Laura - Chapter 270
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Laura ducked into the shadows. Fortunately, there was a shuttered liquor store next to Sara's apartment building, and the tattered awning threw a deep trapezoidal shadow out from the doorway. She was nearly invisible to passersby once she got under the awning. Her heart was racing, and a fierce blush suffused her cheeks and neck. She had never expected it to happen this way. After weeks of self-inflicted misery, she had decided that she must speak with Sara, no matter what. She had to clear the air. She had to make a stab at it. She had come to Sara's apartment directly from work, hoping to intercept Sara when she arrived home from work herself. She had never in her wildest fears expected what she saw. Sara did come home, and walking with her—they were laughing, joking, almost clinging to one another as they strolled down the sidewalk toward Laura—was a lovely Hispanic girl with flashing black eyes, sensual red lips, and long black hair. Laura was momentarily transfixed, as if her feet were somehow embedded in the concrete of the sidewalk, her eyes riveted on them. The girl with Sara was vivacious and attractive, but most of all Laura was electrified, even pierced, by the sight of Sara's face, which she had not seen since before her trip, the disastrous trip, to Dallas. Sara's pillowy, sensual lips, her dark, laughing eyes, her sweet, malleable, face, so easily changing into one droll expression after another. Laura melted. She quivered. Before either one of them could see her, she slipped into the shadows. But the shock and jealousy and grief and burning envy she felt were almost too much to bear. They were so at ease together, so relaxed, so happy. She could hear them murmuring almost intimately as Sara unlocked the door. She could hear their footsteps and their affectionate giggling as they ascended the stairs inside. Laura's emotional pain was boundless. She stood in the shadows under the awning, quivering, quaking inside, almost physically ill. After a while her pain turned slowly to numbness, but she still did not dare to move. What if they were looking out the window? They would see her. She felt like a stalker, like a lurker. Why did I do this? Oh god . . . she and that girl . . . She couldn't allow herself to think of it. She knew what they were going to do, what they had been doing. They were very relaxed together. This wasn't their first time. Laura could tell. Ordinarily, she would not be quite this jealous, but at this moment she felt anguish, deep, burning anguish at the thought of the lovely Hispanic girl in bed with Sara. She didn't know how much time passed before she came to her senses. She knew she may have been standing there twenty minutes, or thirty, or forty. Few people passed by, and most paid her no attention. The sun was almost going down by now, dipping below the western rooftops. Once or twice she thought she could hear their musical laughter floating down to her from the second floor, where Sara's apartment was. Once she even thought she heard a moan—a loud, exultant, sexual moan—but she quickly told herself she was imagining it. However, it was enough to break through her paralysis of will. In her purse she found a scarf and wound it clumsily around her head before plunging out of the shadows onto the sidewalk. She had parked two blocks away and walked hurriedly in the direction of her car. She was almost there when she saw Dee Dee walking toward her. Dee Dee saw her too but was obviously puzzled by the scarf, which Laura quickly removed, no longer having a need for it. Nobody could have missed Dee Dee on the sidewalk, especially no one with Laura's proclivities. It was a warm September evening, after an even hotter day, and she was wearing a flowery summer dress, though not the kind Tamara often wore, Laura recalled, the white ones with rosy blossoms all over them. This one was almost slinky, a dark brown background with deep orange and umber flowers merging together in a gorgeous thicket of color. It was also long, coming down nearly to Dee Dee's ankles, with a slit in the side to show her leg. She wore leather sandals on her shapely black feet, the pink undersides glimmering a little at the edges. And on top there was nearly nothing, only two thin spaghetti straps. All of Dee Dee's incredibly beautiful back was bare, and her shoulders, and most of her chest, down to the tops of her breasts. Her delicious black skin shone and gleamed in the twilight. She looked good enough to eat. She could not be wearing a bra, not with this unbelievable dress, and yet Laura could not detect, though she looked cleverly, the swelling bumps of Dee Dee's nipples through the fabric. Dee Dee looked at her blankly. It was as if they were strangers and had not shared one another's hot flesh. "I wouldn't go up there, if I were you," she said, nodding forward in the direction of Sara's apartment, from which Laura had come. "I . . ." Laura blushed, feeling her stomach knot up. "I . . . know." "Her college friend Evangelina Torres is in town, staying with her. I think they're . . . you know, getting a little jiggy while she's here." She looked at Laura almost sympathetically. "She's trying to get over you, too." This remark caused such a confused welter of feelings in Laura that she felt momentarily paralyzed again, unable to speak, choked by strong emotion. Just don't start crying, she told herself. "That's a funny way to do it," she mumbled. "No it isn't." Dee Dee smiled strangely, as if Laura were daft. "It's probably the right way. Fucking her little brains out." "Excuse me," Laura said brusquely. "I have to go." All her anger against Dee Dee for telling Sara about them came flooding into her at that moment. She tried to brush past Dee Dee, but Dee Dee would not move. "Maybe you could use a little forgetting yourself." Laura smiled wanly, trying to control her rage. "What are you doing here? Are you going to join them in their little . . . orgy?" Dee Dee shook her head. Very little fazed her. "Came to borrow some money. As usual." She even looked a little guilty. Trying desperately not to think of Sara and Evangelina, Laura was focusing on the beauty of Dee Dee's body: her perfect collarbones, her dainty, exquisite throat, her gleaming black shoulders, so well-shaped, her flawless skin, so perfect. "I . . ." she heard herself saying in a throttled, gravelly voice, "I can . . . loan you some money, if you like. How much do you need?" Dee Dee broke out in a smile, one of her rare smiles. "Wow, if you could, that would be so great. I don't want to go up there and knock on the door while they're in the middle of—" "Please don't say it," Laura interrupted her. "Please. Don't rub it in." "Sorry. I wasn't thinking." "I . . . don't have more than about ten bucks with me. I've got more money at home." Dee Dee brightened. "Let's go." "You don't have a car or anything?" Dee Dee shook her head. "A friend dropped me here. I was going to get Sara to take me home." They walked together to Laura's car. "Where's 'home'?" "I rent a room in a house out on Ulloa Street. Sara made me. Trying to get my life back together. She won't let me stay with her. Obviously, I would cramp her style. She's still a little pissed at me because of you, too." They got in and Laura started up the car, gunning the engine. "Oh god, I don't even want to talk about that!" she exclaimed, gritting her teeth. "Please keep that out of the conversation. Please." "Okay, okay. I'm sorry. Okay? Can I apologize?" "No . . . I'm the one who's sorry," Laura said evenly, scrutinizing the traffic intently, driving extra carefully because she suspected her frazzled nerves and frightening pain would make her careless, or somehow prompt her to burst into tears without warning. They did not speak for several minutes. From time to time Laura looked over, unable to keep her eyes off Dee Dee's marvelous bare skin and round, delectable shoulders. She has such a beautiful body, Laura remembered. Too bad she's so reckless and mendacious and self-involved. And thoughtlessly cruel. Once Dee Dee caught her looking. Her eyes merely registered Laura's interest; then she looked away again, out the window. "You know, I think I'm getting into this girl thing a little," she said to Laura. "I was over in Berkeley, showing a paper I've been doing to a professor over there." She made a face, pursing her lips. "You know, getting my life together again, like I told you? She's this gorgeous Czechoslovakian woman. I'd never met her before, actually. She took me home, up to this nice house in the Oakland hills, and fucked me all night long." Laura gulped. Her fingers tightened on the wheel. She was totally puzzled by her response, which was an amalgam of hot jealousy, pride, and sexual arousal. She had introduced Dee Dee to this, and she couldn't help feeling a little happy that Dee Dee had plunged straight ahead into it. But to think of another woman, a rival, caressing, and 'fucking,' this girl's beautiful body made her wildly jealous. It also made her physically hungry to do the same, to forget Sara and Evangelina, and the Czechoslovakian woman too, and her own pain and humiliation, by immersing herself in a night of unbridled and unrestrained sex with Dee Dee. Dee Dee seemed to understand perfectly what Laura was feeling. She gave Laura a sly glance to gauge the effect of her words. "She wasn't as good as you, though," she murmured finally. Laura realized, as she tried to redouble her attention to the road, that she was a little wet between her thighs. Her pulse was racing. Even her nipples were tingling. "Thank . . . you," she managed to say, hoarsely, almost nervously. "You're very kind." She shot Dee Dee a diffident but purposeful smile. Dee Dee gave her a pinched little smile in return, as if to satirize their careful formality. Then she looked out the window again, aloof, distant. They did not speak again until they were inside Laura's condo. After flinging her coat and purse onto the nearest chair, Laura tried to take Dee Dee into her arms immediately. But Dee Dee acted, of all things, offended, and dodged away. "Ah ah ah . . . watch it," she cautioned Laura. "I thought you were just going to loan me some money." Since she was a fairly humorless person, she rarely smiled, and even her playfulness was a little hollow and menacing, so that Laura didn't know if she were teasing or not. She was still close enough, however, for Laura to extend one arm and run her fingertip along the phenomenally soft skin of her shoulder, round and sleek and black and gleaming. Dee Dee turned her face to watch the finger, expressionless and calm. Laura curled her fingertip under the spaghetti strap and flipped it playfully. "You have the most beautiful body," she said, softly. "You just want to fuck me," Dee Dee glowered at her. "You're just like everybody else. All they want to do is fuck me. Men. Women. They don't take me seriously. I wish I didn't have this body if . . . if that's all they want to do." Caught by surprise at this outburst, Laura felt deep chagrin. "I . . ." "You don't have to say anything," Dee Dee turned away, glumly. Laura swallowed and composed herself. Dee Dee was now presenting her ravishing, half-naked back to Laura, and Laura had to fight not to touch it, to press her cheek to it, to run her lips all over the smooth black shoulderblades. She looked at it longingly and shrugged. "We don't have to . . . if you don't want to," she said, resigned, being strong. Dee Dee turned on her again and lashed out. "You just want to use me to forget Sara." Her eyes burned into Laura, and her mouth was an angry slash. She also looked hurt and lost, feelings Laura had seen before in her eyes and always responded to with anguish and concern. Moreover, what Dee Dee had said was true. "What's so fucking special about her?" Laura tried to breathe calmly. Obviously, this was not going to go in the direction she had expected. "I . . . love Sara. That's all I can say. Sometimes . . . you just love someone. You don't have to know why." "Why can't you love me instead? I'm good. I'll bet I'm better in bed than she is." "It doesn't have to do only with sex," Laura said quietly. She knew they were not going to fuck now, and it was making her sad. She wanted Dee Dee. They both needed it. And yet Dee Dee seemed determined to frame their relationship in such a way that even friendly sex would now be impossible. "The fuck it doesn't!" Dee Dee snapped. "If it isn't about sex, then why isn't she here with you right now? I'll tell you why. Because she couldn't stand the thought of you screwing me! So she's home screwing Evangelina to get over it. Tell me that isn't about sex!" It was an unanswerable argument when put that way. They had not even moved out of the entryway, and so Laura broke the mood by walking slowly into the living room. "At least let me fix you something to eat. You look like you've been missing a few meals." "I could use a drink," Dee Dee said, following her. Laura looked back over her shoulder. "I thought you were 'getting your life back together'." "I am. Can't you tell? I was downtown today, only a few blocks from where you work, doing a temp assignment. They liked me and want me back." Are you sure they don't just want to fuck you? Laura was tempted to ask her but knew better than to throw such a comment into the volatile mixture of Dee Dee's quirks and resentments. "Come on, Laura!" Dee Dee whined. "It's Friday night. For Christ's sake, let me have a drink." "Just one?" "At least one," Dee Dee said, cynically. "Being a good girl all week is hard." I just wish I could throw a sweater or a smock or something over that beautiful body of yours so I wouldn't have to look at it and die to touch you, Laura thought. And I thought Charise had beautiful skin. I can hardly bear to look at your back, Dee Dee. And your neck . . . and your collarbones . . . and your delicious smooth chest. I want to touch you so badly. I'm sorry I want to fuck you so much, just like all the rest. Dee Dee apparently did not pick up on these vibrations Laura was feeling at all. She waited behind the little countertop that framed Laura's small kitchen for Laura to finish making them both modest vodka tonics. "Want lime?" Laura asked brightly. "I've got fresh." Dee Dee shook her head, reaching for the glass before Laura even offered it to her. Laura did cut a slice of fresh lime for herself and plopped it into her drink among the ice cubes. "Now now," Laura said, brushing Dee Dee's hand away gently. "Don't go gulping it down. A toast first. Okay?" Dee Dee smirked, backing off reluctantly. "To what?" Now Laura handed her the glass. "How about 'To your success in getting your life back together'?" Dee Dee grinned at her, one of her rare grins. "I guess I can drink to that." They clinked glasses. Laura sipped her drink, and Dee Dee drank down half of hers in one gulp. She saw Laura looking. "I haven't had one for three days," she said in explanation. Laura still was unable to keep her eyes off Dee Dee's bare neck and shoulders, and her delicious half-naked back whenever she turned slightly. "I meant what I said in the car," Dee Dee said in a soft, distant voice. "About what?" Dee Dee's dark, intense eyes caught Laura's and held them. "About her not being as good as you. The woman in Berkeley." Laura blushed, not a hot, fiery blush, but a warm, blooming one that embarrassed her equally. She looked away, trying to make the blood fade from her face and neck. "I . . . I thought you didn't want me to touch you," she murmured. "I don't want to be just like all the rest." Dee Dee drained the rest of her glass, holding the ice cubes back with one finger. She set the empty glass on the counter. She was suddenly very seductive. Of course she could be wildly seductive, Laura reflected. I'd forgotten. She gets her way. She doesn't like it that everyone wants to fuck her, but she sure likes having power over them, making them gawk and beg. Including me. With one finger, Dee Dee brushed off the spaghetti strap from one shoulder so that it fell and dangled around her elbow. She looked up speculatively at Laura. Then with the finger of her other hand, she did the same thing with the other spaghetti strap. Now there was really nothing holding up her dress. If she moved, it would probably fall away. She looked up again at Laura. "Want to touch me? I can see the way you've been looking." Laura slowly shook her head, as if in disbelief at the way things were unfolding. "You are so beautiful . . . you have such beautiful skin," she murmured. "No wonder everybody wants you." "You don't want me. You want Sara." Laura too set down her drink, though it was still two-thirds full, and walked slowly around the counter. She put her hand on the smooth, warm flesh between Dee Dee's shoulder and her neck, feeling the velvet resiliency of the girl's incredible skin. "Sara doesn't want me," Laura whispered. "I want you." "You just want to fuck me." "I can't deny it." "Good. Give me another drink, and you can fuck me," Dee Dee said, but not nastily, instead in a soft, smoky, sexual voice. "Dee Dee! That's like prostituting yourself for . . . merely for liquor." Laura tried to kiss her. It was an odd feeling, since she and Dee Dee were very wary of each other and had rarely kissed, even though they had nearly burned up Laura's bed with fucking twice. Kissing wasn't something either felt inclined to do, perhaps because affection really was not there, or because they were always distracting one another with different motives and intentions. Laura didn't like Dee Dee the way she often liked her other girlfriends, and usually didn't want to kiss her, if the truth were known (not the way she had longed to kiss Sara's sensual, pillowy lips, before they had even exchanged names). But right now she wanted to kiss her. Things had changed. Seeing Sara and Evangelina together had upset Laura more than she wanted to admit. And even though you couldn't tell from one minute to the next how Dee Dee would react to anything, Laura was touched by her insecurities and her vulnerability. She wanted to kiss her. She wanted to fuck her too, but more than that. For the first time, she wanted to kiss her. But Dee Dee was having none of it. She pulled away. One side her dress now fell down, exposing her small, beautifully upswept breast. Laura's eyes fell to it. Dee Dee did not try to pull the dress back up. "Let me kiss you," Laura whispered, feeling thick in the throat. Dee Dee shook her head. "You'll just wish you were kissing Sara." "Are you trying to make me angry?" Laura suddenly exclaimed, growing exasperated. She reached out with one hand, cupping Dee Dee's marvelous naked breast in it. Dee Dee looked down at Laura's hand. She shook her head, but her eyes were now pulsing. "Not until you give me another drink," she breathed. Laura let a small smile curve her lips. "You won't be able to come if you get too drunk. Remember?" "I can come a million times," Dee Dee breathed again. She leaned a little closer to Laura, so that her naked breast pushed into and filled Laura's palm. "If the right person is doing it." Laura could feel Dee Dee's warm breath on her cheek. Now that she was so close, Laura could inhale the odor of her body, which was healthy and sexual and sweeter than perfume. If only this girl weren't Sara's sister . . . If only she weren't so tortured, so humorless . . . If only she weren't so hungry for some one to love her when it can't be me . . . "Am I the right person?" Laura whispered. Dee Dee didn't have time to reply. Their open mouths met in a fiery collision. They had kissed once this way before, the very first time, when they had been standing beside Laura's bed and had fallen in a fuck-frenzy onto it, terminating the kiss quickly in order to get on with ripping off each other's clothes. But this time Laura, at least, meant for it to last. Even though their teeth were colliding and bumping and clattering together, almost enough to cause pain, as they tried to swallow each other, Laura raised both hands to Dee Dee's face, releasing her exquisite breast momentarily, and held her silky black cheeks between her palms while she purposely slowed the pace, slowing her tongue, sucking Dee Dee's lips sensually, cooing softly to her, finally melding their open mouths in a long, searching, expressive kiss that seemed never to stop. Dee Dee yielded, astonishing Laura almost more than anything. She became pliant and soft, letting Laura kiss her, not trying to break it off, finally wriggling so that the other half of her dress fell too, while still kissing Laura back. Then, not breaking the kiss, she drew Laura's hands back down to her naked breasts. Laura felt her blood leap inside her body as she squeezed them gently. From this moment their kiss grew more heated, wetter, hungrier. But again Laura backed off, slowing it down, again curving her lips into Dee Dee's, sliding the tip of her tongue along the wet crease between her lower gum and her lip. At the same time, her thumbs and forefingers found Dee Dee's soft nipples, twisting and pinching them gently until the centers thickened and the areolas tightened. Finally, they could keep the kiss going no longer. They slowly moved apart. Laura did not release Dee Dee's breasts. Dee Dee smiled shyly. "Nobody ever kissed me like that since I was seventeen," she said softly, wonderingly. "Always too eager to get to my pussy." Laura smiled back and squeezed the marvelous young breasts in her hands meaningfully. "What makes you think I'm not eager?" Dee Dee shrugged, still smiling, such an odd thing, since she rarely smiled. "At least you're nice about it," she said. "Although I still want that drink." "You can have it later." "Promise?" Laura nodded. "After you fuck me?" "No," Laura shook her head, smiling. "After you fuck me. You said that was what I needed." Dee Dee shook her head slowly. "I said that's what Sara needed." Laura leaned forward, kissing Dee Dee's smooth, warm black neck, then biting it playfully, then running her mouth up to Dee Dee's earlobe and biting it too. "Ouch!" "If you don't stop mentioning her, I'm going to bite you all over." "Mmmm," Dee Dee giggled nervously, the first time Laura had ever heard an uncontrolled giggle out of her. "God, that almost sounds exciting." Laura pulled her down the hall, watching Dee Dee's marvelous breasts jiggle and sway as the two of them half-ran for the bedroom. Dee Dee, of course, was wearing next to nothing, only the skimpy dress and panties, and she had both off in a second. Laura noticed as the dress fell to the floor that it had two white satin patches where it went over your breasts. That's the reason I couldn't see those scrumptious nipples, she realized. Laura, however, was still dressed for work, and she began unsnapping and unfastening as fast as she could. "Here, let me help with that," Dee Dee murmured, after kicking off her sandals, now completely naked. She took over unbuttoning Laura's blouse. It was a surprisingly intimate gesture and caught Laura off guard. She and Dee Dee had in the past never treated one another so tenderly. They had fucked heatedly, yes. Certainly more roughly, more perversely, with more scorching recklessness, than Laura had ever dared with Sara. But they had always sparred with each other, never daring to get too close emotionally. Now, with Laura grieving over the loss of Sara, and Dee Dee somehow trying to pull her own life together, feeling preyed upon and desired only for her physical beauty, they seemed to have reached a point where their emotional needs were congruent, and their suspicions of one another at least dormant. Dee Dee was so close, unbuttoning each button carefully, that Laura could lean forward and kiss her forehead. She looked up into Laura's eyes, pausing momentarily, then resumed. When she had Laura's silk blouse half undone, she bent her head and kissed the shallow cleavage between Laura's breasts. Then she raised her face to Laura's again. "Always wanted to do that," she whispered. "I kind of like it being just you and me. I really liked your friend, and god she really fucked my little black ass like there was no tomorrow with that thing." She twirled a long strand of Laura's shiny chestnut hair around one slender black finger. "But I like it now just being you and me." "Me too." Carefully, and very slowly, Dee Dee unbuttoned the rest of the blouse. "You must make a lot of money. This thing is expensive. I've seen them in the stores." "It's like a very expensive uniform," Laura said, as she helped Dee Dee fold the blouse and place in on a chair. "I like yours better. Your dress. Showing off all that delicious black skin. How do you walk down the street without getting raped?" Dee Dee shrugged. "They all want to." Now she was unfastening Laura's skirt, kneeling slightly. "You like my skin?" Oh god, Laura thought, I just spent hours telling Charise how much I loved her black skin. I can't be doing this again. Can I? But I do. Dee Dee was absolutely as black as Charise, her darling Inky, and there was no way Laura could disguise from herself the feverish physical desire she felt while caressing the girl's phenomenally smooth skin. "I love it," she purred warmly, stroking Dee Dee's wonderful shoulders as her own skirt fell to the floor and Dee Dee began inching Laura's panties down her thighs. "I want to lick it and suck it." She felt Dee Dee's warm lips on the smooth skin of her flat belly. "Does it make your little pink clit just throb and tingle?" "God, yes!" Now Dee Dee had Laura's panties down around her ankles. Laura was so wet that she wondered if warm cunt juices were trickling down her inner thighs. Surely Dee Dee could at least smell the thick, heady fuck-odors emanating from her oozing pussy. "Step," Dee Dee prompted. Laura lifted her feet one at a time and Dee Dee slipped the panties completely off. Then she stood up again, face to face with Laura, who was trembling inside with sexual fever and excitement. She gave Laura a sly half-smile. "I'll let you lick it and suck it . . . but you have to do one thing for me." Laura grinned and shook her head. "Sorry, no drinkee. I told you . . . afterward. No smokee either." Laura half-despised herself for trying to be so cute. "Let's do it completely clean." Dee Dee ignored her. Her eyes were smoking now too, and Laura wondered if she were trembling inside with sexual excitement too. Sometimes she seemed so blasé, so annoyed. 'Everyone just wants to fuck me.' Could she too get this excited any more? "I know you have your little drawer," Dee Dee murmured, looking across the room to it. She had discovered the Double Penetrator there on her first visit, while Laura was in the bathroom. "Do you have a blindfold in there?" Laura felt the blood rush to her face again, her cheeks radiating hotly. "A blindfold? God, I don't think I've ever thought of that." But now that Dee Dee had thought of it, Laura found the idea incredibly exciting. Dee Dee smiled mysteriously. "Find something else. A scarf. A dish towel. I want you to blindfold me and then . . . you know, lick me all over. I always had a fantasy about being blindfolded and fucked." Laura felt a little leap of the racing pulse in her neck at these words. "I . . . have a white scarf in my top drawer that I never wear for fear of getting it dirty," she remembered out loud. They moved together to the dresser. Laura removed the scarf, a beautiful silk scarf, pure white. Dee Dee took it, and against her tapered, very black fingers, it looked even whiter. As Laura closed the top drawer, Dee Dee pulled open the second one. While Laura watched, she picked through the objects, finding the handcuffs, and also the fur-lined ones that Randi had given Laura. She held them both up, dangling them from one long forefinger. "These too." Feeling bold, Laura picked up the ridged strap-on dildo. "How about this?" Dee Dee smirked at her, the I-know-what-you-want-to-do smirk. Without replying, she walked back to the bed and stretched out on her back with her arms spread. Looking suggestively at Laura, she carefully snapped the ring of the first pair of handcuffs to one of her wrists, then snapped one of the fur-lined cuffs to her other wrist. Her lovely, small, black, naked breasts jiggled while she did this, making Laura's blood pound harder. "Blindfold me and handcuff me to the bed," she said, her eyes now throbbing with sexual invitations. Laura went to the bed and took the scarf from Dee Dee's outstretched hand. She folded it carefully, then wrapped it around Dee Dee's eyes, knotting it in the back. Her hands shook a little, but she took several deep breaths and finally got it securely into place. "Can you see?" Dee Dee shook her head. Her voice was clotted, thick with sexual need and almost unbearable tension. "Are you going to fuck me?" Laura leaned down and ran her tongue along the protruding ribs of Dee Dee's ribcage until she reached the bulging underside of one small, gorgeous breast. "I guess you're just going to have to wait and see, aren't you," she murmured. She licked the bottom fullness of Dee Dee's naked breast teasingly, and Dee Dee was gripped by a sudden shiver. "Oh!" Laura let her tongue continue out around Dee Dee's naked breast and up to her shoulder, then on up her shapely arm, moving slowly, kissing as well as licking the delicious, silky black skin, until her mouth reached Dee Dee's wrist. She let her fingers crawl up further to the loose cuff, the one Dee Dee had not already snapped around her own wrist. In another second, she had the cuff around the bedpost and snapped it shut. While doing this, her own naked breasts swung in Dee Dee's face, her sensitive nipples brushing against the fabric of the scarf, then against Dee Dee's lips. Dee Dee, though unable to see, chased them with her mouth, but Laura quickly pulled away. "Ah ah ah!" she said. "What do you think you're doing?" "I'm . . . getting me some," Dee Dee panted, now twisting as Laura moved to her other arm. "Oh, but you can't do that," Laura panted too. "You are my sex slave . . ." She clicked the other handcuff shut on the opposite bedpost. "You are completely mine . . . and I can lick you all over and make you beg." "Oh god . . . Laura . . ." Dee Dee suddenly half-whimpered, showing more loss of control than Laura had seen from her in a long time. "You are mine . . ." Laura repeated, this time in a soft, hypnotic voice. "I am going to eat you alive." "Are you going to fuck me?" "Wait and see." "Are you going to lick me?" "Ohhhhh . . . yesssss," Laura purred, now pressing her cheek against the long, rippling black expanse of Dee Dee's phenomenal stomach, the firm, ridged abs she had rubbed her pussy so heatedly against their first time together, coming so gloriously that she could still remember nearly every second of it. The next few minutes—and she had no idea whether it was ten minutes or one hundred and ten—were as close to heaven as it ever got for Laura. All thoughts of Sara and Evangelina were gone, and all thoughts of Charise too, or anyone else. Though she had in the past been skeptical about Dee Dee, the intimacy they had fallen into this evening seemed to erase all her past doubts, and there was nothing impinging on her consciousness but this girl's marvelous naked body under her fingers, her cheek, her mouth, her tongue. She also felt a kind of deep, resonating affection for the girl that she had never felt before. The fact that Dee Dee was, by choice, blindfolded seemed to make everything ten times more exciting and stimulating than normally, and Laura could see clearly that Dee Dee felt the same way by the taut clenching of her abdominal muscles as Laura cleverly ran her tongue along them. I am going to come again by rubbing my pussy on these before this is over, she told herself. As if giving voice to the thought, she said, "I'm going to rub my cunt on these before you leave." "Oh!" was all Dee Dee could gasp in reply. "Oh yes!" Laura's tongue found her navel, not the deepest ever but still a marvelous little puckered indentation, with a hard, knobby little button at the bottom. She made love to it for nearly a whole minute, treating it as if it were a tiny cunt itself, tonguing and stabbing it, sucking it and tickling it, until Dee Dee was writhing and panting harder. Now Laura began to explore, moving her lips very slowly over Dee Dee's flat, sleek belly, detouring to her hips, first one, then the other, kissing them, stroking the delightful rise of each pelvic bone, inching her lips down, breathing the sweet, unmistakable perfume of Dee Dee's frothing pussy. She wanted that pussy, she wanted it badly, she thought, while circling it with her lips, kissing Dee Dee's smooth, beautiful black skin everywhere, inhaling the wildly erotic odor of her wet, frothing, festering cunt. I want it, but I'm afraid of it, she thought. She could not forget everything Sara had once told her, about Dee Dee having had bouts with several types of venereal disease, about her promiscuity with men. True, Deshona, who had not known this, had plunged right into it with her mouth, and Laura had thereafter done the same, unwilling to lose the chance. Dee Dee had a beautiful pussy, and Laura had assaulted it eagerly, but afterward she had felt guilty and fearful. All the Listerine in the world had not expunged her fears. As her lips circled it, her chin grazing the soft fringe of Dee Dee's pubic hair, her fingers gently pressing the warm, smooth insides of Dee Dee's firm thighs to push them further apart, she felt more and more like throwing caution to the winds and pushing her mouth directly into the hot, open slit that awaited her. By now Dee Dee was really squirming and panting, the handcuffs clattering against the bedposts as she strained and pulled at them. She was anticipating the feel of Laura's mouth on her pussy just as much as Laura was dying to put it there. "Unhhhh . . . unhhhhh!" Dee Dee gasped, her hips bucking in slow, rhythmic motions. "Oh yes! Unhhhh . . . yes . . . Laura!" But Laura could not do it. The closer and closer she got to this heavenly, oozing furrow, the more she felt panic rising inside her, and the more she cursed herself for being a coward. As if to get a hold on herself and regroup, she began quickly kissing her way up Dee Dee's beautiful, undulating body to her marvelous breasts. Whatever Dee Dee's shortcomings might be, she had a thrilling body, lean and muscular and midnight black, with gorgeous, sculptured little upswept breasts topped by coal-black nipples that Laura now set to devour passionately. She took Dee Dee's small, firm breasts in both hands, bunching them together, and began licking both of Dee Dee's swelling black nipples hungrily, as if to distract her from the meaning of this unexpected detour. She kissed the valley between them, and kissed each breast heatedly, then cupped one in both hands and sucked Dee Dee's wet black nipple deep into her mouth. "Awwonnnnggg!" Dee Dee cried out, her body bucking and jumping uncontrollably. "Oh shit . . . that feels good!" For several seconds Laura tried to swallow this lovely, firm little ball of flesh, tongue-lashing and teeth-teasing Dee Dee's stiffening black nipple until Dee Dee was cawing helplessly in the back of her throat, lifting her head reflexively, as if she could see Laura inhaling her breast, though the blindfold was still firmly in place. After thoroughly mouth mauling the beautiful globe, Laura turned to the other one and unleashed the same flood of passion on it. "Oh god!" Dee Dee whimpered after her second breast suffered a full minute of sweet torment from Laura's mouth and fingers. She began to undulate and mewl excitedly. "Do my pussy . . . Laura. Do my pussy. I'm going to come before you fuck me . . . I think. Do my pussy . . . now . . . please. Oh . . . I'm so close!" "Oh honey, I love your boobs," Laura gasped in between passionate sucks. "Do my pussy. Oh god, Laura . . . please! Why won't you do my pussy?" Laura did not answer, and did not stop. Suddenly, Dee Dee froze. She pulled herself up halfway, awkwardly, her body contorted by the need to keep her arms overhead. But her sheer concentration and focus stopped Laura in her tracks. Laura looked up. "Did Sara tell you some shit about me?" Dee Dee asked, sharply. "Did she tell you about me having VD?" "Um . . . I . . . well—" "Oh FUCK!" Dee Dee swore. She glowered hotly at Laura, Laura knew, through the blindfold. This time her voice was low and menacing. "My pussy is as clean as a baby's pussy and has been for a year and a half. My doctor said I am completely clean, and I don't have anything to fear, and neither does anybody else!" She looked so angry and exasperated that Laura didn't know what to do and felt shockingly guilty and ashamed. "I . . . I'm sorry. I thought—" "I know what you thought!" Something inside Laura was grieving because they had been on such a roll, and she was as certain as Dee Dee was that she was going to come any second. She wasn't the drugged out, anesthetized Dee Dee of the past. She had only had one drink, and she was so aroused that she was nearly coming already. And they had lost it. Also, it was even a little comical, in a twisted, poignant sort of way. Dee Dee was struggling to sit up, obviously glaring angrily at Laura, and yet she couldn't see anything. Laura, overcome equally by guilt and lust, took advantage of the situation by quickly sliding up completely on top of her, embracing her, rubbing and mashing her own naked breasts into Dee Dee's, and kissing her cheek, her neck, her shoulder passionately. "I want you . . . I want you . . ." she panted, running her hands all over the girl's delicious, slender, hard, naked body, hoping to push them both past this moment. She felt Dee Dee relax a little in her arms, felt her body yielding, felt her breath quickening again. "I want every part of you," Laura murmured, sliding lower now, quickly sliding between Dee Dee's thighs again, and then pressing her mouth to Dee Dee's wet, inflamed pussy before either one of them could revert to the angry moment that had just occurred. "I want your beautiful pussy." "Aunngghh!" Dee Dee groaned, arching her back, as Laura's tongue slid deep between the warm, buttery lips of her cunt. And now Laura was enraptured. She knew from last time that Dee Dee had a beautiful pussy, but then she and Deshona had been so urgently fucking the girl, trying to make an orgasm possible though frustrated by the blocking power of the numerous drugs Dee Dee appeared to have ingested. Laura had barely been able to appreciate it. Now she could enjoy its beauty completely. Unlike her sister Sara's small, plump pussy—Sara's outer cunt lips were the thickest Laura could remember—Dee Dee's was another long dark masterpiece, not unlike Charise's, in which Laura had been burying her face only days earlier. The outer lips were not puffed up at all but merely long, sheltering folds encasing the wavy black glistening petals of her inner pussy, which was absolutely swimming in warm juice, and deeper red inside than most, almost ruby red. It was also delightfully tangy and tart to Laura's tongue, which she burrowed in as deeply as it would go. "Ohnnnggg . . . oh god . . . you really know how to do that!" Dee Dee groaned, still arching her back, her pelvis twitching forward as Laura unleashed a hungry love-assault on her beautiful quim. But though their cunts were different, Dee Dee too had a small, silvery ring threaded through her clitoral hood. Maybe it runs in the family, Laura reflected sardonically, flicking it with her tongue, then burrowing the tip underneath the hood to stab at Dee Dee small clit. Dee Dee's body clenched. "Oh!" "You have the most beautiful pussy," Laura purred to her, sliding two fingers into it as she eagerly tongued Dee Dee's clit, trying to bring her back to the uncontrollable passion she had been feeling just before the disruption. "Oh, I love this pussy!" "Unh . . . unh!" Dee Dee panted, twisting, legs twitching and jerking as Laura turned up the heat. "Oh! I never . . . came this way . . . by licking, I mean . . . until that woman . . . I told you about . . . unhhh! Oh Laura! Ungghhh!" They were back. Laura knew Dee Dee was going to come now. She could hear it in her moans, feel it in the twisting of her pelvis. Earlier it had come upon them unexpectedly, the sudden onrush of Dee Dee's about-to-happen climax, which both of them had planned to delay until Laura began to actually fuck her with the strap-on dildo. Her orgasm had nearly exploded on them both, in spite of their plans. Only her quick rage at Laura had interrupted it. But now nothing would stop it. Laura herself would see to that. And yet she couldn't let herself give in to it quickly. She knew from the way Dee Dee was moaning and pumping and grinding her hips that it would be an easy matter to make her come in seconds. But she wanted to enjoy this long, wavy, juicy black pussy forever and lick the glistening, ruby-red inner flesh until the end of time. Dee Dee was a copious lubricator, and the warm, tangy nectars flooding her pussy seemed almost to trickle down Laura's adventurous tongue into her throat. She slurped and swallowed them thirstily, now turning her palm up so that she could probe the inner wall of Dee Dee's pussy with her fingertips more easily. For she couldn't control her small competitive streak either. If this Czechoslovakian woman in Berkeley had been the first to make Dee Dee come by licking her pussy, Laura was determined not to be outdone. Let's see if she has a g-spot, Laura thought. Oh god, I'm going to make her explode. I'm going to give her the best ever. But Dee Dee's body had other plans. Whether or not she had a g-spot, Laura would have to discover it later. "Unghh . . . uhnnn! Oh shit, Laura . . . yes! Oh shit . . . yes . . . like that . . . unnmmmeeeeeee!" Dee Dee really went wild and began flipping and tossing, her lovely lean black body jumping and twisting up off the bed, the handcuffs making a fearful racket against the bedposts. "Oh god . . . are you going to come, honey?" "Ungghh!" Dee Dee cried out, almost suffering, trying to get there, striving to allow her climax to arrive. Laura had seen her have a little trouble before—even a lot of trouble—trying to come when she had been drugged or drank too much. She wasn't in that state now, but she was still having a little trouble, and Laura began to wonder if she in fact, like some women, did not come easily or quickly as a rule. If so, it did not inhibit her desire, since she seemed to love fucking and was always eager to do it, at least with Laura. She was teetering on the brink of a fierce orgasm but could not get it to arrive. Laura gave up probing and concentrated quickly on raising the heat level to the point of no return. Again she turned her palm down and simply began fucking Dee Dee's sweet, tight, very slick pussy with her fingers, and tonguing and sucking the girl's clit urgently at the same time. Here it is, here it is! she kept thinking, trying to transmit this confidence to Dee Dee through her mouth, through her plunging fingers. It's here, honey, it's here! And she was right. All the churning and surging and whimpering and pumping finally paid off, and Dee Dee was suddenly hit head-on by a speeding freight train of a climax. Her body flipped up and almost jackknifed, throwing Laura to the side for a moment. Laura quickly scrambled back into place, pressing her hungry mouth to the girl's hot, streaming trench, and Dee Dee stiffened, then collapsed into two deep shudders. "Awwwonnngggnnngghiiieeee!" she suddenly screamed, then subsided into more shuddering, accompanied by tight, pinched off whimpers deep in her chest. "Ohhnnnnn!" she finally moaned again, after the worst (or best) had passed. Laura was still licking her beautiful wet pussy, lovingly, tenderly now. "Oh . . . Jesus! Unngghh! Oh, yes, another one! Ummmnnggghiiieeeeee!" It was hard for Laura to tell if this was another orgasm or just a trailing spasm from the first one; and anyway, did it matter? Again Dee Dee's lovely body clenched and shuddered, then finally relaxed as the piercing pleasure subsided. Now Laura kissed her pussy as if it were her mouth, sweetly, tenderly, gently. "I love making you come like that," she purred to her, finally sliding up Dee Dee's body, removing the blindfold with her fingers so that they could see each other. The blindfold was exciting, but she loved looking into the eyes of a woman who had just come. Sometimes you could see the truth there, or a new thing about her that you hadn't expected, a rare vulnerability, or an unsuspected warmth. If the eyes were the window to the soul, as a saying had it, then you could often discover a thrilling aspect of a woman you had never guessed was there by looking into her eyes after she has just dissolved in the sweetest, or most wrenching, orgasmic bliss. Dee Dee, whose eyes were often vacant, who could make you wonder hard about how she had got a Master's Degree when she often seemed barely there, her vacant stare a sign of deep abstraction, or some congenital stupefaction, or a brain flayed and perforated by too many drugs, looked up into Laura's eyes and smiled. Her dark eyes were still throbbing in the aftermath of a sharp orgasm, but at the bottom of them Laura could see more than she ever had before: a sweet, frightened, but also immensely happy young girl whose needs were sometimes too complex even for her to understand. "Laura . . ." she said softly, batting her eyelashes, seeming uncharacteristically shy, "I never come that way with anybody." Laura smiled back. "What way?" "That way. Shit . . . first I didn't think I'd make it . . . then, I just about came apart." "I'm glad you liked it," Laura murmured, bending down, kissing her lips, a slow, lingering kiss. She resisted the temptation to ask if this orgasm had been superior to the ones induced by the odious Czechoslovakian woman in Berkeley, whom she felt a sizzling jealousy for all of a sudden. "Now let me take these off," she said, touching the handcuffs with her fingers. She kept the keys to both sets taped to the bottom of the drawer so she would always know where they were, and now she bounced off the bed to retrieve them. "You aren't going to fuck me," Dee Dee said, very seriously, almost an accusation, when she returned with them. Laura unlocked both sets of handcuffs before replying. "Darling," she said, her voice husky and low and smoking, "I am going to fuck you from here to the moon and back. But first . . . I got a little aroused myself doing that . . . and I want these." She ran her fingertips over the smooth, rippling muscles of Dee Dee's stomach. Dee Dee grinned slowly. "I started working out again. After you . . . you know, that time, rubbed yourself against my abs. I decided maybe I could get back into shape. It might be worth it." Laura was light-headed with anticipation already. Now that she had removed the handcuffs from Dee Dee's slender wrists, she took both of Dee Dee's hands in hers, interlacing their fingers and pinning Dee Dee on her back, looming up over her as she straddled Dee Dee's midriff. Dee Dee extended her tongue salaciously, playfully, looking up into Laura's eyes, then down at Laura's small, naked breasts dangling in her face. "Give me those," she said. "Give me one of those." Laughing softly and sexily, Laura lowered her body slightly, brushing her nipples across Dee Dee's face. Laughing too, Dee Dee chased them with her mouth. Finally, Laura let her catch one. Very sensually, Dee Dee wrapped her wet tongue around it first, before sucking it between her lips. "Ahhhh!" Laura quivered as the sweet sensations spread throughout her body. "Ohhh . . . you do that well! Do it a little harder." Dee Dee was happy to oblige and sucked Laura's throbbing nipple deeper into her mouth, playfully snarling and ringing it with her teeth. This aggressiveness somehow reminded Laura of the roughest sex she had often had in the past, with Karen, with Dawn, with a few others, something she had pushed into the background now for a long time. But Dee Dee clearly loved her sex to be a little rough too, now and then, and the feel of her teeth gently biting, or threatening to bite, into Laura's areola sent a hot squirt of sexual fire shooting through Laura's already wet pussy. She had enough self-control left to reach down and spread her already puckering cunt lips open before letting her whole dripping, aching crotch come into contact with the smooth hard ripples of Dee Dee's fantastic stomach. The sweet, intense sensation was nearly overpowering. "Unhhh!" she heard herself groan, almost as if it were somebody else, a helpless groan of unbelievable pleasure. Laura was shaking, but she forced herself to get control of the muscles in her quivering body and began to slide her pussy up and down slowly across the phenomenal smooth ridges. She could feel each one glide past the wet, exposed flesh of her pussy and even feel the hard little berry of her clit throb when it nudged and mashed into one of Dee Dee's firm muscles. Oh shit . . . I am going to come so hard! she realized. I am just going to die here. "Bite . . . it," she half-whimpered, half-panted to Dee Dee, pushing her breast more roughly down into Dee Dee's face. "Bite it . . . just a little. Oh god . . . oh god, I love fucking you like this!" Dee Dee chuckled softly, apparently enjoying giving Laura this much pleasure, and about to give more. "You can fuck yourself crazy on me, Laura," she panted, releasing Laura's wet nipple for just a moment. "Just rub it and rub it until you come." She disentangled her fingers from Laura's, now taking charge more than before since Laura was quickly becoming delirious with sexual need. She ran her fingers along Laura's naked back, quickly chasing and sucking into her mouth Laura's other nipple, then dropping both hands to Laura's hips. And now, knowing what Laura wanted, she began to undulate and clench her body under Laura, at the same time holding Laura's hips in her hands and rubbing Laura's slippery cunt roughly up and down over her hard abs. It was almost as if she were fucking Laura now, instead of the reverse. Dee Dee clenched her stomach muscles to make them harder than ever, then pushed her torso up into Laura's lunging, urgent thrusts. "Unnhhh . . . unhhhh . . ." Laura groaned, throwing her head back, delirious, shaking with need. "Unhhhh!" Again she felt Dee Dee's teeth enclosing her wet nipple, but Dee Dee was reluctant to go all the way. "Bite it!" Laura gasped. "Just a little. Bite it . . . oh, bite it! Ungghhh! Oh! Oh shit . . . bite it, honey, I'm almost there!" Dee Dee did bite it, even a little more sharply than Laura had hoped. Her teeth sank into Laura's rubbery areola, then almost immediately relaxed, as she apparently feared she had gone too far. Her teeth parted but she sucked Laura's nipple harder than ever. "Anngghiiiiieee!" Laura cried out. But it was not so much from pain, in spite of what Dee Dee might think, as a reaction to the lightning bolt of sexual fire that shot completely through Laura's body just after Dee Dee's teeth pulled back. And the sharp sucking afterward only heightened the effect. Laura was crushed by a fierce upwelling orgasm. It seemed to rise up from the place where her oily, aching cunt lips were stuck to Dee Dee's ridged midriff and spread like a radiating explosion throughout her body, wrenching her, killing her with sweet, ferocious ecstasy. "Auunnhhhhh . . . . aunngghhhhhh . . . oh . . . oh . . . auunggghhhhh!" she moaned, collapsing forward, smothering Dee Dee with her breast, then falling slightly to the side to let the girl breathe while the billowing waves of her orgasm played out and began to wane. But she was still crouched over Dee Dee, her throbbing wet pussy still splayed and spread against Dee Dee's warm, rippling stomach, her wet nipple mashed into Dee Dee's smooth shoulder. It was a minute or two before she could speak, and they just lay there during that time, letting their breath return to normal. Even though she was still lying almost completely under Laura, Dee Dee made no attempt to move. Finally, when Laura seemed to be returning to consciousness and smiled wanly at her, she spoke. "You're going to fuck me now, right? With the blindfold on?" Laura touched her nose affectionately with the tip of one forefinger. "You have a one-track mind." Embarrassed, Dee Dee smiled and nodded. "I know. But you're hot. I don't know how Sara could ever give this up." Laura frowned. "Don't mention her, please." "Sorry." Dee Dee looked chastened, apologetic. "Forgot." But Laura didn't know if she really had forgotten, or was really sorry either. She herself might be competitive with some total stranger, like the Czechoslovakian woman in Berkeley, but it was increasingly clear that Dee Dee was very competitive with Sara, which had the makings of a pretty unpleasant situation for Laura. For the present, she tried to pretend it didn't mean anything by ignoring it. As if to seal this moment of intimacy, and block out all thoughts of rivals, ex-lovers, broken hearts, petty jealousies, Laura embraced Dee Dee lovingly, again sliding on top of her but this time rubbing their naked bodies together sensually, and kissed her long and deep. She could still feel the stickiness of the warm juices her cunt had exuded gluing their stomachs together as they kissed. Laura breathed into Dee Dee's very black ear. She ran the tip of her tongue around the curlicues of the ear, ending with it in the center, then ran her tongue in as deeply as it would go. Dee Dee giggled and shivered. "You're getting me in the mood to fuck you," Laura whispered. "What is it about you? I already want to fuck you again." "You didn't fuck me," Dee Dee laughed, wriggling away. "You only licked my pussy. I was right, wasn't I. Clean as a whistle. That Sara is such a bitch. Now you're going to fuck me . . . with the blindfold on. I want you to fuck me in the ass with that . . . thing. You know, the one your friend used? Only I don't want you to do it rough and mean, like she did. I want you to do it slow and take forever, okay?" Laura noticed but let the second reference to Sara pass. "Rough and mean?" Laura said, raising an eyebrow. "You were so drugged out we couldn't even make you come." Dee Dee smiled in agreement. "So you had to gang-rape me to make it happen, eh?" Laura pouted. "And here I thought you liked it. Two is hardly a gang." Dee Dee softened. "I almost couldn't walk when I left here. But I don't think I ever came that hard before or since." She turned over onto her stomach, grabbing the handcuffs again and pushing them toward Laura. "In the ass," she said, her voice already thick and clotted with renewed sexual excitement. "But slow." Laura was already in love with Dee Dee's back, which she had been slavering over earlier when Dee Dee had still been clothed, or half-clothed at least, in the thin, summery dress with the spaghetti straps. Being slender, Dee Dee had no layer of fat on her back to cover its long lines and delicious dips and smooth cambers. It was simply a richly black and gleaming masterpiece of flesh, and looking at it made Laura's pussy run and her fingers hungry to touch it, her lips hungry to kiss it everywhere. This she already knew. But Dee Dee's bottom, she seemed to have forgotten, was one of the rare miracle asses, a high, round paragon of firm fleshy moons, black as midnight, hard and sculptured, the kind she had seen described as a 'bubble ass,' though it made her pant no matter how it was described. It was breathtaking, the kind of ass Chanitra and Jane had, the kind that made Laura almost whimper with lust. Dee Dee knew that it was special, and she wiggled it at Laura suggestively. "You dirty old lady, you want to stick that long thing in my black ass, don't you," she said to Laura, her dark eyes glinting with bold invitations. "You want to fuck me like a man would fuck me." Laura smirked at her, thinking Dee Dee was certainly a piece of work, as she crossed the room to the drawer and got the strap-on dildo, the one Dee Dee wanted, and the harness. "Have you let them do it?" she asked curiously, as she returned to the bed. Dee Dee shrugged, a world-weary sort of expression passing across her young face. "Now and then. If they're nice. One guy wanted to do it but he had a dick like a redwood tree. Even having it up my pussy made me scream. I had to draw the line. But most of the others were okay. Sometimes they get carried away and really stab you. On the other hand, once I found out I could usually come that way if they gave me half a chance, I wasn't so reluctant. Even the stabbing sometimes made me come." Laura was getting very hot listening to all this. She hadn't exactly asked for such detail and was a little sickened by jealousy at hearing Dee Dee patiently describe how several men—apparently—had fucked her in her beautiful, breathtaking ass. She leaned over the bed and caressed the firm black moons with her fingertips, unable to keep her hands off Dee Dee's spectacular ass. "It's really the most beautiful one I've ever seen," Laura said softly, running her fingers down to the bulging underside of one spherical globe. True, there were a few others, but Laura was not going to quibble. "I want to fuck it bad." Dee Dee wriggled her ass away from Laura's hand, looking back over her shoulder. "Don't touch!" She lifted her wrists. "The cuffs. And the blindfold. I want it to be perfect." Oh, it will be, Laura thought. She realized that both of them, if possible, were even more sexually aroused than they had been minutes earlier when they were fucking hungrily. She climbed onto the bed next to Dee Dee and began to attach the cuffs again to her wrists. In the middle of doing this, she realized that there was a choice involved. "If we do it this way," she explained softly, configuring the two pairs of handcuffs the way she and Randi had used them, "then you won't be trapped in one position." Dee Dee was already squirming excitedly, and she merely nodded at Laura. "Yes." Laura cuffed her wrists with the fur-lined ones and then snapped one of the other cuffs around the chain linking them. Then she snapped the final cuff around the bedpost. As always, the final 'click' sent a shiver of anticipation through both of them. Dee Dee, who was not exactly a shy wallflower, suddenly became doe-like and docile, looking up at Laura in passive obedience as Laura took the scarf and began to blindfold her again. Maybe this is part of her charm, on top of this spectacular body, that gets these men, and now women, in her thrall, Laura thought. Me included. I should have just turned away from the lethal Dee Dee at the very first chance. And now look at me. I'm as deeply involved with her as I can get. "Can you see?" she asked as she knotted it behind Dee Dee's head. Dee Dee shook her head back and forth. Her tiny, muffled "No" was absorbed by the sheet into which her face was pressing. "Oh Demetra, you are so lovely," Laura purred, now taking the opportunity to run her hands all over Dee Dee's fantastic naked back, pressing her cheek to it, licking and kissing it everywhere. "Don't call me that," Dee Dee gasped, her voice still muffled by the sheet. She turned her face sideways. "Please . . . don't call me that. Sara calls me that when she's mad at me. Just call me Dee Dee." Laura smiled ruefully. There did not seem to be any way to keep Sara's name from coming up. "I won't," she purred. But she did not stop kissing and caressing Dee Dee's naked back. In fact, she really gave it the works, massaging Dee Dee's firm muscles and kissing the long, shallow groove between her shoulder blades, working her fingers into the smooth flesh, making Dee Dee smile and moan with pleasure. "I love your back . . . and I love your beautiful ass," Laura purred, moving lower, now filling her hands with the round, hard, bulging globes of Dee Dee's incredible ass, digging her fingers into the spongy flesh, watching the deeply black skin around the edges of her pale fingers shine and stretch. She couldn't keep her mouth off the firm black moons. She began by kissing them feverishly but was soon taking big chunks into her teeth, gently but persistently gnawing Dee Dee's warm, resilient flesh, making her whimper and twist. "Oh! Oh shit . . . Laura . . . ahhhh! Oh god . . . that feels so good!" From biting the firm, shiny moons, Laura moved on to parting them with her hands and dipping her mouth into the shadowy crack where she knew the little black rosebud, the pinched-shut little portal to paradise that she would soon be invading, awaited her. She found it with her fingertip and pressed it, making Dee Dee jump and squirm. "Oh yes . . . oh shit! Unhhhh! Hurry, Laura!" "Mmmmmm, but I thought you wanted it to be slow." "Oh god . . . I do!" Laura continued rubbing the entrance to Dee Dee's rectum with her fingertip, knowing how wildly it aroused her. At the same time with her other hand she pulled open the drawer of the bedstand and took out the small bottle of baby oil she kept there, ever ready. She had to remove her finger from Dee Dee's asscrack while she slipped into the strap-on harness, but Dee Dee knew exactly what she was doing, and so not a thing was subtracted from the mood. Finally, Laura got the Vac-U-Lock dildo in place, the long, ridged plastic prick that Deshona had fucked Dee Dee with last time. Laura looked down at it obscenely bobbing, jutting out from her pubic bone. My turn, she thought. My darling, you are mine. I am going to fuck you so beautifully. Carefully, she opened the little bottle and swabbed the shaft with oil. Then, while there was still some on her fingers, she slid them between Dee Dee's marvelous firm buns, finding her little closed anus and slipping one finger into it. "Unh!" Dee Dee half-grunted, snuffling into the sheet, then turning her head, looking in Laura's direction, as she had done earlier, though she could see nothing because of the blindfold. "Oooohhhh, does that feel good?" Laura asked softly. "Unngghh! Oh shit, yes!" "Here comes another one, then. We've got to make it big enough for this monster." Dee Dee clenched her teeth while Laura began gently to fuck her asshole with two fingers, widening the aperture enough to admit the thick shaft that jutted out from her groin. "Oh yes . . . oh yes!" Dee Dee panted, feeling it open, as did Laura, feeling the tight muscles give way as the passage enlarged. Dee Dee, of course, had done this before, plenty of times, if what she had told Laura was true, and she was patient and calm as Laura readied her for the penetration. She was no anal virgin and knew as well as Laura when the time had come. Laura rolled her onto her side and settled in behind her, pulling up on Dee Dee's top buttock to open the crack. Then she slowly began to inch the shaft of the dildo into Dee Dee's ass. Dee Dee whimpered, then panted rapidly. Laura could feel her flesh stiffen as the first couple of inches penetrated her. Laura eased up for a few moments, her hips remaining motionless, only her hands moving. "Hhhhh . . . hhhhhh!" Dee Dee panted, trying to overmaster the slight initial pain. Laura clasped her now, pushing her own breasts into Dee Dee's wonderful naked back, running her hands up the fantastic abs she had just fucked her pussy to paradise on, until they reached Dee Dee's marvelous small breasts. God, I didn't get to suck these enough, she thought, tweaking Dee Dee's tightening nipples, rolling them in her fingers, pinching them lightly. "Ohhhhhhnnnn!" Dee Dee moaned, now instinctively pushing her ass back into Laura, as if to convince her to resume. "Oh yes, Laura . . . oh yes!" "I didn't get to suck these enough," Laura whispered sexily into her ear. "I want to suck them and suck them. I want to swallow them. You have such a delicious body." Dee Dee was beyond the point where compliments were going to mean anything. She stiffened again as Laura pushed the stalk deeper into her ass. "Unhhh! Oh shit . . . that thing feels weird! Unhhh . . . those sharp ripples . . . unhhh!" "Does it feel good?" Laura panted. "God . . . like heaven! Do it slow!" "Oh, I will," Laura breathed into her ear, twisting Dee Dee's nipples in her fingers, then running her mouth along the girl's smooth black neck, down to her shoulder. "I'm going to fuck you so slow it'll take you forever to come." "Oh! Oh no it won't!" Dee Dee gasped, now swirling her own hips even more rapidly back into Laura's. "Slow down . . . slow down, now . . ." Laura purred to her, reversing roles. "Yes . . . that's it . . . slow . . . slow . . ." For several minutes now they did precisely what Dee Dee had requested. By slowly thrusting, sliding it deeper, Laura finally got the entire dildo into Dee Dee's tight ass. She could feel the tops of her own thighs pressing against the glorious hard moons of Dee Dee's bottom. Dee Dee, though nearly paralyzed by the intense pleasure, was pliant and relaxed, her mouth grimacing a little, but often melting into a half-smile too. Laura slowly pulled it out, then slowly pushed it back in. At the same time she kissed Dee Dee everywhere her mouth could reach: the tops of her shoulders, her smooth black shoulder blades, the nape of her neck, each side of her neck itself, her ears, even her cheek. Her hands now cupped Dee Dee's breasts and squeezed them, and often she scissored Dee Dee's nipples in her fingers, still twisting them, hearing Dee Dee moan and mewl as each slow thrust turned up the heat coursing through her delicious body. After several minutes of this, the tempo began to accelerate. Dee Dee began to whimper and grunt softly as Laura's thrusts became more rapid, and both of them began to pant and squirm their bodies together. "Oh yes . . . oh yes!" Dee Dee panted, again looking back over her shoulder as if she could see Laura through the blindfold. Now her mouth was grimacing, though with a clear mixture of pain and pleasure, each time the ridged dildo penetrated her body. Still, though they were moving a little faster, they were not really churning and bucking yet. It was more a gentle rocking rhythm, with Laura still lovingly kissing Dee Dee's body everywhere she could, and cooing to her, soft, affectionate obscenities. "I love your body . . . I love your beautiful ass . . . I love fucking your beautiful ass . . . I want to fuck it forever . . . I don't want this to stop . . . I want to fuck you everywhere . . . I want to fuck every part of you . . . I love this . . ." "Oh . . . oh!" Dee Dee gasped, now quivering as she swirled her ass back into Laura's thrusts. "Oh yes! Oh . . . Laura!" "Not too fast, now," Laura cautioned. "Slow, remember? We're going to go slow . . . so sloowwww . . . we're going to fuck like this forever . . ." "Oh! Oh god . . . I think I want to go faster!" Dee Dee whimpered. "Fuck me deeper . . . yes! Ungghh! Awwonnggg!" she howled as Laura complied and plunged the dildo deeper into her ass. "Yes . . . deeper! Awwonnggg!" "Oh, but honey, it's going to be over too fast if we do that," Laura complained, slowing the pace down again, releasing Dee Dee's breasts momentarily with her hands and raising them to Dee Dee's face, caressing the parts that were not covered by the scarf blindfold. "I want to fuck you this way all night." Again they lapsed into silence, their heavy breathing and the faint jiggling of the bedsprings the only sound in Laura's bedroom, punctuated now and then by the clattering of the handcuffs and the scraping of the chains together where they were linked. Laura's hands traveled down Dee Dee's writhing body until she got her fingers on Dee Dee's clit. She began to swirl them sensually, in a slow, circular motion, feeling the taut little bud slide under them, then dipping two fingers down into the warm flowing cauldron below. Dee Dee's pretty black cunt was running like a river, and Laura rubbed both it and her clit while beginning to fuck her asshole a little faster, a little harder. "Oh . . . unh . . . yes! Ungghhh! Oh yes!" "Oh!" Laura panted, now churning her hips a little more sharply, pushing it a little deeper. "Are you getting closer?" "God . . . yes! Oh shit!" Now that Laura was plunging it faster into Dee Dee's ass, she needed one hand to steady the shaft. Her left hand was still rubbing Dee Dee's pussy, and her throbbing little clit, but Laura was able to grab the greasy stalk with her right hand and keep it from slipping loose. She also could not keep herself from looking down, watching the greasy rod slide between the firm, round, black moons of Dee Dee's spectacular ass and into her rectum, watch it slowly disappear into the tight orifice, hearing the rising moan of excruciating pleasure as it rode deep into her bowel, then watching as it appeared once again when she started pulling it slowly out, the large convex ridges that ringed the shaft all shiny and glistening with oil. Dee Dee was now undulating hypnotically with her lower body, and Laura found that even if she remained perfectly still, the dildo still slid in and out of Dee Dee's fantastic ass since she was fucking herself on it. But she could still not drive it deep into her body, as Laura could do, and as she increasingly wanted. She was a glutton for rough fucking, at least now, and Laura knew how she felt. She had not actually felt this particular shaft in her ass, but she had been hammer-fucked there by both men and women, and she knew the whimpering, grimacing Dee Dee was preparing herself for a ferocious all-body anal orgasm, the kind that ripped you apart and left you for dead. "Do it harder!" Dee Dee panted, now in a guttural, half-crazed voice, twisting her body back and up into Laura's probing forward jabs. "Deeper . . . and harder . . ." she panted. "Oh yes! Do it deeper, Laura! Oh shit, it feels so good!" "Does it feel good when I rub you like this?" Laura purred, swirling her hips a little more urgently, holding the dildo steady with her right hand, still rubbing Dee Dee's clit with her other hand. "Oh god! I'm going to come!" Dee Dee suddenly said, almost under her breath, as if the knowledge shocked her. She turned her face again up to Laura, though she could see nothing. "Oh Laura, fuck me hard. Fuck me harder!" Suddenly, she twisted her body in such a way that she was lying completely face down, forcing Laura to rise up behind her if she didn't want the dildo to slip out completely. Now Dee Dee uptilted her ass, presenting Laura with a perfect drilling target. Laura was no anal virgin either and knew exactly what she wanted. God, she wants the whole nine yards, Laura thought, almost in awe. And she is going to come, too. Look at the way she's shaking. "Do it! Oh GOD, do it!" Dee Dee shouted to Laura, as if to jar Laura back into the moment. Laura wondered if she had delayed giving Dee Dee this pile-driver sort of ass fuck up until now because she was afraid that her anger over how Dee Dee had spilled the beans to Sara might explode in her and cause a kind of vicious anal rape she was not eager to be a part of. I've grown up a little, she thought. I was hurt, but I don't have to punish her that way for it. She did not want to hurt Dee Dee, but Dee Dee was locked in a frenzied fuck-mania by now, gyrating her ass back and up into Laura's groin. The dildo was sliding in and out, but only by about two inches or so each way. "Please!" Dee Dee half-sobbed in desperation. And that was all it took to nudge Laura over the edge. Still clutching the slippery, ridged shaft with the fingers of her right hand, she leaned forward over Dee Dee, slipping her other hand around Dee Dee's pelvis and into her crotch at the same time. Almost in the same instant, she drove the dildo deep into Dee Dee's ass, and grabbed her pussy, sinking two fingers into the warm, gooey trench and almost crushing Dee Dee's clit with her palm. Dee Dee slumped forward and groaned. "Auujngghhhh! Jesus! Shit!" But Laura barely gave her a chance to say anything else. Almost in one fluid motion, she drew the shaft out, then plunged it in deep again. Dee Dee howled. "Ooowwnngghh!" Now Laura fucked her roughly and rapidly, rubbing and squeezing her cunt at the same time, lying on top of her and drilling the dildo deep into her bottom, causing so much intermingled pain and pleasure that Dee Dee could do nothing but whinny helplessly, the breath nearly crushed out of her by Laura's fierce love assault. Suddenly in the midst of all this struggling and churning, she shuddered deeply, a tremor that seemed to wrench her whole body from her toes to her forehead. "Awwgggg . . . awgggcchhh . . ." she cawed helplessly. Laura paused, and then she felt an absolute killer of a climax nearly break Dee Dee in half. This is what she was waiting for, Laura thought, almost serenely, merely holding Dee Dee's quivering flesh as fierce shudder after shudder wracked her. "Annngghnnniiiggggiieeee!" Dee Dee cried out as the air finally poured back into her lungs. "OOOWWWNNGGHHIIIEEEEE!" Her second shriek, startling Laura, was much louder and more piercing than her first. The spasms hit her one after one, spaced about one second apart. Laura counted four violent quakes, then felt Dee Dee's body slackening, still twitching, but growing weaker. "Oh god!" Dee Dee whimpered. "Oh god!" Laura didn't know whether to move. Dee Dee was still jumping and twitching from aftershocks. Also, Laura felt that moving would make the dildo slide in or out and possibly cause her pain or discomfort. "Are you okay?" she finally whispered. "No," Dee Dee bleated weakly, her lips half-smiling, still gasping, wincing, and panting uncontrollably. "I'm dead. I think." She took a couple of deep breaths to make her panting subside. "I think you are a very dangerous person, Laura." Now Laura carefully extracted the long, greased rod from Dee Dee's body. Dee Dee moaned and shuddered a little as it came out, wincing again. "Oh shit," she gasped. "That feels almost as exciting as when it first went in. Those little sharp rings are the bomb." She looked down at the glistening shaft. "The only thing I miss is when it squirts up into you. Sometimes I can get off just on that alone. Feels like hot oil shooting into you." Laura scooted sideways off the bed to slide out of the harness. Then she slid up to Dee Dee again, unable to resist the chance to press her entire body against Dee Dee's as she unknotted the scarf that covered the girl's eyes. She let it fall away and kissed her hungrily, surprised at herself for this spontaneous surge of affection. It was mixed with lust, though, which had percolated within Laura's body while she was administering this heavenly ass fuck to Dee Dee. The keys to the handcuffs were on the bedstand, and Laura groped for them while continuing to kiss Dee Dee. "You came very hard," she murmured. "You just . . . sort of went off like a rocket." She unfastened the cuffs from Dee Dee's wrists, then pulled her over to the other side of the bed. Now they could embrace face to face. Laura still continued to feel this upwelling surge of affection for Dee Dee, maybe because of the violence of this orgasmic moment, and because now that everything with Sara was lost anyway, she was funneling all her deepest feelings into the nearest available, and beautiful, body. Dee Dee kissed her back, still unsmiling, still solemn, still apparently half-stunned by the experience. But she rarely smiled much anyway, so Laura was not troubled by it. "You are dangerous," Dee Dee repeated, when she finally did speak, softly. "You fuck me too good. Nobody fucks me like that. I died." Laura now ran her mouth down Dee Dee's gleaming black shoulder, down her chest, down to the delicious small breasts she had earlier felt she had not sucked enough. She began to make up for it. "I'm not dangerous because of that," she demurred. Dee Dee looked down, watching Laura's tongue on her nipples, watching Laura hold one small perfect breast in both hands and suck the shiny wet black nipple into her mouth. "I don't think I could ever give you that much back," Dee Dee said, matter-of-factly. "I'm used to being on the receiving end, you know?" "Tell me what it's like when you're blindfolded," Laura said, still sucking and licking Dee Dee's gorgeous, satiny black nipples. "Wild. Want to try it?" Laura looked up. She even scooted up so that her wet mouth could reach Dee Dee's again. She shook her head. "Half my pleasure comes from looking at you." This remark seemed to take Dee Dee by surprise, and she smiled nervously, then more broadly, realizing from the look in Laura's eyes that it was true. "What a sweet thing to say." She embraced Laura, pushing her wet breasts and hard nipples into Laura's body. "Laura, I think I've got to try, even though I don't think I can make you come like that." "I think you will do just fine," Laura sighed, rolling onto her back as Dee Dee pushed her over and slid on top. "You want me to do the same thing to you?" Laura shook her head. "Maybe later. Right now, I can't wait. I'm so close. I want you to eat me and fuck me. I'm so close." Solemnly, Dee Dee nodded. She could see from the look in Laura's eyes that Laura was telling the truth. And in fact it took only two or three more minutes for Laura to come. Dee Dee, while not an expert yet, made up for it in enthusiasm. She slid down Laura's body and began to suck and lick Laura's inflamed pussy so passionately that Laura was quickly carried away by a fierce, hot whirlwind of ecstasy. She grabbed Dee Dee's head and pulled it into her streaming pussy, bucking and arching, and splitting the air with her happy cries. It was all over in four minutes. Afterward, they lay together, both rather stunned to think how heatedly they had fucked when it was not yet even eight o'clock at night. We'll kill each other if we keep this up, Laura thought. They dozed a little, dreamily clutching one another. Laura was surprised also to find Dee Dee more affectionate than she had imagined her to be. "Tell me why you told her," Laura said, softly, but certainly out of the blue. She even surprised herself by saying it, as if the words had just formed themselves independently of her will. Dee Dee did not exactly stiffen, but she somehow grew more guarded. It was something they had never discussed, never even brought up. "I . . . was high. She made me angry. I . . . just spit it out. I'm sorry." Laura kissed her cheek tenderly. "It's okay," she whispered. "It's both our faults." She felt a little pang, thinking of Sara, and a little guilt too. She had now fucked with Dee Dee much more heatedly than she ever had with Sara, and the night was young. She also felt a fresh stab of pain at the loss of Sara. All this, all this incendiary sex, was nothing to the feel of Sara's lips on hers. But she forcibly wrenched her mind away from this vain self-indulgence, back to Dee Dee. Eager to get off the subject, Dee Dee cocked her head. "How about that drink? You promised." Laura smiled. "Maybe we both could use another." "I know I could. My ass feels like someone's been shoving a hot poker up there." Laura found a spare robe for Dee Dee in her closet, and one for herself. She tossed one to Dee Dee. "Cover up. All that beautiful bare black flesh sets my pussy on fire." "Oh Laura, you say the sweetest things," Dee Dee smiled back saucily. "Bet if I don' get too drunk, you gon' fuck me some more, right?" I might even if you do get too drunk, Laura thought, without saying it. "Come in here and help me pour the vodka," she winked slyly, beckoning Dee Dee toward the kitchen.
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