Maggie and Marisa By Wrestling Lady, The bright sunshine filtered through the blinds in Maggie's bedroom and cast a warm glow upon her face. Though it was 11:30 in the morning, Maggie was still asleep. But as the sun warmed her face, she tossed and turned until eventually it woke her. She looked at the clock on her nightstand and shook her head before rolling onto her back. She had been up late with her husband John before he left and boarded the red eye for a business trip. John was in jeopardy of losing his biggest account, so the trip was very last minute, but very urgent. When Maggie asked how long he would be away, John answered soberly, "for as long as it takes". That answer alerted her to the urgency of the trip and the grave circumstances surrounding it. But he had always been able to overcome these situations in the past and she had no doubt he would this time as well. Things were going well for Maggie lately. Her recently concluded holidays were festive and she was in great spirits. Life was good, including her wrestling career. Being champion had elevated her self esteem to a level it had not been in years. But as Maggie sat up and placed her feet on the floor, she knew the fun would soon be over. Her first title defense was three weeks away, so today would be the day she re-focused her attention to her training. Though she had been keeping herself in relatively good shape since winning the title, she knew she had to step up her training, starting today. She pushed herself out of bed, made a healthy breakfast, watched a bit of television and then took a shower. It was now mid afternoon, the busiest time of day at the gym, so Maggie decided she would wait until the crowd dwindled, in the evening, and then begin her training. She preferred to go to the gym at off-peak hours so that she would have few distractions. It was open until 10:00 at night, and so she set her time clock at 8:00. Taking the bus, she arrived at the gym later than she would have liked, 8:45. As she suspected, many of the folks had either left or were wrapping up their work outs. Maggie went into the locker room and changed her clothes, slipping on her sports bra, a pair of sweatpants and baggy sweatshirt. On the way out of the locker room, she ran into Kim, one of the newest and youngest wrestlers in her federation. Kim had been spending her time getting in wrestling shape and working with a wrestling coach, so she hadn't been very active. Maggie had faced Kim once before and beat her, but not before the powerful young woman had gotten in a few shots of her own. Nevertheless, they exchanged pleasantries before Maggie went to work and Kim went home. Though many other wrestlers were members of this particular gym, Maggie ran into Kim more often than the others. That was probably since Kim spent a great deal of time there, and judging by her strength, it was paying off. Maggie started with a few sets of sit-ups and several stretching exercises before she hit the Stair Climber. She looked up at the clock and noticed that it read 9:40, leaving her only 20 minutes to go. She was angry with herself for not getting there earlier, and noticed that only 4 or 5 others remained. She set the timer for 20 minutes and began her accelerated regimen. As the clock struck 9:55, only one other person remained. Maggie looked around, and her eyes became fixated on him. He was an incredibly handsome man, about 10 years her junior. He was in great shape too, possessing fantastic muscle tone without being overly muscular. He was in the early stages of balding, but it only helped to enhance his appearance, making him look distinguished. He also had the most amazing blue eyes she had ever see. They were so blue in fact that they almost looked fake. Maggie kept chugging along on the Stair Climber, now perspiring fairly heavily. The timer rang, jarring her from her daydream, and she stepped down and walked toward a bench against the wall. At this time of night, the air in the gym was hot and damp, so with the place now almost empty, Maggie pulled her sweatshirt off to cool down. She was shaken however when the man she had just been watching politely walked up behind her. "Excuse me, I'm sorry to bother you", he said as Maggie turned to face him. She turned a bashful shade of red as she looked him in the eye. She was perspiring and breathing heavily, not exactly at her best. "Do you mind if I lock the door? You can keep working out for as long as you like, but I don't want to let anyone else in." he asked graciously. Maggie stared longingly into his eyes for a few seconds before she snapped out of it. She was still holding her sweatshirt in her hands and, not thrilled with her appearance right now, tried to use it to cover herself. "No, that's fine with me. Thank you." she replied shyly, smiling at his offer. "I'm sorry if I startled you. I know the new owner of the gym and he lets me lock up for him. I'm not done yet either, so please keep going if you like." he offered generously. Maggie shook her head demurely as he turned and walked away. She slipped her sweatshirt back on and then went back to her work out. The next step was the treadmill. She started out slowly but then gradually built up to a jog. She had set the timer at 20 minutes as well, but after 10, she was perspiring too heavily. She stopped and stepped off before conceding that the sweatshirt needed to come off. She slipped it over her head and tossed it onto the bench before sitting down and taking a long drink of water. She then went through a few more exercises before stepping back onto the Stair Climber for a 20 minute wrap up. About 10 minutes however, the young gentleman approached again. "I'm going to hit the showers. Everything okay?" he asked. Maggie again was flustered as she shook her head in acknowledgment, but did not speak. "By the way, you're in great shape!" he said cordially before smiling and turning away, walking into the locker room. Maggie smiled sheepishly. Who was this guy, and where did he come from? She had never seen him in the gym before. And not only was he gorgeous, but he was also very sweet. Though the compliment he paid to Maggie could be construed as offensive, she interpreted it as a completely innocent and very charming remark. Finishing up her routine, Maggie then sat down and toweled off. A few minutes later he emerged from the locker room, fully clothed. He was dressed in a pair of light blue, faded jeans a tan, button down shirt and tan, leather shoes. Though dressed casually, he looked elegant, a look that not many men could pull off. "Good work-out?" he turned and asked cordially as he buttoned his cuffs. Maggie shook her head and replied, "Yes, thanks. I'll just be another minute". She grabbed her things and walked into the locker room. She was uncomfortable about showering in the empty gym, so she simply blotted herself off with her towel and changed into her clothes before timidly saying goodnight and heading home. On the way home, Maggie's thoughts centered solely on the handsome young man. Though she loved her husband and never really paid much attention to other men, this guy had left an impression on her. And though her love for her husband remained unfazed and she had no intention of ever acting on her thoughts, it was nice to fantasize about her new friend. In fact, for the remainder of the week, Maggie arrived at the gym at the same time each night, just so that she could see him. He wasn't always there, but she caught him a couple of times and went out of her way to have brief, but pleasant conversations with him. They were completely innocent, but completely captivating to Maggie. When Saturday arrived however, Maggie was all business. There would be no gym today since she was scheduled to meet with the new management of the federation and showed up punctually for her appointment. Upon entering the President's office, she was greeted warmly. "Maggie please come in. It's a pleasure to meet you. I want to congratulate you on your championship win. Very courageous and impressive. We're delighted to have you as our organizations champion." Maggie smiled and thanked him, her ego expanding by the minute. "I also want to tell you that I know the new owner for a number of years, and he has a special affinity for mature wrestlers. In fact he has told me on more than one occasion that he has a particular fondness and respect for you." Maggie was flattered and smiled shyly. She didn't expect that the new owner would know anything about her, never mind having a 'particular fondness and respect' for her. "Well please make sure you thank him for me, and tell him that I will try not to disappoint him." she replied proudly. "Oh, I'm sure that no matter what you do, you won't disappoint him. He is one of your biggest fans. Well then, here is your new contract. Please review it and feel free to ask any questions. As you know, your first title defense will be two weeks from today against Marisa. For this match you will be paid $2,000. How does that sound?" It was impossible not to hear the gulp as Maggie's face dropped. She had never made anything close to that kind of money, and all she could think about was how handy it would be for her and John. She leaped up and hugged him, thanking him for the generosity. "It's our pleasure, really!" he replied, a bit surprised at her exuberance. "We think very highly of you and want you to be happy and successful." he concluded. "Now why don't you step next door here and our designer will take your measurements for your new outfit." Maggie gave him a kiss on the cheek and then spryly walked into the next room. She was asked to disrobe into a bikini, and she pulled her own out of her bag. She walked into the room wearing her patriotic attire and stepped onto the scale. The designer walked over as Maggie adjusted the weights on the scale. "Oh Miss Maggie, the champion! Very nice to meet you!" the Italian woman said to her. "You make us older girls proud!" she gushed. "Now let's take-uh your height and weight, okay?" Maggie shook her head and smiled as the designer read out the statistics. "Okay, that's a 5 feet 6 inches. And now you weight. That's uh.....167 pounds! Nice big woman!" she remarked happily. "Okay, now let's measure you. Okay chest first.... Mama Mia! You very well endowed, eh?" she asked jokingly as Maggie giggled softly. "Okay, that's a 38 inches......but we gotta do something. These girls want to sit down.... We gotta make them stand up!" she observed coarsely. Maggie smirked while looking down at her, but didn't comment. "Okay next, waist........29 inches. My, you are a big girl!" she chided again. Maggie's smile now dissolved into a serious expression. "And a you hips......39 inches!" Maggie waited for the snide remark, but none came. The designer simply stood back and stared Maggie up and down while rubbing her chin. "I canna make you a nice one piece suit. We can lift you chest, cinch you waist and hide uh you hips. We make you look nice! Maybe a nice, slimming black eh?" the designer concluded. But Maggie had another idea. "No, that's not right. First of all, I always wear a two piece suit in the ring. I don't like the feeling of a one piece. And I always wear the same design, exactly like I have on. I'm very superstitious and this has been lucky for me. So you either make the same thing for me or I wear this!" Maggie demanded. After all, she thought to herself, she was the champion and no one was going to insult her and tell her what to wear. The designer's eyes widened and she looked back at Maggie. "But I will do a nice job for you Maggie. You will beautiful in my suit". "Thank you, but this is what I wear!" she demanded before walking into the locker room and leaving the arena. Since becoming champion, Maggie had begun to be more forceful, especially when it came to wrestling. She had earned that right, and she demanded it. She left feeling upset, but proud of herself for sticking to her guns. A few hors later, Marisa arrived and went through the same routine. She was offered $1,000 for her match, and was also taken to meet the designer. "Oh, what a beautiful young lady. You gonna wrestle Maggie?" the designer asked her. Marisa answered yes in her sweet Mexican accent. "Mama Mia, I hope she has some life insurance!" the designer replied snidely as Marisa giggled. "Okay. Please get up on the scale. That's a 5 feet 7 inches. And a you weight is 148 pounds. Nice, solid" the designer commented. "And you measurements......34........25........37. Very nice, very strong!" she remarked. Marisa politely agreed with her. "But don't worry, beautiful long hair, beautiful skin..... I make you a nice outfit, very feminine!" she concluded. "And you are Spanish, no?" she asked. "No, I am Mexican, and very proud of it!" Marisa replied stately before the designer sent her back into the locker room. Now all was set. The wrestlers would be back in a week to try on their costumes and take photos, but that was all a formality. The only thing truly left for them was the final preparations, and both women went about that full scale. Maggie spoke to John on the telephone that evening, hoping he would be home soon. She was starting to feel lonely and looked forward to spending some time with him. But she could not help but hear the dejection in his voice. Things were not going well with his account and he needed to stay until it was resolved, one way or another. The only glimmer of joy in his voice came when Maggie filled him in on the day's events. He was relieved that she was satisfied with her contract and confident for her upcoming match. He was also pleased to hear the amount of money she would be making, and congratulated her. "You may be the new bread winner in this family" he said to her half jokingly before saying good night and hanging up. Maggie spent the night at home and grew lonelier with each passing hour. It went on that way until the next night when Maggie made her jaunt back to the gym. She was hoping for a nice, friendly conversation with her new friend, but alas, he was not there, adding to her isolation. Nonetheless she got in a good work-out, focusing on her impending battle. It was a good thing that she was taking the match seriously, because Marisa seemed physically primed for the match. She was a former champion who had defended her title 19 times, but had fallen into a slump. Ever since she lost to Helen she seemed to lose her desire along with the title. Known for being a tough and sometimes nasty champion, Marisa had not shown those signs in her last few matches. In fact, Marisa almost seemed to avoid the ring all together. Her last match against Heather seemed to bear out those observations. Both were talented and skilled, but Heather had more desire and determination. Marisa put up a good fight, but Heather seemed more willing to take the punishment, fight back and generally do whatever was needed to win the match. Marisa knew there was a problem, but she couldn't figure it out. She knew that she did not have the same passion for wrestling as before, but hoped that a shot at regaining her title would change that. She spent the weeks before the match getting herself into great shape, something she knew how to do very well. But she did not know how to deal with the mental aspect. It caused her great anguish, but she was determined to battle through it. After all, her opponent really did not belong in the same ring with her, so even with her personal issues, Marisa remained confident. Even though she was not at her best, beating Maggie was something she could do easily. Another week passed and the women were now approaching their peak of conditioning. Both had worked hard, but each had their own psychological disadvantages. For Marisa, the battle with her demons was an ongoing struggle. Though she trained hard, her sparring sessions with friends lacked voracity. And with only a few short days to go, it didn't seem to be returning. As for Maggie, John was still away and not sure of when he would return. In fact, there was a chance that he might not make it back for the match at all, which caused Maggie great displeasure. She had worked herself into terrific shape, but her mental state was fragile. John had deserted her and even her new friend seemed to disappear as well. Her entire support system had fallen apart and Maggie was on her own. Judging by past history, that was not a good thing for her. She needed the encouragement of others to be at her best, and she wasn't getting it. On Friday night, the night before the match, both girls ran through the paces, making their final preparations. Marisa had gotten together with one her friends to go over some final moves. But no matter what they practiced, her friend seemed to get the upper hand without even trying . To make matters worse, her friend, though a fair wrestler, was nowhere near as skilled as Marisa, nor as strong. And she wasn't even trying very hard. But Marisa just could not concentrate and finally ended the night before the match in frustration, angry and full of doubt. Maggie decided to hit the gym one last time, just to do some stretching and go through a light work-out. To her surprise, and delight, her new friend had returned. In fact he even locked up forty five minutes earlier than usual. With John unsure if he would make it home in time for the match, Maggie reached out emotionally to the handsome young man, in desperate need of all the attention she could get. She did not want to divulge anything about her wrestling to him, but rather just wanted a friend, and he did not disappoint her. She even began to sub- consciously flirt with him in hope he would provide the confidence boost she needed. He played right along, very innocently following Maggie's leads. For every show of vulnerability she exhibited, he played the chivalrous gentleman. She continued her work-out, and though flirting, still did a fair amount of strenuous exercise. Finally, Maggie sat down on the Pectoral Machine and began to pull the weights toward her. She had removed her sweatshirt and was wearing nothing more than her sports bra and a pair of tights. And just before sitting down at the machine, she had taken a big gulp of water, some of it running down her chin and onto her chest. She was also perspiring and panting, making her bosom glimmer as it jutted out in front of her, a wet spot stretching down the front of her bra. She completed a few of repetitions and then made her final kittenish gesture. With her arms stretched out on either side of her, she asked for help as she struggled to push the weights together. The Pectoral Machine forces the user to bend her elbows while holding her arms out to their sides, almost as if making a gesture of surrender. Then she pushes two padded plates forward by using the pectoral muscles, near her chest. The act of doing so causes the user to jut her chest forward as she struggles to push the weights, which is exactly what Maggie was doing. Her perspiring, large chest protruded in front of her, exactly as she wanted it to. The young man walked over but his eyes instantly became fixated on Maggie's bust. It was unintentional on his part, but unavoidable. Maggie grunted as her chest strained from beneath her top, a grimace stretched across her face. But her friend offered no assistance. In fact, he seemed hypnotized by Maggie's swelled bust. She smiled, realizing she had achieved the desired affect before whispering for help. He snapped out of it long enough to help Maggie push her arms together and complete the repetition. Maggie thanked him shyly, noticing the beads of sweat which now dotted his forehead. The two said nothing else to each other for the few more minutes they remained, but they smiled cheerfully at each other as they said their good byes. Maggie could almost fly home. She had completely forgotten about John, about her match or anything else for that matter. All she could think about were those gorgeous blue eyes staring at her. It was just what she had needed and her confidence soared as a result, though she had achieved it in a very dangerous way. Saturday came and went fast, and just as Maggie was about to leave for the arena, John barreled through the door of their home. Maggie was delighted to see him and threw her arms around him, smothering him a passionate kiss. He apologized for being gone so long, but kept the bad news from her. He had lost the account, putting his job in jeopardy. But John wanted Maggie's big night to remain the focus of attention, so he kept a brave face. The two left for the arena together, and John's face dropped as he entered the building. Standing right in front of him was life size cut- out of his wife, clad in a flattering version of her patriotic bikini. Her hair was meticulously coifed, her face made up like a starlet and she looked great. Maggie smiled, happy with the photo, but even more gratified in John's reaction to it. But then their attention turned to the cut-out right alongside Maggie's, the one of her opponent. Marisa was gorgeous. Her body was curvy and soft yet strong looking and the expression on her face was that of a true competitor. Maggie knew she had her work cut out for her, but she remained steadfast and poised. Even since John spent as much time staring at Marisa's picture as he had at hers. The two then walked toward the locker area, but John was stopped by a security guard. "Sorry sir, only the wrestlers beyond this point!" Maggie did a double take to the guard before replying, "It's okay, he's my husband". But the guard was staunch in his refusal. "I'm sorry ma'am, but only the wrestlers are allowed in the locker area, no exceptions!". Maggie grew angry, "Listen, I'm the champ and this is my husband, now let us through!" she demanded. John saw that his wife was beginning to get upset and that the guard would not relent, so he tried to comfort her. "It's okay Maggie, you go ahead. I'll be there when it counts, watching you." He then gave her a kiss and a hug before turning and walking back out into the lobby. Maggie then gave the guard a dirty look before she walked back toward the locker rooms. As she found her dressing room, her face stretched into a wide smile. She was given the champions' dressing room, the most well appointed of all. It was lined with marble, had a huge Jacuzzi soaking tub, a sofa and settee and a large, leather massage table. And in one corner of the room, in a beautiful crystal bud vase sat the most perfect Sunflower she had ever seen, with a card attached. She opened the card and read it, "Dear Champ, Good Luck! The Boss". She was amazed since Sunflowers were her favorite. But who was the boss? Just then the President walked in. "I see you've noticed the flower. The new owner made sure I delivered it personally." He informed her. "How did he know Sunflowers were my favorite?" she asked. "He is a very resourceful man" he replied. "Good luck tonight" he said before turning and walking out. Next, a team of people rushed in and began to work on Maggie. First she was given a massage, and it was determined that she needed to be waxed in order for her pale white skin to look its best. Her underarms and legs were then waxed and her entire body rubbed down with oil, as was her entire body. Next her face was made-up, her hair done and with her cosmetic preparations complete, she was given her suit and boots to slip on. Down the hall, Marisa received her treatment as well. It was not as vigorous or thorough as Maggie, her naturally good looks needed less coaxing to make an appearance than Maggie's did. She was then also given her suit and boots, into which she changed. It was a red "monokini". The top and bottom were cut exactly like a Brazilian bikini, but were attached by an inverted diamond shaped piece of material which ran down each side of her midsection. As a result, it left a large, diamond shaped patch of skin exposed on the front and back of her body. It also had a small Mexican flag on her right breast, and she wore a pair of low cut, matching wrestling boots. Marisa turned and whirled before the mirror, her long, wavy hair flowing freely behind her. She was gorgeous and physically ready for battle! Maggie also slipped into her suit at the same time. It was made of shiny, soft, silk, but with a thick cotton lining. Unlike the outfits she had worn in the past, the top was not tight and form fitting. It was cut generously and though secured tightly, it did not cling to her. It allowed her large breasts to receive the support they needed while not suffocating them. The bottom was also generously cut, sort of a cross between a pair of hot pants and a bikini, with the waist line beginning just below her navel. Her pale skin contrasted nicely with the royal blue top and red and white stripped bottom. She also wore a pair of ankle high boots which were wrapped with the same material as her suit's bottom. Maggie was very pleased with her appearance, and feeling as ready for a match as she had ever felt. With the previous matches running a bit longer than expected, Maggie and Marisa were left to pace back and forth in the dressing rooms. Finally, after about a 30 minute wait, Marisa was called to enter the arena. She waited at the door as the crowd gradually built into a frenzy. Then the spotlight cast it's glare on the door, which opened to reveal the beautiful Mexican. The loud wail of a synthesizer gave way to a pulsating Salsa beat as Marisa made her way toward the ring, unable to hear the crowd's cheers over the music. "Entering the ring to my right Ladies and Gentlemen! A former Champion and the challenger tonight, the beautiful, the exciting, MARRRRRISAAAAA!" the announcer pronounced, exaggerating her name. Marisa climbed into the ring and smiled and waved. There were several Mexican flags waving, which was usually the case at her matches. Marisa looked great. From her soft, light brown skin to her sweeping hair, she was a very exotic looking woman. In direct contrast in terms of appearance however, was her opponent. Maggie stood behind the door, her heart pounding loud enough almost to be heard right through her skin. She heard the synthesizer strike up and saw the door fly open as a bright spotlight glared directly in her twinkling, brown eyes. Maggie was temporarily blinded and froze in her place as she tried to regain her sight. "And entering the arena to my left. The veteran and YOUR CHAMPION! THE ONE, THE ONLY MAGGGGGIIEEEE! He roared as the music blasted and the crowd roared. Maggie had not yet made her way past the door, so the assistants prodded her to begin her journey toward the ring. Maggie was still blinded, but she began to trot forward. The blinding light sparkled off of her eyes, making them appear even lovelier, but that did not help her sight. She could not see a thing, and as a result, she ran into a barricade which separated the crowd from the aisle causing her to stumble to her knees. The crowd laughed, but luckily Maggie could not hear the chuckles above the roar of the loud disco music. She got up quickly as the spotlight turned back toward the ring. Her knee ached from where she had hit the barricade, but she disregarded it as ran forward, waving and blowing uncomfortable kisses to the crowd before reaching ringside and scrambling between the ropes and into the ring. She looked over and saw John sitting at ringside and blew him a calm kiss before the wrestlers were called into the center of the ring by Desiree. Marisa stood there, facing Maggie, but not looking at her. She remembered back to how much she had loved the anticipation right before the start of a match, the cheering crowd, the head games, striking fear into her opponent with an icy stare, but she could not conjure up any of it. Instead she stared blankly into the sea of empty faces as she methodically went through her strategy in her head. She approached wrestling more as a job lately, and tonight was no exception. But as Desiree ran through the usual instructions, Maggie was feeling quite differently. Her heart was racing, her pores secreting perspiration and her thoughts consumed with anticipation of what lie ahead. It was her first match as champion, and she was excited for it to get underway. Though nervous, she felt alive! Desiree finished up, wished the combatants luck and directed them back toward their corners. Maggie stuck her hand out to Marisa in a gesture of sportsmanship, but the pretty Mexican stared off into space before turning away obliviously, not realizing she had snubbed Maggie. Maggie, again feeling a bit embarrassed, also turned away and walked back to her corner. The women stood there for a few more anxious seconds before finally the bell rang and the crowd jumped to their feet and cheered. Maggie moved out of her corner swiftly and confidently. This was a new Maggie, self assured and ready. Marisa moved methodically, her eyes fixed on Maggie, but a blank expression on her face. They circled each other once before Maggie expeditiously charged at her opponent. Marisa set herself and the two locked arms and began the struggle. Maggie quickly reached for Marisa's right arm, attempting to place her in a front wristlock, but Marisa alertly blocked her attempt with her forearm. Maggie then reached forward with her right hand and clamped it down onto the neck muscle protruding from Marisa's left shoulder. She locked her fingers around the muscles and tightened her grip, clamping the neck claw onto the Mexican girl. Marisa grunted and raised her hands to try to unclasp Maggie's fingers, but to no avail. Instead she wrapped her leg behind Maggie's knees and with a mighty push, knocked the larger woman down onto her backside. Maggie landed with a thud, sitting upright at Marisa's feet, facing her. Marisa looked down and quickly spread her legs before jumping forward. Her thighs straddled Maggie's head as she closed them while falling, trapping it between them. Maggie's entire body was forced to fall backward as Marisa's momentum pushed her onto her back. Marisa's butt landed hard on top of Maggie's breast plate, her thighs straddling Maggie's face as the champion was now flat on her back with the challenger perched on top of her. Desiree dove down next to Maggie's shoulders, checking to see if they were pinned to the mat. She looked closely as Marisa pressed her weight down and spread her legs on top of Maggie's shoulders, pinning them to the mat. Desiree began to slap the mat, starting the count. The crowd cheered wildly as Maggie's entire lower body flailed in a panic-driven convulsion. It was less than a minute into her first tile defense and she was pinned with the referee already reaching a count of four. A rush of emotions flooded Maggie's mind as she saw her career as a wrestler about to be permanently altered. Was her championship reign about to end in less than a minute? Maggie was frenzied and began to kick her legs as she rolled from side to side. She was able to force her shoulders off of the mat by rolling, and Desiree stopped her count at six. But Marisa was in the catbird seat and shifted her position again so that all of the weight of her legs was pressed onto Maggie's pinned shoulders. Desiree again resumed the count and the crowd again roared. Maggie's face turned stark white with fear as she again tried to roll back and forth. She could feel the power in the Mexican's legs, and despite her squirming and struggling, she couldn't budge them. Marisa had gotten herself into an unshakable position, and Desiree continued to count. Reaching six, Desiree looked closely to ensure that Maggie was still pinned. A tremor ran through Maggie's body as the count reached seven, so in a last desperate effort, she thrust both of her legs straight up into the air, undulating her hips forward and bucking them like a mule. Marisa tried o hold on as Desiree reached the count of eight, but the momentum of the surging champion forced her to fall forward and off of Maggie. Desiree jumped to her feet and retreated to the side of the ring as Maggie rolled onto her side. Her heart was racing faster than ever now as she saw how quickly things could come to an end. Marisa had smoothly gotten to her feet and about to prove that theory as she again approached the fallen champ. But as Marisa reached her, she whirled her body around while on her side and leg whipped the gorgeous Mexican, knocking her off of her feet and sending her tumbling to the canvas. Marisa rolled onto her side and slowly pushed herself up, as did Maggie. The athletic Mexican however got up faster and charged over to the kneeling Maggie. Reaching down, she clutched onto Maggie's wrist and pulled her the rest of the way up. Before Maggie could defend herself, Marisa began to pull her around in a circle by the arm. Maggie trotted around the revolving Marisa, her arm extended fully out to her side as she orbited her antagonist. Marisa hauled her in a circle for two full revolutions before releasing her wrist and sending Maggie racing toward the side ropes. Maggie was chugging at a rapid clip, unable to slow herself down or grab hold of the ropes as she bounced off of them. The bulky champion charged back toward the agile challenger, who was waiting. In a quick and nimble maneuver, Marisa wrapped one of her arms between the charging Maggie's legs and the other across her shoulder. Using Maggie's forward momentum, Marisa scooped her off of the mat, lifted her into an inverted position, made a half turn then slammed Maggie's inverted body down onto the mat. Maggie landed hard on her back, bouncing back into the air before settling against the canvas. Marisa did not give her a chance to regain her bearings, however as she charged right back over to Maggie. She reached down and clutched onto her right wrist, hauling her off of the floor. Holding her wrist and one hand and a handful of her hair in the other, she walked her back toward the ropes before charging forward and then pulling Maggie alongside her. She flung the champion forward, tossing her body toward the opposite side of the ring with a powerful Irish Whip. Maggie lumbered forward uncontrollably, ricocheting off of the ropes and again returning toward her attacker, against her will. This time Marisa had backed up, but then ran straight at Maggie as she approached, leaping into the air and nailing her in the upper chest with a flying clothesline. Maggie's legs flew out from under her as her back tumbled downward, smashing into the canvas. The crowd jumped to their feet and cheered the fast paced action as Marisa again went quickly to work. Not wasting a second, she plucked Maggie off of the floor by the arm and again sent her bumbling across the ring. Maggie clumsily tried to grab hold of the ropes, but her pace was too swift, and she again faltered toward her attacker. This time Marisa was waiting with a different surprise. As Maggie moved closer, Marisa stepped to the side and raised her leg while circling it toward the approaching Maggie. She rammed the side of her foot and ankle into the charging Maggie's ribcage, folding the champion in half before she collapsed to the mat in a heaving heap. Maggie rolled onto her side, clutching her ribs in her arms. She was out of breath, perspiring heavily and feeling overwhelmed. Marisa had run her ragged, and though her ribs were sore and her chest ached, she was not in such bad shape, considering the demolition derby she had just been through. But the end was nowhere in sight as the businesslike Marisa immediately sat down alongside her, stretching her leg in toward Maggie's ribs. Marisa flexed her leg straight ahead, digging the sole of her wrestling boot into Maggie's armpit while clenching onto her wrist with both hands. Marisa then began to tug on Maggie's arm, pulling it away from her body while wedging her foot deep into Maggie's underarm. The grooved rubber sole on Marisa's boot began to burrow into Maggie's soft, white skin as she yanked her arm further away her body, wrenching it from it's shoulder. The perspiration from Maggie's armpit was causing Marisa's foot to slip a bit so, not satisfied with the amount of pressure she was applying, she placed her other foot onto Maggie's neck, thereby increasing her leverage and causing even more pain to Maggie's stretched arm. The trapped champion grimaced with pain and soft squeals could be heard above the hoots of the crowd. The yielding, white skin on Maggie's armpit and neck began to turn bright red from the pressure, but Marisa was undeterred and continued to yank away at the champion's limb. Maggie now had another part of her body to add the aching list, but this was quickly turning from a mere ache into an agonizing pain. Marisa seemed in no hurry to break the hold, so agony became the best way to describe the pain Maggie eventually was feeling. Her soft squeals had turned into distressed grunts as she tried to roll onto her side to break the hold. But every time Maggie tried to roll, Marisa simply gave a mighty tug and Maggie immediately rolled over onto her back again. After several minutes of the torture, Marisa finally relented and freed Maggie's meaty arm, sending her rolling onto it for protection. The skin on her neck and underarm was raw and red, with little grooves carved into it from Marisa's boot. Maggie whined quietly as she lay on her side, trying to regroup. Marisa pushed herself up onto her feet, but there was no celebration, no smile, not even a second or two for a breather. She reached down and grabbed Maggie by the hair, hauling her up onto her feet. She then tossed her across the ring and toward the corner. Maggie lumbered forward until her back smacked into the corner and her shoulders settled back into it. Marisa ran up right behind her and just as Maggie's body stopped jiggling from the impact of the landing, Marisa leaped at her and landed with her feet on Maggie's thighs while wrapping her hands behind Maggie's head. She then gave a forceful tug on the back of Maggie's head, pulling the champion forward. As Marisa's back dropped toward the mat, so did Maggie, but once Marisa's back landed, she kicked her legs upward, thrusting Maggie vertically and sending her somersaulting through midair. Maggie landed on her shoulders with a loud THUD, her airborne tumble ending with a painful landing. The crowd was impressed with not only Marisa's nimble moves, but also the sheer pace of her attack. She hadn't let up for a second, making full use of her considerable age advantage. Marisa was an experienced 28 year old, but that translated into 16 ears younger than her middle aged foe who was sprawled on the canvas alongside her. And though only 10 pounds separated the meaty Maggie from the healthy Marisa, the difference in conditioning was becoming even more obvious. Maggie's immense chest heaved up and down like a balloon as she gasped for air. Marisa had run her ragged, and she could not catch her breath. But the beautiful Mexican was well aware of that, and continued to use her superior conditioning to her advantage. With little delay, Marisa jumped back to her feet and mercilessly lugged Maggie up again by the hair. The champion's face was drawn and pale, her once twinkling brown eyes now half closed, her body glistening from her own perspiration as she huffed and puffed. Marisa knew Maggie was too tired to put up much of a fight at this point, so she moved closer and quickly jutted behind Maggie. Reaching up, she then thrust her two arms forward beneath Maggie's and then lifted them up while bringing her hands together behind Maggie's head. She had placed her in a Full Nelson before the champ knew what had hit her, and she was now standing with her arms stretched to either side, trapped. Maggie's face showed the frustration, exhaustion and downright dread she was feeling. Marisa was wrestling like the true champion to this point, Maggie was not and was at her mercy. The crowd appreciated Marisa's dominance, and even though she was not showboating like most of the other wrestler's would do in such a one-sided affair, they nonetheless showed their appreciation. Maggie was completely flabbergasted and overthrown. She heard the cheers, and knew they were not for her. She had thought that since she was the champ, she could expect the crowd to support her, but since Marisa was dominating her so badly, she grew frustrated. Her frustration reached a boiling point in fact, and she began to desperately try to free herself. She began to thrust her ample butt backward, hoping to knock Marisa off balance, or at least force her to loosen her grip. But the cagey Marisa simply pulled her body upward with her arms and wrapped her legs around Maggie's thighs, riding her like a horse. She had Maggie's arms trapped in the Full Nelson, and she pulled herself up on her back, her legs entwined tightly around her. The crowd erupted at the site as Marisa pulled her legs in tighter, wrapping them completely around the front of Maggie's upper thighs. That maneuver also forced the Full Nelson to tighten, and Maggie was in worse shape than ever. The champ tried to stumble forward, but she couldn't get her legs to cooperate. Marisa had them wrapped so tight, she could barely move them. Maggie was left to pitch and wobble back and forth while Marisa remained perched on her back. The large crowd grew more amused as time went on and, and a small chuckle developed into full blown laughter. Maggie felt completely humiliated. In her first title defense she was being conquered and made a spectacle of. She was furious and heartbroken all at once. She continued to try and force her legs forward, gradually working her way toward the corner of the ring. Marisa kept tightening her grip each time Maggie moved but tediously, Maggie continued to work her way over. After a few arduous minutes, Maggie finally stood facing the turnbuckle and with a deep breath, dropped her upper body forward while ducking her head to the side. Marisa tumbled forward over Maggie's shoulders and her face smashed right into the padded turnbuckle. She continued to slide off of Maggie's sweaty back until she had fallen to the floor at Maggie's feet. Since Marisa had rode Magie around the ring for a long and laborious struggle, Maggie at least had the chance to catch her breath, though she was now perspiring more heavily than ever. Marisa quickly pushed herself up off of the mat, but as soon as she got to her knees, Maggie charged forward, flattening the pretty Mexican in the corner with her large white frame. Maggie had pinned Marisa against the ropes, pressing her midsection into Marisa's face as she trapped her in the corner. Marisa tried to wail her arms around, but it was no use. Maggie had her in a position where she was defenseless, and was content to hold Marisa against the turnbuckle for a few more moments, buying herself some time. But Maggie knew she couldn't stay there all night, and had to come up with a plan. She expected Marisa to be weary when she backed away but to her surprise, as soon as she did, Marisa wound up and sent a powerful punch into her sweaty paunch. Maggie hobbled back a few steps, allowing Marisa to get to her feet. Maggie shook off the stinging punch and charged forward but Marisa greeted her with another quick and forceful punch to her gut. This time Maggie doubled over and stumbled back several steps as Marisa again took the offensive. She quickly wrapped her arm around the bowed Maggie's head and placed her in a headlock. She then tossed her own legs into the air before falling toward the mat and pulling Maggie across her body, sending her tumbling to the canvas. Marisa landed in a seated position while Maggie was sprawled out on her back, sliding a couple of feet away. Marisa got to her feet quickly, ignoring the cheers, a smile nowhere to be seen on her pretty face. She grabbed the fallen Maggie by the hair and began to haul her off of the mat. Maggie was now almost dead weight. Her body was clammy, her face red. Marisa continued to pull her further up until Maggie was now on her feet but bent forward. Marisa moved in front of her to repeat the toss, but Maggie charged forward, ramming her shoulder into Marisa's gut and driving her across the ring and into the corner. Marisa crashed into the turnbuckles, her head snapping back from the impact as Maggie continued to drive forward with her legs, compressing Marisa's midsection. Maggie then lifted her head up just enough to bury her forehead into Marisa's chest. She then began a desperate attack on Marisa's taut tummy, pummeling it with punch after punch. Marisa groaned with each shot but Maggie knew that with the amount of energy she was expending on this attack, it would be her last chance at taking control of and eventually winning the match. After almost 30 seconds of repeated belly punches, Maggie raised her head from Marisa's chest and grabbed hold of the Mexican's wrists with her hands. She raised Marisa's arms up onto the top rope, stretched out on either side of her body. Maggie pressed her hands tightly down onto Marisa's wrists, trapping her arms as she lunged forward, ramming her large frame against the pretty but bewildered Mexican. Marisa was crushed like a fly beneath the mass of Maggie's skin as the champion continued to press forward with all of her weight. After a few more moments, Maggie backed up a few inches but then again lunged forward. She slammed her large body into Marisa repeatedly, crushing her. Marisa, whose arms were trapped helplessly on each side, disappeared beneath Maggie's bulk, the only thing visible being her arms and legs, the rest of her body engulfed by Maggie's. Maggie backed away, still holding onto Marisa's wrists, but pausing to see the condition of her opponent. Marisa's head was bent back and her body drooped from the corner, which caused Maggie to breathe a sigh of relief. She had expended almost all of her remaining energy on this final attack, and she was thankful that it appeared to have accomplished it's goal. But as Maggie contemplated her success, Marisa lifted her knee and rammed it into the side of the champion's tummy. Shocked at Marisa's retaliation, Maggie immediately lost her grip of Marisa'a wrists and stumbled backward while folding over and wrapping her arms around her midsection. The blow was effective in that Maggie was completely surprised and therefore unprepared for it. Though not a very powerful shot, Maggie had not readied herself by tensing her muscles and so Marisa's knee sank deeply into the side of her stomach and hurt her. Some of the sweat from Maggie had been transferred onto Marisa's body from their encounter in the corner, so the pretty Mexican's skin had a sheen to it now. But hers was a bit more appealing that the clammy sweat of the champion. Marisa took a deep breath before she ambled toward the still bowed champion. Where Maggie had felt relieved just a few seconds ago, now she was dispirited. And things were about to get worse as Marisa walked up in front of her and placed her knees around Maggie's bowed head. The Mexican challenger then reached forward and wrapped her arms around Maggie's waist, pulling tightly around Maggie's waist and slowly lifting her body off of the mat. The crowd began to work themselves into a frenzy in anticipation of what was to come. Maggie too became panicked as her feet gradually lifted off of the mat. In desperation, she shifted her weight, causing Marisa to drop her feet back down to the mat. The crowd was now going wild as Marisa hesitated, still holding onto Maggie who was bent in front of her. Marisa took a few deep breaths, gathering her strength as the champion fretted below her. Marisa then, with a loud grunt, hoisted Maggie into the air by pulling purposefully at the champions' waist. Maggie's legs ascended slowly but continuously as her arms dropped below her and her back came to a rest against Marisa's torso. Tediously Marisa continued to pull on Maggie until her large legs were now completely vertical and she had successfully gotten the champion's body upended. Maggie's face turned beet red and her eyes displayed the horror she was feeling. Her midsection was compressed and had collapsed around Marisa's arms, which squeezed tightly around her soft belly. She was seconds away from the PileDriver which would end her brief championship reign, and very possibly hospitalize her. The crowd was in a frenzy, most of them on their feet calling for blood as Marisa prepared to ram the champ headfirst into the canvas. In complete desperation, Maggie threw all of her weight back down toward the mat, trying to drive her legs back from whence they came. Marisa, weakened and growing weary, could not prevent Maggie from forcing her legs downward until her feet rested on the canvas. But using the momentum she had gained, Maggie kept going, planting her feet before bending her knees and then straightening her body and lifting Marisa onto her shoulders as she straightened up. Maggie then thrust her body upward with the modicum of strength she had left, tossing Marisa over her shoulder and sending her sailing toward the ropes, her body now upended. Marisa's legs and back landed hard against the ropes, her knees bending in half as her calves landed outside of the ring while she hung off of them. It was an amazing turnaround. Maggie not only successfully defended herself against the dangerous PileDriver, but she had reversed the entire current of the match. Maggie dropped to her knees as Marisa hung helplessly from the ropes, her body hanging limply inside the ring by her legs. In response, the crowd cheered more loudly than ever, applauding Maggie's heroic and almost unbelievable move. Maggie was completely spent, but she had earned the right to rest as she remained on her knees for several more moments. Marisa wasn't going anywhere anyway! The crowd began to chant for the champion, a cheer of "MAGGIE!.... MAGGIE!" picking up momentum before reverberating throughout the arena. Maggie slowly and sluggishly pushed herself onto her feet and lumbered over to her dangling foe. She stepped alongside Marisa, and then stomped her boot down into Marisa's tummy. The challenger's body sunk into the ropes before springing back from them, a loud groan emanating from her mouth. Maggie held onto the top rope with her hand to keep her balance, but then stomped down into Marisa's stomach once again. And as Marisa settled back against the ropes, Maggie landed another stomp before finally backing away. The crowd continued their chant, and Maggie took a second to blow a kiss as she circled her body to all four sides of the ring. She was thoroughly exhausted physically, but emotionally rejuvenated by the cheers. After thanking the fans, she made her way back toward Marisa, and stomped down onto her stomach several more times with her red and white striped boots. Maggie's heavy feet had taken their toll on Marisa who hung limply as Maggie continued to breathe heavily. Finally Maggie grabbing hold of Marisa's legs and tossed them weakly back into the ring. Marisa tumbled downward, landing face down with a thump before curling onto her side and then wrapping herself into a ball. Maggie knelt down alongside her, pulling her onto her back by the shoulder before plopping her soggy body down across the Mexican's shoulders. Desiree' slid over and checked Marisa's shoulders before slapping a ten count on the canvas. Marisa felt as if someone had dropped a 200 pound, wet bag of flour across her, and she couldn't move. Even after the count of ten, Maggie did not move either, her body too depleted to even push herself off as Desiree' signaled for the bell to ring. The crowd roared their approval before once again resuming the chant, "MAGGIE!....MAGGIE!". Finally, Maggie placed her arms out and slowly and deliberately pushed herself onto her feet before Desiree' grabbed her wrist and raised her arm over her head. The crowd erupted, and though Maggie did not have an ounce of energy left, she mustered up the strength to flash a smile from ear to ear. Desiree placed the championship belt around her waist before stepping away, and leaving Maggie to accept the praise being showered on her. Marisa, meanwhile had rolled onto her side and sat up, a dejected look on her face. She knew that a year ago, this old woman would not have had a chance against her, but today, she was the one celebrating. Eventually, Maggie was helped to the side of the ring and down the steps. She shuffled over to John, who was standing in the front row and threw her arms around his shoulders, kissing him on the cheek. John felt all of his wife's weight shift onto him, but nothing could have made him happier. They hugged for a minute or two before Maggie was escorted back into her locker room. As she pushed open the door, she was amazed to see dozens of large and perfect Sunflowers everywhere. The room was filled with them. The President stood in the corner of the room and walked over, congratulating Maggie and handing her a card. As he walked out of the room, Maggie opened the card. "Dear Champ, Congratulations on a courageous and hard fought victory! Fondly, The Boss" Maggie smiled shyly before dropping her wearied body down onto the sofa, the smile on her face now a permanent fixture.