly watched."

"How about it?"

So this is the way we're going to spend the next hour, until you try to fuck me, Laura thought. She smiled alluringly at him and agreed. The valet brought his Miata around, and in twenty minutes they arrived at his Pacific Heights mansion. Brad explained that he had inherited this magnificent old home, which was really too big for one man, but had never seemed to be able to get around to selling it. He had a very large mahogany-paneled pool room.

"I told the servants to take the night off, so I hope you aren't frightened to be alone with me. I can assure you that my position in the city and my political future both ensure that I would never do anything that wasn't totally on the up and up."

Laura gave him an amused grin. "I'm sure you won't. I'm not worried."

On the other hand, if I whimper too loudly when you slide it up my booty, there will be no one to hear me, will there, she thought. He taught her how to play several varieties of billiards, and within a half hour he was leaning across her back to adjusting her cue technique. It was only natural that during one of these episodes his lips should brush Laura's cheek, then her earlobe.

Finally! she thought, turning her face to his, offering her mouth. He took the offer and in seconds they were kissing hungrily, leaning against the pool table. Even now, though, Brad was the perfect gentleman. True, his fingers bit into the flesh of her arms, then her back, and his kiss was very searching, demanding. But he did not try to rip off her clothes, force his hand into her crotch, squeeze her breasts. He was calm and patient, kissing her neck, whispering in her ear how lovely she was.

"Why don't you take me some place more comfortable," she whispered to him. "Some place where we can stretch out."

Without a word, Brad took her by the hand and led her out of the pool room, up the spiral staircase, and down a long hallway to a huge bedroom full of ornate mirrors, an ormolu clock, and two fireplaces. They were both equipped with gas logs, and he fired one up, turning to down to mere flicker, then returned to Laura.

"Would you like some champagne . . . or are you all 'wined out,' as they say?"

Laura had to laugh, softly. These rich people and their champagne. She recalled how Amber had immediately popped the cork on an outlandishly expensive bottle, and now he was doing the same.

"I could drink maybe one," she said, demurely.

After all, if I could afford champagne like this, I might drink it all the time too, she thought. They clinked glasses and drank about half of the champagne at one gulp. It'll probably be pretty flat by the time we get back to it, Laura thought, giving Brad a sultry look, as if to let him know she was ready. Rock me, baby, her eyes told him. I'm ready for it. You can do it hard.

The amused, flinty look in his eye told her he had got her message. Both of them immediately began to feel excitingly giddy from having gulped down the champagne so fast, which seemed to make things happen extra fast too, as well as smoothly, as if they were gliding through a paradoxically rapid and yet slow-motion approach to an inevitable sexual moment. As he walked toward her after depositing his champagne glass on a small table near the fireplace, Laura, feeling extraordinarily aggressive, dropped slowly to her knees.

As if she were well-practiced at this, even though she had not done it months, maybe even years, when he stopped right before her, she unzipped his fly and snaked her fingers inside, quickly freeing his cock, which was already stiff and surging, a twitching reddish stalk of lust.

"Mmmm, you must enjoy being with me," she murmured, looking up at his face while curling her tongue around the bulbous head of his prick. "You're very hard already."

It was a beautiful, hot, throbbing cock. Not really huge, like some she had known, like Rob's, or Danny's, or Eric's. Certainly not in a league with Marshall's monster. But Brad's cock was still of a respectable size, especially thick, thicker than most, and beautifully shaped, slightly curved or bowed as it ascended, flaring at the top, and standing as fierce and proud and as hard as a shaft of marble, though very hot under her fingertips. It was a thrilling experience to feel such power in your hands, she realized, something maybe she had missed.

"It's hard not to get excited by looking at you," he panted, looking down at Laura as she began to lick his magnificent cock from top to bottom, before sucking it into her mouth. "Ah . . . ah!" he gasped, clenching his teeth.

She let the bulging wet head of his prick out of her mouth almost as quickly as she had taken it inside. "Oh no . . . you're not going to come yet," she smiled up at him. "No so fast. I want you in me. I don't want to wait. You have to have self-control. I want to suck this beautiful thing, but I don't want him to spurt yet. How about it?"

Brad, though he was clearly overwrought, grinned down at her. "Let's take this off, okay?" he said, beginning to strip off his shirt, then unbuckle his belt, a task that Laura quickly took over for him.

"Good idea," she panted softly, trying not to hurry.

In only seconds working together they had his clothes off, and he was pulling off his shoes, shedding his trousers, which were collapsed around his ankles. He reached down and grabbed Laura's wrist, lifting her to her feet and pulling her over to the bed. Carefully, as if he had done this many times before, he unbuttoned her expensive silk blouse and peeled it away from her body, exposing one of her sexiest black lace bras, which dipped deeply between her small, upswept, perfectly-shaped breasts. The bra made her cleavage seem deeper than it really was, and she could see the fire leap up in Brad's eyes as he looked at it.

Laura, knowing how much it excited her to watch a delicious half-naked girl remove her own bra, pulled back from him a little, flirting, and put her hands behind her back for the clasp, a motion that made her breasts, though small, jut forward provocatively.

"You like?" she teased.

Brad was frozen, transfixed, staring at her breasts and bra. He nodded slowly, swallowing.

Slowly, Laura unclasped the black bra and let it go limp but still held it loosely in place. She let the cups slide down inch by inch, watching his eyes as her naked breasts came completely into view. It was a thrill for her as much as it was for him. Usually, though she knew she had delicious little breasts herself, she was the one doing the looking, the slavering, the lusting, the slow, hot burn of desire as she watched her lover's breasts being exposed: Sara's amazing breasts and large, soft, black nipples, Dawn's large globes, Joy's pretty doves, Shontay's tiny teacups, all of them luscious and wildly desirable to her. But this time she got to be the center of attention herself, letting the black lace conceal her nipples until the last moment, relishing the glint of fiery lust in Brad's eyes.

Finally, she let the cups fall away. She batted her eyelashes at him playfully. "I want you to put that big hot thing right here," she murmured, pointing at the small valley between her naked breasts.

"Why don't you take off the rest first?" he said in a hoarse, clotted voice. "We might get carried away."

"You know, you're right," Laura smiled.

Though she was tempted to just rip everything off in haste, knowing that both of them were reaching the breaking point, she purposely forced herself to disrobe slowly. Every smooth, delicious inch of her skin appeared gradually as she inched off her skirt, then turned on the bed to give him a good view of her ass as she slid her panties slowly down her thighs.

This was more than Brad could take, finally. He crossed the short distance between them in a flash, scooping Laura up against his hard, angular body and running his hands feverishly all over her naked flesh. He kissed and sucked her neck, her shoulder, squeezing her breasts so that she could feel the rough skin of his palms against her sensitive nipples, which excited her further.

"Oh . . .yes," she panted. "Here . . . let me get these off."

She freed herself from his grasp long enough to finally disengage her panties from her ankles, then flung them across the room just in time to flow together with his next lustful lunge. Brad kissed her mouth hard, driving his tongue deep into it, and Laura ran her hand down to find his cock, which was hot and jumping and very stiff, a fat, gristly stalk of hot flesh.

"I want it here," she panted. "Put it here . . . at least for a few seconds."

"It might go off," Brad grinned, panting too. "You're goddamned beautiful."

"Thanks for the compliment," Laura said, , looking up at him wryly, quickly shifting her body so that she could get his hot, very hard cock between her breasts. "Now . . . you just let Mama play with him . . . and don't let him go off. You have to have a little self-control," she teased him, stroking the sides of his hot, thick shaft with the warm balls of her naked breasts.

Brad, she knew, was only a little older than she, maybe thirty-five, thirty-six. He couldn't possibly be like those young kids Eric, and Danny, who would shoot if you even smiled at their erect cocks. He had to be able to control it better by now, didn't he?

But as she looked down at his thick, warm, twitching prick nestled between her naked breasts, she truly wondered. His body was tense, he was breathing hard, and his cock visibly throbbed, the head of it ballooning dangerously. Do I dare touch it with my tongue? she wondered. I mean, I don't want to be hanging around here for an hour waiting for him to get it back. I'm a little horny myself, here. I want to be rammed.

"If I kiss him, he won't shoot, will he?" she asked softly, looking up into his eyes in her most coquettish manner.

"I . . . don't know . . . unghh!" he gulped hoarsely, looking down at his swollen cock between Laura's small, luscious globes. "I might not be able to help it! Laura . . . you've got me so hot!"

"Careful . . . careful . . ." Laura soothed him, pushing the small balls of her firm breasts against the stiff shaft of his cock. "Let him get used to it . . ." she purred, "let him get used to being smothered in Laura's pretty boobs."

Gently, she massaged his hot cock with her naked breasts, rubbing her thick coral nipples all over the shaft, stabbing them with the bulbous head of it, looking up to see him wince as he exerted all his effort not to come prematurely. As she did this, she could feel a happy little clenching in her asshole and knew what she wanted, what it wanted, what she was going to have quickly, if she didn't carelessly trip his trigger too soon.

Already a thick, warm, transparent fluid was leaking from the eye of his stiff cock, and she rubbed it all over her nipples, feeling her own blood beginning to hammer through her hot flesh and seethe with fuck need. She looked up at him with a soft, winsome, half-demure expression on her face.

"I want you to fuck me in the ass first," she whispered, watching the disbelief and excitement spread through his features as he realized what he was hearing. "I'll bet you want to know why."

Brad nodded rapidly, and she could also feel his hard cock flex and stiffen even more in her fingers. Oh, Laura thought, looks like all three of us want him to go in there.

"I know you're going to come fast," she explained. "I can feel him about ready to pop right now."

"Understatement of the year," Brad grinned, panting, as she peppered the thick, iron-hard shaft of his cock with hot little kisses.

"When you fuck me in my pussy, I want it to be long . . . and slow . . . and passionate," Laura murmured. "First I want a hard pounding in my ass. Short, but hard and hot."

Brad gracefully pulled away from her, getting his hard, jumping cock out of her hands, unwilling to put up with any more of the sweet torture Laura was putting it through. He dragged her down on the sheet next to him, running his hands along her naked back to her smooth round buns.

"You better be careful what you're saying," he laughed. "You've almost got me coming already just listening to you."

Laura kissed him and stuck her tongue in his ear, feeling his hands rise to her breasts and squeeze them urgently. "I want you to fuck me in the ass," she repeated. "My little asshole is dying to be hammered."

"I don't have any oil or anything," Brad panted, now dropping his mouth to one of her nipples and tonguing it.

"Suck it hard!" Laura panted back, suddenly grabbing his head in both hands and holding his mouth there. "Suck it harder."

Laura had always wondered why men, who seemed to be so extravagantly enamored of tits, frequently went no farther than hastily licking and gently squeezing them, when actually a good, passionate, ravenous sucking was what one needed. Usually one had to rely on another woman for that, a woman who already knew how it felt and what it could ignite.

"If I do, I'll come before I can get it in," Brad panted.

Laura smiled. "I know. Sorry. Maybe after."

She knew what he was saying because she too could almost come from the joy of sucking another woman's delicious swollen nipples. In some circumstances it could be just what it took to send you over the edge. Not wanting that to happen this time, she quickly shifted the mood by rolling off the bed and finding her purse. Quickly she extracted from it the small bottle of baby oil she always kept with her, just for emergencies like this one.

She flipped the cap open and again approached his throbbing spike of flesh. "Do you want to put a towel down first? To protect the sheet?"

Brad clenched his teeth, half-grinning at her methodical style, half consumed by sexual need. He shook his head. "Who can wait?"

She handed him the small plastic bottle. "Here, take this and make me ready. When you can get two fingers in, I can handle it."

She stretched out on her stomach, with her ass slightly uptilted to him, and lay her cheek on her crossed wrists. She didn't mind coaching him on how to proceed since she had no idea if he had ever done this before and also knew how hungry he was for her naked body. We want a hard, short, fierce fuck here, she thought, not a clumsy, brutal rape.

But it turned out that she had nothing to worry about with Brad. He was still the consummate gentleman, even though nearly overcome by sharp sexual hunger. In fact, for a few seconds he could only stroke and admire Laura's naked ass, running his fingers over the beautiful smooth moons, slipping them gingerly into the crack between, enjoying the fine curve of Laura's flesh. This aroused Laura completely. She had already been hot, and this gesture made her hotter.

Oh yes! she thought. Yes. Do it. You love my ass, don't you.

"God, Laura you are beautiful," he whispered in awe.

"Don't adore me . . . just fuck me," she found herself saying, quoting one of Sara's favorite expressions, then giggling as she realized what she was doing.

It was an infectious giggle and caught Brad up in her amusement too. He laughed. "Okay, I understand my duty."

He oiled his fingers and began slowly to probe her ass, making Laura coo and squirm as she felt the welcome invasion. Oh shit, am I going to come hard. For a moment time seemed suspended. They had dined, they had chatted, they had played billiards, then had kissed . . . but now they were submerged momentarily in some slow-motion, underwater ritual where their naked bodies were synchronizing, joining in a sensual rhythm that was preparing their flesh for an imminent cataclysm.

Laura was now more in tune with Brad's naked, masculine body than anything else. It was not his mind, his wit, his gentleman's manners, his relaxed confidence that concerned her but his hard flesh. Brad had a compact, athletic body with the hardness that came from frequent workouts or vigorous games like racquet ball. His hands were strong, and firm, and within seconds he had her moaning and twisting. With his right hand he probed her anus, preparing it for the ultimate invasion, and with the other he rubbed Laura's wet pussy skillfully.

"Ohhnnnnn!" she moaned, writhing a little, looking back over her shoulder. "Yes . . . I think . . . I think I'm ready for it."

She watched while he withdrew his hands from her crotch and quickly spread more baby oil over his cock, which was now raging and swelling beyond belief. Laura knew a few hard jabs would be enough to make it spurt. His cock, as she had noted earlier, was average in size, not a monster like some others she had known, though perhaps a little thicker in girth, but now that it was all shiny with oil and tumescent and thumping like a purplish erect salami, it looked much bigger.

Brad saw her looking at it. She had no idea what expression he must have perceived in her face, but he broke into a smile. "You want it?"

Laura nodded. "I want it. Take it easy at first, but then give it to me hard and fast."

"I don't want to hurt you, Laura," he panted as he positioned himself between her spread thighs, behind her slightly uptilted ass.

"You won't."

She held her breath as he began to slip his greased, phenomenally stiff prick into her ass. He had prepared her so well, using two fingers as she had suggested, and Laura was already so aroused that the penetration was not as difficult as she had expected.

"Oh god . . . that's tight!" Brad grunted softly, gasping as if in pain as he inched it into her.

"Oh!" Laura pinched off a cry with her teeth. Tears sprang to her eyes once again. "Oh! Just take it slow . . . that's it . . . yes! Unhhh!"

Finally, the whole shaft was sunk in her ass. Laura had had the ribbed strap-on dildo and the lower appendage of the Double Penetrator in her ass many times over the past few months, but it seemed years since she had had an actual, live, hot cock up her back passage. She couldn't even remember who it had belonged to. But this one, even though it was human flesh, felt harder than any rubber or plastic dildo she could remember. It felt like a hot piece of iron pipe in her ass, with a swollen knob on the end of it, and she began to quiver and moan excitedly as Brad started moving it in and out of her.

It was also thick and fat, as well as hard as a rock. Maybe because it was so thick, she felt more crammed and split by it than usual.

"Unggh! Ohnmmgg! Unghh!" she groaned as he slid his hard pole in and out slowly. "Oh shit." She winced as he sunk the fat shaft deep in her ass.

One of her hands darted, almost instinctively, down to her wet pussy, and she began to rub her clit rapidly, spastically, since she knew killing explosions were near. Brad now held her hips in his strong hands, pushing deeper, his body tense and driving for sexual release. And yet he saw or felt her groping in her own crotch and with one hand quickly brushed her hand aside, replacing it with his own, massaging her swollen clit vigorously as he began to fuck her harder.

"Oh yes! Unghh!" Laura panted, wincing, grimacing as the huge fat piston of his stiff prick impaled her again and again. "Ohnnggg yesssss!"

"Annggh!" Brad grunted softly, spearing her, now rising up over her back and fucking her from above more than from behind, drilling his stiff cock down into her body. "Angghh! Oh . . . Laura! Unghh!"

"Yes! Yes! Do it hard!" she half-yelped at him, nearly incapacitated by the fierce pumping he was now giving her plundered asshole.

Even though it seemed like an eternity, she knew they had only been doing it about thirty seconds. He had only thrust into her four or five times, but she knew he was going to pop any second, and she was too. That knowledge made almost any quick roughness bearable, since she knew it wouldn't last.

"Oh! Unghhh! Aiinngghh! Are you going to come!" she whimpered to him. "Are you going to come, baby?"

Brad was clenching and pumping and gasping maniacally, gripping Laura's body hard, his fingers biting into her flesh, fucking her sharply, so overcome by sexual need that he could barely speak.

"Ungghh! Oh yes!" he panted. "Right now! Unghh!"

"Awwoonngg!" Laura howled, feeling his hard, fat cock stab into her ass one last time. "Unnmmgghhppfff . . . oh god oh god!"

She could feel his cock spewing hot spurts of jism deep in her bowel, which clenched frantically as her own orgasm swelled up inside her womb and burst through her straining flesh.

"Auunnrrrghhhh!" she heard Brad cry out, a loud, strangled cry of anguish and fierce pleasure.

Then everything was obliterated in a fierce rush of punishing ecstasy that overwhelmed her. The hot jets of cum shooting deep into her clenching rectum triggered her own climax in a flash, and her body almost buckled under the force of it, jackknifing up off the bed, even though Brad's angular, tension-hard body had slumped forward onto her.

"Oouungghh!" she howled in a wild groan. "Anngghmmnniieeee!" The first spasm of her orgasm was so strong that she even had the power to fling him up too in her reflexive motion, and then they both fell back to the mattress, Laura keening and moaning, Brad gasping and trying to hold her steady as she continued coming. "Owwnnmmnnggiieeee!" Laura cried out, squirming and dying of pleasure under him.

After that she didn't know what happened for a few seconds, surrendering totally to the throbbing, feathery aftershocks of this tumultuous climax, hearing Brad's breath chuffing in her ear until it returned to a semblance of normal and he began to push himself up and extract his wilting cock from her tight anal orifice. Laura shook herself back to consciousness as she felt him climb off her back. Her asshole was still tingling and fluttering a little from the invasion. She could, it seemed to her, still feel the gobs of warm jism he had left in it.

"Mmmmm, that was a pretty good start," she smiled over at him, reaching out tenderly to stroke his now-limp cock. "He is a tiger."

Brad grinned and gave her an embarrassed, but also proud, little chortle. "It's a wonder he wasn't defanged by that hot little pincher of yours. God, Laura, I've never had a piece like that in my life."

She patted his damp, limp, still pleasingly thick cock with her fingers. "Don't you worry, sport, you're going to have one even better in a few minutes, when he gets his juice back. Now, point me to the bathroom where I can clean up a little, okay?"

"Down that way," he pointed. "There's even a bidet, if you want to use it. My mother was French."

"So that's why you're so hot in the sack," Laura winked at him as she left.

The bathroom was indeed a marvel of luxury that even the Romans would have envied. There was a stand-alone marble tub, as well as a profusion of other ingenious fixtures and devices, all of them impossibly elegant and expensive. Laura contented herself with a little sponging and washing, feeling sure that she would have a chance to try out all the other gadgets some day in the future. He probably never had any woman ask him to fuck her in the ass before, she thought, trying not to feel smug about it as she returned to the bedroom. And gosh, he really reamed it out pretty good.

Brad had disappeared from the bedroom himself while she was gone, but he soon returned, wearing an expensive maroon silk dressing gown and carrying a Lalique crystal snifter of brandy and two brandy glasses on a silver tray.

"You're making me feel . . . naked," Laura said, playfully trying to cover her body with her hands.

"You are naked," he said, setting the tray on the bedside table. "You are the most splendid naked I've ever seen. You have a gloriously perfect body."

"You're full of compliments," Laura smiled, taking the brandy snifter he offered her. "I told you not to adore me."

"Is it okay if I just worship you a little, then?" he asked, joining her in sitting on the edge of the bed.

After the brandy and a little soft, murmured conversation, their blood was quickly warmed again, and Brad's prick grew erect without warning. Laura slid to her knees on the floor, pushing aside the flaps of his dressing gown, and spent quite a while stroking, kissing, and sucking it, fully aware that this time he was not going to pop unexpectedly and ruin her fun. After a few minutes of this he was sharply aroused again, and she pushed him down on his back on the mattress and climbed on top of him.

This time she dangled her small, naked breasts in his face, sweeping her thick, soft coral nipples across his lips, her hair hanging down over their faces in a shiny chestnut flag. She dodged his lunges at them, playfully pushing the warm globes into his cheeks and forehead, then dragging them across his mouth again, finally letting him catch one between his lips.

"Now, suck it!" she panted. "Suck it. You wanted it. Suck it hard. Don't play around. You're making me wet. If you suck it hard, and the other one too, I'll be wet enough to fuck. Don't you want to fuck me again?"

Instead of answering, he began sucking, slurping, and devouring her nipples in a hot frenzy, squeezing her swaying, dangling breasts with his fingers and gulping them nearly as heatedly as many of her female lovers did. This was enough to send a hot electric current of renewed lust streaking immediately through Laura's body, just what she had wanted. This time she was on top, she was in control, she would take charge, but first this heavenly sucking, hard and fierce, made her cunt almost gush with fresh warm juices.

"Oh yes . . . oh yes!" she panted, pushing her breast into his face, wanting him to suck even more of it into his mouth. "Now the other one," she gasped, pulling her wet, throbbing nipple out of his mouth and moving her other one into it. "It's getting jealous."

She threw her head back, smiling and half-groaning with deep pleasure, realizing that she had again used one of Sara's favorite expressions, something she often said to Laura when Laura was hungrily sucking her phenomenal big black nipples, the thought of which in this situation immediately made Laura's pussy almost jangle and twitch with fierce hot sexual need. Think of what it would be like to have them here together, she thought wildly. God, I would die having them both fucking me at once! I would just die on the spot!

"Unh! Unh! Oh god, Brad, you do that so well," she panted to him, smoothing his hair with her frenzied hand, pushing her breast into his face again. "Bite it. Yes . . . bite it . . . just a little . . . not too hard. Unghhhheee! Yes . . . like that! Unhgg!"

"Oh god, Laura . . ." he groaned, grimacing as the sexual tension grew almost too much for him to bear, too.

"Not too fast . . . not too fast," she purred to him, now reaching down and pulling his fat, stiff prick toward the wet warm furrow of her inflamed pussy. "Now put it in me slowly . . . that's it . . . slow. We're going to slow down for a minute here. I want to fuck this beautiful hard dick and not have it go off again too soon." She sighed as the thick shaft rode up into her tight pussy. "You can hold it, can't you? You can hold it while I give us both a little fun?"

Brad grimaced again and clenched his teeth, nodding up at her, but also letting her understand that he didn't know if he could. "I'll try."

For the next few minutes she sat on top of him, with his stiff fat prick embedded deep in her body, and slowly slid up and down on it, gyrating her pelvis ever so slightly, and also pinching the granite-hard shaft with her cunt muscles, leaning down occasionally to let her firm, swaying breasts slide across his face, fucking him (and herself) with painstaking slow simmering patience. Her full mane of chestnut hair swept across his face and hung again like a shimmering flag over his forehead as she placed her palms on both sides of his head and began to grind slowly, glowering passionately at him, giving him the most scorching fuck-me look of which she was capable.

"Ohhhh . . . that's good," she purred, feeling the stiff shaft slide in and out of her tight wet pussy, feeling it tickle her cervix when she pushed down extra hard, feeling the soles of her feet tingle with anticipation.

Brad was staring at her, trying to maintain control, his fingers digging into the flesh of her thighs. Finally, he moved them up her body, clutching her feverishly, almost savagely, now squeezing her breasts fiercely and up-thrusting with his hips more rapidly, urgently, plowing his stiff prick further and further up into her runny channel.

"Oh . . . shit . . ." he gasped, his fingers clawing desperately at her smooth flesh. "Oh god . . . you're so beautiful. I'm going to come!"

"No . . . oh no . . . oh no you're not," Laura smiled at him, slowing down the motion deliberately, not even moving for seconds so that the rhythm that was hurtling him toward another quick orgasm was interrupted. "You're not going to come yet. Mama says no."

"Oh god, Laura!" a moan of complaint came from him.

Laura pinched his nipples and kissed his mouth sensually. "God has nothing to do with it," she purred, beginning to gyrate her hips gently again, so that she could feel his well-lubricated stalk, oiled by her copious warm cunt juices, again sliding up and down inside her tight, clasping pussy. She laughed throatily. "Laura now . . . yes. Laura has everything to do with it."

She had him under control again and would not relinquish it, not for several minutes of simmering sexual struggle, at least. She fucked him and herself this way for a slow, sweet eternity, riding his stiff cock, brushing her swollen nipples across his grimacing lips, nipping his earlobe, grinding harder, faster. Brad grunted and gasped, his fingers clawing harder into her thighs each second, his hips upthrusting frantically so that his hard cock speared up into her pussy.

"Unh!" Laura grunted herself, seeing stars as he slammed his cock up into her, his hips leaping off the mattress, his strong, racquet ball player's legs flexing and straining to lift both of their struggling bodies off the bed. "Unghh! Oh yes!" she gasped, throwing her head back, luxuriating in the pleasure of being vigorously pounded from below. "Fuck it . . . fuck it hard! Unghh!"

But it wasn't enough for her. She knew he was going to come again; it could only be seconds away. And she was too. She could feel her body roiling and seething with sexual pressure, her cunt throbbing and aching, her toes curling, her stomach palpitating in expectation. Suddenly, an idea came over her, what she really wanted, really craved.

In a second she had rolled them to the side, sliding onto her back and pulling Brad up on top of her, with his fat cock still embedded deep in her slippery pussy.

"I want you to really ram it . . . " she panted to him, feeling an onslaught of delirious sexual need, the need to be hammered. "Really ram it . . . ram it hard. Fuck me as hard as you can."

One glimpse of his wild, flame-streaked eyes was enough to let her know that he wasn't going to quarrel with her request. His strong hands gripped her hips hard and he speared his cock deep into her pussy, so deep that Laura gagged and whinnied on the fierce penetration.

"Annghiiiieee!" she cried out. "Oh yes! Ungghmmnnggiee . . . oh yes! Yes! Unh! Unh!"

Brad, grunting and chuffing himself, speared her deep twice more, again making Laura whinny and groan, then suddenly ran his hands down along her thighs, quickly lifting her legs in the air, then propping them on his shoulders. Oh god, here it comes! she thought.

"Owwnnggpphh! Unghh! Owwnnggpphh!" she gasped as he began to drill her pussy with, it seemed, every last ounce of his strength. "Oh shit! Owwnnggpphh!"

His hammering thrusts and rabbit-quick jabs into her pussy rode her ass up off the bed so that she was nearly bent double as he stabbed her throbbing slit. She knew she was going to come, but she was briefly afraid that bent back this way her climax would bring about a horrible cramp throughout her contorted body. Either because he realized this too, or because he wanted even deeper penetration into Laura's shuddering, writhing body, Brad suddenly let her legs slide down his arms to the mattress. Then with both hands he spread her thighs as widely as possible, splaying her groin and making it easier than ever for him to rip her hard.

Even though his cock was not as huge as some she had experienced, it now seemed massive, a horrible red-hot spike of hard flesh, as he stabbed it deep into her cunt, bringing them both in a few rapid thrusts to a shattering finish. In this position, he had great leverage with his knees, and he ripped his fierce prick into her four or five times before Laura began to come, feeling her whole body clench in an almost excruciating spasm, so white-hot that she feared it would never unclench.

"Ungghh!" The breath was totally squeezed out of her lungs, and all she could feel was the scorching pulse in her spasming flesh. Finally, the breath poured back into her body and she cried out. "Anngghnnmmnnggiieeeeeee! Ohhmmnnggeeee! Unghh! Oh . . . oh! Auhnngghhhheee!"

A split second after she began to come she heard Brad also groan, and she could feel the hot jets of cum shooting out of his cock, spurting into the depths of her clasping pussy as she shuddered and twisted, still moaning and gurgling in the powerful aftershocks of this killing orgasm.

"Urrggnnmm!" he grunted, spearing her again, and again, his cock spewing thick gobs of jism into her plundered quim.

Maybe because they had both come before, twenty or thirty minutes earlier, this time it seemed as if both of their orgasms lasted much longer. Laura's gripped her with an iron intensity that made her whimper and her heart flutter as a series of almost painful spasms clutched her quivering flesh. Brad slumped forward onto her, his throbbing cock still embedded deep in her body, his breath quick and harsh against her cheek as he tried to recover from his own shocking convulsions.

They lay this way, breathing hard, letting their bodies throb and tingle together, until finally Brad began to sense that his weight was too burdensome to Laura. He slowly shifted and rose off her. His cock slid out of her pussy easily, since Laura was so wet by now that her own juices were soaking the sheet under them. She looked down at the glistening rod, all purplish and wet and throbbing still, though slowly deflating.

There are definitely some things a strap-on dildo is not a good substitute for, she reflected, feeling her pussy still pulse and ache from the hammering it had received, and also now feeling a happy little twinge in her asshole that seemed to radiate in sympathy, having received an identical reaming before her pussy got it.

"You know how to work that thing pretty well," she purred, stretching out sensually, letting his eyes roam admiringly again over her naked body, now that he had enjoyed it fully.

Brad grinned. "You know how to inspire a guy."

"Me?" Laura teased him. "I didn't do anything but invite you in. You did the rest."

"I think I maybe outdid even myself," he chuckled. He held his damp cock, which was now turgid and ropey, in his fingers and waggled it at her. "For a second there I was afraid it had exploded inside of you."

Laura smiled and reached out to stroke it with her fingers tenderly. "I was afraid so too," she purred. "It sure felt like it. I'm glad he's still in one piece, though. For next time."

Driving her home, he said, "You know, from the look of you no one would ever think you're so wild and hot."

"Oh?" Laura acted bemused. "And why is that?"

"You seem so . . . elegant. So refined and gorgeous, like you wouldn't be caught dead doing something like that."

"Mmmm, looks can be deceiving, eh?"

Brad nodded.

"I can also be sweet and tender," Laura murmured, flirting sexily, scratching his knee suggestively with her fingernails and kissing him goodnight as he parked right in front of her door. "I'll call you in a few days, okay? When I've got some time."

"Don't forget," he said, kissing her one more time before she got out of his car.

Inside her condo, Laura leaned back against the door for a brief moment to reconsider all she had done this evening. In a way it was a relief to be rid of him, she realized, although her body still tingled and ached a little from the sharp, welcome pounding he had given her. She had enjoyed him. Sometimes there was certainly nothing like a hard cock. And yet it had felt so bizarre to be doing it, so radically different from what she was used to with Sara, with Joy, with Dawn, and all her other darlings. Men were so different.

Her reflections were interrupted by a soft but insistent tapping on the outside of her door, the same door she was leaning back against in her bemused reverie. She peaked through the security peep hole and saw Joy standing on her front steps, her lovely young face contorted in an appeal.

"Laura . . . open up!" she could hear Joy's voice, muffled through the door.

God, what is she doing here? Laura wondered, quickly unlocking the door again and opening it. "Joy . . . it's after eleven. What are you doing here?"

Joy beamed her, her dark brown face glowing in the moonlight, the enchanting little gap between her bright white upper front teeth stirring the fires in Laura's pussy again, even though she had been twice hammered in the past two hours.

"Just let me in. Just for a second, okay?"

Laura opened the door wider, and Joy slipped inside. Then Laura closed it behind her and locked it again. It was almost midnight, after all.

"I saw your boyfriend drop you off," Joy said, apparently almost bursting with the news. "I never knew you did it with guys too."

"He's not my boyfriend," Laura almost snapped, turning away so that Joy couldn't see her blush, even though the condo was still fairly dark, lit only by the dim glow of a night light in the hallway. "He's a . . . an acquaintance. A friend."

"He must be a pretty good friend. You smell like he was doing you all night."

"Joy!" Laura did snap at her now.

Joy pouted, but half-snickered at Laura's outburst. "Sorreeee! But you do smell a little sexy. I think it smells good. Like, it sort of makes me feel that way too, know what I mean?"

For the first time Laura noticed that Joy was wearing a raggedy but fluffy deep maroon bathrobe and tattered pink slippers.

"What are you doing, coming out in that?" she pointed at Joy's robe. "Coming down the street in your robe at almost midnight. Where's your father?"

"He's in Milwaukee," Joy said, brightly, almost twinkling at Laura. "He'll be home tomorrow."

"Where's Carmela?"

"She's home, up the hill. She can't stay over every night. She was here last night."

"You know, tomorrow's a work day. And a school day. It's late."

Joy tilted her head to one side, her black eyes glistening. She was about as different from Jane as you could be, and yet sometimes her flair for mischief seemed about the same. Physically, of course, she was very different, not as dark as Jane, long and lean where Jane was petite and 'really built,' but both were wildly alluring to Laura.

Joy leaned closed and whispered, even though they were alone in Laura's locked, darkened condo. "I'm naked under my robe. Want to see?"

Laura's feelings were in a turmoil. She was tired, and sexually exhausted, and yet Joy's physical presence, the fragrance of her young flesh, her saucy smile, her glistening black eyes and clear eagerness to fuck, all of it managed to arouse Laura's desire again rapidly. Moreover, Joy knew it. She purposely teased Laura, loosening the sash of her robe, moving closer.

As the sash loosened, the lapels of Joy's robe slid open further, exposing the smooth, flawless caramel skin of her upper chest, below her throat. Joy saw Laura looking and wriggled her shoulders so that the lapels opened even further, exposing the cleavage between her high young breasts.

"I know you like guys . . . now . . ." Joy whispered softly. "But you like me too, don't you?"

"Joy . . ."

"I haven't been able to forget the other night. Last night, when Carmela and I were doing it, I pretended she was you. I've never done that before."

Now the sash was loose, and Joy pulled the whole robe open. Laura was completely enchanted by Joy's body and could not keep her eyes off it.

"See . . . you do want me, don't you," Joy whispered. "You can't help it. Just like I want you to. I can't help it either."

"Oh, Joy," Laura groaned. She grabbed her and pulled her closer, dropping her handbag at her feet, pushing the robe open, and filling her hands with Joy's young, springy, marvelous naked breasts. She rolled Joy's thick, bulbous nipples in her fingers. "You're right, I do want you. So bad."

Joy's knees sagged momentarily from excitement, and she uptilted her mouth to Laura's, parting her lips, giving Laura a full frontal assault of her sexy little tooth gap. Laura kissed her ravenously. It was as if she had never met Brad, never spent the evening fucking like a horny rabbit with him. She stabbed her tongue deep into Joy's open mouth. She scissored Joy's nipples with her fingers. She was consumed with fresh lust for Joy's smooth, warm, vibrant, dark caramel colored young body.

"I want to eat you alive," she murmured to Joy, pulling her toward the bedroom, pulling off the bathrobe at the same time. "Come with me. Quickly."

One reason she had been reluctant to give in was that she knew herself. Though weary from some pretty heated fucking with Brad, she realized, she was not able to resist the need to give Joy a really wrenching and shattering orgasm, one that would put the earlier two in the shade. She wanted to feel the girl writhing, whimpering, moaning and twisting under her, unable to stop herself from coming violently, in sharp, convulsive spasms unlike any of her other pygmy climaxes. She knew also that something like that would make her, Laura, come again too, despite her own earlier orgasms with Brad.

Joy, in her usual passive way, followed Laura silently. She was bold enough when it came to flirting, but when they got to the actual act, she let Laura take over and followed obediently. The robe slid off Joy's shoulders as Laura drew her over to the bed.

Laura was torn between running her feverish hands all over Joy's warm, sleek, exposed flesh or hastily tearing off her own clothes. She quickly opted for the latter. At Brad's house she had just thrown on her clothes and stuffed her underwear into her bag, so that it was easy to shed them in a flash. Again she grabbed the naked Joy, pressing their now bare flesh together, running her hands quickly down to Joy's sweet young ass and squeezing both cheeks hungrily.

"Unhhhh!" Joy panted, rapidly becoming very excited and aroused, tilting her head back for another ravenous kiss from Laura, who nearly drove her tongue down the girl's throat.

They fell backward onto the bed. Laura devoured Joy, much more passionately than the first time, so heatedly that both of them were surprised, Laura that she was still so sexually hungry, Joy that Laura was demonstrating a kind of fierce lust that she had never showed before. Laura sucked her neck and bit it, almost clawing her long, sinuous naked back, dropping her mouth to Joy's scrumptious naked breasts and mauling them.

"Ohnnn . . . oh shit, Laura . . . you're so hot . . . oh god . . . oh god that feels good!" Joy gasped, looking down at Laura's mouth siphoning up her sweet young nipples.

Laura was shocked by how hungry she was, and how hard it was to control her desire to absolutely devour Joy. She wondered if fucking with Brad had had the paradoxical effect of making her hornier than ever. Or maybe it was just Joy's lovely lean body, all dark burnished gold in the faint moonlight that came through the window of Laura's bedroom, her thick, stiffening nipples glistening with Laura's warm spittle.

"Oh, I love your body!" Laura gasped, groping between Joy's thighs, finding her wet honey pit. "God, honey, you're really wet for me."

"Oh . . . ohhhhhh!" Joy moaned, unable to say anything else, overwhelmed by Laura's passion.

Laura knew that to give Joy a crushing orgasm she had two choices, or perhaps a combination of them. She could draw it out, bringing Joy close, then backing off, then bringing her close again, until Joy was dying to come. She had done this often with others, others had also done it with her, and she knew it was almost guaranteed to work. The drawback was that it took time, and patience, and both of them were frothing with sexual need this instant.

The other way was to try to find her g-spot. Laura also had some experience with this, though it was more problematical, since some girls appeared not to have one, and it was sometimes hard to find in others. But if you found it, bingo.

"Oh Laura . . . ohhhh Laura . . ." Joy kept whimpering and panting as Laura mouth-mauled her delicious, saliva-wet young breasts, sucking her thick shiny nipples so hard that Joy keened deep in her chest and quivered the entire length of her twisting body. "Oh yes . . . oh yes!"

"Oh honey, I'm going to make you come so hard," Laura panted to her, sliding down now, kissing her incredibly long stomach and midriff, sliding between her yawning thighs, determined to make her come in a fiery convulsion.

"Yes . . . yes . . . please!" Joy gasped, gyrating her hips slightly so that her groin presented itself to Laura's mouth.

Joy had not been this aroused the first time they had fucked, Laura knew. She had been excited, of course, by the newness, the sense of adventure, and by Laura's desiring her body so heatedly, and yet it was never like this. Her pussy was swollen and glistening and gaping, a hot hungry wound of wet dark pink flesh enclosed by long, glossy black lips, and Laura could not resist immediately plunging her tongue deep into it.

"Anngghh!" Joy groaned, arching her back, pushing her cunt into Laura's mouth.

Joy might be overwhelmed by sexual need, but Laura realized she too was overwhelmed by sharp desire, a need to fuck Joy, a fresh need to come herself again in the process, all of it much stronger than even her wish to give Joy an earth-shattering climax. She buried her mouth in the girl's sweet, runny slit, using both thumbs to pull open further Joy's glossy, slippery black pussy lips, then slithering her tongue again in deep.

Joy went wild and began to pump, to Laura a very promising sign. Her whole face from her nose to her jaw smeared with Joy's flowing juices, she simultaneously moved her tongue up to Joy's tiny clit, a shiny little white seed at the top of her shapely, beautiful pussy, and slid two fingers from her right hand up into the sloshy wet furrow at the same time. Oh, we're going to win this time, honey, I just know it, I can feel it, she chanted to herself, licking Joy's clit and moving her fingers around inside the phenomenally tight wet sleeve of Joy's pussy, probing, searching.

I know I can find it, if she has one. I know I can. Laura remembered how her wild friend Kim had told her that she always went straight for a woman's g-spot. She certainly had found Laura's on more than one occasion. Laura had learned from her and frequently went for it too. Now she was determined to find it, turning her hand, rubbing the front inner wall of Joy's clasping, greasy cunt, and lashing Joy's tiny clit with her tongue at the same time. Come, baby, don't wait! she thought. Come, come, don't wait! Go ahead, do it right now!

Joy strained and whimpered, her body flexing and surging, her hips pumping frantically.

"Oh god, Laura, yes . . . oh god yes! Unnnnnhhhh . . . ohhngggmnnnngg! Unghh! Yes . . . yes!"

Laura could barely speak herself, she was so passionately involved in probing and sucking Joy's beautiful gaping wet pussy. "Mmmmm . . . mmmmnnnggg!" she hummed, sucking and swallowing Joy's tangy nectars, moving the tips of her two fingers across Joy's inner pussy wall, trying to find the magic bundle of nerves.

Joy's frantic, fluttering hands had found Laura's head between her thighs, and her fingers were digging in Laura's scalp, pulling Laura's mouth hard into her inflamed pussy. Laura looked up along the palpitating dark plane of Joy's beautiful stomach, over her firm young breasts, which were now standing up sharply off her chest since her arms were pressed tightly to her sides, and saw an expression of desperate effort on Joy's face. Neither Joy nor Laura knew how quickly Joy was going to come, even now, but Laura realized there was no question she would.

"Yes . . . you're going to come . . . you're going to come now!" Laura panted to her, raising the heat level even further, assaulting Joy's pussy not in any rough or violent way but in a passionate frenzy, sucking it, probing it, almost lifting Joy by sheer force of will to the magic moment, which she knew was inevitable now, and would arrive soon.

"Owwnggmnnnggg!" Joy suddenly howled, and her long, sinuous young body was instantly gripped by a sharp twitch.

"Oh god, that's it!" Laura said out loud. "Oh yes, honey! Oh yes, honey!"

Now she really poured it on, becoming a hot, sexual whirlwind in a split second, certain now that Joy was there, and that she could be brought to a hurricane of coming if only the heat level were stratospheric at the last moment. Her hopes were quickly realized. Joy was nearly torn apart by a sharp explosion of fierce, piercing ecstasy.

"AUUNGGHHHHH!" she cried out, one of the loudest, most rending cries Laura had ever heard here in her new condo, a wild, echoing, reverberating cry of killing pleasure, followed by two or three more. "AUUNGGHHHHH! ANNGGHIIIEMMNGGEEEE! Oh! Oh!"

During these cries her young body went into violent convulsions, momentarily throwing Laura off, her hips jerking and gyrating violently up off the mattress, her breasts shaking, her elbows digging down, her thighs clenching, her toes curling sharply under. Laura, though briefly thrown to the side, was quickly back, scooping up Joy's shuddering, convulsing body into her arms, peppering her neck and shoulders with kisses as Joy continued to come, her spasms now tapering off into less violent shocks but still clearly deep and stirring.

"Oh yes . . . honey," she murmured to her, kissing Joy's cheek, "what a beautiful orgasm. Oh honey, you came so hard, you're coming so hard, you're still coming . . ."

"Ahhnnnnn . . . ohnnnnn!" Joy moaned, her eyes still shut, her body still undulating with aftershocks, though slowing.

After the spasms and undulations finally ceased, she was silent for almost a minute, still recovering her breath. Laura stroked her lovingly, running her fingertips along the smooth, warm, hard flesh of Joy's young, delicious body. When Joy's eyes fluttered open, she looked up at Laura with an expression Laura had never seen before, as if she had traveled there from a far planet where everything was wondrous and strange.

"Laura . . ." she finally whispered, half-croaking, her voice scratchy from the violence of her screams. "I never knew. I . . . never knew it could be like that. It's like . . . I thought I was coming before but . . . I really wasn't. How did you do that?"

"I didn't do it. You did it."

Joy shook her head, which was still cradled in the crook of Laura's arm. She looked solemnly into Laura's eyes, her gaze never wavering. "You . . . touched me somewhere . . . in there." She looked down her body to her pussy. "I . . . just died. God, it was wonderful."

Now Laura kissed her mouth tenderly, briefly. "I'm glad you liked it. Maybe we can do it again some time."


Laura smiled wanly. "Joy, I'm awfully tired. I've got to go to work tomorrow. I've got to get some sleep. You should too."

But now Joy showed a charming solicitude she had not demonstrated at all during their first time together, which Laura now realized was only days ago. Smiling, beaming at Laura, flashing Laura with the charming, sexy little gap in her front teeth, she sat up and rolled sideways enough to push Laura half onto her back.

"Oh no, I'm not leaving until I make you come too," she said slyly, running her long, dark fingers up Laura's body to her naked breasts, squeezing them suggestively.

Laura smiled and reached up to her, pulling her down. "Kiss me, you darling."

They kissed romantically for a long time. Laura was beginning to realize how weary she truly was. Fucking with two people in one night could do that to you. I'm exhausted, she thought. But still hungry. I really do need to come after all that with this sweet girl.

She also knew it would take little to trigger her. "I'll tell you what," she murmured to Joy. "You know what I want?" She slid one hand down to Joy's thin but muscular and hard thighs, caressing one with her fingertips. "The first time I saw these, I wanted to rub my pussy against one until I came. Do you know that?"

Joy grinned and shook her head. "I didn't. Do you still want to?"

Laura nodded. "Just thinking about it almost makes me come."

"Really?" Joy crinkled her nose in a disbelieving smile.

Laura nodded. "Really."

"Okay," Joy said, stretching out on the bed next Laura. "Tell me where you want me."

Laura rolled over and straddled one of Joy hard, lean, golden thighs. Joy watched, fascinated, as Laura, almost instinctively, reached down with one hand to spread her cunt lips open, so as to feel the full impact of Joy's long thigh bone in the wet, aching groove of her pussy.

"Unhh!" she gasped involuntarily as the pleasure of feeling it shot through her body.

Her head fell back momentarily, but she quickly righted it, and got control again, though she knew she was going to come in seconds, not minutes. Oh god, you really got me aroused, you darling creature, she thought, gazing down at Joy's absorbed expression.

Slowly, Laura slid her wet pussy up and down on Joy's hard young thigh muscle. It was not large and voluptuous, like Sara's, and certainly not bulging steel, like Brandi's, but instead hard and thin and velvety like Jane's, and Laura began to go all hot and quivery almost immediately just from feeling the hard, silky shaft move up and down in her wet, throbbing slit.

"Oh shit," she confessed, panting, to Joy. "I am going to come so hard, and so fast. Unhhh . . . unhhh!"

"Lean down here, Laura, so I can kiss you and watch you when you come," Joy asked softly, reaching up with her hands. "Lean down here. Quick."

"Oh god!" Laura gasped, feeling jolts of pleasure shoot through her pussy and her womb and all of her pelvis, which she was now grinding down into Joy's thigh, as if trying to feel the bone underneath the flesh, wanting to feel it bite into her wet gooey cunt.

"Quick, Laura."

Joy's hands found Laura's jiggling breasts and twisted Laura's nipples, then squeezed the globes, trying to pull Laura down closer. Laura was on the verge. She knew she was about to come. Only a last desperate urge to make it even better for them both drove her to lower her body to Joy's, this time rising up a little to push her excited nipples into Joy's face.

"Suck me, honey," she panted. "Suck me hard . . . the way I sucked you. I'm going to . . . oh god, I really am going to come. Suck me . . . please!"

"Oh yes . . . oh Laura, oh yes!" Joy gasped.

Quickly and a little clumsily, she opened her mouth and stuffed one of Laura's nipples inside, sucking it tentatively at first, but then rapidly pulling almost Laura's whole small breast into her mouth. This was just what Laura had hoped for and exactly what she needed to send her over the top.

She pushed her breast hard into Joy's face, and dropped her hands to Joy's thigh, now jamming her pussy into it like a mad woman, delirious with sexual need, feel the hard muscle almost penetrate her cunt. Joy sucked her frantically, very hard, just as Laura had asked, and Laura suddenly bloomed with coming like a mushroom cloud.

"Anngghh! Ummnngghiieeeee!" she squealed, suddenly feeling a great implosion of coming upward from Joy's wet thigh into her pussy and up through the rest of her body, wrenching her, flexing her so hard that her slippery breast easily popped free from Joy's clinging mouth. "Ungghh! Ohnngg!"

Her body sagged as the worst spasms passed, and she slumped forward onto Joy. Her limbs were slack and her breath ragged, but she could still feel the marvelous hard wet piston of Joy's slender thigh clamped between her own thighs, pressing hard into the tingling groove of her destroyed pussy. She clamped it hard, not wanting to let it go. Oh god, I want to fuck myself on this girl's delicious body forever, she thought, still dreamily skimming on the sweet soft aftershocks of her orgasm.

But even this sweetness had to come to an end. Limp with fatigue and sexual satiation, Laura lifted her body with difficulty off Joy's and released Joy's thigh from her own tightly clamped legs. She still felt dazed by the power of her climax, but noticed Joy looking down at the rather large wet spot on her thigh, left by Laura's pussy nectars.

"Oh, I'll get you a towel," Laura said, rolling sideways to slide off the bed.

"No, wait," Joy grabbed her arm. With one finger, drew a line through the wet spot on her dark brown skin—darker now in the moonlight than the usual rich honey gold— from top to bottom, then lifted the fingertip so that both of them could see the slimy goo that now coated it. "That's your love juice, Laura," she said calmly. "You left it all over me. I'm so happy. I came so hard. You did too."

"I know, sweetheart," Laura responded softly. "It was very special, wasn't it. But we have to clean up now and get some sleep. Really."

Joy raised her voice as Laura left the room briefly, going into the adjacent bathroom for a towel. "I'll bet you came harder with me than you did with that dude."

"Maybe so," Laura grinned, returning to the bed with towels for both.

"But I came even harder than you did," Joy said, as proud as a small child with a new lollipop.

"You sure did," Laura acknowledged, mopping up.

Joy, it seemed, wanted to talk about it forever, since Laura had discouraged her from a repeat performance again this particular night.

"Can I stay the night?" Joy asked, somewhat plaintively, as Laura disposed of the towels. "Please. I promise not to be a problem. I just . . . don't want to go down the street an sleep with Java, not after what we just did. I want to stay with you. Pleeeease!"

Laura smiled indulgently. "What about Java. Won't she be lonesome?"

Joy reflected on it. Her smooth brow furrowed, as if such thoughts were unpleasant and rare. Her shoulders slumped. "I guess she will. I don't suppose you'd let me go and get her."

Laura shook her head, but she could feel herself yielding inside. How can I sleep next to this girl without wanting to . . . do everything to her all night long? she wondered.

"Look," she said, caressing Joy's long brown arm, feeling the almost invisible gold filaments of the downy hair there run under her fingertip. "You can stay. But no more hanky panky, okay? We have to get some sleep. And you have to get up real early and go home before all these people around us start getting up to go to work. Okay?"

Joy nearly glowed and shimmered with happiness. "Promise. Can I sleep right here, next to you?"

Laura made a long, mocking face, reminding herself of Sara, who for some reason she was suddenly missing grievously at this moment. "No," she teased Joy. "You have to sleep in on the sofa." She kissed her quickly, but not sexily. "Where I can't get my hands on you so easily."

Joy tilted her head to one side and twinkled, so proud to be the object of Laura's lust. "You're joking, right?"

Laura drew her down again on the mattress and pulled the covers up over them, leaning behind herself to switch off the bedside light. "Of course I'm joking, sweetie. Kiss me again and don't get too sexy. We have to get some rest."

But before she could relax, Joy had to get in one last question. "Do you really think I'm sexy?"

Laura nuzzled her neck, feeling a distant awakening of physical hunger again but determined not to let it resurface. "I think you are the sexiest little cheerleader who ever walked the planet," she murmured.

This seemed to satisfy Joy, who stretched out with one long arm draped across Laura's body and quickly fell asleep.




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