Laura - Chapter 245



Laura was roaming the cosmetics aisles of the local Target store on Saturday morning, picking up cheap shampoo, moisturizers, and other odds and ends, when she ran into Charise, whom she had not seen for weeks. In fact, her heart took a skip as she saw her beloved Inky round the corner, this delicious teenager, so very black, like Dawn, so well-formed, so radiant when she smiled, almost homely otherwise. She remembered how Kendra had called her 'one ugly little nigger,' and cringed.

Charise was not ugly to Laura. The two of them had just about incinerated one another in sexual conflagrations that one could never suspect, if one saw only the charming, girlish Charise with her slightly mawkish mannerisms and her stiff little unstylish Dutch flip hairdo. But the girl was an angel in disguise. The bangs! Laura thought. The bangs!

She could hardly take her eyes off Charise's forehead, curtained by the famous coal-black bangs that made Laura's heart quiver and throb.


Charise stopped and flinched. She recognized Laura, and her face veered into her usual beatific smile, then quickly stopped, and she glanced over her shoulder, then back at Laura.

"Hi . . . Laura."

"Oh god, Charise . . . I've missed you so much," Laura said, under her breath, aware that Charise was not entirely relaxed about this chance encounter.

Again Charise looked back, then forward over Laura's shoulder. "I'm here with my Mama," she whispered. "She over there somewhere." She nodded toward an adjacent area of the store.

"Oh . . . I see," Laura whispered back, instantly on her guard.

She knew no one but Jane had the slightest idea she and Inky were lovers, but they both felt enough guilt to make them nervous. Still, they had shared such deep, unforgettable sexual moments, and had such a deep emotional bond, that their eyes held, throbbing, exchanging profound messages, right there in the cosmetics aisle at Target, in plain view.

The fear of discovery by Charise's mother was very great, but Laura could not possibly bear to let her go. She gestured with her head.

"Walk over there with me . . . just casually," she murmured. "Like we're strangers. We can just talk a little. Look straight ahead."

Nervous and reluctant, Charise nevertheless agreed. She and Laura wandered out of the aisle, toward the women's ready-to-wear section of the store. Laura, who had been suffering a sweet, romantic turmoil in her feelings for days following her scorching night in Dawn's bed, was feeling a rush of self-hatred. God, I'm such a slut, she thought. Wanting to rape this darling little girl, when I was just telling Dawn how much I love her only a day or so ago, bringing her roses, fucking her all night, groaning and panting into her ear. Now I can't wait to get my hooks into dear Inky, whose mother is even here in the store somewhere, for god's sake!

She swallowed and tried to act every inch the adult, not overtly lecherous, even holding back her syrupy affection. "So . . . miss any more periods?"

Charise nodded slowly, looking straight ahead.

Oh god! Laura thought. She was seized by a desperate need to enfold the girl, squeeze her, fuck her tenderly, coo love words in her ear, stroke her naked back, kiss her luscious mouth, tongue-tickle her perfect little black pussy. They were passing through racks of clothing, and on an impulse Laura grabbed a few sweaters, and some underwear. She pulled Charise toward the changing rooms in the back.

"Here . . . take these. Go in one of those little rooms to try them on. I'll try these on."

"Do you think we should be doing this?" Charise asked, meekly.

Laura leaned close, whispering furtively. "I've got to kiss you. I'll die otherwise."

Now the familiar gleam of unbelievable delight came into Charise's shiny black eyes. "Really?"


Laura felt more like a worm than ever. She was obviously coercing this poor girl into doing it. Charise kept looking back over her shoulder, as if she were about to be called by her mother, but she could not refuse Laura. Usually there was a girl sitting at a counter near the changing rooms to guard against theft, but this time the counter was vacant. Laura and Charise slipped by it and back into one of the rooms without being seen.

Laura quickly dropped the sweaters on the little bench that was attached to the flimsy wall and turned to fasten the small hook on the door. When she turned back, Charise was still holding the underwear bunched in her fist, looking terrified.

"Oh god, darling, don't look that way!" Laura said, taking the underwear and tossing it on top of the sweaters.

Being called 'darling' always made Charise melt with happiness, and though still frightened, she yielded, smiling, to Laura's wishes. "You better hurry if you want to kiss me," she whispered. "My Mama is a one hot holy bitch of a mama when she get mad."

Laura embraced her. Their mouths met in a hungrier, more ravenous kiss than Laura ever remembered sharing with Charise. She drove her tongue down into Charise's open, receptive mouth, stabbing it deep, digging her fingers into Charise's back through her thin shirt. Her mouth slid across the girl's phenomenally smooth black cheek to her neck. How can skin be so impossibly, beautifully, unnaturally smooth as this? she wondered as she kissed her way up and down Charise's neck, nipping her earlobe, pulling Charise's shirt tails out of her pants and running her hands up under the cloth.

"Oh god . . . I love your body!" Laura panted into her neck.

Charise said nothing but was panting excitedly, overwhelmed by Laura's instant passion here in such a semi-public place, while her mother was idly shopping out in the store.

"Think we better go back?" she suggested tentatively, as Laura pulled up her shirt, running her fingertips all over the girl's marvelous, warm, coal-black skin under her bra.

"Oh god . . . I've got to kiss you everywhere," Laura panted, almost incoherent, faintly alarmed at how passionate and uncontrollable her feelings were for the girl.

She tugged up the cups of Charise's bra, freeing Charise's large, woman's breasts, which bounced out of the cups, springy and upswept. Instantly, she cupped them with her hands and lowered her mouth to one soft, swelling black nipple, sucking it thirstily.

"Mmnngeee!" Charise wailed softly, watching her nipple disappear into Laura's mouth. "Oh shit . . . Laura!" she said in a loud whisper.

Her hands clasped Laura's head and pulled it away, so that her wet nipple popped out of Laura's mouth. Laura looked up to see the fear on Charise's face, and suddenly felt her own chagrin and deep guilt for having forced the girl into this. Oh god, I might as well be a rapist! she thought. Quick, get control of yourself, girl. Inky is just a teenager, and her damn mother is out there somewhere, just getting ready to catch you molesting her daughter!

"I'm sorry. God, I'm sorry, honey."

Quickly, she pulled the bra cups down again over Charise's breasts, which was not so easy since they were big, and very firm.

"I just . . . oh god, I'm just so hungry for you," she confessed.

Charise, while touchingly pleased to be wanted so much, was terrified of being caught. "We gotta get out of here," she whispered. "What if they catch us?"

"I know."

Laura took a deep breath and stood up straight. Charise hurriedly stuffed her shirt tails back into her pants.

"My Mama going to a wedding this evening. That's why we came here. She shopping for a present."

"You could come to my place," Laura said, almost breathlessly, excited.

Charise shook her head. "I have to stay home with my two little brothers."

Laura's face fell.

"You could come over. Just visiting, like?"

"But we wouldn't be able to—"

Now a mischievous, even a salacious, expression passed across Charise's young face. "You can park your car in the garage. Ours ain't gonna be there. Then we could . . . you know, kind of go outside to it while they're playing Nintendo."

She gave Laura a sly look. Laura was overcome by the urgent need to kiss her again, and to feel Charise's young, supple, vibrant body in her arms.

"What time?" she asked, controlling the impulse to grab Charise again. "And you'll have to give me the address. Remember, I only dropped you off. I don't know the house."

Charise grinned, playing cat-and-mouse with Laura. "Saw you driving by once."

"You did?" Laura blushed.

Charise tilted her head, becoming a devastating flirt. "Were you looking for me?"

"If you don't tell me the address, I'm going to kiss you again," Laura threatened.

"Thirty-five forty-one. She leaving at four-thirty. You could come at five."

"What will your brothers think?"

"I get to have friends," Charise sneered, offended to think that Laura did not trust her to handle it.

Laura gulped. "I'll be there."

"I gotta get out of here before my Mama raises hell 'cause she can't find me," Charise said, groping for the sweaters she was supposed to be trying on.

"You go first," Laura said. "I'll come out in a minute . . . so it doesn't look like we're together."

Touchingly, Charise, before popping out the door, leaned forward and gave Laura an affectionate peck on the lips. "See you at four-thirty."

"I can't wait," Laura smiled.

And it was true. She could hardly contain the butterflies in her stomach, or the thrill that came from Charise's quick parting kiss. Such a sweet, wonderfully sexy little girl, she thought. I couldn't keep my hands off her.

There was now a girl in a red smock sitting behind the counter. Laura handed her the sweaters. "Didn't fit," she said, acting imperious and important to cover her shame at having lured Charise back into the changing rooms.

The rest of the day, up until five o'clock, was a torment to her. Mostly she spent it trying not to think about Dawn. It's not as if I'm betraying her or anything, Laura reasoned. After all, I had a relationship with Inky long before I even knew there was a Dawn. And I'm sure Robert is back from Chico now, and they're sleeping together, and she's still shaving her pussy like before, and he's pumping it, and so why should I be feeling this way? Like I'm cheating on her.

In between these thoughts of Dawn, her mind would drift back to Charise. She relived each moment, how they had secretly embraced, kissed ravenously, how she had freed Charise's wonderful firm breasts and sucked one of her coal-black nipples greedily, how Charise had whimpered but also cringed with fear of discovery. Laura felt her pussy begin to ooze with warm juices, but she also felt guilty and deeply ashamed. I got her into that, I got her into all this, she thought. Without me she'd just be a normal little, what . . . pregnant teenager?

And this made her thoughts veer off into even more troubling territory. This girl is pregnant, Laura, she told herself. You're sitting her seething from lust, your pussy is throbbing and flowing, all in the anticipation of getting in the back seat of your car in her mother's garage and fucking this sweet little pregnant teenager until both of you are squealing and coming unbelievably. Isn't that right?

It didn't matter how she phrased it to herself; it still made her feel like a worm and at the same time so horny from imagining it that she knew nothing short of prison could keep her from doing it. By the time five o'clock arrived, her feelings were a welter of confusion, and her body was yearning for Charise as never before.

At four thirty-five she got a call from Charise.

"She just left," Charise said softly into the phone. "Wait ten minutes, then come. When I see you coming, I'll open the garage door. Just drive right inside, and I'll close it behind you."

It was all so conspiratorial. Laura knew they were both getting an extra charge out of this surreptitious plan. "Okay. See you in a few mintues."

Shockingly nervous, she nevertheless got control of herself enough to drive to the house. She was still fifty yards away when she saw the garage door going up. Of course, Charise knew Laura's car well and had spotted it from a distance. Laura pulled in and the garage door descended behind her car. It was dark.

Then she saw Charise peeking out from a door, which she was holding open for Laura. Laura's heart was racing. It was all so exciting.

In the kitchen, Charise shut the door to the garage and flirted with Laura. "You right on time. You must be thinking of doing something."

But Laura was too nervous to flirt. "Where are your brothers?"

Charise gestured toward the other area of the house with her head. "In there. Playing."

She had changed since their encounter in the Target store and now wore ragged jeans and a tight-fitting blue cotton jersey that emphasized the supple slenderness of her body and the largeness of her breasts, proportionally. They were not really large, not like Karen's, or Shavon's, not even quite as large as Dawn's, but in contrast with the rest of her young, still-developing body, they made Charise seem a little top-heavy. Her waist was very narrow, her hips slim, her breasts a beautifully-shaped shelf of jutting flesh above her stomach. It was still very hard to believe she was pregnant, but Laura wondered if she didn't notice a small, unusual swelling below the belt line.

"Let me check on them, and then we can go outside."

Charise's black eyes flashed. She was enjoying the anticipation as much as Laura.

"Maybe they should know I'm here," Laura suggested. "So they don't get surprised seeing me."

"Right. Good idea. Come with me and I'll introduce you."

Charise's brothers were five and seven years old, Daryl and D'André, two of the cutest little boys Laura had ever seen. They were well-behaved and mannerly, greeting Laura with respect, their eyes widening as they saw her come in from the kitchen with Charise.

"This is my friend Laura," Charise told them. "We gonna stay in the kitchen and talk. You guys go ahead and play Nintendo. Don't bother with us now. We want to talk girl talk, you know? Like, alone? You want to get a soda now out of the fridge, so you don't have to bother us?"

Both boys nodded. They trudged into the kitchen to get their sodas. Charise looked meaningfully at Laura. When the boys returned, she and Charise went back into the kitchen.

"Just give it a minute," Charise said, under her breath. "Like we talking in here. Then we can go out there."

Laura felt the incredible stirring of butterflies again in her stomach, almost as if she had never touched Charise before. She nodded.

"Hate having to do it this way, but it's the only way," Charise said. "Otherwise, I might not see you for weeks . . . months. You know," she pointed down at her belly, "I'm getting a little bigger."

She was clearly saying: Look, I'm pregnant, and soon we aren't going to be able to fuck any more.

"Look, it's none of my business . . ." Laura said. "But why don't you . . . you know, have the doctor just . . ."

"You mean abortion?"

Laura nodded.

"You asked me that before," Charise smiled. "Remember? When I first told you?"

Laura nodded again.

"I guess 'cause I haven't told my mama yet. If I bring it up, then I have to tell her."

"She's going to find out anyway, Charise. And the longer you wait . . ."

Charise's expression, normally so impish and angelic by turns, took on a lost, forlorn, fearful look. "I like babies," she said, meekly. "Guess I can handle it."

Laura wanted to embrace her, comfort her, and shake her vigorously at the same time. You fool! You darling! You must get rid of it! You're only sixteen!

A sensible, responsible adult would not take this girl out into the garage and fuck her right now, Laura reasoned to herself. It's almost criminal to do it. In fact, of course it is criminal. You should take her somewhere, to a minister, to a woman's shelter, somewhere she can get counseling. They have those places for teenage girls, don't they? The last thing you should be doing is taking her clothes off and sliding your tongue up inside her pussy. Her sweet, sweet pussy!

But Charise was eager to change the subject. "I got a blanket for us," she said. "Wait a minute, I'll get it."

Laura was paralyzed. She could not force herself to change the mood. Both of them were half-crazy with anticipation. It had been weeks since they had been together. They had nearly devoured one another already in Target, earlier in the day. If Charise had not been so terrified and felt so guilty, Laura would have gone even farther than sucking her breast, she knew.

Charise quickly returned carrying a big dark green Army blanket. She gestured toward the door to the garage with her head. Her eyes had a knowing expression now, as if to say: You want to fuck me, you better get yourself out here quick.

Laura followed her. When they were in the garage, Charise shut the door back into the kitchen with elaborate care, trying to ensure that there was no noise. Then she turned to Laura, whispering.

"Let's get in the back seat. I'm already feeling 'that way,' know what I mean?"

"I always feel 'that way' when I'm with you," Laura whispered back, truthfully.

They got into the back seat of Laura's car, both wincing as Laura slammed the door to make sure it was shut. Otherwise, the car's interior light would remain on.

"Hope they didn't hear that," Charise said, the same terror flitting through her black eyes that Laura had seen in Target, in the changing rooms.

"I don't think so," Laura whispered.

She unfolded the blanket and draped it half over each of them. Then she reached out for Charise, who came obligingly into her arms, up-tilting her face and offering her full, sensual lips to Laura. Even though they had shared some pretty intense kisses, this was more profound, moving, and erotic than any earlier one.

Maybe it was something about the secrecy of it, Laura thought—the darkness, the fact that they were huddled together under a blanket, hoping not to be discovered. Both wanted to have wild, unbridled, flaming sex with each other, but they knew that Charise's little brothers could come through the kitchen door into the garage at any time. How far could they go? What if Daryl peeked into the garage from the kitchen just as both of them were groaning helplessly in the grip of a fierce, heart-stirring orgasm? What if they were so heatedly screwing that they didn't notice D'André's curious little face peering through the car window at them?

This made their kiss more sweet, more intense, more acutely romantic than ever. It was slow and sensual, not hungry, voracious, and demanding, as Laura had kissed Charise earlier that day at Target. But now she explored every possibility, letting her tongue invade parts of Charise's mouth where it had never been, under her lips, under her twisting tongue. And Charise's tongue was just as eager to explore Laura's mouth. It was also a very long, expressive kiss, warm and emotionally moving, so that when their mouths finally came apart, both felt as if they had discovered territory they had never imagined before.

"Wow, that was some kiss," Charise breathed softly, her black eyes glistening in the darkness. "I wish I could see you better. You really kiss good, Laura."

"You kiss like heaven, darling," Laura whispered into her ear. "I want to kiss you forever."

"If you kissed my pussy like that . . . I think it'd be all over for me," Charise murmured.

"Mmmm, then I am going to kiss your pussy like that."

Her hands dropped to the front zipper of Charise's ragged jeans. Charise's eyes never left hers as Laura ran the zipper down slowly. Their eyes were getting more used to the semi-darkness of the car and the garage now, and a hot throbbing current flowed between them.

Their love differed from some others Laura experienced, mainly because Charise was so young, and had probably never felt anyone love her the way Laura did. Boys wanted her, of course, like the one who had made her pregnant. She had a delightful, sexy body and an infectious innocence that was irresistible. They wanted to plunge their hard cocks into her and shoot jizz like a hot rocket, but none wanted to smother her with tenderness, as Laura did, or spend long minutes just kissing her miracle of a mouth. Or call her 'darling,' which made Charise glow and her eyes grow shiny.

"Darling," Laura breathed against her incredibly smooth cheek. "Let me kiss your pussy . . . I want it so bad."

"I ain't stopping you," Charise panted softly, wriggling now to help Laura pull down her jeans.

It was a little cramped in the back seat but also surprisingly intimate, dark, and secretive. They struggled out of their clothes under the blanket, but Laura was still only half-undressed when she got her hands on Charise's bare warm flesh, and she could not prevent herself from pulling up Charise's jersey and this time unfastening her bra from the back.

"Can I take this whole thing off?" she asked softly, pulling the jersey and loose bra up.

"Better not. What if we have to get it back on in a hurry?"

"I want all of your body."

"You can have as much as you can get," Charise giggled, eyes twinkling, a playful crinkle in her nose as she smiled in the dark.

Laura pulled the clothing up as far as it would go, completely exposing Charise's marvelous full breasts, so firm and springy, her large black nipples swollen and gleaming in the half-light. She filled her hands with them, gently but insistently squeezing, then letting her thumbs and forefingers quickly travel to the swelling nipples, pinching and twisting them.

"You can suck 'em hard now," Charise murmured. "They ain't sore today at all. In fact, they feel like they gonna pop."

"You like me to suck them hard?"

"I sure do."

"Does it make your pussy wet when I suck them hard?" Laura teased, curling her tongue around one delicious black nipple.

"Ahhhnnnn!" Charise gasped as Laura guided the whole plump, swollen nipple between her lips, laving it with her tongue, then sucking it in deep.

I'll bet he didn't suck your nipples like this, darling, Laura thought as she began to feast on Charise's wonderful young breasts. Like Dawn, Charise was so black that under the blanket like this it was almost hard to see her unless she smiled, showing off her brilliant, white, even teeth. It was all touch and taste and smell for Laura, who could feel her own body resonating to Charise's flesh as she had never felt before. God, we should do this more often! she realized.

"Oh god, Laura . . . that makes my pussy real wet," Charise giggled, almost shyly. "It's real wet, Laura," she panted. "You could really kiss it now. I think I . . . ohhhh . . . I think I'm gonna pop, like I said. My pussy is hot for you."

But Laura didn't want her to pop. She was afraid that once Charise came, and maybe Laura too, they would feel so guilty out here in the back seat of the car that they would want to stop. Laura didn't want to stop. She loved Charise's silky black young body, she loved her sweet young aromas, her pungently aroused pussy, her swelling breasts and the taste of her coal-black nipples. She wanted this to go on forever.

"I'm hot for your pussy, darling," she whispered, sliding up to kiss her mouth again, her neck, her throat, but letting one hand descend to Charise's crotch, sliding it between Charise's gently yawning thighs. "I want it. I want to kiss it and suck it."

Being this close to Charise's face, she could see the girl's flickering black eyes, swirling now with hot sex, frantic need, desperate pleas for Laura to make her come.

"Oh yes, Laura . . . oh yes! I only get to come with you! You the only one who can do it for me like this!" she panted, twisting now, writhing under Laura. "Quick."

"You have to bite into the blanket or something so your little brothers don't hear. It might scare them."

Charise nodded quickly. "I will."

Kissing her way down Charise's smooth, warm stomach, Laura reached her belly and realized for the first time that it was true: there was a small swelling there that she had never noticed before. Trying not to be depressed by it, she kissed the swelling lovingly, then slid down further, until her lips grazed the wet folds of Charise's open pussy.

It was, Laura well knew, one of the most beautiful pussies she had ever made love to, and Laura deeply regretted now that they were huddling under a blanket like this where she could not savor the full pleasure of eating Charise's exquisite pussy, taking her time, worshipping it the way she wanted to do. On the other hand, Charise was about ready to come too, and so even in ideal circumstances, Laura's reverential approach would have had to be cut short.

She had to slide down to the floor of the car in order to let Charise spread her thighs, and even though their bodies were cramped, they were both so sexually excited that they easily maneuvered each other into a fairly comfortable position, with Charise leaning back into the corner, her legs—longer than Laura had realized—widely open, and Laura crouched on the floor with her head between the girl's black velvet thighs. The shiny, dark pink, glimmering slit of Charise's inflamed pussy was barely visible under the blanket, but Laura could smell it, and she saw the raw, wet slickness of it as she lowered her mouth to the runny crease.

"Laura . . ." Charise panted, overcome with urgent need, "I'm gonna come quick! I can feel it! I ain't come for weeks!"

"Oh baby," Laura purred. "Just bite the blanket."

"Yes! Ungghhhh! Oh . . . yes! Please, Laura, yes! Unhhhh! Unh!"

Even though she knew it was going to be over quickly, Laura could not deprive herself of the opportunity to tease and toy briefly with Chairse's flowing, throbbing, oozing cunt. She ran the tip of her tongue all around the edges of the beautiful oval formed by the girl's inner cunt lips, easing one finger into the soupy warm cleft between them. Charise began to quiver and churn her hips, lifting her body off the car seat, pushing her hot slit into Laura's mouth.

"Oh yes . . . oh yes! Unhh!"

Charise's shaking and panting, and Laura's sexual hunger, quickly got the better of them both. She wanted all of the girl, but this much would have to do for now. Reaching up to Charise's rolling breasts, she grabbed and twisted the girl's thick, excited nipples, pressing her mouth hard into Charise's flowing pussy at the same time, licking and sucking her clit in a frenzy of hot passion.

Laura could feel every straining muscle in Charise's body clench.

"Auungghhh!" she cried out, before she could get a piece of the blanket into her mouth. "Oh god!"

Alarmed, but without removing her busy mouth from Charise's exploding pussy, Laura grabbed some of the blanket with one hand and pushed it toward her face. Charise had enough presence of mind to guide it into her mouth and bite down on it before a second fierce spasm shook her.

"Ummgnnghghpphh!" she gagged into the blanket, her body undulating and flipping violently each time a new sweet spasm wrenched her. "Unngghhh!"

Laura felt herself being overcome by love for the girl as Charise groaned and flexed and shuddered her way through a long, wonderfully intense orgasm. If she had not come for weeks, she certainly made up for it now, quivering and moaning for about twenty or thirty seconds as the convulsions of deep pleasure continued to wrack her young body, her moans half-muffled by the piece of blanket she had stuffed into her mouth.

Her sleek, lean, glossy body, writhing and straining in the half-light of the garage, her full breasts swirling, her large black nipples gleaming, was enough to thrill Laura to her depths. When Charise, still coming, lifted her whole shuddering pelvis off the back seat of the car, Laura quickly slipped her hands under the smooth cheeks of her ass and squeezed them lovingly while indulging in a few last sucks and licks of her throbbing clit. Then she kissed Charise's open, swollen pussy with fierce passion again before sliding back up to embrace the gasping girl, pulling the blanket, which had slid down, up over their bodies.

"Oh shit, Laura, I'm so sorry I came that fast," Charise panted, still stunned from the impact of her climax.

"Mmmmm, why should you be sorry that you came fast and hard? I wanted you to come."

"Wow, hard ain't half of it. That's why I love it with you. I don't think guys even know how to make you come like that. Too busy pumping, know what I mean?"

"I could lick your beautiful pussy for hours," Laura murmured dreamily, kissing her face everywhere.

"You know, that sweater of yours is kind of prickly against my skin. I can't believe you did that to me while you still had it on."

Chairse gave her the pixie-grin, crinkled nose and all, though it was hard to see in the darkness, except for her marvelous white teeth.

Laura had forgotten that she was only half-undressed. She pulled the sweater up over her head and dropped it over the backrests into the front seats. Her bra came apart in front, and Charise was already undoing the clasp while Laura was still shaking loose her hair..

"I'm going to get me a mouthful of pretty white titties," she said, filling her hands with Laura's naked breasts, her slender black fingers snaking over the pale globes.

Laura could hardly believe the exquisite pleasure she felt as Charise's tongue found one of her nipples. Though she had been a clumsy lover at first, after Jane and Laura had initiated her into the wicked pleasures of girl-girl fucking, with Laura she had relaxed and learned, and now she was a positive artist. Laura always marveled again to realize how much Charise loved her, Laura's, body, apparently almost as much as Laura loved her darling Inky's thrilling, very black masterpiece of a young body.

Charise really did adore Laura's small, upswept breasts, and even though the two of them were half-scrunched up under a blanket in the back seat of Laura's car, she held them as if they were precious treasures in her hands and patiently, skillfully licked Laura's tingling nipples with her tongue until Laura was trembling and panting quickly.

"Hate it being so dark," she said to Laura. "I can't see them. They are really beautiful, and I want to see them. We should have brought a flashlight or something."

"Oh! Oh god, honey, it feels so good!" Laura whimpered.

Charise smiled up at her, now sucking Laura's nipples slowly, agonizingly slowly, first one, then the other, then returning to the first one, licking them, sucking them, teasing them.

"Laura . . . I think you gonna come pretty fast too," she whispered.

At that moment they both heard a tap on the glass of the car window behind them. Laura's head whipped around. The window was at her back, but Charise could see it merely by moving her head to the side of Laura's body. Both of them saw Daryl's little face staring at them.

"Oh shit," Charise said.

Laura felt momentarily paralyzed by shock and shame. She realized her naked back was to the boy and somehow slumped down quickly, as if she could bury herself in the blanket. This propelled her body further onto Charise's, who was still scrunched back into the corner of the seat. Charise struggled to slip to the side of her.

"I gotta get out for a minute," she said under her breath, disgusted. "Stay here, I'll be back. What you want, Daryl?" she snapped at him.

"Careful," Laura warned softly. "He doesn't know anything. Does he?"

Charise shook her head.

"Popcorn," Daryl's high-pitched voice came through the window. "What you guys doing out here?"

"We talking. None of your business. Now go inside and I'll be right there."

But Daryl did not seem inclined to leave. He gawked, instead, though there was less to see now that Laura had pulled the blanket more successfully over her naked body. He's looking at my body, the little devil, she thought. He's bound to figure something out. What if he tells Charise's mother that she and I were out here in the garage, and I was naked?

"Get the fuck out of here, Daryl!" Charise snarled now, more forcefully. "I told you, I'll be there in a second. No go on. Scat. Leave!"

Laura watched in silence. Her blood was still pumping fast, though not from sexual arousal now but danger. She watched Daryl reluctantly turn and go back into the kitchen, leaving the door slightly ajar so that a thin stream of light poured into the garage. Meanwhile, Charise was frantically pulling on her clothes again.

"Be right back," she whispered to Laura, suddenly breaking into a piercing smile that shot right to Laura's heart. "Sorry about this. Keep those pretty titties warm for me. I ain't finished."

Laura touched her arm. "Kiss me," she said, impetuously.

They were both suckers for romance, and they also knew that since Daryl had disappeared back into the house, it was temporarily safe. Charise beamed and leaned close. They kissed with thrilling tenderness. Charise again cupped one of Laura's naked breasts in her hand and squeezed it.

"You just sit here and get ready for me," she warned in a whisper. "I'll make 'em some popcorn and shut 'em up."

While she waited, huddled under the blanket, feeling very alone and wicked, Laura had a chance to reflect on how she was endangering Charise. All because of my selfish desire to enjoy her, to engulf her with love, to fuck her beautiful young body and kiss her incredible smooth skin and marvel at her sweet nature and feel her come in my arms. Charise, they both knew, was probably pregnant. She was certainly underage. Laura already knew from Kendra's reaction—or realistically, any mother's—how Charise's mother would feel to know her daughter was fucking frequently with a white lesbian. Or any lesbian. Purple probably wouldn't matter, Laura thought.

Sitting there in the darkness—Charise had closed the door tight on re-entering the kitchen—she could also feel a tight pinch of guilt at the thought of Dawn. She had felt it earlier in the day at Target too, when she had been groping poor Charise in the changing room. Surely she's not thinking of me when she's letting Robert screw her, Laura thought. Or is she? I mean, if she could see me now, crouching guiltily in the back seat of my own car and waiting for a teenager to come back so we can continue fucking . . . oh god, she'd probably just give up on me for sure!

She had ten minutes or so of these gloomy, morbid, self-lacerating thoughts before Charise returned. Charise did it so silently, and Laura was so abstracted by her guilt and self-accusation, that it was a surprise when the car door opened again and Charise slipped inside.

"I made them two bowls of popcorn," she grinned. "And now I'm gonna rape you for sure."

"Oh god," Laura gasped, pulling Charise down on her and kissing her savagely. "Rape away, then. I nearly died while you were gone, I missed you so much."

Charise giggled. "I know you just saying that, but it makes me feel good anyway."

Again, she filled her hands with Laura's naked breasts, kissing Laura's neck, her throat, her upper chest.

"Aren't you going to get undressed again?"

Charise stopped and looked up, her black eyes wide and shiny pools that Laura fell into immediately. Her vulnerability was so obvious that Laura, though becoming quickly aroused sexually again, almost cried.

"They might come back," Charise said. "I mean, I made 'em some popcorn, but he saw you naked."

"Did he say anything?"

Charise nodded. "He said, 'Why was she naked if you just talking?'"

Laura, who was now scrunched up in one corner of the back seat as Charise had formerly been, shrank back into it further, pulling Charise down with her and casting the blanket entirely over them, head and all.

"God, I hate this," she murmured. "We should be together in my big bed, just kissing and loving and forgetting everything else. I hate having to sneak around like this."

Charise took it the wrong way. "You don't hate me, do you? I can't help it. I have to stay with them. I can't leave."

"Oh, of course I don't hate you, you little angel," Laura hurriedly said, meaning every word, punctuating them with fervent, passionate kisses. "I love you. I want you. I want to feel your naked body against mine. I want to feel your hot pussy rubbing against mine."

"Ooohhhh, I'd like that," Charise murmured back. "But I don't think we can do it this time. I'd like to feel your big old dick in me again too."

Laura was getting worked up into a hot lather of lust by all this sweet talk. She instantly recalled the last time they had done it, when Laura had fucked Charise hard with the huge double dildo, fucked them both, really, and Charise had hoped that the treatment would put an end to her fears of pregnancy altogether. It hadn't worked out that way, apparently, but they had still nearly perished of ecstasy in one another's arms.

"Next time," Laura whispered, "I'm going to do everything to you at once, and you're going to come so hard you never imagined it could be that good."

Charise's eyes glistened in the half-light, and her white, even teeth gleamed. "Maybe I can get away after school later this week."

Laura nodded. She was about ready to come just from gazing into Charise's eyes. Why is it she moves me so? she wondered. This enchanting girl . . . so young.

The enchanting girl quickly slid down between Laura's thighs. Laura knew that, under the circumstances, Charise wanted to get this over with as quickly as possible. Both of them felt guilty, rushed, anxious, and wildly aroused at the same time by the danger. They wanted it to be different, but they also were acutely excited by the situation, and on top of that, Laura was wound as tight as a top and ready to explode.

Charise knew it. "You gonna come now, Laura," she murmured, kissing Laura's inner thighs with her sensual lips, parting Laura's slick cunt lips with her thumbs.

"I know," Laura gasped. "Oh god . . . darling . . . Inky . . . unhhhh!"

"You gonna come quick."

"I . . . know. Ungghh! Yes!"

"Better bite the blanket, baby," Charise grinned up at her in the dark. "Bite it hard. Here it comes."

It had taken only a few brief seconds of feeling Charise's caresses for Laura to get back to the state of complete sexual hunger she had been feeling just before Daryl had shown up. Quickly, as Charise's tongue began to probe and lick her runny pussy, she realized that the whole world, including Charise's mother, could show up now outside the car window and it wouldn't matter. But her eyes fluttered open long enough to check that the blanket was still half-draped over them.

In fact, Charise was completely under it, tonguing and sucking Laura's pussy in a growing frenzy of passion, now fucking Laura with two fingers, too. Laura bit her lower lip and gently undulated her hips, raising her pussy into Charise's face, groaning softly as the overpowering sensations flooded her body. Oh god, it's pure heaven! she thought. Charise, I love you! (I'm sorry, Dawn! I love you too but—)

Her thoughts were interrupted in mid-flight by a sharp jolt of coming.

"Oouungghhmmpphhhh!" she groaned abruptly, shocked by the force of this spasm that suddenly gripped her whole body.

Charise, between Laura's thighs and hidden under the blanket, made some kind of muffled, happy growl of lust, and sucked Laura's clit entirely into her mouth as Laura then dissolved into a long series of orgasmic waves.

"Auunnngg—" she started to cry out, then quickly regained her wits and grabbed the edge of the blanket, biting into as it Charise had warned her to do. "Mmmnnggghhmmnngghh! Unnnggmmmhhgggghh!" she groaned into it, her pelvis jerking and bouncing up off the car seat, quivering and quaking as each diminishing spasm struck her, until finally they died away.

For a couple of minutes she could hear nothing but her own panting and Charise's soft, sensual cooing as the girl slid up to kiss her breasts again, then her mouth as Laura's breathing gradually returned to normal. It was very dark, very intimate, very sweet here in the back seat under the blanket as they kissed lovingly following this very bizarre sexual encounter. Laura realized that they both would have rather been in Laura's bed, naked together, but that the intensity and danger and sweet impetuosity of this moment was irreplaceable.

"I love you, darling," Laura whispered against her lips while they were still kissing.

Charise pulled back and cocked her head, giving Laura another pixie smile. Her fetching flat nose crinkled between her eyes.

"You just like it when I lick your pussy like that," she teased Laura.

"I do," Laura nodded.

Charise nestled down with her in the corner of the car seat. Laura pulled the blanket up over them again, then ran her hand up under Charise's jersey. She had not put on her bra again when she went into the house, so her breasts were still loose and naked, and Laura found them quickly with her hand.

"That feels pretty good, Laura. I think you better stop. You'll be making me want more."

"I do want more. Don't you?" Laura purred, kissing her smooth black neck.

Charise nodded. "Ain't we pushed our luck far enough already?"

Laura smiled ruefully. "I guess you're right."

Still, they did not move. It was as if they preferred to honor their mutual impulse to do it again by at least lingering over the idea for a few more minutes, though both were realistic enough to know it was impossible. Finally, Charise sat up and began to gather Laura's clothes, handing them to her one by one.

"Aren't you going to put on your bra?" Laura asked her. "Those little boys are going to see those big, beautiful boobs swaying under your shirt."

Charise giggled. "Quit it. You making me blush." She reached down to the floor and picked up her bra. "You really think they're beautiful?"

"Here, I'll help you. Just get your arms out of the sleeves. Turn your back. Of course I think they're beautiful. I dream of your boobs. Movie stars would die to have boobs like these."

She fastened the clasp, and Charise put her arms back in the sleeves, then pulled the jersey down. They were finally dressed. Laura patted her hair down.

Charise frowned. "Better comb it. You look like you been fucking."

This made Laura nearly burst with laughter, which she had to choke back. "Okay."

In another two minutes they were both respectable again. Laura helped her fold the blanket. As they got out of the car, she asked Charise,

"What did you tell your little brother we were talking about?" she asked.

"I told him you were showing me where your cat scratched you on the tummy," Charise grinned over her shoulder at Laura.

"And did he buy it?"

"Of course he bought it. He don't know nothing about the nasty things we do."

"Mmmm, it wasn't nasty to me. It was heaven."

Before Charise re-opened the door into the kitchen, she and Laura kissed once more in the dark. Laura got her tongue into the girl's warm, wet mouth. "I had fun," she whispered.

Charise's black eyes glistened happily again. "Wish you was out here in the garage all the time," she whispered back, with a fetching smile. "No kidding."






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