Laura - Chapter 260



Laura heard something upstairs.

She knew the Gibsons were gone since she had seen them out the window as they were leaving earlier that day, getting into an airport shuttle with several pieces of luggage. That could mean only one thing: Shontay. She was up there, probably feeding Willie. She should've taken off her shoes, if she didn't want me to hear her, Laura thought. Maybe she doesn't realize how these old apartments telegraph every little thing.

Shontay still had not phoned Laura. Let's see, it must be almost ten days or so since she called, Laura thought, counting back. Very odd. Something's going on. They told her about the screaming and groaning down here, I'll bet, she thought, glumly.

Laura had been in such a flutter of love and exuberant sexual happiness following her night with Sara that almost nothing else had got her attention for days. On top of that, she had engaged a real estate person—a friend of Rhonda's—who had within days found her a delightful condo nestled in a forested slope on the western side of the lower Twin Peaks area. It was heavily wooded, and could be foggy at times, but it was fairly new, only one previous owner, and secure and private.

Laura had made clear to the agent that, as she had put it, she 'couldn't bear listening to other people's noises, dogs, odious rock music, quarrels,' and that that was the reason she was moving in the first place. They performed, with the cooperation of Laura's potential neighbors, several experiments to detect how soundproof these condos were, and Laura was tickled to find that someone playing the Rolling Stones at an ear-shattering volume directly next door might as well be on the moon.

"You could commit murder in here and never be discovered until the smells started emanating," the real estate guy, a dour old man with a huge distended belly and rheumy yellow eyes, said to her, winking.

"No murders," Laura winked back. Even though he was sort of grotesque, she liked him. In fact, she loved him for finding this condo. "I meditate a lot, though. And do my yoga."

Her instant offer had been accepted, and the deal was already in escrow. As she looked around her hilltop apartment, especially at the view from the windows while sitting in the white sofa (where I've devoured so many lovely girls, she reflected, feeling her pussy tingle happily at the memory), she felt a little sad. You could see the Bay Bridge, and the fog swooping and swirling in over San Francisco Bay. The lights winked on everywhere, and you could even see Berkeley across the Bay when there was no fog. To the left was El Cerrito, where Jane and Kendra were now living. To the right was Oakland, where April lived. Where she's probably churning and groaning on top of that delicious Yolanda at this very moment, Laura thought.

The apartment had memories. Most of them were almost unbearably sweet. She would hate to leave it, but one had to move on. It would be such bliss to be able to relax in bed with Sara, say, in her new condo, and do whatever they liked without fear of eavesdropping. The thought of Sara brought her full circle to her obsession of the past few days, since she could not shake Sara out of her mind now, or the memory of Sara's caresses from her body either, or her funny faces, or her big soft black nipples, or her twinkling little silvery captive bead ring.

And then she heard another very faint noise from upstairs and realized that Shontay was still there. And avoiding me, she thought. Since they had become lovers, Shontay would always ring Laura's buzzer whenever she came by to feed Willie, if her parents were traveling. But not tonight.

She is so jealous, Laura thought. Even just seeing me that time in the hall with Taneesha was enough to set her off. Think of what she must be feeling if her mother told her that the slut downstairs was having loud orgies with other women. Other black women. She wouldn't be able to let on anything, and it would kill her. She would be afraid of what her mother would think if she knew Shontay was one of those 'other women,' and she would also be filled with fury at Laura for violating their intimacy by daring to sleep with others.

This was a quandary Laura could appreciate. Understanding the depth of her own jealousies very well, she could empathize deeply with anyone who felt pangs of fierce resentment at the thought of someone else sharing the kind of physical intensity and rare ecstasy that Shontay and Laura had shared. It hurts, Laura thought. It really hurts. No wonder she feels that way.

Laura felt her own eyes glimmering with involuntary tears as she stood looking out her window, which she now knew she would be doing only a few more times. No views behind Twin Peaks, she thought. Oh, maybe a few nice trees. No city lights, though. I've got to go up there and talk to her. I've got to make her see that it doesn't make me care for her any less. I know how hurt she is. I know how she loves me to make love to her.

Sucking back her incipient tears, wiping the corners of her eyes with her wrist, she went quickly, before she could second-guess herself, snatching up her door key and sticking it into her bra for safe-keeping. In only a few more seconds, she was knocking on the Gibsons' door, remembering the last time she had done this, when Shontay had been so cold, and Laura had nearly raped her in Mr. Gibson's easy chair.

She had to stand a long time at the door, after knocking. Shontay was inside, she was sure of it, but Shontay knew, as Laura always did, that this wasn't the knock of some stranger handing out Watch Towers, as Jane had once suggested. She knows it has to be me. Either she's just trying to see if I'll give up and go away, or she's purposely making me squirm.

Laura knocked again, louder. Again she waited, but not as long this time. The door finally opened. Shontay did not open it only a crack, as she had done the first time. Instead, she was bristling and hostile and opened it quite widely. She was drawn up to her full height, at least four inches taller than Laura, and her mysterious pale brown eyes, usually so mesmerizing and fascinating, glowed with anger like fierce hot embers.

"Oh . . . hi. It's me," Laura said clumsily, suddenly awkward and nervous.

"What do you want?"

"I . . ."

Laura was overcome by a hot welter of contradictory feelings. For one thing, Shontay was like two different people to her. Now, for instance, she had dropped her hair, which fell in loose clumped strands around her neck and shoulders, immeasurably softening her usual hard, imperious expression. She was enchanting like this to Laura, and physically desirable, since at work Shontay always had her hair pulled back tightly, severely, almost militarily, making her small, well-shaped head look even more regal on top of her elegant swan's neck. But she took it down when she and Laura went to bed, and that seemed to release a vulnerability in her that she never showed anywhere else, as well as a deep sensuality that Laura had exploited with careful skill.

But now . . .

She had her hair down, but the look in her eyes spelled disaster, not delicious sex. Shontay was tense with fury. It was very hard for Laura to respond to the threat as well as her own desire at the same time. God, I'm always a hopeless sucker for her when she gets this cold, aloof, imperial manner, she realized. It's her 'Off with her head!' manner. I want to drag her down on the floor and do everything to her.

"I . . . just wanted to say hello," Laura gulped.

Shontay glowered and started to close the door.

"No . . ." Laura said quickly, pushing it back open a little with the palm of one hand. "Please."

"Go away, Laura."

Laura gave Shontay her own most melting look. Shontay, I adore you, I want you, I hunger for you, for your flesh, for your wonderful long lean body, for your mouth, for your sweet little pussy, for your touch, your kiss, your low murmurs, your screams when you come. I want you. Can you see that? I want to make it up to you. I'm sorry you're hurt, but I can't help that. Let me make it better. At least for a while.

Laura shook her head.

"Then you're going to lose your fingers," Shontay snapped, trying to close the door again more forcefully.

Again Laura had to catch it with her palm and push it back. Suddenly, they were in a struggle with the door, Shontay trying to slam it shut, Laura trying to stop her. Laura pushed it back open with such vehemence that Shontay momentarily stumbled backward, losing her grip on the knob. Laura in turn stumbled forward, through the door frame, one leg into the Gibsons' apartment.

"Get out of here, you bitch!" Shontay scowled, quickly recovering her balance and grabbing Laura's elbow, trying to force her back out into the hallway.

Laura didn't budge. In fact, she pushed forward, grabbing the doorjamb for leverage. "No . . . I want to talk to you."

"You ain't got a fucking thing to say to me that I want to hear," Shontay panted, now grabbing Laura with her other hand too, trying to force her back out. "Get out of here!"

Laura relaxed and straightened up, releasing her grip on the door frame, trying to step back slowly, with dignity, giving in. It wasn't worth fighting over. She let herself be pushed back beyond the door, into the hall. She could feel the tears coming to her eyes again. Shontay's face was shockingly ugly with rage.

"I can explain," she said softly, wondering what she meant by that. What could she explain that would change Shontay's feelings?

"You can't explain shit!" Shontay spat.

"I . . . I really care about you," Laura said feebly.

"The fuck you do," Shontay hissed. "You care about black cunt, that's all."

Laura's eyes widened with indignation. "How can you say—"

"Fuck off, Laura. Go find that little teeny bopper with the braids. I'll be leaving soon. I just fed Willie. I'll be gone. You can scream and holler all you want down there. Won't be anyone here to hear you."


Laura started to raise two fingers to Shontay's face, to caress her cheek, as she often did in moments of tenderness. Shontay's hand came up, and Laura was afraid she was going to knock her own hand aside. Instead, Shontay slapped her hard on the cheek, a ferocious slap, so hard that the force of it swiveled Laura's head to the side. Her palm against Laura's face made a loud crack.

Laura was so surprised that the pain did not even register for a few seconds. Stunned and hurt, she suddenly felt it flame up in her face, felt real, hot tears now spring to her eyes as she staggered slightly back, raising her fingers to her cheek. Then, to Laura's own secret horror, as if it had a life of its own her hand lashed out and up, slapping Shontay's face equally hard, with a sharp crack too.

"Ynnnee!" Shontay yelped in shock, jumping back, dropping the doorknob, as her own head jerked to the side. She raised her fingertips to her cheek. "Oh . . . you cunt!"

Now Laura was back through the open door, into the apartment, shutting it quickly behind her as Shontay backed away further, instinctively, as if preparing for another blow. But Laura, already appalled at what she had done, had no intention of striking her again.

"Listen to me . . ." she said, trying to lower her voice, make it soothing.

"Fuck you!" Shontay swore, eyes burning, body tense, angular, and sharp, twitching with fury.

"Shontay . . . listen to me," Laura said softly, advancing.

But this time Shontay did not give ground. She shook her head, eyes blazing red instead of pale brown now, her mouth a slash of hatred. Instead of falling back more, she advanced on Laura.

"Get out!"

Though very tall and skinny, Shontay was physically imposing merely because of her height, and she was, Laura realized, very much stronger than she looked, with a wiry, tensile force that could easily be underestimated. Without warning, she grabbed Laura's shoulders and slammed Laura back into the door.

The breath nearly left Laura's body. She could feel it being crushed out of her lungs by the impact, expelled from her throat, leaving her completely stunned and bent half over.

"Wait a . . . wait a minute," she cawed, gagging softly, gulping for breath.

"I . . . ain't . . . waiting for . . . nothing!" Shontay gasped as she grabbed Laura's arms, wrenching them, grabbing at the same time for the doorknob, slamming Laura back into the door again with a fierce frontal body block.

Of course the fact that she had Laura pinned back against the door made it hard for her to open it at the same time. Even though she was out of breath and struggling hard with Shontay, Laura realized, bizarrely, that this was true, as well as the fact that Shontay, now fiercely agitated, had dropped into a kind of loose and vitriolic slang she would ordinarily avoid at all costs.

At the same time, in a split second, she was very aware of Shontay's scent, the fresh, sensual odor of her body, and her hair, which brushed Laura's cheek as Shontay shoved her violently around. Just as she had responded so sharply to Sara's fresh, unique bodily fragrance, she now found herself mesmerized by Shontay's, a scent different from Sara's but so familiar and erotic that she realized she was becoming aroused even as they were fighting.

Why am I smelling her delicious fragrance when she's trying to kill me! Laura wondered, desperately, trying to slide to the side to avoid Shontay's angular elbows and knees.

"Get the fuck out of here, you bitch!" Shontay swore, yanking Laura forward by one wrist now so that she could get the door open.

Reaching out only to keep her balance, Laura's fingers caught in the collar of Shontay's shirt, and as Shontay elbowed her roughly to the side, the fabric ripped and the buttons popped off all in one motion. Laura was left with a handful of cloth, still half-attached to Shontay's body, buttons clattering as they hit the floor.

Shontay's delicious, smooth, light brown skin was visible through the jagged rips in her shirt, and the shiny violet sateen fabric of her bra also showed. She looked down at her torn shirt in disbelief.

"Oh god, you little shit, Laura, it's my favorite blouse!" she screamed, lashing out with her hand again, the back of it this time, her knuckles catching Laura along the jaw, not a direct impact but enough to send her to her knees.

This time Laura was a little dizzy, but she somehow felt, looking up into Shontay's blazing eyes, that Shontay too was feeling the strange, potent mixture of anger and sexual excitement that Laura was feeling. And she could also see in Shontay's eyes that she too felt it and knew Laura recognized it, and that she was implacably determined not to let it go any farther.

Shontay stumbled and lurched toward the door again, reaching for the knob, but Laura now, really for the first time, grabbed her, wrapping both arms around one of Shontay's legs to keep her from moving. Shontay was wearing pants, but Laura could feel the coiled strength of her leg under the cloth, flexing and straining, as she held on, pulling Shontay back, whimpering and trying to reason with her at the same time.

"Listen to me . . . damn you!" she hissed, barely able to speak from shortness of breath. "I want to . . . apologize."

"Fuck you!" Shontay swore, her lovely face grimacing in hatred. "Get out of here! I'm going to call the cops! Get out of here . . . you don't have my permission to be here . . . you're breaking and entering! You despicable slut, you whore, you fucking dyke! I hate you!"

Laura was desolated by these accusations. Feeling defeated and sickened, she relaxed her grip on Shontay's leg, almost ready to give in completely and leave. But Shontay was still so stiff with rage that she again stumbled, reaching for the doorknob, and, her leg still entangled in Laura's arms, she fell to the floor beside Laura, an awkward heap of limbs and knobby elbows and knees, squealing a little with surprise as she fell.

"Ynnneeeee! Oh!" she yelped, twisting to free her leg from Laura's grasp. "Let me go, you cunt!"

Laura clenched her teeth, glaring at Shontay. "Quit calling me those names!"

"Fuck you!"

Eyes blazing, Shontay again lashed out with her hand, smacking Laura hard against the side of the head, aiming for her cheek but missing. Instinctively, Laura leaned forward, extending both arms, reaching with her hands for Shontay's long, exquisite neck. She had never choked anyone in her life, but something in her drove her to do it at this instant. She grabbed Shontay's neck with both hands, pushing her back, lunging over her, not really wanting to strangle or kill her but to threaten her seriously enough to make her stop.

Shontay's hands flailed at her back, pounding Laura, pummeling her wildly.

"Ungghh! Let me go! You . . . you fucking . . . you—"

But now Laura's own retaliatory fury was in gear, and she could feel a hot, sharp energy of defensive anger flood her own body. Continuing to push Shontay down, down onto her back, her fingers closed around the girl's long, beautiful neck. She did not close them tightly, though. The feel of Shontay's smooth, warm skin under her fingers was a much too sensual drug. She had kissed this beautiful swan's neck so often, and whimpered into it when coming deliriously in Shontay's arms.

"Oh god . . . you are such a cunt!" Shontay panted, struggling under Laura, rolling and pitching back and forth, trying to throw Laura off.

Her hands found their way under Laura's sweatshirt, and she clawed Laura's back, chuffing and gasping and churning desperately. God, it's almost like we were fucking, Laura realized.

"Ouchhhh! Laura yelped, tightening her fingers now on Shontay's lovely throat to make her stop. "Don't do that. Don't hurt me."

"Fuck you!" Shontay glowered up at her. "Didn't you hear me? Fuck you! FUCK YOU!"

But even though she was digging and clawing at Laura's naked back, she was not doing it the way Randi or Sholandra had once done. Her fingernails were not breaking Laura's skin. Maybe she thinks I'm going to strangle her, Laura thought. Or maybe she's feeling something like I am, like this is almost like fucking.

Laura loosened her grip, melting. I want her. Oh god, I never wanted her as much as this! I wonder if she feels that way too. She realized that her own pussy was burbling and flooding with juice. The wetness in her crotch was amazing. I wonder if she . . .

They were still tussling and struggling and panting on the floor, and Laura purposely let Shontay roll her to the side, off her body, so that she could maneuver one hand down in the vicinity of her thighs. Even though Shontay was wearing jeans, she was evidently creaming so much that the damp dew on the denim over her crotch was unmistakable as Laura's fingertips grazed it.

It was really all Laura needed to know. She had found it hard to keep her mouth off Shontay's alluring, exposed, light caramel skin up until now, and now she gave in to the impulse, leaning closer, mashing her lips aggressively into Shontay's bare shoulder, just above her shoulder blade, through a gap in her torn shirt. Laura ran her lips hungrily all over it, then across another torn strip of fabric up to Shontay's long neck, kissing it too passionately.

"Ohhnnnn!" Shontay cried out in her fury. "Ummmmggghh!"

Laura could feel her body quiver, though whether it was from sexual arousal or fresh rage she couldn't tell. But it didn't take long to find out.

"Arrngghhhh!" Shontay grunted loudly, flinging Laura off her body with almost supernatural strength, extending her arms and violently pushing Laura away. "Let go of me, you cunt! You dyke, you fucking perverted dyke! Let go of me! God, I hate you! I hate you!"

But, knowing that Shontay was aroused too, Laura was not about to give in now. True, Shontay had swelled up with a new hot bubble of fury, her pale brown eyes fiery and flaming with ferocity, her body—wildly desirable to Laura now that her shirt hung in tatters around her smooth, exposed flesh, her hair mussed and askew—stiff and tense with anger.

"I want you," Laura said, very softly, her eyes pleading. "I'm sorry. I want you."

"I hate you!" Shontay screamed. "I don't ever want you to touch me again!"

Laura knew that if she didn't overpower her, there was a lot of danger waiting for her in those long, flailing arms and legs. With a swift, gliding move, she leaned forward and again pushed Shontay onto her back, sliding one of her own thighs between Shontay's, and pulling off the shredded blouse as much as she could, pressing her lips to Shontay's half-naked body everywhere she could.

She brought her thigh up quickly and pushed it into Shontay's crotch, writhing with her, groping, sucking her long, exquisite neck.

"Oh! Oh!" Shontay whimpered, trying to free herself, but not half as hard as she had tried earlier.

Laura was wearing a sweatshirt, which was hard to tear or rip off, but Shontay's scrabbling fingers tore at it anyway, now pulling it up. Her hands raced frantically over Laura's bare skin, as if she could not make up her mind whether to scratch or caress Laura. Her quick, darting fingers pulled up the cups from Laura's bra, freeing Laura's breasts. She grabbed and twisted Laura's nipples sharply.

"Aiieeee!" Laura cried out, feeling stabbing flames shoot through her nipples and her breasts.

It was a violent attack, but it was, she knew, also very close to what they might do together sexually. She and Shontay had never indulged in the semi-rough sex that Laura had frequently experienced with some others, but what was this moment if not a sexual collision of the most acute kind?

"Oh shit . . . that hurts!" Laura glowered at her, eyes watering.

"Get off me, you cunt!"

Laura slapped her. Up until now she had not struck back except in self-defense, but this time her hand flew up automatically, cracking Shontay alongside the jaw. Shontay was still lying half under her, and she was so stunned by the slap that Laura tore the remnants of her blouse away with little trouble, ripping it up, grabbing Shontay's bare shoulders, her frenzied fingers pulling and tearing at Shontay's bra straps at the same time.

Shontay's eyes, already hot with anger, suddenly flared with a thermonuclear fire that Laura had not seen there before. Reaching up with both long arms, she grabbed thick fistfuls of Laura's hair in both hands and yanked it hard. Laura's scalp exploded in pain, but it was a pain of a different quality than Shontay had probably intended. It hurt like hell, but since her experiences with Dawn and Deshona, it also was a sexual turn-on of colossal dimensions, and Laura could feel her whole body suddenly run with flame, her pussy throbbing wildly.

"Annniieeeee!" she heard herself shrieking and squealing. "Oh god . . . you bitch . . . Shontay, you bitch, let go!"

Her eyes were blurred with pain as the two of them now rolled and thrashed around on the floor as Laura tried to loosen Shontay's grip on her hair, but she could now get her hands on Shontay's beautiful violet-colored bra without obstruction. It was a pity to destroy underwear so beautiful, but without remorse Laura tore it from Shontay's body with two violent jerks. The snaps in the back popped, and the bra simply crumpled in her hands.

"Oh shit . . ." Shontay gasped, looking down as her small, naked, teacup-shaped breasts and glimmering dark caramel nipples came into view, swaying and jiggling as she struggled with Laura.

Shontay was still yanking Laura's hair, but Laura was all over Shontay's naked upper body in a flash, squeezing her small breasts, pinching her nipples, though not as sharply as Shontay had pinched hers, then sucking them voraciously, hungrily, yelping at first as Shontay took a few more hard pulls of her hair, then groaning softly and sucking hard.

"Oh! Oh!" Shontay gulped, quickly overcome by Laura's fierce passion, her fingers relaxing, releasing the clumps of Laura's hair she had been pulling. "Ohhhnnnnn . . . oh god!"

This brief second of relaxation on Shontay's part gave Laura the chance to unfasten the zipper of the girl's jeans, while she was still hungrily sucking and mouth-mauling Shontay's nipples, and in the midst of doing it she realized that Shontay was really not resisting any longer. She even lifted her butt a little as Laura pulled the jeans over her hips and down her legs, now slipping lower, kissing her heaving stomach, running her lips all over the smooth, quivering muscles and lovely warm light brown skin.

Shontay's hands were plucking spastically at the shoulders of Laura's sweatshirt, pulling it up, as if she were trying to get it off too, and Laura quickly obliged her by hurriedly lifting it over her head and throwing it across the small entryway. As she hurriedly unfastened her scrunched-up bra, which Shontay had roughly pulled up to expose her breasts, she heard the door key she had hidden there clatter against the hardwood floor as it fell. Quickly Shontay's own fingers ran feverishly over Laura's skin too, digging into Laura's flesh.

Laura slid up again, sucking her neck, kissing her ear, her cheek, her jaw, gently pinching Shontay's saliva-wet nipples.

"I want you," she breathed.

"Fuck you," Shontay glowered at her, turning her head. "Don't you touch me."

"What if I do?"

"I'll kill you." Shontay slid the fingers of both hands into Laura's hair again as a threat.

"I'll fuck you."

"I'll kill you. You cunt."

She bucked her body, trying to throw Laura off, pulling Laura's hair again too, but not as roughly as before. Laura was very preoccupied in struggling out of her own jeans, and her panties, but she cried out as the fiery pain in her scalp flared yet again.

"Ohhnnnggaaiiieeee! Oh shit! Don't you ever stop? Owwwwwcchhh! That hurts!"

"Get off me . . . you cunt."

By now they were both completely naked, except for Shontay's panties, pale violet beauties that matched the bra Laura had destroyed. Laura slid her hands down the girl's long, smooth body to them, but immediately Shontay tightened her grip on Laura's hair, actually yanking Laura's head up so that Laura was face to face with her.

"Don't you touch me," she warned.

Looking directly into her eyes, Laura slid her fingers under the elastic band, down to one of Shontay's gorgeous tight little hard round buns. She cradled it in her palm, squeezing it gently. She could even feel a little warm cunt juice from Shontay's inflamed quim dripping down onto this delightful ripe globe of flesh, which moistened her fingers. Oh god, she wants it as much as I do! Laura realized.

She leaned forward again, mashing the entire length of her naked body into Shontay's, noticing that she had left a little mark on Shontay's long, spectacular neck earlier, sucking it again in the same spot, sucking harder this time, so that Shontay began to squirm again under her, and again relaxed her fingers in Laura's hair.

"Unhhh! Don't do that! Unhhh! Laura . . . stop . . ."

"You . . . want it," Laura panted. "Just like . . . me."

"No," Shontay gasped, now panting too, still struggling under Laura, but writhing excitedly more than trying to escape. "No . . . don't touch me . . . ohhhhhh!"

Laura breathed a hot stream of air into her ear. At the same time, she pulled Shontay's panties down, down, down her thighs, down to her knees, which required her momentarily to slide further down the girl's long body. Shontay's long, scissoring legs were like the blades of some deadly piece of machinery, kicking and jerking at intervals up into the air.

Laura slid down, pinning the girl's thrashing legs under her, and forcibly tore Shontay's panties down and off her feet. Oh god, I want to eat her pussy, she realized, suddenly inhaling the hot, pungent odors of Shontay's aroused slit, but she knew it was too risky, since Shontay was still seething with anger. Instead, Laura slid back up, embracing her, pinning her to the floor, but dropping one hand again to Shontay's thighs, dipping it between them.

"Laura, don't you touch me!" Shontay whimpered, suddenly letting her torso fall back to the floor, her fingers now running in a frenzy over Laura's bare shoulders, then digging into Laura's back. "Don't you touch me! No!"

Laura slid two fingers up into the soupy crease of Shontay's sweet, small pussy almost before Shontay knew what was happening.

"Ahhnngggg!" Shontay gagged softly, arching her back slightly so that her small, lovely breasts bobbed in circles.

Even though they had shared some hot sex, Laura knew Shontay had never been this wet before. Not with me, at least. God, she's flooding, Laura thought. Her fingers were slathered with warm slippery fluids as she twisted them inside the tight, warm, very wet channel. Gee, I could fist fuck her, Laura thought, but knew she had better not. It was bad enough that they had struggled so hard to get to this point without adding a fresh perversity to shock and repel Shontay further.

But she didn't mind taunting her a little.

"You want me to fuck you," she chanted softly, beginning to move her hand, to rub one knuckle up against Shontay's clit, to apply clever pressure that would increase Shontay's need.

"No," Shontay gasped, shaking her head vigorously, frowning.

"You want to fuck me too," Laura chanted, feeling a very strong fluttering and hot pulsing in her own cunt, wanting desperately for Shontay to touch it too, so they could both dissolve into a molten frenzy of fucking she knew they each needed terribly.

She felt Shontay's fingernails against the bare flesh of her thigh and for a second wondered if Shontay were going to scratch her. But then she opened her thighs a little, rolling sideways partially off Shontay's body, so that Shontay could get her hand into the right position. And then . . .

She felt one of Shontay's long, thin fingers slip between her pussy lips, then slide up inside.

"Oh god . . . yes! Unhhhhh! Oh yes, honey . . . fuck me too, yes!"

But Shontay, even though she now had her finger in Laura's pussy too, refused to acknowledge in her facial expression that anything had changed. Her pale, mysterious brown eyes throbbed, though, seeming to reflect a deeper sexual trance, but she continued to shake her head slowly from side to side. Laura believed it was now okay to kiss her, and she did so without any warning, not wanting to give Shontay a chance to turn her head away or otherwise repulse her.

She leaned forward quickly and caught Shontay's mouth with her own, kissing her savagely, forcing her tongue between Shontay's sensual lips and now sliding her fingers up to the girl's clit, rubbing it in tight, rapid swirls in exactly the way she had seen Shontay do herself when masturbating. It was a scorching, direct assault. With her free hand, Laura reached down again and cupped one of Shontay's small, firm buns, digging her fingertips into the warm, smooth, spongy flesh.

"Oh!" Shontay whimpered. "Oh . . . Laura!" she murmured against Laura's devouring mouth.

Laura did not let her speak. Again, she forced her tongue deep into Shontay's mouth, now gyrating her own hips so that Shontay's hand had to move in her own crotch, whether Shontay wanted to move it or not. Now, Laura exulted, they were fucking. You couldn't call it anything else, and she could feel Shontay's body beginning to undulate and squirm in spite of herself.

Laura rolled on top of her again and began to screw her in earnest now, dropping her mouth to Shontay's dark caramel nipples, her lips tearing at them, her hand plunging, swirling, rubbing, as she heard Shontay's whimpers growing more desperate and felt her body straining and churning. This moment of snuffling and soft groaning and squirming, rubbing their naked bodies together, seemed to be suspended in time for Laura, who wanted it never to end and allowed herself to experience each infinitesimal twinge and pulse of her own body and Shontay's, luxuriating in the feel of Shontay's silky wet pussy flesh against her probing fingers, loving the soft chewy sensation of Shontay's stiffening nipples against her tongue.

"Oh yes . . . honey . . . oh yes, honey," Laura purred, panting, sucking, again running her free hand up Shontay's body to her face, interlacing her fingers now in Shontay's hair, even pulling it slightly, not hard, but almost a reminder of the way she had pulled Laura's.

Shontay, though her eyes were pulsing and throbbing in the slow whirl of a gathering sexual storm, focused them on Laura for a second and lifted her hand too, sliding her long thin fingers again into Laura's hair.

"Yes . . ." Laura murmured, wildly excited, suddenly feeling a few preliminary twinges of her own coming orgasm in her pussy, which Shontay was now rubbing and fucking more deliberately. "Yes . . . pull my hair," she glowered at Shontay, a threat, a plea, a promise.

Shontay bit her lower lip, panting, her eyelids fluttering, her pelvis swirling and bucking under Laura's body. "I . . . hate you," she gulped, glaring at Laura, then groaning softly as her eyes rolled up. "I hate you . . . Laura . . . unngghhh! Oh god!"


"Unh! Unh!"

Shontay almost lost control, but then quickly recovered, tightening her grip on her fistfuls of Laura's hair. With two fingers sunk in the girl's warm, buttery slit, her palm facing Shontay's pubic bone, Laura scissored Shontay's clitoral hood between her forefinger and middle finger and began to rub up and down, forcibly, passionately, sucking her neck again, and softly whinnying as her own climax began to overwhelm her.

"Oh Shontay!"

"Ungghh! I . . . hate you! Ungghhh!"

Laura began to come and yanked Shontay's hair in her hand, sharply, for the first time. She knew Shontay would come any second too, and this would probably tip her over the edge. She could see the fires leap up in Shontay's shocked eyes as the pain hit her. Then Laura could feel Shontay's grip tightening even further.

"Auungghgghh!" Laura cried out in a wild shriek of mingled pain and sexual exuberance as she felt Shontay pull her hair in a violent yank.

A surging, roiling orgasm wrenched her body, but through it she could hear Shontay's ecstatic groaning and feel her gyrating hips almost rising off the floor, shuddering, bucking, as Shontay too erupted in a thrilling climax right behind her.

"Ohhnnmmmgggiiieee!" Shontay squealed, writhing in a fierce seizure of ecstasy under Laura, her hands both pulling Laura's hair still with amazing strength, sparking to life new hot jolts of coming in Laura's throbbing pussy.

Laura, on the other hand, released Shontay's hair at this moment, letting her hand fall to the girl's lovely bare shoulders instead, then caressing her neck, where, even in her stunned and throbbing condition, she noticed the dark, speckled blood blotch she had raised on the smooth, light brown column of beautiful flesh. Oh god, now she'll hate me even more, she thought, hearing Shontay's labored breathing in her ear, feeling Shontay's long, lithe body begin to relax as the last twitches of her orgasm died away.

Finally, Shontay too released Laura's hair, which now fell in a large, shiny flag over her face as Laura slowly drew her body up to look in Shontay's eyes. She tossed her head to get it out of their way, relishing the glow that was now clearly visible in Shontay's pale, burning eyes, the unmistakable lingering heat of a stupendous sexual explosion. Shontay might still hate her, but she would remember this fuck for a long time.

"Still hate me?" Laura whispered, daring her to lie.

Shontay could not suppress a small, involuntary grin as it crossed her delicious, sensual lips, which Laura felt like assaulting again, this instant.


"Even after that?"

"I didn't want it."

"You loved it."

The sly, helpless little grin again. "I . . . couldn't help it."

Slowly, Laura rolled to the side, feeling she might be too heavy since she had been lying on top of Shontay for quite a while now. Shontay actually grabbed her hips and her lower back to keep her from moving.

"No . . . stay there."


Shontay nodded slowly, solemnly. "I like the way it feels with you on top of me."

"In that case, I will never move."

Laura kissed her. This time Shontay, as if she were a different person, yielded completely to Laura's mouth, and her tongue, raising her hands and lightly caressing Laura's naked back through a long, expressive, emotional kiss. When it was over, she gazed dreamily up into Laura's eyes, trailing one forefinger along Laura's cheek.

"I guess this is the second time you raped me, right?"

Laura gave her a long face. "How could you say such a thing. I couldn't help myself either." She lowered her voice to a sexy growl. "Because I know how hot you are. You make my blood sizzle."

"You are such a fucking liar, Laura."

Laura plunged boldly forward. "I only came up here to ask you down to dinner."

Shontay cocked one eyebrow, maliciously. "What are you serving, black cunt? It's all you like to eat, isn't it?"

Again Laura moved to get off Shontay's body, but Shontay again held her hips to keep her there. Her eyes, so light brown and mysterious and lovely, bored up into Laura's.

"Don't move. It still feels good."

"You insulted me," Laura pouted.

Shontay's eyes became suddenly dreamy again. "You pulled my hair. God, I came hard. I never knew that would happen."

Laura leaned forward and kissed the blood bruise she had raised on Shontay's lovely neck, which Shontay, of course, did not yet know was there. "If you come downstairs with me," Laura murmured, "I can guarantee one of us is going to eat some black cunt at least."

Shontay broke into a smile. "Now you know why I tried to keep you out. Once I let you in, it's just rape rape rape."

Laura smiled back. "And fuck fuck fuck. Right?"

"I never knew I was this kind of person."

"And what 'kind of person' would that be?"

"I don't know . . . sex fiend?"

"Can I take that as an answer to my invitation?"

Shontay sat up and Laura obligingly rolled off her. Laura kissed her shoulder.

"Help me clean Willie's litter box, and I'll come down there with you," Shontay whispered. "We probably scared the living shit out of him with all this fighting and screaming." She looked around them in amazement. "On the floor, too. God . . ."

Shontay was right. Laura had not seen Willie the whole time. Apparently, he had high-tailed it for safety when these two screeching harpies had attacked each other and ended up on the floor fucking like two wild animals. Enough to scare the wits out of any calm, domestic feline. Laura was a little sad about it. She liked Willie, and he had always liked her.

Laura inched closer, embracing her so that their upper bodies, still deliciously naked, pressed together. "Are you sorry?"

Shontay shook her head. "I guess not. You are a liar and a bitch, though. Don't think I don't see through you."

"Did you know you're wildly sexy when you're angry?" Laura said, to deflect her bitterness, which was still apparent.

"Quit trying to change the subject," Shontay said, getting to her feet. "And quit staring at me. I feel like an awkward little girl at the doctor's, or something."

She helped Laura up with one hand, but Laura could not take her eyes off Shontay's tall, thin, but still supple and desirable naked body. Shontay's small, swaying breasts were enchanting, her nipples dark caramel-colored and shiny, tongue-tempting.

As she rose to her feet, Laura held onto Shontay's hand for a moment, drawing her close. "I love your body," she said seriously. "I love it. I want it."

They stood staring deeply into each other's eyes for a few seconds, silent, holding each other's gaze. Then Shontay bent to retrieve her clothes, even the ripped up blouse.

"The litter's in the kitchen, under the sink," she said. "Bring it back to the bathroom and I'll empty the box."

In her absence, Laura searched the hardwood floor for her door key, which she found hidden behind an umbrella stand, then quickly slipped back into her clothes before going to fetch the litter.

In Laura's apartment, Shontay was again stiff and withdrawn. I can't believe she's still angry with me after that glorious fuck upstairs, Laura thought. But then she relented. She had no idea what Shontay's mother—surely it had been her mother; not that dignified old cluck of a father, surely he wouldn't dare bring it up—had told her. Mrs. Gibson might have made it pretty lurid.

Since Laura had ripped apart her favorite blouse, and her bra too, Shontay had found one of her mother's housecoats in the closet and put it on before going with Laura down to Laura's apartment. The housecoat—more a kimono, really, of yellow silk with a pattern of large flamingo-colored flowers on it—made Shontay look both a little dowdy and wildly fetching at the same time. How that could be, Laura didn't know, but just watching her move around with this thin silk thing veiling her long, angular, bony body made Laura wet and hungry for her all over again. The yellow of the silk was especially alluring against the smooth dark-honey glow of Shontay's marvelous skin.

"I lied," Laura said to her as she fastened the door locks. "I really wasn't fixing dinner. I just wanted to get you down here."

Again the faint, sly little grin that had passed over Shontay's lips earlier returned. "See, I told you you were a fucking liar," she said without, however, smiling more broadly.

Laura stepped closer, lowering her voice, and her eyelids. "I want to take off this kimono thing and kiss you everywhere," she breathed.

Shontay remained coy. "I kind of liked it when you ripped my clothes off. It made me realize you really wanted me."

Laura ran a fingertip across the silk collar of the kimono, then let it slip over the edge onto Shontay's skin. Then she slipped the finger under the silk.

"We shouldn't harm your mother's kimono. She might get suspicious."

But she realized that Shontay was not looking at her but over her shoulder. There was an long oval hallway mirror next to Laura's door, which she often used for a brief check before dashing out. Shontay was squinting into the mirror, her face suddenly reflecting her horror as she raised her hand to her neck, which Laura was about to kiss again, for the umpteenth time.

For a second Laura thought Shontay was going to strike her again, with the back of her hand. Her face, when screwed up like this in sudden anger, was ferocious and completely scary, as if a mad, slashing fury were about to pour forth.

" Oh god . . . you gave me a hickey!" Shontay wailed, her voice keening upward as she touched the bruise on her beautiful neck with two fingertips, gingerly.

She almost shoved Laura out of the way in her haste to get closer to the mirror. She examined it with intense interest.

"I . . . didn't mean to," Laura stammered awkwardly.

Now Shontay was leaning even closer to the mirror, framing a large portion of her exquisite long neck with the fingers of both hands, tilting her head to the side. Laura found her neck breathtaking anyway and had in truth given her the hickey in a wild, irresistible paroxysm of scorching lust. Looking at it as Shontay exposed the beautiful expanse of skin to the mirror so she could get a closer look herself, Laura was almost overcome by a fresh wave of the same lust. Somehow the uneven, purplish blotch on Shontay's perfect light brown skin was exquisitely erotic to her.

She put a hand on Shontay's shoulder, half-afraid it would be shrugged off violently. But they had apparently moved beyond the fighting stage, and Shontay was not tense as she turned her face to Laura. All the quick fury had drained out of it, and she was soft and sexy, her eyes alluring, flashing with invitations.

"Nobody ever gave me a hickey before," she said in a hushed voice. "Not that I like it, you cunt. How am I going to cover this up?"

"Mmmm, I could kiss it . . . maybe it'll go away," Laura purred, lifting one swatch of Shontay's hair and nibbling her earlobe.

Shontay giggled, finding this ticklish. "You'll only make it worse."

Laura's lips reached her neck, but she veered away from the hickey, still lifting Shontay's hair, kissing the back of her neck, pulling down the kimono a little to kiss the nape of her neck.

"I could give you a matching one on the other side," she teased.

Shontay shivered, a sharp tremor. "God, you're getting me all excited again."

"Oh good. Come with me." Laura took her hand. "Or did you want me to fix dinner first?"

Shontay smiled, for the first time a warm, girlish, happy, sexual smile. "No. Later."

In Laura's bed this time there was no struggle, no anger, just slow and devastatingly thorough sensuality. Laura was surprised by the transformation that came over Shontay, who seemed to have received a fresh charge of nasty lechery by the realization that Laura had, unbeknownst to her until now, given her a hickey while fighting and fucking with her on the floor upstairs. She swarmed over Laura, never giving Laura a chance to get the upper hand, which was usual for them, since Shontay was usually the receiver more than the giver.

"Let me, you know, do you in the ass . . . like you do me once in a while," she breathed hotly in Laura's ear. "You always get to have all the fun. Let me stick my finger up your ass and make you scream."

This was enough to make flames leap up inside Laura's body. "Are you sure you want to?" Never in the past had Shontay showed any desire to be 'creative'.

Shontay was kissing Laura's neck passionately and replied only by nipping Laura's earlobe. "You are such a bitch . . . I want to make you scream," she murmured sexily. "I want to give you a hickey too."

"Oh god . . . I think you're doing it!" Laura squirmed, feeling hot fire squirt through her pussy as Shontay sucked her neck. "Here . . . honey . . . unhhhhh! Oh! God, that feels good! Here, I'll get the oil for you."

Shontay moderated her love attack long enough for Laura to lean across the bed to the bedside table and open the drawer. She handed the small bottle of baby oil to Shontay, and their eyes locked, throbbing, expectant.

"Do you want a towel?"

Shontay shook her head, her eyes not releasing Laura's. Her stiffish, mussed hair swished around her ears and her neck, making her wildly sexy to Laura. I would let her do anything to me right now, Laura thought. She's so . . . intense. I think she's still really angry at me, but she is full of fuck hunger right now.

For all her usual reserve, Shontay was at the moment apparently overcome by sheer sexual need. Laura was right. As she lay back, Shontay was suddenly all over her again, kissing and stroking her body more aggressively than she had ever done, sucking Laura's nipples hungrily for the first time that night. Still clutching the small plastic bottle, which Laura could feel against her bare skin as Shontay moved over her squirming body, kissing and stroking and sucking it as she descended toward Laura's groin, she finally slid down between Laura's yawning thighs.

"Oh!" Laura gasped as she felt Shontay's lips against her pussy for the first time in weeks.

In keeping with her present mood, Shontay did not waste her time on tenderness or subtlety. Whether it was her desire for Laura or her residual anger from the fight they had had upstairs, she was rough and hungry, spreading Laura's cunt lips with her thumbs and slurping Laura's hot, achy trench passionately. Laura, though hotly aroused, had come quickly and explosively upstairs and was in little danger of coming again too quickly.

Instead, during the next few minutes she enjoyed and endured a flurry of passion from Shontay that was as startling as it was thrilling. Shontay licked and fingered her cunt rapidly, hungrily, sucking Laura's clit, sliding her fingers between Laura's buns, doing everything to Laura that she had felt Laura do to her in the past. Laura nearly fainted with pleasure, writhing, panting, whimpering as she felt Shontay turn up the heat even further.

"Mmmm, you like that, don't you, you nasty white girl," Shontay grinned up at her, twisting her fingers inside of Laura's pussy, making Laura groan with sexual excitement.

"Unngghhhh! Oh! Aunngghh! Yes . . . yes, honey, do it! Oh Jesus, that feels good!"

"You want me to fuck your little white ass, don't you," Shontay panted, eyes flaring.

It was so bizarre, Laura realized in the back of her mind. Of all her lovers, Shontay was among the most sophisticated and reserved: regal, college-educated, two professors for parents, in upper management herself, refined, self-controlled, well-mannered. Yet in her lust and anger she had degenerated into these flagrant racial taunts and insults, which somehow pleased her. She's getting back at me for hurting her, Laura realized. And Laura was a little intimidated by it, but at the same time loved the fierceness that Shontay was showing. They had never had any rough sex together until this evening, but Laura was quickly becoming aware that it wasn't over yet.

There was a brief pause in the onslaught while Shontay fumbled with the snap-open top of the bottle. Laura, lying flat on her back with her thighs spread, feeling ready to be roughly ravished by this fierce beautiful girl who had no idea of her own stark, almost aristocratic appeal, watched in fascination as Shontay spread baby oil all over one long, thin finger. In the middle of lubricating her finger, Shontay's eyes flashed at her.

"You want it?"

Laura nodded. "I want you to do everything to me."

Shontay smiled ambiguously and snapped shut the bottle, leaning across Laura to place it on the bedstand, her small, exquisite breasts swaying delightfully. Laura reached up to touch them, gently scissoring Shontay's nipples in her own fingers.

"Let me suck you."

"No." Shontay shook her head, frowning. "I've got something I'm doing."

"Do you know how beautiful you are?"

Shontay grinned. "Quit trying to change the subject."

With a raised eyebrow, she slithered down between Laura's thighs again. Laura felt Shontay's other hand pulling open her ass cheeks, then felt Shontay's greasy fingertip press against her asshole, then felt the long digit slide up into her so deep that it felt twice as long as she knew it was.

"Unnhhh!" she gasped, water coming to her eyes. "Oh . . . yes!"

Shontay grinned up at her, twisting her finger, watching Laura's face. "You like that?"

"Oh yes!"

"How do you like this?"

She began to fuck Laura's asshole very fast with her finger, plunging it in deep, giving Laura short rabbit jabs with it, biting her lower lip in concentration at the same time. Laura was slightly afraid of the glint in Shontay's pale brown eyes, but she was also very aroused by this sharp, thrusting attack. And now Shontay bent her mouth to Laura's pussy too, tonguing and sucking the inflamed cunt lips, taking Laura's throbbing clit into her mouth as her long finger continued to pierce Laura's anus in quick jabs.

"Oh god . . . oh god!" Laura heard herself whimpering, twisting her body, looking down at the maniacal smile on Shontay's face, feeling the sweet pressure of a sexual storm begin to swell in her flesh.

Oh god, I think I might come sooner than I thought! she realized, feeling overwhelmed by Shontay's aggressive hunger. Shontay was fucking her furiously, but the fury and passion seemed to grow out of a confused mixture of desire for Laura's body and hot anger at her at the same time. Then, completely unexpectedly, Shontay, still leaving her finger buried in Laura's clenching ass, slid up to kiss her.

Her torso and her arms were so long that she could do this with relative ease, and as they coiled their tongues together, panting and mewling, she kept fucking Laura's ass slowly and relentlessly with her finger. At the same time, she rubbed her forearm above the wrist into the sopping-wet crease of Laura's swollen pussy, pushing it hard into Laura's splayed cunt, mashing it against Laura's clit, then furiously jabbing Laura's asshole again with her long finger.

"Unhhh! Ohnnn! Ungghhh!" Laura grunted softly, her eyes rolling up, nearly losing it until she felt Shontay's mouth again on her own, tearing savagely at her lips, Shontay's strong, probing tongue nearly sliding down her throat. "Oh shit! Unh! Yes! Oh god . . . Shontay . . . ungghhh!"

"You are such a bitch!" Shontay hissed into Laura's teeth, but without the slightest sign of anger on her face. "I want you to come so hard. So hard . . . like you make me come. I want you to just die when you come."

"I . . . think you're going to get your wish," Laura gasped, now undulating, pushing her ass down into the upward thrusts of Shontay's hand, feeling her flesh pulse and throb with the first hints of an arriving orgasm.

Shontay was a whirlwind. Laura had never seen her like this, a hot tornado, cradling Laura's shoulders in her arms and fucking Laura's ass furiously with her other hand, mashing her forearm into Laura's pussy, kissing and sucking Laura's neck, then dropping her mouth to Laura's breasts, tearing at her nipples, before moving her head up again to see the contortions of intense pleasure and near-desperation on Laura's face.

Laura's hands fluttered up spasmodically, trying to clutch Shontay's body, trying to caress her and embrace her, but she was quickly overcome by the intensity and sharp passion of Shontay's fuck-assault. She could feel her fingertips brush Shontay's erect nipples, even feel the firm, smooth flesh of her small breasts, and the ripple of her ribcage, the wave-like up and down motion of her hard stomach as she breathed rapidly. But she could not get a grip on the girl's squirming body anywhere, and soon her own body was engulfed by spasms so acute that it became pointless anyway.

"Auungghhh!" Laura cried out, her body suddenly arching of its own accord into the air, almost levitating off the mattress.

As Laura collapsed back to the bed, Shontay gave her a crushing embrace, so fierce that she wondered where the girl's strength had come from. Shontay was now half on top of her, still fucking her furiously, and whimpering and gasping too with incredible sexual excitement. Laura felt a pulverizing bolt of hot coming rip through her, nearly knocking her breath out.


"Oh yes . . . oh Laura yes!" Shontay gasped, as her hand stopped thrusting and she held Laura in a death grip.

"Auungghh!" Laura finally cried out again as her breath returned. "Mnnngghiiieeeee! Ohnnnnggg! Mnnngghiiieeeee!"

A ferocious climax wrenched her. She shuddered violently, undulating in long, involuntary waves as a stream of wracking spasms poured through her shaking body. For a brief few seconds she became unaware of anything else, unaware of Shontay holding her, of Shontay's finger thrust up her ass, of Shontay's hard, bony forearm mashed into her throbbing cunt. Only the white-hot wrenching spasms of her orgasm filled her consciousness, until they began to grow less strong, less frequent, and she drifted back to awareness to find herself still in Shontay's death grip.

After a few seconds, even though Laura was thrilled to be held so tightly, it began to hurt.

"Could you . . . let me go for a minute?" she panted, looking up almost worshipfully into Shontay's warm, pale brown eyes, now soft with sexual caring. "I . . . can't breathe."

Shontay smiled and released her grip. "Sorry. I got carried away. I never made you, or anybody, come like that."

"Not me, at least," Laura gulped, slowly rubbing her arms where Shontay had clasped them so fiercely.

Now Shontay was totally serious and concerned, her solicitude so far removed from her earlier sexual rage and mania that at first Laura had trouble getting used to it. Shontay, in contrast to being stiff with anger and spite, was soft and pliant, warm and affectionate, stroking Laura's shoulder, cupping Laura's breast, her lips parted and inviting. Laura leaned up and kissed her, at the same time looping one arm behind Shontay's neck and drawing her down to the bed again.

They kissed very sweetly for about a minute, Laura's hand crawling up to Shontay's small, wonderful breasts and squeezing them suggestively.

"I hope you know you aren't getting away with that," she whispered when their lips came apart.

Shontay grinned, almost bashfully. "You mean you're going to pay me back?"

"What do you think?" Laura said, rolling her onto her back. "I'm going to give you a matching hickey on the other side."

Shontay suddenly winced in fear. "Oh . . . please don't! One is enough. God, I'll have to hide it with makeup or something."

Laura snuggled up to her, kissing her under the chin, nipping her ear. "If I don't, will you let me lick that beautiful little pussy of yours? I've been dying to all night."

Shontay nodded. "I will . . . let you."

Laura smiled and kissed her cheek, then her neck again, right on the plum-colored splotch of the hickey she had given her. "I promise to make it up to you for this," she whispered.

Laura loved Shontay's body. Though it was long and thin, a little bony and angular in places, you would never know that under her clothes Shontay had this high, round, pert little ass, so beautifully hard and shapely, or these exquisite small breasts. Her skin also, this richly amber, light molasses skin was impossibly, thrillingly smooth under Laura's lips and her fingertips as she drifted down the girl's incredibly long stomach and belly, pausing frequently to kiss and nuzzle Shontay's delightfully perfect flesh. Anybody who doesn't want to fuck this delicious girl every day is crazy, she thought.

Because they had been fighting, Laura had not yet had a chance to kiss and stroke this marvelous flesh, and now that Shontay had finally yielded to her, apparently having released much of her anger and feelings of rejection for the moment, Laura could indulge her desire to the fullest. She began by descending slowly, kissing the velvety skin of Shontay's taut midriff, letting her lips skim the light, invisible down that rose in infinitesimal soft filaments from it, then pausing at Shontay's deep navel to toy briefly with her in this sensitive region.

But instead of continuing down, she let her lips and hands travel up again to Shontay's lovely small breasts, now kissing and tonguing Shontay's dark caramel nipples tenderly, lovingly, until she heard Shontay beginning to moan softly, and saw her twisting, biting her lip.

"Ohhnnnn! Oh . . . Laura . . . oh god it feels good!"

It felt marvelous to Laura. While she was kissing and sucking Shontay's small, firm breasts, she slid her hands down the girl's long naked back to her hard little buns, cupping one in each palm and digging her fingers into the resilient flesh, about the size of two round grapefruits. She squeezed them and sucked harder on one of Shontay's nipples.

"Ohhhh . . . I love your body," she breathed, moving her mouth over to the other one, sliding one long forefinger up and down the warm, moist crack between Shontay's hard little buns.

"Oh! Oh yes!" Shontay panted, gently but urgently pushing down on Laura's shoulders with her hands, now writhing more uncontrollably. "Oh yes, Laura . . . I need it . . . oh yes . . . I want it."

Now Laura did slide down, down, further, sliding between Shontay's thighs. "I want to taste this pretty pussy so much," she purred to Shontay, spreading the silky jet-black filaments of hair away from the wet, puckered little love chute.

She had tasted it often before but rarely got enough. Even though Shontay's lovely long naked body was a delicious light molasses hue, her small, gaping cunt lips were black as night, and now oily and shiny with flowing nectars, very wet and tongue-tempting. Between the parted inner lips was a squinchy wet pink feast of raw flesh, and Laura immediately slipped her tongue right into the center of it.

"Anngghh!" Shontay groaned, her body stiffening almost immediately, her long, smooth thigh muscles clenching.

Again Laura got her hands on the girl's lovely curved ass, sliding both of them under Shontay's clenching buns and squeezing them again a she tongued and sucked Shontay's wet black cunt lips, then again burrowed her tongue deep into the juicy pink flesh inside them. Shontay, even with Laura's considerable skill and assistance, often did not come quickly, but this time she was apparently on fire. She began keening and whimpering deep in her throat, then actually thrashed around violently on her back as Laura turned up the heat, flogging Shontay's clit with her tongue, sucking it, and roughly squeezing Shontay's ass cheeks at the same time. She pushed her mouth hungrily into Shontay's streaming cunt, mouth-raping it savagely.

"Oh! Oh!" Shontay whimpered. "Oh god! Laura . . . please! Like I did you. Please!"

Laura quickly realized that Shontay wanted the same thing she had given Laura. They had never really got into some of the more devious sexual practices Laura shared with some other girls, but early in their relationship Laura had given Shontay a piercing, electrifying orgasm by inserting one long forefinger up into her ass just as she was beginning to come, and Shontay had never forgotten it.

"Oh yes . . . baby . . . you can have anything you want," she murmured to Shontay, glancing over at the bedstand, where Shontay had deposited the small magic bottle.

It took her a little quick maneuvering, but in a few seconds she had it open and spread a little oil on her finger. Then she snapped it back shut, and pushed it down on the bed near her feet, not bothering to take the time to lean back over Shontay's long, jerking legs to reach the table.

"Oh yes . . . hold on, honey, here it comes," she purred, again licking the dewy black petals of Shontay's delicious slit and slithering her tongue between them, while at the same time parting the girl's hard little buns with the fingers of her left hand.

"Ungghhh!" Shontay groaned, her body suddenly leaping in a violent twitch as she felt Laura's long greased forefinger sliding up into her ass. "Oh . . . god!"

"Yes . . ." Laura purred. "Yes . . . yes . . . go for it, honey . . ."

"Oh! Unh! Unh! Oh shit! Oh yes . . . unhhhhhh!"

Now Laura, knowing Shontay was right on the edge, ready to fall over, unleashed all of her passion. Skewering Shontay's ass on her twisting finger, she again assaulted the girl's sweet, festering pussy with her mouth, sucking Shontay's clit sharply, fucking her ass fervently, feeling Shontay's long, stiffening body suddenly shudder in a deep rumble of release.

"Auungghhh!" Shontay roared, flexing so hard that her long, supple body made a huge, awkward flip off the bed, then fell back into it, writhing and squealing as shattering spasms of coming wrenched her. "Iiiiieeeeennnggghhh! Ungghiiieeeee!" she yelped, again flipping, surging off the mattress, jamming her ass down into Laura's finger, grinding her pussy into Laura's mouth as each succeeding shockwave struck her.

Laura held on. With her free arm looped around one of Shontay's slender, silky thighs, she rocked up and down with Shontay's wild gyrations until they slowly began to weaken, and Shontay's rough, labored breathing became more audible than her wild screams. When her pelvic girdle finally came to rest, Laura could still feel distant rhythmic contractions going on deep inside Shontay's body somewhere. Shontay's soft, sensitive mewling seemed to grow out of the deep hum of ecstasy that still flowed through her slackening body.

"Oh god," she finally said, half-whimpering, looking down at Laura, her face reflecting the stunned feeling that clearly pervaded her flesh. "I think that was the best ever."

Laura was very careful in slowly extracting her finger, watching intense sensations centered in her plundered rectum replace the stunned look on Shontay's face. "Even better than the one upstairs?" she asked softly, smiling.

Now that Laura's finger was completely out, Shontay recovered her composure. She sat up, smiling back sheepishly. "I liked them both."

"Me too. Now, how about that dinner I promised you."

"Do you mind if we just . . . I don't know, snuggle a little first?"

Shontay was very soft and shy and somber, and Laura could not in any way violate this mood. The girl seemed almost sad, more deeply pensive than Laura had ever seen her. Laura's Latin was not strong, but she had taken a course in high school. Post coitum omne animal triste est. All animals are sad after fucking, she translated to herself.

In fact, she felt a little sad herself, probably because of the fight, first, and then the sweet fucking here in her bed, the clear and simple determination they both had to please the other. Why should that make me sad? she wondered. I guess because she is seeing it as the change our relationship will now reflect, that this seals it. I sleep with others too, and she will have to bear the hurt.

"I would love to snuggle," Laura whispered, stretching out next to her.

They held one another without speaking for a long time.

"You smell so good," Laura finally broke the silence, burrowing her nose in Shontay's hair.

"You say that to all the girls," Shontay said, but not in a kidding tone.

Laura thought of Sara. True, she had said it to Sara. It was true, too. They both smelled wonderful to her. And very different, for some reason.

"If I keep smelling you, I'm going to want you again," Laura said, ignoring Shontay's comment. "Smelling you makes my pussy get a little buzzy feeling deep inside. You know that?" She ran her fingertip over Shontay's sensual lips before kissing them again. "I'm sorry about your favorite blouse. And that beautiful bra. I hope you'll let me replace them."

Shontay put her own fingertip on Laura's lower lip. "I'm glad you want me, Laura. Nobody ever wanted me the way you do. Nobody ever wanted me enough to rape me, and you've already done it twice." Her eyes were big and round and pale brown, so unusual and hypnotic.

"I can't believe that," Laura whispered, kissing the fingertip warmly, unable to suppress the beginnings of a blush. "You're making me feel guilty. Come on in and help me cook. We're going to wear each other out without some sustenance."

"Why don't we take a bath together instead?" Shontay said, suddenly bright and cheerful, as if the idea had just occurred to her.

"No wonder you're so skinny," Laura teased, poking her in her delectable ribs, wanting to kiss them all over again, and the rest of this long, smooth, light brown body too. "You turn down food at every opportunity."

Shontay's eyes flashed. "I thought you liked my skinny body."

Laura tilted her head. "Compromise, okay? We eat . . . then we bathe . . . and . . . whatever. You're going to wear me out, girl. Didn't you hear me?"

"What's the matter, Laura, getting old?" Shontay said, with an ambiguous wink.






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