Laura - Chapter 251
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Dawn did not call Laura back until the end of the week. Worse, Laura was not home when she called, and it was late in the evening when she picked up Dawn's voice mail message. (She had been both happily and desperately screwing with Shavon, trying to forget that Dawn had not called.) "Laura . . ." There was a long pause. Laura was frantic for her to continue. "Laura . . . I love you so much." Laura nearly fainted of happiness. Her heart fluttered violently. "Just hearing your voice, god, it made me say that." Another long pause. "I can't really talk now. I'm at school, using a pay phone. Real noisy. Hear it?" Laura could hear a lot of racket in the background. "Look, I'm sorry I didn't call you back. It just . . . never worked out. He was there. Or I was rushing off to school . . . or work. You know. Anyway . . . oh Laura. You know, it isn't just sex . . . but sometimes I just go all wet when I hear your voice. If you get a blank message once in a while, it's just me, calling up to hear you say 'Hi, this is Laura. Leave a message and I'll call you back soon.'" Another long pause during which Laura could hear more racket. "I just get a little happy hearing it. I . . . love you, Laura. I'll call again. Maybe tomorrow night." Laura was stunned, glowing all over with happiness. In Shavon's bed she had had three stirring orgasms, but somehow that already seemed like a month ago to her. Dawn's voice was sweet, almost angelic, hesitant, shy, but also direct, and it had the power to make Laura shimmer outside and inside with raw, piercing joy. She wanted to wait by the phone now, forever if necessary, just to be there when Dawn called back—even though it might be days. And alas, it did take days. She still had to go to work, and take care of other routine matters, like eating, sleeping, balancing her other intriguing love affairs. She was still sleeping with Randi, and of course Shontay, and since she ran into both of them daily at work, it took a balancing act extraordinaire to keep her emotions steadily on the beam, especially when she was actually mooning around about Dawn, and also feeling warm little twinges of erotic happiness in the back of her mind when she remembered her afternoon with Deshona. I am a terrible slut, she told herself over and over, but I couldn't give up any of them. The morning after Rhonda had given her the address for the strap-on, she ordered one for herself. She was overwhelmed by the variety of choices but quickly found the ridged dong that Rhonda had bought. It happened to be part of an elaborate line of Vac-U-Lock® items that had a special, patented device to lock the dildo into the harness so it wouldn't slip or fall off. While browsing, Laura also came across an irresistible attachment called the Double Penetrator. This was comprised of two cock-shaped dildos linked together at the base, both pointing forward, clearly one for the pussy and the other for the ass. The one for the pussy was fat and thick, and looked to be about seven or eight inches long, while the other one was even longer, though thinner, with a more pronounced curve. They even had one that vibrated with the aid of a hand-held transformer, but Laura felt slightly sick at her stomach as she contemplated it. That might be a little more 'electricity' than she wanted. I can supply enough vibration on my own, she thought. She promptly bought both the one with the convex ridges and the Double Penetrator, feeling almost dizzy with sexual anticipation as she typed her credit card number into the form. Of course, the package took days to arrive, but each day when Laura got home she felt butterflies in her stomach as she looked in the mailbox. It finally arrived on the day that Dawn finally called. In fact, Laura was opening the box when the phone rang. She was so annoyed to be interrupted that she snapped into the phone. "Yes?" "Laura?" Oh god, yes! She dropped the box onto the sofa and grabbed the receiver with both hands. "Dawn! Oh god, it's you!" "Thought maybe you'd forget what my voice sounded like." "I never could. God, honey, I miss you." Dawn sounded shy and distant. "I miss you too. I'm sorry it took me so long to call." "It's okay, it's okay. Anything . . . just to hear your voice. Tell me, where are you? Can you come over? Can I pick you up somewhere?" Dawn dissolved into laughter. There was no background noise this time to obscure her voice. "Gosh, Laura, it sounds like you're eager to see me." "Eager isn't the word." Dawn played coy. "Sure you don't just want my little black kitty?" Laura played back. "What if I do? Does that mean you won't come over?" Dawn didn't speak. Was she thinking about it? "Sometimes I dream of you kissing it." Laura breathed into the phone receiver. "My specialty is making dreams come true." Dawn giggled softly. "I can't come tonight. I have a night class now on Thursdays. But I think tomorrow is good." "Don't you and Robert do anything together on Friday night?" "He's going to the ballgame with a buddy." Laura could feel the same butterflies dancing in her stomach that had been there when she checked the mail each afternoon. She quickly made arrangements to pick up Dawn at her apartment around five-thirty the following evening. Her thoughts and her feelings were in a whirl as she sat down next to the half-opened box and ran her mind back through each micro-second of the brief conversation, trying to remember even the slightest nuance of Dawn's voice, as if there might be some subtle message she had missed, some new thrill she could squeeze out of it. Finally, she finished opening the box and sat for about ten minutes examining the contents, her brain filled both with awe and excitement. There was nothing new about the harness and the dildo with the sharp, convex ridges, which was identical to Rhonda's. But the Double Penetrator made a hard, lively pulse beat in her throat. She also felt a fluttery twinge in her pussy, and her anus clenched noticeably. Oh, wow. She ran her fingertip along the upper cock, then the lower one. The temptation, of course, was to use it on herself immediately, but she resisted it. Some things were so good you had to save up for them. She had not ordered it with Dawn in mind, but now that they had spoken, and she could feel the thrilling undercurrent of sexual electricity that always connected them almost running through the phone wires, she knew it was better to wait. Some things were too good not to be shared. Work, the next day, was very difficult. She couldn't keep her mind on her tasks. It kept returning to Dawn's playful, then quiet, then serious voice on the phone. Frankly, Laura could not understand how every man and woman who met her didn't want to seize the lovely thing, take her home, chain her to the bed, and screw her constantly. She was a dangerous drug to Laura. This must be the way people feel about cocaine, she thought. They just can't get it out of their minds. And their bodies crave it. Mid-morning, however, she got a call from the receptionist saying there was someone there to see her. This caused a little wavelet of surprise to flow through her, enough to momentarily distract her from her longing for Dawn. Walking to the lobby, she remembered how Shavon had once dropped in on her this way. She wondered if it might be her again. They had fucked heatedly only days ago, but she knew that would not prevent her from dropping by, so why should it prevent Shavon? She was, however, shocked to see Taneesha Reynolds, Deshona's niece, sitting in the lobby, waiting for her, reading a magazine with the same studied, theatrical obliviousness she had displayed in Deshona's living room. "Taneesha . . . what a surprise." Taneesha stood up, her eyes flickering with a happy, coquettish mischief. She tossed her ravishing head of long, thin braids, making the breath catch in Laura's throat. This time Deshona was not present, only the receptionist, who Laura knew well enough to ignore her, and who was busy taking other calls. There was no one present to restrain Laura's scrutiny, and she let herself absorb every inch of Taneesha. "My . . . aren't you looking like a magazine model yourself," she said, admiringly. Taneesha was wearing a white leather skirt that was even shorter than the one she had been wearing when Laura first met her. This had the effect of making the skin of her bare, shapely legs look even sleeker and blacker than it actually was. The effect, to Laura, was stunning. She also wore a bright orange sleeveless top that looked striking under her long, wavy braids and showed off her long arms, just as shapely as her legs. Altogether, Laura thought, eye candy. "How did you get way up here?" "Drove. Auntie let me use her Mercedes while she's away, remember?" "What about your mother? I thought she was flying in?" Taneesha made a face. "She's afraid to drive up to San Francisco. Heard terrible things about the traffic. She's afraid of the hills. She stayed there, I think she's still in bed. She was up late." "Why don't you come into my office," Laura smiled, sweetly, impersonally, "so we can talk. Come over here, I'll have to get you a temporary security badge." In Laura's office, Taneesha looked around. "This is what I'd like to do. Have my own office. Are you the boss? Do you have people reporting to you?" "A few." "I know you have to work and all. I was, like, hoping we could go out to lunch. You could show me around San Francisco. It looks really cool so far . . . I mean, what I've seen. Gosh, I was almost attacked by three different guys just around the corner from here, where I parked." "I don't wonder," Laura said, letting her eyes linger on Taneesha's gorgeous body. She could see nearly five or six inches of the girl's incredible black velvety thighs. Taneesha saw her looking. She smiled, both self-satisfied and alluringly sexy. Laura quickly reflected that Taneesha had heard much if not all of what had gone on between her and Deshona. Their eyes caught for a minute, and this knowledge passed between them. We both know that she knows, but I don't know how much she knows, Laura thought. Still, it's plenty. "You know, I'm sorry to say that I have a luncheon engagement already today," she said in a soft, measured tone. "Work-related. I can't break it. I wish you would have called." Taneesha's eyes flickered almost salaciously, as if she were saying: 'I know you and Auntie were fucking and getting kinky as hell, you know. You aren't fooling me. It was worth it coming here just to see you squirm and want to do me too.' "Maybe tonight, then," she said, softly, lowering her eyelids, giving Laura a devastating, unmistakable invitation with her eyes. Laura shook her head. "Actually, I have a date." She realized that her head perked up and she smiled, as she said it, thinking of Dawn. It was impossible to conceal her wild, palpitating happiness at the thought. Taneesha could see this. She looked troubled and slightly deflated that anyone could this easily resist her charms. "Oh," she said, shoulders drooping, disconsolate. Laura rushed to cover her own step back. "When are you leaving? I mean, how long are you staying?" Taneesha shrugged, having given up the game already. If Laura wouldn't fall for her on the first round, why should she care about a second round? "Next Monday. We got a cheaper flight by staying through the weekend." "Tell you what. Why don't you just catch CalTrain up here tomorrow and meet me for lunch. I'll pick you up at the station. Just call me . . . here." She scribbled her home phone number on the back of a business card. "And I'll show you the town." "I can drive. It's Auntie's car. Just tell me where you live." "I'm . . . moving," Laura lied quickly. She didn't know exactly why. "I'll be over at the new place . . . back and forth. You probably won't be able to catch me." "Oh." Taneesha smiled warmly, provocatively again, as if to remind Laura that she had earlier sent several sexual messages Laura's way. "So . . . where are you sleeping? The old place or the new place?" "I . . . don't know yet. It's sort of . . . day to day." "What if I wanted to stay over?" Taneesha said, boldly, testing Laura. Laura cleared her throat. "Oh . . . I think we could figure out a way." She ushered Taneesha back down to the lobby, unable, at discreet intervals, to keep her eyes from roaming up and own the girl's lovely young body. She noticed, this time as before, that Taneesha seemed to have no breasts, or very small ones anyway, but the rest of her was indeed marvelously, compactly built. She smiled broadly—almost as if she were Taneesha's 'Auntie' herself—with a beaming, familial indulgence at the girl as she watched her out of the building and was sure she was gone. She had lied about lunch too, but playing cat-and-mouse with Deshona's ravishing niece over lunch while she was trying to gather herself together for a night of heaven with Dawn seemed just too much. I would die to get between those wonderful thighs of hers, though, Laura thought. During the afternoon, she also reflected on why she had made up the lie about moving. Simple, it came to her. I don't trust her. She seems a little vacuous, but also a little devious. Coming back from the mall like that, for example, without making any noise. That was spying, pure and simple. She wanted to eavesdrop on us, and boy, did she get an earful. If I gave her my address, I can just see her showing up right when I'm bringing Dawn back. God, it'll be risky enough just knowing Shontay might have dropped by to see her folks. These ideas were enough to make her nearly sick to her stomach with petty anxiety, and yet she managed to push them aside and threw herself back into her work until five o'clock arrived. She picked up Dawn promptly at five-thirty. It had been a warm day, and Dawn was wearing cutoff jeans shorts and an old navy blue sweatshirt that had also been cutoff like a midriff blouse, exposing her stomach and lower back. Laura, who could barely stand to look at her when clothed without dissolving into a hot, jellified mass of helpless lechery, had to grip the wheel of her car hard just to get them safely to her apartment. "How can you dress like that?" she could not help asking. "What . . . you don't like it? I thought you'd love this. You said you love my skin." "I do. It makes me want to . . . eat you alive. It makes me want to do everything to you." Dawn grinned, looking out the window of the car, then looking at Laura's eyes on her bare legs. She twisted them sexily. "I guess you got your answer," she smirked playfully at Laura. They ran into the Gibsons as they were entering the building. Again Laura was stricken by her fear that Shontay might be dropping by just as she was entering her apartment building with someone else. The fact that Dawn was dressed like a sexy teenager, more of her delicious black skin exposed than concealed, could only provoke suspicion, at least from Shontay, but the Gibsons seemed to have become resigned to Laura and her friends. They merely nodded and smiled with transparent neighborly boredom. From Laura's point of view, however, the fact that they were going in instead of going out was very disturbing. Dawn recognized Laura's distress since this had also happened to them the first time. "We'll just keep an eye out for them to leave," she said gently to Laura as they went into Laura's apartment. Laura smiled grimly. "I think they always go out to dinner. Or nearly always." She prayed they would go out tonight. With the door closed and double-locked behind them, she and Dawn were finally alone. I've dreamed of this moment, Laura thought, taking a moment just to drink in Dawn's presence, her fresh, artless beauty. Dawn's black eyes were glowing as Laura brushed her silky cheek with the backs of her knuckles. "You are so gorgeous," Laura whispered. "You know, I've known lots of dudes who wanted to screw me, but I never knew anyone who looked at me like you do." "Oh god . . . it's so obvious," Laura said, in shame. "I'm so sorry." Slowly, Dawn took Laura's hand, which was lingering, caressing her cheek, and drew it down, under the fringe of the cutoff sweatshirt, placing Laura's palm flat against the warm skin and hard muscles of her stomach. "I know you been dying to do this," she whispered. Laura could feel the smooth muscles of Dawn's stomach imperceptibly rippling under the skin of her palm, as if in response to her touch. Dawn was excited too, she realized. She's as excited as I am. I don't know how we can possibly wait until the Gibsons leave. If they do. Their faces moved closer, so that Dawn's sweet, natural fragrance filled Laura's nostrils, and Dawn's sensual lips were only an inch or so from hers. "How long has it been since I kissed you?" Laura whispered. "Seems like forever to me," Dawn breathed. "You gonna do it?" "I think if I kiss you, I may not stop." "Maybe we should do it over by the window . . . so we can watch and see when they leave." "Good idea." They stood next to the window, looking down beyond the awning which led up the lobby door, hoping to catch a glimpse of the Gibsons as they left for dinner. "May I put this back where it was?" Laura asked softly, placing her palm flat against Dawn's smooth, muscular midriff. Dawn nodded slowly, her eyes now burning into Laura's. "You can put your hand anywhere you want." Knowing they had to wait a few minutes to see if the Gibsons would obligingly leave, they were in no hurry and simply enjoyed being together again, whispering, caressing, their mouths slowly moving closer and closer, until Laura could extend her tongue and touch Dawn's full lower lip with it. She ran it back and forth until the tip of Dawn's tongue emerged, and she playfully flicked Laura's with it. Laura's hand could feel under her palm the smooth muscles of Dawn's midriff flexing with sexual excitement, and feel the ooze of nectars inside her own gently throbbing pussy. Their mouths seemed finally to flow and curve together without it being possible to tell when they were apart and when they met, their lips smoothly melding, their tongues coiling. All the yearning they had been feeling for each other for days and weeks poured into this kiss by the window, a long, emotionally expressive kiss, not urgent at all, but slow and thorough and very deep. Their mouths came apart, and Dawn panted softly against Laura's cheek. Laura could feel the wispy, soft filaments of Dawn's hair against her forehead. "I hope they get going . . ." Dawn panted. "I don't think I can wait." Laura knew she couldn't wait either. Her body was tense with desire for this lovely girl. She slid her hand around Dawn's waist to her back, then up under the sweatshirt. "I can't wait either." "I never get this feeling with him," Dawn said, lifting the lower edge of the sweatshirt to help Laura, whose hands on Dawn's back had risen to her bra clasp. "Come over here to the sofa." "We won't be able to see if they leave," Dawn panted, her eyes now murky and swirling with hot sex need. Laura pulled Dawn down with her on the white sofa, momentarily in awe of the beauty of Dawn's deeply black skin against the white fabric. She ran her hands all over Dawn's bare, shapely legs. "What if they're up there fucking?" she smiled, nibbling at Dawn's jaw. "You know . . . grabbing a quick one before dinner . . . like we are." Dawn giggled. "You're evil, Laura. Those two old things. You think they . . . do it?" "Of course they do." She nuzzled Dawn's neck. "He pulls up her shirt, like this. He kisses her between the boobs, like this. Only hers couldn't possibly compare with these. Oh god, I love your body." She got the bra clasp loose, but as before, Dawn wouldn't let her proceed without taking off some clothes too. She sat up forcibly, pushing Laura back into the cushions, smiling. Her luscious, round black breasts were swaying under the loose cups of her bra, and Laura could not keep her eyes off them. "Wait a minute, girl. You better be taking off that fancy-ass frilly blouse before I rip it in a hurry to get to you, too." Laura grinned at her and began unbuttoning it. "That's better," Dawn beamed, slowly letting her loose bra straps slide down her arms. They had both forgotten the Gibsons. Dawn, who was barely clothed anyway, was quickly out of her shorts and panties, while Laura hurriedly undressed and flung her clothes over the top of the sofa onto the floor. Now naked, she again pushed Dawn back into the corner formed by the big, pillowy sofa cushions, letting every inch possible of their warm, naked bodies touch. She kissed Dawn's ear and nipped her earlobe. "Right now he's doing this to her up there," she breathed. "He's sticking his tongue in old Mrs. Gibson's ear like this . . . and saying 'Oh dearie, I'm going to fuck you . . . are you getting hot for Daddy?'" Dawn giggled and panted. "You bad, girl." She twisted, embracing Laura, pushing her breasts against Laura's. Laura raised her hands between their bodies, filling each one with one of Dawn's large, firm breasts, feeling Dawn's slightly puffed nipples rasp against the sensitive skin of her palms. Dawn's eyes were throbbing, worshipful, never leaving Laura's except when Laura, unable to stop herself, was devouring the girl's delicious black neck, or her gleaming bare shoulders. "And she's saying to him 'Daddy . . . you better go take your Viagra now, you better take it, you're getting me too hot, I'm not going to be able to wait,'" Laura purred, now kissing the valley between Dawn's breasts that she had eagerly kissed only moments ago before Dawn's bra came off, but this time holding both of Dawn's naked breasts in her hands, squeezing them excitedly, kissing the girl's smooth black skin rapturously. "Oh Laura . . . you're getting me . . . more excited than she is," Dawn panted, now giggling less, more and more aroused. Laura was all over her, as if she hadn't had sex for weeks, drinking her, running her hands all over Dawn's wonderful, smooth, squirming body, now sucking her thick black nipples rapaciously, with almost maniacal hunger that made Dawn whimper and moan softly. "Daddy . . . get your Viagra," Laura teased her softly, now almost beside herself with hot lust too for this delicious girl. "Get your Viagra, Daddy. I'm getting so hot." "Oh god . . . Laura!" Dawn gasped as Laura sucked one of her wet, shiny, erect nipples perhaps momentarily too hard. Still holding Dawn's rubbery, throbbing nipple in her mouth, clamping it lovingly between her upper teeth and her tongue, Laura looked up, concerned. "Am I doing it too hard? I just want to swallow them." Dawn shook her head, her black eyes shiny and glassy. "Go ahead and swallow." Laura smiled and sucked the plump, wet nipple back into her mouth. "Ohhhhhh!" "He's sucking her nipples now . . . like this, saying 'Mama, you have the prettiest titties . . . I don't even know if I need my Viagra tonight . . . I got a pretty stiff woody going already.'" In spite of herself, Dawn laughed. "I could use his woody if you don't get to it quick," she panted, caressing Laura's forehead with her fingertips as Laura continued to almost inhale her nipples. Laura was already half way down her fantastic stomach, remembering as she kissed the firm, silky muscles how she had rubbed her pussy into paradise against them. "Oh . . . what's this? Hair?" She smiled up at Dawn just as her chin brushed against Dawn's soft bush. "You said you wanted to push your nose into it," Dawn reminded her, smiling down, looking over the beautiful mounds of her breasts at Laura. "Oh god, I do. Did you do this just for me?" Dawn nodded. "What did Robert say?" Dawn smirked. "I told him to take a hike if he didn't like it." Laura tried to ignore all the implications of this as she did indeed push her nose into the fragrant, soft black hair of Dawn's pubic patch, nuzzling it happily. She did it for me! Just for me! Somehow this made her lust, already at a high pitch, rise to a nearly unbearable but at the same time sweetly intense level. She wanted to enfold Dawn and kiss her rapturously but at the same time fuck her in a wild, devouring fury of passion. But she deviated briefly back into the game. "Now he's saying 'Mama . . . you have the prettiest pussy too . . . wow, it looks like the pussy of a twenty-year-old girl . . . oh Mama I want this lovely hot wet pussy . . .'" "Oh yes!" Dawn gasped, her characteristic little amused smile dancing at the corners of her mouth. But her eyes rolled up a little as Laura slid two fingers into the soupy wet slit of her cunt. "Unhhhhhh!" At the same time, she was so aroused that she could not keep still and was writhing in the white cushions, uptilting her pelvis to give Laura more easy access, her sleek, glossy thighs yawning open. The inside of her pussy was glistening and ruby-red, the raw, wet flesh clinging to Laura's fingers as she gently probed it, lowering her tongue to Dawn's small clit, only half-emerged even now from its beautifully-shaped, blackish/purplish hood, which Laura stabbed excitedly with her tongue, making Dawn mewl and quiver. "Unnhhhh . . . unhhh! Oh! Oh . . . Laura!" "And he says 'Mama, I'm gonna suck this pretty little clit of yours and jam my woody into your sweet black pussy, Mama'." "Oh yes!" Dawn gasped. Now she was churning her hips forward, and arching her back, her sleek body tense and stiff with need, her breath gurgling in her throat, her hands racing over her breasts, squeezing them spasmodically, twisting her nipples. And Dawn's frantic arousal spurred Laura on, fueling the fires of her own sexual excitement. She fingerfucked her slowly, kissing the damp, taut, smooth skin of Dawn's inner thighs, inching her lips closer to the swollen outer lips of Dawn's gaping cunt, flicking them with the tip of her tongue, causing sharp whimpering and helpless shudders as Dawn nearly went wild, dying to feel Laura's mouth finally on her flowing hot pussy. "'Oh Mama . . . I love this pussy,'" Laura panted. "Oh god, Laura . . . please!" Dawn whimpered, twisting, her eyes reddened and flaming, looking down her undulating body at Laura, begging her. "Please! Yes!" "Oh Dawn, I love you!" "Unhhhh!" Dawn's luscious, twisting body froze as she suddenly felt Laura's lips touch her splayed, oozing pussy for the first time. "Ohhnn! Yes!" She began to pump her hips rapidly, so vigorously that Laura had to quickly wrap her arms around her thighs in order to hold her steady, to slow her down. "Easy, baby . . . easy," she purred. "Daddy's going to make you go up in flames." Dawn threw her head back, arching her body, quivering, straining to release the sharp climax they both knew was only seconds away. Laura, as usual, wanted to spend hours licking and sucking the fragrant, glistening juice slit between Dawn's flexing, silky black thighs, but Dawn was delirious from her own sex need, writhing, gasping, mewling deep in her chest, totally uncontrollable. At first Laura had removed her fingers in order to slide her tongue back into Dawn's hot pussy in their place, but the way Dawn was bucking her hips now made tonguing her tangy furrow impossible; Laura slid two fingers back up into the greasy pit, then kissed the shiny little hood concealing the girl's clit. Dawn went wild. "Unmhhh! Onngghhh! Yes . . . yes now yes . . . now now! Please . . . Laura! Ungghhh! Laur—" With Dawn's clit firmly between her lips—in fact, she took the whole upper and outer portion of Dawn's flooding cunt into her mouth—she felt Dawn's whole body clench and shudder in a fierce eruption. It was completely silent at first, since the breath was caught deep in her lungs, but Laura knew a piercing scream was about to escape. She reached up with one hand, gently covering Dawn's mouth with her palm just as the helpless cries began to escape. "Auunggghhhmmmmpphhfffff!" Dawn groaned and grunted into Laura's palm. "Mmmmnggiieemmpphhhh! Ungghhmmpphh!" But even though her cries were muffled, her lovely hard body flipped and levitated off the sofa, straining and shuddering as she came. God, it's like I'm trying to kill her or something, Laura realized, as she became aware of the way Dawn was undulating and whimpering and shaking, as if she were being throttled by Laura, whereas in fact she was only quivering with bliss as the last jolting waves of a thrilling orgasm passed through her body. Finally, the crisis subsided, and Dawn's body went limp, though her gasping remained loud and rapid as Laura slowly drew her palm away from the girl's lips. But she herself was not finished. She had not come, and the sight of Dawn's limp, beautiful naked black body sunk in the huge white sofa cushions where she had just had a scorching climax, coupled with the sublime expression of waning ecstasy on Dawn's lovely face, was impossible for Laura to resist. It took a simple movement for her to straddle Dawn's waist with her thighs. I've got to do it again, she thought. I can't stop myself. Her own pussy was open and throbbing, and she reached down with both hands, spreading the inner lips open even wider, feeling the wet gooey mess of hair and flesh as she pulled the seam further apart and pushed the slick interior into the hard, rippling, smooth muscles of Dawn's stomach. Until this instant, Dawn had not known what Laura was doing exactly, but the instant she felt Laura's warm, wet cunt lips pressing against her skin, a shock of recognition passed through her glazed, reddened eyes. She nodded at Laura. "Yes . . . do it, Laura." Laura was already doing it. The hot need she felt was extreme, filling her body with sharp sexual tension and mad desire for this girl's wonderful firm flesh. She moved her pussy up and down on Dawn's stomach—since Dawn was propped in the corner of the sofa in a half-sitting position—holding herself steady by placing her hands on Dawn's bare shoulders. "Ahhhhh! Unhhhh!" she gasped, her body quivering already with forewarnings of the major climax that was approaching. "Yes, Laura . . . yes!" Dawn gasped, first reaching up Laura's body to clutch her small, swaying, swirling breasts, then dropping her hands to Laura's hips as she realized how close to the final explosion Laura actually was. To Laura, it was almost a mystical union she felt, approaching the shocking, almost paralyzing sensations she sometimes felt when pressing her pussy against that of another beautiful woman, feeling the juices and nerve impulses flow between them as if the circuit were finally closed. This time she could feel the smooth ridges of Dawn's firm abdominal muscles pressing into the tender, wet flesh of her own splayed pussy. She could feel the nub of her erect clit slide over a smooth slope of muscle, and she could even feel Dawn contract the muscle, and feel the waves of hot, wildly stirring sensations pour through her cunt. "Oh god . . . oh god . . . I want it to last!" she gasped, reeling from a delirious happiness and a gripping sexual mania that soon had her grinding her cunt into Dawn's smooth, rippling flesh, groaning and then coming in under a minute. "Oh yes . . . Laura, hold on, baby, hold on!" Dawn panted to her, grabbing Laura's hips as she had done the first time, pulling Laura's groin into her body, pushing her stomach up into Laura's throbbing pussy. "Auunngghhhh!" Laura suddenly howled, a fierce, shocking cry that came out of her chest without warning, ripping into the room with startling force. And even though a heavenly orgasm was suddenly flooding her body, pitching her forward into Dawn, almost cleaving her flesh with a sword of sweet sexual fire, she could hear her loud howl and quickly buried her face in the crease of the sofa pillows where they came together in the corner, above Dawn's head. There she whimpered and moaned, her body twitching, her wet pussy still pressed against Dawn's hard stomach, moving up and down, while Dawn's mouth chased and caught her nipples, sucking them hungrily, and Dawn's fervent, passionate fingers slid up and down her back, pulling her closer until the strongest spasms began to dissipate. A couple of minutes passed before they both began to giggle softly, both realizing at the same moment how ridiculous and absurd they must seem, slumped in a gasping heap here in the corner of the sofa, still clinging together, having shared a messy, tumultuous, and thrilling sexual union. Laura slowly, very reluctantly, pulled herself up, swishing her naked breasts playfully in Dawn's face. "You better hope they left, girl, because you let out a killer howl, you know," Dawn smiled, raising both hands to Laura's breasts and cradling them lovingly. Laura kissed her forehead. "Let me go see." "How can you tell?" "I know where they park their car . . . usually." Dawn got up off the sofa and joined her at the window. Across the street, and about ten yards down from a big sycamore tree that grew on the corner, Laura saw their old brown Mercedes. Oh shit, she thought. They didn't go. They're still up there. Dawn saw her visibly slump. "Still up there, eh?" She tickled Laura in the ribs. "They must be doing what you said. Only he popped his Viagra after all, and they're going to town." She licked Laura's earlobe with the tip of her tongue. "Oh . . . fuck me, Daddy!" This, even though they had both climaxed only moments earlier, aroused Laura again, and immediately. She turned to Dawn, smiling sadly, and propped both arms on Dawn's shoulders, since she was slightly taller than Dawn, brushing her naked breasts against Dawn's large, firm melons. "I was just about ready to drag you in the bedroom and have my way with you," she murmured against Dawn's smooth, dark cheek. "Again." Dawn grew sultry and sensual too. "I don't think you have to drag me." Laura shrugged. "Maybe we ought to wait. Maybe they'll finish doing it and go out after all." Dawn shrugged too. She sat back down on the sofa while Laura briefly went to the bathroom. When she returned, she saw Dawn holding in her lap the box that contained the strap-on, looking curiously through the contents. Oh my god, I left it out! she realized. I meant to hide it! Or did I? she wondered. She was well aware of the possibility that she may have wanted Dawn to find it. Dawn's eyes were wide, her mouth slightly open in amazement, as she held up the dildo with the sharp convex ridges up and down it, the one that was identical to the one Laura had used (and discovered for the first time) during her recent sexual encounter with Yvette and Rhonda. Dawn ran one long, slender, black finger up and down the stalk, over each ridge and down into the little dip between them, then up again over the next one. "Oooohhhhh Laura, you been holding out on me," she squinted mischievously. "This thing must make you feel like you're being done by the Roto Rooter man. Let's go in the bedroom and try it out." Laura gave her a kittenish grin, watching Dawn extract the remaining contents of the box: the harness, the Double Penetrator. Dawn, who was one of the two or three blackest women Laura had ever made love to, nearly went pale when she held up the latter. "Holy Mother of Jesus," she said, under her breath. Laura sat down next to her. They were both still naked, and Laura could not keep her hands off Dawn's body, caressing her long, smooth, black velvet back. "Let's not bring religion into it," she teased. "It makes me uncomfortable." She thought, without really wanting to, of Ada, the minister's daughter, who might have said the same thing. But Dawn was not really religious, or not overly pious anyway. She grinned salaciously at Laura. "Sorry. I never saw anything like this." "Still want to try the first one?" Dawn shook her head, looking from Laura back to the Penetrator, then back to Laura. Her mind was working. She was becoming pliant and sensual and sexually receptive again in a strangely quiet and ineffable way that communicated itself to Laura as if through invisible vibrations. They were both physically yearning toward each other, both overcome at nearly the same instant by the feeling that what they had done only moments ago was just the prelude to this. Dawn broke the silence. "You know, in the library out at State I was using the web . . . and I sort of, you know, came across this web site that had pictures of lesbians. And they were . . . how can I say this . . . they were tied up. You know. And gagged. God, it made me hot. And I thought 'I wonder if Laura has any of that stuff'. I'm sorry." She touched Laura's bare knee, seeing Laura's mild distress. "Did I embarrass you? I mean, I'm one too, right? Or we wouldn't have done what we just did." Laura nodded. She leaned forward and kissed the smooth, glossy expanse of Dawn's naked back, which she had just been caressing with her fingertips. "Like if you had a gag," Dawn went on, "you could put it on me, and then we wouldn't have to worry about the old folks upstairs." She rolled her eyes upwards, toward the ceiling. Hearing this said out loud was enough to fill Laura's apartment with an almost frightening crackle of sexual electricity. For a moment, both of them were speechless. Their eyes were locked, throbbing. Laura could feel the pulse beating in her throat and wondered if Dawn felt the same. "I . . . do . . . have one," she half-stammered finally, her mouth suddenly dry and scratchy. I even have two, she thought guiltily. She could see where this might lead, but she could not stop herself. She could not stop Dawn either, who seemed wildly stimulated by the whole course of the conversation. "Oh good. Can I see it?" "Are you sure you want to?" Wide-eyed, Dawn nodded. With a forbearing grin, Laura stood up, reaching back for Dawn's hand, drawing her up too. Dawn grinned, clutching the Penetrator in her other hand. Laura reached down again and grabbed the harness. "Won't work without this," she said softly. "All I can say," Dawn said as they entered Laura's bedroom, "is that those two up there are having the quietest, slowest fuck two people ever had. Maybe they dead, Laura. Maybe they just came . . . and then went." Both of them could hardly stop themselves from exploding in gales of laughter, but they embraced and kissed, tossing the implements on the bed, kissing romantically now, slowly, emotionally. "I love you, Dawn. Are you sure you want to do this?" Dawn raised one eyebrow. "Maybe not. Maybe you ought to be the one wearing the gag. After all, you're the one who came out with that 'Aoowwwnnhhh!' Sounding like a goddamn semi truck or something. It wasn't me that did that." Laura grinned and kissed her again, luxuriating in the feel of her naked body pressed from head to toe against the smooth, firm miracle of Dawn's flesh. "I don't mind," she said. "Me first? Or you first?" "Me first. You got any of that other stuff too? Like ropes? Handcuffs? You gonna tie me up too?" Now they were getting in deeper than Laura had planned. The twisted, and frighteningly intense, pleasures of the practices Dawn was suggesting were familiar to Laura, whose entire relationship with Karen, for example, had been blessed and blighted by the irresistible urge they seemed to have to sweetly—sometimes not so sweetly either—torment and torture each other in orgies of sadistic ecstasy. She had also indulged in lighter but still serious bondage games with Brandi, and to a lesser extent with Randi and Yvette, as well as, briefly, a few others. For quite a while now, though, she had tried to pull back from it, as if this darker side of her nature were something she had explored and could now put behind her, a self-indulgence that she would be a better person for forswearing. She especially did not want her relationship with Dawn, whom she adored with a hot, holy fervor, to develop into the kind of weird, obsessive, sexually elemental connection she had with Karen, characterized by their inability to meet even for a few minutes without plotting extravagantly perverted ways to inflict excruciating orgasms on one another. Worse, Dawn herself, for whatever reason, though a healthy, strapping young girl both physically and mentally, had a secret taste for rougher sex than most of Laura's other lovers wanted. Laura feared that encouraging this tendency might lead them down a road she would not like to travel again. On the other hand, her blood seemed to surge and seethe at the mere thought of coiling white nylon rope around this girl's splendid, dark, glossy body, pulling it just tight enough to see the strands bite into Dawn's sleek, tender flesh, watching Dawn's large semi-puffy nipples swell and flare as her breasts became slightly engorged with trapped blood. Laura shook her head to make the vision go away. Dawn saw her doing it. "What's the matter?" "Oh . . . nothing. Dizzy with love, I guess," she smiled. She went to her closet and retrieved one of the ball gags, the one with the single strap that went behind the head. While reaching for it, she saw the other one lying next to it, the full-face harness. Her hand nearly recoiled. It looked so medieval, so fiendish, with its eyeholes and straps that crisscrossed every which way over the face, with an obscene red ball for the mouth in the very center. God, what am I doing with that thing! she thought. I should throw it away. The hot blood was thumping behind her ears as she stood up and dangled the simpler ball gag in front of Dawn's face. Dawn's eyes widened. She smiled at Laura and closed her eyes, opening her mouth wide. "I'm ready. Put it on and 'have your way with me,' okay?" "Dawn," Laura laughed, flabbergasted. "You are so sweet . . . so innocent. How can I put this horrible gag on you when you're so sweet?" Dawn opened her eyes now. They flickered with playfulness and danger at the same time. "I ain't as innocent as you think. Or as sweet." She took the gag out of Laura's hand, examining it. "Here . . . how do I look in it?" She put the white, gleaming ball into her mouth, clamping her teeth down on it, and held the leather straps up to her head at each side. Laura smiled. The hot blood that was pounding behind her ears accelerated. Dawn's naked breasts rose and swayed slightly as she raised her arms. The sight of the white ball stuffed into her mouth and her breasts swaying almost made Laura gasp. Giggling, Dawn released the ball from her mouth, and lowered the loose straps. "You better get on with it, girl," she said in a hushed voice to Laura, eyes smoking. "I'm getting kind of wet again." She gave Laura a dark, knowing glance. "You better tie my hands up or something so I don't scratch you . . . just by accident, of course." Laura took her free hand and pulled her over to the bed. She rummaged under it with one hand and drew up a long coil of rope, which she realized she was half-startled to find there, not having used it in a while. Dawn's eyes widened yet again as Laura pulled it up between them. "Wow . . . that's a lot more than you need just for my hands," she grinned. "You want to do my feet too? You know, in those pictures I saw, one of the girls had this long bar between her ankles, and her feet were fastened to each end. Sort of made her wide-open, if you know what I mean. Like you could drive a truck in there." Laura smiled grimly. "Do you have one of those?" Laura frowned. "What do you think I am, Madame de Sade?" Then she relented. Why am I being so overwrought? she wondered. After all, we're not doing the truly rough stuff. Just a little rope game. Dawn squint-smiled at her and shook her head. "I think you are the most exciting person I ever met in my whole life," she said honestly. Then she held out her hands to Laura, wrists together. "Come here and sit down." They both sat on the bed, and Laura began to loop the rope coils loosely around both of Dawn's luscious breasts. Dawn looked down, watching, patient. When Laura had three loose coils encircling each breast, she began to pull them a little tighter but stopped well short of cinching them painfully tight, the way she and Karen often did. In this case, they were only tight enough not to slip. Dawn's nipples did not even bulge. Laura wanted to do it so tightly that they would bulge a little but didn't dare. "You can do it tighter than that," Dawn murmured hoarsely, almost overcome by sexual excitement. "No," Laura shook her head. She wrapped the excess rope around Dawn's shoulders and back, then around her firm, beautiful stomach, crisscrossing it again between her breasts and knotting it behind her neck. "Now you don't have any left for my hands," Dawn said. Laura smiled and reached under the bed again. "Lie back . . . up here . . . and put your arms above your head," she said gently, pulling up another coil of rope. Dawn couldn't restrain her mirth. "What you got under there, a rope farm?" Not answering, Laura carefully tied one of Dawn's wrist to one corner of the headboard, then the other wrist to the other corner. Dawn's eyes were throbbing, swimming in sex, murky, full of questions and appeals. "You better put that ball in my mouth or I'm going to moan or something," she panted. "Go ahead and moan," Laura murmured. "Moan softly. I love to hear you moan. Half the things I do to you are just so I can hear you moan." "You're telling the truth, aren't you." She made a fake moan. "Ohhhhh." "I can make you moan better than that." "Why don't you try, then?" There was a long strand of rope left after Laura had tied Dawn's second wrist to the headboard, but Laura had no intention of tying her up further. She tossed the remaining rope off the side of the bed. "Ooohhhh, I'm going to get it now . . . right?" Dawn smiled, black eyes glistening, not faking any more. Laura crawled back over to her, straddling her waist again, which reminded them both of what had occurred moments earlier on the sofa. She leaned down and swished her breasts against Dawn's, bringing her lips down onto Dawn's, kissing her with warm, sensual thoroughness. Dawn looked up at her wide-eyed. "Where'd you put that double thingee?" Again without answering, Laura got slowly off the bed, feeling Dawn's eyes on her body, and fetched the harness, slipping into it easily, as she had learned to do at Rhonda's house. With a little more effort, she snapped the Double Penetrator into place, then rejoined Dawn on the bed. She reached over to her bedstand drawer and took out the small bottle of baby oil. Dawn watched everything in fascinated silence. "You better put that ball in my mouth because I don't think I can moan soft," she whispered. "Sure you can," Laura smiled, now crouching beside her. She extended her tongue and bent her head to Dawn's breasts, now coiled with rope. "The reason I tied these up was so they couldn't get away. Now they're my prisoners. I'm going to enjoy them." "Oh! Unhhhhh!" "Mmmm, you like it when I do that." Laura licked both of Dawn's large, black, shiny nipples, first one, then the other, switching back and forth, caressing the full globes of Dawn's slightly bulging breasts with her fingertips. "Do it harder!" Dawn panted. "You always like it harder," Laura murmured, looking up at her from under her heavy eyelids. "You like it so rough." "Yes! If you don't suck them harder, Laura, I'm going to scream." "Like this?" "Annnhhggghh! Oh shit . . . yes!" "How about the other one?" "Ungghhhh! Oh!" Dawn's nipples were wet with Laura's saliva, taut and pointing now, the centers rubbery and protruding from the erect areolas. Her breasts were not tightly encased in the rope coils, and they moved under Laura's fingers. In this case, the rope was more an esthetic enhancement than a true physical binding, but it's effect on Laura's lust was nearly the same. When Dawn writhed, the rope shifted and bit into her skin a little here and there, making it shiny and taut beneath the strands. Dawn's eyes implored her. "Get that ball into my mouth, girl." Reluctantly—for Laura really did like to hear Dawn moan—she retrieved the gag from the place where they had dropped it at the end of the bed. "Most people are afraid to be gagged," she teased Dawn. "Now . . . open wide." "One thing before you do it," Dawn said softly, looking up calmly at Laura. "I want you to pull my hair. I know you don't want to do it . . . I saw last time how you didn't want to. But it won't hurt me. I want it. I want you to promise me that you'll do it. Laura . . . it just makes me come about ten times as hard. Please. Pull it with both hands. Right at the best time. Okay?" Laura gnawed her lower lip. She nodded. "Okay. Now, like I said, open wide." Obediently, Dawn opened her full, sensual lips to receive the ball, her eyes holding Laura's, swirling with wild sexual meanings. Laura slipped it in and pulled the straps around to the back of Dawn's head, fastening the little buckle at the top of Dawn's neck, careful to find just the right holes in the strap so that it would not be too tight. Then she pulled back and looked at Dawn, who seemed luminous with anticipation. I guess I would be too, Laura thought. She knows she's going to die of coming in just a few minutes. Maybe I should get her to yank my hair too, just so I could find out what it feels like. This thought made a sexual tremor run through Laura's body that was clearly visible to them both, and Dawn, even though gagged by the gleaming white ball in her mouth, smiled. Her black eyes flickered, and she made a small, low groan of delight. "Mmmm, you like that, don't you," Laura murmured to her, now teasing her by swishing her naked breasts in Dawn's face, now that Dawn was immobilized by the ropes and the gag, unable to do anything about it. "Ummmmm," Dawn hummed into the ball in her mouth, nodding. Carefully, feeling the sexual tension jump up a notch for them both, she unknotted the white scarf that held the soft brush of Dawn's hair in place behind her head. The black hair billowed out, dense and wiry but very soft. Mixed with her very insistent lust Laura suddenly felt a great tenderness, an aching, yearning desire for the girl spreading through her body as she touched Dawn's hair. She kissed her high, shining forehead. "I just want you so bad," she whispered. "All the time . . . all the time I want you." "Ummmm!" Dawn hummed, nodding again, her eyes shiny and throbbing. Laura was quickly all over her but moving at a slow, sensual pace, kissing her naked body everywhere, stroking her, caressing her, wildly aroused by the ropes crisscrossing Dawn's supple flesh. They were not very tight, but Dawn was nevertheless restrained, her wrists tied to the top of the bed, her body squirming under Laura's hungry lips and urgent touch. And now she began to moan in the soft, helpless way Laura loved to hear, her moans muffled by the ball-gag but still deep and full of sexual intensity. Laura lingered again at her breasts, now encased in rope but the marvelously shaped gourds she loved so well. She squeezed and teased them, sucking Dawn's large black nipples again slowly, tenderly, then more voraciously, until Dawn's moans turned to tight, clotted whimpers. "Ummngghh! Ohhmmnngg!" she grunted softly into the gag, looking down at Laura's mouth on her wet nipples, twisting her body, her fingers jerking spasmodically above the coils of rope imprisoning her wrists. Her breasts, though not as tightly choked and throttled as they could have been had Laura tied them the way she had often tied up Karen's or Earlene's in the past, still stood up higher than usual when she was on her back, and Laura was obsessed by the smooth, bulging, round undersides, kissing them with infinite tenderness that soon became a more uncontrollable thirst. Her lips found their way back up the smooth dark slopes to Dawn's swollen, damp nipples, which she again assaulted lovingly. By now they were both tumid and aching, swollen with desire, and even Laura was moaning softly as she pressed her hands against Dawn's warm inner thighs, pushing them open, running one sensitive fingertip along the puffy, glistening edges of Dawn's open, runny quim. Dawn's eyes rolled up. "Annmmffgghh!" she groaned, her hips suddenly rocking in a suggestive way as the sensations streamed through her body. It was a funny feeling for Laura as she looked down at the two joined, monstrous appendages bobbing from their anchorage on her pubic bone, both of them pointed toward Dawn's open, vulnerable groin, Dawn's pussy wet and puckered, her little asshole a dark, tightly shut aperture between her two beautifully round and bulging buns. This must be what a man feels like when he lowers that throbbing battering ram between your thighs, Laura reflected. She had felt it briefly at Rhonda's but never this strongly. Working quickly, she uncapped the bottle of oil and spread some on her forefinger. She slid the finger between Dawn's firm ass cheeks and up into her ass, watching Dawn grimace, hearing her whimper softly as Laura's long finger invaded her body. Dawn knew this was only a hint of the invasion to follow. "Oh yes, honey . . ." Laura purred to her, twisting her finger, trying to open the tightly shut orifice enough to permit the Double Penetrator, or at least a second finger. "Your pussy is all wet and hungry, but this little back door is closed tight. We have to try to open it up a little." "Umnnggpphhh!" Dawn grunted softly, her eyes watering as Laura quickly widened the entry with her fingers. She had got two fingers in by now, and Dawn's asshole was slowly yielding to them as she slid them in and out. She wanted to be patient, to work gradually into the frenzy that was, she knew, soon to overtake them both, but it was very hard. Dawn's deeply black, gleaming body, crisscrossed by the white ropes, even though they weren't cinched very tightly, made Laura's blood boil and seethe with hot lust, and Dawn made it worse by moaning, writhing, struggling against the strands of rope, whimpering, churning her pelvis in slow, rhythmic circles, fueling Laura's desire to the spillover point. Finally, Laura knew neither of them could delay any longer. She removed her greasy fingers from Dawn's ass and quickly swabbed the lower appendage of the Penetrator with fresh oil from the bottle. Dawn knew what she was doing, and suddenly her body grew more tense, as if she were preparing for the total thrill that was about to occur. Leaning over to the bedstand to set the bottle of oil there, Laura saw Dawn's eyes on her swaying breasts, saw the look of total, happy surrender in them, and she smiled back. "I love you so much," she whispered, leaning forward, again swishing her naked breasts against Dawn's but this time not teasing her, instead kissing her cheek, her forehead, her other cheek. Then, without another word, she took the Penetrator in her hand and began to guide it home. Dawn's gaping, juice-slick pussy was, of course, perfectly ready for the top dildo, which slid in easily, but it was slow going as Laura inched the lower, well-lubricated prong into her ass, pushing gently but firmly, feeling Dawn's body clench and tremble uncontrollably as it penetrated further and further into her rectum. Not wanting to hurt the girl, Laura held the apparatus firmly with one hand, stopping when she saw tears actually leaking from the corners of Dawn's eyes, pausing to comfort and reassure her, then pushing forward again when Dawn saw her waiting and nodded quickly, two sharp nods, as if to say, Do it, please, oh do it, yes, keep it coming! After a few seconds of pushing forward, Laura looked down to see their groins almost touching, and the Penetrator sunk completely in Dawn's body. Dawn was totally impaled on both thick stalks, and Laura did not move purposely for several more seconds in order to let the girl's body accommodate itself to this invasion. She could see from the slight glaze that had formed over Dawn's glittering black eyes that the sensations were almost too intense to bear. Nevertheless, in another second or two Dawn herself began to undulate her body under Laura, as if prompting Laura to fuck her, as if to say that she was ready, and they could push on. She groaned softly into the ball gag, and her eyes rolled up, her eyelids fluttering. "Ummnnnnn," she groaned, as Laura began to move her own hips slowly, her eyelids fluttering open again, her glazed eyes catching Laura's. Even though Dawn was the one being penetrated and fucked, Laura felt like she herself might come before they could go any further. She felt her whole body—and her mind, too— running with fire, especially her cunt, which oozed and throbbed and jangled like a relentless fire alarm, pulsing and aching underneath the two giant stalks she was gently sliding in and out of Dawn's body, holding the base with one hand to prevent slippage, even though she realized it was probably unnecessary. She had experienced sympathetic orgasms before, though rarely, and she feared this might be another, and that it would arrive before Dawn herself could come, thus ruining this slow crescendo they were managing. Laura clenched her teeth and tried to fight it back, to suppress the rising wave of her own orgasm, which she knew was being brought on by the sight and the feel of Dawn's incipient sexual rapture as Dawn writhed and groaned under her, whimpering each time the two huge shafts probed deep into her body, then exhaling a gargled sigh into the ball in her mouth as they slid out again. I can't come before she does, Laura told herself. I can't. It's not fair. She is so beautiful . . . so absolutely stunning this way, so ready, so ready to die of coming. Oh Dawn. Oh . . . you make me want to come so badly, I can hardly stop myself. But she did. She clamped it off and bit it back, finally relaxing her grip on the Penetrator and running her hands all over Dawn's gleaming black body, luxuriating in the feel of the girl's silky, damp skin and her sleek, smooth flesh, her delicious curves, her firm, jutting breasts. I love you . . . I love you, I love fucking you. Slowly, their rhythm accelerated. Dawn's eyes fluttered open and again locked into Laura's. And Laura, in response, began to fuck her more vigorously, more energetically, picking up the pace from the slow, rhythmic grinding they had been using to a faster, more frenzied tempo. By now Dawn's ass had loosened enough to let the well-lubricated lower dildo slide in and out easily, and so Laura's thrusts pushed the entire apparatus deep into her body each time. Dawn whimpered and tossed her head, arching her body, undulating under Laura in quicker, more violent waves, now clamping her thighs around Laura's hips, pushing her groin up into the double invaders. "Umnnggh! Ohnmmgggnn . . . ummnngghh!" she grunted softly into the gag, her eyes rolling up, then gradually regaining focus and locking into Laura's again. "Oh yes . . . oh yes!" Laura panted, now holding Dawn's squirming, undulating body with both hands, embracing her, mashing her breasts into Dawn's, pumping her harder, fucking her roughly with the huge stalks that sprung unnaturally out of her own groin and sank deep in Dawn's quivering body with every sharp thrust. "Ommnngghhhh!" "Oh yes . . . . honey . . . honey!" Laura gasped, slowly sliding her hands up Dawn's smooth arms and shoulders to her head. She wondered if she would know the right time to pull the girl's hair, and she exerted every effort at this instant to try to feel each nuance of Dawn's physical state, to detect the moment of no return, when Dawn's orgasm was unstoppable but not yet born. But of course she knew she would detect it. They had done this before. The fact that Laura was startled, shocked, and thrilled by it each time didn't mean she was not ready, and as Dawn began to stiffen and stretch out slightly under her, she knew it was closer than ever. "Yes . . . yes," she panted, sliding her hands back feverishly down to Dawn's slowly churning hips, holding them steady, and planting the two long dildos again vigorously into Dawn's ass and pussy with several deep, straight ahead plunges. "Unngghmmnnnn!" "Yes!" "Unngghmmnnnn!"
"Oh god, honey . . . you're going to come," Laura panted, quickly picking up the pace, fucking her hard and fast, jerking her own hips forward, stabbing Dawn deep, even ripping the two cocks up into Dawn's body as the first tremors of a crushing orgasm began to shake the girl's flesh. Dawn's uncontrollable grunting and snuffling and moaning, strangled by the gag, suddenly gave way to thin, squeaking, semi-hysterical half-screams that came from deep in her throat. Desperate not to lose her opportunity, Laura again slid her hands up to the girl's head, slipping her fingers into Dawn's soft, billowy hair, clutching it, getting a tight grip. Dawn's eyes came open at that moment, boring deep into Laura's with a fierce mingling of hot love and wild sexual mania and a burning knowledge that Laura was going to deliver. Looking into her eyes, Laura could see the very moment when she began to come. Red embers deep in the centers of Dawn's glittering black eyes suddenly flared brightly, and her face froze in a grimace, as if her whole being were pierced by a lightning strike. A sharp twitch shook her entire body, and Laura immediately filled her fists with clumps of Dawn's soft hair and began to pull it hard, still fucking forward into her at the same time with the two plunging prongs, and kissing her cheek, then her shoulders in a passionate frenzy of her own, feeling her own hard, sensitized nipples rasp against the coils of rope that were looped around Dawn's breasts as Dawn shuddered her way through a squealing ecstasy. The sharp yanks Laura gave her hair seemed to send Dawn—as she had said—into stratospheric levels of rapture. At first, she writhed more violently, and whimpered hysterically into the ball in her mouth, her body flipping and arching and quivering as piercing new waves of pleasure shot through her. Then, with Laura still fucking her pretty hard and yanking her hair sharply, she seemed to slip into a moaning, quivering trance of coming, the way Laura had seen Jonelle do, sinking deep, her body twitching and flexing, her face contorted by a swoon of terrible power, and unbearable pleasure. Knowing Dawn had reached the pinnacle she wanted to attain, Laura now relaxed her grip on the clumps of hair in her hand, and stopped thrusting too. Still Dawn swooned, twitching, quivering, and mewling into the ball, her body a mass of ripples and twinges as the last excruciating spasms of her killing orgasm waned. Laura wanted to hold her and murmur to her and kiss her, but she realized that she was still attached herself to the two large shafts that were sunk deep in Dawn's twitching body. Even though Dawn was still half-swooning, Laura reached down with one hand and, as gently as possible, extracted the monstrous apparatus from the lovely, trembling girl's ass and pussy. One brief glance at the glistening, gnarled thing was enough to make her shudder with fear and fascination, and she quickly slipped out of the harness, putting the wet device down at the end of the bed, quickly sliding up again to Dawn. Dawn was finally coming to life again as Laura quickly unfastened the gag and untied the ropes that held her wrists to the headboard. She rubbed the skin inside of her wrists with her fingers as Laura uncoiled the ropes from her breasts and the rest of her body. There were dried tear marks in the corners of her eyes, but she was smiling, even beaming, at Laura. She shook her head in disbelief. "Laura . . . where'd you learn to be that nasty?" She smiled even more broadly. "You, girl, are the bomb. I think I'm going to leave Robert and move in here with you so you can do that to me every night." Laura caressed her cheek with a fingertip. "I was afraid you were going to faint or something." "Fainting can't be as good as that," Dawn whispered solemnly. She patted her hair, which Laura's hands had left all askew and spraying in every direction, back into a semblance of neatness, making a face at Laura and going briefly, comically, cross-eyed. "My head still hurts, but my pussy feels like it just died and went to heaven." They lay back down on the bed side by side, kissing and touching tenderly, still half-stunned by the aftermath. Dawn appeared to be emerging only slowly from the trauma of this fierce orgasm. "I can still feel it," she confessed softly to Laura. "It sort of goes all the way from my toes up to the roots of my hair . . . and it's like I'm shaking inside, and all filled with this incredible warmth too . . . like I'm still coming, in a way," she said, gazing lovingly into Laura's eyes. Laura smoothed down some loose sprigs of Dawn's hair with her hand, as she had watched Dawn herself do earlier. "I love making you come." Dawn grinned saucily. "I guess you're going to be envious if you don't get a chance to feel it too." Laura glanced down to the end of the bed, where she had left the Double Penetrator. Did she really want to be fucked by that gargantuan monster? On the other hand, the thought of Dawn doing it to her was almost irresistible and made her blood rush happily, and heatedly. "I think we better wash it off first," she said. "You just leave that to me, Laura," Dawn squint-smiled at her, hopping off the bed and grabbing the Penetrator gingerly with two fingers, heading for the bathroom with it. "You lay there and imagine how you gonna get laid like you never been laid before, lady." Amused, and also aroused, Laura pushed the ropes off the bed and was about to do the same with the ball gag when Dawn reappeared from the bathroom. She had a smirk on her face, and she was stunningly, voluptuously naked, wearing the harness, the two large bent dildos shooting out straight ahead and swooping up a little from her groin. "How do I look?" Laura was almost afraid to tell her. It was as if she had never seen Dawn naked before, so overcome was she by awe and lust for this girl's thrilling, beautiful body. I was just fucking her minutes ago, she thought. How can I be feeling this way? She doesn't look any more lovely than she did then, does she? But somehow Dawn did. Maybe it was the half-comic contrast of her svelte, curvaceous, silky black body with the grotesque hard rubber appendages springing unnaturally out of her crotch that made Laura desperate to embrace her and stroke her beautiful flesh, as if she had never tasted it before. "Laura . . . you awake?" Dawn prompted. "Hey there, girl. Wake up. I said, How do I look?" She did a little pirouette at the foot of the bed, purposely arching her back and pushing her delectable breasts forward, then rotating her hips to make the two dildos bob wildly up and down. Again Laura was nearly overcome by the mixture of comedy and sheer devastating sexuality. "God, you are a vision," she said, truthfully. "I don't think I've ever seen anything more beautiful." Dawn squinted playfully. "You just saying that 'cause you want me to fuck you." "I sure do." Dawn beamed, walking around the bed to the side, stepping on the rope Laura had just pushed off it. She looked down. "Guess you don't want me to tie you up too." "I don't know if I can wait," Laura murmured, hearing her own voice quaver. Dawn reached down to the end of the bed for the gag, her firm, dark breasts swooping out as she reached forward, her large black nipples soft and gleaming again. "You have to wear this, at least. What if they're still up there?" She pursed her lips, suppressing a small gale of laughter. "He might just be getting to the point where it's standing up and ready to go in." She winked. "He's had about twenty minutes to get it pumping." Laura grinned. She reached out and took the ball gag from Dawn's hand. "If you don't get on with it, I'm going to die of anticipation," she murmured softly. Now Dawn's expression went all serious and sexy and determined. She climbed back onto the bed as Laura slipped the ball into her own mouth and pulled the straps around her head, fastening the buckle herself. Then she lay back and spread her thighs, holding up her arms to receive Dawn, who leaned forward and swished her large naked breasts in Laura's face, as Laura had earlier done to her. The feel of the smooth, round globes grazing the skin of her cheeks and her forehead aroused Laura wildly, and she grabbed Dawn's breasts with both hands, pinching her thick nipples and squeezing the resilient, dangling balls passionately. "Mmmm, you like those boobies, don't you," Dawn purred happily, watching Laura's fingers dig into the flesh of her young breasts. "You wish you could get all of those boobies in your mouth, don't you, Laura? But you have to keep that ball in your mouth so you won't make any noise. Mmmmm, but I can get a mouth full of your boobies instead. And you have such beautiful ones . . . I just love these . . . I could suck on them forever. Sometimes I lay in bed next to Robert and dream of your boobs, Laura, you know that? You ever hear of anything as weird as that, lying there, dreaming of another woman's titties?" "Ummngghhhh!" Laura moaned as Dawn ceased talking and did what she said she wanted to do, sucking and tonguing Laura's excited nipples feverishly. Fuck me . . . fuck me now, darling . . . now, don't wait, please, she thought, holding Dawn's head in both hands while Dawn hungrily sucked her nipples. Laura, who genuinely did delight in making her lovers come, as she had confessed to Dawn earlier, often found herself in this state, completely overwrought by sexual need after having caused a stupendous orgasmic explosion in her partner, a process that inevitably fanned her own inner sexual flames to the raging point. But Dawn was in no hurry. In fact, she was enjoying Laura's body with the same, patient, exploratory fervor that Laura had earlier used on her, and it was a couple of minutes before she reached for the bottle of baby oil on the bedstand. Oh god . . . finally! Laura thought, by now almost desperate with need, writhing and groaning under Dawn's increasingly hot caresses. "You know," Dawn mused aloud, fascinated by the experience, "this must be kind of what a man feels like when he's going to do it to you." She opened the cap of the bottle and smeared some oil on her long, black finger as she had seen Laura do. "I mean, feels sort of funny, you know, having these big things down there bobbing up and down." She pondered it. "Of course, a man only has one. Most of 'em ain't as big as this one, either. I guess I'm better than any man, eh? " she grinned. Laura stiffened slightly as she felt Dawn's long finger slide up into her ass, hoping she would not come, since she was already almost at the trigger point. But now Dawn seemed to realize it, grasping from the frenetic convulsions of Laura's body that Laura was very close to overflowing. "Ooooh, you close, aren't you, girl," she purred. "I think we better get to this quick." Laura nodded frantically, whimpering and twisting. "You think you can take this big thing all the way up that pretty little booty of yours?" Laura nodded again, beseeching her with her eyes. "Okay . . . if you say so, I'm willing to give it a try." Very seriously now, she removed her finger and slowly spread oil, as Laura had done, all over the lower dildo, while Laura watched, feeling the blood beat in her neck, and throb almost hysterically in her pussy. Dawn smiled at her as she set the bottle back on the bedstand. "Ready?" "Ummpphgghh!" Laura nodded. Slowly, Dawn began to inch both dildos into Laura's body. Again, Laura was afraid she might come before they even got inside her. The sight of Dawn leaning forward over her, methodically pushing, holding the Penetrator with one hand, guiding it, gnawing her lower lip as she concentrated on her task, her deeply black naked body gleaming and smooth, her firm, enchanting breasts jiggling slightly when she moved, her thick black nipples shiny and soft and swollen, all this made Laura nearly overflow with intense sexual need. And the feel of the two huge shafts sliding up into her ass and her pussy, making both orifices clench and pulse with a warm, gently stabbing fire that was indistinguishable from pleasure or pain, nearly made her spill over too. Finally, the two stalks were completely in. Dawn, her groin now tightly pressed to Laura's, looked up and smiled. "Ooohhhh . . . I know how that feels," she whispered to Laura, "and it feels . . . good, doesn't it." With difficulty, Laura nodded. It had been a long time since she had experienced this feeling, the feeling of being completely stuffed and crammed to the bursting point, her whole body engorged with cock, though in this case not real cock. But the effect, she realized, was the same. Her body throbbed and swelled, and Dawn leaned forward to kiss her, brushing her full, sensual lips against Laura's cheek, then her forehead, at the same time moving her nipples enticingly against Laura's own taut, erect buds, still a little damp with Dawn's saliva. "Ready?" she asked again, murmuring softly Laura moaned, then nodded, catching Dawn's eyes with her own as she was finally able to focus clearly after the hot fog that had enveloped her during the penetration. "Ummnngghh," she grunted softly. Slowly, Dawn began to fuck her. But Laura had controlled the urge for so long that now she could control it no longer. Dawn's body . . . Dawn's face . . . Dawn's serious, patient smile . . . Dawn's firm, steady hip motion . . . Dawn's luscious, dangling breasts . . . Dawn's flickering, knowing eyes . . . it all swirled together in a hot tornado of sex that threatened to carry Laura off in an instant. Realizing what was happening, she reached down and grabbed both of Dawn's wrists, pulling Dawn's hands up to her head, pushing them into her hair, nodding desperately at the same time. Dawn's eyes flashed in recognition, and also curiosity, questioning Laura. "You want—?" Laura nodded wildly. She could feel Dawn's fingers slowly grasping large clumps of her hair. She kept nodding, even now feeling her hair pull as she moved her head. "Oh Laura." But it was nearly all over for Laura already. With Dawn's hands entangled in her hair, and Dawn's face only inches from hers, and Dawn's hips churning still in a gentle rhythm, fucking her, pushing the two dildos into her body with each forward thrust, she had reached the breaking point. One moment she could feel the two large stalks sliding in and out of her body, and the next she was screaming and vibrating like an electric wire overloaded with current. "Aoowwwnmmnnnggghhhhhmmphhhh!" she cried out into the ball in her mouth, almost jackknifing under Dawn as a huge orgasm suddenly wrenched her. And then she felt her whole body erupt in fire as Dawn's hands began yanking her hair, pulling her head forcibly back on her neck, and stabbing the two dildos deep into her with each yank. "Auungmmmhphhgghh! Owwwunngghhhhmmphhh!" she howled, undulating helplessly and violently under Dawn's thrusting body. "Oh baby . . . oh Laura, you going up," Dawn panted, driving the rubber prongs into her again, leaning down further, embracing Laura and fucking her hard, much like a man, but releasing her hair now as Laura exploded over and over again with fresh, wrenching spasms. Whinnying and screaming hysterically into the gag, Laura strained and shuddered, pushing her groin up into Dawn's thrusts, feeling the large dildos stab deep into her body, so deep that the pain caused by them mingled together with the intense shocks of pleasure that accompanied each spasm, making them even more acute. She had two clear orgasms and several aftershocks that were nearly convulsive enough to join the first two, and it was close to a minute before her body finally surrendered and fell back limp to the bed. Dawn, who had been there herself only a few minutes earlier, was careful not to move while the last twinges of fierce sensation played themselves out in Laura's body. Only when Laura was finally limp and sighing softly did she make a move to gently pull the Penetrator out. Laura's eyes fluttered open, and she could not stop a giggle from interrupting her sighs as she saw Dawn make a face while slipping out of the dildo harness, trying to avoid at the same time being swiped by the wet, glistening shafts. "Ooohhh shit . . . these things are nasty," Dawn laughed, accidentally smearing her delicious, sleek thigh with some goo. "Now look, I got that stuff on my leg." Smiling at Laura, she quickly daubed at it with the edge of the sheet. Laura meanwhile had reached up behind her head to unfasten the gag. She was still half-stunned from the experience, contemplating Dawn's naked body. Seconds ago, just the sight of it had seemed almost enough to trigger a crunching orgasm, and yet now it seemed more a thing of startling, pure natural beauty, very black and smooth, shapely and polished, than a sexual magnet to her. Dawn saw her looking. She leaned close again, kissing Laura's cheeks, then the tiny tears that had also leaked from the edges of Laura's eyes. "I love you, Laura," she whispered. "It was fun making you come like that." Laura sat up. She put her arms around Dawn and kissed her. "Don't ever call that 'fun,'" she murmured, wiping away the tears that were left in the corners of her eyes with the back of her wrist. "It's more like a religious experience than fun." A slow, beaming smile spread across Dawn's face. "I thought I was the only one who felt that way." Tenderly, Laura drew an invisible circle with her fingertip around one of Dawn's large, gleaming nipples. "The only problem is, we've got the rest of the evening, and I don't know if either of us is going to be able to lift a finger." Dawn smirked ruefully. "We may not have to if Grammy and Gramps up there are still trying to get it all working. Anyway, I worked up an appetite there. I could use a little food before we try to invent another new way to do it." "Follow me, my dear," Laura said, hopping off the bed. "You always fed me in the past. My turn now. I can cook too, you know." They threw on two of Laura's bathrobes. In the living room, Dawn went over to the window while Laura continued on to the kitchen. "Ooooohhh Laura," she cooed, crooking her finger. "Come look. I think they left. We might have been using that nasty old gag without needing to." Laura came over to the window. Sure enough, the Gibson's old brown Mercedes was gone from its parking space. She and Dawn looked at each other, brimming with joy over what they had done together in the bedroom, knowing that the experience had been intensified by fearing they might be overheard. "Nasty old gag?" Laura raised her eyebrow skeptically. "You're going to make me blush, girl, if you don't watch out." Laura nodded toward the kitchen. "Come in here and eat so you can get your strength back. Now that they're gone, that beautiful little black kitty might not get out of here alive." "Mmmm, I hope you're telling the truth," Dawn grinned, dark eyes sparkling. |
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