Laura - Chapter 144

Alison had social obligations to claim her attention the following night, though she woke Laura with a phone call after midnight to demand that Laura drive over to the Ritz immediately and spend the rest of the night in her bed. And Laura, though sodden with sleep, actually packed a small bag and went. They had three incendiary hours of exuberant sex.

Alison was a glutton, and her marvelous body had plenty of stamina.

"You must wear your boy friends out," Laura told her.

"I do," she smiled. "Your the only sex maniac I've ever met besides me."

"But I need to sleep. I don't get paid just for having a great body and a gorgeous face, like you do."

She managed to tear herself away, and slept for two hours before work beckoned. She dragged through the day and was slouching out the door at five, barely able to keep her eyes open and hoping she could drive home without an accident, when she saw Randi waiting for her about fifty yards off.

As usual, Randi was stunning. Men must kill each other just to get close enough to smell her perfume, Laura thought. As usual, she was wearing a short dress to show off her legs. But she also wore a scoop neckline, and delicious cleavage was quite visible. Randi had flawless skin, as well as an enchanting face. And yet, even though she was dressed alluringly, she was not at all outside the bounds of good taste.

"I declare, girl," Laura said when she reached her. "I can't see why five guys don't fall on you and rape you on the way to the car."

Randi batted her long eyelashes. "Does that mean you think I'm attractive?" she asked coyly.

"I could eat you alive," Laura said softly, adding, If I weren't so tired, to herself.

"I think I could be persuaded to give you the chance," Randi smiled. "My boy friend's playing raquet ball until eight. Last time you told me you still had a few surprises in store for me." She winked.

They walked together to the parking lot.

"Do you mean you could fuck for two hours and then go meet your boy friend as if nothing had happened?" Laura asked.

"None of his business, is it? Anyway, it's clean too. No icky semen to wipe up, or come dripping back out."

"Maybe he could smell me on you."

"Are you kidding, girl? All he can smell is pussy. Pussy smells the same to him whether it's black or white. You're acting like you don't want to play."

"I'm just tired. I also think you're the most gorgeous woman I've ever seen. I could never refuse you."

"Good," Randi smiled broadly. "Meet you at your place in ten minutes."

Laura nodded. Though very fatigued, she realized that she was very aroused just from looking at Randi, and bantering with her. They hadn't been together for a couple of weeks, and Randi was more heart-stoppingly beautiful than ever. Moreover, last time they had indulged in a little exciting bondage that had made their relationship spicier than ever.

Laura could still remember the sight of Randi's delicious breasts encased in coils of white rope, her nipples bulging and glossy, her eyes streaked with faint signs of terror and sexual arousal. She could remember how devastating Randi's orgasm was when she, Laura, pulled the rope up between Randi's cuntlips and through the knot between Randi's throttled breasts, yanking it and bringing on a fierce, extremely intense climax.

Randi remembered it too, Laura could see. Her dark eyes were almost glassy, and pulsing with hot sex as Laura met her at the door to her apartment building. And she looked so wonderfully fetching in her abbreviated dress that Laura wanted to kiss her and stroke her right there, in front of anybody who wanted to watch. God, this girl is to die for, she thought. And she wants me. She wants me to fuck her. Not anybody else, not even her boy friend. Me.

Randi whispered to her on their way up in the elevator. "It's never this exciting with a guy. I guess it's because it's . . . wrong. You know? Not supposed to do this. Not with another girl."

"I know," Laura smiled. "I want you badly enough to do it right here."

"Your neighbors will think you're a lesbo, girl."

"They probably already do."

"You think they're listening? Trying to hear what it sounds like when I come?"

"I'll bet they are."

"We should give them a good show."

They reached Laura's apartment. She shut and bolted the door behind them. Randi looked at her watch.

"We've got two and a half hours. Think that's enough to fly to heaven and back?"

Laura pulled one of the shoulder straps of Randi's dress down her arm, exposing one bra cup. Then she pulled down the bra strap too, and the cup, exposing Randi's beautiful breast. She cupped it with one palm, leaning close and kissing Randi's cheek.

"We can't tie up this beauty like we did last time," she murmured. "Boy friend will ask about the rope marks."

Randi let her mouth catch Laura's, and they kissed heatedly. Laura squeezed the round naked breast in her hand.

"No, but you can suck it," Randi whispered as their lips came apart.

"Come with me, darling," Laura whispered, drawing her toward the bedroom. "I'm going to suck your pretty long body dry."

Between the door and the bedroom, their temperatures skyrocketed, and before Laura could even close the door, as was her habit, they fell on one another and almost tore each other's clothes off. In seconds they ended up on Laura's bed, on top of the spread, completely naked and coiling together, whimpering, moaning softly, and making love to each other very aggressively.

"Oh . . . I love doing it with you, Laura!" Randi panted, running her sinuous black fingers all over Laura's creamy, smooth body.

Laura caught Randi's breasts in both hands and sucked her thick black nipples hard, making Randi writhe and gasp. Randi was already quivering, and whimpering semi-hysterically as Laura swarmed all over her beautiful long body, her face swept by Randi's long braids, her mouth full of Randi's breasts, and lips and hair. She knew Randi was close to coming, but she was shocked, after her last two exhausting days with Alison, to feel herself almost ready to burst too, wildly excited by this heated, uncontrollable fucking with Randi, by the beauty of the girl, by Randi's long, sinuous fingers plunging in and out of her cunt, and raking her swollen clit.

"Oh god!" she suddenly gasped. "Ohh . . . Randi . . . god I'm going to come!" she panted.

"Oh yes . . . oh yes!" Randi whimpered, about to come too.

Desperately, they fucked each other rapidly and came almost instantly, Laura first, gagging softly on a fierce uprush of coming, then Randi, squealing into Laura's neck as a sharp orgasm wrenched her churning body. They held each other tightly, whinnying and coming and moaning, and then their arms went slack and they stretched out side by side, giggling softly at the overwhelming intensity they had just gone through together. It was the very best kind of fucking, Laura thought, this uncontrollable, animalistic orgy, and it made them feel even closer, having needed each other so much.

"Wow, that really took care of me," Laura smiled, after regaining her breath.

"Me too. I never come like that with a man. Sometimes I wonder if I ought to try it with another woman. You know, just to see if it's as good, or if it's you."

"You'd better not!" Laura pinched her playfully on her delicious bottom. "It's bad enough I have to share you with your boy friend."

Randi got a long face. "As if I didn't have to share you. I never know who you're sleeping with. Probably that pretty one at work who caught us talking one day. She was gorgeous. But short," she said, making an intentional dig.

"We can't all have these long, spectacular legs," Laura said, stroking Randi's, trying to get her away from the subject of other women.

It wasn't hard to distract Randi. She loved to have her legs admired, caressed, kissed. And Laura had 'flown her to heaven' several times before, so she knew what she could expect: stunning, arresting orgasms, and plenty of them. She lay back and let Laura have her way with her.

Laura cleverly kissed Randi's calves and her thighs until Randi was twisting and quivering involuntarily. By then she had reached Randi's cunt, one of the more beautiful she had known, shaped like a long flower, the lips curved and fleshier at the top, where they parted to reveal Randi's huge, bulbous clit, the biggest Laura had ever seen, or tasted. Randi's pussy was very wet again, and Laura skillfully made love to it until Randi came in a thrilling gusher, clawing the sheets. Then she continued, probing it with her finger, sucking Randi's large clit gently, then harder, pinching the thick bulb between her lips, until Randi came again.

In the aftermath, they embraced lazily and kissed, cooing softly.

"You said you were going to show me one of your toys," Randi whispered. "I mean, you can't tie up my boobs this time."

"I wish I could," Laura said, caressing them.

"Me too," Randi's eyes flashed. "But you're right, too dangerous."

"Only if you want to keep him," Laura teased.

"For the time being, I do. He treats me nice. Frankly, I like dick too, you know. It isn't as good as this, but you know, I think I'd miss it if I didn't have it."

Laura nodded. "I even miss it once in a while."

"You do?" Randi was scandalized.

To change the subject, Laura pinned her on her back and kissed her, holding her wrists down on either side of her head. "Look here, Miss Beautiful Legs and Braids, I've got just the thing that will blow your mind. And it's likely to make that hot little black pussy of yours explode too."

"Oh god, really? What is it?"

Secretively, Laura went to the closet and returned with the butterfly vibrator. She couldn't remember with whom she had last used it. The orgasms it gave were so shattering and addicting that she tended to avoid it. But Randi's insistence had brought it to mind again.

"A friend of mind gave me this," she said, as they both examined the little machine.

Randi ran a finger down the shaft to one of the butterflies, tickling it. "What do you do with it?"

"Mmmm, let me show you," Laura smiled.

She maneuvered both of them so that they were facing one another in the middle of the bed, their legs overlapped, face to face, the same position they would probably start in if they were going to fuck pussy-to-pussy. The difference was, this time they would sit up and hold on to each other for dear life.

"Now," Laura coached, "the butterfly is for the last few seconds. If you use it before then, it's all over too fast."

"And I want it to last and last," Randi purred.

"When we get ready, we lower it between us like this. One butterfly for you, one for me. I'll turn the switch. Then you have to hang on to me. Like this."

She draped one arm over Randi's shoulder, flattening her hand against Randi's naked back and embracing her so that their breasts mashed together.

"Ooohh, I like that," Randi giggled. "I love to feel your boobs against mine."

"You have to hold on tight," Laura cautioned. "It's sort of like an electrifying orgasm."

"It doesn't hurt, does it?"

Laura couldn't suppress a grin. "You've probably never come this hard."

"God . . . I can't wait."

Laura kissed her very sensually, beginning the build-up that she knew would result in a sexual cataclysm for them both. After kissing, they both looked down and brushed their breasts and nipples together in a slow, deliberate rhythm that had them both panting and biting their lips in about a minute.

Laura cradled one of Randi's exquisite breasts in her palm and lowered her lips to it, swirling her tongue around the big, bulging, dark nipple while Randi watched. Then she started sucking it, feeling Randi's whole body respond to her lips enclosing Randi's thick, bulbous nipple. Randi moaned. She held her breast for Laura, holding it in both hands, moaning and murmuring.

"Suck harder . . . yes . . . oh Laura, do it harder, let me feel your teeth a little . . . ahhh! Yes! Oh yes! Ahhhh! Oh! God yes, bite it!"

She was so aroused that Laura wondered if she would be able to stay seated upright this way when the butterfly time came. She sucked Randi's other nipple the same way, but not as long, not wanting to drive her to the brink too quickly.

"Honey . . . I want you to suck me too," she murmured, looking up in a very sultry, seductive way from Randi's wet, erect nipples.

"Oh god yes," Randi said, squeezing Laura's naked breasts in her hands. "I'm almost ready to come now. Oh Laura."

Now it was Laura's turn to throw back her head and luxuriate in the feel of Randi's hungry mouth on her own breasts. In a few minutes, both of them were trembling with fresh need, their pussies burbling and pulsing, their nipples throbbing wildly. Randi kissed Laura's neck, her cheek, her mouth.

"You better fuck me with that thing, girl, before I just grab my own pussy and make myself come," she panted.

Laura was equally aroused, and she knew they would both come like gangbusters as soon as she flicked the switch on the vibrator.

"Are you sure you're ready?" she teased Randi.

Randi took Laura's hand and placed it on her open, festering pussy, which was as wet as Laura had ever felt it. "I'm gon' slide off the bed, Angel, if you don't ring my bell quick."

"Kiss me, Randi. We're going to come so hard."

"Oh god . . . hurry!"

They kissed, entwining their tongues passionately, and then Laura lowered the vibrator between them. Carefully, she positioned it so that each plastic butterfly was directly pushing against each girl's clit, which entailed a little squirming forward.

"Can you feel it?" she whispered.


Randi gnawed on her lower lip.

"Now . . . hold me, like I showed you."

"With our boobs together . . . like this," Randi panted. "Yes. Ready."

Laura reached her own arm over Randi's shoulder, clutching the girl even harder against her body, feeling the switch with her other thumb. Oh god . . . here we go again! she thought excitedly.

"Okay, I'm going to do it. Hang on."

Randi said nothing. Her body tensed, awaiting the lightning. Laura flicked the switch on. In only about three seconds, both of them were overwhelmed by violent, shocking, fiercely intense orgasms.

Laura had forgotten the power of the butterfly. Her whole body erupted in pulsing waves of flame, and she felt Randi's body shuddering spastically in the grip of ecstatic spasms that bordered on the lethal.

"Unngghh . . . oowwggnnmmm!" Randi groaned, burying her face in Laura's neck, suffering the most intense agonies of pleasure as her body exploded in bursts of almost unbearable rapture.

"Auunggh . . . auunggmmphmnmnn!" Laura groaned with her, finally catching the crazy, vibrating monster with a shaking hand and flinging it away toward the head of the bed.

She pulled Randi down next to her, still embracing the moaning, beautiful girl as both of them continued to come in the aftermath of the horrific explosions. After about a minute, as their mutual moaning subsided, they could hear it still buzzing, up near the pillows. Still devastated by the experience, they nevertheless each managed a grin.

"That little dohickey is still looking for a hot pussy," Randi giggled softly, wiping tears from the corners of her eyes.

Laura reached up and turned it off. Then she kissed Randi, slowly, meaningfully. "I've only done that with a few, special people," she said, truthfully.

"It's a good thing," Randi joked softly. "Not many people could take it."

"You lit up like a light bulb. I could feel the heat coming from your body into mine."

"Me too. Right through the nipples. These nipples."

She started kissing, then sucking, Laura's nipples. They had each had two or three shattering orgasms, caused by the butterflies, but even in the afterglow their mood was still completely sexual, and they felt closer to each other. Laura found herself reflecting that it was something like the intimacy she and Karen had felt after their fisting episode, an experience so extreme that having shared it made them closer.

"Want to fuck slow and sexy with you now," Randi murmured, making love very sensually to Laura's willing body. "I don't want it to end with that crazy thing, that buzzer. I want to taste your pussy again, and let you taste mine."

And they proceeded to spend the next twenty minutes slowly coaxing one another toward another shared climax. But this one, though very intense, was made so by the swirling emotions they shared as well as the sweet spasms of bliss. Afterward, they lay side by side, gazing into each other's eyes.

"If I didn't get to fuck with you once in a while, I guess I'd have to kill myself," Randi said, matter-of-factly.

"Fortunately, you don't have to worry about it," Laura smiled, kissing her.

"I'm going to be thinking about those butterflies a lot, you know. What a thing to happen to a good little Baptist church choir girl like me. Not only lesbian screwing . . . but some fantastic evil machine to light you up from head to toe. I think I came three times before you tossed it away. Seven times since I walked through that door. Shoot, my poor boy friend will definitely have a job making this girl pop her cherry again tonight."

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