Laura - Chapter 83
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Laura wanted to avoid sex with anybody else for about a week after her wild night with Rob and Camille. For one thing, she was exhausted. She knew they must be too. They had fucked like crazed, rutting animals, over and over again, taking each other to the limit, their bodies flailed and scalded by fierce spasm after spasm of sexual rapture. Only a few times, mainly with Karen, had Laura ever exceeded the limits this way. It almost scared her, though the memory of it made her throb excitedly days later.For another thing, she still had scratch marks on her shoulder, her back, her midriff, and suck-welts around her nipples where Camille had gone overboard. She really wanted them to go away before she slept with anyone else. Her thoughts ran fleetingly to Sholandra, though she still didn't expect anything there, regardless of The Kiss. But imagine what she would think, Laura thought, examining one purplish hickey next to her left nipple, which was still sore from Camille's teeth. But even though she tried to avoid it, one person spoiled her plan. Yvette, when she got a heat on for Laura, could not be refused. Laura's attempts to put her off only made her either spitefully jealous or almost suicidal with rejection. "Really . . . I'm feeling ill," Laura told her. "You are not. You're just letting that little lesbian tramp Barbara screw and screw you instead of me." "Yvette! Please. How could you say that?" "I know you." Laura let all her feeling show in her eyes. "You know how I want you." "Prove it." Then a tear slid down Yvette's cheek. "Laura," she whispered, "I need you." "Okay," Laura gave in. They were lying in Laura's bed, after an especially intense fifteen minutes of fucking, when Yvette's long, sinuous, black finger traced the scratches on Laura's shoulder, then stopped at the hickey next to her nipple. "Barbara do this?" she asked. "Of course not." "Rhonda scratched me once. When she was coming. Right here." She showed Laura her bare, beautiful shoulder, the skin flawlessly smooth and gleaming. Laura ran her finger over it. "Nothing there now," she whispered. "You like my skin, don't you," Yvette murmured, eyelids suddenly heavy. "I love it," Laura said, rubbing her cheek against the fantastic smoothness. "Why do you mention Rhonda? To torment me?" "Yes. You torment me." "Do you sleep with her a lot?" "I don't sleep with her at all. I just let her fuck me once in a while. She even gives me things." "Maybe I should give you things too. So you'll stop tormenting me." "If Barbara didn't do this, who did?" Laura blushed. Some people, especially Yvette, had no sense of what was improper to ask. "Actually," she smiled, "the wife of a friend of mind." "God, you're terrible," Yvette mocked. "Fucking married women. Like me." They began to giggle, then tickle one another. But their passion for each other was always so intense that even playing couldn't last for long, without turning into very hot fucking, which it quickly did. Three orgasms later, Yvette had to hurry home, and Laura was left in her rumpled bed, wondering what to have for dinner. I hate that fucking Rhonda Reardon, she thought, as she pulled on a bathrobe. Just the thought of her doing it to Yvette, or even to Barbara, makes me see red. She knew how hypocritical this was. She, as Yvette would be the first to point out, didn't hesitate to fuck whomever she wanted. But the thought of Rhonda's hands on Yvette's beautiful naked black body made her physically ill. The thought of Rhonda's tongue licking that gorgeous, glossy black, long, sinuous pussy, with its tender pink insides, was enough to make her stomach clench, and tears spring to her eyes. She couldn't believe it, but there it was. That bitch! she thought. That blonde bitch! That horny lesbian cunt! And worse, Barbara had told her that Rhonda had the hots for Sholandra too. If somehow it turned out that Sholandra preferred Rhonda to Laura, Laura knew she would have a hard time taking it. And, as if to turn the knife in her gut, she actually saw the two of them at work, joking and smiling in the hallway. In fact, Sholandra was flirting with Rhonda the same way she occasionally flirted with Laura, as if to taunt her and tease her. And Rhonda was responding in the way Laura feared she herself did, nervously giggling, her eyes pulsing with obvious lust. You cunt! Laura swore inwardly at her as she ducked down a stairwell so as not to draw their attention. Worse, Sholandra had gone out of her way to avoid Laura after The Kiss. Laura knew why, but it didn't make it any easier. Seeing the girl from afar and trying not to stare was very difficult. Sholandra knew Laura was watching, of course, and would do little things to rub salt in the wound. She might stretch, raising her arms above her head, letting her small jutting breasts push against her blouse, watching Laura's reaction slyly out of the corner of her eye. Or she might bend to adjust the heel of her shoe, letting Laura take in the shapeliness of her calf, and glimpse the underside of her thigh. I've seen you naked, or almost naked, you gorgeous creature, Laura would think. But I blotted it out, so it wouldn't hurt you. And now you tempt me this way. You shameless, beautiful girl, I want you. Then, one evening about six, they ran into each other on the elevator to the parking garage. "Hi, Laura," Sholandra smiled, genuinely friendly for a change, not trying to tease. She was looking even more shockingly lovely than usual to Laura, wearing one of those wide leather belts, tightly cinched, that emphasized the narrowness of her waist, which only made the rest of her figure more breathtaking. Laura tried not to stare. "Hi," she said, warmly. Then they both fell silent, very nervous about how to continue. After all, last time we spoke it was after . . . The Kiss, Laura thought, satirizing it a little in her mind. She felt Sholandra's eyes on her as she tried to seem indifferent. "You've been avoiding me," Sholandra said, very quietly, almost so softly it could not be heard, which was not her style at all. Laura smiled curtly. "On the contrary, it's the other way around." "Oh really. You said you'd forget what happened in the car." The pulse beat in Laura's throat. "How could I forget it?" she barely breathed, almost inaudibly. The door of the elevator opened. They stepped out into the dimly-lit, gasoline-fumey garage. "I haven't forgot it either," Sholandra murmured, glancing at Laura, not meeting her eyes squarely. They walked in the same direction. Laura stopped. "My car's right here," she pointed. "Could you drive me to mine? I'm . . . afraid. After that night, you know." Laura nodded. It was torment being next to the girl, wanting to touch her, knowing the way she felt. "Get in," she said. Laura drove slowly through the half-dark parking garage to Sholandra's car, a small red sports car. She looked straight ahead, through the windshield, not giving the girl the opportunity for anything, trying to breathe evenly. "Laura, look at me," Sholandra said. Laura turned her head. Sholandra leaned close, and Laura almost pulled back. But Sholandra's dark eyes were melting and warm, luminous in the shadows, her sensual lips slightly parted. She moved her head even closer until her lips again met Laura's. This time their mouths curved together and did not come apart. It was a slow, emotional kiss, but Sholandra seemed in no hurry to end it. Laura was so restrained because of the past that she didn't venture anything and was thrilled when she felt the tip of Sholandra's tongue slip between her teeth. She met it with her own, and soon they were kissing more heatedly, their hands rising to each other's face, caressing. Finally, they had to stop. Sholandra's eyes were shining. Laura stared deep into them, saying nothing. "Do you remember the way to my place, or do you want to follow me?" Sholandra whispered. "I remember." "Follow me anyway." Laura drove in a daze. When they both finally pulled up in the parking lot behind Sholandra's apartment building, she realized that she didn't even know how she had got here. Oh god, I don't believe this! she thought. Inside the apartment, they both threw their coats on the sofa, approaching each other slowly, their eyes locked and smoldering as before. Without speaking, they kissed again, embracing this time, kissing hungrily. Laura kissed Sholandra's beautiful smooth neck, and her ear. Sholandra kissed Laura's throat. Laura, still without speaking, took Sholandra's shoulders and turned her around. Slowly she began to unbutton the girl's blouse, unfastening the five large buttons, then unclasping the wide leather belt and tossing it onto the sofa with the coats. She began kissing Sholandra's warm, smooth back, the nape of her neck, her shoulder blades, while her fingers unclasped Sholandra's bra. Sholandra took Laura's hand without speaking either, and drew her toward the bedroom. Laura unbuttoned most of her own blouse on the way. In the bedroom they quickly shed the rest of their clothing and kissed again, naked this time, Sholanda quivering as Laura's hands roamed over her flesh. Neither one had spoken since the kiss in the parking garage. They lay together on the bed, on top of the bedspread, and Laura scooped up Sholandra's wonderful, hard little breasts in her hands and lowered her mouth to the big bulging nipples. They reminded her of Jonelle's nipples, thick and soft and bulbous and black, though Sholandra's breasts were a little bigger than Jonelle's. Laura took one into her mouth, sucking it gently, then harder. "Ohhnnnn!" Sholandra moaned softly. It startled them both since it was the first sound either had made for a long time. Laura was in her element here, finally, and she meant to give Sholandra, who had finally yielded to her own desires, the sexual experience of her lifetime. You won't regret it, darling, she thought as she began making love to Sholandra's breasts and nipples, squeezing and sucking them, nipping and tonguing the ripe, bulging nipples, until Sholandra was moaning continuously. "Oh god . . . it feels so good!" she moaned to Laura. "Ohhh . . . Laura, please!" "Girl, they're so beautiful," Laura murmured, curling her tongue around one wet, stiff bud, teasing it with her teeth. "Unnhh! Oh god!" Sholandra began to squirm. Now Laura slid down her undulating body, kissing her smooth midriff, caressing her phenomenally narrow waist, her swelling hips, kissing the warm skin of her inner thighs, bringing soft, excited whimpers from Sholandra. The girl's lovely pussy was puckered and very wet. Laura ran the tip of her tongue up and down the glossy black edges of Sholandra's cuntlips. "Ahh!" Sholandra gasped sharply, digging her fingers into her thighs, her pelvis shuddering excitedly. Laura started slowly, making love to Sholandra, not just fucking her. She licked and tongue-explored the wet pink cleft of Sholandra's pussy for a long time, patiently avoiding Sholandra's clit, stroking the girl's beautiful buns with her fingers, slowly building the intensity, until Sholandra was quivering uncontrollably, and almost begging for relief. "Oh! Ohhnnn . . . oh Laura . . . unh! Oh . . . please! Oh Laura, please!" By the time Laura did touch Sholandra's clit with the tip of her tongue, the girl was primed to explode, and it took only a few strokes for her to come quickly. "Unghh! Ohnng! Auuggnhhh! Mmmnnggeee!" she cried out, arching her back, pumping spastically with her hips, coming violently. Her lovely body undulated through several spasms of ectascy, and Laura decided, since she had come so quickly and easily, not to stop now. As soon as Sholandra's spasms waned, and her breathing grew easier, Laura began tonguing her pussy again, and give tiny love-sucks to her clit, until a fresh, clenching orgasm shook her. "Ohhnggn! Oh god! Oh . . . shit oh Laura . . . unhhh! Oh god ahhnnieeee!" she moaned, coming again, grabbing her own beautiful small breasts and twisting them mercilessly in her hands as her body shook with bliss. This one stunned her more than the first one, and as she was still pliant and panting from its effects, Laura slid up to kiss her. She realized that Sholandra was in a sexual trance, something like what she had seen in Jonelle, and she couldn't resist the temptation to make her come even more. She dropped her mouth to Sholandra's breasts, and her hand back between the girl's yawning thighs. Her mouth nearly swallowed one plump black nipple, while she slipped two fingers up into the sopping-wet trench of the girl's pussy, scissoring Sholandra's clit between them as they sank in deep. She began fucking and sucking Sholandra more vigorously now, and somehow a slight, violent twitch from the girl alerted her. She had felt the same thing from Yvette. Could it be? Now she let her fingers inside Sholandra's tight, slippery pussy search the inner walls, until she felt Sholandra twitch again. Yes! she thought. God, baby, you're going to come so hard! she thought. She rubbed the spot inside Sholandra's pussy sharply with the tip of one finger. Sholandra's body stiffened, and then all the breath seemed to leave her as she erupted in a fierce string of orgasms. The spasms wrenched her body so wildly that her breast slipped out of Laura's mouth. A tiny, helpless cawing sound came from deep in her throat as wave after wave of rapture struck her. She had about four orgasms in a row, though they all seemed to blend together into one, and Laura could not tell where they began or ended. They also were so deep and excruciating, apparently, that Sholandra's beautiful face was torn with a mixture of pain and rapture, and she also blacked out briefly toward the end. Laura held her tightly, kissing her cheek, then her forehead, her eyes, as she slowly drifted back to consciousness, panting and moaning softly. Finally, she blinked, her eyes still vaguely glassy, and smiled up at Laura. "I asked you over here to make love . . . not to put me in intensive care," she whispered hoarsely. "I . . . I couldn't help it," Laura apologized. "I wanted it to be unforgettable." Sholandra shook her head in awe. "You really succeeded with that one," she said, unbelieving. "I guess I should make my will. I never even knew people could come like that, let alone me. Most guys can't even make me come. All you had to do was breathe on me and I went to outer space." Laura kissed her, deeply, sensually. Sholandra kissed back. They both seemed to realize at once, while coiling together this way, that Laura had not climaxed at all, while Sholandra was setting personal records. Sholandra nuzzled Laura's ear, overwhelming Laura with her affection, since she had been so distant and spiteful in the past. "Now I know why I fought you so much," Sholandra murmured. "I guess I was afraid it would be like this. So much better than anything else. Nobody ever . . . can I say it? Nobody ever fucked me the way you just did." "You can say it," Laura grinned, kissing her. "Because we both know it's more than just fucking." "I know," Sholandra said, as if stunned. "I've never felt like this before." Just don't go thinking Rhonda Reardon can give you the same thing, Laura thought, not daring to say it. Sholandra curled up in Laura's arms, then slid down a little, bringing her mouth closer to Laura's breasts. "You know, I've never done anything like this before," she confessed. "I mean, I've sucked my own nipples, you know? Isn't that kinky? Have you ever done that?" Laura shook her head. God no, she thought. Why not? Why haven't I tried it? "But never anyone else's," Sholanda said. "You can suck mine, if you like," Laura murmured alluringly, her eyelids growing heavy with sex. Sholandra took Laura's perfect breasts in her hands and squeezed them gently. "They're so pretty," she said. "So round and perfect. You look like those girls in the magazines." She sucked one of Laura's aching nipples deep into her warm, wet mouth, and Laura closed her eyes, luxuriating in the feel of it. "You can suck it just as hard as you want to," she whispered to Sholandra. And Sholandra did. She started slowly, but in seconds she was sucking and squeezing both of Laura's breasts hungrily, passionately, bringing soft groans of pleasure from Laura. "Ohhh Laura . . . they're so pretty," Sholandra kept murmuring, her tongue curling around Laura's wet, throbbing nipples, her fingers digging into the resilient balls. Laura was going delirious, writhing and panting uncontrollably. "Oh . . . oh! Please . . ." she panted wildly. "Oh please!" "Oh, don't come yet, don't come yet, girl," Sholandra murmured to her. "I want to do it right to you." She quickly slipped down between Laura's thighs, and Laura felt her tongue, tentative at first, then bolder, slithering up into her pussy, then teasing her clit. Laura was already on the edge from her experience in bringing Sholandra to five or six quick orgasms. She began to keen and whimper hysterically, and Sholandra knew what was about to happen. She attacked Laura's swollen clit frenetically with her tongue, lashing and stabbing it, and Laura simply boiled over in a furious uprush of coming. "Aunnnggghh! Oh . . . oh unngghh! Auugnnhhh!" Laura groaned, her body arching and shaking as one excruciating spasm of coming after another wrenched her. When it was finally over, they embraced, this time Sholandra kissing and caressing Laura as she resurfaced from her climax. "Oh, that was so exciting," she smiled. "I want to make you come again. Can you come again? God, it really turned me on. It got me hot all over again, just doing it to you." Dreamily, Laura looked up into her dark eyes, this lovely girl she had wanted for so long. "Yes . . . I can come again," she said softly. "Just do the same thing. But kiss me first." Sholandra smiled and bent her mouth to Laura's. This time their kiss had a deep emotional content that had been lacking from the earlier ones. Laura could feel Sholandra's naked breasts brushing her own as their tongues intertwined, and the sensation aroused her fiercely again, quickly too. By the time their mouths came apart, she was panting with renewed desire. Her eyes pulsed, and she murmured against Sholandra's teeth, "Do me again. Please! I want to feel your tongue." "Oh yes, girl. Yes!" Sholandra breathed. Sholandra again slid down between Laura's thighs, and this time made love to Laura's pussy with new tenderness, and then more aggressive passion. Laura did not come as quickly, but in less than two minutes she was quaking and gasping again in the throes of a long, undulating orgasm that seemed to squeeze the bliss out of every pore. "Ungghhaaunnggh! Oh! Oh . . . Shol . . . ahhggnniieee!" she cried out, her body shuddering as the long waves of ecstacy rolled through her. This time, when it was over, they curled together and whispered intimately. "I never come more than once," Sholandra said. "That's what shocked me so much. I mean, guys might screw me again, even several times, but I never come. Not even with the good-looking ones. But with you . . . I have to confess something. That first time we kissed, in the parking garage? When I got so upset?" Laura nodded. "I almost came when we were kissing. You didn't know that, did you. I think that's why I reacted that way. I felt this, I don't know, this bubbling and pulsing down in my pussy, and it was gushing, and I thought, 'Holy shit, I'm gonna come, right here, if I don't stop this!' Can you believe that?" Laura smiled. "I can believe it." "And then you make me come about six times in five minutes. God, I still don't believe it." "Mmmmm, believe it," Laura said, nuzzling her beautiful neck. "There's more where those came from." "You're kidding. I can't come any more. I told you, never more than once." She giggled. "You've already made me come six times. That uses up my quota." Laura rolled Sholandra onto her back, rising up over her, dangling her own breasts now against Sholandra's, letting their nipples brush. She kissed Sholandra with deep, thorough, steaming passion. "You're just going to have to get used to the fact that things have changed," she murmured. "I've only begun to make love to you, Sholandra. I'm going to fuck you until you beg me to stop." "Ohhhnnn!" Sholandra moaned, her eyes rolling up as Laura began to caress her intimately again. During the next half hour Laura coaxed six more orgasms from Sholandra's beautiful body. Now she lavished her attention on the girl's phenomenal breasts, realizing as she caressed them that Sholandra could be no older than nineteen or so, her breasts still as hard as Chanitra's. And her nipples filled Laura with lust. They were so large and soft and pulpy in her mouth, and clearly so sensitive that both of them were surprised to discover that Sholandra could come just from having Laura suck her nipples and lightly massage her pussy. Convinced she could not come any more, she was startled to feel her body responding so eagerly to Laura's skillful caresses. But Laura knew what she was doing. She herself had come that way many times, and when she felt Sholandra's body quiver at the feel of Laura's lips and teeth on one large, soft nipple, and heard the sharp, desperate intake of breath followed by a small, urgent moan, Laura knew Sholandra could come. She began sucking and nipping the beautiful soft buds harder, until they stiffened, and Sholandra grew delirious, squirming and panting wildly. "Oh god . . . oh Laura, oh shit, god that feels good, ohhh!" she whimpered, writhing deliciously under Laura. "Mmmm, you like that?" "Oh god, yes! Do it harder! Please!" Now Sholandra's big, black nipples were shiny and wet and swollen and pointing, and Laura sucked them hard, at the same time dropping her hand between Sholandra's thighs again, letting her knuckle brush the girl's distended clit. "Ah!" Sholandra gasped. "Oh god . . . I'm going to come! Again!" "Mmmmm, you sure are," Laura smiled. Now that Sholandra had acknowledged that it was possible, they both went after it in a hot fury. Seconds later, keening, whimpering, biting her lip, churning her hips, Sholandra burst in a sharp, fierce orgasm, her body buckling under its force. "Auunngghhh! Ohnng! Ungghhh!" she groaned, wincing and clenching as the spasms shook her. Laura went with the flow, but quickly following this one she elicited five more, each more wrenching than the last. And the last one was an extravagant culmination, a truly shattering cataclysm of coming that left the girl sobbing and gasping helplessly with relief as she surfaced from thirty minutes of the most excruciating ecstacy she had ever experienced. Her cheeks and eyelashes were wet with her tears, and her shiny eyes still seemed dazed by the shock. "God, I never knew anything like this was possible," she said in a hushed, awed voice. "I didn't know my own body could do this." Laura smiled, kissing the tears. She had her own thighs clamped around one of Sholandra's, her wet pussy splayed against the smooth flesh of Sholandra's thigh muscle. It wasn't Brandi's massive, hard thigh, but she was so aroused from all Sholandra's orgasms, that she knew only a little rubbing would send her over the top. They kissed with agonizing tenderness, and Laura slowly rubbed her aching wet pussy up and down on Sholandra's thigh. Midway through the kiss, Sholandra realized what was happening and began to move her thigh too. Laura had to break off the kiss. "Ohhnnn . . . !" she groaned, burying her face in Sholandra's neck. "Yes, baby . . . oh yes!" Sholandra breathed. "Auugnnhhh! Oh! Anngghhhnnmmggeee!" Laura squealed softly, coming in a hot rush of rapture, pumping hard against Sholandra's thigh. In the middle of her orgasm, Sholandra had dropped her mouth to one of Laura's breasts, cradling it in her palm and sucking Laura's nipple hard. Now she began to squeeze and suck the other one too, and Laura resumed pumping her pussy against the girl's leg, feeling a deep resonance inside her body. "Oh . . . god, bite it!" she panted to Sholandra. "Bite it . . . please! Ungghh!" "God, Laura . . . I can't," Sholandra murmured, still tonguing and sucking Laura's wet, swollen nipple. "Yes, please . . . do it! I'm going to . . . come again! Do it, please!" Sholandra did it. After a slight hesitation, she sank her teeth into Laura's aching nipple, first gently, then more roughly as Laura writhed and whimpered uncontrollably, mashing her breast into Sholandra's mouth. Laura stiffened and came in a flash, groaning and whinnying as the sharp, scalding arrows of ecstacy shot through her shuddering flesh. And she was so hungry that even this couldn't satiate her. With her legs already clamped around Sholandra's thigh, it was only a short twist to bring their two hot, wet pussies together. Sholandra's eyes rolled up in her head as she felt Laura's pussy pressing against hers. "Oh . . . Jesus!" she gasped, throwing her head back. Laura felt a white-hot spear of lust shoot through her body as she began grinding her cunt against Sholandra's. This time they didn't fuck in a slow, undulating, simmering fashion, but pumped and whinnied hysterically, fucking one another crazily, frantically holding on to each other's leg and thrusting insanely. Sholandra's bed shook and banged against the wall, but both girls were caught in the grip of a voracious sexual gluttony, and they continued pumping and thrusting furiously until both exploded in a firestorm of orgasms. It was an exhausting, exultant, and depraved climax to their evening of fucking, and both could barely lift a finger as the waves of ecstacy subsided. They disentangled their bodies, still stunned by the shock of it, and Laura bent to kiss Sholandra's pussy tenderly, before embracing her face to face, hugging her tightly, murmuring in her ear. "I wanted you so badly," she murmured. "So badly. But it was worth the wait." "Oh god . . . Laura, I never knew it could be like this," Sholandra began to cry softly again. "It can," Laura said, nuzzling her neck. "Don't go feeling bad, after I leave. It doesn't mean anything. You can go to bed with whomever you want." "I didn't know it could be like this," Sholandra sobbed. Laura kissed her, a deep, emotional kiss. Sholandra stopped crying. "I'm embarrassed," she said. "I didn't mean to cry. I guess I thought some day a man would be making me feel like this." "Maybe some day one will," Laura smiled. "Today I did." "I don't want you to leave." "Mmmmm, I don't want to, either." "Can you sleep here?" "I won't have anything to wear to work in the morning." "We can get up early." "If I stay, we won't get much sleep." "Are you kidding? After what we've just been through? I could sleep like a baby." "I won't let you," Laura grinned, rolling Sholandra onto her back again. "I can't get enough." "Oh . . . Laura," Sholandra said softly, her eyes swirling again with desire. "How can I be feeling this way?" Laura did stay, and they did end up fucking throughout the night. They slept, dozed, awoke, made love, slept again, made love again. By morning Sholandra had had about eighteen or nineteen orgasms, and Laura about fourteen. Laura congratulated herself on her moderation. She could remember nights with Karen, or Brandi, when she could not stop short of thirty. She left at six in order to get home to bathe and dress before returning to work. Sholandra gave her a soulful, searching kiss at the door of her apartment. Laura promised her they would do it again that very night. |
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