Laura - Chapter 143



Waiting for Laura when she got home after her delightful and exhausting evening of fucking with Shavon and the incredibly delectable Vondi was a message from, of all people, Alison Sax.

"Laura. I'm coming to San Francisco for a show. Be there tomorrow night. Dying to see you. Call me at the Ritz Carlton, I'll be there by four. You know what I want. [Then a loud whisper.] I'm wet wet wet."

Laura felt her heart actually flutter, and a fantastic, unexpected twinge deep in her pussy. After all, she had just experienced several hours of high-quality, torrid fucking with two of the most beautiful women she had ever known. But Alley's voice was enough to light her fires all over again.

Even though Shavon called her at work, just so they could relive last night, Laura could not keep her mind off Alison. Shavon was disconsolate because her husband had returned. No more lesbian screwing for a while. She and Vondi had done it again after Laura had left.

"She's so sweet," Shavon explained. "I've known her since sixth grade. I just had to do it again with her."

"She's delightful," Laura agreed. "I hope she doesn't get some awful disease."

"I want you too, Laura," Shavon whispered. "Alone. You know, three is fun all right, but I want you alone."

"You know I'm waiting by the phone," Laura teased.

"You better not be screwing Vondi, girl. Not when I can't join you."

"You screwed her without me," Laura said.

"She's my friend. She's my oldest friend."

"Don't worry about it, okay? Your friendship, I mean yours and mine, is too important to me."

And she meant it, though right now she couldn't keep her mind off Alison. Except for Rhonda, Alison was the only white woman Laura had ever gone to bed with. Big deal, she thought. What difference did their color make? And yet she knew it meant a lot to her. Both Shavon and Vondi were deliciously black, and she had luxuriated in their skin, being pressed on all sides by them, rubbing against both of their naked bodies at once, sucking their large, pulpy black nipples.

And yet Alison had perfect skin. It was flawlessly creamy and smooth, and Laura's memories of their moments together in her hotel room bed were very exciting. Especially after she had taught Alison that she could come more than once, and powerfully enough to lose her breath and almost her senses. After that, Alison had wanted to fuck all the time. Laura smiled, remembering it. From the sound of her phone message, she hadn't changed.

At four fifteen, while still at work, she phoned the Ritz. Alison was not yet there. Laura went home, had a glass of wine, tried not to think about Alison and the wild fucking they had done together in New York. About six o'clock, her own phone rang, a piercing, startling ring that made her jump out of her chair.

"It's me, our flight was late," Alley's voice said. She whispered, "I'm still wet."

"You little tramp," Laura teased.

"Come and get it. Room 755. I'm taking a bath and perfuming my pussy for you, Laura."

Laura's blood sizzled and pulsed through her body wildly as she drove to the hotel. She had to pay a fortune to park, but it was worth it. Alison met her at the hotel room door, wearing only a bra and a half-slip, her big, limpid brown eyes deep enough to fall into, and her incredibly sensual mouth pouting.

"You didn't give me time to even bathe," she whined fetchingly, letting Laura in.

"You move like a snail. I could've had two baths by now."

"Here, how do I lock this damn thing," Alison said, fumbling with the door lock.

Laura helped her. Then they kissed, right by the door. The kiss became very hot. Laura kissed her neck, and ran her hands all over Alley's half-naked back. But Alison pulled back, temperamental.

"Hey, calm down, okay? You're as bad as a man, just wanting to grope me and fuck me without even a little conversation first. Laura, you're too horny, don't you ever get laid?"

"You're very fetching," Laura panted, embarrassed over her eagerness.

Alison was incredibly desirable. Laura wanted to bury her face in the girl's deep cleavage.

"Let me at least make you jealous first," Alison flirted.

Laura ate her alive with her eyes. "You're making me burn."

"It's good for you to wait," Alison said, petulantly. "Fucking isn't everything. You'll never guess who I went to bed with," she said, pirouetting.

Her large breasts bounced inside the pale champagne lace bra. Laura felt a sharp little pinch in her pussy as she watched. Oh god! she thought. What a woman!

"Who?" Laura croaked softly.

"Her. You know, your twin. Actually, it wasn't really her. Just another model who looks a lot like her. I think they're grooming her to take Stephanie's place. Her name is Emily Fortescue, can you believe that?" Alison smirked.

"You went to bed with Emily?"

"Stephanie wasn't even there, just this Emily person. She was just as gorgeous, though. How do you like that, two people who look like you. We got along okay, maybe because we're in the same business. So, she kept looking at my boobs, and telling me how great my body was, and we sort of ended up in her hotel room doing it. It really wasn't all that much fun, though. She isn't like you. She only wanted to do it twice, then stop. And she takes a long time to come, just like I did before you got to me. So I got kind of tired and bored. There now, aren't you jealous?"

She smirked at Laura again, but Laura could detect the mischief deep in her limpid brown eyes. "Good thing she likes girls," Laura said. "Though who could resist you?"

"She's like a lot of models, she sort of swings both ways, depending on how she feels." Alison giggled. "I guess I'm that way now too, after you. I can blame it all on you. About a week after that I went to bed with a black model named Versana Pilcher. You know her? She looks a lot like Naomi Campbell, that beautiful black model with the long legs and the British accent?"

"I've seen her pictures. She's gorgeous."

"Have you ever been to bed with a black woman? I mean, I know you sort of prefer women, right? So, have you ever been to bed with a black one?"

"Once or twice," Laura said, looking away and swallowing.

"Aren't they so beautiful?" Alison gushed. "Their skin is so smooth, and sleek. And her pussy, you know, was this lovely long sort of seam of thin black lips with a shiny pink inside . . . god, it was so beautiful! I know you know that. Versana was better than Emily, but she was a little hard to talk to because she was taking something. Drugs or something. And she couldn't come either, because of the drugs, I guess. But I did. I came three times while she was licking me. But I couldn't make her come." Alison looked sad. "She said it was okay, it was the drugs, it had happened to her before. But I still felt bad."

"It happens," Laura said philosophically, envying Alison, thinking, I'd love to sleep with Naomi Campbell or Versana Pilcher, whoever she is, even if she didn't come. Anyway, I could make her come. I know it.

"Well, that's it," Alison said saucily, turning her body in such as way as to emphasize her incredible breasts and deep cleavage.

She knew it had the same effect on Laura that it had on most men. Laura could see that she had practiced this gesture so often, probably in front of a mirror, that it was almost second-nature. She could make a man, or in Laura's case (probably Emily Fortescue's too) a woman, want to rape her by merely turning in such a way that her breasts jiggled or swayed slightly inside her bra cups, or shadows caught her cleavage and the fine bones of her clavicles.

"Now I'm ready," she said. "Did I make you jealous?"

"Very," Laura said.

"I'll bet you want to fuck me more than ever now, don't you," Alison grinned.

She reached behind her back to unclasp her bra, watching Laura's eyes.

"Yes," Laura said, with difficulty. "More than ever."

"Maybe you want to do this."

"Yes . . . I do."

Alison crossed the small room to Laura and turned her back, holding up the rich flag of her chestnut hair, as she had done the first time in New York, in Laura's hotel room. Instead of unclasping it at once, Laura instead began to kiss and caress the phenomenally perfect skin of Alley's bare back and shoulders.

"Oh god, you're giving me the shivers," Alison gasped, undulating her back, making herself even more desirable.

Slowly, Laura undid the clasp, kissing the skin under the strap as she pulled it away from Alley's body. The bra slid slowly away, Laura replaced the cups with her hands, encircling Alison from behind, cupping the girl's large naked breasts, so incredibly firm and round. Alison turned her head back, and Laura's mouth caught hers. This kiss quickly became a scorcher, and Alison made no attempt to withdraw this time.

Instead, she turned and pushed her breasts into Laura and kissed Laura back aggressively

"Take your clothes off," she whispered. "I'm dying to feel your body."

She reached up and began unbuttoning Laura's blouse. Laura watched. When Alison had it unbuttoned, Laura shrugged the blouse off. She had worn her very sexy black lace bra, which always excited whomever saw her in it. Alison was no different.

"Don't tear it," Laura cautioned Alison, who was trying to remove it quickly. "Here . . . I can help."

She unfastened the clasp between the cups. The bra fell open. Alison immediately cupped Laura's breasts in her hands and dropped her mouth to them, tonguing and sucking Laura's nipples voraciously.

"Ohhhn . . . oh Alison god yes!" Laura gasped.

Alison was a wildcat. She didn't suck Laura's nipples tenderly. Instead she pinched them with her fingers, and sucked them sharply, deep into her mouth, letting Laura feel her teeth on the edge of her areolas, squeezing Laura's breasts roughly. It was wildly exciting, and Laura felt her pussy flood with warm juice, and her lust skyrocket. Oh shit, I'm going to come if she doesn't stop! she thought.

"I want to fuck you," Alison whispered, half-maniacally. "I've dreamed of fucking you again. When I was fucking with Emily, I wanted it to be you."

They fell on the bed together and tore at the remainder of each other's clothes. Now Laura got her mouth on Alley's marvelous breasts. Even while Alison was lying flat on her back, with Laura crouching over her, they still rose straight up from her body, not slackening at all, firm and round, with huge brown nipples that Laura devoured hungrily, letting Alison feel her teeth a little, as Alison had done to her.

"Oh . . . oh!" Alison whimpered, twisting under Laura. "Oh god . . . you're going to make me come!"

"Yes, I am!" Laura panted, sucking her harder, squeezing the phenomenal globes of Alley's round breasts, making the wet nipples swell, then slurping and sucking them passionately.

"Oh Jesus, you're hurting me," Alison winced.

"Do you want me to stop?"

"I'll kill you if you do," she giggled. "Fuck me fast, Laura, I'm going to come!"

"Me too."

"Here . . . I'll fuck you too, like this."

Laura had to temporarily abandon Alley's scrumptious breasts. She pushed her own nipples against Alley's wet, erect ones, mashing their breasts together as they kissed feverishly. Each girl dropped her hand to the other's pussy, and they began to pump and fuck each other seriously and quickly now, gasping and whimpering as each neared an explosive climax.

"Oh Laura . . . oh Laura . . . oh Laura!" Alison panted as she gyrated her hips frantically, pushing her dripping wet cunt up into Laura rapidly swirling fingers.

"Oh god . . . Alison, yes, now!" Laura gasped, feeling her own orgasm hit her just a second before Alison too went into convulsions of coming.

"Auuggnhhhh!" Alison cried out, burying her mouth in Laura's neck.

Laura was kissing Alley's shoulder when a ferocious orgasm suddenly throttled her, knocking the breath out of her and leaving her quivering and cawing for air for several seconds. They were locked together in such a tight embrace, shuddering, quivering, moaning uncontrollably, that they only realized how tightly they were holding each other when they finally let go.

"Oh god, it's always so incredibly good with you," Alison gasped, her eyes still glazed, her breath still uneven. "Even my boy friend, who I really dig, can't fuck me like you do."

Laura smiled, still stunned herself by the force of her orgasm. "You do a pretty good job on me too," she said.

"Oh Laura . . . oh Laura."

Alison pulled her back down on the bed, and they proceeded to fuck twice more without intermission, first a slowly simmering sixty-nine that quickly became an electrical storm, and then a sensually grinding pussy-to-pussy episode that left them both weak and drugged from strings of debilitating orgasms.

"I never come like this," Alison exclaimed. "Never never. Even with the other girls I told you about. Emily, and Versana. Do you want to meet her, by the way? She's going to be here for this show. I could get her up here and sort of introduce you, then leave you two alone."

God, I would die to sleep with Versana, if she looks like Naomi Campbell, Laura realized.

"But how would it affect our relationship?" she asked Alison. And she also thought, Do I really want to sleep with someone who can't come because she takes too many drugs? Even someone as gorgeous as her?

"You mean, wouldn't I get jealous, knowing you were screwing her?" Alison said, very artlessly. "I never thought of that. I probably would. Maybe we should forget it. You should try to sleep with a black girl, though, Laura. They're just divine, take it from me. So beautiful. I want you to fuck me again. I just can't get enough of it with you."

Laura gave in to Alley's wishes, and they spent another hour tangled in paroxsyms of sexual bliss. Finally, Laura rose to leave. Alison pulled her back down.

"I want you to stay all night."

"Alison, I have to go to work in the morning."

"What do you do?"

"I'm an external affairs director for a big local company."

"Sounds boring."

"It's how I met you. Remember?"

"All I know is that you worked for some company that sent you to New York. Stay all night with me. Please!"

"I can't. I won't get any sleep."

Alison grinned and purred like a cat. "No shit." She rolled Laura onto her back, then dangled her very large, perfectly round naked breasts in Laura's face. "I'm not going to let you go unless we can fuck just one more time."

Alley's nipples brushed Laura's face. Laura felt the lust leap up inside her body all over again. What was it about this girl? The two of them embraced again and fucked exuberantly, finally sharing a stupendous, wrenching orgasm that left Alison so destroyed that even she could not insist on Laura staying for more.

"Come and see me tomorrow after work," she pleaded.

"I will."


"I promise."

And Laura, blasted with fatigue, dragged herself home.


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