Laura - Chapter 263



Laura got a call at work from Brenda. Just the sound of her voice, though it was a little querulous and cross at the moment, summoned memories so acutely pleasurable that Laura had to squeeze her thighs together under her desk just to bear their piquant erotic fire.

Brenda, who had taught her own sister Mavis at a very tender (and illegal) age how to fistfuck, had been overcome by guilt after a few years and refused to do it with her any more, fearing that she had corrupted her own flesh and blood. This had resulted in good fortune for Laura, however, since both of them were eager to do it with her. She and Brenda, who was married, saw each other only about twice a year, but these trysts were so incendiary that Laura, recalling them now at her desk, was nearing a meltdown.

"Laura? Did you move?" Brenda asked, almost sharply.

Flummoxed, still glowing warmly from the memories of several shattering sexual encounters with this gorgeous woman, Laura was jarred back to her senses. "Oh. Yes . . . in fact, I did." She paused, lowering her voice significantly. "I would have told you," she breathed. "I just hadn't got around to it yet."

Brenda softened. "I know you would have. It's not me I'm worried about. Mavis dropped by to see you. She thinks you ran out on her. She's devastated. I think you broke her heart."

Laura had to restrain her own little fit of petulance. After all, following the time Laura had come upon Mavis and Eric fucking in her own apartment—she had given Mavis the key, and Eric had dropped by unexpectedly—she had rarely seen the girl and was more and more convinced, reluctantly, that Mavis had developed a preference for that huge cock of his over Laura's ardent caresses. Feeling a little injured herself, she had stopped thinking about Mavis, aware that when she did, she could hardly bear the thought of being rejected by her.

But now the hurt and annoyance came pouring back into her. She has a lot of nerve, being upset with me, Laura thought. But then the thought of Mavis mooning over her came back too, and soon Laura didn't know what she felt. She realized she was actually smiling at she thought of her darling, enchanting Mavis aching for her.

God, I ache for her too, she thought. It's been months. And last time I had to share her with that creep Eric, too.

"I . . . didn't know how to let her know," Laura stammered, awkwardly, knowing it was true enough, even though it sounded like a lame excuse. And in truth, she had not tried to let Mavis, or anybody else, know.

Brenda was understanding. "I know. Where are you living now? Still in the city?"

Laura told her.

"I could get the message to her . . . if you want me to. She's really depressed. I think you could cheer her up."

"I'm dying to see her," Laura said, honestly, straightforwardly, trying not to sound like a child molester. Yes, Brenda, I'm dying to fist fuck your darling baby sister. Please give her my phone number.

"Good. I had an idea. I could tell her to meet you at that Walgreen's where you first met. Remember that? It's near where you work, isn't it?"

How could I forget it? Laura mused. Browsing in the cosmetics aisle after work one day, she had been electrified to see this stunning, slender little black teenager doing the same, and almost surreptitiously, it seemed, flirting with Laura at the same time. Mavis had told her later that she was thinking: If this pretty white lady wanted to fuck me, I'd let her. Of course, Laura was dying to, and somehow they got to her apartment (Laura could no longer recall how), where Mavis had promptly seduced Laura with cunning directness.

"Yes. I'll be there at five-fifteen. I can't wait."

"I'll tell her," Brenda said softly. "I'm a little jealous."

No wonder, Laura thought, ironically. Pimping for your little sister, who you were fucking yourself when she was only thirteen. You should be ashamed. She could not suppress a grin.

"No need to be," Laura breathed sexily into phone. "I can squeeze you in any time. You know that."

"I just might take you up on that soon. Meanwhile, take care of my little sister, okay? She's been through a lot lately."

"You can count on me, darling. I love that little girl almost as much as you do."

When they hung up, Laura found herself wondering what Brenda had meant by Mavis having gone through a lot lately. Was that another allusion to Laura having moved without notifying her? I mean, I know she may have been a little depressed, but she's a teenager; certainly there's more to her life than me. What about the stud, Eric?

She suppressed her irritation over the thought of Mavis being pumped regularly by Eric and tried not to think of it the rest of the day. Walking through the door of Walgreen's at five-ten, she felt her blood race as she immediately saw Mavis leafing through a magazine about black hairstyles for women. Laura sidled up behind her.

"I like your hair just the way it is," she whispered, pushing her nose into it quickly, for effect, then pulling back before anyone in the store could see her.

Mavis tensed, and her head whipped around. She broke into a broad smile when she saw Laura.


Laura winked. "Why are you acting so surprised? You knew I was coming, didn't you?"

Mavis pouted. "You moved without telling me. How did I know you was gonna show up today?"

"I think we have to have a talk, young lady." Laura looked at her watch. "Do you have homework? Do you have time? Can you come over for a little while and see my new place?"

Mavis continued pouting, but this time mischievously, knowing it got to Laura. "You mean the place you moved to without telling me?"

Laura took the magazine from Mavis's hand, folded it, put it back on the rack. Then she took Mavis's hand in hers. "Come with me. I won't take no for an answer."

The little minx was playing hard-to-get, and deeply enjoying it, relishing Laura's uneasy haste and the way Laura looked around the store to see if anyone was watching them. Mavis, however, let herself be pulled gently toward the door.

"How do you know I didn't want to buy that magazine?" she snapped playfully at Laura as they went out onto the sidewalk.

"I'll buy you three copies tomorrow," Laura said, still pulling her down the street. "My car is parked over there in the company parking garage. Come on."

Mavis giggled girlishly and followed her. "I only want one copy."

In the car, in the depths of the dark, gasoline-reeking parking garage, Laura could barely keep from assaulting her. Those eyes, she thought. How could I have forgotten those eyes. Mavis's remarkable eyes, deeply sexual, knowing, experienced, fuck-me eyes, glowed in the half-light.

Laura could remember having hungry, reckless sex with both Karen and Sholandra in this very parking garage long ago. They had risked everything, panting so wildly for each other that almost nothing could have stopped them. But since then she had grown more sensible. Or was it simply that the opportunity rarely arose?

At any rate, Mavis was also underage, which made it especially dangerous. And she also seemed to sense Laura's vulnerability, her eyes burning with mischievous allure.

"Aren't you gonna kiss me?" she whispered to Laura, noticing that Laura did not start up the car.

Laura looked around furtively, just as she had done in Walgreen's. "God, yes, I am," she gasped, leaning over the shift lever, grabbing Mavis's face in both hands. "I can't stand not kissing you."

Close up like this, Mavis's extraordinary eyes nearly burned down deep into Laura's soul. "Good, I want you to," she breathed to Laura, parting her lips, lifting them.

Laura destroyed Mavis's soft mouth with kisses. She held her head in both hands and mashed her lips into Mavis's, raping her open mouth violently with her tongue, forcing Mavis's body back against the seat. Only after ten seconds of this did Laura realize what she was doing, how quickly she had lost control. Mavis whimpered but kissed Laura back hungrily too.

When Laura broke it off, both were panting, and Mavis's wonderful hot eyes were throbbing and swimming with sex, more devastating than ever. "You makin' me all gushy wet, Laura," she confessed. "We better get out of here."

"Yes," Laura nodded.

She drove them to her condo, concentrating to keep her hands from shaking on the wheel, paying careful attention to the hair-raising San Francisco traffic, trying not to glance over at Mavis for fear of imploding with happy, anticipatory lust. To keep a more even keel, she tried making polite conversation.

"You look wonderful, Mavis. Just a little thin though."

"I lost some weight."

"Eric wearing you out?" Oh god, Laura thought, hating herself. I sound so jealous! Why can't I be like Dawn, for instance? So understanding, so . . . un-jealous?

"Ain't seen him but once," Mavis said, looking out the window. "Right after . . . you know."

"Really?" Laura could hear her voice curdling, in spite of herself. "I thought you two were, you know, a hot pair."

Mavis shook her head. "I got an asthma attack. I was in the hospital for almost a week. That's why I lost a little weight. I ain't seen him in . . . months, I guess. Think he lost interest when I got sick."

Now Laura felt like the lowest of the low. She cringed visibly. "Oh shit . . . I'm so sorry. Making that crack."

She looked over at Mavis, who in fact did look faintly cadaverous, her skull a little more prominently visible through her skin than usual. Mavis was fairly slender in the first place and could not really afford to lose many pounds. Now Laura understood what Brenda had been saying when she mentioned that Mavis had been through a lot lately.

"It's okay. You didn't know."

"I didn't know you had asthma." Laura was very concerned.

"You don't have to worry. I can still fuck," Mavis giggled. "I'm better now. All I have to do is take my medicine and my inhalers."

Laura felt like a worm. She didn't know how a worm felt, but it must be like this. Low. Scuzzy. "I feel terrible."

Mavis put a hand on her knee. "You almost broke my heart, lady," she said seriously to Laura. "I thought you ran out on me. I . . ." She fidgeted. "There really ain't anybody like you in my life, Laura. Not even Brenda. I mean, Eric got a big dick, and I kind of liked the feel of it, you know? I never felt that before. And his sure is big. The girls I know think only the brothers have 'em that big. But he ain't like you. When you and I do it . . . it's special."

"I know," Laura said, getting all dewy-eyed, feeling her heart pulse and throb. I'm such a sucker for someone who loves me.

But she got control of herself, vowing to be especially sweet and tender to the darling girl. Mavis, with her devastating fuck-me eyes and delicious, slender little teenage body. And her asthma. God, she could have an attack while I was making her come! Laura thought. What would I do then? Call 911? Oh, you see Officer, I was just . . . sort of . . . you know, fistfucking her senseless when she suddenly began to choke and wheeze. I hope I didn't do anything wrong.

Mavis was very excited by Laura's new place, almost more excited than Laura was. She couldn't get over either the location—"Wow, you set off here in the foggy woods like some elf story"— or the carpeted splendor of the interior. She was only inside the door when she promptly kicked off her shoes and wriggled her pretty little black toes into Laura's thick carpeting.

"Are you hungry?" Laura asked. "Thirsty? Want a coke, or a banana?"

Mavis grinned and turned the lethal eyes on Laura. "You know what I want."

God, you're as bad as I am, darling. I can hardly keep my hands off you. I feel so damned out of control in your company. I just want to devour you, and you're only . . . what, sixteen? She must be seventeen by now, Laura quickly figured. Jane was seventeen, Charise was seventeen. Surely Mavis had turned seventeen too.

"How old are you now?" Laura asked, trying to make it seem like an idle question.

Mavis walked around, touching Laura's furniture with her fingers, admiring everything, as if she had never seen anything so fine. "I'll be seventeen next Wednesday. The third. Why, you afraid of breaking the law all of a sudden?" She turned her swirling, pulsing, please-fuck-me eyes on Laura, and Laura felt the insides of her womb quiver and melt. "You never were afraid before."

Laura went over to her and caressed her incredibly smooth black cheek. "You know, there's an old song. Laura sang in a light, airy voice:

You go to my head,
With a smile that makes my temperature rise,
Like a summer with a thousand Julys,
You intoxicate my soul with your eyes . . .

"You ever hear it?"

Mavis shook her head, eyes still throbbing and pulsing and swirling, drawing Laura down, down.

"Oh well . . . never mind. It's just . . . that's the way you make me feel. Your eyes intoxicate me."

"Intoxicate means drunk?"

Laura nodded.

Mavis now raised her hand to Laura's cheek, returning the gentle caress. "You know, you got a pretty voice, Laura. You could be a singer. I'm glad my eyes make you drunk." Then she bubbled over with mischief and flirtation. "Drunk enough to do it?"

Laura leaned forward and kissed her on the forehead. "Drunk enough to do anything you want," she whispered.

Mavis was wearing a pale green sweater, which buttoned up the front. She began now to unfasten the buttons. Laura watched, feeling more 'intoxicated' every minute when Mavis looked up seductively at her with those smoldering black eyes. Her dark smooth skin became more and more visible as the sweater opened, and Laura wanted desperately to press her lips to it everywhere.

"Don't you want to go into the bedroom?" Laura murmured, feeling the pulse beat in her neck. "If you keep doing that, we might not make it there."

Mavis paused, her fingers still poised on the third button from the top. She flirted silently. Laura took her other hand, the one not unbuttoning her sweater, and drew her down the hall. In the bedroom, Mavis resumed unbuttoning, and Laura watching. Seeing a girl as amazingly desirable as Mavis take off her own clothes in preparation for inviting Laura to enjoy her body was shockingly erotic to Laura, who was nearly paralyzed with awe and lust as she watched more and more of Mavis come into view.

Mavis was enjoying it. "You really like watching me undress, don't you," she marveled at Laura.

"It's pure rapture," Laura confessed.

Mavis was coy. "Why?" she asked, coquettishly.

The sweater was nearly unbuttoned. Only the bottom button remained. As a result, it gaped away from her body, revealing her thin white bra, her gleaming black skin, accentuated by shadows and planes of light, all fiercely alluring and erotic. Laura knew Mavis's body well, but it still had this effect on her, as if she had never seen it before, making her wet, making her blood thump and course wildly.

"I love watching your body come into view gradually," Laura said, swallowing dryly. "I love your skin. It's so smooth . . . and dark. I want to touch it. I want to kiss it."

Mavis was not coal-black like Dawn or Charise, but she was still fairly dark, and her smooth dark gleaming skin contrasted starkly with the bright white fabric of her skimpy little bra and the pale green cotton weave of her sweater. After unfastening the last button, she slowly peeled the sweater off, leaving her bra on.

As Laura watched, her hands dropped to the zipper on the side of her pants. She wore white pants, but not tight and sexy ones, as Dawn's had been. Mavis had a thin, slight frame—that asthma again, why did I never think of it? Laura reflected—and was not gifted with the kind of spectacular full round ass that Dawn had. In fact, compared to Dawn or Tamara or many others, she did not have a remarkable body at all, and yet Laura was completely enchanted by it, worshipping and hungering for it, almost comically eager to see each new expanse of smooth black skin appear.

Mavis's slender black fingers seemed especially long and graceful against the bright white fabric. Again her eyes flickered mischievously. "Why don't you take off one . . . and then I'll take off one?" she suggested, still coy and flirtatious.

With a sexy little smirk, Laura took her up on it. She pulled up the bottom of her blouse from her skirt and belt, then unbuttoned it too, while Mavis watched.

And while Mavis's underwear was plain, nothing special, Laura's as usual pushed the envelope. She often wore the sexiest possible underthings to work beneath her formal corporate attire since, for one thing, you never knew what might happen, and for another, it simply made her feel wonderful, saucy, and even wicked all day, as if she had a secret, erotic self that was entirely unknown to others, which of course was true. Today was no exception, and she could see Mavis's eyes widening as Laura's silk blouse came open.

The cups of Laura's bra were black, but they were very abbreviated, very thin and small, dipping low between her perfect breasts where they were linked at the bottom by a fringe of black scalloped lace. At the sides of the small cups the lace, now filigreed by spidery, quasi-floral designs, and otherwise transparent, formed the back strap, encircling her body to fasten in the rear. Between the cups was a little satin black bow.

Laura casually slipped out of the blouse and tossed it over onto a chair. Mavis came closer. With one long, slender black finger she traced the outline of one bra cup until her fingertip met the thin black lace at the side of Laura's breast.

"I never seen anything so beautiful as this," she said in a hushed voice.

Laura leaned close and whispered in her ear, breathing hot breath into it at the same time. "Imagine what the panties look like."

She pulled back to see a brief, sharp quaver run through Mavis, whose eyes now burned even hotter. Laura reached back with one arm and lifted up the long auburn flag of her hair above her neck, turning her back provocatively to Mavis.

"Want to take it off?"

Mavis nodded slowly. Carefully, she undid the clasp. The bra fell limp, and Laura shimmied the straps off her shoulders, turning back, her small breasts jiggling, captivating Mavis.

"Now you," Laura prompted softly.

With a sensual, feline gesture, Mavis dropped one hand again to her zipper. Slowly she inched it down. Her eyes never left Laura's. They nearly melted Laura's insides as the zipper went down further, further.

God, we are good, Laura thought. We sure know how to make each other die for it. This marvelous girl . . . so young . . . so incredibly sexy . . .

Finally, the zipper reached bottom. Mavis pants were now loose, and she inched them down, showing Laura the white top of her panties. Laura was clearly paralyzed by sexual hunger, and Mavis knew it. Her eyes sparkled and sizzled. She pushed the white pants down to her knees.

"May I take them off for you?" Laura murmured, hearing her voice gargled and clotted in her throat from an excess of sexual excitement.

Mavis shook her head slowly. "Take yours off first," she said softly.

Again Laura gave in. She felt a little silly anyway, standing there naked from the waist up, wearing a dark businesslike skirt below. She quickly unzipped it and let it fall at her feet, along with the half-slip under it. Now Mavis's eyes widened again.

Laura's panties, which matched her thin black lace bra, were if anything even sexier. Except for a small patch of solid black over her pussy, the rest was made only of the black filigreed transparent lace, edged at the thighs and waist by more scalloped black lace. They dipped low on Laura's hips but were not flagrantly skimpy, just impossibly alluring, and she could see Mavis unconsciously biting her lower lip gently as she looked at them.

"Wow . . . I could use a pair of those," she said in awe.

Without speaking, Laura knelt and pulled Mavis's white pants all the way down to her ankles, then carefully took each pant leg off each of Mavis's feet. Then she stood up again. She slipped her arms under Mavis's, who held them slightly apart from her body for Laura, and unclasped Mavis's bra too behind her back. Now Mavis's bra fell loose too.

Laura stepped back and pulled the loose straps down Mavis's arms, tossing the bra over onto the chair on top of her silk blouse. Now all the clever striptease they had been performing for each other seemed to evaporate in an instant, and only the hot, throbbing emotion and heady sexual desire they felt took over. They both wore only their panties now, and Mavis uptilted her lips to Laura, while Laura moved closer, closer, until their naked breasts brushed, and their nipples pressed together.

"Oh Mavis . . . god, it's been so long," Laura sighed, pressing her mouth to the girl's open lips.

They kissed for a very long time, probing, searching, their hands merely holding each other's bare back at first, then crawling, exploring, clutching each other's flesh more urgently. The hard, thick, jutting rivets of Mavis's nipples bored into Laura's naked breasts, and she was surprised how she had forgotten them, these big rigid nubs that rose out of the small soft cones of Mavis's black areolas.

She kissed Mavis's cheek, her forehead, her neck, hungrily, feverishly. "I've got to suck your beautiful nipples," she panted to Mavis, drawing her over a few steps to the bed. "Here," she pulled her down on it. "I forgot how wonderful they are."

Mavis smiled and sighed softly. "I didn't forget how it feels when you do it," she murmured, her magical eyes swimming and swirling.

Mavis had small, widely-spaced breasts and large, jutting nipples that seemed to stand up a full inch from the surrounding puffed black flesh, proud and tempting. Laura lowered her mouth to one immediately, stroking it with her tongue, then lashing it harder, while Mavis looked down, watching. When it was all wet, stiffer than ever, Laura sucked it and the puffy little areola around it completely into her mouth.

"Unnhhhhh!" Mavis panted, her eyelids fluttering.

Laura had to remind herself not to suck too hard, or swallow and consume the darling girl too urgently, too rapidly. The asthma, she cautioned herself. Remember the asthma. Anyway, you don't want it to be over too soon, you don't want both of you to go up like an exploding ammo dump, do you? You want it slow, so you can lick every delicious inch of her.

Quickly, she eased up, loosening her ravenous lips, laving the hard little berry of Mavis's erect nipple with her tongue, modulating into a more sensual, tender rhythm but still not releasing Mavis's small breast. Instead, she kneaded it with the fingers of both hands and tongued and sucking Mavis's excited wet nipple until Mavis began to coo helplessly.

"Ooohhhhh . . . Laura . . . you do it so good! Ooooohhhhh! I love it! I love that! Do it hard again."


"Oh shit yes!"

"Maybe a little hard . . . but not too hard," Laura purred, again taking Mavis's shiny wet nipple between her lips.

Mavis grabbed Laura's head and pushed her small breast roughly into Laura's mouth, grunting softly, wildly, at the same time. "Auungghh!"

Laura sucked the hard little bud a little more insistently than she had been doing. She could feel an involuntary ripple of pleasure grip Mavis's body. Oh no . . . oh no, Laura thought. Not yet. We're not getting there yet, darling. We have a long way to go. I want you . . . I want all of you.

Meanwhile, Mavis was pulling Laura's face over to her other breast, whimpering, writhing under Laura. "Oh! Oh Laura!"

"Yes . . . baby, yes," Laura murmured. "Let me have this one too. I want to swallow it."

"Unnnn . . . unnnn . . ." Mavis droned, tossing her head, wriggling her hips. "Oh Laura . . . I ain't done this in a long time! Unnnnn! Please . . . yes . . . unhhh!"

Laura, though hungrily slurping and sucking Mavis's other nipple and kneading her small breast passionately with her fingers, realized that the temperature was skyrocketing. They were going much faster than she wanted to, and she quickly cranked it back down a notch, releasing Mavis's breast from her mouth, easing skillfully into other fervent but less arousing caresses.

She kissed Mavis's smooth black chest and her collarbones and her throat. Mavis was a little skinnier than usual, as Laura had earlier noticed, and her bones protruded more, but Laura licked them and ran her lips hungrily over them until she got to firm flesh, which she then nipped and sucked, running her mouth up Mavis's neck to her ear.

"Ohhhnnnnn!" Mavis moaned, twisting, her eyes shut, her face grimacing with intense pleasure.

"I want you . . . I want you . . . I want your beautiful wet pussy, Mavis," Laura whispered to her, dropping her hands to Mavis's panties and skimming them down her thighs.

In order to get them all the way off Mavis's legs, Laura had to slide down, but she did not waste the opportunity. She kissed Mavis's smooth, heaving belly, and her navel, and her thighs, finally extricating Mavis's feet from the leg-holes of the panties and flinging them wildly into the air and across the room, her nostrils almost throbbing from the thick, ripe odors of the girl's sweet pussy.

Hurriedly, but taking care not to rip them, Laura slipped out of her expensive panties too, dropping them over the side of the bed onto the floor. Her own pussy was positively flooding, and she realized as she swarmed again all over Mavis's lean, smooth black body that they had never pressed their pussies together. Mavis was always too intent on fist-fucking, and of course Laura would never turn down the chance. But now she was completely in charge, and Mavis was nearly swooning and trembling in the grip of very acute sexual need.

"I want to fuck you with my pussy," Laura panted to her, breathing into her ear, maneuvering both of their bodies so that she could succeed in getting their crotches together.

"Oh Laura!" Mavis whimpered, writhing again violently, deliciously sexy. "Just fuck me . . . I don't care how you do it! Unhhhhh! Oh!"

But Laura cared. She wanted the delicious naked girl every way possible. Fisting Mavis was impossibly sweet and thrilling, but she wanted more of her than that. And until she began swarming all over Mavis, coiling with her, entangling her in her arms and legs, kissing her warm, resilient flesh and mashing her own wet pussy into Mavis's sopping wet crotch, she realized that she had explored only a fraction of what this kind of fucking could offer, if you were truly demon-obsessed with the need to completely consume the other person.

During the next few minutes, Laura was like a hungry python, coiling her body around Mavis in every way imaginable. She began in her usual way by slipping one leg under one of Mavis's and then scooting forward until their wet cunts met. Mavis's eyes fluttered open, and she gave Laura a surprised, then a fiercely hot stare, unleashing her throbbing fuck-me eyes at the same time that her facial expression showed Laura her intense delight and wonder at this fresh sensation.

"Ohhnnnn . . . god!" she groaned, arching her back, pushing her wet pussy into Laura's forcibly.

Mavis was still on her back, writhing, her eyes shiny and glassy as she stared hypnotically up at Laura, who was sitting, slowly gyrating her hips so that her pussy would slide against Mavis's wet bush and warm, gooey cunt lips. She realized that she could make it even better for them both by inserting her hand between them and spreading their cunts open further, perhaps guiding their clits together with her fingers, as she had done with others in the past. But her need and desire for Mavis was too strong for her to do anything so deliberate.

"Oh god, honey, I want you, I need you so bad, it's been so long!" Laura gasped, flinging herself forward onto Mavis's slender, gleaming black body, embracing her and kissing her shoulder and her neck, while still gyrating her pelvis smoothly, pushing her groin into Mavis's pussy.

"Unhhh . . .unhhh!" Mavis panted, squirming as Laura fucked her, now grabbing Laura's body too with her hands, digging her fingers into Laura's back and up-fucking with her hips into Laura's thrusts.

Again Laura sat up, feeling she could get better leverage that way, and began pumping harder, so hard the bed began to jingle and creak, so hard that she found if she let her forward leg creep up onto Mavis's stomach, bending it at the knee, she could get a fairly tight pinch on the girl's streaming crotch and ram her own cunt even harder into Mavis. This position seemed to send them both into a hot frenzy of whimpering and frantic churning, until Mavis was actually rising up off the bed too onto her elbows, grinding her own pussy up into Laura's.

"Unh! Unhhh! Oh! Laura . . . oh god shit it's good unhhhh!"

Again Laura, unable to keep any part of her body off Mavis's squirming flesh, changed positions. They were jamming each other so heatedly that their bodies had settled onto the side, and their frantic grinding had turned Laura nearly onto her stomach. Now she grabbed Mavis's long slender black leg and hugged it between her breasts while digging her knees into the mattress and pumping Mavis hard with backward, downward thrusts. Mavis quickly picked up the tempo and, turning onto her own stomach, began meeting each one of Laura's sharp thrusts with her own churning hips, and soon they were both gagging and grunting almost hysterically in a fit of crazy fucking, both face down, their hands flat against the sheet as their mated groins danced and bucked in the air.

In the midst of this thrashing and groaning, Laura twisted her body up and around so that she again was half-sitting, though Mavis was still face down on the sheet. This way, in the sweet delirium of her lust, Laura could run her frantic fingers all over the girl's smooth, sinuous black back and ass, kneading the firm flesh while grinding her pussy forward into Mavis's hot streaming cunt, fucking her from behind while Mavis mewled and quivered.

Still Laura was not satisfied, and after a few wild, heart-stopping, thrilling moments of this, she shifted her position once more, swarming again up onto Mavis, turning her over again onto her back and pinning her, sucking her delicious shiny black flesh, and dropping one hand finally between them. Mavis was panting rapidly, her murky, dangerous eyes dilated and swirling, her body twisting under Laura's, and Laura realized that she herself was panting just as furiously, her heart pumping, her pussy flooding, all squirmy and hot and pulsing.

"Oh! Oh Laura!" Mavis whimpered.

And Laura was suddenly bitten by a quick twinge of fear. Was she having an attack? Am I fucking her too hard? Oh god, I don't want to stop! But I don't want her to stop breathing!

Nevertheless, caution was not really on either of their minds. Their bodies were writhing and pumping and grinding together in a fierce, rapacious frenzy, and something in Laura understood that even if they both went up in flames this instant, it wouldn't stop them. They were careening together toward the precipice.

She managed to get two of her fingers on Mavis's slippery, swollen labia and spread them a little, feeling the fiery wet pit between them, all buttery and slick. Then, still struggling, gyrating, panting, she managed to get her own pussy open further too, and she pushed forward, mashing it into Mavis's splayed furrow, feeling feathery electrical shocks flow through her body as the raw wet inner flesh of their cunts actually rubbed fully together for the first time, without wet hair or skin or anything else in the way.

She could see that Mavis felt it too. Her body sagged backward, her mouth went slack, her eyes vaguely ga-ga. Then, as if sharply sexualized and energized by the acute sensations in her pussy, as Laura was, she suddenly began churning and whimpering almost hysterically, an exact duplicate of the way Laura reacted.

"Unhh! Oh! Unh unh unhhhh!" Mavis gasped, fucking and twisting more wildly than Laura had ever seen her do.

But of course Laura could see very little since she herself was pumping and gasping and squirming with equal intensity, moaning and grabbed Mavis's sleek black thighs and trying to drive her wet, throbbing pussy right up into Mavis's open slit.

"Aunnghh! Unghh!" she grunted, feeling her wet cunt slide against Mavis's, completely enraptured by the sight of Mavis's small breasts and the large jutting bullets of her black nipples sliding up and down on her thin, almost bony chest.

The hot, spurting, liquid fire of Laura's own orgasm began to shoot through her body, and she quickly knew she was going to come before Mavis did. For a split second she felt a sinking in her stomach, having wanted Mavis to come first, or at least to be sure that Mavis would come from this violent, crazy churning and grinding. But then there was no way to stop it.

"Aunngghhhhh!" she cried out, suddenly falling back, her body stiffening and twitching, her wet, pulsing cunt glued to Mavis's as she felt a succession of hot, jolting shocks hit her. "Ungghh! Oh! Aunngghiiieee!" she cried out again, coming exultantly, stretching full-length on the bed and flexing, screaming happily, knowing that no one could hear her squealing ecstasy but Mavis.

She lost all contact momentarily with anything but the sweet, hot throbbing within her pussy and her spasming womb, but when she regained her senses she realized that Mavis was still pumping frantically, pushing her cunt into Laura's limp body, and groaning in a feverish trance, still close but still not there. Oh darling . . . oh darling . . . Laura thought, now caressing the sleek black thighs her fingers had been biting into only seconds ago. Slowly, Laura again picked up the pace, rejoining her, feeling the hot waves of lust flow almost palpably out of Mavis's pussy as Mavis now crossed over the edge.

"Ooonngghh!" she groaned, this time more softly than her previous groans, a sound that was somehow mangled deep in her vocal chords and clipped short by a quick loss of breath that again sent panic shooting through Laura.

But Mavis was not suffering, or at least was suffering beautifully. Her back arched, her eyes tightly shut, and she began to undulate in waves as a crushing climax wrenched her slender body.

"Ohhnngg!" she moaned, twisting, raising her fingers to her nipples and pinching them awkwardly, clumsily, but hard, as her lower body began quaking and shuddering. "Auunghhnnmmgggiiieeee! Oh . . . oh Laura . . . oonngghiiiieee!" she wailed, her eyes reddened and shiny as they opened long enough to catch Laura's briefly before closing again as she nearly swooned in a fresh wave of intense spasms.

Oh god, she is so beautiful when she comes! Laura thought, propped on her elbows, watching the whole thing, and gently stroking Mavis's hard black thigh with one hand, keeping her pussy mashed against Mavis's until the last final flutter of Mavis's orgasm began to die away. It took a long time. Maybe because she's been saving it up, Laura thought.

Several minutes passed before Mavis was again able to raise her head from the bed and smile wanly at Laura. Carefully, Laura disentangled their legs.

"Are you okay?" she asked Mavis softly, trying not to seem overly concerned, but concerned nonetheless.

A slow, very broad smile spread across Mavis's face. Her dark eyes, usually flashing with dangerous, mysterious, fuck-me invitations, were now sparkling with joy and delight.

"I ain't never been this okay," she laughed. She looked straight at Laura with a happy little smirk curling the sides of her sensual mouth. "If you told me you were going to do that, I wouldn't have believed you."

"I didn't know I was actually going to do it," Laura confessed. "I wanted you bad. I wanted you in some new way, some way we had never done it."

Mavis grinned even more broadly and nodded. "That was the way."

She pulled Laura down with her on the bed, wrapping her long arms around Laura's body and kissing her warmly on the mouth. It was a slow, romantic kiss. Laura could feel every inch, every minuscule smooth velvety expanse of Mavis's wonderful flesh against every part of her own body. She shivered briefly just from the happy pleasure of it.

"I still want it the other way too, though," Mavis whispered to her.

Laura turned very serious. "I'm . . . afraid. I'm afraid of your asthma. I don't . . . want you to . . . you know, have an attack."

Mavis looked at her devilishly. "You never were afraid about that before."

"I didn't know before."

Mavis put a finger on Laura's lips. "I'm thirsty. You gotta coke?"

"You're changing the subject."

Mavis grinned and giggled. "I know. Gotta coke?"

With an exasperated smile, Laura sat up. "I probably have something. Come in to the kitchen with me and see."

"You won't attack me, will you?" Mavis teased flirtatiously. "I know you wild about my body."

"Grrrrrrrr!" Laura growled, giving her a mock chase out the bedroom door into the hall, in truth totally captivated by Mavis's body, by her sleek black skin and small bobbing breasts and long, smooth, dark back. "I'm going to eat you alive!"

She caught up with her right at the entryway to the kitchen. They embraced and kissed romantically again, totally naked.

"Mmmmm, maybe we should do it right here," Mavis sighed, panting a little again. "You making me forget about the coke."

"Now there's a thought," Laura breathed into her ear, dropping both hands to Mavis's smooth, unexceptional, but nevertheless very alluring bottom. "We've never done it standing up either."

Mavis frowned playfully. "Sounds a little uncomfortable. I like that big old bed of yours. Lots of room to roll around."

Laura went to the refrigerator. "I don't have any coke, I'm afraid. Only one root beer, and one Slice."

Mavis made a face. "You really drink that stuff?"

Laura kissed her on the forehead. "Beggars can't be choosers. Which one'll it be?"

Mavis let her displeasure become even more visible. "Root beer, I guess. Ughh. I might hurl."


"You know, puke."

Laura grabbed the cold can of root beer and a glass from the cupboard. She dragged Mavis by one hand back down the hall to the bedroom, feeling a hunger well up again inside her groin, a hot, pulsing need to have more of this delicious girl. Standing naked with her in the kitchen, kissing sweetly, arguing about which soda Mavis would agree to drink, had been for some reason impossibly erotic.

They sat on the bed. Laura pawed Mavis's lovely young body. "I want to fuck you again," she murmured, kissing the girl's round, black, gleaming, thin shoulder. "I never get enough."

Mavis giggled softly, trying to open the can, pushing away Laura with her free hand. "Off!" she laughed. "Down, Fido. Let me get this ugly-ass ole root beer open first, okay?"

Laura took the can and placed it beside the glass on the bedstand. "Drink it afterward." She grasped both of Mavis's small naked breasts in her hands, twisting Mavis's bulging nipples gently but meaningfully in her fingers. "Let me fuck you again."

When Mavis looked up, Laura could see that her wild, dangerous eyes were pulsing, sending out the hypnotic sexual wavelengths again, throbbing, swirling, burning into Laura's like a deep-space pulsar that exuded deeply knowing lechery and smoking sensuality. She raised her hands slowly to Laura's face. Her breath was coming faster now, but then, Laura thought, so is mine.

"I want to do it the old way," Mavis said, simply, her voice however chuffing and labored through her rough, excited breathing.

For Laura, fistfucking Mavis was as sweet and intense as sex ever got, and she could hardly resist the invitation. But Mavis could sense her reluctance. She raised her hands to her breasts, where Laura was still fondling and lightly pinching her nipples, which were growing stiff and rubbery again. She took one of Laura's hands in both of hers and pulled it down to her crotch, her eyes holding Laura's, swirling, burning, pulsing.

Laura could feel the bristly hairs of Mavis's muff against her fingers. "I want to lick that beautiful pussy first," she breathed against Mavis's cheek.

Mavis smiled, a dreamy, remote smile, as if she were already in a sexual trance induced by the anticipation of what Laura was now agreeing to do. "You can lick it and lick it," she murmured back.

It took Laura only a slight tug to pull her down again onto the sheet. "I want to lick every part of you," she murmured to Mavis, in no hurry now that they had got their first little frantic fucking out of the way.

"Ooohhhh . . . unhhhhh!" Mavis sighed, twisting as Laura made her way slowly down the girl's thin but wildly exciting body.

She paused again briefly at Mavis's long, unusual nipples, teasing and stroking them with her tongue, giving them little sharp sucks that had Mavis keening and gurgling. This quickly reminded Laura of the asthma, and she grew more cautious, more worried, but still so full of love and unquenchable physical desire for Mavis that she could not stop. I just have to be careful, she reminded herself. And listen to her . . . listen to her breathe. And be careful.

But it was harder to be careful when Mavis continued to become more and more aroused. Her fingers moved spastically in Laura's hair, digging through it to Laura's scalp, and she arched her back, pushing her wet nipples into Laura's lips, whimpering. Then Laura, fearing she would become too overwrought, moved lower, licking the smooth skin of Mavis's stomach, which was now rising and falling rapidly with her heavy panting.

Mavis's skin was not as deeply black as Dawn's or Charise's, but she was very dark nonetheless, her skin softer than the purest, most expensive velvet, and the feel of it against Laura's lips made Laura's whole body glow and throb with seething passion. She kissed the firm flesh of Mavis's stomach, high under her ribcage, then down the barely visible depression in the middle to her navel, a cute shallow 'innie' that Laura frenched vigorously, making Mavis yelp and churn her pelvis up off the mattress.

"Aiieee! Oh shit . . . Laura . . . that feels good! Unhhhh!"

Smiling, sliding both hands under Mavis's smooth buttocks while they were so obligingly poised in midair, Laura continued downwards with her lips, at the same time gently nudging open Mavis's quivering thighs with her shoulders, settling between them. Now she had Mavis's ass in both hands, her mouth poised only inches from the gaping, wet, succulent feast of the girl's small, puckering cunt.

It was a pretty little thing, not the long wavy-lipped black beauty some other girls had, but a slick, wet mouth, all pink and shiny inside, with a tiny hiding clit under a glossy fold of black skin at the top. Laura knew how to make this sweet pussy sing, and she quickly began to worship it in her special way.

She ran the tip of her tongue all around the edge of it, slipping it into the shallow creases between Mavis's outer cunt lips and the wet black inner sleeve, just to tantalize her. Mavis clenched and cawed helplessly, her thighs tensing, her fingers fluttering over them.

"Oh! Oh!"

Now Laura slid her tongue into the creamy hot pink pit, pulling it open with her thumbs, but not licking fast or passionately, just a slow, sensual stroke that nearly set Mavis on fire. She whimpered and writhed excitedly.

"Oh Laura!"

"Slow, baby . . . slow," Laura purred to her. "I'm going to make you go slow. I want to lick your pretty pussy forever."

"Oh . . . Laura!"

Laura realized, however, that in spite of their earlier explosion, Mavis was pretty aroused. It would not take much to make her come. It wouldn't take much for me, either, Laura thought. I feel like I could come if she just slid one finger into me. My pussy is flooding.

Mavis's was flooding too, oozing thick, pungent nectars that coated Laura's tongue and filled her nostrils with musky fragrance that made her lust jangle and surge. Oh god, I love her, I want to fuck her, I want to eat her, I want to fist her, I don't want it ever to stop!

She pulled back the thin flap of wet black skin that shielded Mavis's tiny clit and tickled it with the tip of her tongue for the first time. Mavis's writhing body seized up almost immediately.

"Auunngghh!" she groaned, tossing her head, then looking down at Laura with desperate, reddened eyes.

Her magical eyes, which earlier had been throbbing with deep sexual meanings, were now imploring Laura, begging her, pleading with her. Laura knew what they were begging her to do. Mavis wanted it in the worst way, and even though Laura was still skittish and nervous about the asthma, she knew nothing could stop her from giving in.

Already, she noticed, looking down at her hand, she had two fingers up Mavis's tight, greasy, warm pussy, gently fucking her with them while she continued periodically to flick the tiny whitish seed of Mavis's clit with her tongue, making Mavis twitch and groan softly. Slowly, carefully, Laura introduced another finger, then after a few seconds, yet another. Now the four-finger wedge was pushing up into Mavis's expanding pussy, and finally Laura joined her thumb to it, pushing a little harder with each slow forward thrust.

"Unhhhh!" Mavis panted, looking down at Laura's fingers in her pussy, biting her lower lip, hypnotized by the rhythm they had fallen into.

Slowly, her small black-lipped pussy was expanding to receive Laura's pale hand, and when it finally slipped inside, both of them felt momentarily breathless. They stopped moving for a brief instant, and then Mavis broke the silence with a long, muted groan, unlike anything Laura had heard since the last time they had done this.

"Oohhnnaggunnggghh!" Mavis exhaled, her eyes rolling up, her head falling back.

With her hand sunk in Mavis's tight pussy up the wrist, Laura suddenly felt enveloped by the mysterious, deep, throbbing intimacy that for some reason this act always aroused in her. Even though Mavis now lay flat on her back, her eyelids twitching, her mouth slack, her breath labored, Laura could somehow feel through the warmth and rhythmic movement of her body that Mavis felt it too, a kind of deep, inviolable linkage of their two selves, their whole beings now wrapped together in an intense physical communion so profound that nothing else could break through it.

"Oh . . . honey!" Laura gasped, unable to restrain her love and lust, slowly moving her hand and watching the incredible pleasure pass across Mavis's face.

Slowly, Mavis surfaced from the initial rapture of penetration, her eyes fluttering open, murky and swirling. She tilted her head up briefly to look at Laura, then let it fall back again and began churning her hips and undulating her thin, lovely body, forcing Laura's hand to slide—with difficulty, since the passage was so tight and cramped—in and out of her engorged pussy. Laura had not even made a fist. She was herself still sunk in the throbbing hot magic of this union, her whole being fixated on Mavis's slow, rhythmical gyrations, her hand still half-paralyzed by the feel of Mavis's warm, wet, spongy, but phenomenally tight inner cunt walls hugging it.

She couldn't keep her eyes off the sight of her white wrist encircled by Mavis's taut, distended black cunt lips, or the winking wet fire of the glistening pink flesh inside Mavis's pussy which appeared around the edges, especially at the top, just under Mavis's clit, when she pumped and Laura's hand slid briefly outward. Laura was also fascinated, for some reason, by the shiny black filaments of Mavis's pubic hair, so jet black, wanting to push her face into the sparkly black patch, and by the incredibly smooth black skin of Mavis's soft belly, which rose and fell rapidly now due to her feverish panting.

She was also mesmerized by the smell. Mavis, though aroused before, was now approaching the outer reaches of total sexual mania, and her pussy was emitting a sweet, almost acridly pungent fragrance, the olfactory equivalent of her knowing, fuck-me eyes, a hot, fatally alluring odor that turned Laura into an animal, making her want to consume the delicious girl in one gargantuan, unholy gulp. With her hand still embedded deep in Mavis's snug pussy, she bent forward, yielding to temptation, and pressed her nose deep into the silky, curly patch of pubic hair, inhaling deeply, and now drawing her fingers down into a fist inside Mavis, feeling her hand swell, her knuckles expand against the tight walls.

"Ohhhhh!" Mavis sighed, her lean body quivering as she clamped her thighs on Laura's arm.

"Oh yes, baby . . . are you going to come?" Laura purred to her, moving her lips higher, brushing them against the smooth velvety black skin of Mavis's belly, feeling it tense under her mouth, feeling Mavis's body quake.

Mavis was certainly too far gone to answer. She was in a deep fuck-trance, undulating, wheezing (oh god! Laura thought, listening carefully; is she okay? She isn't having an attack, is she?), gurgling, her body surging and arching, her thighs clenching as she drove her pussy down onto Laura's hand. Now they were really heating up, getting completely out of control, Laura knew.

She herself was totally overcome by hot, crackling, urgent lust for Mavis, and her hand inside Mavis's crammed pussy began to thrust in deeper. She twisted it, feeling her protruding knuckles slide across the pulpy wet flesh inside Mavis's pussy, and feeling Mavis stiffen, hearing her whimper.

"Unhhhhh! Oh! Ungghhh! Annngghhh!" Mavis grunted softly, her eyes streaked by delirious fires of unbelievable sexual excitement.

"Oh honey . . . oh honey!" Laura panted, scarcely coherent herself as she began to fuck the poor, delectable girl harder, faster, knowing that Mavis was approaching surely one of the most excruciating orgasms she had ever felt.

Mavis was writhing, squirming, moaning semi-hysterically, shuddering each time Laura's arm went into too deeply, but then, as if to contradict the shudder, jamming her pussy down on Laura's fist almost immediately, her pelvis twitching and jerking, as if demanding more.

"Unnhhh! Unhhh! Yes! Yes!" she grunted softly, wincing as the sensations grew almost too intense to bear.

Laura, still brushing her lips across the girl's smooth, flat belly, drew her face back, realizing that Mavis's wild surging and pumping was about to culminate in a ripping explosion. By now she really didn't have to move her hand since Mavis was fucking it, instead of letting Laura fuck her.

As she had done a few times in the past when especially aroused in this situation, Mavis reached down with both long arms, grabbing Laura's forearm right above the wrist with her hands, and held Laura fiercely while she jammed her pussy down on Laura's fist.

"Unh! Unh! Unggghhh!"

It was almost a maniacal act, which the sweet girl was driven to by a shocking sexual urge to be simply obliterated by hot coming. She got her wish almost immediately. Laura could actually feel Mavis's tight pussy contracting around her hand, squeezing, rotating on it. Mavis grimaced and groaned, then fell back, her body impaled on Laura's arm, and began to caw and shudder as if gripped by a horrible seizure, her face contorted in a grimace so sharp that Laura was not alarmed only because she had seen it before, when Mavis came unbelievably hard.

The sounds that came from her were also unbelievable: little clotted snuffles and snorts, horribly twisted cawings and guttural grunts, then a low exhaling of sighing and whinnying all mixed up together as the spasms weakened.

"Ahhnnnnnn!" Mavis moaned, twisting now, her eyes flashing red as she managed a brief glance at Laura out of the maelstrom of her orgasm. "Ohhnnnnnggg! Oh . . . oh god . . . ahnnnnnn!"

Slowly, her body, now glistening with a thin film of sweat, gyrated less and less, and Laura carefully began inching her hand back out, feeling Mavis quiver with each movement. Mavis whimpered. Her eyes bathed Laura in love, but still she winced as mild aftershocks wrenched her slackening body.


"Oh yes, baby . . . you came so hard!" Laura purred to her, finally extricating her wet hand completely.

Mavis's voice was scratchy, her eyes still glassy and stunned-looking. Laura had rarely seen her have such a devastating climax. "I guess if I didn't have no asthma attack during that, I ain't never going to have one." She beamed at Laura, blinking, as if astonished.

"You just lie there for a minute and remember it while I get a towel," Laura told her, smiling, hopping off the bed and snatching a hand towel from the master bathroom.

She quickly returned to the bed, after drying off her hand, and lay down next to Mavis, embracing her, running her hands all over Mavis's smooth naked body. They kissed slowly, and Mavis was marvelously warm and pliant, coiling against Laura, sighing again.

"Nobody can do it like you do, Laura," she whispered. "I want to do it back to you . . . but right now I feel so weak. You know? God, I really just . . . I don't know . . . came apart there. It wiped me out."

"I know," Laura stroked her, smiling, kissing her gleaming black shoulder.

Laura didn't care, surprisingly enough. She knew they would get around to it. Mavis was anything but selfish, and she always enjoyed making love to Laura as much as she liked being on the receiving end. They coiled together sensually, murmuring, caressing one another, kissing, for a long time.

After a while, though, Laura began to feel very much in need. Lying there with her naked body pressed everywhere against Mavis, feeling every warm, smooth inch of Mavis's skin against hers, feeling the taut, hard bullets of Mavis's long nipples raking across her own breasts, feeling Mavis's fingers on her ass, on her thighs, on her back and arms, Mavis's tongue in her mouth, soon had Laura quivering, even mewling softly into Mavis's round shoulder.

"I think I . . ." she panted, but Mavis quickly got the message.

"You're trembling, Laura," she whispered. "You need me to get busy."

"Oh yes. Are you feeling better now?"

Mavis grinned. "I ain't never felt this good in my life."

She slid down Laura's body to toy with and tease Laura's breasts, then descended lower. Laura found herself wanting this slow, sensual motion, this patient, skillful coiling of their bodies, to continue. True, she had fucked Mavis hard, harder than she had expected to, assisted by Mavis's own fierce desire to make it especially hard, but she herself for once wanted it to be gentle and slow, filled with this simmering emotion and slowly throbbing build-up.

"Yes . . . just like that!" she gasped as Mavis began to lick her aching wet pussy. "Ohhhh . . . I want it like that, darling. Just slow . . . and soft . . . and . . . ohhhh yes!"

"Mmmm," Mavis licked and purred, "you don't want me to do you with my hand?"

"Oh . . . yes, I do," Laura panted, now beginning to squirm a little. "I'm dying to have you do that. I just want it slow . . . and gentle, you know?"

Mavis grinned, peering up at Laura from Laura's crotch. "I think I know how to do that," she teased. "I used to make Brenda beg me. It was fun."

Laura was almost ready to beg right now. Mavis's tongue on her pussy made hot streaks of liquid fire shoot through her entire body. She resisted the temptation to grab Mavis's head with both hands and pull her mouth violently into her pussy, fucking up into it at the same time, and making herself come in a hot, fast rush, as she knew she could do almost instantaneously, if she wanted to. Instead, she purposely relaxed her body and gave in to each sweet, intense sensation that Mavis's clever tongue aroused in her pulsing, oozing cunt.

And Mavis had been telling the truth. She almost never lied. She knew how to tease, and her deep desire to please Laura made her more inventive by the second. Her tongue seemed to find places in Laura's pussy that had not been touched in months. At one point, Laura's squirming ass actually levitated up off the bed, shaking in the air, her voice squealing excitedly up out of her throat, as Mavis somehow touched a raw sexual nerve that shot sharp electric flashes through her body.

"Mmnnggiiieee!" Laura wailed unexpectedly, then fell back hard to the mattress, making the bed jump.

"Ooohhhh . . . I better be careful," Mavis joked.

"Oh god!"

"You like that, don't you. I bet you'll like this too."

Now she got some of her fingers up into Laura's juicy channel—at first Laura could not tell how many, maybe three or four—and began to saw them slowly in and out while flicking Laura's clit with the tip of her tongue. Hey, that's my technique! Laura realized, through the hot, throbbing excitement of her body, half-giggling to herself.

"Unhh!" she suddenly gasped, feeling the level of her sexual arousal jump up a clear notch and a half. "Oh god! Oh Mavis . . ."

"You ready to beg me?" Mavis teased softly. "I ain't going to let you come if you don't beg me."

Laura laughed softly, her laughter disrupted by fierce panting and gurgling as Mavis's fingers and tongue again made her pussy clench and flutter. "I don't know if you're going to have any say in . . . the . . . matter," she panted roughly.

"Oh yes . . . I am," Mavis laughed back. "You watch."

Mavis stopped moving. She brushed her cheek tenderly against one of Laura's naked thighs, her fingers still embedded in Laura's wet pussy, but not moving.

"Mmmm, Laura, you smell good, you know that? You put perfume on this pretty pink pussy? Mmmm, I love the way you smell!"

Laura couldn't answer. Even though Mavis had deviated from bringing her directly to a sharp climax, Laura was still trembling with sexual tension, her body yearning, her mind humming madly with insane sexual need. Fuck me . . . Mavis . . . put it in me . . . do it to me . . . all of it!

"Oh! Oh!"

Now Mavis was moving again, slyly, subtly, stroking the edges of Laura's pussy with her tongue, sliding her fingers further up into Laura, until Laura could feel the hard swellings of her knuckles. Yes! Yes . . . do it!

She got control of herself long enough to look down at Mavis's solemn, determined face, seeing the familiar fires in the girl's mysterious, knowing eyes as Mavis looked back up at her. Mavis drew her long tongue slowly across Laura's clit, never taking her eyes from Laura's, and Laura nearly dissolved in hot quivering.


"Beg me, Laura," Mavis said softly, not teasing now, very serious. "Go ahead."

Now it took everything Laura had to keep her focus on the slow, sensual, simmering buildup she had wanted, and that Mavis had agreed to deliver. Slowly getting control of her rapid breathing, she began to undulate her pelvis gradually, whimpering, feeling every scintilla of pleasure in her pussy as Mavis probed and sucked it teasingly.

"Beg me, Laura," she murmured.

Laura whimpered. She did not have to fake it. "Please," she gasped. "Please . . . Mavis, please!"

"Please?" Mavis smiled, devilishly. "'Please' mean you want me to do something?"

Laura tittered, unable to suppress her delight at Mavis's skill and mischievous attitude. "You little bitch," she laughed, panting heavily. "I need you to fuck me."

"Ooohh, Laura, you got a dirty mouth," Mavis giggled, now moving her hand more forcefully up into Laura's expanding pussy. "This what you mean?"

"Unhhhh! Ohnggg! Yes!" Laura gagged softly, nearly unable to bear the anticipation as she felt Mavis's small hand on the verge of slipping completely into her.

Again she could feel the sweet, intensely mysterious sense of intimate union that had come over her earlier when she had thrust her own hand into Mavis's tight young pussy. She held her breath for an instant as she felt Mavis's hand slide up into her, stiffening slightly, then relaxing, letting the full sweep of the intense bliss that accompanied this moment envelop her body.

"Oh god! Ahhnnnnnn!"

It was a moment of exquisite tenderness mingled with sexual magic of the most extreme kind, and their eyes caught again and held tight as Mavis began slowly to move her hand inside Laura's cunt. Laura got what she wanted. Mavis did not try to pump her hard, or increase the tempo in any way. Like Laura, she had fallen into the spell and was hypnotized by the slow, rhythmic sensuality of Laura's undulating body, and Laura's soft moaning.

For several minutes, it seemed, they said nothing to each other while Mavis with painstaking care slid her hand up into Laura's tight, greasy channel, then pulled it back a little, twisted it, formed it into a fist, and pushed it up into Laura again. Laura thought she might die of happiness, as well as the growing, swelling, pulsing sexual arousal that began to flood her body.

"Is it good?" Mavis asked, her face completely solemn and mesmerized by the intimate act they were performing, her eyes swirling and throbbing.

"Ungghh! Oh god . . . what do you think?"

Laura was almost unable to respond. She could feel the swelling, building tension in her body, the sweet release that beckoned, the magnetic connection between her pussy and Mavis's small fist, the hot current that flowed between them through their eyes. She wanted to come, and she wanted to prolong this sweet intensity forever. She wanted to gaze into Mavis's scintillating, loving, passionate eyes and feel the tiny curvature of each knuckle as it slid across the buttery, squinchy inner walls of her cunt, feel the nudging of Mavis's wrist up against the swollen berry of her aching clit, feel the certainty that only seconds from now she would dissolve in hot waves of billowing fire.

Oh shit, I don't ever want this to stop! she realized. "Oh honey . . . I don't ever want it to be over!" she gasped desperately to Mavis, feeling the flesh in her arms and legs quiver involuntarily, a hint that her wishes were now immaterial, that her body would hurtle toward its fiery climax no matter what she wanted.

"You're gonna come, Laura," Mavis smiled, twisting her fist once again, sliding it in deeper than before, making Laura groan.


"You're gonna come whether you want to or not, I think."

"Oh yes!"

"Do you want me to speed it up?"

"No. No . . . just like that . . . yes! Ohhhhh . . . like that! Ohhhhh Mavis, I love the way you do it!"

True to her word, Mavis did not accelerate the pace a bit. Slowly, she kept fucking Laura, slowly, patiently, deliberately, sliding her hand in deep, pulling it out, pushing it in. Laura went crazy, but she too refused to pump or squirm wildly. Instead, she relaxed her body, patiently undulating, moving her hips, biting her lower lip, feeling the unbearable pressures swell to the bursting point deep in her belly and her womb.

As they approached the end, it was harder and harder for them both to stay under control, to move slowly. Without knowing she was doing it, Laura suddenly realized that she had grabbed fistfuls of the sheet with both hands, and was bearing down with her clenched buttocks into the mattress, trying to hold on, trying to postpone the final explosion. Mavis was cooing incoherently to her, kissing Laura's thighs, again licking her clit, fucking her slowly, also knowing that the end was inevitable and would come soon.

"Ohhhhnnnn! Ohhhhnnnnn!"

"You're gonna come, Laura," Mavis murmured. "Might as well give in. I'm gonna make you come now."

"Oh no! Don't let it stop!"

"Yes . . . yes, pretty Laura. You gon' come now . . . get ready."

Now, almost imperceptibly, Mavis did pick up the pace, but only a little. Laura could feel it, but barely. Mavis's hand seemed to grow harder inside of her, and Mavis's knuckles scraped along the raw inner flesh of her pussy more noticeably, and Mavis's tongue now lashed her exposed clit, and Laura groaned, and arched, and then melted into a long shuddering sigh as waves of sweet pulsing rapture began to roll through her quivering body.

"Ohhnnnnn! Oh Jesus! Ahnnnnnnn! Oh . . . oh Mavis! Ungghhhh!"

Laura's climax began like a warm, thrilling fever dream, sweeping through her body like an ocean wave, but quickly it turned into a tornado, and Mavis was suddenly thrusting hard, bringing hot, violent groans up from deep in Laura's chest.

"Ungghh! Auungghh! Oh yes! Oh yes! Ungghmmnngghiiieeeee!" Laura wailed, suddenly feeling the whole cataclysm jump up another rung to a fierce, clenching seizure of hot coming.

The bed shook, and Mavis encircled Laura's hips with one arm so as not to be thrown off by the violent jerking and wild churning of Laura's spasming body. After four or five intense shudders, Laura's body began to slacken, and she slumped, gasping and whimpering, back to the sheet, still fiercely enjoying the deep contractions her cunt continued to make around Mavis's wrist.

"Oh shit . . . don't move!" she gasped to Mavis, who smiled, so thrilled to have given this shattering orgasm to Laura. "Don't move! I'm still . . . coming!"

"You go for it, Laura," Mavis grinned, watching Laura buck a few more times and then dissolve into another rolling aftershock.

"Unhhhhhh! Ohhhhh!"

After this died away, they simply lay there for several minutes without moving. Laura knew that Mavis felt the same way she did, that they were linked in some impossible, inexplicable, profound way by this, by Mavis's hand inside her body, by the killing beauty of the climax she had just enjoyed. Only after she stirred and opened her eyes and smiled down at the girl did Mavis begin to pull out her hand.

Laura reached across the bed and handed her the towel, the same one she had used herself earlier in the same circumstance. Mavis carefully wiped off her fingers. She then smelled them.

"I wish I could take this home in a bottle and smell it whenever I get horny," she said, flirting again with Laura. "Laura's pussy perfume. Makes me hot."

Laura pulled her close and kissed her, stroking her naked black body. "How long can you stay?"

"What time is it?"

"Six thirty," Laura said, glancing at the clock radio.

"My mama don't get home until nine. She got a new job working at Walmart. She stays until they close. Actually, she usually don't make it home until nine thirty."

Now Laura kissed her in other places than her mouth, relishing the way her own sexual desire seemed to refresh so speedily after the killer orgasm. "Mmmm, at least a couple more hours?"

Mavis squinted. "Ain't you tired. We just did it, Laura. Give me a rest, okay?"

Laura felt instantly contrite, remembering the asthma. "I'm sorry. I didn't mean—"

Mavis bubbled over with giggles. "Look at you. You think you trying to fuck a sick person, right? Like I'm going to have an asthma attack while you licking my pretty little black pussy. Right?"

Laura nodded. "I'm afraid of it."

"Shit, Laura, I told you I'm okay if I take my medication and my inhaler. As a matter of fact, I should take one at six. Let me go in the bathroom and take it, so you don't get yourself all worried, okay?"

Mavis popped off the bed and found her backpack. She unzipped it and took out a bottle of pills and her inhaler.

She winked at Laura as she disappeared into the master bathroom. "And when I come out, I hope you'll be ready for something hot this time."

"How could it be hotter?" Laura asked playfully.

"You'll see," Mavis winked again and shut the door behind her.






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