Author's Note: This is the fourth story in the Blue Elf series, a sequel to Yule Spirit and the Blue Elves, Another Blue Noël, and The Blue Elves Save Christmas. Those stories, in turn, were suggested by a cartoon in my collection A Christmas Surprise done for a Christmas in the last century. A sidelight on the Blue Elves appeared in Yule Eve at Morganna's. Part 1.  Wondysaur's story was told in Jurassic Justice.

WARNING: This work contains graphic violence, nudity, rape and other non-consensual, sexual scenes, and many low, smutty, sophomoric, attempts at humor. It is intended for, and should only be read, by mature adults, over the age of twenty-one years.

The Blue Elves Meet Wondysaur.
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'Twas the day before Christmas, and though late morning, all through the hut, not a creature was stirring, not even an elf. The last wartberry bush stripped bare of the final wartberry, Pickelina and Prunella, the Blue Elves, were still snug in their beds, while visions of wartberry breakfast pancakes danced in their heads. When out on the lawn, there arose such a clatter, they jumped from their beds to see what was the matter. As they rose, there came a thunderous knocking on their front door. Away to the window Prunella flew, tore open the shutters, and threw up the sash, and gasped in shock, at the sight, that to her wondering eyes should appear.

"Cripes Picks there's a friggin' dinosaur at the door, dressed up in some kind'a superheroine getup!"

Pickelina, joined her sister at the window.

While Prunella favored comic books, Pickelina, was an avid fan of the tabloids, and immediately recognized their extraordinary visitor.

"Hey, that's that Wondysaur chick! Dontcha' remember, a coupla' years back, when all the tabs at supermarket checkout had nothin' but stories 'bout her wild Tokyo fling with Godzilla?"

"Oh yeah! They really played it up big 'cause she's a superheroine, an s'posed t'be a role model for 'widdle kiddies'! Hah! What's she want with us, tho'? We ain't got no beef with no dinosaurs!"

"I dunno' but we best go out and see! Ya don't want her lumbering around inside HERE, d'ya?" Pickelina replied, looking around their petite hut, in some alarm.
Pickelina opened the door a crack. "Hold on! Hold on! We'll be out in a sec!"

In moments, the sisters donned their simple elfin garb. Opening the front door a bit wider, they edged cautiously outside.

In the front yard, the sharp-eyed elves saw their unexpected visitor wasn't at all menacing. Rather the huge saurian superheroine was agitated and in distress; there were tears in her eyes, and she was sniffling.

"Oh Misses Elves, please, please can you help me?" The giant magnaraptor stammered, wringing her claws. "It's terrible... my Mom...(sniff)...has been captured by the Frost Queen...(sniff)...I-I don't know what to do!
The Frost Queen is a powerful witch, and I don't know any magic, and I grew up in the tropics, so I lose my superpowers in this terrible cold! I don't think I can rescue Mom on my own! Oh it's so upsetting...(sniffle)...I went to Santa for advice, and he and Marcie the Green Elf said that maybe you could help!

"Santa said there's no one better at this sort of thing than you Blue Elves!"

"O'course, we're not ones fer blowin' our own horns, 'r braggin', ya understand, but ya sure can't argue with Santa Clause, now can ya? Santa ALWAYS knows! Guess we are the best in the biz!" Prunella replied, with what might pass for elfin modesty.

(For the record, Santa's exact words to Wondysaur were: "Well Deary, since you ask, 'pears t'me, that t'deal with that
ornery, sneaky, conniving Witch, you need someone even ornerier, sneakier and more conniving, than her! Guess that'd HAVE t'be Prunella and Pickelina! T'ain't no one shiftier than THOSE two elf girls! Set a thief t'catch a thief, as we used t'say! And as for that pesky, no-account, fence breaking, red-nosed Jingle Bell o'they'rn, why he's as slippery a cuss, as ever come down the pike, hi'self!")

"Look Honey we'd like t'help ya, but rescuing superheroines is kinda'...well you understand! A thing like that could ruin our street rep, if it ever got out!" Pickelina said, not unsympathetically.

The dinosaur snuffled louder. "Oh I know some superheroines aren't very nice...(sniff)...Those two nasty snobs, Supermiss and Batlass wouldn't let me join the superheroine sorority, because of my unusual ancestral heritage! They're awful saurophobes! And that conceited, know-it-all, Lady Supreme told Mom she should sell me to a carnival, and have me neutered, first!"

"Yeah, Lady Supreme! Didn't she disappear last year, 'bout this time? Maybe sumbody sold her t'sum kind o'carny show?" Pickelina murmured.

In her anxiety, the huge saurian didn't notice the wink pass between the two elves, as she continued her plea for help.

"Oh, but Mom's not like any of them! She's...(sniffle)... the nicest Superheroine of any...Oh please...(sniffle)...c-can't you help? I don't know where else to turn!...(sob)..."

Prunella interjected. "Yeah Kid! We ain't no saurophobes, or nothin', but ya gotta understand...the thing is...we don't work cheap! It's just bizinez, with us! Ain't no free lunches!"

"Oh money is no problem!" Wondysaur replied. "My Gran, Queen Hippolyta has offered a reward to anyone who can rescue Mom!"

Hearing the colossal sum promised by the Amazon Queen, the two elves concluded that, in keeping with the spirit of the season, they could risk their 'street rep' this one time; and undertook to help the sniffling dinosaur rescue her superheroine mother.

"If we're gonna be workin' together what should we call, ya?" Prunella inquired. "Wondysaur seems kinda' formal!"

"Oh, call me Rhoda! That's my Amazon name!" Wondysaur replied.

Pickelina asked. "Okay, Rhoda! Now fer the details! How'd'jer Mom get captured anyways? Yer Mom's a superheroine herself? S'posed t'be invinskable like, as I 'member! How'd a loser like Frosty capture her?" Pickelina asked.

"That terrible Frost Queen was luring little children into a trap on her website! She promised them free trips to the North Pole! Then, when she got her hands on the poor little tykes, she enslaved them, and forced them to work in her Arctic Diamond Mine! Naturally, Mom was furious, when she heard about it! Oh, how could anyone do anything so dastardly to innocent little kids, especially at Christmas time?"

"Yeah! That is pretty low even fer a slimy bitch like Frosty!" Prunella snorted. Though the Frost Queen was, by far northern standards, a neighbor of the elves, and some might say her reputation no worse than that of the elves, themselves, Pickelina and Prunella detested the evil witch and generally avoided her.

"Anyway," Wondysaur went on, "as soon as Mom heard about it, she flew right up there in her Amazon Plane! She freed the children, and sent them home for Christmas in her own plane, by remote control! The children said that as they were taking off, they saw Mom going into the Ice Palace to arrest the Frost Queen! That's the last anyone has seen or heard from her! I'm afraid that awful Frost Queen somehow got Mom's Amazon Girdle of Hera, away from her! Without that, she's no stronger than an ordinary woman! Oh, it's so terrible...(sniffle)...and right at Christmas too!.....

It had happened much as Wondysaur feared. As her Mother searched the Ice Palace, the crafty Frost Queen cast a Spell of Silence. Even the Amazon's incredibly sharp hearing detected no sound, as the despicable witch crept up behind her, and snatched the Amazon Girdle of Hera and her Enchanted Lasso.

Chagrined at her carelessness, the Amazon rashly tried to push past the evil witch to regain her precious Amazon weapons.
In addition to her command of Black Magic, the Frost Queen was an accomplished martial artist. Still furious at the loss of her slaves, the evil villainess struck a deadly blow to the bigger woman's belly, putting all her resentful hatred into the devastating punch.

Even after the first damaging blow to her trim midriff, and without her Girdle, the mighty Amazon Warrior would have been more than a match for the Frost Queen, had they fought in warmer climes. But here, well within the arctic circle, without the protection of Hera's Girdle, the scantily costumed Amazon was swiftly stricken by the frigid cold. Paralyzed by the numbing glacial chill, she could mount no defense against her dastardly foe, who thrived on the icy temperatures.

Weakened by the frightful cold, the Frost Queen's
brutal beating soon knocked the brave Amazon unconscious.

After sating her lust, the vindictive Frost Queen punished her unfortunate captive savagely, for nobly freeing her young mine slaves. First suspending her helplessly, from the ceiling, she used the Amazon's own Enchanted Lasso as a whip to mercilessly lash her captive.

"Yeah, I heard this lasso o'yers, burns like fire, when ya use it like a whip!" The evil Witch crowed.

It was true that used as a tool of punishment, the Enchanted Lasso was a frightful instrument of torture, though no Amazon ever thought of using the gift of the Goddess to cause suffering to a helpless captive.

The vicious Frost Queen mercilessly whipped the helpless Amazon, until she passed out from the awful fiery pain.

The evil Witch cut the unconscious Amazon down from her bonds, and leashed her with a halter around her neck.

Her thirst for vengeance, satisfied, for the moment, the evil Frost Queen dragged her brutalized captive off to slave in her mine.........

Once Wondysaur told Pickelina and Prunella all she knew about the abduction, the elves prepared to embark.

In preparation for the rescue operation,
the elves hitched the flying, red-nosed reindeer, Jingle Bell, to their sleigh, and loaded it up, putting in a good supply of scotch pine switches. Then Prunella lugged out a garden sprayer.

"Whatcha' got there?" The always inquisitive Pickelina inquired.

"It's full o' Elixir of Fragaria Verruca, wartberry juice t'you! One o'my comic books said it's good fer takin' away a witch's magic powers!"

Pickelina shrugged, as she helped load the sprayer. If she had any doubts, she said nothing; Prunella's bizarre tidbits of comic book wisdom had a way of turning out to be right.

Prunella looked at the sleigh, then at the huge bulk of the magnaraptor heroine, and scratched her head with a sigh. "Geez Rhoda, I don't think we can fit ya in the sleigh! It's about five miles, and ya look kinda' frazzled! Maybe it'd be better if ya wait here in the reindeer shed, where it's warm!"

Jingle Bell, also eying Wondysaur's enormous size, snorted in relief.

Though her long trek to the frigid north had nearly exhausted Wondysaur, and she was shivering noticeably, the brave dinosaur was determined to take part in the rescue of her mother.

"No, no! I'll be fine I'll walk fast to keep warm, and meet you there!"

"Okay if ya say so but..."

Though they flew slowly, keeping Wondysaur in view, the elfin sleigh arrived first. The elves paused at the Frost Queen's Diamond Mine, but it appeared deserted.

"We oughta' leave the sleigh and reindeer here, and sneak up on the Ice Palace, quiet like! Surprise the bitch!" Pickelina suggested.

"Yeah, I see Rhoda in sight now! I was afraid she wasn't gonna' make it! She made pretty good time on foot! She can keep 'whatchamacallit', here, comp'ny, when she gets here!" Prunella answered, nodding toward Jingle Bell, whose proper name often seemed to elude the elves.

Though not unhappy at being left behind in apparent safety, Jingle Bell, as usual, fumed silently at the elfin failure to use his proper name. (Elf Half-wit!)

The elves sped off on foot, carrying the sprayer between them. They quickly covered the quarter mile to the residence of the Frost Queen, known throughout the Northland as the Ice Palace, and began a room to room search.

Just as Wondysaur arrived at the mine, and was about to greet Jingle Bell, she was horrified by an appalling sight. Emerging from the mine entrance, was the Frost Queen, herself, and she was driving Rhoda's unfortunate mother like a beast of burden. Her mother, naked and cowed, was harnessed to a mine tram, and on all fours was struggling to pull the heavily laden vehicle. She whimpered in protest, as the frost Queen used the captive's own Enchanted Lasso as a whip to goad her on. The evil witch had developed a great fondness for the Powers of the Lasso. It never left her hand and she practiced with it, ceaselessly.

In her fury at seeing her beloved mother treated with such savage cruelty, Wondysaur reverted to her own savage, Jurassic nature. She charged at the Frost Queen in fierce, heedless rage.

Suddenly, confronted by the giant carnivore charging at her, with the speed and power of a locomotive, and with primitive vengeance in her eyes, the Frost Queen gasped in terror. No time for her magic spells, now! Only one chance to avoid a most unpleasant fate! The Enchanted Lasso! As the huge flesh-eating superheroine bore down on her, the Frost Queen desperately whirled the lasso in the air.

Her mother's warning came too late, and her own reflexes slowed by the awful cold, Wondysaur was caught by the compelling power of the Enchanted Lasso.

Jingle Bell  watched the capture of Wondysaur, in alarm. (Shit! That frost bitch is likely to harness ME to that thing! Better go get the bimbos!)

Jingle Bell agilely slipped out of his harness, and soared aloft, landing at the Ice Palace a moment later. By dint of much contorted body language, the reindeer finally managed to communicate to the elves that there was a problem.

Once they grasped the reindeer's meaning, the elves leaped astride his back, Prunella gripping the wartberry sprayer tightly in front of her.

The flying reindeer and his elfin riders arrived at the Diamond Mine in time to see the Frost Queen about to harness Wondysaur to the tram, in place of her exhausted mother.

As the elves dismounted and prepared for action, Wondysaur's mother collapsed in despair at seeing her beloved daughter also fall victim to the evil witch.

As Prunella set up the sprayer, Pickelina danced challengingly toward the Frost Queen and her sorrowing captives.

As the Frost Queen angrily turned to deal with the jeering elf, she unthinkingly dropped the lasso controlling the huge dinosaur superheroine. The power of her mother's lasso had sapped nearly the last of Wondysaur's strength, and though no longer subject to its control, in the awful cold, she could do no more than crouch beside her mother, trying to protect her from the icy wind.   

The Frost Queen chased Pickelina a few yards until the elusive elf lured her within range of Prunella's wartberry sprayer.

Once again, Prunella's esoteric comic book lore proved accurate; the horrible smelling liquid, known to the learned as Elixir of Fragaria Verruca, and as wartberry juice to Blue Elves, robbed the Frost Queen of her powerful Magical Powers.

Well aware of the Blue Elves fearsome past exploits, the evil queen had no wish to fight them, once deprived her of her Witch's powers. She appealed to the elves unsavory, mercenary reputation, and tried to bribe them.

"Hey I don't know what that fat, bleached blond, comic opera, Amazon Queen, HIPPY is paying you, but I'll double it! Hey! Half my diamond mine? No, three-quarters!"

"Hah!" Pickelina cackled. "No way, Sucker! I used t'date the guy what sold ya' that mine! Sharpest Inuit conman in these parts! Has the refrigerator franchise fer the far north, and makes big bucks outa' it! One night, he had a few too many, and showed me his big secret! Found a way t'make diamonds outa'ice! Fool anybody, unless ya take 'em south! Then, alls ya got left is a puddle of water on the floor! He was lookin' fer a pigeon t'sell a salted mine ta! Guess he found one! Lets get her Pruny!"

The Frost Queen might be a skilled martial artist, but she was matched against two equally skilled foes, who worked together as a perfect team, and who unlike Wondysaur and her mother, were as impervious to the icy cold, as she was.

The Frost Queen didn't last long against concerted elfin skill. Seeing the elves soundly defeat the evil witch, revived Wondysaur's spirits, and even restored some of her flagging strength.

"Oh thank you, thank you! You were wonderful!" The saurian heroine gasped to the elves, looking down at the battered Frost Queen without sympathy.

"Hope we wasn't too rough on poor Frosty!" Pickelina snickered sarcastically, as she glanced down at the bruised, dazed Frost Queen, with artistic satisfaction.

"Oh, I don't care WHAT you do to that awful creature, as long as you don't kill her! Serves her right!" Wondysaur replied with unaccustomed acrimony.

Of course, the elves had no intention of killing what might prove a valuable commodity.

"Oh! But I've got to get Mom's Amazon Girdle back as quickly as possible! It'll protect her from this awful cold and revive her! It's back at the Ice Palace! We'll meet you there!"

"Can't we help? Ya still look kinda' shaky, Rhoda!" Prunella asked.

"Oh, I'm feeling fine since you beat up that WITCH, and freed Mom and me! It'll be better if you stay here, and search that horrid mine to make sure, she didn't have any more prisoners in there!"

Pickelina glanced up at the shivering dinosaur. "You sure yer gonna' be okay, Rhoda? We'll help ya, if ya want!

"No, no! I won't feel right, until we know for sure there's no little kids left in there!"

"Okay...if ya say so...
you take care o'yer Mom! We'll make sure we got everyone out!"

Wondysaur picked up her mother and started toward the Ice Palace. Despite her assurances to the elves, she was near the end of her endurance. Stumbling along wearily, toward her goal, her mother in her arms, Wondysaur's only thought was: "Got to get her Amazon Girdle back on her, or she'll die of exposure!"

Meanwhile, the elves carried out the compassionate dinosaurs request. While Prunella guarded the Frost Queen, Pickelina and the keen-nosed Jingle Bell thoroughly searched the bogus mine, going
over every inch at least twice, until they were absolutely certain Wondysaur's mother had freed all the young slaves, before being captured herself. Then stuffing the snuffling Frost Queen into the back of the sleigh, and re-harnessing Jingle Bell, the elves took off for the Ice Palace.

In the sleigh, Prunella said to her sister "Geez, hope everything's okay! Still kinda' worried about the Kid and her Mom!"

"Yeah, me too!"

Fortunately, when the sleigh arrived at the Ice Palace, the elves found that Wondysaur, with her last bit of strength, found her Mother's Amazon Girdle and replaced it, before collapsing herself.

In only moments, the potent powers of the Girdle restored all of the Amazon heroine's strength and super powers. She immediately summoned her Amazon Plane. When it arrived seconds later, she got her daughter into the warm, cozy, cargo area. The warmth was rapidly restoring the brave dinosaur's own powers, and mother and daughter were just waiting for the elves, before they left to spend a joyous Christmas on the Isle of the Amazons.

As the elfin sleigh landed, Wondysaur's mother, beaming in gratitude, met them.

"Oh, I don't know how to thank you, enough! Rhoda told me of your magnificent heroism, and your resourcefulness, in taking away that Evil Witch's powers! You're truly amazing! We both owe you our lives!"

As the elves accepted the grateful Amazon's lavish thanks and praise, with unaccustomed modesty, Jingle Bell twisted around in his harness, so as not to miss anything.

"Ya sure the Kid's gonna be okay?" Pickelina asked, about Wondysaur.

"Oh yes, Rhoda's resting in the plane! She's going to be fine, but it takes a while for her to warm up, because of her large body mass! She wanted to come out and thank you again; it was all I could do to keep her in where it's warm!"

Both sisters grinned in relief.

"Do you want to accompany us in our plane?" The superheroine asked. "My Mother, the Queen, will be anxious to reward you, without delay! There's plenty of room even for the reindeer!"

"Nah, we better take our sleigh an' meetcha's there!" Pickelina replied. "Anyways, Rangel needs the exercise! He's gettin' kinda' flabby!"

("Up yers, ya fat-assed elf!) Was the silent reindeer rejoinder.

"All right we'll meet you there! I want to get Rhoda home as soon as possible!"

Once the Amazon Plane had taken off, Prunella glanced at her sister, with an evil leer.

"Now that they're gone, we got some unfinished biznez with Frosty here! Might not be suitable fer two innocent superheroines t'see!"

"Yeah!" Pickelina replied with an equally wicked smirk.

The elfin sisters thought they had earned a bit of recreation after their exertions, recreation in accordance with the well-known, erotic proclivities of female Blue Elves. Divesting themselves of their simple, elfin frocks, they also divested the Frost Queen of her skirt.

Jingle Bell, once more, adroitly slipped out of his harness, and made himself comfortable, as he appreciatively prepared to watch the elfin festivities.

Having played their elfin Christmas games, and satisfied their lascivious elfin libidos, Pickelina and Prunella stuffed the snuffling Frost Queen back into the sleigh. Yet again, re-harnessing Jingle Bell, still snorting in reindeer guffaws at the elfin show, they took off for Amazon Isle.

Though Jingle Bell could easily have out-paced the supersonic Amazon aircraft, the elves arrived sometime later than the Amazons. They had made a quick detour to Old London Town on the way. As they got airborne, Pickelina glanced back at the Frost Queen's wildly kicking legs and asked. "What'er we gonna' do with th' bitch in th' back seat?"

Prunella thought a moment. "I got an ideer!" She pulled her cell phone from her elfin cap, and thumbed in a number.

While Pickelina guided the sleigh, Prunella murmured in the phone.

As she put away the phone, Prunella chortled: "Hah! Thought so! That old goat Scrooge bit! The Frost Queen is like a Christmas character, and fits in with his...whatcha'call it, oh yeah 'theme', his THEME collection! And after Morganna had his sluts neutered for him, last year, he's been thinkin' o'addin' t'his stable! Old Miser haggled some, but finally agreed t'the usual sack of gold!"

When the elves and Jingle Bell did arrive at the Island of the Amazons, they were relieved to see the fully restored Wondysaur waiting for them. The impulsive, affectionate dinosaur grabbed them all in her arms and hugged them, again thanking them profusely.

When Wondysaur noticed the Frost Queen was no longer in the sleigh, she asked with some concern: "Oh, My Goodness, you didn't drop her in the ocean, I hope!"

"Oh no! We found a nice place fer her t'stay, a place where she won't be botherin' no one! She'll be taken care o', there! She's gonna be livin' in the home o' a real lover o'Christmas! Maybe he'll reform her!" Prunella replied.

Her sister snickered. "Yeah, him, or his 'Tiny' friend with the crutch!"

When Queen Hippolyta was told that the elves rescued not only her daughter, Princess Diana, but also her granddaughter, Princess Rhoda, from the evil Frost Queen, she insisted on doubling the reward, already a most Queenly sum.

The elves had no objections to that arrangement!

Before they left for their northern home, the Queen dubbed Pickelina and Prunella Honorary Amazon Warriors.

The Queen also made Jingle Bell an honorary Amazon War Steed for his part in the rescue. She arranged for the monthly delivery directly to his barn, of a large supply, enough for several reindeer, of Amazon grown oats, a delicacy normally unavailable in the far north.

Their sleigh loaded down with the Queen's largess, not to mention Scrooge's bag of gold under the front seat, the elves took off for home.

The flying sleigh arrived at the elfin hut in time for a triumphant Christmas Eve supper!

"Another great Christmas haul!" Prunella observed.

"An' we did a good Christmas deed t'get it, besides!" Pickelina grinned.

"Better not ferget t'feed the "Noble War Steed',
gotta' admit he done real good t'day!

"Yeah, w
e might STILL be lookin' fer Frosty if he hadn't come got us!"

The elves filled the the reindeer manger with Amazon oats, and set out a large pail of the aged wartberry wine reserved for special occasions.