Laura - Chapter 252
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Laura was awakened about ten a.m. on Saturday morning by the phone. She had been drunk on sleep for hours, tangled in the same sheets where she and Dawn had fucked to exhaustion before she had taken Dawn home in time to be there when Robert arrived back from the ballgame. She almost did not want to answer it. She had purposely not changed the sheets, even though they were a mess, because they were saturated with Dawn's odors—actually her own and Dawn's sweet, pungent, sexual odors all mingled together into a heady brew that caused a sort of constant background sexual arousal in her, even though she and Dawn had worn each other out—and her dreams had been, though not overtly sexual, still drenched in the warm, happy emotions they had inspired in each other. Groggily, she fought up through her thick blankets of deep sleep, realizing in the back of her mind, fantasizing really, that it might be Dawn on the phone. She might have ducked out to call briefly, just to give Laura a warm, reminiscent morning greeting. "Hello . . ." she half-croaked into the phone. "Hi," Taneesha's voice said brightly, upbeat, incorrigibly cheerful. "I'm here. Like you said." For a brief second Laura was disoriented. Like I said? Who is this? She stalled so long that Taneesha grew impatient. "Is this Laura?" "Oh. Yes." Laura shook her head and ran the fingers of one hand through her tousled hair, squinting at the bedside clock. "I'm sorry. Taneesha. Of course. I'm sorry . . . I was up late . . . watching a movie." "With your 'date'?" Taneesha asked slyly, suggestively. "Oh . . . yes. Look . . . where are you? I can come get you. Have you had breakfast yet?" "Is your 'date' there?" Taneesha asked, probing, rude, but trying to appear artless and innocent. "That's none of your business," Laura said, wearily. "I'll pick you up in fifteen minutes and take you somewhere special for breakfast." "Okay. I'll be on the corner of Fourth and Townsend, outside the train station." "See you in a few minutes." Now Laura did change the sheets, and cast a quick eye around her apartment to see if there were any traces of Dawn. She had a pretty good idea that she and Taneesha were going to end up in bed here before the day was out, and the girl did display an unseemly curiosity about Laura's other girlfriends. Including 'Auntie Deshona,' though that was veiled with innuendo. When things were tidy, she pulled on some jeans and a white shirt and drove to the Caltrain station to pick up Taneesha. She was only partially prepared for what she saw when she got there. She had already fallen half in love with Taneesha's smooth, dark brown thighs and her delicious round bottom, and when she pulled up at the corner she could see that someone else was busy falling in love with them too. Taneesha was dressed in just about the shortest white shorts Laura had ever seen, so that most of her lower assets were completely visible. She was flirting with a handsome blond fellow, who, Laura could see, was very impressed by her legs, which he could barely stop looking at. Taneesha was scribbling something that Laura guessed was probably her phone number on a card for him. She looked up when Laura honked lightly. The blond man looked faintly disappointed but smiled at Taneesha and pocketed the card she handed him. Taneesha pranced over to the curb and slid into the passenger seat of Laura's car, watching Laura's eyes on her legs. "Hi," she smiled brightly. "What a nice guy!" She smiled out the window at him as Laura drove off, trying not to feel upstaged by this hunk. "So friendly. He has this awesome job. Like, he's an audio engineer at these rock concerts . . . and recording dates. Spends all his time traveling all over the place. I just gave him my number in Michigan so he can call me when he gets there." Laura smiled sweetly. "That's nice. Well . . . breakfast?" Taneesha was wearing a sleeveless magenta top to go with her shorts, and Laura noticed that her long dark brown arms were just as shapely as her legs. She was much darker than Deshona but nowhere near as black as Dawn. Her thin, long braids were enchanting, waist-length, thinner than Randi's and somehow curly all the way down. Knowing how attractive they were, Taneesha swished them often, tossing her head in an effortless, coltish way that called attention to every exquisite inch of her. She was indeed a very desirable girl, and Laura felt stirrings deep inside her pussy as she realized that Taneesha was looking for new sexual experience. I'll bet her pretty little black pussy is just the color of that magenta top on the inside, Laura thought. "Sure, I'd love breakfast. I left too early to eat anything." Laura drove across the Golden Gate Bridge and took her to breakfast on the dock at Sam's in Tiburon, which she knew would provide just the kind of novel, exciting flavor that would thrill Taneesha. They had eggs benedict and Ramos fizzes. Taneesha was flying by the time they left. "Woooo . . . I never had such a killer breakfast! What do you call those thingamathingees we had?" "Ramos fizzes?" "Wow! And the view! Awesome, Laura. I can't believe you get to live here . . . and, like, go to breakfast there whenever you want to." "Oh, I don't go there very often. Only for a special treat." Now Taneesha lowered her eyelids and made a transparently sexy face at Laura, who was driving back across the Bridge and could not take her eyes off the road. But the glance was not lost on her anyway, and she could feel her blood beginning to rush. "Does that mean I'm special?" Taneesha asked coyly. Laura smiled tightly, ambiguously. "They don't come much more special than you," she said. "You're Deshona's niece. Deshona is a close friend of mine." She didn't realize she had walked right into that one until it was out of her mouth. "I knowwwww . . ." Taneesha cooed knowingly. "You guys are really, like, close." Laura pursed her lips, focused intently on the traffic, which was chaotic and life-threatening as usual, and let this comment dissipate into space, hoping it would stop resonating in her ears as it did almost until they reached the city again. She decided to give Taneesha a tour. They rode on a cable car, lunching in the mid-afternoon at Fisherman's Wharf. Taneesha was not that hard to be with once you managed to avoid her more devious innuendoes. After Laura refused to respond to her 'You guys are really, like, close' comment, she was on her best behavior, making no further allusions to the time, only a few days ago, when she had eavesdropped on Laura and Deshona fucking like fiends. On top of that, she was quite beautiful in her girlish, shallow, flirtatious way, and very alluringly dressed, so that she and Laura drew lots of attention wherever they went, especially Taneesha's almost completely bare, and very shapely, legs. Mostly men, of course, but even a few women that Laura noticed could not take their eyes off either of them. It was a sensation Laura had experienced a few times before—with Kim, with Randi, with Brenda—but she realized she liked it. She enjoyed the feeling of being wanted herself, and also the sly satisfaction of knowing how they all wanted Taneesha when the ravishing thing, braids and all, would be in hers, Laura's, bed within hours—not theirs. While window-shopping in The Cannery, Taneesha smiled at Laura and said, "Aren't you going to show me your new place? Like, I think it would be awesome and so tight to live in a city like this. I'm just dying to see where you live." Laura was dying to show her. After almost a full day of looking at her delicious exposed flesh, and being driven crazy with lust by the coltish tossing of her head and the swishing of her sexy braids, Laura was only too happy to assent. "Actually . . ." she hurriedly made up another lie to cover yesterday's, "the contractors are still there . . . putting in a new kitchen. It's not ready yet . . . so I'm still at the old place." Taneesha ran her fingers down her naked thigh, along the impossibly smooth black skin and shapely thigh muscle, watching Laura catching desperate glances of it while trying to keep her eyes on the traffic at the same time. "Oh." Taneesha smiled, enjoying the sight of Laura squirming. "Well . . . aren't you going to show me that place, then?" "Sure." Laura drove to her apartment. It was about four o'clock in the afternoon. She did not spot the Gibsons car in its usual place, nor anywhere else either that she could see, and so she felt a little more relaxed than usual as she took Taneesha up in the elevator. "That job must, like, pay pretty well if you can afford to live here," Taneesha said, looking around, admiring first the building, then, inside Laura's apartment, the view. "Is that the bridge we were just on?" "No, that's the other one, the Bay Bridge." "Awesome view. Really." "This is a very beautiful part of the day," Laura smiled, wanting to kiss her, not knowing exactly how to get there. "So . . ." Taneesha looked around dramatically, as if something were missing. "Where's your bedroom? Are you going to show me that too?" Laura almost blushed. She didn't know why. She could feel the red heat rising in her face. "Sure. In here." Taneesha looked around Laura's bedroom, examining especially the king-size bed. She looked sideways at Laura, smiling mischievously. "You know . . . I heard you and Auntie Deshona when you were in her bedroom." Laura said nothing, feigning indifference to this revelation, which both of them already knew anyway. "Boy, would Charles be jealous of you if he knew what was going on," she smirked. Laura smiled tightly at her, wanting to throw her down on the nearby bed and stop her sassy mouth with a brutal kiss. Until this second she had not realized how sharp her lust for Taneesha was becoming. "I want to touch your braids," she whispered, knowing that her eyes were smoking with meaning. Taneesha made the coltish toss of her head that she had been making all day, tossing the long black wavy rivulets of her braids so that they swished against her bare, gleaming shoulders, so deliciously naked outside the magenta sleeveless top she was wearing. She had thicker lips than Deshona, and she pursed them temptingly at Laura. "Like . . . everybody wants to," she murmured softly. She walked the four or five steps that separated her from Laura. "I guess you can." She turned her body halfway around so that Laura could touch them. Laura did more than touch them. She caressed the long, thin, wavy strands, letting them slide through her fingers, marveling at how the merest touch of Taneesha's hair against the skin of her fingers made a tiny, relentless pulse hammer away deep inside her pussy. "How long does it take to have this done?" she asked softly. "Ages. Hurts, too. Sometimes my head is sore for days afterward." "Il faut souffrir pour etre belle," Laura murmured wistfully, remembering Brandi. Taneesha smiled. "What's that . . . like, French? Do you speak French?" Laura shook her head. She raised a handful of strands of Taneesha's braids up to her face, smelling their fresh odors, then rubbing them against her lips. Taneesha watched her. Laura's eyes caught hers and saw that the girl was puzzled, as well as curious. "You really like it, don't you. I mean, you know, people like my braids, you know, but you seem to . . . I don't know, really like them." Laura smiled. Taneesha was very close to her now, closer than she had been yet, and if anything her physical appeal was redoubled. Her skin was glowing and smooth and dark, her teeth even and white, her eyes black and mischievous and flecked with seductive highlights, as if she were just waiting for Laura to make the right move. She was only half-facing Laura, who still stood with a handful of her braids, gazing into her eyes. Laura gently tugged Taneesha's hair to turn her head back around, letting her eyes fall to Taneesha's full, very inviting lips. As if anticipating, but also enjoying the moment to its fullest, Taneesha licked them, running her long pink tongue over her upper lip, then her lower lip, never taking her eyes from Laura's. "You know, I never kissed a girl before," she whispered. "Wanted to, though." Laura raised one eyebrow. "Really?" Taneesha nodded. "Who?" "You. After you came out of the bedroom down at Auntie's house. When you came to get your clothes. You were so . . . naked and, like . . . beautiful, you know, I guess that's the word. I wanted to kiss you. I wanted to get some of what she was getting. I guess I was a little envious." Laura let her hand relax so that Taneesha's braids slipped out of it, but instead of dropping it, she ran it up to Taneesha's head, caressing the back of it, then pulling the girl's face forward. A faint grin crossed Taneesha's mouth just before Laura's caught it. Their lips curved slowly together, and Taneesha's mouth opened almost immediately to let Laura's tongue inside. Laura had wanted it to be a slow, simmering, romantic kiss, but Taneesha, now that they were kissing, was no longer coy. Her tongue met Laura's, stabbing and twisting around it, slithering back into Laura's mouth, her hands grabbing Laura's shoulders as she pushed her mouth aggressively into Laura's. This girl is hot as a pistol, Laura realized as she kissed her back hungrily, running her own fingertips along both of Taneesha's shapely bare arms, feeling the raging pulse in her pussy grown even wilder as she caressed the girl's warm, phenomenally smooth skin. From caressing and clutching one another as they kissed, they were soon embracing, their fingers digging into each other's resilient flesh through the fabric of their clothes. Taneesha was panting as their mouths finally came apart. Her eyes swirled, slightly glazed. "Wow . . . like, it was better than I thought!" Laura grinned. "I want another one just like it." Taneesha broke into a smile. "Me too." This time they did start out more slowly. Taneesha was a good kisser, sensitive and skillful, yielding her mouth to Laura, then forcing Laura to yield to her, touching Laura's cheek, then her neck with her fingers, then yielding her mouth back to Laura, who was becoming more insistent now as she could feel the swelling surge of lust grow in her body, and in Taneesha's too. Now Laura kissed her neck, exploring it in detail from under her ear right down to the ribbed collar of her magenta top. This also gave her a chance to nuzzle Taneesha's long, wavy braids, which she did with relish, finally letting her lips climb back up the smooth dark column of the girl's neck to her ear again, which this time she took entirely into her mouth, frenching it heatedly. Taneesha erupted in shivers. "Oooooohhhh!" she wriggled free, still shivering and giggling. "God . . . you gave me the shivers all the way through my body!" "I want to do it again," Laura smiled, pulling her close again with one hand. "I want to do it to your other ear too. You have beautiful ears. Just made to tongue-fuck." Taneesha tilted her head, mock-curious. "You said The Word," she grinned playfully. Laura grinned back and enfolded Taneesha in her arms, beginning to kiss the other side of her neck and nuzzle her braids in the same way, but this time holding Taneesha more tightly to her, pushing her own body urgently into Taneesha's, and feeling Taneesha beginning to push back. "God . . . don't do that! It gives me the shivers!" Taneesha gasped as Laura's mouth approached her other ear. "You want it," Laura murmured. Taneesha giggled and shook her head but his time made no effort to wriggle out of Laura's embrace. This time Laura just breathed into her ear, but it was also enough to give her another sharp tremor, and Taneesha dissolved into helpless laughter. "Let me sit down . . ." she laughed, tossing her braids, her shiny black eyes now totally alive with sexual fires that she could not disguise. "God . . . you're making me weak in the knees, Laura." "Mmmmm, pretty knees," Laura murmured, helping her the few steps to the bed, gently pushing her down on it. "I want to kiss them too. Every part of you is exquisitely beautiful . . . I want to kiss you everywhere." "Oh god, I've never done this before," Taneesha gasped, still laughing, apparently still uncertain which role to try at this point. "Yes you have," Laura admonished softly, sliding down her body, kneeling beside the bed, pushing Taneesha's legs apart. "Not with another girl." Laura was now kissing her knees, but her lips were slowly moving up to the incredible silky black thighs she had been unable to keep her eyes from devouring all day. "I thought you wanted to kiss me . . . down at your Aunt's house." Taneesha was still sitting up on the edge of the bed, watching Laura kiss and stroke her bare thighs. She patted the top of Laura's head, then ran her fingers through the billowing waves of Laura's hair. "I'd rather have hair like yours," she said softly. Laura, her lips still grazing the impossibly smooth dark skin of one of Taneesha's thighs on the inside, about halfway up toward her crotch, looked up at her and smiled. "Don't change the subject." Taneesha grinned. "Okay, I give up. I did want to. That feels pretty good . . . what you're doing. Nobody ever kissed me there before." Laura got up from her knees and sat next to her on the edge of the bed. She pulled Taneesha backward so that they both fell back on the bed. "If you don't have girlfriends, you must have boyfriends. You're too beautiful to be left alone." "I have girlfriends," Taneesha pouted. "I've just never kissed them . . . or, like, done anything like this with them. I have a black boyfriend and a white boyfriend at home." "But they don't kiss you between your legs." Taneesha shook her head. "I guess they don't know what they're missing," Laura purred. She ran her hand down to the white belt that held up Taneesha's very short shorts. "May I loosen this up so I can kiss some more of you?" Taneesha nodded. She watched while Laura opened the buckle. Laura could hear their breathing as she unbuttoned the top button and ran down the zipper, exposing the raspberry-hued gauze of Taneesha's bikini panties. "Are you going to lesbian fuck me . . . like you did Auntie Deshona?" Taneesha asked in a faraway voice, her eyes wide and shiny. Laura could not contain a low, quick, throaty laugh. "What a way to put it." "I heard you. It must've been good . . . she was really screaming." Laura nodded. "It was very good." "I'm so glad you guys didn't know I was there . . . or, like, you probably wouldn't have done it that . . . I don't know . . . radical. Right? It just about freaked me out, listening to you. Or I mean, to her." "Mmmm . . . let's forget about her," Laura murmured. "Can I kiss your tummy?" "You really like kissing everywhere, don't you." Laura had pulled up the bottom of the magenta top too, exposing the smooth dark brown skin of Taneesha's midriff. It was flawless. She had a delightful little nub of bellybutton tucked into a shallow little navel, and Laura explored the smooth expanse of skin around it with her lips before tonguing the center, making Taneesha shiver yet again. Laura's fingers slid under the loosened waist of Taneesha's shorts, then slipped under the elastic band of her bikini panties. "Don't tell me your boyfriends don't kiss your delicious smooth tummy," Laura purred, kissing every part of it herself. For a few seconds Taneesha did not respond. She was panting more rapidly by now. "No . . . they're . . . pretty quick. You know, they like to come . . . they like to . . . oh god, that feels good!" Using both hands, Laura had pulled her shorts and panties down to her thighs and was kissing the smooth skin right above her muff. "Yes . . . go on," she purred softly. "They like to . . . adore and worship me," Taneesha giggled softly. "They think I'm beautiful . . . like you do." "I sure do." Now Laura was on her way up again, kissing Taneesha's warm, smooth stomach, pulling up the top further, all the way up to her armpits, exposing the girl's pale violet bra, which she realized was barely necessary since Taneesha, as Laura had suspected, had almost no breasts. But Laura was eager to have all of her anyway, whatever there was. "Here . . . let me help you off with this," she coached, pulling the magenta top up over Taneesha's head while Taneesha held up her braids in both hands. When it was off, and Laura had tossed it to the end of the bed, she could hardly contain her desire for Taneesha, now half-naked, her braids dangling around her bare shoulders, her shorts down around her thighs, her eyes warm and throbbing and wide as she watched Laura quickly unbutton her own shirt. In another three seconds Laura was out of her jeans too. "I think I need another few minutes kissing," Taneesha said, almost apologetically, to Laura. "I think I'm, like, getting a little nervous." Laura still had on her bra and panties, and Taneesha still wore her own bra. Laura looked down at it. "Let's at least take these off first so we can feel each other while we kiss," she said, smiling. Taneesha nodded. "Okay." Laura easily skimmed off her panties and reached behind her back to unfasten her bra, watching Taneesha slip the straps of her own thin pale lavender bra off her shoulders, then pull the clasp around to the front to undo it, oblivious to Laura's eyes on the small swellings of her breasts and her quarter-sized, light caramel-colored nipples. Then she saw Laura looking. "They're kind of small, aren't they." She grinned. "But no one seems to mind." Laura smiled. Even though Taneesha was nothing like Jonelle, being physically beautiful in a totally different way, and having the flippant, shallow personality that seemed to drive Deshona up the wall, she reminded Laura of Jonelle in this at least: her breasts were nearly non-existent, just lovely, small, incipient mounds of sweet flesh, but her nipples were very mouthwatering, and Laura could not have been hungrier for them. "I certainly don't," she murmured to Taneesha. She tossed her own bra aside and pulled Taneesha down on the bed again with her, watching Taneesha's eyes on her own breasts. "I wish I had ones like yours, too," Taneesha said, still wide-eyed. "There I go again . . . wanting your hair . . . wanting your boobs . . . I must seem like a dork to you." Laura wriggled closer so that their naked breasts brushed. She kissed Taneesha's full lips. "You seem wonderful to me. I think your boobs are beautiful. Anything I can't get in my mouth might as well not be there. And I can't wait to get them in my mouth." "Really?" Laura nodded. Taneesha laughed softly. "One of my boyfriends says that too. He says, 'If I can't suck it in my mouth, it ain't necessary.'" Laura kissed her neck, her perfectly-formed collarbones. "You're going to make me jealous." "You don't need to be. It's, like, totally different with you." Mmmm, I should hope so, Laura thought, letting her lips move lower. Taneesha had a smooth, flawless upper chest, and Laura lovingly kissed her way across the fragrant, glowing dark skin until her lips were only inches from one small, swollen nipple, a beautiful little soft caramel bud. She licked it sensually with her tongue, feeling Taneesha quiver. "Oh!" "Is that good?" Laura murmured. Whether she was momentarily overcome by the sensations or just at a loss for words, Taneesha didn't say anything. And Laura, with this soft, swollen, delectable nipple already almost inside her mouth, could not help going all the way. She sucked it between her lips, tenderly but insistently, sucking the rest of Taneesha's small, nearly non-existent breast into her mouth with it. A sharp intake of air whistled past Taneesha's clenched teeth as her breast was almost siphoned up by Laura's mouth. "Oh . . . Laura!" Laura let it go. It was all wet and shiny with her warm saliva, Taneesha's soft nipple now wrinkled and rubbery and more pointed. Laura flicked it cleverly with her tongue, kneading the small swelling of firm flesh under it with her fingertips, then sucking the whole thing back into her mouth once again. This time Taneesha moaned softly, running her fingers into Laura's hair. "God yes!" "You like that." "God yes!" "You want me to do it to the other one?" "God yes! Please." Pinching and twirling the wet, erect nipple she had been sucking with her fingers, Laura quickly moved her mouth to the other one, again sucking Taneesha's whole small breast into her mouth, sucking this one harder, more urgently, feeling Taneesha's body respond by stiffening slightly, and clenching. "Oh! God . . . you do that so good! It makes me tingle all over." "Does it make you wet?" "God, Laura, like I was wet when we walked in the door," Taneesha confessed, now panting more rapidly. "Mmmm, you must've known I was going to do this, then," Laura purred, now massaging and caressing both of Taneesha's small breasts and erect, damp nipples while she hungrily kissed the rest of the girl's naked upper body. Though she was about twenty, Taneesha's body, in contrast with Dawn's voluptuous, completely developed figure, seemed to Laura almost an adolescent's body, with narrow hips, a long, supple, but not especially defined waist, these delightfully pubescent breasts. And yet she was writhing and moaning under Laura's lips and caresses like a fully grown woman indeed, catching Laura's mouth hungrily with her own as Laura slid up again to kiss her. Laura pushed her own breasts into the hard, wet little nipples she had just sucked into erection. This time they kissed with a passionate hunger that their first kisses had only hinted at. Laura now felt for the first time Taneesha's hands roaming all over her own naked body, Taneesha's fingers—and longish fingernails—digging into her own back, and her ass, as their mouths drank each other. She rolled Taneesha over, now straddling her thighs, kissing her thirstily, devouring her, sucking her neck, pinching her nipples, overcome with sharp, nearly uncontrollable lust for her smooth, dark brown body. "I want you . . . I want you . . ." she panted. "You are so lovely, Taneesha. I want you . . . I want your lovely body . . ." Even though consumed by overpowering sexual feelings herself, Taneesha smiled almost shyly up at Laura. "You can have it." Laura smiled back. "I want your pretty little wet treasure," she whispered, her eyes locked into Taneesha's. "I want to slip my tongue up into it. Deep." Taneesha's black eyes widened in excitement. She nodded again. She parted her thighs as Laura slid down her body, opening them for Laura, watching as Laura's mouth approached her swollen, protruding cunt. For such a slender slip of a girl, with her nearly adolescent body, Taneesha had a breathtaking, thick, perfectly-shaped young pussy, a sculptured love-chute that puffed out from her crotch in a way that reminded Laura immediately of Tamara's. Both were more external than usual, puffy oblong sheaths of flesh with thick inner lips that were not really black but more the color of the insides of your mouth. Taneesha's were puckered and swollen, parting only a little to reveal a very wet and glistening feast of raw dark-pink cunt flesh inside. I'll bet the white boyfriend and the black boyfriend really love to shove their pork sausages up inside this one, Laura thought, with a smile. Laura noticed, as she ran her tongue up the wet crease from the bottom to the top, luxuriating in the taste of Taneesha's tangy cunt juices, that these inner pussy lips were thicker at the bottom and then tapered at the top, where they disappeared under the overarching hood protecting the girl's clit. It was a very lovely cunt, flooding with sweet fuck nectars, and as hot as any she had ever licked. "Unnhhhhh!" Taneesha suddenly groaned, her lean body shaking from a sharp tremor. "Mmmm," Laura smiled, "does that feel good too?" "Unnhhhh!" Taneesha groaned again. "Oh . . . you're going to make me come!" "Oh, I hope so," Laura purred, licking the festering red gash more aggressively now. She had not even touched Taneesha's clit yet. It was very small, a tiny pinkish bead, only now peeking out from its shelter. Slowly, knowing how aroused Taneesha was becoming, Laura worked the tip of her tongue up the oozing wet slit toward it, finally swiping it several times. She thought Taneesha might come apart. "Oh! Oh! Stop . . . oh Laura . . . oh stop for a second!" she gasped, half-sitting up, propping herself up on her elbows, her body jerking as she pulled her pussy slightly away from Laura's mouth. Laura looked up. "Anything wrong?" Taneesha shook her head rapidly. "I . . . was going to come." "Don't you want to come?" "Oh wow, yes. It just seemed to be happening . . . so fast. I never came that way. And then all of a sudden . . ." "I really wish you would just let it happen, darling," Laura reassured her. "Now . . . lie back. Just relax. Auntie Laura is going to take you to paradise." Obediently, Taneesha again lay back. Again her thighs yawned open for Laura, and again Laura began, carefully, to make love to the girl's beautiful inflamed quim with her tongue. "You're boyfriends must not lick this beautiful pussy for you," Laura purred as she skillfully brought Taneesha back to where she had been before she had cut it off. "Ohhhnnn!" Taneesha moaned, twisting, panting wildly. "They . . . one of them . . he does a little . . . but he's too much . . . like, he wants to fuck it . . . oh god, Laura! Unhhhh!" "He adores you . . . and worships you . . . and then fucks you," Laura said in a bemused voice, still licking and sucking it, now more passionately. "Yes!" "I want to fuck it too." "Oh yes! Unghhh!" Laura slid two fingers into Taneesha's sweet, slippery pussy, right below her mouth, and began to probe it gently while she let her tongue almost buzz Taneesha's tiny clit. Again Taneesha began to whoop softly, squirming, shuddering sharply. "Oh! Mnngggeeee!" Her lovely young body quivered, and another tight squeal came from deep in her throat. She shook, then relaxed, all in the space of a few seconds. "Oh god . . . I came!" she gasped. Laura, her fingers still embedded in the girl's fragrant pussy, smiled up at her. That's nice, she thought. Really? That was it? She was puzzled to realize that this 'orgasm' differed little from the happy shivers that had gripped Taneesha when Laura had frenched her ear a few minutes earlier. "Did you?" "Yes," Taneesha nodded. She smiled back at Laura. "Like . . . you want to stop for a minute?" Laura shook her head, letting her tongue graze Taneesha's tiny clit again, just to see how it would affect her. "I want you to come again." "Unhhh!" Taneesha's eyes rolled up. "I might." And she did. About ten seconds later she again gave a tight little squeal, and her body seized up momentarily in a spasm that seemed, to Laura, no more dramatic than a good sneeze. Still, though brief, it gave Laura a genuine thrill to see Taneesha's smooth, slender body straining and arching beautifully, her barely protruding breasts shaking, as her very mild orgasm gripped her. "Ohhhhh . . . you better stop now for a minute," Taneesha panted, trying to regain her breath. And Laura realized that the two barely noticeable climaxes had nevertheless had an impact on Taneesha. I wonder if she always comes like that, Laura thought. Slowly, she moved up to be face to face with her. Taneesha was glowing with happiness. "I guess it felt good," Laura said. "For sure. Like, you really made me . . . you know, go all freaky. I never do it that quick." "Do you always . . . come like that?" Laura asked gently. "I mean . . . just a little squeak . . . and a shiver?" Taneesha nodded. "Sometimes I don't, though. I mean, sometimes I don't at all. When the guys are too fast. Or, like, if I'm thinking about something else. But with you . . . wow it was all different." "Mmmm, I'm so glad," Laura said truthfully, embracing her, kissing her freshly and ardently, as if they had never kissed until now. "I love the feel of your body against me." She stroked Taneesha's long naked back and her braids. "I love your braids. They're so sexy." "You feel pretty good too," Taneesha murmured softly, rubbing her body against Laura's. "Could I make you come again?" "Like, I wouldn't be surprised. I still feel all tingly and wet down there." "Want me to try?" "For sure . . . Laura," Taneesha suddenly purred herself, dropping her eyelids, flirting, seductive. "May I suck your pretty nipples again?" "For sure . . . ahhnnnnnn! Oh god . . . that feels good!" Laura continued down her long, smooth, dark brown tummy to her crotch again. Honey, you are really going to come this time, or Auntie Laura doesn't know her stuff after all, she thought, kissing Taneesha's shapely inner thighs, parting the thick inner lips of the girl's delicious pussy with her thumbs. You might even surprise yourself, darling. For the next several minutes, she played the old game of bringing Taneesha close to a climax, then pulling back, reducing the tension, then building it up again. With Taneesha it was especially hard since the girl's earlier climaxes had surprised Laura by starting and finishing before she had known they were even imminent. On the other hand, it was a delicious challenge, and also wildly erotic, to stay in tune with each little moan and each minor twitch of the girl's lovely young body, listening and feeling for the small hints that an inevitable explosion—or even a tiny 'pop,' which it seemed to be in Taneesha's case—was about to happen. For her part, Taneesha was very patient, letting Laura manipulate her body, accustomed to being worshiped physically, knowing she was giving as much pleasure as she was receiving merely by letting Laura do this. But after a few minutes, Laura's skill began to show, and the sexual pressures inside Taneesha began to grow until she was panting uncontrollably, and her lovely lithe body was squirming frantically. Twisting and whimpering, she looked down at Laura, her beautiful face contorted in a desperate grimace, her hands fluttering across her clenching thighs as she fought the urge to grab Laura's head with both of them, her hips now gyrating slowly, slowly, rhythmically, rubbing her pussy up into Laura's mouth. "Oh god . . . oh Laura . . . I've never felt anything like this!" she gasped, propping herself up on her elbows, then falling back. "Unhhhhh! Oh god . . . I want to have a little come. Let me . . . oh Laura oh please . . . let me . . . make me have it! Please!" Since everything was now going her way, Laura was not about to give in too soon. Something about Taneesha and her shallow, smug, conniving little ways, as well as her flippant self-satisfaction made Laura want to reduce her to complete, raw, helpless need, a kind of sexual vulnerability that Laura enjoyed in its own right but that also provided a little healthy revenge on Taneesha for spying on her and Deshona. "Oh god, I really like it!" Taneesha panted. "Really!" "Mmmm . . . I like it too," Laura hummed, slurping and sucking Taneesha's plump, swollen pussy lips. "Unnhhhh!" "I'll bet you want to come a lot," Laura murmured. "Oh yes!" Laura teased her mercilessly. Up until now she had been using her tongue and her lips only, licking and probing, sucking and lip-pinching, slipping her tongue up into the wet sleeve of Taneesha's pussy and slowly withdrawing it close to Taneesha's clit, making the girl die to feel it pressing there, to feel it rasping across her engorged little nub of nerves that were all screaming to explode. Each time she did this, Taneesha's whole pelvic girdle would give a tiny shudder, and she would whimper semi-hysterically. "Unhhhh! Oh . . . Laura!" At this point, Laura would stop, kissing Taneesha's smooth, dark belly, tongue-tickling her navel, moving her hands up to Taneesha's hard, jutting nipples, rubbing them and gently pinching them while kissing the flat velvet expanse of her stomach. This would draw the sensations away from Taneesha's tormented, over-teased pussy enough to let the intense throbbing recede, so that Laura could again slide down her undulating body and resume. She began to enjoy it so much that she didn't want it to stop. Taneesha was a wreck, her braids all tangled in a wad behind her head, her hands clawing the sheets helplessly, her beautiful face screwed up in a mask of severe sexual tension. Her eyes rolled up again as she felt Laura slide a forefinger up into her pussy. "Ungghh!" "Are you ready?" Laura asked softly. "Oh god, yes! Ungghh! Please!" "Hang on, honey . . . you're really going to come this time." It had been a while since Laura had gone for the true bell ringer with anyone, but this was the perfect opportunity. She swiveled her finger around inside Taneesha's pussy until her palm was directly in front of her chin, then began sliding her fingertip across the inner wall of the girl's tight vagina, at the same time beginning to swipe Taneesha's distended clit more and more frequently with the tip of her tongue.
The exact spot was not easy to find. I must be losing my touch, Laura thought, concentrating further, probing, searching, hearing Taneesha pant so rapidly that she wondered if the girl might hyperventilate and faint. But in reality she was so marvelously in tune with Taneesha's high pitch of sexual arousal that she could feel Taneesha's body almost praying for Laura to find it, the little hidden trigger that would let loose the flood. And after a few more seconds of probing, also rubbing the heel of her thumb up semi-roughly into Taneesha's clit, she felt the telltale quiver, an intense little jump, like the one following an electric shock, grip Taneesha's flesh, and one of Taneesha's knees jumped reflexively. "Awwonnng!" she groaned deep inside her chest, a short, shocked, guttural whine as her body suddenly grew stiff and tense. Oh god, that's it! Laura thought. Inside Taneesha's pussy, she rubbed the tip of her finger hard against the spot, jamming the heel of her thumb even harder now into the girl's clit and stabbing it with the tip of her tongue at the same instant. The first spasm that hit Taneesha's body was so fierce and lasted so long that Laura wondered for a brief second if she had gone too far. "Mmnneeemmnneeemmnneeee!" Taneesha squealed deep in her throat, and her taut body stretched and vibrated this time like a hundred volts were being pumped through it. "Oh!" Laura instantly knew the girl had never come this hard in her life. Taneesha arched up onto her neck, stiff, shaking, grimacing, as if she had been stabbed by the sweet fire of this wrenching orgasm. There she hung almost as if in suspended animation, quivering and squeaking pathetically, until the spasm released her, and she felt back with a jolt to the mattress. "Awwoonngggmmnnggiieeee!" she cried out, now flipping and twitching and surging again up off the bed in a wild, uncontrollably frenzy of continuous coming. "Ohhnnggggg! Ummnngghh! Anngghiiiieee . . . ohhhh Laura! Awwonnngghiiee!" And Laura did not back off or let go. She wanted Taneesha to come hard, and it was working. She was not about to let her off the hook yet. She continued probing with her finger and licking Taneesha's clit hungrily, holding onto the girl's churning hips with her other arm to steady her, but still fucking her enthusiastically. Only a few seconds elapsed, punctuated by Taneesha's desperate, heavy gasping, before she was coming again, her lovely naked body shaking so hard that even her tiny, almost non-existent breasts slid back and forth on her heaving chest, her delectable glimmering nipples winking, her face screwed up in a fierce smile of sublime rapture. It went on until Laura had counted four distinct climaxes, and several interim minor shocks. They were both exhausted. Taneesha lay flat on her back, eyes closed, whimpering, overcome by the force of these incredible, unprecedented orgasms she had just experienced, obviously trying to bear the sweet throbbing in her body. Laura tried not to move, wanting her to squeeze every last ounce of excruciating pleasure out of the moment. She lingered between Taneesha's spread thighs—these delicious, smooth, warm, dark brown thighs she had dreamed of nestling between for days—filling her nostrils with the pungent odors that now wafted from Taneesha's sweet, young, fully-pleasured pussy. Finally, she slowly slid her finger out. It was very wet and slick, covered with creamy cunt nectars, since Taneesha had lubricated dramatically during this small torrent of climaxes. She certainly had not overflowed the way Deshona often did, but her pussy was now shiny with fresh wetness. I wonder if it runs in the family, Laura mused, feeling so proud of herself for having caused this, and also feeling pretty horny as a result. Taneesha's pussy, now freshly wet and puffy and glistening bright pink inside and swollen and puckered, was if anything more desirable than ever. Laura almost wanted to lick it and fuck it again, and press her own throbbing, aching, oozing quim against it. Will it shock her if I do? she wondered. It's such a beautiful pussy, the way it protrudes and opens like that, like a sweet wet pink flower, I just want to rub mine against it until I melt. She glanced up to see Taneesha smiling with a goofy, loopy grin down at her. "Like . . . you did that on purpose, didn't you," Taneesha half-whispered, hoarsely. Laura, in spite of herself, blushed briefly. "I did," she confessed. Taneesha blinked and said nothing. Then she smiled again, almost shyly. "It was awesome." Laura was already in motion, moving fluidly while Taneesha watched her, sliding one of her own legs under one of Taneesha's, smiling back at her while very skillfully holding her own pussy open with two fingers and bringing it close to the warm, gooey, inflamed cleft of Taneesha's puckered cunt. "Honey . . ." she panted. "I'm going to die if I can't feel this. Just hold still . . . and let me . . . ohhhh!" "Ahhhhh! Oh . . . Laura!" Laura pressed her own wet, throbbing slit directly into Taneesha's. "No . . . just lie there . . . like that, yes! Unhhhh!" she told Taneesha, who had made an effort to struggle up onto her elbows. "Just lie back." Laura could feel herself losing it almost instantly. In an ideal world she would have rubbed her wet cunt flesh against Taneesha's marvelously hot and slick raw wet pussy for about an hour, extracting exquisite micro-sensations of intense pleasure from it for as long as possible, gazing rapturously at the girl's beautiful face and her small, sliding breasts and soft caramel nipples and her wonderful cascading black braids, then finish it off with a slow-motion conflagration that itself lasted for several minutes of unbelievable ecstasy. But it was impossible to keep it going. As if in a hypnotic trance, Taneesa looked up into Laura's face, now gyrating her own hips slowly in rhythm with Laura's, biting her thick lower lip, now panting, also in rhythm with Laura's panting. In her eyes Laura could see reflected her own sexual tension, as if Taneesha were seeing a side of Laura, a wild, urgent, desperate erotic need, she had never realized was there. Laura was pumping, pushing her wet pussy into Taneesha's, quivering each time she felt the warm, slippery insides of their two cunts slide together, whimpering when her clit brushed Taneesha's. She let her fingers slide up her cunt lips to her own swollen clit, scissoring it gently between them as if to aim it more carefully, finding Taneesha's clit with it and now rubbing harder, faster. Taneesha's eyes widened too as she felt Laura's clit mashing against hers. "Oh . . . oh shit . . . Laura! Unhhhh!" she gasped, her eyes rolling up again. She feels it . . . she feels it too! Laura realized, smiling as she could now see reflected in Taneesha's face the electrifying sensations that were flooding her pussy as Laura's rubbed it with increasing urgency. Now the bed was shaking. Taneesha was on her back, dazed, looking up at Laura, while Laura sat up with her crotch glued to Taneesha's, grinding her pussy into the girl's, whooping softly, delirious, overcome now with hot need. Her eyes burned into Taneesha's, and she reached forward with one hand to caress the girl's smooth, dark brown cheek, then tenderly twirl two or three strands of Taneesha's braids in her fingers, all the while pumping and jamming her wet cunt into Taneesha's, feeling them both approach the thrilling pinnacle. "Oh yes . . . oh yes!" Laura panted. "Unghhh!" Taneesha groaned as Laura's pelvis locked with hers in a fierce, desperate thrusting. "Oh god . . . Laura!" "Yes! Ungghhh! Oh now . . . honey . . . now!" Laura came in a hot rush, inundated by rolling shock waves of scalding pleasure that seemed to emanate directly from their fused cunts through her body to all her jangling, throbbing nerves at once. Shuddering, she released Taneesha's braids from her fingers and grabbed the girl's shoulders with both hands, still fucking her hard with her rotating pelvis, pushing her streaming pussy into Taneesha's as the divine orgasmic waves swept through her. "Aunnngghmmnniiieee!" she cried out, holding on to Taneesha's shoulders and pumping, coming again, feeling her body fill with the billowing bliss of this climax. "Oh! Aunngghhh!" From a brief flicker she saw in Taneesha's black eyes, pulsing with sex, Laura realized that Taneesha, having already climaxed extravagantly only minutes earlier, had not thought she was going to come too, even as a result of this frenzied, wildly passionate fucking. But in the midst of Laura's shocking, throttling orgasm, she began to come too, suddenly writhing and undulating, her lovely lithe young body wrenched by a fresh, overpowering orgasm. "Ohhhnnngggg!" she groaned, grimacing in rapture as it gripped her. "Ohhnnggg! Oh god! Auunngghhh!" Laura's climax was starting to wane already as Taneesha's began to burst, and she was able to lean forward, disentangling their locked legs in order to let Taneesha undulate her body to the fullest, then embracing and kissing her while Taneesha's orgasmic waves too died away. Still, it was several minutes before either of them could lift a finger, or dare to speak. During the silence, broken only by their soft panting, Laura could feel intimations from Taneesha that this experience was the most stirring sexual moment of her young life, and also much more than she had anticipated, even after having eavesdropped on Laura and her aunt. As if to confirm this suspicion, she finally said to Laura, solemnly, propping her head up on the hand at the end of her crooked elbow, "Now I guess I can see why she was screaming." Laura smiled and ignored her, as she had consistently done when Taneesha made sly innuendoes about her and Deshona. But Taneesha was not to be ignored. Her eyes, in spite of the fact that she and Laura had just fucked heatedly, were still smoking. "Aren't you going to spank me?" "What?" Laura feigned shock and disgust. "That's what you were doing with her," Taneesha said, blankly. "I could hear it. I could even hear your hand when it smacked her . . . like, you know, her ass. Auntie has a nice little one. Almost as nice as mine." She flirted with Laura and rolled onto her stomach, showing her ass to Laura. In fact, Laura thought, Deshona had a superlative ass, but this one wasn't bad either. It was completely different. Whereas Deshona's was round and smallish and compact though very high and shapely, Taneesha's ass was fleshier and a little bigger, though equally round, each cheek a firm brown melon. Coming at the bottom of a long, slender torso with a narrow but not especially well-defined waist, it almost made her look a little bottom-heavy. Laura reached out her hand and ran her fingers very sensually across Taneesha's splendid firm dark brown buttocks. "It certainly is beautiful," she said quietly. "Why do you want me to spank it?" Taneesha looked back over her shoulder at Laura. "I really don't, I guess. I, like, don't think I could come any harder than you already made me come. But I couldn't help wondering . . ." "Wondering if you would?" "Well . . . she obviously did. It's one reason I wanted to, like, meet you. You know, alone. I never knew anyone could come like that until I heard her. I thought, like, 'that Laura must be something special.' Guess I was right." "I'm glad you think I'm special," Laura smiled warmly. "You know . . . I don't have to spank your beautiful round bottom to make love to it." The words almost made Taneesha shiver, and she giggled awkwardly to hide her excitement. "Like, you know, I think I better have a cigarette first?" Laura was puzzled. All day they had been together and Taneesha had not smoked. Now she went across the bedroom and rummaged in her small handbag, giving Laura a long, lingering look at her lithe young naked body, returning with a gold cigarette lighter and a small, expensively-embossed cardboard box containing Turkish cigarettes. "You don't like mind, do you?" she asked before she lit one. "You want one too? Don't you think smoking after sex is killer? Like it doesn't get any tighter than that?" Laura shook her head. "I didn't know you smoked." "Oh." Taneesha was embarrassed. "Maybe I shouldn't. Is it okay?" "Sure . . . it's okay. I'll get you an ashtray." She went to the kitchen for one, and when she returned she persuaded Taneesha to lie on her stomach while smoking, then began to kiss and caress the girl's wonderful naked bottom, starting slowly, almost casually, just stroking the firm moons with her fingertips, then pressing her lips to them cautiously, tenderly, in no way trying to force a hot sexual moment on Taneesha, though a few minutes of this was enough to arouse them both again. Taneesha finished her cigarette, snuffed it out, and twisted her body to look up at Laura. "I can't like believe you," she said, dark eyes pulsing again. "You're doing it again. My two boyfriends together aren't as horny as you." "Mmmm, I guess I can take the prize there," Laura murmured, kissing her round, naked bottom more aggressively now. "I love your pretty ass . . . I want to just . . . nip it, like that." "Yiiieee!" Taneesha yelped, her eyes watering, but smiling too at the same time. "Oh, I didn't bite it that hard," Laura demurred. "Did too!" "I'll bet you liked it." Taneesha nodded, much like a little girl who was confessing to the pleasures of a bad thought. Laura nipped her other ass moon the same way, not viciously, just a fresh and exuberant little nip that nevertheless held the threat of a sexual onslaught. "Oooohhhhh Jesus!" Taneesha shivered. Now Laura knew there was no way they would not end up again in minutes fucking wildly. She could almost feel their bodies both come alive with renewed lust and sharp hunger for one another, and she could see in Taneesha's eyes now when she again glanced back over her shoulder at Laura that she was willing to go as far as Laura was. Laura ran her hands all over the naked dark brown moons of Taneesha's ass, now kneading the firm, resilient flesh more aggressively, pulling them apart, bending close and running her tongue up and down the crack between them, hearing Taneesha moan and feeling her quiver. She kissed every inch of each firm cheek, nipping them again as she kissed them, making Taneesha squirm and whimper and finally scrunch up her knees on the mattress, lifting her ass more in the air, as if to make it more available to the weird and wildly arousing caresses and kisses that Laura was inflicting on it. "Ohhhhnnnn!" she moaned, gyrating her hips slightly, her ass cheeks clenching as Laura kissed them. "Ohhhhhh . . . it feels so good! Oh Laura!" "Do you ever let those boyfriends fuck you in this pretty ass?" Laura murmured, now running one hand down to the wet, fur-fringed, open chute of Taneesha's freshly aroused pussy. "Oh god no . . . like, that's sick," Taneesha panted, barely able to get the words out. But Laura already knew she had her where she wanted her. Taneesha wanted to come like 'Auntie Deshona' had come, with Laura's aid, and Laura could not turn her back on such a simple request from such a beguiling girl with such an enchanting bottom. Good thing the Gibsons aren't home, she thought. You, honey, are, like, going to shatter into little pieces in a few seconds. She slowly kissed her way up Taneesha's smooth, naked back, kissing the flawless dark brown skin, nuzzling her shoulder blades, licking the nape of her neck, breathing in her ear, and at the same time sliding her forefinger into the crack of Taneesha's ass and pressing the tip of it suggestively against the tightly-shut rosebud of Taneesha's asshole. "Mmmm, I'm going to make you come even harder than you did a few minutes ago," she whispered. "Just lie here like this . . . and relax, okay? And let me take you to heaven . . . and then seventh heaven . . . and then ninth heaven." "Oh . . . Laura!" Taneesha gasped, biting her thick, shiny lower lip and wincing slightly as she felt Laura's finger pushing against the entry to her ass. "Oh god . . . I don't think I want that." "You don't want to come even harder?" "How could I?" she giggled awkwardly, still half-delirious with sexual need, writhing under Laura. "You can. Let me take you there." "Will it hurt?" "I would never hurt you," Laura breathed into her ear. "Oh god . . . please! Do it . . . fast! Hurry! God, it feels good!" The warmth that seemed to glow from Taneesha's smooth body under her own, and to flow into Laura's body, fanned her desire to a hotter intensity. She lost all thought of Deshona, or of anything else but Taneesha's sweet flesh and her lovely, fragrant braids, as she buried her face in them briefly before sliding down the girl's writhing body again. Almost instinctively, she had the small bottle of oil out of the bedside drawer and had lubricated her forefinger with it skillfully, with an ease borne of many repetitions. Taneesha didn't really know what was happening since Laura kept up a steady stream of reassuring, loving words to her, and kept kissing and stroking her delicious ass all the while. By the time Laura's finger slid into Taneesha's tight little rectum, both of them were enfolded in a hot whirlwind of sexual need, and Taneesha barely noticed the invasion until Laura began to wiggle the finger and twist it, now nipping the smooth round moons of Taneesha's ass again with her teeth at the same time. "Oh shit . . . oh . . . shit!" Taneesha gasped, looking back over her shoulder, then letting her head fall back to the mattress. "Does that feel good?" "Oh god, yes! Mnnngggeeee!" "Oh honey, it's going to feel so much better than that, even," Laura purred, gently turning Taneesha over onto her back while leaving her finger embedded in Taneesha's ass, rotating the girl on it so that her splayed and juicy hot pink love chute was now uptilted to Laura's mouth. Immediately Laura began to lick and suck the slick, wet lips of Taneesha's pussy, pushing her finger deep into the girl's ass and twisting it, feeling Taneesha's body clench and quiver, hearing her moan excitedly. No quick little squeaky orgasms this time either, darling, she thought, passionately devouring Taneesha's pussy, much more hungrily than she had done the first time. "Oh shit . . . oh . . . shit!" Taneesha gasped again. "Awwownnngg!" "Are you going to come again?" Laura smiled, knowing the answer. "Oh god yes!" Even Laura was a little surprised by how quickly it happened. After the crushing series of orgasms Taneesha had had only a few minutes ago, Laura thought it might take a little longer to get there again, but she realized that Taneesha was at the point of no return after only a little of this frenzied ass fucking. Her body surged and undulated, and her whimpering grew semi-hysterical after only thirty seconds or so. Unwilling to let it be any less explosive than the first time, again Laura slid two fingers of her free hand up into Taneesha's flowing pussy and searched quickly for the magic spot with her fingertips. She kissed the delicious, writhing girl's thighs, her smooth belly, fucking her now with both hands, twisting her finger in Taneesha's ass and searching, probing for her g-spot with two fingers of her other hand, bringing her up, up, even further up, until Taneesha could ascend no further. She whimpered, quivered, and immediately had such a violent climax that again Laura wondered if she had gone too far. "Auunngghhhhh! Auunngghhhh!" Taneesha groaned, very loudly, shuddering in a shockingly fierce seizure for about twenty seconds as a killing orgasm wracked her young body. It seemed to last forever, and Laura could see from the grimace on Taneesha's beautiful face how closely this one came to the almost painful orgasms one could have at the end of a long string. The girl had certainly never experienced this before, and it took her several minutes to recover. Laura did not rush her. She carefully extracted her fingers from Taneesha's throbbing body and tenderly stroked and kissed her. Finally, Taneesha returned from her heavenly trance, smiling oddly, as if stunned and puzzled. Then her smile turned more mysterious, and knowing. She gently pushed Laura onto her back and without warning began to swarm all over her. It was a welcome surprise to Laura, and for the next five minutes she let Taneesha have her way, surrendering her body to the girl's passionate, inexpert but fervent and intense caresses. Taneesha spent a considerable time squeezing and sucking Laura's breasts, the ones she had wished to have herself earlier, until Laura was beside herself with need. Then, she slid between Laura's thighs and made love to Laura's aching pussy as if she had been doing it her whole life, bringing Laura to two more orgasms almost without effort, sweet, throbbing explosions that left Laura tingling with happy gratitude. "You, my darling, are a treasure," she murmured to Taneesha when they were cuddling a little afterward. "I wonder if those two boyfriends of yours can ever appreciate you enough." "Oh . . . like, you know, sex with them is totally different," Taneesha said frankly. "How could it be like this? They've got these . . . hard cocks, you know . . . and it's . . . well, it's just totally different. I don't feel this way with them. It's a little messier, too." Laura kissed her long, smooth neck. "Will you give me your phone number like you gave it to that guy . . . so I can come and see you if I'm ever in Grosse Pointe?" Taneesha's eyes grew wide. "Do you ever go there? Do you ever travel to Michigan?" Laura got an inescapable feeling that Taneesha was alarmed to think Laura might actually show up in her neighborhood. It was okay to have hot lesbian sex like this as a stranger in San Francisco, with Auntie's friend, but doing it at home might be risking too much. "I might . . . now that I know you're there," Laura whispered, again running Taneesha's long, thin, wavy braids through her fingers. Taneesha, without warning, leaned forward and kissed her. When she spoke this time, her voice was softer and more genuine that it had been any time today. "Look, I have to tell you that I never knew anybody like you before, and I never knew sex could be like this," she confessed softly, looking straight into Laura's eyes with no deviousness or evasion. Laura smiled at her. "Don't worry . . . I'll give you plenty of warning." "You better." While they were both putting on their clothes, getting ready for Laura to drive Taneesha back down to 'Auntie' Deshona's house, Taneesha asked her, "Would Auntie get real, like, jealous if she knew you and I were doing this?" It was a reasonable question, but Laura could not believe that they both didn't already know the answer. She frowned. "I imagine she would turn into a pillar of ice on the spot. You know, she can be pretty cold." Taneesha's eyes flickered, and she gave another coltish toss of her head, swishing her braids, making Laura want to fuck her again in a hot, violent rush, an all-devouring sexual assault. But she controlled herself. "You managed to heat her up," Taneesha cracked. Then, to soften the blow, she added, "Me too. You seem to, like, have a talent for it." On the way out of Laura's apartment, they ran into Shontay in the hallway. She had been walking up to Laura's door but fell back, almost flinching, shock quickly giving way to pain in her eyes, as she saw Laura and Taneesha coming out. Oh god! Laura thought, feeling her heart sink in her body. She didn't know what to do, and clearly neither did Shontay. Taneesha looked between them, up at Shontay, who was of course several inches taller than either of them, then back at Laura. "Oh . . ." Laura stammered, completely embarrassed and flummoxed, "Shontay . . . this is . . . my friend . . . Taneesha Reynolds? Taneesha . . . Shontay . . . Shontay Gibson. We . . . uh . . . work together." She felt like a total klutz and idiot, and also a sex maniac and a pervert, which were the accusations she thought she detected in Shontay's pale brown eyes, behind the horror and pain. The silence was so deep and uncomfortable that Laura could not bear it. "I . . . it's so good to see you," she mumbled. "Just stopping by to see my parents," Shontay explained, almost inaudibly. "Thought I'd . . ." Water welled up in Shontay's strange, beautiful eyes. Laura thought she herself was going to die of her own selfish pain and confusion. She did not want to hurt Shontay. She saw Shontay looking down at Taneesha's bare legs, so much of which were visible due to her very short shorts. Taneesha looked very sexy, which Laura knew well from having seen people gawk at her all day. Shontay was leaping to conclusions, all of them correct, and the water in her eyes was now running down her cheeks. "Shontay, I—" Laura began, but Shontay turned before she could say another word and walked stiffly to the elevator. Then, glancing back, and perhaps thinking better of it, she continued on to the stairwell, opening the door and disappearing down the stairs. Taneesha looked curiously at Laura. "Like . . . she was pretty upset," she said softly, almost sympathetically, as if she now had an inkling of what it might have meant to Shontay to see her with Laura. Laura nodded, trying to keep tears from coming to her own eyes. "You guys . . . do it?" Laura nodded again. "Did it," she added in a faint, rueful voice. They continued slowly—Laura walked as if she were under water—downstairs to Laura's car, first walking very slowly to the elevator, as if to give Shontay enough time to leave the building. Laura was speechless. She and Shontay had never talked about 'love'. They had never even touched on the possible existence of other people in Laura's life, though they both knew there were none in Shontay's. But Laura was desperately sorry to have hurt her. "Oh, like . . . don't worry, she'll get over it," Taneesha said as they got in the car and Laura started the engine. "And don't you think she's a little skinny, anyway?"
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