Laura - Chapter 262




It was months, if not years, since Laura had truly exhausted herself in fucking, as she and Sara did on their first night together in her new condo. They slept and fucked, and dozed and fucked, and bathed, fucking in the bath tub, then fucked back on the bed afterward, then dined and fucked, and slept some more, then fucked on Laura's white sofa, then slept again only to awaken and merge their slack, throbbing, exhausted bodies in one last conflagration of excruciating pleasure.

"I've never been fucked so much in my life," Sara admitted finally in a fatigued whisper, her head on the pillow next to Laura's, her dark eyes swimming with wonder. She was not too tired, however, to make another funny, endearing face, a screwy, cross-eyed face that seemed to tell Laura she was happy about it.

"Me either," Laura lied softly, even though it might as well be true. She had been this tired from the same amount of effort, but this moment seemed so completely permeated with love and deep emotion, as well as phenomenal physical desire, that she had to consider it something special. "Don't you feel like it's more than just . . . oh, fucking?" she asked, tenderly spreading the hair away from Sara's face with her fingers.

Sara had discarded the sexy red wig very soon, as well as her contact lenses, and Laura believed she found her even sexier without it. Sara's eyes grew wider as she listened to Laura. She nodded.

"I do. It is . . . different." She pushed her face closer so that their lips brushed. "Don't make me say any more."

Laura smiled. "I won't."

But for days afterward, she wondered what Sara had been reluctant to say.

Laura had long been well aware that she fell in love too easily.

. . . I fall in love too fast,
I fall in love too terribly hard
For love to ever last . . .

My heart should be well schooled
'Cause I've been fooled in the past,
But still I fall in love too easily,
I fall in love too fast.

My theme song, she thought, ruefully. But there's no way I can deny it. I feel . . . really deep feelings for this woman. I tingle when I think of her. And ache inside. And not just in my pussy either. In my gut, in the pit of my stomach, in my heart, in my toes and my fingertips, everywhere.

Laura even had dreams about Sara. It had been a long time since she had dreamed of another woman. Rina? Was it her? I used to dream of her all the time. But that was when I wasn't fucking everyone in sight, and I was focused completely on her. This has got to be different. I can't get Sara out of my brain, my body. My life.

Curiously, only one of her dreams had involved fucking, and that had occurred before their marathon christening of Laura's new condo. There was nothing exceptional about the dream—that is, nothing different in content from what they had already done together—except the fact that it left Laura throbbing emotionally for hours after awakening. They had made love sweetly, heatedly, emotionally, but that was the way they always fucked. Laura was aching with love for her all day.

The other dreams came after their condo-christening, and were devoid of sex. But not of love. In one they were talking lazily over coffee in Sara's kitchen. In another they were wandering hand in hand through a park. And in one dream they were playing Yahtze, of all things. Laura could recall very few of the details, but the lingering feeling of each dream was one of warm, delightfully happy well-being and deep love. The feelings were so deep that they would last for days after the dream.

She was in this state of mind one day when Dawn phoned her only a few minutes before five o'clock. Dawn's voice was mysteriously amused and wry.

"Got any plans this evening?"

This presented Laura with a few disturbing moments of extreme confusion. Just the thought of Dawn was, as always, nearly enough to set her on fire right where she sat. She had been aching dreamily about Sara, and without warning she was plunged into warm glow of vibrant physical desire brought about merely by the sound of Dawn's husky, suggestive voice. Thoughts of Dawn's marvelous naked body suddenly intruded into her reveries, Dawn's deeply black, glossy, smooth skin, such a wild sexual turn-on for Laura, Dawn's wiry hair, her glinting black eyes, her taunting half-smile, her delicious long coal-black pussy with it's wet shiny magenta insides.

On top of that, she had probably felt, in recent months, more strongly for Dawn than for anyone but Sara, for whom she now felt these dizzying transports of love. It was a difficult conflict. She wanted Dawn desperately, and loving Sara didn't make her want Dawn any less. She knew Sara would never know. They had purposely avoided cloying attachments, clinging to each other, calling all the time, making demands, almost as if, Laura thought, they both sensed the danger of getting too close too soon.

And yet, in the back of her mind she could not ignore the feelings of dishonesty she felt, as if seeing Dawn, fucking with Dawn—and probably so roughly, so fiercely and heatedly, as they usually did—were not only a deception of Sara, but also a rank and perfidious betrayal. Maybe it wasn't, but she felt like it would be, and that was enough to make Laura stew in the turmoil of her own divided loyalties.

"Laura?" Dawn prompted. "Are you still there?"

"Uh . . . oh, yes. I . . . don't have any plans," she whispered into the receiver, feeling the pulse flutter in her throat.

"Are you sure?" Dawn sounded skeptical, made suspicious by Laura's hesitation.

Laura shook it off quickly, fearing that by her confusion she might miss out on an evening with Dawn, the thought of which was already making her moisten and tingle.

"I'm sure," she said, brightly, sitting up, pressing her thighs together just to feel the lovely warmth that had suddenly blossomed between them.

"Want to drop by after work? I have a little surprise for you," Dawn said, a trace of coyness now entering her voice.

"Mmmm," Laura flirted, over the phone. "What could that be?"

"You'll have to wait and see."

"Will Robert be there?" Laura asked, pointedly.

There was a brief pause, which Laura believed Dawn allowed to happen deliberately, as if to emphasize the question, and her response.

"What do you think?" she finally breathed into the phone. "See you in twenty minutes, okay?"

Laura was always excited while driving to a hot little tryst, especially with the ravishing Dawn, but this time her feelings of anticipation were leavened by a very troubling sensation of guilt mixed with throbbing love: for Sara, and equally strong emotional and physical longings for Dawn. I am a very confused little puppy, she thought. I want them both. I want them totally. I don't want either of them to know I want the other one, or how much. What am I to do?

She was inundated by this welter of thoughts and feelings up to the moment Dawn opened the door. Then, mysteriously, they dissolved in a second, flowing away in the bright, mischievous explosion of Dawn's smile. Laura had not seen her for over two weeks, and all her old feelings, and hunger, for the girl suddenly obliterated everything else from her mind. She did not forget about Sara, but consciously stowed those feelings in a safe place away from all this, where they would be preserved and protected, but not allowed to interfere.

Dawn, who could often look like she had just crawled out of a box of discarded rags, was today dressed in a fresh, crisp light blue shirt and the same tight white pants, Laura guessed, that she had been wearing the first time Laura had seen her months ago. Those pants made it impossible to ignore her splendid, round ass, which she knew quite well and clearly enjoyed as she pivoted to let Laura see it, closing the door behind them as she drew Laura into the apartment.

"I've got to kiss you," Laura said, not letting her hand go.

Dawn's broad, teeth-gleaming smile, modulated into her characteristic sly smirk, the bemused, sexy half-smile that so captivated Laura. She came closer, lowering her eyelids. She was so enchantingly, bewitchingly black, so deeply black, that Laura, feeling an impulse she was quite familiar with, wanted to kiss and lick and swallow her and consume her completely on the spot. She felt a fierce lust for Dawn, a burning need for her, that almost surprised her by its force.

"I guess I can give you one. You want to come in here and sit down?"

"No. Right here."

To Laura's great delight, Dawn seemed to melt before her eyes, coming into Laura's outstretched arms with a pliant willingness, her eyes now smoking, and pressing her mouth to Laura's eagerly. Everything else but the feel of the girl's wonderful hard, young, shapely body left Laura's mind and her entire being. I really am a tramp and a slut, she realized, but I can't help it. I adore this sweet girl, I want her so bad. I can feel my nerves jumping and firing off everywhere in desire for her.

Dawn's mouth was open as soon as her lips met Laura's, and their tongues quickly engaged in a friendly battle to see which would conquer the other and bring the other girl to her knees in happy surrender. Laura was about ready to give in and drag Dawn down onto the floor. God, I have to fuck her! I have to fuck her now! I have to get my mouth into that juicy hot lovely black gash of hers, now, now!

But even through the pounding of hot blood behind her eardrums she could hear the faint, steady noise of the shower in the back of the apartment and to the left, where she knew the bathroom was. It was a small apartment, and she knew the noise could not be coming from anywhere else. Momentarily alarmed, she pulled her hungry lips back an inch from Dawn's, opening her eyes, causing Dawn to open hers.

"I thought you said Robert wasn't here," Laura panted.

"He isn't." Dawn's eyes flickered with mischief.

"Who's taking a shower?"

The mischievous half-smile again passed over Dawn's face. "That's my surprise," she grinned. "Want to come and see?"

Laura looked at her in momentary disbelief. What could be going on here? Then, as Dawn drew her silently toward the rear of the apartment, Laura noticed an expensive suitcase sitting in the short hallway just outside the bathroom. Immediately her stomach began to churn with anticipation and excitement. She did not even dare to decide whether it might be Shayla or Tamara.

She and Dawn paused before the half-shut door, from which steam was floating.

"Tell me who," Laura whispered to her.

"Why don't we surprise her?" Dawn grinned, black eyes glinting with happy mischief, lighted by unmistakably sexual fires.

Laura nodded as they both began unbuttoning and unzipping. "You're still not going to tell me who it is?"

Dawn's eyes twinkled. "Wait and see."

Unfortunately, Laura could not take her eyes off Dawn's body, which was quickly becoming completely visible as she dropped the blue shirt to the floor and slid the zipper of her tight white pants down. The tiny hallway was dim, and it made the already very black Dawn look even blacker. Laura, half out of her own clothes too by now, even though they were expensive 'corporate wear' things that she hesitated to drop on the floor but did anyway, could hardly keep her hands from straying to Dawn's gleaming flesh.

Dawn, giggling softly, brushed Laura's hands aside. "Laura," she said in a hushed but schoolmarmy voice, "you can have everything you want. Just take off your clothes. Now, do it. We don't want her to be turning it off before we get in there, do we?"

Laura shook her head. Quickly, they both slipped out of their underwear, and Dawn pulled the bathroom door open further. More wisps of steam poured out, and the loud noise of the rushing water swelled up.

Laura could not resist letting a hand fall to cup one of Dawn's incredible hard round buttocks as she slipped through the door. Dawn looked back over her shoulder at Laura and swatted it away. Laura, grinning, followed her into the small bathroom, dense with steam, reaching one hand under Dawn's arm and around her body, cupping one of Dawn's luscious naked breasts playfully.

"Now . . . will you cut that out!" Dawn hissed back at her.

"Oh . . ." came a high-pitched, echoing voice from the shower stall. "Dawn . . . is that you?"

"Only me," Dawn said, matter-of-factly, winking back at Laura.

She carefully pulled open the door of the shower stall, then quickly slipped inside before the occupant could raise an alarm. She grabbed Laura's hand and pulled her in too.

"Oh!" Tamara gasped, swiveling her head and seeing both of them behind her, half-shielding their eyes from the shower spray.

Dawn was beaming. "Look who I brought," she said.

At first Tamara's eyes were almost terror-stricken, but then she turned her gaze to Laura, then back to Dawn, and a small smile began to curve her lips. To Laura she looked absolutely ravishing with a white towel wrapped turban-style around her head to protect her hair, her smooth light brown body slick and shiny with water, her large dark-purplish nipples taut and wrinkled from the wetness.


Laura smiled. "Hi, honey."

Momentarily befuddled and confused, Tamara looked down at both of their naked bodies, now wet too. Laura loved to fuck in the shower, but she had never done it with three at once, and the shower stall was very small. They were tightly crowded into it, unable to avoid touching, their wet flesh brushing each time they moved, or even breathed.

"You don't mind us joining you . . . do you?" Dawn asked, coyly.

But as far as Laura could tell, it wouldn't matter if Tamara did. There was really no way she could escape. Laura's hands and Dawn's were all over Tamara's naked, wet body, and Laura's mouth was fast approaching her mouth, then curving into it and unleashing a scorching kiss. At first Tamara would not open her mouth, but Laura's and Dawn's hands on her body seemed to warm her up fast, and she soon parted her lips to allow Laura's tongue inside.

"Oh . . . you guys!" she half-whimpered, though it was hard to hear her over the loud crash of the shower water striking their bodies and spraying off onto the surrounding tile and glass walls.

The three of them quickly became one mass of hot, wet, writhing flesh. Laura, completely oblivious to the fate of her hair, sucked Tamara's sensual lips hungrily, stabbing her tongue deep into Tamara's mouth, cupping and squeezing the girl's lovely firm breasts with her hands, then sucking and swallowing the water off her smooth brown neck. She realized that as soon as she dropped her lips to Tamara's shiny wet neck, Dawn had begun devouring her mouth. Her hands were fighting with Dawn's for Tamara's smooth, wet flesh.

Tamara could only yield to them, her wet body trembling and squirming under their searching, vigorous caresses. Laura knew that Dawn had probably fantasized about this moment for a long time since she had once confessed to having seen Tamara in the shower and experienced a twinge of lust for the girl's delicious, nearly perfect body. Plus, they were friends, old friends, and the influx of new, sexual emotion into their long-term relationship had to carry an extra erotic freight.

Laura wondered, in fact, why Dawn had even invited her over at all. Why didn't she just slip in here and surprise the enchanting creature all by herself? Maybe she needed me for support, to make it okay, or to share the blame. Or maybe she just wanted to share.

Tamara was whimpering and moaning, and they were certainly sharing her. The warm water from the shower poured down on all three. Laura's hair was soaked through, plastered to her head, and she could see glimmering jewels of water in the stiffish brush of Dawn's black hair. Tamara's towel turban was beginning to slip, to come unraveled.

"Mmmmm . . . ohhnnnn!" she gasped as Dawn's mouth dropped to her breasts.

But she didn't have a chance to say anything else as Laura's mouth replaced Dawn's on Tamara's, scorching it with hot kisses, her hand now dropping below, dipping between Tamara's thighs, feeling the wet matted hair of her crotch. She knew that both she and Dawn were overwhelmed by Tamara's beauty. The girl was beautifully formed, slender but shapely, her body flawless and pure in its clean lines and supple curves.

Dawn was sucking her nipples, and Laura took the opportunity, after having ravished Tamara's mouth again hungrily with her own, to drop to her knees and press her face between the girl's clenching wet thighs.

"Oh god!" Tamara gasped, now able to get a garbled cry out of her mouth again, leaning back into one tile wall. "Ungghhiiee!"

Laura glanced up to see Dawn's teeth playfully tugging one plump, swollen, purplish wet nipple. She saw Dawn release it and give Tamara a kittenish smile.

"What's the matter, baby . . . ? You don't like that?" she asked in a sultry voice, barely audible above the crash of the shower water, looking into Tamara's eyes while twirling the stiff, pointing nipple between her thumb and forefinger.

Tamara's eyes rolled upward briefly. Then she looked hotly into Dawn's. "I love it."

In the next instant Tamara's swollen, shiny nipple and some of the springy surrounding wet flesh of her breast disappeared again into Dawn's mouth. She moaned and quivered, her knees shaking, and Laura wrapped her arms around both of Tamara's legs to help her keep standing, fearing she was about to dissolve into shivers of excited sexual pleasure.

Laura's was in ninth heaven herself, crouched between the two of them, her mouth only inches from each delectable cunt, her hands running all over their firm, water-slick thighs. The rainbow of colors Dawn herself had described to Laura was completely there, though drenched in the shower rain: Laura with her pale, creamy skin, looking paler in the company of both Tamara, whose rich tawny café-au-lait skin glowed with the bright sheen of a second skin of water, and Dawn with her gorgeous deeply black skin glossy and wet and shining as Laura licked the streaming water droplets from her thigh.

She desperately wanted to lick both of their pussies at once, no matter how impossible it was. Her nose was only inches from the water-beaded black patch above Dawn's succulent quim, and she could see the winking, glistening red shininess below it, beckoning her tongue. But when she turned her face only slightly, her lips were just as close to Tamara's. The wet petals of her sweet pussy were swollen and puckered. Tamara's pussy, as Laura now recalled, protruded from her groin a little more than most, becoming an enchanting and beautifully sculptured little love chute, all primed and festering for Laura's kiss.

Unable to resist either of them, Laura ran one hand up between Dawn's sleek wet thighs, pressing two fingers into the gooey warm groove of her open cunt, and at the same instant pressed her mouth into Tamara's oozing love chute, running her tongue up inside.


"Unhhhh! Ahnnnn!"

She heard them both gasp, almost in unison, and felt their wet bodies shudder a little as they felt her presence below. From here on things accelerated madly. Laura hardly knew what was going on above her, though she could occasionally glimpse Dawn ravishing Tamara's beautiful wet breasts and nipples with her lips and fingers, and then saw them kissing savagely. But she could feel the sagging in Tamara's knees, indicating that she was being quickly overwhelmed by swelling waves of lust and need, and Dawn's thighs pressed more tightly against Laura's hand as she churned her hips in a swirling fuck-motion.

Just having her mouth again on Tamara's sweet pussy after all this time was intoxicating to Laura. She tongued and sucked it hungrily, slurping and stabbing it, pressing the flat of her tongue against Tamara's little clit and waggling her head, stimulating it so much that she could hear little desperate whimpers escape from Tamara's throat in response to each separate motion of her head back and forth.

But as much as she wanted to keep doing it until Tamara was ripped apart by a ferocious orgasm, she suddenly realized that Dawn should be doing this, not her. She wanted her, Laura realized. She is eating her alive up there. She invited me over here to help her, to support her, or for whatever reason, but she dreamed of doing this, and here I am supplanting her, taking it all for myself, tasting this marvelous girl, thrilling in the tangy flavor of her sweet young pussy, when Dawn should be the one doing it.

Struggling to her feet in the splashing, noisy shower, still unable to keep herself from thirstily licking water droplets off both Tamara's and Dawn's naked wet bodies, Laura pushed Dawn away from Tamara's face, and her breasts, and coaxed her downward, pushing Dawn's wet shoulders lightly with her hands, letting her eyes speak to Dawn. Get down there, girl, and lick her pussy. She's going to come. Get down there and make her come.

Dawn, though she was almost glassy-eyed with hot lechery, gave Laura her usual half-smile, half-smirk, understanding Laura's meaning, slowly sinking to her knees while Laura quickly caught Tamara's slack mouth again with her own, driving her tongue between the girl's open teeth.

"Unngghh! Oh . . . Laura!" Tamara gasped, her eyelids fluttering.

"Yes, honey . . . god, how I've missed you!" Laura panted, squeezing Tamara's springy wet breasts, sucking her neck, flicking her earlobe with her tongue. "I want you so badly."

"Aujngghh!" Tamara suddenly groaned, throwing her head back as Dawn made her presence known, now sliding her own tongue up into Tamara's flowing pussy. "Oh! I'm going to fall!"

"No, honey . . . oh no, you're not, I've got you," Laura reassured her, pressing Tamara's body back against the tile of the shower stall, looping her own arms under Tamara's to support her, then dropping her own hungry mouth to the girl's sparkling wet dark purple nipples.

"Oh god, yes, Laura! Unnhhhh!"

At the same time that she was panting to Laura, throwing her head back and pushing her wet breasts up into Laura's face, she was also beginning to churn her hips and push her cunt into Dawn's devouring mouth, moaning and whimpering. She was completely at their mercy now, surrendering to them totally, and this very surrender made Laura even more aware of the noise in the small bathroom, the water pouring over them, drenching them, the steam swirling, their bodies wet and slick and rubbing passionately together. It can't be far away, she thought, scooping up one of Tamara's breasts in her hand and sucking the girl's wonderful stiff purplish nipple deep into her mouth. I can feel her trembling. I can feel the quaking deep inside her. God, I wish it would never stop, though!

"Oh! Oh!" Tamara cried, slumping one second, so that Laura had to struggle to keep her upright, then stiffening, pressing her back against the tile for leverage, pumping her pussy forward into Dawn's assault, grunting and snuffling a little in the effort. "Oh god!"

Knowing Tamara was going to come, Laura pressed her whole body against Tamara's, pushing her into the wall of the shower stall, mashing her own wet breasts against Tamara's and holding her tight, certain that a wild explosion was about to occur. And she was not disappointed.

Just a brief glance down showed her that Dawn had wrapped both of her glistening black arms around Tamara's hips and was nearly swallowing the girl's pussy, digging her fingers sharply into Tamara's light brown ass, and just devouring her cunt in a mad fit of lust. This is excited Laura more than ever, though her thrills were trivial compared to what it did to Tamara.

Watching her face, Laura suddenly saw her wince. Then an expression like a beautiful agony of excruciating pleasure passed across her lovely features.

"Aunghghh!" she half-gagged, throwing her head back, which Laura caught with one hand so that she wouldn't bang it against the tile. "Unngghhh!"

Laura could already feel the violent undulations beginning in Tamara's body, and she could see the fierce jolts of pleasure wracking her face.

"Ummnggiiiee!" Tamara suddenly whinnied directly into Laura's ear, and her body sagged, then clenched again, and a shattering orgasm hit her. "Anngghiieeeee! Oh! Oh . . . oh god . . . anngghiiieeee!" she wailed, her cries echoing off the bathroom walls.

Arms flailing helplessly, legs twitching, Tamara's whole body went into convulsions as she came, with Laura desperately pinning her to the wall as the water continued to pour down on all three of them. Again Laura glanced down to see that Dawn was not letting up. God, she's a monster, Laura grinned, watching Dawn slurp and suck Tamara's pretty little love chute even though the most powerful jolts of her orgasm had already occurred.

Dawn sucked and mauled Tamara's pussy passionately, finally slacking off only as she too could feel the heavy weight of the girl's body trying to slump to the floor, which only Laura's embrace prevented.

"You might want to give her a chance to recover," Laura smiled down at her, somehow swelling with pride at the thought that she had helped the two of them achieve this.

"Sorry," Dawn grinned up at her, with mock shame.

She gave Tamara's pussy one last kiss, a tender, lingering kiss, letting her long pink tongue slide up into the channel one last time, then struggled to her feet, Laura helping her up with one hand. Laura knew the feeling of that long tongue slithering up into her own pussy, and she was not shocked to see Tamara almost swooning again as she turned her face back to the girl.

"Ohhhh!" Tamara sighed, still overpowered by the force of her climax.

"Maybe you could turn the water off now," Dawn said to Laura, wholly deadpan, raising one eyebrow, as if any dope would have done it before this. "Little wet in here."

"A little crowded too," Laura smiled, turning off both faucets.

In fact, as they both held up Tamara now, kissing her face, licking the water from her shoulders, still grasping her wet breasts and caressing her as she came down from her orgasm, they both realized that the three of them in this shower stall was a very tight squeeze. Finally, Tamara's breathing returned to normal and her legs grew steadier, steady enough for them to release her.

She looked completely stunned and overwhelmed by what had happened. "Dawn . . . I never knew you . . ." she gasped, flustered, her beautiful light brown complexion suffused with rosy hues, either a residual flush from the orgasm she had just had, or a faint bloom of happy embarrassment.

Dawn gave her the bemused half-smile. "If I had known how good that was going to be, I would have done it years ago," she said, brushing the strands of wet hair out of Tamara's big, saucer-like eyes.

Tamara's eyelids fluttered. She was actually flirting with Dawn, Laura noticed.

"Actually . . . it's getting a little cold now . . . without the water," Tamara pointed out demurely, almost blushing again. These two, Laura and Dawn, had, of course, just fucked her into sweet oblivion. "Could we get out?"

"Mmmm, only if we can have more," Laura teased, again tenderly sucking her neck and twisting one thick round nipple between her thumb and forefinger.

Dawn broke into joyous laughter and opened the shower stall door, popping out, grabbing towels for them. "I'm afraid you girls are going to have to carry this on over at Laura's place. I have a class at seven and a meeting first with the professor at six-thirty. And Robert'll be home from work at 8. He's got a new schedule."

Laura, as she followed Tamara out of the shower, letting her eyes feast in a more leisurely way on the girl's almost perfect body, could not ignore a voice inside her saying: Yes! Yes! But Tamara's face fell. She reached up with one hand to stroke Dawn's jutting breasts, so magnificent and shiny, Dawn's large black nipples swollen and gleaming. But her eyes never left Dawn's.

"Ohhh," she said, disappointed. Then her lips curled upward in another flirtatious grin. "Sure you can't cut?"

Laura, hypnotized by lust, toweled off both of their luscious, desirable bodies at once, letting them work it out.

"You didn't get to come," Tamara said, her voice rising in a kind of uncontrollable wail. "Only me. You both must be burning up."

Dawn raised both eyebrows this time, shrugging slightly. "Can't have everything," she grinned. "Tell you what, I'll meet you at Laura's by nine."

Laura winked at them both, sucking the water off Dawn's sleek black shoulder. "We may have killed each other with fucking by then."

Tamara, who had never been used to such straight talk, almost died of embarrassment and titillation, mixed in equal measure.

Dawn, who knew the power of her naked body over Laura, and probably now over Tamara too, drew back slightly from them both and struck a pose. Her jutting breasts were breathtaking, her long, sleek, black midriff hard and glossy, her thighs strong and shapely, her mouth again curved in her characteristic half-smile. She ran both hands down her body in a slow, sensual motion, smirking sexily, and slid her fingers into her crotch, parting her thighs at the same time, watching their eyes as she pulled her pussy lips apart so that they could both see the shining raw magenta flesh inside.

"You think you both might wake up from the dead long enough to get a taste of that?" she purred.

Tamara giggled nervously. Laura licked her lips. She wanted to drag Dawn into the bedroom and fuck her senseless. She didn't know if Tamara felt the same way, but it was true that neither she nor Dawn had come yet, and the sexual tension in their bodies was extreme. How can she go off like this? Laura wondered. To school? I need her. We need her. I love her.

"If you're not there by nine," she said, "we're going to come looking for you."

While they all reluctantly dressed, Laura scribbled out directions to her new condo on the back of a business card and handed it to Dawn.

Again Dawn smirked sexily. "Don't wear each other out. Save some for me."

Laura kissed her, in front of Tamara, a wet, sensual, lengthy kiss. "We promise," she murmured, looking to the side to enlist Tamara's assent.

"You keep kissing me like that, I'm going to miss my appointment," Dawn whispered.

"That's what I was hoping."

But Dawn, as Laura knew, was very committed to her school success. She refused to take the bait. These days she was driving Robert's brother's car and did not need to be dropped off, and so minutes later Laura found herself alone in her own car with Tamara, driving to her new place. She could hardly contain her sexual arousal. Tamara smiled happily, looking out the car windows, almost twinkling in the aftermath being thrillingly fucked in the shower by Laura and Dawn. But Laura was oozing and squirming, having trouble keeping her grip on the wheel.

"So . . . how was Italy?" she finally asked, staring straight ahead.

It did not come out at all as she had contemplated. Instead, she sounded waspish and mean, resentful, bitter, all those things wrapped together. You little twit and coward, running off like that with the idiot linebacker, just when we were beginning to hit it off big! You just couldn't take it that I fucked you better than he did, could you. This was what her words sounded like to Laura.

Tamara, however, smiled pleasantly, not noticing a thing, sensing none of the roiling emotions Laura was feeling. "You wouldn't believe it," she said, earnestly. "They pinch you everywhere. I was black and blue. I wished I were as black as Dawn so the bruises wouldn't show."

"Didn't the linebacker protect you from those Italian wolves?" Laura grinned sarcastically.

"Stewart? Oh, he was playing football most of the time. He told me just to not go out on the streets. But I couldn't stay in all the time."

"I'll bet the Italian men went ga ga over you." And some of the women, too, Laura thought.

"It was embarrassing," Tamara acknowledged.

Laura could not think of anything else to say. She disdained to talk more about the detestable Stewart. Tamara was wearing one of her flowery summer dresses that had always looked so ravishing on her, clinging seductively to her impressive curves. It's a wonder those European Romeos didn't drag her down on the Appian Way and rape her from Rome to Constantinople and back, Laura thought. Even though she felt excruciatingly horny, she couldn't keep her eyes from wandering over to Tamara's bare knees, where the dress fell away, making her feel even hornier.

"So . . . where is he? How come you're here by yourself?"

Tamara looked down at the same bare knees Laura had been contemplating. "We split up," she said quietly.

"You catch him porking some cute cheerleader?" Laura asked, trying to control the cutting edge in her voice.

Tamara shook her head. "He might have been. They don't really have cheerleaders over there, but the Italian girls all look like Sophia Loren. I don't know if he did. If you want to know the truth, I kept thinking about you."

She turned her face to Laura, a very beautiful face, a movie star quality face to go with that delicious, nearly perfect body. Laura almost lost control of her grip on the wheel.

The turmoil of Laura's feelings was intense. Tamara had run off to Italy with Stewart precisely because she had thought she was falling in love with Laura, a development too distressing for her to contemplate. On the other hand, spending only a few minutes naked in the shower with Dawn while they were driving Tamara up the wall together had nearly pierced Laura with impossible cravings for Dawn's delicious, wet black body, and she had been overwhelmed with the genuine love she always felt for Dawn. And yet, she had fallen hard for Sara in the past weeks. This was a jumble of feelings indeed, and the hot, insistent throbbing of lust she felt for Tamara would not go away either.

Laura smiled warmly over at her. "I'm glad you thought of me."

"Boy . . . you and Dawn really surprised me," Tamara said, her dark eyes glistening. "You . . . just, wow, blew my mind. You know, until then I never did it with any other girl but you, Laura. God, I didn't know Dawn was that way. She's so . . . gorgeous."

"Are you sorry?"

Laura pulled her car into her new small garage and touched the button on the garage door opener so that the door came down behind them. The light that went on automatically was very dim, but she could see Tamara shake her head and smile.

"God, it was terrific," she said in a hushed, awed voice.

Laura took her inside. She could barely keep her hands off the girl. Even though Tamara was a sweet and simple airhead with a killer body, she had delicate, sensitive feelings, and you couldn't just drag her to the floor, like Dawn or Yvette, for instance, and smother her with hungry fucking. You had to move gently forward. Accordingly, Laura took her into the living room first instead of pulling her down the hall immediately to the bedroom.

"Oh look, you have a fireplace!" Tamara exclaimed. "Could we have a fire? I love fires. I never did it by the fire, either. That would be so fun."

She turned those deep baby browns on Laura, and Laura nearly melted on the spot. "I . . . haven't bought any wood yet. Except for a couple of those easy logs that burn a long time." She pointed to a couple of them on the floor near the fireplace.

"Oh pleeeease!" Tamara begged.

She's like an excited kid, Laura realized. God, honey, I'm going to eat you alive. You want a fire, a fire it will be.

This was the first woman Laura had had in her new condo since her night with Sara, and she tried hard not to think about it. You couldn't say I'm cheating on her, after all. We never made any promises. I've known Tamara for a long time. God, she's beautiful.

"Let me change, and I'll make a fire," she smiled.

"Oh, I can do it," Tamara said, kneeling by the grate. "These things are easy. Just a match is all, and then it's going."

Laura went into her bedroom to change. Unlike Tamara, she had done it in front of a fire a few times and thought it was one of those things, like silk sheets or raw oysters, that were a little overrated. It could get too warm, and there was always a chance of getting painful rug burns on your knees and elbows. With this in mind, she stopped by the linen closet on her way back to the living room and took down a sheet that they could spread out on the floor.

Tamara had got the artificial log going and was standing before the fireplace in her underwear, floral panties and matching bra. Her physical beauty was never more piercing. The girl was perfectly formed. Some women, Dawn and Sara among them, had noticeable flaws here and there (don't we all, Laura reflected with an inner sigh), which to Laura made them somehow more endearing. But Tamara was simply a paragon of form, her proportions exquisite and peerless; there was no fighting it, Laura realized. How must it feel to be so perfect?

Laura had merely pulled on a thin robe, and was naked underneath it. She went over to the fireplace and spread the sheet out on the floor.

They sat down together in front of the still weakly-burning fire. Both of them still had damp hair from the shower episode, and it hung limply around their faces. Laura smiled and ran her fingers through a few damp strands of Tamara's long brown hair, which was a little coarser than her own but still pretty soft.

"Alone at last," she whispered, feeling her eyelids grow heavy with sensuality.

Tamara nodded. "I thought about doing this a lot when I was in Italy," she confessed. "I mean, being like this with you. When you and Dawn surprised me like that . . ."

She was momentarily speechless, remembering how they had swarmed all over her in the shower. Laura caressed her cheek, looking deep into the marvelous large brown saucers of her eyes.

" . . . it was so exciting . . . shocking," she continued. "But what I had really been wondering about was how I was going to get in touch with you. I know when I left . . ." She looked down, unable to meet Laura's gaze. ". . . it was a little . . . shall we say, abrupt? I felt so guilty. I . . . really couldn't face you. I was so confused."

Laura slid her fingers under Tamara's chin and pulled her face back up until their eyes met again. "Are you confused now?"

"Heck no," Tamara smiled, eyes sparkling.

"I love your underwear," Laura murmured, leaning forward and kissing Tamara's smooth brown shoulder just an inch to the side of her bra strap.

It was such an enchanting moment. The fire had strengthened now, and the firelight flickered over their half-naked bodies. Laura's robe had fallen away from her body, and the shadows licking Tamara's beautiful light brown skin made her especially alluring. Even though they had been naked together—and Dawn too—in the shower only about half an hour ago, it was as if they were undressing and getting ready to fuck for the very first time.

Laura kissed Tamara's smooth skin underneath her collar bone. Tamara breathed deeply, audibly.

"I love the smell of your hair when it's damp like this," she murmured, smoothing Laura's heavy hair with her fingers.

Laura's robe was completely open by now, and Tamara's hand continued on down her neck to her breasts, cupping them gingerly, as if she had forgotten how to do it. Meanwhile, Laura's lips had reached Tamara's throat. She kissed it tenderly, now letting her own fingers crawl up to the fastener between Tamara's bra cups.

It was extraordinary how you could do this over and over again without getting tired of it. I was sucking her nipples and licking her pussy less than an hour ago, and now it feels so magical, so new, so fresh, so exciting, just to be undoing her underwear. She got the bra unfastened and filled her hands with Tamara's lovely warm breasts, but only temporarily.

Tamara asserted herself. She shook her head solemnly at Laura, shrugging her loose bra straps off her arms but letting go of Laura's naked breasts only momentarily.

"I got all the fun in the shower, remember?" she whispered, cocking her head, her eyes hot and pulsing and very serious. "Your turn." She smiled. "Or should I say, my turn?"

Gently but firmly, she pushed Laura down onto the sheet on her back. Laura was in heaven. She had no choice but to surrender completely, and the feel of Tamara's hands and lips on her body made her quiver and moan.

"Oh god, honey, I'm so horny I'm going to pop if you just touch me," she panted, looking up as the long, damp strands of Tamara's hair brushed her skin while Tamara's sensual mouth began to caress her aching nipples.

Tamara, holding one of Laura's small breasts in each hand, grinned up at her. "Are you telling me I better hurry?" she asked.

Laura shook her head. "Don't hurry," she gasped. "I want it to go on and on."

Tamara seemed to want it to go on, too. She did not pounce on Laura's breasts in a feverish haste, pawing and slurping them in a voracious frenzy. Presumably she had had no girl-girl experiences since Laura, but she seemed to have grown immeasurably in the meantime. She was very slow and patient, even teasing Laura by licking the skin around her nipples but not touching them, until Laura was clawing the sheet, and helplessly squirming her hips.

"Oh! Oh!" Laura gasped, doing everything to keep herself from grabbing her sweetly pulsing breasts in her own hands and squeezing her nipples hard.

"Oooohhh, you really are pretty excited," Tamara purred. "Now you know how I felt all those months while I was thinking of you."

"I don't . . ." Laura panted, "think you . . . could've felt this . . . way . . . or you would've . . . exploded. Oh shit! Please . . . Tamara . . . please!"

Tamara gave her a devilish grin. "Now I can make you beg," she teased. "I waited all this time to make you beg."

"Please," Laura said again, enjoying the buildup and the banter just as much as Tamara was.

Now Tamara began to give Laura's swollen nipples big, flamboyant licks with her tongue, which drove Laura up the wall. She actually heard herself whinnying softly as Tamara's silky wet tongue slid roughly over one sensitive nipple, then the other one.

"Oh . . . suck them, honey!" she begged. "Suck them . . . hard!"

"Mmmm, like this?"

"Oh! Oh god, yes!"

Oh god, I'm closer than even I thought I was! Laura realized. She felt her body suddenly stream with hot fire as Tamara took one of her nipples into her mouth and began sucking it hungrily. Her muscles clenched without warning, and her ass even leaped off the floor temporarily, a fierce, unexpected, spastic jerk upwards.

Tamara, alarmed, quickly released Laura's throbbing wet nipple from her mouth. "Laura . . . you can't come yet," she whined. "I haven't got to have all my fun yet."

Laura's eyes rolled up. She tried to giggle but couldn't, feeling her body stiffening to the breaking point with delicious sexual tension, her throat tight and clenched, ready to scream. She did manage a wan smile at Tamara.

"Better . . . hurry . . . honey," she gasped, almost fainting from pleasure. "Hurry."

"Oh shit," Tamara whined again. "I want it to last!"

"We've got all night . . . honey," Laura gasped again, this time placing one hand on Tamara's head and pushing it down her body. "Hurry."

"Mmm, you're so pretty," Tamara murmured, kissing Laura's midriff, her smooth belly, caressing Laura's inner thighs with her fingertips. "I forgot how pretty your body is. So smooth and white."

Laura held her breath, fearing she would come even before she felt Tamara's lips against her pussy. Just this little buildup had driven her to the edge, and she was whimpering audibly and twisting, almost in heaven, wanting it to last too, as much as Tamara did, but knowing that a sharp explosion was inevitable.

"Yes . . . yesssss," she sighed, feeling Tamara's warm breath against her most sensitive, vulnerable, exposed flesh, feeling the tip of Tamara's tongue graze her swollen cunt lips. Then, "Ungghh! Oh god! Auungghhrriieennmmgghhiieee!" she cried out, coming with incredible speed, her body wrenched and crushed by a quick, surging orgasm.

She really had not known whether it was true or not when she had told Tamara that she might come without warning, though she was so overwrought from the shower and now this that she could not be surprised by it. But this climax seemed to happen only an instant after the touch of Tamara's tongue to Laura's pussy, sending her into sharp convulsions and bringing tight, hysterical whimpering from deep in her chest as she flexed and stretched on the sheet in front of the fire, moaning and gasping through several long and intense spasms.

Fortunately, Tamara was still not willing to be cheated out of this moment, and she pressed her whole mouth against Laura's pussy only a micro-second after Laura erupted in hot coming. Laura churned and bucked so violently at first that it was hard for Tamara to hold on, but she was determined, and she slid her tongue up into Laura's spasming channel, mashing her sensual lips against Laura's pulsing cunt, and tongued Laura so passionately that Laura was convinced her orgasm lasted longer than it would have ordinarily, prolonged by two or three more intense shocks caused by Tamara's hungry mouth.

"Ohhhhh! Ohhnnnnn!" she sighed as the spasms began to wane, her eyelids fluttering open, her pussy still throbbing as Tamara refused to remove her mouth from it.

Laura reached down with one shaking hand and smoothed the damp hair on Tamara's head with her fingers. Tamara finally drew back, smiling up at Laura, her lips still shiny with Laura's pussy nectars.

"I thought you were going to leave me out," she pouted, eyes shining with happiness. "But I wouldn't let you."

Laura shook her head slightly, smiling back. "No . . . you wouldn't." She propped herself up on her elbows. "Come here, you delicious creature, and kiss me."

Tamara slid up until they were face to face. She grabbed one edge of the sheet and pulled it over to wipe off her mouth hastily. But Laura had Tamara's head in both hands and was kissing her ravenously, sheet and all, before Tamara could finish. She pulled her down on the floor with her, driving her tongue past Tamara's parted teeth, dropping her hands to the girl's smooth, delectable body.

Tamara emitted a small, involuntary moan, a sound that seemed to start as a giggle of surprise but changed quickly into a hot, erotic whimper. Even Laura was surprised at the heat of her own passion after the momentarily debilitating shock of her recent climax. But she had been deprived of Tamara for nearly a year, and now that she had her to herself, she could feel an overwhelming flood of desire for the beautiful girl and her lovely, supple body.

Now she became aware more than ever of the flickering orange firelight that bathed the room, and especially the rumpled white sheet spread on the floor underneath them, and the way it highlighted the skin of their naked bodies as they rolled and twisted together, panting and clutching each other hungrily. Laura dropped one hand immediately to Tamara's crotch, meanwhile sucking her ear, then her neck, feverishly, feeling with her fingers the oily warm fluids that bathed Tamara's charming little love chute, knowing that she was again aroused and eager to be ravished by Laura.

"Ohhhh . . . now I have you all to myself," Laura panted, thrilled by the resilience of Tamara's sleek young flesh under her fingertips.

"Ahnnn!" Tamara moaned, grabbing Laura's head too and seizing Laura's mouth with her own, drilling her tongue past Laura's open lips.

"I want you . . . I want you . . ." Laura panted to her, now slipping two fingers up into Tamara's dripping, oozing pussy.

"Yes! Oh yes . . . Laura, ungghhh! Yes!"

"Do you want me to fuck you?" Laura teased, whispering in her ear, frenching it with her tongue, feeling Tamara's flesh leap with a sharp spasm of pleasure, hearing a soft, helpless squeal escape from her throat. "Do you want me to fuck you? Do you want to feel my tongue up inside your sweet little pussy?"

Tamara was shivering and mewling. Until tonight Laura had only been with her like this twice, before she had run off to Italy. On neither occasion did she recall Tamara having been so fiercely aroused.

Even though Laura had mouth-mauled Tamara's perfect young breasts in the shower, while Dawn was trying to inhale the girl's pussy below, she could not keep her hands or her mouth off them now. They were not too small, not too large, just perfectly proportioned young, springy round globes with the most astonishing puffy dark purplish nipples you ever saw. It was almost a crime to suck them because that would make them disappear into your mouth and you couldn't gaze on their perfection while they were there.

But Laura did not let that stop her. She tongued and sucked Tamara's soft, puffy nipples sensually, slowly, relentlessly, moving from one to the other, then back again, until they were both wet and shiny and wrinkled and stiff with excitement. Tamara's purplish nipples grew even darker as Laura sucked them, drawing blood into the stiffened, sensitive buds, and Tamara's whimpering grew increasingly desperate.

"Unghh! Unghh! Oh Laura . . . god , you do it so hard! Ungghh! Oh!"

Laura eased up for a few moments. She held Tamara's breasts in her hands, lightly pinching Tamara's stiff nipples between her thumbs and forefingers, admiring the slick coating of warm saliva she had left all over them, smiling up at the girl, whose large brown eyes reflected her increasingly sharp sexual frenzy.

"Did I do it too hard? I don't want to hurt you."

Tamara shook her head from side to side rapidly. "God, I love it."

Grinning, Laura half-embraced her and suddenly rolled them both over so that she, Laura, was on her own back with Tamara now on top, her lovely breasts and saliva-wet nipples now dangling in Laura's face. The darting, leaping shadows and shimmering orange light of the fire now splashed their naked, squirming bodies in fresh, novel ways. Tamara's brown hair, now less damp than before, swung down into Laura's face, temporarily veiling Tamara's breasts, and she swept it away with one hand in order to get her mouth on one of the girl's wet, rubbery nipples again, her head craning up off the sheet.

"Unhh!" Tamara groaned as her nipple once again disappeared into Laura's mouth.

She threw her head back and pushed her breast down into Laura's face, humming and grunting deep in her chest, rubbing the rest of her body almost insanely against Laura's. When Laura again switched her mouth to Tamara's other nipple after a few moments, she heard the girl groaning softly and mumbling almost crazily.

"I want you to fuck me . . . Laura . . . please. I want you to fuck me . . . now. I can't wait . . . I can't wait . . . I want you to—"

Laura, her mouth still full of pulsing wet chewy nipple, grinned and let it slip out. In a quick, fluid motion, she slid down, kissing Tamara's taut, heaving midriff on the way. Since Tamara was half-straddling her already, it was not difficult for Laura to slide between her tawny thighs, and in a second she was staring straight up into the succulent, glistening, dark-purple gash of Tamara's slightly protruding, fully blossomed pussy.

The thick, pungent, musky odor was in itself almost enough to make Laura's head swim, and her own pussy flared up and jangled happily again, immediately. Momentarily she was reminded of Shavon, since they often fucked this way, in this position. Shavon loved rubbing her pussy in Laura's face and had extravagant, spectacular orgasms that way. But Shavon, though not as black as Dawn or Charise, was fairly dark, her thighs sleek ebony shafts of firm flesh, whereas Tamara was pale by comparison, smooth velvet coffee-with-cream, and her pussy lips were not black but, like her nipples, a deep dark mauve or purplish color. They were also shiny with juice, and swollen, puckered.

Oh god, what a beautiful pussy, Laura thought. Honey, I've missed this beautiful pussy so much. I didn't even realize how much until now. Let me suck in the smell of it.

She inhaled deeply, at the same time slipping both hands around Tamara's firm round buns. Tamara had an ass nearly the equal of Jane's or Chanitra's, and Laura dug her fingers into the incredibly round globes, pulling Tamara's pussy down into her mouth.

"Ungh! Oh . . . shit!" Tamara gasped.

Her pussy was warm and fragrant and greasy to Laura's lips, squirmy and tart, very wet, and Laura slid her tongue up as far as it would go, wriggling it wildly. This thrilled Tamara so much that she erupted in shivers and squeals, then clenched her thighs, rubbing her pussy up and down against Laura's mouth.

"Nnnggmmiieee!" she squealed. "Oh! Oh!"

From this point on together they became a turbulent, groaning, twisting, moaning whirlwind. Tamara, like Shavon, found that she could really get into this position deeply. She was on her hands and knees and could get good leverage that way, so she pushed and crunched her flooding pussy down into Laura's mouth, grinding down with her pelvis, and whinnying helplessly as the sensations caused by Laura's busy tongue and lips got the better of her.

Laura's hands were all over the girl's body, squeezing her ass, grasping her sinuous, flexing back, grabbing her smooth hard thighs. She got one finger between Tamara's perfectly round buns and pressed her fingertip against the girl's tightly-shut anus, not really planning to go any further, but just to give her the added sensation, and perhaps the hint of a threat. It worked, and Tamara shuddered with fresh excitement, groaning and tossing her head.

"Ohhnngggg! Ungghhh! Oh . . . oh Laura . . . oh shit unnghhhmmnnggiieee!" she squealed, her body shaking and trembling.

But she did not come. Not yet. She was quivering and moaning, crouched over Laura, subsiding from her first eager gyrations into a smoother rhythm, rubbing her long wet pussy up and down across Laura's eager mouth, groaning and grunting softly as Laura's lips sucked her cunt lips, and Laura's tongue stabbed her exposed clit. Her cunt became so wet that Laura could feel the warm juices trickling down her chin and her cheeks.

She's like me, she doesn't want to come yet, Laura realized. She's loving this too much and doesn't want it to stop. Laura too, following Tamara's lead, settled into the slower, more sensual rhythm, now licking the girl's oily, tangy pussy lips instead of mauling them, now tickling Tamara's clit instead of stabbing it, cooing to her and caressing her lovely ass with her fingers.

"Oh Laura!" Tamara gasped in a quavering, semi-desperate voice.

"Yes . . . honey," Laura cooed. "Just take your time. I don't want it to stop."

"Oh! I don't either! God, it feels so good. Unhhhhh! Oh yes! Do that again . . . just like that! Yes! Unnggghhh!"

For the first time, Laura had slipped a finger up into the tight, greasy channel of Tamara's pussy, and taken the girl's clit into her mouth at the same time. Tamara groaned in pleasure. Her body began to churn and pump again, almost uncontrollably.

"Oh . . . fuck me . . . oh fuck me . . ." she chanted to Laura, over and over, now grinding her sopping wet pussy down again into Laura's face.

Unbelievably, Tamara became so sexually overwrought that she could not successfully remain on her hands and knees but began to collapse back to the floor. Laura, realizing what was happening, rolled her over easily again onto her back. Tamara seemed to be almost swooning, but her eyelids fluttered open long enough for Laura to catch her eye before dropping her mouth again to the gaping slick purple trench and again sliding her finger up into it.

"Unh! Oh . . . Laura . . . I think I . . ." Tamara whimpered, her lovely young light brown body undulating, wildly sexy in the flickering soft firelight.

Now Laura, knowing Tamara was only seconds away from an explosion, really worked to make it special. Again she pressed her fingertip to Tamara's tiny, wrinkled anus, since just the touch of it earlier had seemed to ignite a fresh fire of excitement. She also slid a second finger up into Tamara's flooding cunt, and lashed the girl's tiny exposed clit with her tongue, fucking her, lashing her, while Tamara's hips squirmed and bucked crazily.

"Oh! Oh!"

"Yes, honey, yes," Laura purred.

"Oh! Oh!"

Sometimes you could feel the snap in the other person's agitated body, the exact moment when the egg cracked and the glory began to explode outwards. Laura felt a deep inner twitch in Tamara's writhing body and glanced up to see Tamara's lovely face grimacing in a fierce seizure of pleasure so intense it almost looked like pain. Oh yes, honey!

"Auuoowwnnggggg!" Tamara suddenly howled. A torment of fierce ecstasy ripped its way up out of her throat, and, wincing visibly, she hammered her elbows into the rumpled sheet, her hips jerking and rising into the air. "Auungghhh! Ohnnnngggg! Aunngghiiieee!"

Finally the full power of her shockingly deep orgasm erupted into the room, a high keening wail that filled Laura's whole being with happiness as she felt the waves and ripples of Tamara's orgasm almost flow from Tamara's clenching, shuddering body into her own flesh, her tongue still miraculously embedded in Tamara's pussy as the spasms began to come farther apart, and Tamara's groaning began to taper off into soft whimpers. God, I don't know how I held on during that, Laura wondered, unwilling to remove her tongue, even though it had accomplished it's task.

After a while Tamara's arms, which she had been hammering into the carpet moments earlier, flopped weakly to the floor now at her sides. Her lovely young breasts jiggled, her soft puffy nipples again gleaming and smooth. She sighed and lifted her head briefly, eyes reddened, mouth somehow slack and sensual and begging for a savage kiss, even now that she had been wrenched by a fierce climax.

The look in her eyes, Laura recalled, was the same one Laura had seen there on the day before Tamara had suddenly fled with her (now) ex-boyfriend the linebacker to Europe, over a year ago. Those deep baby browns were pulsing with the same love for Laura, the same slavish devotion and awe.

"God, Laura, how can you do that to me every time?" she said in a hushed tone. "I mean, it was exciting with you guys in the shower, and all. I mean, Dawn is so . . . wow, gorgeous, and I never expected it, especially from her. But this . . ." She turned her head, looking at Laura momentarily as if Laura were something odd and beautiful from outer space. "This . . . is just . . . I can't explain it. I haven't had sex like this since the last time we . . . were together." She smiled so fetchingly at this point that Laura's heart nearly burst with happiness for them both. "Together alone, I mean, you know?"

Laura nodded, taking her hand and pulling her up to a sitting position. "I guess I'll have to take your word for it, right?"

They kissed, a sweet, lingering, slow kiss, and Laura again filled one hand with a marvelous springy young breast, rubbing her thumb across Tamara's puffy dark nipple. She almost wanted to drag her down onto the sheet and fuck her again, since she speculated that Tamara was probably still plateauing and would come quickly a second time. But something made her hold back. She realized that Dawn would still be dropping by, and they had to save something for her. She briefly wondered if Tamara had forgotten that there was more in store for them all.

Instead of fucking again, they ordered out a pizza. Laura slipped again into her thin robe and got one out of her closet for Tamara, the skimpy half-length terrycloth thing that Deshona had worn on the morning after sleeping off her drunk alone in Laura's bed. It was impossibly, maddeningly fetching on Tamara too. I hope I can keep my hands off her until Dawn gets here, Laura thought.

Miraculously, the pizza and Dawn arrived nearly at the same time, only minutes apart. Since it was still only eight-thirty, they could not restrain themselves and dove into the pizza immediately, only to be interrupted by the doorbell.

"I can see you guys started without me," Dawn grinned with mock disappointment, as she looked them up and down, taking in the robes and the pizza slices they each held.

"We nearly finished each other off without you," Laura teased her, letting her in. "We worked up an appetite. And you're early."

"She let us out early tonight. I nearly got a ticket on my way here, I was driving so fast."

Dawn's black eyes twinkled with anticipation and a hint of the deep sexual fires Laura knew burned there. On the other hand, Tamara was not used to the blatantly sexual badinage Laura and Dawn indulged in regularly, and she remained quiet, almost demure, smiling at them both, uncertain what strange and exciting delights lay ahead.

"Come on, you can have some pizza," Laura said, drawing her toward the kitchen.

But Dawn's eyes caught the rumpled, twisted sheet on the floor in front of the fireplace as they passed it. She raised one eyebrow.

"Looks like two she-cats had a terrific fight there."

Laura leaned close to her, putting one hand on Dawn's shoulder, brushing her lips in a very sensual, suggestive way against Dawn's impossibly smooth black cheek. "It was terrific, all right," she whispered. "Wasn't necessarily a fight, though."

There was a wonderfully exciting pause during which Laura could hear all three of them breathing. Glancing at Tamara, she could see her wide baby brown eyes swimming with sexual arousal.

"I think I could wait on the pizza," Dawn whispered back, turning her head so that her full, sensual lips caught Laura's, which were already so close.

They kissed for nearly a full minute without otherwise touching, conscious throughout that Tamara was watching them. At first Laura was well aware that they were putting on a display for Tamara, letting their tongues coil together outside their lips, in the open, teasing and tongue-stroking, then pressing their lips together but still lightly, letting Tamara drink in the full picture of this soul-searing kiss. Finally, however, they could not keep their hands off one another.

Laura's hands dropped immediately to Dawn's swelling ass, so tightly encased in her white pants. It was not a firm, compact, high-cheeked bottom like Tamara's but, like the rest of Dawn, a thick, round, meaty feast of flesh, and moreover one that Laura had slavishly licked, loved, and fucked on many occasions. She was not only in love with Dawn but deeply in love with Dawn's beautiful ass too, and Dawn knew it. She grinned, still kissing Laura, as Laura's fingers dug into the hard spongy flesh.

"I'd like to feel those fingers against my skin instead of my pants," she breathed into Laura's open mouth.

Laura turned her head and winked suggestively at Tamara, who was standing about a foot from them, looking wildly desirable in the little shorty bathrobe Laura had loaned her.

"Why don't you unzip Dawn's pants and take them off since I'm busy kissing her?" she said softly.

Though still a little shy, Tamara's eyes glowed as she moved closer to them, until her face was inches away. "Why don't you do it while I take over here?" she murmured, her eyes on Dawn's luscious mouth.

Laura was thrilled to see the welcoming smile spread across Dawn's face as she turned her mouth to Tamara. She realized that for both of them their relationship had now changed, laced by a new hot danger and risk of sex that had not been there before. They had every reason to be a little tentative, to feel one another out, and it was refreshing to see them kiss for the first time with sweet, slow passion, while she herself slowly sank to her knees and found Dawn's zipper with her fingers.

And this, of course, was a job she would never refuse. She inched the zipper down, watching Dawn's delicious deeply black skin come into view, then pulled down the pants when the zipper was loose enough. She was surprised to find that Dawn, who usually wore simple, unpretentious white cotton panties, now wore sexy nylon ones with an upper fringe of scalloped lace. Being a complete underwear junky, Laura felt a hot little pulse begin to beat crazily deep inside her pussy. She kissed the taut black skin just above the scalloped lace, pulling Dawn's pants down farther, until they reached her ankles.

Still hypnotically involved in kissing Tamara, Dawn lifted each foot almost like an automaton as Laura pulled the pants completely off. Now Laura slid her hands back up Dawn's bare legs to her hips again, finding the bottom button of her shirt and beginning to unfasten each successive one as she moved higher, until her fingers reached Dawn's bra. She was kissing every inch of exposed silky black flesh as she went, and by now she could detect the sweet fuck-odors wafting her way from Dawn's excited pussy as she and Tamara began to kiss more passionately above Laura.

Tamara's fingers were fiddling with the upper buttons of Dawn's shirt and met Laura's at her bra. She looked down, her brown eyes shiny and pulsing, and smiled at Laura.

"Dawn, I think you better come over here with us and let us get serious," Laura smiled, rising to her feet and tugging Dawn toward the fireplace.

Dawn was pretty groggy with sensuality now herself, and this time her half-smile was intrigued and smoky. "I never been fucked in front of a fire before," she murmured, her voice hoarse and soft and murky. "You guys gon' fuck me in front of the fire?"

Tamara and Laura pulled her down onto the sheet. Laura spread away some of the wrinkles with one hand to make it smoother.

"We're going to make you the chocolate filling of the cookie," Tamara whispered, now unfastening the last button, pulling the blue shirt off Dawn's shoulders, exposing even more of her delicious, very black body.

Laura, after discovering the scalloped lace panties, had wondered if Dawn's bra would also be a fresh, sexy surprise, but she found that it was the usual white utilitarian bra Dawn always wore, though she had always loved the stark contrast of the bright white cloth against the girl's sleek coal-black ebony skin. Tamara too seemed to love the contrast. She lay her pale café-au-lait fingers against the swelling top of one of Dawn's full breasts, still encased in the bra cup, and smiled.

"Look at how dark she is," she said to Laura, her voice filled with wonder. "Put your hand next to mine, Laura. You're even whiter. Look at our skins together. God, it's so beautiful."

"I've got a better idea," Laura murmured, also enchanted by the sight of Tamara's graceful hand resting on Dawn's sleek black chest.

Since she herself was sitting behind Dawn, it was easy for her to reach the bra clasp, and she had it undone in a second. Tamara eagerly helped her skim the thin straps off Dawn's gleaming shoulders, and the bra fell to the sheet. Now Dawn's entire body except for the part still concealed by her panties was bathed in the warm, flickering firelight. To Laura she had never looked more appetizing, and from the hunger she could see in Tamara's wide brown eyes, she knew Tamara felt the same way.

"God, Dawn, you have such a beautiful body," she breathed in awe.

Laura slipped her arms under Dawn's, encircling her body from behind, and took both large naked breasts in her hands, squeezing them as Tamara watched. Dawn's large soft shiny black nipples swelled and bulged through her pale fingers. Laura kissed Dawn's shoulders, wishing she had slipped out of her own robe before doing this so that she could feel her own naked breasts pushing into this long, smooth, gorgeous back, twisting Dawn's nipples in her fingers until she felt them growing rubbery and thickly pulpy.

"I think you have a beautiful body," Dawn said softly to Tamara. "I . . . think I always wanted your body."


Dawn nodded, looking down at Laura's fingers massaging her excited nipples. "Only I didn't know it until I got with Laura. Then I sort of . . . realized it."

Tamara looked down briefly, as if she were going to say something amazing and embarrassing, then looked up again boldly. "I want your body," she said in a hushed voice.

Mmmm, this is coming along very nicely, Laura smiled to herself. She withdrew her arms and quickly slid out of her robe, now pressing her naked breasts against Dawn's back as she had wanted to do moments earlier. This time instead of slipping her hands back underneath Dawn's arms, she moved to the side and pulled Dawn down on her back, glancing at Tamara at the same time as if to say, What's up with you, girl? Why aren't you out of that robe too and down here with us?

As if to tempt her and also to goad her into action, Laura ostentatiously pressed her own breasts into Dawn's and began to kiss Dawn's smooth black neck hungrily. Already very aroused, Dawn squirmed and giggled sexily, running her finger through Laura's long hair.

Laura nuzzled her ear, then her cheek, suddenly seeing Dawn's eyes widen as she looked up over Laura's shoulder at Tamara. Laura turned her head and saw Tamara slipping out of the shorty robe, dropping it to the floor, completely naked now. God, she does have a beautiful body, Laura realized. And so does this delicious Dawn. Two absolutely beautiful bodies, right here on the floor in front of the fire with me. God, I don't know if I can bear it.

Dawn, smiling in a very alluring way that Laura had seen often, extended a hand up to Tamara. "You comin'? Come on, Tamara, come on, girl . . ."

Tamara kneeled down next to them. Almost as if they were both thinking the same thing, Dawn and Laura came apart and enfolded her into their bodies at the same time, pulling her down with them. They began kissing her, and she began kissing back.

"I've . . . never done this," she murmured against Laura's lips, then against Dawn's, repeating herself nervously. "I've never done this."

"Of course you have," Dawn giggled softly again. "You did it with us in the shower about two hours ago."

Tamara laughed self-consciously. "God, that's right, I did." She smiled bashfully at them both. "You guys raped me."

Laura didn't know which one to touch or kiss or fondle, they were both so desirable to her. Dawn's black eyes twinkled.

"And now you guys gon' rape me."

"Mmmm," Laura said, swarming all over her, "I am, at least."

Tamara was now kissing Dawn's neck, her chest, her shoulders, her mouth slowly descending, while her hands squeezed the delicious spongy balls of Dawn's breasts. "Me too," she panted. "Oh Dawn, your boobs are so beautiful. And big. I wish mine were this big."

Laura had one delicious breast in both hands and was running the tip of her tongue all over Dawn's large, soft black nipple, feeling the little bumps rise up on the wide areola, then sliding the flat of her tongue over the thick rubbery center stub. Dawn's eyelids fluttered, and she moaned softly, looking from Laura to Tamara. You too, her eyes told Tamara, an unmistakable message Laura knew Tamara could not miss.

And Tamara did not miss it. Following Laura's example, she took Dawn's other naked breast in both of her hands and approached it with her lips as if it were a treasure of infinite value. Unable to hold back any longer herself, Laura sucked Dawn's shiny black saliva-wet nipple into her mouth, drawing it in deep and feeling Dawn's body shudder faintly in response. From the corner of her eye she could see Tamara coiling her tongue around Dawn's other nipple, then sucking it into her mouth too.

"Ohhhh yesssss!" Dawn gasped, her eyes rolling up.

Her fingers feathered Laura's hair, and Tamara's too, while they sucked her, each of them passionately devouring Dawn's large nipples for nearly a minute, their fingers stroking and kneading her firm breasts at the same time. Dawn arched her back and whimpered.

"Oh! Unnhhhh . . . oh yes," she panted. "Do it . . . harder!"

Tamara released Dawn's nipple from her mouth long enough to look over at Laura. "I want to lick her pussy," she murmured, her eyes flashing with a frantic hot lust that aroused Laura wildly.

"You know where it is, darling," Laura smiled back. "Here, I'll take over for you there."

While Tamara slipped lower, Laura took Dawn's other breast in her hand too and now let her mouth roam back and forth between Dawn's stiffening, wet nipples, sucking them harder and harder, as she knew Dawn wanted, hearing the tiny familiar moans of desperation beginning to swell in Dawn's throat.

"Oh . . . shit!" Dawn grunted helplessly, almost inaudibly, her words obscured by feverish panting as Tamara now pressed her mouth against Dawn's hot, flowing trench.

"Don't come yet," Laura murmured to her, moving up to kiss her slack mouth and her velvety smooth black cheek. "Don't come. We both want to fuck you."

Dawn could barely speak. She was churning, churning in a slow, deliberate fuck rhythm as Tamara explored her inflamed pussy with her tongue.

"Make me the in-between . . . you know," Dawn pleaded, almost desperately, incoherently, her eyes imploring Laura, throbbing with hot sexual fires. "Between you . . . you know . . . you do me from behind . . . ohhhnnnn!"

"You want me to fuck you in the ass?"

"Yes!" Dawn nodded.

Tamara glanced up for a moment, as if this were too amazingly kinky for her.

"Hold on, honey, I'll be right back," Laura said to Dawn, taking Tamara in with her glance too.

Since they were in her living room in front of the fire, all her toys and aids were far away in the bedroom, and Laura dashed there in a flash for them, returning moments later with the strap-on dildo—not the Double Penetrator, which she and Dawn often used together, but the long one with the convex ridges—and the bottle of baby oil she kept in the bedstand drawer.

When she returned to the living room, the scene before her was almost too sublime to believe. The firelight bathed both of their naked bodies in a soft orange glow that constantly changed as the shadows flickered, and they were coiling together, kissing now, though Tamara still had her hand on Dawn's glistening red pussy, slowly swirling Dawn's clit under three fingers. Laura was torn between wanting to fuck them and wanting to watch them.

But the first impulse soon got the better of her. She knelt beside them and slipped into the harness of the strap-on, which they only noticed when they stopped kissing. Tamara's eyes widened. She watched Laura snap open the lid of the baby oil bottle and begin slathering the shiny liquid all over the ridged pole.

"God, I can't believe you're going to put that into her booty," she said, in awe.

Dawn too stared at Laura, as if mesmerized, watching the same thing. Then she reached down to her crotch and pulled up Tamara's hand, still greasy with her pussy nectars. She held it between her and Laura, then reached over, now that Laura had put down the baby oil bottle, and drew Laura's hand over too, until both hands were next to each other.

Tamara had no idea what Dawn was up to, but Laura spotted it immediately. Tamara's hand, like Laura's, was fairly small. Almost dainty, in fact. While Laura and Tamara watched, Dawn released Laura's hand and used her own fingers to bend Tamara's down against her palm to make a loose fist. Puzzled, Tamara turned her large baby brown eyes over to Laura.

She's never imagined anything remotely like this, Laura realized. Laura was a little worried. It was not news to her that Dawn liked her sex a little rough, as Laura did herself now and then. The two of them, especially when using the Double Penetrator, had nearly brought down the roof on several occasions. Moreover, it was not like the rough sex she had often indulged in with Karen over the years. There was no whipping, clamping, or tight ropes, just straightforward, healthy, wildly exciting hair-pulling and double penetration and incandescent, thrilling orgasms.

Laura realized that Dawn was not going to moderate her preferences just because Tamara was there. In fact, she was probably insisting on it because Tamara's participation would make it unbelievably more exciting than it already was with Laura. And Laura agreed. Tamara brought relative innocence, as well as stunning beauty, into the mix, and there was no way Laura could ignore the incendiary prospects.

Now Dawn was feverishly stroking Tamara's hand, then glancing back over her shoulder at Laura, wildly aroused, wanting it to begin, wondering why Laura was waiting. "Do it," she croaked, her eyelids heavy with sensuality and lust. "Do it."

Laura nodded. They had done this before, but only together, never with a third participant, and so the usual position would not work. Instead, Dawn settled onto her side and lifted her upper leg slightly. As she did this, Laura saw her eyes catch Tamara's and burn with a fierce sexual hunger, letting Tamara know that something was expected of her too.

But that would have to wait. Tamara would have to join in when she felt she could, or be coaxed further. But right now both Dawn and Laura knew what was necessary. The fingers of Laura's left hand were still oily from lubricating the dildo, and she pried open Dawn's round, warm buns with them, sliding her forefinger immediately up into Dawn's tight anus.

"Ungghh!" Dawn grunted softly, her black eyes going momentarily glassy.

Laura fucked the tight little hole slowly, rotating her finger to widen and loosen it, then slipped her middle finger in too. Again Dawn gulped. Her eyes watered, and she gnawed her full lower lip briefly.


"Does that feel good?" Laura cooed softly to her, still opening the passage, but also kissing Dawn's upper back, her shoulders, sticking her tongue in Dawn's ear. "Do you love it?"

"Oh god . . . yes!" Dawn groaned, now swirling her ass back into Laura's hand. "Give me the real one."

Laura glanced up at Tamara, who was still only about a foot away from them, her face stricken by fascination and shock. She had raised her hand, the same one Dawn had made into a loose fist for her, to her mouth and was almost chewing it as she watched Laura withdraw her wet, glistening fingers and guide the head of the long, ridged dildo between Dawn's beautiful, round, very black ass cheeks.

Laura had loosened the taut little orifice enough so that the entry was fairly easy, but the full penetration was a little more difficult. Dawn clenched her teeth and emitted a low, tortured moan as Laura, holding the shaft steady with the fingers of one hand, slowly pushed it up into her ass, leaning into it from behind with her own pelvis.

"Auunngghhhhh!" Dawn groaned, her eyes watering again, her facial expression both piteous and sublimely enraptured as she again looked back over her shoulder Laura.

Laura only paused when she felt her wrist brush against one hard globe of Dawn's beautiful ass, knowing that now all but about two inches of the long stalk was embedded in Dawn's quivering body. Now she could afford to release it and grasp Dawn's upper leg with her hand, helping her to keep her thighs open, her pussy now puffy and shiny and ruby red and very wet and fully blossomed above the thick shaft that was sunk deep in her ass.

And Tamara, Laura noticed, could not take her eyes off it. Laura knew why. Dawn had a beautiful, scrumptious, juicy black pussy, and right now it was all oily and wet and hot red on the inside between the curving, shiny-wet black pussy lips, and puckered, and oozing, a perfectly delicious feast. Tamara's tongue even ran over her lips as Laura watched her.

"I want to lick it," she confessed as she saw Laura staring at her.

Laura smiled. "I think she would be happy if you did."

With a shy, kittenish grin, Tamara slid down so that she could get her mouth on Dawn's gaping pussy. The warm firelight played over her lovely, supple body, the shadows licking her smooth curves, her puffy dark purplish nipples glowing and bobbing as her breasts shimmied and swayed. Again Laura was struck by the different hues of their skins, the way her pale hands and fingers contrasted with Dawn's sleek velvety black skin, the way Tamara's light coffee-colored skin seemed to highlight the darkness of Dawn's and the paleness of Laura's. Now their naked bodies were blended and coiling together, the rhythms of their fucking accelerating very slowly, their breath coming faster, harder, their muscles clenching more often, and their fingers digging more urgently into each other's young flesh.

"Ahhnnnn!" Dawn suddenly gasped, her body straining and quivering as she felt Tamara's mouth on her pussy for the first time. "Ohhhhhh!"

Laura could hear in her sigh the fulfillment of a long-standing desire, as if Dawn had dreamed of this moment often, the instant when the tongue of a girl she had long wanted finally touched her most intimate treasure. Laura looked down to see Tamara holding open Dawn's wet black cunt lips with her fingers and slowly licking the glistening, fiery furrow from top to bottom. Laura had stopped the gentle thrusting she had been doing, fascinated to see Tamara's mouth exploring Dawn's beautiful pussy, but Tamara's tongue excited Dawn so much that she began bucking back into Laura even more aggressively, making the greased shaft of the dildo slide in and out of her ass without Laura's aid.

"Mmmm . . . unhhhhh!" Dawn groaned incoherently, her eyes now pulsing hotly with frantic need. She glanced back over her shoulder again briefly at Laura. "Fuck me, girl . . . ungghhh! Yes! Fuck me harder! Unghhh! Fuck my ass . . .fuck it harder!"

"Yes honey . . . yes honey," Laura murmured to her, now kissing her wonderful smooth back and caressing it with one hand while she dropped the other hand to the wet rod, guiding it so it wouldn't slip.

Dawn, gyrating in more of a frenzy now, again looked down at Tamara patiently, lovingly devouring her wet cunt. "Tamara . . ." she gasped, barely able to speak now through her mewling and whimpering. "Tamara . . . your hand . . . put your hand . . ."

Tamara looked up curiously at them both. She was totally enjoying the new experience of feasting on Dawn's succulent black pussy and seemed almost annoyed to be distracted. Laura smiled at her, since Dawn was too far gone in writhing, gasping lust to convey the message.

"She wants you to put your hand inside her . . . pussy," Laura said.

She saw Tamara's big baby brown eyes grow noticeably wider. Laura nodded, as if to confirm that Tamara had heard her correctly. Tamara looked down quizzically at her hand, which was still holding open Dawn's wet pussy, the better for her to completely slurp and savor it.

"Just put your fingers together, like this," Laura showed her.

"It'll never fit," Tamara said.

Laura nodded. "It will. It really will." She smiled, trying to encourage Tamara to speed things up a little with her eyes. "She loves it."

Tamara turned her face to Dawn's, her eyes questioning. Immediately Dawn nodded her head, a vigorous, nearly desperate 'yes'.

"Please," she croaked. "Tamara . . . please . . . please."

"I can't believe I'm doing this," Tamara said under her breath as she put her fingers together into a small wedge, as Laura had demonstrated to her.

She tentatively pressed her fingers into the gaping wet flaming red crease of Dawn's open cunt.

"Ohhnn!" Dawn gasped in feverish excitement. She thrust her hips forward, as if to help Tamara achieve full penetration by clasping the girl's hand with her pussy.

"Yes . . ." Laura encouraged Tamara. "Just push . . . gently . . . gently . . . that's it."

All three of them watched—although Dawn was nearly delirious by now with sexual need—as Tamara's entire small hand gradually disappeared up into Dawn's pussy. When it was in up to the wrist, Dawn threw her head back, and her whole delicious black body strained and rippled with fierce pleasure, making even her large breasts bounce and slide over her chest. A sharp moan of unbelievable intensity poured out of her throat.

"Aooowwnnnnnnggggg!" she groaned, now undulating and quivering as Laura picked up the pace. "Oh . . . fuck!" Dawn cried out, her face contorted by exquisite sexual agonies.

Laura looked down at Tamara, who was the only one still paralyzed by this electrifying moment, who looked confused, not sure of what to do next.

"Now we're going to really fuck her . . . like she wants it," Laura explained softly to her. "You can fuck her too."

"Oh yes . . . oh yes!" Dawn panted, twisting between them, her voluptuous ebony body coated now with a shiny film of sweat.

Laura realized, as she had predicted to herself, that it was indeed getting too hot, that she was sweating too, her skin exuding a soft glow of perspiration that seemed to stick her flesh to Dawn's, which wasn't in this case disagreeable at all. She noticed that only Tamara was still free of sweat, perfect as always, her body as fresh and smooth as it had been from the start.

"We're going to fuck her now," Laura repeated softly, panting herself, thrusting, pushing the long dildo up into Dawn's beautiful ass with each thrust. "Go ahead . . . you can fuck her too."

"Oh FUCK!" Dawn cried out at that very moment, uncontrollably, throwing her head back, stretching with amazing sensuality, as if to emphasize Laura's words. "Ungghh!"

Tamara began to move her hand, slowly, tentatively. Dawn looked down at her, her face contorted with fierce sexual mania.

"Do it deeper!" she gasped. "Please."

"Oh god, Dawn . . . it scares me," Tamara confessed.

By now Laura's and Dawn's bodies were rocking together in a constant and surging rhythm of hot fucking, and Laura had again encircled Dawn's body from behind with her arms, now clutching Dawn's luscious breasts in both hands, pinching Dawn's large black nipples as she fucked up into her asshole with the strap-on dildo.

"She can take it," Laura panted to Tamara. "Just go ahead. Do it . . . she's going to come. She isn't far away."

Reluctantly, pursing her lips as if she had never imagined such perversion, Tamara slowly inched her hand in further. Dawn's pussy was now stuffed and splayed by it, and she reacted accordingly, whimpering, panting deliriously, squirming and flexing, her shiny black body now completely galvanized by the energetic fucking she was getting from Laura and the way Tamara was now cramming her pussy with her hand. And Dawn's frantic sexual excitement easily transferred itself to Tamara, who quickly shed her reluctance and began to give Dawn everything she had requested.

At first fascinated by the sight of her hand shoved up above the wrist into Dawn's wet cunt—as was Laura; she too couldn't take her eyes off Dawn's glossy black distended cunt lips clinging to Tamara's light brown arm—Tamara quickly became just as intrigued by the rest of Dawn's writhing, undulating body as Dawn grew increasingly frenzied in her gyrations, keening and mewling and clearly heading for a dangerous explosion. Laura still held both of Dawn's breasts in her hands, encircling Dawn's writhing body from behind, and Tamara, her hand still embedded in Dawn's pussy, raised her mouth to them, sucking one of Dawn's large nipples into it while Laura held the springy globe steady for her.

"Unhhhh!" Dawn gasped, now pumping even more heatedly as Tamara began to suck her nipple. "Oh yes!"

Overcome by a fierce spasm of intense pleasure, Dawn's body jerked and jackknifed unexpectedly, making her breast pop out of Tamara's mouth and nearly causing the strap-on dildo to be ejected from her ass. Fortunately, Laura grabbed it in time. The shock and surprise of it caused both her and Tamara to giggle half-nervously as they caught each other's eye.

"Oh god . . . she is really hot," Tamara murmured, half under her breath, now slowly beginning to fuck Dawn with her hand, which she had been content to leave motionless up to now.

"Ohhhnnnn!" Dawn moaned, nearly swooning, again gyrating her hips, encouraging them both to fuck her a little more rapidly, even roughly. "Yes . . . harder! Unghh! Harder . . . yes! Unghhh!"

"I hope she doesn't come yet . . . I want to suck her boobs some more," Tamara panted, and now Laura could see her big baby brown eyes glistening and throbbing with sexual heat too.

"Better hurry," Laura smiled, panting, grunting softly, pumping Dawn more and more vigorously with the dildo, swirling her hips forward and plunging the stalk deep into Dawn's body with each thrust.

"Anngghh!" Dawn groaned, holding Tamara's head with her feverish hands, pulling Tamara's mouth over to her other nipple. "Oh god yes, Tamara! Do it hard! Bite it! Please! Annghhh!"

"Dawn, I love your boobs," Tamara panted, swirling her tongue around Dawn's large black nipple. "They're so big. I love your nipples."

"Ungghhh! Oh shit!" Dawn gasped, throwing her head back.

She seemed caught between the need to collapse between them, letting them fuck her senseless, or encouraging and goading them on to ravish her harder, more roughly, more completely. One second her body went slack, sagging and quivering in a deep sexual delirium as Laura held her hips and planted the dildo deep into her ass with each probing lunge, and Tamara twisted her hand inside Dawn's clinging, crammed-tight pussy. The next second her body was tense and alive again, churning, writhing, stiffening as intense spasms gripped her flesh. At these moments her swirling, pumping pelvis made the dildo and Tamara's hand slide in and out of her body as if she were fucking herself on them, and Tamara and Laura were only along for the ride.

They all knew it could not last. Laura realized that the sequence was over when Dawn finally did not ease up from one of the latter episodes, where she was groaning and clenching her teeth and driving her ass and pussy down fiercely into Laura's dildo and Tamara's hand, whinnying now deep in her chest, her body angular and hard and coiled with sharp sexual tension that would have to be released.

"Oh! Ungghhh! Oh fuck . . . oh yes . . . oh oh!"

This is it, Laura realized. Even though she was wildly excited herself, she managed to glance over Dawn's shoulder at Tamara, to see if she realized it too. Tamara had her mouth full of one of Dawn's breasts and was sucking and devouring it like she would never have another chance. Her hand was still twisting inside Dawn's pussy, still wrist-deep, and Dawn was beginning to caw and grind her cunt down on it, emitting helpless sounds from her throat that told Laura she was already in the first stages of coming.

"Auungghhhiiinnngghheeeee!" Dawn suddenly cried out, an earsplitting cry that seemed to come out of nowhere.

Again her lovely, sweat-glistening black body jackknifed between them violently, but this time they were both ready for it and hung on, redoubling their efforts now that they knew Dawn had begun coming. Tamara now released Dawn's breast from her mouth and quickly slid back down to the girl's pussy, hungrily licking Dawn's clit that protruded like a swollen berry just above Tamara's wrist, holding on as Dawn's jumping, gyrating pelvis tried to shake her off.

And Laura now drew her hands up to Dawn's hair, knowing Dawn expected it, lacing her fingers in among the soft wiry filaments and beginning to pull.

"Oh yes, honey . . . oh yes, honey, honey!" she heard herself murmuring to Dawn as she pressed her lips against the girl's bare shoulder, feeling the muscles contract each time a fresh piercing spasm shook Dawn's luscious body.

"Awwwonnnngggg! Anngghhiiieee!" Dawn squealed, her flesh trembling in sharp quakes, her whole body stretching and flexing.

Now Laura pulled a little harder, but nowhere near as hard as she sometimes did, fearing the power of the orgasms that might engulf Dawn if things got any more intense than they already were, and also fearing the effect it might have on Tamara. Her gentleness didn't seem to matter, though, since Dawn's driving, surging body was bent on its own fulfillment. After a brief lull, she churned her hips rapidly again, gasping, keening, jamming her pussy down onto Tamara's hand, and frantically reaching behind her own head with her other hand, catching Laura's hand in her hair and pulling both hair and hand violently herself, so hard that it yanked her head backward.

"Unngghhhh! Laura . . . ungghhh! Please . . . yes!"

Laura took over. She brushed Dawn's hand away and grabbed even more of the girl's hair in her hand, yanking it back roughly. Dawn, as if shot through by a spear, suddenly stiffened, then came again in shrieks of wild pleasure.

"Annngghiiieeeee . . . annngghiieeeee!" she wailed, now falling into hot convulsions, her long body twitching and quivering helplessly on the floor between them as every last spurt and flame of a crushing orgasm wrenched her.

After this her cries subsided into tortured moaning, and her flesh seemed to slump and slacken, as if the amazing strength needed to get her through this excruciating climax had drained completely from her body. She lay between them, her flesh jerking and quivering as numerous aftershocks ran through her, while Laura cooed in her ear and Tamara slowly began to extricate her hand from Dawn's wet cunt.

"I love you, Dawn," Laura cooed and whispered to her, almost inaudibly, too softly for even Tamara to overhear her since Dawn was still moaning loudly. "I love you . . . I love to make you come like that."

She knew Tamara did not hear her, and wondered even if Dawn did. Tamara was very preoccupied with getting her hand out, and after it was out, with cleaning it off on the edge of the sheet. Even though she had clearly been caught up in the experience—who wouldn't have been? Laura thought—it also had been a little more than she had bargained for, and she was still trying to assimilate it.

But still, Laura could not keep her eyes from stroking Tamara's beautiful light brown body, so perfectly proportioned, so supple, so smooth. Fucking Dawn this way had got Laura's juices flowing hotly again too, and she thought how delightful it would be to fuck Tamara the same way. Dawn and I, giving her the works. Wow.

But then Tamara turned her sweet, innocent face Laura's way, smiling with charming acknowledgment to Laura that they had indeed fucked Dawn to heaven and back, and that she was so happy to have been a part of it. And Dawn moaned again and stirred, opening her eyes, looking totally blasted and destroyed by what had occurred.

She turned her head to give Laura her half-smile, though this time it was a little denatured and wan. "You can get that long pipe out of my butt any time now," she cracked to Laura, eyes reddened but shining, her voice cracking too.

"Oh . . . sorry," Laura gulped.

Slowly, trying not to make Dawn wince, she pulled the long, greasy stalk out of Dawn's splendid ass. Again Tamara watched the process as if she had never seen anything so incredibly kinky. Which she probably hadn't, Laura reflected.

When it was out, Dawn seemed to breathe a sigh of relief. She glanced over at the fire, then at the sweat on her and Laura's bodies, noticing as Laura had that Tamara was not sweating at all.

"Shit, you two guys are a couple of wild rapists," she grinned. "Laura, you and I are sweating like a ram goat. What happened with her?" She pointed at Tamara. "I'd think fucking my poor little black pussy with your hand would be enough to make you sweat, Tamara, like the rest of us."

Tamara giggled shyly, not sure how to take this. Then she had an inspiration. "I'd be happy to lick it," she said, her baby brown eyes suddenly bold, hot with sex. Laura realized that fucking Dawn this way had heated Tamara up again too. "I mean, if you want me to make it up to you."

This transformed Dawn's half-smile into a broad, beaming grin. "Will you listen to that? I think we got a convert, Laura." She winked. "I don't think that ugly gorilla of a linebacker is going to get any of this brown sugar any more. We're gonna get it all."

Laura smiled and sidled over to Tamara, taking her hand, pulling her from the edge of the sheet back into the middle, where Dawn was sprawled in sensual lassitude after having suffered through the glory of two or three killing orgasms.

"Come here and get all sweaty with us," she murmured sexily, lowering her eyelids, letting her hands crawl all over Tamara's exquisite breasts, brushing the girl's soft puffy nipples with her fingertips.

"Eeuuwww . . . you guys are wet!" Tamara laughed, feigning displeasure.

But they had her between them before she could escape, which, Laura realized, she didn't want to do anyway. Tamara giggled for a few seconds as they kissed and caressed her, but soon she yielded to them, pliant and soft and expectant, opening to them, sighing, soon moaning in fresh excitement as Laura and Dawn swarmed all over her supine body.

Soon she was coated in their sweat too, and all three of them slid together, slippery and hot and completely consumed by a throbbing, long-lasting sexual hunger that did not finally abate until nearly midnight, when Laura gently reminded them that she had to go to work the next day. Reluctantly, the two girls dressed and left, and Laura stood at the door, watching them go, slightly envious of the fun she knew they would be having together in subsequent days, but also feeling happily satiated and tired.




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