Laura - Chapter 189


At work Laura and April tried hard to treat each other as if nothing had ever happened. It was very difficult. Laura, though she and Stephanie had engaged in some thrilling moments, and though she slept in the next few nights with both Randi and Charise, could not keep her eyes off April. And April returned the favor.

"We gotta cut this out," April whispered to her finally. "I can't stand it."

They had not fucked since their first time together in April's apartment. Laura wanted her desperately.

"Come over to my place after work," she suggested. "I'll drive you back home afterward."

April shook her head. "Got a date with my boyfriend," she said, as if determined not to let Laura break through her defenses.

But Laura could see it in her eyes. You want it, April, her own eyes told the girl. You know you want it. April looked away.

That afternoon Laura ran into Mavis in Walgreen's, where they had first met. At first she wondered, cynically, if the girl was prowling the aisles for another horny white woman. The way she snagged me, Laura thought, but then corrected herself when she saw the woman behind Mavis.

Mavis's eyes lit up with happy mischief. "Laura! Thought I might find you here," she said. "Look, here's my sister Brenda."

Brenda, who was examining makeup products, glanced up at Laura. She smiled, knowing nothing of the relationship between Laura and Mavis. Laura smiled back.

Brenda was gorgeous and looked very different from Mavis. She was dark, but not nearly as black as Mavis. Her eyes were instantly alive with erotic promise as she gazed very sharply at Laura. She was obviously every bit the sexual creature Mavis had hinted at, one who would corrupt her own fourteen-year-old sister. Her dark, flashing eyes were hard and probing, inquisitive, tough. She wore a touch of silvery eye-shadow, and reminded Laura a little of the stunning porn star Midori, whom Laura had once seen briefly in a photo. And when Mavis stepped aside, Laura could see that Brenda had a stunning body.

She was not tall or willowy, but her incredibly slim waist accentuated her knockout body. Her breasts were only slightly larger than Laura's, not the mammoth jugs Mavis had described, but of course Mavis's own breasts were so small that perhaps she thought of Brenda's as huge. Brenda wore tight clothes to show off her spectacular curves. Laura tried not to stare at her body, but Brenda was used to having people look. She smiled ambiguously. Laura wondered how much Mavis had told her.

"Laura's a friend of mine," she told Brenda. "We met right here, just like this, a few weeks ago."

Laura and Brenda shook hands, very reserved. Laura had forgotten how beautiful she herself was, and that Brenda, like most people, would be stunned by her beauty too.

"Please to meet you," Brenda said in a warm, throaty voice.

So this is the woman who taught my darling Mavis how to fuck, Laura was thinking as she took Brenda's slim, shapely hand. Brenda was looking at her hard, with a barely disguised fierce curiosity. Laura realized a second later that she was thinking, I'll bet this skinny gorgeous white model-type has been screwing my baby sister.

They sized one another up. "I'm so glad to meet you too," Laura said evenly. "Mavis told me so much about you."

Laura felt it was very bold of her to say this. The implication was that Mavis had told her how much she and Brenda and fucked before Brenda got married. But somehow, Laura felt that Brenda knew anyway, and there was no use playing cat and mouse about it.

"All good, I hope," Brenda smiled curtly, her flashing eyes veiled in a kind of sexy evasion.

Laura beamed. "More than good. She thinks the world of you."

"You guys are making me sick," Mavis interjected. "Come on, let's go. I got what I want." She held up a box of makeup.

Outside the store, Laura couldn't take her eyes off Mavis, and Brenda saw her looking. Mavis did too and relished it. Is she using me to make her sister jealous? Laura wondered. How bizarre! I never would've thought of such a thing.

"You should see her apartment," Mavis bragged to Brenda. "She got some killer digs. See that building over there? She lives way up on one of those floors--what is the floor you live on, Laura?"

"Eighth floor."

"You should see it."

"I guess you've seen it," Brenda said drily.

"Sure I saw it," Mavis said. "Laura, could we go up and see your apartment? We could leave right away afterward. I just want Brenda to see it."

"I would be delighted to have you both."

Laura started to blush. Did that sound like, I'd be delighted to fuck you both?

Brenda continued to seem bemused. Then she shrugged. "We can stop by for a few minutes."

When she got the two of them alone in her apartment, with the door closed, Laura suddenly got very nervous. She knew Mavis was bold. After all, Mavis had seduced her, Laura, by pulling off her sweater, exposing her small, delicious breasts, and inviting Laura to fuck her. And Laura knew from looking into Brenda's eyes, and from her reputation, that she wasn't an apprentice saint. She had taught her own baby sister how to fist-fuck her.

This was a combustible moment. Laura didn't know whether some hot sexual event was about to happen or not.

"Can I get either of you a . . . coke? Or . . . I don't know, it seems too early for a glass of wine." It was five-thirty.

Brenda's exciting eyes flickered dangerously. "Tea?" she said, with a faint glaze of sarcasm. "We could have a tea party."

"Ugh! I hate tea," Mavis said. "Coke is fine. I hate wine too."

Laura looked at Brenda. "I've got Earl Grey and Camomile."

Brenda's eyebrows raised spontaneously. "How kinky. Are you hiding them in the bedroom? Earl and Cammy might be doing the Big Nasty in there."

Laura, in spite of herself, blushed beet red. It was a sexual innuendo, and she instantly betrayed her excitement. She turned and headed for the kitchen.

"I like the Earl Grey best myself," she giggled. "He's really hot and . . . you know, stimulating?"

Brenda followed her from a distance. "I agree. So much better than boring chicks like Cammy."

Laura's eyes caught hers momentarily. You're jealous of me fucking your sister, aren't you, Laura's said. And yet you want all of us to fuck too, don't you. You can't make up your mind.

Laura brewed the tea and they continued to banter, though without any more sexual overtones. Brenda was about Laura's age and no babe in the woods, clearly. She also was completely gorgeous, and Laura could not take her eyes off the girl. She thought of the sisters she had already slept with: Yvette and Chanitra, Shavon and Vanessa, Trina and Rina. But only with Shavon and Vanessa at the same time.

Mavis joined them in the kitchen. "Isn't Laura beautiful?" she asked Brenda. "She looks just like that model."

"I know," Brenda said, admiring Laura. "She is beautiful."

"Why don't we go in the living room?" Laura said. "You're missing the view. It's really great at dusk."

They went back and sat down in front of Laura's windows. More and more Laura had the feeling that they all wanted to fuck badly, but no one knew how to get them to the moment. Of course, Mavis was so artless and bold that she would probably think of a way soon, if they didn't come up with something first.

Brenda excused herself and went to the bathroom. I wonder if she's checking out my medicine cabinet? Laura thought. She noticed Mavis standing in front of her.

"You haven't kissed me," Mavis whispered.

Laura looked around, nervous. "I . . . can't in front of her."

"Let's do it now, while she's in the bathroom."

Mavis bent down. Her wildly sensual and warm mouth curved into Laura's, making Laura's pulse leap. Mavis's tongue slipped into her mouth. They kissed heatedly from the first instant.

"You two don't waste any time," Brenda said, returning silently.

Mavis didn't even pull back quickly. She stopped kissing and turned her face to her sister, her mouth still less than an inch from Laura's. Laura herself blushed but held steady.

"Oh . . . she caught us," Mavis said, disingenuously, smiling at Brenda.

Brenda smiled ambiguously. "I guess Laura been getting a taste of some sweet young black pussy," she said softly, sitting down in an easy chair across from them.

She crossed her very shapely legs, watching Laura's eyes on them.

"Some fine virginal black pussy, at that," she continued. "Untouched by a man. You haven't done it with a man yet, have you Mavis?"

Mavis turned around to face her sister, looking sassy and devastatingly sexy at the same time, as if caught with her hand in the cookie jar, when everybody present knew she had wanted to be caught. She shook her head.

"No ma'am."

"And here you are messing around with this rich white lady who looks and dresses like some fancy model. She just like you for your pussy, girl. Ain't that true, Laura?"

Laura glowered at Brenda, lowering her eyes menacingly. "It's not true," she said evenly. "Mavis knows it's not true."

"You used to kiss me like that too," Mavis pouted to her sister.

Now it was Brenda's turn to be uncomfortable. She squirmed and looked at the floor. Mavis, the little miracle, now knew she had the upper hand. She went over to Brenda and bent down, as she had done to Laura.

"Why don't you do it? Just for old time's sake? Daryl won't mind. He won't even know. I won't tell him you kissed me. You don't want me liking Laura better than I liked you, do you?"

Brenda looked up at her. Laura knew what she was going through. Mavis was fiercely desirable. Brenda had renounced having sex with her sister apparently on principle, when she had got married. That didn't mean she was immune to Mavis's very alluring charms.

Now Mavis whispered something to her that Laura couldn't hear. Brenda slowly reached up with both hands and cradled Mavis's face in them. Then she placed her mouth against Mavis's and kissed her passionately. Watching, Laura could feel her own pussy getting wet.

When they broke off their kiss, they were both panting softly. Mavis was bent over, her short plaid school uniform skirt riding up and exposing the smooth black flesh of her thighs. Laura couldn’t take her eyes off them.

Mavis looked back and grinned as she saw the direction of Laura's glance. She stood up, smirking, self-satisfied, devilish, bristling with mischief.

"Face it, both of you guys want to fuck me," she said. She crooked her finger, teasing them, walking across the room toward the hallway. "Come on into Laura's bedroom."

She disappeared down the hall. Brenda and Laura were left alone, first staring at the spot where Mavis had been, then at each other. Laura felt a little guilty, but she realized that Brenda had been the one to initiate Mavis into lesbian sex. She, Laura, had nothing to feel guilty about.

And Brenda seemed to know it. She stood up, letting Laura's eyes linger on her body. "Don't you think we ought to accept her invitation?" she asked softly.

Laura smiled and stood too. "Guess so. She's pretty persuasive."

"You're telling me," Brenda said as they walked together toward the hallway.

"Would you be offended if I told you you look a little like Midori?"

"That ugly little Japanese violin player?" Brenda snapped, frowning.

"No, no. The gorgeous porn star."

"Oh, her." Brenda smiled, flattered. "She's pretty hot, I guess."

Mavis was waiting in the doorway of Laura's bedroom and seemed a little miffed that they seemed to be getting on so well when she was supposed to be the center of attention. To counter this, she lifted her sweater up over her head, as she had for Laura the first time, and flung it away. Then she unfastened her bra and let it slide off her arms.

Even though still an underdeveloped teenager, she was enchanting when naked, her deep black skin smooth and sleek, her small breasts and large nipples very beautiful. Laura had not seen Mavis naked for a few weeks, and Brenda probably not for a year or more. Both were electrified by her body.

They followed her into the bedroom. Mavis stood by the bed and dropped her skirt. Now she wore only her panties.

"Are both of you going to fuck me with your clothes on?" she asked coyly.

Laura and Brenda looked at each other and giggled softly. Then they began to undress. Laura's eyes were on Brenda, and Brenda's on Laura.

The more of Brenda's body that came into view, the more aroused Laura became. The woman was just as beautiful under her clothes as Midori was, too. Her breasts were full and firm, round, and unlike her sister she had large circular areolas and thick, jutting nipples in the centers. Her waist was tiny, one of the slenderest Laura had ever seen, which emphasized the swelling curve of her hips.

Her bra, already removed, and her bikini panties were pale yellow. Mavis went over to her and kissed her in that enormously erotic way again, and Laura's fingers trembled as she removed the rest of her own clothes. Suddenly, both Mavis and Brenda were pulling her down on her own bed.

"Looks like Miss Vogue Model got a beautiful body of her own," Brenda said, running her hands up Laura's naked midriff to her breasts, squeezing them hungrily.

For the first time, she and Laura kissed, and it was not a discreet or polite little peck. They tried to devour one another. Mavis let them scorch each other for a few moments, but then she got petulant.

"Hey, who the fuckee here anyway?" she whined, pulling each of them apart by the arm. "You two supposed to be doing me, not each other."

"What if we want each other too?" Brenda asked, removing her mouth long enough from Laura's to speak.

"You have to wait," Mavis replied with an impish smile. "Look . . . look what I got for you."

She lay on her back and opened her young thighs, exposing the wet, festering gash of her pussy, running the tip of her forefinger up and down in the glistening slit. Her finger came away shiny, and her eyes were glazed, beseeching them both.

And both of them had fallen hard for Mavis before, so it didn't take much to persuade them. They turned, pinning her naked body between them, and began to make love to her aggressively. Laura realized how Brenda must have felt, living in the same house with this enchanting naked girl, watching her emerge from the shower, seeing her run around half-clothed, catching the hot sex in her knowing eyes.

Would I have been able to keep my hands off her, even if she were my own sister? Laura wondered. Mavis moaned and writhed as both Brenda and Laura kissed and sucked her small, lovely breasts. Laura had experienced having both nipples sucked at the same time, and she knew what it could do to you. Mavis whimpered and twisted between them.

Brenda glanced over at Laura, then slid down the girl's supple young body, sliding between Mavis's yawning thighs, while Laura began to spread her attention between both of the girl's small breasts, squeezing them, pinching and sucking Mavis's sensitive nipples.

"Ohhnnnn!" Mavis moaned.

Her panting accelerated as Brenda's mouth found her pussy. Prior to Brenda's marriage, these two had been fucking one another a long time, Laura realized. They knew where to touch each other, how to ignite a spark into an explosion, and Brenda's mouth on Mavis's pussy soon had the girl almost climbing the walls. She was so aroused that it almost made Laura envious as she wondered if she herself had ever excited Mavis this much.

"Ungghh! Oh . . . oh shit! Unghhh . . . oh yes . . . oh god Bren yes oh Bren do it fast yes yes! Ohhnnnn!"

Laura glanced down to see Brenda fucking Mavis's pussy with two fingers and frantically tongue-flicking her little swollen clit, just as Laura would have done. She knew Mavis was going to come in seconds. Mavis's face was exquisitely beautiful when she came, and Laura wanted to see it. She sucked and pinched the girl's erect, wet nipples passionately, looking up to watch the various expressions of sexual tension and growing ecstacy pass across her face.

"She's gonna come . . . she's there," Brenda panted, still working Mavis's hot little pussy for all she was worth.

And she was right. Mavis's entire lovely sleek black young body seized up, flexing and arching, and she came explosively, crying out as a strong orgasm ripped through her.

"Anngghiiiiiieeee!" she wailed, writhing and pumping, her hands flailing, grasping Laura's naked shoulders as Laura continued to suck her breasts sharply.

Her face was sublimely beautiful as the excruciating pleasure of her orgasm passed over it. Brenda slid up, and she and Laura both embraced and stroked the lovely teenager as the shocks wrenched her, then began to wane, leaving her gasping and whimpering. Laura held her from behind, still caressing her breasts as Brenda kissed her soulfully, a deep reunion kiss.

"We ain't done that in a long time, girl," she smiled to the stunned Mavis, caressing her cheek.

"No," Mavis panted softly. "I had to go out and find Laura to do me again."

Brenda looked over Mavis's bare shoulder at Laura, raising her eyebrow. "Laura must be pretty good if she can replace me."

Laura returned a half-smile. "Maybe you'd like to find out."

Brenda's face lit up. Without exactly dropping or discarding Mavis, she and Laura maneuvered around her and began kissing heatedly.

"I haven't really had any hot girl-fucking in a long time," she panted against Laura's cheek. "And I never been to bed with a white girl."

Laura was very aroused by being in bed with both of them at the same time, these two beautiful sisters, and she swarmed all over Brenda's naked body with so much passion that Brenda was moaning and surrendering before she even knew what was happening. She was on her back, and Laura was squeezing and sucking her breasts like a sex maniac.

"Laura'll fuck your pussy dry, Bren," Mavis said, stretched out next to them on Laura's huge bed, watching Laura fuck-maul her sister.

"Oh! Ohnnnn . . . yes! Oh . . . Laura, you suck hard!"

"Am I hurting you?" Laura panted, trying to swallow Brenda's large black nipples.

Brenda's breasts were not small beauties like Mavis's. They were big, round, firm, with wide swelling nipples, and Laura feasted on them hungrily. At the same time, she dropped one hand to Brenda's crotch and felt the matted wetness of her groin hair, slithering two fingers through it to the warm, slippery cleft of Brenda's pussy.

"Unhhh!" Brenda gasped, feeling Laura's fingers penetrate her.

"I'm going to fuck you, girl," Laura panted into her ear. "You're almost ready to come now."

"I know . . . I know! Want it to last! Fuck me and make it last!"

Laura fucked her pussy hard with the two fingers. Brenda became delirious with lust, panting and pumping and squirming.

"Unh! Unh! Unh! she grunted softly. "Oh . . . eat my pussy, Laura, I'm gonna come so hard! Please!"

Laura was delighted to fill this request. She knew she could make Brenda come with only her hand, as she was on the verge of doing, but she had a deep craving to see and lick Mavis's sister's pussy. She quickly slid down between the girl's parting thighs, spreading aside the wet pussy hair, revealing the shiny wet pit between the swollen, moist, black cuntlips.

You want to make it last, darling? she thought. Well, Laura is going to take you for a little ride. If you thought girl-fucking was fun with your baby sister, you're going to discover a whole new world.

She knew Brenda was very close to an orgasm. But this was just the kind of situation Laura relished, since she knew how to prolong the agony until Brenda was literally begging her for release. Slowly, skillfully, she began to make love to Brenda's juicy, flowing pussy, increasing the intensity, then slowing back down, bringing Brenda back up to a quivering, whimpering frenzy, then backing off to let her down again one rung.

"Ohhnnnn god . . . ohhngggg god!" Brenda moaned, her hips shuddering wildly as she tried to pump herself into a climax that Laura would not allow.

She twisted and squirmed, pulling her own nipples, squeezing her breasts, panting and gyrating her pelvis, pushing her pussy up into Laura's mouth.

"Fuck me, girl . . .fuck me! Please fuck me . . . let me come! Laura, make me come! Please! Oh god . . . I can come! Please!"

"Oh, you're going to come, all right," Laura purred to her, toying with her delicious pussy until Brenda seemed on the verge of nervous collapse.

By now Mavis had again become overheated just from watching them, and she could not stay on the sidelines. She began massaging Brenda's luscious breasts and sucking her erect nipples, and this further excited Brenda so much that Laura knew there was little use to prolong it further. You're going to come now, Brenda, now, so get ready.

"Oh! Oh!" Brenda gasped, writhing uncontrollably.

"Yes," Laura murmured. "Yes . . . now."

Holding two fingers stiffly inside of Brenda's pussy, for her to buck and ram her pussy against, she did something Kendra and Mavis herself had taught her: she pressed the flat of her tongue against Brenda's swollen, throbbing clit and waggled her head wildly back and forth. She herself had simply exploded when this was done to her, and it had the same effect on Brenda.

"Auunngghhiieeeee!" she cried, flipping and surging off the mattress as her body was wrenched by the powerful shocks of a thrilling climax. "Oh! Ungghhhhh! Oh shit yes yes! Auugghhhnnnnn!"

She had a stupendous orgasm, and it seemed to go on forever, arousing Laura even more, and Mavis too. By the time Brenda was finished, panting and mewling through the aftershocks, both Laura and Mavis were ready for more. Especially Laura, since she was the only one of the three who had not yet come.

Mavis knew this, and she smiled at Laura as if promising her it wouldn't be long.

"Better let me at that pretty pink pussy, Laura," she murmured.

Laura spread her thighs, but she had no idea Mavis would do what she actually did. She felt the girl's fingers in her hot, slimy trench, pushing, then harder, and then Mavis's small clenched hand slid into her pussy. It was so wet from the sexual excitement of having fucked both Mavis and Brenda that nothing could prevent this penetration.

"Owwnnggg!" she groaned, feeling the girl's small fist inside her, feeling wildly aroused, knowing she would come very soon.

Brenda, only now surfacing from her shattering orgasm, saw it too, and her eyes widened. Mavis smiled at her and offered her other fist.

"I can do you both at once," she grinned. "I'll be the champ."

Laura remembered that Brenda had taught Mavis to fist-fuck her, so it was a natural suggestion. Brenda was so feverish with sex that she grabbed Mavis's outstretched fist and drew it forcibly toward her open cunt, which Laura had just been licking so happily. Still slowly moving her small fist around in Laura's pussy, Mavis's eyes locked with Brenda's and she pushed her other fist into her sister's cunt.

"Ungghh!" Brenda grunted softly as it penetrated her. "Oh god!"

Now Mavis had one dark, slender wrist protruding from each vagina, and Laura and Brenda were almost delirious from intense sexual pleasure and anticipation. It suddenly occurred to Laura that if she twisted her body forward just a little, because of her long arms she could reach around Mavis's thigh from behind and get her own fist into Mavis's pussy, which she could see, all wet and puckering and fiery pink.

"You too, honey, you too," she panted, leaning forward.

Mavis saw her intention and moved her ass around to give Laura easier access. Laura slipped a finger wedge into Mavis's pussy, pushing, pushing, and felt her hand slip inside.

"Annghiiieee!" Mavis yelped softly. "Ooooh shit, that feels good!"

The next twenty-five seconds or so were among the most sexually exciting of Laura's life, and she afterwards believed, also of Brenda's, and certainly of Mavis's short life. Mavis had a fist sunk in both Laura's and Brenda's pussies, and Laura was fist-fucking Mavis heatedly. Each time she drove her hand deep into Mavis's pussy, Mavis groaned and fist-fucked both Brenda and Laura wildly, her hands agitated and rough, plunging deep into their bodies.

The three of them were linked in a kind of awkward circle, and the harder they fucked, the harder they were fucked in return. The bed bounced wildly, and their hot whimpering and moaning filled Laura's bedroom. It was a passionate frenzy, fiercely intense, hot and perverse and crazy, but also a searing sexual union. All three of them drove one another to the brink, gasping, crying out, wincing, groaning as a final excruciating wave of killing pleasure began to break over their struggling bodies.

Fortunately, Mavis herself was the first to come. If Laura had come first, she knew she would not be able to keep fucking Mavis. But Mavis was young, energetic, and a quick, easy comer, as Laura knew from their thrilling moments together. Laura's fist in her tight young pussy quickly stirred her little honey pot into a bubbling explosion.

She came hard, her young, gleaming body flexing and straining, her cries wildly erotic as the spasms made her silky flesh quiver. Best of all, her wild, jerky movements drove both of her hands deeper into Laura's and Brenda's cunts, exciting both of them into fierce orgasms of their own within seconds.

"Ungghhh! Oh god . . . oh yes Mav---" Brenda gasped, her words suddenly interrupted by a sharp moan as her body convulsed in repeated spasms from a clenching climax. "Aunnngghhhh! Ohhnnggg . . . unhh! Auungghhhh!"

And Laura, deeply aroused by the sight of Mavis's slender, flexing, gleaming, jet-black body straining through her orgasm, and by her equally beautiful sister Brenda's face torn by intense shocks of acute rapture, came in hot, wrenching shocks herself. She could feel every knuckle of Mavis's fist turning deep inside her pussy as the waves of an excruciating orgasm began to drown her.

"Ohhhh! Oh Mavis . . . oh god! Owwngghhhhh! Ungghhhh! Oh yes oh shit yes yes! Ohhnnn!" she moaned, pumping her pussy into Mavis's fist, and grabbing Brenda too, as Brenda grabbed for her.

They held each other, kissing and stroking each other, as the diminishing shocks of their orgasms began to wane, leaving them all panting and stunned by it. Finally, every twitch and flutter was gone, and their breathing started returning to normal. Mavis, sensitive as ever, carefully pulled her hands out of their cunts.

"Think I'm gonna need some towels for these," she squinted playfully at Laura. "You two chicks were pretty juicy."

Laura laughed softly. "In the bathroom," she said.

She and Brenda looked hard at one another, a frankly sexual look, while Mavis was out of the room.

"Pretty juicy," Brenda repeated, smiling.

Laura reached over and cradled one of Brenda's beautiful naked breasts in one hand, brushing the large soft black nipple with her thumb.

"You have a phone number?" Laura asked softly.

Brenda gnawed on her full lower lip. "Better give me yours."

Laura nodded. Mavis returned, gawky and squinting and still completely naked, drying off her hands with a bath towel.

"Well. Are we ready for more?" she asked, full of mischief.

"If I'm not mistaken, you have homework to do, young lady, right?" Brenda said.

Mavis frowned, dropping the towels. They had all three just been fucking for all they were worth in one of the most perverted ways you could do it, but right now Mavis suddenly looked to Laura like a scrawny little teenager being controlled by her bigger sister. And Laura had just exchanged some significant looks with that sister.

God, she's a pretty hot number, Laura thought, letting her eyes run again over Brenda's spectacular body. I think she and I might have a future.

"Hate homework!" Mavis said. "We don't get to fuck with Laura every day," she pleaded with her sister. "Ain't you having fun, Bren?"

Brenda looked again meaningfully at Laura. "I'm having a lot of . . . fun. But I know Mama gon' beat your ass if you don't get those grades up."

Partly to fulfill her own needs, and partly to show off her naked body to Brenda again, Laura slid off the bed and embraced Mavis. She ran her hands all over Mavis's enchanting naked body. She really did love the girl and didn't want to lose her either, now that she had found a potential new exciting lover in her sister.

"Look, you can come back any time," she reassured her. "You can come back tomorrow. Brenda, too."

She smiled with deep eroticism at Brenda, as if to say, and you I will fuck like a flaming fury when I get the chance. Brenda smiled and looked away.

Mavis gave in. She and Brenda dressed, and Laura pulled on some jeans and a sweatshirt. She scribbled her home phone number on the back of her business card and slipped it into Brenda's handbag when the other two weren't looking. Then she walked them both downstairs, wanting to be polite, and also wanting to enjoy every last second with them.

But this was a mistake. They ran into Kendra and Jane in the lobby, just coming in.

Both of them looked hard, eyes wide and knowing, at Brenda and Mavis. Laura wondered whether Jane knew Mavis from school, but she saw no flicker of recognition. She looked down and hurried them out the door, afraid that Jane, fearless and bold and cutting, would say something, or that Kendra might say something herself. She would be jealous of Brenda and angry to see Laura again fucking a girl the same age as Jane.

But they said nothing, just stared, and Laura waited outside, lingering by Brenda's car, until she was sure they were gone from the lobby before returning herself.

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