Laura - Chapter 259



Another week elapsed before Laura heard from Sara Paige, but she kept her mind off it by thinking a lot about where to move, and when. There were many things to consider. She was reluctant to move directly to another apartment, which could end up causing her the same problems this one did. A house seemed too expensive, and she might have to move outside the city to find one that was reasonably priced. She could try a condo, or a town house. Among her friends, Shavon, Randi, and Brenda all had taken that route and seemed fine. She certainly didn't worry about making orgiastic noises when she spent time in their beds.

On the other hand, maybe they were just more thick-skinned or devil-may-care than she. Come to think of it, even though her lovers seemed to share her embarrassment when she grew furtive and chagrined by the moaning and shrieking, hers as well as theirs, she doubted that they really cared if Laura's neighbors overheard them having such joyful, full-throttle orgasms. There was, after all, something to be proud of in that, something rare and beautiful and almost holy. Life didn't get any more intense than that, and why should they be ashamed of it?

I just want a place where we can scream like murder and no one will even hear it, she thought. Like we did at Yolanda's house. Her parents' house, I mean. Gosh, that was a sweet evening. I think I came about ten or eleven times, more than I have on one occasion for months. Those girls nearly wore me out. And that delicious, long, sloe-eyed Yolanda, dropping into those 'I'm dying' orgasms. I wouldn't mind being alone with her, if I didn't think it would make April unhappy. The two of them seem like such a pair, really friendly and affectionate, and two hot demons for fucking.

Her thoughts returned also to Shontay, who, mysteriously, had not phoned. Usually Shontay phoned her at least every other day.

"What about tonight?"

"I can't. I have my period," Laura would say. She didn't want to hurt Shontay, but every other night was just too much.



"I . . . get lonely," Shontay murmured in a small, faraway voice.

"I know. I could come over and we could, you know, do everything else," Laura would say, if she really were indisposed, not faking.

"Would you?"

"I wouldn't turn it down for the world. What time?"

Twice now Laura had lain next to Shontay in Shontay's apartment, kissing her while Shontay masturbated herself into glorious orgasms. Though she was slow to come when she did it with Laura, Shontay had mastered the skill of making herself come in only seconds, and once Laura had even had a sympathetic orgasm of her own while holding her because the sight of Shontay climaxing aroused her so much. She had to admit that she had helped the girl along both times too, unable, so to speak, to keep her hand out of the cookie jar.

In this way she managed to keep their physical trysts to twice a week and to keep Shontay's naturally querulous nature in check.

Even these little conversations over the office telephones, with their veiled allusions and the soft undercurrent of explosive sex very close to the surface, were enough to make Laura wet, and flushed. But she realized she had not heard from Shontay for three days.

When she called, Shontay did not answer. Of course, she was a busy person. But Laura also knew that she, like Laura and all the other directors and above, had Caller ID on their phones and could tell at a glance who was on the other end. Instead of an answer, she got Shontay's voice mail, with a crisp, businesslike greeting that automatically made Laura hang up rather than leave some vulnerable, whining message about how Shontay had not called. She knew also that the smoky, wonderful hot pulsing of sexual innuendo that underlay their other conversations would be totally vitiated and denatured by the electronics of leaving a message.

She was even concerned enough about it to risk asking Randi, when they passed in the corridor.

"Say, how do you like your new boss?" Laura said, acting casual. "She must be overworked these days, she hasn't been returning my calls."

Randi, always a devastating flirt, was wildly desirable in a shiny ivory blouse that showed off her jutting breasts and contrasted beautifully with her rich black skin. She aimed her breasts at Laura and shimmied them a little, wiggling her shoulders and tossing her braids sexily around her neck, eyes flashing. God, why do I want Shontay when I could have this gorgeous creature whenever I choose? Laura wondered.

"You mean the broomstick?" Randi asked, savagely. "Actually, I never can decide whether she's the broomstick or the witch. That skinny bitch is a cunt and a half." Randi smiled and flirted with Laura. "Why couldn't I report to you, Laura? Couldn't you arrange it? Then we could have little meetings in your office. Right? With the door closed. You know, I could suggest it to Rhonda."

This was a hoot for them both.

"Oh . . . she'd love that," Laura laughed, placing a friendly hand on Randi's shoulder, feeling the soft bristles of Randi's braids brushing her fingers and send hot little darts of pleasure through her pussy.

Randi shrugged. "I don't know what's wrong with the bitch. She's that way normally. She's just a shit and a pinched-off skin-and-bones yella girl who never gets laid. Who would want to screw that ugly old giraffe anyway, right? If she popped her nut once in a while, she might be easier to get along with."

Laura smiled uncomfortably. Realizing that she had got in deeper than she had intended, she pled a meeting and excused herself, making a date with Randi for the weekend. She was still a little puzzled why she had not heard from Shontay, but she put it out of her mind and threw herself into work.

Two days later, while checking her voice mail in the morning having just arrived in the office, she flushed and had to clumsily switch off the speaker phone with a sudden jerk of her hand as she heard Sara's voice filling her office.

"Hi there, sunshine! Bet you're just getting to work. This is your friendly dental office calling to see if you are free tonight for some more Chinese food. Call and let me know. 648-0921. Bye now."

Laura had rapidly snatched up the phone receiver after shutting off the speaker, but she missed most of Sara's short message and had to repeat it.

She swiveled her chair around so that the back of it was facing the door to her office, just in case anyone should happen by and peek in. She knew she was blushing, her face all hot and red, her nipples tingling, her whole body thrumming with heat and luminous sexual yearning. I can't do this, she cautioned herself. I have to be calm. If she saw me like this, she would know in an instant that I'm dying for her.

You can't start getting all worked up over her, Laura, she told herself. You don't even know anything about her. She's just friendly. She has a tight little killer body, and an enchanting mouth. Oh god, what a mouth. Like Yolanda's mouth. Oh god, it makes my pussy flutter and quiver just looking at it, both of them do.

Laura realized that kissing Yolanda's incredible mouth had been an ecstasy even more intense than the contemplation of doing it, and she knew Sara's would be the same. I just want to kiss her. And kiss her, over and over. (Oh, I want to fuck her too, but put that out of your mind, Laura!)

She took a walk to the mail room to get control of herself, dropping off some things she was sending to the Hong Kong office. She waited until mid-morning to call Sara, hoping to distance herself from the excitement of receiving Sara's voice mail message. By the time they spoke, Laura was calm and collected and casually friendly. They agreed to meet after work for a drink, then go to the same restaurant.

But it was not to be. Sara phoned Laura at four-thirty and cancelled. She had a family emergency, she said, and could not make it.

"How about Friday? I'm sure this'll be finished by then. It's just my squirrelly sister. If she didn't have me to straighten her out every other week, she'd be in Napa. Or living under the freeway."

Napa State Hospital was the local mental institution. Laura sensed a strain in Sara's voice that she had never heard there before, and she realized that there might be a whole swirling chaos of family misery lying in back of this simple comment.

"I'm . . . sorry to hear that," Laura said softly, meaning it. "Is there something I can do?"

"No no. I'll be fine. I'm used to it. I've done it a hundred times. You're sweet to offer, though."

"I like you," Laura said, too fast, immediately wondering if she should have said it.

She had said it once before. Maybe she was being too persistent, too obvious, too aggressive. Oh god, I've ruined it! she thought, panicking.

But Sara was a person on a very even keel and did not become in the least suspicious. "I like you too. So, what about Friday."

"I would be delighted."

"Good, I'll call you then. Maybe we can go eat in my neighborhood . . . or yours, just to escape the Friday night mobs."

It was seven-thirty on Friday evening before they finally managed to meet. Again Sara had been detained after work, presumably by the same 'family emergency,' and she had called to ask Laura to meet her at a restaurant in Noe Valley, since there were no good eating places in her own neighborhood.

Meeting her at the door, Laura was astonished to find yet another transformation. Sara wore, as usual, her crisp white blouse with the stiff collar (she must have a closet or drawer full of those, Laura thought, so good for a dental office), but this time she was sporting fine, soft, shiny dark auburn shoulder-length hair and bangs. Also, her small, rectangular, wire-rimmed glasses were gone. She saw Laura looking, mildly taken aback by her transformed appearance.

"Like my wig?" She brushed the bangs lightly across her forehead with her fingertips. "Makes me look cute, don't you think? I look good in red hair. Bangs, too."

Of course Sara had no idea what a helpless sucker Laura was for bangs, which on a lovely woman whom she desired were nearly enough to turn her knees to jelly and make her pussy begin to melt inside. Oh god, she's making it harder!

"I think they're adorable," she said, trying not to stare. "I miss the glasses, though."

Sara smiled and squinted. In fact, when she smiled it was almost a squint anyway, tighter or looser depending on her degree of mirth. "I miss 'em too. My eyes are starting to hurt, and I might put them on before the night is out."

"I wish you would. You don't have to worry about me, I already know you're smart."

Sara put her hand on Laura's, smiling even more warmly now. "What a thing to say. Aren't you sweet. I guess we're a pair after all, right? You are looking ravishing tonight yourself, my dear." Sara's eyes swept up and down Laura, who was, as usual, dressed expensively with a pricey scarf flamboyantly tied around her throat, wearing a sharply tailored dark green business suit. "You must have the fellas and the girls panting."

Now Laura had to bite her lower lip and fight back the same blush she had felt rising in her that morning when she had listened to Sara's phone message. Quickly, she nodded to the door and almost forcibly urged Sara inside the restaurant, which was encouragingly dim and noisy. She didn't trust herself to any cagey repartee on this subject, but she was somehow thrilled by Sara's easy familiarity and even by the veiled innuendo of her remark, though she cautioned herself not to put too much stock in it.

The restaurant had overstuffed leather banquettes forming semi-private booths where she and Sara could eat and talk very comfortably, and they spent the next hour and a half getting to know one another even more thoroughly than before. Without Laura having to pry, Sara soon began to trust her enough to tell her about her sister Dee Dee, who was twenty-three and both an alcoholic and a coke-addict.

"She doesn't discriminate, she's an equal opportunity fuckup," Sara said, leaning forward over her plate and whispering. "If one isn't available, she'll be happy to take the other one."

Not really knowing how to respond, Laura spent most of her time nodding with concern and sympathy.

"Now she's pregnant." Sara rolled her eyes. "Again."

"It's happened before?"

"About three times that I can remember right off," Sara said, exasperated. "I guess I should have said she's addicted to alcohol, coke, and cock. The big three. She probably won't make it to thirty."

"How sad. God, it must be tough on you."

Sara grimaced, then crossed her eyes playfully, another funny face. "Tougher on her. She's had three abortions. That I know of, anyway. Two cases of clap. Syphilis once . . . that I know of. Her last abortion was one of those late jobs. You know, at the last possible moment. It made me ill, girl. I just had to turn my whole mind the other way, like you do when you clean out the toilet, you know? She's a tramp and a hopeless little crackhead junky drunk and whore. What can I do? I love her. I hate her too, though."

Laura reached across the table instinctively and put her hand over Sara's. She didn't say anything—what could you say that wouldn't sound mawkish or even condescending?—but had to do something. Sara looked directly into her eyes and smiled, without making a funny face, feeling Laura's empathy.

"You want to have a cognac here or go over to my place? I got an expensive bottle of Remy Martin for Christmas that I never even touched. We could have cognac and coffee," she looked around the restaurant, "without all these people bugging me with their wholesome happiness."

"I'd love it," Laura smiled, making herself promise, as she accepted the invitation, not to make a pass at this lovely woman.

Sara gave her the directions. It was not far, and twenty minutes later—most of the time spent looking for two parking spaces not more than a quarter of a mile away from Sara's apartment house—they met again at the door.

"Isn't this great?" Sara said sarcastically, sweeping one arm across the panorama of a fairly old and undistinguished neighborhood. "Ocean View. You know, the ocean is about ten miles from here. You can't see it even from the roof of the highest building around here. Oh well, home sweet home."

Laura noticed as they entered that Sara lived, apparently, in a duplex, on the upper floor. The bottom apartment was dark. They walked up a carpeted stairway to the second floor, where she manipulated several locks to get them inside.

"Can't be too careful," she whispered. "My neighbors downstairs have a house in San Rafael but can't stand commuting, so they live here during the week and go back on weekends. So there's never anybody down there on those nights. Hey, I could hold wild parties!"

She grinned and locked all the locks back up once they were inside.

"Does it make you nervous?" Laura asked, looking around at a comfortably furnished living room.

Sara shook her head. Her reddish bangs swished across her forehead. She was enchanting, and for the first time this evening Laura was unable to keep her eyes off Sara's body. For a short woman, she had a nice big round bottom and pretty large breasts. Laura realized that she had not noticed this before since she was being scrupulously careful not to leer or stare too intently.

Sara was about as short as both Deshona and Tiffany, a small woman, but not fine-boned and tiny like either of them. Her bone structure was more normal, and she had flesh on those bones. Her body was firm and curvaceous, and it inspired in Laura the urge to dig her fingers into that dark, smooth flesh. But she was careful not to let it show.

"It's a pretty safe neighborhood," Sara said, kicking off her shoes. "Once in a while some guy kills his girl friend, or vice versa. You know, regular big city stuff. Other than that, it's quiet. You saw it out there. Nobody on the street. Pretty peaceable. A few teenagers playing that loud boom boom music as they drive by. That's about it. Of course, you have to park your car about three blocks away, but then you have to do that just about everywhere."

"I know."

"Where do you live?"

Laura told her, and also mentioned that she was thinking of moving. She made up a few plausible reasons why, not alluding to her real reasons.

"You sure look uncomfortable in that suit," Sara said, having made fresh coffee and opened her pristine bottle of Remy Martin. "And that scarf looks expensive. You better take it off. Wouldn't want to spill brandy on it."

Laura agreed and removed it, folding it carefully and placing it on a little mail table near the door so she wouldn't forget it. They talked for another hour or more, warmed and relaxed by the cognac and the coffee. Sara sat in a loveseat across from the sofa where Laura sat. She pulled her legs up under her body, and squirmed from time to time as she grew more at ease, or more animated in her conversation, and her skirt rode up her thighs, making it more difficult for Laura not to look. Sara's legs were short and stocky, not spectacularly long and gorgeous, but they were well formed, and smooth, and dark brown, and Laura had a hard time keeping her eyes off them.

Laura herself remained as friendly and well-mannered as she could, even kicking off her shoes too, finally, and unbuttoning several buttons down the front of her suit jacket to make it more comfortable.

"Why don't you just take it off?" Sara asked, innocently. "When I come home, I just walk around here half-naked most of the time. When it isn't winter, that is. I'm just so happy not be in office clothes any more."

"I'm only wearing a slip under it," Laura explained. "Or I would have probably taken it off before this."

"I've seen a slip before," Sara said, making another in her variety of funny faces.

Laura, surprising herself, acted very demure, as if she were far too modest to do such a thing. Also, she slowly became aware that she was feeling a little woozy and tingly in the head from the warm mixture of coffee and cognac, and she wondered if Sara were feeling the same. Sara had gone to the bathroom to remove her contacts, and she reappeared wearing the wire-rimmed glasses that Laura had thought were so fetching on her.

She stumbled briefly before sitting down again, and Laura realized that she was feeling equally woozy. On top of that, by looking at her watch Laura discovered that it was nearly midnight. They had talked for hours.

"I might have to crash on your sofa," Laura warned Sara. "I don't know if I can drive home. I'm feeling pretty disequil . . . unequilib . . . oh shit . . . you know what I mean, like, disequilibriated, or something like that."

She and Sara both dissolved in whoops of merry laughter. Sara laughed so hard she had to take off her glasses and wipe her eyes.

"You saw me just about break my leg when I tried to sit down," she laughed. "I know exactly how you're feeling. Look, I could get arrested for letting you drive home like this."

She stood up, weaving a little, and retrieved some sheets and blankets from a linen closet at the end of the hallway leading to her bedroom and the bathroom. Quickly, she made up the longer sofa, where she had been sitting, into a makeshift bed. Then she disappeared briefly back down the hallway and returned a few minutes later with a pair of extra extra large men's pajamas, which she dropped on Laura's lap.

"You'll have to wear these." She made another funny face, briefly crossing her eyes. "They ain't very sexy, but it's all I got. I wear 'em and I've got a drawer full."

Laura held the top of the pajamas up by the shoulders. It was huge, and crisscrossed by an ugly green-and-brown plaid.

"It looks like a tent," she giggled softly, feeling giddy and strange.

"It is like a tent. I like 'em big. That's why I buy 'em that way. Lots of room inside. You can get lost."

"I don't want to get lost," Laura said. "I like it here."

Sara gave her a half-tipsy but meaningful stare, though Laura could not interpret its meaning at all.

"Okay . . . be a good little girl and put on your tent, and I'll go put on mine. I've got a drawer full of toothbrushes in the bathroom. That's one of the benefits of working in a dentist's office. They all fit on that electric toothbrush in there, so just help yourself."

Laura changed without self-consciousness, knowing somehow that Sara was not going to be peeping around the corner for a glimpse of her naked body. Not like I would be, she thought with a momentary flush of embarrassment, remembering, of all things, her first time with Karen (first time with any woman!) when she had unexpectedly caught fire after glimpsing Karen in her underwear and then without it.

But nothing like that was going on here. Laura was sure of it. She wasn't pushing things herself, wasn't trying to bring them to a head, and she was certain the thought had never crossed Sara's mind. She brushed her teeth, as directed, and returned to the small living room to see Sara standing there in her own 'tent,' a striped one that looked sort of like a prison garment, appraising the makeshift bed on the sofa. She did a little curtsey for Laura, plucking out the loose and baggy material of the pajama pants from her hips with her fingers, pirouetting.

"How do you like it?" she said, with a winsome pout. "I gave you the plaid because I look so much better in stripes, don't you think? They make me look thinner and taller.

Laura raised her fingers to her lips and felt a tipsy giggle escape. "You look like you might disappear into all that cloth."

Sara winked. "I might. At least you'll know where to find me." She indicated the sofa with one hand. "I don't think this will do at all. Look, it's so narrow. You're going to fall off if you even turn over. Watch."

Sara quickly stretched out on top of the blanket she had spread out for Laura. Even though she was completely swathed in billows of loose, garishly striped cotton, Laura could still see her nice full breasts swaying and rolling under the fabric. Then, to make her point, Sara rolled over and promptly off the sofa onto the floor.

"See what I mean?" she grinned up at Laura, giving her a goofy grimace.

Laura reached down with one hand and helped her get up. "You're going to hurt yourself."

"No . . . you are. You're going to have to sleep in the other room . . . with me. Just hope you know how to keep your hands to yourself. You don't snore, do you? Come on."

Laura followed her at a distance, reluctantly. "I . . . think I'll be fine in here. Really."

Sara just shook her head slowly without even turning back to face Laura. "I won't hear of it. What if you break your neck. I don't have any insurance." She pointed to her bed, a queen-size bed. She had already turned down the covers a little. "Choose your side."

"It's your bed," Laura said. "You choose."

"Oh, it doesn't matter to me. I sleep all over it. Usually there's nobody else here."

Laura was briefly paralyzed by this situation. Part of her knew that in her wildest dreams she would give anything to spend the night in bed with Sara. Another part of her knew that if she did, she would have to lie there all night in fear that she might touch her accidentally. Her desire had become, though no less piquant, a little abstracted and ethereal, as if she were gliding through a dream where the real, genuine desires of her body were somehow filtered through a warm, hazy cloud of happy well-being. She just enjoyed being in the same apartment, in the same room, with her and didn't want to disrupt it by something so vulgar as sexual desire.

Sara saw Laura's abstracted state, reading it on her face. "What's the matter, you nervous? Didn't you ever go to a slumber party? I thought all you white girls in the suburbs were just a-slumber partying your lives away, after you gave up your Barbies."

"Now that's nasty," Laura grinned, poking her in the shoulder.

Sara smiled. "Maybe we could hang up a sheet in the middle of the bed, like they did in that movie. Remember that, the one with Clark Gable and Claudette Colbert? 'It Happened One Night,' that's the one. They hung up a big sheet, like right there, in the middle. You can be on one side and I'll be on the other. And no peeking."

"All right . . . all right," Laura grinned back at her, giving in. "You win. "I'll take that side," she pointed to the side near the window.

Sara sulked. "I wanted that side," she teased.

"I thought you said—"

"I lied. I was being nice, since you're the guest."

Now Laura made a funny face, her first, mimicking one of Sara's bountiful number. Without another word, she pulled the bedcovers down further and got into the bed. Sara turned the light off and got in on the other side.

They lay silent in the dark for a few minutes. Laura listened to Sara's breathing, trying to determine whether she were falling asleep immediately or not. She herself could not sleep now that they were so close. Her nostrils were filled with Sara's delicious warm fragrance. She wore no artificial scent, Laura was sure. It was just the clean, aromatic fragrance of her natural body, her hair (now that she had removed the sexy red wig) , maybe a faint whiff of the shampoo she had used that morning, nothing else.

This sweet natural fresh odor, and nothing else, Laura was convinced, made a soft, gently pulsing awaken deep inside her pussy as she lay quietly in the dark next to Sara. Her eyes became gradually more used to the darkness, but she kept them turned toward the window, where broken shafts of moonlight filtered by the venetian blinds spilled into the bedroom.

"Now I can't sleep," Sara said, softly but abruptly. "Ain't that a bitch? Turn off the light and wide awake."

"Maybe you should count sheep or something," Laura murmured.

"I'm sorry for that crack about Barbie. That was a mean thing to say. And I like you, too. I don't know why I got mean like that all of a sudden."

Laura turned on her side to face Sara. It seemed the most natural thing to do in the world and she was not a bit self-conscious about it. "You're forgiven."

"I'm ugly now that I took off my wig. I'm glad you're not a guy."

"Do you keep wearing it when there's a guy here?"

Sara frowned in the dark. "Hasn't been one here in so long, I forget. I sort of gave up on them, you know? All they want is a little sweet black kitty, then they disappear. Who needs it. I bought me a vibrator."

"You did?"

Sara beamed. "I'd show it to you but I'm too embarrassed."

Laura did not trust herself to say anything further. They were silent for a few more moments. Sara turned the back of her head to the pillow again.

"Did you ever do it with a girl?" she suddenly asked, staring straight up at the ceiling in the dark. "I mean . . . don't . . . you don't have to answer that. I just wondered. It's really rude of me to ask. I only . . . I did once . . . when I was in college. I had an . . . affair, I guess you'd call it, with my roommate. Evangelina Torres. She was from Puerto Rico."

"Did you ever think of doing it again?" Laura said, after a long pause. "Just curious."

Sara turned her head sideways on the pillow to look at Laura. But she said nothing.

"I don't think you're ugly without your wig, if you want to know," Laura whispered.

"You're sweet," Sara said softly. "Let's go to sleep."


But their eyes were locked, even in the dark. They did not shut them. Laura suddenly felt the soft cognac-haze that had enveloped her begin to lift and dissipate. She reasoned that Sara was probably feeling the same. What was happening between them had become far more important and insistent.

"Ever think you might like to try it again?" Laura whispered, letting her eyes fall to Sara's incredibly sensual mouth.

Sara's dark eyes were pulsing. "I have thought of it," Sara whispered back. "In fact . . . I just thought of it again."

This was all the invitation Laura needed. She moved her face closer until her lips lightly brushed against Sara's. At first Sara was so still that she appeared not to notice. But then she moved her head slightly, so that her full lips also brushed Laura's. Her eyes were wide and shiny in the dark.

Their lips were still touching. Laura extended the tip of her tongue and ran it over Sara's beautifully-shaped upper lip. Sara shivered.

"Oooohhh, that tickles!" she breathed softly.

Laura withdrew her tongue back into her mouth and pushed her head forward, pressing her lips more firmly into Sara's. This time Sara's lips yielded, parted, moved sensually against Laura's, and the two of them quickly blended their mouths into a slow, searching, emotional kiss. At first they kissed totally without tongues, only sliding their lips together. Laura was gripped by a heavenly frenzy at kissing this wonderful mouth she had lusted after so long, and she carefully controlled every aggressive impulse, letting her moving mouth do her communicating. I love your mouth . . . I love kissing you . . . oh Sara . . . oh Sara . . .

Sara's lips were indeed a miracle, soft and pillowy in their fullness, and yet supremely expressive. She was an expert kisser, and together, both heads lying on Sara's pillow, they explored one another this way for an excruciatingly long time. Laura loved to kiss and was a long kisser, but she wondered in the midst of it if she had ever kissed anyone this long. Only towards the end of it did they allow their tongues to escape from their mouths and intermingle excitedly beyond their teeth.

Laura wanted to thrust hers deep into Sara's mouth, but she restrained herself. They still had not touched anywhere but at the lips, and tongues. At a natural pause, they both pulled their heads back a little, so that they could look into each other's eyes.

"You're a pretty good kisser," Laura whispered.

"You too. How about another one?"

Sara made a goofy face in the dark, but this one was less manic, less antic, than her usual ones. It was comical and serious in the same instant.

"I'd love another one," Laura said.

"Are you sure you'll respect me afterward?" Sara joked.

Laura smiled. Did she mean 'after the next kiss' or 'after whatever comes after the next kiss'? "I have infinite respect for you," Laura murmured. "And for your delicious mouth."

"Oh, are you a connoisseur of mouths?"

Laura shook her head slowly, moving her face forward, wanting to stop the talking, wanting to feel those plump, sensual lips moving against hers again. "I'm a connoisseur of this one."

This time the tongues were active from the start. They met again outside their mouths, but Laura quickly pushed her own past Sara's straight, even teeth, into her warm, wet mouth, licking and stabbing Sara's wriggling tongue, feeling them both begin to breathe harder, feeling their hot breath collide and rush past their coiling wet tongues.

It was impossible not to touch her, Laura thought. She knew that Sara felt the same way, for they began to caress each other's cheek, and chin, and hair, trying to keep their hands from straying down to the warm flesh that was becoming more and more vibrant and tense under the huge flops and billows and folds of the gargantuan pajamas they wore.

"It's been ten years since I was naked with another girl," Sara panted softly, almost shyly, against Laura's moving lips and plunging tongue.

"That's a long time," Laura agreed softly, delighted to feel Sara's tongue now pushing back into her own mouth.

Laura unfastened the first large button at the top of Sara's pajama shirt while they were kissing. It felt huge in her fingers, like the plastic wheel of a child's toy, as she twisted it and slipped it through the buttonhole. The pajama top was so large and Sara by comparison so small inside it that a large gap in the cloth opened down to the next button, exposing her from the throat to just below the deep cleavage between her breasts.

There was now plenty of room to get your hand inside, but Laura preferred to keep going. She unbuttoned the next button too, in the same way. Now the pajama top fell open to Sara's waist.

And now Laura slipped her hand inside, immediately cupping in her palm one of Sara's large, warm breasts. It was marvelous how you could tell simply with your hand the shape and resilience of it. Sara had large breasts for a short girl, like Deshona, and yet they were not like Deshona's at all. They were not phenomenally, perfectly round but instead a little oblong and plump at the sides, and tilted outward, more like Cecilia's friend Bernice's incredible breasts, though not so gourd-shaped, and firm but not as hard as Bernice's. All this Laura learned simply by cupping and squeezing the delightful firm globe.

And Sara's nipples were not like Deshona's either. In fact, they were about as opposite as they could be, very wide and soft and puffy, with very large velvety areolas that Laura could feel as she ran her thumb across one, brushing the stiff, thick center, which protruded only partially from the surrounding swollen nipple flesh. Each woman's breasts are so different, she marveled, and you can feel it! Without even seeing it! Oh god, Sara, yours are so beautiful.

"You got your hand inside my shirt, Laura," Sara giggled softly, looking down.

"You mind?"

"Feels kind of good. Why don't you hold the other one too?"

"I believe I will."

Sara unfastened the rest of the buttons and slipped out of the shirt. Her marvelous full naked breasts jiggled alluringly in the darkness as she slipped out of it. Laura immediately took them in her hands.

Both of them could see pretty well in the dark by now, and the faint shafts of moonlight that flowed through the slats of the blinds provided quite enough illumination for Laura to see the large black circles of Sara's swollen nipples. She kissed Sara's neck, then her throat.

"You know what I want to do," she whispered.

Sara nodded, smiling. "Everybody wants to suck my boobies. They just seem to say, 'Suck me . . . suck me.'" She uttered the last four words in a tiny, high-pitched, fairylike, faraway voice.

Laura was dying to, but she wasn't going to be deprived of everything else either, and she kissed her way very slowly down Sara's smooth, dark brown chest, letting her lips linger with infinite tenderness on the smooth, fragrant surface of Sara's body, again inhaling the fresh odors she had smelled earlier, when they had first lain down here. Sara was lying on her side, as they both had been while kissing, and so Laura gently pushed her onto her back, now holding both luscious naked breasts like small grapefruits in her hands, her lips descending lower, into the warm valley between them.

Sara was aroused. Laura could feel her thighs rustling and her legs moving. She could hear Sara's breath becoming even more excited.

"Ohhhhh . . . you take a long time," Sara murmured, not complaining, but with enough urgency to let Laura know that she was suffering pleasurably in anticipation.

Now Laura's lips were right in the middle, directly between Sara's breasts, which she still held like two infinitely precious objects in each hand. Since Sara's breasts tended to tilt outward instead of straight ahead—when not being held by Laura—there was between them a large smooth flat area of warm skin that Laura could kiss, and she explored every inch of it with her lips, knowing that each micro-second of delay was arousing Sara even more.

Finally, having explored the entire expanse between Sara's lovely breasts, Laura's lips began to inch to the side. Slowly, they crawled up the inside slope of one breast toward Sara's large, puffy nipple.

"Oh yes!" Sara whimpered, tilting her head up to watch, nearly faint with pleasure as she realized that Laura was about give in and suck her.

But Laura was an expert at this and thoroughly enjoyed the delay, and Sara's increasingly frantic reaction to it. She ran the tip of her tongue around the edge of Sara's large, thick, swollen areola, then slid it to the center and flicked the stubby center with it.

"Do you like it?" she murmured, circling Sara's swollen nipple again with her tongue.

"Oh god, Laura . . . you're mean," Sara panted, her head flopping back. "I'm sorry what I said about Barbie. Don't be so mean."

Laura could feel Sara's fingers scrabbling uncontrollably up her arm, wild and tense with desire.

"You want me to do it?"

"I love it," Sara said, her eyes laced with hot red need. "Please. You're making me faint."

"Your breasts are so beautiful," Laura said, worshipfully, squeezing both resilient globes gently in her fingers, watching Sara's large dark nipples swell and gleam like dark plums in the moonlight. "I can't believe you hid them from me this long."

Sara giggled throatily. "I didn't know you would go nuts over them like this. You're worse than a man." She took one of her own breasts in both hands, brushing Laura's hand away, and lifted it so that her large nipple brushed Laura's lips. "If you don't suck I might come just from the excitement of waiting for you." She grinned, but her eyes were flecked with even hotter sparks of lust than Laura had seen there before. "You gon' do it?"

Feeling a quick little twist of guilt for having prolonged Sara's sweet agony this far, Laura smiled and nodded. "I am," she whispered, opening her mouth and taking the large, satiny, dark bulb into it, closing her lips over it, drawing it slowly in deep, caressing it lovingly with her tongue.

Sara's head fell back. At first no sound came from her, but when Laura went from licking to sucking her large, soft nipple, and it began to harden into a wet, gummy knot between her lips, a low moan of fierce intensity began to flow out of Sara's lungs and up into her throat.

"Aaannnngghhhhh . . . aaannngghhhh," she moaned, now twisting, her hands dropping away, quickly replaced by Laura's, who held Sara's breast gently in her own hands now and let the girl's excited wet nipple slide in and out of her mouth, lashing it with her tongue, teasing it with her teeth. "Oh god . . . oh god . . . you really know how to do that, Laura!" Sara gasped, raising her head again briefly, then groaning and writhing as Laura switched her attention to her other breast.

With the second nipple, Laura had the extreme pleasure of repeating everything she had done to the first one, and Sara's reaction was correspondingly just as intense, or even more so, since now Laura held the first damp, hard nipple between her thumb and forefinger and twisted it skillfully while she sucked the second one.

And, as in kissing, Laura was in no hurry. She loved devouring these exquisite breasts of Sara's, and she went back and forth between the girl's beautiful large nipples, sucking and nibbling and tonguing them, until Sara was cooing and gurgling in the grip of a sexual frenzy that was clearly more than she had expected. Finally, she had to stop Laura.

"Please . . . oh please . . ." she gasped, suddenly sitting half up in the bed, propping herself on her elbows, her naked upper body gleaming and wildly desirable to Laura in the moonlight that came through the blind slats. "Oh god . . . I love it . . . I can't take any more," she panted, her eyes glazed as they caught and held Laura's.

She reached impulsively for Laura, and they now kissed ravenously. In the middle of the kiss, Sara murmured against Laura's cheek.

"You got my nipples so excited that this shirt of yours is killing them."

"Help me get it off," Laura panted.

"Take everything off," Sara said, as they both slipped out of the huge pajamas in a mad hurry.


The bed squeaked as they bounced frantically around on it, shedding these unnecessary garments. Finally, they were both naked, and Sara reached out for her again.

"Come to Mama."

"Oh yes."

Laura nearly died of happiness as she felt their warm, naked bodies press together for the first time. Sara's nipples were still damp from the love-mauling Laura had been giving them, and the feel of them against her skin somehow drove her lust up another notch. As if that were possible, she realized. I want her so much.

"Ummmm, that feels good," Sara murmured, now kissing Laura's body, Laura's neck, Laura's shoulders. "I seem to feel some pretty nice little boobs down here myself," she purred, running her hands over Laura's naked breasts.

"I haven't got enough of yours yet," Laura murmured, pushing her gently back and down on the mattress.

But Sara would not be pushed. In fact, she pushed back.

"Oh no you don't," she smiled, pushing Laura onto her back instead. "It may have been ten years . . . but I learned a thing or two."

Her luscious, soft, expressive lips explored Laura's neck while her hands squeezed and massaged Laura's warm, aching breasts, her fingers scissoring Laura's nipples as her mouth slid lower. Laura's hands were all over Sara's naked body, kneading and caressing it everywhere as Sara's lips descended further toward her breasts. Sara's body was thick and fleshy, but also curvaceous, not lean or slender like so many of Laura's favorites, but still very firm and springy to the touch, and Laura dug her fingers into this silky dark flesh, yelping softly with deep pleasure as Sara's thick, sensual lips closed over one of her nipples.

"Ahhnnnmmeee!" she gulped. "Oh . . . yes!"

Sara was patient and painstaking. She did not immediately 'suction up' Laura's throbbing nipples like an industrial vacuum but instead licked them lovingly and toyed with them ingeniously, moving slowly from one to the other and back again, laving them with her tongue, gently pinching them with her lips, as if she had already learned from Laura—from somebody (Evangelina?)—this patient skill. She also looked up at Laura from time to time as she sucked the wet, erect bulbs, catching Laura's eyes in the darkness, her own eyes flashing with sexual heat and fervent pleasure derived from giving so much pleasure to Laura.

"Ohhhhh . . . oh god, Sara . . . you know how to do this too," Laura sighed, feathering the messy strands of Sara's hair with her fingers as Sara sucked her, feeling her breasts fill and throb with warm, billowing, pleasurable sensations.

Sara grinned, releasing one tumid, coral nipple from her lips momentarily. "I'm glad you like it. Shall we go on?"

"I could do this forever," Laura sighed again.

"Me too," Sara said, still grinning.

She drew her body up somewhat and dangled her breasts in Laura's face.

"Your turn again."

Laura was in heaven. She had seen beautiful breasts, but Sara's now were the pinnacle of perfection in her mind, and she held the precious dangling globes in her hands lightly as if they were exquisite, breakable china.

"You are so beautiful . . ." she breathed, staring up into Sara's eyes, overcome by love and sweet, urgent lust.

"Shut up and get to work," Sara giggled softly, lowering her body so that her breasts squashed into Laura's fingers.

Laura released them and then drew one breast down to her open mouth with both hands. Sara threw her head back and groaned softly as Laura again sucked her large, black, soft nipple into her mouth. This time they were both so aroused that the skillful, patient caressing and licking and sucking were behind them. Laura felt Sara's large nipple harden again, pressing against her tongue. She could also feel Sara's flesh where she gripped it, the smooth warm flesh of her sides and back, quivering and flexing, and hear Sara's gurgling, harsh breathing.

Laura realized that her own thighs were scissoring involuntarily in the air, knees leaping, next to Sara's hip, and her ass was squirming against the sheet. With an awkward loud slurp and wet pop, she released Sara's shiny wet nipple and hurriedly, hungrily guided the other one into her mouth, now rolling Sara gently but forcefully onto her side, then her back, now sucking her nipples and squeezing her luscious breasts in a heated frenzy.

"Oh Laura. Oh . . . Laura! Ungghhh!" Sara gasped as Laura sucked her especially hard, so hard she wondered if it had hurt. "You better get on with it, girl," Sara panted, her eyes reddened and narrowing with need.

"I want your body," Laura panted back, beginning to kiss Sara under her breasts, kissing the smooth bulging undersides of the luscious globes, then across her palpitating stomach, down her smooth brown belly, over her round, shapely thighs. "I want every bit of your wonderful body."

"You can have as much of it as you want," Sara half-whimpered, half-giggled, now so aroused that it was becoming harder for her to stay with her flow of jokes. "You got a little surprise coming . . . though."

Laura had no idea what she might be talking about until her lips reached the inside of one thick, smooth, beautiful thigh. Now the sweet smell of Sara, which she had luxuriated in so deeply earlier, was mingled with the ripe, pungent odors of Sara's excited pussy, and Laura's eyes were quickly drawn to it. The room, except for the faint bars of moonlight that entered through the closed venetian blinds, was still fairly dark, and Sara too was dark, though not nearly as dark as Dawn or Charise, so that it was hard to make out any details now that Laura's head was between her lovely thighs.

But she did see a tiny silver glint, and as she moved her eyes closer she detected a small silver ring attached to the black hood that enclosed Sara's clitoris.

"Oh my god, what's this?" she smiled.

Sara was panting and running her hands aimlessly through the strands of Laura's hair, but she controlled her breathing enough to speak.

"It's my . . . captive bead ring," she gasped, her voice betraying her amusement at Laura's surprise.

"Your 'what' ring?"

Again Sara propped herself up on her elbows, which made her incredibly beautiful large breasts jiggle. Her big round black nipples were flecked with bumps, and Laura was strongly tempted to devour them again. Sara grinned.

"Captive bead ring. You know, my pussy ring."

Curious, Laura flicked the small silver ring with her fingertip. It was threaded through two small holes in Sara's clitoral hood. It moved up and down under her fingertip.

"Doesn't it hurt?"

Sara shook her head. "Oh no. Far from it. In fact, when I walk it rubs a little against my clit and makes me tingle all over." She lifted one hand, sitting up further, and caressed Laura's cheek with her fingers. "Like I do when I look at you."

This confession, coming as it did while Laura's fingertip still touched the mysterious silvery ring attached to Sara's clitoral hood, filled Laura immediately with a hot rush of deep emotion. She realized the blood was rising in her face, though not from shame or embarrassment but a hot flush of passion and exultation. She smiled back at Sara, almost demurely. Do you really feel that way? she wondered. God, I tingle when I look at you too.

"Can I . . . you know, touch it with my tongue?"

Sara smirked coquettishly. Laura realized that on one level this was very comical. Sara played the coquette, and Laura the demure damsel, and yet they were naked together in the dark, toying with one another in preparation for some pretty ardent fucking, Laura was sure, and Laura's finger was touching the most intimate, secret part of Sara's body.

"What'll you give me if I let you?" Sara asked coyly.

"I'll make you the happiest little girl within a thirty mile radius."

Sara beamed, giving Laura her broadest smile now, her white teeth gleaming brightly in the semi-darkness. Her voice, when she spoke again, was lower, smokier, and vibrant with anticipation. Slowly, her breasts jiggling again, she leaned back, straightening out her elbows and settling onto the mattress.

"I'll let you," she murmured in a husky tone. "Go ahead and touch it." She giggled softly. "But be nice."

Oh god, Sara, you're making me fall for you harder than I already was! Laura thought, her whole being, it seemed, filling and throbbing with welling desire for the girl. Pushing Sara's delicious firm thighs apart a little more, with Sara's willing compliance, she brought her mouth down to the tiny ring, extending her tongue and flicking it gently with the tip.

"Does that feel good?"

"Oh . . . yes." Sara's fingers came back up to Laura's hair, twisting and smoothing it, as she had been doing before Laura discovered the ring.

Laura teased the ring with her tongue for a few more moments, but as odd and enchanting as it was she couldn't for long keep her mouth away from the feast below it, Sara's plump and flowing pussy. The wet pink interior was glimmering more and more through the fleshy inner lips as they began to part, and Laura could not keep her tongue away from it. She was wild to taste Sara's tangy juices, and she effortlessly slithered her tongue down under the girl's small clit and into the warm, buttery crevice without warning.

"Ahhnnnnnn!" Sara gasped, with a sharp intake of breath. "Oh!"

"Oh darling . . . your pussy tastes so good."

Sara moaned softly, tossing her head. It was a small, plump, meaty pussy, which Laura determined from her tactile senses more than her eyes, since in the darkness only the inner pink sleeve glowed and occasionally flashed in wet fiery effulgence. But her lips, and her tongue, and her fingers detected that Sara's labia were thick and spongy and fleshy, that there was a sparse little patch of curled hair above her treasure, and that her clit was small and perfectly positioned to act as a resting place for the ingenious little silver ring.

"Oh . . . Laura, yes! I . . . should warn you . . . that I'm not . . . very quick," Sara panted, twisting as Laura began to tongue-fuck her very wet pussy more rapidly. "Sometimes it takes me a while."

"Mmmmm, the longer the better," Laura murmured, truly enraptured by this woman's delicious, creamy pussy, caressing Sara's thighs and running her thumbs up into the hot wet crease, now returning with her tongue to the little silver captive bead ring, flicking it more persistently, then dipping her tongue underneath to stroke Sara's small, protruding clit.

"Oh god!" Sara suddenly gasped. "Maybe I'm wrong! Ungghhhh! Oh! You've really got me going . . . Laura, oh! Annghhh!"

Laura suddenly felt a little twinge of meanness. She realized she had been right, she did not want it to be over fast. Her mind and her body were full of desire for Sara, she was infatuated and enraptured by her, and this sweet dizzy rapture was too intense for her to want it to stop. Feeling that Sara might be on the verge of a climax, she pulled her tongue back and began kissing her legs, then up her belly, toying with her cute navel. Anything to slow her down. She grinned up at her.

"I thought you said you were slow."

Sara blinked. "I guess not with you. Laura, you got my pussy on fire. Please get back down there."

Laura slid up all the way and kissed her, fondling her gorgeous breasts, lightly pinching her nipples. "I don't want it to be over." She nuzzled Sara's neck sexily, then breathed into her ear. "I want to fuck you forever. You are so wonderful, so lovely."

Sara turned her head impulsively and caught Laura's mouth with her own, and they kissed ravenously now. "You promised," she panted into Laura's mouth, stabbing Laura's tongue with her own. "You promised to make me the happiest girl in thirty miles. Are you going back on your promise?"

"I would never break a promise to you, you gorgeous creature," Laura breathed, sliding her tongue deep into Sara's ear.

Sara shivered, then laughed. "Then get back down there and finish the job. I'm only the happiest girl in ten miles right now. I think I need a little more action."

Filled with delirious love and hot physical hunger, Laura slid slowly back down Sara's undulating body, sliding again between her yawning thighs, again kissing the girl's warm, silky dark flesh randomly, but heatedly, until she was again facing Sara's delicious, inflamed, wet, and puckered pussy, its inner petals now all curled out and open like a marvelous sea shell.

"Ahhnnnnn!" Sara moaned again as Laura's tongue slipped up into the glistening hot-pink mouth of the shell.

This time her body clenched, and she arched her back stiffly, her breasts rolling as she pushed her upper body into the air briefly, then fell back.

"Oh god!"

"Mmmmm . . . I think you're going to come, honey," Laura murmured.

"Oh yes!" Sara twisted, and Laura could feel her fingers as Sara dug them more frantically into Laura's scalp, through her hair. "Unnnnn . . . oh god!"

There would be no more prolonging it, Laura realized. Sometimes an orgasm hit you, just swelled up and burst in you, long before you expected it, striking you with startled shock and surprise, and this was what was happening right now to Sara. And yet it was such an intense, piercing, thrilling moment that Laura felt a small sadness knowing it could not go on forever.

She glanced up briefly to catch the look on Sara's face, dimly visible in the dark room, and saw the intense, wrenching anguish of fierce pleasure gripping Sara's features, as well as the delicious gleaming curves of her body and her rolling, swirling breasts and her large glimmering black nipples as she writhed on the very edge of a killing climax. By now, Laura knew, it had nothing to do with skill, and Sara would come anyway, even without Laura's help. She was in fact already in the grasp of it.

"Unnhhhhh!" Sara gasped helplessly. "Unnhhhhh!"

Still watching her, Laura saw her thick, sensual lips part and her eyes roll up in a mild swoon. Oh god, now! she thought, immediately returning her attention to the girl's beautiful cunt, raising her tongue to Sara's small clit, even carefully pushing up the clitoral hood and ring a little with her thumbs to expose it, then licking it passionately. Sara exploded in tumultuous shrieks and spasms.

"Annngghiiieeee! Ohhnnggmmmmnnnggg! Ungghhh! Oh . . . oh Laura! Auunggiiihheee!" she cried out, rocking and jerking, her hips pumping wildly, so much so that Laura could only pull back to avoid being hit in the face by her jerking pelvis.

Instead, she reached forward with the fingers of one hand and placed them firmly on Sara's wet pussy, rubbing it rapidly as Sara pumped and came in a succession of shock waves. Then, when the first shocks receded, and Sara's violent gyrations subsided, she leaned forward and kissed it again, licking the swollen wet cunt lips and even happily flicking the captive bead ring again with the tip of her tongue, offering a little more stimulation, but of a more gentle kind, to Sara as she came down from a very thrilling orgasm.

This took quite a while. Even after the undulations disappeared, it took Sara's breathing several minutes to return to normal. Laura lay beside her in the dark, kissing her cheek, her shoulder, fondling her incredible breasts gently, tenderly caressing her large nipples, which she realized might be extra sensitive just now due to this stupendous orgasm. Finally, Sara turned her head to the side on the pillow, to face Laura.

"You're kind of good at this," she whispered, charmingly hoarse, her wide dark eyes solemn and serious.

Laura shook her head. "I had nothing . . . or almost nothing to do with it. I just went along for the ride."

Sara gave her a wry half-smile. "Some ride. I thought I was going to fall off there for a minute. How about a kiss for your victim?"

They kissed warmly, lengthily, emotionally, but the kiss was not in anyway sexually hot, just deeply expressive and loving.

"Victim?" Laura said, when it was over.

"I think this is something . . . new in my life," Sara said, turning her eyes away briefly. "Evangelina was never like this. You sort of . . . oh, I can't explain it."

"You don't have to," Laura said, kissing her again.

This kiss, in contrast to the last one, did become overtly sexual very quickly. Laura still had her hands on Sara's breasts—they were so wonderful she couldn't let them go for a second—but Sara pushed them gently aside and closed both of her palms over Laura's naked breasts instead. She squeezed them urgently, kissing Laura harder, driving her tongue into Laura's mouth.

"My turn," she said, nibbling Laura's lips, pinching Laura's nipples, making the juices suddenly flow hot and fast in Laura's pussy.

"God, I'm glad I met you," Laura panted.

"I'm glad you did too," Sara grinned, kissing her neck. "You are really beautiful, Laura," she murmured, exploring Laura's body with her lips, those phenomenal lips, so soft and so sensitive. "I never knew anybody so beautiful as this would want to be in a bed with me."

"Please don't make me blush. Oh god . . . that feels so good!"

"You like that?" Sara said, pleased, kissing Laura between her breasts. "Good. There's a lot more where that came from."

Laura was speechless with pleasure and could only yield her body to this woman's sweet, skillful caresses. Sara was slow and patient, the way Laura had been with her. She explored Laura's small, perfect breasts with her lips, finally licking Laura's aching, throbbing nipples softly, teasing them, before closing her lips over one and drawing it into her mouth.

"Ohhhhnnnnn!" Laura moaned, twisting uncontrollably.

Their bodies and their minds were in such harmony with one another that they seemed to move and react in synchronized rhythms. In the midst of sucking Laura's nipples Sara was apparently overcome by an urge to kiss her, and she rose up, dangling her own magnificent breasts over Laura's so that her large, soft nipples brushed Laura's wet, rubbery ones, then pressed her lips into Laura's mouth hungrily, mashing their bodies together as they kissed in a growing frenzy. Laura, almost always quick on the trigger, was about to come only from the intensely romantic and sizzling sexual promise of this moment. She could feel her body overflowing.

"Oh god . . . honey . . . if you don't do me, I'm going to come anyway!" she gasped softly to Sara, looking up into her wide, shiny dark eyes. "Please!"

Sara looked down at her, again grinning wryly. She shook her head in disbelief. "You too? You're as bad as me, Laura. I think we must be good for each other."

Laura nodded slowly, silently, letting all the love in her heart and her body beam up through her eyes into Sara's. For the moment she had no misgivings about loving so easily, or falling so hard, so quickly. She and Sara were completely, perfectly in rhythm, breathing together, generating so much heat between them that to Laura the room seemed like an oven, a throbbing, radiating paradise of pleasure, filled with her increasingly loud moans and Sara's soft murmurs.

Sara was all over Laura's lean, slender body, kissing and rubbing her, sucking her flesh, then slipping her tongue into Laura's burbling, frothing pussy, making Laura cry out.

"Auungghhh! Oh . . . god!"

"Oh Laura . . . yours is so pretty," Sara murmured. "Mmmmm, smells good too."

Laura was delirious. Intense emotion always made it hotter for her, and the undercurrent of feeling between her and Sara made her throb and vibrate to a wild, fierce frequency. It wound her tight, and then Sara's phenomenal lips against her clit suddenly released the tension, and the world opened up to swallow her.

"AUUNGGHHH!" she roared again, this time rising up, nearly soaring, she felt, off the bed, then collapsing back into a series of sharp convulsions that left her gurgling and panting in a desperate seizure of ecstasy. "Oh! Ungghhhh! Yes! Oh Sara, yes! Oh . . . ohhhhhh Sara . . ."

A final, excruciating spasm shook her so hard that for a brief second she even stopped breathing, caught in a nearly painful seizure of crushing pleasure, her body shuddering very sharply, then slackening and quivering, then lying completely motionless. She could even now barely breathe. She felt Sara sliding up beside her, felt Sara's unbelievably soft lips on her cheek. The tenderness was almost painfully moving to her.

Her eyes blinked open. "You're a miracle," she whispered to Sara. "Or an angel. Admit it."

"No no," Sara smiled, shaking her head. "You do that yourself. I just put my lips on it and you went to outer space. You got a sensitive little clittie down there. I didn't get half a chance to enjoy it."

"What if I give you a second chance?" Laura grinned.

Instead of answering, Sara kissed her mouth first. Though some girls Laura knew could not bear the taste of their own pussy on another's lips, Laura luxuriated in it, and apparently Sara did also, since they kissed voraciously with open mouths for a full minute. Then Sara replied.

"I would love to have another chance."

Laura, while they were kissing, had been idly running the fingertips of one hand along one of Sara's thick, shapely thighs, admiring its smooth curve and firmness. She could not help remembering Brandi's thigh, Ms. Olympia's thigh, on which she had several times rubbed her pussy. In fact, Brandi had really fucked her with that thigh, rubbing and crunching Laura's pussy into incredible, fierce, throttling, destroying orgasms on it, and her fingertips on Sara's large, curving, hard thigh brought back the memory.

"I love your thighs," she whispered.

"The old thunder thighs?" Sara grinned, a little self-consciously. "The fireplugs?"

"Don't you say anything like that about them," Laura frowned. "I think they're so beautiful."

"Yeah, if you're into huge," Sara giggled.

Laura let her fingers stray down between Sara's thighs and gently flicked the silver ring again with one fingertip. "So, tell me about this little captive ring thing, or whatever you called it."

"You've never seen one?"

Laura shook her head. "Why did you do it? Didn't it hurt when you had it done?"

"You got a lot of questions," Sara grinned. "One, I have a pretty pussy. Don't you think?" She grinned again with mock pride. "Why shouldn't I 'adorn it with ornaments of splendor'?" She made another funny face. "I read that in a book," she said, as an aside. "Ornaments of splendor. Don't you think that suits me? And my pretty little pussy?"

"I think you have a gorgeous pussy," Laura said, in a low, suddenly clotted voice, feeling herself blush, not with embarrassment this time but renewed sexual desire.

Sara gave her another mock self-satisfied smirk. "I thought you'd agree," she said, playfully. "Second, it did hurt when I had it done, but only for a moment. It was like getting a shot. One pretty sharp ouchie, and then nothing. Healed in a few days."

Laura examined the ring more closely. "And it really . . . rubs against you and makes you feel . . ."

"All warm and tingly," Sara beamed, her eyes widening. "When I first got it, it even made my pussy wet. Wow, I was like a bitch in heat for about a week. Unfortunately, you get used to it after a while and it sort of disappears. But if I take it off for a few days, then put it back in, I can feel it again."

While looking at the small silver ring, Laura was, of course, looking at Sara's pussy too. The black, glossy inner lips were now closed again, but not entirely, still gaping enough for an inviting shiny gash of deep pink to be showing. It was a thick, meaty pussy, plump and ripe, and the glittering little captive bead ring now rested directly on her clitoris, as Sara had said it would.

"Could we turn on a small light?" Laura asked softly. "Just so I can see you better? I love looking at you."

"You're so sweet," Sara said, reaching over to the bed stand and flicking on a small lamp. "Maybe I should get a candle. I really look cool by candlelight." This she said with a total deadpan.

"That's a great idea."

"Hold on."

Sara popped off the bed, and disappeared, returning a minute later with a candle, which she lighted with a small cigarette lighter before turning the lamp back off. Now the room filled with a dim, warm glow that indeed made it seem more romantic than ever. Sara was enchanting in the soft candlelight, and from the look in her eyes, Laura felt that she herself must be especially appealing too. Candlelight would do that for you. It could also make you melt with longing.

"I'm dying to feel that little ring against my pussy," she whispered to Sara, leaning close and kissing her voluptuous mouth.

"God, I've never done that," Sara said, pulling back a second, as if shocked and excited by the thought. "I mean, Evangelina and I only licked each other. We never did anything else." She laughed. "Not much else you can do in a dorm room."

"Nobody here but us chickens," Laura murmured, kissing her neck.

"I know . . ." Sara breathed, suddenly becoming more soft and pliant, less witty, more sensual, her fingers stroking Laura's bare shoulder, her full lips touching Laura's ear. "I'm dying to feel it too. You got me hot again pretty quick."

In a gentle, fluid motion, Laura eased Sara down on her back and began to kiss her again in a slow, searching, emotional way, not fast or urgent, but smoldering and relentless. Their naked breasts squirmed and rubbed together, and their hands roamed.

"I want every bit of you . . . I want all of you . . . ohhhh, you are so lovely, Sara Paige . . ." Laura murmured as she kissed Sara's neck and throat.

She was now lying on top of Sara, insinuating her own thighs in between Sara's, forcing her to part them slowly. Sara's eyes closed briefly, and her full lips opened slightly. She moaned.

"Ohhhnnnn!" she tossed her head, her eyes fluttering open again.

"I'm going to fuck you," Laura whispered in her ear, breathing a stream of hot breath into it. "I'm going to fuck your pretty pussy with my pussy."

"Oh god . . . yes," Sara panted, her eyes fluttering open, catching Laura's. She nodded rapidly. "Yes."

"Are you wet?"

"A little."

"I'm going to make you wetter."

"I know you are," Sara erupted in giggles. "Ooooohhhhh, that feels good!"

Laura had slipped one hand down between their groins. At first she diddled the pussy ring a little, as if to tease and tickle Sara, but then she slid two fingers up into the girl's warm, buttery slit to make sure it was flowing. Almost within seconds she could feel the flow increase. These two fingers formed a vee, and in that vee she caught Sara's clitoral hood as well as the tiny ring. Laura rubbed them gently up and down.

"Unhhhh! Oh . . . shit!" Sara gasped softly.

"Oh, you're getting wetter now," Laura purred, dropping her lips again to one of Sara's incredible large nipples, licking it passionately.

Sara had stopped giggling. Her breathing was growing too labored for her to laugh. She was now even whimpering softly, faintly. Her wet cunt was now open again, gaping, oozing, very receptive.

Laura released her wet black nipple, now shiny and more erect, the center pushing up from the soft, swollen areola, though Sara's huge soft nipples never really got as erect as Laura's did. With her hands Laura lifted Sara's delicious thighs, hooking her arms under her knees, forcing her legs back and up, splaying her groin. Sara looked up at her expectantly, her dark eyes swirling and throbbing in the warm glow of the candlelight.

Carefully, with Sara in position now, Laura moved her body up until her own groin was just inches from Sara's exposed crotch. She spread her own thighs, pressing them forward into Sara's. This position was much the same as the one she had used while pussy-raping Shontay in her daddy's easy chair, only this time it was no rape, and both Sara and Laura were approaching it as if they were celebrants in a holy, stirring mystery, their breath pausing as their cunts came close, their flesh tensing, their eyes streaming hot emotion back and forth between them. Laura definitely wanted to do it this way, instead of scissors-style, so she could suck Sara's incredible nipples and kiss her and look into her eyes.

"Oh god . . . Laura . . . please," Sara whimpered, her eyes rolling up briefly.

Again Laura slid her hand down. She wanted this to be perfect. She wanted Sara to feel the shocking, thrilling intensity of it perfectly. With the backs of her knuckles she could feel the small captive bead ring, and she pushed her own pussy forward, guiding her clit into Sara's, watching the look in her eyes as their wet, slippery, warm nether flesh met for the first time.

"Ahhnnnn!" Sara moaned, very softly.

"Oh yes . . . honey . . ." Laura panted, moving her hips slightly, giving a slight but very gentle forward thrust, sliding her hand out just in time as their slick, squinchy cunt lips slid together. "Unhhhhh . . . oh god!"

"Oh Jesus . . . oh Jesus . . ." Sara whimpered, tossing her head, but also grinding upward rhythmically with her pelvis too, meeting Laura's gentle thrusts.

Instantly Laura realized that she could actually feel the tiny ring rubbing against her pussy and her clit, and she knew Sara was feeling it too as it turned and swiveled, moved by the pressure of their blending and mashing pussy lips. The sensations were so sweetly intense that the temptation to really begin surging and pumping heatedly was very great for both of them, but neither wanted this moment to pass, this fiercely emotional communication they were sharing, and they disciplined themselves into a slow, simmering mutual gyration, now kissing and tangling tongues with infinite tenderness and carefully controlled fire.

"I never knew this would . . . feel so good," Sara panted through their kisses.

"I can feel the ring," Laura panted back, dropping her mouth hungrily to Sara's other nipple.

"Me too. Ohhhhhh! Oh . . . Laura . . . unghhhhh! Yes . . . suck it harder!"

Laura had no idea how long it would take either of them to come, and it was in fact the farthest thing from her mind. She wanted this act to last forever. Though slightly uncomfortable, with Sara bowed back underneath her, with Sara's feet flailing in the air and Laura's thrusting body responsible for pinning her back into this odd position in which they both were quivering and straining, they both nevertheless were in the grip of a shared mania of scorching passion that neither wanted to relinquish.

They fucked slowly, very slowly, patiently, letting each intense nuance of their writhing, slowly grinding bodies saturate their consciousness.

"Don't let it stop . . . make it go on," Sara panted to Laura, raising her hands to Laura's face, caressing Laura's cheeks feverishly.

Laura was still sucking her large, pulpy, soft nipple, feeling its consistency thicken and swell inside her mouth, and she released it slowly, smiling at Sara. Now they kissed for perhaps the hundredth time, and now they began to move more urgently too, as if even the desire to prolong this beautiful moment could not overcome the frantic need for release they were creating in each other. Their wet, slimy cunt lips mashed together, and Laura could feel the small ring graze her own sensitive clit each time Sara swirled her hips.

"Oh god, it's so good!" she whimpered. "Fuck me with your little ring, honey! Ungghhh! Oh . . . yesssss!"

Sara had earlier warned Laura that she might not climax quickly, and she had been wrong the first time, but this time it seemed to be taking her a little longer. But since Laura never wanted it to end, she did not mind a bit. She had no idea how long they actually had been fucking when she suddenly felt Sara's body come alive under her with a sharp, twitching hunger that had not been there seconds earlier.

"Oh!" Sara gasped suddenly. Her fingers bit into Laura's arms. "Oh!"

"Oh yes! You're going to come, honey? You're going to come?" Laura panted, now beginning to swirl her wet, tingling pussy more forcefully into Sara's, pumping her harder.

Sara was beyond answering. Her body began to quiver under Laura, and her groin jerked up hard into Laura's slow, swirling thrusts. Oh god, she is, she is! Laura realized. Oh, darling! Yes!

"Aunngghhh!" Sara groaned, her face torn by a quick reflex of sharp sensation, which Laura recognized as the first small tremor of a coming earthquake.

She slid her hands down to Sara's churning hips and gripped them solidly, then jammed her creamy, throbbing pussy hard into the girl's, rubbing it quickly and violently into Sara's spongy, slippery cunt lips, feeling the momentary bite of the little ring into her own clit as it slid past in a chaos of squealing, pumping, surging desperation.

"Mnnggggiieeee!" Sara suddenly exploded in piercing, whinnying cries, her body flexing and jumping under Laura as the first spasms of another wrenching orgasm shook her. "Ohhnnnggggg . . . ummnngghiiiieeeee! Oh . . . Laur—"

"Yes . . . honey, yes!" Laura panted back to her, slowing the pace, relaxing the top-down pressure of her own body on Sara's a little so that Sara would not be seized by a cramp.

"Annngghhiiiiieeee! Ungghhh! Oh god!"

The final shattering wave seemed to pulverize her completely, and Sara shuddered and moaned as it flooded her body, clutching Laura's arms, tossing her head spastically, and slowly, slowly ceasing to pump and thrust, her lower body relaxing, her legs now growing extremely heavy as all the tension flowed out of her flesh. Laura eased up on her, letting Sara's thighs fall gently back to the bed, half-surprised that she had not come herself during this wild finish, but happy to have kept her senses throughout so as to thoroughly enjoy watching Sara come.

And Sara was continuing to come. Laura's pussy was still lightly pressed against hers, and she shuddered deeply two or three more times before her body completely relaxed. Stunned, it took her a little while to smile, then only a half-smile, as if anything more would take too much effort.

Now Laura pulled back completely, separating their two wet cunts, a separation that made them both frown instinctively.

"Oh . . . don't do that!" Sara pleaded.

Laura stretched out beside her and embraced her. "You were so beautiful." She kissed her gleaming black shoulder, cradling one of Sara's large breasts again in her palm, still unable to keep her hands off them..

"You didn't come," Sara whispered, almost an accusation.

"I . . . almost did. I just got too happy watching you come instead."

"I think we can remedy that." She pushed Laura onto her back. "Mama gon' make you fly to heaven, Laura."

"Oh god, I think I'm in heaven already, just being here with you," Laura confessed, meaning every word.

Sara was busy lifting Laura's legs, as Laura had lifted hers. "You want to feel it the same way, don't you?" she asked.

Hypnotized, Laura nodded. She quickly realized that she had come within a hair's breadth of climaxing already, while Sara was coming, and that this would be pretty quick. Just watching Sara's face as she concentrated on getting their bodies back into the right position, although with her on top this time, aroused Laura, and the sight of her large swaying and bobbing breasts and the huge black circles of her soft nipples glimmering in the soft warm candlelight was enough to make Laura's pussy ache and throb.

"Unnhhhh!" she gasped as she felt Sara's wet, warm pussy again press into hers.

"God . . ." Sara gasped, biting her full lower lip. "You are a good teacher, Laura. I . . . don't think I ever learned anything this good. Unhhhhh! Oh shit, that feels good!"

"I know," Laura gasped, feeling her eyes roll up in her head uncontrollably.

Sara leaned forward, and her full, dangling breasts brushed Laura's. She brought her thick, sensual lips down to Laura's mouth, extending her tongue in a kind of wildly sexy invitation, and at the same time sliding her wet pussy up and down against Laura's. Again Laura could feel the small ring gliding across her swollen cunt lips, and then pressing harder into her throbbing clit as Sara slid her groin down again.

"Ohhhhh!" Laura moaned, biting her lower lip, hearing soft, guttural gasps come from deep in her chest as she lost control of her flesh, feeling it quiver and strain everywhere. "Ohhhhh . . . oh god!"

Sara's black eyes blazed into hers. Now that she was on top of Laura, somehow the rhythm and tempo and emotional charge of the situation was reversed and altered, and Laura could see a part of Sara she had not seen before, the part that wanted to fuck her, Laura, and wanted to unleash a sharp, hungry passion Sara had not shown until now. It thrilled Laura to the quick.

She opened her mouth to receive Sara's thrusting, searching tongue, then instinctively—as if she had no volition but merely observed her own body grinding into motion—began to thrust and gyrate her own hips, nearly fainting with pleasure as she felt anew the warm, slippery sensations of her raw cunt flesh rubbing up and down against the exposed wet inner flesh of Sara's pussy. It was a nearly unbearable bliss.

Laura felt a hot worm of fire wriggle at almost the speed of light through her whole body.

"Oh god, honey . . . I'm going to come," she gasped to Sara, raising her hands impulsively to Sara's dangling breasts, squeezing them desperately. "Yes . . . yes . . ."

Sara said nothing. She was breathing very hard now herself, and her eyes were glazing over again as she rammed and crunched her sweet pussy down into Laura's, making Laura see stars and then explode in a thousand fiery small mushroom clouds of fierce rapture that went off throughout her body, followed by a convulsive inner blast that nearly knocked her unconscious.

"Auunggghhhhh!" she groaned in a fierce outburst, grimacing, her body seized by the intense, wracking spasms. "Ungghh! Oh! Oh! Aunnnggghhhiieeee! Ummmnnggeee!"

Everything, the entire universe, was concentrated for Laura into the instant of this excruciating, paralyzing orgasm, with Sara awkwardly leaning forward on top of her shuddering, twitching body, with Sara's marvelous breasts filling her hands. Laura did not release them even in the midst of this horrific climax, which continued to flow through her in spasm after spasm, until finally the effort to breathe became too severe, and she had to gently urge Sara off her pinned-back body so that she would not suffocate.

Sara grinned at her with love. It had to be that, Laura realized. She had not seen that expression before, so serene and warm and loving. The same way she was smiling back.

"It you let go of my titties, I might be able to get off you," Sara murmured softly.

"Oh. Sorry," Laura said, dazed, still reeling, looking at her hands, which indeed were clutching Sara's wonderful naked breasts in a death grip. She looked back up at Sara. "Actually, I don't ever want to let them go."

Sara crossed her eyes. "I think we're going to have a lot of trouble going through life like this."

"Oh! Don't move!" Laura pleaded with her, as she felt Sara trying to remove her wet groin from Laura's. "There . . . there, I'll let them go. For a few seconds." She smiled meaningfully up at Sara. "Just leave your pussy where it is for a minute, okay?" Her eyes rolled up again. "Unhhhhh . . . . ahhnnnnngggggg!"

Laura shuddered sharply. Her whole body quivered from her toes to her scalp with a sharp aftershock. Sara smiled down at her, waiting patiently.

She waited and she waited. Laura's eyelids finally fluttered back open.

"You finished?" Sara asked.

Laura smiled and nodded. "I think so."

They disentangled their bodies, slowly, almost agonizingly, not wanting to do it but feeling their muscles begin to verge on cramping. The candle had burned down halfway during this thrilling experience. Now that the heat of their frantic couplings had dissipated, they were cold and snuggled under the bedcovers, still naked, clutching one another, kissing lazily and happily.

"If I go to sleep, promise you'll still be here when I wake up?" Sara whispered.

"Why, are you sleepy?"

"When I have two orgasms like that, it knocks me out every time."

Laura pouted in the dark. "You mean you've had others like that?"

Sara was silent, as if pondering it. Then she shook her head slowly. "Maybe that's why I'm so sleepy."

Laura kissed her with deep feeling, though not with sexual insistence. She was sleepy herself. "I promise I will be here," she whispered. "Put out the candle. When we wake up, I'm going to light your fire all over again."






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