Laura - Chapter 148
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Two nights after Laura's 2 a.m. tryst with Vondi, she got a frantic phone call from Shavon, whose husband would be leaving town that evening. She was desperate to see Laura, and a few hours later they ended up in her bed fucking in a frenzy. Laura told her nothing about seeing Vondi alone, and did not tell Vondi about seeing Shavon either. She wondered how long this juggling act would remain possible, but for her the joys of fucking with them together were outweighed by the intense delights of having each one separately, and she began to think they felt the same. She also had to add Randi and Sholdandra to the juggle, but it was hard to feel sorry for herself when she had four gorgeous women to fuck, all of whom were dying to share her bed. It helped keep her mind off Trina. One afternoon, she got a phone call at work from Shavon. She was sure it was to arrange another secret tryst, that Shavon's husband was leaving town and they would be together tonight. But instead, Shavon was in a big hurry to get to the airport. Her husband was in New York and wanted her to fly in for the weekend. She wanted Laura to drop by her apartment that evening to water her plants and to pick up the T-bone steaks she had left to thaw, so at least someone could enjoy them. Her sister Vanessa had a spare key and would meet her there with it. Laura agreed, only wondering after she hung up why Vanessa couldn't do all these favors herself. She went there right after work, and found Vanessa already there. A feeling of deja vu came over her. It was very hot, and Vanessa was wearing cutoffs and a short midriff blouse. The same thing Chanitra had been wearing when Laura first met her. And Chanitra was the sister of Laura's lover, too. The resemblance, however, ended there. Vanessa, as Shavon had mentioned, was older than Chanitra had been at the time—nineteen. She was more self-assured, a college girl. Chanitra was very black, but Vanessa had café-au-lait skin and a fetching short haircut. She also had a button nose and a cuter than cute smile. She was certainly not drop-dead gorgeous like Shavon, but devastatingly cute. And her body, which Laura tried not to stare at, was very beautiful. She had long legs, almost completely revealed by the cutoffs. They weren't perfect legs, again not like Chanitra's, or Yvette's (those genes again), but they were mighty good, long and shapely. Laura wanted to touch them, and Vanessa caught her looking at them. "You must be Laura, the gorgeous one," she said sassily, letting Laura in. Laura laughed self-deprecatingly. "Who told you that?" "I have eyes." Vanessa's own black eyes flashed mischievously. "And Shavon told me you were. I can see she wasn't lying. You look like one of those models. How does it feel to have all that hair?" "It just a pain in the ass, really," Laura smiled. "But it must be a magnet to the dudes." "You must be Vanessa. She told me about you, too." "Let me guess. 'Vain, boy-crazy, and plays a mean third base.' Right?" "Do you play ball? I used to play ball." "Soft ball," Vanessa nodded. "Shavon thinks I'm a tomboy." "I played first base." "Why did you quit?" "It got in the way of my job, I guess. And it wore me out." They sat and talked very naturally. Laura had no trouble liking Vanessa very much. And Vanessa seemed to like her. Even though she was physically attractive to Laura, Laura was relieved not to be obsessed by the need to fuck her. Although I sure would like to, she thought, falling into the girl's infectious smile. "I've got a question for you," Laura said. "Why did Shavon want me to come over here when you were already coming over?" "Your guess is as good as mine. Maybe she doesn't think I know how to water plants." "Maybe she just wanted to make sure somebody came, at least," Laura laughed. "Are you two guys sleeping together?" Vanessa asked, out of the blue. Laura blushed sharply, hot red. "What . . . makes you ask that?" "Oh . . . I don't know." Again Vanessa gave her the piercingly cute smile. "The way she talks about you, I guess. Like you were some kind of special angel or something. And I didn't realize how really beautiful you were until now. Shavon seems to like you more than she ever liked anybody. Even her husband. And I also saw you looking at my legs. I never had anybody look at them that way but a man." Laura tried to remain calm. Vanessa had seen right through her in only five minutes. "Oh . . . probably somebody has," Laura stammered awkwardly. "You just didn't see her." She turned her face away momentarily from the enchantingly direct girl. It was too embarrassing to be blushing so hard, and the blush didn't seem to be fading. Laura was mortified. "She probably was more careful than I was. Your legs are very beautiful." "Not as beautiful as yours," Vanessa smiled cutely, a shockingly cute smile, her black eyes sparkling with mischief. "Now who was looking," Laura said. "I like to compare. Though usually not with a white woman. All that hair, for example. It puts me at a disadvantage." "I hardly think so. You're totally gorgeous." Vanessa giggled, swishing her short black hair around her ears. "You think so? And you haven't even seen my navel ring yet. I just got it three days ago. I think it's wild. Want to see it?" Laura knew she was being toyed with. But she couldn't help going along. Vanessa was truly enchanting, and Laura was very sexually aroused. "Of course I do." Vanessa unzipped her cutoffs about two inches, revealing her navel, an 'inny' with a small gold ring attached at the bottom. The skin around her navel was smooth and brown. Laura wanted to kiss it. "Oh, I better be careful," Vanessa said, zipping her fly right back up quickly. "You might think I'm trying to seduce you, since you like girls. You might think I'm trying to do a little striptease or something for you." "Most of you is naked already," Laura smiled. "God, you're right!" Vanessa giggled again. "Drives the boys wild. And the girls," she winked. Laura smiled. She knows how much I want to fuck her, she thought. Everybody must want to fuck her. The combination of that cute face and gorgeous body is dynamite. "Mind if I ask you a question?" Vanessa said. Laura shrugged. "How did you get interested in . . . you know, girls? In the first place. I mean, just the thought of kissing another girl sort of makes me want to puke. And you look so beautiful, like a model or something. Not like a biker broad, or whatever they call them. Dikes." "Thank you." "So, how did you?" "Don't you think that's kind of personal?" "Just curious. "It didn't make me puke, let's put it that way." "Obviously. Did you go right ahead and do it, right after the first kiss? Was she another, you know . . . like you? Did she want to go ahead?" "You really are curious, aren't you." Vanessa nodded. Calmly, Laura told her about her first time, with Karen. "Neither one of us had ever done it before," she said. "With a woman, that is." "So you've done it with guys too?" Laura nodded. "I still do, now and then." "Really? I've only had two guys. I guess I'm real inexperienced for my age. But I went with this one guy for a long time. Then we broke up, and now I'm going with another. But I really like that long, hard dick. I've never even thought of kissing another girl before." "Even in the shower, at school?" Laura prompted, though she had never felt like it there either until her affair with Karen. Vanessa shook her head. "It makes me want—" "To puke," Laura said. They both laughed. "I guess if I were going to do it, then kissing a really beautiful girl like you would be the way to go." "You sound like you might want to give it a try." Now Vanessa turned coy, flirtatious. She crossed and uncrossed her long, lovely, bare legs just so that Laura would look at them. "Nobody would have to know," Vanessa whispered. "It might be kind of fun. You wouldn't tell Shavon, would you?" Laura shook her head. She let her eyes drop to Vanessa's mouth, a shapely mouth, not Shavon's deeply sensual mouth but still wildly desirable at this instant.. In fact, on top of the fact that Shavon was quite black and Vanessa light brown, they looked very little alike. "You really don't look like her at all, you know," she murmured, lifting the backs of her fingers to stroke Vanessa's cheek. "Different fathers," Vanessa explained. "Same mother, different fathers. She's a lot darker than I am." "I know." "I know you do." Vanessa had softened as Laura caressed her cheek, and now her black eyes were pulsating, mesmerized, leaving everything up to Laura since she had already more or less surrendered, at least to a kiss. Laura rarely asked, but this time she did. It seemed necessary. "Do you mind if I kiss you?" "I . . . don't mind." They were seated on the sofa a discreet, polite distance apart. Laura scooted closer. Then she leaned forward, letting her lips brush Vanessa's. It was a thrilling moment for each of them. They didn't really kiss at first but simply brushed lips gingerly, tenderly. Vanessa didn't close her eyes but stared directly into Laura's while their mouths touched. Finally, Laura extended her tongue, and Vanessa's met it, so that they were still not kissing but their tongues were dancing together just beyond their teeth. This was so exciting that they could not maintain it for long, and soon their mouths actually came together. Laura gently pushed Vanessa back against the sofa and pressed her mouth passionately into Vanessa's, invading it quickly with her tongue, cradling the girl's cheeks in her palms and kissing her heatedly. Now Vanessa kissed back, aggressively, holding Laura's head too, turning her mouth, stabbing her tongue into Laura's. When they finally broke off the kiss, both were panting, Vanessa heavily. "Wow . . . that was fun!" she panted. "You're a good kisser. You really got me heated up." "Me too," Laura grinned. "Want to do it again?" "I sure do." This time they let their hands wander as they kissed, caressing one another's cheeks, necks, stroking each other's hair. Vanessa was fascinated by Laura's large mane of hair and ran her fingers through it, kissing Laura more and more passionately. Laura wanted to touch her body, so much of which was exposed, but was afraid it would trigger some kind of recoil. Finally, she let one hand slide against Vanessa's bare lower back, just beneath the bottom of the midriff blouse. When Vanessa didn't object, she moved it slowly around the delicious smooth skin, then up a little, so that her fingers were creeping under the blouse. Vanessa stopped the kiss they were in the middle of, pulling back and grinning her marvelously cute grin. "I'm naked under it, you know," she whispered. "I don't wear a bra with it. The fabric is sort of thick, so my nipples don't show." Laura smiled, not knowing what to say. She kissed Vanessa's smooth light brown neck. Vanessa had the lightest colored skin of anyone she had ever made love to except Rhonda and Alison, even lighter than Kim's, who was golden brown. Vanessa was coffee with cream, and she quivered as Laura kissed her neck and aroused her further. "Too bad they don't show," she murmured. "I'd like to see them." Vanessa pulled back a little so she could look Laura in the eye. She began unbuttoning the front of the blouse as she talked. "You promise you won't tell Shavon? Anything? She'd kill me if she knew we did this. Right here." "I would never tell her," Laura promised. "Can I do the last two buttons?" "Sure." When the blouse was unbuttoned completely, Laura opened it. She remembered how Shavon had said that Vanessa's breasts were perfect. Small, maybe, but perfect. And she had been right. Small, like Laura's, and like Laura's also perfect. "Gosh, they're so beautiful," she said to Vanessa. "You think so?" Because of the creamy, mocha color of her skin, her large nipples seemed even darker, almost a deep purplish hue contrasted against the paler skin around them. Laura cupped the round, springy globes in her hands, rubbing her thumbs across Vanessa's nipples. "Ohhh!" Vanessa gasped. "God . . . that feels good!" "God had nothing to do with it, darling," Laura smiled. "You want to fuck me, don't you," Vanessa whispered. "I would give anything to," Laura breathed. "Do you want to?" "Oh yes. Shoot, I'm ruining my shorts, I'm so wet." "Shall we go in the bedroom?" Vanessa shook her head. "Shavon will smell us both on the sheets. She has a nose like a bloodhound. Really. And if we washed them, she'd suspect something." Laura smiled. "I guess it's the sofa for us, like two teenagers." Vanessa pouted quickly. "I am a teenager. I'm still nineteen." "Sorry. Forgot. A beautiful teenager, though." "Not as beautiful as you," Vanessa said, dreamily. "I guess going to bed with a woman isn't so bad if she's as beautiful as you." Laura still held Vanessa's marvelous little breasts in her hands, and she bent her lips to them. "I don't think it's going to be bad at all, darling," she murmured. "For either of us." She sucked one of Vanessa's thick, soft nipples into her mouth, swirling her tongue around it, pinching it gently with her lips. Vanessa responded instantaneously, quivering and moaning excitedly. "Ohhhnnn . . . oh yes!" Laura rolled the wet nipple between her thumb and forefinger while sucking the other one the same way. When both Vanessa's deep-purplish nipples were wet and erect, Laura lightly pinched them in her fingers while kissing Vanessa's mouth again, this time aggressively. She squeezed Vanessa's firm, perfect breasts, then dropped her mouth to them again, knowing they were very sensitive. "Oh! Oh god . . . Laura!" Vanessa gasped as Laura ravished her beautiful breasts this time. She scrunched the hard little balls up in her hands so that Vanessa's wet nipples swelled up and pointed, and then she devoured them, sucking and tonguing and nipping them at almost the same time, moving her mouth from one nipple to the other rapidly, in a hot frenzy, until Vanessa was whimpering and moaning out of control. "Oh god . . . what are you doing to me!" she gasped. "It feels so good! Shit, it feels so good, Laura! Ohnnnn! Yes!" She was squirming and panting, wildly aroused. Laura recognized the signs. Vanessa was going to come any second. Their conversation leading up to this point had excited her, and the passionate way Laura squeezed her breasts and sucked her nipples brought her quickly to the brink. She held Vanessa's breasts and kissed her, then breathed in her ear. "You're going to come, aren't you." "Oh god, yes!" Laura quickly dropped her hands to the cutoffs, unbuttoning and unzipping them so fast that she was herself surprised she had been able to do it. Together then quickly skimmed them down her gorgeous legs and off. She wasn't wearing any panties, and her thighs and crotch were shiny and wet with her juices. "Gosh, honey, you really are wet for me," Laura murmured, sliding immediately down between Vanessa's spreading thighs. "Oh!" Vanessa gasped, more in anticipation than anything, since Laura had not yet touched her pussy. It was a very beautiful pussy. Again, because of Vanessa's paler skin, it seemed blacker than ever to Laura, with a juicy, hot-pink interior that beckoned her eager tongue. She knew that postponing Vanessa's orgasm would not work. The girl was panting and squirming so uncontrollably that she couldn't take any more. And Laura couldn't restrain herself either. She wanted to make her come fast. She slipped her tongue into the hot pink center of Vanessa's pussy, but then quickly brought the flat side of it up across the girl's swollen clit, swiping it hard several times. And Vanessa simply exploded, wrenched by a very direct and unstoppable orgasm that boiled up and spilled over in a second. "AUUNGGHHH!" she groaned, so loudly that Laura feared Shavon's neighbor's might hear her. Quickly, she grabbed a throw pillow and pushed it up to Vanessa, hoping the girl would have the good sense to muffle her screams. But she was unwilling to stop licking Vanessa's sweet young pussy. She kept it up as three more spasms gripped the whimpering, writhing girl, who sensibly turned her face into the pillow when her helpless moans grew too noisy. Finally, the orgasm waned, leaving her out of breath and clearly stunned. She blinked at Laura, who had slid up to kiss her again. "How did you do that?" "Do what?" "Make me come that way?" "Was it so special?" Laura grinned, knowing it had been. "It was fast." "Fast is my specialty. Slow is too." "When I screw with either one of my boy friends, I usually don't come until the second time. They're the ones that usually come that fast." "Mmmm, they don't know how to do this properly," Laura said, nuzzling Vanessa's beautiful neck, then letting her lips slide down the girl's shoulder and chest to her naked breasts again, sucking one of her nipples sensually. "Ohhnnn . . . they sure don't," Vanessa sighed, cupping her breast in one palm for Laura. "I'll just give you forever to stop that." Laura let Vanessa's wet nipple slip out of her mouth. She quickly unbuttoned her own blouse and slipped it off, watching Vanessa's eyes watch her. She reached both hands behind to unfasten her bra, then tossed it across the room, a movement that made her own small, perfect breasts jiggle alluringly. Now Laura lowered her body so that her naked breasts brushed Vanessa's. They both watched their nipples slide together, and then they were kissing heatedly, mashing their breasts together, unable to kiss one another hungrily enough. Vanessa's hands came up to Laura's breasts, squeezing and cupping them. "Let me suck you . . . let me suck you," she whispered, pushing Laura down on her back this time in the sofa cushions. She slid down and grasped Laura's breasts in both hands, sucking and licking Laura's nipples as if she had always done this. In seconds, Laura was very aroused. She realized, however, that she was still wearing her skirt. She unzipped it while Vanessa continued to devour her breasts. Vanessa realized what Laura was doing, and she quickly helped her shed the rest of her clothes. "I've never done this," she panted soft, kissing Laura's smooth, creamy belly. "How will I know how to make you come?" Laura, panting too, smiled at her marvelous innocence. "Honey, if you look at me hard I'll come," she murmured. "Just lick me . . . yes, like that, yes! Oh! Unhhhh! Oh yes like that yes!" Vanessa needed no coaching. Her tongue was clumsy and over-eager, but she wasn't shy about using it. She stabbed it deep into Laura's pussy, then flicked Laura's clit frantically with it, and Laura went into a rippling convulsion of coming almost immediately. "Auungghhhh! Oh! Oh Vanessa! Oh . . . shit oh oh!" she gasped, gyrating her hips and trying at the same time to keep her pelvis from flipping out of control as the sweet spasms wracked her body. "Ohhhnnnnn!" It was a wonderful, natural, thrilling orgasm, and Vanessa seemed shocked and gratified to have given Laura so much pleasure. They curled together in the huge sofa cushions, kissing and cooing. Both were giddy with happiness, having clicked so easily, and made love so successfully. "My first time with a girl!" Vanessa said, with wonder. "How was it?" "Stupendous. Now I know why Shavon feels that way about you. I'm sure old Brad doesn't make her come the way you do." "Brad?" "That's her husband." "I never heard his name." "He's actually very good-looking. I think he wants to screw me too." "Who wouldn't," Laura said, nuzzling her neck. "I already want to do it again." "Really? Can we do it again?" Laura grew mock-serious. "We can if you don't mind having another climax. Or maybe two." "Oh god . . . do you think so? Do you think I could? I never come twice in a row. Only once did I do that." It was the kind of challenge Laura relished. It took her only twenty more minutes to bring Vanessa to three more orgasms, each one more powerful than the last, until the poor girl lay wasted, spent, and exhausted, looking up at Laura with awe. "If you keep doing it to me like that," she gasped, after regaining her breath, "I won't have enough strength left to do it back." "Oh, I'm not worried about that," Laura smiled. "I'm going to fix those T-bone steaks that Shavon left us. Then, after we eat, you can have your chance to get even. How does that sound?" Vanessa sat up, and Laura saw that she had recovered her energy already. "It sounds okay, but I'm not waiting," she said. She was young and athletic, and for the next half hour she fucked Laura with relentless, energetic passion. Laura came three more times herself, rich, overflowing orgasms that left her wondering what else there was to teach this girl. Vanessa seemed to take to girl-fucking with extraordinary ease and ingenuity. "I never had so much pleasure," she confessed to Laura. They found Shavon's bathrobes and put them on, then went into the kitchen and fixed a steak dinner together. They shared a bottle of wine with dinner, and before they could finish either the wine or the dinner, they ended up naked again on the floor beside Shavon's dining room table, fucking in a delicious, wine-inspired frenzy. Vanessa had got her second wind, and with her fine, young, athletic body she nearly wore Laura to a frazzle. After several more orgasms, they sat together giggling uncontrollably on the floor, totally naked. "If my big sister saw us, she would kill me on the spot," Vanessa laughed, unable to stop the tears. "God, she would fry my bacon." Laura was laughing just as hard. "Maybe she wanted us to do this. Why did she give you the key and me the address?" Suddenly they stopped laughing together. Vanessa's eyes widened. "Do you suppose she wanted us to do this? If so, she's even sweeter than I always thought." She caressed Laura's cheek, then dropped her hand to Laura's naked breasts, stroking them too. "Introducing me to you . . . letting me experience this." "If you don't be careful, I'm going to make you experience it again," Laura warned, her voice smoky and sensual. But for the moment, they had exhausted one another sexually, and they knew it. They still had to clean up after themselves, to leave no trace of their orgiastic activities, even though both now suspected that Shavon had contrived for it all to happen. When they were finished with the dishes, Laura pinned Vanessa against the refrigerator and slid her hands under the girl's robe, clutching her perfect young breasts, stroking the rest of her lean, athletic young body. "I have to have you one more time," she whispered. "I won't be able to sleep tonight if I don't fuck you one more time." "Ohhhh . . . I thought you'd never ask," Vanessa giggled softly. "Will it be the sofa again, or the floor?" "Let's do it right in the middle of the living room carpet. Then, whenever we come here, we can look down there and say, 'Right there is where we did it, we fucked each other's brains out right there, and nobody knows but us.'" Vanessa could hardly contain her enthusiasm. All her energy seemed to have returned, and she and Laura fucked with an even more exuberant wildness than they had before, sixty-nining one another into a long, wrenching, exhausting shared climax. "We better stop before we kill each other," Vanessa giggled softly when they finally regained their senses. "I agree," Laura smiled. "But you're my new-found love. I can't live without you. When can I see you again?" Vanessa looked troubled. "Won't Shavon get jealous? How can we keep it from her forever." Laura shrugged. "We'll just have to try." Vanessa nodded. "I can't stand the thought of not being able to do this again." |
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