Laura - Chapter 188


And it was hard at work. Laura and April worked closely together throughout the day, and neither could put out of their mind what had happened between them. Their relationship was now completely sexualized, and Laura could not look at April without recalling her face torn in a rapturous seizure of ecstacy while Laura was fucking her. She also couldn't look at April's body without getting wet.

April knew it, and she felt the same way about Laura. The second day at work after their tryst, she drew Laura aside.

"I don't know if this is going to work," she said, frankly. "I keep wanting to do it with you."

"Me too," Laura said. "How about tonight?"

April smirked indecisively. "I was thinking more that maybe we should try to control it instead of giving in to it."

"Oh." Laura felt chagrined. It was the old 'Oh god, tell me I'm not a lesbian!' attitude that she knew so well.

But April seemed cold, remote, determined. "I need this job."

Laura softened in sympathy. "I know. I know you do. We knew it would be . . . difficult."

April's eyes twinkled. "Wouldn't be so difficult if you'd stop staring at my pretty little butt."

It was hard not to stare, but Laura agreed. She tried to keep their relationship completely businesslike. It helped when that evening her phone rang about seven o'clock. It was Rhonda.

"Oh god, can you do me a favor? I'm stuck in these negotiations on this acquisition. Woleport [her boss] will kill me if I duck out. It's very delicate. Can you pick up Stevie at the airport for me at 8:46?"

Laura smiled. She could feel her pussy flutter deep inside. "Of course, Rhonda. I'd be happy to help out."

Rhonda sensed something. "Don’t you touch her, you bitch! Never mind, I'll find someone else."

"Look, you don't have to worry, okay?" Laura reassured her. "I gave you my word."

"I love her, Laura. I'm still lovesick like a teenager over her."

"She loves you too, Rhonda," Laura said. "She told me."

Well, close, she thought. She said she really thinks you're sweet, anyway. She doesn't want to hurt you. Rutting like a slut with me has nothing to do with her feelings for you.

"She did?" Rhonda was pathetic, like a child. "Did she really?"


Laura thought Rhonda was going to cry from happiness. Oh god, I've made the witch's day, she thought spitefully. Then, feeling embarrassed for Rhonda, she swore to herself she would just pick up Stevie and deliver her, nothing more.

"Do you want me to take her to your place? Does she have a key?" she asked Rhonda.

"Oh dear no. Could you take her to yours? I'll call you there. This damned thing could go on all night, Laura. They want to meet the press about it in the morning."

Laura smiled. All night? "I'll let her sleep on my sofa."

"Laura, if you sleep with her I'll kill you."

"You sound like you mean it."

"I do mean it. I'll kill you both."

"Don't worry, Rhonda. She's too skinny for me."

"Not any skinnier than Yvette. Keep your hands off her."


Laura couldn't help recalling, as she drove to the airport, how many times she had driven there to pick up another Playmate, Lorrie. Who would've ever thought I'd be screwing two beautiful Playmates! she thought. Two! Both impossibly gorgeous.

She met Stevie at the disembarkation gate and surprised her, since Stevie was expecting Rhonda.

"Oh god," Stevie said under her breath, "it's the 'G Spot Girl'. Gee!" She smiled satirically. "Laura, you shameless seductress, it's so good to see you!"

Of course Stevie was utterly ravishing, as usual. Everyone else departing from the airplane looked haggard and grouchy, but she looked like a magazine cover: stylish, poised, shockingly beautiful, her auburn hair swirling in shimmering curls around her ears and forehead. I must ask her how she does that, Laura thought. I've never known a black woman with hair like that. It couldn't be a wig, could it? After all, I fucked her, and it didn’t come off.

"Rhonda is detained in a merger meeting," Laura explained to her. "She sent me to fetch you."

Stevie's eyes grew veiled with meaning. "Are we going to your place or hers?"

"Mine. But she's very suspicious."

They walked to the parking garage. Both of them drew stares, two incredibly beautiful women.

"I don't blame her. Last time you and I met, I had about six orgasms in thirty-five minutes."

Laura stopped walking for a moment. She turned and looked at Stevie's beautiful baby face, her sensual lips, her dangerous black eyes. She knew there was no way she could spend an entire evening without touching her. I want her, she realized. She wants me too.

"Maybe you'd like to try for seven," she whispered.

Stevie stared her down. Her dark, dancing eyes bored deep into Laura's. "I'd like to try for ten."

Still, when they reached Laura’s apartment, neither one felt reckless enough to hop right into bed. Rhonda might appear at any moment. Both of them had a investment to maintain, Stevie in her love affair, Laura at the very least in her job. Rhonda might not commit murder, but she was not above getting Laura fired.

After fifteen minutes of not touching, Stevie turned into a devastating coquette and began to tease Laura mercilessly.

"I need a bath," she said. "Airplanes make me feel dirty."

Laura smiled knowingly. Baths meant getting naked. She had been through a few of these moments.

"I want to kiss you," she said softly to Stevie, her eyes throbbing and suggestive.

"We can’t," Stevie grinned seductively. "Rhonda might show up at any moment."

"She might show up while you’re in the bath. That would be just as bad."

Stevie reached out with one long, sinuous black finger and traced an invisible line down Laura’s cheek to her jaw. "Maybe you should join me in the bath, and then we might not hear the doorbell."

"She knows we’re here."

At that moment, the phone rang. It was Rhonda.

"Laura, I’m going to be stuck here past midnight," she said, sounding exhausted and cranky. "Did you pick her up?"

"Of course. She’s right here. Want to talk to her?"

"God, yes!"

Laura handed the phone to Stevie, who made smoldering eyes at her all during her conversation with Rhonda. She was an impressive actress. Now that they knew where Rhonda was, and how long she was likely to remain there, the prospects of thrilling sex were almost inevitable. Yet Stevie cooed and mewled to Rhonda on the phone while her eyes were locked with Laura’s, pulsing heatedly.

Finally, she hung up. "We’ve got about three hours to rock and roll," she grinned.

"That’s a lot more than we had last time," Laura smiled.

Stevie approached her slowly, and they embraced. "I think it might be enough time to reach ten," she said in a husky, very sensual voice.

They kissed, quickly growing fiercely passionate, trying to eat each other alive. When their mouths finally parted, both were panting.

"This way," Laura said, pulling Stevie toward her bedroom.

They undressed on the way. Stevie’s underwear was pure white lace, which accentuated her sleek dark skin and made her stunning. God, she’s perfect, Laura realized again. A perfect body, a perfect face. How can there be such perfection?

"Why are you staring?" Stevie asked with a self-satisfied little smirk, knowing perfectly well why.

"Such perfection," Laura said, awed.

"I’m no more perfect than you, Laura," Stevie said, unfastening Laura’s bra and removing it, then tugging down Laura’s panties. "I just had my picture taken. You’re even more perfect. Your boobs are bigger than mine. Mmmm, I love them."

She took off her own lacy white bra and brushed her swollen, gleaming black nipples against Laura’s. Their tongues tangled and danced excitedly.

"Are you going to fuck me hard? Harder than Rhonda does? And make me come more times than before?"

"Yes to all three questions," Laura said, pulling her down on the bed. "But I have to warn you about one thing," she murmured as she ran her hands and her mouth all over Stevie’s delicious naked body. "My neighbors upstairs are sort of nosy. They can hear it if you scream." She grabbed a spare pillow and pulled it over near their heads. "So when you come and you can’t stand it, groan into this, okay?"

Stevie giggled softly and then gasped as one of her nipples disappeared into Laura’s mouth. "Unhhhh! Oh! Yes . . . oh yes, do it hard, Laura!"

Her beautiful small naked breasts were a feast for Laura, who devoured them passionately. Stevie was used to being the center of attention, whether in public or in bed, and so she lay back and surrendered her beautiful body to Laura, who swarmed over it, caressing her and kissing her everywhere, finally arriving between Stevie’s thighs. She gazed again at one of the two or three most beautiful pussies she had ever seen.

"They should’ve put this on the cover of Playboy," she said, running her fingertip up and down in the wet pink crease between the succulent black cuntlips, so long and beautifully curved.

"Unhhh!" Stevie gasped in pleasure. "Oh god Laura yes!"

Laura remembered from their first time together that Stevie was not a fast comer. Even with Laura's great expertise, it took Stevie a little while to get there, at least the first time. Laura didn't mind a bit since it gave her more time to dwell on the exquisite beauty of the girl's lovely body and her beautifully-shaped pussy.

She slithered her tongue into every wet crease and crevice, toying with Stevie as she brought her along. Stevie was soon a wreck, a quivering, churning mass of need, her voice whimpering deep in her throat, clotted with urgency and mad fuck-hunger. Her eyes fluttered open to watch Laura's mouth skillfully making love to her throbbing pussy, and then her head fell back as she nearly swooned in anticipation of the killer climax that was slowly building in her luscious, lean body.

"Mmmm, you like me to fuck you, don't you," Laura purred to her as she slowly brought the lovely girl to the pinnacle of sexual tension. "You like it . . . you like it better than you do with Rhonda, don't you."

"Oh yes . . . oh god yes! Unhhh! Unhhh!" Stevie panted uncontrollably. "Oh Laura, I'm so close!"

"I know, I know, darling. You are going to come. You are going to come right now."

"Unhh! Unh! Oh god . . . you're right! Unngghiiieeeee!"

Her first cries escaped full-throated into the air, but she then turned her face into the pillow Laura had provided and groaned into it as her lean, beautiful body undulated in waves of intense orgasmic pleasure. It was a very long and thorough orgasm, and Laura stayed with her through the whole thing, coaxing every last sweet spasm out of her delicious body until Stevie finally stretched out and smiled like a cat.

"Ummm, nobody makes me come like you do," she said softly to Laura. "That was so quick."

Actually, it had taken about five minutes, but maybe that was quick for her, Laura thought. Or she had just experienced a fractured sense of time. At any rate, she was relaxed and grateful.

"I really needed that," she said. "I haven't had sex for about three weeks, since I last saw Rhonda."

Laura looked at her skeptically. "I can't believe you don't have opportunities. You're impossibly gorgeous and sexy."

"Just horny guys who want to shove the big one in you, while their wives or girlfriends aren't looking. Whoopee, I made it with a Playmate!"

"How do you know I'm not feeling that way?"

Stevie pushed Laura onto her back and began to make love to her now. "Because you love me for myself. Tell me you do."

Laura teased her. "Rhonda's the one who loves you. I only love to fuck you."

Stevie made a moue. "Same thing. Now open your thighs so I can get even."

"It wouldn't be hard to love you, though," Laura smiled, as Stevie slid down between her thighs. "I can see why Rhonda does."

"Don't be silly. She loves fucking a Playmate too. She probably bragged about it to you, didn't she. Before we met, I mean."

"Unhh! Oh!"

"Oh, do you like that? Want some more?"

"Oh yes! Just like that!"

Further conversation was out of the question as Stevie began to eat Laura's aching wet pussy passionately, knowing from their earlier experience how quickly Laura could come. A few months with Rhonda had turned the girl into a decent lesbian lover, and she seemed to enjoy going to bed with Laura a lot. In only a few minutes, Laura was grabbing the pillow herself, pushing her face into it, her pelvis shuddering and pumping wildly as a delicious orgasm wrenched her.

They coiled together afterward, and then Stevie, her face lighting up with mischief, jumped off the bed and dashed to the living room, still delectably naked, to open one of her bags. She returned with a video camera in one hand and a tripod in the other.

"I brought this for playing with Rhonda, but I don't see any reason why we can't use it too," she said.

"What did you have in mind?" Laura asked calmly.

"To make videos of us fucking. My ex-husband used to do it, that's how I got the idea. It's so much fun. You can't imagine."

"I hope you didn't leave him a few videos to remember you by."

Stevie made her moue again. "I found them and threw them out before we divorced. He wanted to kill me, but he still loves me so he couldn't bring himself to do it."

"You're a cruel woman, Ms. Archer."

And so they spent the next hour screwing in front of the video camera. They had to stop now and then to look at what the tape had captured. Watching it aroused them further, and they resumed. The camera was stationary on its tripod, and so there was no sophistication in the way of camera angles or close-ups, but both Stevie and Laura were exceptionally beautiful, and very aroused by one another, so that the tapes were hot.

At one point, Laura took the video camera off its tripod and lovingly taped every inch of Stevie's perfect body.

"I want to be able to look at your beautiful pussy whenever I like," she murmured. "Even when your off somewhere screwing Rhonda, I want to remember you here in my bed."

"What makes you think you get to keep the tape?" Stevie grinned, biting her lower lip as Laura began to caress her naked body with her free hand. "You might blackmail me."

"I would," Laura smiled. "I'd blackmail you into coming back to me."

She slid two fingers into Stevie's delicious wet pussy and began fingerfucking her while she video-taped Stevie's undulating body. Stevie was wildly beautiful when she was being fucked, and Laura wanted to videotape her having an orgasm.

"Oh god . . . Laura, you're going to make me come!" she whimpered softly, churning her hips, biting her lip.

Fortunately, the video camera weighed little. Laura realized that it could actually happen, and she settled between Stevie's spread thighs, fucking her more deliberately now, and taping every exquisite moment.

"I am . . . I am going to make you come," she murmured.

"Oh! Unhhh! Unhhh! Oh . . . oh wow ungghhh! Yes!"

"You are very beautiful when you come," Laura murmured.

She let the camera sweep up and down the girl's lean, gleaming body, focusing on her small, jiggling breasts, and her long, smooth stomach, then on her pussy. She rubbed Stevie's clit with her thumb at the same time that she slid her two fingers into the buttery, warm slit of her cunt.

God, if I could trigger her little g-spot at a time like this, we'd have a tape for all time, she thought. How would I get the camera back on the tripod?

Just as she had this thought, she detected a faint but unmistakable twitch in Stevie's undulating body. Oh god, this is it! she realized. It was too late to put the camera back. But she didn't want to risk losing this climax from the tape.

As it turned out, all she could do was hold on for the ride. Stevie's body clenched, and she came immediately.

"Auungghhhh! Ohnngggg! Ungghh! Ungghhh!" she groaned, arching and quivering, her thighs flexing, her pelvis shuddering.

She came convulsively, groaning and tossing her head, coming again, whimpering and then whinnying helplessly as successive orgasms wrenched her lovely smooth body. Continuing to hand-fuck her, Laura could only hold on for the ride. The bed bounced, and the camera jerked up and down in her hand, but for the most part, she kept it focused on Stevie.

She taped her own fingers plunging in and out of Stevie's pussy, and the fierce clenching of Stevie's lean, beautiful body, and above all the stirring ecstacy on her face as the orgasms struck her. She came at least three times before she stopped, and the final orgasm seemed like a sweet agony as she twisted and moaned through several seconds of excruciatingly intense pleasure.

Laura had the camera on her face as she surfaced from the storms of her climaxes, and she giggled self-consciously, and charmingly, looking into the camera's lens and panting softly.

"Laura, you are a dirty bird, taping a totally helpless girl and fucking her at the same time," she gasped. "You ought to be ashamed."

Laura switched off the tape. "Next time I'm going to lick your pretty pussy with this lens," she said, pointing to the protruding lens housing. "Viewers will get an idea of how exciting it is to lick your pussy."

"Mmmm, why don't you hold it up and point it down here, and you can tape what I look like when I'm eating your pussy," Stevie purred sexily.

They hurriedly propped up three pillows behind Laura's back, and she videotaped Stevie licking her pussy until the sensations grew so intense that she couldn't hold the camera any more.

"Honey . . ." she panted. "I . . . I can't hold it any more, I'm going to come!"

"Put the damn thing down, then," Stevie giggled, pouring on the heat.

"Oh! Oh yes!" Laura gasped, setting the camera on the bed beside their bodies, forgetting whether she had turned the switch off or not. "Ungghhh! Oh god! Aunngghhh!"

She came in a hot rush, feeling the honeyfire pour through her writhing body. Afterward, Stevie, bemused, picked up the video camera and flicked it off.

"You left it on, you naughty girl. Wasting my tape."

"My tape," Laura blinked, still half-stunned by her orgasm. "I want it to remember you by."

"My tape," Stevie smirked. "I'll make you a copy. Maybe. If you're good. And you promise not to blackmail me."

Both of them ended up glancing at the clock radio in the same instant and realized that midnight was approaching, and Rhonda might be showing up. What if she got out of the meeting early?

"Oh god, we better get dressed," Laura said. "It'll be hard enough to convince her we haven't been fucking."

"I hope she doesn't smell it on us," Stevie shrugged sourly. "Some people have those fucking bloodhound noses."

"You probably have time for a quick shower," Laura suggested. She winked. "Wish I could join you."

"We'll have to save that for next time," Stevie winked back.

She showered quickly, while Laura simply put on some expensive perfume to hide whatever odor of hot sex might be lingering on her body. She couldn't remember if Rhonda had an especially sharp sense of smell or not. In ten minutes, they were both dressed and pretending to be totally bored with one another, anticipating the attitudes they could feign when Rhonda arrived.

But it turned out that she phoned instead. She was tired and asked if Laura would mind driving Stevie over to her apartment. She would meet them there. Laura agreed.

"We could try that shower now," Laura suggested. "Just a quick one."

"I'm tempted," Stevie said, eyes sparkling with sex. "You are a sex maniac, Laura."

Laura kissed her. "For you I am."

Stevie put a finger on Laura's lips. "You've had your way with me tonight, sex fiend. I don't think I've ever come so much in one time. Please let me rest. I will no doubt have to fuck with Rhonda a couple of times before sleepy bye."

"Poor dear. Just close your eyes and think of me."

Stevie smiled her most enchanting covergirl smile and was silent.

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