WARNING: This story contains nudity, extreme graphic violence, rape and other perversities. It is most definitely intended for, and should only be read by, mature adults, over the age of twenty-one.

Author's Note: Certain attitudes and prejudices, presented herein, are not  those of the author, but were widespread during, the era, and in the milieu, portrayed.

Dragon Ladies. Part 6.
(gwalb@nycap.rr.com or gwalb@yahoo.com)

Yetta continued to brutally impose her dominant authority over the defeated, enfeebled Wonder Warrior.

Wonder Warrior had been scared before, but that was nothing to the mindless terror she experienced when Yetta flung her to the floor, and sat down on her beautiful face.

When Yetta settled her beefy bottom on her beautiful face, the chaste, fastidious Amazon maiden went nearly mad with terrified disgust. She kicked and struggled like a woman possessed, to escape the odious threat. Her maddened frenzy was in vain; there was no escaping the the rotund coed's solid bulk. Yetta snickered contemptuously.

The cruel college girl, laughingly rode the bucking, kicking Amazon's big muscular body, with practiced skill, just as if she was breaking a wild bronco on her father's ranch. There was no escaping her! At last, tamed and subdued, Wonder Warrior collapsed limply, trembling with the nervous apprehension of the newly broken wild mare, masterfully ridden for the first time.  She was beaten again, totally dominated by the ruthless coed!  Wonder Warrior pleaded pitifully, to Yetta's unsympathetic amusement.

Unmoved by the older woman's sobbing, pitiful pleas, Yetta harshly commanded the superheroine she'd regarded as an unattainable idol, to do the unthinkable.

Totally dominated by Yetta's fat, ungainly body, and more so, by her willful, overbearing personality, Wonder Warrior fearfully obeyed the odious, young bully. Her magnificent warrior's body, meant as a shield to the weak and helpless, but twice vanquished today, was now the weak and helpless sexual toy of a greedy, selfish school girl.

After Yetta had finished with her, Wonder Warrior huddled fearfully in the corner, brooding  mournfully.

The day after the Dragon Lady's' triumph, she came in person, to visit the small cell shared by her two prisoners. She looked at them with a leering smirk.

"Well, how are my two little love birds today? I'm glad you found a mutual consolation in your sorrow! Of course, Princess, your many admirers might be shocked by such scandalous goings on! They might call it unnatural vice, the sin of Sodom and Gomorrah! Naturally, they are not all sophisticated, cosmopolitan women like ourselves.

Wonder Warrior shrieked and hid her face in shame, sobbing more loudly, at the harrowing revelation that the hateful Dragon Lady witnessed Yetta abusing and raping her.

Considerably less sensitive to voyeurism, Yetta glared back defiantly at their captor. "I guess that witch's been watching what I been doin' t'sadsack over there! Well, I hope she got a good eyeful! Suppose she took pictures? Wouldn't put it past the lousy so and so!"

The Dragon Lady continued. "But enough of your love life; none of my business, really! What I came to tell you was that I heard some rather shocking news today, from one of my informants. It's about your 'friend' Deena Royal. It seems the American counterintelligence agency received a great deal of evidence yesterday, from an anonymous informant, rather conclusively implicating Lt. Royal, as the central figure in a Nazi spy ring! When their agents went to question the lieutenant at her office, they discovered she left hurriedly, obviously upset, after a mysterious phone call! The number of the caller, recorded at the Naval Department switchboard is one known to have been used in the past by the Nazi Intelligence Service.

The Dragon Lady paused just a moment, as though maliciously savoring some private joke. "I certainly hope that little subterfuge caused no inconvenience to my esteemed Axis colleague, Commandant von Hipper! That would be most unfortunate!" She gloated. (In 1941, Gerda von Hipper hijacked the Dragon Lady's prized African espionage network, while on a disastrously failed mission to that continent! Maroo was noted for her excessively long memory!)

"Oh excuse me! Wool gathering! Where was I? Oh, of course, the Royal woman wasn't at her apartment either and her neighbors reported a strange aircraft was frequently in the vicinity. There is a national man, or woman, hunt underway for the Royal woman! Tsk, tsk, So hard to trust anyone, these days, though I'm sure it's all a tragic misunderstanding, and the poor, dear girl is innocent as the driven snow!  Well I'm sure you two would like to be alone together!"

With another sneering laugh, the Dragon Lady turned as to go, but paused before locking the cell behind her, observing her prisoners with interest.

Wonder Warrior crouched in the corner of the cell, sobbing more softly, but even more bitterly, at the new revelation, while Yetta's face was screwed up in consternation.

"Now what was that about?" Yetta wondered with a puzzled expression, until suddenly her face brightened in comprehension. Though maybe not the brightest coed on campus, Yetta could add two and two, eventually. "I get it now!" She thought. "Deena Royal and Wonder Warrior are the same woman! Yeah I see now! Makes sense! I should o'figured that out a long time ago! And that skinny old bag must'a framed the lieutenant!" Yetta wondered if the information could ever be of use to her.

When the Dragon Lady observed her veiled hints dawn on Yetta, she turned back.

"Oh, one more thing, I forgot to mention! Silly of me to overlook it!  Our submarine will be off the coast in three days, to pick you ladies up, and take you to a prison camp in Japan. I do fervently hope the captain is not the sort of man, who would let his sexually deprived crew take advantage of two helpless, naked young women on a long sea voyage! That would be especially unfortunate for you Princess, wouldn't it? I understand that if you should lose your virginity, you can never return to your home, or regain your Amazon powers!"

With a gay laugh the Dragon Lady locked the cell, and was gone.

In horror, the two prisoners digested the news that they would undoubtedly both be brutally, repeatedly raped over the course of a long journey. For Wonder Warrior, it would be a horrible disaster, the permanent loss of everything she lived for. The prospect was no more pleasing to Yetta. Though she had no compunction about being a rapist herself, she most certainly did not want to be the object of rape, certainly not by a horde of sex crazed, enemy sailors.

Yetta decided she must take matters into her own hands "We gotta get outta' here, somehow!" Yetta thought desperately. She glanced over at the pathetic figure in the other corner. "That sniveling moron doesn't look like she'll be much help! Have t'depend on myself!"

The next day, the Dragon Lady was called away to a meeting with some of her colleagues, regarding the details of the submarine pickup. Namasui was left alone in charge of the prisoners. Yetta, saw Maroo's absence as the chance she was waiting for. She told her fellow prisoner her plan, since she would need her minimal cooperation.

Defeat and the loss of her super powers, followed by two days of unremitting horror and abuse, had reduced the bold, resourceful Amazon heroine, to a spiritless, uncertain jellyfish, incapable of any decisive act, on her own. She obeyed any orders given her, with sheep like alacrity, as though in a trance. When Yetta told her, what she was planning, Wonder Warrior fearfully tried to talk her out of it.

"Oh Yetta! You can't! They'll kill you!" The formerly dauntless superheroine whimpered, fearfully.

Yetta smacked the older woman across the face. "Just shut up and do what yer told, Dummy! You don't have t'do nothing, but lay on the floor, and moan! That's all ya been doin' fer two days, anyway!"

Sniffling miserably, her heart beating in trepidation, Wonder Warrior reluctantly agreed to carry out her assigned role in the headstrong, domineering coed's plans. By now, she was as frightened of Yetta, as she was of Namasui.

While pursuing her demanding Sumo career, Namasui never had the leisure to watch American Grade "B' movies of the era, or she might not have been so gullible. Yetta, on the other hand, was an avid, trashy movie fan, and formulated her plans accordingly.  When Yetta cried out, that Wonder Warrior was having a seizure of some sort, Namasui, a little suspiciously, entered the cell. She hardly glanced at Yetta, who she considered of no consequence.

"UP!" Namasui ordered.

Trembling in terror, Wonder Warrior climbed to her feet.  While Namasui peered suspiciously at the tall Amazon, who she thought was the more dangerous of her two prisoners, Yetta struck the Japanese woman down from behind, with a well placed judo chop.

Fearful that Yetta's attempt would lead to disaster, Wonder Warrior could only stand trembling in apprehension, too frightened to offer any assistance.

Yetta hesitated a moment. "Huh, I oughta' leave this useless dingbat here, fer all the help, she was! Yeah, but if she escaped, that'd really put old dragon face's nose outta' joint! Anyways, this sap is gettin' really good at 'doin' me, better'n any those dopey frosh! None them's got a set o'knockers like hers neither!"

When the Dragon Lady returned, Namasui was just coming to, and her precious prisoners were long gone. The Dragon Lady was furious, and punished the gullible Sumo wrestler savagely, for her failure. Fearing the American authorities would soon be swarming over her headquarters, she rapidly relocated to an alternate safe house, wondering if she should disappear entirely. The Japanese Intelligence Service punished failure, as ruthlessly as Maroo did, herself.

It wasn't until the two escapees were a safe distance from the Dragon Lady's lair, wearing some ill-fitting, makeshift garments, the resourceful Yetta larcenously 'liberated' from a clothes line, that the fugitives paused.

Yetta crowed. "Hah! Guess I didn't need YOU to save ME this time, Honey! Good thing, too! In fact, it was 'Little Yetta" what saved yer big, fat Amazon behind, fer ya! Don't never forget it, neither!"

Wonder Warrior hung her head, embarrassed by the decidedly unheroic part, she played in their escape. She began to sniffle again.

"Geez, now what's the matter with ya? I got ya loose from that Dragon Lady didn't I? With darn little help from you, neither, I might add!"

"Oh, what am I going to do?...(snuffle)...I've lost my super powers...I-I have no place to go, or hide, and...and the Police are after me! If I'm caught, they'll h-hang me! I haven't got any money, or even a driver's license! I don't even have any real clothes!"

Yetta might be free and triumphant, but Wonder Warrior's dire plight was hardly improved. Until she could return home, and regain her powers, in the Temple of Athena, she was an ordinary woman, without resources of any kind. Thanks to the Dragon Lady, as Deena Royal, she was a hunted fugitive, who's fingerprints were on file at the Navy Department. Wonder Warrior had no other abode than Deena Royal's apartment, now under twenty-four hour surveillance. If she was caught, in these days of wartime hysteria, she would be court-martialed, and undoubtedly hung as a traitor. Her only hope was to get home to the Island of the Amazons! But how? The Dragon Lady had taken all her Amazon weapons. Without her Tiara, there was no way she could summon her Amazon aircraft. There was no other way of reaching that mysterious, distant land, kept secret for so long from the eyes of men.

Worse, submission to her enemy, and remorse at disastrous failure, the horrible trauma of Yetta's rape and domination, left her unable to act decisively, or even able to solve the tiniest problem. In despair, her snuffling became loud, helpless weeping.

"Aww, Geez turn off the water works, will ya'! I been listenin to yer bleating' for two days, now! I had it up t'here with it! Lemme think!"

The decisive, opinionated Yetta considered the matter. "Yeah yer really up the creek! What can we do with ya?" Yetta scratched her head, deep in thought, brow furrowed by the unaccustomed activity.

Wonder Warrior stood facing the younger, much shorter girl, trying to control her sobs, head bent, hands clasped nervously behind her back, in the awkward stance of a schoolgirl facing a stern, forbidding teacher. Yetta glanced up at her in annoyance, then her face brightened.

"Hey I got it! We'll disguise ya as a college frosh, and get ya enrolled in Holy Days! That won't be hard, these days! All the classes are half empty 'cause all the guys are in the army! Let's see, we'll call ya Dora...mmm...Dora Dumley, yeah got a nice ring to it!  An' kinda appropriate, too! We'll tell everybody yer my country cousin! Yeah Cousin Dora, right off the farm! That way the sorority'll have t'take ya in as a pledge, as a legacy, kinda'! We can be roomies! Sound good t'ya, Toots?"

Nothing could have sounded worse to Wonder Warrior, but in her dazed, despondent state, as passive and easily dominated, as a sheep, there was no other avenue open. With a snuffle of despair, she agreed. Yetta's pleased smile would have been appropriate on the feline face of Sylvester, if he'd just succeeded in swallowing Tweety. She looked forward to many pleasurable hours, with her new 'roommate'!

Though it was undoubtedly, her patriotic duty, to immediately notify the authorities, Yetta had no inclination to surrender her prize to arrest and probable execution.

"Be a real waste t'hang a swell piece o'butt, like her!' Yetta thought with a glance at her sniffling companion's mouth-wateringly curvaceous figure. "Anyways, this dummy is really innocent! I'm just seein' justice is done! They'd probably never catch that Dragon witch, anyway!" Yetta justified her dereliction, to herself.

When no hue and cry was raised for her apprehension, in the next day or two, the Dragon Lady, with her accustomed boldness, decided to brazen things out. Swearing Namasui to silence, under threat of execution, she informed her superiors, that Wonder Warrior was killed trying to escape, counting on her confident belief, that the dreaded American superheroine would never be seen, again.

The Dragon Lady's bold surmise proved correct. Wonder Warrior, without powers or weapons, or hope, disappeared completely, from the wartime scene, and Maroo was subsequently decorated by her government, for her successful operation.

With a good deal of unaccustomed ingenuity, Yetta manged to get "Dora" enrolled in College, and had no trouble getting her accepted as a sorority pledge.

"Had to enroll ya in Home Economics, Dora, 'fraid that's the only thing open so close to opening day! It don't look like yer up to anything much more'n that, these days, anyway!"

It must be conceded that Yetta did an excellent job disguising the tall shapely superheroine as her naive, unsophisticated 'country cousin'. Only the most discerning, would detect any resemblance between the dynamic, adventurous Wonder Warrior, or the sophisticated, keenly intelligent Deena Royal, and the awkward gawky, easily confused, dowdily dressed 'Dora'!

A day later Yetta brought her Cousin Dora to take up residence at the Sorority house. As they walked up the path to the front porch, Yetta prattled.

"Course ya'll have t'go through initiation! Sometimes the girls get a little rough on the new pledges, but it's all in good fun! They're really a swell bunch!"

As Yetta chortled away, the new pledge 'Dora', until recently an idolized world famous superheroine, now a wretched hunted fugitive, sunk in gloomy dispirited silence, listened in miserable silence to her former protegee, and wondered who the real 'Dragon Lady' was.

With an offensively possessive hand on her magnificent behind, Yetta pushed the new pledge forward to meet "the girls".

'Dora's' initiation was not a pleasant experience. Yetta saw to that, with the help of her best friend, Judy Andrews, the Sorority Pledge mistress, that year.

In addition to the pain and indignities of initiation, 'Dora's' life was made hellish by sexual servitude to her harshly demanding, Sorority 'Sister' and roommate, who frequently hinted, never too subtly, that she could get 'Dora' hanged anytime she chose.

In their room, 'Dora' got ready for bed. With a reluctant shudder, she put on the, awful, tacky, see-through, shortie nightgown, Yetta had chosen for her, and then those abominable, childish pink slippers.

"Well don't just stand there gawking, Moron, GET busy!" Yetta snapped.

Before bed, 'Dora' had certain lesser services to perform for her demanding roommate, before the hapless pledge would have to perform that most odious service of all.

While Yetta devoured a five pound box of black market chocolates, the exiled Amazon Princess servilely painted the fat, greedy coed's toenails. 'Dora' knew better than to accept the offer of even one candy from her gluttonous roommate. She prolonged the pedicure as long as possible, dreading that awful thing that she would have to do next.

End of Part 6.

Go on to Part 7. Conclusion.