Laura - Chapter 84
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At work Laura did not see Sholandra until the afternoon, when they ran into one another in the corridor. Sholandra pulled her aside. It was almost shocking to Laura to see the warm, murky, affectionate, frankly sensual look in Sholandra's eyes, since she had got used to the hostile glare that had been there formerly."I got my period," Sholandra whispered to her. "I think it was all that wild pumping and . . . coming, it just started it." She couldn't suppress a grin of happiness. Laura felt a quick tremor of renewed, and very strong, lust for the girl. "I guess that takes care of tonight," she shrugged. Sholandra's face fell. "It's the first thing I thought of." Laura leaned closer, whispering in her ear. "Don't worry, I can wait. But I'd like to rip your clothes off right here." Sholandra giggled softly. "I wish you could. God, Laura, you've changed my life." Laura winked. "Only for the better. Now, let me know when you get the green light, okay?" "Friday," Sholandra said, eagerly. "No, Saturday. At least by Saturday." "I'll put it down," Laura laughed. "Call me." "You call me," Sholandra said, plaintively now, as if she realized that Laura might be sleeping with others in the meantime. Laura however had no plans to. Given her wild night with Rob and Camille, followed by her exhausting--both emotionally and physically--night with Sholandra, she was looking forward to a few days of abstinence. Even a slut like me can use a rest, she thought. But that afternoon, her boss selected her to fill in at a conference in Chicago, which the boss couldn't attend. She had to fly out the next morning. At home that night she was about to phone Sholandra, when her phone rang. It was Brandi. "Voice out of the past, pretty white lady," she said. It had been almost a year since they had spent three days in Laura's apartment, almost constantly fucking. "Oh god . . . Brandi! Is it really you?" "I can see you still aren't keeping up with the body building scene. Shame on you. I'm Ms. Olympia again, fifth time, unprecedented. Congratulate me." "Oh no . . . did it slip past me again?" Laura said in dismay. "Well . . . not your fault this time," Brandi said, teasing her. "They moved it up a couple of months so it would coincide with the Mr. Olympia contest. Had them together, in New York. And I won! Although the jealous shits were trying to kill me. The other girls, I mean. Contestants." "I'll bet they were." "I don't mean to be ungracious. There's a lot of jealousy. Hey, I want to fly out and see you." She lowered her voice dramatically. "You know what I really want." Laura thought quickly. "How far are you from Chicago? I'm flying there tomorrow morning." "Honey, I got time on my hands. I can be in Chicago by noon tomorrow." "Oh god, my heart is thumping so fast," Laura confessed. "Mmmmm, my little sugar donut is beginning to melt, pretty white lady. What hotel are you staying at?" Laura told her, and they arranged to meet there in the late afternoon. Laura tried not to think about it during her flight, or even up until the moment she was supposed to meet Brandi in the lobby. God, it's too exciting! she realized. First Sholandra, then this! Brandi! Last time we nearly killed each other. Laura's pussy actually fluttered inside when she thought of Brandi, and the raw, athletic fucking they always shared. And when she saw Brandi in the lobby, her heart nearly stopped. She couldn't believe her eyes. Had Brandi really become that much more beautiful in the few months since they had last seen each other? She was breathtaking. Her hairstyle was different, with wisps of black filaments coming down over her forehead. And of course she was never reluctant to show off her singular body. She was dressed in a small turquoise silk garment that concealed very little of her spectacular flesh. I'm glad I already know her, Laura thought as she walked through the lobby toward Brandi. Otherwise, I'd have to quit my job and grovel at her feet, beg her to let me touch her . . . "Oh god, I don't believe how gorgeous you are," she said as Brandi reached out for her hand. "You're just saying that, aren't you, pretty white lady," Brandi scoffed, mocking herself and well aware that every eye in the hotel was on them both, these two stunning women kissing cheeks, and smiling broadly for show. Laura wanted to lick her, to lick every bit of Brandi's wonderful gleaming skin, and she recalled how she had licked Brandi's shoulder the first time they had been together, and how Brandi had allowed her. I never wanted to lick anyone like that except her, Laura realized. She bent close. "I want to lick you," she whispered. "Like the first time." "Oooohh, in my secret place?" Brandi winked. "All over your body," Laura whispered. "There, too." They pulled back from one another. "We better act cool," Brandi said under her breath. "We be cool," she glanced around. "We be cool." "Maybe we should go to the bar and have a drink," Laura said, looking around at all the people looking at them. "Are you kidding? Take me to your room. I'm so wet I'd slide right off the bar stool. Anyway, I don't drink, did you forget? I'm not like your other little playthings." She winked again. Brandi had brought only a small bag, so it didn't look like she was cheating, going up to Laura's room. Once inside, she tossed the bag on the chair and they fell into each other's arms. Laura remembered the last time she had made love in a hotel room. To Jonelle, in Dallas. A memory of heart-aching beauty. But she quickly pushed it away, not wanting to spoil this special moment too. Brandi nibbled Laura's ear. "If you don't fuck me quick, pretty white lady, I gon' bust like a balloon," she whispered hotly, her breath in Laura's ear as hot as her words. "I want to lick you," Laura repeated what she had whispered in the lobby, running her tongue all over Brandi's perfect, round, gleaming dark shoulder. "Oh god, it gives me the shivers," Brandi giggled, gripped by a sharp tremor. Laura kept licking her, unbuttoning the back of her beautiful skimpy blue dress at the same time. "At least we don't have far to go to the bed," she murmured against the back of Brandi's neck, licking it too. By the time she got the dress off, she had licked nearly every inch of Brandi's muscular, award-winning back, pausing to unclasp Brandi's bra. "This is what everyone would do to you if they only had the chance," she murmured, pulling Brandi now down onto the bed with her. "Mmmmm, but you can't do any more until you take these off too," Brandi smiled, unfastening Laura's blouse at the top. Laura let Brandi undress her, unable to keep her own hands off Brandi's body, the wonderful, hard, muscular, beautiful, smooth, rippling body. It had been nearly a year. "God, I forgot how hard you are," she said, kissing Brandi's arms. Then, as Brandi still struggled to removed Laura's clothes, Laura's mouth found Brandi's breasts. Her hands also found Brandi's breasts, hard little mounds with large, gleaming black nipples. Laura sucked them greedily. "Ohhnnnn! Oh Laura!" Brandi gasped. Any thought of taking it slowly quickly vanished. Having Brandi's incredible naked body under her drove Laura into a frenzy of passion. Together they got the rest of Laura's clothes off in a mad few seconds, and then Laura fell again on Brandi's breasts, sucking them sharply, which drove Brandi into a hot delirium of need. "Ohhhnn . . . god yes!" she moaned. "God, yes! Nobody does it to me like you! Unhh! Oh . . . please! Oh Laura!" Brandi's incredible glossy body writhed and squirmed under Laura's caresses, and Laura devoured her, kissing her way down the amazing hard stomach, smoother now, with fewer ripples than she remembered, and then kissing the insides of Brandi's huge thighs, the thighs she worshipped, sleek, bulging muscles that had made her die of coming and would soon do it again. Finally, her lips came to Brandi's glistening, open pussy, a beautiful wet flower that she couldn't help kissing passionately. Brandi had been right about being very wet, and Laura's licked her juices eagerly, slipping her tongue right into the shiny pink cleft, driving Brandi wild. "Oh! Oh!" Brandi gasped, her hips churning uncontrollably. Laura knew how horny Brandi was from her helpless quivering and moaning, and instead of waiting, she went for the money right away. She licked Brandi's taut little clit hard, and in only a few more seconds Brandi burst with coming. "Ungghhh! Ohngg . . . ahh! Ouunngghh!" she groaned, twisting and flexing, more beautiful in the throes of her orgasm than Laura could have remembered. It was a sharp, violent orgasm that lasted a long time, leaving Brandi gulping for breath, her eyes glazed and her mouth slack. Finally, she regained her breath. "God, I'm sorry to be so quick," she apologized to Laura. "I haven't come like that since . . . since the last time with you," she beamed. "My husband . . ." she looked down, as if embarrassed, "he's, you know, very good-looking, and good to me too, but he doesn't really take any time trying to make me . . . oh god, Laura, nobody ever made me come like that! No wonder I dream of you." "You do?" Laura smiled. "Yes. Laura dropped a hand to one of Brandi's magnificent, huge, bulging, gleaming, sleek, muscular thighs, running her fingers along the perfectly-shaped ridge of muscle. She didn't want to wait either. "I dream of these," she said, huskily, her eyes smoking as she raised them to Brandi's. "We don't waste any time, do we," Brandi breathed. Laura shook her head. "A year is a long time, Ms. Olympia." Brandi knew the way they both loved it, the way that made Laura nearly die of ecstacy. She moved to the easy chair beside the bed, and Laura joined her, biting her lower lip as Brandi held her hips and Laura straddled one huge, glossy, brown thigh, bringing her splayed wet pussy down onto it. "Ahhhh!" she gasped, excitedly. They indulged in a long, sultry kiss before doing anything. Brandi's hands roamed all over Laura's naked body as they kissed. "My my, pretty white lady, you are wet wet wet," she smiled as their mouths came apart. "Be careful you don't slide off." Already Laura was reeling with lust. "You're strong enough to hold me, aren't you," she panted to Brandi. "I believe I am," Brandi said, kissing her again, dropping her mouth to Laura's breasts as Laura herself began to move her wet pussy back and forth gingerly on Brandi's spectacular thigh muscle, hands placed up on the hard ridge where it met Brandi's pelvis, pushing her breasts into Brandi's face, gasping excitedly when Brandi's mouth sucked one of her nipples in deep. It all happened with amazing speed. Laura was quickly out of control. Brandi's strong hands grabbed her hips, while Brandi's mouth continued to ravish her breasts, sucking and tearing at her nipples. Laura whimpered in a low, semi-hysterical keening moan. Now Brandi was moving Laura's pussy back and forth on her huge hard thigh, moving it faster, moving it harder. "Ungghh! Ohnngg god!" Laura gasped, throwing her head back. "Unggh! Brandi . . . oh god, Brandi . . . oh god!" she whimpered wildly, quivering from a shocking overload of sexual stimulation. "Oh baby, you gon' come fast," Brandi panted. She quickly and easily lifted Laura's shaking body and placed Laura on her back on the bed. Then she lowered her thigh, all slick by now with Laura's abundant cunt juices, between Laura's yawning thighs, kissing Laura's mouth tenderly as she brought the huge, hard muscle gently down again into the wet groove of Laura's pussy. Laura nearly swooned as she felt it mash into her aching cunt. Her fingernails bit into Brandi's magnificent back. "Oh god . . . Brandi, fuck me hard . . . ungghh! Oh . . . don't hold back! Ohnngg! Unh! UNH!" She nearly lost consciousness as she felt Brandi's wonderful, sleek muscle, as hard as a steel piston, crunch down into her pussy, sending flames streaking through her body. The frantic, hysterical mewlings that escaped from her throat soon vanished with her breath, and she really did black out momentarily, as Brandi did what Laura had begged and fucked her hard with quick, crunching thigh-strokes that took Laura over the top in seconds. She simply erupted with coming in a way she never did except with Brandi, a killing seizure of disabling rapture that robbed her of breath, and briefly of consciousness. She went briefly limp, then surged back to life as the rupturing spasms of a fierce climax ripped through her body. Groaning and twisting, she came and came until she couldn't come any more. Then she went limp again, tears leaking from the corners of her eyes, her flesh throbbing and pulsing with aftershocks as Brandi slowly pulled her thigh back. "'Scuse me, honey, I've got to get a towel," she whispered. She dashed to the bathroom and returned with one, mopping up the shiny mess of pussyjuice Laura had left on her thigh. Laura giggled softly. "I really came all over you this time, didn't I." "You sure did. That pretty pussy just gushed on me. I wish I could lick it." Their eyes caught, and they both dissolved into giggles. "I guess you'll get your chance," Laura giggled softly. "I might not survive too many more rapes like that one." Brandi acted scandalized. "You asked for it, pretty white lady," she smiled. "You told me not to go easy." "I know," Laura blushed, growing aroused all over again. She could see that Brandi was too. Now, having had a sunburst of furious fucking and climaxing, they coiled sensually together and began to make love to one another in a slow, patient, simmering way, getting to know each other again, exploring each other's body. Now they took their time, and it was twenty minutes before either one came again. Laura came first, so aroused by being in bed with Brandi again. She exploded in a long, agonizing orgasm that seemed to lead right into Brandi's, who then came in a wrenching climax, her gorgeous, bizarre body flexing and writhing through the fierce spasms. And now they were briefly exhausted and had to stop to regain their energies. They relaxed, ordered room service, then bathed one another, a slow, simmering ritual that soon brought them back to the bed in a frenzy of lust, which only another hour of energetic fucking could satisfy. Several climaxes later, they fell into a deep sleep of fatigue, coiled together, happy at last. In the morning, Laura had to go to her conference. "I can't stand the thought of the day without you, after last night," Brandi murmured, nuzzling Laura's neck, squeezing one of her naked breasts. "I never feel this way about my husband." Laura felt the same way. Lying naked next to Brandi, it was as if all the fucking they had already done yesterday had never happened. Her lust was fresh and sharp and urgent. "I don't have to go for the beginning," she said. "It'll only be a long boring speech anyway. I need you. I want you again." "Mmmmmm, me too you, pretty white lady. Want you to do it to me hard. And often." And so even before breakfast they ended up sixty-nining themselves into a surfeit of bliss, their bodies so responsive to one another that they could conjure orgasms out of almost nothing. And Laura, of course, could never get enough of Brandi's incredible body. By the time she had to leave for the conference, she had brought Ms. Olympia to five more beautiful early-morning orgasms, and had three herself. Brandi was limp with exhaustion, and lay sprawled sexily across the rumpled sheets as Laura prepared to go. "You just take your way with a pretty little black girl like me, then go off to your business, right?" she smiled at Laura. Laura smirked. "Love 'em and leave 'em," she said. "But I'll be back here by four. I expect both of us to be hornier than a tick by then." "Mmmmmm, can't wait," Brandi whispered, stretching like a cat, flexing her incredible muscles, making Laura want to forget her duty. She spent a long, fatiguing day at the conference, and didn't return to the room until five. She had loaned the key to Brandi, so she could come and go throughout the day, and Brandi was there watching TV in her underwear when Laura returned. And her underwear was not exactly demure, Laura noted as Brandi answered the door and let her in. It was red. And incredibly seductive, abbreviated, barely anything covering her strategic areas, nearly all of her beautiful, sharply-muscled body and sleek black skin visible. "I hope it was me you were expecting," Laura said, eyes wide, feeling her lust quotient rising by the second. "You like?" Brandi modeled her underwear. "I bought them just for you. Today." "Really?" "Really. I thought you might have fun taking them off." "Maybe you mean ripping them off," Laura grinned. "You better not. Cost me a fortune." They kissed and Laura pulled down one red spaghetti strap from Brandi's sexy bra, kissing her round gleaming shoulder hungrily. "Mmmm, I could eat you alive." "Mmmmm, you already just about did. Last night. And this morning. A girl can't get any rest around you." "I love the way your nipples show through the net of this bra." "Mmmmm, the better to tempt you with, my pet," Brandi purred. "It's so nice we can just be . . . you know, sexy, and not have to worry about that rough stuff getting in the way, like last time." Laura smiled slyly, stepping back momentarily. She went to her suitcase, rummaged around, then held up first the gag, then the four-pronged, bowed dildo, then a small coil of white nylon rope. "Are you very sure?" she asked slowly, suggestively. Brandi's eyes widened. She bit her full lower lip. "No . . ." she said weakly. "I . . . I'm not sure. I was only hoping." Laura dropped all of them on the bed and returned to Brandi, this time peeling the other bra strap down. "We don't have to do it," she whispered. "I just brought them in case. Right now I want to get back to this." "And I want you to," Brandi breathed, throwing her head back as Laura slowly peeled off the rest of the gauzy, sexy red bra and scooped Brandi's small breasts up in her hands, lowering her lips to the dark, gleaming, swollen nipples. Their desire for each other was very intense, as if they had not spent the past night and early this morning trying to wear one another out with fucking. Laura was unclothed in seconds, but she took her time removing Brandi's sexy red panties, kissing every scrupmtious inch of the girl's delicious flesh as she pulled them down. By this time Brandi was nearly out of control, and the two girls devoured one another in a wild sexual frenzy, much more vigorous and athletic than either had been since they had reunited yesterday. Afterwards, they lay panting in the rumpled sheets. "Gosh, you sure know how to wear a girl out, Laura," Brandi smiled. "And that poor maid. She made up this bed so nice, and now look what we've done to it." Laura kissed her. "I don't know what it is about you. I can't satisfy this craving. I just want you and want you. All the time." "It's the bod," Brandi winked. "It's different from your usual bod, the ones you, you know, usually do it with." Suddenly, she got diffident. "I've never asked you about them. Those others. I guess I'm a little jealous." "Like I am of your husband?" "But he doesn't make me feel the way you do," Brandi protested. "And yet something tells me that some other women you sleep with fuck you a lot better than I do." "Nobody. If you only knew how special you are to me." "I wish you hadn't brought those . . . things," Brandi said, looking toward the floor, where she and Laura had pushed the sex toys in their hot, vigorous fucking. Her body was gripped by a sudden shiver, apparently of excitement. "We don't have to use them," Laura said matter-of-factly. In fact, she really did feel that way. She was getting her fill of Brandi without the rough stuff being thrown in. "I want to use them," Brandi said, solemnly, staring Laura straight in the eye. "I mean, I want you to use them on me. I was hoping you'd save me from myself, that's all." Now Laura began to feel the same excitement. She realized that once you had done that, you couldn't go back. She had never gone into that territory, for example, with Yvette, or Jonelle, or dear Rina, or Chanitra, and hadn't missed it. But with Karen, or Barbara, or now with Brandi, it couldn't be avoided. "I know I explained it to you once," Brandi said softly. "But maybe you don't realize the effect it has on me. To be so vulnerable, to actually be helpless, to give this . . . very strong body to you, only to you, and let you do anything to me." Brandi swallowed. "I makes me know how you feel when I do it to you with my thigh. I almost . . . faint when I come. I . . . want it so bad." Laura embraced her and kissed her tenderly, very emotionally. "I feel honored that you trust me so much." "I love you, Laura. We can't be . . . together, I know. It would be so wrong for both of us. But I . . . love you." "I know. I feel the same way." Brandi tickled her. "You just love me for my fantastic body. 'Fess up, pretty white lady. You jest like all the rest." Laura pinned her on her back, something they both knew she could only do if Brandi allowed it. "We both know that's not true," she murmured, kissing her again, this time more passionately. Then Laura, her body still on top of Brandi's, reached down to the floor and pulled up the rope. "Oh god!" Brandi quivered as she felt it against the skin of her arm. The next ten minutes were among the most exciting Laura could remember as she carefully tied Brandi's powerful, sleek, naked body to the bed. It was a hotel bed, with no easy-to-use tubes or rods, and so she had to use her ingenuity, running the rope down under the legs of the bed, then back up around Brandi's wrists and ankles. Fortunately, Laura had bought a new coil of one hundred feet of nylon rope for this trip, and there was plenty left. Now, with Brandi's hands and feet totally immobilized, she concentrated on the rest of the girl's phenomenal body. The look of the white coils encircling Brandi's bulging, glossy muscles made Laura's pussy ooze and flutter, and a hot pulse beat in the pit of her stomach. Brandi was just as aroused, and quivered and moaned the whole time. Since they had done this before, there were no surprises, and they could enjoy every intense second. Laura kissed Brandi's imprisoned body everywhere, tying up her small breasts and kissing them feverishly, driving Brandi nearly mad as she teased the delicious, shiny black nipples. She drew the rope down to Brandi's groin, on both sides, so that her pussy was trapped between the strands, puckered and swollen. "I'm tying up your pussy," she murmured, "so I can have my way with it." And then she did, tonguing it, sucking it, bringing Brandi to a sharp orgasm as if in preparation for the horrific ones that would follow it. Brandi writhed and squirmed in the tight ropes, moaning, gasping sharply as the spasms wrenched her. "Ungghh! Ohnngg Laura . . . unh! Oh! Auungghh!" she cried out, her lovely face contorted with bliss. "Mmmmm, and that's just a hint of what's in store," Laura whispered, now taking a small bottle of baby oil from her suitcase. Lubricating one forefinger, she began to fuck Brandi's asshole with it, loosening the tiny, puckered ring enough to slide two fingers into it, watching Brandi's glazed, half-hypnotized eyes as the rhythmic strokes aroused her further. "Unhhh!" she panted, half-groaning, her glazed eyes fixed on Laura's. "You better put that thing in my mouth before you go on, pretty white lady," she panted. "I gon' scream any minute." "Scream with ecstacy," Laura smiled, leaning forward and kissing Brandi heatedly while she continued to fingerfuck her ass. "Unh unh unh," Brandi panted, growing even more delirious as Laura again dropped her mouth to the girl's breasts and sucked and teethed her swollen nipples while she fucked her. "Oh please, Laura, oh please!" After a few minutes of this, Laura cleaned her fingers and fastened the gag in place on the shaking, mewling, almost hysterically horny Brandi. By now the girl was surpassingly ravishing, her powerful body glossy with a thin film of sweat as she writhed and struggled in the coils of rope that bit into her silky flesh. Somehow Laura realized that this was going to be even more powerful than the last time. They knew what was coming, there were no surprises, and so they could concentrate on every instant, every excruciatingly intense sensation. Laura took the four-pronged dildo fuck machine and lasciviously greased one of the prongs, the one that would be inserted into her own ass. Then, with Brandi watching, fascinated, wildly aroused, she began to masturbate exhibitionistically with it, sliding each dildo into her body, one into her pussy, the other up her ass, then moving it in and out slowly. This drove her just as wild as Brandi, and within minutes the sexual tension in the small hotel room was nearly unbearable. Brandi's dark eyes begged Laura, begged for her to do it, implored her to begin the final rape. And Laura realized that she had to get on with it because she herself was becoming weak with lust, weak with need, her arms shaking as she pushed the fantastic machine in and out of her body. She had not spoken for a long time, but now she began to talk to Brandi. "Ohhhhh! Oh . . . you want me to stick it into you, don't you?" she murmured. "You want me to fuck you in the ass and the pussy, don't you, Ms. Olympia? Look at you, Brandi, you're totally at my mercy, aren't you. Don't you want me to fuck you and rape you and fuck you really hard?" Brandi nodded vigorously, making tiny, helpless, squealing sounds through the ball gag. Her eyes fluttered shut as if she were begging Laura to fuck her, and she probably was. Laura knew that she could not take much more delay herself. Both of them were delirious with need, worked up to a fever pitch. Moving carefully to keep the two prongs inside her body, Laura crouched between Brandi's spread thighs, pushing the other two into her, first the still-oiled one into her ass, then the other deep into her pussy. Brandi groaned excitedly as she felt them penetrate her. "Unngghoomwwnngg! Ungghh!" she moaned, twisting violently. The next minute or so was a firestorm of fucking. Laura tried to start out slowly, but both of them quickly degenerated into a furious thrusting mania, grunting and gasping, their hips gyrating wildly, their groins plunging together, their bodies stabbed and pierced by the huge, thick dildoes. Brandi was tied up, but she was strong, and she fucked Laura back with all her might. Laura fell on the shiny round hard balls of Brandi's strangled, throttled breasts and devoured them as she fucked her, the sensations driving Brandi to the brink of an orgasm immediately, then over the top in a shocking explosion of coming. Actually, she came only a split second before Laura felt her whole body stricken by a sharp cataclysm of ecstacy, ripping a cry of agonizing pleasure right out of her throat as she buried her face in Brandi's neck, trying to muffle her own scream. "Auungghiieeee!" she cried out before the breath left her body as the wrenching spasms became too intense. Brandi was arching, quivering, moaning wildly as she came and came, her body joined to Laura's by the fiendish machine which kept fucking them both as each one surged and shuddered through a punctuated series of sharp climaxes. Laura's body was ripped by fierce, hot spasms of sexual rapture, a huge, blinding orgasm certainly the equal of any she had ever had. Both girls came so hard that for a long while they could barely move. Laura lay panting, gaspsing for breath, on top of Brandi who, being gagged, was fighting even harder for her breath. Finally, Laura revived enough to unfasten the gag. Brandi breathed desperately, then calmed down. "Saints in heaven, girl, one of us is going to die doing this," she said weakly, grinning at Laura. They both winced and gasped as Laura carefully extracted the pleasure machine from their bodies. Then Laura hastily untied Brandi. In the aftermath of their orgasms, they both felt ashamed of the compulsions that had driven them to this, and tried to get the evidence out of the way as quickly as they could. But now, with rope, harness, dildo machine safely out of sight, they could come together again in the sweet, long, love session that followed. Laura now had a fresh excuse to kiss and caress every inch of Brandi's naked body, where the rope had burned it, and Brandi had her gratitude to Laura, which she expressed by a slow, painstaking process during which she tongued Laura's pussy until Laura was writhing, biting the pillow, and coming again in a bonfire of bliss. Laura still had one day left of her conference, but she managed to cut it short and spend half of it in bed with Brandi. Now that they had plumbed the depths, and healed the sores, they engaged in some simply exhilarating and athletic girl-fucking, the kind that Laura was used to only with Chanitra, whose young body had the stamina that only Brandi, being in great shape from her training regimen, could equal. And by the end of a couple of hours, even Laura was dragging. She had climaxed six times and felt like a limp rag, her body still tingling in the afterglow. In contrast, Brandi, who had come just as much, was fresh and strong, eager for more, and it was a pleasure just to give in to her. It was often, Laura remembered, at such a point of exhaustion that the most excruciating orgasms were possible to her, and she eyed the huge, glossy muscles of Brandi's award-winning thighs again lustfully, a glance that did not go unnoticed. "Want it again, eh, pretty white lady?" she asked, softly. "God, yes!" Laura breathed, feeling her pulse leap. "Harder than the first time, right?" Brandi grinned. "Yes. Look, you want to be vulnerable to me. I want . . . you know what I want." They were both naked, having been fucking for an hour without stopping, and Brandi rolled Laura over onto her back, rising above her on her own elbows. "Don't know if you have another orgasm left in that tired body, Laura," she said, kissing Laura's mouth long and tenderly. "But I'm willing to try if you are." But Brandi didn't realize the profound erotic excitement Laura experienced at the mere thought of it. Already she was trembling, her pussy oozing warm nectars, her nipples throbbing. "I want you to fuck me hard," she whispered hoarsely to Brandi, already spreading her thighs, beckoning, almost begging. "I don't want you to go easy on me. Do it hard, please. Hard. Don't worry about hurting me." "But I do . . . I do," Brandi cooed, kissing her again, cradling Laura's head in her hands and kissing her everywhere, her neck, her shoulder, her lips again, then her breasts, sucking her nipples hard. "Ohnnn! Oh . . . yes!" Laura gasped. Already she could feel the steely muscle between her thighs, feel Brandi's smooth skin brushing her wet cuntlips. The pressure grew greater and greater, and Laura nearly fainted with anticipation. She closed her thighs around Brandi's, gyrating her hips and pumping slowly as Brandi began to move her leg up and down. "I love to fuck you, pretty white lady," Brandi murmured in her ear, caressing her body, kissing her, fucking her firmly, rhythmically, her mouth dropping briefly again to Laura's breasts, then returning to her ear. "I love to fuck you, Laura. Get ready. I'm going to fuck you hard, like you want it. You give it to me like I want it, and I'm going to return the favor. Fucking you and having you fuck me is the best thing in my life." "Unhhh!" Laura grunted softly, overcome with sexual excitement. "Even better than winning Ms. Olympia," Brandi whispered, now pushing her steel-hard thigh harder and harder into Laura's vulnerable pussy. "Unhh!" Laura whimpered, tossing her head. "Oh god!" "Yes . . . yes . . . yes!" Brandi panted, jamming her sleek thigh into Laura's pussy each time, harder each time, until Laura was gagging on the uprush of a ferocious orgasm, briefly losing consciousness as the impact overwhelmed her, dizzy with fierce seizures of rapture. She came so sharply that even when surfacing from her brief swoon she could feel every muscle in her body clenching painfully, and her pussy felt like an expanding and contracting molten bomb, throbbing wildly as the rupturing spasms wrenched her. It was a long, violent orgasm, a series of orgasms really, all bundled into one long wrenching, heart-stopping moment, with Brandi never stopping, Brandi fucking her in a relentless, crunching embrace right down to the very end, when Laura, weeping softly and gasping desperately for air, could finally come no more. And now Brandi rolled to the side on the bed, still holding Laura, more gently now, kissing away the tears that slicked Laura's cheeks, purring to her softly. "Oh baby, oh girl, Laura, I love to make you come like that," she purred in a low, soothing voice, caressing Laura's naked body even now, but with a gentle, loving stroke. "Oh Brandi . . ." Laura croaked softly, words failing her. "I know . . . I know. You do that for me too. We should be married to each other, but then what would people say, right? Two gorgeous lesbo perverts. And they already hate me enough already." "You're kidding," Laura said, finally regaining her senses. "Oh, no. Can you believe they said I shouldn't win the title again this year, because my stomach is too smooth? Can you believe that? Feel it. What do you think." "Excuse me," Laura said, feigning a blush, "but you know how I feel about your stomach." "How is that?" Brandi asked, playing coy. Laura stroked it with her fingers. It was indeed phenomenally smooth, not the rippled washboard she remembered from the past. She marveled again at how someone like Brandi could change a part of her body merely by will, by deciding to do it. "If it were possible, you delectable creature, I would eat your stomach and swallow it whole," Laura said. She lay her cheek against it, just to feel the marvelous flesh and skin. Brandi's midriff and belly were almost preternaturally taut and smooth, and Laura's sensitive cheek could feel the ripples of the muscles she had previously seen there just beneath the surface. It was a surprisingly erotic feeling, and she began kissing and caressing every smooth inch of Brandi's stomach, until she was tempted to dip lower. And of course she ended up eating Brandi's delicious wet pussy and bringing Brandi again to another climax. It was a fitting conclusion to their time together, three days of unrestrained, exuberant fucking in a city foreign to them both, with no extraneous demands. When it came time to part, both felt they had cemented their relationship in ways they had never foreseen. "Good thing we can't see each other very often," Brandi whispered as they kissed goodbye one last time, before leaving the hotel room. "I really would want to marry you." "And divorce your husband?" Laura acted shocked. "You know what I mean," Brandi said. "I'm sorry. I do know what you mean." For the moment Laura ignored the knowledge that she could never be true to one person. She had not thought of Sholandra once while spending days in bed with Brandi, but now the image of Sholandra swam into her mind, and she could not ignore it. Still, she couldn't remember three days of her life as sweet as the ones she had just spent. "I love you, Brandi," she whispered. "Love you too, pretty white lady. And you fuck good, too," she winked. With that, they kissed and then left separately, Laura's idea, since she would never forget the hotel employee who had spied and smirked at her and Yvette. |
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