Laura - Chapter 113

The next two weeks were purest heaven for both of them. Laura spent most of her off-work hours at Trina's apartment. They cooked together, Laura helped Shawna with her homework, and Shawna began to call her Auntie Laura. In the evenings, they made endless love in Trina's bed, taking care not to wake Shawna.

The only thing either missed was the chance to really surrender completely, letting everything go, which they could not do with a small child in the next room. Laura realized that Trina had been making love that way for the past six or seven years, and so probably didn't realize what could happen. I could make you plead and beg and scream, she thought, feeling her sexual temperature rise. But she was so happy, they both were so happy, that she was content to wait.

Some day, you dear sweet ravishing creature, I will fuck you in ways you never dreamed it was possible to fuck, Laura thought.

This period was made even more idyllic by the lack of exterior distractions. Sholandra was out of town on a brief vacation visiting her parents, and Yvette was in Chicago for two weeks on business. Since these two were the most demanding of Laura's time, she had plenty to spend with Trina. Meanwhile, she postponed thinking about how she would deal with Sholandra, or her own feelings for Sholandra, when the girl returned.

And so she was completely flummoxed one evening as she left work to find Sholandra's car parked next to hers, and Sholandra waiting inside. She had the door locked, and Laura rapped on the window.

"I'm surprised at you, after what happened," she said.

"I locked the door. I also have the pepper spray now, thanks to you," Sholandra flirted. "Are you trying to pick me up?"

But Laura's heart sank, instead of rising. Oh god, she wants to get together, and I'm due over at Trina's in about an hour!

"You don't look very happy to see me," Sholandra pouted. "Did you fall in love with someone else while I was gone?"

Sholandra was never one to beat around the bush. She always cut right to the quick.

"Of course not," Laura said, trying to seem unfazed.

"Then follow me to my place. I'm so horny I'm about to explode. All I did was think of you the whole time I was gone."

Laura smiled. "Really?"

She couldn't help being flattered. And every night I was fucking with Trina and never thinking of you at all, except out of guilt.

"Don't you want me?" Sholandra teased.

She unbuttoned the top buttons of her blouse so that Laura could see her black lace bra.

"Of course I do," Laura swallowed. She did, too.

"Want to see what's inside?"

There was no one else in the parking garage, but Laura knew someone could appear at any second. But Sholandra always liked to live dangerously. Like Yvette. Why am I attracted to these delicious, reckless girls? Laura wondered.

Sholandra unfasted her bra between the cups and pulled her blouse down. One small naked breast was completely visible, Sholandra's large, soft, black nipple all puffy and inviting.

"If you're nice, I'll let you touch it," she grinned mischievously. "If you're really nice, I'll let you . . . suck it and . . . even bite it. God, I'm so horny for you."

Laura could feel her pussy fill with juice as Sholandra talked. This was a sharp dilemma for her that she hadn't yet faced. Was she going to fuck with Sholandra and try to keep it a secret from Trina? She knew Trina would be deeply offended to know that Laura had gone to bed with another woman now that they had fallen in love.

And yet Laura felt, as always, a fierce lust for Sholandra. It wouldn't go away, just because Trina was now in her life.

"I haven't got much time," she almost whispered. "I've got a meeting tonight."

"We don't need much time," Sholandra said, eyes flashing. She started her car's engine and revved it up. "Meet me there in five minutes."

Laura tried not to think of Trina as she drove to Sholandra's apartment. Her pussy pulsed wildly. She wanted to rape Sholandra. I really am a tramp after all, she thought. I can't resist her. I want her bad. I want Trina too. What am I going to do?

Like a zombie, she walked to Sholandra's apartment. Sholandra was already half-naked when she opened the door. She wore only her lacy black bra and bikini panties, and was to die for, Laura thought.

"Can you imagine what it's like spending a week with your parents?" Sholandra asked under her breath as she fastened the lock. "Come in here with me."

She drew Laura to the bedroom. Then she slowly removed Laura's clothes until they were both in their underwear.

"Are you sure you're all right?" she asked Laura. "You seem kind of . . . distracted."

"I'm fine," Laura smiled. "You look good enough to eat."

Sholandra made a sexy pirouette. "You may eat me, if you wish," she said huskily. "I don't let just anybody."

"Oh god, I want you so much!" Laura said, embracing her, kissing her scorchingly, tearing at her bra.

"Careful . . . careful, don't tear it," Sholandra scolded. "Here, I'll do it."

She unfastened the bra between the cups, as she had in the car. She peeled it away and Laura filled her hands with the small, perfect, naked breasts. She kissed Sholandra's neck and shoulder aggressively.

"God, you're as hungry as I am," Sholandra panted. "I hope we don't hurt each other."

"You said you wanted me to bite you," Laura reminded her.

She squeezed Sholandra's small, hard breasts very hard with both hands.

"God, I know," Sholandra panted. "Oh shit, it feels so good when you really pinch my nipples like that." Her dark eyes burned into Laura's. "I want you to fuck me. I dreamed of it, while I was away."

Laura bent her head and nearly swallowed one of Sholandra's delectable breasts, filling her mouth with the girl's thick, pulpy nipple, sucking it hard.

"Oh Laura . . . Laura!" Sholandra whimpered.

They fell together onto Sholandra's bed, without even removing the bedspread. Laura had never had a really wild, tempestuous, squealing, whimpering, uncontrollably urgent fuck with Sholandra, the way she had with Yvette. But this was the time.

The two nearly tore one another apart. Laura had not known Sholandra was capable of such wildness. They tore one another's underwear in their haste to get it off. Sholandra's mouth on Laura's nipples was as savage as Laura's on hers.

Laura's eager fingers clawed at Sholandra's sleek, firm thighs, ripping her panties. She was all over the girl's naked body, sucking her, biting her, hand-fucking her, and Sholandra was every bit as savage to Laura, pinching and biting her, fucking her hard with one hand while biting her neck and whimpering maniacally.

Laura's mouth finally reached Sholandra's beautiful, puckered, wet pussy, and she devoured it passionately, so relentlessly and fiercely that Sholandra erupted with coming in less than a minute. Laura, who had been fucking all week with Trina, several times each night, was not so hair-trigger, and she gave Sholandra another wrenching orgasm before Sholandra returned the favor, making Laura come in a deep, throbbing agony of spasms as she sucked Laura's clit.

And even with this release, their hunger did not dissipate. Gasping and still resonating with aftershocks, they still clawed and bit and scratched each other like two wild animals, panting and squealing and fucking frantically, coming again in a tangle of moaning flesh. Finally, they both eased up, separating their bodies, kissing more tenderly, stretching out together side by side.

"I . . . I'm sorry," Sholandra murmured shyly, now that it was over. "I was just so . . . so horny. I've never felt quite that horny. Being without you that long."

Laura had felt horny and guilty at the same time, which had, to her chagrin, aroused her wildly, somehow making her desperately passionate, even violent, a feeling she was familiar with when it came to Karen, or even Brandi, but not with Sholandra. Maybe I should introduce her to the rope and the toys, she thought, but then quickly dismissed the idea.

"You don't have to apologize," she whispered to Sholandra. "I thought we might go up in smoke. It was the most exciting time we've ever had together."

"I don't know what got into me. You really bit me," Sholandra pouted. "My nipples are sore."

"Mmmmm, I could make them better," Laura purred.

They had fucked like two demons, consumed by a pure and shockingly fierce lust, but now their bodies melted together in a gentle rhythm that did not culminate in a climax for more than ten minutes. It was a slowly building, very intense experience. Even though Laura's feelings for Sholandra didn't approach the deep yearning she felt for Trina, they were still serious and genuine. She cared for Sholandra, and through months of fucking they had become very good at pleasing one another.

As a consequence, when they weren't trying to consume one another in a raging flame of lust, as they had been earlier, each was very sensitive to the rising and falling rhythms of the other, and each knew when the other was about to come. This way, when they wanted to, they could come together, and this time they wanted to.

Their orgasms were an intermingling ecstacy of moaning and panting, their bodies coiling and undulating as the intense spasms seemed to flow back and forth between them. It was definitely one of the most moving sexual experiences Laura had ever had with Sholandra, and both of them were left drained by it.

But then Laura happened to see the clock radio. She realized that she was a hour late to Trina's. Oh god! she thought, trying not to panic. What have I done here?

"God, I'm late for my meeting," she said, trying not to be too abrupt.

"Guess you'll have to tell them you were busy fucking a gorgeous person who wouldn't let you go," Sholandra giggled in a throaty, sexy way. "They won't know it was me."

"I hope not," Laura grinned. "Wouldn't want them to get the wrong idea about us, would we."

She dressed quickly, kissing Sholandra, who was still breathtakingly naked, at the door of her apartment before leaving.

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