Laura - Chapter 244
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At work Laura got caught staring at Shontay Something. Passing a conference room shortly after lunch, one in which she often attended meetings herself, she saw the door ajar. Shontay was holding a meeting with some of her staff. For some reason, Laura stopped. She couldn't take her eyes off the woman. It was a mesmerizing moment, and she wondered to herself, while staring, why she was doing it. Shontay was not really beautiful in any conventional sense, though she had the regal bearing of some tribal princess. She did not dress in an alluring style. In fact, she was very tall and shockingly skinny and wore severely cut business pants suits in drab colors, black or brown, that hung in billowy swaths of cloth over her bony frame. She wore her hair pulled tightly back in a bun, from which a long, charming pony tail swung, really the only endearingly human thing about her appearance. (She did have a nice little rump, though, the kind that stuck out and up a little the way Laura liked, though right then she was sitting on it, perched on the edge of the table and haranguing the troops.) Her smooth, light brown face was half-concealed behind huge, oversized glasses that made her resemble an insect, though Laura could quickly see that behind the lenses there was a very appealing and interesting face. However, the face turned coldly to Laura as she was staring. Shontay had felt her eyes, as people often did they were being looked at, though no one knew why. She glowered at Laura, who quickly looked away, feeling her face flush hotly as she turned and walked off. Oh god, Laura thought. Oh shit, why did I do that? She took some consolation in the fact that it wasn't as bad as when Tamara had caught her staring, and had promptly reproached her. But she had wanted to fuck Tamara, which Tamara had known. And, Laura now knew, Tamara had secretly relished the idea, somewhere in her secret being. But this Shontay Something was not even physically appealing to Laura. She was almost sexless, as well as imperious and condescending. I don't want to . . . do it with her, Laura reasoned. It's not the same as with Tamara. But why did I stop to stare at her? For the next few days, she did everything she could to avoid the areas of the building where she knew she would be likely to encounter Shontay. At least she would give the woman time to forget what had happened. Maybe Shontay had forgotten it already. After all, Laura thought, I could've just been standing there abstracted, thinking, pondering something. She didn't have to think I was staring at her. I wasn't, really. It didn't really have anything to do with her. Maybe it was the sound of her voice or something. At home that evening, she listened again to the message Dawn had left on her voice mail. "Laura. Damn . . . you're not there. I just wanted to hear your voice. Guess I'll have to settle for the 'Hi, leave a message' part. Maybe I'll call again . . . just so I can hear it again. I was thinking about you . . . about us. In fact, I really can't stop thinking about it. Missing you . . . already. Hoped you'd be there. Oh well. Kiss kiss. I . . . oh, you know. Bye. You can't call me. I'll call back." She had not called back yet. Laura had listened to the message three times after the first time, when Jane had been there. Each time she seemed to detect a more emotional intimacy in Dawn's words, a resonance in her voice, full of warmth and muted sexual vibration, something she might not have noticed if she hadn't listened to it over and over. I love you too, Dawn. Please call me back. I'm missing you too. But it was another week before Laura got her wish. Meanwhile, she slept with Randi and Shavon on separate evenings, and had a scorching, exhausting night of fucking with the tiny but energetic Tiffany. By the next Monday, she was glad the work week had arrived so that she could get some rest. That evening, Dawn called. "Is this Laura?" "Dawn. Yes, this is Laura. Oh, Dawn. I love you Dawn. God, I've missed you." Dawn laughed softly at the other end, musical, throaty laughter. "You get right to the point, don't you," she said. "I . . . love you too, Laura. Couldn't stop thinking about you." "Oh god, I have to see you." "That's what I called about. You know, Robert is in Chico . . . at some training class they sent him to. He won't get back until Wednesday." Laura could feel her heart racing. "Yes?" "Thought you might like to come over here and have dinner with me. I'm making some more beans and rice. Your favorite, right?" Laura actually bought flowers on the way. She had never done that before. There was a kiosk on the street corner about two blocks from Dawn's apartment selling roses, and Laura bought half a dozen deep red ones. The deep red ones mean you're really in love, don't they? she wondered. I mean, if someone gives me six deep red roses, it means that person loves me with a holy deep passion, right? I fall in love too fast,I fall in love too terrible hard, For love to ever last . . .
She hummed the song to herself as she climbed the stairs, holding the roses. Dawn opened the door at her knock, looking radiant as Laura handed her the flowers. "Nobody ever brought me flowers," she said, genuinely touched and astonished as she let Laura in and closed the door behind her. "Watch out for the thorns," Laura cautioned. "I pricked my finger on one coming up the stairs." Dawn frowned. "Need a band-aid?" Laura shook her head. "You could kiss it and make it well, though." Dawn lowered her face, her gorgeous face (Laura thought), looking at Laura with amusement from under her lowered eyelids. "Let me put these in a vase first." The small, amused curves at the sides of her sensual mouth made their appearance, a feature Laura had remembered, and in fact recalled each time she thought of Dawn's face. She followed Dawn into the kitchen. When the roses were finally secured, Dawn turned to her. "Okay, let me see that finger." Laura extended her forefinger. She actually had nicked it a little on a thorn, and there was a small bead of dark red blood on the tip. Dawn held Laura's hand in both of her lovely, graceful black hands and raised it to her lips. She kissed Laura's finger, letting the blood smear her lips, looking into Laura's eyes the whole time, letting her lips move slowly over Laura's fingertip. Laura could feel her pussy melting from the inside. She had never felt that way from having someone merely kiss her finger, if in fact anyone ever had. Dawn's lips and Dawn's eyes made her slowly dissolve into quivering desire. "Dawn," she croaked softly, hoarsely. "I can't stand it, I have to kiss you." Dawn smiled. "I know how you feel. But I'm wearing this white shirt. I don't want to get your blood all over it. In fact, it belongs to Robert. Let me get you a band-aid." Laura nodded. She noticed, as Dawn walked to the bathroom, that she was dressed better this time than the last. She wore a man's white shirt and white jeans. Her wiry hair—which however had the consistency of smooth, non-sticky cotton candy when you held it in your hand, as Laura had done—was not pulled up into a topknot as before but swept back into a brush directly behind her head, tied this time with a red scarf. The white shirt and jeans contrasted with Dawn's deeply jet black skin to make her more ravishing to Laura than ever. Oh god, she can't be this beautiful! Laura thought. I didn't remember her being this beautiful. Dawn had a desirability that made the breath catch in Laura's throat. It was as if they had not yet shared a bed, even though reenacting Dawn's warehouse rape experience had been one of the most stirring sexual moments of Laura's life. Dawn returned with a band-aid. "You could've just taken off the shirt," Laura murmured as Dawn extracted the band-aid from its wrapper and wound it around Laura's finger. Dawn looked at her with the same bemused hint of a half-smile. "You want me to do that?" Laura grinned and nodded. "Maybe you'd rather do it yourself," Dawn said darkly, her eyes smoking now, the little laugh lines at the corners of her mouth more deeply etched. "I thought you didn't want to do anything like that here." Dawn paused before answering. Her eyes never wavered from Laura's. "Chico is about a hundred miles from here," she whispered. Slowly, her eyes never leaving Dawn's either, Laura reached forward with the fingers of both hands and unbuttoned the top button of Dawn's shirt. Then she unbuttoned the second. There were about eight buttons, and Dawn stood patiently, half-smiling, while Laura unfastened each one. Now the shirt was open. Laura's hands moved up to the collar to pull it apart and take it off, but Dawn brushed her hands away. "Ah ah ah," she grinned. "It's a two-way street. You ain't the only hungry lady here." They were still standing in the kitchen, next to the countertop where Dawn had placed the vase full of roses. It seemed so odd, standing here in the kitchen, teasingly undressing each other, but it was in reality completely natural. They were completely at ease with each other. Dawn lifted Laura's sweatshirt by the hem up over Laura's head, carefully holding it while Laura shook her hair free. "God, Laura, you got a lot of hair," she said softly. She balled up the sweatshirt and tossed it into the living room. Then she slowly removed her own white shirt, loose and unbuttoned now. "You want to just stay here and undress or go in the bedroom?" she asked, her black eyes flickering with wicked delight. "Bedroom," Laura murmured, barely able to speak. "Let's take the roses with us," Dawn said, picking up the vase. "Nobody ever loved me enough to bring me roses before. I think I might have more fun just looking at them while we do it." Laura laughed softly. "I think you're right. What a great idea." Laura realized she was quivering with desire. She couldn't remember when she had last been this overcome by emotion all swirled together with sexual need and stark worship of this marvelous girl. Shockingly enough, Dawn was apparently feeling the same way. "Look at this," she said to Laura, after setting the vase full of roses down on the vanity table that Laura remembered having been there when she and Tamara had fucked in this bedroom. Dawn extended her hand, which was wavering, shaking slightly. Just like mine, Laura thought, putting all thoughts of Tamara out of her mind. She had made love with Shayla and Tamara both in this apartment, she recalled with chagrin, but the kind of intense longing she was now feeling for Dawn was rare. "I think I'm a little nervous," Dawn said softly. "Like this was the first time or something." And here we are standing here in our bras, quivering like two innocent teenagers. Actually, Dawn was technically a teenager, Laura remembered. Nineteen. But no longer jailbait, like Jane. "I haven't got to kiss you yet," Laura whispered. Dawn crinkled her nose. "Why don't we take these off first?" She pointed to her own bra, a very conventional one, unlike Laura's expensive mauve lace-and-filigree affair, but starkly white and alluring against Dawn's velvet black skin. "You know, pushing my boobs against yours when we kissed really got my fires going last time." "Mmmm," Laura smiled, "mine are already going." Dawn held her hand up again so Laura could see the quaver. "Mine too." "Turn around and let me do yours," Laura suggested softly. "I want to kiss your back." Smiling, Dawn turned. Before touching her bra clasp, Laura ran her fingertips lightly over the smooth, very black skin of Dawn's ravishing back, gently massaging her shoulder blades, rubbing the submerged vertebrae, then pressing her lips to the skin above the clasp. The focus on a woman's body invariably centered on her breasts, her legs, her ass, perhaps her hips, even in some cultures on her neck and throat, or her feet, but curiously never on her back, which to Laura could often be the most enchanting place of all. She wanted desperately to kiss every inch of it, to trail her lips from top to bottom, relishing the smoothness, the suppleness of Dawn's young, resilient flesh, the deep blue-black hue of her skin, the dips and cambers and flowing contours of this masterpiece. "Oh god . . . I love your back so much . . . I don't want to go on," Laura murmured. "I just want to kiss it forever." "You can kiss it for a few minutes more, but not forever," Dawn giggled throatily, writhing her supple flesh a little under Laura's worshipping lips. Finally, Laura released the clasp, and the bra went limp. She slid her arms around Dawn's body from behind, running her hands up the girl's firm, smoothly rippling abdominal muscles to her naked breasts, cupping them and squeezing them excitedly while kissing Dawn's back. She recalled that she had got a thrilling response out of Jane only recently by sucking the nape of her neck, and she tried that with Dawn too, gently pinching Dawn's large, soft nipples in her fingers at the same time. "Oh! Aiiiyyeee!" Dawn yelped, laughing and quivering sharply. "Oh shit, that feels good!"
She spun around, groping behind Laura for Laura's bra clasp too. "Take it off . . . take it off," she laughed. "It's not fair, I want to feel every bit of you too." Laura obediently waited until Dawn could unfasten her bra too. They peeled off the limp garments now and, growing more solemn, leaned forward into each other, feeling their naked breasts press together, their mouths now meeting in a slow, smoldering kiss, a deeply emotional kiss full of sensual tongue. While kissing, they moved their upper bodies together, luxuriating in the feel of their naked skin touching. Laura could feel the hard bumps in the centers of Dawn's large nipples rubbing against her own, and feel the round, firm globes pushing into her breasts, as if she could sense every infinitesimal curvature of Dawn's beautiful flesh pressing urgently against her own trembling body. How could I be so lucky as to have this marvelous half-naked girl in my arms? Laura wondered. What did I do to deserve this? "I think we better get on with it because I'm getting so excited it's running down my leg," Dawn whispered in her ear. "You make me hotter than anybody ever has." "Do I?" Laura teased, nuzzling her cheek, their faces very close. "Do you want me to fuck you?" she asked softly. Dawn nodded, several times, slowly. "It feels so funny. I know guys wanted to. But nobody ever asked me that before. You are so different . . . so hot. I want you to fuck me, yes." She drew a line down Laura's cheek with one finger. Her black eyes grew more dangerous. "And I want to fuck you, too," she whispered. "Anybody who brings me roses"—she glanced over at them on the vanity table, drawing Laura's eyes there briefly too—"is going to get the best I have to offer." Since they still both had their pants on, Laura took a step back, releasing Dawn from her embrace. But it was hard to let go. She appraised Dawn, her gleaming, black, shapely torso naked, starkly beautiful in contrast to her tight white pants, and shook her head in disbelief. "You are so beautiful this way, I hate for you to take off those pants," she said. Dawn lowered her eyelids playfully. "Maybe I'll have to take 'em off for you." Seductively, she began to inch the zipper down. The brass button at the top was still buttoned. Laura could see the cloth of Dawn's panties appear through the zipper gap as it lengthened. When Dawn finally unbuttoned the button, a squirt of fire shot through Laura's pussy. Why am I so affected by her? she wondered. "Let me do it," she said, stooping and reaching her fingers forward for the zipper. With an alluring, sexy smirk, Dawn let her own hands drop away. From this position Laura was looking up at her, and she hardly knew whether to keep unzipping the zipper or just to gaze spellbound at the bulging, perfectly curved undersides of Dawn's large breasts, dangling there right above her head. Dawn's thick dark nipples glimmered, and Laura could see the jutting center nubs protruding from the semi-puffy areolas. To top it all off, Dawn looked down at her, giving Laura her best beguiling smile, the one that showed just a hint of amusement in the tiny crescents in her cheeks at the edges of her lips. Laura wanted to drag her down on the bed and rape her. Love-rape her. Holding Dawn's black eyes with her own, she raised her hands slowly and cupped the girl's warm, naked breasts in her hands, giving them each a gentle squeeze, as if to promise that she intended to ravish them both very soon. Then she dropped her hands again to the zipper. It had only about two inches further to go, and she quickly drew it to the bottom, then tugged the waist of Dawn's jeans down her thighs. She bent her head closer and pressed her lips to the firm, sleek flesh above the elastic waistband of Dawn's white cotton panties. Something about a delicious-looking girl in her underwear always captivated Laura, and Dawn was more delicious than hardly any other. Laura kissed her smooth, deeply black belly, tugging the elastic band down, down with her fingers at the same time, kissing lower, pulling the panties down and over the jutting mounds of Dawn's ass, pulling them down her gleaming black thighs too. Her descending lips reached the smooth skin where Dawn's pubic hair should be. Laura had forgotten its absence but quickly remembered her mild surprise the first time she had discovered it. Still kissing the smooth, flat skin, feeling the firm muscles of Dawn's belly pulsing under her lips, she murmured, "What happened to your hair? I want to push my nose into it." "Robert likes it that way," Dawn replied calmly, still looking down at Laura, over the jutting mounds of her naked breasts. "He asked me to . . . so I did. Don't mind. Only takes a second in the shower." "Some day you'll have to let it grow out for me," Laura murmured again, looking up at her, at the marvelous firm gourds of her breasts, inhaling the erotic fragrance that wafted up from Dawn's excited pussy, now only inches away from her lips. "I want to push my nose into it," she repeated softly. Without replying, Dawn reached down for Laura, pulling her up and gently guiding both of them onto the bed so that they were lying face to face. She began to unzip Laura's jeans while gazing rapturously into Laura's eyes, brushing her nipples against Laura's, kissing Laura's mouth with sweet, lingering passion. "I'm gonna push my nose into you," she whispered sexily. "Everywhere." "Dawn . . . I love you," Laura gasped, surprised to hear the emotion in her own voice. Dawn did not reply immediately. Instead, she ran her fingers through the rich, shiny chestnut billows of Laura's hair, twirling it around her forefinger. She looked down at Laura's mouth, then kissed Laura again, searchingly, ardently, heatedly. "I love you too, Laura. And you are wrecking my life. I was happy enough with Robert before you. Now all I want to do is this." Together they struggled out of their pants, which were already halfway down their thighs, and were finally naked. Laura could not keep her hands or her mouth still. She was all over Dawn's naked body, licking it, kissing it, sucking it, nipping it playfully with her teeth, slithering her tongue into Dawn's ear, burying her face between Dawn's breasts, wanting to drink her and swallow her, feeling a horribly urgent hunger for her. It was as if she had never seen or felt Dawn's naked body before, even though they had indulged in scorching sex at Laura's apartment not long ago, their first time. At first overwhelmed by Laura's intense lust, Dawn quickly yielded to it willingly, smiling, closing her eyes, stretching out and surrendering her body to Laura's sharp hunger. Now Laura got her chance to worship Dawn's lovely large breasts, so plump and round and firm that they bulged at the sides as much as at the bottoms. Starting with her face buried between them, her hands holding each firm globe and pushing them into her cheeks as she kissed her way down the deep smooth valley, she moved her lips first under one, then the other, kissing the incredibly round bottom of each warm, resilient ball of flesh, moving her mouth up into the secret, sensitive crease where each breast joined the rest of Dawn's gorgeous body. She extended her tongue and ran it slowly along the crease under each of Dawn's breasts until Dawn began to pant and moan softly. At the same time Laura's fingers were also busy, kneading the thick buds of Dawn's nipples, pinching them, lightly twisting them, her lips moving up and around Dawn's breasts, circling her nipples, making Dawn crave to have them sucked. "Ohhhnnnn god, Laura . . . you do that so good to me," she panted, biting her lower lip, watching Laura's lips encircle her excited nipples without touching them. The black, shiny areolas of Dawn's large nipples began to tighten and stipple with tiny bumps, and the thick nubbins in the center began to surface, pointing and rigid. They wanted to be sucked, and Laura wanted to suck them. "Yes," Dawn nodded, half-pleading, as Laura looked up at her. "Yes. Oh yes." Laura held one of Dawn's breasts in both hands, still looking at Dawn's face, extending her tongue and flicking Dawn's nipple with it. "Ahhh!" "Oh . . . is that good?" "Oh god, yes! Do it again!" "Does Robert like to lick your big nipples?" Laura hated herself for being so petty, but she couldn't help it. "Yes . . . but not like you do," Dawn panted, her face grimacing in pleasure. "Please suck it, Laura." "Oh, now you want me to suck it," Laura teased her softly. "Oh yes. Oh yes." The skin of Dawn's breasts was very black against Laura's white fingers, which caressed and squeezed them passionately, and her nipples were blacker still, swollen and erect in the center. Laura lowered her lips to one and teased it for several seconds by tonguing and lip-pinching it, loving every micro-second of this exquisite play. Dawn was beside herself, whimpering now. Finally, Laura gave in. She opened her lips and sucked Dawn's large nipple into her mouth, swirling her tongue around the thick bud as she drew it in deep. "Unhhhhh!" Dawn gasped, her head falling back to the sheet. Laura wanted to eat her alive, drink her, swallow her, consume her. Briefly, she feared Dawn might shrink from the all-consuming lust Laura felt for her and her delicious, writhing black body. But she remembered how they had fucked last time, and also remembered Dawn's description of being raped by the two men in the warehouse. Though troubled and a little confused by it, she actually liked to be treated a little roughly, and Laura could barely hold herself back. She bunched Dawn's luscious breasts up in both hands and mouth-mauled her thick, wet black nipples hungrily, stabbing the protruding centers, which sprang up a good half-inch from the surrounding bulb, with her tongue. "Ahh! Oh . . . Laura!" Dawn panted, watching Laura assault her beautiful breasts more passionately, even more savagely, than she had done the first time. "Oh yes! Unhhh!" "I love them," Laura panted. "Unhh! Suck harder!" Dawn gasped, her face contorted by sharp pleasure. "Mmmm! Like this?" "Annghiiee! Oh yes! Oh god! Yes . . . the other one too! Ungghiiiee!" Laura pinched and sucked Dawn's wet, hard nipples until the girl was squirming frantically, mewling and churning under her. She could hardly bear the beauty of Dawn's twisting, squirming naked body, so sleek and glossy and dark under her hands and mouth, so responsive. She kissed her way down the rippling muscles of Dawn's stomach. "You have such a beautiful hard stomach," Laura purred, caressing it, kissing it everywhere. "I . . . used to work out," Dawn panted. "Oh Laura, I'm so . . ." "You want it?" "Oh yes!" "Oh honey, I love your body," Laura murmured, sliding lower, feeling Dawn's thighs give way and open to receive her. Again she kissed her way across the smooth, flat expanse of skin that would ordinarily be covered with silky black crotch hair, again smelling the bewitching, thick odors of Dawn's excited pussy wafting up into her nostrils. Finally, she reached the swollen, festering, gaping slit of Dawn's beautiful black pussy, the thick outer lips puffy and thick, the inner sleeve a black-lipped mouth of bright dark-pink glistening wet flesh. Laura was overwhelmed by love for it. As she had the first time, she ran the tip of her tongue up and down in the crease between the thick outer lips and the slick, wet inner petals. Dawn whimpered helplessly, her body clenching in response. Laura wanted to go slowly, but it seemed neither of them were able to hold back. Dawn's fingers bit into the sleek, dark flesh of her own thighs, then traveled frenetically up her squirming body to her breasts, grabbing them, twisting her nipples hard, while Laura patiently let her tongue explore the tangy-tasting creases and subtle wet folds of her delectable cunt. "Ohhhh! Oh god . . . oh Laura, please!" she moaned, undulating her hips now in a slow, swirling motion that brought her streaming pussy up into Laura's busy mouth with more force. Laura now let her tongue slide directly into the center of Dawn's oozing furrow, stabbing it in deep, then withdrawing it slowly so that the flat of her tongue slid across the swollen nub of Dawn's clitoris. This drove Dawn into helpless shudders of pleasure. "Ahhnnnnn! Oh yes! Oh yes! Oh Laura . . . fuck my ass too!" she gasped, half-delirious with fuck-need now. "It makes me come so hard! With your finger . . . please!" "Honey, I don't have anything to lubricate it with," Laura murmured to her, knowing that Dawn would come in seconds anyway, whether or not she had Laura's finger in her ass. "There's oil in the kitchen!" Dawn gasped, her eyes reddened from and hot influx of desperate sex-need. "Never mind . . . I've got some in my purse," Laura panted. She had left it in the living room. Quickly, she was on her feet, dashing for it, then returning to the bedroom before the fires could die down. In almost frantic haste, she popped the small bottle of baby oil out of her handbag and unscrewed the top. She slathered one forefinger with oil and slipped back between Dawn's beautiful, sleek, deeply black, yawning thighs, again bringing her mouth down to the flaming wet cleft of Dawn's open cunt, reeling happily from the renewed smell of Dawn's delicious hot pussy odors. Only about an inch below the bottom of Dawn's pussy was the tight, dark little hole she also wanted invaded, nestled between the bulging hard moons of Dawn's ass. Laura's forefinger was shiny with oil, and she pressed the tip of it immediately against the round little aperture, getting a response immediately from Dawn, whose moans rose in pitch, her breath coming even faster. "Oh! Ungghh!" Laura's slippery, oiled finger slid up into her tight little asshole, and Dawn froze momentarily, gripped by the fresh, intense sensations. Laura didn't move her finger either, wanting them both to enjoy every exquisite feeling. Slowly, Dawn's body came back into motion, undulating gently, her pelvis quivering as she bucked up into Laura's hand. Her shiny black eyes, stricken by fierce pleasure, caught Laura's. "Oh . . . yes! Ungghh!" Laura's eyes raced up and down this wonderful girl's incredible body, taking in every inch of it's silky black beauty, before she lowered her mouth again to Dawn's aching, flowing pussy, knowing now that a shattering climax was only seconds away. Oh honey, I want it to be the best for you, she thought, slithering her tongue again deep into Dawn's runny trench, and twisting the finger that was embedded now in Dawn's ass. "Oh yes . . . oh yes, Laura . . . oh yes!" Dawn panted, now undulating more frantically, her marvelous hard abs rippling as she rotated her hips and lifted her cunt up into Laura's mouth. "Annggh! Oh . . . shit! Yes! Do it harder! Yes! Unghhh!" She ran her frenzied hands up her body to her breasts again, squeezing the firm, rolling globes, twisting and pinching her large black nipples, pulling them up from the surface of her breasts, moaning and twisting deliriously now. Laura barely had to move her finger since Dawn's swirling hips made it slide easily in and out of her asshole. But Laura twisted it now and then to give an added sensation, spending most of her attention on Dawn's beautiful, streaming, dark-pink pussy, slurping and gobbling the wet slit hungrily, passionately, licking Dawn's clit so aggressively that Dawn was halfway into her orgasm before Laura realized it. "Aaauuuunngghhhh!" Dawn cried out, a deafening groan of crushing ecstasy, her whole luscious body clenching in one horrific spasm as the full force of a powerful orgasm wrenched her. "Unmghhh! Auunngghhhh! Anngghiiieeee!" Her cries and sharp moans filled the small room, and for once Laura had no fear that anyone would overhear them, though she knew in the back of her mind that Dawn had neighbors too. But Dawn's orgasm was so intense and lengthy, and her screams of rapture so pure and exultant and undeniably, piercingly authentic that Laura had a feeling no one could be anything but moved—and maybe aroused—by overhearing them. She could feel the muscles inside Dawn's anus clenching spasmodically around her finger as Dawn's body erupted in several aftershocks, quivering and straining. Dawn mewled softly, still reeling, shuddering as fresh waves of pleasure gripped her. "Ohhnnnnn!" she moaned, arching her back again, gyrating her hips one last time into Laura's face. "Ohhhnnnn god! Ohhhh . . . Laura!" Laura's lips were smeared with Dawn's warm juices, and she smiled and licked them happily, kissing Dawn's incredibly beautiful pussy tenderly and sliding her greased finger out of Dawn's ass slowly. She wiped her finger on the edge of the sheet and scooted up beside Dawn, who was now grinning at her in a dazed, half-stupified way, still half-groggy from the fierce spasms that had gripped her. Dawn shook her head in disbelief. "I never come that hard," she said quietly. "Until I met you, that is." Laura smiled. "I'm so glad to be important in your life." She knew Dawn was lying, though, since Dawn herself had told her how hard and often she had come when the two guys had raped her in the warehouse. But it was a lie lovers told each other, which could easily be forgiven by a champion liar like Laura herself. And also, there was a deeper region of truth underlying it, an acknowledgement that this experience between them was deeper and more moving, sexually and emotionally, than anything Dawn had felt before. Dawn beamed broadly and kissed Laura's mouth vigorously, heatedly. "I'm going to give you whatever you want in return," she breathed sexily, kissing Laura's neck now, touching Laura's naked breasts with her long black fingers, kneading Laura's soft, gently aching nipples. "Anything. What is it? What do you want?" Laura felt herself blushing slightly. She didn't know exactly why, since she could barely believe the perversions she had engaged in at one time or another, and this was tame by those standards. Maybe it was the thrill of the idea itself that grabbed her. "You won't believe this," she said softly. "Try me?" "I want you to lie on your back and let me rub my pussy over your fantastic abs until I come," Laura confessed, feeling the hot bloom of blood rise again in her face. She couldn't believe how excited she was about the idea. A slow grin spread across Dawn's face, her eyes now revived and sparkling with fresh sexual excitement too. "Wow . . . that sounds pretty hot to me," she said in hushed tones, eyes wide. She rolled from her side onto her back, her marvelous firm breasts jiggling and rolling as she moved, her stomach muscles, which fascinated Laura so much, rippling and stretching in a way that made Laura almost quiver. I never felt this way about Brandi's abs, did I? she wondered. But then, Brandi and Dawn were not in the same class, Brandi's body being grotesquely overbuilt, though her bulging muscles were somehow laced with erotic magnetism for Laura. Whereas Dawn was just a young girl with a beautiful body who had, she said, worked out for a while, giving her stomach muscles a sharp definition that others lacked. Anyway, you were too busy begging Brandi to crush your throbbing little pussy into a heaven of excruciating orgasms with that massive black thigh of hers to be concentrating on her abs, Laura told herself. But now she couldn't take her eyes off Dawn's. Dawn noticed. "I never thought you liked my tummy so much," she winked salaciously up at Laura. "God, I love every inch of your scrumptious body," Laura moaned softly, leaning forward and beginning to kiss the entire smooth expanse of Dawn's lovely, gently rippling stomach, feeling her pussy tingle as she brushed her lips over the hard ridged muscles beneath the fantastic black velvet of Dawn's warm, phenomenally smooth skin. She could not keep her hands from rising above her head to caress Dawn's breasts, scissoring the girl's thick nipples between her fingers, pinching them, squeezing the firm balls, then kissing her way up between them again. Dawn looked down at her, eyes swimming in molten waves of sex. "If you keep that up, you ain't going to get to the rest, Laura," she panted. "Because I'm gonna pounce." She snarled playfully. "I want all of you," Laura purred, sucking one of her nipples thirstily. Dawn grabbed Laura's head, pulling it up, forcing Laura's mouth to release her nipple. She glared into Laura's eyes. "Put that wet pussy on my tummy, woman, and get to rubbing, okay?" she grinned. "I'm dying to feel it." Laura was still half-crouched between Dawn's splayed thighs, and it was no trouble to lift her knees over them and straddle Dawn at the waist. She reached down to her crotch with both hands, watching Dawn's eyes on her fingers as she pulled open the hot, itchy seam of her cunt, which was aching and flowing and pulsing for action. Dawn seemed mesmerized by the sight of it and extended her tongue an inch through her teeth, as if she would give anything to lick Laura's festering, oozing pussy. Looking down at the silky ridges of Dawn's beautiful abdominal muscles, Laura lowered her body slowly, still holding open her pussy with her fingertips, until both of them felt the hot, wet flesh of her cunt lips and the inside of her inflamed furrow press against Dawn's stomach. "Oh, Laura, that feels pretty good," Dawn panted softly. She ran her hands up Laura's body to Laura's breasts, cupping them, squeezing them, twisting Laura's nipples gently. Laura herself felt her whole body quiver in a hot flush of pleasure as the smooth ridges of Dawn's stomach muscles pressed into the sensitive, slippery, wet flesh of her cunt. She felt her eyes roll up, and a tight pinch of anticipation deep inside her chest. Dawn's clever fingers on her nipples made her gasp, and looking down into the girl's throbbing eyes was nearly enough to make her come without even moving. "Oh god . . . it's so good!" she gasped. Now Dawn's hands descended again to Laura's thighs, and her hips, and she began to encourage Laura to move them by gentle pressure. Slowly, Laura began to move forward, then backward, sliding her very wet pussy over the smooth ridges of muscle, feeling the quivering inside her body grow and swell into a hot, pulsing vibration as each exquisitely pleasurable sensation in her cunt brought her an inch closer to an unbelievably sweet explosion. Delirious with happiness and fierce sexual arousal, she smiled down at Dawn, still moving back and forth slowly, gasping now and then as the hot pleasure in her pussy became too intense. Finally, she reached down with her own hands for Dawn's breasts, squeezing them, digging her fingers into the firm globes, caressing Dawn's cheek with one shaking hand as she quickly grew more and more aroused, more out of control. "Oh god . . . honey, it's so good!" she gasped to Dawn. "I love the feel of your body. You are so beautiful! Your stomach is so hard! Ungghhhh!" Dawn smiled up at her, eyes swirling, very aroused herself now too. "Are you gonna come? Is it making you come?" "Oh god, yes. Just a few more . . . seconds, I think. Oh! Ungghh! Oh yes! God, I can't help it, I have to do it harder!" "Yes. Don't worry about it, Laura. Do it as hard as you want." It had begun as a gentle, slow back-and-forth, but it had quickly become a wild, surging, grinding, groaning struggle. The small bed they were on was now shaking and creaking, the metallic shriek of the springs ringing in their ears. Dawn was not a passive partner, merely lying there to let Laura use her hard stomach as a masturbation aid. Instead, she was clenching her stomach muscles, writhing her body up off the bed, clutching Laura's hips, pulling Laura's body down into her, whimpering softly and fucking Laura with her body as much as Laura was moving her aching pussy with increasing desperation against her. "Oh! Oh! Oh! Oh Jesus! Oh shit god . . . oh fuck!" Laura panted hysterically, for some reason more fiercely aroused than she remembered being for a long time. "Yes, honey . . . yes baby," Dawn chanted to her, gazing up at Laura, fascinated both by the novelty of what they were doing and by the sexual trance Laura was in. There was a worn, mottled metal railing at the top of the small bed, and Laura leaned forward, grabbing it for leverage, now mashing her tingling, pulsing cunt down into the hard, rippling muscles of Dawn's smooth abdomen. Somehow this act had made her wetter than ever, and she was oozing a fine, warm, buttery flow of pussy juices onto Dawn's stomach as she slid back and forth across it, so that by now Dawn was slathered and soaked in it, and the wetness was also smeared all over Laura's own inner thighs. She threw her head back and jammed her groin down into Dawn's body, and Dawn reciprocated by now sliding her hands back to Laura ass, clutching her buns and holding them tight while she undulated her whole body to push her stomach up harder into Laura's streaming pussy. Both of them knew it couldn't last much longer. "Unnghhhh . . . ohnnggg god yes!" Laura groaned half-incoherently, tossing her head, clenching her teeth, grinding and swirling her flaming, pulsing pussy into Dawn's slick, smoothly ridged stomach, feeling like any second she would suddenly dissolve into a whirlwind of exploding-star coming. "Now, baby?" Dawn panted, inquiring, anticipating it. "Now? You gonna come now?" "Oh yes! Auungghhhhnnnmmggniieeee!" Laura wailed, barely able to keep clutching the rail as a rupturing orgasm suddenly felt like it would rip her flexing, straining body to pieces. "Unngghhmnnnggiieeee!" she cried out, finally releasing the rail, planting her hands palms down on each side of Dawn's head and continuing to pump her crotch back and down into Dawn's hard stomach, groaning and shuddering as spasm after spasm of almost unbearable pleasure wrenched her. Dawn took the opportunity of Laura's small breasts swishing and dangling above her face to grab them in her hands and quickly guide one of Laura's nipples into her mouth. She sucked it hard, even gnawing it gently but frenetically with her teeth, and that was all it took to send Laura into a fresh seizure. She felt a hot electrical current shoot almost directly from her nipple in Dawn's mouth to her throbbing pussy, and then her body was shaken again by a sharp jolt. "Anngghhhh!" she gagged, slumping forward, half-falling onto Dawn, mashing her breast into Dawn's face. She was still shuddering through a second climax as Dawn now took control herself, rolling Laura over onto her side, quickly transferring her mouth to Laura's other breast and rubbing Laura's pussy with her fingers until the full force of her orgasm began to wane. Laura whimpered, her body twitching with aftershocks, her breasts and pussy flooded with warmth. She smiled, half-stunned, at Dawn. "God . . . we really do it to one another, don't we," she breathed hoarsely. Dawn smiled warmly. "I love doing it to you," she purred. "Look at the way we look together." She trailed her graceful, tar-black fingers across the creamy skin of Laura's shoulder. "Look at my skin against your skin. It just turns me on. I hope you don't mind. It even gets me horny, looking at it. It's so sexy. I just love doing it with you, Laura." "I love you, Dawn." Dawn gave her a sexy smirk. "You hungry? I think we better eat that beans and rice. We're gonna need fuel, girl. The way I feel, I don't think a half hour in bed is gonna hold me." Laura felt a happy flush spread throughout her whole body. She looked down at Dawn's marvelous hard stomach, all shiny and wet with the juices from her own pussy, a shockingly copious discharge, almost as much as she had occasionally seen Deshona ejaculate. "Look what I did to you," she giggled, half-ashamed. "You're all wet." Dawn looked down. She ran a finger across the goo. It came up wet and shiny too. Laura took the edge of the sheet, where she had wiped the baby oil from her own finger, and dried the wetness from Dawn's stomach. Then she gently pushed Dawn onto her back and began worshipfully kissing the firm expanse of muscle and incredibly smooth black skin. "Oh no . . . oh no," Dawn laughed softly, pulling her up. "You're going to have us doing it again if you do that." Laura kissed her, flirting with dark, promising sex in her eyes. "What if I want to do it again?" "Tell me how it felt. I never did anything like you and I do before. It's all new to me." "I never did that before either," Laura confessed. "I never even thought of it, actually. I just love your body. I couldn't help myself. Your skin turns me on too," she confessed. "I felt guilty about saying it, but since you said it, I guess it's okay." Dawn beamed. "It's okay, believe me. Some white people think I'm just a jigaboo. Jungle bunny, isn't that what they call it? Maybe I ought to put a bone in my nose to make 'em more comfortable. But you're different." Laura embraced her, hugging her hard, mashing their breasts together, kissing her passionately, thrusting her tongue deep into Dawn's open mouth. She ran her hands down Dawn's silky naked back to her ass and squeezed her buns hard. "Why . . . because I want to fuck you? And fuck you and fuck you?" she purred, nuzzling Dawn's delicious black neck. "Ummm, that and other things. Tell me, how is fucking me different from fucking with Shayla and Tamara? After all, I know you did it with them. Were they better than me?" She pouted, impishly. "Or worse?" This was a question that Laura had hoped against hope would never come up. She did, however, manage to control her guilty blushing this time. Should I lie? With Shayla, it was sweet, and brief.. And athletic. They had slept together only one evening. For a thin, wiry girl, Shayla had enormous strength, the strength and stamina of a dancer. A delightful, strenuous evening, Laura thought, but no lingering pangs, no deep longing for her. Laura's affair with Tamara had been complicated and fascinating due to a lot of factors: Tamara's initial reluctance and continuing ambivalence, her unmistakable vacuity coupled with her stunning physical beauty, finally the way she had fallen hard for Laura whereas Laura's interest remained almost exclusively sexual. And, while Shayla and Dawn had neither one provided much resistance, not being shocked by the idea of fucking with Laura—though it was new to Dawn and almost new to Shayla—Tamara had been a formidable challenge. Her stubborn reluctance, coupled with her breathtaking physical charms, had presented an irresistible temptation. "Can you take the truth?" Laura whispered. "I don't want to lie to you." The fetching crescents in the skin at the sides of Dawn's mouth left her face. She grew serious, eyes searching Laura's. "Is it gonna hurt?" Laura shook her head. "I don't think so." "I can take it. Fire away." "Nobody is better than you. Nobody is more beautiful either." "Except Tamara. She's more beautiful than anybody. She could be a movie star. She's light-skinned, too." Laura caressed her phenomenally smooth black cheek. "Nobody is more beautiful than you," she repeated in a soft, sultry whisper. "I love your black skin. It makes my pussy tingle when I kiss your skin." Dawn glowed and giggled self-consciously. "Really? I feel that way when I kiss yours, too. I thought it was only me." "Let's make each other's pussy tingle," Laura whispered, a smoky, sultry whisper. "I thought we were going to eat." "I'm going to eat you." "Ummm, I'm going to eat you back," Dawn giggled softly. "My pussy's already tingling." Laura let her hand slide down between Dawn's warm, smooth, shapely thighs. Her fingers explored the wet, warm blossom between them, gently, skillfully caressing it. "Wet, too," she smiled. "Wet again. We're both wet again. So hungry for each other." "I know," Dawn smiled. "I can't believe it. I never do it this much with a guy. Most of them can't get it up again this fast." Dawn really was very wet, wetter than Laura had expected, which meant she was indeed very aroused again. Maybe rubbing my pussy against her abs like that aroused her almost as much as it did me, Laura thought. God, it was so hot! I never imagined it would be like that. She quivered a little, remembering it, and Dawn felt her body shake. "You cold?" "No, I'm hot. God, I'm so hot. I want you . . . I want every inch of you." Laura kissed her cheeks, her forehead, her ears, her long black neck. "I can't get enough of you." "I'm so glad," Dawn smiled, closing her eyes, luxuriating in the feeling of being worshipped. "I never really had anybody be so crazy about me. Really. Guys just want to poke you." "Mmmm, I want to do that too," Laura said, now kissing her shoulders, her throat, her smooth black upper chest. "You know," Dawn murmured, her breath growing shorter now, "you won't believe how many times I thought about what we did last time. I would sit here trying to study, after Robert went to work, and I'd think of . . . oh god, you know, how you did me hard from behind . . . and when you pulled my hair . . . and—" "You came." "Oh shit, I really came . . . I really came hard when you did that. Harder even than I did a few minutes ago." Laura's fingers were still toying cleverly with Dawn's warm, buttery pussy, and her lips had nearly reached Dawn's full, hard breasts by now. "And one night, when I was sitting there at the kitchen table, thinking about it . . . I came too. Not very hard, of course, but I just came. I started feeling all squirmy and hot in my pussy . . . and I put my hand down there. I wasn't even naked or anything. I still had my pants on, but I rubbed myself a little through the pants. It didn't take much. All of a sudden, I was moaning, and rocking the chair back and forth . . . and I tried to remember how it felt when you yanked my hair, and I just came. I was sitting there with my face pressed down against my textbook, and squeaking and squeaking, tears coming out of the corners of my eyes. You should've seen it." "I wish I had seen it." "Oh!" Suddenly, Dawn's luscious body seized up, clenching as Laura's fingers touched a secret nerve while probing the greasy folds of her excited pussy. "Ooohhh, you like that," Laura teased. "God, yes! Oh! Laura," Dawn's eyes implored her. "Do it hard again. Please! You know . . . the whole thing." "Depends on what you mean by 'the whole thing,' darling," Laura purred softly, breathing into her ear. "I don't have that little miracle rubber thingee with me tonight." Now Dawn was getting very worked up, panting, twisting, her lovely large breasts swirling in hard, tight circles. "I don't care how you do it," she gasped. "Just please do it." Laura could hardly refuse. The girl's naked body, her firm, swirling breasts, her large, gleaming black nipples, her smoothly rippling abs against which Laura had rubbed her own throbbing pussy into sharp spasms of bliss only minutes ago, her sleek, flexing thighs, her gyrating hips, her imploring, glowing black eyes, above all her deeply black velvet skin, it all combined to raise the level of Laura's lust to a fierce pitch. She had two fingers in Dawn's warm, wet cunt, probing and massaging it lovingly, but Dawn's hips were now churning frantically, urging her to accelerate the tempo. Dawn was panting, her face contorted by fresh sexual need. "Yes . . . honey, oh yes," Laura murmured, effortlessly slipping a third finger into the oily, receptive slit, then a fourth. "Yes . . . I will." Now the only thing she needed to add was her thumb, and with it she formed a wedge with her hand, pushing it deeper and deeper into Dawn's yielding, opening pussy, until she felt her knuckles grazing Dawn's stretched cunt lips. Up until now, Dawn did not realize what was happening, but now her eyes opened, and her face froze in a curious mixture of fear and electrifying sexual pleasure. Her own eyes locked with Dawn's, Laura pushed her hand relentlessly forward, feeling the overwhelming, emotionally and sexually moving intimacy that strangely accompanied the experience of fisting, until her whole hand slid inside Dawn's pussy. "Umggphh!" Dawn grunted softly, her eyes watering, but never leaving Laura's. Now she glanced down as Laura pushed her hand in deeper. "Oh god! Unmmggpphh!" she gasped. Laura's hand was sunk in Dawn's body up to the wrist. Dawn's wet, warm cunt was extremely tight and pressed against Laura's fingers on all sides. Unable to clump them into a fist, she rotated her hand slowly, watching Dawn's eyes roll up into her head. "Oh honey!" Laura panted, only realizing she had spoken after she heard the words escape her lips. "Yes . . . Laura, oh yes!" Dawn panted, biting her lower lip as she gazed down at Laura's arm protruding from her pussy. "Oh god! Oh GOD! Unghhh!" Laura's face was still only inches from Dawn's naked breasts, and she couldn't keep her mouth off Dawn's swollen black nipples. She tongued them and sucked them, even nipping the wrinkled, excited areolas until Dawn was whooping softly, and writhing uncontrollably, her frantic motions driving Laura's hand up and down inside her wet pussy. "Oh yes, Laura . . . oh yes! Do it . . . do it hard! Unghhh!" Dawn's lovely body strained, and she jammed her pubic bone down forcefully on Laura's wrist, fiercely aroused. Her eyes rolled up in her head again, but then, when her gaze came back, she locked her eyes with Laura in a hot, pulsing connection, groaning softly as Laura began to fuck her slowly. Laura continued looking up into her eyes while still hungrily sucking her large, tempting nipples. For a few moments the bed stopped creaking and shaking, and they settled into a slow, sensual, graceful rhythm of fucking, eyes locked, bodies moving together and apart in a smoldering tenderness that soon grew into a more forceful rocking and pumping. Laura now took one of Dawn's hard, round breasts in her free hand, digging her fingers into resilient ball, watching Dawn's wet nipple swell under her tongue. At the same time, she realized that Dawn's cunt walls were expanding enough to let her clump her fingers together, so that she really could make a fist now, and she began to twist it inside of Dawn's pussy, making Dawn moan and nearly faint from the overpowering sexual sensations. "Annnngghhhh! Ohnnggg! Oh shit . . . Laura," she moaned, her eyes filling with sexual dementia. "Oh god . . . suck it harder, yes! Bite it . . . yes, please! Yes . . . like that! Auungghh!" "Oh baby . . . you're so beautiful!" Laura gasped, devouring her wet, stiff nipples, squeezing her breasts, now plunging her hand up and down in Dawn's tight pussy more roughly. "Ungh! Ungh! Ungh!" Dawn grunted each time Laura's fist went deep into her clasping pussy. "Ohhnngggg god! Yes! Fuck me, Laura!" Writhing and straining, gyrating her hips and pushing her cunt up into Laura's thrusts, she arched her back, her breasts quivering, her whole body tense with sweet and nearly unbearable sexual tension. One of her hands flew up to her hair and frantically untied the knot in the red cloth that held the upswept mass behind her head. Her thick, wiry, but soft hair spilled out in a billow around her ears. "Grab it," she whimpered desperately, her red-streaked eyes fixing Laura's. "Yank it, Laura. Oh god . . . quick! Pull it hard!" Laura was in a semi-hypnotic trance brought on by the mysterious emotional and sexual stirrings she felt from having half her arm embedded in Dawn's sweet warm pussy, but she could not help responding to the girl's hot urgency. She knew Dawn was going to come, any second now, and knew Dawn wanted her to pull her hair quickly so that the inevitable orgasm would have the fierce, shocking power they both knew it could have. But there was still something that held Laura back. Fisting the wonderful girl into an orgasm was one thing, wildly perverse, also shockingly intimate and moving, but violently pulling her hair at the same time somehow made Laura quail. But Dawn, writhing and pumping under her, nearly delirious with uncontrollable lust, was not to be denied. Her glazed eyes almost seized Laura's physically, imploring her, even ordering her to do it. "Now! Unghhh! Oh please Laura! Now! Unghhh!" "Oh honey—" Laura murmured, hesitantly. "Yes! Do it! Ungghh! Oh!" "Oh Dawn, I love you!" Laura gasped, jamming her hand up into the girl's tight pussy, feeling an inner quiver and quaking inside Dawn's body that she knew meant the end was near. "Yes! Oh . . . I'm going to come! Do it! Now!" "Oh god . . . yes!" Laura moaned, swept up in the seething, roiling heat and power of this intense sexual moment, unable to resist Dawn's desperate appeals. Fortunately, she had long arms, and it was not difficult, even with one arm shoved beyond the wrist up into Dawn's tight furrow, to reach up with her other hand and fill it with the soft, dense wool of Dawn's loose hair. She wanted to slowly relish each exquisite physical sensation of what they were doing, what they were about to do, but Dawn's need was too sharp, too demanding. Realizing that Laura was giving in to her wishes, she now seemed to yield her body to the full force of her gathering climax. "Unngghhauunnggiinnghuunnghmmmm!" she began hum and groan incoherently, her lovely body now glistening with a thin film of sweat from the thrashing and churning she had been doing, her gleaming skin and firm, sleek flesh even more erotic to Laura now than it had been before. "Oh Dawn!" "Yes! YES! UNGHHHH! PULL IT! HARD!" As if she had done this a million times, though Laura had never even imagined such a thing until this second, she used both of her arms and hands simultaneously, driving her fist up into Dawn's throbbing pussy, and viciously yanking her head back by her hair at the same time. She did it twice, sharply, even more violently the second time, watching Dawn's bouncing naked breasts as her body strained in the grip of Laura's attack. The third time Laura was unable to stop herself from fastening her lips again on one large, gleaming black nipple, and she sank her teeth lightly into it, but enough for Dawn to feel it, before plunging her fist into the girl once again and this time giving her hair a short but brutal jerk backward. Dawn's arching, quivering, luscious, sweaty body gave a deep shudder. Laura could hear a tortured, clotted keening begin to flow from deep in Dawn's throat as she was quickly overwhelmed by intense spasms of coming. The thought 'tortured by pleasure' had never occurred to Laura until this moment, but the expression on Dawn's enchanting face was an amalgam of excruciating pain knitted together with sublime, almost life-altering pleasure. And her wonderful, shuddering body seemed locked in a paroxysm of rapture so deep that Laura briefly feared for her survival. The orgasm was so crushing that only remote, squeaky mewlings came from deep in Dawn's constricted throat as she arched her body stiffly in the air, shuddering sharply from each killing spasm. Knowing how the hair-pulling only made the pleasure more piercingly acute for Dawn, Laura overcame her reluctance to keep going and continued yanking it, letting Dawn slump and relax from one spasm before yanking her hair back again, hard, bringing on another, watching Dawn's body rise up off the bed as if penetrated by a hot electrical current as a fresh spasm of coming gripped her. She must have suffered through five killing spasms like this before she collapsed, gasping and whimpering, unable to come any more, quivering as the last wavelets of this shattering climax flowed through her.
"Ohhhnnnnnnnn!" she moaned, tossing her head. "Ahhnnnnnnnnggggg! Oh shit! Oh god . . . ohhnnnnnn! Oh Laura!" Dawn's body undulated more and more slowly as the full force of her orgasm began to dissipate. She looked up at Laura, her eyes glazed and bloodshot. But her gaze was full of love, and deep awe for this unbelievable experience. Laura felt incapable of speaking herself, so overwhelmed was she by the intensity of Dawn's climax too, and she let Dawn down gently without saying anything, smiling warmly at her, slowly, tenderly extricating her hand from the girl's still-clenching pussy. "Unggghhh!" Dawn groaned, quivering again sharply as Laura's hand finally slid free. "Oh shit . . . that was . . . oh Laura." "Shhhh . . . don't say anything," Laura murmured to her, carefully drying her hand on the sheet before enfolding Dawn in her arms and cooing in her ear. "Just let me hold you . . . let me love you." She rocked Dawn gently in her embrace, enjoying the feel of her naked breasts pushing against Dawn's, wondering if she would ever get over the pleasure she felt doing it. Dawn seemed grateful for the chance to recover. She panted into Laura's shoulder, her breath finally growing less labored, more even. She kissed Laura's cheek. "I told you you were ruining my life," she breathed into Laura's ear. "People aren't supposed to come that hard. It's against nature." An exuberant giggle escaped from deep in her chest. Laura squeezed her, fiercely hugging her whole body. She kissed Dawn's mouth aggressively, not with sexual emphasis, but just enthusiastically, with joy, real joy. "Next time I'm going to make you come even harder than that," she teased. "Then you'll be mine forever." Dawn smiled, a simple, natural, completely honest and authentic smile. "I think I already am." They lay together not speaking for another ten minutes or so. They kissed, they dozed. Finally, Dawn stirred. She lifted one hand and put it squarely on one of Laura's naked breasts. "I think I owe you a little something in return," she whispered, eyes murky and full of sensual promise. "But I'm so hungry I'm about to perish. I think when you made me come like that, it burned up a lot of calories." Laura winked at her. "This hot girl fucking is hard work," she deadpanned. "Let's eat some of that wonderful dinner you cooked. Then we can discuss how you're going to reward me." Dawn became very flirtatious as they sat up to find their clothes. She pulled on her shirt, watching Laura's eyes on her gorgeous breasts, enjoying the hunger she saw. "I don't think there's anything to discuss," she winked back. "You're going to get the works."
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