Laura - Chapter 269



Randi had been gone a week. When not at work, Laura had spent most of the time in bed, crying. Mourning. Just when she would think she had mastered her sense of loss, her grief, her devastating shame, and put it behind her, and stopped feeling sorry for herself, the horrible tightness would grip her throat, the tears would come, and she could not stop them.

The crying was for Sara, but there was a definite twinge from Randi's departure as well, as Laura had recognized from the start. And yet it wasn't that she would never see Randi again. She would. They would visit. Their relationship might even improve when they saw each other more rarely (though Laura didn't know how the sex could possibly get any hotter). More than anything, her sadness over Randi amounted to a realization that this was a milestone, the end of a chapter in her life.

She could not yet bear to think of Sara in the same terms, and even the suspicion of it was one thing that set off the floods of tears. As a consequence, even at work her face still looked puffy, her eyes reddened, her gaze bleak and stricken. People reacted in two ways, either avoiding her entirely, making wide sweeps around her in the halls, or approaching her with very real, tender concern, wondering if she had perhaps had a bad medical report, or a death in the family.

She also worked late almost every night, throwing herself into it, unwilling to go home, to face the long hours alone, thinking of Sara. It was on one of these evenings that she ran out to get a sandwich and bring it back to her desk. Waiting for her, huddled back in a niche formed by the huge pilasters that made part of the façade of her building, was . . . . oh god, is it really her? Laura wondered. It was Charise.

She was hunched back in the shadows, wearing her big blue parka. She was scanning the sidewalks almost mournfully and did not see Laura approach.

"Charise," Laura murmured above the traffic noise, trying not to startle her. "Inky . . . is that you?"

Charise's head spun around. Instead of her usual stiffish little Dutch flip, she had her shiny black hair all pulled back round her head and knotted behind. Her eyes were luminous, her smile angelic, as always, and her hairstyle made her look somehow more mature, more grownup than ever before.

"Laura. Finally," she said, though without exasperation.

Charise seemed to be the most patient, uncomplaining, easygoing person Laura had ever met. To Laura, currently feeling so low, she was like a special angel. Sex did not even enter Laura's mind, strangely enough. She just wanted to enfold Charise in her arms, right there on the street with all the bustling business workers scurrying past, and kiss her with exuberant gratitude and love.

"Why didn't you come inside and ask for me?" Laura wondered out loud.

Charise looked frightened and resigned at the same time. "Guards in there . . ." she muttered, looking at the cars and buses. "Make me nervous. And I . . . didn't know if you really ever wanted to see me again, either."

"What? Why wouldn't I want to see you? I adore you."

Charise squint-smiled at her but said nothing. She looked away, then looked back, half-evading Laura's eyes. "You moved and didn't tell me."

Laura's shoulders slumped visibly. It was true, of course. She felt awful about it and covered as quickly and adroitly as she could.

"Darling Inky . . ." she said, grabbing one of Charise's small, very black hands from the bulky sleeve of the parka. "How could you ever think I'd do such a thing? I . . . you . . . you were going to have the baby . . . and I . . . was going to call you . . . and—"

Charise pulled back her hand and opened the parka, showing her svelte figure to Laura. "Had it," she beamed.

"Oh god, you darling wonderful thing!" Laura exclaimed, embracing her in a sisterly way, unable to repress her instinct to hug the girl. But then she pulled back gently. "What were you going to do if I didn't walk by?"

Charise shrugged. "Take the bus home, I guess. Like last time."

"Last time?"

Charise looked down at her feet, embarrassed. "This is the third time I waited for you."

"Oh, you poor darling. Come in here with me, right now."

Laura started to steer her by the elbow toward the huge glass doors. Under her parka Charise wore a thin, dark green, ribbed cotton jersey, and Laura could not help noticing that while her stomach had deflated, her breasts, always so surprisingly full for such a slender, adolescent body, were even bigger than usual.

Milk, she thought, then immediately tried to pretend that she hadn't thought it. There was nevertheless a small recognizable twinge deep inside her pussy that she could not ignore, a twinge that brought a quick flash of memories. Memories of Cecilia . . . of being drenched in warm mother's milk, of she and Cecilia groaning through hot, feathery, delirious miracles of sweet coming in each other's arms, their skin glued together by the sticky, drying fluids. Quickly, Laura pushed the memories away. How dare you! she asked herself. What a scum you are! This sweet girl, waiting out here for you every night, and all you can think about is . . .

Never mind! she thought, noticing that Charise was resisting, pulling back, unwilling to enter the building with Laura.

"I ain't going in there," Charise shook her head.

"Why not?"

"It just . . . makes me nervous, is all."

Laura pulled her back over to the small niche formed by the pilasters. "Look, you stay right here, okay? I'm going to go back in and get my things. I'll be right back."

Charise gave her another one of those shy squint-smiles that stabbed Laura's heart each time. She nodded.

Laura dashed back into the building, rode up to the twenty-eighth floor on the elevator, quickly shut down her computer, and gathered her purse, briefcase, and coat. She tried to ignore the happy flutter of physical excitement that hummed through her body, the sweet promise of making love to Charise, because such an impulse seemed to her impossibly crude and coarse. The darling child just had a baby, Laura realized. She's almost a baby herself. And you, Laura, are just a disgusting, criminal lecher.

Charise was right where Laura had left her, looking somehow even smaller and more vulnerable, hunched back among the deepening shadows, as if shrinking from the almost deafening roar of the Market Street traffic. Laura beckoned her to follow, and they walked a block and a half to the parking garage.

"So . . ." Laura said as they got into her car, "where's the baby?"

Charise beamed. "She home . . . at my Mama house. My aunt Lucy from Chicago be staying with us. She watches her for me."

Laura nodded. It was hard not to be judgmental about Charise's premature motherhood, but she knew she had to restrain herself. It wasn't her place to criticize.

"What's her name?"

"Jovanda," Charise continued beaming. "Jovanda Desiree Purvis." She turned the bright sun of her beatific smile on Laura. "That's my name, you know. Maybe you didn't know. Purvis. Charise Purvis."

"You don't have a middle name too?" Laura smiled.

Charise nodded. "Nevida."

"What beautiful names. I'll bet she's a beautiful baby."

Charise nodded again, her smile showing that she took this as obvious. "She is."

Not wanting to presume, and feeling suddenly very virtuous to have controlled her physical and emotional hunger for Charise, Laura asked, "Did you want me to drop you home . . . or do you want to do . . . something else?"

Charise was silent for so long, staring out the window at the traffic, that Laura wondered whether she had heard the question. Finally, she turned her face back to Laura and said, grinning, almost in a whisper, "What do you think?"

"I think you need a nice dinner and some friendly conversation," Laura said brightly.

Charise made a droll harumphing sound. "Might need something else," she harumphed.

The fog was swirling thickly in the trees by the time they reached Laura's condo, and Charise's eyes were wide. It really did look kind of magical, Laura thought, all swathed in mist, the tall trees that surrounded the houses swaying and creaking. It was a little chilly, though, and she could see Charise shrinking into her large parka.

"Come inside, it's warmer there," she said.

Laura insisted on fixing her dinner, since she already had the leftovers from a rotisserie chicken in the refrigerator.

"I ain't hungry," Charise said. "Anyway, I'm fat. I got to lose all this weight."

"Fat!" Laura scoffed. "Here, let me look at you."

Charise had the parka half-removed, and now she shed it completely, tossing it into an easy chair. She had never looked better, or more desirable, to Laura. True, she was a little top-heavy now, her breasts swollen and bulging. The rest of her was slender and supple, and if you had not seen her pregnant, you never could have suspected that she had just delivered weeks ago.

Charise formed a little shelf under her breasts with the backs of her hands. "Look at these. I used to have such pretty ones. You even said so, Laura. Now they big fat blubber bags."

Laura grinned, enjoying Charise's grumpiness as well as the artless way she was drawing Laura forward. "I guess I'd have to see them to know whether you were telling the truth," she said, flirtatiously.

Now Charise turned coquettish. She flirted back, looking down bashfully at the carpet. She was not a brazen and devious coquette, like Jane for example, but an innocent schoolgirl, shy and seductive in the same instant, so fiercely alluring that Laura herself was shocked to remember that she was only seventeen, and seemed even younger, except for those jutting, swollen breasts. God, this is criminal to be here alone like this with this young girl, she thought. Even though she's a mother, for god's sake. Even I'm not a mother.

"Maybe you'd like to," Charise said, bashfully, looking up a Laura from an angle.

"Don't you want anything to eat?" Laura asked softly, feeling a thickness in her throat.

"Told you I ain't hungry," Charise shook her head. Then she looked down at the carpet again. "Not for food, at least."

Laura took a deep breath and pulled herself up straight. "Want to see the rest of the place?" she asked brightly, trying not to be too obvious.

Charise, her dark eyes burning into Laura's now, nodded slowly. All the sadness and self-pity and mournful depression that Laura had been experiencing over the past week because of Sara, and the departure of Randi, seemed to recede deep into the shadows as she contemplated this sweet, shy angel who seemed to have been sent especially to soothe her pain. She loved her darling Inky so much at this instant that she desperately wanted to drag her to the floor, down to that very carpet Charise seemed to be scrutinizing so thoroughly in her awkward hesitancy, and fuck her senseless.

You, Laura, she told herself, are a beast. You are a sex fiend. You are a crude lecher to even think such a thing about this sweet angel. However, Laura knew that Charise wanted the same thing. She drew her down the hallway slowly, knowing that both of them were trying heroically to restrain the maniacal urgency of their ardor.

In her bedroom she finally took Charise in her arms. Charise came willingly, uptilting her face to Laura, offering her full, sensual lips. "Didn't think you were ever going to get around to it," she breathed, looking up at Laura's mouth.

"I want you so bad . . . I'm afraid I'll hurt you," Laura confessed softly.

Charise beamed. She lifted both very black hands to Laura's face, pressing Laura's cheeks with her palms, and pulled Laura's mouth down forcibly into her own. Charise's warm, wet mouth was already open, and Laura's lips were parting too, letting Charise's searching, stabbing tongue inside. In all the times she had slept with Charise Laura wondered if they had ever kissed so heatedly.

She couldn't keep her own hands off Charise as they kissed hungrily, first running her fingers over the girl's incredibly smooth face, then dropping her palms to Charise's round, firm ass, digging her fingertips into the resilient flesh. Last time they had been this close, Charise's hard, pregnant belly had been pushing into Laura's stomach, a harsh reminder that their relationship was about to change forever, but now the hard small melon was gone, and only the slender, adolescent miracle of Charise's sweet young body remained, pressing more urgently against Laura than ever.

It was tempting to believe that nothing had changed, that Laura had not fallen so hard for Sara, then botched the whole thing in a moment of self-destructive carelessness, that Charise, a mere high school girl, had not given birth out of wedlock only weeks earlier, also the result of a reckless moment, porked by some disgusting slime ball of an adolescent cocksman, who was probably right now planting his seed in the fertile womb of another young innocent. Laura wanted—and she could feel from Charise's ardent, almost desperately heated kissing that she wanted it too—for everything to be as it had been, just their previously simple though deeply passionate relationship. But neither one could completely dispel the bittersweet knowledge that things had changed.

Charise was panting, her teeth clattering against Laura's. Soft little moans came from her throat. She was even shaking, quivering. Laura pulled her mouth away momentarily, afraid they were both getting too aroused, too quickly.

"Darling Inky," she breathed softly into Charise's whorled, shiny black ear, well aware how much delight Charise took in being called 'darling' by Laura. "I want to be naked with you. I want to kiss you all over your sweet black body."

Charise, though her eyes were glazed, her mouth slack, her breath quickened, smiled flirtatiously again up at Laura. "You like that black, don't you," she teased, panting. "Tell me how much you like my black skin."

Laura slid her hands up from Charise's firm ass, slipping her fingers under the bottom of the thin green jersey, feeling fresh juices seem to flood into her pussy as her fingertips and palms came into contact with the smooth, warm, impossibly silky flesh of Charise's lower back. She kissed her smooth black neck and nibbled her earlobe.

"Oh god, I love your beautiful black skin," she murmured to Charise, licking it, tracing a sensual line from her ear down to her throat, pulling the green jersey up with her hands at the same time. "Your black skin makes my pussy throb and ache. I want you . . . I want all of you."

Now that she had the jersey pulled up nearly to Charise's bra, she pulled her hands up and began to unfasten the three small buttons below Charise's throat, licking the deep smooth shallow with her tongue at the same time. No one was blacker than Charise—only Dawn and Cecilia (and now Dee Dee, the thought of whom could plunge Laura into a deep depression), in her experience, were equally dark—and Laura luxuriated in running her wet tongue over the girl's phenomenal silky black skin, which really did make her pussy pulse and flow. Black women were often described as having 'ebony' skin, but rarely did they come as close to it as the polished, silky sheen of this marvelous girl's body, and Laura felt a molten erotic surge spread through her own flesh as she kissed Charise's smooth neck.

For her part, Charise loved Laura's slavish adulation. According to Jane, whose friend Charise had been when Laura met her, she was teased unmercifully at school about being so dark, even nicknamed 'Inky,' which Laura had quickly adopted as her favorite name of endearment. Charise herself had even told Laura about being called 'tar baby' and 'jigaboo' by the others. And Cecilia, just as dark, had explained how 'the yella girls,' as she derisively called them, got all the attention, all the sex, and all the rewards, while the really dark girls like herself were shunted to the side and made to feel somehow unworthy.

Laura had at first felt a little guilty about getting so sexually hypercharged by moving her lips across this incredibly soft and magical deeply black skin, until all of them had made it very clear that they truly enjoyed being the source of such adoration mingled with seething sexual hunger. They loved having Laura in their thrall, hopelessly and helplessly groveling for the opportunity to touch their lovely bare bodies, quivering with sexual desire at the mere glimpse of their delicious ebony skin. They reveled in it, and Charise perhaps most of all.

"Tell me again," Charise teased her. "Tell me how much it makes you want to . . . you know, lick me and eat me . . . and suck me and fuck me."

Laura was flabbergasted and played at being totally shocked by these words. Her shy and sweet little black angel, coming up with these salacious taunts! Laura pulled her face out of Charise's smooth warm neck, her eyes wide. Charise was grinning broadly, her even white teeth gleaming, her smile devilish.

"I want to do it all to you," Laura breathed, feeling her eyelids growing heavier, her body vibrating with emotion and fierce sexual desire for Charise at the same time. "I want to lick your whole beautiful body."

Charise's devilish grin quickly became more hypnotic and sensual as she pulled the thin green jersey on up over her bra, then her head, tossing it aside. In slow motion Laura began to unbutton and unfasten her own clothes, peeling them off slowly, watching as Charise unzipped her jeans.

"Tell me more," she whispered to Laura, her dark eyes pulsing. "I love to hear it. Tell me more . . . about how you dig my skin."

Charise was now down to her underwear, and Laura nearly so. Laura took a step forward and ran her fingertips over the gleaming bare black skin of Charise's shoulders. "I want to lick you here . . ." she whispered.

Charise quivered sharply, then uptilted her face to Laura's, as if expecting another kiss. But Laura did not kiss her. Without taking her eyes from Charise's, she ran one finger along her collarbone to the edge of her throat, then let it slide slowly down Charise's smooth, very black chest until it disappeared in the cleavage between her two large breasts. When it got there, nestled between the two bulging black globes, she whispered, "And I want to lick you here."

Charise reached behind her back with both hands and unfastened the white bra, which, Laura reflected, seemed a cup size bigger than the ones she had worn in the past. The fabric fell away limp from her naked breasts, with Laura's finger still nestled between them. Charise looked down at it. Her black eyes glinted with mischief.

"Okay . . . lick," she murmured, eyes smoking as she glanced up at Laura.

Laura had always marveled at Charise's full, woman's breasts, so large for her slender, adolescent body, so big that she almost seemed top-heavy sometimes, though they were exquisitely beautiful. Now, scrutinizing the upswept naked globes with undisguised lust, she noticed that they were even fuller than usual, swelling at the sides, overripe, the coal-black nipples shiny, puffy, and flaring. Milk, she thought again. The fluttering deep inside her wet pussy rose to a frantic pitch.

I've got to control myself, she realized. I just want to eat her alive.

Laura slowly withdrew her finger and set about removing her own underwear. "Let's lie down on the bed," she murmured softly, brushing Charise's velvet black cheek with her lips. She looked into Charise's eyes with unspoken questions. "I . . . don't want to hurt you."

This, as they both knew instantly, was code for: How wildly can I fuck you?

Charise was skimming off her own panties, her only remaining garment, her full dark breasts swooping out from her body as she bent forward, her thick black nipples gleaming. She smiled at Laura knowingly.

"Laura, I ain't done this since we last did it," she said softly. "You know how long ago that was. If you don't do me, I'm gonna die. Never mind if it hurts a little."

"Just a minute while I get a candle," Laura whispered.

She kept one short, squat, long-burning one that was especially good for sex in the bottom drawer of the bedstand, along with matches. In a second she had it lit and turned off the light. She pulled down the bedspread and top sheet, and she and Charise stretched out on the mattress.

"This is romantic," Charise cooed. "I never did it by candlelight. Even with you."

"Can I lick you where my finger was?" Laura asked softly.

Charise nodded. "You better." She pushed her heavy breasts together playfully with the backs of her hands. "See what I mean? You really like these big old balloons?"

Laura smiled and gently brushed her hands away, taking the warm round globes in her palms. "These . . . young boobs," she said pointedly, "I love more than anything. I want to kiss you right . . . here."

Again she placed the tip of her finger in the deep valley between Charise's breasts. Then she slowly lowered her mouth to it, pulling the finger back, and pushing her face between the swollen globes. She ran her tongue up and down the warm, shadowy cleavage, licking and kissing it, feeling Charise's breath quicken.

She glanced up. "Does it feel good?"

Charise was wincing a little, biting her lower lip. "Feel like heaven." She gazed hypnotically at Laura again, eyes throbbing. "You like milk, Laura?"

If you only knew, Laura thought. "I don't want to take what belongs to your baby," she said, dutifully, softly. "Jovanda."

Charise crinkled her nose, her eyes dancing, sexually swirling but amused at the same time. "I got enough. At home I have to pump it out, there's so much." She lowered her eyelids, smiling no longer, now giving Laura the sexiest pout Laura had ever seen. "You can have some, if you want."

Laura, frantically excited, throbbing like a fire alarm inside, slowly, tenderly began to kiss the upper slopes of Charise's naked breasts. "Are they sore?" she whispered as her lips moved lower.

Charise nodded slightly. "She suck hard." Then she broke into a grin. "Not as hard as you do, though."

"I won't suck hard," Laura murmured, feeling her body nearly burst with a hot, relentless surge of sexual need.

Charise was now panting rapidly, and her body quivering. "You can suck as hard as you want," she panted to Laura, her fingers now scrabbling spastically in Laura's hair. "Just do it, okay? Please?"

Laura hesitated no longer. She held one of Charise's large, swollen breasts in both hands and ran her tongue all over the bulging black nipple, then sucked the shiny wet bulb into her mouth. Almost immediately she felt the warm, sweet fluid bathe her tongue. A throbbing, aching delirium of sensuality seemed to enfold them both as Laura began to suck, gently, but insistently, feeling Charise's warm milk flow into her mouth.

"Unhhhhh . . . unnhhhh!" Charise panted. "Swallow . . . yes, swallow . . ."

Looking up briefly, Laura could see that Charise was almost swooning, her head thrown back, her eyelids fluttering. But Laura herself could not control the radiating sexual heat that spread through her body as she let Charise's warm, sweet milk slide down her throat. She was familiar with this sensation from the times she had done this with Cecilia, and now the delirious, throbbing warmth that bloomed from within her body was swelling and expanding, blossoming inside her like a hot cloud. She remembered how she had come only seconds after doing this the first time with Cecilia, and she feared she might do the same now.

"Oh honey . . ." she gasped, letting Charise's nipple out of her mouth for second, "I'm . . . I'm going to come, if I keep doing this."

Charise opened her eyes and smiled serenely down at Laura. "Me too," she said softly, almost inaudibly, her black eyes dilated and shiny. "Do some more. Do the other one too."

Unable to let go of the breast she was already clutching with two hands, Laura moved one hand to Charise's other breast. "I'm not hurting you?"

Charise smiled and shook her head. Almost lazily, she let one of her own hands drift down Laura's naked body to her crotch. Laura scooted her body slightly to the side so that she could open her thighs.

"Ahhnnnn!" she gasped as Charise's fingers found the sopping-wet crease of her inflamed pussy.

"Feel like you are going to come, Laura," Charise whispered. Then her eyes went briefly glassy as Laura began to lick and kiss her other nipple. "I think I am too. Just from sucking. I did it once with the baby, but you're better." She smiled with devastating sweetness, which only turned up the alarm bells higher inside Laura's body.

Laura had shifted both hands to Charise's other breast by now, and she was squeezing it rhythmically, watching the thick black nipple swell, watching the tiny whitish droplets appear on the protruding center stem, licking them up with her tongue. She only realized vaguely in the back of her mind that her hips had begun to churn slowly, gyrating, moving up into Charise's hand, almost as if they were moving on their own.

Charise was clearly becoming more aroused too. She mewled and whimpered, sucking air down her throat, her fingers growing stronger, more clawlike, in Laura's hair. Finally, she grabbed the same breast Laura was gently squeezing, her quick fingers zeroing in on her bulging, distended nipple, the pale, salmon-tinged undersides of her tapered fingers making a striking contrast to the silky, wet, coal black velvet of her large areola. She pinched the edges so hard that warm milk spurted out onto Laura's lips.

"Do it harder!" Charise gasped. "Like that. Suck it harder. And swallow."

Startled by the warm milk spurting into her face, Laura dissolved into giggles. "I am swallowing," she laughed.

Playfully, though she was again glassy-eyed, deep in a trance of intense sexual pleasure, Charise said, "Open your mouth."

Smiling, Laura obeyed. This time Charise took her own breast in both hands, brushing Laura's away, and pinched her wet black nipple with the fingers of both hands, sending a long, thin stream of milk onto Laura's waiting tongue. Laura was gripped by a sexual shiver so deeply exciting that she was paralyzed for a moment, just quivering and gasping. Charise saw it and instantly squeezed another long stream into Laura's mouth.

"Unhhhh . . . oh god . . ." Laura gasped, closing her lips and swallowing greedily, feeling her body begin to ache and throb as the warm milk slid down her throat.

They were lying on their sides, facing one another, but at this point Charise pushed on Laura's shoulder, pushing her onto her back, then rolling over on top of her, dangling the swollen, smooth, black globes of her breasts in Laura's face. She held the swaying balls with both hands, pushing them together, playfully pushing them into Laura's cheeks, then guiding her other nipple, the one Laura had not yet tasted, into Laura's half-open mouth. Laura, wildly excited, her body throbbing and jangling, opened her lips wide and took it inside.

From this very instant, both of them were lost. It was suddenly hard to tell where the demarcation line was between their two writhing bodies as their hot flesh seemed to meld together in a deeply rhythmic vibration of ecstasy. This time Laura sucked Charise's plump, spewing nipple deep, feeling the warm, sweet fluid gush into the back of her throat, feeling Charise's body quake inside as some ineffable spasm of sexual rapture gripped her.

"Unhhh!" Charise gasped, groaning in a soft, hypnotic way, clamping Laura's waist with her thighs and shuddering.

Since the margins of their bodies seemed to be disappearing for Laura, she hardly knew what movements ensued to bring them closer and closer to the ultimate explosion, but she could feel Charise's thigh muscle against her own flooding, aching pussy, and she again had insinuated her own hand into Charise's dripping, oozing crotch, rubbing the girl's swollen clit with two fingers in a rapid circle as she continued sucking her nipple, gulping down the sweet milky nectars that flowed from it. They were surging and writhing together, but not in a frantic, urgent tempo. Instead, they undulated slowly, rubbing the length of their smooth bodies together, moaning, sinuously coiling and uncoiling, their flesh so harmoniously united that everything outside them ceased to exist.

"Laura . . ." Charise panted, after a few minutes of this incredible sexual dance, "I . . . I'm going to come now. I . . . can't stop it any more. It's getting here."

"Oh god, my darling Inky . . . you are so beautiful," Laura panted back, now feeling warm milk run down her chin and her cheeks, opening her eyes to see Charise's full black breast streaked with the whitish rivulets. "I am too," she gasped. "I almost did once already."

A brief seizure of profound sexual pleasure passed over Charise's face for a second, making speech impossible. Then she recovered, blinking as if disoriented at Laura. "I think . . . I got to lay down or I'll fall down." She smiled sheepishly.

"Oh, of course . . ." Laura said, gently turning so that now Charise was on her side again.

Charise looked up at her adoringly, her black eyes swimming with love and sex hunger. "You gotta suck hard now, Laura. Do it. It ain't gonna hurt me."

Laura had no trouble in consenting. She scooped up Charise's swollen, milk-streaked breasts in both hands and began to love-maul them, tonguing and sucking the girl's swelling black nipples as aggressively as she dared, though in no way as lustfully as she might have done in the past. Still, the warm milk flooded into her mouth, and leaked out the sides too, as she gulped hungrily for every drop, feeling her body simply melt, the nuclear meltdown she had experienced several times when doing this with Cecilia. She lost all track of everything but Charise's throbbing, spurting nipples in her mouth and the expanding, radiating cloud in her womb that seemed to grow and grow . . . and then burst in a shimmering implosion of heat.

"Oh . . . oh!" Laura gasped, letting Charise's flowing nipple slip from her lips for a brief second. "Oh god, yes!"

"Unhhhhh! Anngghhhhh!" Charise was groaning, twisting, her head tossing frantically, her hands holding Laura's head steady over her wet breasts.

She dropped one hand to Laura's crotch only a few seconds before Laura began to come, groping clumsily but managing to slide two fingers up into Laura's clenching channel. In response, Laura dropped her hand too, finding the gooey mess of Charise's soaked pussy with her fingers too, rubbing frantically, knowing both were going to spill over any second.

"Oh god, baby . . . oh god, baby . . . yes!" she gasped, slurping the milk up from Charise's wet skin and sucking the nearest bulbous black nipple into her mouth, gulping down the rivulets of warm milk.

Charise groaned. "Auungghhh!"

She shuddered, this time more violently than before. Laura knew the girl was coming, and it took just a micro-second for her own orgasm to answer. Suddenly the hot cloud inside her own body burst, and she dissolved along with Charise into a moaning, quivering mass of flesh, stuck together by the rivers of mother's milk that had spilled from Laura's mouth and leaked down between their two struggling bodies.

"Oooouuuuaauuunnhhhhhhhh!" Charise let out a long, low moan that seemed to last forever, her body undulating and shuddering again and again under Laura's, as fresh shocks struck her.

Undulating with her as if they were one body, Laura nearly swooned as her quivering flesh was enveloped in a hot swirling cloud of radiant ecstasy. It was not a violent, jolting orgasm, but another like she had come to expect at similar moments with Cecilia, a slow, throbbing, incandescent miracle of sweet coming, as if her roiling insides were just sliding and melting into a soft, mushy, pulsing core of obliterating rapture.

"Auunnhhhhhhh . . . ohnnn . . . auunnhhhhh!" she moaned, sliding against Charise's trembling flesh, her face falling between the large wet mounds of Charise's breasts as the successive billowy waves of her orgasm washed over her.

Meanwhile, Charise's climax had waned, only to be replaced by an even stronger one that again was again not violent, but which drew from her throat the most intense moans of sexual ecstasy Laura had ever heard. Charise's eyes were tightly shut, and her lovely black body, all wet and streaked and blotched with shiny patches and rivulets of drying milk, shuddered again as a fresh wave of bliss crushed her.

"Unnhhhhh . . . unnhhhhh . . . ooouuuuaauuunnhhhhhhhh!" she moaned, twisting, clenching her teeth, hissing, twitching a little as each wave passed, while Laura held her, still nestling her face deep in the wet valley between Charise's breasts.

Laura knew that she herself could come again too. The sexual intensity was just so elevated, wound so tightly, that a few spasms of coming were not going to suffice. God, if I swallow her milk again, I know I'll come, she thought, lifting her head, unable to keep her mouth off the first damp, bulbous black nipple she saw. She did not attack it voraciously, instead sidling up to it with her lips, licking it lovingly, then sucking it gently inside her mouth.

Charise, as if awakened from her trance, suddenly blinked and looked down at Laura, her brow furrowed, but then smoothing out as she broke into a smile. "Oh yes," she whispered hoarsely, her head falling back.

"I can't get enough," Laura gasped, letting her eyes drift up to Charise's. "I want it all."

"Take it, Laura," Charise panted.

"Oh god . . . I'm going to come again! Fuck me with your hand, darling . . ." Laura gasped, nearly losing it once more as she felt the warm trickle of Charise's milk flowing down her throat.

Somehow when the warm milk hit bottom it ignited the hot, swirling cloud again inside Laura's body, and almost without warning she began to come in shocking convulsions. She slumped forward onto Charise's damp, trembling body, keening and groaning as blossoming spasms of acute bliss gripped her flesh everywhere, not wrenching her so much as fiercely squeezing the pleasure out of each pore of her skin, and every inch of her clenching flesh.

"Auunnggghhhhhhhh! Ummmnnggggouunnnhhhhh!" Laura moaned, quivering, shaking, finally shuddering deeply as the last shockwave gripped her.

After a long period of sighing and soft moaning, they fell silent. They didn't move either, but still clung together, Laura's face still nestled between Charise's breasts. She could hear Charise's heart beating and feel it slowly regain a more normal rhythm. Charise seemed still locked in a trance, so stunned by her two quick orgasms that she was taking a long time to resurface.

Laura lifted her head and looked up. "You okay, honey?"

Drowsily, Charise smiled down at her. She smoothed some strands of hair away from Laura's forehead with the fingers of one hand. "You my baby too," she grinned. "You like that milk the way she does."

"God . . . I love it," Laura purred.

Charise propped herself up on her elbows, and Laura slid to the side, finally removing her face from the valley of paradise. "If you a good girl, you can have more," Charise kidded her.

"I'll come," Laura confessed. "I just feel it in my mouth and I come."

Charise smirked, unable to suppress a self-satisfied grin. "I know. Me too. I had a couple of whoppers."

She looked down at the scattered patches of drying milk all over her naked body. Laura leaned forward and began to kiss each one. "I told you I wanted to lick you everywhere," she purred, running her tongue across each shiny patch.

Charise caressed her forehead again. "Now don't start up again," she murmured. "You wore me out with that last one. Give me a little rest, okay? I'm a mama now. Takes a lot out of you, you know."

Laura, however, was not to be denied. She loved the milk, but she also could never forget that Charise's pussy was one of the most exquisitely beautiful of all, and she could not fight the temptation.

"All you have to do is lie there and let me lick," she murmured back.

She moved lower, kissing the smooth, black, silky expanse of Charise's stomach, which miraculously showed no signs of stretching or tearing, and still had marvelous muscle tone. The only hint of change was that her navel was now a very mild 'outie'.

Charise said nothing, but her breath again quickened. Her thighs yawned open a little, as if in invitation. She loves me to lick her pussy, Laura thought. She wants it.

Laura rubbed her chin and her cheek in the bristly, shiny patch of black curls as her mouth descended lower. Although she had made love to several women who had given birth, she found herself wondering bizarrely if this cherished pussy, this fragrant, sculptured flower of juice that she so loved and adored, would be in any way altered. After all, it was so perfectly shaped. And it had to stretch and expand so much to let out a whole baby.

But to her great relief, she found that it was just as beautiful as ever, a glistening hot pink slit of warm nectars, enclosed by long, wavy black lips, and crowned by a small, glimmering rosy bead of a clitoris at the top. At the bottom, veering off a little to the right, there was a puffy, diagonal episiotomy scar, hardening into a shiny seam, which fascinated Laura. She wanted to lick and kiss it too but wondered if it was sensitive.

"May I kiss your beautiful pussy?" she whispered to Charise, using soft, sexy questions to feel her out, to find out how far she dare go. "I promise to be gentle."

Again Charise giggled, looking down at Laura's head between her thighs, squint-smiling in her usual adorable way. "Just don't rip it open, okay?" she laughed softly. "It just healed."

Laura ran her finger along the scar, a shiny thread of keloid tissue. "Is it sore? Can I kiss it?"

"I'd rather have you kiss this," Charise half-giggled this time, playfully twitching her hips upward so that her beautiful pussy, fragrant with thick musky odors, waved in Laura's face.

"Maybe I could kiss them both," Laura purred, extending the tip of her tongue and running it lovingly along the keloid, from the bottom end of the scar right up to the bottom of Charise's puckering wet pussy.

"Unhh!" Charise gasped, her slender, glossy black thigh clenching slightly.

"Oh, you like that, don't you," Laura continued to purr. "And how about this?"

"Unhh! Oh!" Charise squirmed. "Oh Laura . . . you shouldn't do that. I'm gonna . . . I'm gonna just . . . come again, if you do that." She was laughing softly but meaning each word, Laura knew.

Laura's tongue was inserted and poised exactly in the middle of the vee made by Charise's cunt lips as they converged at the top, forming the small black hood that sheltered her delectable little clit. She slid it in deeper, getting the same response.

"Unhh! Oh!"

Now Laura raised her tongue a little until it came into contact with Charise's clit, stroking it softly, very tenderly. "Oh, I love your beautiful pussy, darling Inky!" she sighed.

Charise was mewling and panting more audibly now, her pelvis swirling in tight little circles. She didn't reply to Laura. Her fingers fluttered across the taut young flesh of her thighs.

"Oh, Laura! Oh, Laura . . ."

"Mmmmm, you've been saving up a lot of climaxes for me, haven't you," Laura murmured, now gently spreading Charise's swollen cunt lips open with her thumbs, exposing the juicy pink interior, all raw and shiny and glistening, for further feasting.

"Oh . . . Laura!" Charise gasped, her voice keening up.

Laura had been hoping that Charise, having come twice in rapid succession when Laura was thirstily sucking the milk from her breasts, would now be less likely to climax quickly, thus giving Laura a lengthy and enjoyable period of licking this marvelous oozing blossom between her legs. But Charise was not cooperating. Her body responded with acute sensitivity to Laura's caresses, and to Laura's tongue inside her pussy, and flicking her clit, and soon she was writhing and moaning loudly, begging Laura to finish her off.

"Oh . . . Laura! Unhhhh! Oh god! Oh . . . yes . . . oh god, Laura!"

"Oh honey, you're going to come."

Laura was almost disappointed. By now she was licking the marvelous, tangy, coppery-tasting wet slit in broad, hungry strokes from top to bottom, tickling Charise's clit each time her tongue reach the top of her pussy, feeling Charise's whole body clench and quiver in response. She didn't recall if she had ever made Charise come this way, just by licking her. Charise liked to be fucked, like the feeling of penetration, either by Laura's fingers or by what she satirically called Laura's 'dick,' the super-large dildo that Laura had used occasionally in the past. But at the moment Laura didn't want to risk inserting anything into this perfect quim, this long, sinuous, buttery trench that she was so industriously slurping.

And from the way Charise was writhing and quivering and whimpering, Laura knew she would probably come easily in another five seconds. She took the entire upper portion of Charise's beautiful wet cunt into her mouth, wildly tonguing her clit at the same time, and then knew that it would be less than five seconds. Whooping and stiffening, Charise began to come again almost instantly.

"Auunngghhhh!" she groaned, her body flipping and jackknifing up off the bed. "Aungghh! Oh shit! Unngghhhh!"

This time it was not one of those sweet, endless, throbbing orgasms like the ones she and Laura had shared a few minutes earlier. This one crushed her, wrenching her with fierce spasms that made her wince and cry out.

"Oh! Oh! Auunngghiieee!" she squealed at last, before falling back to the mattress, panting and twitching as the last shocks passed through her delicious body.

Laura, who had merely been holding on through all of this, trying hard not to distract Charise in any way, letting her experience the full depth and splendor of it, now looked up smiling as Charise's body began to slacken and relax. She always felt so mawkish and inadequate in the face of such crushing ecstasy.

"Was it good?" she heard herself asking, foolishly. Of course it was good, Laura. She nearly had a minor stroke from coming so hard.

Charise did not answer right away. Soon she blinked and shook her head from side to side, as if to clear away the cobwebs. Laura slid up next to her.

Charise was solemn. "If I couldn't do this with you, I wouldn't want to go on living," she said softly.

"Oh now, you darling, you don't want to talk that way." Laura was always quick to be smarmy and maternal. "You have your little baby, Jovanda, to think about."

Charise crinkled her nose comically. "I know. I was just trying to get you to call me 'darling' again." She beamed. "Worked, too."

"That's because you are my darling," Laura said, hugging her, feeling a little guilty as she thought of Sara.

But there was nothing but danger in that direction, and she quickly forced Sara out of her mind. Sara is really my darling, she thought wistfully. But you are my darling Inky. I won't think of her. I won't.

Again, with their naked bodies pressing together, they became aware of the stickiness caused by the dried milk on their skins.

"We need a shower," Charise said, looking down at the sticky patches. "You pretty messy at nursing, Laura."

Laura looked down at the full, round, dark globes of Charise's naked breasts, cradling them in her hands, impossibly tempted, very eager, she realized, to swallow them both again. God, I am just despicable, she thought, wanting to suck these beautiful breasts dry, just for my own physical gratification.

"Look like you want to do it again," Charise grinned, reading Laura's mind.

"I'm controlling myself," Laura said evenly, smirking at her for being so flirtatious. "How about a whirlpool bath together?"

She drew Charise off the bed and into the bathroom, showing her the jacuzzi bathtub. Charise watched while Laura filled the tub. When the water level ascended over the jets, Laura turned on the whirlpool. The water foamed up and bubbled invitingly.

"That's tight, Laura. You rich? How can you afford something like that?"

Laura shrugged. "Came with the place. Care to join me?"

"I never been in anything like that before," Charise said.

"There's a first time for everything, my darling," Laura said, stepping in and helping Charise in behind her.

They sat facing one another. At first Charise was overwhelmed by the novel sensations caused by all the warm, moving water. Then she crinkled her nose at Laura.

"Be fun to fuck in something like this, wouldn't it."

"Ooohhh, you nasty little darling. You've got sex on the brain today, don't you."

Charise shook her head playfully. She pointed to her crotch, under swirling maelstroms of water. "On that. Not the brain."

Laura scooted closer, lifting one leg over Charise's so that their groins came very close. She enfolded Charise's upper body in her arms, pressing her own naked breasts into Charise's milk-swollen globes. They kissed very romantically.

"Shame on you, wanting to fuck again so quickly after I just took you to heaven," Laura purred into her wet neck.

Charise's dark eyes were pulsing and swirling again. She pulled Laura's head down to her breasts. "Suck," she murmured softly, but loud enough to be heard over the burbling water jets.

Laura gazed up deeply into her eyes, cherishing her, adoring her.

"Suck hard," Charise prompted. "Hard as you want. Drink it."

Laura was not about to refuse. The warm water rapidly swirling all around them had heated them both up again, and the rising steam and the noise of the water jets somehow excited them both further. A thin film of moisture already coated their upper bodies, making their skin slippery when they rubbed together, and imparting a silken sheen to Charise's deeply black skin that could only make it even more alluring to Laura. Charise's large, swollen, protuberant black nipples glimmered like wet dark plums, and Laura effortlessly guided one between her lips by nudging Charise's pendulous breast toward her mouth with the backs of her fingers.

"Hhhhh!" Charise exhaled excitedly as Laura drew the bulb into her mouth.

Does she do that when the baby sucks her too? Laura wondered. Or only when I do it, when my pussy is only an inch or so from hers, under the water, and when my fingers are holding this beautiful globe and caressing it like this?

"Oh GOD . . . that feels good!" Charise gasped finally, again holding Laura's head in both hands while Laura sucked, intently watching her thick nipple in Laura's mouth.

As for Laura herself, she was nearly oblivious to anything but the warm, palpitating rapture that seemed to spread inevitably throughout her entire body as she felt her mouth fill with Charise's warm, sweet milk, then swallowed it down greedily. She knew Charise was enjoying it, but her own bliss was so extreme, so intense, that she could barely even notice anything but the sweet, exultant jangling inside her own throbbing body.

She let Charise's nipple finally slide out of her mouth, half drunk on the steamy, sensual atmosphere, half drunk on Charise's sweet breast milk, her body aching with fresh sexual need, her mouth eagerly sliding over to Charise's other swollen nipple.

"Oh god, I want all of you!" she whimpered to Charise. "I want to suck all of you and swallow all of you!"

Now Charise held her other breast up for Laura with one hand, also reeling from the sexual intensity of the moment, the sensuality of the whirlpool bath, and the elemental pleasure that they had created between them. Both realized that it rarely got this intense or intimate among two people. Charise pushed her nipple against Laura's lips until they opened and Laura sucked it inside her mouth.

"Now suck it harder . . . Laura . . . harder . . . unhhhhh! Yes . . . ungghhh . . . like that . . . yes! Unhhhh!"

Suddenly, her head fell back, her eyes rolled up. Laura now sucked her harder than before, and milk gushed out of her nipple so copiously that only by gulping it down could Laura escape choking. She sucked and gulped, and Charise began to squirm and even thrash, leaning back against the side of the tub, mewling incoherently, pulling Laura with her, even arching her back and bowing her body as the pleasure apparently grew excruciating.

"Anngghh! Anngghh!" she gagged, squirming, her thighs scissoring spastically under the water.

Laura knew they were both going to come again, and in fact she was wondering if Charise had not come already, or was doing it right now. For a moment she stopped sucking and tried to adjust their bodies so that she could bring their cunts together under the water, but it was very difficult. The warmth of the water and the fact that their lower bodies were submerged in it made a less than ideal situation for feeling all the hot, wet glory of their two flowing slits pressed together. Frantically, she reached over and switched off the water jets.

The noise of the burbling water suddenly disappeared, and she could hear only their labored breathing and the occasional lapping of the water as they squirmed and slid against each other. Her mouth found Charise's and kissed her almost savagely, squeezing her breasts with both hands and feeling the warm milk spill out over her fingers.

"I want to feel your pussy against mine while I suck you," she gasped to Charise. "Let's go in on the bed. We can't do it properly here."

Charise again looked as though she had fallen into a deep trance as Laura carefully helped her out of the tub. Her body was limp, her eyes dazed, her mouth a little slack. She obediently did as Laura indicated and stood still while Laura quickly dried off her marvelous body with a fluffy towel. Then Laura quickly dried herself off with the same towel while pulling Charise back into the bedroom and over to the bed.

She gave Laura a kittenish smile as they lay down together and Laura began to maneuver their bodies into position. She remembered having trib-fucked Mavis recently in just about every position imaginable, and so she was sure she could get them into a place where they could comfortably rub pussies while she drank her fill from Charise's swollen breasts.

"Mmmmm, you want it bad, Laura, don't you," Charise teased her.

"I want you bad."

"You still got milk all over your chin," Charise grinned. "Want some more?"

"I can never get enough," Laura panted, positioning their legs to that their oozing, throbbing cunts were just inches apart. "I'm not hurting you, am I?"

Charise frowned. "Will you quit asking that?" She scooted her ass forward on the mattress, looping one leg over Laura's. "Do it."

Smiling, Laura pushed her gently onto her back and rose up over her, shifting her thighs so that her wet pussy pushed directly into Charise's. The sensation of their two warm, squinchy, wet cunts pressing together was so pleasantly shocking, and happened so fast, that both of them sagged visibly, and mewled softly in surprise.

"Ahhnnn! Oh shit . . . that feels good!" Charise gasped.

"Oh!" Laura sighed, feeling her body quake inwardly as a hint of what was to follow.

But not yet. They had both come so much already that she knew she could stave it off for a few more minutes. She didn't know if she would be able to keep Charise from coming though, since just sucking her seemed to make her dissolve in bliss. Charise was on her back, so that Laura was the one who had to bend and contort her body to keep her wet pussy glued to Charise's while she got her mouth on the girl's rolling, swelling breasts.

First, she slid one hand down between their bodies and spread her cunt lips, then Charise's, so that all the warm, slippery, raw, wet flesh of their slits could completely meld together. This heightened the already intense sensations, so that both of them began to buck and churn almost instinctively, and Laura had to consciously slow down the rhythm, lest they plunge across the finish line too soon.

"Mmmm, slow down . . . slow down . . ." she purred to Charise, now bringing her hand back up, holding both of Charise's breasts now in both hands.

Now she had to bend her torso in order to drop her mouth to them, but her back was very flexible, and she again had a great hunger for these gorgeous mounds and shiny, bursting nipples. She held the swollen gourds together and peppered them with passionate little kisses so heatedly that Charise was forced to open her eyes and watch. Laura was grasping them so firmly that tiny droplets of whitish fluid oozed from the stiff black center of each nipple.

"Suck . . ." Charise gasped, her eyes imploring Laura as their mated groins began to swirl and pump together in a firm, relentless rhythm that both knew would bring them to the desired destination. "Suck, Laura."


With her tongue Laura quickly swiped away the milk from each nipple that she herself had extruded by squeezing them so hard. Charise gnawed her lower lip, watching. Now Laura took one plump, glossy nipple deep into her mouth, pulling it slowly in, and began to suck it gently, feeling a soft, feathery influx of heat into her body as the warm milk again filled her mouth.

Charise moaned and pumped more rapidly under her. Things were getting quickly out of hand, and Laura, sucking and pumping more urgently by the second, began to feel a cramp, in fact two cramps, one in her lower back, the other in her abdominal muscles. Oh god, I can't keep this up! she realized.

She was forced to release Charise's breast from her mouth and to readjust her body before the cramps grew worse. Charise, looking up at her dreamily, seemed instinctively to know what was happening, and to quickly devise a solution. Without a word, she embraced Laura with her long arms, rolling Laura to the side, then over onto her back, so that now Charise was on top, though their cunts had never separated. The dark, luscious, overripe globes of her naked breasts swayed and dangled in Laura's face.

Laura, now free of cramping, went suddenly mad for them. She held Charise's breasts in both hands and assaulting the girl's flowing nipples with abandon, pinching and sucking them voraciously, feeling the warm, sticky milk spurt into her face and trickle down her cheeks. But most of it went into her mouth, and down her throat, somehow having the usual effect on her, transforming her squirming, writhing body into a nuclear furnace of sexual fire.

Every nerve in her flesh vibrated to the thrill of this union. The feel of Charise's silky, long, wet pussy sliding against her own was enough to make her lose her breath, and the warm, sweet milk gushing into her mouth made her womb shudder and bloom with hot pleasure. Charise was quickly losing it, too. At first, after rolling Laura over onto her back, she had been in total control, dangling her luscious breasts in Laura's face while grinding her own pussy into Laura's in a rapid, deliberate motion.

But now she was weakening, overcome by the stronger waves of sexual excitement that were surging inside both of their bodies. She was whimpering, even crying out as the intensity grew.

"Oh! Ungghhh . . . oh Laura . . . ungghhh! Yes! Oh!"

She had a hard time holding herself up, with her palms planted on either side of Laura's head. Her arms quivered and weakened, and she slumped forward. Laura knew what was happening, since they were both about to die of hot, rapturous coming. Even though nearly suffocated by Charise's large breast pushing into her face, she did not release the thick, wet bulb in her mouth.

Not having to worry now about it escaping, she dropped both hands to Charise's ass and began pulling the girl's pussy almost violently into her own, increasing their fuck-rhythm until they were both frantically pumping and grinding and whimpering wildly.

"Mnnneeee . . . oh oh! Oh god . . . mnneeee!" Charise squealed, doing her best to keep up with Laura's jabbing, surging pelvis.

"Unngghh! Ohnnggg! Oh honey!" Laura gasped, opening her mouth to breathe, then closing it again on Charise's oozing nipple before it could escape.

The sweet milk flowed down her throat. Charise's warm, smooth, very black body writhed against hers, and Laura could feel her shuddering as another cataclysmic orgasm began to rock her inside. Charise moaned and nearly swooned, and Laura had to roll her onto her side, now pumping and rubbing her wet, aching pussy into Charise's so hard that she too was only seconds away from a complete meltdown.

"Mnnneee . . . . mnggnneeee!" Charise squealed, grimacing as the spasms wrenched her within.

Tiny, barely audible squeals came from deep in her throat as she flexed and shuddered through a more powerful orgasm than she had had so far. Her breasts were soaked with milk, and Laura's face was soaked with it too, as she quickly switched to the other bulging nipple, sucking it frantically, feeling Charise's squirming body twitch as a fresh twinge of intense pleasure shot from her breast to her pussy.

"Oh yes, suck it . . . oh yes, suck it!" she panted, twisting wildly under Laura, her groin rising to meet Laura's churning thrusts.

Now Laura was half on top of her again, reaching again between them, unable to sacrifice the feel of Charise's flooding pussy against hers in the last moaning, thrashing seconds. She was able to spread her cunt lips again and feel the molten cauldron of Charise's honey pit pressing into hers, and then the world came to an end as wave after wave of inundating ecstasy crashed over her.

"Ungghh! Auunnnggghhhhh! Auungghiinnnieeeee!" Laura cried out, feeling her body shattered by pleasure so intense that she could only clench her teeth and wait for it to pass. "Ohhnnggggg . . . ahhngggg!"

It lasted a long time. Laura's too was the most powerful she had had so far, and both she and Charise were so stunned and wrung out by the experience that it was several minutes before they even disentangled their legs. And when Laura finally started to move, Charise clung to her, her fingers digging sharply into Laura's arms.

"Don't move . . . yet," she gasped. "You gonna make me come again!"

"Are you . . . ?"

"Yes! Unnnhhhh! Move your . . . pussy a little . . . against me . . . yes, like that." Charise's eyes rolled up, and her head lolled to the side. "Oh shit . . . here it come!"

All Laura could do was watch, and hold on to Charise's leg, which twitched up and down beside her. Charise had a beautiful orgasm. There was no other way to describe it. For a brief moment it reminded Laura of the ones Jonelle often had, the life-threatening kind that seemed both sublime and dangerous. She appeared to be completely robbed of breath and fell back in a swoon, quivering and trembling like some one in the depths of a grand mal seizure. Her eyelids fluttered but never opened.

The rest of her silky black body undulated slowly, her pelvis swirling, her pussy still moving against Laura's, who was thrilled by the feeling. Finally, a low, guttural moan escaped from deep in her chest.

"Ooouuggghnnnnn!" she groaned, now twisting more than undulating, grimacing, groaning again. "Ooouuggghnnnnn!"

Almost unconsciously, she raised her hands to her swollen breasts and pinched her nipples, sending spurts of milk again into the air, astonishing Laura, who desperately wanted to lean forward and lick it off Charise's coal-black skin but was intimidated by the obvious stirring profundity of this climax. Let her have all of it, Laura reasoned. Every ounce, every last spasm.

After about a full minute, Charise stopped twisting and lay still, her breath slowly returning to normal. Laura still had not moved.

"Honey?" She caressed Charise's smooth, slender calf with her fingertips. "Honey? You all right?"

Slowly, very slowly, Charise surfaced from this sweet but overwhelming ordeal. Bleary-eyed, she looked at Laura and nodded. "That one wiped me out," she half-gurgled. "How'd you do that?"

"What? I just laid here and watched," Laura murmured, leaning to the side and kissing the long, slender black leg she had been caressing.

Her pussy was still glued to Charise's, and neither one of them wanted to move. The hot, slippery, raw flesh was if anything wetter than ever now, after their orgasms, and the pulsing nerves were only slowly fading back to normal. Charise ran one finger down her breast to the whitish streaks of milk that she had just splashed there. She gave Laura her most coquettish grin.

"Still more here for you to lick."

Reluctantly, they both disentangled their legs and stretched out together, side by side. Laura patiently licked up the drying streaks. "I could lick you forever," she murmured.

"You better not suck any more, though," Charise said, quietly, earnestly. "We better leave some for Jovanda when I get home."

"Definitely. I think I sucked too hard anyway . . . too much."

Charise poked her affectionately in the shoulder, grinning. "I told you to stop saying that. You made me come so hard . . . I never came that hard before, not even with you."

Now Laura kissed her mouth, unable to resist, wanting to express everything, her deep affection, her stirring passion, her endless gratitude, all in one long, searching kiss. You darling girl, you've saved me from myself. From my tortured self-regard, from my revolting self-pity. For a few minutes I've been able to forget how badly I fucked up with the love of my life. Instead, I could make you come . . . watch you come . . . be astonished by how deeply you could come. Oh, my darling Inky!

They snuggled and nuzzled each other. "How soon do you have to leave?" Laura murmured into her marvelous, shiny black ear. "Can you stay long enough for me to fix you some dinner?"

Charise grew serious. "I told Auntie Lucy I'd be home by seven. What time is it now?"

Laura looked at her watch, which was on the bedside table. "Six-thirty."

Charise looked down at her naked body. As eagerly and hungrily as Laura had been licking off the dried milk, there were still numerous splotches. "I should've stayed in that bath tub."

Laura ran a fingertip along one delicious streak, wanting to lick it up too. "But then you wouldn't have had that monster climax," she murmured. She pulled Charise to a sitting position. "Come on. The water's still in there. We didn't drain it out. We can take a quick wash, then I'll drive you home."

Charise looked wary. "That water make me all gooey. I'll be wanting you to suck again." Her black eyes twinkled.

Laura pulled her off the bed. "We have to hurry."

The water was still warm since they had been out of it only about ten minutes. It may have seemed like an eternity, but it had actually taken very little time. Charise sat across from Laura, beaming with extreme delight as Laura washed off her delicious young body, trying to restrain her renewing lust. I swear, she thought, this girl really gets me in a hot lather. All I have to do is look at this marvelous body, and I want her and want her.

In a few minutes, they were dressed again and ready to go. It was a sad moment. Laura felt it acutely. Charise had saved her from herself, but after she dropped the girl off she would be facing the same pain and loneliness. Charise too was a little wistful.

They kissed romantically before opening the door to leave, still isolated from the world, still together, still wound in their deep intimacy.

"I hope there's still enough milk for your little girl," Laura whispered against her smooth cheek, letting her voice faintly suggest the playful jealousy she felt.

"Don't worry," Charise teased her back. "I'm going to make sure she don't get it all so I can save some for you for next time."




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