Laura - Chapter 147


Laura's breasts were so damaged from her rough sex with Karen that she could not risk seeing anyone for two weeks, until the bruises completely vanished. Her breasts began to feel better in a couple of days, but the blotches and weals were shocking and took a long time to fade. Doing without sex was doubly hard because so many beautiful women kept phoning her, wanting her, wanting her urgently.

Some of them, like Yvette and Shavon, were desperate to see her because they could only rarely escape the surveillance of their husbands and had few chances to fuck with Laura. Others, like Sholandra and Vondi, just wanted to screw, soon, hot and heavy, and Laura was afraid they would find someone else. She also got a call from Lorrie Barnes, the Playmate flight attendant, who wanted to drop by during a layover "for a little lay," as she put it.

Laura had to turn all of them down. Moreover, since she couldn't tell them "Oh, I was fucking with my old friend Karen, and we tortured each other's boobies so badly that the wounds haven't healed yet," she had to make up excuses, like having her period, or having the flu, or since Yvette and Sholandra might see her at work, that she was experiencing a bad urinary infection. And then she would dream of fucking them all every night.

Even though she and Karen had experienced together the most powerful and violent orgasms either had ever had, in three days Laura was horny again. I'm just a sex fiend, she thought. I can't live without it. She used the butterfly vibrator, jiggling herself into several totally ga-ga climaxes. Then she used the bathtub running water trick Karen had taught her long ago, doing it several nights in succession and coming exuberantly, biting into a wet washcloth to keep the sounds from echoing in her bathroom.

Finally, her breasts were healed. She examined them carefully in the mirror. No marks, no yellowish bruises. Her nipples were as sensitive as ever, and even checking out her breasts aroused her. She was so eager that she called Vondi immediately and got her answering machine.

"Dying to see you," she whispered into it. "I'm feeling much better, and would like to invite you over. When are you free?"

She gave her phone number and hung up, recalling in her mind's eye Vondi's spectacular breasts and large, swelling dark nipples. Oh, I am going to find your g-spot, sweetheart. Just watch me. Nobody ever made you come the way I will. She felt wickedly like Kim, the unguided missile sex machine who had first found her, Laura's, g-spot.

Of course, Vondi was an exotic dancer, so she got home around 2 a.m. She woke Laura from a sound sleep.

"It's me. Vondi," she whispered, as if she were in the same room with Laura and reluctant to awaken her.

"Oh . . . hi," Laura murmured groggily.

"I woke you up."

"It's okay."

"I could come over now," Vondi offered.


"I know, you're probably sleepy. I'm wide awake because I've been dancing. I usually don't even wake up until about three in the afternoon."

Laura didn't say anything. She was still gathering her wits.

"Oh shit, I forgot," Vondi added hurriedly. "You might have someone there with you. I don't mean to interrupt."

"No . . . I don't have anybody," Laura said softly. "You could come over. The bed's already warm." She smiled drowsily. "I've warmed it up for you."

"Give me directions," Vondi said.

Laura wondered if Vondi were as excited as she herself was. She had noticed her pussy getting wet even before she hung up the phone. Vondi arrived in about fifteen minutes. Laura put on a light peignoir and let her in.

"Wow, you look smashing," Vondi smiled.

"Really?" Laura wiped the sleep out of her eyes. "You woke me up."

"Oh . . . I'm sorry." Vondi looked guilty.

"It's okay," Laura smiled. "I told you I got the bed warm. Want to join me?"

Vondi winked at her. "I was thinking of it."

They went into Laura's bedroom. Laura lit a candle. Vondi slipped out of her clothes. Laura went over to her.

"Let me take the underwear off," she whispered.

"You're so romantic," Vondi said softly. "I've been to bed with about fifty or sixty guys, and I never felt this way around them."

"Really? So many?"

"I like dick. I guess I can't deny it. They like me, too."

"Mmmm, I know why," Laura purred, removing Vondi's bra, looking down again at the girl's very beautiful naked breasts.

Vondi raised her palms and cupped her own breasts, holding them for Laura. They were amazingly desirable. Laura bent and licked one thick, bulbous, gleaming nipple until Vondi emitted an involuntary sigh.

"Let's get into that bed," she whispered. "Before it gets cold."

"We can heat it up fast."

"Honey, I'm on fire already."

Together they removed Vondi's panties. Laura ran her hands over the girl's magnificent ass. They lay down together in the sheets, which were still warm from Laura's body. Even though Vondi thought Laura was being romantic, Laura was extremely hungry for her flesh, after two weeks without. God, all those men must just fuck her poor brains out, Laura thought as she began to kiss her mouth and her neck.

Vondi was a delicious sex partner, as Laura remembered from their time together with Shavon. She responded quickly and excitedly to everything. She knew her body was very desirable and enjoyed giving it, taking great pleasure from the pleasure others took in fucking her.

Laura feasted on her breasts, not having to share them this time with Shavon. They were miracles, though man-made miracles. Firm and jutting, they didn't slack out when Vondi lay on her back, but were perfectly malleable to Laura's touch, though she squeezed them more gently than she would have squeezed normal breasts.

Vondi's nipples reminded Laura of Rina's and Trina's, beautiful soft cones that protruded from her breasts, swelling and puffy, the centers pushing up even further. There was a shiny crescent of scar tissue at the bottom of each nipple, where the incisions had been made to slip in the implants. Laura kissed the scars, licked them, then curled her tongue around one thick, black nipple, teasing the center.

She knew Vondi's nipples still had plenty of feeling in them, since in their previous encounter she and Shavon and sucked them hungrily. But she was uneasy about how far to go.

"Can I really pinch them and suck them hard?" she asked tentatively.

"Watch me," Vondi smiled mischievously.

First she grabbed her own breasts with her hands, massaging them roughly, then twisting her soft nipples in her thumbs and forefingers, finally pinching them hard, harder, until they sprung up erect and hard. Vondi bit her lower lip, twisting and pulling them. Then she cupped one breast in both hands and pulled the nipple up to her mouth, sucking it inside, nipping it with her teeth. Her breath accelerated as she did this, and her eyes grew hot with lust.

"I never could do that before I had the operation," she panted, finally releasing her wet nipple, letting her breast go.

Laura quickly took over. "I want to swallow them," she murmured to Vondi.

"Go right ahead, do it," Vondi smiled.

Laura indulged herself. For the next five minutes, she tongued and sucked Vondi's beautiful nipples until both girls were wildly overheated and panting heavily. She pinched them in her fingers, and nipped them playfully with her teeth, then sucked each one deep into her mouth, until Vondi moaned and twisted excitedly.

"Girl, you like sucking titties more than most dudes I ever knew," she gasped to Laura.

"I love sucking these," Laura confessed.

Vondi pulled Laura face up to hers and kissed Laura, a kiss of scorching, steaming passion that quickly spilled over. Vondi's eyes were swirling when they pulled apart.

"I want to eat your pretty pussy," Laura whispered.

"I hope you like a juicy one, Laura, because mine is overflowing," Vondi whispered back.

"I want to swallow your pussy juice," Laura breathed in her ear. "I want to make you come like no 'dick' ever does."

She slipped down between Vondi's parting thighs and kissed the girl everywhere around her pretty, shaved pussy, circling in on it, making Vondi nearly die of anticipation. There was no sharing, no distraction this time, nothing to prevent Laura from a full, patient enjoyment of Vondi's delicious body. The girl's pussy was beautiful, with thick outer lips and long thin inner lips, a puckering feast of wet pink inside, with a fat little bulb of a clit at the top.

Laura began to lick it skillfully, parting the inner lips with her thumbs and sliding her tongue deep inside, hearing Vondi whimper uncontrollably. She had eaten Vondi's pussy before, when both she and Shavon had fucked her, but it wasn't the same because now she could take her time and give it the attention it deserved. She knew Vondi thought of herself as a sort of sexual professional, because of all the men she had fucked. But when it came to giving pleasure, Laura knew she had a bag of tricks even Vondi had never experienced, certainly not with any man.

And Vondi quickly realized it too. She moaned and twisted in the sheets, digging her fingers into the firm flesh of her thighs as Laura drove her crazy with sweet, clever caresses, sucking and licking her very juicy pussy until she was on the verge of coming sharply, but drawing back to prolong it, then raising the temperature again. By now Laura knew that she could make the girl come wildly, even from the start. Vondi came easily and quickly, and the problem was not making her come but preventing her from coming until Laura was ready.

This she was an expert at doing. She teased the girl mercilessly, until Vondi was writhing, pinching her own nipples, churning her hips, panting uncontrollably.

"Do it, girl . . . oh do it . . . yes! Yes! Unh unh unh! Oh shit . . . I'm gonna come, Laura! Please! Please . . . oh harder, harder! Yes. Unghhh! Oh god!"

"Mmmm, you want me to find your g-spot, don't you?" Laura teased, kissing Vondi's clit, then insinuating one long forefinger into her pussy, turning it to probe for the magic spot.

But Vondi was speechless. Her lovely body churned and quivered, her hips gyrating frantically as Laura raised the heat level, probing, fingerfucking her slowly, tickling Vondi's clit with the tip of her tongue. This was what she had wanted by getting Vondi alone, not having to share her with Shavon. Now she, Laura, could enjoy every second of it.

And Vondi, caught in the grip of a wild sexual delirium, was very beautiful, her body completely pliant to Laura's caresses, her face contorted by desperate needs. Her breasts jiggled, and her stomach heaved and dipped, her hips undulating rapidly, her breath short and jagged. Her hands stroked Laura's hair, and then her fingers scrabbled in it, pulling Laura's head forward, pulling Laura's face harder into her streaming pussy.

"Oh god Laura . . . please!" she gasped, panting, writhing. "Oh . . . please!"

"Oh baby yes . . . you're going to come so hard," Laura murmured to her, still probing . . . probing with her finger.

It caught them both by surprise. The instant that Laura's fingertip pressed the hidden bundle of nerves inside the front wall of Vondi's pussy, Vondi's body seized up in a sharp, paralytic spasm. Her breath stopped. Her flesh strained, muscles flexing, and she exploded in torrents of coming. She was coming long before her voice returned in high-pitched squeals and whimpering.

"Annghiiiee! Oh! Nggggeee! Oh . . . oh shit oh god Laur . . . unhhnniieee!" she cried out, thrashing and straining as one after another orgasm wrenched her body.

She came twice in quick succession, but Laura held on tenaciously, refusing to let her stop. She slid two fingers deep into Vondi's tight pussy, hand-fucking her hard and assaulting the girl's clit with her mouth at the same time. Vondi came again, her glazed eyes catching Laura's, showing a quick streak of shock that this completely shattering sexual experience could be happening to her.

"Oh god . . . oh god!" she gasped helplessly.

But now Laura was on top of her, with her two fingers still probing skillfully in Vondi's cunt, but sucking her thick, bulbous nipples now too, fucking and sucking her hard and passionately until Vondi spilled over again in two jolting, spasming orgasms, whinnying hysterically as the shocks of rapture overpowered her. That made five, and Laura was willing to let her down after the fifth one. She withdrew her hand, wiping it on the sheet, kissing Vondi's cheek, while Vondi slowly began to drift down from a peak of sexual fulfillment she had never imagined possible.

Bleary-eyed, Vondi propped herself up on her elbows, squinting at Laura. "Girl, you didn't give me no hint last time that you would do that," she gasped hoarsely.

"Well . . . things were a little different with Shavon there," Laura said softly. "Did you like it?"

Vondi smiled and rubbed her pussy with two fingers gingerly. "I came five times. The horniest stud I ever went to bed with took all night to make me come five times. You did it in five minutes."

"I just, you know, found the right spot," Laura smiled.

"Honey, you sure did. I hope you can find it again."

"Oh, I most likely can."

Vondi pulled her down and embraced her, rubbing their naked bodies together. "Girl, you are a miracle. I want you to lay back and open those beautiful long legs for me, because you are way behind. And I mean to get you caught up before we go a step further."

She made love to Laura aggressively, and even though Laura came only twice, it was not for lack of trying on Vondi's part.

"I want you to come again," she panted to Laura. "You have to come again."

"I will . . . I will," Laura giggled softly. "It's three o'clock in the morning. I'm tired, I need a little sleep. Here, sleep with me, and when we wake up we'll fuck like mad before I have to go to work."

Vondi nuzzled her, smiling. "I love to fuck like mad with you. No dude ever made me feel the way you do."

"Oh, you know that's not true," Laura scoffed. "You are the least likely lesbian of any girl I ever slept with."

"Why you say that?" Vondi frowned.

"You couldn't give up those long, hard ones. Admit it."

"I do like the feel of a hard cock pushing into my little pussy," Vondi confessed. "But they don't make me come the way you do."

"Good." Laura pinched her delectable ass playfully. "Then you'll have to pay me a visit once in a while."

"I heard that," Vondi nodded, almost ruefully. "Ain't nothin' like you in the rest of the world."

They slept, then awoke around six a.m. and fucked 'like mad,' as Laura had predicted they would. Vondi finally got her way, making Laura come three more times with ease, and came twice more herself, before they finally stopped since Laura would soon be late for work.

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