WARNING: This story contains nudity, extreme graphic violence, rape and other perversities. It is most definitely intended for, and should only be read by, mature adults, over the age of twenty-one.

Author's Note: Certain attitudes and prejudices, presented herein, are not  those of the author, but were widespread during, the era, and in the milieu, portrayed.

Dragon Ladies. Part 7. Conclusion.
(gwalb@nycap.rr.com or gwalb@yahoo.com)

An inveterate gossip and busybody, Yetta Sweets seldom kept anything she knew a secret very long. For once, though her lips remained sealed. She told absolutely no one her 'Cousin" Dora was, in reality, Wonder Warrior, extravagantly admired by the entire sorority; she didn't even breathe a word to her bosom buddy, Judy.  The reasons for this unaccustomed reticence, and it was a struggle, were mixed. She may have felt compelled to protect her 'sorority sister's' dangerous secret; after all some of the girls had big mouths, like Yetta, and may have given the fugitive away to the authorities. Or, Yetta may have been ashamed of the part she personally had played in the destruction of that Heroine, the entire Sorority idolized. It is likely, though, that the most compelling reason was, that the greedy Yetta relished the delicious secret knowledge, that the former superheroine, the adored Darling of the Nation, was her personal chattel, body and soul, and she had no wish to share her slave's favors, or risk losing them.

The first morning of classes of the new semester, Yetta was talking to her friend Judy.

"Hey, ya know Yetta!" Judy said, a little puzzled. "I know it sounds stupid, but when I first saw yer Cousin Dora, she kinda' reminded me of someone! Now don't laugh, but even though she's such a mousy sad sack, she almost kinda' reminded me a little, just a little, of Wonder Warrior! 'Course the way she screamed and yelled, when I paddled her, I could tell the resemblance didn't go very deep, just a funny coincidence! Gee! She's the whiniest crybaby we ever had in the House!"

"Yeah!" Yetta snickered, with a secret knowing grin. "She really screams like a banshee, when ya paddle her! Nope, Dora sure wouldn't make much of a superheroine! I got her enrolled in Home Ec.! Maybe if she learns how t'cook an' sew, an' keep house, she can find some guy t'marry her, an' support her! Afraid she's too dumb for much else! Well, I gotta' run; gotta' get Dora off to her first class, in cookie baking! She'll never find the class room, otherwise! We'd have t'send out a search party!"

Things went from bad to worse for the unfortunate 'Dora'.

In consultation with Yetta, Judy decided it would be beneficial for 'Dora' to room with her for a few nights. The new pledge accepted the change, nervously, although it seemed getting away from Yetta's tyrannous demands would be a welcome relief.

As Judy and 'Dora' prepared for bed, their first night together, 'Dora' discovered she might have gone from the frying pan into the fire.

The sight of a horrifying dildo, strapped around the Pledge Mistress's loins terrified the cowering pledge, as no other conceivable threatened disaster could. Loss of her virginity would be the final, nightmarish calamity, the end of all hope. She could never go home again, never regain her amazonian super powers. None but unsullied maidens could set foot on the Isle of the Amazons, nor enter the Temple of Athena, under penalty of death.

Yet, despite the calamitous consequences, the pitiful creature, who was once Wonder Warrior, was nearly powerless to protect herself. Defeat, disgrace, the loss of her super powers, Yetta's arrogant domination and sexual abuse, the constant degrading sorority paddlings, had broken the wretched former superheroine's spirit, irrevocably! The pathetic 'Dora' had all but forgotten she was once a fearless, near invincible superheroine, feared by the forces of evil throughout the world. Hardly knew she was still a large, powerful woman, who could easily break the tiny Pledge Mistress in two. Fighting off her attacker didn't even occur to the docile, easily bullied 'Dora'! Oh, what should she do? Her only hope was to preserve her priceless virginity by flight or whimpered pleas.

Dora backed away, in dread, begging piteously. Judy was unmoved by Dora's heartrending whimpers, and totally oblivious to her intimidating size, and magnificent physical endowments. The contemptible pledge might have the physique and sleekly swelling muscles of a Greek Goddess, but that never stopped the diminutive Judy from, paddling her once, or sometimes twice, a day.  Now, she confidently stalked the large, formidable woman, twice her size, as though cornering a frightened puppy, which unfortunately wasn't far from the truth. Judy made a grab for her cringing prey, and accidentally tore the flimsy nightie right off Dora's voluptuous body. It had offered scant protection, in any event, but Dora was horrified.

Dora turned to flee in precipitous terror, but Judy grabbed one of her pigtails and jerked her back with a stinging slap to her ripely rounded rump, always sore and tender from Judy's paddle.

Grasping Dora's magnificent, impudently outthrust behind, so alluring in its ripely swelling perfection, as it clenched in terror, Judy was struck by a diabolical urge, to possess it.

"Wow! That is one sweet hind end! Feels like I got hold o'two big, rubber, beach balls!  Boy, I'd like to..."

The impetuous Judy was never one to deny a devilish urge, no matter how depraved! In a moment, she accomplished her vile purpose, almost at the same instant her victim divined her intent.

Of course due to her frequent infractions of the Sorority house's mysterious, ever changing rules, and the resultant daily paddlings, 'Dora' was accustomed to perch an inch above the seat of her desk in class.

Judy swiftly disabused 'Dora' of the notion that sacrifice of her shapely, incomparable derrière might save her from the greatest violation of all.

Perhaps if Judy knew this vile rape would accomplish the final destruction of her revered idol, Wonder Warrior, she might have reconsidered, but what was virginity worth to a contemptible twit like 'Dora'? Without qualm, Judy masterfully thrust the extra large phallus deep into her victim's trembling virginal body.

When she was finished, Judy callously made fun of her victim's tragic despair with an old joke.

The disastrous, monstrous violation came as a welcome, and not unexpected, relief to Yetta. It had gradually dawned on the vicious bully, that if 'Dora' did ever somehow regain her super powers, a vengeful Wonder Warrior might make things very unpleasant for Yetta. The Dragon Lady had let drop the knowledge that loss of her virginity would end that threat forever. Yetta was privy to Judy's fondness for her favorite sexual toy, and her predilection for using it on the pledges. When she suggested to Judy that they temporarily exchange roommates, she also dropped a hint, that it might be good for 'Dora', if someone made a "real woman" of her.

For the shamed Wonder Warrior, the loss of her virginity was the end of all hope. Once a proud Amazon Princess, the wretched 'Dora' was an exile, doomed to wander alone through a hateful, alien world. She could never regain her Amazon powers!  She could never go home again! She could never look upon her beloved mother's face again. How could she dare face the stern, righteous Queen Aurora and explain her catastrophic failure and disgrace? She was trapped in this hideous nightmare, forever! She had irrevocably become Dora Dumley, the despised legacy pledge, the butt of every joke, the clumsy home economics student who would fail at everything in this horrible world, she once tried to make better. The fugitive, former superheroine gave way to despair. Nothing mattered, now! Sunk in hopeless despondency, the wretched 'Dora' was the natural target of every cruel sorority prank and outrage.

Even the despicable Pledge Mistress, Judy, not given to sympathy for her pledges, almost experienced a contemptuous pity for the woman she had destroyed. Or perhaps she was just embarrassed to have such a pathetic loser under her charge!

Whatever the reason, one day, Judy took the despondent apathetic 'Dora' to a small alcove, that was a veritable shrine for the senior members of the sorority, usually strictly 'off-limits' to the pledges.

Judy reverently opened the door, so Dora could look inside. Taking up a full wall, was a more than life sized picture of the heroine idolized by the sorority.

Dora gazed in silent horror at the picture.

Serenely oblivious to the irony of a vicious sadist and rapist invoking the example of the noble, pure minded Amazon Maiden, for inspiration, Judy prattled, "Ya gotta try an' be more like Wonder Warrior, Dora, 'stead o'yer usual sad sack self!"

After a moment of shocked silence, Dora shrieked, and fell to her knees, half sobbing and half laughing, in maddened hysteria.

When Dora had partially recovered, Judy sent the softly weeping pledge to her room, and closed the door of the 'shrine'.

"Guess nothing can help that moron!" The Pledge Mistress muttered in resigned disgust.

1963. The poorest section of Town.

Dora Grabowski, nee Dumley, wearily returned to her rundown flat.  As she climbed the stairs, her step quickened, knowing she was returning to the the one bright spot, that made her otherwise, misery-filled, harassed existence worth living.

"Mommy, Mommy..." Six girlish voices yelled in excited delight. "You're early! Did that awful, dragon lady boss of yours really let you out early?"

Dora hugged her daughters. "Miss Sweets is out of town! She had to fly down to Washington!" Dora answered with a smile.

"Oh good! Sit down Mom; we've got dinner all ready for you!" Aurora, Dora's always dependable, eldest daughter announced.

Unable to bear her miserable live as a coed, Dora dropped out of college at the end of the War, without earning a degree. Yetta and Judy had graduated and gone off to bigger and better things, leaving her behind without a backward glance of pity. Without a degree, or even a record of High School attendance, the only work Dora could find in the peace time economy, was in the lowest paid most menial ranks of the work force. Working as cashier in the ticket booth of third run movie theater, and living in miserable rented room, Dora had resignedly accepted the impassioned, marriage proposal of Stan Grabowski, a handsome, young plumber, just out of the Army.

 It had not been a happy union! It began inauspiciously when the macho Stan was furious to discover to his  outraged chagrin, that his new bride was no virgin.

"You damned WHORE!" Stan screamed, smacking the cowering Dora all over the bedroom, on their wedding night.

Though she bore him six beautiful daughters, Grabowski was often drunk, and frequently beat his long suffering wife.

Disgusted that the still beautiful 'Dora' had given him no sons, Grabowski left Dora, one day without warning, for an air headed, nineteen year old carhop, with a bad case of acne, leaving his abandoned wife with six small children and no means of support.

After a long desperate search, Dora finally found work, as a file clerk at Sweets Industries. Diligence and hard work led to promotion, but that unfortunately brought her to the renewed notice of the cigar chomping, pants wearing, tycoon President of the company, Yetta Sweets. Yetta insisted Dora become her private secretary, making it clear that Dora could either accept the unwelcome promotion, or be fired with a bad reference.

Dora bowed to the inevitable. The job was hideously hateful to her.  Even more harrowing than Yetta's frequent, crude, sexual demands, was being privy to her repulsive boss's sordid business dealings. In her first days in the confidential position, the scrupulously honest, and upright, former Amazon was appalled to discover that Yetta was a big time crook. With the covert assistance of her college sorority sister, Judy Andrews, now Yetta's silent partner, as well as being a crafty Washington attorney, and behind the scenes political wheeler dealer, Yetta had built her company, by graft and bribery of government officials.

When the appalled Dora remonstrated with her, Yetta ordered her secretary to shut her mouth "Don't forget, Honey, I can prove mousy, little Dora Grabowski is really Deena Royal! Yer still wanted for treason, y'now Sweetie! If they hang YOU, what d'ya think'll become o'those six squalling brats o'yours? Their mother a notorious, disgraced traitor to their country, an' them in the county orphanage, or worse! Just keep yer yap shut an' do what yer told! "

For the sake of her daughters, Dora resigned herself to her miserable position.

It was an ideal setup for Yetta. She had an extremely intelligent, highly competent, hard working secretary who would never dare blow the whistle on her, or testify against her in court; a valuable employee she could pay a meager, barely subsistence salary, without fear of her seeking a better paying job elsewhere. Even more pleasing, Yetta had a statuesque, still gorgeous woman to be her virtual slave, to be bullied and abused and used to satisfy her sexual yens, at her whim.

Some days, Dora, seeing red, came close to going berserk, and tearing Yetta limb from limb. Only the thought of her daughters restrained her.

Dora desperately sought some outlet for her repressed rage. Yetta's despised stooge and victim, hadn't quite forgotten, she was once the nation's most successful crimefighter. She diligently used her confidential position to gather more and more evidence against Yetta, and her confederate, Judy Andrews. It might be hopeless, but it made her office life a little more endurable.

"Maybe, some day, when the girls are grown up, I can bring those crooks to justice!" Dora consoled herself.

Perhaps there is a cosmic justice. One evening, when Dora returned especially late to her rundown flat, after a particularly harrowing 'dictation session' with Yetta, she found a visitor waiting for her, someone she had given up hope of ever seeing again.

"Mama, Mama! Oh its really you! H-how did you ever find me?"

Her visitor, sitting in delighted conversation among Dora's daughters, was indeed Mighty Aurora, Queen of the Amazons. She ran to embrace the daughter she feared she had lost forever.

"Oh Deena! I've been searching for you all these years! Japanese Intelligence documents captured after the surrender hinted that their Agent, the Dragon Lady was responsible for your disappearance, but the trail ended there! That awful woman destroyed all her own records, before she was tried and executed for war atrocities in China and the Philippines! I periodically returned to Japan, but it wasn't until my last trip a few weeks ago, that I was contacted by a woman from your past. It was Namasui, that despicable Dragon Lady's confederate!"

"Since the war, Namasui has become a devout Buddhist, and is deeply repentant for many things she did in her past! She told me the story of your awful encounter with her! She's very remorseful, and wants to make amends!  With the information she gave me, I was finally able to trace you! Namasui was also able to give me proof, that Deena Royal was no traitor, but a loyal patriot. I submitted her evidence to your Defense Department, and you've been cleared of all charges!"

"Oh Mama...(sniff)...that's wonderful news! But I'm still so ashamed! I was defeated and lost my Amazon Powers, betrayed our heritage! I'm no longer a virgin, and can never go home again! How can you ever forgive me? (sniff)..."

"Deena we all face defeats, and make mistakes! I've made quite a few myself! The important thing, is to learn from them, and get on with our lives! In spite of all your handicaps and reverses you've done that! You're raising six wonderful young women! I've just had the pleasure of getting acquainted with my granddaughters! It's a wonderful surprise for an old warrior, to find she's a proud grandmother!"

Oh Mama!" Deena threw her arms around her mother, sobbing in joy, at her mother's understanding and forgiveness.

"Things have changed at home, Deena! We've become more open to many new ideas in recent years! My travels around the world looking for you, opened my own eyes to many things! The mothers of future Amazons are accepted in full membership in our society, now! There's nothing to prevent you from coming home, and regaining your powers, in the Temple Of Athena! And, your daughters can begin their Amazon training! After all they are Royal Princesses!"

"Hey mom can ya believe it?" Cried Camilla, Deena's  irrepressible youngest. "We're all gonna' be princesses, just like in a fairy tale!"

"You've always been my princesses!" Her mother replied with a grin.

A few weeks later, Yetta Sweets received an unannounced, and most unwelcome visit, from a seeming long buried ghost of her past.

Yetta was aghast! Confronting her was Wonder Warrior, Amazon powers restored, wearing the new, updated, very 1960's uniform, designed by her extremely up to date, ultra mod, teenage daughters, and bearing a warrant for Yetta's arrest.

"I didn't even bother with the sexual harassment charges, Dora Grabowski could file against you, you vile, little toad! Oh, and don't bother to call your fancy attorney, Judy Andrews I've got a warrant for that chiseling shyster, too! She's going to be looking for a lawyer of her own!"

The End.